#rta meta
rhmis-user-2020 · 1 year
Me, watching Cassandra's revenge: Oh, shit. Who knew that Cassandra drugged and kidnapped a kid!
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
How to not be anxious about upcoming therapy appt: Start a project relating to your special interest, so you end up glancing at the clock feeling more annoyed than anything else
#pikaposts#like ughhh let me get the appt over with quick so i can get back to research and making spreadsheets#idc abt feelings i care about calculating turn order and damage output for a silly little video game!!!#back into the e7 special interest again btw. going insane abt it. accidentally stayed up until 4am the other day#bc i was. swapping around gear to make aither the most ridiculous glass canon ever. lol#if he survives to take his turn he can one-shot nearly anyone now <3 teehee#i want to make him even stronger though. i want to use him in rta and freak out my opponents#it's tricky though because there are a Lot of ways an opponent can counter him#if they don't ban him during the selection process ofc. i'll have to build a meta Huge Threat that they'll Have to ban instead#and i'll have to be careful with my picks + watching the opponent's picks. debuff-heavy units and ones that mess with cr will be a Problem#honestly i'll probably try to take basar so i can dispell buffs And so they can't pick him#but again. they may ban him. or aol. my aol is Ridiculous and i adore her#it's so funny to just stop the other team dead in their tracks so aither can one-shot whoever would cause me the most issues#in regular arena i usually take out their tank so my aoe dps can just wipe the enemy off the face of the earth#anyway. tldr; i'm autism and living my best life#e7 is such a weirdly Perfect game for me. i fell in love the minute i tried it all those years ago#i haven't found anything else that fills this particular niche of turn-based strategy#not with an art style i adore at least. i like e7's sprites-- most other games like this have squishy lil chibi sprites#disgaea's are cute though. i like those ones
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Not you RTA, but ignorance like Ryan and most of the superhero fandom who think that Black Panther was the first ( successful) black superhero when it was actually Blade ( Wesley Snipes) in 1998. 
Infact, it was the success of Blade and Men in Black (1997) that finally convinced studios that the Marvel comics were a goldmine. 
Hindsight actually makes Ryan seem even more tone-deaf for that comment. I won’t share spoilers here but...let’s just say that Deadpool v. Wolverine broke the meta-fourth wall about Wesley Snipes’ influence on Marvel.
And I was very delighted to see that happen.
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daniels-rwby-blog · 1 year
RWBY finale reaction (long af)
Oh boi there was hype for this
The alarm i had for these EP was faster than a speeding bullet and yeah that sums it up
Warning this is a 26 minute long ep so this reaction/live blog is long beware
The intro has been such a foreshadowing tool this volume.
And more storytime with summer!
Ohhh that's adorable and such a good model btw
And sure enough it was the last night
that window framing is awesome
And ozpin is ozpin
Awww thats just to cute
it's raven and summer battling it out, and ruby saw that!
Ruby was not the one to receive the you never were the hero line, i knew that wasn't summers voice
And jaune is reverting back to his old self, good
Alyx is blacksmith yes.
And action!
Wiess got that ice queen ground pound
And the cat laughing and smiling is amazing
"These feelings" on the nose there rt, i like it.
And it's big pussy!
And the blacksmith pressures 
And Yang got yeeted into Blake omg background bees are awesome.
And summer ex machina for ruby
The way she runs.
And sure enough ruby find herself.
and she sky dives into CR
Petals like the trailer
And that's where the budget went
Into this fight.
The little smirk before that 50cal shot Damm
The rainbow 🌈
I can't 
The colors the glyphs from wiess 
All 4 girls so perfectly synced
Who ever said RWBY isn't visually pretty are wrong.
And the lineup affirming her.
And the hug.
And neo and roman aww.
Yeah neo redemption arc us still open but that was a good choice i like that.
And i thought we'd see a design change but I'm okay with just seeing that in vacuo next volume.
And little gets a sendoff as somewhat.
And ruby tears oh my God
And a new chapter, a new hero for jaune
The circle, the ever after continues.
And the team holding hand awww
In we go…
Okay this is a great sequence, the blacksmith or as Blake says the tree. 
And the brothers are not the creators, only the tree.
So the ever after is the the first world.
