#rust bronzebeard
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emiko-matsui · 2 years ago
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smdnbfbdjskskjd the way Moonshine and Bev immediately fucking decide to give Rust as much shit as possible when they realize he bullied Hardwon as a kid. The found fambly is found famblying
Jokes aside though its been a Minute since a podcast Character has made me as angry as Rust does FUCK this guy
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cosmiado · 1 year ago
(let me know which categories i inevitably forgot! this man has SO many voices good lord)
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Option 1:
Enemy: Undead Dragon, Wilhelm Bronzebeard, Pale Prince, Akarot, Rust Bronzebeard
Episodes: C1 E45: Kingshammer
Time: (ads) 38:36 - 1:45:58 (but don't stop there. fr)
Finish: Bev (Wilhelm* (*Technically killed by gravity but Bev did trip with him on his back), Dragon), Hardwon (Rust* (*given the option of catching him, refused), Pale Prince)
Notes: Hardwon faces his childhood bullies in the snow. Wilhelm casts Earthquake and turns things into a fall/chase encounter as everyone races for the Kingshammer. Moonshine jumps down immediately to play defense. Bev tries to kill Akarot, who just leaves, and then has to keep saving everyone. He ends up being the only one with decent HP at the end, and this fight is so close to a TPK. Hardwon gets the Kingshammer. Paw Paw has to do CPR on Balnor.
Propaganda: From @misslevel : The OG of amazing Murph “here's how this battle is going to work” combat mechanics-- legit changed the game. And it brought us the Kingshammer song!!! Also he's not listed in the standings post but don't forget they also fight Rust in this encounter lmao… Hardwon vs Rust on dragonback is simultaneously one of the coolest and stupidest fights in NADDPod history
Option 2:
Enemy: Deep Folk Teens
Episode: C2 E21: The Crux
Time: 16:14-17:30
Finish: none, Zirk is ambushed.
Notes: Sometimes when you're attacked with lead pipes in a cave it's not your fault. This is not one of those times.
Propaganda: (anonymous) well you see.
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khepribitch · 8 months ago
Listening to episode 44 of NADDPOD (The Frostwind Chapter) and Rust starts mouthing off about Jaina being the warrior in the relationship so she would get the kings hammer got me thinking.... Did king bronzebeard have his daughter Gemma assassinated because she wasn't a warrior , ,,,, so Jaina will bring power to the summer dwarves?????? HUH!!!! And he's probably trying to frame hardwon surefoot for the murder!!!!!!
Let's see if I'm right....
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quitepossiblybamboozled · 8 months ago
fucking Wilhelm Bronzebeard wouldn't let Hardwon date Gemma because he """wasn't good enough""" then fUCKING KILLED HER ANYWAY BECAUSE SHE WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH
literally what could he have lost by making Jaina the heir. literally WHY did it matter so much that he keep Gemma around. if his whole fucking plan was to have Gemma and Gerard killed so that Jaina and the other Coldain prince could get married and Jaina could have the Kingshammer, literally what would he have lost by disowning Gemma and letting her run off with Hardwon. He's such a purist that his own daughter can't be happy, but not such a purist that he wouldn't adopt Rust and give him false hope for a family that he belongs in.
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naddpod-arc-tournament · 2 years ago
Highlights from The Hellfire Chronicles Part 1, descending through circles 1-8 of hell:
return of Josh the kobold AND Rust Bronzebeard
the Flying Sword wins it all!
"Looks like a dwarf to me."
"A child has a duty to his father, but a hero has a duty to the world. Now, I've got my opinion of which you are, but it's time for you to decide."
Ilsed/Akarot twist
Highlights, from The Hellfire Chronicles Part 2, the god husks and the death of Pelor:
Pendergreens dons the Hellfire Crown
Return of Mavrus and Apple Scrumper
Tragic payoff of Hardwon's nat 1 curse
"Do I have a vest on?"
Bev's fateful revivify, the death of Pelor, and the apocalypse begins
If I forgot important highlights, leave them in the tags to help others make their choice!
