redrocketpanda · 1 year
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Larian had no right making Astarion, with his heinous little personality, so goddamn attractive
Bonus image bc I know how much we all love pathetic little meow meow's bathed in blood:
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anastasia0pinkwild · 3 months
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ever since captain and bella met they never left each others side
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violetinjorvik · 2 months
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𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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rick-riordan-official · 2 months
I just wanted to ask, what are your thoughts on Celtic mythology? Would you ever write a book using Celtic mythology
I’m not very familiar with it but questions like these are why I started Rick Riordan Presents
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dkettchen · 3 months
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it's month 7 of pants research and this is the scene of the latest fashion cryptid sighting unsuspecting civilians were subjected to at the local charity shop this morning
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autumn-equinox-04 · 1 year
....an AU where Aru never lit the lamp, and subsequently never learned about the Otherworld and who she really is
I had to write down the idea and it somehow evolved into.... this
In this AU our lovely heroine is around 14-15, and living life as a loner, because after she refused to light the lamp that fateful day, she got labeled a liar and no one wanted to hang out with her
Her mom is also away on business trips, more so than ever because she’s getting more and more desperate to find the artifact that will help her keep both her daughter and her husband
So now she’s kind of like a jaded, cynical version of herself- she avoids attention like it’s one of those rats-with-wings (pigeons) and has loads of trust and family issues because hero(in)es with angst are close to my heart it’s only expected with her childhood and upbringing
Another thing worth mentioning: because her mother didn’t tell her anything about the Otherworld, she becomes the only Pandava unaware of who they really are (meaning all the rest have been claimed and instated as one of the heroes)
So because the Sleeper was never released, he can’t be the villain, and this leaves the role open for someone I wish we’d seen more of- Takshaka (I kinda hate him, but I feel like his arc, especially his hate of Arjuna and Indra in particular, is really interesting and something that could’ve been expanded on more in the books)
Istg y'all I have so many thoughts about this-
Should I write this out? I kinda wanna write this out
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lilisjorvikadventures · 6 months
Spellcaster is truly a model
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cadencesparrowburg · 8 months
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photos from the show grounds 🎠🥇🌿
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desifandom-draws · 9 months
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art recap 2023! my main blog is @tiredguyswag <3 lots of carmens and heeras to be seen
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griffinequestrian · 1 year
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Handsome boy!
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rowan-ravenlake · 3 months
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I've been busy this spring and the beginning of this summer, but I was finally able to... ahem, borrow a helmet camera from a friend and take Ember to explore the forest near our new barn. We stuck to the established trails for now, but we were able to go over a log and have a short gallop on the way home. It's important to get older horses out and about, even if they're done showing.
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
From the person who brought you unhinged JJK S2 fish discourse, please accept my humble new offering: me holding up images whilst screaming ferally at you: did ya see?! did ya see what they did with the colour symbolism in episode 4 and what it Means?! Well dw cause I'm here to serve you a heinously long meta-analysis regardless. This episode has completely undone me and I need to give you a blow by blow account of why
I want to go in depth about the final scene of e4 bc that's really what set the cogs whirring in my mind, but let's start with the following image bc it exemplifies everything, not just in terms of the colour symbolism but of the heartbreaking changing relationship of stsg
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Throughout the previous episodes and opening/credits of S2 we have been made to associate the colour blue + lightness with Gojo and the colour red + darkness with Geto. The sparkling blue eyes and stark white hair of Gojo, his Limitless: Blue technique, the white fish, the way he is often shown standing/walking in the light, turned to face Geto versus the black hair + dark eyes of Geto, the black fish, shown standing/walking in the shadows, turned away from Gojo (etc etc)
Yet the final scene of e4 flips this on its head and what this Means is, quite frankly, soul destroying
We join Geto as he walks along a dark, narrow corridor flooded with red light until he reaches heavy doors. He's confronted with his own image, reflecting back at him, before using both hands to prise open the door. When he steps into the bright white light of a high-ceilinged room, his face falls as Gojo emerges like a messianic figure from the applauding crowd, carrying the shrouded corpse of Riko (side note: god I have a lot of thoughts on Gojo as a messianic figure but I'll save that for another time)
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Gojo approaches Geto with his head bowed (whereas usually he is always looking up at Geto) and the moment Geto lays eyes on Gojo he knows something is wrong (similarly to Toji earlier in the episode). He barely seems to recognise Gojo and though Gojo's eyes still sparkle with their bright blue infinity, his expression is dull and lifeless. Geto asks disbelievingly in a way that stabs me right through the heart: "Satoru. Is that you?"
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At the start of the conversation, the camera pans from Gojo on the left to Geto on the right and is shot from below in a way that emphasises the growing cavernous expanse between them
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But it's what happens in the following moments that's really the killer
Gojo states that he fucked up and that everything that has happened is therefore his fault. Geto tells Gojo "let's head back" (I read this both as: let's head back home and as an indication that Geto wants things to go back to how they were). The camera then cuts to Gojo's mouth as he asks flatly - "Suguru, should we kill these guys?" - and then zooms out as he continues - "The way I feel right now, I doubt I'd feel anything about it." The camera zooms out, showing Gojo standing in front of the applauding crowd, holding Riko's body and continues to draw back, making Gojo seem as if he's getting further and further away from Geto, as well as from us, whilst his eyes glow ethereally
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I want to do a separate post about what happens with Geto, Gojo + their relationship in episode 5 but I do also want to point out here: this is the scene that Geto experiences invasive flashbacks of in the following ep. It's the moment that he realizes that he's lost Gojo, that Gojo is now fundamentally different in a way that Geto doesn't recognise or understand, that Gojo is far beyond his reach
As Gojo walks past a motionless Geto, away from the light and into the darkness, we cut to Geto's downcast eyes, pupils dilating wildly as though he's in shock/about to cry (this harkens back to the fish, the way that Geto can no longer bear to look at the white fish as it swims past). We are then left with Geto standing in the bright blue-white light telling Gojo that there's "no point" in killing them, whilst Gojo replies in the darkened, red corridor "does there really need to be any point to it?"
