#rvb singularity
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asphodeldreams · 8 months ago
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crawled out of my spreadsheet-lined cave to participate in Donut Week! (hosted by @donutweek) Prompt for day 1 was "food" so i took us to post-season 17 where the rest of the gang baked a cake for donut (for wash too, but mostly donut!!) as an apology for cleaning up their mess
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radiantrookie · 7 months ago
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louiseazy · 1 year ago
Red vs Blue Season 17 Swear Count
Their is 103* swears in total this season (*if you don't count shinso) and the first swear was said by Tucker.
Swears used:
tits, cock once; crap, bastard twice; dick 7; ass 10; damn, bitch 14; shit 15; fuck 37
Last place non-swearers Lopez, cosmic powers and Caboose
11th place is a tie Doc and Church(being dead 3 times over couldn't stop him) with 1
10th place is Felix with 2
9th place is Chrovos with 3
8th place is Huggins* with 4
7th place is Simmons with 5
6th place is Sarge with 6
5th place is a tie Sister and Carolina with 9
4th place is Donut* with 10
3rd place is Washington with 11
2nd place is a tie Tucker* and Genkins* with 13
1st place is Grif with 16
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skateboard-theta · 26 days ago
sometimes i’m fine and then i remember that Wash being shot in the throat makes him so similar to Maine all those years earlier and then i’m not fine anymore
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katzenklavierr · 10 months ago
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turkwriter · 1 year ago
Burnie Burns: "We're retconning Seasons 15-17 as Epsilon simulations."
Red Team Fans Who Actually Got Fed Real Character Arcs for Simmons, Grif, DONUT, and (Honorary Red) Locus:
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disclaimeryikes · 1 month ago
Hello!! Thank you for the super kind words on my art you reblogged it made me super happy!! I loved your Doc drawing so much he's so cuTE!! 💜💜 have a wonderful evening!! :^)
Of course!! I meant it! Your art is stunning and the level of detail looks straight from model! It actually made me wonder if you have lil models you pose for reference because they are super accurate.
Also thank you!!! I've been on/off with red vs blue for... so long. But I would love to do the full cast as cute guys. Before doc, I had actually planned for it to be caboose with dog ears!! I also think you will be very pleased to know that he gets even cuter
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My little homunculus that I plan to make real. I may add some lil emoticons to docs side to show doc & O'Malley.
You have a good evening too :3
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fruitsaladc0wboy · 1 year ago
a couple months ago I was like “haha once I get all caught up I’ll watch zero! won’t that be funny!” but girls I don’t think I can do it anymore im barely gonna make it out of the shizno trilogy alive. im stumbling out of the shizno paradox covered in blood.
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docdufresne · 29 days ago
I genuinely cannot pin down your rvb otp and frankly, I'm fascinated
Im not super pinned down by one singular ship that I hold above all others, like. I'm a supreme red-team-poly-ship-truther and have been since like..... 2015 or earlier LOL
Its just more fun with interchangeability!!!
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jade-kyo · 5 months ago
Hearing Casey Lee Williams sing a sonic song was not on my 2024 bingo card but holy fuck am I freaking out about it I can’t believe my two biggest fandoms (rvb and sonic) have this one singular connecting string now
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asphodeldreams · 8 months ago
drawing for donut week is weird for me because one of my favorite things about donut is the various ways he interacts with other characters/his surroundings. which means in order to celebrate that part of donut that i really enjoy i will then have to draw full scenes which i famously do not do lol
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radiantrookie · 7 months ago
Watching Singularity after Shisno Paradox is a weird whiplash
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texas-hates-taxes-too · 1 year ago
Things that are in both RvB and doctor who
Characters who use fake names starting with 'the' (the director, the counseler, the meta / the doctor, the master, the monk etc)
Time travel
A character living the same events slightly differently over and over again with the end goal of finding the woman they love (the epsilon unit / Heaven Sent)
A blonde/red head mother/daughter duo (Allison/Carolina and Amy/River)
There is at least one tank in both
Both are in space
Multiple characters who frequently come back from the dead
The main character had a whole life before their current one but had their memory wiped so they don't remember it
Robot dog ? Does freckles actually count as a dog
A massive intergalactic war
A city that was destroyed during a war (Armonia / Arcadia)
A device that can wipe out all life on a planet (the purge / the death particle + the moment)
A situation where space and time starts to fall apart because someone stopped another character being injured/killed (singularity / the wedding of river song)
"Doctor" who is pacificist but may still kill you
This isnt something the same, I just want to add that rvb and dw actually had a complete opposite situation, in rvb a character who thinks they're human finds out they're an AI, and in DW a character who thinks they're an android finds out they're actually a human
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coffeeastronaut · 7 months ago
while im sure that rvb's portrayal of systems is not exactly the best* i do think that it says Something that like. 99% of the plurals i know are rvb fans. this isnt a bad thing btw like to be clear i think it's nice.
