#rp group verse
thefutureisnow-mha · 1 year
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once upon a time, there was a class--
wait, wrong universe. this isn't a fairy tale.
what happens when your high school years are devastated by war, villain attacks and everything in between? you get stuck having to work even harder than past generations. that’s what happened to the generation of izuku midoriya. upon graduation, it was decided that the class could benefit from some extra time under supervision. some students agreed, some threw a fit for the ages, but ultimately the new graduates entered their WORK COLLEGE YEAR. they need to finish 365 days of hero work (days off included, we aren't monsters!), at least 10 sole-rescue missions or villain take downs before acquiring a permit to join a pro-hero agency without supervision OR open their own.
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All muses are above the age of 18, and you have to be too in order to be a part of this server.
We are very OC friendly, but we do reserve the right to say no if we feel like your original would not fit in. That being said, you do have to provide a bio of your OC and an explanation of how they fit into this story!
NSFW and canon typical dark themes will be present.
Keep in mind that mun =/= muse, so just because you know about Izuku's OFA or Shouto's tragic family life, that doesn't mean your muse is aware of it.
We ask that you pick a character you will actually write. Loving a character is not the same as having an actual writing muse for them. While it is not expected for you to be on every day, a few times a week is recommended.
here you can take a look at a more in-depth rules.
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submit your application form here! and, of course, feel free to ask us any and all questions
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list is right here!
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ladicsa · 1 year
i miss group verses
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omegaverserping · 2 months
Hello helloo welcome Omegaverse lovers to a new roleplay server that has everything you could ask for. Roleplaying, sharing your creativity, community, headcanons, ability to change and add to the lore to improve things or have a say in the goings on.
Name: Fated{18+}
Age: 18+ only
Preferred Way of RPing: Discord! Send me a message here or on discord for an invite(_peachyharts_ is my discord)
Time Zone: All time zones are welcome!
First, Second, or Third Person point of view?: Third preferred
Preferred Role (Alpha/Omega/Beta/All): All
Preferred Pairing: Any
Do you prefer to RP with OCs (Original Characters): OCs only within the server please
Fandoms: N/A
Favorite AUs: Any, just keep in mind this is a slice of life style within a city that does have suburbs and things
Triggers: Currently none, but there is a list if any members have triggers so staff can be vigilant and so others can be mindful about avoiding these triggers
Preferred length when replying: Whatever length you prefer, varying lengths are welcomed here to include everyone
How long would like to RP for?: Stay as long as you like!
Prompt(s) that you would like to share for a potential partner: To be discussed with whoever you roleplay with
Would you be willing to brainstorm a prompt?: Again, to be discussed with whoever you roleplay with
Omegaverse tropes that you DO NOT like to use: N/A
Omegaverse tropes that you DO enjoy using often and would like to use in your RP: N/A
Anything else that you would like to mention or say?: Again this is an 18+ server. This is a safe space for all kinds of people. Please take a look at our rules, lore, and plot upon joining! Glad to have you in the roleplay, lets make the best of it!
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prettydead · 1 year
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Cirque du Souls is a Discord/Tumblr group verse. It follows the mystery of the ill-fated Circus of the Macabre, and how those of Madame Caligari’s Carnival of Curiosities deal with the hell they’ve unleashed.
Premise: In 1892 The Circus of the Macabre set up their tents for the last time after a tragic fire. The flames consumed every soul within that night. Present-day Madame Caligari inherited a mysterious old trunk connected with The Circus of the Macabre. When opened it unleashed a curse. Now stalked by the damned souls of The Circus of the Macabre, the performers must race to figure out the truth behind the curse and the past in order to survive.