(This is Round Zero of the NADDPod Bahumia Arc Tournament)
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abubblingcandle · 5 years ago
NADDPOD Last Lines
Emily mentioned a compilation of all the last lines before “And that’s where we end our session” and so I thought why not! 
Spoilers of course if you are not up to date 
Ep 1 - Oh my god there's so many knots, it's so knotty
Ep 2 - Moonshine immediately goes over and starts skinning some of the scales off so she can make a cute bandana
Ep 3 - And is that the Bullywug royalty? 
Ep 4 - And Moonshine dives in Baywatch style
Ep 5 - You guys get off into the swamp with the Green Teens
Ep 6 - And as you say that, it cracks
Ep 7 - I bend this guy over and knee him in the face
Ep 8 - BT: Guys I think the Jamboreen's cancelled. HS: Its definitely cancelled
Ep 9 - You see he's already working on something else, just reading a book and ignoring you
Ep 10 - Skulus we hardly knew ye 
Ep 11 - Skunkbug waves goodbye to you guys and you ride out of town as this giant building explodes and the bubble knights rush to it but you guys use the cover of night to escape and leave the city
Ep 12 - As Tonathon is being thrown like a baby you guys kinda comfort mutilated and depressed Beverly 
Ep 13 - I drop the three coffees I am holding
Ep 14 - That's your mum kid
Ep 15 - You can also see torchlight coming from the castle and torches all around the ruins
Ep 16 - I jump in and buckle myself in infront of his lap
Ep 17 - DM: I spared you Elias. HS: Oo you son of a bitch
Ep 18 - Like two rival gangs you guys stare each other down
Ep 19 - He gives you the crick water and you guys share a drink
Ep 20 - Hardwon takes the wheel as you guys fly off, I would say into the night but it is daytime, you fly off into the day
Ep 21 - In stark contrast to the west, where something clearly ain't right 
Ep 22 - I am Elias Stormborn, aka Hardwon Surefoot, bastard of the mountain, pride of the dwarfanage, the heart of Irondeep and I need your help
Ep 23 - But you see Cobb held in this mini tornado which then hovers over the open sky
Ep 24 - You guys stand toe to toe, sizzling water underneath you
Ep 25 - You got that right... I spore her real quick
Ep 26 - Cobb lead it on a chase but bring it back here 
Ep 27 - I back up, I'm out
Ep 28 - Welcome home baby 
Ep 29 - Beverly fires up the grill, there's a big celebration and plenty of brown to go around 
Ep 30 - Later Jarn. Keep it sleezy
Ep 31 - Apple fucking drags all of these unconscious adventurers into bed 
Ep 32 - DM: No it didn't I assumed she had it. MC: Oh right, sweet
Ep 33 - If you could just send that in the mail later? 
Ep 34 - As you make your way through the strange, cold foreign city towards keep Vinril to attempt to infiltrate the wedding welcome party and find Gemma Bronzebeard
Ep 35 - She did kiss me 
Ep 36 - You see this kid with this skull mask and this giant hooked sword comes out and takes Beverly and him and all of these skeleton kids head into the chapel
Ep 37 - Hey I'd cry if I looked like that too 
Ep 38 - And then there will be chaos and we will bring order
Ep 39 - I'm gonna need to borrow your ship
Ep 40 - Brother Hirog, our leader, inspired us. He has the fire touch and he will lead us to greatness 
Ep 41 - The band of boobs heads off again into the tundra towards the valley of the frigid death
Ep 42 - Anyone else like kinda flattered by being called sweet meat so much? 
Ep 43 - I have the featherfall ring, if I hold hands with people does that help a little bit? 
Ep 44 - Dragon you say? Come again? 
Ep 45 - Let's go kill some chosen
Ep 46 - DM: Hardwon Surefoot is shrinking. MC: I'm not gonna tell him. BT: I tug on the rope. 
