#let alone aids her when she is facing groups of enemies
sakuradreamerz · 2 years
It was simple enough.
Claire was a seasoned traveler, fighter, and to an extent a seasoned hunter. Though she wasn’t too familiar with Teyvat’s landscapes, she made sure to take her journey slow and heed the travel advice from the people she came across. She had enough Mora and supplies to last her a while, and even then she knew where to look for water, food, and the best places to set up camp. 
It was simple enough....
It was a pause from her Teyvat bound search for her friend. A simple commission by the Adventurer’s Guild to defeat some Treasure Hoarders down by Jueyun Karst. The group was not too big, and it would give her the time and practice she needed in learning to use her Anemo Vision, nonetheless brush up on her bow skills.
The travel there was simple enough. Quiet enough...
Until it wasn’t.
She kept spotting groups of masked people in her journey, whether out patrolling by the cliffsides or taking residence in blue and white tents...
At times, the ground beneath her was surrounded by monsters and barren camps. Dead hilichurls, lawlachurls, cracked masks, dirt covered supplies, and broken weapons scattered around them...it unnerved her so much that it led her to arm her bow...just in case.
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Who had been here before? Were the treasure hoarders in question that strong?...Or was it something else?
It wasn’t until she found herself near the Treasure Hoarder’s location that Claire got her answer.
2...4...7...10...12 Treasure Hoarders were lying scattered, their various groans in pain reaching her ears despite being further away. A lone, 13th man stood over them, wielding what looked to be two blades of...water(?) over their forms.
Deep...slow breaths...
It was a slow process, but she could feel some of the anemo surround her feet. To mask her footsteps? To help her jump or run if needed? She didn’t know yet.
The ginger haired man’s back was to her, and she didn’t know his reasons or motives to be messing with them...
All she knew was that whoever he was, he was more than likely dangerous. Best to observe the situation for now...
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paper-poppy · 5 days
The day had arrived for the union. Fixing her hair in the mirror, Xira smiled softly. Longing for this moment so long.
Having their families be friends for ages, Xira had grown with Ren over the years, throughout everything they supported each other. 
Reminiscing over their little moment they spent together as children, sitting together by their favorite tree as the others were having fun at gatherings. Looking back Xira remembered seeing him blush when she would surprise him, not giving him a heads up before yelling out, ‘HELLO!!!’. 
Her mother came in and smiled warmly at Xira, “You look amazing sweetie”, kissing her head softly as she held Xira's face. 
Putting the final touches on everything else they were set to go. 
Xiela had tears, but the father of the bride was beside himself, crying waterfalls. 
It was a touching moment for everyone in the two families. Emil was a groomsman, and for the bridesmaid was Rinni, sister of the groom and best friend of Xira.
There was also the lingering sadness, as Xiela brushed back Luca's bangs, noticing the empty seat next to him. In the chair was a teddy bear with a small dress. 
Xiela put her arm around Luca and squeezed him in a hug. Stoic Luca just looked ahead of him, feeling so empty and alone. 
During the ceremony, the grooms eyes darted behind him and he squinted. Picking up on the silent queue Rella stood up discreetly, walking into the hall. She had come to know when he'd seen the future, but this time it was just a bit too late.
A huge crash made the guests jump out of their seats. 
Fog seeped into the Grand Hall, people were rushing into the room with all kinds of weapons. G'raha quickly roused to his feet, summoning his shield and sword he was beyond infuriated. Giving a look to stand down to his aether starved wife, Xiela frowned but nodded. 
Grabbing Luca she pulled him away to hide under a table to the side. The young boy was shaking, the loud crash was a frightening reminder when his sister was ripped away from them.
Burying his face in his hands Luca wished the world would just fade away. Comforting him with gentle words, Xiela held him.
“It's going to be okay Luca, everything will be okay. Every- thing. Is going to be okay.” Biting her tongue she felt a sharp pain. 
“Mum?” Luca was panicking, his breathing becoming shallow and fast.
“I'm fine love, we have to stay quiet though”, bringing her voice down quieter. The fighting continued, Xira had a furious expression on her face. 
Summoning her staff, her father's old weapon of choice, she spun it around and rained down crystals on the enemies. All those months planning for this day to be perfect.. she wouldn't let them get away with a simple warning.
Meanwhile Emil was cornered, his back pressing into the walls. Giving a sheepish grin he held his hands up. 
“Can't we just talk this out fellas?” 
A sword was flung at him and he narrowly dodged it, breathing deeply he stared at the group.
“I didn't want to do this…”, taking off his glasses, revealing his long lashes and piercing pink eyes. With a commanding voice and having eye contact with one of the men.
“Stop. You don't have to do this. Turn around and leave.” 
The man stumbled and swayed a moment until another lackey smacked him. 
Blinking he grunted and shook off the eye ability.
“Well it was worth a try-”, with a yelp Emil continued dodging attacks and ran.
G'raha was constantly fighting back attacks, it was like all the big guys kept aiming for him. He could take them but in a big group he was starting to feel winded. Rella came to his aid and took out the large group but there were still so many to handle. Giving thanks to her, G'raha went on to try and find his wife. 
Kicking the table up into the air, the food and drinks crashed into the ground. Instinctively Xiela put up a barrier to protect her and Luca. A giant scythe was trying to pierce her shield. Unable to sustain it much longer, her vision was becoming hazy, unfocused and blurry. She was beginning to use Luca to prop herself up. The sharp stabbing pain in her back didn't let up either. Finally she fainted. 
Filled with shock Luca was trembling. With a scoff the scythe user walked towards them.
“You should have died 10 years ago. I'll just finish what they left undone.”, raising the weapon to swing down on the two, he was blindsided by something red, slamming into him with a shield. 
“Don't touch them.”
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cooliofango · 2 years
Strength of the Ancients
[BOTW! Link x F! Reader]
Chapter 1
[Previous Part] [Next Part]
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The hoard of soldiers stood in formation before the large wall dividing the castle from the royal field. The groups stood in patches, all wearing the same silver, embroidered armor except for the one front and center of the group, the captain, who had an extra red feather on his helmet. Link stood amongst them, also clad in the silvery armor. However, he had no helmet on and stood within the middle of the group. No one bothered to say anything about the missing helmet, for many didn’t seem to care all too much about it. Everyone was too busy listening to the king as he began his speech.
King Rhoam stood on top of the wall with a guard on either side of him. His tone firm yet calm as he began to speak, “Listen well, soldiers of Hyrule. In our long history, we have scarcely faced a threat of this magnitude,” his gaze swept over the soldiers who all stood attentive at the King’s presence, “The years have passed quickly since Calamity Ganon’s revival was prophesied. Yes, we have unearthed the Divine Beasts and filled volumes with our knowledge of ancient relics.”
The king stepped closer to the edge of the wall, “But a barricade of books will not protect us,” his gaze hardened, “Because this way surges a horde like we have never faced before. Even now, the enemy is crawling for our throats— for Hyrule Castle itself.” King Rhoam raised a hand out to the crowd below and his tone grew fierce, “We must exterminate the monsters roaming Hyrule Field,” that hand clenched into a fist, “Thus will begin our renewed effort to stop the Calamity!”
The king lifted his mighty broadsword from beside him into the air, “Here, now, go forth! And be brave for your kingdom!” The soldiers raised their swords up as well and let out a mighty battle cry. Most of them did, at least. Link remained silent, but kept his sword raised as well, determination swelling in his eyes.
The captains of each squadron began to lead their groups away to their assigned areas. “Soldiers! We head north and down the center! Leave no monster alive!” The captain led the way forward and past the fountain in the center of the courtyard. Bokoblins already swarmed the area in front of them, coming in hundreds. They snorted disgustingly, weapons or fists raised for battle. Link and the soldiers charged forward in retaliation to begin the fight.
“Come on, (Y/N), getting the slate to the Princess is our top priority!” Impa turned and began to run as she spoke to her subordinate and guide, nearly stumbling in the process, “There’s too many for us to take on alone, anyways!”
The Sheikah warrior clutched the spear tightly in her hold at Impa’s remark before carefully nodding and turning to follow. The spear was slid into its holster behind her back as the two began to run away from the horde. They had barely gotten passed the castle walls when they realized that the attack had begun so soon. However, their goal still remains in aiding with Princess Zelda’s research on Sheikah tech and ways to unlock her abilities as the holder of the Triforce of Wisdom.
As (Y/N) has been tasked to do, she’s to aid Impa in any and every way possible. That and (Y/N) owed Impa for both companionship and help when it came to her training over the years— even when Impa became the Royal Advisor and stayed mainly in the castle. This especially applied when it came to her ancient abilities as a Sheikah warrior. They were still a work in progress, so she could use them well and for long. Y/N) didn’t plan to use them just yet.
(Y/N) ran close behind her friend, but glanced back to make sure the monsters weren’t catching up to them. The horde of monster seemed to be increasing in numbers as they gave chase, though the number appeared to remain the same. “Not good…!” (Y/N) called out with heavy breaths to leave her lips as the slight fatigue from fighting so much with so little help and running began to catch up with her. Impa looked back for a moment, nearly falling on her face once again. “Careful!” (Y/N) called out. Impa nodded and looked back ahead and around.
“You! Help!” Impa called to whoever was to the left of her and began running in that direction. (Y/N) followed suit, nearly stopping in place when she realized who Impa spoke to. It was a familiar face, yet one she hadn’t seen in quite a while. By the look of surprise on his face, he had the same reaction. Impa tripped on a loose stone, the Sheikah slate flying from her grasp and into the air.
“Catch it, Link!” (Y/N) called out as she skidded to a stop next to Impa and pulled her weapon back out to defend from the nearing monsters. She stood in a wide stance, holding the spear tightly. She was ready to fight again— even if she was out of breath. However, as Link joined (Y/N)‘s side, the ground began to shake and ruin Impa’s chances of getting to her feet as her hand slipped from under her body.
“What? Why is this happening?!” Impa gasped as she placed a hand on the ground to keep herself as steady as possible.
“Y-Your guess is as good as mine!” (Y/N) stumbled a little as the shaking grew more intense. Looking in Link’s direction, she noticed that… the Sheikah slate was on? He was Hylian, so how was he able to power on the slate? (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed at the device before it was move away from her line of sight.
Link began to charge forward with sword in hand as a Bokoblin attempted to continue its pursuit. The ground quickly began to crack beneath the monster’s feet and neither of them realized. Whatever was underneath was about to burst out the seams. (Y/N)’s hand shot out and quickly yanked Link back by the back of his armor. A tower shot up out the ground, killing the surrounding Bokoblins from the sheer force.
(Y/N) and Link watched the tower rise higher and higher into the air, rattling the stone under their feet as it did so. (Y/N) carefully let go of the armor now as the tower slowly stopped, a heavy breath leaving her lips in surprise. “Thanks…” Link muttered quietly to her.
(Y/N) looked to him with even more surprise now. That’s got to be the first time she’s heard him speak since they finished basic training years ago. Obviously, he sounded different— but in a good way. Being a soldier in Hyrule’s army changed the both of them a lot, but she didn’t expect him to be so silent because of it. Then again, when on duty, most soldiers are expected to be silent unless spoken to. As someone who trained in Kakriko Village as a Sheikah clansmen, that’s not really a regulation set for her. It can be chosen to be if she wished it to, but it was not required.
(Y/N) carefully nodded and made herself speak as she caught her composure, “Y-Yeah… you’re welcome…”
The tower had to have risen hundreds of feet high into the sky. Dust would flutter down every so often, resting around the tower’s base. Impa was finally able to push herself up from the ground now that the shaking had ceased, looking up in awe. “A tower…?” Shock and confusion laced her tone as she began to inspect the tower.
A beeped sound went off behind you three, but it was only you and Link who looked back with curiosity— Impa was too caught up with the tower at the moment. “What… is that thing?” (Y/N) muttered, watching as a it beeped at them once again. The thing scuttled a little in place. It looked like a mini version of the guardians, but more egg shaped. The patterns, leg structure, and eye gave that much away. But where did it come from?
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kanencrow · 2 years
Can I request what its like dating season 3 clementine
What Would: Dating Season 3 Clementine be Like | The Walking Dead | Headcanon
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A/N: Of course! Enjoy!
SUMMARY: What would it be like dating Season 3 Clementine?
WARNINGS: Fluff, some Gabe slander.
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Being in a relationship with Clementine throughout the time frame where she’s on a mission of finding AJ would be a rocky one. It’s not that you and her would be arguing every given moment, but the dynamic between the two of you wouldn’t be what one would typically expect when they’re romantically involved with someone else. She’s got her mind set on finding the boy that she raised for years, and whether or not you’ve been with her for a while to personally know that, it doesn’t make things easier for either of you in the department of vulnerability. 
It takes a lot for her to actually open up and let you know that she’s struggling both mentally and emotionally. Even though you’re with her, she can’t help but feel alone, and she knows that isn’t fair to you, but it’s easier for her to just wallow and push people away than to swallow her pride and ask for help. So, most of the time, when she does let you know how she’s feeling, it’s ninety percent of the time because you were the one who went out of their way to pester her. Of course, you don’t push her to the point where she feels as though she has no choice but to give her heart to you. But you do make sure to remind her that she’s not alone, and that you’re there to catch her when she falls. 
It does actually help her, believe it or not. Just having that constant reassurance that you’re there to guide her away from the darkness of her own thoughts and feelings. It aids her in being able to recognize the more negative aspects of herself. Unconsciously, you just existing and loving her for her imperfections helps her with maturing and not feeling so bitter towards the people she’d otherwise find herself hating. It’s really just amazing to know that you’re there to stay, and you don’t plan on leaving. 
You’re stubborn, like her, and she loves you for that. 
Now, Clementine isn’t always so downtrodden about losing AJ. She knows she’ll find him, especially after you made sure to remind her that you would stop at nothing until he’s back in her arms. Sometimes, you’ve got those days where you feel a bit down about all the crappy stuff you faced throughout your years of life. Just like you, she’ll be the one to catch you when you fall into a state of discontent. Sure, she may have her mind mostly focused on finding her boy, but he isn’t the only person that’s extremely important to her. You’re super important to her, too. And she hates the fact that your brain likes to bring up past trauma, just to test you and hurt you. 
She knows that you’re your own worst enemy sometimes. 
And vice versa, of course. 
But you both have each other.
Like, when David comes along and tries to rile up the group that you and Clementine found yourselves a part of. You have her back, and she has yours. But you mainly have to hold her back, just so she doesn’t actually pounce on the military man and kill him. I mean, you wouldn’t blame her, but vengeance isn’t always worth it in the end. And she comes to quickly realize that when he ends up admitting that AJ is somewhere safe and alive. Although, none of you were able to figure out where, when circumstances decided to bare their teeth and become a present problem. 
Just the knowledge that AJ was confirmed to be alive and somewhere safe helped mellow out your girlfriend quite a bit. She was still a bit iffy on affection, because y’know, she had never been in a relationship before, but she does eventually come to be more prone to holding your hand in front of other people, and just physically affectionate in general. Especially in front of Gabe, because he just can’t seem to take the hint that she’s taken, and you’re the one who’s committed to her. 
“Do you see the way he looks at you? And he acts like I’m not standing right there, clearly holding your hand!” You crossed your arms over your chest and furrowed your eyebrows as though you were some grumpy child who had gotten their toy taken away because of their bad behavior. It was a sight Clementine could only roll her eyes playfully at, as an amused chuckle slipped past her lips. 
“Oh, don’t worry, I see his stares,” she confirmed with a nod of her head, not at all excited about the fact. “But I’m with you, and you’re with me, and I don’t even like him, so stop worrying that he’s gonna somehow sweep me off my feet. Trust me, he won’t.” She smirked lovingly at your clear jealousy, and all you could do in response to her words was grumble and look down at your feet, suddenly feeling embarrassed about your own behavior. 
“Okay, well… he’s still annoying.”  
“Oh, trust me, I know.” 
Jealousy aside, you and her learn how to drive together. You both don’t have the faintest idea how the entire concept works, but eventually the two of you come to figure it out. Whether or not you guys are good at driving – that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you guys can go from point A to point B. And… neither of you are dead, so that has to count for something, right? And besides, it’s not like road laws really exist anymore anyways. 
Your relationship with Clementine really blooms after you and her find AJ, though. It helps her come to the realization that you, her, and the little boy that sleeps in the back seat of the old muscle car, make up that of a little family. You and her are the parents that work together and love each other earnestly, and little Alvin Junior is the glue that keeps you and her together, and you both would do anything for him. 
All three of you have been through a lot, especially after what happened at McCarroll Ranch, but you make sure to be the means of escape if ever those past traumatic moments come to catch up. Clementine comforts you through the nightmares or night terrors you have. You do the same with her, and you and the brunette come to AJ’s rescue when he himself wakes up from an intense and scary bad dream. You all are molded together with a bond that’s unbeatable, and nothing will ever be able to tear it apart. 
You love her and AJ.
She loves you and AJ.
And those feelings will never change.
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To whoever requested this: I'm sorry it took me so long to write something up for it! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoyed it!
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Terrible Fic Ideas #48: GoT, but Rhaegar gets his Visneya
Can we all take a moment to appreciate just how lucky everyone was that Jon Snow was born looking like a Stark rather than anything like any other bloodline he might have had? Whoever you assume his parents to be, Ned's claim to be his father and failure to tell anyone anything about Jon's mother would have fallen apart quickly if Jon had anything of his other parent in him.
So I started to wonder: What if Rhaegar got his Visneya? Or: What if female Jon Snow looked Targaryen?
Aka: The Daena the Dreamer Fic
Just imagine it:
Ned Stark arrives at the Tower of Joy just as Lyanna gives birth to a silver-haired, violet-eyed baby girl she names Daena.
There is no earthly way Ned can claim the girl as his own daughter, as there is almost nothing of the Starks in her. So Howland Reed claims her as his bastard with a dragonseed and agrees to hide her away in Greywater Watch, where very few people will ever see her and start to ask questions Ned doesn't want answered.
Howland raises Daena with all the love and care he gives his biological children. Very few cragnommen believe they share blood, but all agree Daena is Howland's child of the heart.
Although no one never explicitly says anything, Daena is always aware Howland isn't her biological father. Her dreams tell her otherwise...
...as from a young age Daena has been having Dragon Dreams. Many of them are dreams of the past, but some of them are dreams of the terrible future they will all face if the Three-Eyed Raven has his way and ends House Targaryen once and for all.
About a year before Jon Arryn dies, Daena sets out to weaken the Three-Eyed Raven. She doesn't do this by heading beyond the Wall and confronting him, but by heading south and prothletising the Old Gods.
