#roxy laveau
swiftcola · 1 year
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a lincoln clay/roxy laveau playlist
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elffees · 4 days
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mafia-iii · 1 year
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Ain't Nowhere Safer || Faster, Baby!
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
Huge disclaimer: I am white, so I don’t quite understand the struggle of being mixed race nor do I claim to understand. Please correct me if I am over-stepping boundaries with any of these!
Did Lincoln ever explore his own (inherited) cultures? I’m curious if he ever tried to connect with being Dominican or if his adoptive culture was all he was concerned with. Identity is a big thing for him in the past (which is understandable)— my own headcanon is that he tries to connect but ultimately feels distant due to being estranged for so long.
On that note: does John try to teach him Spanish? It would be a disaster likely, but I’d like to think he at least tried to learn.
Whatever happened between Roxy and Lincoln? I hc them as remaining close friends, but that’s my take.
I want to see (or write) more soft moments between Lincoln and John. Lighting each other’s cigarettes, light touch, whatever. It doesn’t have to be romantic, just some sort of tenderness beyond the roughness of life.
John being a journalist (or, wanting to be as a kid). He likely did some work in Vietnam too in this AU, and met Lincoln by chance. They got along pretty well and became friends.
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nevalizona · 2 years
tell me about the body hair hcs you got
*cracks knuckles* okay so:
Marshall: in my mind that man is hairy af. I wish I could say why I think this but at this point I can't remember. I just heavily think he should be hairy. I hate that no one is that hairy in game grrrr. Hairy chest, hairy back, you name it. Fun fact: he grows a beard on random occasions and keeps it well groomed and he genuinely looks better. For some reason he always goes back to that dang 'mustache' though.
Aldridge: not a lot of body hair. Certainly has some noticeable chest hair, but nothing to write home about. He can't even grow that thick of facial hair, (he tried in his college years and decided against it.) He would like to be hairier since that's like very masculine in his eyes. But there's nothing he can do about it *shrugs* He has a bit of back hair but his chest and part of his belly is where it's most noticeable.
Donovan: the game gives him an odd layering of of chest hair that is only on his pecks, and a little above that on his chest. He doesn't look like he'd have a bunch to me. I do love the idea of him just having this very different pattern of chest hair, it makes sense that for some reason that's how his chest decided to grow hair in. Back in his agency days, he and Marshall had to do a job together and Marshall would not stop teasing him about it, when he got a glimpse. Has a noticeable amount of back hair. It's not like as odd as his chest. Where you'd expect it.
Lincoln: He should have had more chest hair. They let us see him shirtless and they give him barely any. It's wrong. He should at least have a nice layer of chest hair. A little more than he has since he can grow a nice thick beard, I'm thinking he should have a bit hairy of a chest/back. He was very excited when his chest hair started coming in aha.
Nicki: My girl does not shave. She decided sometime in her teens that was a waste of time. Danny never teased her too much for it but Burke hated it. He definitely made comments about it. Nicki never let this get her down and never let her body hair stop her from wearing any sort of outfit. She's not ashamed of something that grows naturally on her body.
Roxy: She’s the same way!!!! She doesn't shave, hasn't shaved. Does her own thing, and she's super cool doing it. She's going to wear whatever she wants no matter what looks she might get because people are mad she's hairy, that's their problem. Luckily, I don't think she'd get too much shit.
Since I'm on a soap box, I'm going to use this as a chance to mention some other characters from the other games.
Tommy Angelo: why did they not have that man be hairy? He is Italian. Italians are known to be hairy. They gave him a boxing outfit, only to show us nothing. He can be the handsome man he is and still have body hair. I don't know why he didn't have any. Many people have pointed out that he should have at least at a bit of chest hair. It's sick and twisted that he doesn't. Tommy gives me vibes that he would have a thick little layering across his pecks and a bit on his belly. Definitely some on his back. The amount? I'm not leaning any one way in particular, they should have given him some body hair to begin with aha.
Sam Trapani: he would be hairy. My brain is telling me that this man has some thick chest hair, definitely a good amount of back hair. Probably a nice bit of belly hair too. I think Sam is one of the most handsome characters in the franchise, and I am a firm believer that you can still be handsome with body hair because there's nothing wrong with it.
Man this has already been too long😅😅😅😅 I'm sure this is a little incoherent because I've never vocalized this before and I woke up hypomanic BUT I'm in a great mood and I think that's why I ended up saying *so* much. But thank you for the ask!!!! I love answering stuff like this aha.
