#runs away giggling. trips. falls down the stairs.
hyuuukais · 2 days
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⋆₊‧⁺˖⋆˚.⋆ ͙͘͡★ LOOK UP TO THE STARS
pairing ▪︎ han jisung x fem reader
synopsis ▪︎ sent out on a mission to a neighbouring QZ that's gone radio silent, y/n falls into the hands of a post-rebellion group after things go terribly wrong. giving up on rejoining her squad, she joins the group on a trek to find a missing member, the group leader's sister. what's supposed to be a not-so-simple trip out and back to their base becomes a one-way ticket to the end of everything they know.
warnings ▪︎ general, mention of feeling like a burden (not yn), vomiting (not in detail)
Near-death experiences appear to have become your thing, having had another near miss when you're suddenly attacked in a wooded area by a small group of infected. At least that time you were able to save yourself, proving you can get out of a sticky situation if needed. Han has teased you relentlessly, only stopping when Chan tells him off. Even with Hyunjin he picks on you, but you give it to him as well.
By midday, everyone is tired, wordlessly begging Chan to let them take a rest. There's a long, hidden driveway creeping up a small hill that you spot up ahead. The surrounding area is quiet enough you should be able to hike up and take a break inside whatever building awaits.
"Hey." You jog up to Chan. "Up there. The houses around here are super spaced apart, so why not hole up in one for an hour or so? We can take out any infected and take turns keeping a lookout."
Chan eyes you, then swings around to face the others with a nod. "Everyone! We're gonna head up here, yeah? Take a look around for any infected and settle down for a while. I want to keep going before the sun goes down though, so do what you need to do in the time you have."
"Race you up there." A voice whispers into your ear; Han.
And so you run, and run, and run, side by side until you finally surpass him. Your laughter fills the air as you smack your hand on the door of the small house atop the hill, breathing heavily as you stumble inside. A pair of hands grab you from behind by the waist, lifting you off the ground and making you laugh even more.
"Let me go!" You manage to cough out between giggles and deep inhales. "Hyun-"
But it's not Hyunjin; it's Han.
"You can't do that," You blush, pushing him away. "Don't do that."
"Don't do what?" He smirks as he walks past you, peeking down the hallway to the right. "Make you laugh?"
"Be... intimate," You scold, following him down the hall.
There's a small set of stairs leading to three bedrooms, a bathroom, and an open closet at the end of the hallway. You step into the last bedroom, right before the closet. Clearly, it used to be a little girl's room, the name 'Hanni' painted in big yellow letters above a bed littered with worn plushies. You pick up the one closest to you, a floppy monkey missing an eye, and stare down at the photo on the nightstand. In the photo are two adults lifting a young girl up between them, undeniably happy. A heavy weight sits on your chest, and you find it hard to look away.
When you do finally tear your eyes off of the photo and go to leave the room, Han is leaning in the doorway. His breath catches when you find him staring at you, standing up straight and shoving his hands in his pockets. Blinking back unshed tears, ones you didn't realize even formed, you sit on the girl's bed. You don't invite him to sit with you, but he comes over anyway. The bed dips with his weight next to you.
"Remind you of your family?" He asks, voice softer than you thought it could be.
"No," You sniff. "No, it doesn't. I barely remember my family."
"Me too," Han says, genuine. "But Chan and the others have been my family for as long as it matters." He tries to meet your eyes, but they're glued to the monkey in your lap. "They could be yours too... if you let them."
"I don't think so." You shake your head. "Seungmin fits in fine here, but me?" Now you meet his eyes, placing the monkey aside. "Part of me thinks I'm better off alone. Yes, I have Hyunjin, and what we have is fun... but I know if it came down to it he wouldn't pick me over any of you."
Han just nods. "I feel that way too sometimes- about myself, not you. And we all know Hyunjin thinks Chan only values him for being a skilled fighter. Jeongin is constantly thinking he's not doing a good enough job because of his limited medical practice, yet being the designated doctor. We all have something."
"Why are you being so nice right now?" You sit further back on the bed, legs stretched out in front of you. "I thought you'd agree and say I should leave or something."
"Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate you." Han follows your actions, sitting back next to you. "It's fun to press your buttons."
"Oh, screw you." Laughing, you toss the discarded monkey at Han's chest.
He grabs the toy as you hit him with it, hands overlapping. For a moment, your heart speeds up, stuck on him. Your hand falls away when someone starts calling your names through the house, shuffling off the bed to join the others. Ignoring the way your heart is still pounding and the way your palms sweat, you greet Hyunjin with a peck on the cheek. He smiles down at you, replying with one on your temple. Soon after, Han emerges into the main room you're all standing in.
It's small, the living space, with a half-wall separating the kitchen ahead. To the left is a dining room with a long oval table, chairs knocked over, with table cloths and placemats moth-eaten. Remnants of a broken vase are scattered overtop, but plates set for dinner intact. You wonder what the family who lived here was like; were they about to sit and eat when the outbreak happened?
"We'll stay here for an hour or so," Chan announces. "I'm going to take a look around the perimeter, any volunteers wanna come with?"
You raise your hand.
"Alright. Y/n and I will go while the rest of you check the house and make sure it's safe. If anything goes wrong, you shout for us." His hands brush over his sheathed weapons. "We'll try and be quick. If we aren't back before the hour is up, assume we're dead and move on."
"Cheery," You whisper to Hyunjin, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"As always," He sighs, pressing his lips onto yours for what could be the last time.
Sticks and leaves crunch underfoot, no clear path to walk on. Chan walks slightly ahead of you with a hand on his gun, pausing to carefully mark trees with orange tape.
"Why the tape?" You asked before when he said he needed to grab something from his bag first.
"Knowing our group, someone'll wander off. This is so they know they've gone a bit too far and should probably head back," he said. "We might end up staying the night."
"How come?" You asked.
"To rest up fully," he said, only partially truthful.
There was more to it, something troubling him or one of the others who regularly confide in him. Something you weren't in on. Moments like that is what made you feel misplaced, like you weren't supposed to be apart of this journey. You should have left when you had the chance. Leaving now would be unfair to the group and you knew that; no matter how you felt, you needed to help them get to Chan's sister as much as you can.
"When'd you and Han meet?" You try to make conversation. "He said some stuff that made it seem you've known each other a long time."
An absent smile graces his features. "Ah, say ten years ago? He was a scared, angry little kid with a sharp eye. Still don't know where he learned to shoot so well at such a young age."
He stops to mark another tree, giving you take a second to look around. You're not too deep into the woodsy area, still able to make out the shape of the house if you squint hard enough, and you've made it almost all the way back around. There's been no sign of people or infected alike, birds chirping and squirrels chattering being the only noises. The sun has already started to set, golden beams hitting your bodies through the branches and creating a halo on Chan's head.
Hyunjin greets you at the door when you return, having offered to take first watch while the others take a break. Chaeryeong is out on the back porch occasionally strolling into view through the glass double doors leading to the wide backyard. Taking a seat next to Jeongin on the old, holey couch, you close your eyes with a sigh. No one bothers the two of you until Felix comes by with plates of previously canned food he made while you were on the verge of passing out. You take it gratefully, inhaling it rather than eating it.
In the corner of your eye, Jeongin rubs his leg around his right knee and calf, eyes shut in concentration. When he stands to head outside for some air, you notice the slight limp he walks with. It's barely noticeable, each step intentional. You don't ask about it when he comes back inside and sits back down, leg outstretched.
"Heading to bed yet?" Han swings his gun down onto his lap as he sits on the armchair to your left.
"Soon," You yawn, opening your eyes with difficulty. "I have to switch out with Chan in a couple of hours."
Before Han can reply, Hyunjin sits next to you on the arm of the couch and places a soft kiss on your forehead. You can practically feel Han rolling his eyes, getting up and walking away irritated. Why is he always like this? The moment you and Hyunjin do anything, he's annoyed.
"Is he like, jealous or something?" You sit up, arms crossed as you watch him slide the double doors open and step out, immediately striking up a conversation with Felix.
"Probably, but that's not our problem." Hyunjin slides into the spot between you and the arm, effectively squishing you.
You sigh. "Have you guys ever gotten along?"
"What? We get along fine," Hyunjin looks at you confused.
"Could have fooled me." Hyunjin opens his mouth, but you cut him off before he can start. "I'm gonna get some sleep before my shift, okay? See you later."
With a quick peck on his lips, you leave Hyunjin alone. The last thing you need right now is a deep-dive into Han and Hyunjins friendship, tired enough to sleep for a few years at least. Your brain is mush, not unlike a zombie's you imagine, unable to think full sentences anymore until after you've taken a chance to rest.
By this point in the day, everyone can tell you aren't leaving until early morning if you can help it. The sun has descended almost fully, leaving the world in hues of blue as night takes over. Other than you, Jeongin is the only one who hasn't taken a shift to watch yet. You figure he'll be paired with you, him switching off with Felix when you wake up. Drifting to sleep is easier than you thought it would be, brain turning off and leading you into a dreamless rest. When you do wake, there's a slight ache in your leg, but you ignore it as you rub the sleep out of your eyes and head to the front door where Chan should be.
"Listen, I don't want you getting hurt," Chan's voice is low, easily heard from where you stand by the open door. He hasn't noticed you there yet. "Let us take watch and go back inside, okay? I saw the way you were earlier, I know it's bothering you."
"I can deal." Jeongin sounds frustrated. "I don't want to be a burden-"
"Hey," Chan cuts him off sharply. "Don't ever think you're a burden. Never. Because you're not, you just need some extra rest, yeah? Bad days happen."
"Fine," Jeongin sighs and you open the door, pretending you heard nothing.
"Chan, you heading in?" You ask.
He nods. "Jeongin's feeling a bit under the weather, so Felix is gonna keep watch of the back a little longer until Chaeryeong is awake."
"Sounds good," you force a smile. You want to know what's wrong, but you don't want to press either. "Sleep well guys. The bed at the end of the hall has some plushies that are comfortable to lay your head on if you want."
Late in the night, you hear a distant cry. Instantly your gun is in your hand, knife in the other as you gaze out into the trees and down the hidden driveway. Although it sounded fairly animalistic, you know by now you can't take the chance of ignoring it. The sounds of the infected wandering the world varied from almost human, to sounds you can't compare to anything but the stuff of nightmares. When you hear the cry again, louder this time, you jog down the steps of the front stone porch and around the back, whispering to Felix. Chaeryeong is still asleep, but should be waking up soon to switch out.
You find Felix on the other side of the yard, weapon drawn and focused on the surrounding woods. Did he hear the same sounds as you, or did he hear something else back here? Hoping it's the former, you approach him quietly, careful not to scare him by accident. He must have seen you coming, holding up a hand behind his back to signal you to stop, and you do, bringing you own weapons up. The cry is louder again, but ever so slightly different than the one you heard.
"Lix, I think we need to get inside," You whisper, inching closer. "I heard something in the front too."
"If it's only two, we can take them out," He whispers back. "Any sign of more and I'll head in. You should probably go back to the front."
Frustrated with his answer, you obey and go back to your position. You're about to walk down the driveway when you see them; easily thirty infected beings are headed your way, but have yet to spot you. With a hand over your mouth, you crouch down by the wall of the house, moving as fast as you can to where you left Felix alone. As you turn the corner, you can see him backing away in the same crouched position as you. When he starts moving back to the house, you make eye contact and he makes a gesture with his hand to get back inside. Like you were going to do anything else.
Once inside, he breathes deeply as if he'd been holding his breath and you do the same. Outside, zombies are starting to emerge from the trees and wander across the yard. There's too many of them to be able to leave the area safely, opting to find everyone in the house and let them know the situation. Felix leaves to report to Chan, knowing he'll likely be with Jeongin and Han, and you go to find Chaeryeong sleeping on the same kids bed you did, waking her with a small shake and telling her to get to the others in the main room. Next is Hyunjin, but you see him exiting another bedroom with Chan, Jeongin, and Felix.
"Where's Han?" You make sure to keep your voice low. "Wasn't he with you guys?"
Chan shakes his head, jaw clenching. "Nope, he's the only one unaccounted for." He ushers everyone further into the house and down the hallway, stopping in front of the first bedroom on the left. "Everyone stay in here. Use the furniture to block the door in case some stragglers get inside and cover up the window. Stay low and out of sight, stay quiet, and most importantly, stay together, okay?"
"You're making this sound like you're not coming," Chaeryeong points out.
"Because I'm not, and before you can protest," he holds up a hand. "Jisung is family to me. I need to make sure he's safe."
"He's family to all of us," Hyunjin steps in. "And so are you."
With a sigh, Chan looks down. "I know."
"Let me go," You say, maybe a bit too loud.
Seungmin's head pops up sharply. "Absolutely not."
"If anything happens to me, it won't be nearly as devastating as it would be with Chan or Han," you look away from the others, losing courage just a bit from their stares. "I'm quick and I'm quiet when I need to be and will be in and out like that. He can't have gone too far anyway."
"Y/n, you can't seriously-" Hyunjin starts, but is cut off by Chan holding up a hand again.
"She has a point."
The others avoid your eyes now, nonverbally agreeing that you should be the potential sacrifice. Really nice to have that confirmed. Without another word, you leave the group, about to leave out the back doors when someone grabs your wrist.
"See you later?"
You give Seungmin a sad smile, knowing later isn't likely. "See you later."
A chill runs down your spine, from the cold or the sheer amount of infected, you don't know. From what you learned in your time at the QZ, the undead don't see as well at night and you need to use that to your advantage, whether it's true or not. Everything you've learned has become questioned knowledge; were they feeding you lies, always planning on sending you out to die? Or did any of the information you learned mean something?
Belly to the grass, you shuffle forward on your forearms in the direction Felix mentioned before you left the building. Of course, out of all people you were risking your life for it had to be Han Jisung. Not Hyunjin, not Seungmin, not even Chan? Han? Really? When you find him and are back safely, you are gonna rip him a new one for being so careless. What happened to the buddy system? Too good for him, apparently, too confident in his abilities.
Up ahead, you spot his gun lying among the sticks and leaves by a tree and your heart drops. Closer, you can see claw marks a couple feet up the tree trunk, a ripped piece of clothing hanging from a branch further up. Half of it is painted red, soaked in blood, and breathing is suddenly difficult. You're about to stand up carefully, a plan to climb the tree, but the minute you're in a crouched position an infected walks right by you. You stay still, letting it pass. Thinking you're in the clear, you look back at it only to find it staring at you and now you do stop breathing. It's head tilts, observing, but doesn't move. After what feels like years, it turns back around and continues on it's way.
Releasing a deep breath, you make your way up the tree slowly. Thankfully the branches get stronger the higher you go, and you're more confident the infected won't hear you climb faster.
"Y/n? What the fuck?" You nearly fall off your branch at the sound of Han's voice. "What are you doing out here?"
Securing yourself on the same thick branch he sits on, you look at him with wide eyes. "I could ask you the same thing!"
You shift around, now straddling the branch.
"I had to take a bathroom break, is that so bad?" He huffs.
"Yeah, it is. At least, when you don't tell anyone or take anyone with you and make everyone worried because a giant horde of zombies came out of nowhere!" You whisper shout at him, furious. "Chan was gonna come out here looking for you."
"Why didn't he?" Han's eyebrows furrow.
"Didn't think it was worth the trip," You frown when he gives you a dejected look. "Kidding. I volunteered since he's too important to the group."
"Again with the self-sacrificial shit." He rolls his eyes. "I can tell you now the horde is starting to thin. I'm not seeing nearly as many as I did running up this tree like a squirrel."
You snort. "You know, you kinda look like a squirrel."
"Felix says the same thing," Han shrugs. "We should be able to sneak back soonish."
You remember the cloth hanging from a lower branch. "Did you get bitten?"
"No," He shakes his head. "Just a scratch."
Lifting his leg over the branch, you can see the rip in the thigh of his cargo pants and the cut underneath.
"It looks worse than it is."
"Doesn't look bad to me." You lean back against the trunk as he swings his leg back over, taking the same straddling position as you. "Just a scratch really."
"Okay Miss Leg-That-Got-Crushed." He rolls his eyes again, and you seriously consider pushing him off your shared branch.
Looking down, you can barely see the ground below and wonder how Han can be so sure the zombies are leaving the area so soon. It's been what, an hour? Taking a chance, hoping he's not wrong, you begin your descent. You're careful and slow as you go down, teeth grinding together when a boot makes contact with your fingers at one point. You use your other hand to punch Han's ankle until his foot finally moves.
Once you hit the ground, you're immediately on your belly again and taking in your surroundings. Han is next to you in the same position, but after a few minutes you get up into a crouch, no sight of infected in your vision.
"Huh," You whisper. "Where'd they all go?"
Your question is answered as soon as you break through the trees. There's a smaller crowd of infected fighting their way into the house, clawing at the back doors with fervor. You stop walking, grabbing Han's arm as he readies his gun.