And that story was some serious lore dumping
Really Salem was the second jabberwalker
I do t believe ozpin knows this information, RWBY now knows everything about the world i believe
And jaune is back
And the meta is funny.
that last shot of ruby turning back is awesome gonna be my wallpaper
Oh not time travel oh well
At least we saw vacuo.
And the atlas military?
Or perhaps vacuo's forces protecting the survivors.
And guys watch the credits go appreciate all these people.
And RTA keep the logo
And only a trailer no post credits scene???
Well that's a bit what I was expecting but I'm okay with it, some major lore and summer's death no longer so mysterious, yet also much more mysterious, most are saying the girls went out to go see a maiden and that mission went wrong. as for time change, like a few days, enough for the atlas crew to get to vacuo and collect themselves, perhaps having sent out a team to go find RWBY and Jaune?
(edit so i can confirm the ships are from the kingdoms who are there to support RWBY after the call broadcast from atlas, can't wait for ruby leading the whole world and all the action and arguments that brings)
also heres RLR part 3 lyrics from casey, cause we were too cought up in that fight OMG
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kenly-2024 · 8 months
El desarrollo tecnológico, especialmente en el área de la información y la comunicación, ofrece a la sociedad herramientas útiles en diferentes campos, entre ellos el campo de la educación; por otra parte, la sociedad del conocimiento plantea nuevos retos a los sistemas educativos y a las personas que deben continuar su proceso de formación durante toda la vida. En este contexto, la educación a distancia se erige como una respuesta viable a la extensa demanda de educación, particularmente por personas que por diferentes circunstancias no pueden acceder a la educación presencial. No obstante, es poco lo que se conoce sobre esta modalidad y por ello surgen interrogantes que es preciso intentar responder, como: qué es la educación a distancia, cuál es su historia, en qué se diferencia de la educación presencial, cuáles son sus características, ventajas y limitaciones, a quien está dirigida y cuál es su nivel de reconocimiento y aceptación en la sociedad actual. Estos interrogantes motivaron la investigación bibliográfica cuyos resultados se presentan en este documento. El estudio mostró, entre otras cosas, que la educación a distancia se apoya en la tecnología disponible para llegar a sectores de la población que otros tipos de educación no pueden hacerlo, de esta manera hace real el derecho a la educación con equidad para todas las personas y representa una oportunidad para quienes no pueden asistir a las aulas de clase ya sea por residir en lugares lejanos a los centros universitarios o porque sus responsabilidades familiares y laborales no se lo permiten.
¿Qué habilidades se necesitan para tener éxito en la educación en línea?
RTA: Algunas habilidades importantes para tener éxito en la educación en línea incluyen la autodisciplina, la gestión del tiempo, la capacidad de autodirección y la capacidad de utilizar herramientas tecnológicas.
¿Cómo puedo mantenerme motivado en la educación en línea?
RTA: Algunas estrategias para mantenerse motivado en la educación en línea incluyen establecer metas claras, mantener una rutina de estudio, buscar apoyo de compañeros de clase y establecer recompensas para alcanzar objetivos.
En el siglo XXI, la educación debe adaptarse a los desafíos y cambios de nuestra sociedad. Debe ser relevante, estimulante y orientada hacia la adquisición de habilidades clave, como el pensamiento crítico, la creatividad, la resolución de problemas, la colaboración y la adaptabilidad. La educación debe fomentar el espíritu emprendedor, el aprendizaje continuo y la capacidad de enfrentar los desafíos de un mundo globalizado y tecnológico.
Es importante destacar que la educación debe ser inclusiva, promoviendo la participación de todos los niños sin importar su origen étnico, nivel socioeconómico, género o habilidades diferentes. La educación inclusiva es una poderosa herramienta para combatir la exclusión social y construir una sociedad más igualitaria. Brinda oportunidades equitativas a todas las personas, fomenta la diversidad y el respeto por las diferencias, y promueve el desarrollo integral de cada individuo.
