#russian litterature
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new theory : there exist only three types of Russians in fiction
type 1 : loud, energetic, alcohol drinker
type 2 : humble, hard-working, thoughtful yet realist
type 3 : fuck authority, fuck god, fuck humanity, depressed, living in isolation
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Do you know that one day I'll kill you? I won't do it because I'm no longer in love with you, or because I'm jealous, but—I'll just kill you for no better reason that I sometimes long to devour you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Gambler
#fyodor dostoevsky#the gambler#russian literature#quotes#poem#poetry#litterature#beautiful quote#book quote#love quotes#dark academia literature#chaotic academia#light academia#dark academia
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If Raskolnikov had been a woman, would she have been the meek one?
#the meek one#fyodor dostoevsky#russian#books#litterature#rodion romanovich raskolnikov#crime and punishment
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why go to therapy when you can read Tolstoy
#girlblogging#coquette girl#manic pixie dream girl#female rage#gaslight gatekeep girlboss#girl interrupted#god is a woman#girly stuff#lord jesus christ#ldr#russian literature#litterature#books#leo tolstoy
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"Si l'homme, comme le déclare l'humanisme, n'était né que pour le bonheur, il ne serait pas né non plus pour la mort. Mais corporellement voué à la mort, sa tâche sur Terre n'en devient que plus spirituelle : non pas un gorgement de quotidienneté, non pas la recherche des meilleurs moyens d'acquisition, puis de joyeuse dépense des biens matériels, mais l'accomplissement d'un dur et permanent devoir, en sorte que tout le chemin de notre vie devienne l'expérience d'une élévation avant tout spirituelle : quitter cette vie en créatures plus hautes que nous n'y étions entrés." - Alexandre Soljénitsyne. Le Déclin du courage: Discours de Harvard, juin 1978
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romanticize your life
#fyodor dostoevsky#dostoevksy#litterature#russian#pinterest#museum#romantizing life#dream life#the teen#patrick bateman
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。 ♡ 。 ♡。 ♡
♡。 \ | /。 ♡
♡。 / | \。♡
。 ♡。 ♡。 ♡。
#fedor dostoevskij#fyodor dostoevsky#dostoevksy#dostoyevski#litterature#books and reading#books#reading#russian literature
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Vos livres préférés de tchekov ? Ceux que vous recommandez le plus en priorité
Et aussi avez vous lu Joseph Andras ?
Ça fait un petit moment que j'ai lu Tchékhov donc mes souvenirs n'en sont plus hyper frais et je n'ai lu que son théâtre. Cela dit, j'avais beaucoup aimé Oncle Vania, La Cerisaie, Ivanov et La Mouette. Donc si je dois en conseiller pour commencer parmi ceux-là, je conseillerais La Mouette et Ivanov !
Quant à Joseph Andras, je n'en ai jamais entendu parler ! :)
#grosse lacune en littérature contemporaine#anton tchekhov#joseph andras#french literature#russian literature#litterature#book rec#upthebaguette
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Happening NOW
The English patient
#movies#currently watching#the_english_patient happening#love quote tumblr#litterature#russian#english movies
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The People Immortal by Vasily Grossman
“All her stories were about the war – about those killed on the roads, about friends who had been dishonoured and tortured, about the deaths of children, about blazing villages. There was always a look of anguish and horror in her black eyes. When Ignatiev tried to embrace her, she would push his arms away with the words, ‘What’s the point? Tomorrow you’ll go your way and I’ll go mine. You won’t remember me and I’ll forget you.’ (...)”
“(...) He wanted to speak his mind, but he had grown used over the years to keeping his feelings to himself and he was afraid even now. ‘Who knows?’ he thought. ‘This fellow might just suddenly shoot me.’”
Den 22 juni 1941 invaderade Hitler Sovjetunionen, och bataljoner ur den Röda armén skickades ut till fronten för att fördröja tyskarnas intagande. Under de kommande månaderna kom Vasilij Grossman att tillträda som krigskorrespondent för tidningen »Röda Stjärnan« (Krasnaja Zvezda), där han även kom att publicera en första version av »The People Immortal« i arton delar. Själva verket kretsar kring en grupp soldater som upplever kriget på nära håll, och mycket är baserat på Grossmans egna erfarenheter och möten vid fronten, även om det sker genom en fiktiv dräkt.