Ep 47 - She takes her axe and she starts sharpening her rapier
Ep 48 - I pull down my pants and throw a javelin at him 
Ep 49 - And the mastlift starts travelling to the gnome section of Freespire
Ep 50 - But on the wind you catch the faintest hint of baby's breath and lavender 
Ep 51 - You guys begin descending the steps towards the old Court, towards Beverly Snr, Queen Cirilla and angels? 
Ep 52 - Yo, my bag brother way to fucking go! 
Ep 53 - You jacknife through and Beverly Snr follows
Ep 54 - And that's kind of my fault, I pat Galad's head
Ep 55 - You guys see smoke and hear activity in the distance like there is a settlement, or a town, or perhaps a court
Ep 56 - Really wish I brought a jacket
Ep 57 - Ah shit we tackle him
Ep 58 - And Beverly cannonballs into the plane of shadows 
Ep 59 - Where'd the bullet come from? I trace the trajectory
Ep 60 - Can I borrow this pinstripe vest? 
Ep 61 - With that you guys all begin heading towards Our Lady of Penance to talk to the revanants, the Knights of Penance
Ep 62 - You don't have long and you have a yapping bear cub possum Hardwon and your hands
Ep 63 - I'm so excited to finally have guests! 
Ep 64 - *sigh* It's good to come home
Ep 65 - He pulls you into the heavenly abyss
Ep 66 - DM: Suddenly a giant tentacle shoots up over the ship and a kraken emerges from below the boat. BT: They sold us a lemon! 
Ep 67 - You guys all take off towards Ember Heaven and Galad Rosel
Ep 68 - You see a lightning bolt come out of the sky and a few second later, thunder
Ep 69 - She brings you guys all in for a big group hug
Ep 70 - I have to look away so the tears don't ruin the pages
Ep 71 - You see sixteen teams left
Ep 72 - That's the symbol of the chosen
Ep 73 - You hear Akarot and his minions walking upstairs, waiting for you guarding the throne 
Ep 74 - You look out at the crowd, high elves and crick elves celebrating together and your father looking on at you proudly 
Ep 75 - Normally a two handed weapon, she easily wields one in each hand
Ep 76 - Moonshine, in this moment as she goes into the portal her eyes look clear
Ep 77 - On the fence, misspelled, is a sign that says Fort Rust 
Ep 78 - I'll keep my hair up just in case
Ep 79 - Who the hell was that? 
Ep 80 - You see he draws his sword, the same sword he used that day
Ep 81 - I don't think you are going to like this musk very much
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thefandomcassandra · 5 years ago
20: Trembling
She hadn't expected to see him here. Fuck, she hadn't expected to see him ever again. Not after how things had ended in Irondeep. Not after he stormed off, confused and hurt
But here he was, looking for all the world like a nervous kid again. Blushing and everything. Hiding in a back room, waiting for her.
(How long ago had it been since they'd first kissed? How long ago had it been since they snuck off to hide in the mining tunnels to sit and drink and complain about the unfairness of life? How could so few years feel like centuries under the lens of an event like this? It was fucking boggling, the perspective.)
He congratulated her, stammering, stuttering and she didn’t know how to feel. Happy? It was her wedding day! She should feel happy about it, right? Even if she hadn’t really met Gerrard before the engagement was solidified. Even if the ice and snow of Frostwind felt more isolating than the caverns of Irondeep had ever been. Even if she really was just using Gerrard to run, like she had with Hardwon.
She should be happy. Not hiding in a hallway, talking to her ex in hushed tones, flushed and excited to see something and someone familiar in all of this white and blue and silver.
(He had been stuttering and stammering then too. Barely a beard on his face, easily taller than most of the others, he didn’t give a rat’s ass that she was Gemma Bronzebeard. He didn’t care about her name or her family—save Rust, who was a jackass and a bully, and who Hardwon disliked with every mean bone in his body, bless him—he just liked her. And it was freeing, for a bit, to have someone see her. Just Gemma.)
He dragged her up a set of stairs into a tower, the snow falling in fractal spirals that left soft powder dusting on every flat surface. There, in the bright, unfiltered light of the outside world, set against the night sky, she could see him better than ever before.
Underground he had been surviving. Here he was thriving.
