#rp galen
sangfielle · 3 months
would you be mad at me if i made another roleplay blog for one of my mech pilots
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RP MC: I've never been out with you three before. Was that last bit supposed to happen?
Galen: What bit was that?
RP MC: The bit where the tavern was set on fire.
Sevastian: Not usually.
Lyris: Only when Galen is here.
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Lovestruck | Daily Rewards Puzzles | 81-87
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starcrossedkiller · 9 months
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Hope will never be destroyed, the apprentice thought. It’ll survive anything else you can throw at them…Indie Galen Marek
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(During Piama's route)
Galen: Did Lyris just tell me he loved me for the first time?
Piama: Yes
Galen: And did I just do finger guns back?
MC: Yes
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
The Child That You Just Didn't Have Time To Conceive || Galen & Vader
Plotted starter for @corruptedforce
The Executor was a cold and unforgiving ship. It was also the only home Starkiller knew. He had but the vaguest memories of Kashyyyk, where he had met Vader– where he had lost a caretaker, a father, and gained a master. He knew that Vader had killed his father in the vaguest, more theoretical of ways, for even his birth name evaded him nowadays. The trauma of that loss and the need to adapt to this new life had pushed his mind to forget about the things that would have surely made him grieve, leaving only what he needed to survive:
Vader saved him from being purged, and now his name was Starkiller.
Proxy was leading him down the halls. The few imperial officials they passed didn't quite dare look at him. After all, Starkiller didn't exist. He was Vader's secret project, nobody dared hold the boy's gaze for anything more than a furtive glance in fear that Vader would, somehow, find out they'd taken the time to actually look at him and decided that the detailed image of his face in their mind's eye meant they knew too much.
Everyone in The Executor knew what happened when someone knew too much. Starkiller had seen corpses be pulled out of his master's private chambers more times than it should take for people to take the hint: Vader was a figure veiled in mystery because he wanted to be.
Despite his young age, a mere 12 years of age, four of which had been spent under Vader's wing– or more like under his fist, Starkiller had been exposed to the dark side enough to feel a certain satisfaction at the fear people felt just by his mere presence. Not just because of the threat of Vader; after all, he was an apprentice in the making, a threat all on his own.
He behaved, though, because he'd only ever killed or injured someone when his master told him to. So he stuck to following Proxy, until they reached their destination.
"Master Vader," Starkiller greeted, getting down on one knee and vowing his head. "You wanted to see me?"
It wasn't a strange occurrence to be summoned by his master. However, it was strange to be summoned this early and without any kind of explanation– not that his master owed him one, Starkiller had learned better than to demand anything out of anyone here, and he had learned especially not to demand anything of Vader. There were consequences for everyone when it came to paying the price for stepping out of line, and he didn't want to face the same punishments that he'd watched some others receive. He was far too young to be force choked.
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Lady Iris Galen of Vesuvia
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Name: Iris Galen. Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her. Age: 35. Birthday: October 17th. Nationality: Vesuvian. Birthplace: Unknown. Current Residence: Center City, Vesuvia. Occupation: Magician Apprentice. Height: 5 ft. 5 in. Sexuality: Bisexual. Fandom: The Arcana (Mobile Game). FC: Felicia Day. (*Note: Because The Arcana is a visual novel game, Malon/Marin from the Legend of Zelda games will be Iris’ animated FC for Arcana muses.)
Brief Background: Iris is the only child of Romana and Ilian, a simple seamstress and a poet. However, when Romana died during childbirth, Ilian went back to his homeland, calling upon a shepredess to nurse his baby while he managed to find work as a carpetner. It was a peaceful existence in the village, but when Iris was about four, it was clear she had outerworldly gifts.
She could speak with spirits, sometimes even moving small objects on her own.
Ilian wanted her to receive training and thus began traveling with Iris in tow. Eventually, they made their way into the seaside kingdom of Vesuvia when Iris was eleven. He found work in the palace as a poet for Count Lucio, while still taking on small carpetry jobs out in the kingdom.