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Gojo is a broken man, a complete shell of who he once was and this scene demonstrates Gojo's transition as he turns away from Geto. The colour symbolism, though, is present throughout the earlier parts of the episode and beautifully illustrates how we arrive at this exact moment (as well lays the foundations for what comes next)
Let's return to our blue/red colour theory bc there's a lot going on here during this episode!
E4 starts on a banger: we're cruelly given a recap of Toji telling Geto that he killed Gojo and then within the space of about 7 minutes, Geto too has been killed. It's tragic and sad and none of us want to be reminded of it but I'm going to (srysrysry) because hey, check out what's going on. Notice the cool blue tint of Geto's "death" versus the vivid red of Gojo's? (a horrible eg I know but you should've heard my scream when I caught onto it)
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And here's another cool example that had me ajdjsksjdk bc ofc I clocked Gojo using his red technique, but look at the blue glow around Geto's hand?! I don't recall seeing it being used for Geto before (correct me if I'm wrong) so it's interesting to see it being used here, plus us seeing Gojo using Red properly for the first time
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Let's just pause here for a moment bc this is a hugely important moment for Gojo's character arc and the fight with Toji gives us an incredible colour theory moment
In the previous episodes, we've seen Gojo being able to easily use his Limitless Blue technique but remember how, in E2 Gojo tried to use Red and hilariously fucks it up announcing "I failed" and resorts to punching the bad guy instead? It isn't until this episode, after Gojo has used reverse cursed technique whilst on the verge of death to heal himself (idk if heal is the right word) that he is able to learn to use Cursed Technique Reversal: Red
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We have this really beautiful animation sequence during Gojo's fight with Toji. A blue and a red droplet swirl around each other and then splash together to reveal a swirling rotation of blue and red rippling water. The colours converge, red droplet slipping into blue water, blue droplet into red. The droplets come together to form the shining purple infinity plucked between Gojo's fingers, granting him the "Hollow Purple" technique that allows him to blow a hole through Toji.
Gojo explains:
"Reverse cursed technique uses negative energy. While it can enhance the body, it can't regenerate it. Multiply that negative energy against itself to create positive energy... Take the amplified and the reversal, then smash together those two different expressions of infinity to create and push out imaginary mass."
Gojo + Geto, amplified + reversal = two different expressions of infinity -> create / push out
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Toji "killing" Gojo was the moment that set Gojo on a different path, which allowed him to evolve beyond belief and causes him to ascend to, what he believes is, divinity. He takes the basics of Blue and Red (primary colours; Gojo and Geto) and mixes them together to create something new, something transcendent, something that surpasses who he (and Geto) were before. He becomes an unstoppable power that far surpasses everyone else, and this is what Geto recognizes: that Gojo has evolved without him (which we know from E5 has huge consequences for Geto's thinking)
And so now, finally, let us return to Geto at the end of E4
After Gojo asks Geto "does there really need to be any point to it?" (killing), the camera flashes quickly between the applauding audience and Geto's empty hand, which he then clenches into a tight fist. He raises his downcast eyes to look forwards (resolutely, looking into the future) and responds: "it's very important there is..."
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We're left with the image of Gojo standing on a blue floor, surrounded by the clapping crowd. The floor wavers as an all consuming darkness pulses beneath him, locating Geto as it's central point as it surges out towards the crowd "...especially for a jujutsu sorcerer."
We're reminded of the conversation where Geto and Gojo almost come to blows whilst playing basketball in E1. Geto's argument that jujutsu sorcerers exist to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers whilst Gojo complains about having to protect "the weak" + patronisingly tells Geto to get off of his moral high horse.
Now we witness the extent of Gojo's apathy in action, as he pulls away from everything and everyone, and the swinging of Geto's moral compass from protection to genocide as he's left behind in the ruins of all that once was, of everything and everyone that he loved
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anastasia0pinkwild · 7 days
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new lesson pony!
this is bello <3
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esmeralda-dragonstar · 3 months
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Blue skies and early summer vibes ☀️🪻
Paddock Island is absolutely stunning around this time of the year and Dorith Jarlasson even invited me and Daisycrown in for a piece of blueberry cake 🫐🍰
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dead-not-done · 1 year
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i am once again bragging about my extended rick riordan collection
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sleep-can-wait · 1 year
The Aru Shah Fandom has the most Contradictory people I know.
I literally posted a week ago that the Aru Shah fandom was dying. My home feen only had around 54 posts in 24 hours and barely any of them were Aru Shah when I posted that.
Suddenly everyone is back and I'm getting 99+ posts in 8 hours and a shit ton is about TPQ. You guys literally took 1 look at that post and went 'LOL sike, you wish bitch' and suddenly started posting at top-speed and I genuinely cannot keep up.
The graph for the number of people in the fandom is like this:
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It fluctuates and just as you feel it's gonna hit 0, we're suddenly big again. You all keep coming back no matter what.
We're small and basically at rock bottom, but we all stay in the end, refusing to budge up and let go. You give all who tell you to move on the finger.
You guys are the most obstinate, defiant, bold, ambitious, daring, adamant, aggressive, hell-bent people I know.
Never change and whatever you do, do not contradict that.
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