His skin was marked with new scars and lines, but also a warm smattering of freckles across his shoulders and his cheeks. A few shades darker than she’d last seen it too, though his hair was a little lighter and pulled into a knotted bun that seemed deliberate. His beard was just as well-kept as she remembered, though there were a few new trinkets weaved into it and one of the braids looked sloppy, like someone untrained had tried to redo it but he'd kept it there for some reason.
And he was dressed so nicely. Sturdy clothes that fit properly instead of hand-me downs re-tailored to fit him, stitched together with several different cloths. Still liked to go sleeveless, sure, but that seemed to just be his MO, so she wouldn’t complain. Especially since she got to appreciate how ripped he’d gotten.
For all that she had idealized her time with him in Irondeep, he looked like he was doing better out here, away from the mountain and the mines.
Morridan, she wished that was her.
(She broke it off because her dad would have killed him. No one would give a shit about some orphan human who’d been overstaying his welcome. No one would care about Hardwon fucking Surefoot. It hurt and it was gone over before she could blink. He'd be safe. She'd get over it.)
He didn’t come for her, but he was there. He had Ulfgar in a fucking gem. He had Ulfgar, saviour of Bahumia, in a fucking goddamn prison gem. And he needed her help.
That was so fucking wild and so fucking like him.
Time changed a person, didn’t it? She’d kept running, as far as she could under the circumstances, and he’d gone off and become some kind of hero. A warrior. Someone who faced off against something that razed a town. Someone who had met one of the saviours of Bahumia.
She’d just become a better coward.
And he was asking her for help with something big, not just because he missed her—no matter how much he protested, he did look overjoyed to see her—but because he trusted her. He trusted her to help, even after everything.
Even expressed regret, not over ever having dated her—he seemed to be pretty steadfast that it was a good thing for him—but that she continued to be under someone else’s control, even after all this time. That their relationship had ended because of someone else’s opinion and that this one began for the same reason.
That she was still trapped in a gilded cage with clipped wings.
In that moment, backlit by stars, smiling sadly, he looked for all the world like an angel sent to save her. In that moment, heart in her throat, all her doubts brought to the surface and poked at with a stick until agitated, she leapt forward and kissed him.
He kissed her back.
(She wasn’t really sure what to make of Hardwon at first. Sure, she’d heard of the human that was living in the Dwarfinage. Sure she’d heard of the kid who’d cracked his skull open trying to reach a vein about fifteen feet up. Sure, she’d heard Rust bitch and moan about this fucking nerd he was beating on, but she’d never met him. So she got curious and she went to work in the mines, just to see what the fuss was about.
People talk about love like it’s some grand event. Like when you find someone, there’s lights and sounds and songs. Like when you see The One, everything makes sense. That the universe rights itself and says “yes, this is it”.
When she saw Hardwon Surefoot, there was none of that. Instead she just saw this wiry, tall human wearing Goggles of Night Vision, pick slung over his shoulder, beard coming in a little patchy, scowling. He pushed past her—despite Jaina’s shouted frustration over his disrespect—and continued on to do his job.
He was rude as hell and all but ignored her.
She’d never been so starstruck.)
Dying was a unique experience. Most people only get to experience it once and, for each one, it’s different.
For Gemma Bronzebeard, it was the day of her wedding to Gerrard Coldain—already dead, his body scrubbed clean through infernal rituals to be used as a puppet for a darker purpose, unbeknownst to anyone—and stabbed in the neck with a dagger by a well-trained assassin.
It was too quick for either of them to react. Not her, not him, not anyone who could have prevented any of this. One moment she was pressed against him, pressing into him, shaking from the cold and want and all the emotions she’d been holding back this whole time. The next, he was alone.
She’d left him again.
And again, it wasn’t her choice.
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spacetrashpile · 5 years ago
Just sayin before anything happens: my bet is that the Bronzebeard Legacy is refering to the Mythral Dragon cause we’ve already met Rust and I’m betting on Wilhelm being in the ninth circle in the section for traitors to kin.