*im singular and not the most educated on thr subject beyond being nice to people + my friends who are plural's shared experiences so i dont want to commit to an opinion on that point here at the piss on the poor website
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rubykgrant · 9 months ago
rvb for the hyperfix ask!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc? 📌 how did you find your hyperfixation? ✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? 🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation? 💕tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
First of all, thank you for indulging me in this, I very much appreciate the chance to info-dump with my nonsense, you are a wonderful person~
So... RVB. More than 2 decades ago, some guys figured out how they could play Halo, sort of use one character as the "camera", make the other characters bop their helmets up and down, then dub their voices into it and make that a show. There is the vague background-plot of the actual Halo lore happening, but the ACTUAL plot of RVB? The first few seasons are just 2 groups of guys, standing around, talking, arguing, and trying to kill each other. Red Team has been told to kill the Blues, and Blue Team has been told to kill the Reds. Why? Because. One guy dies, but comes back as a "ghost". This will become a pattern. There is a theme through the series about how some people are unable to let go of grief, and it eventually destroys them, the message of learning how to see enemies as real people, learning to accept flaws in yourself and others so they can become strengths. Over and over again, there are multiple groups of soldiers who have been told "you are the good guys, they are the bad guys, you need to kill them", and sometimes the most difficult thing is to finally accept the truth and try to live with yourself. There are highly advanced and unique AI, once all part of one system together, forced into being singular Fragments, tortured into forgetting what they were, but unable to stop missing what they don't have. Despite being data and treated like tools, they develop their own "humanity"... for better, and for worse. Through it all, the same group of Red and Blue goobers keep talking and arguing. They win against highly trained special agents with incredibly advanced equipment, vicious mercenaries with back-up from a corrupt military group, and a reality-breaking "god". These clowns even got their own circus music (the Warthog Polka)
Waaaaay back in the day, when I was like... 15? A friend of mine had a brother, who had a friend, who let him borrow some DVDs of Red VS Blue, and I watched it at the friend's house. I had never played Halo (still haven't), but I got a chuckle out of it. I occasionally watched it when another friend would pull it up on their computer, and for a while, that was it... in 2021, I randomly thought to myself "Oh yeah... Red VS Blue was a thing". I hadn't thought about it for a decade. So I decided to watch it up to the point I remembered, somewhere in season 5. Some of the jokes... did not age well, but it was a nice little stroll down memory lane. Then I realized they made MORE after that. This show, at that time, had 18 seasons. So I kept watching, and now it has FILLED UP MY BRAIN
There is this fun aspect of very casual, conversational dialogue in the middle of absolutely bonkers situations. The characters will be doing the most extreme, dangerous sci-fi nonsense, and they still just bicker and chit-chat like regular dudes. It will also randomly sneak up, and hit you with EMOTIONS. There are incredibly sweet and sad moments, and others that have no business being so IMPACTFUL and MEANINGFUL, but they are. The characters are all so stupid, yet full of potential and depth, everybody is just perfect fuel for imagination
I have a few favorite scenes! In the episode "Long Time No See", the characters Epsilon and Carolina are shown working together, gathering information on a shady organization. In the middle of this, they are threatened by a group of security soldiers, and we get see how Epsilon, as an AI with the memories of the other Fragments, can assist Carolina; time slows down as the AI work at bullet-speed, with Epsilon running calculations, making a plan for how Carolina can fight back and escape. The memories of the Fragments can interact with Epsilon, and give suggestions or feedback based on their skills. It is just so AWESOME to see how far the characters have come, the teamwork they share... and it is also a little bitter-sweet, because seeing the Fragments like this is how it could have (should have) been with Alpha. It also shows Carolina, who was once determined not to get close to anybody again (after losing so many people she cared about), has really bonded with Epsilon, and it helps her realize she misses the rest of the clowns. Another favorite scene has some background context; the intro to the series, the very first scene of the very first episode, is Grif and Simmons having a conversation- "Do you ever wonder why we're here?" "It's one of life's great mysteries". As the show goes on, that becomes a reoccurring conversation, sometimes as a