#rumble mewtwo
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bbubbles-mewtopia · 2 years ago
POV: You’re a Mewtwo who hasn’t eaten anything yet and your sleep deprived Mew dad isn’t taking any of your bullshit.
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Traced over an in-game image provided by TC <3
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dxzziie · 11 months ago
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happy april fools day :3
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raptorscreams · 8 months ago
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First three attacks for artfight
Model time boissss
@kreideheartz /@AERarts/@ lewongrs
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rumblemodels · 2 years ago
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zekkopunks · 1 year ago
every pokemon breakcore fan shedding a tear when I tell them these two are the only ones in the series with an official breakcore theme
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oldpokecardart · 2 years ago
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he1h0 · 2 years ago
You know, thinking about it, it's weird how much faith TPC put into Detective Pikachu.. like I don't mean in it in a "Oh this game/movie is so bad! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?" kinda way I mean it in a "they don't usually go this hard for their spinoffs" kinda way. Like they made both a game, a movie, and greenlit sequels for both before they were even released! Along with an official Amiibo (which is to my knowledge is the only Pokémon Amiibo besides the ones that were made for Smash. Actually, speaking of Smash...) He's also the ONLY individual character (disregarding Mythicals and Legendaries) and by extension, spin-off to be represented in Ultimate. The only other non-mainline references I could think of are the Pokémon Snap Trophy in SSBM and some of Charizard's movebanimations apparently being callbacks to the anime. It's weird. I don't even think any of the other TPC/GF spinoffs got this type of attention (Besides the TCG ofc lol)
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years ago
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We had a rain prompt :) - and some writing along with it
Creative Prompt: OC in the Rain
Mewtwo grumbled, flicking their tail angrily at the smaller Mewtwos floating around them.
They had been babbling nonsense for the better part of an hour, never seeming to shut up and only continuing to grate on their nerves.
Boys- They called themselves- seemed to have an impossibly annoying voice that ran on an on for hours on end.
They didn't speak like them, not psychically, they spoke vocally.
Something rumbled, loud and crass that had Mewtwo turning wildly, electricty crackling off their fur as they attempted to locate the pokemon stupid enough to make a noise.
"Oh great, its gonna rain." The purple one- Indigo? had sighed, eyes lighting up purple.
A protect circled his head- a familiar looking purple shield already forming.
The black one- Ash- made a weird noise, his face stretching into smile.
"Baby," Brown eyes darted to them, wincing back and glancing away nervously. "Doesn't matter, Let's keep going."
Mewtwo huffed, carefully following along Indigo's steps and forming a Protect above their head.
The Sky- who knew it made noises- continued to rumble before Indigo hissed about 15 minutes later.
"Let's go above the trees." Ash touted happily, darting up before they could even saw a word.
"ASH!" Indigo darted up and Mewtwo had no choice but to follow.
The treetops were a lot brighter than the leaves below, a subtle change that had Mewtwo relaxing slightly.
But they were wet.
They glanced up, surprise coloring their face as their shield began to dribble water off the sides.
"Why are you like this!?"
"Its just a lil water Go!"
"I hate you!"
They glanced to the side, watching Indigo curl under his shield, shaking near violently as Ash moved around freely in the falling water, spinning as fur began to drag down.
Tilting their head, Mewtwo reached out.
Water touched their hand and slowly drenching their fur.
Mewtwo reeled back, surprised by how *cold* it was.
The water Pitter pattered againdt their shield and they slowly reached out with both hands, barely tensing when the water coated their hands.
They barely registered the two younger Twos rounding around them.
Ash was drenched but sniling, giving them a confused stare.
"Whats the matter Mewtwo?" He asked, tilting his head.
"You're acting like you've never seen rain before." Indigo huffed out, crossing his arms across his chest as his eyes screwed closem "Fuck it's freezing."
"Swear Jar!"
"Screw you!"
"Rain?" They interrupted the boys banter, pulling back and stretching out their hands, feeling the water dribble between any dry spots between their fingers. "Is that what this is?"
The boys glanced at each other.
"You never seen rain before?" Indigo tilted his head, like he couldn't fathom the thought.
Their face screwed up in defense, crossing their arms and shivering as their wet hands touched their dry fur.
"I know Rain Dance." They touted harshly, glaring at the duo. "But i didn't see any Pokemon anywhere."
