#rp ;; thread
profchamomile · 1 month
Sudden Expedition to Area Zero
(a starter RP with @vigilant-guardian)
Chamomile landed in the green grass at the upper cliffs. They couldn't help but admire the view. It was beautiful...
They shook their head quickly to snap themselves back into the moment. They had no time for sight seeing. They gently patted the side of Miraidon's neck.
"Okay, Miraidon, can you detect any traces of an Iron Valiant, around here?" they asked, "I feel like it'd attract some unwanted if I called out to them, knowing how dangerous this place is..."
The Miraidon let out an electronic-sounding growl, before sniffing the ground for a few seconds. Once it lifted its head, it let out cheerful cry, then proceeded to carry Chamomile through Area Zero at top speeds.
Eventually, Miraidon slowed down, indicating that they were nearby.
"Vigilant...?" Chamomile called out, trying to refrain from being too loud, "It's me, Chamomile. Are you around here somewhere?"
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cakeinpants · 15 days
Pat would receive a call from Kyung, the foreign female’s voice greeted him once he picked up, her tone evident with enthusiasm.
“Hey, Patrick! I heard you’re going to be back on stage soon! Are you excited?” She yipped optimistically.
"Kyung! Hello." Pat lit up upon hearing his friend's voice.
"I'm definitely excited to get out of here and actually do something." He smiled. "It'll be so strange to work without Master here... But I'm glad I'll get to continue his art even if he has to retire." He said with determination.
"And how are things on your end? Are you doing okay?"
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iris-rules · 28 days
drayster mail!!
it had taken him a while to calm down. it had only happened just a few days ago, and the hateful messages he’d been receiving on top of it, it had gotten to be too much. so he’d made sure to take some time to compose himself before showing his face.
he wasn’t going to repeat the same mistake twice.
he simply just let himself in her room. hey, even if she locked it, wouldn’t mean anything.
arc. maybe he should’ve thought about what to say before showing up.
He was greeted with the sight of Iris’s Excadrill staring at him with narrowed eyes. It’s sitting on her bed practically holding Iris in its lap.
Iris looks a mess, hair tangled and undone. Eyes puffy and red, and eyebags slowly becoming visible.
Her voice is soft yet rough. From disuse and copious amounts of crying
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house-of-cyn · 22 days
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"If you do not mind my asking, but what in the world are you doing?"
SYS//: message_status = "Received" @enigmaincrimson
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"Whatever do you mean? Siiiiiiiip-" And that cup of liquid just missed her mouth entirely, simply pouring onto the floor in front of the drone.
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mycrappyrpsideblog · 27 days
It’s a regular busy night in the shopping districts of Alternia, Sandri is minding his business and keeping his head low when suddenly he catches sight of a familiar Goldblooded Fleet troll.
As he panics a bit wondering how he gat get out the situation it was too late, he saw the guy approaching already and the crowds too thick for even him to try and squeeze through.
Virgil was shockingly nimble for a big guy as he made his way through the crowd. The whole time, he kept apologizing if he bumped into someone and then would keep smiling and waving. If the fast approach wasn't an obvious enough sign he didn't plan to just walk off.
At least tonight, he was out of his fleet garb and instead in a simple t-shirt and jeans, making him a little less eye-catching. "Heyyyyy! Hey! It's good to see you again!"
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pinkhairandpokemon · 9 months
rp thread starter for @touya-san
“Come on Fwoofy! You can do it!”
“Blake, it’s been almost an hour,” Hop sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he watched his friend repeat words of encouragement to their Cosmog over and over. Beside him, Reshiram stood, eyes following his trainer with a dumbfounded expression plastered on his face. “You realize they can’t understand a word you say, right?”
“Yes they can!” Blake insisted with a pout, shooting him an annoyed glare over their shoulder.. “They’re still just… figuring it out! We’ll get it eventually.”