"No, stop it." You examine the group. "Gunshots will alert others in the area if they haven't already. Take this." You hand him a knife. "We need to be smart about this or neither of us will live to see the sunrise."
Taking your knife in his hand, he nods and follows your lead as you circle around to the back of the group and whistle once, twice, until you've got the attention of a few in the back. The night gives you the advantage of misleading them, whistling the few that notice you away. They stumble down the steps of the porch, hands clawing the air in search of you. You whistle again. Two break off from the group, about five, and you signal to Han to go left. You watch him sneak up from the back, and you do the same to the one on the right. Quick and quiet, you take them out with a knife to the back of the neck.
The bodies fall silently, using your own body to help bring them down. The other three are nearing the tree line, which you could leave them to wander away, but you know they'll just come back if you mess this up. With a knife in each hand, you get close enough to throw them expertly into the skulls of the two closest to you. You're about to take out the last one, but something flies past your head, nailing it in the middle of the forehead, body falling limp. You look back to see Han bringing down a slingshot with a smirk on his face.
You retrieve your knives from the fallen bodies and rejoin Han, whistling again. This time, more detach from the others, a group of about eight.
"Shit," Han whispers beside you. "That's... a lot at once."
"I have three knives to throw and another I can keep on me, how much ammo do you have?"
He pats a small pouch tied to a belt loop. "Enough. I refilled this thing before we left and have only used it once."
You nod and wait until the group has broken up, one straying away from the groups of three and four. "Which group do you want?"
"You only want four to prove something," You say, eyeing him. "Don't lose something instead."
Before he can respond, you're off to where the group of three has wandered to the left side of the house. Three knives, three chances. The first is a success, the second landing too low into the back and you curse yourself, throwing the last into its skull as it turns around. The third spots you, having gotten a little too close for the night to cover you. A low growl leaves its mouth and it stalks toward you.
"Now or never," You say to yourself, ready to dodge an attack.
Something grabs you from behind; the straggler. How do you keep getting yourself in these situations? Good fucking job.
Hooking a leg behind the straggler, you're able to send the two of you backward, hitting the ground hard enough that it lets go of you. Sharp nails pierce your skin as you roll away, drawing blood when you rip your arm out of its hold. Dirt comes up as it digs its hands into the earth, crawling toward you. With a hard kick to the head, it stops moving long enough for you to have time to stick a knife under its chin and through the mouth, blood pouring down your hand. You can hear the other coming for you, standing up with a death grip on your knife. It makes a move to grab you, but you successfully dodge, landing a slash to its arm. Dark blood seeps through the fabric of the flannel it wears, the arm rendered useless from the depth of your attack.
"C'mon Y/n, just one more." You run at it, jumping on its back and yanking the head back by the hair, slashing its neck all in one swift movement.
When you get off the body, you see Han moving toward the porch steps and your eyes go wide. Is he seriously going to take the rest on himself? There are about six left and you can see the four already did some damage, red streaks running down the side of his face from his hairline, and the slight limp worse.
"Dammit, Han."
It doesn't take much for the infected to notice Han when he first steps up, the wood underneath breaking under his weight with a loud crunch. With the sun starting to rise, they spot him almost immediately. Why isn't he moving? Then you notice- his foot is stuck. Oh, you are so going to tease him for this later. That is, if there is a later.
Jumping over the edge of the porch fence, you whistle again and gain the attention of three of the infected, the other three descending on Han. Dodging left and right, scratches here and there, you get to the top of the steps where the infected are almost on him. He has his slingshot out, but slips backward, still trying to free his foot, and lands on his back, weapon flying out of his grip. Your knife pierces the back of the closest one's neck, yanking the body back so it doesn't fall and knock the others onto the man you're trying to save.
"Look, I'm saving your life for once!" You shout over the infecteds gargling and crying.
"Shut it!" is the only response you get.
The next one slips down a step, sending the one closest to Han directly on top of him. It's about to take a bite, but Han is quicker, grabbing its head, and snapping its neck. You're about to send your knife through the hundredth skull of the night, but a force knocks you into the fence. You almost forgot about the others. As you hit the wood, your breath is knocked out of you, and your knife, out of your hand.
The infected that pushed you cages you against the fence and you think back to the bridge. If you try and pull the same stunt, at least you won't fall as far. But this one seems to be smarter, faster, not taking the time to scream at you, but instead dives into your neck. There's barely any time to process, sticking your arm in between your bodies right before contact. Saliva drips onto your skin, running down your shirt. It pushes forward, desperate for a bite of sweet flesh.
"Han!" You shout; you need to know he'd at least make it out.
"Right here!" His voice is oddly close. "Hold on just a bit longer!"
This is it, you think as its mouth gets closer and closer to your neck, I'm gonna die. In front of Han Jisung.
Fighting back tears, your arm shakes under the weight of its strength, begging you to give up. In this world, it's inevitable, no? Why not let it take you out sooner than later?
"By the way," Han grabs the infected from behind. "You're not allowed to die."
He makes eye contact with you as he snaps its neck, your chest heaving. You stare at him with wide eyes, taking in the amount of blood on his body, not that you look any better. The way he looks at you, his own chest rising and falling in the same quick manner, makes you squirm.
A door slides away, and Chan steps out of the house. You don't have to look at him to know he's angry, pushing Han by the chest to look at him.
"Where were you? Explain yourself, now."
"Nature called at a bad time?" Han tries to joke, but his half-smile falters under Chan's gaze. "I'm sorry, I really didn't think I'd be out so long."
"God, at least tell someone where you're going next time!" Chan brings him into a crushing hug. "We thought you were dead."
"Me? Dead?" He breaks the hug, face tinged red. Although, that could honestly just be more blood. No, it's definitely a blush. Hard to tell. "Please."
Chan finally looks at you, jaw clenching at your state. You must look a lot worse than you feel with a stare like that. What you don't expect is Chan to approach you, to give you the same tight hug as he did Han. You don't hug back at first, too stunned by the sudden physical contact, but as he starts to pull back, your arms wrap around his back.
"You smell bad."
"We all smell bad," You laugh.
You hold on longer than you mean to, not realizing just how much you miss physical affection. Thinking back to sharing beds with Yeji and Yuna, teasing Minho and him holding you at night to keep you warm before you got to the QZ; it's hard to stay together in front of Chan, and you think that's why he lets you be the one to break the hug. Now you have Hyunjin, but it isn't the same.
"I needed that," You say low, looking down at your feet.
"C'mon," He puts a hand on your shoulder, leading you to the door. "Let's get back inside. Sun's almost up, gotta head out soon."
Giving him a tight smile, you head to the small bedroom to grab your bag where you left it on the bed. As you turn to leave the room, you spot the stuffed monkey hanging half off the bed. Should you be taking unnecessary items with you? No. But will you be shoving this monkey into your bag for future times of comfort? Absolutely.
Everyone is already gathered outside by the time you get there, securing weapons, tightening bag straps, whatever they need to do before officially leaving. The sun isn't quite up yet, leaving a chill in the air and making you shiver, wrapping your jacket around you better. Your arm stings where the fabric rubs against where the infected scratched; you should probably put a bandage on that.
"How's your leg?" You walk up to where Han is sitting on the ground, Felix dressing the wound at his hairline with Jeongin behind him.
"Better now that these two did something about it." He winces as Felix puts alcohol on the open cut, cleaning the blood running down Han's face while he's at it. "How's your arm?"
"Your arm?" Jeongin quirks an eyebrow at you.
"Right, about that." You put your bag by your feet and take off the right arm of your jacket revealing the dried blood underneath. "Got scratched during everything last night and almost forgot about it until now. I saw you guys with the medical supplies and thought I'd grab a bandage."
Jeongin grabs your upper arm gently, examining the three scratch marks. "Y/n these are pretty deep, sit down and I'll sew you up."
"Are they?" Sitting down, you take another look and see fresh blood trickling down the side of your arm. "Oh shit, I guess they are- ah."
It stings when Jeongin uses the same alcohol Felix used for Han on your arm, biting your lip and eyes squeezed shut. The pinprick of a needle is felt soon after and you fist the end of your jacket with your free hand to avoid digging your nails into your skin. Someone is rubbing at your back, but you still can't open your eyes to see who it is.
"You're doing good," you recognize Hyunjin's voice in your ear. "Almost there. That's it."
When there's a pat on your arm, you open your eyes and your fist unclenches. Where there used to be an angry, red wound, is now a white wrapping with a tinge of blood seeping through in the middle. Although your arm is still sore, you ignore it, putting your jacket back on and standing with Hyunjin's help, not that you need it.
"Ready to go?" Chan asks loud enough for everyone to hear.
You're about to follow him down the driveway when you remember something fairly important.
"I forgot something," You blurt. "I'll be quick so you can keep walking."
Chan nods. You jog back around the house, seeing the bodies of the infected scattered across the yard in the oncoming daylight. Making your way to the ones on the left side of the house, you notice something as you get closer; a nametag is pinned to one's shirt reading Hanni, one that you killed last night. A cold feeling runs down your body as you take in its- her- apron, the name long rubbed off the chest. Her nails are painted a chipped baby pink, a silver band on her left ring finger.
Suddenly, you feel ill. The world is moving although you are still and nausea hits you in intense waves as you come to a realization, something you should have had in mind before. These things you fight were once real people with real lives and real families, not creatures who spawned one day with evil intent. No, they all had to turn into this, and you feel so sick. With a shaky hand, you grip under her chin and pull you knife out, sheathing it at your thigh. As dark blood trickles out of the hole you made, you hunch over at her side and heave.
"Why are you taking so damn long- oh shit, are you okay?"
"Why do you keep seeing me at my most embarrassing moments?" You wipe your mouth, avoiding his eyes.
"To keep you on your toes," Han says, crouching next to you. "Seriously, are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"You literally just threw up."
"I'm fine," You insist.
"Vomit, anger, first thing in the morning," Han strokes his chin, pretending to think hard. "Hyunjin didn't...?"
"Oh, what the fuck is wrong with you?" You smack him in the shoulder, but barely contain a laugh. "No, it's just... kind of hit me that they were like us once. Her name's Hanni, like in the bedroom. Do you think she was visiting home?"
"Try not to think about it, it makes them easier to kill." Han stands up and sticks a hand out; you take it. "Not that it's easy."
You retrieve your other knives quicker, not stopping to look at the man attached to one. When you rejoin the group at the end of the driveway, Chan gives you a funny look. It's like he can sense when something's wrong, and you hope he can't read minds.
Like that, you're on the road again. You notice neither Han nor Jeongin are limping anymore, and that Chan has a new wrapping on his left forearm. Chaeryeong is wearing her hair up, revealing a tattoo you hadn't noticed before of a lightning bolt, the rest hidden underneath her collar. The sunrise has popped over the horizon and into your eyes, but you can't help but notice how the golden rays bring out the freckles on Felix's face or the glow of Hyunjin's skin. Seungmin walks beside you, stoic as ever, but when Jeongin says something to him quietly, you catch a glimpse of his wide smile and can't contain your own.
These are real people, your people, whether you feel it completely or not yet. They have their histories, their lives, their secrets and desires and fears and loves. And so do you, and so do the people lying dead in a backyard kilometers behind you now. Right now, you hold onto the view of the people around you, and you hope that will be enough in the end.
notes ▪︎ how are we feeling so far? these people rlly can't catch a break, huh...... lol. it only gets worse from here, so, yk. :33
─── taglist : @chaeryred @toplinelix @channie-143 @staysinbloom @manuosorioh @hanjisunglover @xxstrayland @puppyminnnie @hanjsquokka @kpopsstuffs @ot8girlfie @quokkabite @linoslawayslinos @reapers-lover @hyunjinslittlestar @kiki0113 @nishiriks @nxtt2-u
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boxfullaturtles · 10 months
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"Red is only two but he's getting so big!" "If he keeps going at this rate, you won't be able to pick him up by the time he's five, Yoshi!" "...oh." "Ah, now, hang on, don't cry! No, no, Yoshi, don't--don't do this, don't cry! Oh no..."
am i using the @tmnt-event-blog as an excuse to explore my Choosing Hope AU? maybe. should i be writing Adagio? yes. do i regret anything? also maybe.
anyway! enjoy this little tidbit! dunno when/if i'll do another lol
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buckyalpine · 7 months
A thot. A smutty, slutty, scandalous thot. With Bodyguard Bucky. Possessiveness, size kink, breeding kink, all of it. Now, imagine being the sweet, quiet, beautiful wife of the esteemed John Walker, CEO of Walker Industries. You sit at his table, clapping with the proudest smile on your face as he accepts an award for another successful year. Your husband dedicates all his success to the beautiful woman who has supported him through all the ups and downs, who has been by his side through it all.
You blow a shy kiss in his direction when the cameras pan over to you, giggling at the wink he throws back. The press will have a field day about the most envied couple in the world, so perfect and so in love. As the night nears its end, your husband gives your hand a squeeze from where he sits beside you, leaning over to whisper in your ear.
"Going to have to stop by office darling, one our major investors just called" He kisses your cheek affectionately with an apologetic look on his face but the understanding smile you give him back lets him know you're not the least bit upset.
"Of course, I'll miss you" You reply and take a sip from your champagne, appearing oblivious to the glances that are thrown your way by the others as your husband leaves without you, his secretary following closely behind him.
All the hushed whispers.
Poor woman has no idea.
All the secrets.
Just a pretty thing on his arm, probably doesn't have a clue.
Doesn't have a clue her husband has been carrying on with his secretary late into the nights and all through out his business trips.
Such a shame she's none the wiser. Has no one thought to tell her? Pity she's genuinely so in love with him.
Truly such a shame, wasn't it?
Such a shame your husband had no idea your bodyguard fucked your brains out till he busted balls deep in side you every chance he got.
Bucky doesn't say a word as he leads you out of the venue, his arm wrapped protectively around your waist, helping you into the car. As soon as he slipped in beside you, you rolled up the dark partition before slinking onto his lap and slamming your lips against his. Bucky groaned against your lips, his hands finding their way home to grope and spank your ass, guiding your hips to grind down on his erection straining against his black pants.
"Need me to take care of you, huh princess" He murmured against the shell of your ear before going back to lacing his tongue with yours causing a shiver to run down your spine, nipping his pouty lip and grasping onto the lapels of his blazer.
No time was wasted as you straightened yourself out upon entering your home, quickly dismissing the staff to leave for the night, giving you free reign to do as you pleased.
As soon as the house was empty, he tossed you over his shoulder, striding up the stairs and straight to the master bedroom. He dropped you onto your large bed, tearing your dress in half down the middle, letting the material fall away at your feet.
"Fuck this" He grabbed your left hand, tugging off the wedding band you wore for appearances and tossing it carelessly across the room. He took off the silver tog tags that hung around his neck, slipping them over your head and letting his name sit perfectly between your breasts, the sight making him feral.
"Didn't even bother with panties" Bucky licked his lips at the sight of your bare naked body, not even a tiny sliver of lace covering your modesty. "You knew, didn't you"
"Always" You purred, knowing damn well your husband would fuck off to bang his desperate little secretary, unknowingly also giving you the night of your life you so badly craved. You crawled to the middle of the bed, your legs spread while Bucky tossed his blazer and shirt off, his pants and brief's quick to follow.
"Lookit you baby, so naughty, fuckin' your bodyguard in the same bed your husband sleeps in"
You let out a needy whimper while he stayed at the edge of the bed enjoying the view, his hand coming down to wrap around his cock giving himself long, languid strokes.
"James, please" you pleaded with a pout but Bucky just smirked in return, hissing as he swiped his thumb over the wet slit of his cockhead.
"I know prinţesă, I know, let me look at how pretty you are" He cooed, joining you on the bed and slotting himself between your legs. You wrapped your arms around his thick shoulders while he let his cock slip between your folds, rolling his hips to hump against your bare cunt. "You're soaked angel, been waiting for this, hm?"
"Wanted you so bad, need you James" Your hips bucked up, chasing the feeling of his fat cock rubbing against you, his swollen cockhead bumping your clit every time he pushed forward. "No teasing, please, missed your cock so bad"
"Shhh, you have me baby, m'right here, yeah?" Bucky kissed away the tears that started to slip down your cheeks, your arousal smearing all over his balls. He guided his dripping cockhead to press against your clit making you cry out, circling his most sensitive parts against yours, "M'right here, feel that angel? Y'feel how wet m'getting for you baby, right on that pretty clit, such a good girl letting me jus' leak all over her slutty little pussy, fuck theres so much precum 'nd m'not even inside you yet"
You'd never felt more empty, clawing at Bucky's back, your pussy fluttering and clenching over the way his silky tip kept tracing circles around your throbbing, sensitive bud. He flicked his cockhead across your clit a few times before lining himself up with your entrance.
"S'fuckin' tight, sh-shit" Bucky moaned as he started to press into you, sliding all the way home in one swift motion. He stayed still, holding your body close to his while your legs wrapped around his waist, your heels digging into his ass, begging for him to do something.
