#royal rain ghoul
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ashthewaterghoul · 4 months ago
You Gave Me Nothing Whatsoever But A Reason To Leave - A Dewdrop Ghoul One Shot
“If you would let us, we would like to restore your birthright and name, son.” Torrent said. He hadn’t called Dew his ‘son’ since months before his banishment. “You would supersede Eyre upon your father’s death.” Marina added. “I would follow you and your word, brother.” Eyre confirmed. Dew’s head spun and he spoke before he thought, “Fuck no.” The three gazes that had slowly been softening suddenly turned back to that familiar coldness again. “You dare speak to us like that?” Torrent snarled. Fuck it. Or, A really random one shot in which Dew goes back to Hell, and gets a lil catharsis while he's there.
Words: 3k
Rating: Gen
Tags: Dew gets to shout at people, angst and drama, bc Dew is a drama queen, banishments, dew is a runt, attempted nepotism, descriptions of dew's elemental transition, mentioned Ifrit, toxic family, dew needs a hug, mentioned royal!Rain, I'm struggling for tags here help.
A/n: The idea for royal!Rain comes from these posts X X by hypnoneghoul and this post by skele-bunny. Title take from 'Granite' by Sleep Token.
    Why did he get stuck with this? Him, of all people, sent on a fucking messenger mission back down to Hell. Who in the Clergy decided ‘Oh, yes. Dewdrop, he’ll do great!’ It wasn’t like his behaviour record was clean, he certainly wasn’t a good delegate and, most importantly, he hated his home dimension.
    The Clergy was in an odd limbo as Copia ascended to be Frater Imperator and they were waiting for the new guy to arrive, and what would usually be a message sent via Ritual conducted by the Papa could no longer be carried out. So, the Clergy decided to send a Ghoul. Instantly, everyone thought it would go to one of the more mature Ghouls like Aether or Mountain. But it got passed to Dew.
    So, here he stood, on a pentagram ready to get sent home. At least he would be coming back, his bond to the Ministry wouldn’t be broken. That didn’t make it any less terrifying though. Dew was going to be isolated from his pack for the first time since his forced Elemental transition. And he hated that fact. He wasn’t allowed to take anyone with him as they needed their hands up here, but Dew knew better than to try and tempt the Clergy to anger by now, despite knowing Copia would never let anything bad happen to him.
    He stood in the pentagram, Copia along with other Clergy started to chant to open the portal and Dew just willed his body to not to wet himself. He truly was that scared. The magic started tingling along his skin as his soul was forced back down. He knew better than to fight the magic as well, and gave into it.
    It took a while to pop out on the other side, and Dew knew why. His first destination was one that he never wanted to return to and those meant to accept the summoning certainly didn’t want to see him either. When he emerged, he landed in a heap to no fanfare or welcome. His sort-of-fame from the Ghost project meant nothing down here. And especially here.
(Read below the cut or on ao3)
    “Dewdrop Aquariunt.” A voice he hoped to never hear again sneered, “They sent you then.”
    “I think you’ll find it’s Dewdrop Ignisriunt now.” He said, dusting himself off as he stood.
    “You act like that makes any real difference.” She commented.
    “Better than being a Homaestus.” Dew returned.
    The Ghoulette that comprised of his welcoming committee growled, “And you wonder why mother and father disowned you.”
    “They disowned me because I’m a runt. But who got summoned? Me, the embarrassment who was kicked from the family line or you, their dutiful and mindless servant?” Dew asked.
    She went to raise her claws but Dew cut in, “Ah-ah-ah!” He grabbed the bespelled Grucifix rosary around his neck and lifted it, “I’m under Ministry protection. You can’t hurt me without hurting our parents’ precious position in society.”
    She bared her fangs instead.
    “I’ve seen much scarier things than you since you left me, Eyrie-Fairy.” Like Sister Imperator naked that one time. Dew, the Fire Ghoul, still manages to shiver about it to this day.
    “Don’t call me that.” She sneered, walking off to lead Dew to more faces he didn’t want to see again.
    “Why? Reminds of a time you actually liked me?” Dew said as he followed.
    “Satanas, you are insufferable.” Eyre muttered.
    “Aww, Aether says the same thing.” Dew cooed.
    She grunted again before the two fell into silence as they walked along.
    Once upon a time, they had indeed been siblings, and happy at that. But as Dew grew, or rather didn’t grow, it became obvious that he was, in fact, a runt. Runts were a sign of weakness to the family line that Dew’s parents couldn’t dare show. They were the leaders of their pod of Water Ghouls, and held prominent positions for the race of Water Ghouls in general. When Dew was the ripe age of 8 and his gills still hadn’t opened, his parents disowned him. They removed any bond he had with his family and pod and named him Aquariunt, the Water Ghoul last name that showed shame. It was mostly given for a disownment, or sometimes for kits left orphaned and their line wasn’t known. It meant ‘Water’s Spawn’, showing that the Ghoul was not part of their birth line anymore. Now Dew was a Fire Ghoul, he was technically Ignisriunt, Fire’s Spawn, but in his mind, anything was better than his birth line of Homaestus. He wouldn’t dream of ever wanting to be that, ever again.
    He could get all his quips out with his former sister, but he knew it would be short lived. As soon as he was faced with his parents, he was sure he was going to fold in half with how much his shoulders would hunch in. It may have been years ago, but the words they said on that dreadful night still hurt. Dew had expected, had hoped they would just say the words for the Ritual and leave him. But they had said much more and much worse. He had a lot of physical scars by this point, but that emotional one was always one of the worst.
    Dew started seeing some more familiar sights of his old pod’s base camp, and the main tent he once called home. The scents of his parents grew stronger as he walked closer and closer, and Dew mentally pledged to claw out the eyes of whoever arranged this. He would have to go visit other leaders, other Elements, but being made to do this was just cruel.
    His once-sibling pulled the curtain to the main tent back and cleared her throat, “Torrent and Marina Homaestus, Chief and Chiefess of this pod.”
    Dew was expected to bow even when he was their son. Of course, he was expected to bow even lower now.
    “I present Dewdrop Ignisriunt of the Unholy Church Of Satanas.” Eyre finished, herself bowing to her parents before taking her place at their sides as she was the next Chiefess. As Dew was older, he would have been the next Chief if he wasn’t kicked out.
    “Dewdrop.” Torrent sneered, permitting Dew to rise up from his bow.
    “Chief.” Dew said, keeping his eyes downcast. He couldn’t call him ‘father’ anymore and wasn’t allowed to look him in the eye.
    “Ignisriunt, is it now?” Marina added.
    “It is indeed, Chiefess.” Dew confirmed.
    She chuffed a laugh and shook her head, “Still weak then.”
    Dew didn’t dare give her an answer. If anything, the fact that he was a runt and survived his brutal transformation attested more to his strength than weakness.
    “So, the Ministry sent you? Let’s get this done with.” Torrent said.
    Dew fished through his bag for the scrolls that Copia had sent with him. He would have to read them out to his sire and dam because Water Ghouls, even ones as prominent as the Homaestus line, couldn’t read or write. Water and paper don’t exactly mix, after all. Dew had learnt how to read after his summoning from Mountain and Aether, who’s Elements thrived on knowledge and making sure it was preserved for generations to come.
    As Dew read through the documents, he made sure his voice stayed strong and he focused on not messing up a single word. He was a creature of spite, probably why he survived being abandoned at just 7-years-old, and he would never want to add more fuel to the fire of hate his birth line had for him.
    The Chiefess stood at one point and started walking around Dewdrop and inspecting him, for lack of a better word. To be fair, he couldn’t blame her. Elemental transitions are unheard of and especially one as brutal as Water to Fire.
    She sat back down, and the Chief and Chiefess spoke their responses for the Clergy. It was rather routine for the leaders at this point. It was a formality that all the tribe leaders of any Element did to keep the relations with the humans. While rarely used, there are ways for Ghouls to forbid passage to Earth and for the humans to lose safe passage for their servants. It would then turn to brutal and painful summonings that the Ghouls may not even survive, or at least become very injured.
    It was also a way for the Ghouls below to register their interest in being summoned. It was never a guarantee, Dew himself never chose to be summoned, but it allowed the Clergy to pinpoint willing souls who would give into the summoning easier, and submit quicker to their new Master.
    Dew finished writing their responses, in English rather than Ghoulish so that the Clergy could read them, and left the notebook open so that the ink could dry.