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regina-cordium · 2 years ago
“The bronzebeards don’t know ulfgar is in a gem, but rust is very stupid”
Love u murph
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Option 1:
Enemy: High King Durretar, Ancient Blue Dragon of the Sapphire Scale
Episode: C3 E27: King of Dragons
Time: 48:48-2:11:35 (battle stops at 2:03:55 but initiative ends at the later time)
Finish: Princess Shiverblight
Notes: On 3, regicide! The level 8 party decides to fight an ancient dragon on their own when only one of them manages to long rest beforehand. The mechanics of this encounter include dragon riding and are so goddam cool. It's also incredibly visual and one of Murph's best uses of lair actions to date.
Propaganda: (anonymous) CMON ITS KING OF DRAGONS. SO SICK. genuinely from the bottom of my heart the most exciting, interesting, and cool encounter I've ever seen. Rad as hell both mechanically and plot wise. SHIVERBLIGHT SWEEP!!
Option 2:
Enemy: Undead Dragon, Wilhelm Bronzebeard, Pale Prince, Akarot, Rust Bronzebeard
Episodes: C1 E45: Kingshammer
Time: (ads) 38:36 - 1:45:58 (but don't stop there. fr)
Finish: Bev (Wilhelm* (*Technically killed by gravity but Bev did trip with him on his back), Dragon), Hardwon (Rust* (*given the option of catching him, refused), Pale Prince)
Notes: Hardwon faces his childhood bullies in the snow. Wilhelm casts Earthquake and turns things into a fall/chase encounter as everyone races for the Kingshammer. Moonshine jumps down immediately to play defense. Bev tries to kill Akarot, who just leaves, and then has to keep saving everyone. He ends up being the only one with decent HP at the end, and this fight is so close to a TPK. Hardwon gets the Kingshammer. Paw Paw has to do CPR on Balnor.
Propaganda: (anonymous) The fact that Murph was able to design this sheer number of factors and have it be balanced perfectly as a dire, near-deadly, but winnable fight, is so impressive. And those factors were so creative. There was the kingshammer falling 2d100 every round, and players able to run or fall to get to it, a complicated goal that invited gambling, sacrifice, and creative use of spells. There was major bad guy Akarot in his prime body, the pale prince, and a fucking white dragon. There was Wilhelm Bronzebeard and his shit nephew-son who wouldn’t pick a side. There was Toma and her wolf slowly steadily running down the mountain in the background lol. There was escalation that made the battle start before Wilhelm’s avalanche, navigated flexibly by Murph. He was not fucking around, throwing Bev’s amulet into the snow, and keeping track of so many enemies and their conflicting motivations as well as their mechanics. The imagery in my mind of the chaotic tumbling snow is so real, and the scene of the last conscious pc exchanging blows with a dragon was so fucking epic. And the terror at the end of genuinely not knowing whether they were going to have won the battle only to freeze to death. Such a thick sode, a chunky battle, an incredible narrative, such a cool encounter for an arc finale.
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Option 1:
Enemy: Chosen Airship (15 people of various strength)
Episode: C1 E19: The Purge
Time: (ads) 30:03-53:55 (Cobb's last death save: 1:31:45-1:33:33)
Finish: it's a lot of scrubs so a lot of cleave and NPCs get most of the kills. Matty Big Crits finishes the Captain though.
Notes: Splitting the party couldn't possibly go wrong! Cobb and Hardwon face off against 15 people with 3 White Nights. They're immediately so fucked. Hardwon goes down so fast and most of the encounter is Murph fighting himself. Matty Big Crits makes his mark. Death's door is where Cobb is most comfortable.
