#rupe nigra
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#esoterik#occultism#esoteric#science#freimaurerei#okkult#Okkultismus#rupe nigre#rupe nigra#grand line#reverse rivers#rivers#one piece#anime#flatearth#flacherde#flache erde#flat earth#maps#hyperborea#berg meru#meru#berg#hyperboria#mu#mount meru
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Pusulaların iÄnesi her zaman kuzeyi gösterir, daha çocukken öÄrendiÄimiz bir bilgidir bu. Ä°yi de niye kuzeyi gösterir? Pusula iÄnesi neden hareket ediyor? Ä°cat edildiÄi MĂ 200âlĂŒ yıllardan modern teorinin geliĆtirildiÄi 1600âlĂŒ yıllara kadar insanlar pusulanın hareketi hakkında ne dĂŒĆĂŒndĂŒ? Bu kuzeye dönme durumunu nasıl açıkladılar? Gelin videonun devamında hep beraberâŠ
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#ancient maps#kuzey kutbu#kuzey kutbunda manyetik ada#manyetik kutup teorileri#orta çaÄ haritaları manyetizma adası#orta çaÄ haritaları rupes nigra#orta çaÄ haritalarında kuzey kutbu#orta çaÄ haritalarında manyetik ada#orta çaÄda harita#orta çaÄda pusula#orta çaÄda pusula neden kuzeyi gösteriyor#orta çaÄda pusula teroisi#pusula neden kuzeyi gösterir#rupes nigra
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rupes nigra is currently revamping and will be kept on the masterlist. thank you!
đđ đđđđ đđ đđđ đđđ đđ...
these rps have not been active for more than a week. if your rp was removed and you are active and would like to remain on krphub, just shoot me a message, and i will put you back in. thank you!
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Darkness is the most purest/neutral thing in the cosmos. You canât hold it in your hand but everything you see, touch or smell comes from it. Darkness is the womb behind the stars, behind your eyelids. A place to rest oneâs consciousness. Darkness is the Mother of all colors, numbers, movement. DARKNESSđ€ is the FOUNDATION and THOUGHTđis the VIBRATION of CREATION...đ Life/ecosystem/Echo.... Mt Meru/Rupes Nigra= Black Stone
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At the very centre of the North Pole where the four rivers converge is a whirl pool that swirls around the black rock Rupes Nigra. Here the waters breathe in and out, from the celestial fountain....
Is this the reason for the tides?

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The twin brother of Aurora~ :D Hope you like it!
HCS (spanish - english) below the cut!
-Si bien desde el 900 al 1000 DC fueron habitadas por vikingos y los pueblos originarios los Inuit, ancestros que comparte directamente con Matthew, y los nordicos e Inglaterra llegaron desde el S XIV, las primeras expediciones modernas comenzaron en el S XIX. -Sus paĂses de influencia directa (sus "tutores") son CanadĂĄ, los nĂłrdicos (Dinamarca, Finlandia, Islandia, Noruega Suecia), Rusia y Estados Unidos. -A diferencia de su hermana no tiene bandera actual ni nominal, pero en 1991 se declarĂł el Concilio Artico desde Estado Unidos, dĂĄndole una simbologĂa propia, con el objetivo de preservar la geografĂa y el medio ambiente, en la responsabilidad de todos los tutores y paĂses observadores. MĂĄs info: arcticportal.org/
-Sus ojos son iguales a Aurora, pero su pelo tiene la caracterĂstica de las nubes iridiscentes o nacaradas que se ven con frecuencia en los polos (fenĂłmeno conocido como irisaciĂłn). -Habla suave y lento, pero tiene un humor mĂĄs jocoso que Aurora, ya que el tuvo siempre habitantes humanos y estĂĄ mĂĄs acostumbrado a los viajes y las visitas. -Su aspecto tiene mĂĄs rasgos asiĂĄticos, por la permanencia histĂłrica de los Inuit. -Si bien su fauna autoctona es escasa, hay muchas migraciones en las que se destacan el zorro ĂĄrtico, el charrĂĄn artico y el oso polar (ÂĄSĂ, comparten a Kumajiro!).
