#ruhn week 2024
The Witchling (Part I)
Insert with: Ruhn Danaan
Reader: Female (she/her)
Words: 2100+
About: Ruhn and his girlfriend are having a rough night…
Warning(s): (spoilers for this story ahead) violent fighting, character death, near death, vampirism (TVD), werewolf bite (sorry, Ruhn)
A/N: Day Six of Ruhn Week 2024! The prompt is "Night". @ruhnweek New stories all week! So, y’all can blame @danikamariewrites for this post, because that’s what gave me this idea. I was at a loss for this day until I saw that (amazing!) post. So, yeah. @danikamariewrites your fault.😏 (I’m already working on a Part II. *cough cough*)
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Ruhn sat on the edge of his desk at the Aux, phone pressed to his ear. "I’m so sorry I can’t be there to see you off."
Your laughter floated through the line, though it did little to ease his guilt. "Stop, it’s fine. The city needs you more than me. I can manage one night without some grand farewell."
He ran a hand through his hair. "You know I’m always here for you, right? Even when you’re out with your coven?”
"You worry too much, prince. We take care of each other.” Your heart tightened at the lie you told, your fingers tracing the edge of the blood bag hidden in your coat. “Plus, I have my own magic to protect me, remember?"
"I know, but…" He hesitated. I want to be with you. "I just hate the thought of you out there without me."
"I know," you whispered, showing your heart. "And I love that about you. But you have to trust me. I can handle myself."
"I do trust you, witchling. It’s just…” It’s dangerous. “I miss you."
Your breath hitched, the weight of your secret pressing down on you. "I miss you too, Ruhn. More than you know."
The silence between the two of you was thick, filled with half-spoken lies. You broke it first, your playful tone meant to mask the ache in your chest. "I’ll make it worth your wait."
Ruhn’s chuckle was warm as he joined in on your joke. "I’m gonna hold you to that.”
But the warmth fell flat even for himself. He knew these hunts were part of your culture, and because they were, he would never be invited to come along, but he didn't like you spending an overnight outside the city. Even if your coven was with you. “Be safe, okay?"
"Always," she replied. "I love you, Ruhn."
"I love you too, Y/N. Call me when you get back, please?"
You didn’t respond, but he heard your breathing change. “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
Ruhn heard the phone clatter to the ground, and other voices over the line. He called to you, but no one responded. Only the sound of shuffling and yelps of pain.
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Your heart raced as you crouched low, shadows coiling around you like dark tendrils enveloping an egg. Your phone lay on the ground, Ruhn’s frantic voice faint in the stillness of the standoff. The creature that had knocked your phone out of your hand breathed heavily just out of sight. It stepped into the moonbeam, his eyes gleaming. It was a… human?
"Who are you?" you demanded. "What do you want?"
A hulking wolf-shifter stepped forward with a sneer. No, he was the one whose breathing you’d heard. "You’re trespassing, witch. This is our territory."
Your eyes narrowed. The Auxiliary had strict patrol zones, and you had been careful to avoid them. Sometimes that meant betraying other borders. "I'm not here for trouble. Just passing through."
"Passing through?" said another voice, dripping. An angel stepped into the dim light, his wings casting eerie shadows on the alley walls. "Looks like you’re doing more than just passing through."
Your hand closed on the empty blood bag in your pocket. “I don’t want any trouble,” you said.
But you were already in trouble. The shadows beyond these men rippled and half a dozen more of their pack stepped forward. It was a mixed pack, one developed by those exiled from their own; it was exactly the kind of unholy union your kind was meant to manage.
These packs always had something to prove. And you were their new target.
One of the shifters lunged at you, claws extended. You dodged, your body moving with heightened speed. It was fast enough to get away, but not as fast as you were capable of. Hunger gnawed at your insides, weakening you. You retaliated with a swift kick that sent the shifter sprawling back. His pack growled. They weren’t done.
"Come on, then," you said, summoning your shadow magic to envelop your attackers. Tendrils of darkness wrapped around their limbs. In your weakened state, though, the shadows couldn’t hold tight, and one by one, they broke free.
You didn’t have time to think about it. Another beast charged, jaws snapping. You sidestepped, slashing with a blade concealed in your sleeve, drawing blood. He howled, and you took a step back, your breath coming in ragged gasps. The angel watched, a cruel smile on his lips.
"Is that all you've got?" he asked in a genuine voice, then launched himself at you. You blocked and countered, but each movement was draining. The depleted blood in your veins was already a concern; without it, your strength would continue to wane.
A sharp pain exploded in your side as a shifter’s claws raked across your ribs. You staggered, barely avoiding a second blow. Your mind raced. You needed to escape. You couldn't die here, not like this. Not without seeing Ruhn again.
The angel laughed, his blade glinting as it slashed at you. You managed to land a punch that sent him reeling.
But it wasn’t enough.
Their pack of misfits surrounded you, eyes glowing. You felled one, then another, but they kept coming, relentless.
Each dodge you made, each strike you landed— They all stripped your energy, your weakened state making each step more and more unsteady. Your instincts were dulling, too, confirmed by the barrelling strike one of the shifters surprised you with. His big paws pinned you down as your blade skittered away across the pavement. His teeth bared down on you, inches from your face, when his nose caught a whiff. "You smell… different." He sniffed you again, and his pupils swelled with primal recognition. "Prey."
Your blood ran cold. They could scent your true nature. You were in over your head.
You didn’t have a choice. You let your true eyes show, glowing red in the dark. The wolf in him sneered, thrilled. But then, he faltered. Your eyes seared into his, and his body heated from the inside out. Panic threaded into his eyes. Then, he was crippling off of you, sharp cries falling out of him as his blood boiled.
You took the chance to scramble away. A heel landed on something with a crack. It was your phone, the cracked screen gone black. Ruhn… You’d forgotten about him. He’d heard all this?
"Interesting." The angel gleamed, sadistically delighted, as he stepped closer. "You're not just any witch, are you?"
“What gave me away?” You spat, pushing to your feet. The blood magic had faded from your eyes. But so had the energy you desperately needed.
The angel kicked your blade back across the pavement. It landed by your feet, but you didn’t dare take it. “Go on,” he said. “We’ll wait.
You eyed him, your muscles prepared to leap at any sign of movement, and kneeled to retrieve your blade. As soon as your fingers wrapped around it, the human—a Vanir, you realized—launched at you. He held two blades, and he wielded them well. You struggled to dodge, landing only one blow good enough to stun him. Your speed glitched behind him and you cracked his neck, letting the limp body fall.
You were breathing hard now, unable to catch your breath. This was it. You weren’t going to survive this fight. Now, you just needed to make your body as presentable as possible for when Ruhn inevitably found your corpse.
The angel hmph-ed in amusement. He stepped forward. “Let’s finish this.”
You launched at him, focusing your strength into your feet to stay balanced as you parried with each other. He was good, and tonight, you weren’t much better. Tonight, he was a worthy opponent for your last fight. He shoved you with his arm and you tripped, landing hard on your knees. “Stay down, witch.”
Pain and exhaustion threatened to overwhelm you. How could you fight when your own body was betraying you? You pushed to your feet. If this was your last, you were gonna make sure it was one hell of a fight.
Teeth sank deep into your shoulder and you cried out at the searing pain, the sound echoing in the narrow alley. Agony washed through your veins, frying every nerve ending in your body, and you collapsed under it. Terror struck you. A wolf bite. No…
‘Y/N!’ You heard your name on Ruhn’s voice crash in your mind, the first sign it was over. Your mental block had fractured and crumbled, and Ruhn knew it.
That only made this worse.
The angel laughed, a deep, haunting laugh. "Finish her," he ordered.
You lashed out, catching the angel off-guard. Your blade sliced the base of his wing, shaving feathers off to the quick. He stumbled back, cursing, but his pack was relentless. Claws and blades tore at you, your only defense to pull shadows around you like a shield. You could feel the venom spreading, your body—and your magic—growing weaker with each passing second.