It's slow going at first, but as chaos and civil war take Westeros following Ned Stark's execution, she gathers a group of followers around her - a group that becomes a full-on movement after the Red Wedding, when her Band of the Laughing Tree becomes the strongest, most stabilizing force in the Riverlands. Yes, there's some burning of Septs and hanging of enemies from Weirwoods, but it's still largely a positive force.
The religion of the Old Gods spreads, particularly as events in King's Landing highlight the corruption of the Faith of the Seven.
When Aegon VI arrives in Westeros, Daena and the Band of the Laughing Tree are there to greet him. It's a bit fraught, as Aegon VI hadn't expected anyone to be waiting for him, let alone someone claiming to be his half-sister, but it goes well enough once he realizes they're there to join him.
The Targaryen Restoration goes as better than Aegon VI could ever have hoped, with many seeing Daena's support for him as proof from the Old Gods that he's the son of Rhaegar. Dorne quickly falls in line and most of the Reach abandons the Tyrells in favor of the last Targaryens.
After Aegon VI is crowned (with Daena doing the crowning) she asks him to turn his attention to the Night King and the Three-Eyed Raven. Both are quickly killed in the short War for the Dawn that follows and many important Targaryen relics are recovered from Bloodraven's cave.
Among those lost in the fighting are Jojen Reed, who thought to aid his foster sister by bringing the fight to the Three-Eyed Raven, and Bran Stark, whose mind was slowly being taken over by Bloodraven.
Daena and Ageon VI end up marrying to secure the crown, though very few courtiers would call it a love match. They do their duty and love the children they have together, but live more like siblings than a married couple.
Bonuses include: 1) A low-key romance between Daena and Jojen, never actualized because of their ages and circumstances, but very much one day we could have something, if the gods allow. Jojen's death should be part of the reason Daena agrees to marry Aegon; 2) Daenerys never having seriously believed Aegon VI was her nephew, being highly surprised by his blink-and-you'll-miss-it reconquest of Westeros, and deciding ruling over the empire she's built in Essos is better for everyone than contesting for the Iron Throne. When she dies without heirs, she wills her empire to the Seven Kingdoms a la Attalus III; and 3) A detailed look at the religion of the Old Gods and the mythology of the North - and the consequences of its spread vis a vis the Faith of the Seven.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt this bun, just link back if you chose to do anything with it.
Other Jon Snow Headcanons: Aelor the Accursed | Aegon the Adopted | Aegon the Undying | Aegon the Unyielding | Aemon the Adventurous | Baelor the Brave | Daena the Dreamer | Daeron the Desired | Dyanna the Defiant | Jon Whitefyre | King of the Ashes | Lady Arryn | Lady Baratheon | Lady Lannister | Lady Stark | Lord of the Dance | Prince Consort | Prince of Summerhall | Queen Mother | Rhaegar the Righteous
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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Fictober Day 20: This Better Be Good
Prompt number: Prompt #15
Fandom: American Dragon Jake Long
Pairings/Characters: Jake/Rose; Huntsman
Rating: T
Warnings: implied character death; discussions of murder; discussions of suicide
You can read under the cut or click here to read it on fanfiction
The Huntsman was a particular man. He liked order and habit and expected the Clan that he ruled with his iron fist to be particular as well. One thing that he expected was that when he was sitting at his desk surrounded by the mountain of paperwork that came along with keeping a Clan fed and clothed and armed that he be left alone. So when there came a sharp knock on his office door, the Huntsman could only glare at it and think: This better be good.
                “What?” the Huntsman roared.
                His nervous looked secretary peeked around the door and that only made the Huntsman angrier. No one in the Huntsclan should ever look nervous. Not even a lowly secretary.
                “Sir,” he squeaked, “the American Dragon to see you.”
                The Huntsman stopped short. “What?”
                “The American Dragon,” the secretary repeated. “I didn’t think you’d want him to wait.”
                The Huntsman stood. “Then what are you waiting for? Show him in!”
                The secretary was off like a shot and the Huntsman wasn’t in suspense for long. The American Dragon truly was here, looking too large for the Huntsman’s office as he used his tail to slam the door shut in the secretary’s face.
                “This room is sound proof,” the dragon said.
                “Yes. So whatever you came to say, you can say freely.” The Huntsman was very impatient to find out what that was but he refused to let it show. Even if the dragon looked happy enough to take his time, looking about the office.
                “I’ve come to make you an offer,” the dragon finally aid, turning to look the Huntsman in the eye, “one you won’t refuse.”
                The Huntsman forced himself to shake off how unnerving he found the creature. “Not a good way to bargain, you know.”
                “Oh, I’m not bargaining,” the dragon said, his long white teeth flashing in an imitation of a smile. “Here’s the deal that you are going to get: Me, for five years, doing anything and everything you want me to do.”
                The Huntsman laughed, even as the dragon looked insulted.
                “Do you think I’m stupid?” the Huntsman demanded. “The American Dragon just wants to one day offer his services to a group of dragon hunters? What game are you trying to play? What do you really want?”
                “Rose. The Huntsgirl. After five years, you let her go from the Clan and she and I walk off into the sunset and you never see another one of us again.”
                This time, the Huntsman couldn’t even try to pretend that he wasn’t surprised. “You want one of my Huntsgirls?”
                “That one Huntsgirl, specifically, yes,” the dragon said.
                “She is important to me,” the dragon said vaguely, “and she has made some enemies. And you are my enemy. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so here I am, giving you this deal.”
                “This deal that will ruin your life,” the Huntsman said, moving from behind his desk to properly face the dragon. “We know enough about you to know who you are, what you were raised to be. The protector. The hero of the magical community. And yet, here you are, willing to offer yourself to me. You have to know what I’ll ask you to do.”
                “I have some idea,” Jake agreed, “and I’m willing to do it. For five years. And then Rose and I leave.”
                “What makes me believe you’ll really keep this deal?” the Huntsman asked. “Or, what makes you believe you’ll survive as a dragon, living in the heart of a militia of dragon killers?”
                “Magic,” the dragon said, reaching into a magical pocket of his own and pulling out an orb that spun colourlessly in the palm of his hand. “We make our promises and if we break them, we die. You’re a man who wants to keep his life, I can tell. And I am someone who wants the life I will have in five years, when this deal is done.”
                The Huntsclan snarled at the orb. Magic was so useful but he so hated that things like the dragon could just use it so casually. He watched it spin in the dragon’s paw, almost hypnotic. The Huntsman stared at it, weighing his options. The dragon could be lying. It was the Huntsman’s first instinct to believe that the dragon was definitely lying. But, then, what if he wasn’t? A dragon in his grasp?
                “Promising to this means you will do whatever I ask?”
                “And how do I know that it’s not a trap?”
                “I’ll make the Dragon Council pay with or without you,” the dragon said, with a bitterness that the Huntsman knew well. “It might as well be with you. We might as well get something out of it.”
                The Huntsman leant against his desk, trying to seem casual. “You said no bargaining.”
                “I did.”
                “But, what about the Huntsgirl?”
                “What about her? She doesn’t know I’m here. She doesn’t know that I’m asking for this.”
                The Huntsman waved his hand dismissively. “She is an active agent of the Huntsclan. You would be asking me to give her up, in five years.”
                “Yes, I would, but think of every plan you’ve ever had. Think of all the knowledge I have. Together, we can ensure your world domination or whatever it is that you actually want, and then, Rose and I get a little cottage by the sea and we never think of each other again. No matter what.”
                “The orb will know all of that?” the Huntsman said.
                “It can. We’re beholden to whatever we put into it. If we break it, we die. No exceptions.”
                The Huntsman crossed his arms over his chest. “I know you said no bargaining but I’m going to give you a counter-offer. I still have to protect my interests.”
                The American Dragon nodded.
                “Here is what I will put into the orb: you will be a Huntsclan agent for a period of five years, in which you will run every mission I ask of you and carry out any act I ask of you. You will swear not to intentionally harm, maim, or kill any Huntsclan agent while you are in my service and in return, I will vow that no intentional harm will come to you from a Huntsclan member in the same way during your service. When your service comes to an end, you and the Huntsgirl you call ‘Rose’ will be permitted to leave without issue and without bother. However, if you are to die in the course of a mission, Rose will remain in the Huntsclan. If Rose is to die in the course of a Huntsclan mission, you are still to fulfill your five years to me.” The Huntsman could see the American Dragon considering and he hoped that the boy was as young and naïve as he seemed. “It’s a dangerous world out there and the plans I have will be dangerous. She is a valuable asset to me and you will become one.”
                The American Dragon nodded. “I understand. I agree.”
                “And, this starts immediately. You will not get to go home again. Either you leave this room an agent of the Huntsclan or you do not leave this room alive.”
                The dragon offered the orb to the Huntsman. “I agree.”
                They each placed a hand on the orb, reaffirming the truths that they had just spoken. The orb glowed softly and then went back to its original form. The dragon put the orb into the Huntsman’s hands.
                “It’s unbreakable now. It will shatter when our contract is up. You might as well keep it.”
                The Huntsman would, in a lead bunker, just in case. He didn’t trust this animal and would not keep something like this anywhere near his personal spaces.
                The Huntsman opened the door to his office, summoning his secretary. “Take the American Dragon to a private room in the Huntsboy’s quarters. Put word out that he is one of our own now and is to be treated like a brother. Any harm that comes to him will be treated as an act of treason.”
                The secretary’s jaw dropped. “Sir?”
                “I said what I said,” the Huntsman said. “Don’t question me.”
                The secretary saluted. “Sir, yes, sir!”
                “Rose?” the American dragon asked.
                “In training,” the Huntsman said. “You will see her at the communal dinner at 6 PM.”
                The dragon nodded. “Yes, thank you.”
                The dragon left with the secretary and the Huntsman shut the door to his office, turning to look at the orb that was currently being used as a paperweight. Now that he was alone, he let a slow smile spread over his face. The poor American Dragon. So stupid, so naïve. The Huntsman allowed himself a moment to picture the pure rage that stupid creature was going to feel for four years and three hundred and sixty-five days, counting down to a day that would never come, because he had promised the Huntsman that he would do every word of his bidding – up to and including killing himself.
                The Huntsman sat down at his desk again, this time picking up his phone.
                “Huntsclan Termination Unit, Huntsboy 67 speaking. How many I help you?”
                “Huntsman requesting a hit.”
                “Yes, sir, we just need the Huntsman’s password to approve.”
                “Banana pancakes.”
                “Affirmative. What can we do for you today, sir?”
                “I need a hit on the Huntsgirl. Immediate status.”
                “Yes, sir, we’ll have that done in fifty minutes.”
                “Thank you.”
                The Huntsman hung up his phone and then spun the orb. Whatever game the American Dragon had been trying to play, he wasn’t going to win it.
                The Huntsman was.
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idoun · 1 year
companionship [ drabble ]
In the downtime before this world finally decided to bring down another horse of apparitions upon them, Idunn took her time to stand back, and think. Not to let her mind wander through dreams and multiple scenarios, no- something specific had been catching her attention. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it was unknown and it stuck out to her rather clearly, so she felt the need to think on it and hopefully begin to understand it.
There was a memory she associated with that odd, new thing. Her, standing at the very back of the Dragon Sanctuary, surrounded by her war dragons and yet feeling more alone than ever. Though she stood in her large and imposing dragon form, it wasn’t unlike a cornered, tired beast with barely any fight in her mind or heart. Who roared and defended herself, but who ultimately could be easily felled by anyone since she no longer felt the primal drive to survive.
But she saw it. Roy.
Roy stood there, before her- the Binding Blade in his hands, and behind him were his comrades. They approached her together, defeating her war dragons and ultimately working together to defeat her.
That sense of companionship.
The drive to raise a blade alongside a friend and aid them in their quest.
The very idea of joining a group into battle- a situation that could cost one’s life, and somehow not mind that notion.
Right now, she found herself in a similar situation. She had her teammates, and they were fighting side by side against enemies that only got stronger and stronger, but she could see it in their eyes- their very energy, that they seemed okay with it. Idunn sensed apprehension and worry, but never mortal fear. Instead, she sensed their glee from getting an attack right, their relief from a good dodge, the care for a wounded ally. It was the same feeling from the day of that battle.
This strong companionship that faced death and didn’t back down- instead, it grew stronger.
Idunn…couldn’t grasp it yet. Of course, if anyone asked her to accompany them in battle she would- but to do so out of her own volition…to want to risk her life for someone’s dreams of safety and to place her safety in another’s hands without needing to hand them her soul and autonomy…it was new. It was new and she didn’t understand it yet.
But…she did act for others’ sake in these consecutive battles, didn’t she? She casted spells to ward potential hurt, she healed injuries, she felled enemies to bring peace to another’s heart. No one asked her to do those things. Yet at the same time, she didn’t feel anything when engaging in active combat- at best, frustration at underperforming. The emotions of her teammates didn’t resonate with her and she didn’t experience this ‘synergy’ she had heard from others before. 
She didn’t want to disappoint them though, or bring them harm. She’d act to ensure them victory and safety, like she had always done for all those centuries, though now it was less because a ghost held her reins tight and more that empathy weighed on her heart.
Maybe she’d fully understand this powerful thing named “companionship”, one day.
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have-some-heals · 2 years
Kuraokami & Khione on Friendship.
(Inspired by, and staring @aceofcaydes01 )
“Guardian Down.” The voice echoed through the warlocks helmet. His shot missed his target the arrow flying by the thrall’s head. A rush of fear consumed him for a moment, it was familiar, like he had felt it before. A ghost haunting him from his past life.
Ahead the body of the hunter and a hive knight lay side by side. Well… sort of. The hunter was laid between two halves of the same knight, her sword still dripping with the hive’s insides. Her ghost fluttered around her in a worried manner.
The warlock took a breath and took out the last of the foot soldiers around them before rushing forward to aid the hunter. Her body was still sparking with arc energy from her final few moments. The warlock did a quick check of the area to make sure there were no enemies- no snipers- lingering about.
“It appears that your partner took your question as a suggestion.” Khione said as they appeared above the warlocks had to assist in bringing the fallen hunter back.
“Yeah yeah, let’s blame me for using the hunter as a meat shield. This relationship he have is pretty cut and dry. I can’t be held responsible every time she takes a question I ask as a command to run head first into danger” he huffed trying to mask the worry he actually had that the hunter had so blindly attacked the knight.
“And you know what I was going to say, wait until we had chipped away at it a bit more… this is just like that time in the spire when I said I needed the power of that Minotaur to power the elevator and she tried to punch it to death” he huffed and pulled the hive knight away from the hunter not wanting her to comeback in a pool of hive goo. He then took her sword and used his cloak to clean it off before putting it back in it’s hilt. Once she was a bit more situated he sat next to the hunter arms crossed letting the ghost do their work. The darkness was thick here, he could feel it pulling at his own power, earlier when he had used his sword to protect them the darkness had relented and he realized just how slow he had been feeling.
“It’s okay to admit you worry about her” Khione said circling the warlock for a moment. “I know you worry she is to similar to Cayde-6, that she will rush to aid someone and not realize the true danger…”
The warlock looked at the hunter’s body. It felt like hours since she had fallen. “It’s not that I think I’d be able to stop her from running off solo like he did… it is more likely I’d be the reason she faces a permanent death” he kicked at some of the dirt in the path. “The number of times she should have left me… you would have gotten me eventually… there have been to many close calls…”
“Then why don’t you leave?” Khione paused to ask causing the warlock to stiffen.
“Why are we even talking about this again. It isn’t like she is the only hunter that studied under him.” He huffed deflecting the question.
The pair of ghosts made a sound that Kuraokami felt was teasing in nature.
“Hunters are loners right, this is just a job for her having me here to do the things just make it easier. This is just a means to an end.” He said half believing the statement. It was easier for them both. In truth even with a bow he still couldn’t hit half his shots and the hunter seemed to like that he would do the technical things. It isn’t that either of them couldn’t do the others job it was just faster this way.
“And plus I’m still not sure we can trust that crow guy… she seems to be fine with him but we all know what he did to the last hunter he was left alone with” The warlock stood and put down a rift as he saw a group of thralls heading down the stairs towards them. A few arrows and the hall was clear. Granted it was on fire, but it was clear.
Khione moved back to the warlock as they finished working on the hunter.
“Not my best moment” she said with a laugh as she swapped out her guns having been brought back. She held up the Krait and nodded in the direction they had been pushing. “Ready Mr. Kuraokami”
“Okami is fine… we are friends after all… right?” The warlock stated as he stood, he hoped the insecurity wasn’t so clear as Khione vanished into him. The duo began internal banter as the ghost teased the warlock who had sworn to be partial and neutral in all his new found relationships.
Only the warlock had not expected to find friendship in his new life. Not after being pulled back to life surrounded by death.
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sebeth · 7 months
All-Star Squadron #13
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“One Day, During The War” by Roy Thomas, Adrian Gonzales, and Mike DeCarlo.
Hawman calls the first official meeting of the All-Star Squadron to order. Present for the meeting are the Shining Knight, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Hawkgirl, Robotman, Commander Steel, Firebrand, and the Atom.
Hawkman’s first order of business is to elect a chairman for the All-Star Squadron. Carter has declined the position as he is still and active member of the Army Air Force.
Hawkman notes Batman, Superman, the Spectre, and the Flash have not enlisted in the armed services. Wonder Woman is noted to not be a member of the Justice Society but she has accepted membership in the All-Star Squadron.
The Shining Knight reports that his fellow members in the Seven Soldiers of Victory (Green Arrow, Speedy, Vigilante, Crimson Avenger, Star-Spangled Kid, Stripesy) have not enlisted in the arms services but stand ready to aid the All-Star Squadron as individuals or as a group.
Robotman mentions other possible candidates for membership: Mr. Terrific, Wildcat, Air Wave, TNT & Dyna-Mite, Doll Man, Mr. America, Manhunter, and Plastic Man. Plas has previously assisted the All-Stars on two occasions.
Commander Steel is amazed by the number of mystery men that have debuted since he was a prisoner of war.
The group votes – by ballot – to elect a new leader. The winner is…Liberty Belle! Johnny notes Libby is the “most widely-read lady columnist this side of Eleanor Roosevelt.”
Sir Justin announces he is taking a leave of absence as he will be returning to Brittain to serve as Winston Churchill’s personal protector. No, don’t take Justin away, he’s my favorite part of the series!
Firebrand, Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl travel to California to visit Danette’s brother, Rod, who was wounded in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Rod was the original Firebrand.
Danette is having a difficult time letting go of her hatred for all Japanese due to the attack on her brother. Libby reminds Danette she lost her father to a Nazi bomb but she doesn’t hate all Germans. Libby couldn’t do that and remain sane.
Roy mentions this in several issues – the importance of not hating an entire country/ethnicity/group of people – due to the actions of a few.