    “The Clergy thanks the most powerful Chief Torrent and Chiefess Marina Homaestus for their time and cooperation.” It was a formality drilled into Dew, but the words felt like ash in his mouth.
    Dew kept his head bowed, waiting to be dismissed.
    “You’ve done well, Dewdrop.” Torrent said cooly.
    Did Dew’s ears just stop working? There is no way he just heard that…
    “S- sir?” Dew said, still bowed.
    “Look at me, Dewdrop.” Torrent asked. While Dew wasn’t supposed to look at him since been shunned, he couldn’t exactly deny the Chief.
    Dew had never forgotten that icy stare of his sire. It always managed to bore holes into him and make him feel even smaller than he already was.
    “You have done remarkably, given your unfortunate circumstance.” He went on.
    Dew wanted to say something about how part of that “circumstance” was his fault but bit his tongue.
    “Thank you, sir.” Dew mumbled, forced to meet his sire’s eyes but wanting to rip his own away so bad.
    “What exactly did they do to you to make you into a Fire Ghoul?” Marina asked, curiosity alight in her equally piercing gaze.
    “I- I wasn’t given a choice. One of my mates, Ifrit, he was the Fire Ghoul. There was a lot that happened in the Ministry, within the Clergy, and he was killed.” Dew had to take a deep breath so he didn’t cry at the memory, “The Clergy don’t like summoning Fire Ghouls because it’s too difficult and expensive, but Water Ghouls are easily replaced. So, they took me in my sleep, and I couldn’t fight back. They made a serum from Ifrit’s blood, forced me onto a pentagram, injected me in my gills and started chanting. Then I burned.”
    That was the easiest way to put it because Dew did burn, and he had the scars to prove it.
    “What changed? Physically. What did ‘burning’ entail?” Torrent questioned.
    Dew didn’t like talking about this part especially. It took him months to describe the sheer and utter torture to Aether, let alone anyone else. But Dew couldn’t deny the Chief. He’d never been able to go toe-to-toe with him.
    “My gills melted shut, both sets.” One hand pulled the neck of his Ministry uniform to show the burn-scars there, the other gestured to his clothed ribs where matching ones lay, “All my scales, webbing and fins burned off. My hair changed colour, my horns fogged up, one crumbled off. My hands darkened, I run a lot warmer now, and one of my eyes turned red.” He tapped his face, where the skin around the socket was slightly smoky, dusted by charcoal like his hands. His blue eye was surrounded by small scars from where his scales burned out.
    “It felt like the worst pain imaginable. I thought I was going to die; I wished for it. I kept passing out from pain and exhaustion and when I was awake, I was in agony. Twitching and writhing because I couldn’t flail around anymore. Breathing felt impossible, my throat had burned out and I couldn’t scream, my tail was fixed around my stomach. Just, everything was terrible. I was locked in a cell; I was deprived of water even to drink for a few weeks so that they could make sure the Fire took to me. Locked away from my mates, and another one was taken and killed in that time too. Their name was Zephyr. Terzo was killed as well, with his brothers and Mountain and Aether refused to leave my bedside after they found me. I was in a coma for weeks after that. But I survived.”
    “Fascinating.” Marina whispered. For the first time in Dew’s life, she looked at him with something that was almost pride.
    “Before and after, you were in the Clergy’s project, weren’t you?” Torrent asked.
    “Yes, sir. Still am.” Dew said, confused as he was pretty sure that no one down here had heard of Ghost.
    “We have heard stories from Ghouls returned to Hell. One called Alpha, another called Omega. The half-breed Delta visits a nearby pod sometimes with the Ghoulette Mist. One called Pebble also brings tales.” Marina said.
    Dew’s eyes widened at the names of his old friends. After sometime while he was asleep, following Ifrit and Terzo’s murder, the retired Ghouls had fled back to Hell save meeting the same fate. No one knew if they had survived as, usually, a Papa would oversee the portal opening and closing.
    “Th- they’re here? They made it?” Dew asked incredulously.
    “Indeed. Mist is very interesting to speak with.” Eyre said, silent up until now.
    Dew could definitely agree with that.
    “They tell stories of how beloved you were as a Water Ghoul. We know that His word had only spread more with this project, so I assume that love for you with it?” Mariana said.
    Dew smirked slightly, knowing he often sent fans a bit more than feral.
    “All things considered,” Torrent said, “we aren’t sure we properly estimated you, Dewdrop.”
    “Excuse me, sir?” Dew said.
    “This isn’t said easily, but we do believe we made a mistake by shunning you.” The Chief said.
    Dew’s eyes widened again, but this time in confusion.
    “You have proved to be strong and invaluable.” Mariana said.
    “If you would let us, we would like to restore your birthright and name, son.” Torrent said.
    He hadn’t called Dew his ‘son’ since months before his banishment.
    “You would supersede Eyre upon your father’s death.” Marina added.
    “I would follow you and your word, brother.” Eyre confirmed.
    Dew’s head spun and he spoke before he thought, “Fuck no.”
    The three gazes that had slowly been softening suddenly turned back to that familiar coldness again.
    “You dare speak to us like that?” Torrent snarled.
    Fuck it.
    “You dare to leave a kit to fend for himself? Hoping that some creature will kill him so you don’t have to?” Dew scoffed, “A Fire Ghoul? Leading a Water clan? That’s ridiculous, no one would follow me. Just because I’m traumatised by what I’ve been through makes you think I’m the son you always wanted doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven you. What you said, what you did to me hurt. Remind me, my dam and sire, what were your last words to me before you left me for dead?”
    The two stayed silent, their upper lips pealed back to bare their fangs.
    “Do you not remember? Because I do. I hear it every night in my nightmares. You shall henceforth be known as ‘Aquariunt’ and you shall know a fraction of the humiliation you brought on us. I would kill you myself if it wouldn’t bring me more shame than your presence already has, so you shall die a slow and painful death instead. An atonement for the mortal sin that is your meagre and wretched existence.”
    “What else do you do with the runt of the litter?” Marina spat.
    “Love me? Like it or not, you’re still the ones that made me. I’m your son.”
    “How could we love something so absurdly horrific?” Eyre sneered.
    “Do you want a list of those who have?” Dew raised his hand and counted across his fingers, “Terzo, Copia, Aether, Mountain, Ifrit, Zephyr, Omega, Alpha, Mist, Ivy, Pebble, Delta, Rain, Swiss, Cirrus, Cumulus, Aurora, Sunshine and Phantom.”
    “Fools then. The lot of them.” Torrent remarked.
    Dew knew they would change their tunes quickly. His parents didn’t have any sort of emotion other than their lust for power and status. They had heard stories, and when Dew had confirmed those stories, seen he had a skill that they didn’t – even one as basic as reading and writing – they saw an opportunity for some good old-fashioned nepotism and couldn’t resist. But as soon as Dew, the horrific little creature he was, rightly pointed out the gaping flaws in their logic and realised that they couldn’t puppet him, they went back to their tirade of tyranny against him.
    He knew something else that would make them change tunes as well though.
    “Even Rain? He’s a fool? Does that name not ring a bell?” Dew smiled.
    The realisation on his former family’s faces made him fail to stifle a giggle.
    “Rain is a fair and just Prince, but I’m sure he wouldn’t take too kindly to being called a fool by the two who have caused me, one of his mates, so much pain. Just as I’m sure he wouldn’t like his other mates, friends and his Papa being called fools too.” Dew said.
    It was often surprisingly forgettable that Rain was a Prince. Each Element had their own revered and respected Royal family, and Rain was part of the one for Water Ghouls. Rain never acted like you would expect for his station, and maybe that was because he was 3rd in line and likely to never inherit his mother’s throne, especially after Rain’s older siblings have had their own kits, but he was just like any other Ghoul. Other than the fact he had a lot more security around the Abbey and while on tour.
    “You wouldn’t dare.” Mariana muttered.
    “I get asked that question a lot. Most often the answer is I would indeed.” Dew said.
    He revelled in watching them squirm.
    “Anyway, for the Ministry, this has been a most productive visit. For me, quite cathartic, yes, buy otherwise entirely unpleasant.” Dew said, clapping his hands together, “Chief Torrent, Chiefess Marina, Heiress Eyre.” He bowed and showed himself out. And he flipped the three of them off on the way out, to visit the next pod of Water Ghouls.