"Move Jamie, please, c'mon, fuck me damn it, I need you, I need- FUCCKK" Your words slurred into sobs as Bucky started to fuck you hard and fast, already too needy with having to get a night alone with you.
"Needed me huh angel? fuckin' needed you too, s'all I think about pretty girl, just me n' you, how-oh fuck- how are you so tight around my cock" Bucky rambled, bringing his knee up to get a deeper angle, his hands coming to lace with yours, pinning you against the mattress.
"Missed-fuck-missed you Jamie" You whimpered, your pussy squeezing and sucking his cock back in,
"My baby loves her fat cock, I know, know you're so empty when I can't fill you up sweet girl, you love your bodyguard's big dick don't you" The taunt in his voice only got you off more, your eyes rolling back as he continued to rail you. "You're pussy's choking me so tight, don't think I can hold back tonight princess, don't think I'll be able to pull out"
"Don't" you whispered and something in the air switched, the highly charged sexual tension replaced with something more desperate and needy as you clung onto each other reading closer and closer to your highs.
"Mmph, y'can't say that, gonna wet your bed with my cum prinţesă, you'd like that wouldn't you, my cum covering all your sheets, your pillows smelling like me, letting me fill you up till your belly gets all swollen"
Bucky's voice melted into a whine, his dominance faltering into something needier, quickly shoving the thought away because he knew there was no chance. It would never happen. You'd never be so careless for such an accident to happen.
"Want it Jamie, want it all with you, please, don't-fuck, oh God-don't pull out" Your glassy eyes wet with tears showed no signs of deception but it couldn't be. He searched your gaze and you could see the innocence in his face wishing this were real, the way his body moved with yours, wishing it was just you and him. "St-stopped taking birth control"
Bucky sobbed at your confession, fucking you harder, making the headboard slam against the wall with his powerful thrusts. His hips snapped , shoving his cock all the way into your pussy, his balls growing heavier at the thought of leaving a piece of him inside of your fertile womb.
"you're fuckin' mine, you hear me? Mine. Mine. Mine. Say it!" Bucky grunted, biting your neck making you scream, your back arching off the bed, pressing your chest further against his.
"M'yours, all yours, just' yours" You slurred out, eyes rolling back and your moans turning nearly silent as immense pleasure crept down your spine.
"Gonna put my baby in you, make you mine forever, fuck your husband, your gonna be the mother of my child, just you prinţesă, all you, ALL YOU" Bucky roared against your neck as he shot ropes of his cum deep in your pussy, giving you harsh, sloppy thrusts as he grew more sensitive. He wrapped his arms around your body with his face tucked into your neck, shuddering at the feeling of your soft hands caressing his back, running your fingers through his soft cropped locks.
You hardly noticed him carrying you over to his room down the hall, tucking you into the warm sheets, resting your head on his chest, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I love you" You murmured, smiling at the empty space on your ring finger and feeling the comforting coolness of his chain around your neck.
One day.
"I love you more, prinţesă" Bucky murmured, meaning every word as you both drifted off to sleep.
You couldn't wait to leave your husband.
a/n: This was meant to be way sluttier and less in the feels so might need to revisit this with a different version
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gorejo · 10 months
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▸ RUDOLPH - GOJO SATORU. (forbes30!gojo au)
synopsis: you've heard your boyfriend scream three times in your life. once in a haunted mansion, another when he thought a certain gremlin was supposedly dead, and lastly... after a shower, down the stairs as he sulked practically naked with only a towel covering his hips — a total drama queen.
content: 3.5 k words, unedited. reader is satoru's girlfriend, she/her pronouns. a little snippet of Toji and his babies (Megumi and Tsumki), noncanon complaint. it's a little suggestive, but it should be okay to be deemed sfw ◡̈ can be read on its own, but this is part of the forbes30!au !!
kudos to you if you know which scene from a popular studio ghibli movie inspired me. because you can't convince me gojo isn't him ◡̈ header from @/ooreonii from twt
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“AHHH ahhHHHH!” 
There was no one else who could scream like that but him. 
You heard it once or twice. No, it’s thrice — including today, in which Satoru’s done it twice already.
Once, it was at a haunted mansion during college with his hands all clammy, his body jolting with every jumpscare. And with a trembling voice, he would try to protect you from the actors.
The conclusion? Well, he ended up needing to be escorted out because he nearly knocked someone out with his fist screaming, accidentally breaking the majority of the set, including a cast member’s nose while at it, “get the fuck away, you gremlin!”
“It’s the heart that matters…” Suguru mumbled, shaking his head while standing beside you, both pitifully watching Satoru catch his breath under the shade, body slumped with his legs spread out while chugging some water. 
Escorted is kindly speaking for what he did — kicked out is more exact. 
The second time was when he thought Megumi was dead. The pure shock in his eyes when he found the little boy unmoving with arms flayed like a starfish in the middle of the living room, unresponsive to his teasing chimes when entering through the door. 
“My little brats, look what I bought — what the fuck?!” Satoru’s body immediately retaliated, tripping on his way as he ran to the living room with one shoe barely on.
You can’t forget the shrill in his voice when he saw Megumi with red splattered all over his chest, the rise and fall of his agile body barely visible. 
With his lips quivering, Satoru hurriedly dropped to his knees to check the boy’s responsiveness, only to almost faint — going from heaven and down because god decided to boot him back to earth — when Megumi suddenly woke up, with his hands mimicking a ghost, 
“Boo!” The boy stated with the littlest of emotions, face paling with nonchalance. 
“AHHH ahhHHHH!” your boyfriend screamed, falling back with his chest huffing for air and his cerulean eyes about to pop out of his sockets while his glasses landed crooked on his nose.
It was ketchup. 
And off on the side, you could hear a little girl giggling while peeping at the scene from the small corner of the hall, trying to record it all on her phone cutely strapped around her neck.
“I’m going to tell your dad,” Satoru grunted while lying down, pulling the little boy on top of him while squishing his chubby cheeks, “I should just throw you in the dumpster and tell your dad you ran away, you brat.”
“Otou-san said you can’t,” Megumi muttered, sticking out his tongue, his small hands struggling to grasp around Satoru’s wrists with a furrow to his dark brows.
And running over from the corner, giggling while she plopped herself on top of her brother, Satoru released a deep grunt from the impact.
“Papa said he’ll kick your ass if you do, Satoru-kun!” Tsumiki giggled while showing him the front screen of her phone, flashing him a toothless smile.
“You did not just call your dad!” Satoru immediately grabbed it when he saw who it was, the utter annoyance of his face dispelling with each second he was on call.
“I hope my kids are well, Gojo-kun,” a deeper voice radiated from Tsumiki’s cell, one with more maturity and weight, “and will not be found in some dumpster when I come back, right?”
Satoru’s face sours and a frown immediately forms, “Hey! At least pay me — Ow!” he grunted while Tsumiki made her way down to attack her next victim – the locks of his white hair. 
“As I was saying, at least pay me to clean up after these brats,” he slightly turned around to see the little girl playing with his hair, her nimble fingers painfully unaware of the strength they beheld when she tugged at his strands, “Tsumiki-chan ow! Be gentle with the hair please…” he pleaded before giving her father back his attention, “I’m not your company’s intern anymore!” 
“You're already rich, don’t be so selfish with money Gojo-kun,” the man sarcastically nagged.  
“Maybe we can cordially talk when you make it into the top ten of the list,” Toji further teased. Clearly, your boyfriend’s vexed expressions were the fuel for further aggravating him, “until then you’re always be my intern.”
“You fuck at least put —” you instantly close his mouth with your hand, giving him a quick glare to shut his mouth. 
“Good afternoon Zenin-san,” you smiled unsure why the screen was so dimly lit, but your attention quickly gathered to your boyfriend trying to lick your palm. 
Pulling away when you felt his warm tongue swirling around your palm, you glared down at Satoru cheekily smiling back with a wink.
"I like it when you put me in place."
“Satoru that’s gross —”
“Well, it’s actually 2 am here," Toji cleared his throat, "but I presume Satoru’s keeping things pg friendly,” the older man smirked, the edge of his scarred lip slightly tugging upward when he noticed your mortified expression — he’s topless, completely bare with his pectorals bulging, just showing right above his nipples. 
“O-oh gosh, I’m sorry,” you tried looking elsewhere, distracting yourself by looking at the kids bothering Satoru. Surely, the man was far from being pg-friendly with his nips teasing to show.
“No need, it’s my fault, I picked up because Tsumiki called,” Toji grunted, reaching over to quickly pull a shirt over himself, “but I didn’t mean to scare you, darling.” Despite his large physique and sharp features, with his gaze piercing and cut-throating low voice, Toji was sweet, a good father to both his children — a reputable person overall. It radiated from the way he spoke, his aura, and how he disciplined his children. If he wasn’t, surely your boyfriend wouldn’t have kept in contact willingly with his mortal enemy. He would’ve never agreed to take care of his kids, despite Satoru adamantly arguing that he was thrown into it. 
Peeved that your attention wasn’t on him but the obnoxious prick on the screen Satoru grumbled while rolling his eyes with a hand squishing both of Megumi’s cheeks, while the boy desperately tried to pull himself away, and the other holding onto his hair from being pulled out by Tsumiki. 
“Stop flirting with my girlfriend, weirdo.”
“There’s a beautiful lady in front of me that’s very good with my kids.” Both his children nodded in agreement, with Megumi mumbling through his puckered lips, “and cooks better too, does everything better than you,” the little boy glared at Satoru’s appalled expression, stretching out his short arms trying to reciprocate his actions.
“Megumi-chan! You’re being rude,” Satoru pouted while he tried to dodge Megumi’s advances on trying to smother his face. 
“So, can you blame me when she stole my attention? I’ll be a fool to let her go.” The man winked at you, a childish glim to his eyes, one similar to his children – especially his son.
And as by reflex, the moment he heard those words, Satoru carefully yet swiftly put Megumi down, and set him on his lap before grabbing the phone from you, “Nope, nuh uh, we ain’t doing this today. Imma bill you for the overseas phone charge.” And flipping the screen to his kids, “and kids say your final goodbyes to your dad.”
“Bye papa! See you tomorrow! Bring lots of gifts please!” Tsumiki giggled while waving goodbye with her brother.
“one minute late and these gremlins are in the dumpster,” Satoru grumbled at Toji despite Megumi securely sitting in his arms, and Tsumiki practically hanging off his shoulders.
“I’ll see you both tomorrow, alright? Listen well and be good,” contently smiling at his beloved children, and nodding a sign of gratitude towards you before smirking at your heated boyfriend, “and I’ll be expecting a coffee from you my Intern, no sugar with light — ” 
The call has ended. 
“Papa will get you for that…” Tsumiki giggled with her arms tightly around Satoru’s neck, her small feet bouncing up and down in excitement.
“Well, I can take him,” your boyfriend muttered before snatching both kids, tucking one in each arm, and carrying them off to their respective room, “wait for me here babe, gotta put these brats in the dumpster.”
“Remember to clean off the ketchup on Megumi’s shirt as well!” you called out, giggling when you heard the two bickering off in the distance.
“Ketchup?! Do you know how expensive this shirt is?”
“No, but it’s probably not expensive because you’re wearing it.”
“Why you little —”
And well, today, this happened to be the third time. Albeit, his voice wasn’t as high pitched during his freak episode at the horror house but still. It was almost on par — just a little deeper but a lot more dramatic.
“ahHHH baaaaaaaabe!” His scream barely muffled despite coming from the second floor.
“What! What! Satoru!” you jolted from the couch, your eyes searching for him while adrenaline quickly struck through your body, “what happened!”
You heard him drawing closer. The thunderous thuds of his feet slapping against the floor and the painful thumps of his body hitting the wall become louder with each millisecond.
And as if on autopilot, your boyfriend ran down the steps with a white cotton towel loosely wrapped around his hips with his torso bare and arms deliciously flexed while clenching his damp white hair.
It was a miracle he didn’t trip down those stairs. But would’ve sure been a sight to see – for both your amusement and admiration. 
“Babe!” he shrieked while fastidiously running over, “it’s hideous!” he yelled while making a complete stop in front of you with his chest heaving. You weren’t sure if his hip dimples and his inguinal crease were oddly accentuated more than usual because he was just half-naked… or because he looked hot half-naked. Though the shrill of his voice did make you reconsider your options.
“Look!” he screeched, his body shriveling up in panic while his lips formed an immediate pout when you couldn’t notice his dilemma. 
“What is?!” you scanned his face, seeing nothing abnormal about it.
“Can’t you see?” he whined, his eyes desperate for you to notice, “look at this!” he pointed to a particular red spot right under his nose.
“It’s a pimple, Satoru,” you deadpanned, “what about it?”
“I know… I never had one in my life,” he groaned while dramatically falling onto the couch, uncaring if he wasn’t particularly wearing anything underneath.
Rolling your eyes, “Welcome to the mortal world, Satoru,” you murmured while slumping onto the couch with him, "you almost gave me a heart attack." 
You tried to steady your breath, glancing over to check up on your over-dramatic boyfriend rocking himself while murmuring under his breath. With his toned back delicately carved in areas you didn’t even know muscle existed, you choked back a moan and mentally slapped yourself from trying to restrain yourself from feeling every crevice of his toned body.
“and you might want to close your legs a bit unless you want to go to jail for flashing any innocent eyes.”
“I give up,” he sobbed while crouching over with his hands fisting his hair, his towel barely wrapping around his pelvis, and the crack of his ass cheekily peaking through the edge.
Dramatically, through his breath, “I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.”
“Aren’t you being a little too much?” you chuckled while shaking your head, pushing yourself off the couch to sit on his firm lap, his arms immediately finding refuge around your waist. 
“No,” he sulked, his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, “now I’m repulsive.”
“It’s just a pimple, ‘Toru you still look pretty —” he further burrowed his face towards you, his warm breath just gliding against your skin, almost ticking you as he unknowingly moaned when you accidentally scooted closer to his body, just brushing against his minutely exposed manhood.
“No, you don’t understand,” he interjected, his voice slowly morphing into an exaggerated sob, “it’s not just a pimple, this pimple strips all my privileges and dignity of being your hot boyfriend.”
Satoru tended to exaggerate. The most recent being the time Suguru called you, a couple of weeks back, dramatically stating he was sick and in the hospital for an unknown disease. Only for that unknown disease to suddenly also be an uncurable one via text that oddly didn’t have Suguru’s usual texting style, with too many emoticons and expressions, but you dismissed it while frantically making your way to the hospital.
It was hard to define the emotions you felt when you heard from Shoko herself — appalled, flabbergasted, stunned?
No — none of the above. there were no words because your boyfriend always managed to leave you breathless — literally and figuratively.
“I’m sorry… h-he has…” pursing her lips as she clenched her fists, “I need attention or else I’ll die disease,” the doctor mouthed sorry right after. 
And that’s fine if he did, the issue was that he tended to exaggerate, teasing against the boundaries of being a complete lunatic or passionate. A case you have yet to solve, but you wish it was the latter. 
“You big baby, you’ll be fine,” you comforted while combing your fingers through his soft hair, the faint smell of his shampoo tickling your senses.
Massaging his scalp, knowing all will be well, even his dramatic ass will soon dissipate if you coddled him just the right way, “see,” you hummed while pointing to the blemishes on your face, “look, ‘Toru! I have some too!”
“But yours is different,” he didn’t even look up, “and you have four, pumpkin I counted this morning,” he mumbled.
“Okay, rude, I do not,” you pulled back your hand, his head immediately jolting over to look at you with a little frown.
“Stop that, put it back,” he grumbled, taking your hand and placing it back on his head, “you do.”
“Hey —” 
“I kiss them every morning, and I’ll kiss a hundred more if you have them.” Kissing the back of his hand before groaning with his face nuzzled into your stomach. “But that’s beside the point, I look hideous.” 
“Wow, sir,” cupping his face, his lips protruding out and cheeks squished in your small hands. 
“Hey!” he retaliated at the audacity for you to pull away again, yet you felt his hand immediately find refuge on your hips, pulling you closer to him.
“You’re obsessed.” you giggled, pinching his cheeks, feeling a sense of familiar butterflies when you saw him slightly furrowed his brows as he let you play with him.
“Yea, so vhat? It’s muthing mew,” he grumbled, his words muffled as you squeezed his cheeks. 
“Nothing,” you hummed, “let me kiss yours too then.”
Looking off the side, muttering under his breath as he tried to nonchalantly lean closer into you,  "i think… that’ll make me feel better…”
Despite the craziness that he imposed and the rambunctious energy he dissipated off the clock, Satoru was easy to love.
“Muah!” You placed a kiss on his small blemish, “you’ll be my cute Rudolph till this goes away,” you teased.
“You’re the worst.” 
“Who'll humble your high ego but me,” dramatically sighing before pushing back his bangs and placing a soft kiss on his forehead, “it’s a draining job, you know?” 
“Stop teasing,” he pulled you into his body, his arms tightly wrapping around your waist as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, “be nice to me because I'm suffering.”