The Cosmog in question, however, was currently occupied with exploring in the tall grass, happily chittering to itself as it floated about and very much not trying to do whatever it was Blake wanted them to do.
“Uh huh,” Hop nodded, voice dropping with sarcasm. “Real hard worker over there.”
With a defeated groan, Blake ran a hand over their face as they rose to their feet. “Okay, yeah, this isn’t working.” Scooping Fwoofy back into their arms, they turned to face Hop. “Let’s try something else! There’s gotta be a way we can-”
A strange snort from Reshiram made everyone draw their attention towards the legendary dragon, and they all looked up to see him awkwardly scrunching his nose at nothing in particular. Raising a brow, Blake reached a hand out towards their Pokémon in concern as he squeezed his eyes shut and reared his head back. “Woah, buddy, you okay-?”
The sudden, booming sneeze from the feathery creature made everyone nearly jump out of their skin, and made Fwoofy quite literally go flying straight out of Blake’s arms. With a frightened squeal, the little sentient ball of clouds spun about in the air like a stray leaf, a blue glow encasing its tiny body.
“Woah, Fwoofy-!” Blake exclaimed, both them and Hop simultaneously moving to run after the Cosmog. Before they could even take two steps forward, though, a dazzling explosion burst forth from Fwoofy and swallowed their fields of vision.
Blake had hardly realized they’d been sent tumbling backwards by the blow, until they opened their eyes to find themself collapsed on the grass. With a groan, they placed a hand over their head as they sat up and looked around. Sparkling residue still lingered in the air from the blast, but by the looks of it no one seemed to have been hurt.
After stumbling back onto their feet, Blake moved to help pull Hop from the ground and pick Fwoofy back up. “Okay, that was weird,” Blake remarked, giving Fwoofy a look of worry when they noticed how exhausted it suddenly seemed. The Cosmog let out a weak little trill, deflating in its trainer’s arms like a balloon. “I’ve never seen them do THAT before…”
“Maybe Fwoofy just learned a new attack?” Hop suggested with a shrug, momentarily glancing over at Reshiram, who still seemed a bit disoriented himself.
“I-” Blake opened their mouth to reply, but stopped when they suddenly noticed Reshiram’s head jolting up from the corner of their eye. “Reshi? What’s up?” They asked, turning to see what had gotten the Legendary’s attention.
Reshiram let out a roar towards the sky, a particular sound Blake had come to recognize whenever he was calling for his counterpart. Thinking N had come to see what they were up to, Blake followed the dragon’s gaze, expecting to see the black silhouette of Zekrom approaching on the horizon- but instead they spotted… another Reshiram?
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drwafton · 1 month
Phoney approaches Afton's feet and looks straight up at him, their handset vibrating with a loud and sharp ringing
"Hey Aft-y, not hear to bug you or anythin', not today at least. You see, for some reason, I started ringing today and I checked the caller ID and it was for you! Now I know you're not the biggest fan of me and I'm only going to ask this once: Please pick me up before this drives me loony."
Phoney waited for Afton the pick the handset up, one of their eyes twitching the more the phone rang. How they we're able to receive calls when they weren't even plugged into the wall at anytime was a question best unthought.
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"Phone??? Wait what??!??-"
>>Afton eye's widened. He had many questions but it looks like it would have to wait. He frantically picked up the phone from the floor and answered
"Um hello? Dr. Afton speaking..."
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burnedwinter · 3 months
Long time no see
"Thank you for getting me out of there," Brock grunted, well aware that Lester had probably forgotten about him the moment he left his apartment for the last time almost 3 years ago.
He looked tired. Still as muscular and buff as he has always been, but 3 years on The Raft wasn't an easy walk in the park for him.
Brock never thought that the only thing he wanted was a good night of sleep without the need to keep one eye open because on The Raft everyone was out to get him. What do they say? Find the biggest and baddest guy, challenge him, and hope that you don't get killed. For many people Brock was that guy.