    Maybe this trip wasn’t the worst idea after all…
irdk what this is but... thanks for reading :D
One shot master list can be found here
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 1 year ago
*meanwhile in the den* Phantom: ...all odd numbers have an "e" in them Rain: Phantom, it's 3am Phantom: ..... Phantom: t-h-r-e-e Swiss: f-i-v-e Phantom: s-e-v-e-n Swiss: o-n-e Dew: GO TO S-L-E-E-P BEFORE YOU GET B-E-A-T
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thehypnone · 6 months ago
We need to be fed more royal rain🤤
you probably wanted porn but you're getting a lore ramble instead, sorry not sorry :3
I think rain was super obnoxious about who he was when he was first summoned. like literally a spoiled brat just going oh and ah at everything and being just generally horrible to be around
I think dewdrops elemental transition changed it
rain's summoning was supposed to be for a fire ghoul but they got him instead and because of his status the clergy was scared to send him back or change his element so they took dew instead
rain scoffed at it when he found out and was genuinely hated by everyone at that point. and I mean like bad, I think mountain once nearly killed him in a fit of anger and protectiveness over dew
but when rain heard dew's screams, when he saw him all burned and just destroyed in the infirmary later, his personality completely shifted. it took a lot of tears and apologizing and making up for how huge of a bitch he was but the whole pack accepted and forgave him of course
he rarely mentions his royal blood to anyone and doesn't use it as a leverage anymore (unless it would benefit his pack, he'll do anything for them now). he still has a huge charm and that vibe about him and everything and he'll use it for his advantage sometimes, but nothing really important, if that makes sense? like think rain making someone take his chores or him trying to lure someone into his bed with his big eyes, yk. that old attitude of his shines through and influences his stage persona a lot, too
and of course one can't ever fully get rid of their whole personality and so there are moments where it kinda...takes over and rain gets pulled back into being a huge ass spoiled annoying bitch basically. he'll cry and beg for forgiveness after
his royal status doesn't matter to him much anymore as the family he's found topside made him realize that is what matters, not fancy stuff and the throne of a circle of hell. he was always unlikely to sit it, anyway, as he's the second in line and they're demons so his older sibling wouldn't just. die randomly so he could ascend
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skele-bunny · 3 months ago
Ten Minutes. (No CW) Rain/Mountain/Swiss
CW - None.
Tags: Restraints, vibrators, teasing, orgasm denial, edging, transmasc Rain (cunt/tdick)
(No beta, we die like men. A tiny request prompt from discord! Banner by @/wrathofrats.)
"i need swiss and mountain tied to chairs while rain is doing everything he can to make them pounce on him."
Tumblr media
"C'mon, baby. This shit ain't right!"
Rain giggled, staying on his knees and occasionally swapping the bullet vibrator to their cocks standing hard and proud. The water ghoul laid his head on Mountain's lap as he targeted Swiss' dick again, purring and seeing the multi squirm and buck into it. It was a simple bet. Rain knew his mates, knew them well enough, but it seemed like they didn't know themselves that well, either. A bet that they couldn't contain themselves for a simple five minutes without trying to break from restraints.
"Hah! I'll bet you a whole weeks worth a pay I can go for a whole ten minutes." Swiss had said.
"Fuck, fuck! You fucking!- Augh!" That same ego from before quickly left the moment they started; He keened, his panting getting harder and each whine getting higher in tone.
His talons curled in, Swiss' eyes rolling back as he was close to cumming, only for the bullet to be removed and be left on the edge. The multi sobbed, yanking against the rope that help his arms and torso to the chair he was sitting on, ankles kept close just as much. He watched with wet eyes as Rain got up, turning the vibe off and sauntering to their bed, sitting down all royal-like and smirking.
Rain's legs parted to show his dripping cunt, bringing that same vibrator down to his t-dick and turning it back on. The moment it made contact, Mountain jolted hard enough his chair nearly tipped forwards — drool slowly going down the edge of his mouth, straining just as hard as Swiss was to his own restrains.
Through half lidded eyes, Rain looked at the timer on his phone still going, smile wide as it finally went past ten minutes.
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thepaperqueendom · 1 year ago
I said I was going to start posting Nameless Ghoul headcanons, so here goes nothing, please bear with me.
Swiss humps everyone, but he also loves everyone. Contrary to popular belief, he isn't just looking to get off, he honestly thinks of himself as a ghoul who has three girlfriends and four boyfriends, although he has a particular soft spot for Phantom. He's basically just a big puppy. And all the others find it impossible to not love this weirdo back.
Aurora reads human magazines by the dozen, so she knows about all these human actors and royals and pop stars and talks about them incessantly, because she firmly believes her obsessions should be everyone's obsessions.
Rain's a chronic daydreamer. He's got a lot of that far-away, looking-into-the-distance thing going on, and you have to tell him everything at least twice. The others make fun of him for it.
Mountain can cry on command.
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pippin-katz · 1 year ago
I need a cast audiobook of RWRB. If no one else, then at least Taylor and Nick reading Alex and Henry. I need it in my life.
And in ACD fashion, here’s a few lists of lines/conversations from the book that I am desperate to hear them say. I want to hear them read all of the lines, but these are the ones that pop out to me!
Post Writing Note: These turned out to be way longer than I thought they were going to be 😭😂
Alex Lines:
Oh yeah, that was a wild night. Two whole keynote speakers. Nothing sexier than shrimp cocktails and an hour and a half of speeches on carbon emissions. - page 5
'Archnemesis' implies he's actually a rival to me on any level and not, you know, a stuck-up product of inbreeding who probably jerks off to photos of himself. - page 7
Jesus Christ, it’s like they can see into your soul. Cornbread knows my sins, Henry. Cornbread knows what I have done, and he is here to make me atone. - page 77
I always thought you’d kill me in a more personal way. Silk pillow over my face, slow and gentle suffocation. Just you and me. Sensual. - page 80
Shut up, shut all the way up, oh my God. - page 131
For fuck's sake, man, you just had my dick in your mouth, you can kiss me good-night. - page 145
What in the rich-white-people-sex-dungeon hell? - page 149
Bisexuality is truly a rich and complex tapestry. - page 194
Listen: I'll fly to London right now and pull you out of whatever pointless meeting you're in and make you admit how much you love it when I call you "baby". I'll take you apart with my teeth, sweetheart. - page 204
You don't get to sit up here and pretend like it's someone else's problem. None of us do. - page 209
i want to see a cage match between your grandmother and this fucking ghoul running against my mom. - page 221
I do think I got a gut feeling with you, I just didn't have what I needed in my head to understand it. But I kind of kept chasing it anyway, like I was just going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. I guess that makes you the North Star? - page 244
Henry! Your Royal fucking Highness! - page 269
Really nice. Fuckin' ghost me for a week, make me stand in the rain like a brown John Cusack, and now you won't even talk to me. I'm really just having a great time here. I can see why y'all had to marry your fucking cousins. - page 270
I fucking love you, okay? Fuck, I swear. You don't make it fucking easy. But I'm in love with you. - page 271
I'll leave, as soon as you tell me to leave. - page 275
Okay, I'm into making history. - page 280
I completely fucking love you. - page 291
I'm there for whatever you decide you want to do, just, like, let me know if I need to start practicing gazing wistfully out the window, waiting for my love to return from the war. - page 296
AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES Note: just the entire list, I need it, but I'll point out some of the best ones anyway lol
9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you've always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. - page 303
16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. - page 303
20. The fact that you loved me all along. - page 303
God, I want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn't it? All that time. I'm so sorry. - page 303
Listen, I'm telling you right now, I will physically fight your grandmother myself if I have to, okay? And, like, she's old. I know I can take her. - page 312
You and me and history, remember? We're just gonna fucking fight. Because you're it, okay? I'm never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you. - page 312
Sería una mentira, porque no sería él. (It would be a lie, because it wouldn't be him.) - page 317
but i've kissed your mouth, that corner, that place it goes, so many times now. i've memorized it. topography on the map of you, a world i'm still charting. i know it. i added it to the key. here: inches to miles. i can multiply it out, read your latitude and longitude. recite your coordinates like la rosaria. - page 319
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you. - page 320
Zahra, you're my mean friend. - page 339
I've never... I haven't been through anything like that. But I've always felt it, in him. There's this side of him that's... unknowable. But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That's the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose. - page 344
For what it's worth, that is the bravest son of a bitch I've ever met. - page 347
My life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person. - page 371
You are, the absolute worst idea I've ever had. - page 372
FIRST SON ALEXANDER CLAREMONT-DIAZ'S ADDRESS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE, OCTOBER 2, 2020 - pages 372-375 Note: just, the entire speech, the whole thing
America: He is my choice. - page 374
Henry Lines:
Hmm, I always liked Luke. He's brave and good, and he's the strongest Jedi of them all. I think Luke is proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is--you can always be great if you're true to yourself. - page 45