Ten years later, Ilian found a proper teacher for his daughter--a young but very gifted magician named Asra. In exchange for building them a new shop, Asra agreed to take Iris on as an apprentice. The two grew very close, and Ilian was fond of them as well. With Asra’s teachings, Iris’ skills in the arcane grew and so did her connection with the Arcana.
Sadly, Ilian caught a fever and despite best efforts of the palace doctors, he passed away. Iris moved in with Asra, the two of them living in a small loft above the magic shop. Iris loved her new home, but it was lonely as Asra often left on travels to mysterious lands, leaving her behind. Still, she grew very popular amongst Vesuvians for her fortune telling, only matched by her kind heart.
Personality: Compassionate; Optimistic; Hardworking; Witty; Altrustic; Idealistic; Curious. She is a hopeless romantic and cannot stand to see others hurt or in trouble.
Likes: Tarot Cards; Magic; Dancing; Crystals; Meditation; Lemonade; Pumpkin Bread; Daises; Garden walks; Stargazing; Crafting potions and charms.
Dislikes: Dishonesty; Whiskey and Bourbon; Cilantro; Being cold; Wet socks; Sunny side-up eggs; Cluttered messes; Being left behind or abandoned; Broken promises.
Random Headcanons: -The Arcana Iris identifies with is 0: The Fool. Her astrological sign is Libra. -Her favorite season is the Fall. She enjoys the longer nights, the cooler weather, the delicious foods, the festivals, etc. -Her D&D alignment would be Lawful Neutral.
[Other established verses below cut]
This is the default, modern-world verse that will be used with most modern-day muses and will be one of two main stories. One, Iris is a budding magician, searching for a way to regain her lost memories and to find her ‘master’ Asra, who has gone off on an unknown journey and has been missing for two years. Two, Iris is a performing artist with Rennassiance Faires around the world, selling fortunes during the day and selling protection charms during the day, and solving mysteries with ghosts and spirits at night.
Iris is a mutant with the ability to astral project and dream walk. Because of this, Iris is often able to tell a person’s hopes, dreams, fears by going into their psyche. Additionally, she can tell if a person is possessed, controlled, or cursed. She comes from a long line of mages, dating back centuries, but due to a recent accident that almost cost Iris her life, most of her knowledge and memories of magic has been lost, and thus, her magic is a big chaotic. Her kind heart sometimes leads her open to be maniuplated, which can result in her unintentionally working for the bad guy. Her code name is Arcana.
Iris is a Witch (Natural), who only practices her magic in order to help spirits move on into the afterlife and to assist hunters with protective charms and sigils. She tries not to advertise the fact she is a Witch, but she won’t sit by and let innocents get hurt.
With possible ties to Merlin in her bloodline, Iris honed her magicals talents and skills under Madame Xanadu (aka the Arthurian sorceress, Nimune). She communicates with the Major Arcana through a tarot deck that has been passed down for generations. (She is the reincarnation of Ganieda, Merlin’s sister, but possesses none of her past life’s memories) Iris channels her powers through the cards, can astral project, dream walk, and create illusions.
(Original series setting) Iris is a modern-day witch, with the specialized powers of astral projection and electricity manipulation. Asra is her Whitelighter, with whom she had a brief affair. She works in a mystery bookstore, owned by Nadia and Lucio Vesuvia. 
In the Enchanted Forest, Iris is an apprentice to a powerful magician named Asra. Her master was hired by a king to find out why his daughters went through so many dancing shoes even though there were no balls and they were always limping and in pain in the morning. However, thanks to a pompus knight making a deal with Rumple, Iris was separated from Asra when he was trapped in a magical realm. She spent years studying magic, trying to find a way to bring him back. She caught the ire of the Evil Queen when she helped Snow White to escape her grasp a few times. In the cursed Storybrooke, her name was now “Daisy”, and she worked as an art teacher at Henry’s school. Once the curse is broken and Iris regained her memories, she immediately started her search for Asra again, her skills now stronger and hopefully just enough to find her beloved master again.
(Legends-canon) Ris Gale is a Force-using “witch” from the planet Dathomir. How she left the home planet will be decided by the players. Ris is a bit more reserved than the typical Dathomirian witch, but she is still quick, agile, and talented with the Force, using songs referred to as “spells” to channel the Force. 