It took him 3 years to gather the connections and resources to flee and he had paid a high price for it. He sold his soul to a rising dictator who needed a leader for his growing army, but at least he was out.
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askjunpeiiori · 11 months
Edlegard gathered what she needed before heading to the new world.
Junpei walked over to her.
"Hey, what are you up to?"
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piers-official · 17 days
Private text correspondence:
Bede: Hello, Gym Leader Marnie,
There's a matter of some importance that I'd like to discuss with you. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience.
All the best, Gym Leader Bede.
Marnie: Hello, gym leader Bede :) Sure, I'd love to talk~ What's going on? Hope everything is alright.
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fireworksoverhell · 4 months
||Closed Thread with @samanthachan||
Charlie was stressed. With the Extermination drawing nearer and without any solid progress, she wasn't really sure what she was going to do. Every day felt like she was quickly running out of time and the anxiety kept building more and more. She needed to clear her head. Staying in the Hotel just made the thoughts worse.
A lot of the initial chaos at the news of the new time table had settled down, people returning to their routines, even as she could feel the tension still in the air. She just needed a break from overthinking or she was going to completely burn herself out.
And it was as she wandered without any specific destination that she found herself stumbling upon someone. Uh oh, they didn't seem to be in very good shape... She made her way over to them, keeping a little distance in case they decided to lash out. "Heeey, uhm.... Are you okay?"
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savior-of-humanity · 6 months
@hymns-across-the-stars -- continued from here!
Atreus was no stranger to being lost in a foreign realm, with little - if any - means of getting his bearings regarding just where exactly he was. It was something he was accustomed to, really, especially given how far he had traveled and how many sights he had seen in his journeys through the Nine Realms and beyond. It usually didn't take him long to adjust to a new situation, to learn how to navigate both geography and conversations with any local peoples that lived there. But the place he found himself in now was unlike anything he had ever seen in his entire life. In every direction that the Jotunn looked and traversed, Atreus was surrounded by a sprawling labyrinth of ancient, worn metal; expertly constructed, yet weathered from wind and time. Even beneath the plant life that seemed to grow from almost every single surface of the complex, he could tell that the architecture and craftsmanship was utterly alien to him. Not to mention, given just how far the tunnels and shafts that made up its depths went, no civilization he knew of could've made such a massive complex. And yet, there was no sign of any people living here...
...well, except for the creatures that called this maze home.
Many were just as alien as the labyrinth itself, though they held similarities to other creatures Atreus had seen before; multi-colored lizards the size of dogs, roving packs of spiders, enormous armored centipedes, and too many other little things to list off. He swore he saw a glimpse of what looked like some sort of enormous bird-like creature soaring above, but given the huge towers that reached up to the heavens and obscured the sky almost totally, it disappeared just as quickly as he'd spotted it. Survival wasn't too difficult, which was largely due to the relative abundance of both safe food and drinking water; but as the sun eventually began to approach the distant horizon, he knew he'd have to find shelter for the night. There was no telling what sort of nasty critters would come out in the dark, after all - but the abrupt noise of some distant commotion snapped Atreus out of his thoughts of finding a place to hunker down. Atreus paused and listened; normally, he'd avoid it entirely as it'd usually just be a scuffle between some big lizards, but there were no snapping jaws, guttural snarls, teeth digging into skin and flesh. What he could hear insisted solely of ghastly shrieks and what he could only describe as small explosions. Logic dictated that he should ignore it and keep looking for shelter while he still had daylight - but something about it urged him to go, to look. And look he would. It'd taken him a while given how long and winding the passages of the labyrinth's underbelly were, but eventually he'd crawl out of a vent overlooking a small ledge to spot the source of the once-distant battle. There were two creatures that were of immediate interest to Atreus; one was a huge, gaunt and avian-looking creature, much like the one he had spotted a glimpse of earlier in the day. Its hostile gaze was locked upon the other individual; a small red-furred creature resembling some strange cross between a mollusk and a cat. And, based on the way they not only held their body posture but also wielded a spear, Atreus immediately guessed that the little thing was not only intelligent, but also exhausted from a previous fight. He didn't hesitate to notch an arrow into the string of his bow, draw, and then send it flying straight at the tusked face of the bird-beast. In that moment, Atreus learned two things; the first was that the skull-like face of the "bird" was not a face but rather a mask. Through a stroke of luck, the arrow had hit at just the right angle to dislodge it from the creature's true face, sending it clattering to the overgrowth below. The second was that this also happened to piss it off. Severely.