The turkeys are not going to Jurassic Park you. You’re not the bloke from Seinfeld. You’re Jeff Goldblum. Go to sleep. - page 82
You are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life. - page 73
fucking eyelashes - page 142
I shall just have to make it the best orgasm of your life. What can I do to make it good for you? Talk about American tax reform during the act? Have you got talking points? - page 196
How is a man to get anything done knowing Alex Claremont-Diaz is out there on the loose? - pages 202-203
They wanted something less fruity than the truth, but truly, what is gayer than a woman who languishes away in a crumbling mansion wearing her wedding gown every day of her life, for the drama? - page 205
Someone else's choice doesn't change who you are. - page 229
Most things are awful most of the time, but you're good. - page 230
The phrase "see attached bibliography" is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me. - page 241
Should I tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams? That when I sleep, I see you, the dip of your waist, the freckle above your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, it feels like I've been with you, the phantom touch of your hand on the back of my neck fresh and not imagined? That I can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache? That, for a few moments, I can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all? - page 242 Note: based on the parts of this we did get to hear Nick say in the film, I think this would kill half the fandom lol
When have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you? - page 272
I never thought I'd be stood here faced with a choice I can't make, because I never... I never imagined you would love me back. - page 273
The Mail will write mad speculations about where I've gone, if I've offed myself or vanished to St. Kilda, but only you and I will know that I'm just sprawled in your bed, reading books and feeding myself profiteroles and making love to you endlessly until we both expire in a haze of chocolate sauce. It's how I'd want to go. - page 294
Here lies Prince Henry of Wales. He died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock. - page 298
"Because I'm not like the rest of the men of this family, beginning with the fact that I am very deeply gay, Philip." - page 298
But the first time I saw you. Rio. I took that down to the gardens. I pressed it into the leaves of a silver maple and recited it to the Waterloo Vase. It didn't fit in any rooms. - page 300
I thought, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen, and I had better keep it a safe distance away from me. I though, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire. - page 300
And then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back. - page 300 Note: I really wanted to just type out most of the page, but I restrained myself lmfao
I don't know if I would have chosen it yet, but it's out there now, and... I won't lie. Not about this. Not about you. - page 338
Bit short for a stormtrooper. - page 340
I've bloody well had it. I've sat about long enough letting you and Gran and the weight of the damned world keep me pinned, and I'm finished. I don't care. You can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse, Philip. I'm done. - page 347
I've been as gay as a maypole since the day I came out of Mum, Philip. - page 353 Note: there's never too many times to hear the words "gay as a maypole" and the emotional infliction here is lot different lol
Am I offending you? Sorry I'm not obsessed with you like everyone else. I know that must be confusing for you. Do you know what? I think you are. Only a thought. Have you ever noticed I have never once approached you and have been exhaustingly civil every time we've spoken? Yet here you are, seeking me out again. Simply an observation. - page 18
This is idiotic. Let's get it over with. I'd rather be waterboarded. Your country could probably arrange that. Go fuck yourself. Hardly enough time. - pages 36-37 Note: yes, I know Nick read this part in his book-to-screen video thingy but it's not the same as having them both saying the lines fully in character.
What does Jedi have? Fuckin' Ewoks. Ewoks are iconic. Ewoks are stupid. - page 52
yo there's a bond marathon on and did you know your dad was a total babe I BEG YOU TO NOT - page 84
I'm going to die. I'm going to kill you. Yes, you are. - page 133
You were jealous. You want me. Yes, you preening arse, I've wanted you long enough that I won't have you tease me for another fucking second. - page 137
Hi. Hello. I'm gonna take your pants off now. Yes, good, carry on. - page 141
Ugh, you look ridiculous. Should I-- What? No, of course not, keep them on. Oh my God, what are you doing? I can't even look at you. No, Jesus, I just mean--I'm so mad at you. Just, come here. Fuck. I'm quite confused. Me fucking too. - page 150
I'm not... historically great at talking about things. Well, I wasn't historically great at blowjobs, but we all gotta learn and grow, sweetheart. - page 165
Bitch, you took me there. alskdjfadslfjad NORA YOU BROKE HIM - page 212
D'you know what I want? What? I want, to do the absolute last thing I'm supposed to be doing right now. Then tell me to do it, sweetheart. Fuck me. Well, when at Wimbledon. Just so we're clear, I'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family. Like, that's what's happening? Right. Awesome, fucking' love doing things out of spite. - page 217 Note: I think this conversation could singlehandedly kill the fandom if we got to hear Taylor and Nick deliver these lines
Can't you ever just do one thing without having to be so goddamn extra about it? That is bloody rich coming from you. - pages 260-261
What do you want? I want you- Then fucking have me. -but I don't want this. - page 273
You seem... less pissy. You're one to talk. I wasn't the one who stormed the palace in a fit to call me an 'obtuse fucking asshole'. In my defense, you were an obtuse fucking asshole. - page 277
I honestly have never thought I deserved to choose. But you treat me like I do. You do. I think I'm actually starting to believe that. - page 279
What about you? What about me? Christ, Alex. The whole bloody time. The whole time? Since the Olympics. The Olympics? But that's, that's like- Yes, Alex, the day we met, nothing gets past you, does it? 'What about you,' he says, as if he doesn't know- Shut your mouth. - page 283-284
Hello, what was that for? I just, like, really love you. - page 286
What are you doing? I'm taking a picture of a national gay landmark. And also a statue. It's funny. I always thought of the whole things as the most unforgivable thing about me, but you act like it's one of the best. Oh, yeah. The top list of reason to love you goes brain, then dick, then imminent status as a revolutionary gay icon. You are quite literally Queen Victoria's worst nightmare. And that's why you love me. My god, you're right. All this time, I was just after the bloke who'd most infuriate my homophobic forebears. Ah, and we can't forget they were also racist. Certainly not. Next time we shall visit some of the George III pieces and see if they burst into flame. - page 289
If Alex from this time last year could see this. He'd say, 'Oh I'm in love with Henry? That must be why I'm such an arse to him all the time'. - page 387
Thanks for reading!! If you enjoyed this post & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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heartnosekid · 11 months ago
my personal favorite stimboards masterlist!
so, as it turns out... i've made a lot of stimboards since 2021 when i made my first favorite stimboards stimboard. i wanted to make another stimboard of the boards, but i quickly found out i had way too many favorites to fit in a stimboard that my computer or phone could handle lol.
so, instead of the stimboard, here is a bunch of links to my favorite stimboards with some descriptors. as far as name stimboards go, i love them all too much so i couldn't decide on a concise list of favorites lol enjoy! comment your favorites if you want to!
concept / music based:
clowncore with bright primary colors | butterflies, spiders, & moths in purple & blue | nature, flowers, & bugs in pink & yellow | aroace sunset flag with nature | lunar rainbow | pansexual with nature | black & neon glowcore | hot pink color board
demeter & young persephone | black arches moth | carnivalcore, kidcore, & kitties | smile - the beach boys album art | pink, elegant, & floral | death's head hawkmoth | virginian tiger moth
night skies, the moon, biblically accurate angels, books, & moths | yule pagan holiday board | rain by sleep token | "i know love is real because i exist and i am full of it" | sidewalk chalk kitty
character / franchise based:
marie (splatoon) based on only her hair colors | dark magic hat creampuff cookie (cookie run: ovenbreak) | seer (apex legends) | floral sacrifice soul weaver (identity v) | super pusheenicorn (pusheen) | haku (spirited away) | skitty (pokemon) | wish bear & love-a-lot bear (care bears) | baby hugs & tugs (care bears)
custom camper (animal crossing: pocket camp) | banette (pokemon) | royal livery bloodhound (apex legends) | caregiver zacharie & small batter (off game) | a gaze eternal revenant (apex legends) | raiden (metal gear rising: revengeance) | fleur fairies (jellycat)
bog witch ad (goatlings) | wicked harvest bloodhound (apex legends) | neon skeleton squishmallows | mirage (apex legends) | k_k (deltarune) | renji & uta with cafe elements & greyscale (tokyo ghoul) | ione (animal crossing) | zucker (animal crossing) | oyster cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
lime cookie (cookie run: ovenbreak) | blue eyes white dragon (yu-gi-oh) | alice in wonderland 1951 film | lobo (puss in boots: the last wish) | miffy kidcore positivity (miffy & friends) | trans calico critters (sylvanian families) | king rauru (the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom) | catalyst (apex legends)
g1 pony bride (my little pony) | white pearl cookie (cookie run: kingdom) | soft pastel blue dratini (pokemon) | dusk from the hex girls (scooby doo) | frilled jellyfish cookie (cookie run: kingdom) | uboa (yume nikki) | sayaka miki (puella magi madoka magica) | fog canyon (hollow knight)
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rpgsandbox · 1 year ago
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Swyvers is a light-weight set of rules married to a full set of tools and tables for running a game in the chaotic sprawl of The Smoke, its many districts and The Midden. What a city it is — corrupt officials, looming war, rogue sorcerors, monsters below and nobs above. Violence rests as thick as the smog, nothing is sacred and it’s always bloody raining. 