Iris Galen is an Irish witch attending Hogwarts, sorted into Hufflepuff. Her favorite class is Divination, with her weakest one being Potions. She has dear friends in all four houses and is known by her peers for just geninuely being such a nice person, which has gotten her some negative attention by bullies, but she doesn’t let them dissuade her. She longs to open her own tea shop after graduating.
The basic barista AU. Iris works as a barista at a tea and book shop called The Mystical Arcana, owned by Asra Alnazar. Her usual customers include an E.R. doctor named Julian, a fashionista influencer named Nadia with her assistant Portia, Nadia’s ex-husband and mayor’s son Lucio, and veternary assistant Muriel.
Typical college AU. Whether or not magic is a thing in this world is TBD. Either way, Iris is a college student, living on her own at the dorm building, working at the library coffee shop part-time for some spending money. She is initially studying for a business degree, at the insistent requests of her aunt, who wishes her to take over the family bookstore, but she’d rather be writing mystery stories.
[[NOTE: The following contains SPOILERS for the climax of the mobile game Arcana, do not read if you do not want to be spoiled. This continues on from the main verse background info posted above.]]
Six years after becoming Asra’s assistant, when the Plague ran rampant through Vesuvia, Iris could not stand by and do nothing. Asra wanted to flee, but instead, Iris signed on as an apprentice for the clinic, working with the palace doctors, searching for a cure for the red death. She was known for her kind heart with the patients, and she met the famed doctor Julian Devorak during this time.
Unfortunately, Iris caught the Plague herself...and died.
This caused both Julian and Asra to fall into a deep depression-- Julian bartered with the Hanged Man to get rid of his memories of having to bury Iris, but Asra went further. They bartered with the Arcana to get a new body and revive Iris at any cost.
...The cost ended up being her memories.
When Iris was revived, she awoke with no memory of her life prior to her death, unable to talk, or walk. Asra had to re-teach her everything. But still, she does not possess her memories. Her talents in the arcane still remain remarkable, and her connection with the Arcana still just as deep, but now, she gets dizzy spells and blinding migraines when she tries to remember her past too much. She still lives in the shop, still selling charms and potions, reading fortunes, tending the to shop as Asra still ventures out.
Little did she know how much her life was going to change one night when she receives two mysterious visitors at the shop...and a job proposal: Find out who murdered the late Count Lucio before the next Masquerade Ball.
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shadowsong26x · 8 months
things that occurred as i am pondering 'percussive maintenance':
...poor sam, stuck being the awkwardest fifth wheel in the universe for two thousand years lol.
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lemusegallery · 1 year
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"The Force is strong with you... now you must learn to harness it." (Vader to Starkiller)
The child was not certain at all on what his Master was saying. Maybe he does see someting in him after all, especially for he was able to snatch his lightsaber from his grip so easily. But that did not stop him from asking Vader.
"H-How am I supposed to do it?"
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ember-and-greyashe · 1 year
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Marine Meat Monday!
POV: You are a very horny tech priest who works with Space Marines every day, and you've just made a very inappropriate joke.
OCs don't get as much attention, likes, or reblogs as known characters, but the idea was too good to pass up! The tech priest in question is Teslak. Clockwise starting from the bottom, we have Arimnestos of the Angels Vermillion, who has very unfortunate Warp mutation; Reihdquiell "Quill", a Blood Raven librarian, who usually appreciates a good joke; Galen, a Black Dragon apothecary, who has known Teslak for far too long to be shocked by his behavior; and Sajas, who's made a few too many mistakes to return to his chapter. (Sajas is my character, the rest belong to friends from an RP server. I'll tag them later, when I know how they want to be identified.)
This piece took so freaking long to do...but I think it's one of my best. Thanks to my best friend, who suggested the color scheme and helped with the poses!