The Hawks ditch the rest of the group as they travel over San Francisco. They want some alone time to make out.
Danette’s trauma from the first arc of the stories seems to be catching up to her. She’s certain nobody can protect her “just like nobody could protect my brother”.
Libby reminds Danette their true enemies are the fascist dictators, not the people under their yoke.
Back in New York, Commander Steel checks up on his old mentor, Dr. Gilbert Giles. Steel meets with his former fiancé, Gloria Giles, who informs him her father is dead. Steel almost reveals his identity to Gloria but doesn’t when he realizes she’s married to a serviceman named Brad Farley. Steel informs Gloria that Hank Heywood died on a mission in Europe.
Robotman returns to Queens, New York to check on a project Chuck Grayson, his assistant, is working on. Bob discovers Chuck and Joan Carter, Bob’s former girlfriend, unconscious. Bob destroys the malfunctioning machine that knocked the duo unconscious.
Joan is unaware of Bob’s survival in his robot shell. Bob wants it to stay that way until he is more comfortable in his new self. Bob uses a rubberized face and hands to appear as “Paul Dennis”.
“Paul” and Chuck are informed by a henchman for Sam Glottery that the lawyer is going to have Robotman declared a public menace.
The Shining Knight and Churchill return to England. Justin battles the planes that are blitzing England.
Danette, Johnny, and Libby enter the hospital where Rod is a patient. Danette reunites with Rod. Rod mentions Slugger Dunn has already returned to active duty. Danette confesses her hatred to Rod only to be scolded by her brother. He tells her she is “too smart for that kind of racist talk”. Rod reveals it was an American soldier of Japanese descent that saved Slugger and Rod’s lives – at the cost of his own.
Danette comes to her senses and begs forgiveness for being “fool-blinded by hate”. Rod tells Danette to be a force for good.
Firebrand, Johnny Quick, and Liberty Belle entertain the wounded soldiers at the hospital.
Back in Washington, Al (the Atom) meets up with Mary James, his girlfriend. Mary isn’t thrilled with Al’s enlistment and begs him to come home safe.
A simple “day in the life” issue that wrapped up the loose ends on Commander Steel’s plot and set up Robotman’s future plot. The past few arcs (Feathered Serpent, Baron Blitzkrieg, Hastor/Flying Eye) were weak, but this was a return to form. Great character moments for most of the All-Stars. Loved it.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Give Yourself a Try
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers
Synopsis: you and Peter hate each other, which becomes a problem when you’re given a group project
Part two and three
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“Good morning Ned.” You kindly greeted as you took your seat in front of Peter in your first period physics class.
“Morning Y/n.” Ned said back, gearing up for what he knew was coming.
“I really like your makeup today, Y/n.” Peter smiled as he leaned forward in his seat. “Is it hard balancing your schoolwork with your job at the circus?”
“Not at all.” You smiled sweetly at him as you turned around. “I could get you a job there if you’d like. We’ve been needing something small to feed to the lions between shows. You’d be perfect.”
“Small? Darling, you must be mistaken.” Peter kept a sickly sweet grin on. “I’m bigger than your boyfriend of the week over there.”
“Silly goose.” You scrunched your nose at him. “Harry Osborn is not my boyfriend. And just so you know, steroids are really bad for you. I’m worried about your well being.”
“I’m not on steroids.” Peter hissed, dropping the act. “Stop trying to start that rumor.”
“Why not?” You shot back. “You had no trouble spreading the rumor that I was the one who killed Herbie the hamster when we all know it was you who left the door open after cleaning his cage.”
“Are you kidding me? That was fifth grade.” He whispered harshly.
“I will never forget it.” You snapped back.
“Ahem.” The teacher cleared her throat as she stared at you and Peter with an annoyed expression. This was an everyday occurrence in her class, and any other class you had with Peter. You hated each other and everyone knew it. You and Peter stopped arguing and slumped in your seats, giving each other one last look of disdain.
“Instead of a final exam this semester, I’ll be giving you a final project.” The teacher continued. “You’ll be working with one other student.”
“Nice. We can finally present our work on quantum physics.” Peter excitedly high fived Ned.
“Can you guys reschedule your virgin convention for later?” You asked seriously. “I’m trying to listen.”
“Because of the disappointing grades on the last project, I will be assigning your partners.” The teacher went on.
“Don’t worry.” Peter whispered to Ned again. “We could still end up together. We got an A last time so she knows we work well together.”
“We got an A last time.” You mimicked his voice and moved your hand like a puppet.
“Yeah. An A.” Peter said as he leaned forward in his seat. “You know, like your bra size.”
“What did you just say to me?” You snapped as you whipped around. He had on his infamous shit eating grin that you hated.
“Young man, can you please stop interrupting our conversation?” He said as he held up a hand. Your jaw dropped at the insult, face growing warm with anger. You decide not to give him the satisfaction of an insult exchange and turned around in your seat. Your teacher began to list off the partners for the projects.
“Leeds, Stacy.” She called out. “You’ll be working together.”
“Sorry, man. But also, not sorry man.” Ness frown quickly turned into a smile. “Gwen, over here!”
“Aw.” You snickered as you turned around on your chair. “I feel bad for whoever gets stuck with you now. That poor, unfortunate soul.”
“Parker. L/n. You’ll be working together.”
“What?” You and Peter screamed in unison. You gave each other an angry look before looking at your teacher in protest.
“You two are always holding up my class and I’m tired of it.” She held up a hand. “This project will teach you how to finally get along and stop disrupting me while I teach.”
“Mrs. Avery, with all due respect, I can feel myself getting more disruptive already.” You told her.
“I think that’s your STD.” Peter mumbled.
“You two need to learn how to be professional and amicable.” She ignored your protest. “You won’t always like your peers. But you will always have to collaborate with them at some point.”
“I understand that.” You assured her. “But if we do this project together, my fist is going to collaborate with Peters face.”
“That’s a threat.” Peter piped up. “I’d like to file a report.”
“And I’d like to take that report and shove it up your-“
“Enough.” Mrs. Avery cut you off. “You will be working together and that is final.”
You both shrunk in your seats, fuming with anger over the teachers decision. You didn’t cause any more disruptions throughout the class and quickly left once the bell rang.
Peter saw you at your locker, which was coincidentally next to his locker, spraying some perfume on.
“Darling!” Peter exclaimed as he stood next to you. “So good to see you! You know how much I love when you hog all the locker space and make the entire hallways smell like perfume.”
“Why, thank you.” You touched your hand to your heart. “As I’m sure you know, some of us prefer to smell like things other than Neosporin and baby powder. After all, that’s your signature scent and I’d just hate to step on your toes.”
“I didn’t know. Thank you for opening your gigantic mouth and telling me!” Peter said through a toothy grin.
“Oh, Peter.” You laughed airily. “You’re very welcome, you sad sack of shit.”
“Classy.” Peter faked a smile as he opened his locker. “Do you want to come over to my house after school to work on the project? I live walking distance from here.”
“What? No.” You scoffed. “You’re not getting me to a secondary location. We’ll work in the library.”
“Actually, we won’t, because it’s closed for maintenance.” He replied with a tight smile.
“I wish you were closed for maintenance.” Yoh grumbled as you zipped up your bag.
“Hilarious.” He fake laughed loudly. “Are you coming over or not?”
“Not.” You said in disgust. “I don’t know you or your parents. You might try to kill me as a part of some Parker family cult ritual.”
“My parents are dead.” He told you, unamused. “It’s just me and my aunt.”
“Is your aunt a cult leader?” You asked.
“No.” He groaned.
“Cult member?”
“No. All she does is cheat at cross world puzzles and shop at Whole Foods.” He said.
“So you lied.” You slammed your locker and looked at him. “She’s in the Whole Foods cult.”
“Can you try not to be difficult for two minutes, please? We need to get this project done.”
“Jokes on you, Parker.” You folded your arms. “Difficult is my lowest setting.”
“Ooo. Scary.” He mocked you. “What’s your highest? Because I’m pretty sure I saw it last Tuesday when your backpack got stuck on the door handle and you decided to blame me.”
“I know that was your fault. And I go from difficult to hooligan to the step mom from Parent Trap.” You shrugged.
“And they said women aren’t funny.” Peter replied as he slapped his knee. You raised an eyebrow at him, judging him for his material.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.
“You’re gonna be sorry.” You told him. “Where do you live again?”
“Waking distance from here. I said that less than five minutes ago.” He rolled his eyes at you.
“Well I didn’t hear that because I tune you out when you speak. You know, like most people do.” You said sweetly.
“Wow, you’re so funny.” Peter said sarcastically. “If I meet you here at the end of the day, will you come home with me?”
“Fine.” You huffed. “I’ll go home with you. But if I start detecting any cult shit going on, I’m leaving.”
“Fine by me.” He scoffed. “I’ll see you later.”
“Are you ready to go?” Peter asked after the last bell had rang. You shouldered your backpack and shut your locker, feeling unusually anxious around him. You could deal with Peter for 40 minutes at a time when all you did was trade insults. Something about walking to his home together and spending time alone knocked the confidence right out of you.
“I’m ready.” You nodded.
“What, no insult?” He asked. “No mocking of my voice?”
“We were assigned each other as partners so we could learn to be civil, right?” You shrugged. “I guess I’m just mature enough to give it a try.”
“There she is.” Peter smiled as you began to walk in the direction of his apartment. “There’s my girl.”
You looked to the side when you heard him say this, unsure of how it made you feel. You often called each other pet names ironically, but this felt different. There was a change in the dynamic between the two of you and it was clouding your judgment.
You let Peter do all the talking as you walked home, thankful that he lived so close to the school. He spewed out ideas for the project the entire elevator ride up and didn’t stop until you were standing outside his bedroom door.
Peter stopped talking and opened the door, gesturing for you to go inside. You made a face at him before walking, staying in one spot as he shut the door and sat down. You were frozen as you looked around his room, not liking how human it made him. He had notes from classes you didn’t have with him strewn around and an open first aid kit on his desk.
“You can sit.” He chuckled when he noticed how stiff you were.
“I’m scared to.” You admitted.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly. Something about sitting on this boys bed with him seemed finalizing, like you’d be opening a door you couldn’t close.
“Just sit down.” He repeated. “I didn’t rig the place with boobytraps, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“That’s what someone who rigged the place with booby traps would say.” You replied as you took a hesitant seat on his bed.
“There. Isnt that nice?” He asked sarcastically.
“No.” You said immediately. “Am I the first girl to ever sit on your bed?”
“Psh. No.”
“I’ll take that as a yes ma’am.” You mumbled.
“Whatever.” He replied. “What do you want to do the project on?”
“How about micropenises?” You suggested. “You won’t even have to do any research.”
“Haha. So funny.” He rolled his eyes. “You are so annoying it’s actually impressive.”
“Please.” You laughed. “You so have a crush on me.”
“What?” His entire face went red. “No I don’t.”
“No I don’t.” You mimicked his voice. “Yes you do. That’s why you’re up my ass all the time.”
“That makes no sense.” He scoffed.
“It makes total sense.” You insisted. “You know I’ll never like you back, so you made me hate you. That way, you still get to talk to me all the time. Genius, really. I applaud you.”
“That’s a nice little fantasy you’ve created for yourself. Is that what you tell yourself to help you fall asleep?” He teased you.
“Yep.” You smiled brightly. “Right after I finger blast myself to the thought of you in your Catholic schoolboy sweaters.”
“Oh my God.” His cheeks turned even redder at your inappropriate joke.
“And they said women aren’t funny.” You used his words from earlier.
“They were right.” He said, making you laugh.
“God, I love it when you talk down to me.” You fanned yourself. “Can you tell me how to change a tire?”
Peter began to laugh as well, looking at you as you both laughed. You quickly stopped laughing when you realized you just gave him a genuine smile and looked away.
“Do you want to do the project on tensile strength?” You suggested to break the tension. “I know you’re weirdly into that.”
“How’d you know?” He wondered.
“You almost popped a boner when we talked about in last month.” You teased him. “It’s just rope, dude.”
“It’s not just rope. It’s the force-“
“-the force required to pull something until it breaks. I know.” You finished his sentence. “I’m smart too, you know.”
“Oh.” He was dumbfounded that you knew something he was interested in. “I didn’t know.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “Women use brain sometime. Woman say smart thing like man.”
Peter laughed again, realizing you were actually kind of funny when you wanted to be.
“I’m not a misogynist, you know.” Peter said after a beat. “You don’t have to make jokes like that. I may not like you, but I respect you.”
“You respect me?” You raised a skeptical eyebrow at him.
“I respect all women. The strongest person I know is my Aunt. Plus, I’ve still never met anyone who was as smart as my mom. I wouldn’t be half the man I was if it weren’t for the women who raised me.” He shrugged. “But it would be ignorant and naive of me to only respect woman who are related to me in some way. So I respect all of them unless they give me a reason not to.”
“Have I given you a reason not to?” You batted your eyelashes at him.
“Not yet.” He chuckled to himself. “You’re annoying, but you’re brilliant. I know you would never admit this, but we’re basically the same person. You’re just more extroverted so you have more friends and popularity. And you’re smart but you don’t make that your whole personality, so it impresses more people when you let your intelligence show.”
Your body language shifted when you realized he was actually a nice guy. He clearly paid attention to you and was impressed by what he saw. You didn’t say anything, so Peter kept going.
“People lean in to listen when you start speaking instead of tuning you out.” He brought up your insult from earlier, and you felt bad. You didn’t realize he admired you in any way and you felt guilty for always teasing him. Peter’s kept his eyes down, playing with his fingers to distract himself.
“You’re…you’re kind of every thing I wanted to be.” He said quietly. You smiled softly at him, but he didn’t see it. It was the first time you had a nice moment with Peter, and you didn’t hate it. You could tell he was beginning to panic for sharing so much, so you reached forward and tilted his chin up to look at you. His wide eyes met yours and you gave him a small smile.
“How did your parents die?” You asked quietly, immediately ruining the moment.
“Damn.” Peter pulled away with a shocked laugh. “When was your first period?”
“All right. I get your point.” You rolled your eyes. “That was a little abrupt.”
“You’re telling me.” He teased. You sat in silence for a moment, neither of you sure where to go from there. You knew Peter was still processing you touching his face, so you talked first.
“My parents are dead too.” You said without looking up at him.
“They are?” He asked, scooting a little closer to you on the bed.
“Yeah.” You looked up and gave him a sad smile. “But if you think we’re gonna take a turn and fall in love because we have similar trauma, you’re wrong. I can’t stand orphans.”
“But you’re an orphan.” He reminded you.
“Never mind.” He shook his head. “I have a feeling I won’t be getting through to you.”
“Probably not.” You agreed. “Tell me more, though. Did your parents die doing something cool?”
“I don’t really know.” He shrugged. “It was a plane crash. That’s all I’ve been told.”
“Oh.” You nodded. “Sounds lame.”
“A plane crash?” You raised your eyebrow. “That’s so boring. Yawn.”
“Excuse me?” He laughed in shock again. “Fine. How did your parents die?”
“Firefighters.” You said proudly. “Died saving three children.”
“Wow.” Peter sat back, stumped.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I was one of them.”
“Seriously?” His eyes widened as he fought the urge to hold your hand.
“No. I’m fucking with you.” You began to laugh as he let out a groan.
“Why would you do that to me?” He whined. “You had me, for a minute there.”
“What can I say? I’m an actor.” You flipped your hair ostentatiously.
“What actually happened?” He wondered. You stopped smiling and bit your bottom lip.
“Drunk driver.” You told him. He didn’t fight the urge this time and reached over to take your hand in his. You stared at your interlocked hands, wondering if you should pull away or not. On the one hand, he was your enemy. But that didn’t make his warmth any less inviting.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly. “That must have been really hard on you.”
“You know the feeling, don’t you?” You asked with a sad smile.
“I do.” He nodded. “And I know how much it sucked to not have someone who knew how it felt. You don’t have to feel that way anymore. Neither of us do.”
You opened your mouth to speak but quickly shut it, not wanting to ruin the moment again. The guy holding your hand was not the same guy who sat behind you in physics. This guy was someone you actually liked.
“I might have misjudged you, Peter Parker.” You laughed shyly. “You might not be as unbearable as I remembered.”
“And you might not be the frigid bitch I thought you were.” He matched your tone.
“Watch it.” You warned.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
“You were right.” You said after a beat. “We are pretty much the same person. I never realized that before.”
“Maybe that’s why we don’t get along.” He shrugged, rubbing soft circles into your hand.
“I’d be willing to give it a try, if you were.” You said sheepishly. “Who knows? I might just like you.”
“You want to give this a try?” He asked, eyes lighting up in excitement.
“Why not?” You shrugged. “What do I have to lose?”
“Okay.” He nodded eagerly. “Then we’ll try.”
“Cool.” You smiled.
“Cool.” He said before leaning in for a kiss. Your eyes widened as his fluttered shut, making you realize you were on different pages. His lips made contact with yours for a few seconds before you pushed him off.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked as you covered your mouth with your hand.
“Kissing you?” He asked in confusion as hurt flashed in his eyes.
“Why the hell would you do that?” You exclaimed, still in shock. You got off the bed and backed away from him, trying to process what just happened.
“You said we were giving it a try!” He was shouting now too, but not out of anger. “I thought we were finally admitting that we like each other.”
“I meant giving friendship a try! I never said anything about a relationship.” You shouted. You quieted down when you saw the upset look on his face. “You... you like me?”
“I thought it was obvious.” He said quietly. “I-I thought you knew. You said it before and I just…I thought you knew.”
“Peter, I was joking when I said all that stuff.” You calmed down and sat back on his bed. “I didn’t actually think you liked me.”
“Oh.” He blinked a few times before looking down. “I…I do.”
“Peter, I’m sorry.” You reached for his hand again but his withdrew it.
“No, it’s my fault.” He shook his head and got off the bed. “I misunderstood the situation.”
“Peter, wait.” You caught him by the wrists and pulled him back down to the bed. He sat down again but looked anywhere but at you. You could see that his eyes were glassy so you put a hand on his face.
“You were right.” His voice wavered. “I did like you and I did think you’d never like me back. That’s why I always tease you. I just wanted you to talk to me.”
“Pete.” You whispered, rubbing his cheekbone with your thumb.
“I’m sorry. I really don’t want to be here right now. I’ll email you my part of the project and-“
You cut him off by wrapping your hand around the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss. You both had your eyes closed this time and it lasted much longer. Your lips moved against his slowly and you could feel how inexperienced he was. Even so, it was perfect. You pulled away after a minute and looked into his eyes, feeling better now that there were no traces of sadness in them.
“You kissed me.” He said, dumbfounded.
“I can’t know I don’t like you back if I never give you a chance.” You shrugged as you withdrew your hand from his face.