"It's cause its not Rain Dance, It's real rain." Ash supplied- unhelpfully in Mewtwo's opinion. "Come on, drop your shield, Rain is so much different when it's Natural!"
"Indigo still has it." Mewtwo argued, pointing at the Purple tailed two who looked like a Sawsbuck caught in a fight.
"That's cause he's a baby." Ash grinned again, this time sharper- but playful. "Come on!"
"I'm not a baby." Indigo grumbled, giving them a glance. "You can always put it back up, I just dont like Rain."
"Or Water!"
"Ash, Shut your mouth!"
Mewtwo ignored their yelling, gkancing at the rain still falling.
Slowly their protect shrunk, water beginning to pepper their fur from the top down.
It felt really weird on their gem, the first droplets chilling them to their core.
Other than that it felt...
The rain was cool but the gentle pittering was soothing in a way they never felt before.
Mewtwo stayed still, closing their eyes and letting the rain soak them down to their skin.
This was nice.
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kafus · 11 months ago
thoughts on pokemon rumble? just cheesed the battle royale mewtwo with poison sting tentacruel 😎
i somehow missed this ask omg sorry. i haven’t played pokemon rumble in a long time and i never sank much time into any of them past the original, but me and my sister poured a TON of time into the original wii release when we were kids. usually when i think of rumble these days i think about rumble weekend and the associated patch that adds johto and hoenn mons to the game for wider shiny hunting targets… it’s really too bad that none of the other rumble games have shiny hunting, only the original 😭 seriously makes it infinitely replayable
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pmd4 · 3 months ago
pokemon rumble
mewtwo theme
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bbubbles-mewtopia · 2 years ago
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Icons Icons Icons Icons Icons
You may or may not recognize some of these guys~
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sonicasura · 8 months ago
" Vaultin' Veluza, this place is uber similar to regions like Kanto or Sinnoh, heck there's even a region in this place called Kanto"
Came the amazed voice of Trainer who waddled throughout the city, exploring there new home. They had managed to convince Kafka ( and even had to convince Ai) to let them go explore the city. It was a fun time getting to eat good street food, check out this world's game selection, fashion, and see some popular tourist destinations. It also helped that Trainer didn't stock out to much, because it seemed that the fashion here was veru similar to their world, only thing was there clothes that had a brand name from there world, though that was easily explained away as an underground brand. It was a super nice tour of the city Kafka and Reno even though the latter lived in a more remote area, lived and traveled through each day.
Trainer: Where to next? Mabye head to an arcade, hmmm oh ya this one is not only an arcade but has a spot inside to order food. Mmmm it even says, it's also known for there Sandwhichs, oh and there pizza also, but most importantly there Sandwhichs. Now let's go play some games and chow down.
As they were about to begin there treck, disater decided to strike. As the ground began a violent rumble that caused everyone to lose there balance. It was then a couple blocks over a skyscraper sized Kaiju clawed it's way out of the ground. Panic quickly gripped all in the area as the Kaiju let out a horrible screaching sound. People immediately began to evacutate the area, all except for Trainer who ducked into an alleyway. Trainer had done so, to give themselves a space to think.
They should leave the Kaiju to the Defense Force, if the constant lectures from Kafka and Reno had taught them anything. The Defense was completely capable of felling the Kaiju threat. That would have been enough to set mind at ease if not for the fact Trainer felt they still had to do something, anything to help. That's when it hit them, the Defense Force can handle the giant Kaiju, mean while Trainer and their pokemon would act as an improtu Rescue Team for any civilian that needed help. This is what Trainer told there companions before they spread out to help protect the people.
The epicenter of the attack was currently pure chaos, the Kaiju destroyed many buildings and roads as they moved through the city trapping and injuring many in the most dangerous zones. A group of civilians were currently stuck in a bus on a crumbling highway. The doors jammed due to debris denting the metal of the doors, unable to escape many screamed and panicked as the bus began to slip off the highway. Though instead of harshly falling the bus remained up right, many people noticed there lack of falling and locked out the window only to be greeted by the Master Pyschic type themself Mewtwo carefully floating the bus to the ground, along with prying the door wide open with a flick of there hand. Many were scared however that fear was unfounded as they simply cleared a path with another flick of there wrist which moved all the rubble, so all could make there escape to safety before flying off to help others.