Swyvers is a game about bastards. You and your gang of criminals scarper through heists and sewers, stalk through the filth of The Smoke and, if you’re lucky, you’ll make it out with a few extra shillings. The whole of this city is your filthy, sickly oyster. 
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Player characters are not heroes, they are not saving the world, they are trying to dodge the gallows in as much comfort as they can while giving the two fingered salute to the Crown. But hey, robbing the rich never hurt anyone, right?
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This 'n That
Rules and lists of all the tools, weapons, lodgings, dodgy business investments, and hired goons any self-respecting Swyver should be familiar with.
Rules for dogs of all cut and calibre.
Death and dismemberment!
How to have a proper funeral for your mates.
'Orrible diseases.
Bloodsucking aristocrats.
Accurate time keeping records.
How to spend your spoils on carousing for XP.
Getting into deep trouble for your wild nights out, including gambling debts, dogfighting, and jealous lovers.
Take on apprentice Swyvers (Putterers), lead them on heists, and train them to take your place in the event of your inevitable sticky end.
Fences: who they are and how they'll profit from your terrible life choices.
Rules for bribes, leverage and blackmail!
A system for attracting the attention of Knotland Yard, who will, over many sessions, form a case against you and put a stop to your wicked ways.
A complete selection of terrible adversaries including agents of the church, ghouls, hussars, vampires, average humans, and bears.
... and complete rules on generating your own city of 'The Smoke'
The Smoke is the greatest city in the world, the beating heart of an empire. It is filthy and sprawling like a burst pustule left open to weep besides the iron-grey sea. It does have a name, but only the nobs and learned-readers know it. Beneath slumbers The Midden – the interconnected passages of built-over streets, basements, tombs and hidden lairs where criminals lurk, beasts squat and lost wealth resides. An enterprising fellow with a sledgehammer can traverse in any direction they please – not that they’ll like what they find. It is rife with corpse-thieves, cellar-breakers and enterprising businessmen shunned in sunlit places. The rich of The Smoke honour their dead with elaborate crypts, whose morose edifices encroach ever further into the slums – the trap-smiths of The Smoke do fine business from their craft, and the fences keep the money flowing thanks to enterprising tomb robbers.
Every group of Swyvers will have their very own Smoke. The GM starts a campaign by generating the city, starting from a core of districts: the Royal Gaol, the Palace, the Mayoral District and the Docks. From there they follow along Swyvers' generation tables to flesh out and, potentially, endlessly expand their rotten city. 
You will have a unique engine for running your own Swyvers games!
... and a unique and innovative magic system
Magic is not a known factor to the vast majority of the denizen of The Smoke. Rumours of witches abound, but specifics are thin on the ground. 
To cast a spell, put briefly — the caster plays blackjack. 
... and a starting adventure!
A starting adventure is included to get Swyvers moving and involved. Usually they’ll be planning their own heists and crimes, rather than having a justification like this one. Engaged players are happy players and great criminals.
In Blue Cheese, Left to Rot the party rob the Lindsore Estate, uncover their ivy-choked secrets, liberate their ancestral valuables, and maybe solve a few problems and make a few friends or enemies along the way.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, March 7 2024 6:00 PM UTC +00:00
Website: [Melsonian Arts Council] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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lonewolfinthetardis · 10 months ago
A master post about my Nameless Ghoul OC, Glacier
So this is a post about my Ghoul oc, Glacier, who will be one of the main characters in my Ghost x TF2 fan fiction when/if I post it. If you're unfamiliar with the lore behind Ghost, I do explain little bits in here. Ask me if you have questions about him! --------
This also contains some headcanons of the official Ghouls. I will make a post about the Prequelle/Impera Ghouls soon. Post begins below!
Who and what is he?
Glacier is an Air Ghoul in the band Ghost, he plays the drums and does backup vocals. While Air Ghouls usually play keys in the Ghost project (the in lore name for the band), Glacier can play piano, he is however, much more gifted at the drums, resulting in two drummers being in the band instead of just one. Since I added him to the current Ghoul line up, that makes 9 instrumentalists instead of 8. Glacier is the younger brother of Cirrus, and was summoned at the same time as both her and her girlfriend, Cumulus, all three are Air Ghouls. I haven’t really figured out what his voice sounds like yet, but it’ll most likely have a soft Australian accent to it (like myself), I also imagine that he sings kinda like Hugh Jackman in "The Greatest Showman".
 I’ll quickly list off the other Ghouls: Aether, rhythm guitarist, Dewdrop, lead guitarist, Rain, bass guitar, Mountain, drums, Cirrus, keyboard/keytar, Cumulus, keyboard and backing vocals, Swiss, semi-acoustic guitar, tambourine, backing vocals, and Sunshine, vocals and tambourine.
The majority of the stuff in here is based on my headcanons mixed with the fandoms’ ones. Any other Ghouls I mention in this are actual Ghouls, not ocs.
His pack (and a small Ghost lore dump)
Pack dynamics are generally centred around one Ghoul (or human), Glacier’s pack follows Aether and Copia, since Copia is the current leader of the Church, making him Papa Emeritus IV. To people on the outside, Ghoul packs can seem like a big polycule, but it’s something much deeper than that, it’s a relationship built on fierce loyalty for their leader. Usually a pack has multiple relationships inside of it, this is the same with this pack, there are currently 6 different relationships among the pack members. Ghouls sometimes like to sleep in a “pile” (just picture a cluster of 9 vaguely humanoid figures cuddled together), the pack leader is usually at the centre of this pile. 
He’s around 6’1, and has a nice bit of fat to him, meaning he has stretch marks on his belly, hips, and under his arms. His hair is mostly a lovely royal blue that has hints of different shade of blue in it, the rest of the hair on his head is a dark brown, he also has a short beard (pretty much just long stubble). The fur that runs across his back, chest, shoulders, and tail is the same brown as the hair on his head. His skin is a light grey, with a large smattering of freckles across his face, arms, and shoulders. His eyes are a glowing green, with the classic slit pupils. Like most Ghouls he has pointed ears that can be moved independently (like a cat, or drawing from my inspiration, the Na’vi), he also has a prehensile tail with a spaded tip, both the ears and tail are extremely expressive. He has sharp claws on both his hands and feet, and on his feet, and he has paw pads (cute). His chest, upper back, upper arms, and the base of his tail are covered in a layer of soft fur that, during the colder seasons, grows thicker and slightly longer (spring is a nightmare in the Abbey, if you have pets that shed you’ll understand). Like all Ghouls, Glacier has extremely sharp teeth and a rough, forked tongue. He also wears a few bits of jewelry: Three rings on his left hand, one on his right thumb, leather cuff bracelets, and two piercings on both of his ears. On his right arm is a sleeve tattoo, styled to look like the Japanese cloud design you see in art. This is in a light blue, almost white colour.
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His horns are a bit different from the model, since I had limited resources on the website. They're black, with a grey gradient that gets lighter on each ridge. They also have glowing blue cracks towards the base of the horns (this will be explained later)
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Ghoul qualities
Like all Ghouls, he is telepathic, this can be used by Ghouls to communicate when absolute silence is necessary, and is also used to communicate with any Ghoul who can’t or doesn’t feel like verbally speaking. Glacier also knows several forms of sign language, since Mountain uses it when he’s in his human appearance. Alright, so a general headcanon is that normally the Ghouls look like… well, Ghouls, but on tour or out in public they wear something called “glamour” which gives them a human appearance, but this also removes their abilities, such as telepathy. All Ghouls have their own scent, Glacier’s smells like a warm summer's day with a hint of orange. Scents are a way of telling who is a pack member, mate, or friend. As an Air Ghoul, Glacier can use Air magic, along with general spells. He has an excellent sense of smell, sight and hearing, like all Ghouls. He also has great night vision.