Rules: 001. No Drama ooc. IC drama is fine, in fact we encourage it. 002. Any major plots/sub plots have to be run by the admin team first, if we see something that we deem to be a major plot we may come to you to discuss to see if it fits in with our overall group! (Aka pregnancies, marriages, possessions, death, anything that could interfere with the over arching plot. etc.)  003. You are allowed to have 4 characters.  004. This is a mature group, 21+. No minors allowed. 005. Include everyone! Don’t exclude people because you don’t like their character, etc. 006. OCs are welcomed and encouraged! 007. Duplicate fcs are allowed if the first person to take the fc agree to it. 008. You can write all nsfw (violence, sex, blood what have you) - as long as you do it in a spoiler tag.  009. PLEASE put all triggers you have in triggers. Rping triggering topics is allowed - as this is a horror roleplay. Threads that involve triggering topics should have TW: (whatever the trigger is) in the TITLE of the thread- so people know  to avoid it. Also put especially descriptive triggers in a spoiler tag. Just to cover all bases.  010. No bubble rping - make sure everyone is included. 011. Try to branch out and include as many people as possible. We know you may not be able to interact with everyone, but try your best not to exclude anyone. 012. No power imbalance ships; ex student x professor. 013. Breaking these rules will result in a strike, three strikes means removal. ( Character List ) ( Click Here to Apply )  
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ladyseidr · 8 months
@mute-call ( plotted starter! )
A bulb in the sign above the diner flickered in the dulling light of early evening. Michael was sitting on the curb across from the restaurant, heels scraping against the pavement and forearms rested over knees. He was was supposed to be inside watching his younger siblings, what with his father's inability to focus on them or maintain a marriage.
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Steven's presence was a good excuse to escape. ( Not that he had been particularly present for either sibling prior to Steven showing up. )
"We should get out of here before someone notices I'm missing." Either out of Henry's actual concern for Elizabeth and Evan or because his father had some new, exciting design to show him. "Come on." He pushed himself to his feet, dusting off his jeans. He offered a hand to help Steven up, sullen expression finally lightening into something that held a smile. "Come up with something for us to do, I'm out of ideas." His time with his other friends was often reckless and fast-paced, but he could admit ( if only to himself ) that he enjoyed slowing down and enjoying his time spent with Steven.
"Not the arcade, though. I'm sick of arcade games." His choice of distraction during long days at Fredbear's Family Diner. "Think fast—" and here he flashed Steven a grin, "—or I'll come up with something." Something stupidly risky, most likely.
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guhamun · 7 months
Me working on these verses: You can be other things besides a mercenary / bodyguard--
Jianyu: Nah.
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once-was-muses · 1 year
@ask-the-ghostface | the salty af munday meme
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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[ there are. A Handful of events I could recount for this answer. But like a solid 70% I Do Not like thinking about for another handful of reasons. The overarching themes of them tho were guilt tripping, not respecting boundaries, and bring dash side drama into private servers/chats and threatening to bring them irl. Part of why I am Extremely picky about who gets my Discord and what servers I join nowadays, I'd really rather not go through that kind of shit again. ]
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mosiaks · 1 year
i'm very torn, i have a moment to do things like get replies done to be queued and all that and the energy to do it but i also don't really want to since i want to do more with threads intended to actually go somewhere and have like, plots and arcs and basically any sense of worth to what i'm doing and not having it just float pointlessly in the ether achieving not much of anything. but also trying to get anyone to even like a plotting call to talk about shit is a joke, especially on ppl i'd actually want to write on rn and not just who's popular.
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malboraslihan · 2 years
hi friends<3 i’m too damn lazy to make an official post about this but i’m bringing back the bachelor getaway group verse! the post is here and the plot is under read more, if you have no idea what the hell i’m talking about. i’m thinking about doing it in a very laid back way like doing the server and building things slowly with whoever is up for it... so like this if you would be interested in participating
lowkey want a mumu/group verse of a couple that is getting married and decides to do a trip with their friends instead of a bachelor/bachelorette thing but of course their friends aren’t really friends so there’s drama. different dynamics like high school rivals that never got along but the girl/boy managed to stay friends with both, ex friends forced to room with each other, exes paired in every activity!! idk the possibilities are endless
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celestialmanorgv · 2 years
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                            WELCOME TO CELESTIAL MANOR !
You have been cordially invited to join your prestigious at their manor just outside of the United Kingdom. This is a celebration in honor of you and all of the things you have done for our host and we welcome you to spend the next several weeks at our estate for fun! Cheers! We can’t wait to see and celebrate you!