One last desperate, crazy idea. Gathering the last drops of your strength and magic, you pulled the shadows tightly to ball at your chest. They resisted the tight compression, needing to be free, but you held tight, sweat and blood streaking down your skin. It took all your strength to hold them tight.
The angel towered over you, bright white under the moonlight. “Goodbye, witch,” he said, and daggered his blade down at you.
You released your hold and the shadows splintered from their confines, exploding in all directions. Their razor edges ripped through the last of your attackers. You saw the blurry image of angel wings fall to the ground as darkness overtook you.
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The bullpen was in chaos, and it was all Ruhn’s fault. He had burst out of his office towards the boys when he heard the fighting on the other side of the line. He put it on speaker-phone and watched the men get white in the face.
Flynn and Ithan had wrestled with him, trying to calm him down, but the second the phone line went dead, Ruhn lost it. His roar of frustration and panic echoed through the building, silencing everyone. Flynn's grip on his arm tightened, and Ithan stepped in front of him, an attempt to calm him that didn’t do much.
"Dec, find her!" Ruhn snapped. Declan was already hunched over his station, fingers flying over the keyboard as he scanned security footage. "Check every damn camera near the gates!"
"She's with her coven, right?" Dec asked, but didn’t wait for an answer.
Ruhn's mind raced. He had to focus, had to think. Your mental block was up, and that was a good sign. It meant you were still conscious, still fighting. But it also meant he couldn't reach you, couldn't tell you he was coming. His chest tightened, helplessness crushing him.
Your agony sliced into Ruhn’s mind like a white-hot iron, the force of it physically knocking him to his knees. It was a raw, guttural sound like nothing he’d ever heard.
"Ruhn!" Flynn shouted, dropping to his side. "What's happening?"
"Y/N," Ruhn whispered, breath coming fast from the flash of your pain. You’d never spoken in his mind before. He couldn’t help the sick feeling that came with it this time. Flynn's face was a pale blur before him, eyes wide with alarm. Ithan dropped a hand on his shoulder.
"We’ll find her," Ithan said, his voice strong like he meant it. "She’ll be okay."
Ruhn nodded, swallowing hard. He forced himself to stand, unsteady on his limbs. "We need Hypaxia," he said, his voice raw. "She might know where Y/N is."
Flynn nodded, and Ithan pulled out his phone, dialing the witch-queen's number, and handed it to him. It felt like an eternity before she answered. "Where’s Aurora?" he barked. No time for pleasantries.
"Ruhn, what happened?"
"She's not with her coven, is she?"
"No," Hypaxia admitted, her voice soft. "She's alone."
Ruhn's fists clenched at his sides, his knuckles white. "Where is she?"
"I don't know, but she would've gone to her caches.” Hypaxia said. “I know where one is."
"Give me the address," he growled. He snapped his fingers at Flynn and he bolted over.
Hypaxia rattled off the address, and Ruhn relayed it to Declan, who immediately triangulated it on his screens. "I'll meet you there," Hypaxia added. "I have the key."
"Fine," Ruhn bit out, then gave Ithan his phone back. He turned to Flynn. "You're coming with me. Ithan, keep your phone hot. I'll send you another address if she's not there."
Flynn nodded, already pulling on his coat. Declan called out from his station, "I don't see anyone on the cameras."
"She's alone," Ruhn barked, his voice echoing through the bullpen. He didn't wait for a response, didn't look back as he darted out the door.
Part II Part III coming soon!
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moonlightazriel · 4 months
Day 1: Family
For: @ruhnweek
Main Masterlist
Ruhn week masterlist
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Ruhn puffed the smoke out through his nose, his eyes glued to the two females in the front of their private booth. Y/N held a microphone awfully close to her lips, trying to conceal breathing, singing, laughing and the weight of Bryce’s body on her back as his sister piggy rides his mate. The two females sang so loudly that he was sure the rest of the clients were able to hear. 
Some pop music he didn’t even know the name of, but the beauty in the moment wasn’t their voices, but the bright smiles both of them wore, bursting out laughing randomly throughout the song. He allowed the calmness of the mirth-root to settle in, carrying his mind to a memory so distant in time…
“Wait, so you’re telling me you have a sister I never heard about?” She placed her hands on her hips like a mother ready to scold her disobeying child. 
“You know that my asshole father likes to pull these moves.” Ruhn sighed, his face seeming tired. She moved towards him, his shirt riding up, that was all she wore. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she looked at him worried.
“How do you feel about it?” She inquired and he rested his hands on her hips, pulling her up. She wrapped her legs around him and he spun her around, placing her on the counter he was leaning seconds ago. 
“It’s weird, and she’s much younger. How do I even approach a teenager?” She pulled a strand of hair behind his ear, prompting him to pull her in for a kiss, her warm lips brought him peace.
“I’ll be there with you, it’s going to be fine.” She promised as they parted the kiss, and he believed her.
Bryce Quinlan was much younger than he expected, just a thirteen year old girl, scared to be in the presence of her father for the first time. Her eyes curiously roamed around, trying to find some comfort in such a hostile environment, her father's clear distaste for her presence hurt her young heart, but she didn’t allow it to show on her face.
She eyed the female again, her kind eyes softening whenever she caught Bryce staring, making the younger blush. The female had pretty, pointy ears in display like hers, her silk hair on a bun and she wore a summer dress. Bryce had caught her rolling her eyes to her father’s voice a couple of times, clearly displeased to be near him.
Ruhn groaned internally, he wanted to tell his father to shut the fuck up, his harsh words towards Bryce’s looks and education being so out of hand that he could even feel Y/N’s anger growing through the bond they shared. 
“You can go to your room after the meal.” Einar ordered, making Bryce deflate, she was so excited to meet the city. But Y/N cleared her throat.
“I would like to invite Bryce to go have some ice cream with me and Ruhn, we can take care of her for the day.” She blinked at the teenager. 
“She can go.” The autumn King dismissed. 
They haven’t even finished their meal, but Y/N got out of the table, offering her hand to Bryce and being escorted by Ruhn, she would always spend as little as she could in his presence, going months without even visiting her father in law if she could avoid it. 
She ignored the scoff the male loudly let out. She knew Einar hated her, but he knew that when the mating bond snapped, there was nothing he could do to prevent her and Ruhn from ever getting together, not without losing his son completely, so he just ignored her most of the time.
“Where would you like to go?” She turned to Bryce, Ruhn was by her side, his sister shyly trying to keep eye contact with them, she had looked at him with such admiration when he arrived that he had almost cried.
“Are we not getting ice cream?” She asked, her head whipping around trying to gather all the information FiRo had to offer. 
“Oh we are, but now you’re free to choose what you want to do. We want to know about you.” Bryce seemed radiant when she heard that, she had researched about Lunathion before going there, she wanted to go to museums, parks and so many places. 
That day, she held Bryce’s hand, allowing the younger girl to drag her around, from shop to shop, park to park. They walked around the whole city, Bryce was so happy, the two chatting like they knew each other since his sister was born. Ruhn watched as his mate and sister bonded, Bryce giggling and trying to keep her ice cream away from Y/N’s reach, the female scooping bits of the teenager's sweet treat to make her laugh.
All the rude words and distance from their father was long forgotten, he knew how much it meant to her all the attention the both of them were giving to her, he just didn’t know how much. 
So when Bryce went back to her mother’s house, they would always visit her, Mrs Quinlan had welcomed the two of them with open arms, for being so good for her Bryce she had claimed. And whenever his sister would go back to Lunathion, it was in their shared house she would stay. 
Ruhn then remembered when he and Bryce fought, the harsh words he condemned his father for saying to her coming out of his lips. Y/N had come home in that exact moment, gasping and shoving him aside, pulling Bryce towards their bedroom and locking him out. 
When she got out, was only to give him a pair of blankets and his pillows, stating that she couldn’t even look at him right now. It took almost as much time to get her to forgive him as it did for Bryce. 