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Bit of backstory
Glacier is bisexual and transgender, and underwent an extremely painful but worthwhile transformation, using a spell designed by a few older Quintessence Ghouls and Primo. Resulting in his horns growing and cracking, revealing a glowing blue interior. The whole transformation took a while, since some of his bones were reshaped and moved. He has top surgery scars, which like his horns, glow blue, and had magic bottom surgery basically (I won't go into detail), the transformation also swapped his body from producing estrogen to testosterone.
Personality and some likes
Glacier is a shy Ghoul, and will usually stick to the back of the pack in stressful or new situations. He’s extremely quiet when meeting new people, and can take a while to warm up to them. His stage personality is vastly different, he loves hyping up the crowd during the gap before Cirice, if he is called for. He can be a very energetic drummer, and will sometimes compete with Mountain (the other drummer) to see who can perform a certain trick. At the end of a Ritual he gives away any spare drumsticks he has, as well as collecting anything that fans have made for him or the band in general (normal end of Ritual stuff). Other than that, he enjoys stargazing, swimming, cooking, and helping out with chores or just helping around. Glacier also has ADHD, and will get overstimulated in stressful environments, resulting in a flight response.
Strengths and weaknesses
Glacier, like most Ghouls, is fiercely loyal and protective of his pack and family. This is also one of his greatest weaknesses. Glacier is also a great listener and will be there for anyone to talk to.
TF2 x Ghost
A few of you may know that I ship Glacier with Engineer, and am currently planning a few fics containing them. I won't give anything away, but I will be making a fic that explains how these two completely different universes end up coming together. A little I will give away is that Glacier and Dell are a T4T relationship, and that the start of their relationship is really cute. I shall leave you with this image
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iamthecomet · 2 years ago
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comet- momet, my dear
i need to know more. i really really do. i need to hear about mountain whimpering, tearing up, loud enough to wake up the rest of the dorms.
i would also just maybe have a lovely joi idea but i feel like i overwhelm you with prompts reeeee
Oh Rosey, I got you. Elaboration of Mountain's alone time, under the cut.
On late nights, when he can't sleep, Mountain takes care of himself. Once he's past the possibility of another ghoul stumbling in, half asleep and needy, once he knows that the rest of his pack is well, and truly asleep--he stands. He locks the door and goes to his closet. To the small chest he keeps in the corner. It isn't a secret. Everyone knows it's here and what's in it. He's not shy about using any of the toys in it on others. About strapping a vibrator to the head of Dew's cock and seeing how long he can stand it. Or fucking one of the smaller dildos into Aether's ass alongside his cock. They are well-used, and well-loved. Most of all, by Mountain. He grabs one of the more moderately sized ones. Something close to Swiss or Rain. It's shaped like a cock with a nicely flared head, and a thick base. It's deep royal purple swirled with shifting iridescence. Rain got it for him. Probably as a hint that he wanted to be fucked with it. It's Mountain's favorite. He retreats to his bed, dildo, and lube in his hand, and lays down. He puts one hand on his cock, half hard but filling out rapidly, and sinks two lubed fingers into his ass.
He can't get a good angle with his fingers, can't pet himself or play in any meaningful way at this angle, so he focuses on the stretch. Taking long slow pulls on his cock as he works his fingers in, scissoring them wide. He digs his teeth into his lip, and makes a small pleased purr.
He uses his tail to hold one of his legs out of the way. There's something about that that adds another layer to the whole thing. If he pretends hard enough he can imagine his tail is someone else's. That the silicone cock he's lubing up copiously belongs to someone else too. He can't hold his moan back as he presses the thick head against his hole, pressing in slowly. Millimeter by millimeter as his body gives and stretches around it.
There's always a point about halfway in where pleasure and overwhelm collide together. Something in his brain screams at him to take it out, it's too much. It isn't pain. Mountain never rushes himself, that's part of the fun, the build-up. But it's a reptilian brain alarm that silences the second the pleasure really starts to build. His hand pauses on his cock, squeezing the base, fingers dipping down to grab at his balls at the same time. Holding himself tight as he pushes the dildo the rest of the way in. It's deep, still a little cooler than body temperature as he grinds it in. He presses his head back against his pillow and moans. He doesn't think about being quiet. He so rarely gets to enjoy the sound of his own pleasure breaking through the space, always overwhelmed by louder more vocal ghouls. So he allows himself loudness, pleasure in the rasp of his own voice. Pleasure in what he is able to do to himself. It's indulgent. The way it feels like he's carving himself apart when he drags the dildo out and angles up as he pushes back in, dragging the head and shaft over his prostate. His cock kicks in his hand, precum beads at the tip. He swipes it away with his thumb, then starts to jack himself off again. Slowly, in time with the slow deep thrusts he's fucking himself with. Each stroke is languid, a slow twisting slide from root to tip.
He keeps his eyes open, looking up at the stamped tin tiles on the ceiling but not really seeing them. Instead, he's imagining a rotating cast of characters between his legs. In some moments it's Swiss or Aether, in others it's Dew or Rain. Occasionally Cirrus slips in, a demanding hand on his cock and balls, filth whispered into his ear. Sometimes the cock in his ass and the hand on his cock belong to different people. The fantasy swirls. He whines. It's not long before he's fucking up into his own fist in earnest. Hips twitching, each drag of the dildo over his prostate making his brain melt. He grinds down on the dildo, homing in on that spot, pressing the head of it against it, and fucking himself harder, faster. Shallow thrusts that nail his prostate over and over and have his dick leaking precum at a constant all over his knuckles. He knows he's being loud. He doesn't care. The door is locked. It's late. And it isn't like he's the only person who moans wantonly in the middle of the night here. There is depravity around every corner. Mountain is too far gone to care about the way his voice echoes around the room. About how loud he's being and how thin the walls are. He only cares about chasing the building pressure in his gut. His cock is flushed dark, shiny with precum. His knuckles glisten with it. Drops of it splatter into his belly hair from the force at which he's jerking himself now, desperate. Body twitching. His toes curl, the grip his tail has on his thigh tightens. His eyes roll up just as everything starts to unravel. He slams the dildo in deep, dragging a ragged broken noise from his throat as he cums. Pearlescent ropes coat his fingers, and stomach as he bows in on himself and keens with gut-wrenching pleasure. He sags against the bed, panting, sweat beading at his temples. He unwinds his tail from his leg. There's a red mark curled around his thigh from it. He wonders, distantly, if it will bruise. He scrubs his messy hand off on his stomach. He gives himself a handful of minutes, enough to get his breathing back to normal and for his body to stop trembling. Then he pulls the dildo from the slick clutch of his body with a sigh and gets up. Setting about cleaning himself, and the toy, before he falls, finally, into blissful sleep. He's late for breakfast the next morning. When he does walk into the dining room seven pairs of eyes turn to look at him. He settles into his chair and pretends not to notice. Dew, sitting next to him, snickers under his breath. He knocks his knee into Mountain's.
"Do anything fun last night, Mount?" Dew asks, a grin splitting his face. Mountain looks over at him, pink starting to bloom on his cheeks. "Was I that loud?"
"Heard you down at our end," Cirrus says, matter of fact. "Thought you were all asleep," Mountain mutters by way of apology, spooning fruit onto his plate. "We were," Swiss says. Mountain digs his teeth into the inside of his cheek. He goes as red as the strawberries in front of him. Dew nudges his knee again. Mountain feels hot breath against his ear as Dew leans over to whisper in it. "Next time you do that, leave the door unlocked. I want to watch."
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 6 months ago
Had some thoughts about Royal!Rain:
⟡ Rain who was (and technically still is) ghoul royalty.
⟡ Rain who always hated that title.
⟡ Rain who never wanted to be part of any of the politics, or have any of the power he definitely has.
⟡ Rain who hates how the new ghouls feel the need to treat him differently.
⟡ Rain who just wanted to belong and fit in. To be part of a normal pack dynamic.
⟡ Rain who wanted to figure out his place in the ranks the normal way like everyone else.
⟡ Rain who jumped at the opportunity to go through the summoning portal to escape his title and the responsibilities that came with it.
⟡ Rain who loves his surface pack and where he falls in the pecking order, feeling much more comfortable and at peace.
⟡ Rain who feels he can now express his true feelings and explore himself, find out who he really is and who he wants to be - not told/expected to be.