Educación a Distancia es la opción pedagógica y didáctica donde la relación docentealumno se encuentra separada en el tiempo y/o en el espacio, durante todo o gran parte del proceso educativo, en el marco de una estrategia pedagógica integral que utiliza soportes materiales y recursos tecnológicos, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, diseñados especialmente para que los/as alumnos/as alcancen los objetivos de la propuesta educativa. Asimismo, se entiende que quedan comprendidos en esta a los estudios conocidos como educación semipresencial, educación asistida, educación abierta, educación virtual y cualquiera que reúna las características indicadas precedentemente. Para que una carrera se considere desarrollada en el marco de la modalidad de educación a distancia se requiere que la cantidad de horas no presenciales supere el cincuenta por ciento (50%) de la carga horaria total prevista en el respectivo plan de estudios. El porcentual se aplicará sobre la carga horaria total de la carrera sin incluir las horas correspondientes al desarrollo del trabajo final o tesis. Las carreras en las que la cantidad de horas no presenciales se encontrara entre el treinta por ciento
(30%) y el cincuenta por ciento (50%) del total, deberán someterse a evaluación el Sistema Institucional de Educación a Distancia.
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nemrut · 10 months
Haven't played Epic 7 for over half a year and was mentally checked out for even longer but am now trying to get back into it. What did I miss? What's the meta like? Who is terrorizing RTA at the moment?
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Mantova, buoni per i turisti che utilizzano biciclette elettriche
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Mantova, buoni per i turisti che utilizzano biciclette elettriche. Sono 500 i buoni mobilità che il Comune di Mantova mette a disposizione gratuitamente agli operatori della ricettività, affinché vengano distribuiti senza alcun onere agli ospiti che pernottano nelle strutture ricettive del territorio comunale. Questa azione rientra in una più ampia strategia di promozione del turismo e delle attività del territorio che operano in questo settore messa in campo dall’Amministrazione. Turismo ecosostenibile  “Stiamo attivamente promuovendo Mantova anche come meta del turismo ecosostenibile – ha sottolineato il vicesindaco e assessore al Turismo Giovanni Buvoli -. Per questo abbiamo impegnato delle risorse nel nostro bilancio per sostenere l’utilizzo delle biciclette da parte dei turisti che soggiornano nelle strutture ricettive della città”. Buoni mobilità per turisti II buono mobilità consiste in un voucher di 90 minuti per l’utilizzo di una bicicletta elettrica del servizio di bike sharing a flusso libero Ridemovi e ha validità fino al 28 febbraio 2023. Possono richiedere il buono mobilità, entro e non oltre il 16 gennaio /2023, le seguenti strutture aventi sede nel territorio del Comune di Mantova: alberghi e Rta, agriturismi, B&B, case per ferie, ostelli e alloggi in affitto gestiti in forma imprenditoriale. Fino ad esaurimento scorte I buoni mobilità saranno distribuiti gratuitamente ai soggetti che avranno fatto richiesta, fino ad esaurimento. Le strutture richiedenti i buoni mobilità possono altresì richiedere un kit promozionale di materiale turistico della città da distribuire gratuitamente ai propri ospiti. L’avviso pubblico e il modulo di domanda si possono scaricare dal sito del Comune di Mantova. Read the full article
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rtanoticias · 2 years
Luciana Sala luce su medalla de bronce en el mundial
Destacando el tercer lugar que obtuvo en su primera aparición en un certamen mundial, Luciana Salas Torres llegó a los estudios de RTA Noticias para contar cómo fue su experiencia en el evento que se cumplió en Argentina.
Destacando el tercer lugar que obtuvo en su primera aparición en un certamen mundial, Luciana Salas Torres llegó a los estudios de RTA Noticias para contar cómo fue su experiencia en el evento que se cumplió en Argentina. Luciana logró medalla de bronce en la prueba de los 100 metros meta contra meta y pudo haber logrado otro metal más, pero el estado de la pista conllevó a que la vallenata no…
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skaisgachahell · 2 years
This is my gacha dump for Genshin Impact and Epic Seven.
🌸 Genshin Impact: Day 1 player, but not consistent. Electro main. I don't do Spiral Abyss a lot. waifu/husbando > meta.
🌸 Epic Seven: Champion Arena and RTA peak. Übers guild co-captain (Top 400 peak). Aggro-cleave player.
I might play Honkai Star Rail when it comes out! Very excited for it.
This blog is dedicated for art/lore reblogs, and my Epic Seven character builds because I'm very proud of them.
It's a bit messy, but I hope you enjoy your stay!
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inamindfarfaraway · 2 years
Do you think Rapunzel will ever apologize for burning Cassandra's hand? Or do you think she doesn't even realize the gravity of what happened?
I think Rapunzel has matured by the end of series enough to accept responsibility for her part in disabling and scarring Cass. True, it was an accident on both parts, but the way she was blaming Cass’s suffering and permanent disability on her was so wrong. She definitely holds responsibility. But here’s why I think she’d apologize after the finale, not before.