“Well what did you decide?” He asked curiously. You puckered your lips and tilted your head, staring at him as if you were making a decision.
“I still think you’re super annoying.” You concluded.
“Okay.” Peter nodded.
“But it’s an annoying I’m willing to put up with.” You decided as you slipped your hand back into his. Peter broke out into a smile and nodded again.
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salty-rey · 3 years
Saving Lives
Bad Batch Fic | Sequel to Come Back
Pairing: Crosshair x reader (hinting)
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: Bodily injuries, blood, story time!
A/N: Hello! I wanted to write something that elaborated on the relationship between the sniper and combat medic. It’s rather rough, proof-read once (thank you Grammarly), and I may not captured Crosshair’s personality perfect. I hope you enjoy, and I will be back with another story!
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Roughly two weeks have passed since the last mission, and during those long days, you were recovering from being shot. Being bedridden was not ideal, almost driving you stir crazy. Especially whenever you tried sneaking out of the barracks, there was always one member of the Bad Batch there to stop you. 
Wrecker freaked out when he caught you slowly shuffling towards the bathroom, asking why you were out of bed in panic. He only helped you after explaining your destination, waited outside before actually carrying you back to your cot. 
Echo spotted you slowly making your way to the kitchen area before redirecting you back to bed like a concerned older brother, staying by your side and offering his arm for support in case you felt weak. Quite the gentleman.. At least he went back to get whatever food you were craving. 
Tech found you attempting to do some stretches since you were stuck in bed for Maker knows how long. He lectured you on the facts that your wound may open again if you attempt any movement during a specific time frame. Even when you decided to lay back down he was still lecturing!
As for Hunter, he entered the barracks, catching you standing on your feet. You were in the middle of putting your chest piece armor back on when you winced at the slight sting of your wound. The Sergeant went full dad mode on you, scolding you for moving when you’re still recovering. Now you knew how it felt like to be Omega, which caused you to accidentally say, “Okay, dad.”
You watched Hunter’s back stiffen, an unreadable expression crossing his face before he turned around, leaving you alone in the barracks. What was that? You thought before sighing, slowly removing your chest piece. 
Speaking of Omega. Maker, bless that little girl. 
When you were initially knocked out after returning to the Havoc Marauder, Omega refused to leave your side. The boys tried to reassure her that you would be alright, but she wouldn’t budge. After a couple of hours, you woke up, disoriented at first, before spotting the little girl fast asleep on a chair at your bedside. Hunter was awake at the time, and he explained everything while you rested. The boys learned that it was indeed a trooper who shot you and not Crosshair because Omega was persistent in backing you up in your story. You watched the Sergeant carefully picking the youngest member up and carrying her to her makeshift bedroom.
You were awake when Omega rushed into the small barracks, eyes wide before spotting you. She first cried tears of joy, happy to you see that you were okay. Hearing her crying caused Hunter and the other boys to rush in, worried that something was wrong before relaxing after you explained why Omega was crying. 
Since that moment, Omega stayed and kept you company. Whenever she wasn’t informing you of the group’s next objective, she would ask if you needed anything like food or water. You felt bad having her grab something to eat for you, and you mentioned it to one of the boys whenever they pass the barracks. 
“I’ll let her know. She is looking after her teammate though.” Hunter commented before leaving. 
One day during the weeks of recovery, Omega came to your bed per usual and sat down. You were reading on your datapad before glancing up. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” she first started off, looking a bit nervous. 
“Sure, what’s up?” You asked after putting your datapad down. 
“I heard stories of the Bad Batch back on Kamino, but I was hoping to hear how you became part of the team. Since you’re not a clone like us. I-if you don’t mind!” The child asked bashfully, causing you to smile. 
“Of course! Heh, no need to be shy,” you grinned before relaxing against your pillow. “I was formally part of the 501st under General Skywalker, still as a combat medic. I helped aid their soldiers and taught any clones who wanted to become a medic. But I was taken out of that battalion and introduced to these guys after Wrecker’s accident.” You said, pointing to the left side of your face. 
Omega frowned at the mention of the deep scar on the more giant clone’s face. 
“Do you...know how he got it?”
“Not the specific details. Just that his fondness for exploding things up got the best of him at that moment,” you answered. “But that is a story for Wrecker to tell you himself. After his incident and intense care, the Kaminoans and High Command thought that it would be best for the Bad Batch to have a medic at all times. And that’s where I came in.”
“What was it like first joining them?” Omega asked, scooting her chair closer, eager to know more.
You laugh nervously before answering awkwardly, “A nat-born joining a bunch of mutated clones who have a distaste for regs? It wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, Omega. At least, for some time.”
“Wait. Hunter and the others were mean to you?” Omega looked shocked, unable to imagine any of her older brothers being cruel. She began to turn towards the door, ready to get up and give the boys an earful.
“Whoa, whoa. Easy there, targon.” You quickly said, grasping her hand to stop her. “They weren’t mean to me. Just...indifferent.” Omega looked confused still, but she was no longer about to charge out of the room. Seeing that the girl was relaxed, you let go of her hand. 
“The boys are thick as thieves. Having a complete stranger joining them for Maker knows how long it was off-putting. But, one by one, they slowly welcomed me into their merry band. Well, all except Crosshair.” The mentioning of his name caused you to frown, your hand gripping the sheets. 
Omega noticed your shift of emotions, her eyebrows knitting together in worry. “You two were close.”
You couldn’t help but softly laugh a bit. “Not at first. He was the hardest one to be accepted by. It took us potentially dying just to get close.”
At that, Omega’s eyes widened, her jaw-dropping, and you knew that you had to tell her the story now, or she will never leave you alone. 
“Keep up, medic. Or I’m going to leave you behind.”
“Where have I heard that before?” 
It has been several months since you have joined Clone Force 99. And each mission has been quite eventful. All dangerous, non-stop action and heart-pounding moments. You had seen your share of action before joining this group, especially when you were with General Skywalker and his boys in blue. But the 501st pale compared to the Bad Batch. Then again, the Bad Batch is sent to suicide missions, unlike the 501st, so the comparisons aren’t fair. 
Such missions that you were on right now. 
Infiltrate a Separatist’s stronghold, eliminate the enemy commander and destroy their entire base. Nothing new but this time, you found yourself on a thick rainforest-like planet. It was the dead of night, using the shadows to your advantage. While the boys handled the assigned target, you and Crosshair were tasked to eliminate any remaining outside forces and retrieve a getaway vehicle. 
You have been paired with Crosshair in the past, but they have never been pleasant. The sniper all but ignored you or let out harsh remarks, insulting even, but you did your best not to let it get to you. All attempts to befriend him or have him loosen up a bit around you. It was all in vain, though, and even the rest of the batch members have told you to simply give up.
“It’s not you,” Hunter said one day as they were currently jumping through hyperspace. “He’ll come around. Just you wait.”
But it has been so long now. When will it happen? You were getting tired of the glares and sneers, but you refused to give in. 
Focusing back on the mission, the two of you reached the edge of the forest, locating the hanger currently guarded by battle droids. 
“Those dwarf spider droids may be a problem,” you stated, spotting the said droid following the standard clankers. 
“You should have stayed on the ship if you’re going to get cold feet. You’re useless on the battlefield,” Crosshair sneered under his helmet. You remained quiet, refusing to glance at him. To give him any satisfaction of his words stinging you intensely. 
“Just give me some cover fire. And don’t hit me,” you stated before donning your eyeshield then rushing in with your dual pistols. 
Having done this countless times, taking down the droids has become second nature to you. So, one by one, the droids fall, caught off guard from a sniper shot from the thick forest. They were also surprised to see a single soldier rushing them with nothing but two pistols. 
Once the separate hangar was secured, Crosshair silently joined you, neither one speaking. No “thanks” or “great job.” Then again, the Bad Batch weren’t the ones to compliment each other. Do the job, and get out alive. 
“Crosshair, (Y/N). What’s your status?” Hunter’s voice came through the comlink. 
“Just cleared out the hangar. We’re getting the getaway vehicle right now,” you responded as Crosshair began to hotwire one of the landspeeders. 
The landspeeder came to life, and you quickly hopped on, not wanting to test to see if Crosshair would actually leave you behind. The speeder raced down towards the rest of the crew’s location, staying on time with the plan. As the wind whipped through your light armor clothing, you began to hear a faint beeping sound. Leaning down to the ground, the beeping was getting louder and faster. 
“There’s a bomb!” You shouted with realization before rushing towards Crosshair. 
The sniper didn’t have enough time to respond because you tackled him off the ledge of the speeder. You had thought that you reacted quick enough, but the planted bomb exploded, launching the two of you further into the air. You felt your hands slip from Crosshair’s armor, separating the two of you. 
Then, you landed hard onto the ground, and you felt something snap within you. You couldn’t scream, the air being knocked out of you as your body tumbled and rolled to a stop. Summoning whatever strength you had, you slowly pushed yourself up with your arms before sharply sucking in some air, pain flaring on your right side. Carefully feeling your side, you came to a quick conclusion before gasping.  
Crosshair?! Looking around, you spotted the nonmoving clone a few feet away from you, and your stomach dropped at the sight of him. The silver-haired man was lying on his back, his helmet knocked off his head, and you spotted blood oozing from a cut above his eyebrow. Not only that but his right arm and left leg were awkwardly twisted. 
Fighting off your own pain, you crawled towards him before pushing yourself on your feet. The world spun, almost causing you to fall backward, but you quickly regained your balance. We can’t stay out in the open. That explosion will attract more droids to our location. 
Placing his helmet back on his head, you hook your arms under his shoulders. 
Dragging his body deeper into the forest was no easy feat. You were panting and sweating, your head was pulsing, and the pain on your side was overbearing. With every shift, you felt your bones poking at your lungs, causing you to slow down before resuming.
You spotted a large tree, and underneath the roots, the ground sunk and became hollow. It was a perfect hiding spot, and droids are dumb; they never look up or down. 
Not wasting any more time, you slid both you and Crosshair into the hole, and once settled, you immediately went to work. 
Crosshair slowly opened his eyes, blinking several times as his vision cleared. He tried sitting up, but that caused his head to ache more than it already was. Raising a hand, he felt bandages wrapping around most of his head.
“Leave it alone unless you want to bleed again.” 
Crosshair looked over, spotting you sitting nearby, weapons at hand. “What happened?” The sniper groaned, lowering his arm down.
“The landspeeder had a bomb planted and exploded. You broke your arm and leg and had a concussion.” You answered, receiving another groan from the clone after he noticed those said injuries wrapped up in wooden splints. “I’m guessing if the vehicle was activated improperly, it would self-destruct. No wonder the GAR had issues with this Separatist; they thought of everything. Hey! What are you doing?”
Crosshair had begun to sit up, using his good arm to push himself from the floor. “What does it look like?”
“You’re not fit to move around, Crosshair! And neither am I.” You shouted, shuffling towards him, putting your hand on his shoulder, forcing him to stop. “I broke 3 ribs, and I can feel them poking my lungs. Hunter knows of our situation, and they’re working right now to find a way to pick us up.”
Crosshair pushed your hand off of him with his good arm, his glare piercing you. “I don’t need you telling me what to do.”
“Apparently, someone does. As your medic, my word is final when it comes to your wellbeing.” You snapped back, putting your hand back on his shoulder and pushing him down. “I’m not letting you toss your life away, all because you want to be stubborn!”
“Don’t act as you care about us clones!” The sniper growled, struggling underneath your hold. “We’re exposable for you perfect nat-borns!”
Your grip on his shoulder loosen, and your glare slowly softened. “Is that why you hate me? Because I’m a perfect nat-born?” You questioned almost a bit too calmly, which startled Crosshair a bit. He wasn’t expecting this reaction from you. No glares or quick remarks. Just silence. 
“I am not perfect, Crosshair. No one is perfect. Nat-borns, regs, defects, we’re all the same. Living and breathing, filled with emotions and flaws. What we do with ourselves is what makes us unique.” You said before moving away from him. “I chose to be a medic because I was tired of seeing everyone dying around me.”
Crosshair slowly raised an eyebrow, his face slowly relaxing. “What...do you mean by that?”
You spare him a brief glance before leaning against a stomp, steadying your breathing. And so, you began your tale. 
You were born into slavery and having no memories of your parents, too young to really. Among the slaves were children such as yourself, and you called them brothers and sisters. However, one by one, they either died in accidents, killed by their masters, or sold off to buyers. Finally, after years of servitude, you managed to escape, sneaking onto a shuttle and never looking back. 
“The moment I left the shuttle, I was given another chance. A chance my brothers and sisters would never have. That’s when I decided to become a medic. Then I volunteered to be a combat medic because I wanted to save lives.” You finished your story, your breathing steady.
“Even if you were created to fight for someone else’s war, that doesn’t mean your life is meaningless. Believe it or not, but I do care about your life. And that of your brothers’. Losing a loved one is never easy, and I don’t want to see any of you go through that.” You fell silent before taking a small breath. “I didn’t tell you my life story so that you can pity me or for me to win you over. Just to tell you my reasoning in life. What you do with my story is up to you.”
Silence fell between the two of you. Neither one dared a glance at the other. You didn’t like opening up old wounds, telling others your story. The only one who knows is Anakin because the two of you share a kinship of being former slaves. 
An hour has passed, and your comlink came to life. Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch contacted you, informing you that they have returned to the ship and are en route to pick both of you up. Their arrival was quick, and so was being carried into the Havoc Marauder. 
They had succeeded in their part of the mission, even if they were now chased by any remaining droids. It wasn’t an issue, though, once they left the planet and jumped into hyperspace.   
“After that, we were flown to the closest medical station, and we were both healed up.”
Omega was speechless. She had heard stories of the Bad Batch’s missions back on Kamino through word of mouth from the troops, but nothing detailed. This was quite the tale, and she felt a lot of emotions. The first thing that the girl managed to say was, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. The important part is that we both survived, and after that, Crosshair wasn’t so harsh on me. In fact, he always had my back. It was his idea to outfit my old armor to that of Clone Force 99, officially making me one of them.” You replied with a soft smile. 
“Thank you for telling me your story. I hope we get Crosshair back soon because I would like to know what he was thinking throughout that moment.” Omega said, causing you to smile sadly. 
“Yeah, me too...”
Omega noticed your sadden expression at the thought of the sniper, awkwardly shifting in her chair. Hoping to lighten up the mode a bit, Omega asked you, “So, why is your nickname “Freckles”?” 
Your cheeks warmed up and you softly laughed, looking embarrassed. “When the rest of the boys checked up on us, I was being removed from a bacta tank. All I had on was my top and tight shorts. They saw that my mostly covered areas like my thighs were littered with freckles, and that’s where I got my nickname. It was embarrassing.”
“Yeah! But Crosshair was the one who pointed it out!” The booming voice of Wrecker came as the boys now stood at the doorway.
“From what I remembered, you were the one who whistled at her in the first place.” Tech pointed out. “Quite improper if you ask me, since she is part of our team.”
“Need I remind you that you were the one who recorded the whole thing,” Hunter added in. “Don’t you think that’s improper?”
The boys began to bicker among each other, except for Echo who simply listened to the retelling of that moment with intrigue. All of this just made you blush harder, covering your face with the sheets. Because you also remember Crosshair looking you up and down, before smirking and saying “Nice freckles.”
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
sleep like the dead
“And now, I, Technus, shall finally have my electronic vengeance on you, ghost child and conquer this puny human world!” Technus shrieked, exiting the portal in a suitably dramatic fashion. The various weapons around the lab shook and trembled from his power and static from his core crackled, raring for a fight with his favorite enemy. Only the Phantom didn’t appear.
“Hmm, maybe I wasn’t loud enough,” Technus mused before starting up again. “Pathetic Phantom! You can only hope your miniscule half human strength will be enough to take on my squiggling mess of the tangled wires of terror!” He threw back his head and cackled loudly, waiting for his nemesis to show and the battle to begin. His laughter petered out after a bit and the lab became silent once more.
“Well, now he’s just being rude,” Technus fumed, floating up through the ceiling. “Don’t ignore my threats, child. I know you’re here, I can feel your cold core.” He stopped once he reached the ghost boy’s human lair, hovering a few feet from the bed where his rival was sprawled out, sound asleep.
“Come ghost boy, it’s time for fisticuffs! I have some new moves and some great catchphrases I’m ready to try out on you!” The technology ghost exclaimed in excitement, miming some punches. Phantom didn’t answer, just kept laying there barely moving save for his soft, shallow breaths. Technus watched as his breath fogged with each exhale, his core’s ghost sense but it still didn’t awaken him. “Child? Have you expired?”
He leaned forward and gently poked the boy’s cheek. It was squishy but firm unlike a ghost’s exterior and he could feel the dense bone underneath. Phantom didn’t so much as twitch. Technus drew back his hand, unsure of what to do. He’d surprised the child while he was in bed before but he always woke up and they fell into the usual routine. But now he’d changed the script and if there was something ghosts didn’t like, it was change. He flew back down to the portal and sped into the Ghost Zone at top speed, searching for someone who would be able to help him understand. 
“Wow, baby pop whooped your butt that fast? Either he’s getting better or you’re getting more pathetic, my bet is the latter,” Ember teased as she strummed to herself from a floating rock near her lair.
“The ghost child won’t wake up and fight,” Technus said in a rush. “I went to the human world but no one answered my challenge. I went to his human lair and he was just lying on his bed thing and he wouldn’t move, even when I touched him.”
“That’s not like him, he’s usually more hopped up and ready to fight than a groupie on coke,” Ember frowned, setting aside her guitar. “Well come on, sparky, lets go check the kid out.” 
They developed something of an entourage making their way back to the human portal. A few of the locals had heard that the infamous half ghost child was behaving differently and well, curiosity didn’t stop when the cat was killed. Skulker chuckled menacingly under his breath, Youngblood bounced around the adults. Johnny and Kitty had been going to the real world anyway and decided to tag along. 
“Were his folks or Jazz home?" Johnny asked, riding his cycle slow enough to keep pace with the group. 
“Who?” Technus questioned, “er no, the annoying children always with him were not around for once.”
“Annoying yes but they don’t live- uh occupy the same lair as the brat,” Johnny explained. As a younger ghost who’d held onto his humanity more than some, he had a better grasp of human culture. “His parents, the crazy ghost hunters in the blue and orange jumpsuits. Or his sister, Jazz. She has red hair and is kind of a know it all. They’re his family, they live with him.”
“Oh those weirdos,” Youngblood said wrinkling his nose. “Always loud and shouting about ripping apart ghosts. They’re not even good hunters.”
“Obviously, they haven’t noticed they got a ghost living with ‘em,” Ember added with an eyeroll.