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narnianvalkyrieofberk · 9 months
New year, new me! ... Or at least continuing to try and build a me I like progressively more and more. Today's step? Starting to kill the part of me that fears being cringe by posting my @comicaurora self insert OCs even tho they're super self indulgent and occasionally lore-breaking (sometime because I misread/misremembered something from the lore page; sometimes because I use them in RPs and I like watching Erin lose his shit over something that makes no sense to him :P )
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One of my earlier ones. Metalcaste because y'know. Wanting to be a cool metal lady like Tess. Ended up making an AU of the og version because the og version leaves Zuurith immediately after being released from prison and ended up being @nogenderonlyvoid's self insert's bodyguard. I wrote a ficlet that involved Icarus turning down Shrike's offer to take them to breakfast their first full day outside of prison, but Icarus turned her down and left Zuurith all together instead. Of course eventually I started wondering what if she took Shrike up on her offer and that's when the second version happened.
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Can you tell I have a thing for wind-fire-lightning as a tri-element combo? :P
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Oh hey, this one cursed out Caliban to his face. And for once we didn't do a wind-fire-lighting combo! Progress! Expanding to new horizons! :P
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This one was a wind mage until I remembered that younger races don't do elemental magic. So she ended up obsessed with lacrima instead. Frequently mistaken for a freshman his entire time at the academy. Great way for me to vent my frustrations over how people responded to my baby face in college! May or may not have a starmetal dagger in their boot.
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I keep doing AUs of this one. OG version was "adopted" alongside Tess and had to hide her full-leopard form because Galen was scared of it. Then did a version where The Ruunasers only knew about the leopard form and kept her as a pet until Falst enters the mix. And more recent AU has been "Snowspot" running away from the Ruunasers shortly before Tess sparks and running into Falst and chilling with him. Ruunaser twins (Erin and @nogenderonlyvoid's oc) don't find Falst's shifter buddy is Snowspot until Petrichor
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Ah yes, nothing makes a possessed elemental magus trust you more than slapping a sealing cuff and ropes on him while he's passed out from fending off a primordial void dragon! In the Junior Champion's defense, they were badly injured from the battle and wanted to make sure the Void Dragon couldn't run away with his vessel while she trying to clean and bandage her wounds. Wrote a ficlet for this one that takes place shortly after he loses his status and his arm. Got to project my obsession with looking at the moon at night.
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Narni Chaosbringer who I definitely did not forget to add until after initially posting :P ^^"" God of "everything fun" or "everything chaotic and destructive" depending on if you ask them or Zuurith :P Has one (1) emissary who is also an elemental magus because I reeeaaaally wanted to fuck with Erin.
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luthriel-tinuviel · 2 years
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AU/Canon Divergence Friendly - RULES
Follow From: @eunoiaastralwings
Other RP Blogs: @quiet-flower-wonderlings | @illicit-unknown-shadows | @son-of-the-moon-and-sun | @tears-of-burden
Non-Tolkien: @shadow-hazehuntress | @spider-lily-droplets
Feel free to reach out – with an idea of your own
FICS/HEADCANONS: I’ve got you, Brother | I’ll Be Your Light (Lúthriel x @vanifinwe-feanorian) | How Ardently (Lúthriel x Erestor) | Sleeping Beauty AU (Lúthriel x Vanifinwë) | Lúthriel NSFW Alphabet
Artworks: Aestheic | Lúthriel x Erestor | Lú Animation artwork | Lúthriel x Vanifinwë | Lúthriel and Dior (twins) | Lúthriel x Erestor | Lú monochrome artwork | Poor Grandpa Thingol | Lúthriel | Sorry Ada. . . | Lú writing letters | Erestor x Lú | Lúthien & Lúthriel
NAME: Lúthriel Tinuviel
MEANING: lútha - to enchant, tinuviel - nightingale (named after her mother)
REASON: Her eyes are made to enchant according to her mother - her singing is as beautiful as her mother's according to her father.
NICKNAMES: Lú, princess, snowdrop
GENDER: Female
ORDER OF BIRTH: Born 12 minutes after her twin brother
HOUSE: House of Bëor, distaff descent from House of Thingol
HERITAGE: Heritage Mannish father, half-Elf/half-Maia mother
PARENTAGE: Beren and Luthien
SIBLINGS: Twin sister to Dior Eluchil
POWERS: Controls the forest and reading stars for incoming danger
SOCIAL CLASS: Wealthy, Princess, later loses her home. Eventual advisor to Elrond in Rivendell.