While Cass was away being treasonous, Rapunzel didn’t have to face the present consequences of her harmful treatment of her. She could focus on her rose-tinted memories of their friendship and hopes of saving Cass or that idealized perception of her, because avoiding bad feelings, especially feelings as terrible as all the grief and guilt and hurt wrapped up in Cass’s betrayal, through distracting herself with real or imagined positives is a, and specifically Rapunzel’s, natural response. Because it was all she could do in the tower to not feel like shit all the time, with how she was punished for showing any kind of disapproval or negativity. (Thanks again, Gothel. Your actions once again harm both your daughters simultaneously.)
“Cassandra’s Revenge” shakes that mindset up somewhat, but not fully. She and Cass spend little of that episode actually talking substantially about what’s happened between them. The few times they do interact, Cass is too busy showing off how totally evil and powerful and remorseless she is now; and Raps is too busy ineffectually claiming love and forgiveness which doesn’t land because she hasn’t been doing the work of understanding the openly flawed, problematic, messy, mentally ill Moonsandra in front of her and choosing to forgive her, instead of just wanting the Cass she used to have back. They’re talking at each other, culminating in them literally just using their words as weapons via the incantations. Ironically the improv scene in “Once a Handmaiden” is one of if not the most sincere and productive conversation they have in Season Three, and they’re both acting and Cass is in disguise so they can’t even take advantage of it in the moment! This comfortable way of thinking about Cass - her loyal lady-in-waiting, heroic friend and caring big sister (not her own person) who was so happy by her side and just needs to come home - is so persistent we even see it right up to the finale in “I’d Give Anything”. It’s a beautiful song and I love it, but though the sentiment is well-intentioned, notice how in all the memories Cass is in her repressive handmaiden uniform that doesn’t represent her personality whatsoever and indeed has an opposite aesthetic. And the item symbolic of the old Cass and their friendship that she sings it to isn’t one that was important to Cass herself, like her medal (from an episode that explored Raps being a bad friend disrespectful of Cass’s independence, no less!) or one of her beloved weapons, but the deindividualizing veil of a servant of the princess. Although I don’t think it’s conscious, Raps isn’t singing to the real, current Cass here. How can she, when she can’t even accept the fullness of her existence? To be fair, reconciling *fawns over Pascal in a dress* and *fights with her life for Corona and her friends* Cass with *takes over and ravages Corona* and *mind-controls people to kill their children* Cass is a hell of a task. But Raps isn’t even trying to tackle it.
Then? Then? Cass fucking dies. For a good minute or two, she’s gone. Not out of sight, unpleasant emotions out of mind. Not able to pretend that she’s fine being a handmaiden or unneeded bodyguard or villain or traitor. Not allowing Raps to entertain the hope that everything could go cleanly back to when they were all happy. Dead. No pulse; not breathing; limp; cold under Rapunzel’s hands.
This is while Raps isn’t the Sundrop, too. This whole time she’s been the adored crown princess of Corona with incredible magical powers. Why shouldn’t everything be okay if she wills it to be hard enough? But now, Rapunzel is utterly helpless on her own. Her best friend could be gone forever and there are so many things she could never get to say, never said when she had the chance -
like sorry.
Raps bringing Cass back doesn’t negate that this has to be a huge wake-up call. Eugene is the love of her life. She knows him better than anyone, their relationship is her deepest and most intimate. So even though the show doesn’t reference it seriously (a missed opportunity, gotta say) he has to have trauma from his murder and by this point, Raps has to have seen it. He must have talked to her about it. She’s probably comforted him after nightmares and grounded him during flashbacks. She knows that an experience that awful isn’t something you just get up and walk away from, metaphorically at least. Even without that analysis, death is as heavy as it gets. There’s no denying or downplaying how much Cass has suffered and the gravity of all they’ve put each other through after this. There is no pretending that things can ever be the same again after this.
(Side note: losing Cass must be extra painful due to triggering her likely PTSD from losing Eugene. This show is so cruel to its main characters. I love it!)
