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lifestylestudies · 2 years ago
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kyng-marq · 3 years ago
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Does your mindset have complete control of the outcome? Or does the outcome determine your mindset and you have absolutely no control over it?? And is your self love not the issue?? #mindfulmonday #mindovermatter #foodforthought #rulesforlife #situationalleadership #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmonday #questionoftheday #qotd https://www.instagram.com/p/CZrqDfVOM69/?utm_medium=tumblr
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miramu1986 · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @philosophyterm Which pain will you choose? ⬇️Tag your friends 📜Follow @philosophyterm for daily wisdom ➖➖➖ @philosophyterm ➖➖➖ ➖➖➖ @philosophyterm ➖➖➖ . . .Cred @stoicreflections . . #carlgustavjung #philosophy #lawsofpower #stoicphilosophy #stoicism #psychology #deepquotes #marcusaurelius #bookquote #carljung #niccolomachiavelli #psychologyquotes #rulesforlife #changeyourthoughts #selfhelpquotes #deepthoughts #thoughtprovoking #wordofwisdom #robertgreenequotes #psychology #suntzu #jordanbpeterson #seneca #changeyourmindset #jordanpetersonquotes #quotes #psychologist #motivation #becomebetterLumineek https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbn5pDZLuIr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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makebritaingreatagain · 5 years ago
The Five Precepts
As all Buddhas refrained from killing until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from killing until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from stealing until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from stealing until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from sexual misconduct until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from sexual misconduct until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from false speech until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from false speech until the end of my life.
As all Buddhas refrained from alcohol until the end of their lives, so I too will refrain from alcohol until the end of my life.
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drrobertpuffphd · 3 years ago
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Rules To Live By (Adapting to Other People’s Rules) We all live by rules developed by our upbringing, society, and life experiences. Unfortunately, not everyone lives by our rules. How can we get along with others in life who engage with the world differently than we do? Come explore how to find peace of mind in various situations, even when others are breaking "our" rules. New Happiness Podcast episode with Dr. Robert Puff To learn more about the Happiness Podcast, go to: @robertpuffjr #rulestoliveby #rulesforlife #livebytherules #HappinessPodcast #DrRobertPuff (at Newport Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChLfd_VpMgl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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altwritewegner · 3 years ago
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I, for one, am thankful for #Borzoi. . . . #culturedgrugs #rulesforlife #gooutside #collapsologie #antelopehill https://www.instagram.com/p/CgGuF1VtFca/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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susanelizabethjonesart · 4 years ago
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There aren’t many rules at Windy Acre Cottage, but there are two which can never be broken: 1. Always shut the gate behind you, and 2. Everybody has to get along. Praying this morning Lucifer respects my rules or that he never finds the baby bluebirds. I’ve come to terms living with a large snake in the garden and have decided he can stay, but one breach of the rules and I’m coming after him with a hoe. (Or paying someone else to) #summergarden #blackracer #biodiversity #woke #rulesforlife #rulestoliveby #windyacrecottage #acrylicink #teabagartist #teabagart #weareallartists #happycreativelife (at Carriage House Studio of Windy Acre Cottage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPTVZhCB2qG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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viennajetschko · 4 years ago
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#grownup 🌳 #success #simple #rulesforlife #erwachsenwerden #erwachsensein #einfach #erfolg #augenzwinkern 😉 #meme #memes #titlecard https://www.instagram.com/p/CPNUm1tFh91/?utm_medium=tumblr
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warriorsouljah-blog · 4 years ago
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For the real ones. @dmx told us what to really do 😂 #StopDropandRoll #StopDropShutemDownOpenUpShop #FireWithFire #RulesForLife #LifeHack #TeachTheKids #NoLames Reposted @crystaalala1310 (at Doha) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM6hFBbh_0o/?igshid=15wsq1dxpn6jw
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miramu1986 · 3 years ago
