#russian stooge
liberalsarecool · 14 days
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Probably the CIA.
Typical MAGA 'alpha'.
Imagine making being a performative cospatriot your entire personality and then being exposed as a Russian stooge. 😂😂😂
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muddypolitics · 2 years
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(via Trump Media Company Taking Money From Russian Cutouts? No, No, That Can't Be Right! - Wonkette)
...The Guardian reporter broke the news this morning that Trump Media & Technology Group, the parent company of his janky knockoff Twitter platform Truth Social, is under SEC investigation for an $8 million cash infusion from a Kremlin-linked entity that appears "to be controlled in part by the relation of an ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin."
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rejectingrepublicans · 7 months
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ducktracy · 9 months
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
The Sukhoi Su-57 is Russia's most advanced stealth fighter jet. Only about two dozen are operational. It is known that Russia has used these jets to launch Kalibr missiles into Ukraine.
So Ukraine became the first country ever to destroy a Su-57 – and there's reason to believe that it may have taken out TWO of them.
It’s increasingly clear a Ukrainian drone badly damaged, and possibly destroyed, a Russian air force Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter in a Saturday raid on Russia's Akhtubinsk State Flight Test Center in southern Russia 365 miles from the Russia-Ukraine border. And it’s possible a second Su-57—out of around two dozen Su-57s the Russian air force has acquired since the type’s first flight in 2010—was also damaged in the raid. “There is preliminary information that there could be two Su-57 aircraft affected,” Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for the Ukrainian intelligence agency, said in a Sunday interview.
The Su-57 is roughly the equivalent of the US F-22.
As recently as 2019, there were at least six twin-engine, supersonic Su-57s at Akhtubinsk. Ground crews routinely parked the radar-evading jets out in the open—eliciting a bitter protest from the Fighterbomber Telegram channel, a popular forum for Russian airmen and their boosters. Fighterbomber asked why, 28 months into Russia’s wider war on Ukraine, the air force hasn’t built hardened shelters for its most precious aircraft—including the Su-57 that Fighterbomber itself confirmed suffered shrapnel damage during the Saturday drone raid.
You read that correctly. These very expensive and relatively rare planes were parked outside in the open during wartime when Ukrainian drones have already struck more than twice the distance into Russia of the Akhtubinsk air base. The Russian military continues to prove that it simply is not very bright.
Meanwhile, Ukraine gets increasingly resourceful and innovative.
But the Ukrainians strike Russian airfields more effectively than the Russians strike Ukrainian airfields—thanks in large part to Ukraine’s growing inventory of long-range strike drones and the relative sluggishness of Russian decision-making. Ukrainian air force commanders frequently, sometimes more than once a day, scatter their jets across a vast network of small airfields and even highway airstrips—all in a preemptive effort to complicate Russian raids on parked planes. Russian air force commanders do no such thing. When Russian jets change bases, it’s usually the result of a long-planned move—often in response to particular bases repeatedly coming under attack by Ukrainian rockets or drones.
Here are before and after satellite photos of one of the wrecked Russian Su-57s.
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^^^ Date format is DD/MM/YYYY. The Ukrainian captions simply identify the aircraft and point out burn marks and debris from the explosion. You don't have to annihilate an expensive aircraft to make it unusable.
Russian disinformation, as parroted by both extreme right and extreme left in Europe, often goes like this...
"OMG, there's no way Ukraine can ever defeat Russia with its unlimited resources."
We know that those "unlimited" resources are unable to provide almost a quarter of Russia's rural population with toilets. 🚽
Those Putin stooges want you to ignore how Russia has suffered frequent military humiliations, demonstrated bizarre military incompetence, and has lost hundreds of thousands of troops in the past 28 months. Russia, or rather its predecessor the USSR, lost the 1979-1989 Afghan invasion. Russian incompetence certainly did not vanish 35 years ago when that war ended.
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grrlscientist · 3 days
Musk’s now-deleted post questioning why no one has attempted to assassinate Joe Biden & Kamala Harris renews concerns over his work for the US government—& potential to inspire extremist violence
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kyliaquilor · 2 years
You don’t tend to join an alliance with a power halfway around the world...unless you think your neighbor is going to invade you.
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creature-wizard · 2 months
For anyone who isn't aware, studying culty and scammy type stuff is a thing I do. In fact, my Tumblr here is mostly about that kind of thing.