“You’re still handsome,’Toru,” you cooed, feeling the whispers of his breath glide against your skin, his hair lightly tickling you.
“Yea? Tell me more.” Satoru’s lips gently peppered along your torso and up your neck, the heat of his body radiating over to yours making you feel hot with his tender touch as he ran his hand warmly down your back.
“Nope!” you smirked, pulling his gaze upward as you stared down at his glistening eyes, “one compliment a day, or else you become unmanageable with your pride.” 
“wow, just tell me you hate me,” he grumbled.
“Gotta keep my princess humble, ya know?” you winked before landing a short, sweet kiss on his soft lips. “let’s go upstairs, ‘Toru” tapping his back.
But instead, you felt his arms tightening around you, ignoring your words as he further nuzzled himself into your chest. “C’me on loser, I’ll put some medicine on it for you,” you softly stated, gently pulling away to stand up while grasping his hand, using extra strength to tug his dead weight.
“Just watch, the little brat is going to say something, I just know…” he groaned while he followed you to the bathroom, his feet practically dragging behind you like a toddler.
“Ten bucks he’s going to say something.” Satoru bargained, leaning against the kitchen counter while he took a sip of water. 
“Just act normally, Satoru… there’s no way he’ll know, he’s only a child.” Your eyes were focused on putting a couple of bandages on his right hand, small cuts that he’d gotten from the morning trying to prepare breakfast.
“You truly undermine him, he’s not your average kid… he’s scary, babe.” Shuddering while clenching his eyes, “evil just like his dad.”
“Well I do think Toji-san is a gentleman, and Megumi will grow just like him.” you hummed while locking up the first aid kit, “and plus, you’re the one that agreed to babysitting them.”
“I didn’t agree, I was forced to,” he corrected, “the man threatened me if I didn’t.”
“I’m sure Toji-san didn't threaten you.”
“You don’t know him like I do, the man is the devil himself.” 
“I mean… he was technically your boss since you decided to intern for him.”
“It was that or I was to get engaged to —“
The door opens. Satoru flinches when he hears two different steps come through the hall — one happily skipping, unthreatening, the other… silently treading closer in, each step mysterious like the stoicism on his face.
“We’re back!” The older one chirped, the bottom of her bag lightly tapping against her back while she ran over, her small feet softly rapping against the floor.
“Hey pumpkin,” you welcomed, dropping to your knees to level to her height, opening up your arms to offer her a hug and take her bag, “you hungry, kiddo?”
“Mhm,” Tsumiki giggled, flashing her eye smile, “also! I finished all my lunch too!”
“Aww you did?” Nuzzling your nose with hers while she gently cupped your face, “Satoru tried extra hard with it today,” you grinned.
“Satoru-kun made us late again.”
“Oh he did,” you raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend awkwardly trying to avoid your gaze, “guess, he forgot to mention that to me today,” you responded looking back at him awkwardly avoiding your gaze.
“but I forgive him because everyone was jealous of my lunch today!” jumping on her toes, her face filled with excitement, “And he did my hair, look!”
“You little gremlin, that was supposed to be a secret.” Gojo huffed, hiding his bandaged hand behind his back, unable to hide the twitch of his lips, proud of the little girl’s compliment.
“Hello.” a toneless voice alerted his presence from behind you, raising his hand to say his greetings with the typical indifference to his face.
You can almost hear the sharp gulp Satoru took when Megumi entered — viscous and think, nervously pulled down his throat.
“Hello, Megumi-chan,” you warmly smiled, reaching over to take his bag.
“It’s okay, I got it,” the boy murmured, “it’s heavy and you have Tsumiki’s already.”
“What a gentleman,” you cooed while gently tapping his head, “go wash your hands, ‘Toru and I will prepare your snacks.”
“Okay,” Megumi mumbled while walking away, taking a quick glance at Satoru before heading over to the restroom. 
Quickly standing up and quietly jogging over Satoru, you whispered while nudging him with your elbow, “See, I told you ‘Toru, he didn’t notice.”
“There’s something off…” his gaze warily staring at the back of Megumi’s head, “I swore I saw him —”
“Well, I think you’re just overreacting, he’s just a child —"
“guess Christmas came early.” the little boy muttered just before entering the bathroom, smirking as he pointed forward, making it abundantly clear who the recipient was of his comment. 
“You’re silly, December just started, Gumi.” Tsumiki stated, confusion apparent in her tone at her brother's statement as she stepped onto the stool to reach the sink faucet.
No fucking way.
Megumi didn’t greet Satoru with his usual monotonous voice when he came home today. but instead chose to say his greetings in a rather more peculiar way, one with a higher pitch — the same one he had when he almost killed Satoru with his little prank months prior.
“Because look, Tsumiki, it’s Rudolph.” 
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author's comment: did you guess it?? it's howl from howl's moving castle! the specific scene with sophie mixed his potions while cleaning his bathroom and he has a mental breakdown? i saw an artist draw satoru as howl and I couldn't get it out of my head!!
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xrenjunniesx · 7 months
BOYFRIEND HEADCANONS OF DREAMIES 🙏🙏🙏 it can be 0T7 or just chenle!! (maybe jeno). please make it delicious thanks wookie. i hope you're doing well with everything.
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nct dream boyfriend headcannons
a/n : Hii, I’m doing well other than the fact that school is after me. I’m sorry this took so long for me to do :( enjoy the silly little headcannons :D
there was snowman, sitting perfectly made and constructed on a ledge, and along with marks enthusiasm, created the perfect spot to take photos together. you and mark had just finished dinner and decided to go for a walk, just to enjoy each others company a little more in this cool environment and to talk about what’s been on your mind. the two of you start doing silly little poses for your camera, blowing snow at each other and getting amazing shots of the snow in action. it wasn’t until you tried to go up closer to the snowman that you realised - oh it’s slippery. very slippery. you fell over, kicking into mark by accident making him falling over as well. people walked past, laughing at the two of you as you both practically screamed out your own laughters. and oh? you accidentally recorded the whole thing? even better.

you loved going to the photo booths with your friends, so when your boyfriend wanted to take you to one during a day out you agreed in an instant. before it started you took a seat, looking into the camera and fixing your hair to fix it up. renjun watched you in awe, simply admiring you. when it started you led the way, telling him how to pose quickly before the photo was taken each time. you got the cute set of photos but renjun wanted another set, this time without any accessories. you agree, placing the accessories back and joining him in the photo booth. you are all over each other in the best possible way in this set of photos. hugs, loving stares, kisses, brightest and most genuine smiles. he loved you more than you could ever guess.
“it was just a joke” you scream, running down the road towards the playground. jeno was hot on your tail, having the time of his lip chasing after you as you fear for what he will do what he catches you - hug you to death? who knows. despite the playground clearly not being for people above the age of ten, you were running up those stairs and sprinting towards the slide. he was below the slide, simply waiting for you to slide down.
“Leave me alone you psycho”
“take it back and it’s all okay”
“okay…. um…”
“you can’t even be genuine” he cried out before making his way up the slide. you wanted to laugh at the silly action but you chose to run instead, giggling as you jumped off the playground. however, you failed to notice that jeno was already back on the ground.
he wraps his arms tightly around you, squeezing you against him as you giggle and push at him to get free.
“apologise.” “no.” he kisses your lips and then looks at your with a forced angry expression. “apologise now.” “another kiss and then maybe.”
you were exhausted at this point. It was 4 am and this trip was supposed to be a time to rest. but instead haechan had you at the karaoke room making you sing all the songs possible together. you weren’t expecting him to go on for this long, usually it was only a couple of songs before he got sick of the karaoke, but tonight he just kept making you both sing.
you were sure your voices were giving out, you were out of breath from the failed rap attempts and you had somehow made a choreography to a song that he sung twice in a row.
“babe, I need a break please.” you huffed out, placing a microphone down and breathing out heavily.
he sat down beside you, also breathing heavily. he looked at you for a full minute. just looking as you breathed and tried to ignore his stare. he then brought his hand up to your chin and turned your face to look at him, moving forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips and then pulling away.
“let’s go back and sleep, I’m exhausted.”
you laid in bed, unable to sleep from the pure excitement of what jaemin had planned for you tomorrow. he had booked a hotel in another city and brought the flight tickets. this was to the exact city you had wanted to visit for ages. you needed to wake up in a few hours for the airport, but you just couldn’t fall asleep. jaemin woke up due to your constant moving around.
“why are you awake?” “I’m too excited I can’t sleep..”
it brought a smile to his face, but he knew you would really need to sleep at least a little bit now.
he pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you and bringing your face towards his neck. you inhaled his scent and tried to relax yourself. “try to sleep, you will regret it if you don’t.”
“I am trying.” you said trying to move back and look at him but he kept your head there, not letting you move. “go to sleep.” he said, half asleep himself. you did fall asleep shortly after, thanks to his comforting hold on you.
you wanted to be FREE. he was feeling like a menace. he was cuddled up to your arm, not letting go of it for the past hour. you tried to free yourself multiple times but it didn’t work. he kept finding excuses to bother you. it was all because he liked your reactions. you scoffed and laughed in annoyance at his behaviour and that was enough to make him laugh at you and continue. it wasn’t until you started actually trying to free yourself from his grip that you both ended literally wrestling each other.
you were sat on the couch, chenle clinging onto you with his arms wrapped around one of your arms and his leg placed on top of you. he laughed at your expression, not caring that you were annoyed.
“It’s not like you are doing anything important.” he claimed, and you just closed your eyes and leaned your head back.
“why are you doing this?”
“honest answer or the lie.” “honest.” you say with a sigh.
“haechan bet me that I wouldn’t be able to stick to you for one hour straight and I said I could do two hours.”
“lele… it’s been like almost three hours now.”
“he will triple the money if I make it to three hours baby please just 20 more minutes.”
“spilt the money and sure.”
“the money is all yours baby. I’m doing this to prove a point.”
you and Jisung were growing impatient with the food. It was in the oven, cooking away, but you wanted it now. you stood in the kitchen, tapping your feet on the ground and fingers on the counter, creating a beat by pure accident. Jisung noticed the beat and started dancing to it, not seriously of course but just a silly little dance move for pure entertainment. you giggled and stopped the beat and he whined at you.
“aye keep the beat going.”
“I’ll get the kitchen beat going hold on.”
the pots and pants and spoons all came out and before you knew it, you and jisung were a two person band creating the worst music alive with the goofiest dances possible BUT you were having fun. so much fun that time just went on and on until you realised oh shit the food will be ready and turns out you almost burnt the food. it’s just a little bit extra crispy.
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casiia · 8 months
༉‧₊˚. — simon 'GHOST' riley; cooties.
warnings .: x reader, dad simon, afab ! reader, soso much fluff, unedited.
.: masterlist.
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imagine simon’s daughter coming home with tears just running down her face, you’re trailing in behind and trying your best to hide your laugh as you console her.
“it’s just a myth, dear.”
but that only makes her cry harder, because she’s 7 and doesn’t know what the fuck a myth is. who is she supposed to believe…her loving mother who raised her and has never lied to her a day in her life, or the girl she’d met just an hour ago on the playground.
“it’s true!” she gasps out, wiping her wet cheeks with her palms, dramatically dragging her hands down her face as another sob wracked her tiny body.
you could only snicker silently as you brushed away baby hairs that clung to her cheeks. frankly, you didn’t know what to say; you’d tried everything to help your daughter and ease her of this new world ending conflict.
simon’s on immediate alert, normally he’s welcomed home with kisses and hugs and bottomless babbles about pointless things. hearing his baby’s loud cry followed by her quick and urgent footsteps makes him panic and his mind instantly goes to the worst.
hurriedly, simon makes his way down the stairs nearly breaking his neck when he trips over a stray toy — but he manages to grab the banister before falling to his death and peaks into the living room.
you’re sitting on the couch with her cradled in your arms, a tender and gentle shush whispered off of your lips as you untangle knots in her hair. your attempts to calm her down don’t, she’s as stubborn as her father, if not more.
“what’s going on, sweet pea?” simon asks, treading carefully as he inches closer to you, his eyes clouded with a mix of worry and question.
before he can sit down, the girl in your arms shrieks so loud he can hear it ringing in his temple. wincing at the loud intrusion, simon watches as his daughter shoots from your arms all the way across the living room, her back pressed to the wall and eyes wide with what seems to be horror.
now simon’s afraid, is there something on his face? did he forget to shave? is he even simon?
you only snort behind your palm, furrowing your eyebrows and returning back to your playful yet serious expression. “go on, babygirl. tell dad what she said.”
his heart is hammering in his chest now, what did she say — who are you talking about?
and he doesn’t know if that scream altered him deaf but all he can see is her lips moving. the sound of your quiet giggles calms him though, and you have to ask her to say it again.
“she said boys have cootie!” she screams, looking horrified — looking at her dad as if he’d grown a third head and eaten all of her halloween candy.
simon begins to open his mouth to say something, something along the lines of “who fuckin’ told ya that.” although the more he thinks it over he’s compelled to play into the roll. he pauses for a moment, concentrated on weighing out the pros and cons.
on one hand, it breaks his heart to see his girl avoiding him like this. going to the edge of the earth just to distance herself from him. crying out because her world is shattered, her dad? having cooties? what nonsense.
on the other hand. simon’s been hearing about this ‘jack’ boy that she’s been in love with on the playground, he even proposed to her with a fucking stick. his daughter can do better than that. and hell, she’s too young to be dating, she doesn’t even know her alphabet!
so with some quick thinking a small smile paints his lips, he opens his arms and watches as she hesitantly takes a step forward. his heart leaps at that, she’s willing to catch a fake disease of cooties just for a daily hug from her father.
“boys do have cooties, but not me, see this?” he reaches inside of his shirt and pulls out the dog tag that hangs around his neck, he gives it a nice tug and smiles a bit. “it’s cootie-repellent.”
another step, hesitant but slowly the small girl is inching away from the wall and closer to the awaiting arms of her dad. “r-really?” she asks, a hiccup following her shaky breath as she calms down.
simon only nods, he’s grateful that your daughter isn’t one to question much. a hard believer in anything she hears, to this day she still believes that fairy’s live in the freezer. he’s not sure what story he would make up if she began questioning him, maybe something with fairies. they were always his go to.
“y’want it?” simon begins to take the necklace off, holding it out to her. shes just an arms reach away, but she’s curious.
“yes.” she mumbles, her heartbroken expression from moments ago turning into that beaming smile that warms simon’s chest. “i’ll give it to jack!”
simon stills. fuck. no way was he going to lose his girl this soon. “nuh uh.” he laughs, quickly tucking the chain back under his shirt and pulling his daughter into his chest.
you watch as he ruffles her hair, her muffled screams falling onto deaf ears as she squirms and punches her dad, begging for him to let go. simon only tightens his arms around the flailing girl, peppering kisses all over tear stained face, watching her once glossy eyes crinkle with joy at her dad’s affection.
thank god for cooties.
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ambcass · 8 months
Can I request Bruce Wayne x kid reader, where the reader is really shy and hardly talks to anyone, and when they meet someone new, the reader hides behind Bruce's leg. The reader is clinging to Bruce, like a lost puppy, but at some point Bruce has to leave and the reader has a full on melt down, crying and screaming. Trying to find Bruce, the reader somehow escapes the manor and tries to look for Bruce, but they get overwhelmed with the people and the cars. Luckily Gordon finds the reader and recognizes, so he calls Bruce. Later Bruce and the whole Family arrive, and Bruce never leaves the reader ever again.
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anyways request pls :)
"And who is this cutie?" a woman wearing a red dress points to you. You were on Bruce's side, lost in a trance before you heard that woman address you. You quickly hid behind Bruce and peeked your head out. Bruce looked behind him and smiled.
"This is ___. They're a bit shy but once you get to know them, they are a bundle of joy." The woman stepped closer and extended her arms.
"Awe, come give me a hug," she said in a warm tone. You backed up, furrowing your eyebrows. Bruce stopped her and started explaining how you didn't come from a great environment before meeting him. The woman pouted but respected your past.
"Poor baby...I'm so sorry," She placed her hands on her chest. "I'll leave you two alone now. I'll see you later Mr. Wayne" She winked at Bruce and then left. You came out of hiding, you held on to his hand. Bruce gave you the "okay" signal, meaning that he was done with this gala, and it was finally time to go home. The two of you walked out of the "palace" and headed to the limo. The windows rolled down, and Alfred was there to greet the two of you. Bruce opened the door and you leaped into the car.
"Alfred, Alfred! Can we please, please, please go home" you whined and shook your legs. Bruce got in the car and closed the door. Alfred giggled and started driving away.
"I take it that your trip was fun?"
"Not even. We have so much in common, the two of us hate galas," Bruce answered and turned towards you. "Isn't that right,___?" You nodded. For you, the ride took so long that you started falling asleep. Your eyes couldn't keep open and eventually, you closed your eyes and fell asleep.