FACECLAIM: Bogdana Kadritskaya
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VISUAL AGE: Mid 20's (immortal)
BUILD: Lean, Lithe
EYE COLOR: hazel/green (right eye), blue (left eye) - heterochromia
HAIR COLOR: black - left down, sometimes ties the sides to keep hair away from her face.
HAIR STYLE: freely left down most of the time — sometimes ties the fronts to leave hair away from her face
SKIN: fair, slightly sensitive
HANDS: small, slim fingers, squoval nails
SCARS: a long hyperpigmented scar on her neck she gained when escaping the ruin of Doriath.
TYPES OF CLOTHES: mostly velvety light flowy hooded dresses - e.g one - dark in color like navy or dark purple
WHAT ARE THEIR FEET LIKE: boots or clean slippers, but does enjoy walking barefoot in the forest and grassy fields a lot - it's her way of connecting with nature.
MANNERISMS: Has a stubborn look with narrowed eyes when angry - also balls her fists until her nails are digging into her palms.
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LIKES: books, family, exploring the forest and stars, archery, singing, enjoys writing poetry, play fights (especially with Dior), lawfully good personalities, red wine.
DISLIKES: her eyes (sometimes), unmoral, immorality, arguments (with Dior especially - or another loved one).
FEARS: The inevitable losing of her family, losing control of her powers because of her strong emotions, orcs, oath-blinded Feanorians.
LITERATURE: Romance novels and poetry.
MOST PRIZED TREASURE: The half star necklace she shares with Dior.
FAVORTIE COLOR AND WHY: Green because symbolizes aspirations, resumption, and peace - also because it's the color of nature.
FAVORED EXPLETIVES: Oh my Stars! Eru give me patience!
HOBBIES: singing, poetry, reading, listening to the sounds of the forest - it's relaxing for her.
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD MEMORY: When she received the half-star necklace she can share with her twin or her any picnics she had with her family in Tol Galen.
LEAST FAVORITE CHILDHOOD MEMORY: Lú's least favorite memory when she dreamt of losing her family - but later when she was safely tucked in her father's arms, she realized she was safe with them and it made her happy - her emotions are linked her magic, so it caused flowers to bloom inside their home. It was also the first time everyone realized she was born with magic - but also a time Melian had realized Lú was born to be an immortal.
(Lú's first memory was from when she was a little elfling. She had woken up from a terrible nightmare - Beren instantly took her into his arms, while Lúthien attended Dior who had woken up from his twin's cries. She fell asleep on his chest and Beren had to hold her for the whole night - she was too afraid to let him go. The next morning everyone had woken up to see flowers blooming inside their home).
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PERSONAL TRIGGERS: reminders of the losses of her family - the ruin of Doriath, running into the forest barefoot hoping to save her nephews. Battle and blood.
ARE THEY OPTIMISTIC OR PESSIMISTIC: Optimistic in Tol Galen and before the ruin of Doriath. Pessimistic and in depression afterwards until she reaches Rivendell.
WHAT MAKES THEN LAUGH OUT LOUD: Anything hilariously stupid done by her friends or the twins before the ruin of Doriath. Afterwards she doesn't tend to laugh even if something seems funny a small smile is the most you get from her.
HOW DO THEY DISPLAY AFFECTION: Words of affirmation, acts of service - and physical touch (when a romantic relationship).
WEAKEST CHARACTER TRAIT: Stubbornness, jealousy (she already lost so many people in her life she easily gets jealous. But it is not toxic, she tries subtle ways to get her lover's attention back. Little puffing, shifting from one foot to the other; after some time even step closer to her beloved or link arms with them— this is when she feels a little insecure and starts comparing herself to the other person). Has Thingol’s temperament for sure (but denies it).
GREATEST FEAR: Losing yet another loved one.
