#rules tbd
blueskilled · 7 months
⥫ Mun Info ⥭
◓ Name: Kohitsuji (Kohi)
◓ Age: 29
◓ Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
◓ Timezone: CST
◓ About: Hello hello! My name is Kohi and I am a unrefined veteran roleplayer. I’ve been roleplaying since I was in elementary school, about 5th grade, from notebooks to online forums to Amino. Tumblr is a recent platform for me, and Discord even more recent than that. At this age time has been difficult for me to really keep up with, but I believe I’ve been here for about two years now!
◓ Writing: I’m a primarily semi-lit writer, getting about 2 paragraphs out per reply on average. But my writing fluctuates a lot depending on how excited I am or how much I have to say, and I also try to match my partner as much as I can.
◓ Triggers: While I don’t have any triggers of my own, I want you to know that as a 21+ writer most of my content will at least contain blood, gore, and triggering dark content like mental illness, abuse, etc. Some blogs may contain NSFW sexual content and one blog contains SFW age regression content.
◓ Selectivity: I am becoming a fairly selective roleplayer, in an attempt to keep from burning myself out. I will not roleplay with anyone that is not a mutual. However, I don’t mind answering headcanon and ooc memes and questions from non-mutuals. Even anons and personals can take part in those. I almost never follow someone first, but if I follow you at all, I want to roleplay with you. I do have a hard time with my social anxiety, however, so I apologize in advance if it takes me a long time to reach out to you. Furthermore, my “finish before you start” brain may hold me back from sending you more things if we have a thread already running. That being said, I don’t mind answering or replying to anything sent my way. If we are mutuals, please feel free to tag me in starters, send memes, whatever!
◓ Relationships: I am someone that naturally wants to befriend everyone, and doing so can be very unhealthy for me. Therefore, for my own health and comfort, I will not consider us friends unless you tell me plainly that you consider me your friend. Otherwise I’ll keep our relationship strictly business.
◓ Activity: My activity levels are extremely sporadic, and sometimes I’ll drop off entirely. I try to explain when I won’t be active and why, but sometimes I simply don’t have the chance to. Please be patient with me and my levels of activity.
◓ Conditions: With my current insurance I cannot afford therapy or professional help, so everything is undiagnosed, but there are certain conditions which may effect roleplay. I almost assuredly have some form of either ADHD or autism (or both?) that makes organization and communication extremely difficult for me. I also almost assuredly have some form of either social anxiety or agoraphobia as interacting with people, even over the Internet, is incredibly frightening and any kind of miscommunication or perceived frustration/upset feelings can hurt me. I also appear to have something at least similar to RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria). Depression is also a possibility, as there are times when general functionality can be difficult. I can’t know for sure if any of these things are at play and which ones, but these are some things that have been tossed about based on my behavior and internal feelings alone. Is nothing else, my reactions to situations are similar to those in these positions. Even though I don’t have a diagnosis, please understand this going forward.
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◓ OOC Icons: These pink sheep icons can sometimes indicate me speaking ooc. I may not use them, but be aware this is not a muse, it is me. This is no character but are of my own making.
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estarion · 11 days
i'm going to be doing a lil unfollow spree soon because my dash is moving too fast and, as much as i'd like to, i cannot do everything with everyone. i'm sure many of you feel the same way. feel free to get a head start on me if you want ♥
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ardenssolis · 23 days
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I always feel like I have to put out this obligatory post because I tend to worry people are like, "why is shi not following me over here? :^ (" whenever I'm on another blog and it's found. The answer is because I'm a weenie and I get anxious following people first / prefer people to follow me first as a result. Unless you're like the 10 people I've known for 34553535 yrs, chances are I will not follow you even if we've been interacting. A link is put up, and then I just let people decide from there. I always worry that I'm being followed back because people don't want to hurt my feelings or something (you won't). 😭
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mostmagicals · 3 months
i’m gonna be on my other blog. the reason i don’t wanna keep them public here is because i’m worried people might not get interest in towards them in general. as well as keeping my following count as low as possible so if you want me to follow you there, i’ll just link to this post where you can like it.
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yukikorogashi · 1 month
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roguelioness · 29 days
late night insecurity crisis: check
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iedolon · 2 months
i said i was editing my chara page and ended up making a whole new carrd oops anyways here it is sdkhfsjkfhJKFSDHJFK
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blueskilled · 7 months
⥫ Rules and Guidelines ⥭
⥱ PERSONALS/NON-RP BLOGS: You’re welcome to follow me and like my posts, however please do not reblog my threads or art tagged with “do not reblog unless” or any variation of that. This is to keep my notifications clean and my friends safe. Thank you for your cooperation. ⭀
◓ RP Etiquette Applies: No God modding, metagaming, etc. etc. If there’s something here you don’t already know about or are new to rping in general, come talk to me to settle out confusion. I’ll help!