Propaganda: (anonymous) Matthias of House Crit! An early instance of Murph refusing to tone down an unexpectedly lethal fight. Jake’s nat 20 death save for Cobb was spectacular
Option 2:
Enemy: Undead Dragon, Wilhelm Bronzebeard, Pale Prince, Akarot, Rust Bronzebeard
Episodes: C1 E45: Kingshammer
Time: (ads) 38:36 - 1:45:58 (but don't stop there. fr)
Finish: Bev (Wilhelm* (*Technically killed by gravity but Bev did trip with him on his back), Dragon), Hardwon (Rust* (*given the option of catching him, refused), Pale Prince)
Notes: Hardwon faces his childhood bullies in the snow. Wilhelm casts Earthquake and turns things into a fall/chase encounter as everyone races for the Kingshammer. Moonshine jumps down immediately to play defense. Bev tries to kill Akarot, who just leaves, and then has to keep saving everyone. He ends up being the only one with decent HP at the end, and this fight is so close to a TPK. Hardwon gets the Kingshammer. Paw Paw has to do CPR on Balnor.
Propaganda: (anonymous) The fact that Murph was able to design this sheer number of factors and have it be balanced perfectly as a dire, near-deadly, but winnable fight, is so impressive. And those factors were so creative. There was the kingshammer falling 2d100 every round, and players able to run or fall to get to it, a complicated goal that invited gambling, sacrifice, and creative use of spells. There was major bad guy Akarot in his prime body, the pale prince, and a fucking white dragon. There was Wilhelm Bronzebeard and his shit nephew-son who wouldn’t pick a side. There was Toma and her wolf slowly steadily running down the mountain in the background lol. There was escalation that made the battle start before Wilhelm’s avalanche, navigated flexibly by Murph. He was not fucking around, throwing Bev’s amulet into the snow, and keeping track of so many enemies and their conflicting motivations as well as their mechanics. The imagery in my mind of the chaotic tumbling snow is so real, and the scene of the last conscious pc exchanging blows with a dragon was so fucking epic. And the terror at the end of genuinely not knowing whether they were going to have won the battle only to freeze to death. Such a thick sode, a chunky battle, an incredible narrative, such a cool encounter for an arc finale.
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emiko-matsui · 2 years ago
1 - A Crick Elf, A Halfling, And A Human Walk Into A Bar
2 - Watch This!
3 - The Bullywug Mating Call
4 - Beverly Fights A Crocodile
5 - Erlin, Derlin, and Cran!
6 - Josh The Kobold
7 - Hardwon's Big Day (Fighting With The Green Teens And Getting His Kisses In)
8 - Beverly's First Beer
9 - Bubble Boy Graduates From The Green Teen
10 - Hardwon Does His First Batch of Drugs
11 - The Duttle Strategy
12 - Beverly Does A Goof...
13 - Strike True, Rosaline!
14 - Bev Sr. Does A Murder
15 - Moonshine Pays Off A Homeless Man
16 - Teehee
17 - The Worst Decision Involving Dynamite Ever?
18 - Hardwon's New Belt Buckle, Pt. 1
19 - Jake Rolls A Nat 20
20 - Beverly Gets His Kisses In, Pt. 1
21 - A Halfling Dad Joins The Table
22 - One Big Stump
23 - Beverly Tries To Prank Another God
24 - Moonshine's Bitchy Sea Mom
25 - Band of Boobs Kills Some Kids
26 - Moonshine and Hardwon Fall In Love With A Werewolf
27 - Cawcaw
28 - Moonshine Gets Mommy Issues
29 - How To Get Over Your Ex: A Guide By Ol' Cobb
30 - Band of Boobs Goes Snowboarding
31 - Everyone Dies
32 - Hardwon Starts His War Against Animals
Bonus episode - The Return of Scoutmaster Denny
33 - Beverly Gets His Revenge On The Watchman
34 - Moonshine's New Fiance
35 - Moonshine's New New Fiance
36 - Green Teens vs. Mean Teens
37 - Nut Taps & Okay Signs
38 - Big Axe To Sad Ass
39 - Stalking The Bronzebeards
40 - A Very Pregnant Moose
41 - Hardwon Enters A Dick Measuring Contest
42 - Ram-Daniel, Ram-A-Dam, and Ryan
43 - The Spider Episode
Bonus episode - 'Twas The Night Before Crickmas
44 - We Find Out Why Hardwon Can't Read
45 - Moonshine's New New New Fiance
46 - Dawn of The Trisses
47 - Band of Boobs Meet A Libertarian
48 - Band of Boobs Picks Some Flowers
49 - Did He Ever Say He Didn't Turn Your Friend Into A Honey Goblin?
