#naddpod frostwind
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khepribitch · 8 months ago
Listening to episode 44 of NADDPOD (The Frostwind Chapter) and Rust starts mouthing off about Jaina being the warrior in the relationship so she would get the kings hammer got me thinking.... Did king bronzebeard have his daughter Gemma assassinated because she wasn't a warrior , ,,,, so Jaina will bring power to the summer dwarves?????? HUH!!!! And he's probably trying to frame hardwon surefoot for the murder!!!!!!
Let's see if I'm right....
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b1gwings · 2 years ago
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god, i love this little fucking weirdo
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lorientours · 6 months ago
Tbh meeting Gemma Bronzebeard was such a fucking twist and a half. Like for the whole 1st 30 eps I thought Jenna was going to be like a normal dwarf woman who broke up w Hardwon because he kept going “watch this!” And utterly failing to climb up walls or because he kept calling himself “the Bastard of Iron Deep” despite probably not being the only dwarfen who didn’t know who his parents were. I expected it to be CRINGEY and LAME (like most parts of Hardwon’s backstory that he knows about tbh).
Instead you find out that his ex was pretty hot and kinda sorta maybe royalty (enough that she was going to marry a well-respected warrior from Frostwind) and most importantly WAS STILL KINDA HUNG UP ON HIM. Hardwon being cool intentionally is like so shocking to me backstory wise I refuse to accept it.
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vethbrenatto · 1 year ago
frostwind dwarves are literally the peak of dwarves. there's nothing better than this. so sorry to literally all other dwarves but murph perfected dwarves here
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hellishfig · 1 year ago
it's very funny to me that (in naddpod) brian murphy credits brennan lee mulligan as his daddy dm, and as the person who introduced him to dwarves as russians
and that's true and correct
but when brennan brought izzy in as a dwarf pc, izzy said "i am a dwarf who is jersey trash" and brennan said "you are correct"
idk where izzy is from, but murph is FOR SURE from new jersey
and as someone who is listening to naddpod campaign one for the first time, i find this incredibly amusing
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kilape · 10 months ago
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they r so important to me... (spoilers under cut)
gemma's assassination killed me!! it was so romantic and then so, SO tragic...good job murph, u bastard (affectionate)...i love torturing myself by thinking about her and hardwon's tender teenage romance
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stardial · 8 months ago
oh mage madness we’re really in it now.
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hhayfever · 2 years ago
Hi sorry I can't hear you I'm thinking about Hardwon Surefoot and Moonshine Cybin kissing
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podcast-hoard · 2 years ago
i feel like carrying both bev and balnor in the bag of holding and having them use straws to breathe is definitely against official rules but it is also. very funny
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naddpod-arc-tournament · 2 years ago
Highlights from The Frostwind Chapter Part 1, in the city of Frostwind:
the assassination of Gemma Bronzebeard
Morin Vineral hides in a wall
Moonshine almost kills a teen
confrontation with Jaina Bronzebeard
"Fuck you, I love you, eat a rat"
Highlights from The Frostwind Chapter Part 2, journeying across the Frozen North:
Moonshine the pregnant elk
the Band of Boobs take a nap in a dead hill giant, tauntaun-style
Hardwon's dick-measuring contest
three-way standoff between giants, Bronzebeards, and winter wolves
the Clash at the Gash
If I forgot important highlights, leave them in the tags to help others make their choice!
(This is Round Zero of the NADDPod Bahumia Arc Tournament)
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chompe-diem · 2 years ago
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he’s a special kind of pathetic <3
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orionis13 · 10 months ago
I need to play dress up dolls with characters i need to draw Outfit rn its terminal
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lorientours · 6 months ago
Murph doing Eastern European / Russian voices for the dwarf teens in The Frostwind Chapter has no right to be as funny as it is. Joras and his undying enthusiasm for killing the bootlickers ! His little eyepatch! His desire to die! It was so funny n charming.
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egodb · 2 years ago
I just reached Ep. 35 and Murph! WHAT THE HECK?!
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one-little-nerd-stayed-home · 11 months ago
The thing that's truly so funny about Naddpod is the timelines. Like the majority of the Bahumia campaign takes place over... 4-5 months and the only reason I'm putting it that high is that there's a 40 day stretch in the last mmmmmm 20 episodes
I started really noticing this in Frostwind because the entire arc takes place over 3? 4? Days but I'm thinking about it again cause I'm about to start the last Hexblood episode and they have upended the entire power structure of a petty kingdom in six episodes and 2 very long days.
Not sure where I'm going with this but it makes me want to build timelines and chart the number of days per arc and average In-game day/episode ratio
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chompe-diem · 2 years ago
i mean i definitely dont know more than any other listener lol, but it sounds like murph says theyve got at least a handful of episodes banked, which should tide them over for a short while esp given the every-other-week schedule
so i think it's pretty possible that they did some sort of wrap up with hardwon—lowkey i've been thinking he might like, go off with jaina or something shortly after she's been reintroduced (i'm probably wrong on this tho)—and even if he doesnt get his Full Arc, maybe we'll come back to him later in the campaign?
honestly i think it's entirely possible they make the post-hardwon plot stuffs just be about getting calder back from the helm just in time for jake to come back from leave irl xP
I have no idea what they'll end up doing for Jake's paternity leave. And my weird lil brain has been chewing on it non stop because like the current story arc is very much in progress but they could have pre recorded things so I'm not super concerned.
But. Jake is Calder and Hardwon. So neither of those plots can get wrapped up without him and I want the payoff of him getting back out there with Bev and Moonshine. (If I got a vote which I don't but yanno).
Then it occurred to me that a side trip to get the other side of the story with Moonshine and Bev and some absolutely terrific guest (like idk Aabria for example) in the Astral Plane would be a really clever way to circle back around to Hardwon and Calder.
Like, yes please. Bev as a older seasoned fighter, Moonshine being Moonshine. Local gay disasters save universe, again. Bahumian Space Odyssey: the Search for Hardwon. I feel like it will be enjoyable whichever route they pick, but I'm rooting for a some sort of option where we get to spend time with the other two. They also lost someone important AND also lost their bestie.
(This also opens the door for a Mavrus or Apple Scrumper cameo just while I'm manifesting out here).
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