◓ All players must be 18+: I’m an adult and I only wish to roleplay with adults. This is not a space that’s safe for minors. Please do not lie to me for both of our sakes.
◓ I do not accept unprompted M!As: Or anons causing a change to my character or their state, for clarification. Unless I ask for it, I won’t answer these types of asks.
◓ OC and Crossover friendly: Please have a bio for your character that I can read through, even if they’re canon. I’m less likely to attempt to write with characters I can’t learn about or get ideas for.
◓ Duplicates friendly: I’m a-okay with and actually encourage duplicates on this blog. I am a little nervous about it in the pokerpc for some reason, but I really want to get to a more comfortable place with this, so I appreciate any help other Cyrano players could give me.
◓ Shipping: Hanekoma cannot be romantically shipped canonically. However, non-canon ships of all kinds are welcome, and platonic and familial ships can become canon. I ship with chemistry, and even if we come out of the gate with a ship in mind I would still like to build up to it.
◓ About Connections: Connections are my main/affiliated, canon relationships. I do not make mains calls and I will most likely not be the first person to come discussing making a muse canon to Cyrano’s universe. I am extremely uncomfortable with doing so and would really much rather be approached about this potential instead. OCs are also welcome to be canon muses to Cyrano’s universe.
◓ NSFW threads are extremely rare: Mun is a severely sex-repulsed asexual and is not generally comfortable writing explicit scenarios. I’ll only write smut with mutuals I really trust, and even in this case, there must be plausible build up to the scenario. I will not write it with new mutuals and I will not write it with mutuals I do not already have an ooc relationship with. All smut threads must be tagged appropriately, and they must be cut both for my comfort and my audience. Please respect my boundaries regarding this rule especially.
◓ Liking and tagging: I tag all triggers as “[trigger] tw” and will often add “ask to tag” which means you should inform me if there’s a tag I’ve forgotten that you need. I also like (❤️) threads to signal that I consider them finished and do not expect a response. It’s okay to continue the thread if you want to continue, though.
◓ Patience and Reminders: I don’t mind if you spam me with reminders if you think I’ve forgotten something, even if you do it a lot. However, I ask you not to get short or impatient with me as I do have a life outside of roleplay that takes priority. Just don’t get angry and we’ll be golden.
◓ Drama: I will not be bothered by you posting drama (call outs, etc.) but please understand I do not personally support it and will not participate in it in any way. Feel free to tell me if you think I’m interacting with someone dangerous, but please understand that I won’t always take your advice and I will make my own decisions regarding who I do and don’t interact with. You are free to send me receipts, but I don’t personally trust them and I will most likely make decisions based on my own personal experience and observations. Thank you for respecting my boundaries regarding this.
◓ Mun Information: Please read my mun page as there is important information about me there that may effect your comfort level with interacting with me.
⥱ Rules are subject to change without prior warning, so please check back if you’re ever unsure about something and always feel free to contact me regarding them! ⭀
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tenebriism · 2 months
// Ah, yes. Once again, I have given into my habit of turning my muses into cats and making them a problem for everyone else.
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sammywolfgirl · 2 years
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This man is Neurodivergent
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galedekarios · 20 days
i love everything i've heard so far abt da4. the only thing i'm a bit disappointed with is the age range of the companions.
i would have loved to see neve specifically and lucanis be in their 40s.
instead we have everyone with the sole exception of emmrich (confirmed to be in his early 50s) being in their early 20s to early - mid 30s.
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rubistella · 3 months
{ Quick reminder that my blog is not a self-insert/projection friendly zone. }
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mostmagicals · 5 days
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tamedstray · 1 month
I'm finally looking at new follows today, and I want to come in with a full disclaimer that I am going highly private+selective moving forward. The reason is I experience high draft anxiety and I want to prioritise my current mutuals/plots over developing new ones. I can love you, your muse(s), everything, and still not follow. It sucks because I want to write with everyone, but barely have the time to dedicate to my current mutuals as it is rn.
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heartsdefine · 5 months
wilzig was so funny for letting lucy do her whole pep talk before telling her he took a cyanide pill. he could've stopped her at any time.
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loyalborn · 6 months
I'll either badger you or ghost you if we talk ooc sorry this is just how my brain works
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