He didn't wait for its response - already he had leapt from the ledge to the ground below, landing into a roll to minimize potential injury from the impact, before he jumped back to his feet and began to run like Hel to the closest semblance of safety. Which, coincidentally, happened to be in the general direction of the red-furred spear wielder. "GO!" He had no idea if they could understand him or if they could even speak, but he hoped that at the very least, the urgency and volume of his voice would spook the creature into fleeing as well. "RUN! RUN! I HAVE ITS ATTENTION!" He knew that because he could literally hear it coming after him with those huge beating wings. All he could really do was hope that he was faster than it was.
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 6 months
//Private message from Ange to Russet!
So... I can give you a definitive answer to that question you asked yesterday...
//Private message from Russet to Ange
Oh? Oh right! The call with your sister! How'd that go?
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davi-doo · 7 months
Durgetash - RP snippet #1
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Pairing: M/M, The Dark Urge (default Dragonborn) x Enver Gortash
Rating: Mature
Summary: At one point in their relationship, the Bhaalspawn's father given urge was revealed to Gortash.
Author's note: This writing came from a rp I shared with my friend. Consequently, it has no continuous narrative, as we took turn to write each character in our style. Durge's parts were written by me, and Gortash's by @mcfallen-god.
The Dark Urge:
As warm blood soaked his hand, and the body on his lap grows cold by the second, Durge watches as the human quakes, choking on his last breath. The Bhaalspawn hears himself whispers his father name, sowing the fear for the Lord of Murder in his victim's fading consciousness. Binding his soul to Bhaal's realm.
The kill must bring instant gratification to his dark urge, as it hums in his father's content silence. But sometimes is wrong. He heard the clang as his holy blade hit the cold ground, as he must have dropped it. And through his blurry vision, he recognized the face of the one in his arms.
Enver Gortash. His souless dark eyes was still staring at him in utter horror.
The dragonborn wakes up in cold sweat. His blood red eyes dash across the room in a familiar panic, as he tries to take in as much of his surrounds as quickly as possible.
This is not...his father's temple, with its high celling, ever echoing scream of the tortured souls. It's a regular bedroom, with creamy wall and embroidered curtains. The pale blue light from the large window tells him they still have a few hours before sunrise.
The ordinary only managed to calm his anxiety for so long. Turning aside and throwing away the cover, the Bhaalspawn discovered his bedmate buried beneath the heavy blanket. Enver Gortash. His warm skin radiates heat, snoring softly in his blissful slumber. Holding down an emotional choke, Durge shoots up from the bed and rushes to find his belongings. He must leave and seek penance. Lest their union, no, their grand design ends in the Banite's blood.
Enver Gortash:
He is delightful whenever he is lucky enough to fill his bed with the presence of his one and only.
To feel his sleep watched over like this, it allows the grand Lord of Baldur's Gate to abandon himself to the deepest and most restful slumber.
However, Enver Gortash remains a man with a light sleep, and the little changes of weight on the bed, of warmth under the blankets or from the slightest, unnatural sound in his surroundings, he would wake up.
Thus, as Durge sits up and starts to move around the room, may he be as silent as Death itself, Gortash just feels it. Growling, twitching, he moves to the side where the dragonborn was laying when they fell asleep. As he has the confirmation he is now alone between the expensive sheets, he sits up and looks with fully awake eyes at the pale silhouette.