“It’s a very stressful situation, Danny was worried about what they’d do if they found out,” Kitty frowned before sticking her tongue out at Johnny. “Danny’s a good guy, at least he talked to me about things that mattered.”
“Good target practice, you mean,” Skulker declared as they entered through the portal. Instinctively they all looked up to where the ghost boy’s core was humming but sensed no movement. “Alright, I will admit that is weird. Let’s see what the whelp’s up to.”
It was a bit cramped, the five of them crammed into the small room especially when they were keeping their distance from the room’s only living occupant. He had not moved since Technus had last been in here. At their entrance, his breath fogged again and he shivered for a second before settling back down. 
“Well, he’s alive at least,” Johnny shrugged before leaning in close to examine him. “Kid looks wiped though.” He picked up the boy’s bony wrist which had been dangling off the bed, his fingers brushing the floor and held it up before dropping it. His knuckles rapped against the ground but he didn’t stir.
“Johnny, leave him alone, he’s trying to sleep,” Kitty hissed, yanking her boyfriend back by his ear. 
“Come on, I’m not doing anything bad,” Johnny defended. “But, come on, how often are we gonna get a chance like this?”
“Hmm is human sleep that interesting that the ghost child would ignore all of us?” Technus asked, floating over and laying himself down on the bed. He laid there on the bed next to the boy for a few moments. “I do not believe I’m doing this correctly.”
“Nah you gotta close your eyes and go off to dreamland,” Youngblood said, grabbing a sock off the floor and then some papers from the desk and began stacking them on the half ghost’s head. The boy still didn’t react in the slightest. 
“Is dreamland close? Another pocket dimension like the Zone?” Technus, ever the scientist, asked curiously.
“No, you idiot,” Ember sighed before tentatively reaching out and laying a hand on Phantom’s chest. “Yow, man that’s weird.”
“What?” Skulker asked, having been mostly content to watch until now. Youngblood had now piled several more items on the ghost boy’s head but he slept on, unawares.
“It’s just,” she scrunched up her face as she looked for the words, “I know what ghost cores feel like and I’ve been around enough humans to know the signs of life but he’s got both at once. His core flares and fades opposite his heart beat. It shouldn’t work but it does, somehow.”
“He is a most curious specimen, I rarely see Plasmius in his human skin so it’s hard to compare,” Skulker commented. “Of course Plasmius I can understand. He acts like a ghost, thinks like one. But the child, he’s certainly a ghost but he’s also decidingly... human.”
“That’s why we should be leaving him alone,” Kitty frowned, plucking Youngblood out of the air and moving him away from the sleeping teen. “If Danny isn’t waking up with all of us causing a racket then clearly he’s exhausted. We bother him enough, let him rest and fight him some other time.”
“But I wanted to fight now,” Technus whined, rolling over on the bed and resting one arm over the ghost boy’s body. “The Phantom surely wants to hear my latest monologue on how I’m the supreme ruler of everything electronic and beeping.”
“I know I don’t,” Youngblood shrugged.
“Me neither,” Johnny scoffed.
“Or me,” Ember muttered, putting her hands on her hips.
“Just let him rest,” Kitty said shooing the others back and gently brushing some of the kid’s hair out of his face revealing sallow features and dark marks under his eyes. “It’s hard enough being human much less a ghost on top of that; between fighting us and trying to have a normal life I bet he hardly gets any sleep. The least we can do is give him a break before he breaks.”
“I suppose it’s not sporting to kill a sleeping prey,” Skulker pouted. “And it’ll make his defeat more meaningful if he’s well rested and not uh,” he gestured to the Phantom’s general state of disarray. 
“Better appreciate it,” Ember sulked for a second, kicking away some pajama pants from the floor. “His stupid human life. I’d give anything to sleep again, just for a minute.” 
The ghosts sat in quiet contemplation for a moment, the dead looking enviously and curiously on the silent, sleeping boy, on a world they could only watch but not engage in. The moment was shattered by the front door slamming open.
“DANNO WE’RE HOME AND WE BROUGHT CHINESE!” Resonated through the house. Startled awake, the ghost child leapt out of the bed and hovered about a foot above it for a moment before sinking back down.
“Darn it Dad, I was napping,” Danny grumbled before he opened his eyes and saw several of his ghostly enemies standing awkwardly in his room. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Technus lounging on his bed. “What the-”
“Oh good, you’re awake!” Technus tittered happily, leaning into his personal space. “Ready to hear my spiel?” The temperature in the room dropped rapidly as his core ramped up and spilled over into his eyes which were no doubt glowing a fierce green.
“Get out of my room!” He shouted, reaching over to grab his emergency under the bed thermos but a sock falling from his hair into his face distracted him.
“Hey, just stopping by but we were just on our way out, sleep well, Danny sweetie!” Kitty said dragging the whole group through the floor. His core thrummed in agitation until he felt them cross the portal into the Ghost Zone. He sat there for a moment, shaking and panting from the adrenaline rush before he decided he really didn’t want to know. He flopped back onto the bed and reached over on his nightstand for the bottle Jazz had given him the other day.
“The heck is in this stupid sleep aid?”
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mommymooze · 3 years
A Cleric and a Prince
Dimitri x Reader
Cannon typical violence, deep splinters, personal threats
Being a healer at Garreg Mach is a challenging job. Working with Manuela in the infirmary is a mixture of emotions. Happy to help others, sad that she has so many personal issues, anxious when someone arrives with serious wounds, hilarious when the students tell you exactly how they become (not seriously) hurt before arriving in the infirmary.
You have not yet been instructed regarding the fine points of battle. If the students need healing battalions, you are part of the Seiros Sacred Monks, helping Mercedes. Your group frequently accompanies the Blue Lions in battles as well as working with them in the monastery, being available to heal them after rough sparring sessions and general needs.
Eventually, a few members of your battalion are assigned to specific members of the class. You are assigned to Dimitri and Dedue. You cannot handle Felix’s antagonistic personality. Sylvain, well, he was given a male healer so that he will focus on what is hurt versus being Sylvain.
After a few battles Dimitri and Dedue realize that you are their assigned healer. It is not announced to the troops, however they notice the same healers heading to assist the same team members. Dimitri asks you to sit with him and Dedue during meals quite often. Dedue speaks with you frequently during your time together in the greenhouse. Healing herbs don’t plant themselves.
You’ve become good friends with both of them. Cheering them both on when they enter the lance tournaments. Joining them in the training grounds, healing their injuries, or the injuries of their opponents more likely, after a long sparring session.
Things fall apart after the battle that occurs in the Holy Tomb. Dimitri is acting strange and distant. Dedue shields you from him at times. Dimitri’s health is suffering, you can tell that he’s not eating and sleeping properly. You help Dedue mix other herbs into the prince’s tea, hoping to get him to sleep occasionally. You find out about Dimitri’s ageusia and load up on the sleeping herbs. Dimitri is a big guy and there are enough herbs in this batch to knock out a horse. He finally sleeps for a night, Dedue cannot force the tea on him every day, he gives it to him as often as he can.
The battle when they lose the Professor is devastating. Dimitri is seriously injured, you keep him from the brink of death. As soon as he is mobile, Dimitri disappears with Dedue following him.
Remaining with the Knights of Seiros you are trained to fight like everyone else. Nearly five years are spent searching for Rhea, fighting Imperial troops, and thieves. Returning to the monastery after the anniversary of the millennium festival, the place is a mess, in worse condition than when you marched away with the rest of the Knights. The Blue Lions return. Dimitri is with them, at least the shell of him is here.
You attempt many times to speak with him while he keeps his vigil at the base of the shattered statue of the goddess.
“The Dimitri you once knew is dead, only this repulsive blood-covered monster remains!” he screeches at you as you enter with a tray of food from the kitchens.
You have learned to bring things that can survive his rage. Any food or drink you bring near him is immediately upended or thrown against the wall. In times of true hunger, the Boar forages, grabbing the chunk of sausage or meat skewers, now stale bread and raw vegetables from the floor.
The times that he is lucid are few. Infrequently, the Professor can have a partial conversation with him. If you catch him while he sleeps or as soon as he wakes, he may let you approach to clean a few wounds and heal him.
Felix scoffs at you, telling you that you are wasting your time and effort on a beast, a worthless animal. Yet Felix is there, every day, just like you, watching over him.
The army heads for Ailell, obtaining additional troops and Rodrigue joins them. Rodrigue can have a few conversations with Dimitri, however Dimitri’s anger still controls him. It is only when they take over the Great Bridge at Myrddin that a change is sparked in him, when Dedue rejoins the Blue Lions.
Now, when food is brought, it is handed to Dedue, who will not allow his highness to throw the trays. Dedue directs the prince not to use his rage upon those that come to aid him. He even convinces Dimitri to remove his armor, a few pieces at a time, to be cleaned and repaired. Dimitri allows the Professor or you to approach, assisting with cleansing his wounds, healing, and clearing his infections.
The army marches for Gronder Field. You stand amongst the troops in his battalion, waiting for the order to proceed. Suddenly it is time to advance. Dimitri and Dedue sprint far ahead of their battalions, they are immediately surrounded by enemies. The battalions fight their best, you alongside them. Perhaps nobody will notice if you cast physic on Dimitri. Dedue is a brick wall, or at least is made of stone, he does not get injured often. The Blue Lions fiercely move forward, Dimitri is determined to reach Edelgard and end her life.
Dedue assists by clearing the last armored Imperial fighter in Dimitri’s way as the leaders of the opposing troops battle. You are fighting Edelgard’s battalion members, preventing them from attacking Dimitri and Dedue. A sudden roar comes from Dimitri as Edelgard is warped away by Hubert. His prize taken from him, Dimitri lashes out at her remaining battalion members, crushing heads and ripping off arms, rending flesh.
The sounds of battle dissipate. You are called to the medical tents to assist with healing. Suddenly the word spreads around camp that Rodrigue has fallen. You cry, not just for Rodrigue, but for Dimitri, whose rage was calming due to Rodrigue and Dedue’s work, and for Felix, who is now alone.
Dimitri solemnly returns to Garreg Mach, Dedue at his side as they escort the body of his dear departed friend.
After the funeral, you march to the Cathedral, arms full of bandages and cleansing cloths. Dimitri would not let you treat his wounds after the battle, during the march or the service. Dedue convinced Dimitri to bathe for the wake. You approach them both as Dedue helps you undress Dimitri from the waist up. As you clean his wounds to avoid further infection, heal him, apply salves, and bandage him, Dimitri looks at you for the first time in forever.
“I am sorry for your loss. I know Rodrigue was like a father to you.” You tell him softly as you wrap a bandage around his left arm.
“He told me I should live for my ideals.” Dimitri swallows, his voice trembles, “Rather than stay shackled by the ghosts of the past.”
“Learn from the past, live for the future.” You smile at him, smoothing some salve to his left ribs. “I know you can do it. Rodrigue believed in you. I do too.”
“My apologies for any problems I have caused you.” He says then hangs his head.
Tying off the bandage on his chest you hug him. “All is forgiven. Rest easy.” You whisper.
He’s not sure what to do, he lifts you into his lap and surrounds you with his arms lightly touching your back, fearful of his great strength. He sobs into your shoulder as you softly whisper comforting words to him patting his back and rubbing his shoulders.
When his tears end, you ask Dedue to get a small towel wet. You place it on Dimitri’s face to cool his forehead eyes and nose. While pressing it to his face, you cast a faith spell to reduce the pain and swelling from crying. After a few minutes you peek underneath the cloth over his good eye.
“How’s it going?” You softly ask.
His blue eye looks at yours. “Better.”
You climb from his lap and he stands, taking a deep breath. “I should probably speak with Byleth.” He coughs into his hand. “Thank you.” He says bowing.
“I’m always at your service.” You smile.
The battle in Fhirdiad is awful. You had not been to the capital of Faerghus too frequently, it is painful to see so many lives ruined, buildings and homes demolished. The citizens are rebelling against the Imperial army, doing their best to help. Although the commoners are brave, you cannot help but feel grief-stricken when they are killed. The people are not trained fighters, however they feel so heart strong for their land and kingdom.
The battle against Cornelia is harrowing, under the tactical eye of Byleth and strong will of Dimitri, the Blue Lions are triumphant. Bells ring throughout the city proclaiming the victory. Citizens are jubilant, dancing in the streets. A celebratory feast is held in the castle.
You are in the infirmary, healing and patching up anyone that comes for treatment. Working long hours into the night, you collapse into an empty infirmary bed for a well-deserved rest. The morning comes quickly. Dedue arrives asking for assistance with Dimitri’s wounds. The serious injuries for soldiers have been addressed, ensuring that the soon to be King is healthy is the next item on the priority list.
“Thank you for coming to my aid.” Dimitri humbly addresses you as you enter his room. “I did not see you at the feast. I was told you were working with the other clerics, healing those that could be helped. I feel guilty asking for your assistance.”
“We need you to lead us.” You smile. “It makes no sense to let you become ill from infection.”
As you treat his wounds and bandage him, you tell him stories of his brave people. How they worked together to aid in the fighting, putting out fires to save buildings, pulling other citizens away from the battles, and how all of them support him.
Dimitri again lets his thoughts go back to when he was lost and out of control. You reassure him that the people have forgiven him. They cannot lead themselves, not yet anyway. Everyone can heal together. Rebuild the city, rebuild the people. Put people into place that are good rulers, good people to look up to and respect.
The conversation goes on, you did not realize that the two of you are talking for hours. It is quite late, he should probably be asleep.
“Come Dimitri, it is time for you to go to bed. Get dressed and I will tuck you in and tell you a story.” You grin at him. He holds you to your word. He calls to you after he is dressed in his nightclothes and under his covers.
You gently tuck him in and blow out all the candles but one. You tell him a fairy tale about a boy, magic beans, an evil goose, and a giant. Your hand is on the bed next to him. Gently he places his on top of yours before the story is done. You take his hand in both of yours, rubbing it warmly between yours as you tell him another story about silly animals that think they can sing and their adventures. When you know he is asleep, you take the candle with you as you leave.
The rest and recovery time in the capital is short lived as the army heads out to Derdriu to assist Claude, the city is under siege. Byleth leads the troops just in time to rescue them. The army turns south to head to Enbarr. One last attempt in negotiating for peace is held with Edelgard, however neither side would give in. Battle is the only way to finish the war.
The battle goes through the streets and heart of the city. So many dead, so much blood everywhere. Everyone gave their all. Edelgard refuses to stand down and her life ends. Dimitri, Byleth, and the rest of the army claim the final victory in the war.
You hound Dimitri for thirty minutes before Dedue steps in, helping remind him that he is injured from the battle and needs treatment. Taking him to a quiet and safe room inside the castle you cleanse his wounds, stitching what he would let you and healing him. You then force him to drink water.
“May I finally return to my duties?” He grumbles.
“Yes, now that I feel like you will not fall over in the middle of them.” You answer. Turning to Dedue you instruct him, “Do not let him stay up all night. He needs to try to eat and sleep.”
“As you wish.” Dedue nods as he follows his liege.
“Wait, you have not been healed as well. Sit and show me your wounds.” You direct him to a chair. Soon Dedue is allowed to follow Dimitri to the multiple destinations on the agenda for the evening.
You head to the temporary infirmary, healing and tending to all the injured, be they from your army or citizens of Enbarr.
Finally, the army leaves for Fhirdiad at the beginning of the Verdant Rain Moon. Everyone is happy to be in the cooler temperatures in the northern part of the continent. You settle in the castle, working in the infirmary, staying in the residence for the healers. In your spare time you volunteer healing the hurt and ailing citizens, working alongside them to help rebuild and recover.
Dimitri’s coronation is a grand affair and a healing event for the city. It is a celebration that proves things are well and that prosperity is just around the corner. You sneak out of the infirmary to watch Dimitri be crowned as King. The cheering of everyone brings tears to your eyes. Their hopes and dreams are now resting on his shoulders.
Finishing work, you arrive at the celebration long after the food has been served, someone had been kind enough to send trays of food to the infirmary and it was shared with the patients that remain there as well. Even the spirits of those still suffering injuries are high and in a celebratory mood.
You clean up, wearing clothing proper enough for a meeting with the king, not really fancy enough for a royal party, it is enough you think as you arrive at the festivities that are ongoing. Dancing, singing, drinking and toasts will most likely continue for the entire night. You look over the crowd, finding Dedue is not difficult, he towers over everyone. You wind your way through the other happy celebrants to stand by his side.
“Good evening, Dedue. Is everything going well?” You ask him.
Dedue leans toward you, whispering. “I am well. His Highness has been quite swept up in the events of the day and should move to retire soon.”
“I agree. It looks like he is being cornered by quite the crowd of potential dance partners, let me see if I can intervene.” You answer with the slightest bit of a grin.
Walking up to the King with an air of authority, you bow and wait for the opportunity to address him. Dimitri appears happily surprised at your presence.
“I am pleased to see you are able to join us. Is there anything I can do for you?” Dimitri smiles, but it appears to be a bit weary.
“My King, as your personal physician, I must remind you that your health is quite important and request that you retire. Your schedule is full of meetings tomorrow and will need your complete attention.” Your attitude and stance are such that nobody wishes to question your authority.
“My apologies, ladies. But I must leave the festivities for now, healers orders.” Dimitri smiles sincerely as the women surround him groan in disappointment and disburse, looking for another noble to taunt.
Escorting the King to Dedue, the three of you leave the venue, proceeding toward the King’s residential area of the castle. Once the three of you are far enough away, he stops.
“Thank you so much for rescuing me.” Dimitri gasps. “I felt like the last piece of meat at a butcher shop.”
“Living up to your name, Di-meat-tri.” You succumb to the terrible pun.
He laughs as you head to his quarters. You excuse yourself as you reach his door.
“No, please, come in.” Dimitri opens the door for both of you. He heads straight for a chair and holds his leg up for Dedue to pull his boots off.
“Ahhh!” Dimitri gasps. “My feet are killing me! I have been on them all day.”
Pain? He has pain?! We can’t have that. You procure a stool and sit at his feet. Grabbing a leg you place the king’s foot on your lap and massage it, noticing the slight swelling at his ankle from being on his feet all day. Using a bit of faith magic and expert fingers, Dimitri is content. You turn and take his other foot in hand for some healing and muscle manipulation. When you are finished, you look up to see one very asleep Dimitri.
Dedue smiles and you let yourself out the door as he takes Dimitri to his bedroom.
The castle calms down over the next few days, a comforting routine takes over. Dedue unexpectedly calls you to the King’s quarters, there was an accident in the training grounds when Dimitri was sparring with Felix. Dedue advises you of the situation and you bring the necessary tools to come to the King’s aid.
Entering his room, you find Dimitri seated by the window at his desk, looking over paperwork.