⟡ Rain who can sleep easy at night knowing all he had to worry about was what to make Swiss for breakfast.
⟡ Rain who had Mountain to help him learn to read instead of having people read things for him.
⟡ Rain who had Aurora and Phantom to teach him it was okay to be childish and how to have fun, not take things too seriously.
⟡ Rain who now had Dew to defend and speak for him, and Copia to support him. To take the lead and protect him.
⟡ Rain who had a pack who understood him and didn’t judge, supported and loved him for who he truly was - not because they had to, because they wanted to.
Yeah…. this was where he belonged.
Based off hypnoneghoul’s short fic here - so flipping good check it out!
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thehypnone · 6 months ago
(cw for somnophilia intention but no action described)
Aeon sighs, unable to tear his eyes away from Rain's sleeping form. He looks...
"Royal," the quintessence ghoul breathes out; barely audible, lest he wakes the other up.
"Hm?" Mountain perks up from under Aeon, having nearly fallen asleep with the smaller ghoul in his lap. They're cuddled up comfortably in Rain's big armchair, having been too lazy to move after watching a movie with the water ghoul in his room. "Oh, yes. Yes, it peeks out sometimes. Can't always fight his blood's pull, I suppose."
The words land, but they don't really land. It's a few minutes of silence before Aeon realizes what Mountain has said. "Wait, what? What blood?"
"Uh..." the earth ghoul stammers, before remembering what it was even about. "Yeah, you know...Rain's royal blood?"
"What!?" Aeon whisper shouts. This has to be some kind of a joke they're pulling on him, right?
"Did you not know? He's second in line to the throne of the ninth circle."
"No, I didn't! Oh my Satan!"
If Aeon weren't so sleepy he'd be freaking out about this even more. Rain...a prince?
It sounds stupid, unreal---and makes so much sense at the same time---but he can't really verify the logic here at the moment. Instead his mind drifts somewhere else, to all the thing he has done with the water ghoul in his time Topside. Filthy.
"You like having that knowledge, don't you?" Mountain squeezes Aeon's hip as he mutters into his ear with his gravely voice after a minute.
"Hm?" the other tries to act unaffected.
"I can smell what you're thinking about."
"Oh, uhm..."
"Don't worry, we've all been there," the earth ghoul chuckles quietly. "You like that you've been fucking royalty, a prince, like a common whore."
Aeon blushes and turns to his hid face in Mountain's neck. It wasn't a question, just a statement, but the answer is clear, anyway.
"Go on, then," he whispers, "go over there and get your cock into him like he's nothing but a thing made just for your pleasure. Look at how pretty he is with his legs open like that, sleeping so soundly. Go on, Aeon, fuck the sleeping beauty."
He lets out a shaky breath. His legs shake as he stands up and walks over to the huge bed. It makes sense now, all the privileges Rain has...
His bed is the softest from all the ghouls' and Aeon's hands and knees dip the mattress so deep as he crawls over to Rain. The water ghoul looks just as divine from up close---maybe more---and Aeon has to bite his tongue not to let out a whine. Rain's beauty and grace is simply overwhelming.
"Go on," Mountain encourages again. "You know he won't mind. Royalty or not, he's just a whore."
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lilypadlys · 1 year ago
Domestic December Day 5 - Admiring them all dressed up
It’s time for the annual Yule celebrations and everyone is dressing to impress.
Notes: Prompt list by comp-lady. See prompt list here
Fancy ghouls below the cut or on AO3
The ministry’s Yule celebrations are in full swing. Everyone from the siblings of sin, ghouls, upper clergy members, and current and former Papas are dressed to the nines and gathered in the ballrooms, making merry.
Everyone is dancing. Mountain is guiding Aurora though an elegant waltz. They’re fluid; moving as one despite their drastic height difference. Swiss and Sunshine are managing to swing dance even to the slow tempo of the music being played. Rain is trying his best to teach Phantom how to waltz and it’s going considerably better than either of them expected, Phantom only stepping on Rain’s feet or tripping a few times. Even Dew is dancing, letting Aether lead him around the floor.
In fact, the only one not partnered up is Cirrus. Cumulus said she was still getting ready, so for the meantime Cirrus joins Zephyr at the piano bench. The two of them play and chat.
“Enjoying the night so far?” Zephyr asks as they plink out the low notes.
“Yeah.” Cirrus smiles, tapping out a merry chord on the higher keys. “You?”
“Oh definitely. Plus,” They grin conspiratorially. “Omega promised me a dance later.”
“Ooh. Good luck pulling him away from Terzo.” She laughs.
“I’m not worried.” They huff. “Papa will get distracted by this or that pretty sibling and I’ll have Omega to myself for a bit. And what about you? Any hot dates tonight?”
“Hmm. Well I’m just waiting for the right opportunity.”
It’s Zephyr’s turn to laugh. “Well don’t wait too long, the night won’t last forever.”
“Oh!” Cirrus sees the doors slide open and a gorgeous figure slip in. “That's my cue.”
Zephyr follows her line of sight and smiles. “Ah I see.” They grin and make a shooing motion. “Well off with you then. Don’t let me keep you. Have fun!”
“Thanks Zeph. Have fun with Mega.” Cirrus stands and Zephyr slides to the middle of the bench and starts up a jaunty version of Jingle Bells.
Cirrus smooths out her dress shirt, fussing over nonexistent wrinkles, before strutting towards the door. She stops about halfway there, right before the small crowd that’s formed to admire the latest arrival. She can see Sunshine and Aurora at the center, cooing over Cumulus.
“Hello Love.” Cirrus calls. “Been waiting for you.”
Cumulus meets her eyes and smirks. “Well Darling. You know it’s better to be fashionably late.”
With that, Aurora and Sunshine step to the side, revealing Cumulus in full glory. She’s clad in a slinky royal blue velvet number that frames her cleavage and hugs her curves. The skirt brushes the carpet but a high slit reveals her fishnets and Black stiletto clad heels. Her fluffy white hair cascades over her shoulders like clouds over a blue sky. Cirrus smiles as she realizes they accidentally coordinated their outfits; Cirrus deep blue shirt and black dress pants matching Cumulus' fit.
They both embrace with a kiss. As they pull away, Cirrus whisper’s in her mate’s ear, “You look ravishing tonight.”
“And I would say the same about you my dear.” Cumulus returns.
“Would you do me the honor of a dance?”
“I should like nothing more.”
Hand in hand, they take the dance floor.
Side Note: Although I only really described Cir and Lus’ looks, the sewing and fashion nerd in me is having a field day imagining everyone else’s outfits. Here’s my rambles about the fits.
Aurora: Big twirly knee length skirt, sweetheart neckline, and poofy cap sleeves. Pastel iridescent tulle across the whole thing so she looks like a walking rainbow. Big bow tied in the back. Shoes painted white and decorated with cotton balls to look like clouds (She made her shoes herself).
Mountain: Dark brown pants that almost look black. Deep evergreen shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, showing off all his plant tattoos. He let Aurora put rainbow tinsel on his horns. (He’s like a big christmas tree)
Sunshine: Pastel yellow A-line with flowy mid upper arm sleeves. White lace ribbon at the waist. White mary janes with short yellow crew socks that have a matching lace trim. Lacy ribbons in her hair.
Swiss: Pastel yellow shirt to match Sunny’s dress. White pants and white suspenders. Gold beads in his braids and gold hoop earrings.
Phantom: Black pants and violet button up. Black tie. His cufflinks and tie pin are little bats.
Rain: Grey vest and dress pants with a seafoam green (darker not pastel) shirt that matches his eyes. Let Aurora curl his hair so it’s even wavier and fluffier than usual.
Dewdrop: Garnet red button up and black dress pants. Gold hoop earrings and tail piercings. Hair down but with a couple accent braids that Aether and Rain both put there.
Aether: Royal purple button up. Black pants and black suspenders. Gold hoop earring in his left ear and a couple gold rings on his hands.
Zephyr: Navy blue suit. Only one who’s actually wearing a suit jacket (but you know that thing is going flying when Omega gets his hands on Zeph). White shirt and blue vest underneath.
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skele-bunny · 6 months ago
Thinking about Royal Rain.....
(Royal Rain idea inspired by @hypnoneghoul )
You have this little bratty prince(ss) who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips, and sometimes the ghouls feed into that mindset. Bc it feels good.