Grossmans tidigare författarskap hade främst varit präglat av rena propagandanoveller (se t.ex. »I Staden Berditjev«), där han gav uttryck för den sovjetiska kampviljan och (blinda) tilltron till staten, med ständiga uppmaningar till läsaren att följa partiets riktlinjer. Men med tiden, och kanske främst genom de personliga upplevelserna han erfar av det stora fosterländska kriget, kom skildringarna att alltmer nyanseras och leta sig bortom de klassiska propagandaklyschorna. Detta resulterade därmed i att hans verk så småningom även censurerades. Men just »The People Immortal« skulle kunna ses som ett mellanting i hans litterära och politiska utveckling. Den upphöjda synen på det sovjetiska, stalinistiska och röda, med karaktärer som idealiseras och lyfts fram som förebilder, finns fortfarande där. Men till skillnad från den renodlade propagandalitteraturen skildrar Grossman likväl den förödelse, den död och det tunga mörker som kriget ofrånkomligt också innebär. Han för även en underliggande kritik gentemot hur kriget faktiskt utkämpades. I hans senare verk, såsom »Liv och Öde« samt »Allt Flyter«, antar han även rollen som regimkritiker allt tydligare. Mycket intressant och spännande författarskap!
#rysklitteratur#bookstagram#bookstagrammer#bokblogg#litteratur#bokbloggare#bokinsta#bokinstagram#bookstagramsverige#böcker#russian literature#soviet literature#sovjetisklitteratur
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“Since then I kiss no charming eyes, Since then I know no cheerful days.
I gaze demented on the black shawl, And my cold soul is torn by grief.”
-Pushkin, ‘The Black Shawl’, Poems
#art#quotes#painting#poetry#russian literature#russian poetry#aleksandr pushkin#litterature#poems and quotes
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me flirting with someone i'm not interested in : my whole life has been pledged to this meeting with you...
me flirting with the person i like : what a magnificent body, how i should like to see it on the dissecting table
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What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
#fyodor dostoevsky#brothers karamazov#hell#hades#loving#love#russia#russian literature#russian#quotes#litterature#poem#poetry#beautiful quote#book quote#love quotes#dark academia literature#chaotic academia#light academia#dark academia
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Novel Cover -- My circus painting is used for the cover of a novel by Maria Stepanova, published by Nirstedt/litteratur, a Swedish publishing company.
Maria Stepanova is a Russian poet and novelist.
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2023/03/04 Las agrupaciones se iban sucediendo con sus mensajes críticos sobre la actualidad y homenajes a personajes populares tanto de la literatura como de la sociedad.
The groups followed one another with their critical messages about current affairs and tributes to popular characters from both literature and society.
Google Translation into French: Les groupes se succèdent avec leurs messages critiques sur l'actualité et leurs hommages à des personnages populaires de la littérature et de la société.
Google translation into Italian: I gruppi si susseguono con i loro messaggi critici sulla cronaca ei loro omaggi a personaggi popolari della letteratura e della società.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Os grupos se sucedem com suas críticas aos noticiários e suas homenagens a personagens populares da literatura e da sociedade.
Google Translation into German: Die Gruppen folgen einander mit ihren kritischen Botschaften in den Nachrichten und ihren Hommagen an bekannte Persönlichkeiten in Literatur und Gesellschaft.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Grupet ndjekin njëri-tjetrin me mesazhet e tyre kritike në lajme dhe homazhet e tyre për figura të njohura të letërsisë dhe shoqërisë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Խմբերը միմյանց հաջորդում են լրահոսում իրենց քննադատական ուղերձներով և հարգանքի տուրք մատուցելով գրականության և հասարակության հայտնի գործիչներին:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Групите се следват една след друга с критичните си послания в новините и почитта си към известни фигури в литературата и обществото.
Google Translation into Czech: Skupiny na sebe navazují svými kritickými zprávami a poctami známým osobnostem literatury a společnosti.
Google Translation into Croatian: Grupe slijede jedna drugu sa svojim kritičkim porukama u vijestima i hommageima poznatim osobama iz književnosti i društva.
Google Translation into Danish Grupperne følger hinanden med deres kritiske budskaber i nyhederne og deres hyldest til kendte personer i litteratur og samfund.