Now Raps is has a choice: she can accept that she couldn’t and can’t save Cass, that her story ends here in tragedy and wasted potential. She can mourn the Cass she remembers with no complex living version around to contradict that. To hurt her. She can never have to face the consequences of her failures as a princess, friend and sister again, because that face will be buried beneath the earth. She can leave Cass to exist only in relation to and from the perspectives of her and her family and friends in Corona. Just as she already has been doing for the last year. Eugene warns her that the magic will overwhelm her. She has no guarantee it will even respond to her now she isn’t the Sundrop. This is the easy option.
Or she can march right up to the unstable cosmic power, risking her own life, and stand for Cass’s right to shout; to rip her veil; to blame her; to insult her; to have opinions and make decisions she disagrees with; to leave her behind; to do whatever the fuck she wants because what matters is that she deserves to live. She deserves to be. Messiness and all.
That’s what Rapunzel chooses. To give Cass a second chance to do with as she wishes. And this is the mindset that sticks! She steps back and admits she was wrong about what Cass needed and lets her go away to learn self-care and find new meaning in her life! She looks at Cass, with all the pain and strife she’s caused Raps, and says, “I love you” unconditionally. So I think it’s highly plausible that she also apologizes for the crippling and everything else she did to her between reviving Cass and bidding her farewell.
Um. This really ran away from your question, haha. But yes, my personal belief is that Raps apologizes, because I take the glass half-full viewpoint regarding to this series, I like Raps and Cass and want them to be doing well as individuals and friends, and I consider the final Healing Incantation an important moment for Rapunzel’s character of redemption from her selfishness.
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tangledbea · 5 years
So, i get that eugene is in the 22 to 25 age range. I think hes on the lower end of that judging by the flashback in Return of the Strongbow, which took place eight years ahead of the eugene we see now. It might be just a nitpick in the design, but he looks way older than 14. Also, thank you for putting the podvast on spotify, i love listening every week, and this makes it far more convenient.
Here’s the meta dealio with that: It’s way too expensive to build an entirely new rig in CGI for a very brief scene, especially when the character design is never going to be used to again. They couldn’t even significantly alter him by removing his goatee, because his goatee is on the same mask layer as his chin. This is also why Eugene’s pajamas resemble his Guard training uniform: a quick color change is much cheaper than a whole new outfit design.
The crew decided that their money was better spent in other ways, such as improving animation or doing the dramatic all-silhouette scene.
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I can’t draw but I wanted to write down some of my hc’s for the designs of the main Tangled trio post-series 
(some were inspired by art/fics and are linked!) 
- more and more freckles all over her face, shoulders, arms as she spends more years out in the sun - she changes her hair all the time - growing it out, cutting it really short, dyeing it, all sorts of different styles and braids and ponytails and accessories (including ones that look ridiculous but make her happy) - never wears shoes, except when going out in winter and she gets Feldspar to design soft, comfortable but waterproof shoes - for her 21st birthday her parents get her a rainbow dress, since it’s her favourite colour - scars on her hands from where she held the sundrop and moonstone - never had any marks on her body because her hair healed her then protected her, so as she gets scars and stretch marks and cellulite she’s fascinated and loves that they’re like paintings/stories on her skin  - gets Varian to design a grappling hook that she always carries with her on a belt (which can also hook a frying pan to) - writes down reminders for herself on her hands (they are always covered in ink) - TATTOOS - she asks Lady Caine mid-fight once where she got her tattoo and Caine sets her up with her tattoo artist - she designs her own tattoos, definitely the Corona sun symbol, but also a chameleon, flying birds, flowers, rainbows, lanterns, she gets them everywhere - adds multiple deep pockets to everything she wears  - makes friendship bracelets for all the people she loves and wears all of her own pairs from the different sets - cass sends her things from different adventures, one gift is a necklace with two bird pendants, that rapunzel loves and wears all the time - when she starts to get wrinkles on her face she freaks out about at first, after a lifetime of being around Gothel’s narcissism and obsession about looks & youth, but with support from her loved ones she slowly starts to accept them (thinking of them as laugh lines and as proof of the long and happy years she’s lived outside of the tower)