Once you arrived back to the manner, Bruce carried you back. Placing you on your bed until you wake up. Waking up, your vision slowly started to clear up as you walked out of your room.
"B-bruce...," you called out. "Bruce! Where are you?" your heart started to beat faster and faster. You ran down the stairs calling for Bruce and Alfred but no response. Walking back and forth, running in circles through the manner.
You knew it was a bad idea, but you did it anyway. You left the manner to search for him, the both of them. Ran down the hill, heading for the streets, cars were running at 50 mph but you didn't care that you were going to get hurt. You just wanted your dad.
At this point, you're out of breath. You sat down on the side of the crosswalk. Tears flood your eyes. You start hyperventilating. Breathe. You told yourself. Breathe. That's what Dad would want. You felt a tap and jolted up.
"___? What are you doing here? Where's your dad?" A guy in his mid-40s looked down at you. It was Commissioner Gordan. You went to give Gordan a big hug as you sobbed in his arms.
"W-where's Bruce. I can't find him!" you cried out. Gordan stroked your hair, trying to calm you down.
"It's going to be okay, we'll find him...I'll give him a call, alright?" His soft expression made you realize that you were safe. Safe from everything from the outside world. Godan gave Bruce a call and minutes later he arrived. The moment you saw him, you ran towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"What are you doing out of the house?" Bruce asked. You did nothing but ramble countlessly about how much you missed him and Alfred. A person emerges out of the car and speaks,
"Hey sweetie, what can your big brother do to help you feel better?" Your oldest brother, Dick Grayson came out from the car. You took a look in the car and saw the other three. Jason, Tim, and Damian.
"The others are gonna arrive at the manner later. Meanwhile how about us four spend time with our little sister. How does that sound?" Dick asked and you nodded. You entered the car and Bruce followed.
"After today, I won't ever leave my little girl at home alone ever again."
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Cuddles P2
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Lucerys Velaryon (Age up) Couple - Lucerys X Reader Reader - Y/n (Betrothal) Rating - Smutty Word Count - 2934 Part One
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They weaved in and out through the winding caves and tunnels as they tried to keep from tripping over themselves. Lucerys, for all his efforts, was finding it quite the challenge to keep up with Y/n, as she had a bit of a lead on him. He didn’t mind it much however, seeing as how he got a good view of her every once in a while as they ran through the caves.
The pair looked like madmen to the dragon keepers, giggling as they bolted up the castle steps. Lucerys was running a bit faster, but he was losing steam quickly, starting to wheeze and pant with every step. He tried his best to keep up with her, not wanting to lose the race.
"aww? Tried out Luke?" Y/n stopped at the top of the stairs turning to face him as he was almost halfway down, "it's alright take your time, I'm sure we'll get your stamina up over time!" she smirked as she grabbed the hem of her shirt dress and for a few brief seconds she pulled it up flashing him her skin, as well as the tight binding around her breasts before she dropped it down again, she winked and blew him a kiss before she continues to bolt towards her chambers.
His mouth was agape as he got a good look of her binding where she always wrapped up for a dragon ride and the skin of her stomach, the sight alone making his heart race. He growled to himself, his face beet red as he ran after her.
She was getting further and further away, and his legs were getting tired. He had a competitive fire in his stomach, however, and the image of her in her dress and her exposed stomach was just too enticing to give up now.
finally he got into the castle and he knew it wasn't far to her chambers with almost everything he had he bolted to the chamber wheezing and gasping but finally he got there and saw her sitting on her bed waiting for him having tossed her archery equipment by the door,
He stopped right at the entrance to her room, panting and wheezing loudly with every breath, trying to suck in as much air as he can. He bent over, resting his hands on his knees as he tried to steady himself, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to recover from the sprint. The sight of her made him want to run and pounce on her right then and there.
"awww you poor thing, come here" she cooed as she saw just how much he was struggling, she took his hand and let him sit in her bed with her "come here my sweetheart," she cooed wrapping her arms around him and pulling his head to lay on her chest so he could match his breathing to hers, and her hand stroking his hair,
His breathing slowed as his head leaned against her chest, listening to her heartbeat and matching it with every breath. The sound of her sweet voice was soothing, and he found himself immediately relaxing in her embrace. Her hand stroking his hair felt amazing, and he began to melt into her. His own hand snaked its way around her midsection, grasping gently as if he needed to hold onto something to keep himself grounded and a satisfied sigh escaped his lips.
"Aww that better lucerys? All nice and snug?" She cooed kissing his forehead,
He nodded, a soft smile on his face as she kissed his forehead. He nuzzled himself further into her embrace, his hand still rubbing her stomach. He closed his eyes and buried his face against her chest, listening to the soothing sound of her heart beat, as if it were a lullaby. “Mhm. This is much better.” he muttered, his voice soft and raspy from the running.
"Good, well you snuggle as close and as tight as you want!"
He took her by her word and snuggled up in her embrace tighter. His grip on her increased, to the point where she was surprised at just how much strength he used to pull her close. Despite all his previous excitement and arousal, the exhaustion of running quickly caught up to him, and the comfort of her bed combined with her arms around him made his eyelids grow heavy as a wave of drowsiness began to overwhelm him.
"humm sleepy boy" she cooed,
Despite his eyes being closed, a small smile crept across his face. The sound of her voice was like honey to his ears and filled him with the feeling of comfort. As for all his previous excitement and eagerness from their race and the possibility of what they could do, now all he wanted to do was to lay in her arms and rest against her. ”Mhm,” he muttered in agreement, his voice still soft and raspy, “just for a moment…”
"how about this, you stay awake just a couple extra minutes while I get changed okay? I'm still in my riding clothes after all. And if you stay awake till I'm changed then I promise you get to cuddle up and snuggle with me while you have a little nap, and while you're napping those hands can wander wherever they like, that a deal?"
His eyes jolted open at her proposition, a feeling of excitement surging through him all of a sudden. He was tired of course, but the idea of being allowed free reign over her body while he got to rest was too enticing to ignore. He quickly nodded his head, looking up at her with wide eyes. ”Yeah,” he said quickly, practically stumbling over the word in his eagerness. “Yeah, deal.”
Y/n chuckled and gave his cheek another kiss before she climbed off the bed, "hummm what should I wear... Not really bedtime for a nightie, but we don't want anything too thick and heavy for laying in bed" she teased as she flicked though her wardrobe
Lucerys watched her, his eyes tracing her body from his spot on the bed. He noticed that her trousers and blouse were starting to cling to her body from all the sweat from their running, and it made his eyes start to linger in certain spots. ”I don’t know,” he said slowly, his eyes still traveling up and down her body, “if it gets me more time to look at you… I don’t mind what you pick out.” he added with a smirk.
"humm... I know the perfect thing" she smiled as she picked out a dress,
His eyes widened a bit when she pulled out the black and red summer dress. It was light and thin, the perfect thing for the warm summer nights, but it left little to the imagination. He smirked as he saw it laid out before her, his eyes already taking in the contours of her body beneath the fabric. “Gods, yes,” he mumbled under his breath, his eyes still watching her as she prepared to change.
"a gentleman would turn away if a lady was charging" she teased as she began by putting her foot up on the bed and slowly unlacing her boot
He chuckled as she teased him, although he didn’t turn away. He watched her intently as she unlaced her boot, his eyes raking up her leg in a not-so-gentlemanly way. He smiled deviously as he leaned back into the bed, his arms behind his head as he got a better view of her from his lying position. “You never said I had to turn away,” he shot back with a smirk.
"no, I suppose not. After all we are going to be married soon" she chuckled slipping off her boots leaving her feet bare
He chuckled along with her, his eyes looking down at her bare feet, admiring them for a moment. They were slender and slender and smooth, and he had the sudden urge to lean forward and kiss them. He quickly snapped himself out of that thought however as he smirked playfully at her once more. “Well if we’re going to be wed then, I might as well get used to seeing you change, right?” he taunted.
"true" she smiled as she unlaced the red trousers, they where almost skin tight for her curves given the trousers were made for men and thus didn't properly fit her, she slowly tugged them off exposing her bare legs but her little shirt dress concealing her intimates
He took in her bare legs almost like a starved man staring at a feast. His eyes feasted on her exposed skin trailing up each inch exposed to him, appreciating the view he had of her legs and what was hidden beneath her shirt dress. He could feel the growing excitement within him, a feeling that only increased as she turned away to throw her trousers to the side. ”You’re a tease,” he stated bluntly, grinning as he did so, “but gods, I love it.”
she chuckled as she lifted her shirt dress over her head and tossed it with her trousers leaving her with only the binding around her chest to keep her concealed, with her bare ass him but she glanced over her shoulder to watch him looking at her
His eyes widened, His cheeks went from rosy pink to dark red as he got caught ogling her, but he didn’t care. He shamelessly looked at her, his eyes roaming over her body from behind, taking in every inch of her smooth skin. ”Seven Hells… you’re beautiful,” he muttered under his breath, his voice a combination of awe and desire.
"does it excite you?" She asked moving her hand to undo the binding slowly but surely unwrapping it from around her chest each inch it unwraps her chest getting looser and looser,
His breathing began to quicken as he watched her. His eyes darted down to her hands, following the pattern they made as she unwrapped her chest, his imagination going wild as he thought of what she would look like without it and all those layers concealing her body. ”Gods yes,” he said, his voice a bit shaky as he watched her, “you have no idea how much.” His eyes never once left her body, not even to blink it seemed as he fixated on her every move.
she chuckled "I'm sure I have some Idea Luke" she teased her eyes meeting with the very obvious bulge in his trousers
He swallowed as her eyes flicked between his and the tent in his pants. He knew it was there, as it has been there ever since they raced. He could feel himself growing more and more excited the more her body was exposed. He wanted to pounce on her right there and then, and only sheer force of will and her promise of him being able to have free reign of her body held him back from doing so. “Tease,” he replied back, panting slightly as he watched her hands work the binding.
"maybe" she smiled as she finally Finished with her binding leaving her completely exposed her whole self to him,
He practically had to pick his jaw up off the floor as the last piece of her binding came off. His eyes widened, staring with his mouth hung open in awe. She was beautiful, he already knew it, but now in this moment, seeing her completely exposed, he thought she was the most beautiful thing in all of Westeros. It was as if he was staring at a work of art, he couldn’t bring himself to speak for a few moments. “Gods… you’re…” he started to say, but the words seemed to get stuck in his throat. His mouth hung open for a few more seconds as he stared at her, trying to work up the words to describe how he felt in that moment. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and he had to force himself not to jump from the bed and take her right then and there. But he stayed, letting his eyes drink in the wonderful sight before him, of her gorgeous hair, stunning face, sweet slender neck, perfect perky breasts, sweet waist, ravishing hips, an immaculate cunt, precious thighs, and long beautiful legs. "Gods, you're perfect," he finally whispered, his voice filled with reverence.
"awww your too sweet Luke" she laughed, As she stood with her arms behind her back making sure he got a good view of every inch of her body, "You excited? That this is the body you'll be married to?"
“I- I will thank the gods daily, for the honour of being married to you. And your… Captivating body,”
Y/n chuckled grabbing the dress she picked out and tossing it over her head slipping it on, the dress just met her knees, no sleeves, and was thin enough he could see every curve, she smiled and gave him a little twirl "this one nice?"
Lucerys couldn't help but watch her the way it hugged every curve of her body. His eyes practically followed her every movement as the dress went on her body, and when she spun around to show it off, he had to swallow back the lump in his throat and force himself to keep breathing regularly. "Gods yes," he said with an almost strangled voice, his eyes never leaving her body, "definitely this one."
"you ready for a cuddle?"
”Yeah, yeah, I’m ready,” he replied, a smile on his face, “and more than ready to have my hands on you.”
Y/n chuckled as she came and sat on the bed her back against the headboard opening her arms for him to come cuddle her
He quickly and eagerly scooted over to her, practically falling into her arms. His body pressed up against hers, his hand snaking around her waist as he laid his head against her chest. He wrapped his arms around her tighter, holding her body snug and close to his, his face resting just above her breasts.
she laughed a little at him "Egar aren't you, I see where Arrax gets it from when he's cuddled up with Silverspike"
He chuckled, ”Well it’s not everyday I get to cuddle against the most beautiful woman in Westeros, you know,” he replied, nuzzling his face further into her chest and taking a deep breath. Her scent was intoxicating, and it only increased his hunger to be even closer to her.
"awww your so sweet" she cooed kissing his forehead
He smiled at the feeling of her lips on his skin, enjoying the sweet gesture despite his own hunger. While his body was begging to ravish her right there and then, he found himself enjoying this moment of tenderness between them as well. He buried his face deeper into her chest, his eyes fluttering closed as he savored the feeling of her body against his.
"you enjoying your little snuggle?" she broke the silence after a good while,
He nodded into her chest, his arms still wrapped tight around her, holding her body close to his. Her voice was soft and soothing, almost like a song that beckoned him to fall asleep, but he refused to give in just yet despite how tired he was. “Mhm. It’s perfect,” he mumbled against her chest, his face pressed into her flesh as he nuzzled into her.
"good, you enjoy it sweetheart. And remember our deal you can cuddle and kiss and touch whatever you'd like to have only to ask"
A feeling of excitement washed over him as she reminded him of their deal, and his mind immediately went crazy with thoughts of all the things he could do to her and where he would start. His hand began to wander, gently caressing her stomach as he mumbled against her chest. “I know,” he whispered, his voice still raspy and a bit shaky, “but I don’t know where to start first…”
"whatever you'd like too" she cooed "anywhere that might help this poor tense boy" she cooed stroking her hand across his hip and then over the bulge that had formed
He exhaled deeply, a shaky breath escaping his lips as her hand moved over his hips, now mere inches away from the tent that was already forming in his pants. His hand stopped caressing her stomach as he grew more and more tense, his muscles growing taut as his excitement began to build. “Gods, don’t tease…” he mumbled, his body practically shivering at her touch, “I don’t think I’ll last long otherwise…”
"I won't tease, I won't touch, it's all up to you" she smiled moving her hands to simply play with his hair
He practically groaned at her words, both in frustration and in anticipation. On one hand, he was already growing impatient with her gentle teasing, his frustration rising as she kept refusing to touch him where he wanted. But on the other hand, he knew that she was only doing this to drive him crazy, and the thought of her in control made him even more excited. He took a deep breath, steadying himself, and leaned into her touch as she ran her hands through his hair. “Gods you’re cruel…” he said with a hoarse voice. He closed his eyes as she continued to play with his hair, his body relaxing into her touch. But his mind was still racing, still consumed by thoughts of her body and the desire to touch her. His hand on her stomach had started to wander again, gently tracing the outline of her curves. “I want to touch you…” he muttered after a moment, his voice thick with desire, “I want to touch you everywhere….”
"of course, that was our deal you can touch anything you like so long as you ask"
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Proposal // Patri Guijarro
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a/n: based off this request. Hope you like it :)
Santorini, Greece
Patri’s hand stuck out to your side of the bed. Empty. Something she didn‘t like. She grumbled, sitting up. The point of your vacation was to fall asleep and wake up in each others arms. So where were you? "¿Dónde estás?" she called again. No answer.
You were in the kitchen, listening to music as you made breakfast for your lover. Today was the day, you would propose to your longterm girlfriend. You always thought that if you were going to get married you would get asked and not the other way around but after seven years you took matters into your own hands.
Patri suggested the idea of a vacation in Greece, she knew you dreamt about visting it sometime so after an exhausting season she suprised you with a trip to Santorini. It was perfect for your proposal, just the two of you, in a foreign country (which was beautiful). The ring was hidden in the first drawer of nightstand, risky at some point but not risky at all. Patri never looked in there, she didn‘t need too.
As Patri patted down the stairs she could smell the aroma of her favorite breakfast and there you were, in the kitchen, dancing and singing to the music, wearing nothing but a shirt of Patri which was slightly too big for you. You looked adorable. She could only watch.
"Ah! You scared the shit out of me!" you screeched as you saw the midfielder standing at the open door frame. "Well, you‘re the one who‘s not in bed. With me" she walked up to you, her body seeking for your touch. "But i‘m making breakfast, your favorite."
She hummed in to your neck, leaving gentle kisses along your exposed shoulder. "I don‘t like it when my pretty girl isn‘t in my bed" she mumbled, you turned around in her embrace, arms looping around her neck "you sure about that?" you pressed soft kisses to her jaw, her grip around your hips tightening as respond "I left the bed two hours ago and you didn‘t notice" your lips wandered to her neck, leaving open mouth kisses before you found her sweet spot, sucking a reddish mark on it. "Mi amor" the spaniard breathed out, walking you back against the kitchen counter. Patri loved to feel your kisses against her neck but she had to feel them against her mouth. She tilted her head down, fiercely, connecting your lips. You became lost in each other as your lips moved in sync, the blissful rush running through your bodies at every brush. As her hand started to wander under your shirt, you gently pushed her away. "Breakfast is ready" was the only thing you managed to say, your mind spinning as your knees trembled. "Amor" she whined, "you‘re such a tease"
"Mi amor, still up to relaxing at the beach and eating at the cute restaurant?" your girl asked as you finished breakfast. "Yeah, we can go in about 10 minutes If you want to?"