Celestial Manor is a discord roleplay group verse! It takes place in a mysterious manor just outside of the united kingdom. Your muse has been sent a mysterious letter in the mail inviting them to a long celebration in honor of themself and all the things they have done for the host! There is a catch however, upon arrival while things seem merry and bright a body shows up, and it is up to the guests to determine not only who this strange host whom has yet to show themselves is, but why they are now killing those that were invited. Please look here for more information about the group verse Please use this for the application, you will be contacted via IM’s upon acceptance! The Taken list is under the cut!
Hope to see you soon!!
Mallory Evers of Original Lore, as played by Maika Monroe and written by Yelena Vinnie Tennyson of Original Lore as played by Taron Egerton and written by Quin Theo Graves of AHS NYC played by Isaac Powell Written by Genesis Sam of AHS NYC played by Zachary Quinto Written by Genesis Kurt Horton of Fear Street played by Michael Provost written by Quin Warren Powers of Original Lore inspired by AHS played by Zachary Quinto Written by Genesis
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The diner's quiet for mid-morning, not that Evelynn should complain, as people surrounded by rowdy humans only ever caused a steady headache. It only increases the chance that someone would overhear their conversation. She shrugs it off with a sip to her coffee, leaning back in her seat.
It's too bright in the building, eyes still straining from earlier and hair tossed together in a messy bun. Least, if nothing else, hardly anyone would be able to recognize her.
"I'll treat," she always does, this is no different. Yet she's compelled to say so anyways. After a long swig, she settles the mug on the coaster and chews the inside of her cheek for a second. "Since you know now, I need your advice."
"Well that's rather vague, there are plenty of things I now know and most of them could use advice from the seemingly only sane person within our circle..which is saying something considering..." His statement ended as he scooped two small spoonfuls of sugar into his coffee and watched it all dissolve. Robin observed it settling down before he plucked up the mug to take a sip, the caffeine immediately caused his eyes to flutter open as a pleased hum left his throat. Usually this diner's coffee was trash but...today it was well made. Maybe they got a new machine.
He lowered the mug down onto the table and took a cursory glance at the menu, he already knew what he was going to get - but he figured he would at least give the other options a peek. Tired green eyes roll up to meet her golden gaze; but he is far more put together. Her assistant did get up early to make sure everything was proper. He'd rather die than someone spot a hickey on his neck before he didn't pull his collar up enough.
"If this is in regards to you being a switch instead of a top, just embrace it, it isn't as though its something to be ashamed of. I'm sure Miss Akali loves it - " He paused, realizing, "Ah, this isn't about that but rather your more......romantic feelings towards her yes? Why are you asking my advice?" Well, he didn't have the most normal of dating situations either...perhaps that is why she was asking him.
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sakuradreamerz · 2 years
It was simple enough.
Claire was a seasoned traveler, fighter, and to an extent a seasoned hunter. Though she wasn’t too familiar with Teyvat’s landscapes, she made sure to take her journey slow and heed the travel advice from the people she came across. She had enough Mora and supplies to last her a while, and even then she knew where to look for water, food, and the best places to set up camp. 
It was simple enough....
It was a pause from her Teyvat bound search for her friend. A simple commission by the Adventurer’s Guild to defeat some Treasure Hoarders down by Jueyun Karst. The group was not too big, and it would give her the time and practice she needed in learning to use her Anemo Vision, nonetheless brush up on her bow skills.
The travel there was simple enough. Quiet enough...
Until it wasn’t.
She kept spotting groups of masked people in her journey, whether out patrolling by the cliffsides or taking residence in blue and white tents...
At times, the ground beneath her was surrounded by monsters and barren camps. Dead hilichurls, lawlachurls, cracked masks, dirt covered supplies, and broken weapons scattered around them...it unnerved her so much that it led her to arm her bow...just in case.
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Who had been here before? Were the treasure hoarders in question that strong?...Or was it something else?
It wasn’t until she found herself near the Treasure Hoarder’s location that Claire got her answer.
2...4...7...10...12 Treasure Hoarders were lying scattered, their various groans in pain reaching her ears despite being further away. A lone, 13th man stood over them, wielding what looked to be two blades of...water(?) over their forms.
Deep...slow breaths...
It was a slow process, but she could feel some of the anemo surround her feet. To mask her footsteps? To help her jump or run if needed? She didn’t know yet.