When Bryce moved to Lunathion to attend college, they would always meet and have a girls night, despite being a few years older, the two of them had created a bond of their own, just as unbreakable as their mating bond and Ruhn loved it. The two females he loved the most in the world, shared a love just as big.
Ruhn wiped the tears that gathered on the corner of his eyes, being startled by Y/N plopping  herself on his lap, Declan was the one singing now. Bryce sat with her feet across Hunt’s leg, her cunning eyes scanning him.
“Our performance was that good that brought you to tears?” She mocked, wiping an invisible tear from her own face. 
“He just can’t resist, we’re too good of a duo.” Y/N said squeezing his cheek and placing a wet kiss on his cheek.
“Yeah, you two are just too good, I'm glad you two get along.” He said, his eyes going back and forth between the two. 
“She’s more my sister than you’re my brother, asshole.” Bryce flipped him off and he laughed. 
“And this makes me so happy, I love you two.” Y/N squeezed his face against her chest and Bryce jumped on the two. 
“We love you too.” She had said. “I’m glad to call you two my family.” Y/N kissed Bryce’s forehead. 
“Hey,stop this or I'll throw up.” Tristan said, rolling his eyes.
“FUCK YOU FLYNN.” The two females yelled in unison. 
“You heard my ladies.” Ruhn said, feeling his heart swell with happiness of seeing them both safe after everything they had gone through. His favourite girls.
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
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Ruhn Danaan week 2024
@cadiawrites @ruhnweek
Day six: Night
[Mood board]
Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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readychilledwine · 1 year
** - Indicates Smut
Bold - Indicates a Multipart Fic
Please see my "Get to Know Me" if you are interested in requesting something
Check out my WIP List if you're interested in what I have coming
Want to request something but need some inspiration? Check out this list of my favorite prompts from across Tumblr
Per request - DV Resources for the US. You aren't alone. You are seen. You deserve to be heard. Your story should be told.
SJM Fandom:
Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra
Ruhn Danaan
Rowan Whitethorn
The Whore Home Masterlist
(Aka the smut featuring characters no one asked for)
ACOTAR Drabbles
Acotar Headcanons (coming soon)
Acotar Body Headcanons
2023 Halloween Masterlist
Elizabeth's Birthday Celebration Masterlist
Readychilledwine's Maternity Celebration Masterlist
2024 Poly+Acotar Week Masterlist
2024 Kink Bingo Masterlist
2024 Villain's Week Masterlist
2024 Rhysand Week Masterlist
2024 Elain Week Masterlist
2024 Eris Week Masterlist
2024 Monster Mash Masterlist
Elizabeth's 2023 Birthday Bash Masterlist
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maased-out · 10 months
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Hi everyone and get ready for another year of SJM fun! Below, you'll find a list of events for 2024.
NOTE: These events are meant to foster positivity within their respective fandoms. Negativity towards any specific event is not welcome.
NOTE: If you would like your event to be included on the maased-out calendar, please click here.
SJM Romance Week (February 8th–February 14th)
Gwynriel Appreciation Weeks (March 10th–March 23rd)
Feyre Appreciation Week (March 18th–March 24th)
Starfall Week (March 19th–March 25th)
Feylin Week (April 1- April 5th)
Poly+ ACOTAR Week (April 7th–April 13th)
Tamlin Appreciation Week (April 14th–April 20th)
Nesta Week (April 21st–April 27th)
Elriel Month (May 1- May 31)
Ruhn Danaan Week (May 19th–May 25th)
Azris Week (June 2- June 8th)
Gwyn week (June 16-22)
Elucien Week (July 14th-July 20th)
Cassian Appreciation Week (July 22nd–July 28th)
Acotar Omegaverse Week (August 4th-10th)
Tristan Flynn Week (August 4- August 10)
Rhysand Appreciation Week (August 18th-August 24th)
Neris Week (August 24th-August 30th)
Rowaelin Month (September 1st-September 30th)
Eris Vanserra Week (September 8th–September 14th)
Nessian Appreciation Week (September 15th–September 21st)
SJM Villain Week (October 1-October 7)
Feysand Week (October 13-October 19th)
Valkyrie Week (October 20-October 26th)
Lucien Week (November 3- November 9th)
Mor Week (November 10th-November 16th)
Acotar Advent Calendar (December 1 - December 31)
Winter Court Week (December 15 - December 21)
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moonpatroclus · 5 months
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I’ve been meaning to make a masterlist for my commissions! Mainly because I’m always looking for them for one reason or another, and it’s too hard for me to find them on my blog. Currently there’s just a handful of them, but I’m sure there will be more at some point…
Eris Week 2023: Day 2*
Demon Lucien
Lucien and Tamlin*
Forest Witch Elain
Garden Elucien*
Sunlight Elucien*
Azris Week 2024 Contrasts
Azris Week 2024 Contact*
Azris Week 2024 Slice of Life
Azris Pride AU*
ABITD Elucien*
Ruhn and Lidia*
Art Nouveau Elucien*
Elucien week 2024: Fated*
Elucien week 2024: Golden
Elucien week 2024: Adventurers*
Elucien week 2024: High Society
Elucien week 2024: Masks*
Elucien week 2024: Fearless
Elucienweek 2024: Tension/Healing*
Cassian Week Day 2*
Cassian Week Day 3*
*collaborative commisison
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bubybubsters · 1 year
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Requests are OPEN. I write for SJM universes and Harry Potter and I’m willing to try any others unless I haven’t read/watched it. Please leave comments and enjoy!
Rules and Requests (please visit)
My AO3
Personal fav: 💞
Angst: ❤️‍🔥
Fluff: 🔅
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Love of My Life Part 2 Part 3 ❤️‍🔥
The Best Friend ❤️‍🔥
3 Shadow Boys 🔅 (ft. Xaden and Ruhn)
Home Late ❤️‍🔥🔅
Happy Birthday! 🔅 (written for a very dear moot that i love)
Eris Week 2023 masterlist ❤️‍🔥🔅
Eris Week 2024 masterlist
Insecurities ❤️‍🔥🔅
Share 🔅
Left behind Part 2 Part 3 epilogue ❤️‍🔥🔅
Cassian meets Aelin 🔅💞
Love you too 🔅
A Distressing Solstice ❤️‍🔥🔅(acotar gift exchange)
Unplanned (Batboys & Eris x reader)🔅
A New Beginning (Platonic IC)❤️‍🔥🔅
Impossible prologue one two three (Azris x reader)❤️‍🔥
Mother Hens (Batboys x reader)🔅🔅
Not sure who to pair with
Assistant ❤️‍🔥
Fourth Wing
Book Boyfriends 🔅💞
3 Shadow Boys 🔅
A tribute ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Harry Potter & Company
Theodore Nott
Stuck Together 🔅💞
No Yes (angst version)
No Yes (fluff version
Remus Lupin
7 years In Love ❤️‍🔥🔅
Sirius Black
pool party moodboard (for jinxed july)
Random Shit
In The Spirit (Halloween themed ish)
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thank you to @saradika-graphics for dividers!
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Crescent City
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Meet the Frat Pack
Back to December
Family Time
Princess Treatment
I’ll Always Pick You Up
Behind Bookcases
Have We Met?
Birthday Celebration Part 2 (SMUT)
Something to Do hc
Christmas in the City
Wrongfully Accused
Ruhn Week 2024
ADHD headcanon
His Wings hc
All Mine
Come to Bed Baby
My Jealous Lordling
My First Call
Hel is Heaven With You
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whatcha-reading-today · 5 months
House of Flame and Shadow Sarah J. Maas
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I'm not sure how I missed this was the conclusion to Bryce and Hunt's story but it didn't feel like a conclusion until they were having sex on a desk in the art gallery. I did like this book in a chilled out, hang out sort of way, and I do like Maas's writing.
But upon reflection, the book can be summarized as people hanging out in tunnels and caves, and then big ole battle time. Hunt is the biggest simp.
Some random thoughts which include spoilers:
1. The Nesta and Azriel section works best for folks who like those characters. I don't particularly care for either of them so it felt tedious until we get to Princess Leia's hologram info-dumping.