“My apologies for having to summon you. It is a trivial matter, however Dedue is concerned about infection.” Dimitri looks embarrassed. He is in his undershirt, his left shoulder and upper arm covered in dark streaks, debris, and blood. Imbedded under his skin are many long and deep splinters.
“This doesn’t look like it came from a weapon.” You observe.
“No, Felix knocked me over and I fell into the wall. I did not know the wood had weathered and well, here I am.” Dimitri says sheepishly.
“A steady hand and some antibiotics will take care of this.” You nod, unrolling the pack of sharp tools and tweezers.
Beginning with a bit of faith magic to numb the area, you take into hand a sharp scalpel, cutting along the length of some of the deeper splinters to make it easier to remove them. A tool in hand with a needle like point lifts the imbedded wood while the other hand manipulates the tweezers pulling at a large piece of wood. The easier pieces to remove are no problem as you place splinter after splinter on a piece of cloth on the table. Next it is time to work on some that are deeper in his flesh.
“Come on, nice and easy. You can do it. Mmmmmm” You softly say, coaxing the splinter from his shoulder. “Yessssss.” You mutter with satisfaction as it comes out in a single piece.
Laying the bloody wooden spike on the cloth you look up at the King, rubbing his forearm. Dimitri listens raptly to your chatter as you work. You are talking to splinters, but some of the words and how you say them are…sultry.
“How are you doing Dimitri? Need me to take a break?” You look into his blue eye that is staring at you, not paying any attention to his papers.
“I’m…I’m fine.” Dimitri stutters as he grabs a paper, holding it up to read, hiding his blush from the enticing words you are using to help coax out the splinters.
You nod, getting back to work. “You naughty thing, stabbing our King. Right there, yes, come out.” You beckon the splinters out as you dig them from his shoulder. Giving a happy sigh you place another large piece of wood onto the cloth.
“I’m going to tear apart the training grounds and find every splintery piece of wood and give them a piece of my mind.” You grumble as you go after a smaller splinter. Moving Dimitri’s shoulder and arm, you place his hand on your knee, giving the right flex to his arm to get to the next splinter.
Dimitri turns his head and coughs a few times. “Ahem.” He is quite embarrassed. He tries very hard not to think about his hand and where it is. Papers…supposed to be reading papers, right.
“Are you feeling okay?” You lean forward to rub circles on his back. “You’re not coming down with a cold, are you?” Your voice is terribly concerned.
“No.” Dimitri shakes his head trying to clear his thoughts. It’s hard to think while his back is being rubbed. “You can continue.” He holds the paper closer to his face so you cannot see the pink tint return to his cheeks.
You continue to verbally coax the splinters from his arm, occasionally giving a squeal when you successfully remove a piece without it breaking. Applying an antiseptic salve, you rub it into the wound.
“I don’t want to heal it quite yet. I’d like to check later and see if anything is left in there. I’ll bandage it for now and check before you change for bed.” You announce as you pick up his arm and place his hand on your shoulder.
“Hold it right there so I can bandage you.” You demand as you begin rolling the bandage around his arm several times to keep the salve on his wounds and prevent it from soiling his clothes. You sit down and slowly move your hands down the rest of his arm, lightly massaging it as you go. Massaging the center of his palm you are satisfied that you have removed them all.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, Dimitri?” You stand and slightly bow to him.
He clears his throat, “No, that is all.” He says in his normal deep voice. Then adds a soft, “Thank you.”
Later that evening you knock on Dimitri’s door, beckoned in you see both Dimitri and Dedue looking at the King’s already unwrapped arm.
Dedue stands behind his arm as you approach. Dimitri is seated in a chair pulled close to a large candelabra providing sufficient light. Dedue points out two areas that are redder than the rest, some deep hidden splinters as you had feared. Dimitri’s shoulder is a bit warm to the touch, another sign of an infection brewing. You hand Dedue your tools, there is no table nearby. Casting numbing faith magic, you take your scalpel and cut a small slit into one area that is bright red. Holding the flesh apart with the scalpel and edge of the tweezers you see a black bit that must be another splinter. Quickly you grasp the end with the tweezer and pull out an inch long piece of wood.
“That would have festered into a terrible mess. Let me flush it with some antiseptic.” You pour some liquid from the bottle onto the wound, wiping the excess with a cloth to not cause a mess.
The second irritated spot is more difficult to see. Changing the angle of Dimitri’s arm helps, you take his hand and place it around your right hip.
“Keep your arm there, Dimitri. Don’t move while I have this knife in hand.” You warn as you cut into another deep area where you’ve already removed some splinters.
Dimitri doesn’t move, he’s frozen to the spot. So close, his arm is wrapped partly around you and your hip.
You hand the scalpel to Dedue as you carefully pull with the tweezers. This splinter is not as long, but already showing signs of infection, a pocket of pus surrounding the bloody wood. Pouring antiseptic in again to flush it clean you dab the spot.
“I hope you don’t mind a couple stitches.” You announce to Dimitri as everything happens at once.
Felix slams the door open to the King’s chambers, asking the boar if he ever got the splinters out.
Dimitri panics as his arm is around a woman when Felix enters the room, thus he stands up, pulling his arm into you knocking you backwards. Dimitri and Dedue both lean forward to reach for your falling form at the same time, smacking their heads together, hard. Dedue stays on his feet. You fall onto your back onto the carpet, followed by Dimitri who falls crosswise across your chest grabbing his head and preventing it from hitting the ground.
Felix stands with his mouth agape as you ask him, “Did you get any splinters, Felix?” looking up at him from underneath Dimitri’s prone form.
“Tch. No. But you may want to check to see that he didn’t hit his head as well.” Felix grumbles as he backs out of the room, closing the door behind him.
After a moment you heartily laugh at the whole situation. Dimitri and Dedue join in as everyone scrambles to their feet. You make them take a seat as you feel the bumps on their heads. Healing their heads first then stitching and healing Dimitri’s arm you ask if there is anything else needed this evening.
“No, that will be all.” Dimitri says with a soft smile.
You smile widely back at him. “Thank you for letting me serve you, my King.” You bow and leave the room.
The next day you are up early in the training grounds with two carpenters and their wood planes, smoothing every visible piece of wood in the grounds. Returning to the infirmary you continue healing those injured in mishaps around the castle. A young page knocks on the door and hands you a note and a bouquet of flowers. You are invited to tea with Dimitri this afternoon. You advise the page you accept the invitation.
The infirmary workload is light today. Things are slowly settling down after the coronation. Visitors have left and reconstruction is not as desperate as before, thus less injuries. Leaving the infirmary you head to your room, changing into a nice dress and fixing your hair a bit. You are eager to find out what business the King wishes to speak with you about. Heading to his personal wing of the castle, you knock at his door.
Dedue answers, inviting you in. As you enter, Dedue exits, closing the door behind him. Dimitri is dressed casually, no coat or jacket, simply in his shirtsleeves. As you enter the room, he stands to greet you.
“Please, join me.” Dimitri smiles, holding out his hand as he sits at one end of the settee, a large table with a tea service and sweet treats piled high on a tray. You take a seat on the other end, Dimitri pours tea for you.
“I believe Bergamot is a tea you favor, is that correct?” He smiles as he gently and carefully hands you your cup and saucer.
“Yes. It’s my favorite.” You return the smile as you reach for the honey, letting some drip into your cup, leaving the tea on the table as the contents are still too warm to drink.
Dimitri clears his throat. “I suppose I should get straight to the point. I am sure you are wondering why, out of the blue, I have suddenly invited you to tea. Things have been quite busy with ending the war and then plans for the coronation and the coronation itself. Of course, things are always busy as one is trying to set up the government again after so many years of chaos. It seems like there is a never ending list of meetings and consultations and conferences. And I’m rambling, aren’t I?” He coughs into his hand and swallows, taking a deep breath.
You reach out and touch his hand that is sitting on the settee between you. “Dimitri, we have known each other for years. We have fought together in a war. I have seen you at your worst. I am so happy now seeing you at your best. You can tell me what is on your mind.” You smile at him warmly.
Dimitri relaxes a little and takes a deep breath. “Yes. We have known each other quite some time. You have been by my side, helping me and supporting our efforts. You were there when I was so terribly lost. I thank you for that very much. You believed in me when I needed it the most. Now…” He takes your hand, softly as he can between both of his, staring at you intently, his hands begin to tremble.
Time stops as you look at each other in silence. His voice is soft and low as he speaks, “Would you…would you allowmecourtyou?” He sighs heavily, searching your face desperately for your answer.
First you smile, then you nod, he still looks at you. Figuring he wants to hear your answer you lean forward a bit.
“Yes.” You gasp, bringing your other hand over his hands that still hold yours.
“Yes? Oh yes! Thank you.” He grins happily. If he were a puppy his tail would be wagging hard enough to knock everything off the table. He had been expecting a no, so the yes took a few seconds to register. His cheeks are red, his eye sparkles and he laughs a bit with glee. “I’m just so happy. I don’t know what to do with myself. I had been worried and fretting over your answer, I had no idea what to think if you actually said yes.”
“Well, right now we can sit and chat and have some tea. Perhaps you can tell me of some things that you would like me to do to help you. Your day is filled with doing everything for the country. Perhaps some time can be carved out for doing things for you.” You reach for your teacup, taking a sip.
“Going outside sounds amazing. I’ve been cooped up inside the castle every day. I want to get on a horse and ride. To no place in particular, just feel the wind on my face and sun on my back.” His look is far away with a relaxed smile.
“If it is a nice day, we can take tea together in the gardens. The King should have the ability to make time for a ride at least once a week, if it is a nice day. If they give you too much trouble, I’ll ask your clerics to write a note prescribing a required amount of sunshine for your health.” You smile then take another sip of tea.
The next few days both of you take tea in the gardens together. You are happily surprised when he identifies several different plants.
“My interest in plants came from Dedue. He is always gardening in his free time. I insisted that we include some flowering plants from Duscur in the gardens. I would love to see plants from all over Fodlan here, growing together, just like the country.” He holds out his hand so that you can take his. He is still too cautious of his strength to touch you on his own.
The Harvest Festival calls for the city to be decorated in oranges, reds, yellows, and gold. Many displays and booths line the streets to celebrate the great harvest now that the land is at peace. Dimitri invites you to the event and you arrive alongside him in the royal coach. The path before you is cleared by soldiers surrounding the king for his protection.
Dimitri graciously offers compliments and accolades to all that have worked so hard providing food for everyone. His eye goes wide at the size of some of the pumpkins entered in a competition to see who could grow the largest. Often the two of you stop to admire a street performer entertaining the crowd. One of the rear soldiers drops multiple gold coins into each of the receptacles of the performers.
Suddenly you hear a shriek followed by a wailing cry. You dash off into the crowd, your medical instincts taking over. At the base of a tree, you find a woman crying over her son. The rambunctious six year old had climbed the tree, much to his mother’s dismay, to have a look at the King as he walked past. Unfortunately, the boy did not know the branch he was standing on was weak, it broke sending the child tumbling to the ground. Mother and child are crying as you kneel next to him.
“What is your name, young sir?” You ask him calmly.
He stifles a few tears enough to answer. “Jakob.”
“May I see where you are hurt?” You smile a bit, holding out your hands.
He points to his arm, his wrist is already swelling. He tries to lift it and lets out a wail.
“Shhhh. Hold still.” You hold the arm and wrist in yours as faith magic works into his injury. You hold his arm straight and begin ordering anyone nearby to provide splints and bandages. Immobilizing and wrapping Jakob’s arm, you give instructions to his mother. As you stand, you notice Dimitri is at your side.
“King Dimitri, may I introduce you to my newest friend, Jakob. Jakob, this is King Dimitri.” You smile.
Jakob has the biggest smile across his face as he stands and bows before the king. “It is my pleasant honor to meet you King Dimitri.”
The King bows to Jakob, “It is my pleasure to meet you as well. I suggest you heed your mother’s warning when it comes to climbing trees.” He smiles as he ruffles the boy’s hair.
“Yes sir, King Dimitri sir!” Jacob stammers.
“Please bring him to the castle tomorrow morning so I can check his arm.” You tell his mother. She thanks you several times.
You return to walking along the street with the King, admiring the displays and visiting with the people. A street vendor hawking his booth loudly calls out your direction.
“Oi! Your Kingship! Have a try at me booth! Just one throw is all I ask!” The man’s voice calls out over the crowd as he stands juggling coconuts.
You bump your shoulder into his and giggle as Dimitri shakes his head and concedes. “What is it that you ask of me?”
The man bows so deeply his head nearly touches the ground. “Ahh, Your Kingship! So wonderful to be graced by your presence. I only ask that you throw one of these coconuts at the stack of milk bottles at the rear of my booth. Should you knock them all down, you win!” The showman raises his hand to the target with a practiced flourish then both hands in the air as a sign of victory.
“Go on.” You nudge him again. He looks so cute when he’s put on the spot.
“Very well.” King Dimitri takes one of the offered orbs, staring at it for a moment, then hurls it at the stack. Milk bottles fly in six different directions, most of them landing far from the booth as the target is destroyed, the coconut breaks open on the rear wall of the booth and falls to the ground, shattered.
“What an arm! Your Majesty! Congratulations!” The showman scampers over to a special box and removes a beautiful hand crafted stuffed blue lion in all its majesty. A collar around its neck proudly displays the shield of Blaiddyd. “Me wife crafted it herself, she did. She said if you see the King, you must gift it to him, she said.” He bows as he offers the regal stuffed beast.
King Dimitri bows and thanks him for the beautiful gift, handing it to a nearby soldier to monitor while he continues his stroll. At the end of the lane where the festival ends, the King gives one final wave, thanking his people for their faith and hard work.
Returning to the castle, Dimitri must attend meetings, leaving you to your own business. Taking the stuffed lion in hand you dash to the servant’s quarters, asking for a few specific items. You then head to the infirmary to notify them to find you when Jakob arrives tomorrow so that you may personally check on his wellbeing. You trust your replacements in the infirmary, you had chosen them yourself, however Jakob is a special patient.
Returning to your quarters, which now are close to the King’s own rooms, you find the requested items. With a bit of assistance, you complete the project and request it be delivered to Dimitri’s chambers.
Joining the King and the current guests in a large meeting room, representatives of the former Alliance region are here to discuss their budgets and new laws for the expanded Kingdom. There is a break for dinner followed by discussions continuing until late in the evening. The conversations finally wind down and you know that Dimitri is quite exhausted.
“I believe everyone has made great progress today. Let us all sleep on this and take this up again in the morning.” You announce.
Everyone in the room nods as you escort Dimitri to the exit. Walking down the hallway, your hand in his, Dimitri yawns not once, but twice from exhaustion. Dedue opens the door for the both of you. Following you inside the three of you sit and enjoy a cup of chamomile tea, a lovely habit you have incorporated to get him to wind down before bed. You must leave soon, his eyelids are getting heavy, you hope he sleeps well this night.
“Come with me.” You smile as you take his hand and lead him to his bedroom. Dimitri blushes and looks quite confused as you lead him inside the doorway. You point at his bed and then he notices the stuffed blue lion. It is adorned with a small crown, eyepatch and a cape that resembles his.
“It’s adorable!” he exclaims as he puts his hands on your cheeks and plants a sudden kiss on your lips.
“Come again?” you gasp, your eyes wide.
Dimitri stops and blushes in his sleepy stupor as you pull on his collar and place a brief sweet kiss to his lips. Dimitri’s cheeks are a bright red as you step back and bow.
“Good night, my sweet.” You tell him before leaving the room.
“The tea was lovely, thank you Dedue.” You announce as you leave the king’s quarters, walking normally. This is a normal pace? Right? Sure it is. You see yourself out the door. Running into your room you fall on your bed and scream into your pillow. He finally kissed me!
The next morning you stop Felix on his way to bang on the King’s door wishing to drag him out for a morning spar. You require his assistance in accompanying you on a trip to the harvest festival area. He complains the entire trip switching between arguing that he is wasting his time doing this and you must stay closer to him, any madman with a blade could try to attack you. Once your mission is complete you purchase three heavily spiced meat sticks for him to enjoy while you head back to the castle.
Upon your return you are delighted to meet with Jakob and his mother in the infirmary. Jakob chatters the entire time that he is bragging to all his friends that the King had messed up his hair and he is going to grow up to be a knight to protect King Dimitri. Changing his bandages, you are pleased with his healing progress, he can take the bandages off in two weeks as long as he behaves. Before they leave, you had a large basket to his mother, filled with fruits, smoked meats, bread, and cookies.
“Share the cookies with all of your friends and neighbors.” You remind him as you wave goodbye.
The visitors with the king leave after a final meeting, heading back to warmer territory as quickly as possible before the snows cover the land. Certainly, it is not today as the sun is warm and the weather is beautiful. You work on a few projects when there is a familiar knock at the door. Dedue has arrived to fetch you for lunch.
“It is so nice out, I thought Dimitri would want lunch in the gardens today.” You mention.
“His Highness said he prefers to have it in his chambers today.” Dedue answers. He opens the door so that you may enter, then closes it behind you as he remains outside of the room.
Dimitri is immediately on the other side, looking a bit flustered.
He reaches for you, ever so lightly placing his hands on your shoulders, his eye searching yours. “Tell me, I cannot remember if it was real or a dream. Did we k-kiss last night?” His face flushes red.
You nod as pink dusts your own cheeks. “Yes.”
“May I kiss you again?” He asks as he pulls you close. His voice is so deep, with your chest pressed against his, you’re not sure if it is the vibration of his words or the shudder of a thrill racing up your spine.
“Please.” You beg him, your hands sliding up his chest around his shoulders pulling him down to meet your lips. It is a bit awkward, slightly messy, and the best kiss you’ve had since the night before. You hold him tight to your chest as he slowly wraps his arms around you as lightly as possible, resting his cheek on your forehead after the kiss. You sigh happily into his chest.
You try to step back, however he has no intention of letting you go.
“We should eat a bit.” You suggest.
“I am hungry for your lips.” He mumbles into your hair.
“They are not very nutritious.” You tap him on his back.
“You would deny a starving man who has just had a small taste of the most delicious thing he has ever had in his life?” He chuckles.
“You are always negotiating. Would you agree to lunch then perhaps kisses for dessert?” You look up at him and grin.
“One now, then lunch.” Dimitri brings his lips to meet yours once again.
After the most hurried lunch you have ever eaten, you find yourself on Dimitri’s lap exchanging kisses.
A knock on the door alerts the both of you to Dedue’s presence. “Your highness, you have a meeting to attend.” He announces.
Dimitri sighs heavily, “The duties of a King are never done.” He bemoans.
You giggle as you clamber from his comfy lap. “Let me get a comb to make you more presentable.” You offer. After combing his hair and straightening his clothes, you send him off to be bored for the remainder of the afternoon.