The ginger haired man’s back was to her, and she didn’t know his reasons or motives to be messing with them...
All she knew was that whoever he was, he was more than likely dangerous. Best to observe the situation for now...
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felteverywhere · 2 years
i don’t wanna put in the work to do a whole group but like i do want a horror group verse/small lil thing and i’m more than willing to do all the planning and plot twists??? i think it would either be like set in the scream universe or some sort of haunted town thing. would anyone be interested in that?
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seaofsinrpg · 11 days
What's your favorite Scary Movie??
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Ever want to write a character from it? Whether the character is the killer, someone who died, or was the soul survivor? Doesn't matter.... This month we're running a promotion for horror movie characters.
And today... Friday the 13th ONLY.... All you gotta do is join our discord, tell us who you want to write, and what verse they're from... Easy peasy right? So come join us, and see what's in store for you. https://discord.com/invite/wJHCcWJFse
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gravesung · 15 days
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It’s midnight, and Keon is still in the music room. He plinks away at the piano keys in a steady, mournful melody, but his thoughts are far away from the instrument. 
When a knock sounds at the door, he doesn’t stop playing. He pretends he doesn’t hear it. Everyone who lives here knows that when Keon is in the music room, he is not to be bothered, and if it were an emergency, he knows his housemates would simply barge in or call his name. They’ve all established their boundaries well enough by now, thank goodness, and he has no intention of conversing with anyone until the melancholy has left him. He is the patriarch of this found family — they cannot see him weak.
The knock comes again. It isn’t insistent; it isn’t loud. Keon’s hands lift from the keys, an irritated vein twitching in his temple, as someone walks in without any invitation at all. Even before he steps into the room, Keon knows who he is by the smell alone: brine, sea wind, gravedirt. 
Peter Lukas stands by the door and gives Keon a smile that holds very little depth. A customer service smile. A distant smile, like a lighthouse so far in the distance you can barely make it out through the mist. Keon avoids shooting back a glare. Lukas was one of the few members of the company board that stuck with him after his father died, rather than jumping ship in anticipation of stocks crashing. His assistance, unfortunately, has been invaluable, and he has never once been unpleasant, in all of Keon’s years working with his father and the company.
That being said, he never got a key to the house. Somehow, that doesn’t matter to Keon in the moment. 
“Mr. Lukas,” he says, standing from his seat. Lukas waves a dismissing hand, gives him a chuckle. 
“Peter, please, Keon. It’s been some time. How have you been? Bad, I assume.”
“Bad,” echoes Keon, dryly. “Well, somethings never change. You certainly know how to cut to the chase.”
“I think you know as well as I do that pleasantries are all well and good, until you don’t need them anymore.” His chipper London-accented voice does nothing to cut through the silence. Paradoxically, Lukas being in the room with him makes him feel more isolated than being alone. The voices from downstairs have completely vanished; a wisp of fog rolls under the music room door.
Perhaps everyone is out together. Keon looks down at his hands where they hover over the keys. “To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Lukas? Everything alright with the company?”
“Everything’s fine. Personal call, I’m afraid.”
“Really. What could possibly —“
“You know you’re hurting them?” No downturn in his upbeat, matter-of-fact tone, like he’s recommending a nice bar for after-work drinks. 
Keon starts. His eyes fly up to meet Lukas’s, then immediately turn away, because the man’s gaze is iceberg blue, and looking into them puts Keon in the open ocean with no land in sight. He tries to shake off the chill, but it clings to his arms, clings in gray wisps and misty tendrils. Fog around his feet, around the piano, pooling over the marble floor. 
The strangeness of the situation does not occur to him. What does, immediately, is the answer to the question. “Yes,” he murmurs. 
“I assume you plan on doing something about it. You’ve always been one to act, haven’t you, Keon?”
“I—“ His words catch. Keon lowers the piano lid. 
“Your family is gone. You’ve created quite the gaggle of a new one, though. And then, one by one, they started to get hurt. The common denominator really isn’t hard to figure out.”
Naya’s screams, echoing through the portal, finding him in his half-dreamstate as she writhed from a burn by his hand. Fahey’s screams, too, as a virus burned them from the inside out. Casimir, cowering and alone in the basement, because of his father, because of him. The ritual: every injury Naya and the others suffered, every mote of agony they’ve endured because of him, because of him. Because they cared. 