2. Hunt's flaccid dick being so big it doesn't fit in underwear is HILARIOUSLY stupid. Boxers allow tons of space, boxer briefs have a big ole pocket for the peen--and elastic. Briefs also have a big ole peen pocket and elastic.
3. I was most invested in Hunt, Ruhn, and uhh the other guy being tortured. Cool! Violence! Yeah bite his hand off! But then everyone seemed totally ok after a week+ of torture. Which? Why? Why not spend time with these characters as they try to navigate their relationships and who they are following HORRENDOUS TORTURE.
4. I have to comment on Lydia unzipping her spy suit so Ruhn could fuck her. First, is she not wearing a bra under that thing? Are her nipples chafing? I would be so sweaty. Kinda ruined the boinking.
5. The amount of people who want to bone down near their friends in the middle of some serious conflict is LUDICRIOUSLY high.
6. I saw another review talk about how all of these books go--we hate the government and now we ARE the government and that is very true.
7. I think a general problem I've had with this series is that it's an urban paranormal romance fantasy. We spend so little time doing stuff IN Crescent City that I have a poor understanding of how this magic city works. We do get time with the Asteri, talk about ley lines, magic tv shows, but I think I was just craving more fantasy in a city. Your mileage will vary on whether you want more romance or more fantasy but I just needed way more fantastical stuff.
Format: Physical copy
Read in: March 2024
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kelliereads · 7 months
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House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas
my most anticipated read of 2024 and.... OH MAN.... i have so many thoughts
i have been reading reviews and opinions over the past few weeks, and this book seems kinda universally hated. WHICH, HONESTLY, I THINK IS WEIRD? because the second book (HOSAB) was so much less enjoyable for me than this book was. HOSAB was a slooooog, and a huge disappointment after the first book (HOEAB), which is one of my favorite books possibly ever. HOFAS had much better pacing and a much more interesting plot, imo
that being said, this book is not without its flaws!!! I did have some problems with it (bryce getting on my nerves, bryce + hunt plot points falling flat emotionally, the major storyline wrapping itself up too quickly and neatly, characters being immortal/never really seeming to be in real danger which makes the stakes feel lower, etc.)
there were also lots of redeeming qualities though! the plot kept me engaged, the ACOTAR crossover was SO FUN (although I wish it was longer), I really enjoyed ruhn and lidia's storyline, and since i'm emotionally attached to all the CC characters, of course it's emotional and bittersweet to see the main story (mostly) come to an end. since we know there will be a CC4, I'm really curious who and what it will be about
i will never experience anything like the first CC book again, and i have come to terms with this (deep sigh)
0 notes
Dog or Cat
Insert with: Ruhn Danaan
Reader: Female (she/her)
Words: 800+
About: Just a little fun.
Warning(s): N/A
A/N: Day Four of Ruhn Week 2024! The prompt is "Free Day". @ruhnweek New stories all week!
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Bryce sat cross-legged on the floor. "I've got one: Who among us has a dog personality or a cat personality?”
Her mate leaned forward from his place on the couch behind her, raising an eyebrow. “You mean, like, loyal and playful versus independent and judgmental?”
"Sounds like you don't want to be a cat?"
"Not at all," he said, leaning back into his spot. "I see cat. Independent, like my space, and not too big on being told what to do.”
Declan Emmet, busy fiddling with his tech gadgets in his lap, didn't even look up. “Nah, Hunt, you’re a dog. You’re fiercely loyal and protective, especially when it comes to Bryce.”
Bryce laughed. “Like a guard dog. A big, grumpy, overprotective one.”
Hunt rolled his eyes but it couldn't hide the smile on his lips. “Fine, fine. Dog it is.”
"What about me?" Bryce asked, pleased with her own game.
Ithan chimed in, “You’re a total dog, Bryce." "That sounds like she should be offended," Ruhn beamed Ithan with the ball he'd been tossing in the air. The shifter yelped.
“What if I wanted to be a mysterious, aloof cat?”
"You're about as aloof as a golden retriever, Bryce." Tristan snorted, propping his head up with a pillow. "You can’t even fake it.”
Ruhn chuckled. “Sorry, sis. You’re definitely more dog than cat.”
Bryce gave a mock-salute. “Alright, dog it is.”
Tristan pointed at Declan. “The cat in the room is right there. Always always doing his own thing, always playing with his tech."
“I can live with that.”
"Plus, you’ve got that whole ‘don’t mess with my stuff’ vibe.” Ithan added. "You learned that from experience?" Hunt teased. Everyone laughed at his expense.
"What about Flynn?” Ithan asked. "'Cause I think it's pretty obvious he's a dog."
Flynn grinned widely. “Oh, I’m definitely a dog. I love hanging out, meeting new people, having a good time.”
Ruhn shook his head. “He's the poster boy for dog personalities. Couldn't even pick a breed.”
Bryce pointed at her brother. “What about you, Ruhn?"
“Hey, what about me?” Ithan whined.
“Oh, please, you’re a dog,” Bryce said.
Ithan feigned indignation. "I don't know. I can be pretty particular about who I let in my circle."
"No way," Flynn said, picking his head up to look at him from his sprawl on the floor. "You've got the whole ‘faithful companion’ thing down.”
"Always looking for belly rubs and treats, too, just like a good boy,” Declan added in a baby voice.
"Why are we picking on Ithan?" You said, walking into the apartment and putting down your purse and coat.
"We're picking dog or cat personalities for everyone," Ruhn filled you in as you leaned down to kiss him.
"Yeah, and Ithan honestly thinks he's a cat," Flynn said.
Ithan shrugged, accepting his fate. “Nah, I'm a dog. I just didn't want you to assume the obvious choice.”
"Who's next?" You asked.
The room turned towards Ruhn, who looked at you. “What do you think? Which am I?"
“Oh, that’s easy," you said, plopping down next to him. "Ruhn’s a cat.”
Flynn waved his hands in protest. “No way! He’s a dog. He’s always got our backs when we need him.”
"Definitely the most dependable guy I know," Ithan said.
Declan shook his head. “Nah, he’s got that brooding, independent vibe. Y/N's right."
"Loyal, protective, overbearing," Bryce eyed her brother on the last word. "I don't know. I see both."
Hunt chimed in, “He’s a mix, for sure. He’s loyal like a dog but has that mysterious, keeps-to-himself quality of a cat.”
Ruhn smirked at you, "Apparently, you're dating a mystery."
“No, you're a cat," you said, a smile on your lips, before turning to the others. "He hangs out with all of you guys, who are complete dogs, and you've rubbed off on him. But deep down, he’s a cat. 100%.”
Dec raised a hand. "Point of order, we decided I'm a cat. I am not responsible for rubbing off on him."
"No. No, no," you said, pointing a finger at him. "You are not a cat. You're more like a parrot."
Hunt glanced at Bryce. "I didn't know that was an option," he muttered to her.
"A parrot?" Bryce asked you.
"Yeah. He's either perched somewhere with his tech," —you waved a hand at Declan's lap— "or you're squawking gossip."
Flynn and Ithan coughed and covered their mouths as an ohh, burnnn came out, while Bryce and Ruhn nearly fell over laughing. Hunt just barely covered his reaction.
Dec's eyes burned into yours. "And what are you, the cat that ate the canary?"
"Something like that." But your smirk couldn't hide your smile.
Ruhn pressed his lips against your shoulder, still laughing. "That's my girl," he whispered.
"Well, there's no doubt what Y/N is," Hunt said.
You mimicked a cat's claw. "Rowr."