Google Translation into Slovak: Skupiny na seba nadväzujú svojimi kritickými správami a poctami známym osobnostiam literatúry a spoločnosti.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Skupine si sledijo s kritičnimi sporočili v novicah in s pokloni znanim osebnostim literature in družbe.
Google Translation into Estonian: Rühmad järgivad üksteist oma kriitiliste sõnumitega uudistes ning austusavaldustega kirjanduse ja ühiskonna tuntud tegelastele.
Google Translation into Suomi: Ryhmät seuraavat toisiaan kriittisillä viesteillään uutisissa ja kunnioituksellaan kirjallisuuden ja yhteiskunnan tunnetuille henkilöille.
Google Translation into Greek: Οι ομάδες διαδέχονται η μία την άλλη με τα επικριτικά τους μηνύματα στις ειδήσεις και τα αφιερώματα τους σε γνωστά πρόσωπα της λογοτεχνίας και της κοινωνίας.
Google Translation into Dutch: De groepen volgen elkaar op met hun kritische berichten in het nieuws en hun hommages aan bekende figuren uit literatuur en samenleving.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Gruppene følger hverandre med sine kritiske budskap i nyhetene og sine hyllester til kjente personer i litteratur og samfunn.
Google Translation into Polish: Grupy podążają za sobą, przekazując krytyczne wiadomości w wiadomościach i hołdy dla dobrze znanych postaci w literaturze i społeczeństwie.
Google Translation into Romanian: Grupurile se succed cu mesajele lor critice în știri și omagiile aduse personalităților cunoscute din literatură și societate.
Google Translation into Russian: Группы следуют друг за другом со своими критическими сообщениями в новостях и отдают дань уважения известным деятелям литературы и общества.
Google Translation into Serbian: Групе прате једна другу са својим критичким порукама у вестима и својим омажом познатим личностима из књижевности и друштва.
Google Translation into Swedish: Grupperna följer varandra med sina kritiska budskap i nyheterna och sina hyllningar till kända personer inom litteratur och samhälle.
Google Translation into Turkish: Gruplar, haberlerdeki eleştirel mesajlarıyla ve edebiyat ve sosyete dünyasının tanınmış simalarına saygı duruşunda bulunarak birbirlerini takip ediyor.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Групи слідують одна за одною своїми критичними повідомленнями в новинах і вшануванням відомих діячів літератури та суспільства.
Google Translation into Arabic: تتابع المجموعات بعضها البعض برسائلها النقدية في الأخبار وتكريمها لشخصيات معروفة في الأدب والمجتمع.
Google Translation into Bengali: গোষ্ঠীগুলি সংবাদে তাদের সমালোচনামূলক বার্তা এবং সাহিত্য ও সমাজের সুপরিচিত ব্যক্তিদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জানিয়ে একে অপরকে অনুসরণ করে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 这些团体相互关注,在新闻中发表批评信息,并向文学和社会上的知名人物致敬。
Google Translation into Korean: 그룹은 뉴스의 비판적 메시지와 문학 및 사회의 유명한 인물에 대한 경의를 표하며 서로를 따릅니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: הקבוצות עוקבות זו אחר זו במסריהן הביקורתיים בחדשות ובמחווה לדמויות ידועות בספרות ובחברה.
Google Translation into Hindi: समूह समाचारों में अपने महत्वपूर्ण संदेशों और साहित्य और समाज में प्रसिद्ध हस्तियों के लिए अपनी श्रद्धांजलि के साथ एक दूसरे का अनुसरण करते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kelompok-kelompok tersebut mengikuti satu sama lain dengan pesan kritis mereka dalam berita dan penghormatan mereka kepada tokoh-tokoh terkenal dalam sastra dan masyarakat.
Google Translation into Japanese: グループは、ニュースでの批判的なメッセージと、文学や社会の有名な人物へのオマージュで互いにフォローしています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Группалар бири-бирин ээрчип, жаңылыктардагы сын билдирүүлөрү, адабият менен коомдогу белгилүү инсандарга таазим кылышат.