The white scales glowing mystically under the gaze of the moon. If he was less concerned by the reason making the other man move so fast, so quietly, and so in the middle of the night… Gortash would have just admired him for a bit longer.
"What are you doing? Didn't we pass the 'leave before you wake up' stage?" He asks, teasy, his voice husky with sleep and his hair kind of messed up.
As he feels how serious the situation was - he never saw this expression on the Bhaalspawn's features - Goratsh stands up with a frown.
"Durge.. what is it? What happened?"
The Dark Urge:
The dragonborn only stops on his track for a second when he heard his lover's voice. Still determined to ignore him, Durge quickly went back to throwing on his coat. But as the same voice called his name, his sense of urgency rapidly turns into anger.
How could this ever cunning Banite allow himself to be so careless? How could he allow things between them escalated into this tangled mess? How could Durge let his touch be the rewards for defying his father's principles?
"Enver! Do you want to die?! Without accomplishing anything?!" The dragonborn lashed out "If you don't, we must end whatever this is. Right now!"
The Bhaalspawn visibly trembles with effort and labored breath after saying his bit. But despite his forceful words, he can't find the heart to hold the other's eyes. So he crooked his head and turned away, hoping Gortash will take offend with his notoriously terrible temper.
Enver Gortash:
Something is definitely off and this all looks bad.
With a firm, but still calm and careful move, the human stands and steps until he can put a hand and grabs on the other's arm.
"Hey. What happened." He asks again, less a question than a command now. "Is that … Your god?"
Gortash is far from being stupid. He knows their respective gods may appear in their dreams or whisper their commands through the night. He is also far from being naive enough and thinks that: one, Bhaal is unaware of his 'son's' situation, and two, the god is most certainly disapproving it.
No, what Gortash doesn't understand is that sudden anger, that needs to flee. Durge is not the type to flee. There is nothing that would make him run away…
A mission? He would have just said so.
Why acting like he wants to have Gortash mad?
The human mind goes full speed from one thought to another, trying to figure out.
If Bhaal had ordered to kill Gortash… Durge would have said it. He would not have run like this…
It is something bigger, scarier.
"…. Talk to me." Gortash frowns, with seriousness.
The Dark Urge:
Durge closes his eyes and grits his teeth. The voice in his head is intimidatingly silent. He can only imagine his father's watching eyes, waiting for him to define his faith.
So the Banite wants to talk. Durge let out an annoyed snicker. With the facade of pragmatism, he knows how the kind of them are always hunger for new knowledge. They will steal, bribe and kill for a piece of useful information; they must exploit all the resources to establish their control. All to gain power over their subject. Even Durge knows their alliance and partnership is no exception for The Black Hand's doctrines.
Brushing of those fingers off his arm, the dragonborn turns back and face those seeking eyes at last. Should he choose to gain the Banite knowledge of his innate condition, he must be ready to slay him to the change of the wind. But perhaps, that will be the end of his agony.
"I am my father's flesh. His bloody hand carved me from his carcass. My body is his to act on. I can't die unless it's his will." the dragonborn speaks with hushed voice but no less solemnly, looking down at the smaller human with a clear intention to intimidate.
"What do you think drives us killer's blade? Hatred? Anger? Pleasure? " He steps closer with each stabbing words, "No, it's will from the Murder Lord himself. We praise it, honor it. But we have no say over it...Not without facing His wrath anyways."
Somewhere in his grim expression, or the tension across his towering frame, Gortash can sense a faint stroke of remorse. But it passes as quickly as a breath, and the Bhaalspawn speaks again before he can protest:
"If my father wants you dead." The dragonborn put his claw over the human's beating heart, "There's no stopping me from killing you. Not my reason, nor your binding oath."
Enver Gortash:
He doesn't resist and lets go of the arm, stepping a step backward to let the dragonborn turn and look at him.
He lets him speak with the greatest and most serious interest.