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moonlightazriel · 4 months
Day 3: Chapter Three
For: @ruhnweek
Main Masterlist
Ruhn week masterlist
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Ruhn loves to register his intimate moments with you, with your previous consent of course. The photos ranged from snapping a picture of you in the newest set of lingerie he brought you to your fucked up face, cum spread all over while you sit on your knees with your tongue out coated in white. He kept those photos well hidden from the world, his most intimate treasure. He also loved to record you, either being fucked up from behind, your arched back, his hips snapping against your plump ass as he fucks you hard, to the point you're mumbling incoherent words, dumb from his cock. He loved to hear your moans, your pleas for more, for him to go faster and harder. He kept those videos for whenever he was away from you, stroking his cock to your beautiful body, remembering those moments where he was balls deep inside you, when you looked into his eyes and told him you loved him. Cumming to the thought of you.
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
Impactful words
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@ruhnweek @cadiawrites
Day four: Free Day
Ruhn Danaan x Lidia Cervos
A/N: *Gasp* That gif is so Ruhn and Lidia. Anyways. I love them. Also, first quote is from the movie Pride and Prejudice. If you do not know that series, respectfully, go watch it right this instant. It's sappy. 💕
A HUGE thanks to @sarawritestories for helping me out with that Pollux part. Ily sweets you're the best. 💕
Summary: Idk. Period comfort.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Period, abusive Pollux, angst, panic, anxiety, self-loathing, vomiting, blood
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“You have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love… I love… I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”
Gods, that was sappy. Lidia’s cheeks turn into a bright red at the sight of the handsome actor on the screen, and she cuddles closer to Ruhn. Ruhn isn’t fond of this kind of romantic lovey-dovey movie, but he always caves in to watch it with his mate. Only to see her eyes glimmer as she swore she wasn’t crying, or see her squirm on the seat beside him when a heated scene came up. It was some kind of unspoken rule in their relationship. She watches sunball with him, and he watches her romantic movies. That’s how it works between them.
Well, watch.
He is supposed to be watching the movie right now. But sleep had rushed through him mere minutes after his long fingers had started to thread through Lidia’s silky golden hair. He had traced the length of her blond curls and his eyelids instantly grew heavy. He can’t help it. Lidia’s locks are just so soft. It is nearly impossible for him, or anyone else, to not feel relaxed and sleepy while combing her hair.
Lidia’s peers up at Ruhn in hope to get his insight on her favorite movie scene, her golden eyes still wet from how emotional this scene makes her every damn time. She pouts, a bit disappointed to find Ruhn’s eyes closed and his chest rising and falling slowly, steadily. How can someone fall asleep so quickly? She clicks her tongue, her eyes rolling and she lifts her hand to Ruhn’s face to flick his nose, in hope to wake him up. Her hand freezes, and she feels like she has just been struck by lightning. She grunts, and clutches her stomach tightly, curling into a ball between Ruhn’s legs.
Lidia mentally curses, blaming Cthona for the pulsing pain in her womb. Tears were burning her eyes. The blond-haired Fea female sinks her teeths in her lower lip to choke back her whimpers. She bites it so hard that it pierces open, and she can taste the saltiness of her own blood on her tongue. Silent as a mouse, Lidia unfolds her legs from her fetal position. She can't wake Ruhn up. Then she feels it. What she dreaded the most. That familiar stickiness pooling between her thighs. She needs to get up, to push through the pain, and hurry to the bathroom. Now.
What if… What if... What if…
Unfounded fear settles in her gut as she starts to make up the worst scenarios of Ruhn’s reaction when he would learn that she dirtied his expensive-looking couch. Her legs shake weakly as she rolls to her side, contracting her muscles to stand up. She scolds herself. She should’ve kept track of her menstrual cycle. She should’ve known it was coming. If only she hadn’t been too lost in the frenzy of hers and Ruhn’s love affair… Her stomach churns, it’s her fault, all of it. She feels gross.
You stupid bitch…
"Look at what you did," Pollux gripped Lidia's gold locks and forced her face on the couch. The little breath she was able to get was invaded by the metallic stench of blood that was stained on the couch. It was an accident. Her punishment? Being suffocated into the cushion as if she was a pup having her nose rubbed in for urinating on the furniture. Lidia's oxygen was limited, and spots appeared in her vision. This was how she would die. Before her lungs gave out, Pollux yanked her head back as she gasped for air. "You stupid bitch."
She forces air through her lungs as she tries to stand on her wobbly legs. Sweat is coating her forehead, and her gaze lands on the bathroom door. Five more steps. She can do this. She’s been through worse. Lidia doesn’t dare look behind her, too afraid to see the copper stain she might’ve left there.
You stupid bitch…
Tears blurries her vision, and she can feel them tracing patterns as they slide down her cheeks. She takes a first step, then attempts a second one. Her stomach churns from the overwhelming distress and pain in her body. She sobs, heaves, and with the remaining strength she has left, she collapses on her knees, in the bathroom doorway. She wastes no time, ang crawls to the toilet. Her peripheral vision narrows as bile falls out of her mouth. She had managed to reach for the toilet bowl, at least she didn’t make another mess. Her fingers painfully grips onto the toilet seat, her knuckles turning white. She tries to ground herself, to breathe, to calm down.
Ruhn. Her stomach flips, and she tries to keep her nausea at bay. Her breathing is getting shallow and her heart is beating so fast, so loud, that she can herself hear it. Ruhn wastes no time, and tug on his hair tie in one swift movement, using it to tie Lidia's hair in a ponytail as fast as he can, before they fall into the toilet. He kneels right behind her, caging her between his knees, his left hand rubbing circles on her lower back in an attempt to sooth her tense muscles. His other hand strokes her white knuckles as she holds on for dear life onto the freezing toilet seat.
Oh, Ruhn.
“Look at you,” Pollux growled behind her, and she tried her best not to flinch. She closed her eyes, waiting for her lover's rage to fall onto her. Like the rock that the waves keep crashing over. “On your knees like a good little bitch, cleaning up your,” He paused, and Lidia could imagine him clearly, scrunching his nose in disgust and clenching his fists. “Mess.”
She wanted to apologize, she should've. But the words stayed tucked deep down in her throat. The smell of bleach burnt her nostrils before she could feel it scorch the soft skin of her hands. She jumped back, the towel she was holding fell from her aching hands. She stumbled back against Pollux's chest, and was quickly slammed back down on her knees. She felt her knee pads wobble from the harsh impact. The Hammer held her hair tightly, so tight that she could feel some hair detaching from her burning scalp as he pushed her back down on her aching knees. “Stop whining,” Pollux snarled, shaking the remnants of the chemical onto the couch. Everything burned, her eyes, her nostrils, her hands, her lungs… “Clean,” He spat, his voice held no mercy. And he walked out of the room before she could apologize for something she had no control over.
She should've been more careful. She would be next time. She would track her cycle properly.
What a stupid bitch…
“Fuck, why are your… feminine products so far away,” Ruhn’s hand stays still on her back, as he stretches his arm towards the sink cabinet. His rummaging makes the bottles, and different products bump against one another, some of them landing on the floor. Lidia groans, wiping her mouth as she tries, but fails to move from in front of the toilet to help Ruhn. “Ah, got em’.” Ruhn states, holding the pink envelope of a pad in his hand, smiling proudly.
“Ruhn, it's…” She tears up, and shakes her head. The hormones, she tries to convince herself that it’s the only reason for her emotional turmoil. She swallows, and stands up, wincing. She needs to clean up the couch. To get into clean clothes, and put this pad on. Ruhn stands close to her, his hands on her hips, steading her, the menstrual pad still in hand. “Don’t touch me, I'm gross,” She chokes out, tears clouding her vision. Pathetic. She was acting pathetic. Her cycle, and suffering wasn't Ruhn's problem.
And yet he still cares…
He shouldn't. She doesn't deserve that.
What a stupid bitch…
“Hey…” Ruhn’s frown deepens, and he holds her closer to him, rocking her from side to side as she sobs. Her breathing is incredibly fast. And her eyes… Her beautiful gold eyes look dark, so dark, she seems to be stuck in a bad memory, somewhere so far away… He sways her slowly from side to side, placing soft kisses on the top of her head. “Would a bath sound nice, maybe?” He murmurs against her hairline, his nose humming the delicious scent of her shampoo. She feels gross, so maybe a bath would help her to feel better in her skin, he guesses.
