krpositivity · 2 months
If you enjoy engagements at a chill pace and focus on writing, do check out wangja-krp! The admins also seem very dedicated in running the collective! I'm a member there and it would be nice to have more like-minded people join! ♡
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krpositivity · 3 months
i really miss thought out skeleton rps. i hope people bring those back! / sent this in a month ago, now i see checkmate in the ads. thank you rp gods
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krpositivity · 3 months
Love Arcade looks so cute and exciting, i'm super duper excited for them to open and hope everything goes well! I love seeing so much colour in the tags!
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krpositivity · 3 months
I absolutely love how Fanciful admin team doesn't take any bull and are just living their best admin lives! They take breaks when needed and they aren't afraid of removing someone from the server who came to troll or give negative energy. They say they want to provide a safe space for writing and they actually do! They have been serious about staying non-toxic and drama free and I honestly feel so safe. Thank you Admins!!
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krpositivity · 3 months
i want to give a shoutout to fmhqs! the admins are very communicative and have taken a lot of feedback to help the directory, it's a shame the rp is so small now but i hope more people will give it a shot, it has the making for a lovely group if we had some more typists!
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krpositivity · 3 months
rejects is like a nostalgic blast from the past. i love the tumblr-centric aspect. muns are enthusiastic about plotting and writing with one another. no ooc forum or discord server. muns plotting through ims and tags. it's a like a warm hug and homage to the rps of yesteryear. i love it!
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krpositivity · 3 months
Runewick is really cute!! I love how the species and powers are all so well thought out but not an overwhelming amount? Room to play but such a great base and jumping off point for plots especially how they mapped out how the species feel about the other ones.
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krpositivity · 3 months
is there any active krp directories, besides from find-krp and krpgarden?
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krpositivity · 3 months
been really enjoying layover krp these past couple of weeks! it just opened and i hope it finds footing and the admins keep feeling inspired to run it! i'm excited to see how it goes and would love more people to join so i have more friends! i know it's a busy time of year for people, but it's been a while since i've been in a directory i've been this excited for. <33
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krpositivity · 4 months
talkfastkrp is wonderful! the admin is really lovely and everything is super laid back and enjoyable. it’s a little slow sometimes but everyone is welcoming and i’ve really enjoyed it. if you’re into gen rp maybe it would be nice for you too!
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krpositivity · 4 months
shouting out layover-krp! it's been super fun and pretty welcoming so far, plus i love the concept. i'm usually too shy to speak up in main group chats, but this one has been easy to show up in and the people are friendly!
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krpositivity · 4 months
i see that there's already an effort to introduce forums to muns who wants to write seriously 🥹 although it is a different mechanics to tumblr and discord rps, i hope that people would give forum roleplaying a try! best three years of my life so far!
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krpositivity · 4 months
I haven't rped in about 5-6 years with recently getting back into it and I can say I have really enjoyed my time writing and rping again. When I first initially left krp, it really left a bad taste in my mouth but I can say I've met some amazing people and its really fueled my creativity once again~
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krpositivity · 4 months
Shoutout to fanciful admin team who work really hard on creative events even when not everyone interacts with them.. Thank you for the effort!!!
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krpositivity · 4 months
i'm very excited for layover! this is a fun and exciting concept and i hope it succeeds ❤️
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krpositivity · 4 months
just curious what you guys think led to the shift of tumblr krps to other platforms? or the decrease in the number of tumblr krps in general? // from personal experience, everyone i've encountered on tumblr will want to plot on discord, so i think it's easier and more accessible if everything was already in one space. i think it also comes from the ability to have 727384855883 muses on discord under the same account with a simple discord bot! that's my theory for discord. as for mewe, i can't say. mewe already had a big following with gen but now that au/oc is getting more popular again, tumblr krpers are seeing well thought out mewe rps that pique their interest. not sure, but i personally love discord rp! so accessible and it's easy to format everything.
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krpositivity · 4 months
just curious what you guys think led to the shift of tumblr krps to other platforms? or the decrease in the number of tumblr krps in general? || tea blogs. discord and mewe are more of a closed type of groups where the writing/threading isn’t as publicly available as it is on tumblr; anyone can see it, whereas the former two you do need to be allowed into those places first. and while yes, people can be shady when they join those places too but it’s not as easily accessible for commenting and discussing on anon. and it’s a bit on both admins and members who just… don’t engage; admins who don’t take advantage of opening momentum and / or ghost rps, members who ghost.
additionally i feel like the community is getting smaller and smaller too, insofar it’s a rarity that two tumblr oc rps can be open at the same time (sans idol oc rps), let alone 3+, because there just isn’t enough people to fill them. if one place opens, most of the people are there, so the second or third etc directory can’t even fill the opening quota. which sucks because variety is nonexistent (sans idol oc rps), and if you don’t find yourself drawn to the premise of a rp that did manage to open — that’s it. you’re left there waiting weeks for someone to come up with a new directory. rinse and repeat (for example i have been waiting months for a supernatural rp to open by admins who won’t ghost). personally i miss the 2022 era but i think it’s something we will never see again on tumblr krp groups scene.
would like to know if others agree, want to add in anything to what i said, or flat out disagree.
(and to admins who still open tumblr rps or are considering: i hope your pillows are always cold, water is always fresh and crispy, creative juices overflow and so on ❤️)
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