Though, his expression soon shows how he starts to understand what it is all about.
His frown goes deeper and something in his body just goes steadier.
"…" He feels he has no turn to speak as Durge stressed his lineage, but it feels itchy to the human.
However, he frowns deeper, giving to his eyes - already dark in the dim light - the impression of a deep, gleaming black color.
He won't step back. He won't back off in front of Bhaal - because yes, he considers the one talking is more the god than the spawn. Though, his mind still gets ready to jump and grabs the dagger he keeps by his bedside table. Just in case.
Though, the proximity with that body he knows already way too well feels too familiar and that hand on bis chest, supposedly a thread, it feels more like a plea, an apology, and a confession.
Gortash looks with a tilted head into those eyes and beyond, then he sighs. Holding the dragonborn's hand over his chest, he speaks as much to the Bhaalspawn as to the god himself.
"I can figure out your god might feel threatened by an ally as I am, but standing under the command of another patron. However.." He stares straight through Durge now. "Your god might know I am way more useful alive than dead. As I know no one is able to do as I am. You need my influence and my power, for your goal, aren't you?" It sounds like Gortash is speaking to Bhaal, in case the god does listen.
"If a little filth and pleasure frighten Him so much.." He slides his fingers between Durge's. "He might have little faith in his own spawn and choices."
He kisses the palm.
"If he insists on having me dead, he will bring prejudice to himself first, I am just saying."
The Dark Urge:
Durges stares at his lover in disbelief. He can sense no hesitation, no fear for one's own survival. And the worst of all, no disappointment nor distrust.
And when those lips tickle his palm, he feels like there's a boulder crushing on his heart. This damned affliction that ever compels him to scratch open his chest - it only grows stronger by the days. For the longer he allows himself to gaze upon this mortal. And the more often the mortal smiles back.
"You're a cat, dancing on a too narrow fence. One day you will fall, and won't land on your feet. My blade will dive in your gut in the end, and you will curse all the days you have laid too close to death."
The dragonborn whispers, and Gortash can feel, and see his muscles relax. The hand that rejected him now seeks his face, gently caressing the scar on his chin in anticipation of a kiss.
Enver Gortash:
Gortash slides his own palm up to Durge's chest with that smile he ever only gave the dragonborn.
"I was made to dance on narrow fence, darling." He chuckles cheekily, indulging in the touch on his face.
"And even if in the end it's your blade that dives into my guts, I'll never curse the days that brought me so close to this Dark Urge." His hand move up, mirroring the Bhaalspawn's one, cupping the scaly jaw. After another moment looking into those glowing red eyes, he pulls and moves on to kiss the dragonborn. His gesture is gentle, soft, his palm caressing down Durge’s chin; yet those fingers are still holding on that jaw; demanding, possessive.
"You and I," he growls to the thin lips. "We are made to do great things." Ambition and arousal are sparkling in his eyes. Power always puts this look on his face, and they both know how Durge is the only one Gortash allows to stand beside him, rather than crushed beneath his feet.
"Now, what would you think, using that Dark Urge for something as good as killing, but far less definitive?" He whispers.
His both hands trace circles on the scaly chest, sliding up to lock the dragonborn in an embrace; he leans closer, to whisper into the other’s ear. “I could even let you be on top of me for once…” He nuzzles on the softest part of Durge’s skin; under his jaw, kissing it, biting it.
(To be continued)
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cakeinpants · 10 months
Another moment from the rp thread with @brassclaws-of-oddworld! I just had to make one with them dancing too x)
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house-of-cyn · 15 days
"These days, it is hard to find even a moment of peace." H to Cyn.
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"Agreement- Things seem to be getting more lively lately."
Cyn was merely playing with one of the little figures in Tessa's room, the human thankfully kind enough to allow her to relax outside of the watchful eyes of the others. The only rule that was asked was to 'Be sure not to accidentally break anything', so it was quite a simple law to follow!
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