If there is one thing that I have learned, it's that when someone tells you that everyone else is corrupted and evil, and then presents themselves and whatever they have going on as the alternative that will save you, they are full of shit. At the very best, they genuinely just don't understand the world all that well, and don't realize just how much they don't know. But more often - far more often - they're actually running some sort of scam or cult, and they're looking for someone new to take advantage of.
This is why third party presidential candidates should not be trusted so easily, no matter how progressive they're painting themselves up as. Scammers and cult leaders target the marginalized all the time because they know that these are the most vulnerable people, and therefore the easiest to pull into whatever it is they have going on.
Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a conspiracy theorist, and there's a lot that points to Jill Stein being a Russian stooge. I don't know each and every third party presidential candidate out there so I can't tell you what's suspicious or worrying about the rest, but I can say - do not trust people just because they present themselves as the third option and tell you what you want to hear. In fact, that's often all the more reason to be wary, especially if they're often emphasizing how nobody else cares about you or can help you, and makes themself seem like your only choice.
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liberalsarecool · 1 month
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Democrats are loyal to Democracy/America.
Republicans betray all for a Russian stooge.
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hero-israel · 7 days
American Muslims throwing away their vote on pro-Putin Russian-stooge Jill Stein will go down in history as one of the dumbest decisions in coalition-building history:
Congratulations, idiots, now you have no place at the table with the Democrats or the Republicans. You're officially politically homeless. And at a time where Islamophobia among the rest of Americans is at 2016-levels, rapidly approaching post-9/11 numbers of Muslim-distrust, broadcasting to everyone that you're willing to risk the well-being of every woman and minority in the country to a second Trump presidency because you're too busy throwing a temper tantrum that Biden won't allow the Arab League to wipe Israel off the map is certainly A Choice.
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rejectingrepublicans · 7 months
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He’s been knocking on Senate doors trying to drum up support for making himself McConnell’s replacement as Republican Senate Leader.
Smart money is on Mitch’s two primary henchmen, Cornyn of Texas and Thune of South Dakota. Both are evil old school Republicans who answer to oligarchs but are not chaotic MAGA morons who would slide to fascism. Cruz and the other MAGA morons would instantly start taking orders from Trump and chaos would ensue.
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rosered2018 · 2 months
My Take on the Current Election
Those of you who follow my blog have probably noticed that, while I do reblog political stuff, I rarely comment on it. And I've decided considering what's going on, I need to.
At this point, the Republicans' political platform is anything that appeases Donald Trump's whims and feeds his already massive ego. They have nothing constructive to offer us, and everything they are offering involves taking us back to a point in time where the only people who could have any kind of substantial power were straight white male Protestants.
If Kamala Harris becomes the Democratic candidate, she will blow the Republicans' arguement that their candidate is too old out of the water. Considering that Trump is the same age as Biden was during the 2020 election, she could theoretically turn that arguement back on him, especially considering his apparent mental decline since he left office.
On the Republicans' part, we will now get to see exactly how racist and misogynist they really are. There will be people arguing that she was chosen only because she was black, rather than because of her long record in California politics as a prosecutor and attorney general. There will probably be people wanting to repeal the Civil War Amendments and the 19th Amendment because they don't want a woman - much less a black woman - in the White House. Essentially, it will be the Obama years on steroids.
The Republicans have made it clear what they intend to do to this country if they get even half a chance. You all have to have heard about Project 2025 and what it proposes for this country - gutting social services, elimination of the civil service in favor of putting people personally loyal to Donald Trump in place, elimination of the Department of Education and anything arguing that anyone other than straight white men should have a voice in society, permanently lowering taxes on the stupidly wealthy, and basically turning this country into a Christofascist dictatorship with Donald Trump as the dictator. That's just the bare bones.
And that's on top of what they've already done - overturning Roe v. Wade, overturning affirmative action, gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965, overturning the Chevron doctrine, and granting the president total immunity from prosecution for any "official acts" while he's in office.
Basically, if you like having rights that don't depend on your willingness to swear personal allegiance to a would-be dictator, vote Blue this time around, and keep voting Blue in the future. These people are not going away, and they will not stop until they get what they want.
TL;DR, get up off your asses and vote. If you're not registered, get registered. In some states, you can even do it online. If you don't know if you're registered, check. The website for your secretary of state should have a page where you can do that. The fate of our country literally depends on everyone voting, and every vote does matter. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either an asshole, an idiot, or a Russian stooge.
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
Right now is the time to get involved in the defeat of America's most dangerous enemy since the Cold War.
The traditional election season, starting on Labor Day, is a thing of the distant political past. And considering the magnitude of the threat to democracy, even waiting for the end of the primary season may be too late.