“Yes,” Peter says. “It’s rather too late to fix any of that, I’m afraid. But you can easily prevent any more of it.”
“They need me.“ He responds too fast. His voice is desperate, even to his own ears.
“Do they?”
“We’ve come so far —“
“To do what, Keon?” Peter’s voice remains calm, steady. Just friendly enough. “Now, I’m only viewing the facts of the situation and guiding you toward a rational judgement. I know you appreciate that. Here — a visual, if it helps.” 
There’s a hand on his shoulder, cold, firm. It isn’t the hand of another person. Keon closes his eyes and sees Baz and Naya sitting in the library, laughing over a book that amuses them. He sees Fahey lope in and drape their arms over the back of Naya’s chair, Brekker stretch out his bad knee by the fire. He sees Pashar, perusing the shelves, chatting idly with the others. He isn’t there, and it’s better. The scene dissolves. A yawning cavern in the catacombs builds itself around him, the faceless members of Vox Obscura surrounding Keon with knives and magic and guns. He stands alone, but he knows he can fight them — or, at least, he can give it a good try. The scene dissolves again. Keon is back in the music room now, and he hears faint voices echoing very, very far away, as if the house is three times as big and his friends are on the other end. “It’s easy,” Lukas says, removing his hand from Keon’s shoulder, “in a house this massive. Keeping them safe shouldn’t be much of an issue, now, should it? You did it for two years. All you need to do is remember yourself, pick up the slack. Follow the fog, if it helps. Should provide some assistance.”
Keon turns his head downwards, only slightly, so that the sliver of his cheekbone is visible to Lukas. “You… whatever you are, Lukas. Can you promise me it will help them?”
The old man shrugs. Muffled sunlight catches his stark-white beard. “Is a promise really going to change your mind one way or another? I can promise to make it a bit easier to keep it up, if they get a bit too inquisitive. If that’s any help.”
Keon says nothing, his eyes trailing to the corner that the Collector disrupted during their last visit: Kimber’s things, covered in dust, her crayons and her drawings. The remnants of a girl whose memory he can’t erase. “She’s gone, Keon,” the captain says. For the first time, there seems to be a facsimile of sympathy in his soft voice. It only makes him feel more hollow. “Her and your mother both. But you have their memory, no? You can’t exactly harm the dead by caring for them.” He’s right. Keon knows he’s right. “I … should have separated myself long ago,” he murmurs. 
“That’s the spirit.” 
“What should —“
“You know what to do.” Lukas taps his hat with a finger. “As I said. You did it for two years. And don’t worry. It won’t be nearly so difficult once you get used to being alone.”
He wants to ask more questions. He wants to, but he knows, deep down, that the only reason to do so would be to keep Lukas in the room, and. Well. That would be antithetical to what the man is proposing. “What if they need me?” he asks, but his voice is weak and small. 
“I think you know as well as I do the answer to that, Keon.” Calm, steady. Factual. They don’t. He looks up from the keys, but Lukas is gone. All that remains is the room, the crayons, the dust, the fog — and the hollow thing in his chest that aches and aches and aches.
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honourablefashion · 3 months
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Verse: Lady Whistledown Returns
Dearest Followers, it is long past time I stage my glorious return. And just in time for Gala Season...
Based upon the Bridgerton franchise (both show and book, though more show), Lady Whistledown Returns is a group verse set in modern day London. Where a new generation of socialites are about to find themselves the subject of a mysterious gossip account.
I’m not really big on rules, so all I really ask is that you be polite to others in the verse. And that you consult people before making any decisions that would hugely affect their muses or the way the story is headed. So really, don’t be a dick. That’s it.
How to Join
Just message @honourablefashion, telling her who your character is and how they fit into this insanity.
Ophelia "Poppy" Bridgerton / Lady Whistledown - @honourablefashion
Wanted Characters
Anyone and everyone. Poppy's siblings. Her parents. Other members of London's elite.
Tracked Tags
In order to make everything easy to find, if everyone could tag related posts "gv: lady whistledown returns", that might make things a bit less hectic.
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