A bath… A bath… No, the couch. She needs to clean her mess first. Gross, she feels so grossed out of herself.
Lidia’s thoughts are reeling, her body so stiff, frozen in shock. She is still unused to such kindness in that type of situation. She snaps back into reality when she hears the water run from the faucet. Ruhn keeps his arms protectively draped around her, his concerned glance fixed on her face. Her rapidly moving chest meets his steady one with every breath she tries to take. She finally manages to copy Ruhn’s breathing, and she can now hear better, see better, and the pain was a bit more bearable too. “Bath?” Ruhn asks again, staring into the honey depths of Lidia’s eyes. She was here, safe, with him, out of these horrific thoughts.
“The couch,” She swallows down, trying to lube her dry and sore throat. She tries to slip away from Run's comforting, and oh so warm arms. “You’d prefer to rest on the couch?” Ruhn asks, trying to figure out what his girlfriend needs from the little glimpse of information she mumbles to him. She bites her cheek at the thought of Ruhn’s couch, her eyes filling with tears again. Ruhn rubs his thumbs on her arms slowly, the worry for his mate is written all over his face. “No, I need to clean the couch.” She blurts out.
The couch. The couch. She made a mess. What a stupid bitch. The couch…
Ruhn stills, and his eyes narrow as he tries to figure out where all this nonsense and panic comes from. He wonders how he could have ever made her believe that he cared more for such material things than her well-being and comfort. “No, I'll just buy a cleaning spell later,” He murmurs, confused at Lidia’s panicked state. Has he done something wrong? He doesn't like it for one bit that his mate looks so terrified around him. He sighs and presses a kiss on the top of her head. “Bathe, Lidia. Or rest. Is it because you'd prefer to just change and rest? I didn't mean to force you into doing anything.”
Lidia sobs, covering her mouth with her hand. Ruhn moves one of his hands to cradle her face against his chest. Lidia feels like if it wasn't from Ruhns's love and tender hold, her heart would have shattered completely from the weight of her guilt and self-disgust.
“Please,” Ruhn pleads, his fingers brushing away her tears. “Tell me what's wrong.”
“I just… I dirtied your couch. I should've kept track of my cycle. I'm such a,” She hiccups, her throat feeling so tight, “Such a,” Such a stupid bitch, she wants to say, but the words refuse to come out. Only sobs and incoherent babbling fall from her lips.
Everything makes sense for Ruhn, then.
Fucking Pollux.
Ruhn cuts her off with a soft caress of his lips against hers. Now is not the time for him to be angry at Pollux. He needs to be calm, and reassuring, for his Lidia. He takes a deep breath. “Hey, no. Gods, Lidia no…” Ruhn holds up her chin so his eyes can dive deep in hers. He doesn't want her to feel bad around him. Especially not over something she has absolutely no control of. He hates it. Hates the one that has carved nonsense into her brain even more. Only time would undo the mental and emotional damage Pollux had caused.
“You are such a strong and beautiful female,” He smiles softly down at her, turning off the faucet, his eyes not leaving her puffy and red ones even for one second. His hands slide under her shirt, tracing her ribs slowly. He looks into her eyes, silently asking for her permission. Lidia nods, her blond curls bouncing on her shoulders as she does, and he lifts her shirt off. “My strong and beautiful mate…” He whispers, kissing away her tears as he helps her out of the rest of her clothes.
Lidia absent-mindedly watches Ruhn as he gently picks her up, and settles her nude body in the tub. Her muscles relax with the heat of the water. Her whole skin welcomed the warmth, too, making it feel like she was receiving a peaceful hug. She closes her eyes and leans back her hand in Ruhn's palms as he starts to rub shampoo through her sweat coated hair. She rubs her stomach, trying to ease the pain of her cramps and the guilt lingering there.
“You've done nothing wrong,” Ruhn's voice breaks through the silence. “It was an accident. I love you. It's not your fault," He adds.
“I'm so–” “Don't.” He says, his tone slightly harsh, and he hated himself for how Lidia flinches. He shakes his head, his fingers still massaging the shampoo on her scalp. He sighs, “Don't be sorry. Please. You have nothing to be sorry about. Not with me.” She nods, tilting her head back a little bit more so Ruhn could rinse her hair. The shampoo tickles her ears as the water falls on her head, and she sinks in the comfort and reassuring presence of her mate.
Ruhn rubs every surface of her fair skin with a cleaning glove. Lidia almost starts crying again at the look of pure love and adoration shining in the blue eyes she loved so much. He wasn't disgusted, of her, or her femininity. He loves her, and admires her as a person. The deer shifter's heart flutters at this sight.
“I love you, Lidia. Like, a lot,” Ruhn chuckles slightly to ease the atmosphere, lightening Lidia’s heavy heart. “And I want you to be comfortable with me. I know it'll take time. But let's just start with like,” He halts, his eyebrows frowning as he tries to figure out where they could start. He grins when suddenly, an idea pops up in his head. “Keeping your feminine products at easy reach in the cabinet? It would be a good start. Okay?” He winks at her, replacing the things in the cabinet, putting the box of pads and tampons in front of everything, so it’s easy for her, or him, to reach when needed.
The realization feels like a kick in Lidia’s guts. She doesn't have to hide them anymore.
Not with Ruhn.
My strong and beautiful mate.
Ruhn's words thrums in her ears, and the sight of his eyes filled with all the beautiful emotions he feels towards her dances in her mind, replacing all negative thoughts and fear that Pollux had once pushed there.
She smiles, truly smiles, and nods, the water sloshing around her as she brings her knees to her chest. “Okay.”
My strong and beautiful mate...
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Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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readychilledwine · 21 days
Elizabeth's 2024 Birthday Bash Masterlist
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(Favorite Melanie Martinez song for funsies)
(Previews coming soon)
In an effort to partake in both Lucien Week and have a birthday Celebration, I will only be posting a few fics for my birthday instead of running a whole week. They are previously previewed then never posted fics I have revamped, and I'm pretty excited about them!
** smut fics
Nov 1
The Art of Submission **
Rowan x reader
Nov 2
Simple Delights **
Ruhn x reader
Nov 3
In Your Arms I Am Safe
Erisx Reader
✨️Nov 4th✨
Champagne Papí **
Rhys x Reader
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
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✧ poly+ acotar week 2024
✧ Nesta Week 2024
✧ Ruhn Week 2024
✧ Azris Week 2024
✧ Elucien Week 2024
✧ Eris Week 2024
✧ Nessian Week 2024
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✧ Elain Week 2023
✧ ACOTAR writing circle by azrielshadowssing
✧ Azris Week 2023
✧ Eris Week 2023
✧ Lucien Week 2023
✧ Winter in Prythian 2023
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✧ Winter in Prythian 2022
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Rules (#1 & #3)
Insert with: Ruhn Danaan
Reader: Female (she/her)
Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Words: A lot. (3500+)
About: Ruhn’s girlfriend has been faking orgasms…
Warning(s): SMUT (MINORS DNI); explicit sex discussion, oral (f-receiving), talk to your partners, peeps!
A/N: Day Three of Ruhn Week 2024! The prompt is "Chapter 3". @ruhnweek New stories all week! I recently stumbled onto this side of Reddit and decided to give them some love.
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Well, there’s no way he was going in there now. Ruhn had just returned from his evening run, looking forward to a relaxing night with you. But when he’d arrived, he immediately heard your upset voice and Bryce in there with you. Her words had stopped him from bolting in there:
“Why would you keep that from him? Ruhn would want to know.”
And your response. "You can’t tell him, okay? He’ll think it’s his fault."
Ruhn pressed himself flat against the wall so that he could hear you clearly, the only two voices in the apartment.
“The last thing I want to think about is my brother in bed,” Bryce shivered at the ick of this conversation. “But if he’s doing a shitty job at sex, it is his fault.”
His brain short-circuited.
“He’s wonderful,” you said, emotions thick in your voice like you were close to crying. “He’s amazing. I don’t deserve him—”
“And yet you’re the one faking orgasms.”