The thing was, you had planned to propose but not how. You wanted something private but still something sweet and loving. You knew her well enough to know that she wouldn‘t want someting fancy, she loved simple things; she loved to see that there was an effort made.
"Let me carry your bag" she said as she took it out of your hand "I can carry it on my own, baby, you know" you giggled. She laced your fingers together, now carrying your and her own bag. "I know but why do so If you have me?" grinning widely, she pressed a kiss to your cheek before you made your way down to the beach.
The sun was shining, wave noises in the backround and your favorite girl laying next to you as you read your book. It was perfect but not a perfect moment to propose.
The ring was in your bag, hidden in a pair of socks as they were covered with a towel and a bottle of water.
After finishing two chapters, you put your book aside, turning to Patri who was laid on her stomach, eyes closed as she soaked in the sun. "Do you wanna go for a swim?" you asked, your index finger scratching along her spine. She faced you before she abruptly stood up, running towards the ocean "last one there has to buy dinner!"
"Patri!" you jumped on your feet, running after her, the brunette already in the water. As soon as you were close enough her arms wrapped around your body, your legs going around her waist, "don’t worry, mi amor, I‘m paying" she whispered, her lips an inch away from your own.
The midfielder loved to pay for you, no matter how often you insisted to pay, she did it anyways, 'I have to treat my girl like she deserves' or 'you‘re the cook at home, i‘m the cook when we go out' were her arguments, you didn‘t stand a chance.
One time you tried, "I won‘t have sex with you for a week if you don‘t let me pay." She gave you one of the meanest glares, considering her options before she answered, "Well, no sex for me then."
You had sex not even two hours later.
"There‘s no point in arguing, right?" you asked anyways. "Mi amor, I‘ll always pay for you, how many times do I have to tell you?" pushing her lips against your own, she showed you that there was no need to argue - you would lose, and to emphasize her words that there‘ll never be a day where you have to pay.
Grinning, you replied, "Maybe a few more times?"
Shortly before your reservation at the restaurant, the two of you went home to change and put down your beach bags, the ring now hidden in your small handbag.
Each of you had glass of wine, your main dish ordered as you shared an appetizer. "Mi amor, I‘m so glad we‘re doing this" the spaniard said while her thumb stroked over your knuckles. "Yeah, me too. This place is really cute" you admired. Patri chuckled, "I don‘t mean this place in particular. I‘m talking about this whole vacation" as you looked at her, she seemed at peace. She didn't have to worry about football, about the upcoming season, she could just relax. You smiled at her, about to reply, as the waiter came with your food.
The meals were delicious, so were the desserts and you guessed it, Patri paid.
"Do you wanna go for a walk?" you asked, the sun was setting and something told you, the moment was about to come. "Sí, mi amor." The midfielder interwined your fingers, walking along the streets.
You came to a stop in the middle of nowhere; the view was phenomenal, the sun almost disappearing, the sky a deep red-orange with a pinkish blue (not purple). You could see the waves where exactly one surfer was doing magic on the waves.
It was perfect, the moment.
Patri was enjoying the view as you had your arms around her from behind.
"Patri" you whispered, taking her hand to turn her around. "Seven years with you isn‘t enough. I want you forever. And even though forever will never be enough, it’s a beginning. While things may change around us, this ring," you let go of her hand, pulling the velvet box out of your pocket as you went down on one knee, "is a promise that you will never have to face the world alone." You opened the box, the ring shining in the sunset, "I love you. And I promise you to love you forever and longer. So I’m asking you, will you make the happiest person alive, will you marry me?" your world stopped, your heart was racing, it felt like an eternity before she answered which wasn’t even a second in reality, "Sí, mil veces sí" a thousand times yes, she slipped her finger through the ring, crashing in to you, "Te amo, mi amor, te amo much" Tears were streaming down your faces, hugging each other like your lives depened on it as kisses were shared.
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yourusername and 35.237 others
patri8guijarro the start of forever.
alexiaputellas 😍😍
marialeonn16 ❤️
claudiaapina dips on maid of honor
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lavandulai · 1 month
S.S Pines x reader
Episode 1: Lantern Festival
It's a beautiful day in Gravity Falls, and the Mystery Shack buzzes with activity. The sun beams through the windows as Mabel and Dipper finish unpacking their things for the summer. Soos hums cheerfully in the background, organizing supplies. Mabel, her hair in her signature colorful headband, skips down the stairs with a wide grin.
"I'm all unpacked!" she announces brightly.
Y/N, who has been helping with the moving, looks up from the cluttered room and smiles warmly. "Good job, Chiqui," Y/N says, ruffling her hair affectionately.
Mabel giggles and twirls, her mood infectious. Dipper trudges down the stairs a moment later, his face shadowed with worry. Mabel, noticing his demeanor, nudges him playfully.
"C'mon, Dipper! Don't be so down, Mr. Grumpy Grumps!"
Dipper looks up, his eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and nostalgia. "Have you ever liked someone so much that even after you stop liking them, you wish there was still something there?"
Mabel and Y/N exchange a glance. Mabel rolls her eyes, though there's a hint of sympathy in her expression. "I thought we were over this! It's been a year, Dipper. You need to meet someone new."
Y/N steps closer, her expression softening. "Don't take it too hard, Dipper. Things happen, but life keeps moving. You're a strong kid."
Dipper nods slowly, his shoulders relaxing a bit. He starts to walk away, but Y/N calls out, "Wait!"
Dipper turns, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. Y/N's face brightens with a smile. "How about a trip to the diner? I'll get you anything you want!"
Both twins look at Y/N, their expressions shifting from concern to excitement. "Really?" they ask in unison.
Y/N nods enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Now hurry up and get in the car. We've got pancakes to eat!"
As they head out, the sun continues to shine, casting a hopeful light on the day ahead. The Mystery Shack, filled with laughter and warmth, stands ready for whatever adventures the summer might bring.
Soos and Melody are bustling around the gift shop. Soos is restocking shelves while Melody manages the cash register with a cheerful smile. As the twins and Y/N approach the exit, Soos waves enthusiastically.
"Hey, dudes!" Soos calls out. "I heard there's a Lantern Festival tonight! Melody and I are going, and you dudes should totally check it out!"
Mabel's eyes light up with excitement. "A festival? Oh boy, I'm going to find so many cute boys!" She bounces on her toes, barely containing her enthusiasm.
Y/N chuckles, giving Mabel a playful boop on the nose. "I'm coming to the wedding," she teases, making Mabel scrunch her nose in a giggle.
"Whoever gets to the car last has to clean the bathrooms!" Mabel declares, taking off at a run.
"Aw, what?" Dipper exclaims, grinning as he chases after her. They both scramble into the back seat, laughing.
Y/N looks around the familiar town as they drive. The quaint streets of Gravity Falls feel both nostalgic and comforting. She smiles as they pull into the diner's driveway. "We're here, you goobers."
"YAY!" Mabel and Dipper cheer in unison, leaping out of the car and racing inside.
Inside the diner, Dipper's eyes widen in surprise. "W-Wendy?" he calls out.
Wendy looks up from her table with a grin. "No way! You guys are here already! I'm glad to see you, man."
Dipper's face brightens with a soft smile. "Me too."
"Dude, I'd love to chat more, but I'm hanging out with my dad. We'll catch up later!" Wendy waves as she heads back to her table.
Mabel and Dipper find a booth and settle in. Moments later, a familiar face approaches.
"Suzan?" Y/N says, her face lighting up. "I didn't think you'd still be working here after all these years."
Lazy Suzan, with a warm smile, recognizes her. "Y/N Ramirez! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you back?"
"I just had to come back and taste your amazing food again," Y/N replies.
Lazy Suzan laughs, giving a playful wink. "You're funny! So, what can I get you guys today?"
"I want pancakes!" Mabel exclaims, waving her hands in the air. "Pancakes, pancakes!" she chants.
Dipper nods, showing he wants the same thing.
"I'll have the same," Y/N adds with a grin as Mabel continues her chant.
"Alright!" Suzan jots down the order. "I'll get that right up for you."
As Lazy Suzan walks away, Mabel leans in with a teasing tone. "So, Y/N, do you have anyone special in your life?"
Y/N sighs, resting her elbows on the table. "Men are a waste of time. No matter how many times I try, they always disappoint me."
Mabel gasps, leaning closer to Dipper and whispering urgently. "We need to find her a match!"
Dipper glances at Mabel with a mix of amusement and concern. "Oh boy..."
"I cannot believe this!" Mabel exclaims, pacing back and forth in their shared room. "We need to find Y/N her perfect match!"
Dipper, lounging on his bed with a book in hand, glances up with a mix of confusion and concern. "Mabel... She seems happy. I don't think we need to be interfering."
"Hey!" Mabel stops mid-stride and plants her hands on her hips. "The Lantern Festival is the perfect time to find her someone! It's all about magic and connections."
"Whoa, Mabel!" Dipper sits up, looking more alarmed. "You might need to rethink this. What if she doesn't want to be set up?"
"There's no time to waste!" Mabel's eyes sparkle with determination "Waddles, fetch me my pen! I need to start a plan right now!"
Dipper shakes his head, sighing but unable to suppress a small, amused smile. "Alright, alright. Just... let's make sure we don't make things awkward for her."
Mabel's face lights up with excitement. "Don't worry, Dipper! This is going to be great.
Trust me!"
The scene pans to Mabel, who is examining her model of Gravity Falls. She peers through the tiny people in the model, her brow furrowed in thought.
"I'm starting to think no one is good enough for Y/N," she muses, resting her chin on her hand as she continues to look through the model.
Suddenly, she gasps and holds up a wooden figure with excitement.
"Perfect!" she declares, a bright smile spreading across her face.
Y/N is in her room, getting ready. She's wearing a pretty lavender dress that complements her features. She plays with her hair a bit, adjusting it until she hears a knock on the door. Confused, she goes to open it and sees Mabel on the other side.
"Hi, Y/N!" Mabel greets in a cheerful tone, wearing a cute sweater with a lantern on it.
"Something you need, Chiqui?" Y/N asks curiously.
"I just wanted to ask if my friends Grenda and Candy can come!" Mabel replies eagerly.
"Hm, okay," Y/N agrees.
"Yes!" Mabel exclaims excitedly.
"But on one condition," Y/N adds.
"Anything!" Mabel quickly responds.
"You meet me by the car after it's over. I don't want you running off," Y/N says with a smile.
Mabel nods enthusiastically. "I can work with that!"
hey arrive at the lake where the festival will be held. Y/N takes in the breathtaking scenery.
"I'm so excited to see the stars tonight," she says, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Well, sunset is about to happen soon," Dipper points out.
"We should go before it's too late," Mabel agrees with a smile. "Yeah! I gotta go meet my girls!" She and Dipper run off, leaving Y/N alone.
"I guess I'm alone for tonight," Y/N says to herself, but she doesn't mind. It's a beautiful night. She decides to get a lantern and heads towards the stand, but accidentally bumps into someone.
"Oh—" she exclaims, looking up at the person she's collided with. "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to bump into you like that."
The stranger turns around and smiles warmly. "You're all good! Sometimes we bump into random strangers."
Y/N smiles at his easygoing comment. "You can say that twice," she replies, her mood lifting.
The stranger grins. "What is a feller like you doing in a place like this?"
"I'm currently visiting family for the summer," Y/N explains.
"Well, I hope you have a good time here!" he says sincerely.
"Thank you," Y/N replies with a nod and heads towards her boat.
"Dipper!" A familiar voice called out, drawing his attention. He turned to see Pacifica standing nearby, looking both surprised and pleased.
"Pacifica!" Dipper said, tucking his journal into his jacket pocket. "I haven't seen you in a while. How are you holding up?"
Pacifica smiled, though she seemed a bit hesitant. "I'm good. I just came because the whole town is here."
Dipper raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Really? Not for any other reason?"
Pacifica chuckled softly, her gaze drifting away. "You know I'm not like that anymore."
Dipper's smile widened. "You've changed a lot since last summer."
Pacifica tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Hopefully for the better."
Dipper pointed toward the lantern booth. "Well, I'm going to get my lantern."
"I'll come with you! I haven't gotten mine yet either," Pacifica said.
"Alright," Dipper agreed. They joined the line, both looking a bit awkward as they fidgeted and avoided eye contact.
"So..." Dipper began, shifting on his feet.
"Yeah?" Pacifica replied, nervously twirling a lock of her hair.
They both started to speak at the same time, stumbling over their words. "You go first!" Pacifica urged, her cheeks flushing.
"No, I mean I interrupted you," Dipper said quickly.
"Oh—" Pacifica began, but their conversation was interrupted by the booth attendant's voice.
"Are you getting your lantern or what? You're holding up the line," the attendant said brusquely.
Both Dipper and Pacifica turned bright red. Pacifica's eyes flashed with irritation. "Excuse me, but we're just trying to have a conversation. There's no need to be rude."
The attendant shrugged, looking unfazed. "Sorry, just trying to keep things moving."
Dipper, trying to defuse the tension, said, "It's okay, Pacifica. Let's just get our lanterns."
The attendant, with a smirk, guided them towards a boat. "A boat for the young couple!"
Dipper opened his mouth to protest, but Pacifica quickly added, "Wait, I didn't get my lantern."
"We can share mine," Dipper offered, helping Pacifica into the boat. They settled down as the boat started drifting away from the dock.
As they set their lantern in the water, their fingers brushed briefly, creating a moment of electric contact. Pacifica looked at the lantern with awe, while Dipper found himself captivated by something even more beautiful—the genuine, contented smile on Pacifica's face.
A man helped her climb into the boat, and she carefully held onto her lantern. As she settled into her seat, she looked up at the stars. "Wow," she whispered to herself, awe evident in her voice. "How beautiful."
She gazed at the starry sky, feeling a deep sense of nostalgia. "I've missed this," she murmured.
Looking around, she saw people settling in with their loved ones. Mabel was laughing with her two friends, and Dipper was sitting with a blonde girl. A warm smile spread across her face as she observed them, feeling reassured that they were doing well.
She turned her attention back to her lantern, watching as others released theirs into the night sky. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the tranquility of the evening. With a gentle release, she let her lantern float upward, merging with the constellation of glowing lights above.
Dipper and Y/N sat in the car, waiting for Mabel. Dipper glanced at his watch and sighed, "What is taking her so long?"
Y/N shrugged, looking around the parking lot. "I'm not sure. She might still be talking to her friends."
"I guess so," Dipper replied.
Just then, Mabel came running towards them, looking frazzled. "There you are! Sorry, I didn't realize how late it was!"
"You're fine, Mabel," Y/N reassured her. "I hope you had a good time."
As they all got into the car, Mabel suddenly burst out, "Dipper has a—"
Dipper quickly covered her mouth, a look of shock on his face. "Mabel! Did you just lick my hand?"
Mabel giggled, and Dipper rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling.
On their way home, the conversation turned to the festival. They chatted about how pretty and fun it had been, each sharing their favorite moments.
When they arrived home, Soos and Melody were waiting outside.
"Hey, Jesus. How was it?" Y/N asked.
"You won't believe this—" Soos started to explain, but Y/N cut her off with a yawn.
"Tell me later, Jesús. Estoy cansada. Me alegra que te hayas divertido," Y/N said with a smile.
"Goodnight, Tía," Soos added, waving as they headed inside.
Dipper and Mabel are in the bathroom, brushing their teeth. Dipper, with a thoughtful look, says, "You know what's weird?"
Mabel, glancing up from her toothbrush, asks, "What?"
"Nothing weird happened today," Dipper replies, his voice tinged with confusion.
Mabel bursts into laughter, "Besides seeing you and Pacifica getting all smoochy—"
"Ugh, Mabel! I'm being serious," Dipper interrupts, glaring at his reflection in the mirror. "What is going on?"
End of Chapter 1
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sebsbarnes · 9 months
13 weeks || tangerine
tangerine x reader
summary: it was a quiet night when the walls of your apartment learned that the two of you had fallen for the other
warnings: none
word count: 800
a/n; this ached at my heart bc this is actually something that happened to me but in the end the guy was a horrible person! lol!