- after he proposes in the finale, Rapunzel also proposes to him so he has the engagement ring she was going to give him, which he wears along with his wedding ring - grows his hair out, for a while just down to his chin, then shoulder length, he tries it really long for a while but then sticks with shoulder length - PONYTAIL - gets a cool eyebrow scar  - has a physical mark from the stab wound he died from, maybe a golden scar or a magical sun/flower pattern where it healed - gets a serious sword wound on his torso and he’s finally confronted with the trauma he suppressed when he died. it leaves a large scar - he wears both the Coronan symbol and the Dark Kingdom symbol  - often has little doodles or patterns painted on his arms, firstly by rapunzel and then their kids pick up the habit. he shows them off to everyone - constantly has flowers in his hair and tucked behind his ears because rapunzel puts them there and he loves it - designs a new Captain of the Guard outfit incorporating both the old style and his own style (it’s gotta have a vest cmon), using purple, blue, white and gold colours - earrings! starts with single ones just in the earlobe, but then gets more piercing’s there and then cartilage piercing’s too  - has a fabulous jewellery collection that he can match with any outfit (he is always the best dressed person in the room, to the admiration and envy of many) - tries out a full beard for a while but goes back to the iconic goatee - Edmund eventually bestows Eugene his mother’s necklace and he wears it all the time - needs glasses as he gets older and he rocks the look
- short haired cass rights honestly, like really short  - she lets her natural curls come out too (look how gorgeous) - her hand + arm is still burnt, but since she was healed/brought back to life and started doing exercises to help, the pain slowly lessens (although does flare up occasionally) and some strength slowly returns  - she hides her hand under gloves at first but over the years grows more confident and only wears gloves when needed (sword fighting, etc)  - has a wooden panel strapped to her shoulder as a perch for owl - she has a large scar on her chest where the moonstone was - it’s black and circular but also zigzag’s out like electricity across her chest, shoulder and neck  - wears mementos from the people she loves: her lady in waiting favour from rapunzel, her cassandrium necklace from varian, her father’s dagger, a sword brooch from eugene, and different items she collects from friends on her journey’s - gets an owl tattoo on her upperarm and a small sun and moon tattoo on her wrist  - has an owl mask that Rapunzel made for her that she wears sometimes when she wants to be anonymous during a caper  - during her travels and adventures she saves/helps people and gets into fights, and she’s known by several different names including ‘The Nightowl’,  ‘Moonshadow’, ‘The Hunter’ and ‘Stylet’ and she takes inspiration from the titles for her outfits  - gets a lot of scars over the years from some epic fights, the most prominent being a large scar over her eye - wears a lot of cloaks and capes, she claims it’s to hide weapons (true) but is also for the aesthetic™  - speaking of weapons, every outfit she has, no matter if it’s casual, formal or for adventuring, has multiple hidden compartments to stash weapons
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wayward-wren · 4 years
In Defense of Quirin
Okay I’ve noticed a bit of a trend towards villanising Quirin in fanfictions and I am here to say he would never. 
I totally get wanting to put Varian through grief, I for one am *shoves ao3 account under bed* guilty of that myself *trips and more fics fall out of my shirt*. But making Quirin the whumper doesn’t entirely sit right with me. 
Let’s just have a real quick run down of what Quirin did in Season 1, shall we? (under the cut cos this gets long)
In What the Hair he’s frantically searching for Varian after the destruction the water boilers caused - he runs to Varian’s side
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He’s clearly worried about his son! 
And yes, I’m not saying he’s a perfect dad. He’s distant and dismisses Varian very quickly. But that doesn’t mean he’s a bad dad, or an abusive dad! 
And then in Queen for a Day he pushes Varian aside and gets caught in the amber, even after they’ve been fighting. (Side note, yes Quirin did come across as rather aggressive when speaking to Varian about the rocks BUT he knows how dangerous they can be and doesn’t want his son to be anywhere near them because he saw what happened to the Dark Kingdom. He’s just trying to keep Varian safe.
And while we’re on the topic, Edmund isn’t the best dad either - an argument could be made that the Dark Kingdom doesn’t have great role models and growing up in the shadow of the Moon Stone probably isn’t very indicative for knowing how to be emotionally present or even present at all cough edmund cough. I’m not excusing either of their behaviour but i AM saying that while they both made mistakes, they both tried to do what was best for their respective son)
Anyway that aside Quirin loves his son.  
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And like,,, he improves. The first thing he did when getting out of the amber is tells Varian he’s proud of him which is a BIG THING for Varian. He recognizes that he’s been distant and hasn’t said what Varian needed to hear and makes an effort to change - something that is consistent throughout season 3 (”I am proud to have my son fighting by my side” in the finale) 
And now I wanna real quick address Team Awesome, because I’ve seen a number of cases where Quirin is made the villain for Eugene to step into that father figure/older brother type role. And I supposed I can understand that, but consider this: Quirin can Dad them both and Eugene can be older brother. 