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Reposted from @beyondorder12rules Quotes from ‘Beyond Order’ by Jordan Peterson. . . . Improve your life, check the link in bio --> @beyondorder12rules . . . Follow 👉 @beyondorder12rules Follow 👉 @beyondorder12rules Follow 👉 @beyondorder12rules . . . Level up your life @growrichquote @jockoquote @12ruleslife @48lawsquotes @muskquote . . . #beyondorder #rulesforlife #jordanpeterson #jordanbpeterson #jordanpetersoninspired #morerulesforlife #jordanpetersonquotes #mapsofmeaning #jordanpetersonsays #selfauthoringprogram #slaythedragon #rules #jordanpetersonlobster #jordanpetersonbooks #jordanpetersonadvice #beyondorderbook #selfauthoring #jordanpetersonbooklist #mikhailapeterson #professorjordanpeterson #mapsofmeaningbook #rulesbook #jordanpetersonclips #jordanpetersonfan #cleanyourroom #understandmyself #sortyourselfout #julianpeterson #tammypeterson #bhfypLumineek https://www.instagram.com/p/CbkX1sZr3JI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wanderlustyyg · 4 years ago
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❤❤❤ . Repost from @astral.dimension Posted @withregram #rulesforlife #kickass https://www.instagram.com/p/CGureNlnAqZ/?igshid=otphvpnofizj
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justinkephart · 4 years ago
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Still experimenting with this new tablet, trying out portraits for practice, and I attempted a new style for this one. #jordanpeterson #tellthetruth #dragonofchaos #mapsofmeaning #sowhatyouresayingis #jordanbpeterson #idw #intellectualdarkweb #rulesforlife #12morerules #12rulesforlife #justinkephart #chaosandorder https://www.instagram.com/p/CGiwcvch0Zo/?igshid=u2c343xk5rme
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ideallyvegan · 4 years ago
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Wear your “In Sterquiliniis Invenitur” Sweatshirt as you lay out your destiny in the world and take the arrows and slings of fate. 🙌🏻 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #jordanpeterson #rulesforlife #philosophy #stoicphilosophy #lawsofpower #psychology #benshapiro #wisdom #marcusaurelius #stoicism #jordanpetersonmemes #jordanbpeterson #trump #dailystoic #jordanpetersonquotes #stoic #robertgreene #suntzu #joerogan #selfhelpquotes #carljung #changeyourthoughts #niccolomachiavelli #robertgreenequotes #robertgreenebooks #philosophyquotes #the #existentialism #seneca (at Good Plans Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF5EWkThGay/?igshid=1n2e6w8kgjs9f
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ladyspeechsankofa · 7 years ago
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Two of my Alzheimer’s clients have begun their death walk. Three of my clients have stopped eating in solidarity. Two of my clients who are sworn enemies have stopped fighting out of respect. This is where my real work begins. It’s only matter of days before Brother Death shows up to claim new ancestors. I am here. I stand as midwife in these moments. Tonight when all is quiet I will do my work. They will have ritual. They will have ceremony. They will have a steward to usher them into their next phase. I will serve as living doula and will assist the Ancestral doula in their work with this soon to be ancestor. I will stand in the doorway of the living and the dead to bear witness. To learn new skills. To put my current skills to work in service to the ancestors. This is the transitional work. The ancestors work. The healing work. The in between portals and worlds work. The life work. This is Death work. I give thanks for my ability to offer this gift back to my brothers and sisters. I give thanks for the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that’s grows in me because of this work. I give thanks that I can be here for these people. Tonight I am reminded of the 5 regrets before dying. 1. I wish I’d had the courage to live the life true to myself and not the life others expected of me. 2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard. 3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings. 4. I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends. 5. I wish I’d let myself be happier. My prayer for us all, May we live a life full or courage so that we give ourselves the type of life of our dreams. May we play hard and love harder. May we express our authentic self. May we keep our chosen family and beloved friends close. May we give ourselves infinite unconditional permission to be divinely happy. I love you. I live you. #DeathWork #LadySpeech #TopFiveRegretsOfDying #RulesForLife #spiritualgangsta #SoldierLove #Midwife #DeathDoula #OldWays #HoodHealer #WitchesBeLike
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shellyelyons · 5 years ago
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Concern over credentials... “The people who make a difference are not the ones with the credentials, but the ones with the concern”. #MaxLucado #Sunday #rulesforlife #gratitude (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRBs1pJWtk/?igshid=1gszfeesa2h2k
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sexlexia · 5 years ago
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Seriously. It's 6am, I've been awake for hours. My eyes are red. My body is in massive pain. And I have zero patience for shit starters. #insomniac #RulesForLife #Truth https://www.instagram.com/p/CBF2mZ5jeeA/?igshid=s1bj455yn3nt
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