Phantom at Rain's feet, just kissing softly and whimpering as Rain's other foot goes between his thighs and kicks up to hit his cunt. Perfect to catch attention and for Phantom to shuffle closer, holding Rain's leg and pathetically hump it like a dog. "I'm sorry, your highness... Thank you for letting me touch you." Always gets another kick up for talking without permission. Almost pathetic. Still, it's nice to have a obedient doll there for Rain to toy and boss around. One command and Phantom is quick to comply.
Aurora and Sunshine being graced to simply touch between his legs, Rory looking up so sweetly as she licks his pussy, face covered in slick. Sunny unable to do anything but squirm as Rain strokes her cock. Just little servants for him to get off with, that's all it is. Rain knows where to get pleasure and all the focus just for him. His little ladies in waiting, if you will. They always make sure he cums as much as wants, and if they're lucky, they'll get one or two out and then allowed to cuddle. IF... He's satisfied with their work and behavior.
But thennnn you have the ones that knock him down a peg.
Sure, Mountain is docile. Usually puts up with Rain's attitude and demands simply because he's cute. All up until Rain hits a certain nerve a few times. Gets bent over the nearest piece of furniture, hands gripping Rain's waist as he's impaled over and over again on Mounty's cock. All Rain can do is lay there for it, hands desperately trying to sign apologies but it's simply ignored as Mountain keeps going.
Dew and Aether have always been the one to tag team Rain, and usually the ones to knock that attitude out. Rain whining as Dew gropes him from behind, watching Aether fuck his ass but never touching his clit despite the pleads. "How's it feel being fucked like a little commoners whore, princess?" Dew squeezing his chest. Eventually they'll trade places but Aether isn't so forgiving. Obviously, he needs a few more rounds in before he gets the full discipline they're trying to give.
You think Cirrus and Cumulus are going to put up with Rain telling them what to do? HAH. Keeps him tied to the floor, wrists bound behind his back, vibe to his clit, and a fucking machine at a slow steady pace. They just ignore him like he's simply a decoration in the room. Makes a mess on their floor and that's when they'll acknowledge him. "You call yourself royalty when this is how you look? Pathetic in my opinion." Even once they pull him off the machine, they're still wanting to play.
Swiss is just a straight ASSHOLE LMAO. He'll tease and tease, matches Rain's energy, but is the one to punish him in a more strange way. Forces him in a maid outfit to clean his room. Rain grumbling as he's on his hands and knees scrubbing before Swiss gets behind him, dragging his fingers up the white fabric. It's so degrading and embarrassing, Swiss whispering filth into his ears before slapping his ass and moving on. The entire time he's just being groped and felt up, teased relentlessly until once he's finished made to strip for Swiss and suck him off until HE'S happy. "I think you look good on your knees, princess. Maybe you need to do this more often."
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trashland-llamas · 11 months ago
Have You Seen This Cat?
note; this is w/ older Florence
'What did you do?' Flora was immediately on edge when they spotted Rain holding a bouquet of their favorite flowers. Delicately arranged lavender, red azaleas, and lilies. The only time they were gifted this specifically was when the ghouls royally fucked up. It was their way of asking for forgiveness. 'You know how you asked us to look after your cat?' Their heart dropped slightly, waiting for Swiss to continue. 'Well, we might've lost her.'
'You lost Mr. Butters?' Florence shrieked. 'Okay, everything's perfectly fine...where did you last see her?' The sister tried to stay calm despite their panic. They had owned Mr. Butters since they were a kid. Feeling a deep pang of loneliness whenever the ghouls left for rituals. Papa Copia was the one to convince Sister Imperator that the cat would help teach young Flora about responsibility and discipline. 'That's the thing, we don't know. We've tried looking, even put some of her favorite treats out.'
'We swear we'll find her.' The ghouls gathered them in a hug. Cirrus and Cumulus fretted after the sister as they became more disheveled the longer Mr. Butters remained lost. 'She'll turn up eventually, bugsy. Just gotta give it time.' Cumulus whispered as she detangled their hair. Apologizing each time they winced. 'But it's been two weeks. What if a vulture swooped down and ate her?' Their mind reeled with what ifs. 'Hun, I think your mind's just being mean to you.' Cirrus answered, handing them a mug of hot cocoa. The two ghoulettes gave each other a glance that said they were going to give the boys hell for causing Flora this much heartache.
Another week had passed before the cat was found. Florence in the mean time had tried their best to bury themself in their church duties. 'It's open!' Florence called, finishing up some last minute translations when Papa Copia poked his head in. 'My baby!' Getting up to meet him, taking Mr. Butters out of his hands. 'Where did you find her?' Copia failing to hide a small smile at their excitement. 'Asleep in the greenhouse.' Mr. Butters having found a sun spot to nap in, hunting for food in the forest.
'Don't you ever scare me like that again.' Chiding the cat. 'And thank you Papa!' Pulling the man in for a side hug. 'You should really thank the ghouls. It was Phantom who found her.'
'I shall do that the next time I see him.'
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thesugarhole · 2 years ago
literally just a list of stuff from this video whose summaries interested me. posting here to have on my reading bookmarks because its easier to keep track there than in my things folders
already read/saw (if anime only):
1 junji ito - everything
1 tokyo ghoul
1 parasyte
1 death note
1 berserk
2 kazuo umezu - cat eyed boy
2 devilman
2 perfect blue
2 tenkuu shinpan (high rise invasion)
3 ringu / ju-on / one last call / dark water
3 corpse party
4 litchi hikari club
? neon genesis evangelion
5 ichi the killer
5 homunculus
already read/saw but revisiting
1 soul eater
2 d-gray man
was already on my list
2 dorohedoro / dai dark
2 mieruko chan
2 oyasumi punpun
3 shiki
4 franken fran
? serial experiments lain (wasn't on the list but something else reminded me of it)
1 chainsaw man
1 the promised neverland
1 jujutsu kaisen
1 jojo's bizarre adventure
1 mirai nikki
2 kazuo umezu - orochi blood & the drifting classroom
2 inuyashiki
2 doubt / judge / secret
2 beastar
2 elfen lied
2 dead man wonderland
2 happy sugar life
2 another
2 magical girl apocalypse
2 pet shop horror
2 zom100 bucket list of the dead
3 zashiki onna
3 portus
3 soul liquid chambers
3 gakuen densetsu hasami onna
3 erotic horror
3 the tarot cafe
3 karada sagashi
3 kudan no gotoshi
3 ibitsu
3 shikei game
3 museum: the serial killer is laughing in the rain
3 aragne: sign of vermillion
3 oyayubi sagashi
3 kuronou syndrome
3 heartless
3 final girl
3 kiriko
3 can you just die, my darling?
3 the quiz
3 signal 100
3 suicide club
3 alive!
3 octopus girl
3 nemuri no fuchi
4 as the gods will
4 hell baby / panorama of hell / hino horror
4 presents / school zone
4 kurosagi corpse delivery service
4 battle royale (manga??)
4 gift +-
4 jinrou game
4 manhole
4 dead tube
4 yajin
4 sekai oni
4 this man: sono kao wo mita mono ni wa shi wo
4 domu
4 pygmalion
4 scumbag loser
4 eko eko azarak
4 the room
4 pumpkin night
4 children
5 mr arashi's amazing freak show ✅ / ultra gash inferno / the strange tale of panorama island
5 ptsd radio
5 dementia 21
5 goth
5 notpia
5 bradherlen no basha
5 starving anonymous
5 kangoku jikken
5 kibou no shima
5 euphoria ✅ although i have no plans to actually play the game, ive read a ton of summarys and plot explanations so tbh im considering it as a ✅
5 misu misou
5 doku mushi
5 kaidan: ghost stories (if available)
not interested but i know what happens:
1 the flowers of evil
1 attack on titan
1 kimetsu no yaiba
1 highschool of the dead
2 higurashi & 3 umineko (would rather play the games)
3 bl of the dead
3 megami tensei
3 versailles of the dead
4 i am a hero
4 pupa
4 bokurano
5 mai-chan's daily life ✅ you cannot make me read this no matter how hard you try. baby blender was enough. fun fact i somehow managed to stomach it all in a time i was feeling more emotionally detached. yay
speaking of, seeing the comments now and I'm seeing one disappointed with the no mention of pedophilia in happy sugar life, which made me go "oh so its like that huh" (the constant falls in love was suspicious enough) and like. i don't know a whole lot about horror manga and anime in particular but i know FOR A FACT that I'm gonna have to navigate so many sexual adjacent horror. from fanservice to genuine to "for horrors sake" ... I'm strong. i live 👍
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