joke, sometimes as something more relevant. In season 15, the main characters meet another group of Blues and Reds, who all resemble them in some way, but are also kind of "mirror opposites". The characters have the same armor color, but different voice actors... except for Simmons. His look-alike is Gene, and they have the same VA (Simmons insists they don't sound similar at ALL, Gene is totally annoying). When it is revealed this group is EVIL, there is a moment when we see one soldier in maroon armor pull a knife and attempt to stab another soldier in maroon armor. This is Simmons and Gene, but which is which? Grif arrives, and has that same problem. Both Gene/Simmons insist "I'm the real Simmons, shoot him"... so Grif asks- "Why are we here?". One maroon soldier says they're here to stop the bad guys. The other one says "We don't know why we're here. It's still one of life's great mysteries". HECK YEAH, THAT'S YOUR SIMMONS. There are like a thousand other moments I like that are pure comedy, but those are the big emotional moments
I've rambled about Grif and Simmons a stupid amount, I've also gone on long tangents for Church and Tex, so I'll talk about one of my other favorites, Tucker! In the beginning, he doesn't take any of this seriously (but who does). He's there to be an annoying, shameless flirt, and does so with ease. The thing is, even when he's acting obnoxious and immature, there are moments when you can tell he's actually capable of a LOT. He's smart, when he lets himself think without getting distracted, he's a strong fighter when he's not showing off, and he's genuinely got a good heart (when he's not complaining). As the show goes on, he becomes more important... whether he likes it or not. What do you do when all your big-talk about being the coolest dude ever turns out to be TRUE, but that also means you're responsible for keeping people alive? Tucker also easily fits into any combination of characters, whoever he is with, they get a fun dynamic going (even Sarge, the Red who claims to hate the Blues with an endless burning passion, will do some back-up beat-boxing for Tucker when he sings a taunting song at mutual enemies). He'll tease the others and be a little jerk, but is also incredibly protective of the people he cares about. Tucker once got attacked by a space alien that left a parasite baby in him, and years later, he carries around pictures of Junior in his wallet so he can show off how much he loves his son. Tucker is incredibly clever, and has a lot of emotional depth... he just wishes he didn't have to worry so much, all he wants is to stand around and talk to his best friend. Through all the bravado, the insecurities, and the bow-chicka-wow-wow jokes, Tucker is just very interesting AND entertaining~ (also, thanks to one off-hand comment another character made about his "metro-sexual good looks", all the fans kind of just agreed that under the helmet, Tucker is the prettiest)
Thanks for asking! (and sorry for rambling so much haha)
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mincedpeaches · 1 year ago
Going on reddit to see people's thoughts on the rvb teaser and it turns out there were some leaks FOUR MONTHS ago. chris fleming was anybody gonna tell me dot jpeg.
Discussing that and the teaser trailer
First off, I need to give thanks to the now deleted OP of this comment because if they posted who the villain was I would have read it. Even if they put it under spoiler text or images on another site I would have clicked that shit zero hesitation. And then I would have been annoyed at myself for doing that. Thank you brave solider. Also the other significant character return. Thank you for not spoiling that either. I have no impulse control. None.
So the armors in the trailer lined up with the images linked in that reddit post so these leaks are way more likely to be real. Very happy to see Simmons keeping his cyborg arm and Sarge getting ODST parts. Kinda disappointed its in Infinite though. Nothing has beat the look of Halo 3 for me tbh.
Moving on, I don't know why OP is assuming that Wash in the hospital means its Post-Singularity when the show could absolutely do some kind of reverse fakeout or switcheroo where Wash gets hurt in the actual real life post-s13 battle with Charon. That being said. I would LOVE. To not lose Grimmons storage closet sex. Among other things.
Going back to the teaser itself, its very odd for a teaser. Just like, a random one off Blood Gulch-esque clip? Okay. I hope its actually Shelia and she actually gets lines. That would be great. Yomary Cruz not on the cast list (yet) so who knows. People on reddit saying Tucker and Sister already confirmed by Geoff on a podcast to have lines, and Carolina is in the machinima leak. That only leaves Donut for me to be concerned about. If he isn't in the season (which I doubt he won't be tbh) I think I'm within my rights to file a hate crime case against RT.
Overall, not much of an impact on my expectations. I'm trying to keep them low lest I end up disappointed. And I have my daily affirmations that even if it sucks, its the last season ever. And I'll be free after.
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