The worst president in our history is, arguably, stronger within the leadership ranks of the Republican Party than he has ever been. He is now the most dangerous presidential candidate in U.S. history. As a consequence, the great question before the rest of us is whether enough of us are ready to do whatever is necessary to defeat this threat as we have all those that have come before. Sadly, there is reason to believe that this time we may not meet the challenge. Right now, Donald Trump is one of two people who could be our next president. The race, at the moment, between him and President Joe Biden, is too close to call.
The people with their heads up their ass over Biden's age are either hypocrites or dissemblers. On Inauguration Day 2025, Donald Trump will be 95.66% of Joe Biden's age. And Trump will also be older in January of 2025 than Biden was upon assuming office in 2021. Biden may have a lifelong stutter but he is still grounded in reality in a way the narcissistic nepo baby Donald Trump never was.
Joe Biden by any objective metric has been one of the most successful presidents in modern U.S. history. He has led the creation of more major legislative initiatives benefiting the American people than any president in 60 years. He oversaw the creation of more than 14 million jobs during his first three years in office. He has brought down inflation and reduced the prices of vital medicines to affordable levels. He has restored American leadership worldwide, expanded our vital alliances like NATO, and stood up to our enemies. All presidents face challenges and make missteps. But it is hard to deny that in the wake of the U.S. economic recovery, the passage of the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, the CHIPs and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, the expansion of NATO, and the creation of new Indo-Pacific alliances, Biden’s record is formidable. That a president with this record is in a horse race with a candidate who is a menace to the country, who led an insurrection, who is a pathological liar whom courts have found to be a fraud and a rapist, and who has no real ideas, no credible policy proposals, no record of actually ever achieving anything for the American people is chilling.
In normal times, over 40% of US voters would NOT pick a notorious sex offender for president. But these are not normal times.
You would have thought that the sight of mobs carrying Trump flags and weapons and chanting for the death of Vice President Mike Pence on January 6, 2021, would have been alarm enough. You would have thought the same of Trump’s Access Hollywood tape, in which he confessed his impulse to abuse women. You would have thought the two dozen women who accused him of abuse would have had that effect. Even if none of those things were quite warning enough, you would have thought the findings in the E. Jean Carroll case would have been enough. After all, respected federal judge Lew Kaplan wrote, “The fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused—indeed, raped—Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established and is binding in this case.” It should have been enough. But so far, it has not been.
And who would have thought that the party of Ronald Reagan is now led by a stooge of the Evil Empire?
You would have thought that Trump reaching out on national television to our Russian adversaries for aid during the 2016 campaign would have been enough. You would have thought the conclusive findings of every major U.S. intelligence agency that Russia sought to aid Trump’s campaign would have been enough. You would have thought that Robert Mueller’s finding 10 instances of possible obstruction of justice by Trump would have been enough. You would have thought Trump kowtowing to Vladimir Putin and taking his word over that of our intelligence and law enforcement communities would have been enough. You would have thought his illegally withholding aid to Ukraine to seek dirt on Joe Biden would have been enough. You would have thought his impeachment for that would have been enough.
Are you willing to spend more time and money than in previous election cycles to end a major threat to Western democracy and to undermine homegrown fascism for at least the rest of this decade?
So, ask yourself, is that enough to make you do more than you have done? Is that enough to commit for the next 10 months to do more than you have ever done during an election year? To give more? To canvas more? To spread the word more? To help get voters to the polls? To ensure every member of your family, your friends, your co-workers do the same? The stakes are too high to do less than everything you can.
I rarely quote Margaret Thatcher and would probably disagree with at least 90% of her views. But she did know something about winning elections and combating the USSR. If she was good for just one thing, it's for this observation in a speech made in her retirement.
[N]o battles are ever finally won; you have to go on winning them by example and by being prepared to defend your way of life against those who would attack it.
If we learn just one thing from the Trump threat, it's that we can never rest on our past laurels. A slacker democracy is one which will not outlast a determined demagogue.
Civic involvement by pro-democracy citizens is absolutely necessary to maintain freedom.
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 6 months
MAGA Corncob Comer continues to show everyone what an ass-kisser and bootlicker he is for #TraitorTrump
Making himself and all MAGA look like idiots and stooges. These 'men' have no integrity and no allegiance to our country and its citizens.
Another "impeachment inquiry" intended to smear Biden backfires on MAGA as they continue to push Russian lies and propaganda.