IF THEY COULD CHANCE ONE THING ABOUT THEMSELVES, WHAT WOULD IT BE: Her eyes - she hates it at times some people think they are too strange and she grows to dislike them. Her family was the only ones loved them - she has yet to meet someone who loved her eyes like they did. Her powers - they are the one thing stopping her from sailing west and giving up her immortality , times when she feels alone and lost after the ruin of Doriath she wishes she didn't have these powers and can freely sail west.
Song: Dynasty by MIIA, Lovely by Billie Eilish, and Arcade (Loving You Is A Losing Game) by Duncan Laurence ft. Fletcher are songs that can describe Lú's life.
Smell: she prefers to wear perfume that smells like lilies and snowdrops.
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PARENTS (Beren and Lúthien):
Lúthriel and her parents have a great relationship. They both encourage her to take her powers to the fullest but also be careful how she wishes to use them. Luthien and Beren always gave a talk with Dior and her — considering their future and gifted them small necklace that can be connected together to make a whole star Lúthriel and Dior always had it with them and they never took it off — even after Dior's death she always keeps it as her most prized treasure. Beren would always tell Lúthriel to use her powers for good — and try to help those in need — like how Luthien saved him. Luthien would always encourage not her to be never dishearted because her parents and brother are mortal and tell her she was made to be immortal for a reason and she must fulfill it.
DIOR (Twin):
Dior and her are very close — they have each other's backs. She trusts him with almost anything. He's always the one protecting her if seome ever said anything bad about her 2 different colored eyes. She spend countless nights crying to him about it. She feared no one would ever love her because she's so different from others. He's actually the first she told and she thinks she's bi. Their relationship however strained a little — when the silmaril came into Dior's hands.
Since she's immortal because of her inherited powers — most of the time Dior and her, try not to argue and cause strain on their relationship. Instead encourage each other to the fullest.
She stays with her parents for a few years — then travels to Doriath to stay with him afterwards. She's really hates separating with anyone — especially family. But Beren, especially — tells her to stay with her twin because one day she will regret not having all the time spent with him. Both their parents know how much the twins mean to each other — so they rather them be together than separates. I like to describe Dior and Lúthriel as like two bright stars on each side (north and south) shining as much as the other — providing so much light.
Herself and Dior shares a special bond like that — and either of them can tell if the other is feeling upset or unwell. They can't hide anything from each other.
Lúthriel didn't know how to feel about her at first — but then she saw Nimloth was kind and loved Dior. So she wished them a bright future and was happy for her brother. She only wishes she can find a love like theirs too
She's a great aunt— always up to mischief with her nephews and niece. She's the type of a aunt that gives them goodies even if they are grounded — so you can imagine how much they love her. She always showed them her powers ,— little things like growing flowers or strengthening trees.
THINGOL (Grandfather):
Her relationship with Thingol is very strained because of the silmaril. From an young age Lúthriel could always tell the silmaril was bad news. She always could get a strong dark vibe from it. She never understood what good it brought. She had multiple arguments with Thingol as she grew up — but knowing he was still her grandfather matter what she still respected to him to an extend.
MELIAN (Grandmother):
She definitely closer with Melian. Melian understood her views — she was always the one that helped Lúthriel calm down after than argument with Thingol.
Erestor — Chief Councilor and Librarian of Imladris - former warrior in Eregion
MCU AU LOVE INTEREST: Loki — god of mischief and lies.
@vanifinwe-feanorian — 8th Fëanorian and Daughter of Fëanor
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Wielding her Magic:
She can wield magic — she can command the forest to her will and she can read into the pattern of the stars — to tell if any danger is incoming.
Melian and Luthien both tried helping her hone in her powers— but soon they and her learnt it was better if she was self-taught as her powers has almost a mind of its own — and she needed to harness them on it on her own. They were still on the sidelines encouraging and giving her advice. It's through their encouragement she developed.
However, there was a lot of mishaps along the way — Dior sometimes still tease her about it. - She almost hit Thingol in the head with a branch once and another time she accidentally hung her father downside on a tree.