A group of citizens ended up boxed in aganist a building, helpless as a giant piece of rubble was falling towards them. However the rubble was stopped, when a bulky figure jumped up to meet the rubble before punching it back completely destroying it. Grimmsnarl had made there debut and he quickly got to work, tossing aside rubble that blocked the civilians path and even destroyed a Youju that tried to attack the civilians with a single punch. Grimmsnarl watched the civilians evactuate through the path he made. Many still horribly frightend didn't dare test there luck and moved quickly passed the powerhouse imp, though some did say thank you wether it was genuine or out of reflex, Grimmsnarl still appreaciated the thanks either way.
The emergence of the Kaiju also caused various fires to break out many which set roads ablaze, making it a hellish scroching path to navigate for those trying to evactuate. Though not many noticed, the few that did pointed upwards to where they saw a strange tiny otter like Kaiju, who surprisingly started shoting pressureized water from there mouth immediately putting out great chunks of the flames, this was soon compounded by a powerful gal from a huge bird Kaiju which carried the water along the winds to dowse all the flames that stood in the civilians way. After all the flames were put out Oshawott and Pidgeot who carried the little water type on there back soon flew up into the sky to watch over the civilians retreat until they were safe.
All of Trainer's companions worked vigoursly to rescue civilians, and trainer kept up with cordinateing the rescue effort thanks to Koraidon's movement capibilities. Soon all the pokemon came back having cleared there areas of any civilians that needed aid.
Trainer: Great job guys, hopefully everyone got to safety and it seems you finished up just in time too.
The reason Trainer said that was due to the fact Helicopters and Drones started to appear signaling it was time to leave. Which thanks to Mewtwo's teleportation was easy.
Though Trainer did get another earfull when they appeared on the news later that night
Ai definitely gave Trainer an earful too than just Kafka. The only reasoning the scolding was lighter is because their whelp didn't engage the Kaiju in a fight, merely help civilians evacuate. Doesn't mean Trainer's actions won't have lasting effects.
Grimmsnarl and Oshawott probably now have files while the Defense Force later receives tons of messages from the public about the "Kaiju Trainer's" potential safety. Patrols to find more information revolving around these strange newcomers would also begin. This major debut was the final straw to put Trainer on the Defense Force's capture list.
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team-heavenly · 1 year ago
Chapter 21: Part 2
If you've read Part 1, welcome and please proceed! If you haven't, what're you doing here? Click here to start from the beginning!
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And who else should we run into but our friendly duo? Here at the *checks notes* ...Bad Jungle?! Are you kidding me?
This is one of those things that's a little too on the nose to be believable. But I swear this is legit!
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We actually did manage to get through the dungeon first try. Now if it had been the Nonsensical Castle on the other hand-
No I'm not letting that go, it was literally Hell.
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Teresa: "...Hey, don't you think it's weird they both skirted around the center of the path just now?"
Andrea: "No? Why would that be weir-"
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*cue Wilhelm Scream and owie-ow-ow sounds*
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...Deepest of apologies for the deep-fried text on this one. I'm afraid it wasn't exactly salvageable. And as if things couldn't get any worse...
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*rumbling noise*
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...Someone just dun goofed.
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Southern Beedrill, I love you so much. Welcome back, pal :')
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To his credit, though... Totodile takes it and runs with it, demonstrating his commitment to The Bit.
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This would be absolutely terrifying if we were unevolved Pokémon without an AoE move. But... you know :D
Although something truly baffling happens when we transition to the battle:
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He was genuinely a rock type and everything! I'm honestly at a loss. I've never seen this happen before, and I have no explanation for it.
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Also, here's proof this place is called the Bad Jungle. If you even care.
This fight wasn't too bad, actually! One Rare Fossil was all we needed to knock out Tropius, and Blizzard took down almost everyone else. Mewtwo needed an extra hit, but that was no problem. Really, the worst part was facing down the Suddenly-Aron Guildmaster... It went something like this:
Andrea: *repeatedly using Octazooka* Teresa: *repeatedly using Mud Slap and dropping accuracy* Aron: *keeps hitting us anyway and brings both HP bars down to red* Team Heavenly: *has no healing items and begins to nervously sweat*
Thankfully, he finally began missing when it mattered and we triumphed!
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"Let's skedaddle, boys!"
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"Well, they're certainly good at... skedaddling."
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Sureee Linoone, go ahead and play the innocence card! I'm looking right through you 👁👁
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And that's putting it mildly.