-AsĂ como Aurora, su nombre es una opciĂłn. Viene de la etimologĂa griega y significa "oso". Algunos paĂses lo llaman de manera puntualmente diferente: por ejemplo, Heracles lo llama Calisto, referido a la mitologĂa relacionada con la Osa Mayor. Por su lado, relacionado con la mitologĂa sĂșfi derivada del Islam, Sadik lo llama Jabal Qaf, "la montaña del Norte de los Nortes". Finalmente, Feliciano y Lovino lo llaman Rupes, refiriendo a la Rupes Nigra, la ascenciĂłn mĂĄxima del alma peregrina, que aparece en la Divina Comedia de Dante Alghieri. -Sabe donde estĂĄ Papa Noel (Santa Claus), pero es un secreto que guarda junto con Finlandia. Algunos dicen que es una metĂĄfora de la pureza espiritual que conserva en sĂ mismo, y muchas religiones y mitos comparten esta idea.
-Datos curiosos:
-La Ășnica bandera que posee en sus geografĂa es la rusa, plantada en 2007. Los Yupik, gente de la siberia, llegĂł a mezclarse con algunos grupos Inuit en edades tempranas. -El 10 de abril de 2013, el argentino Juan Benegas llegĂł a pie al polo norte geogrĂĄfico a partir de la base rusa Barneo, distante unos 170 km del objetivo. Fue acompañado por cinco rusos, un italiano y un belga. -Autora tambiĂ©n tiene el Tratado AntĂĄrtico, conformado por Argentina, Australia, Chile, Francia, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda y el Reino Unido. -Argentina llegĂł a plantar bandera finalmente en 2016, www.telam.com.ar/notas/201604/âŠ
Finally! It was a little more complex to make this OC because I had to read twice as much as with Aurora, but here it is! I hope you like it~
Some HCs:
-Although from 900 to 1000 AD they were inhabited by Vikings and the original Inuit peoples, ancestors that they share directly with Matthew, and the Norse and England arrived from the XIV century, the first modern expeditions began in the XIX century. -His countries of direct influence (his "tutors") are Canada, the Nordics (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden), Russia and the United States. -Unlike his sister, does not have a current or nominal flag, but in 1991 the Arctic Council was declared from the United States, giving it its own symbology, with the aim of preserving geography and the environment, under the responsibility of all guardians and observer countries. More info: arcticportal.org/
-Her eyes are the same as Aurora's, but his hair has the characteristic of the iridescent or pearly clouds that are frequently seen at the poles (a phenomenon known as iridescence). -He speaks softly and slowly, but he has a more jocular humor than Aurora, since he always had human inhabitants and is more accustomed to travel and visits. -His appearance has more Asian features, due to the historical permanence of the Inuit. -Although its native fauna is scarce, there are many migrations in which the arctic fox, the arctic tern and the polar bear stand out (Yes, they share Kumajiro!).
-Just like Aurora, his name is an option. It comes from the Greek etymology and means "bear". Some countries call it in a different way: for example, Heracles calls him Callisto, referring to the mythology related to. For his part, related to Sufi mythology derived from Islam, Sadik calls him Jabal Qaf, "the mountain of the North of the Norths". Finally, Feliciano and Lovino call it Rupes, referring to the Rupes Nigra, the highest ascent of the pilgrim soul, which appears in Dante Alghieri's Divine Comedy. -He knows where Papa Noel (Santa Claus) is, but it is a secret that he keeps together with Finland. Some say that it is a metaphor for the spiritual purity that he preserves in himself, and many religions and myths share this idea.