The words slammed into Ruhn’s gut as his brain failed to catch up. Echoes of your sounds came back to him, part of him now trying to pick out which ones were real and which were fake. How long had you been faking it? Recently? Always?
He felt like he couldn’t breathe, and if the door hadn’t burst open at that exact second, he would’ve landed on the floor. Instead, as it happened, he was launched from his hiding place as Flynn and Dec burst into the house hauling a keg.
“We’re here for the party,” they chanted, and a small wave of people came in behind them.
“Get out. I canceled that,” Bryce barked, getting up from the couch. Leaving you sitting alone on it with your eyes pinned to the floor.
His first instinct was to confront you, to demand an explanation. But another part of him hesitated. Did he even want to hear any more? He felt a lump forming in his throat, a wave of self-doubt crashing over him. A bunch of other emotions filled the gaps. Why would you do that? As you continued to avoid his gaze yet kept trying to make yourself smaller under the weight of it, a thread of anger sewed into his skin.
Music kicked on and, despite Bryce’s best attempts, the party was on. With a loud sigh, Bryce crossed towards Aurora and yanked her to her feet. Pulling her with her, the annoyed redhead snatched her brother’s wrist in the other hand and pushed them both towards the bedroom. "And you two," she said, "are going to sort this out."
Bryce locked the door behind them. Ruhn grasped the rattly doorknob, and Bryce punched the door on the other side in protest. She shouted through the door. “Stay in there until you two have fixed this. Fucking cowards.”
Even though Bryce had stomped away and therefore they could escape, Ruhn remained frozen with his hand on the doorknob. The weight of Bryce's disappointment pressed down on him. She was right. He was avoiding a conversation that needed to happen. What the hell could he say, though?
"I'm sorry you overheard that."
Ruhn's heart twisted at Aurora's words. He couldn't help but feel betrayed. Why would she keep something like this from him? The self-doubt gnawing at him left a bitter taste in his mouth.
"Why?" The question slipped out before he could stop it.
Your voice was barely a whisper. "Because… I didn’t want you to know."
Confusion struck him, and he turned around, long hair spreading like a shadow between them. He tried to wrap his mind around your confession, but the pieces just didn't fit together. How could you fake something so intimate? And now you act like this?
“You think I didn’t have a right to know?” Another thought struck him. “Or could I just not do it for you?”
“No, it’s not like that,” you started.
“No? You thought you’d just what? Make fun of me?”
“Then what?” He couldn’t help it. The anger inside was growing and it seeped into his words. “You stayed with me because you wanted to be the Autumn Queen?”
“Wow, Y/N. Wow. Well done. You had me completely going. I totally fell for it.”
He turned away. She grabbed his hand, but he shoved her off. “Back off, Y/N.”
That did it. Now she was mad. “Oh, fine. Just stomp off like a child. Don’t even try to talk to me.”
“Like you did?” he snapped, whirling on her.
Something crossed over her eyes, and the anger cut in half. “I should’ve told you the truth. Bryce helped me see that.”
“Bryce,” Ruhn scoffed. If you couldn’t even come to him with a problem, what the hell were you two even doing? “How long?”
You furrowed your brows.
“We’ve been together nine months. We’ve been sleeping together for six. How long have you been faking it?”
“I never faked our relationship.”
“Just our sex life.”
“No,” you said. “Just my orgasms. Everything else is real.”
“That’s kind of a big part of it,” he said, anger still laced tight in his skin.
“I don’t think so.”
Ruhn looked wide-eyed at you, the hurt cutting deep. “Right. Got it.”
He grabbed the doorknob again, cracking it sideways to break the lock.
“I can’t orgasm.”
Ruhn stood there for a minute, unable to process the statement. It was an odd way to phrase it. Finally, he glanced over his shoulder. “What?”
There were tears in her eyes, and Ruhn’s heart twisted. He immediately regretted looking back at her. He was almost out, almost free of potentially the most toxic relationship he’d ever been in. And then he saw her cry.
“I faked them because I can’t. I’ve never been able to. Not with you, not with anybody.” She drew in a fractured breath. “But I knew if I told you, you’d think it was your fault. That you weren’t good enough, or some ridiculousness like that.”
She took a step towards him, then lost her nerve and stopped. “I faked the orgasms so that you knew how I truly felt about us.”
“That you didn’t trust me,” Ruhn supplied. “Good to know.”
“No,” she said, a new wave of bravery locking her Y/E/C eyes into his. “You are perfect, Ruhn Danaan. You are everything I could ever want. You are kind and generous, with your love and with your time. You make me feel beautiful. And treasured. And I am so sorry that all of this has made you feel less than that, because that was never my intention. I was trying to spare your feelings, not hurt them.”
Anger seeped out of him like sand from a broken hourglass. But the hurt ran deep.
“You could have told me I don’t satisfy you.”
“But you do, you dumb, dumb male!” She cried, fisting her hair. “That’s the point. You satisfy me in every way that matters. Who cares if I can’t orgasm? I don’t. I have you. I am filled to the brim with you, and that’s all I need.”
You said you didn’t care, but you did. He could tell.
Ruhn sighed, a deeper emotion crawling up to the surface. "What bothers me is that you didn't even give us a chance to work together to fix it. You could have trusted me, Y/N. You could have told me."
Your heart clenched as his words hit you like a dagger to the chest. You could see the hurt and confusion etched on his face, and it tore at your soul.
"You’re right. I'm sorry," you whispered. "I should have told you.”
With his anger gone, Ruhn didn’t know where to go from here. You kept your gaze and your hands to yourself, like you expected him to walk off. He still wasn’t sure he wouldn’t.
But as the air hung between you like a chasm, he felt the need to at least clear the air. “Tell me now.”
Your eyes shot up to him in surprise, and then a blush broke out across your cheeks. You wrung your hands.
Ruhn reached over and took your hands, guiding you both to sit down on the end of the bed. You were stiff and so was he, but you deserved at least a chance to make this right. Especially after he’d reacted so poorly.
But after a long, awkward moment, the only thing you said was “I don’t know what else to say.”
“Well,” Ruhn swallowed, “tell me what you do like. What works when you touch yourself?”
You glanced up at him shyly before lowering your head. You’d retracted your hands from him when you sat down, and you were back to wringing them. “Um, not much. I mean, I have toys, but all they’re good for is overstimulating me.”
“Am I too rough with you? Is that why you aren’t finishing?
You met his eyes, this time shyness gone. It takes his breath away. Then, you sighed, muttering, “You’re still not understanding.”
“Then, tell me.”
At first, he wasn't sure you would. “It’s not that I don’t finish. It has nothing to do with you. It’s that I never have. I guess, there’s a population of us that have weak muscles down there. We get overstimulated way before we release.” You shifted on the bed, subconsciously putting distance between him and you. “It’s just something that happens. It has nothing to do with you.”
You said it twice, and you believed it. But he didn’t.
Another thought struck him, though. How often had he come undone in your hands, under your mouth? He had commented more than once on how talented you were in bed. Was that you overcompensating for what you clearly saw as a shortcoming? He tried not to think about the other males you had practiced on.
Which only left room for a wave of guilt to crash on him. You drew his release out of him like no one else ever had. Your touch riled him up like electricity on his skin, your kiss fire in his veins. He’d always been a sexual male, and she had never disappointed. But how cruel he had been, unraveling when she couldn’t.
“Don’t do that,” you snapped, poking him in the chest. “Don’t you feel guilty.”
You had moved closer, your E/C eyes piercing into his soul. You were so close he could feel your breath on his skin, and his body reacted accordingly. He tried to shove it down.
“Watching you…” You let out a loaded breath. “Watching you is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Fuck. Now was not the time to get turned on by her.
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. “I want to satisfy you.”
“You do,” you said, your hand tracing up to his jaw. He swallowed.
But the insecurity was there under his skin, too. “No, I don’t. If you’re faking it, I don’t.”