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Random movie ideas:
1) A comedy-historical movie about the real life event during the Russo-Japanese War in which the inept Russian Baltic Fleet embarked on a disastrous voyage to Japan, only to get slaughtered completely. David Harbour (using his Russian accent from “Black Widow”) plays Admiral Zinovy Rozhestvensky, who spends the entire movie pissed off that his crew are basically the Three Stooges. (If you want to know more about this event, watch Bluejay’s “The Dumbest Russian Voyage Nobody Talks About” on YouTube)
2) A dramedy about two college dropouts (played by Taz Skylar and Joe Keery) who attempt to make it big as indie game developers. Troy Baker cameos as himself during a scene in which he’s asked to be part of a game that the developers are creating.
3) A mystery/crime movie centered on a NYPD detective (played by Oscar Isaac), a FBI agent (played by Pedro Pascal), and a private investigator (played by Amy Adams) in three different investigations. As the movie goes on, the three stories eventually connect when the protagonists realize that even though they’re investigating different crimes, they’re tracking down the same killer (played by Tom Holland).
4) Metallica biopic, starring Chris Hemsworth as James Hetfield, Giovanni Ribisi as Lars Ulrich, and Jake Cuenca as Kirk Hammett. (I don’t have a fancast for the other band members right now)
5) A thriller/semi-horror in which six individuals (played by Jon Bernthal, Samuel L. Jackson, Simu Liu, Florence Pugh, Stephanie Beatriz, and Jenna Ortega) all wake up in a barricaded room where the door is set to a timer. They receive a message that the door will open after 3 days and that all the group has to do is get along with each other. That seems easy on paper, but the thriller part comes in when the group realizes that they were specifically chosen because their captors knew they would tear each other apart.
As a hypothetical: Bernthal’s character is a racist xenophobe who brags about killing illegal immigrants and somehow getting away with it. Ortega’s character reveals that her father was killed by a “crazy white man”, which turns out to be Bernthal.
Another hypothetical: Jackson’s character says he’s going through an intense divorce since his wife admitted to having an affair. Liu’s character is the mystery man who was engaged in an affair with Jackson’s wife.
One last hypothetical: Pugh’s character is a Christian fascist while Beatriz’s character is an atheist anarchist.
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1americanconservative · 7 months
Today is March 1, 2024, and because you are about to be hit by an unprecedented amount of propaganda and a deluge of disinformation from the left, I would like to state the facts again. 1- Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 when Democrat Barack Obama was in power. 2. Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022 when Democrat Joe Biden was in power. 3. Vladimir Putin invaded no territory when Republican Donald Trump was in power between 2017 and 2021. 4. Special Robert Mueller concluded that Donald Trump did not connive or conspire with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election and defeat Hillary Clinton. 5. I hate repetitions but let me repeat that the Robert Mueller investigation did not establish that Donald Trump or his campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. 6. While in power between 2017 and 2021, Donald Trump did not start a new war, he did not enrich the military-industrial complex. 7. Claims by the mainstream media that Vladimir Putin is blackmailing Donald Trump are false. 8. Claims by the mainstream media that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russia's disinformation are false. 9. The laptop belongs to Hunter Biden and seems to show what appears to be criminal activities. He's like everyone else innocent until proven guilty. 10. Claims that the Russians are AGAIN trying to interfere in the 2024 election to elect Trump are false and seem to be disinformation by the left. 11. Claims that everyone who questions sending billions of dollars to Ukraine for a war they may likely not win makes them a Russian agent or stooge are false and disinformation by the left. 12. Donald Trump is facing four criminal indictments and 91 counts. But indictments are accusations that have to be proven in court. He's innocent until proven guilty. 13. Claims that Trump if re-elected will be deadlier than Hitler and end the presidency and democracy as we know them are unproven since he was president for four years and did not do those things. 14. Yes, Trump often says some outrageous things but he actually acted differently once in power between 2017 and 2021. 15. Claims that Tucker Carlson is a Russian agent because he interviewed Putin are false, he's a journalist who has more influence than many media houses combined. 16. Claims that everything the White House says is true and everything the Kremlin says is a lie is false. They both lie all the time, more often than they tell the truth. 17. I can go on and on, but because you will hear about Russia, Russia, Russia, disinformation, disinformation and disinformation, and election interference by the Russians every day until after the presidential election in 2024, I want you to be prepared and see everything for what it is. 18. Never forget to subscribe to my X because that's what allows me to keep doing this, to go to war every day against propaganda and disinformation, and to hit close to half a billion views here every month.
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