-Fun facts:
-The only flag it has in its geography is the Russian one, planted in 2007. The Yupik, people from Siberia, came to mix with some Inuit groups at an early age. -On April 10, 2013, the Argentine Juan Benegas reached the geographic North Pole on foot from the Russian base Barneo, some 170 km from the target. He was accompanied by five Russians, an Italian and a Belgian. -Author also has the Antarctic Treaty, made up of Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Norway, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. -Argentina finally planted the flag in 2016, https://www.telam.com.ar/notas/201604/144574-la-primera-expedicion-nacional-al-polo-norte-planto-la-bandera-argentina-en-su-destino.html
#hetalia#hetalia oc#aph artic#artic oc#rosas headcanons#axis powers hetalia#axis powers ăăżăȘăą#hetalia axis powers#axispowershetalia#hetalia art#hws artic
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does anyone know if the rupesnigra (rupes nigra?) team will be back? their blog is back up but nothing's changed! i heard such good thing about them and was really looking forward to jumping back into au krp with them but idk if they're closing đ / hi nonnie! iâm sorry i canât be much help here, from what i know the groupâs members and admins arenât typically around and i didnât want you to be left dry! while iâm also interested in joining, thereâs really no telling if theyâll be back anytime soon without dming them yourself!
in the meantime, come try out a couple au krps open right now! itâs not that scary :) and if you open with being new, chances are youâll be helped and given patience!
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quick review of mewe aus / i'm in nocturne rn, it's really cool! i'm not sure about most of the others (was never at nightworld either), but astral dynasty and rupes nigra have been around for a long time. have a couple friends that are at those and there's a reason groups like that are still here! they're quite small right now so it'd be cool to see more people there (i'll also join one when my midterms are up). also at the seoulstice and it's lovely, not on krpverse but worth saying!
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Tierras mas allĂĄ de los Polos - RUPES NIGRA - Tierra Infinita
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thoughts on rupes nigra? / interesting concept, no actual writing with each other. people just sit around and occasionally post self paras. also it has a bit of a cultish mentality but to each their own. // echoing this, donât waste your time. / this take is old and i find it difficult to believe
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Darkness is the most purest/neutral thing in the cosmos. You canât hold it in your hand but everything you see, touch or smell comes from it. Darkness is the womb behind the stars, behind your eyelids. A place to rest oneâs consciousness. Darkness is the Mother of all colors, numbers, movement. DARKNESSđ€ is the FOUNDATION and THOUGHTđis the VIBRATION of CREATION...đ Life/ecosystem/Echo.... Mt Meru/Rupes Nigra= Black Stone
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; as they spin.
she moved like a dream on a river â always blurred by an everlasting desire to excel. she embraced her ephemerality, her disease, her â her. he watched her dance all day, all night â he would not sleep, he does not sleep. his eyes watched her feet levitate above the ground, his lips would hum to the tune â his ears would turn away from the horrible screams. in his eyes, there was only but beauty surrounding the disgraceful ballerina, the one who gave him butterflies. and he stepped closer, he allowed her to see his face in the light â no face. he is a blurred reality, he is the nightmare everyone wishes to forget, he is there when you do not want him there. his gracefulness, his gallant moves, his prince-like posture fooled her â they fool everyone. and when they danced closer, when he held her tighter â wings of darkness sprouted over her face. a terror-driven embrace, a horrid sight of sightlessness â he was no prince charming, he was nothing but void and darkness.
thorns grew out of his back, and arms â thorns without roses. they embraced his skin, they prickled every corner, every bit, every piece of his soul. he held thorns in his hands, hands full of thorns and light? â light died on his lips, and in their last kiss.
a predator cannot be prey â said the arrogant king. on the contrary, mon cher, predators are the best prey â replied the mysterious voice.
and a pained laughed, shattered words and ripped pages â he fell, he closed his eyes, he lost.