“I told you already.” Your other hand tracked his tattoos and electricity lit up the nerves. “I only faked the end. Nothing else. Everything else is real. More so than it ever has been.”
Your eyes twinkled. “Before you, I didn’t even understand why it was fun. Sex. It was nothing to me.”
He pulled her arm down. “I shouldn’t touch you if it doesn’t feel good.”
“You taught me what it’s supposed to feel like. You taught me what it was to make love.” You cupped his face in both your hands. "With you, it's magic."
There were no words he could say to that. None that got even close to the feeling you had given him. All he had was a new resolve.
He swallowed, preparing for his own question. "What did previous males do to you?"
You pulled away in surprise, then eyed him. "You don't want to hear about that."
You were right. He didn’t, but… "If it helps you get off, I want to know."
He saw the arousal flash across your eyes, and it was nearly the end of him. But this was more important.
“Don’t bother. You’re better.”
He couldn’t help the smirk that appeared on his lips. “Alright, what do you like that I do?”
You smiled under the question, looking away. Then, you said, mood dipped, “I won’t ‘get off’. You shouldn’t worry about it. It’s okay.”
"You want it."
"But I shouldn't!" You cried, the sudden change rippling through the air. "You do satisfy me. You treat me well, you’re gentle, you’re being so sweet about this! How terrible am I to want more?"
Ruhn pulled your hands from your face. "You are a grown, powerful, sexual female. Of course, you want it. You SHOULD want it." You looked like you were about to cry. Like, you were about to break in his arms. "You say you can't orgasm. I say, you can learn. I'm going to help you."
“We're gonna work on it. Because you deserve it. But—" he leveled his eyes with hers as his hand guided up her chin. "—no more faking. Every move you make, every sound that escapes, they have to be real, okay? I have to be able to trust you."
You didn’t have any faith in this plan of his. But you nodded. "No more faking. I promise."
“And you can’t go sabotaging this just because you think it won’t happen,” he added.
It took a minute for you to answer. “So… we’re okay?”
Ruhn released a breath, his hands finding their places on your skin. “Yeah,” he said, leaning in to kiss your temple. “We’re okay.”
You pressed your lips to his, and Ruhn slowed it to a lingering kiss. It was tender, but your whole body reacted like his lips pulled your very soul from your body. Whether it was in arousal or relief he didn’t know, and he didn’t care. The knowledge that at least this had always been authentic was enough to balm the remaining threads of betrayal.
You pulled away. "And you," you said, your finger back to poking at his collarbone. "You cannot take any lack of orgasm as failure on your part. Because I know you. You'll think it's you, and it's not. It never was."
Your words struck a chord in him. You were right, even if he was only just realizing it. Your confession had made him insecure, and he questioned your relationship rather than listening to you.
He slipped a hand into your hair and pulled your lips back to his. It's slow and deep, a coaxing of each other's tongues and mouths, as if for the first time. But it wasn’t the first time. It wasn’t even the fiftieth time. Ruhn had never enjoyed kissing a female as much as he did you. In previous relationships, he had always preferred other activities for his tongue. But with you— Kissing you lit up his soul, like a spark of starlight just from the touch of your lips. Your kiss was just as intimate and erotic as anything else. You swelled in his arms, like a balloon he was breathing air into, your arms wrapping around his neck and pulling yourself into him, fingers tracing through his long hair. It felt amazing.
Ruhn's own hands trailed along your body, feeling you react to his touch. He pulled you onto his lap, which you did with no fuss, pulling his lip ring into your mouth. A low groan rumbled in Ruhn's chest. You smiled against him. "I love your sounds."
"I want to hear yours," Ruhn said at your ear. His teeth trailed down the tender skin of your neck, and a heated breath escaped from your lips. He nipped. "You can do better than that.”
Your teeth came down hard on his shoulder, and Ruhn hissed, his hands digging into the flesh at your waist. You usually didn't bite until later on in the process. It made him happy. It was a sign you were just as turned on as he was.
He pulled back from your kiss, trailing his thumb across your lips as a breath shuddered across it. He caught your eye. "We didn't say this earlier, but I think it should be another rule: We tell each other the truth. Always. I'll go first:" he added, hopefully taking the danger out of the request. "I like it most when I get to taste you."
Your eyes grew wide at his confession, a sharp rise-and-fall of your chest spurring him on. "I love the feeling of you around my tongue, and I love the sounds you make when I go down on you."
He held your gaze, patiently awaiting your response.
It was a long wait. Red in the face, you found your words. "I like that, too. But I like it best when you're under me."
Ruhn's dick twitched at the thought. You liked riding his face the best? Fuck, you were created just for him.
Ruhn removed you from his hips and settled towards the head of the bed, while you discarded your underwear. He motioned for you, and you draped a leg across his face. The skirt of your dress settled around him. You lowered yourself onto Ruhn's awaiting lips, and his first movement was a long stripe of his tongue along your folds. You released a vocal sigh, and Ruhn traced his lip along your clit with a smile. His girl had always required extra work up to get vocal. Now he knew why.
He breathed in your scent, lapping at the wetness already heating your skin. Your hips rolled downwards, and his arms locked onto your thighs. One of your hands laced fingers with his. He growled against your core, and you whined softly at the sensation.
Ruhn took note. This was no longer about physical gratification; it was an experiment. Ruhn wanted to know exactly what he could do that would make you unravel. Every touch was to gauge your response. Now that you were being honest about how he made you feel, he wanted to know exactly how you would respond to his best work: his tongue stroking the length of you folds (breathy inhales and her hand squeezing his), his tongue penetrating her (inner walls clenching and rolled hips), his lip-ring against her clit (twitches and cries), him sucking on her clit with and without his fingers pressed inside of her (grinding down on him). He tried it all, and he stored away the information. The longer he worked you, the wetter you became. Which was impressive anyway, because you were already turned on when you first sat down on him.
At a particularly sharp suck on your clit, your entire body reacted, back arching as a fragmented moan escaped. Good to know. He ran his lip ring over the bud again, and you squirmed against him. His strong arms held your thighs tightly to him. You always had been wriggly. "R-Ruhn."
His name fell from your lips in fractured speak, and his dick twitched against his jeans. Hearing his name on your tongue like this was enough to drive him mad. He rolled that spot with his fingertips as his tongue dipped inside. Those inner walls were tight around his tongue, and Ruhn moaned, the vibration sending a shiver up your spine. You pulled against his hold again.
'Talk to me', Ruhn said into your mind, moaning again and the vibrations climbed upwards.
It worked like a charm. "Ruhn, you have to… stop with the clit."
Your words were nearly a plea, and you resisted his touch again. Ruhn released one of your thighs to give you space. Your hips lifted off of his lips a little, and he took the chance to slide two fingers inside. The soft moan that fell from you was everything.
His fingers pressed against your inner walls, and he was thrilled when you rutted against him. You were really trying to be honest with him. His heart swelled, and he kissed your core. His fingers curved in rhythm against that inner spot. Your hips rolled against his fingers, searching for the pressure, and all at once, Ruhn could feel your desperation. Your body knew you were close, even if you didn’t. You'd told him to back off, but you were right there. He could get you there.
Ruhn pressed a flat tongue across your clit, the pressure ripping a loud cry from your lips. That was new. Ruhn’s soul ate it up.
He did it again, needing to hear the sound again, pressing against the sensitive bud at the same time his fingers thrummed against your inner palette. You were swollen and ready. You just needed a little bit more. He sucked on your clit again, and you ripped yourself off of him, sprawling next to him on the bed.
He turned quickly. "Don't get excited," you said, eyes squeezed closed. "I'm just overstimulated."
Ruhn couldn't help it. Disappointment flooded over him.
“I’m sorry.”
“No. Stop,” he said, his hand on your cheek as he kissed your forehead.
You were nearly too soft to hear. “I tried to hold on.”
"I know you did," he reassured. "And you were incredible. We'll get there." His eyes locked onto yours.
You weren’t so sure, but he was. And the taste of yourself on his lips was enough.
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