There’s so many other villains you can pit against Varian - the Saporians are the most common and probably my favourite. There’s the history there, and Andrew probably can slip into the father figure role if we want to go down that route (Varian in prison, Quirin in the amber/already kinda distant - that kid needs a father figure in his life and Andrew is more than happy to oblige) 
Or if you want to go the more Team Awesome route, the Sabbington brothers using Varian to get to Eugene, or even the Baron. That’s just off the top of my head, there’s a lot of other villains I’m sure!
Tangled has a lack of good parents (I can think of uuuh Arianna. Maybe Cass’ dad) don’t take Quirin from us. Explore his and Varian’s complicated relationship - its obviously not perfect but it’s not abusive. And sometimes a relationship in which both parties do love each other but are bad at communicating can be more angsty than an abusive parent if you’re going for angst! 
Anyway all this to say there’s 8 fics on ao3 under the ‘bad parent quirin’ tag and only 6 (as of writing this) in the ‘good parent quirin’ tag and half of them are fics me or @softgreysweaters​ wrote and this needs to change. 
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astudyinchocolate · 5 years
"It's just my luck to fall in love with the most compassionate person in the world."
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Can we talk about how supportive Eugene is? I know it's old news at this point, but he's always supportive of Rapunzel as a leader. He completely lets her take the lead on the Spire plan and assists where needed.
And he never makes her feel bad for her choice to be compassionate, whether she's being kind toward ice creatures that tried to kill them or she's choosing to save a person's life. Instead, he tells her how much he loves that quality, and he affirms how important it is. Even when her compassion means that they lose a battle.
Her compassion is probably what will ultimately save her. It's her weakness, but also her strength. The final incantation includes "burn away the strife, let the hope ignite," and I think that's what Rapunzel will ultimately do by the end of the series.
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perthshirecottage · 5 years
I have been rewatching the series along with the new episodes and I realized that Varian as a character is kinda funny how much contrast he has. The biggest thing is that it highlights how young he is. He is a bright optimist who is as likely to blow himself and everyone around him up as anything else. Yet at the same time is a scarily competent character. He is still a kid and he is easily frightened and hides behind Rapunzel and seeks comfort from those around him but he is willing to fight and be brave despite that. He is unable to defend himself physically when being attacked without any warning. It’s because he isn’t any good in a one on one fight but if given half a chance to plan and use his skills he can take on all of Corona by himself with no problems. In 3x01 In the battle between the Saporians and the heroes at the beginning of the episode Varian comes out like a competent villain but keeps having his silly true self come out like when Pascal crawled on him and Max nearly fell on him. He is super dangerous and can be a massive foil to the heroes but he will stop to admire the crazy thing about to kill him. He can build robots to defend his house but he also sits in his lab baking cookies, enjoying hot chocolate and sandwiches, and he gives out prizes to his favorite elements. He could easily go back to destroying Rapunzel and the kingdom but he wants to impress everyone and can easily get embarrassed. He has so much potential and is able to be very skilled yet not. He is a child who is growing up but still wants people to take care of him. Which, I just thought of this, makes his character in season 3 make so much sense and is making me sad. Varian was alone all that time in Old Corona with nothing to do but stare at his dad encased in amber. Then he made a lot of bad decisions. Then he spent months in jail and was manipulated by Andrew before he helped break everyone out and erased the king and queen’s memories. He had to go through a lot of emotional turmoil as he really thought about everything he had done and everyone he had hurt and come to the understanding that he had messed everything up. He went through all of that mostly on his own. Ruddiger is the only one who was with him through everything. So now Varian just wants to be a kid and do alchemy. He wants the grown ups to be grown ups and take care of him because he hasn’t had anyone to take care of him in a long time. He wants to feel cared for and safe because he hasn’t felt that in a really long time. Even when a Varian was falling to the dark side, what he truly wanted was to free his dad so he wouldn’t be alone and scared and stuck taking care of himself anymore. His entire character arc is so good and I admire the entire crew for creating such an amazing character.
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ladyfawkes · 4 years
Watch @AJ-illustrated 's "Varian Fans In A Nutshell || ANIMATIC" on YouTube
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