Things are busy rebuilding the kingdom. There is always another emergency, an urgent need or any excuse for a meeting. He has been in meetings from early dawn, only returning now very late in the evening. He eats little, his head is pounding from the stress of the day. He hesitates to call you, however he has another meeting filled day tomorrow and must try to get some rest.
You ask Dedue to please prepare tea for the three of you this evening. Directing Dimitri to sit on the couch, you stand behind it and apply gentle faith magic to relieve some of the pain in his head and jaw from being so tense. You then place the footrest at the far end of the couch, coaxing him to lie back and place his head in your lap.
You ask for his right hand and massage the point just above the thumb where the index finger would be carried down. Applying pressure first, then rubbing circles with your thumb in each direction. Placing his hand on his chest you do the same with his left hand.
Next you squeeze the spot on each side where the bridge of his nose meets the bridge of his eyebrows. Applying steady pressure there, then releasing and repeating. Finally reaching around to the base of his skull in the parallel hollow areas between the two vertical neck muscles, you press upward to the top of his head briefly release and repeat.
Removing the hair tie from his hair you run your fingers through it, gently scratching his scalp. You watch his face visibly relax and a soft smile is on his lips as you continue to card through his hair.
“Better, sweetheart?” You softly coo.
“Mmmm, yes. Thank you.” He relaxes.
Dedue brings in the tea service, placing the cups and saucers for three at the table.
You tap Dimitri on the nose. “Diiiimmaaaa. Tea time!”
He sighs then sits up. “Whatever you did was amazing. My headache is gone and I think I should be able to sleep some tonight. Thank you.”
Dedue pours tea for everyone.
“Thank you again Dedue, for a wonderful tea.” Dimitri smiles.
“You’re welcome, your Highness.” Dedue answers.
You take a cookie, taking a bite. “Oh, did you make these Dedue?”
“Yes, I had the time this afternoon.” Dedue nods.
“They are delicious. Hmm, anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, pecans, ginger, clove, molasses. An amazing group of flavors mixed in with love. Thank you so much, Dedue.” Your appreciation shows in your smile and warmth toward the man.
Teatime is very much enjoyed. Dimitri looks like he is relaxed enough to go to sleep peacefully and without a headache. Dedue looks away so you can give Dimitri a sweet good night kiss.
Sunday is the lightest day of work for Dimitri. No meetings if there are no visitors in the castle. The weather is beginning to cool a little more every night. It won’t be long before snow covers everything. Dimitri wishes to take a long horseback ride and invites you to join him. You’ve never really learned the skills of being on a horse, Dimitri is more than excited to educate you. Lifting you up straight into the saddle, he climbs up behind you. Accompanied by a few knights on horseback everyone rides out past the city and into the countryside. His destination is a small area of woods that has a cliff overlooking some of the lands of Fhirdiad. Dimitri discussed the location with Dedue, this spot would provide some privacy, enemies could only approach from one side and the guards could stay far enough away, yet still protect their King.
Dimitri dismounts, lifting you from the saddle. He then unties a picnic basket from the back of the horse and tethers the steed to a tree. Spreading out the blanket you unload the basket to find a delicious lunch, complete with sweet tea.
“This is beautiful, sweetheart.” You smile at him as you place food on your plate. “A gorgeous view and beautiful scenery too.”
Dimitri blushes once he realizes the compliment. His mind then heads straight to places it should not go at such a lovely scene. “I am a beast. I have done horrible things. How can you trust yourself to be alone with me?”
Placing your food on your plate you reach out to cup his cheek. “I have seen you at your worst. I have seen you at your best. You are not a beast. You have come so far making amends for what was done and you will continue to improve. I will be here for you as long as you wish, to help you become the best you can be.”
“Why? Why would anyone want to help me? Some days I feel so useless, that I can’t be the King everyone expects me to be.” He is trembling under your touch.
“I help you because I love you. I know you are a great King, Dimitri. We all know.” You smile, using the thumb that is close by you wipe a tear from his eye.
“You…love me?” Dimitri is shocked.
You fold your hands into your lap and look at them. “I must not be doing a very good job of showing you that I do.”
“Wait! Please, take my hands.” Dimitri begs you. You reach out to hold his hands in yours.
You look into his eye, confused.
“I never thought I could be loved. You have always been there since we met, haven’t you? I have been a monster to you, yet you still came to feed me and heal me. When I had asked permission to court you, I thought you would decline. Every day I wake up and think you would reject me this day. I can’t believe you are still here, with me.”
Dimitri bends forward and pulls you close. Placing a sweet kiss on your lips. Your lips are barely touching his as he whispers. “I love you.”
The next few kisses are not as chaste as the previous one. Plates and food are scattered about the blanket as you hold each other close.
Dimitri’s stomach growls loudly, causing you both to laugh.
“I think we should finish our picnic before you begin digesting your internal organs.” You laugh.
“Can that happen?” Dimitri innocently asks with a look of surprise.
“No. Just joking!” You laugh.
“You are a cleric and an expert on those things. I suppose my sense of humor needs a bit of work.” He smiles sheepishly as he helps you straighten out the food. Finishing the picnic lunch, he packs the basket onto his mount.
“Wait. I need to get on this thing without your help.” You announce.
Placing your foot on the stirrup you attempt to hike yourself up onto the horse. Mentally you remind yourself you need to do a lot more squats. The third hopping jump you manage to jump/haul yourself up and stand with your left foot in the stirrup, you haul your right leg carefully over the horse and sit crookedly on the saddle, gently moving and wiggling yourself to center while trying not to upset the steed. Dimitri’s long legs are great for having the stirrup low, but then you had to overcome the length of your legs versus his. Maybe if you had a horse of your own it could be shorter. Maybe a pony? You suddenly notice a snickering man next to you.
“What?” You snap at Dimitri.
“Nothing.” He smiles at you, easily getting up and into the saddle as if he flew on wings.
You turn around to look at him again, he still has that silly grin on his face. “You look like the cat that ate the canary.” You frown.
“It is just that when you have your mind set on something, you can be very stubborn.” Dimitri whispers in your ear. “It is very endearing, my beloved.”
Those two words at the end send a shiver down your spine, followed by a second when he kisses the top of your ear peeking through your hair.
Winter in Fhirdiad is cold, nobody can deny that. Early winter the snow falls, then melts and this repeats as the weather has not quite made up its mind. By the end of Red Wolf Moon, the snow is here to stay for a while. Wagon wheels get stuck, so sleighs are used to cart things around in the northern parts of the kingdom until the snow is too high to move anything.
Although it is cold outside, with enough warm blankets, perhaps a warming box under the seat filled with live coals to keep your feet, legs, and posterior warm, you agree to go on a sleigh ride with Dimitri. Wearing your fluffiest warmest winter hat and coat, you are surrounded by blankets and your boyfriend as Dedue drives the horse drawn sleigh through the city and countryside. Dimitri entertains you with stories of snowball fights and building forts and snow houses with his friends.
Dedue even joins in, sharing his experiences growing up. With the water surrounding Duscur, the snow would be so deep that they had doors on the roof of the house so people could get outside and carry on business or shop or just leave the house to play. Winter is also a time for handcrafts, baking, soups and savory stews. Before the end of the ride, he promises to make a Roasted Root Stew for dinner in the next day or two.
The sun sets quickly in winter, the moonlight giving a bluish tint to the snow as it sparkles all around. The trees look like they have their own coats of white covering every branch. A rabbit scampers across your path, its fur turned snow white to help with camouflage. The most amazing thing about snow is the quiet. Not many birds stay around in the winter. Once it is night everyone goes inside as the little bit of warmth from the sun is gone. The only sound is the horse tromping through the snow and the swwishhhh sound of the sleds sliding across the snow. The quiet is peaceful, beautiful and filled with the air of calm.
The snow piles higher and higher around the castle. Time marches along as the citizens and lands rest, healing from the war. The King is healing as well. His nightmares are not nearly as frequent, he does not seem on edge and full of angst by the end of the day.
Dimitri’s birthday is tomorrow and a small celebration is planned. Several of the other Blue Lions will be attending, easily able to traverse the snow. Dedue is pouring chamomile tea as you review what has happened today.
“I was called to the kitchens again this morning,” You dribble some honey into your tea. “The cook’s new apprentice burnt her fingers again. That is the third time this week.” You frown.
“Perhaps you can provide her some training?” Dedue offers.
“I would like to sew gloves permanently on her hands!” You chuckle. “Perhaps we can set up something to develop her awareness.”
“The meetings were light today. Not too many complaints when people have difficulty making it through the snow.” Dimitri muses.
“Tomorrow is the big day, not everyone will have problems getting here tomorrow, I hope.” You smile taking a sip.
“Felix and Sylvain will have no trouble whatsoever. Mercedes and Annette will arrive with them.” Dimitri’s eye shines brightly as he goes through the list. “Ingrid will be on Pegasus, so no issues there. Of course, Ashe is a knight here, so the only concern would be Byleth’s arrival in time.”
“Am I spoiling you if I want to be the first to give you a birthday present?” you ask him just before he must go to bed.
“Sometimes, my beloved, I have noticed that you are not the most patient of women.” Dimitri grins. “I will allow this, only for you.”
You happily pull him to his bedroom door and open it so he can see it.
Normally the proud kingly lion sits in the center of his bed, awaiting his return. Tonight, he sits opposite a beautiful female lion. She is adorned with a circlet of flowers around the top of her head and ears, long ribbons down her back and a clerical cape like yours. The lions face each other, touching noses.
“They are adorable.” Dimitri smiles.
You bend down to the bed patting the lioness on the head. “Oh, what is this? I think she has a present for you.” You softly say as you get down on a knee to reach and obtain a box that is sitting between her front paws.
Dimitri comes closer to join you, only for you to stay on one knee and turn to face him with the box in your hands.
“Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, will you marry me and make me the happiest woman ever?” You ask, your eyes welling up with tears.
Dimitri gasps and falls to his knees in front of you. “What? Oh yes! Of course, yes!” He declares as he takes you in your arms and kisses your lips and face urgently. Eventually, the two of you have to break apart to breathe.
“You definitely have an impatient side to you.” He laughs, placing his forehead against yours.
“What? I have the patience of a saint.” You giggle. “Saint Cethleann was very impatient.”
“I suppose you are entitled to this.” Dimitri walks to his desk and opens a drawer. He brings a small box to you. “Just to be certain, will you marry me?”
“Let me think.” You chuckle. “Yes. Without hesitation.” Pulling him close you kiss him again.
The day of Dimitri’s birthday is a joyous event for everyone in the castle. Guests arrive and are settled in their rooms. Felix, Sylvain, Annette and Mercedes make it without incident.
“Come on Boar, spar with me. We have time before dinner.” Felix grunts as he shoves Dimitri in the shoulder
You have a cup of tea and cakes with Annette and Mercedes in your parlor, catching up on the latest gossip. You are relieved that they are wearing gloves, you have not had much experience in the high circles of society. It is cold in the hallways, and they certainly help.
“Teaching at the School of Sorcery full time really keeps me busy.” Annette says as she places her teacup down. “It is fun to see the wide eyed new faces get excited about casting their first spells.
“Annie, that is so sweet.” Mercedes laughs softly. “Things are going very well at the new orphanage we started in Fraldarius. We have a huge building and a room for each individual child. We really appreciate the help from Dimitri and Felix. The children are going to write thank you letters soon. I hope you get to see them.”
“That is wonderful to hear. I am sure Dimitri will be well pleased with the news.” You thank them. “Getting the country back on its feet and prospering is his main goal, of course. I hope to see some of these places myself when it warms up in the spring.”
“That would be awesome if you can come visit!” Annette gasps excitedly. “We could have the students show off their talents. Many are working hard to take existing spells and making them useful in every day life.”
“Can someone look into a spell to cast on ordinary items that resist breaking?” You giggle. “I know someone that would appreciate that spell for sure.”
The table erupts in laughter. Girl talk continues as Ingrid joins you. Byleth’s arrival is announced, and everyone heads to one of the comfortable dining rooms that is prepared for the lavish feast the cooks have prepared.
Dinner consumed, the reunited Blue Lions retire to the King’s wing of the castle in a parlor fitted with plenty of furniture to accommodate everyone comfortably. Chairs, lounges and couches are scattered about the room as well as bowls of fruit, trays of cheese and sausage for snacks. A well-stocked cupboard carries glasses, wines, ciders and hard alcohol.
Sylvain makes himself right at home pulling out a large bottle of brandy and filling a few glasses. Annette picks out a fruity wine made with blackberries and between the two everyone has a glass.
“May I propose a toast?” Byleth spoke up and everyone shushed. “Happy Birthday to Dimitri, King of United Faerghus. May he have many happy and peaceful birthdays to come.”
Sylvain let out a whoop, most others give a respectable cheers! Everyone settles into little groups chatting amongst themselves. You lean on the arm of a comfy sofa, talking with Byleth about what is going on in the monastery.
“The rebuilding and repairing is going well.” Byleth shares. “The classrooms are functional, and all of the dormitories are repaired. We are rewriting the curriculum to teach mathematics, reading, writing and other necessary classes for the public. We want it to be a school for the children to learn, leading into better careers than just becoming knights or fighters.”
“That is wonderful to hear!” You excitedly clap your hands together. “A well educated people is a boon for everyone.”
Dedue is on the left side of the room with Ashe and Mercedes discussing recipes. Ingrid, Felix, Dimitri and Sylvain are discussing some recent merchants that arrived in Fhirdiad offering impressive and finely made weapons from Dagda and Brigid, the styles of weapons being the main topic of conversation.
Mercedes sits next to you for a while, speaking with you and Byleth about a recent idea you are testing. Setting up healing clinics in the city in several areas to assist in keeping the people healthy. Byleth approves of the idea and may test some clinics in areas around Garreg Mach.
Sylvain has been keeping everyone’s glasses full. He notices that he really hasn’t had to fill your glass much, however the glass of water next to your wineglass is nearly empty. Leaning over the back of the couch he starts massaging your shoulders.
“Hey.” Sylvain bends over and speaks softly close to your ear. “If you don’t like the wine we have other drinks. Loosen up and have a good time, beautiful. Get relaxed. “He grins at you and then winks.
Before you can turn your head to tell him no, Dimitri marches over and sits next to you on the couch removing Sylvain’s hands.
“Refrain from manhandling my fiancée.” Dimitri growls at him. He then gently places his hand on top of yours that is sitting on the couch cushion between the both of you.
You blush at him as several gasps utter in the room.
“Fian- you’re getting married Dimitri? Congratulations!” Sylvain nearly shouts, slapping him on the shoulder. “Didn’t know you had it in you! When did this happen? Tell us all about it!” He runs around to the front of the couch to take a seat in the chair directly opposite Dimitri so he can watch his friend’s every move.
“I-well. It just happened. We aren’t quite ready to announce it, but then Sylvain…” Dimitri hangs his head down, shaking it while blushing profusely.
You decide to swoop in to save him. “You see Sylvain, when two people like each other and get to know each other well, spending time together, sometimes something special happens. We have been courting for quite a while you know.”
“I know, yeah. But he’s Dimitri! He has no idea how to flirt or capture ladies’ hearts. Has he even kissed you?” Sylvain looks quite shocked.
Dimitri’s face is red all the way to his neck. You take his hand in yours and squeeze it tightly.
“We have kissed. He kissed me first and everything else is our business. Change the subject.” You give him your evil eye look.
“Wow.” Sylvain laughs. “Wah-hah-how.” He stands up and walks to the alcohol cabinet. Felix gives him a punch in the shoulder.
“Shut the fuck up, idiot.” Felix mumbles.
“Felix, do me a favor.” You smile slyly. “Take Sylvain to the training grounds with you early tomorrow morning and give him a good workout. I’ll even tell them to lock you two in there so he can’t escape.”
“It would be my pleasure.” Felix gives a courteous bow and Sylvain a side eye.
“Speaking of sparring,” Byleth says loudly. “I have a few new swords I’ve brought if you want to have a look at them Dimitri. Fantastic workmanship. I hear this weapon maker has some amazing materials that are being shipped in from Dagda.”
You get up to move about the room, talking with Ingrid about improving farming techniques in their territory.
“We always thought Galatea had poor soil because certain fruits and vegetables would not grow well there.” Ingrid sips her wine. “We kept fighting with the land, trying to make it grow what we wanted. Finally, we’re growing what the land wants, what grows in our type of soil in the first place. This is the third year for cranberries and the bushes are loaded. Rethinking our ways has improved things a hundred fold.”
“I love cranberries.” Annette croons. “They make a really tart sauce that is great with bird meat.”
“I like the juice for breakfast, it certainly is an eye opener!” You add.
The conversation quietly moves to anything and everything except for the engagement. Annette heads over to speak with Felix, Ingrid heads to Ashe to discuss something.
Sylvain stands close, but not too close to you. His grin is full of mischief. You dread what is going to come out of his mouth.
“So, when you planning on having kids?” Sylvain not so innocently inquires. “The council has been dogging him about heirs since the day after his coronation.”
“One more word from you and I will have Felix take you to the training grounds now, followed by Byleth, Dedue, Ingrid, Ashe and myself. Am I making myself perfectly clear?” You give a smile through gritted teeth that makes him cringe down to his toes.
“Yes Ma’am.” Sylvain whines as he backs up and heads to the farthest side of the room, only to find Dimitri there, so he splits the difference and heads to a corner furthest away from the both of you.
Sylvain stays in his corner. Ashe approaches him, asking a question. As he opens his mouth you stare at him. Sylvain dutifully closes his mouth and only answers by nodding yes or no. His voice is not heard throughout the rest of the evening. It is a fine party indeed for Dimitri’s birthday.
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rehkkuma · 3 years
Hi! Hope you're fine! Can i request a one-shot with prompt #1 from the fluff list with Polnareff and a shy reader? Thks in advance 💞!
hii i'm doing good! and ofccc <3
"your hair... it's so soft" w/ polnareff
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words: 939.
disclaimers/tags: fem pronouns, descriptions of bloody wounds (not too graphic but a warning just in case), fluff!!
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"What's so different with Y/n? Did your overconfident ass just suddenly disappears once she's involved?"
Polnareff flailed his arms around in the air, making a "shh" noise at the 17 year old. "Oi, Jotaro! We're only like, 15 feet away from the cafe! If you say it so loudly, she's gonna hear!"
Jotaro rolled his eyes, huffing out smoke from his cigarette shortly after. "You're being overdramatic."
Polnareff began to turn red. "I just don't wanna ruin what I have with her, y'know?" he said, angrily taking a puff from his cigarette.
"She seems like she likes you. Have you seen the scared look she gives me whenever I call her name?"