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"it's stupid but, i wanted to give you this," you said handing him a letter and a small box. the letter was scrawled with words you wrote with a tender heart confessing how you will miss him dearly in the three months he will be away and that you can only hope that the deep connection you've made as friends will not change with the lack of communication in the months he is gone. and though unwritten, you knew he was observant enough to understand the underlying meaning of your words. the two of you knew you had feelings for the other no matter how hard you played it off as being friends. you left the note with a small 'p.s' and instructed that in the small box was a film camera that he needed to use to document his travels since he opted to remain offline and not take pictures. you pleaded that when he returns he must show you all the places he has been to.
tangerine raised an eyebrow at you, grabbing the items from your hand and sitting down at the kitchen table. your leg bounced up and down with nerves as you watched his eyes run across the page reading the cursive ink. you saw as his lips twitched into small smiles throughout the note before putting it down and examining the box. he went silent, no trace of emotion on his face. without saying a word he stood up and walked in front of your now sitting figure and forced you up into a hug.
your heart was beating so hard and fast that you could feel yourself getting light-headed. the drumming in your ears made his voice sound muffled. you were nervous, beyond nervous, and for what reason? was it because you two were finally hidden behind the walls of your apartment away from the world and the lingering eyes? or was it because after all this time you finally let your walls crumble down and allowed yourself to fall for the man who had now pulled you into the tightest yet most comforting hug you had ever experienced? his arms were wrapped securely around your shoulders with his head resting gently on top of yours.
"i can feel your heart beating," he whispered.
you let out a slight laugh, embarrassed at the way your heart pounded for him, "i know."
he pulled away from the hug but his hands rested at your waist. he looked at you briefly, his eyes looking into your own, before he leaned forward and kissed you. it was gentle at first, lips moving softly against each other. it was everything you had imagined for the last few months. the feeling of his lips on yours, the way his hands gripped at your skin, the feeling of your heart seeming to burst. but all at the same time you couldn't believe it. it felt too good to be true and that when you woke up from your daydream, his skin would no longer be on yours and the smell of his cologne vanished.
you came back to reality when his hands abandoned your waist and moved to cup your face. he was kissing you with fervor now, teeth accidentally clashing every so often. you would bite his bottom lip and teasingly pull away causing him to moan lightly. it made you dizzy. you two stumbled backward towards the staircase, giggling between kisses as you tripped up the stairs since you refused to stop kissing. you would make it to your bed with loving smiles flashing at the other because it all felt right and you two finally decided to let your walls down.
despite not knowing where the next few months will take you both, you didn't regret any decisions that night. you knew in the long run you would've regretted not giving him the letter, not hugging him back, not kissing him, and not wandering upstairs with him, which is why you did all of that. each day since he left you would wish for your phone to buzz and see his name grace your screen, though it never came.
it would be 13 weeks later when he showed back up in your life unannounced. when you saw him from across the room you felt sick. the color vanished from your face and it was as though a ghost took your place. the walls of your chest constricted in on your heart only allowing it to pump up and down in the smallest of spaces. the feeling of your stomach twisting itself into a knot was as if you feasted on spoiled food. it was overwhelming. but much like that night 13 weeks ago you knew how you felt and the distance did nothing to change it.
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wreywrites · 4 months
The Sniper of Old Pabu
Summer of Bad Batch Week 1
Prompts: Water Gun Fight & "It's not what you think."
A/N: Decided to write little scenes and snippets in and around my current WIP "Shattered." I promise I'm working on it, but in the meantime, enjoy Summer of Bad Batch and all the Omega & Boys & Zara shenanigans. Warnings: None, it be fluff AO3
Echo dropped behind the crumbling wall. Missed shots plastered the brick behind and above him, where his head had been only seconds before. Footsteps pounded toward him. He raised his blaster and faced the corner, finger on a hair trigger. With a scuffle of scraping gravel, Omega skidded around the corner and dropped to a crouch next to him.
He heaved out a relieved breath and lowered his blaster. “Thought you might be—”
“I know,” she panted, pushing sweaty hair back off her forehead. “I thought about whistling, but then they’d know our signal.”
“So you risked it?”
Shouts echoed through the old compound.
“It’s usually not a problem,” Omega hissed back. “When Zara’s here, and I can just—you know—think at her, and she tells you not to shoot.”
“She’s coming back, right?”
Omega twisted around and peeked over the wall, ducking back down quickly as three more shots hit the wall behind her. “Yeah, yeah, she just didn’t know how long it would be when she left. Guess the Protectors—”
“They play fast and loose these days, with no throne to protect.”
“Should we be there? Since we’re Mandalorians too?”
Echo snorted. “We’re not the right kind of Mandalorians. Well…” he frowned, listening to the shouts and shots a few buildings away, trying to decide who was winning, “We’re not necessarily the wrong kind of Mandalorians, especially if Zara speaks for us—”
“She told me she could adopt us,” Omega giggled, “but that would make… things… weird.”
“What things?” Echo feigned innocence. “Things like none of our names sounding good with Rau? Wrecker Rau?” He shuddered.
“Omega Rau sounds good. And it’s not like any of your names sound more awkward than Zara Rau.”
“That’s fair.”
The compound fell quiet and Echo peered over the wall. He came back down with a frown.
“All gone?”
“All gone.”
“Huh. I wonder—” Omega cut off with a shocked yelp.
Echo, fully aware of his occasional shortcomings as a brother/father/mother figure, left her for dead and scrambled back around the crumbling wall the way he had come.
“Coward!” Omega laughed after him, slumping dramatically over the wall, the back of her shirt soaked with water.
“Avenge meeeee!” she wailed in the throes of a badly-acted death scene.
“Will do, kid.”
Confident he had cover from whoever had sniped Omega—undoubtedly Crosshair—Echo looked toward the rest of the old market district—Pabu’s new official water gun and laser tag arena. Hunter was sprawled dramatically against the old burned-out pastry shop, chatting quietly with Wrecker, whose boots were just visible behind the old ice cream stand.
Hunter glanced up at Echo, then gestured between Wrecker and himself. “We’re both dead.”
Echo nodded. “As you were then.”
Wrecker sat up and leaned around the ice cream stand just far enough to give Echo a not-entirely-sincere salute, then flopped back down. “Should still sell ice cream out of this place,” he grumbled.
Hunter nodded as Echo jogged off in a crouch. “Maybe delivery-style. You get shot, they send a runner in with your consolation ice cream.”
Wrecker gasped. “We could train Batcher to run ice cream!”
“Yes!” Omega chimed from across the square. “Lyana and I will start tonight!”
Chuckling, Echo rounded the corner and crept up the stairs. With Hunter and Wrecker out as well as Omega, that left one member of each team—him, Tech, and Crosshair. He was sure Crosshair was sniping from the roof of the bar, but where Tech was—especially if he hadn’t been there to watch Hunter’s back—
Echo tripped as he rounded the corner, falling forward hard onto something definitely not stairs. Two shots hit the wall where he had been. Swearing, he shrank lower and hauled Tech into a sitting position in front of him to block two more shots that came from Crosshair’s rifle, very visible from here.
“Come on, help me out a little,” Echo grunted.
“That would be against the regulations,” Tech said, letting his head loll to the other side. “Per the rules of the engagement, I am functionally dead—”
“All right, all right.” Echo managed to prop Tech’s shoulder against the inside corner wall so he was sitting up and creating just enough cover for Echo to kneel behind him. “How many shots does he have?”
“I am deceased and therefore unable to assist you.”
Echo rolled his eyes. “Were you at least having fun before Crosshair got you?”
“Oh yes!” Tech’s eyes lit up the way they always did when he got to talk, uninterrupted, about something he loved. “I enjoy all of our tactical simulation games. And Hunter and I have worked out a new plan—143—that we both think will benefit the group. Though, of course, we will have to wait until Zara returns to truly test its effectiveness.”
Echo nodded, poked his head over Tech’s shoulder, and slowly straightened up. Crosshair’s rifle was no longer visible. Then again, Crosshair knew it was just the two of them left. He might have moved to a better position knowing Echo would head to his usual sniper’s nest to dig him out, or maybe he had taken a page out of Echo’s book and was hunting him down at this very moment, or maybe—and this way was the way to madness.
Echo took a quick breath and ran for it. He dodged around Tech, keeping his head low as he bolted up the stairs and dove behind a pile of crates. There was a scraping, scuffling sound overhead, the sound of Crosshair getting into a different position.
Echo nodded to himself. Still up there. He’d take the back ladder—Crosshair would never expect him to come up that way—hopefully there would be some tables or something up there for cover, then one quick shot to the back of the head, and Echo and Omega would win and receive that most glorious of prizes: picking tonight’s movie.
He crept across the empty balcony, eased his way up the ladder, and peeked onto the roof.
He frowned and moved up one rung.
There it was. A boot, just visible from behind a table that had been flopped on its side to provide some cover. Keeping to a low crouch, Echo crept closer. Only two more steps, then he’d stand up and shoot—he and Omega had picked a movie already—and—
The table fell forward, legs sticking up in the air.
Echo jumped, nearly out of his skin and a good foot off the ground.
“It’s not what you think,” Crosshair grumbled, sprawled face down, a long red nerftail just visible behind and under where his neck and shoulder joined.
“Oh?” Echo said, raising his pistol and popping three shots into Crosshair’s back. “Because it looks like Zara got back early and decided to, uh, surprise you.”
“Already dead, idiot.”
From underneath Crosshair, Zara sat up, jerked his rifle to her shoulder, and pulled the trigger twice. She grinned as Echo hacked a cough, the impact of the water blasts on his throat sending him staggering. “Decided to surprise all of you, Cross was just convenient.”
“Hate you,” Crosshair grumbled.
Zara laughed. “And you’ll hate me more when you hear what I picked for movie night, as is my right as the victor!” She bounded to her feet, propped Crosshair’s rifle at shoulder arms on one side and reached down with the other hand to pull the surly sniper to his feet and then into a side hug. “Just admit it, you missed me.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes. “Missed you a little. And I wouldn’t have missed you when I tried to shoot you when you first got here, but you cheated.”
“Using the Force isn’t cheating.”
“It’s kind of cheating.”
“Listen, I can’t turn it off any more than you boys can turn off your enhancements, and we don’t tell Hunter to plug his nose and ears, so kriff off.”
Echo nodded. “You don’t tell her not to use the Force when she’s on your team.”
“Completely different,” Crosshair scoffed.
“Why?” Echo scoffed back.
Crosshair grinned and slung an arm around Zara’s shoulders. “Because I get to pick the movie then.”
“Not tonight!” Zara’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Tonight we watch The Many Adventures of Togo the Tooka!”
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lvrhughes · 10 months
Christmas Tree Farm | N. Hischier
christmas celly || main masterlist
pairing: Nico Hischier x gn!reader(?)
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none?
summary: Christmas time with Nico!
not my gif!
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The stress of holiday shopping was overtaking, forcing the sour mood you held. 
“I need to get out of here.” Your words were barely above a whisper, staring at your mother who stood beside you in the crowded store. 
“I’ll meet you at home, okay?” She agreed, waving you out as you thanked her. 
It was always amazing how busy the small town could get around Christmas, the traffic slowing simple trips from five minutes to fifteen. Walking through the busy streets before returning for your car to make the drive home, staring at the lights that littered the streets and business windows. 
In the town’s centre stood one un-snow covered bench, walking through the crowds to sit in the falling snow before returning. Sitting on the cool bench before closing your eyes, transporting yourself to a more peaceful scene. 
People dancing under Christmas lights, bundled up in their mittens and coats, cider flowing. Just to be there tonight. 
The phone buzzing in your pocket grabbing your attention, reaching to grasp it from your pocket to answer the call. 
“Hi Schatz.” Nico’s voice filling the line, a soft smile growing on your face. 
“Hi Neeks.” You answered, reply copying his with a smile. “What’s up?” 
“Just missed you, you’ve been gone too long and your mom was asking where you were.” He admitted, his hand rubbing the back of his neck with a shy smile you couldn’t see but could tell he was wearing. 
“I just got distracted in the lights, I’ll be home shortly.” Your words answering your mom's question and making the smile on Nico’s face grow. 
“Okay, liebe, I’ll see you soon.” 
The call was ended shortly, ending with I love you’s and promises of hot coco. The warmth of the drink encouraging your way home, back to Nico, back to the warm fire that stayed in your house. 
The lights on your house lit when you pulled in, the fake deer in the yard standing in perfect order as Nico had arranged them. The front door opening quickly when the car was placed in park, Nico running out to the car hurriedly. 
“Mein Liebe!” His arms immediately pulling you from your seat, wrapping around you as he spun, eliciting giggles from your lips. 
“Neeks I was gone for three hours!” The sound falling from your lips earning a smile on Nico’s face. 
“Three hours too long, I missed you.” He sighed, pressing his lips to yours while you melting against him. “And your kisses.” He mumbled against your lips. 
“Okay, okay,” You grinned, pushing him slightly away while he leaned to press his lips against yours again. “Let’s go inside, it’s cold.” 
His hand grabbing yours to pull you inside quickly, your feet unmoving as he tried to run in making him turn in confusion. 
“I went shopping! We have to grab the presents!” You urged, dropping his hand to reach back into the car. He was quick to grab the rest of your bags, leading you inside after. 
“Come sit by the fire now, please?” Nico spoke quickly, wrapping his arms around your waist quickly to carry you towards the fireplace before you could answer, the bags discarded on the floor by the stairs. 
His body falling into one of the few chairs that encircled the fire, pulling your body onto his lap while he reached for the blanket that had been thrown on the floor last night. Wrapping the blanket around yours and his shoulders, covering as much of your body as he could. 
“Are you warm, Schatz?” Nico’s voice a whisper in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
“Yes, Neeks.” You grinned, rubbing your hands along the stubble that covered his face. His head leaning into the touch, turning further to kiss your hands. 
The night faded into the next, returning to town again to finish what you hadn’t yesterday. Nico coming this time, your mother opting to stay home claiming she needed to make sure the snow outside was in perfect piles for the outdoor activities. 
“Schatz, can we go back?” Nico’s exasperated whine pulled you from your thoughts, putting the snowglobe you had been staring at down. 
“Regret coming in now?” You played, smiling at him as he pulled you close. 
“I just think there are other things we could be doing instead of this, such as skating on the lake by the barn, or maybe keeping each other warm in be-” 
“Nico!” You gasped, smacking his arm while he laughed. “Fine, I’ve got everyone’s gifts now anyways, we’ll go skate. It sounds fun, reminds me of when I was little.” 
You grinned at the memories of skating on the little pond by the barn, the bench your dad had build beside the pond just for in the winter. 
It wasn’t a long drive into or out of town, yet Nico seemed to think it was the longest. His constant asking of how far you were and his hand messing with yours as you drove. 
“Nico, would you stay quiet for five minutes and we’ll be home?” You pushed, his simple ‘we home yet?’ every other minute had driven you mad, the smile on his face while you told him to stay quiet proved his intentions. Purely to annoy you.
But he remained silent, agreeing to your proposition, remaining quiet until you put the car in parked and he was jumping from the passenger seat. 
“Neeks! The stuff we bought!” You exclaimed as he pulled you from the car once again, dragging you straight towards the pond. 
“We’ll get it after.” He answered, continuing to bring you to the pond, stopping at the barn to grab the skates that had been left by the two of you last time. Leading you to the bench to help with your skates before he sat down for his.
The light in the barn left on, waiting for the two of you to return. The sounds of laughter flowing from the pond, encouraging your parents to look from the warmth of the house. Watching the two of you dancing and laughing on the ice, Nico’s hand always in yours or always holding you, it was clear to see the love that shone from his eyes.
“Neeks it’s so cold!” The freezing weather catching up, sending shivers through your body as you clung to Nico, his arms rubbing up and down your back. 
“Let’s go back.” He nodded, reaching for your hand. 
Leading you to the bench, untying your skates and passing your boots before he switched his. Taking your hand to run to the barn, throwing the door open quickly to rush in. Giggles escaping your lips as his arms wrapped around your waist again, pulling you down on top of him while he fell onto a stray blanket that laid on the ground. 
“Baby, what are you doing?” You laughed, shifting in his arms to face him, laying beside him on the blanket. 
“Laying with mein liebe.” He grinned, pressing a kiss to your nose. 
A smile on your face as you leaned in to kiss him, allowing your body to melt into his as he pressed back. His hands around your waist to keep you tight against him, your hands running through his hair. 
“We should go in.” You mumbled against his lips, gently tugging on the ends of his hair. 
He nodded, pulling away slowly to lead you back inside, returning to the same chair as the previous night. Wrapping the blanket around your bodies again, his arms wrapped around you as you sat curled in his lap. 
The fire burning in front of you, covering the area in a nice warmth. Nico’s lips pressed against your hair, keeping a kiss pressed against the top of your head while the two of you watched the fire burn. 
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r1vrsefx · 1 year
rafe cameron x reader
summary: yn decides to end things with rafe… but can she?
warning: toxic relationships, drug abuse, coke, drinking, kissing and implied sex
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"I just don't know what to do." y/n sighed from the passenger seat. "I know you don't want to hear this but he's toxic and he treats you like shit half of the time. And that's coming from his sister." Sarah looked over at the girl.
y/n and Rafe have been dating for a good six months. for the first few months of their relationship it was great, he would buy her flowers, take her on dates, basically just spoil her.
That was until he started using. When he was high he could care less about her. It was very rare when he was sober and good to y/n. She couldn't put up with the constant fighting, him disappearing for days and his aggression towards her.