During the time Dior was in possession of the silmaril - their relationship was strained and she did not spot the oncoming danger. She felt at fault for the death of her twin and sister-in-law, she hugged his lifeless body - crying her heart out. She connected their half necklaces one last time and set out to find her nephews - because her niece thankfully escaped - the pattern of the stars told her, Elured and Elurin was in greater danger. Due to the heartache of her twin brother's death - it was hard for her to locate her nephews - she was exhausted and tired. She crashed in woods and cried out to the forest to save them - in canon tradition among the Nandor of Ossiriand held that they were led to the safety of the woodlands by birds and beasts and thereby survived - for my oc this was caused by her powers - she knew they survived but never found them again.
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Welcome to the Kingdom of Deltia.
A Minecraft RP me and Little have done for the past 2ish years? (Maybe more? 3??). That was based on Deltora Quest (A book series Little read).  We used a combination of ideas form both, along with MCYT people... and it sort of just became it’s own thing. By this point it’s far from what it originally started as lol.
((Please ignore any spelling errors, I made D’s in English))
So, this kingdom it is split into 7 regions, 7 tribes, all together that make up the Kingdom itself.  Each Region has it’s own people, races, and culture. As well as a Gem that makes up the values of the people. 
Stars represent capitals. Dots represent places of interest.  Squares are important areas and/or homes. 
Auorus: Capital - Rimfell (The Captial of the Kingdom itself and home to the castle) Gem ~ Topaz Galene: Capital - Varken (Near the Caldron Lake) Gem ~ Ruby Eildos: Capital - Obsidian Palace Gem ~ Opal Zephyrim: Capital - Duskhaven Gem ~ Lapis  Tirus: Capital - Tiria Gem ~ Amythest Kebra: (Does not have a capital as the tribe is migration, has a Summer Home and Winter Home) Gem ~ Diamond Artirus: Capital - Blaze Mountain (Also has the Ice B. Village. Of where the Ice Bajins live, but consider Blaze Mountain to be the Capital) Gem ~ Emerald
If you guys want I can make a separate part on our lore and races and culture for each region. :D
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starcrossedkiller · 2 years
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Hope will never be destroyed, the apprentice thought. It'll survive anything else you can throw at them... Indie Galen Marek
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mutatiio · 1 year
Me for the url meme 👉👈 @mayxthexforce
send me your url and i'll tell you: / you've given me permission to gush and you are about to receive full consequences @mayxthexforce
my opinion on:
do i:
character in general: wHICH ONE???? i love all of your muses. i don't currently write with ALL of them but we got time. but you've literally taught me that some of your characters exist lmao. AND I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN WHO QUINLAN WAS WHEN YOU FIRST MENTIONED HIM. tcw did him so dirty. and i've become a galen defender. haven't played the games yet but my sister or my friends start talking shit about mr starkiller and i shut them up QUICK. your influence is vast.
how they play them: PERFECTLY. STUNNINGLY. BEAUTIFULLY. MY FAVOURITE EVER. you're literally my favourite obi-wan ever. our brains connected over that man and we're so powerful bc of it. i've yet to have someone see him the same way i do and it makes me so happy. and i'm so grateful i get to experience your version of him. and then MY PRECIOUS LITTLE PRINCE. maulkie. my babyboy,,, my angel,,,,, my little guy. look idk if i can say you play him well bc he's basically your oc and i don't get to decide whether you play your own oc well bUT WHATEVER. YOU DO. HE'S THE PERFECT LITTLE GUY AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. AND QUINLAN AND FERAL AND MY LOVE, MY LIFE, MISS KILINDI. and all of them,,, every muse you pick up is wonderful and you pour such love and care into every single one of them. i adore every character you write. i adore your writing.
the mun: I ADORE YOU ALSO. you're hilarious and kind and so fun to talk to. the vibe was so good like?? immediately???? and i love all of our plotting, disco rps and our banter. i'm just!! lucky to get to be your friend and am forever grateful to you for appearing in my dms.
what is my:
RP with them: looks at 90% of my drafts,,,,,,,,,,,,, never. not even once.
want to RP with them: clings to your leg. yes. for now and for forever. pls stop threatening to divorce me,,, pls don't take the blorbos,,,
overall opinion: stunning and perfect in every single way. a wealth of lore and amazing ideas and just such a good friend. combo that with a delicious selection of muses and you've got yourself a 100000/10 rating!!
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