The French man grunted. "Gahh, that's different, Jotaro. Anyone would be terrified of you."
Jotaro shrugged. "Give it a shot. You might not have another chance."
"Can't believe I'm listening to a stupid teenager," Polnareff mumbled, stomping on the remainder of his cigarette. "Alright, alright. I'll see how it goes."
* * *
As the day went by, Jotaro watched poor Polnareff attempt to woo you over, failing every single time. Jotaro-- being as observant as he was-- knew that you showed a clear attraction to the man. You weren't vocal about it, but anyone (excluding Polnareff) could notice your attraction to him. Polnareff was just a bit unfamiliar with pining for a quieter, shier person like you.
"Maybe women just don't like you," Kakyoin teased, looking straight at Polnareff.
"Well, Mr. Playboy over here told me he thinks she does! Didn't you, Jotaro?" Polnareff nudged his elbow at the 17 year old.
Jotaro sighed, mumbling his signature phrase afterwards. "She's expecting you to confess to her, not say corny lines. She's timid, so just be honest with your feelings once she returns from the bathroom."
"Ironic, coming from you." Polnareff crossed his arms. "What's taking her so long anyway? Avdol and Joseph are already back⎯⎯ the hell would she still be needing to do?"
Kakyoin put his hand to his mouth, letting out an awkward cough. "I don't think those kinds of comments are appropriate, Polnareff, especially when-"
You staggered out of the ladies' bathroom, holding your arm with your opposite hand. Your breathing was sporadic and you were scattered with cuts on your face. The stance to your walk was crooked⎯⎯ similar to a broken wind-up toy. While you made your way to the group, the crusaders looked at you with shock, wondering who could've done this to you.
"Y-Y/n!" Polnareff yelled, running over to help you stand. "Who did this?"
Immediately, the entire group summoned their stands and looked around to see any potential enemies.
"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. They ran away, probably won't be returning anytime soon, though," you huffed out. "This really hurts, God..."
Joseph deactivated Hermit Purple and ran up to you, putting a hand up against your cheek. "I don't think a first aid kit is gonna fix you up right now. We're gonna take you to the hospital, alright?"
You nodded. "A-Alright.."
Joseph smiled down at you before getting up to speak with the other crusaders. "By the looks of it, Y/n might only need to be in the hospital for a few days, max," he said. "We don't need everyone to come, so I'll take her alone. The rest of you, keep an eye out."
They all gave a thumbs-up, but you objected.
"Could... Polnareff come?" you asked, slightly slurring your words.
"I don't-" Joseph looked back at Polnareff who was blushing intensely from your suggestion. "Sure, sure."
You smiled and grabbed onto Polnareff, which helped you walk to the car. Joseph jumped into the front seat and started the engine. Before he could press on the gas, you looked out the window and waved at the other crusaders. Once they waved back, you sighed and leaned on the glass window of the car, feeling the car move after.
"Do you want to lean on me?" Polnareff suggested, slightly blushing. "The window's going to be uncomfortable."
You nervously fiddled your fingers and nodded. "Thank you," you murmured.
"Ah, it's no big deal!" Polnareff smiled.
You scooted a seat over and relaxed onto Polnareff's arm. His muscles were firm, but still soft enough to work as a pillow. Normally, you'd be more embarrassed to do these kinds of things, but you were exhausted from a stand fight that your mind loosened up.
You relaxed your body on him, then slightly directed your eyes up to Polnareff. Because the whole group was moving around all day, Polnareff's hair slowly started to fall from its usual style. Fringes of his hair began to cover his eyes and nose, causing him to blow it out of his face. You let out a giggle, catching Polnareff's attention.
"Is something funny?" the French man said, a slight grin on his face.
"No..." You smiled and put a finger up to his cheek before twirling a few strands of his hair with your finger. "Your hair... it's so soft. I think you look cute like this."
"H-Huh?" Polnareff stuttered.
You immediately put your hand away, realizing the bold move you'd just done. "Ah, sorry!"
"No, no. It's completely alright." He took your hand back and placed it against his cheek. "It's fine, I like it."
You smiled as your eyes stared into his. Polnareff's pupils began to dilute the more you looked at him, as did yours.
"You two good back there?" Joseph asked, looking at the rearview mirror.
"Everything's great, Mr. Joestar!" Polnareff yelped. "Everything's great. Right, Y/n?"
You calmly dug your fingers into Polnareff's hair and nodded. "Y-Yes! Everything's perfect."
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Editing my last ask - realizing two sentences started the same: Kagome is injured - "Can you walk?" "I'm bleeding."
AN: Takes place in early canon
It wasn’t every day Sesshoumaru found himself staring down at his brother’s wench laying in a bloodied heap at the bottom of a ditch.
After quickly assessing her with a cursory glance and inhale, he realised she was in fact not dead and very much alive judging by the glare she sent his way, face smeared with dirt.
He arched a brow.
How the tables turned. He could just leave the bratty young woman to die. She had nothing to do with him- and had practically been Inuyasha’s cheerleader during the day he’d cleaved Sesshoumaru’s arm off.
Fierce blue eyes narrowed, body shaking. She tried to rise, crumpled body unable to move from the inch deep murky waters and slick mud. Crimson slashed across her shoulder and stomach, marring her strange white and green garments.
Sesshoumaru’s pale lips curved, coldly amused by her struggles. Let her writhe in the dirt some more.
Let her feel a mere sliver of the humiliation he’d felt.
“If you’re j-just going to watch me die- get lost,” she rasped.
“Is that any way to speak to your possible saviour?” Sesshoumaru’s velvety baritone purred.
Kagome gave a weak laugh, wincing soon after, “hilarious,” she tried rolling onto her side, the action sluggish, progress slow.
Apathetic golden eyes bore down on the miko, vaguely curious as to how she’d met such a fate. “Perhaps I may be inclined to help, if…”
“I’m- hah- not going to do something stupid like snatch Tetusaiga from Inuyasha and give it to you,” Kagome quivered, pressing a palm to her stomach. Pale skin gained a ghostly pallor, once lovely black hair sodden with dirty water.
Sesshoumaru tilted his head to consider her loftily from his position, savouring every flinch as a means of petty revenge. It wasn’t like her agony could rival that of his phantom limb pain that he endured every damn night. “That is not it. I was merely going to suggest...begging goes a long way, miko.”
A brief look of horror crossed her features, before she snarled, forcibly rolling onto her side with renewed vigour and resting a hand on the steep incline, as though meaning to drag herself up alone. “As if I would! Y-you’re such an asshole!” she panted, groaning and making a valiant effort of dragging her body onto the grassy verge- but it proved too slippy, making her slide back down.
“Can you walk?” he asked pointedly.
“I’m bleeding,” she hissed. “Of course I can’t, s-smart ass. But I’ll drag myself if I have to,” Kagome panted with scratchy sounding breaths, gripping a fistful of wet grass and crawling on her belly. She gave a low, breathy groan.
Sesshoumaru’s insides stirred with heat. Intrigue shook to life. What a strange, strong little slip of woman. Naïve of course, but effort should be applauded no matter how in vain it all was.
His nostrils flared. Blood was soaking through her uniform onto Kagome’s hand where it cradled her stomach. If she continued, she would likely…
He sighed, stepping off the ledge easily. Silver hair drifted up behind him as he drifted down, landing beside her gently as though gravity was nothing, mud caking flawless black boots.
Kagome stiffened, warily frowning up at him. The blue of her eyes blazed so fierce and bright they could put many demonic gazes to shame.
“You cannot survive without aid,” he evenly informed her. “But I am not going to assist you out of the goodness of my heart- only a fool would do so,” Sesshoumaru leaned over her, covering the miko’s body in shadow like the overcast skies looming above.
“Beg me, miko.”
Kagome sneered, matted hair sticking to a cut cheek. Her breathing was becoming thin, and she likely understood the futility of her struggles, gaze flitting to the high verge. She hissed out a curse, looking at him with palpable hatred.
“Please,” she whispered.
“Hm? I did not quite catch that,” Sesshoumaru hummed.
“Please save me, Sesshoumaru!” she snapped, growling. “I’m a weak, pathetic mess who got separated from her group, mugged by bandits and left in a damn ditch to die!- There! Is that what you wanted to hear?”
A strong arm shot down, sliding around Kagome’s waist and ripping her from the sodden earth’s clutches, dirtying his hakimono. She groaned with pain but bore it well enough, shuddering as mokomoko wrapped around her, cradling the miko close and supporting her legs.
With a spring of bent knees, Sesshoumaru glided into the air. “That was not so very terrible, was it?” soft words caressed her ear.
Kagome weakly rested against him, fanning hot, laboured breaths against his neck. He repressed a shudder, a little disconcerted by his reaction.
“My hero,” she croaked, forehead pressing against his collarbone. It felt feverishly hot. For a long time, neither spoke. Fresh breezes fanned over them, drying the mud and encrusting it onto clothes and skin. Sesshoumaru figured she’d passed out from blood loss until she stirred. “F-for what it’s worth,” Kagome’s voice rasped- barely a whisper now, “I was kind of horrified the day your arm was cut off. We were defending ourselves- but it still didn’t sit right with me. I guess I’m sorry it had to happen.”
Saying such a thing was ridiculous. They were enemies. She and Inuyasha had merely fought against him as adversaries should. Wounds or battle scars were a natural consequence of fighting that every warrior accepted before they began a fight.
Nonetheless, his stinging, bruised ego that would likely never be repaired after suffering such a huge loss felt oddly quelled by her words. Appreciative.
Sesshoumaru said nothing, and when Kagome fell unconscious, he did little more than adjust voluminous furs around her broken body.
Kagome awoke hours later in Kaede’s hut, temples pounding, friends crowded around her, voicing their concerns- or chewing her out for getting separated from them in Inuyasha’s case.
“Still, it coulda been a lot worse,” he grunted, scratching his nose. “Luckily you were pretty much fine...dunno how you got here though,” thick brows pulled down.
“Fine?” she echoed, sitting up and automatically reaching for her wounds. “Fine? Inuyasha my stomach was practically cut open! And my shoulder was-”
Kagome’s hands stilled. Flawless smooth skin met shaking palms. Not one cut lay upon her body.
Her friend blinked, triangular ears pricking, sensing her distress. “The hell is it?”
“You were covered in mud, Kagome,” Shippo helpfully supplied. “But just passed out. We’re all glad you’re alright,” he shot a look at Inuyasha, who grumbled.
The miko was barely listening, fingers stroking over warm, pale skin. Her heartbeat drummed wildly, sweat perspiring along her brow.
She didn’t dare voice her confused thoughts aloud, visualising a certain sword resting by the haughty, cruel Daiyoukai’s hip.
Kagome teeth gnashed, lips pressing together. Tension slowly released from her body, but she quietly continued to reel for the rest of the day and long into the weeks after.
The truth of what had happened was only known to two- apparent in Sesshoumaru’s citrine eyes which caught and held her captive during their next encounter. It remained unspoken, but carefully, imperceptibly, Kagome gave the barest incline of her head in thanks.
Sesshoumaru’s lips barely quirked at the edges in response.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Yandere One-Shot: Yandere Queen Hippolyta
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You arrived on the Island of Themyscira when the cruise ship you here traveling on was hit in a sudden storm, which was kind of ironic considering you made a joke about how the dark cloud forming meant you all were about to face Poseidon's Wrath.
While the captain wrestled with the raging seas, you were helping the passengers get to the door that lead to the cabins. You were about to head in yourself when you noticed a young boy near the front of the ship; refusing to leave anyone, you pushed against the winds and grabbed the boy before heading back.
You were almost there with him when a large wave came over the edge of the ship - acting on pure instinct, you pushed the boy to the sailor who caught him...but the wave caught you before you could do anything.
The raging water sent you flying to the edge of the ship, making your back come in contract with the metal rails, sending pain from the center of your spine to your entire body before sweeping you over the rail and into the water that consumed you. Your life flashed before your eyes before the air was cut off and you began drifting away into nothingness, but not before a powerful voice spoke to you from an unknown depth.
"You are perfect to stand by her side."
And then, you knew no more.
You woke up on an unknown beach, trying to remember what happened but there seemed to be a gap in your memory. You tried to stand but the pain in your back made you fall back to the sand. You managed to turn over to where your face was in view of the sun - you laid there, trying to let your back heal on its own when the sound of horses neighing and hooves hitting the sandy beach.
You opened your eyes and came face to face with numerous women, all wearing golden armor and armed to the teeth - and all wearing very pissed-off expressions on their faces. You tried to speak up they just snatched you up and tied you up before placing you on one of the horses as if you were a bounty.
You were thrown into a cell - still bound as if you were a bounty. The ladies glared at you before leaving you, all except one; you assumed she was going to watch you.
You knew it wouldn't be wise to try to speak - they were already angered with you and it wouldn't be wise to anger them further; you were already in enough pain as it was. You sat in the middle of the cell with your legs crossed and your eyes closed - if anyone saw you, they would assume that you were in meditation.
After a while, the door opened again and several people walked in - leading them was an elegant woman with a crown, she must have been the queen.
"What is this?" The queen asked as her blue eyes glared into your surprisingly calm [Eye Color] eyes.
"My Queen, this is the outsider our scouts informed you about. We found them lazing upon our beach as if it was their own." The guard said as she glared at you.
"Open the cage." The Queen ordered, the guard followed the order and she walked into the cage with a lasso in her hand, "I am going to ask you some questions - Are you going to be truthful or will I have to force the truth from you?" The Queen asked.
"I have nothing to gain but an enemy if I lie. You have my word that I shall be honest with you, Your Grace." You said.
"We shall see about that." The Queen said as she tied the lasso around your neck before holding it with one hand - there was a golden glow before the queen spoke again. "What is your name?"
"My name is [Your Name], Your Grace." You answered.
"Truthful. Well, [Your Name], how did you get here?" She asked.
"I was on a cruise ship with some other people when a massive storm it. I was aiding the people to get the safety but there was a boy that strayed from the group and was alone. I went to help him, I managed to save him but the waves swept me off the ship and into the ocean. When I came to, I was on your beach." You answered.
"Truthful." She looked into your eyes, "You risked your own life for a boy's - what reason did you have?" She asked.
"He has a life." You answered.
"What do you mean 'he has a life'?" She asked.
"He was young, no more than 6 - he cried for his mother, it was clear he was afraid. I've lived longer than him, I wasn't gonna let him lose his life when he hasn't even experienced much yet." You answered with a calm sparkle in your eyes.
The Queen looked at you for a while before taking the lasso from around your neck, "It's clear that you are honest. You really had no intention of finding this place?" She asked.
"No, Your Grace - I have no idea where I am, and I can see your people are not fond of outsiders. I would leave at once if I could." You explained.
'What's stopping you?" The guard scoffed.
"The storm damaged my back - that's why I was laying on the beach where you found me. And, I don't have access to a ship." You explained.
"There are a few ships that are in need of repair near the beach where you were laying. Once your back heals, fix a ship and leave our island." The guard ground.
"If that will please you, I shall." You closed your eyes and bowed your head. The Queen looked at you for a while before leaving the cell - which was locked right behind her - and she left the area with her guards behind her. Her blue eyes seemed focused but her mind was in a fog - she can't stop thinking about what happened the previous night...
When she prayed to the Gods for the perfect partner to rule Themyscira alongside her.
'Could they...be the one the Gods sent to me?' She wondered.
After a week, your spine was healed enough for you to move and you asked the Queen to show you the ships the guard spoke of. You, The Queen, and a few Amazon Guards went to the ship graveyard and you found a fishing boat that was mostly intact but needed a new propeller, some holes in the hull patched up, and some look at the digital map; the other ships would have the parts, you just needed the tools.
It would be another week before you got the tools you wanted.
The Amazon Hunting Parties - Lead by the Amazon Artemis, named after the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt, came back with nothing one time and wasn't sure what she was going to do. You offered your aid and she laughed at you then you made her a deal.
"I am certain I can come back with meat before the shadows blank at the land - if I am able to do this, then I am to be given the tools I need to repair the boat." You offered. She laughed up you before giving you a bow and sending you on your way - there was no escape off the island so they didn't need to worry about you running away.
Just before the sun's light faded from the sky - You returned with 3 wild boars for their dinner. Artemis was both shocked and angry to be made a fool of. You gave her the meat and she gave you the tools, you removed yourself from the city with no food to continue repairs but Hippolyta followed you and left a basket of fruit, bread, meat, with a canteen of wine before leaving before you saw her.
The longer you stayed on the island, the more the locals accepted you. When you walked into the city to retrieve some things for the boat, the women would wave or smile: You became Artemis' Hunting Partner and Diana loved to spar with you. There were some times you ate with the Amazons in the meal hall or sometimes, Hippolyta would invite you to eat with her and Diana; she almost felt like you were all a family.
"So, how is progress with the boat, [Your Name]?" Diana asked you one night during dinner.
"Well, actually. I just have to wait for the automated systems to finish drying and set them and making sure the holes in the hull are patched, then I can be on my way." You smiled but...Hippolyta didn't look happy at the news.
"I thought you said would take at least 3 months to fix the boat." She said.
"It has been 3 months, Queen Hippolyta." You said as you looked in the queen's eyes.
"But...are you certain you need to go back?" Hippolyta asked.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Well, you've been here for so long and everyone already sees you as one of us. I mean - look at you - you're more like an Amazon." Hippolyta said as she gestured at the outfit you were wearing.
"Your Grace, I have been here too long. I have a life that I must return to and I am not one of you - I have no right to be here." You said.
The rest of the dinner was in silence.
After that dinner, strange things were happening around you: You would find new damages or flaws with the boat or the Amazons were acting more like family than before. You didn't like it.
One night, you were working non-stop on the boat and had just placed the propeller on when you heard footsteps, your turned to look and saw...
"Artemis? Diana?" The 2 Amazons stood there with saddened looks on their faces.
"We didn't want you to find out like this." Artemis said.
"Wait - you two have been the ones that have been damaging the boat and keeping me from leaving?" You questioned, the silence was enough to answer, "You are... Why would you do this?" You asked.
"It's you who wouldn't understand - you can't leave, you belong here - on Theymscira, ruling the Amazon with Mother." Diana said.
"I'm not an Amazon, I have no right to be here!" You tried to make them see reason.
"You may not be Amazon but you do belong here. It's been clear to all of us and we shall not let you leave our queen. The Gods brought you here because you are meant for Queen Hippolyta - you are the one she prayed for." Artemis said.
"What? NGH!!!" You clenched your head as a splitting pain shot through your mind, making you fall to your knees in pure agony.
"They are remembering something. Diana, get them before the pain fades!" Artemis said. They didn't have to worry about the pain fading because it knocked you out again.
[End of Part One]
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