She's been thinking for the last couple of weeks if he is really worth her time and energy. "I mean it's not the best to hear but it's true" y/n sighed as they parked. "I know. I'm sorry." They got out. The music was loud and could be heard from down the street. The smell of weed and alcohol could be smelt through the air.
Sarah and y/n always went to Toppers annual end of school party . Everyone knew Topper threw the best parties in the OBX. And everyone always went , the kooks, the pogues and even the tourist who are just visiting.
They step foot into Toppers big ass house and went straight to the coolers for beer. "Hiya." Topper came up behind Sarah wrapping his arm around the girl. "Hi." She giggled.
"Hey Top, have you seen Rafe?" y/n questioned. "Uh yeah he's down in the basement." He motioned to the door leading down there.
"Good luck." Sarah smiled. y/n flashed her a smile before going down there. Music rang through her ears. She tried her best to get down there successfully with out tripping over any people sitting on the stairs.
She spotted Rafe, sadly snorting coke, sitting at a table with girls surrounding him. She sighed and made her way over there.
"Hey baby!" He shouted over the music. She sat in his lap as he drank. "Why don't you let me do some lines off your stomach, yeah?" He lifted her shirt a little. She grabbed his wrist, "No let's go talk."
"No we don't need to talk." He scoffed. "Rafe come on." She got up and he followed. She pulled him into one of the guest rooms. She sat on the bed and he sat next to her.
"You're scaring me." He laughed. "We can't keep doing this." She told him quietly. "What are you talking about? We are fine." He scoffed.
"No Rafe, we aren't. We're toxic. You couldn't give two shits about how feel anymore. All you care about is drugs and your stupid fri-" She was cut short.
"You know that's not true! You know I love you!” He raised his voice. "Not the way you used too." She looked away tears pricking her eyes.
"Come on baby." He placed his hand on her thigh. She removed his hand, “Don't call me that." She got up. "Please don't leave me. I need you." He pleaded. "Stop making this difficult Rafe." She let a tear fall.
"I love you." He grabbed her hands. "No you don't." She couldn't look at him. "You have no idea what I'm feeling." He shook his head. "Please give me another chance. I promise I'll be better. I'll do whatever you need me to do. I'll- I’ll get sober." He used his hands to talk.
"You say that every time." She turned around so she was facing him, running her hands through her hair. He wrapped his arms around her waist and started to plant soft kisses on her neck. "Rafe." She groaned. "Mhm?" He continued.
"Stop making it hard to hate you." She turned around. "One more chance, please." He smiled willing. No matter how many time Rafe messed up she would always love him. No matter what, it would always be him."One more. Than that's it, I mean it." He hugged her.
"Let's go to your place yeah? I'll make it up too you." He smiled.
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Eyes For You
Dr. Jack Griffin x Reader
Authors Note: No one asked for this. No one wanted this. But I wanted it. It’s my emotional support film and god dammit I love this insane Twink.
Sum: You were waiting for your husband to return home from a trip out with some friends. But something went bump in the night. You were no coward, and investigated. Maybe you should have been a coward
Warnings: 18+/Violence, attempted kidnapping, Unhinged madness (you signed up for exactly that anyway), Jack being EXTREMELY protective of you, unethical science, blood, babygirling horror
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“Jacky? That you?” You spoke into the darkness. You had to ask. You heard a noise, and well he’s Jack. He likes to pull pranks, and is also a little bit hard to….see….So it’s easier to call than poke around.
There wasn’t a response, however. Even he couldn’t help it but giggle, whenever he tried to pull something sneaky on you. That’s how much he adored you. Unable to keep himself wrapped up enough to follow through. Just to excited to see your laughing face.
Many would have probably stayed in their room. Maybe even call some kind of authorities. You? Well for one calling the cops doesn’t work when you are married to a man like Jack. Also, what’s scarier than Griffin?
So, here you are. You climbed out of bed, stole your husband’s robe, and snuck yourself outside of your shared bedroom. Through the familiar halls of the manor, with a candleholder in hand.
“I swear if someone broke in here, again, I’ll butcher them myself.” You would huff, as you would walk down the stairs. Had a bit of a history of people not knowing when to mind their own business. You came from a well off family, and that was how you and Jack even met. Your father had a medical issue, and Jack was able to solve it. Was hired to be the family doctor, and was able to be given funding for his experiments.
You couldn’t stop your dreamy smile. The memories of how excited he was to share what he discovered to you. How someone was willing to listen his endless rambles. He didn’t love you for the financial prosperities. He loved you because you wanted him to succeed. Was like a fairy tale.
“Whoever’s in my house better get out. I’m not afraid to get violent!” You shouted, as you kicked the door open. Certainly startled the man in your kitchen. Not every day someone actually confronts the one who breaks in.
“I don’t care who you are. Get out of my house. My husband will be home any minute now, and I rather not clean up blood stains at this hour.” The intruder sure was confused at how causal your violent mannerisms were. You kinda picked up a thing or two from a mad scientist.
“Sure he is. I’ve never seen a man come in or out of your house. But I’ve certainly seen plenty of fancy equipment. You’ve got money-“ And he was soon raising a gun at you. “And I have a feeling your daddy will pay plenty to get you back.” He warned.
Not the first time someone did this. But it was the first time someone actually go into your house. Luckily, your husband doesn’t marry himself anyone dumb. You blew out your candle, and the world was casted in darkness.
He fired, in a attempt to hit you, but you were already running. You ran, and tried to think of where would be the best place to go. Should you lock yourself in your husbands lab? What about running outside? Should you risk going upstairs, and getting a better weapon? You tried to think fast, but a bullet finally landed its mark.
You have a yelp of pain, as you were soon falling to the ground. A bullet right in your leg, and your only means of any defense was clattering out of reach. Just left to bleed in the hallway. The portraits of your friends, and family, left to just watch as your attacker found you. The moonlight casting a terrifying glow over his masked features.
“Well that was easy. Husband still coming to save you?” He mocked, as you were left to try and crawl away. Just taunting you, as he knew you couldn’t stand. You suppose this was poetic justice. You were now the victim, and you now had a mad man above you.
There was also something else above you. The rise of the candle holder you had lost in the fall. The darkness made it impossible for the attacker to see, but your angle had the moonlight sparkling on it. The gold a beacon of hope, as it was raised above his head.
“Maybe I should enjoy myself. Damaged goods are still goods, aren’t they?” He cackled at you. Just saw you as nothing more than a damsel of meat to enjoy, and oh did that made your husband growl.
“HANDS OFF MY DARLING!” And down it came. The attacker was down on the ground, wondering how he was hit. Was just left to watch, in horror, as the candle holder was held up by nothing at all. To just watch it come down and hit him over and over.
And over.
And over.
And over.
The blood was pooling. So much splatter, that you could make out your husbands shape. To see the defined features he held. Like his nose, the scars in his flesh, and how his face was in a scowl. He was not one to cross. His own partner, in his own home? Needles to say you’ll need to buy a candle holder.
“Jacky-!” Despite the pain in your leg you were raising your hands up. Eager to be held by your savior. No care for the blood, as you saw it in a cruel justification. Your husband saved you, and you needed to be held.
“My darling-“ He swooned, as you were scooped into his arms. Held close to his chest, and safe in his hidden embrace. With whispers of comfort, as you were quickly taken to his private lab. Safe, and to be treated.
“Oh darling, I should have hurried home sooner.” He was quick to blame himself. The only time he ever seemed to accept blame, really. If you were in harms way he takes guilt with out a second thought. Anything else? Never his fault. He really put you above himself. Above science. Above world dominate. Everything was beneath you.
“Jacky, hush. I’m ok now. You are here now.” You tried to calm him, as he would tend to your leg. Careful calculations. You didn’t even need to see his face to know those once white eyebrows were knitted close together. That he would be sticking his tongue out the corner of rosey lips. To have his violet eyes narrowed to make sure he pulled out the bullet just right.
He made sure you were as pampered as possible, while soothing your wound. Made sure it was cleaned, and patched, what have you. Muttering away at himself about the the annoyance of mankind. The normal.
“I’ll deal with him in the morning. Along with the mess I left behind. Greymatter is all over the walls.” He laughed, as he would proceed to use a wet cloth to clean up the blood off his body. To once again vanish into nothingness.
Call yourself insane, but you swore you could always tell where he was. Maybe being exposed to him for so long has caused you to develop some kind of second hand effects. Maybe you just held a bond with him like no other. You didn’t know. You just knew that you didn’t need to see him to see him, as cheesey as it was.
“You better. My word, you bent that holder into a spiral. I swear-“ You teased, as you were scooped into his arms again. Just a floating bundle of warmth and love. Certainly would cause the strangest of sight to those who were unaware. Which is most of the population. As far as anyone knew you were a widow. That typically keeps people from wanting your hand, but not always.
“He dare lay a hand on you. To harm you. To think he could….Oh his organs would be useless for science. I’m certain they are as dead as his brain is mush. Even his body is no use!” He ranted on, as he would bring you back upstairs.
You both knew his body would be used for some experiment, but the emotions are what matter. Had you nuzzling your face in his neck, with whispers of kisses. The only thing to sooth his raging heart.
“Jacky, let’s get some sleep. I know you had a busy weekend with your friends.” That had him finally stop his muttering. For you, he would defy the laws of nature. Suppose getting some sleep will be what he could offer, tonight anyway.
You would be laid down, as if a maiden by her knight, as he went to get into some sleep clothes. Such as some boxers, and a old shirt he had back when he wasn’t the madman he was today.
It always was so funny to watch, no matter how many times it’s been witnessed. To just see a floating set of clothes. It always had you smiling. To have his mannerism so memorized that you can still imagine them. The way he would sassily rest a hand on his hip, as he paced in thought. To how he would run his fingers through his white hair.
“Jacky….Bed.” You gentler cooed. Was followed by a sigh, from him, as that invisible hand would lift up the blankets. Now a indentation on the bed. All you need to find him. To find him, and snuggle into his chest.
“Welcome home.” You yawned. Safe in his arms again. To feel his scared fingers rub your back, as he would treasure you close. With literal invisible kisses to your face. As if it would be a cure to all your worries. Suppose he was right, they were.
“So good to be home again, darling.” He returned, as you could feel his breathing relax. To have his burning heart cooled. You were the very thing that kept him away from the world. The draw bridge of civilization and a apocalypse.
Maybe if you get bored enough, one day, you’ll lower that bridge.
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mastermindmiko · 2 months
Hi! Could please write more ron Weasley fluff with a little bit of angst, it could literally be abt anything<3
Charcoal pancakes and confessions
Hey! sorry that this is a bit late, but none the less, here it is.
Pairing: Ron Weasley + Reader word count: 1393 Trigger warnings: Sexual innuendos, and that's it I believe, but lmk. Summary: You and Ron spend time together at the Burrow without anymore and it gives you a glimpse of what you would want it to be like in the future.
a/n: once again doing the summary rhyming thing at the beginning of the chapter (calling it poetry would be an insult to poetry) lmk if I should scrap the idea, I do however think that it's pretty cute
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Give me a day or two to spend within your arms, to show you that I’m all that you need. We can play pretend and just make believe with you by my side and your arms around me. We can foresee the future as I need it to be, with you by my side and our house under my feet. I know you’re not sure yet about you and me, but I need you to see that I could be your home, if not the one you want then the one that you need. 
I wake up to the smell of something burning, and a few shouts. I can hear many curses as I wake up. I sit up, and go to stand up, immediately noticing the ache in between my legs. A shiver runs up my body and I reach for the clothes that are scattered under the floor. Putting on only what’s necessary. 
The curses and shouts get louder as I walk down the stairs to where Ron is creating a mess in the kitchen. A fire is brewing underneath the pan, as a few lumpy black objects fuel it like coal. I grab my wand and wave a spell that reduces the fire to a small amount, then I grab a small glass of water and spill its contents till the fire is gone. I chuckle at the mess that the kitchen’s in, “What exactly were you trying to do?” 
“Pancakes.” He says and then he walks over to wrap his arms around me. He sets his chin on my shoulder and I place my hands above his over my stomach. He twirls me around causing a quick giggle to leave my throat. He grins down at me and he pulls me by my arm, having me tripping over my feet into his chest to give me a kiss. I say, “You didn’t have to.” 
“Of course I did…” He trails off then scans my body noticing the fabric that’s foreign to my skin but not his. He continues, “Especially when you look so good in my clothes.” 
“Ahh, you’re exaggerating.” I tease him, and he pulls me closer to his chest once more. I can smell his shampoo and lotion, making him even more heavenly to me. His face turns into a faux serious and he says, “Not at all, you’re completely breathtaking.” 
I loved days like this when his family all left the Burrow to attend to their business and Ron would invite me over. I’d imagine that is what it would be like if we were together and maybe even sharing a house. He pecks my lips and then whispers, “You feeling alright? Your legs okay?” 
“Mhm…” I say against his lips, and he grins, already reaching a hand down to cup my ass. He says, “That’s good cause we’re gonna do it again tonight.” 
“Not tonight, your parents are coming back.” I inform him, as I step away from his grasp and throw the bricks that he calls pancakes away. He frowns, and his arms fall to his sides as I slip away. He says, “They’re coming back the twenty third.” 
“Yes, and look at the calendar.” I say, and he looks back to where the calendar hangs. His mouth drops as he notices the number twenty three written in large numbers. He slumps down and sighs, “I thought we had another day…”
“It’s alright, there’ll be other times.” I tell him trying to brighten his mood. I motion for him to bring me a few eggs as I crack them over the already hot pan from Ron’s failed pancake attempts. He wraps his hands around me once more. He presses a kiss to my shoulder, and he trails up till he’s at my ear. I shiver and he says, “We’ll have to make the most of the next few hours then.” 
“I really wish I could, but I have to start packing.” I remind him and move aside so Ron can put the eggs on the plates and set them on the table. He already brought forks and knives for us to use on the table. He questions, “What will you be packing for?” 
“Your parents are coming back tonight, and your family will be visiting, as well as some other friends…” I trail off hoping he would get the idea without me having to spell it out for him. He just looks at me confused when he’s already eaten nearly half of his eggs. His head tilts to the side and my heart clenches at just how much I love it when he does that.
“We’re not going to be alone here anymore, Ron.” 
“So? My parents love you.” Ron tells me and I roll my eyes, and move the eggs around on my plate. I hint at it once more, “They’re not the problem, Ron.” 
“Is it the sex? Because I’m sure we can find somewhere to do it-” 
“Hermione’s going to be there, Ron.” I say, and his mouth forms an ‘o’ shape. He nods his head a couple times while I look down at my food. I put a piece of it in my mouth and chew slowly. He looks down understandably till he perks up again. He looks at me, eyebrows furrowed. He asks, “Wait, why’s that a problem?”
I sigh and I look at him, trying to see if he’s joking or not. He does look confused, he’s always been an idiot when it comes to matters of the heart. I look away and push the scrambled eggs around with my fork before whispering, “I don’t want everyone to know that I’m the girl you’re with until Hermione can be with you.” 
“I don’t understand.” Ron asks, and my chest burns with the reminder of what we have or lack thereof. He places a hand on my knee in support and I suck in a breath before telling him, “I don’t want everyone to know that you’re only just with me until you can be with Hermione because everyone knows that you want her and not me.” 
“I don’t get what you mean.” 
“Ron, stop acting like that. I know that you want Hermione, you’ve wanted her for years now, and I’m just a placeholder. We’ve been at this for almost two years now, and never once have you ever said that I was your girlfriend, you’ve never even told me you liked me…” I burst, and I can see his fallen expression.
“Is that what you think?” Ron asks, and I don’t reply, just opt to look at my feet instead. He reaches his hand out to turn my face towards him. A teardrop falls, and I shut my eyes at how stupid I feel. He brushes it away with his thumb. He says, “I want to be your boyfriend, I wasn’t sure if you wanted more, I didn’t want to pressure you with anything, especially since you always seemed very content with what we’ve got.” 
“Well, I’m a great actor.” I chuckle, and he grins at me. He reaches out to hold my hand that’s in my lap. He rubs smooth circles over my hand and he looks at my eyes then flushes. He says, “And I always thought it was pretty obvious.” 
“What is?” 
“That I’m in love with you.” He confesses and my heart lurches to my throat. I search and scan for answers in his eyes for any sort of lie or uncertainty, but he was just smiling at me. He chuckles, “Merlin, I’ve even been thinking about a ring design.” 
My heart thumps against my chest, and I blush. He reaches over to plant a lovely kiss on the back of my hand then the other. He kissed one cheek then the next, and finally landed on my lips. He sighs, “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you earlier.” 
“I shouldn’t have assumed either…you were pretty heartbroken when you broke up with her.” I explained, recalling how he would send me a letter in the middle of the night asking me to meet him where he would talk my ear off about so many things just because he felt so lonely after she left him. Ron asks, “Do you know why Hermione broke up with me?” 
“It’s because even she realised that my heart belongs to you.”
a/n: Hope you liked it!
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