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FYI: I'm skipping over the whole "Teresa using the Dimensional Scream because this treasure box seems sketch and could be a trap" thing because it's... not really necessary to the story.
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...Annnnd here's the cincher. *shakes ten-year-old me for being too dumb to have all doubt expelled at this reveal* Gosh, we've managed to hit 30 images already, so I suppose let's move on to Part 3. I liked it better when I just crammed in as many photos as I could...
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zekkopunks · 11 months ago
what is up with my favorite pokemon being absolute haters in pokemon rumble
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kokorowoutsu · 1 year ago
-- RP: @skullboneandunown
Lily nods, and gently leads Ashe and Willow up the stairs. "This way sweetie. She can use one of the guest rooms." She opens the door, and lets the tired mother in first. "Let me get her a bottle of water." She leaves for a moment, before returning with the bottle. She places it on the nightstand before taking a step back. "I have someone who could help." A Clefable carefully walks into the room, gazing concerned at Willow. "This is Jewel, my Ace. She knows Sing, so she'll be able to help her sleep." Mewtwo watches Ashe walk up the stairs before turning to face Leon. "Still. I have the power to easily stop Brutus if I want too." He's more than aware there are more dangerous Pokemon out there, himself included. Both are interrupted by Professor Xavier, wheeling up to them, and offers Leon a reassuring smile. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. Your circumstances are different compared to most. Nobody can fault you for trying. I can only imagine what you all had to go through in that distortion. Willow just needs time to adjust to a different time. And she has quite the large family who's willing to help her along, right? You're learning alongside her, and you can always ask any of us for help."
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Ashe's gaze softens and as Willow settles into the bed and Ashe pulls a blanket up over her, she gives a grateful nod to the Clefable. "Please do. I might fall asleep myself if i'm not careful." She admits softly with a faint laugh. Lucky puts the knife aside on the table and leaps up to join Willow, kneading the blankets before curling himself in his ribbons.
Leon, meanwhile, puts a hand on Mewtwo's shoulder. He didn't blame him. It was a freak accident, but that being said, he turns his attention to the Professor. "You're not wrong there, sir." Leon admits. "I'll... have a talk with Ashe. It's about time we consider where she'll be schooled." Bahamut's throat rumbles at that. He doesn't like the idea of her attending a school like what he saw, and her being far away in another region didn't set well either. Thumping his tail, Leon returned his hand and instead placed it on his partner's neck, stroking him to calm him down. "Bahamut is protective of her. Has been since he saw her for the first time."
Silence overtook them just as Ashe follows behind Lily, Willow safe upstairs with Jewel and Lucky. Noticing the tight atmosphere in the room, she pauses, looking from one person to the other. "... What's up?"
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tobiasdrake · 2 years ago
Episode 69 - Pokemon: the Movie!
This time for sure, Ash is going to do some serious XP-grinding and--
Famous film director Heat Minamino/Cleavon Schpielbunk, two-timer winner of the Binnes Film Festival, is attempting to film a Pokemon movie. He's looking for a leading Pokemon actor for a romance drama, who will be playing opposite a Wigglytuff.
Unfortunately, Wigglytuff's a bit of a diva and prone to Doubleslapping anyone who catches their ire. Their intended partner ran off. So now the film is trying to recast.
Team Rocket auditions their mains and Meowth. Ash, Brock, and Misty send up Pikachu, Vulpix, and Staryu Psyduck respectively. They all strut their stuff and show off dance moves, along with some randos' Hitmonlee and Raichu. And I choke on my chicken tender when the diagetic music's pun-filled lyrics about various Pokemon names sings out, "Lucky Lucky, nice to Mewtwo!" That singer's had some experiences he's not talking about.
Everyone we care about plus Raichu makes it into the final round of casting: Testing compatibility and onscreen chemistry with Wigglytuff. The over-aggressive Rockets fail immediately and get Doubleslapped out of the casting call. Pikachu, Vulpix, and the randos also get cold feet and bow out, but Psyduck's too stupid to flee so they win by default.
Once casting's complete, the director lays out the story and filming begins. It's West Side Story but with Pokemon. Filming goes off without a hitch up until the rumble, when Team Rocket shows up for revenge. But their interference ultimately spices up the film, and the director decides to keep the footage.
Once filming wraps, Ash promises to meet one of the randos from earlier at Indigo Plateau, but laments that he still hasn't done any training.
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