Google Translation into Malay: Kumpulan ini mengikuti satu sama lain dengan mesej kritikal mereka dalam berita dan penghormatan mereka kepada tokoh terkenal dalam kesusasteraan dan masyarakat.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Тус бүлгүүд бие биенээ дагаж, мэдээ мэдээллээр шүүмжлэлтэй хандаж, утга зохиол, нийгмийн нэр хүндтэй хүмүүсийг хүндэтгэдэг.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਸਮੂਹ ਖ਼ਬਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਲੋਚਨਾਤਮਕ ਸੰਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਹਿਤ ਅਤੇ ਸਮਾਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਾਣੀਆਂ-ਪਛਾਣੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਖਸੀਅਤਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਰਧਾਂਜਲੀ ਦੇ ਕੇ ਇੱਕ ਦੂਜੇ ਦੀ ਪਾਲਣਾ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: ډلې په خبرونو کې د خپلو انتقادي پیغامونو سره یو بل تعقیبوي او په ادب او ټولنه کې مشهور شخصیتونو ته د دوی درناوی کوي.
Google Translation into Persian: این گروهها با پیامهای انتقادی خود در اخبار و ادای احترام به چهرههای شناخته شده ادبیات و جامعه، همدیگر را دنبال میکنند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Grup-grup éta silih nuturkeun pesen kritisna dina warta sareng ngahormatan ka tokoh-tokoh anu kasohor dina sastra sareng masarakat.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sinusundan ng mga grupo ang bawat isa sa kanilang mga kritikal na mensahe sa mga balita at ang kanilang mga pagpupugay sa mga kilalang tao sa panitikan at lipunan.
Google Translation into Thai: กลุ่มติดตามกันด้วยข้อความเชิงวิจารณ์ในข่าวและการแสดงความเคารพต่อบุคคลที่มีชื่อเสียงในแวดวงวรรณกรรมและสังคม
Google Translation into Urdu: گروپس خبروں میں اپنے تنقیدی پیغامات اور ادب اور معاشرے کی معروف شخصیات کو خراج تحسین پیش کرتے ہوئے ایک دوسرے کی پیروی کرتے ہیں۔
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Headcanon ideas for Clarimonde in the Re:zero verse:
Clarimonde has somehow tapped into magic and their abilities grew stronger as a fierce magical storm arrived and left a trail of damage. They somehow have a connection to the storm cloud. Their magic manifests through electricity when they cast curses. Clarimonde has the ability to turn people into donkeys with their mind but the ability is much stronger when they touch someone or speak the chant out loud. The spells has more power if they know a person’s name. When a spell bounces back on Clarimonde or fail they feel a cold and when a strong curse bounces the cold increases. When distressed they risk affecting reality by natural phenomena such as the weather, how the ground moves or similar things.
As a beginner in magic they have not learned how magic works or how to use it. They have yet to learn the limitations of their own abilities. Most of the time they are using instinct or finding guidance from somewhere else/supernatural forces.
The storm is a chaotic force and in the middle of it is a being made of magic and lightning called Bellicent. She wants to spread her magic to others and see it as her good will to the world, not fully realizing what chaos and destruction follows by doing so. She is caught in a grieving process after her wife Alcesta was traveling to the realm of death and havent been seen for a year.
Because of the storm several anomalies occurred. One of those created life out of snow, said beings became vampires.
Inspirations: My inspiration for the snow vampires comes from a Russian fairytale called Snowgirl, where a married couple longed to have a child but wherent able to. At one point they decide to make a snow child as they didn't have a child of their own. The snow child came to life and was beloved by the couple. However they where crushed as winter came to an end and the little girl told them she had to leave. Against better judgement they refused to let her go and she soon melted away. This saddened the couple and all they could think of during spring and summer was the little girl who had filled their lives with joy. As the winter arrived again they were awakened by the voice from the little snow girl outside the house as she had sprung to life once again and so it came to be that she returned each winter and was met with love.
I decided to make the snow beings vampires since Clarimonde and their adoped kids, Carmilla and Geraldine, are named after vampires from different litterature sources :3 I chose the name Bellicent as it according to a name list could either mean strenght, powerful or lovingly. Alcesta comes from Greek mythology and means bravery. Alcesta was a woman prepared to die in place of her husband Admetus. Later on Heracles saves her from the underworld since her husband had been a great help to him. Once being brought back Alcesta refused to talk.
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