Also I have been working on this since I got the ask. I get distracted easily these days but I finished it finally aha to be fair, my dogs needed breakfast and I got ready for the day but I took breaks to keep working aha I'm in a chatty mood for some reason. So I'll post this before I say too much aha
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pedroam-bang · 12 days
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Mafia III: Faster, Baby! (2017)
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bettycanavosio · 2 years
roxy laveau is so fine i can’t be normal about it anymore sorry
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weburlesque · 2 years
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Showing What’s Possible w/ Foxy Lexxi Brown
Released: April 4, 2022 Recorded: February 24, 2022
listen: https://weburlesque.wordpress.com/2022/04/04/153-showing-whats-possible-w-foxy-lexxi-brown/
“Performing onstage is a conversation with the public,” says extraordinary entertainer Foxy Lexxi Brown. Lexxi lives in Montreal, Canada, and is the conqueror hearts internationally from her Miss Viva Las Vegas win in 2018, multiple Hollywood Burlesque superlatives, and more in Arizona and New Orleans. She and Viktor Devonne talk her start in burlesque–inspired by Roxi D’lite and Perle Noire amongst others–and her work ethic, professionalism, emrbacing sensuality, and commitment to glamour onstage, whilst avoiding the trappings of preconceptions and stereotypes. #CasualllyExtra [recorded on February 24, 2022]
… foxylexxibrown.com … @FoxyLexxi on IG and Twitter … https://burlesquegalaxy.com/listing/foxy-lexxi-brown/ … and more: https://linktr.ee/FoxyLexxi
— WEBurlesque Podcast Nework is the creation of Viktor Devonne. Episode 153 call hook by Go Go Gadget. Podcast artwork by Logan Laveau, WEBurlesque the Podcast cover art photography by Atticus Stevenson. Theme song, “On a 45” by This Way to the Egress, used with permission. Incidental music via pixabay.com under fair use. Visit weburlesquepodcast.com for notes on this and every episode. Follow @weburlesque and @viktordevonne on just about every platform, and support the podcast via patreon.com/weburlesque or via Venmo @Viktor-Devonne. Don’t got the cash? Please follow, subscribe, and give 5 stars on every platform you can get your hands on. It really does help. All original material is owned by Viktor Devonne and White Elephant Burlesque Corporation; all other materials property of their respective copyright. No infringement, while likely, is intended.
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gamingladies · 2 years
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“Ain’t nothing falling apart. We always knew those motherfuckers’d hit back. These folks gave they life thinkin’ we was gonna see this through.“
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What your favorite M3 character says about you
Lincoln: you’re a homosexual and full of pain
John: you’re a homosexual and a nationalist
Cassandra: you’re a homosexual and you think lying is very fun actually
Vito: you’re a homosexual and into DILFS
Burke: you’re a homosexual and homophobic
Nicki: You’re a homosexual and like vintage cars
Emmanuel: you’re a homosexual and have generational trauma
Alma: you’re a homosexual and you own brass knuckles ‘for fun’
Roxy: you’re a homosexual and get things done while looking hot
Giorgi: you’re a homosexual and have an emotionally absent father
MJ: you’re a homosexual and you smoke weed
Marshall: you’re a homosexual and maybe a little insane
Father James: you’re a homosexual and painfully catholic
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swiftcola · 2 years
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— roxy laveau, you are one of the brightest lights i have ever known. don't let the world take that away from you.
— dance with me…
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elffees · 4 days
“Truth is Roxy Laveau… you are one of the brightest lights I have ever known. Don’t let the world take that away from you.”
“So, if I’m so bright, then what are you?”
“I’m not sure I can answer that.”
“You sell yourself too short.”
“You do! You think all you got is brute force, but there be a light inside you too, Lincoln Clay.”
“How you know that?”
“Well… cause you here dancing with me.”
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mafia-iii · 1 year
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Ain't Nowhere Safer || Faster, Baby!
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
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“Southern trees bear strange fruit.”
Template by @pointlookout ! Transcript is below the cut.
Note: yes, I did remake this so the description sounded more like John. Still not 100% happy with it, but meh. Such is life.
Slide 1
Dasia Williams
Age: 20
Nurse originally from Mississippi, now working full-time in Delray Hollow. Part-time informant for “The Voice”.
Slide 2
Document prepared by Donovan, John
Dasia, by all accounts, appeared to have a fairly regular upbringing in Jackson, Mississippi— youngest of 5, desired greatness or some shit to make her family proud. With a family like hers, even getting admitted to college was impressive. To her credit, she achieved it, graduating near the top of her class in ‘67 as the first graduate in her family. Her criminal record is absent (as far as Hoover’s Fuckwads have tracked anyway). So how the hell did she get involved with Laveau? Answer: Roxanne.
You already know Roxy, so no need to re-hash that. Dasia and mini-female-Laveau met sometime in ‘67 in Jackson after a series of protests following the dismissal of a case against the KKK by Judge Wilson Roberts (more on him later). They hit it off, so when Roxy moved to New Bordeaux to be with her old man, Dasia soon followed and settled into Delray Hollow by January of 1968.
After everything was said-and-done, Laveau hooked her up with the earpieces he had around the Hollow and some in the French Ward. She’d use her job as a nurse to collect information, sort through the bullshit, and report critical evidence back to Laveau and company. If 1967 taught her anything, it was that justice is not quite colorblind, and she’s determined to change that. Not unlike you.
ANALYSIS: She’s loyal to ideas, not exactly people (outside of Roxy). Be careful with this one— she knows how to keep a secret.
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tommytranselo · 2 years
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this photo but it's lincoln, roxy, and mj
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pedroam-bang · 11 months
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Mafia III: Faster, Baby! (2017)
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