50 - Balnor Takes A Shit In Space
51 - Balnor's Second Son
52 - Fred & Ted
53 - Milky Yippie Skippy
54 - Dad Strat
55 - Chicken
56 - Beverly Gets His Kisses In, Pt. 2
57 - Moonshine Gets Daddy Issues
58 - Beverly Enters His Emo Phase
59 - Band of Boobs Fight A Cowboy Vampire
60 - The Wimple Saga
61 - "If You Want To Survive You Need To Fuck Hardwon Right Now"
62 - J..V...Ə.....Ł...Î..Ñ......?
63 - Burn A Church And Fight A Doll
64 - Deadeye And The Belly Chain
65 - Shadowfell Gets A DMV
Bonus episode - Pendergreens' Mom and Stepdad
66 - Skullywugs!
67 - Moonshine Parts The Sea
68 - We Meet Erdan (Some Of Us As A Boot)
69 - Hardwon's New Belt Buckle, Pt. 2
70 - Moonshine's New Elf Family
71 - Mavrus The Unskooled
72 - Douchey Dragon Dives Directly Down For Hardwon's Dick
73 - Gnomes Ruin The Day Again
74 - Mavrus Gets His Ass Kicked
75 - Moonshine Dismantles The Monarchy, Buys The World's Most Annoying Fish, And Falls In Love With A Pirate Within The Span of An Hour
Bonus episode - Jake Gets Slaughtered
76 - Band of Boobs Jump Into The Blackness of Space
77 - The Return of Josh The Kobold
78 - Rust: Round Two
79 - If Moonshine Can't Do Drugs Then No One Can Do Drugs
80 - Deep Throated by Mrs Rosell
81 - Band of Boobs Hang Loose In Greed, Anger, and Heresy
82 - Balnor's In The Shit Again
83 - We Find Out Erdan Peaked In College
84 - Akarot Is His Own Dad
Bonus episode - Kongo Bongo Island: A Non-Kongonical Adventure
Bonus episode - The Worst Person You've Ever Met Hires You
Bonus episode - Baggin' It With Balnor: Uhm, Let Me Bag That
Bonus episode - Everyone Dies: Yugo Style
85 - Return of The Guest Stars
86 - Mavrus Gets Accused of Dating A 16 Year Old
87 - Love Is Love Is Love
88 - A Battle of Many Vests
89 - Apple and Moonshine Gets A Baby In The Middle of The Apocalypse
Bonus episode - Band of Boobs vs. Balnor vs. Cindy Crawford vs. Kathy Ireland
90 - Beverly Puts Gladeholm Into Quarantine
91 - Back To Shadowfell (But, Like, Chill This Time)
92 - Capital D But The D Stands For Death Not Dick
93 - The Gnome With The Belly Button
94 - Lucanus Goes Mad On These Worms
Bonus episode - Baggin' It With Balnor: The Quarantine Special
95 - Band of Boobs Goes To Dragon Heaven
Bonus episode - Hardwon's Ex-Girlfriend (And New Boyfriend And New Boyfriend And New Boyfriend)
96 - Gold Dragon, Gold Butler, Gold Hotel, Sick Ass Bong
97 - "My Queen, My Sister, And My Best Friend, What Could Go Wrong?"
98 - Devastating Fight But Moonshine Powerbombs A Dolphin
99 - The Downfall of Scoutmaster Denny
100 - Two Halflings and Two Crick Elves Exits The Bar
Bonus episode - Baggin' It With Balnor: Sponsored By Vitamin X
Bonus episode - Kongo Bongo Island: Origins of Balnor-Kong
Bonus episode - Revenge of The Gnomes
Bonus episode - Hardwon Sacrifices His Hardest Memory
does anyone actually care about my list of renamed naddpod episodes because im not on murph's lord of the rings wavelength and need to remember what they're actually about?
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