remember those nights you could not sleep? mayhap you were thinking about tomorrowâs food, or the monster under your bed â the one that claws at you every time you try to get up, and get out. the monster had no face, but when you opened your eyes he had the most beautiful face. he would whisper to you, he would tell you words, poems, sweet nothings. he would make you his puppet, his everything. and then, driven by an insane desire, you would rip out your heart â and die thrice in your dream. his looming presence would haunt you for eternity, and you will never be able to forget that faceless face.
you would often wake up with bruises on your body â painted purple-green-blue, and more. you think your dreams have turned you into an artwork â he was your dream. and when blood would drip down your legs, and when you would step on thorns â you will know for sure, he was there. you would try to find a rose, hold it in your hands, pray that this was just a dream, just a dream. but his laughter would convince you otherwise â there is something terribly wrong with a handsome face, and a flawless skin. you do not expect a sweet smile to sway you into eternal damnation â but it does. and you fall on your knees, you want to please him, you want him to tell you what to do.
kill, sweet nothing.
a black butterfly sat on his shoulder â a butterfly nibble at his ear, and another danced on his nose. they carried him away, dragged him, pulled him from a pool of red â and he fell prey to their eternal beauty. but once one choose a butterfly â millions would erupt. he stepped on butterflies on his way to the land with no name, the land of dreams â the land of nightmares. such beauty could hardly be tolerated, but he fit it â his wings would collect pollen, and his claws would be filled with flowers. his faceless head would become psychedelic â colour, upon colour, upon colour, to an infinite of abysmal deception. a soft breeze blew away a dandelion, and he followed the seeds â to the valley of everything sweet, sweet nightmares. he looked at himself in the river, the narcissus of darkness â he saw no face, he saw possibility.
I adore you, he would tell the roots, and creepy little things. because in front of him, all perished in kindness and loving childishness. in front of him death itself looked like heaven.
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Your roleplay has been added to our list of Network Members and you may begin tagging us using #krpnet!
Name of Roleplay: rupes nigra
Link to Your Roleplay: https://rupesnigra.tumblr.com/
Platform: mewe
General/Themed: themed ( supernatural horror au )
Literate/Semi-Lit/Mixed/Action?: literate
Age Limit: 18+
Mature Content?: yes
Who you accept (All Asians, etc): east asians
you should know it comes quietly; in the spillage of tears, or the counts between wake and rest. the spread is gentle, and the thrum of the earth is warped in rhythm while the rot beneath its surface begins to speak to itself, hushed. swarming. hungry.
i know youâve noticed those things, at the corners of your vision. sometimes there is shadow, and nothing that casts it. maybe a present under the bed, or birdsong in your dreams. by now, at least, i hope youâve seen the compass that itâs burned upon you, tooâ because once itâs there, my dear, it is with you, always,
and by then itâs much too late.
#application accepted#rupes nigra rp#mewe krp#krp#kpop rp#supernatural horror au#supernatural rp#kpop roleplay#rp#rpg#krpg#kroleplay#literate#lit rp#literate roleplay#krp ad#krp promo#krpnetads#krp network#mewe rp
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A map representing the âRupes Nigraâ, an imaginary magnetic mountain with a circumference of 50 km situated on the north pole, Gerardus Mercator e Jodocus Hondius, 1606.
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does anyone know if the rupesnigra (rupes nigra?) team will be back? their blog is back up but nothing's changed! i heard such good thing about them and was really looking forward to jumping back into au krp with them but idk if they're closing đ
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quick review of mewe aus on krpverse atm? //
antiferal, astral dynasty: they do what they advertise, both are pretty decent speedwise. astral dynasty has waves of activity and waves of silence
nightworld, nocturne: same base group, decent lore, lots of ooc politics. if you can tune that out and donât have anxiety easily, go for it. if youâre looking for a place thatâs just writing and none of the toxic af krp culture then avoid.
rupes nigra, the elites: the elites is new so idk anything about it. rupes nigra is slow but has never been problematic. writers i know that have mentioned being there have always been good guys. their tumblr is just hard to understand, maybe their revamp will fix it.
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