#roxy and space get along fine
socksandbuttons · 4 months
like swap roxy just
almost like tsams monty, took it upon himself to just come out. Went out rebranding himself, and since fazbear is cheap (we know this), roxy just modified themselves which works in this universe cause robots and like. its mostly paint and buffering (HE REALLY WANTED PANTS) He's winning basically.
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Earth 42!Miles x Reader
The buzzing of the drill was soon drowned out by the shattering glass.
Summary: After a talk with Miles, reader finds herself at the nail salon. She was treating herself, just as he had requested. But that self care day soon turns into much more. Part 1. Here
Warnings: A little angst? Violence | Cursing | Some spice I suppose. | I’m gonna warn y’all now, I do not speak Spanish fluently at all, so if anything is wrong grammatically please correct me. | I’m actually thinking of making this into a mini series? Maybe a part. 3 after this. Also! Open to some title ideas.
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Miles kept his promise. He sent her money to get her nails done. Which is why now she sat in her usual salon, her friend Roxanne drilling at her nails. The salon was hidden deep within the city, a little hole in the wall. With New York in shambles, people had to find some sort of way to feel normal. “What design are we doing this time Y/N? Freestyle again?” Y/N shook her head at her pink haired friend, causing her Roxy to smirk. “Oh, I see. What’s the idea then?”
“Was thinking of doing purple and black. Maybe a little green.” Those were Miles signature colors. His prowler costume consisted of different shades of purple and black, and she was sure her friend could come up with something good. “Hm, that’s new. Alright whatever you say.” Roxy gave a fond smile before getting to work. As she did so, Y/N found herself pondering on what to do after getting her nails done. Maybe go get some food, check on a few friends, avoid the crooks on every street. Possibly invite Miles over for a late night rendezvous. She sighed at the thought. She was completely smitten with the guy.
As time went by, and Roxy made quick progress, a low rumble began to stir beneath their feet. Followed by the loud roar of an engine. She traded a look with Roxy, who had a brow raised in suspicion. “You feel that too?” She questioned as the drill buzzed just above Y/Ns nail. “Yeah, what the hell is that?” She replied to the woman with dyed hair. It wasn’t just the two who noticed. Most people within the nail salon glanced around, concerned and confused by the sudden rumbling. The same rumbling that suddenly stopped. “Maybe it’s construction.” Roxy chimed, doing her best to stay optimistic. Then she got right back to work. The drill buzzed, shaving down the black base of the nail. “What’s got you so preppy? You still with that guy?” Y/N flushed at the question, her gaze averting from Roxy’s. “Yeah, we’re still together. He’s a really good guy, just really busy.” She fawned. “That’s good, glad you’re doing well girl. Was getting worried about you after the whole..” Roxy’s voice trailed off, and Y/N took this as a chance to cut in, “I’m fine Rox, he makes me feel happy. I promise.” She gave her a look of confirmation and Roxanne only nodded.
The atmosphere of the salon was pleasant, relaxing. She found herself spacing out, her eyes focusing in on nothing too important while she lightly bopped her head to the music playing in the background. Then the rumbling returned, and much louder this time around. It sounded close, too close for comfort. Following the noise, her eyes landed on an incoming cop car. She could barely make out the sparking metal of the rim where the missing tire was before the car skidded onto the it’s side and tumbled into the big front window of the salon. The crashing of glass filled the shop, along with the blaring siren and tumbling debris. Y/N ducked down at the sight of the crash, pulling Roxy along with her as the broken down car came to a slow stop in the middle of the salon.
Amidst the carnage, she could faintly make out the crumpled figure of a cop within the drivers seat. She had no clue who the guy was. In fact, she had no clue what was even going on. All she knew was the salon was in utter ruins, and the car was spilling oil into a large puddle beneath it. She felt overwhelmed by the sight. By the sirens ringing in her ears, by the smoke rising from the cars engine. “Holy fuck..Rox we gotta get out of here!” She half whispered half shouted. Her hand found Roxy’s, giving it a light tug as she led the shell shocked woman to the wide opening left by the car. “Hurry up girl..! I’m not trying to die here..” She almost hissed. As they made their way past the wrecked car, the smoke from the debris and vehicle flooded their lungs. Roxy began to cough, heavy and intense. This would’ve caught her attention if the incoming villain didn’t. He was large, bulky, and clad in dark angular armor. His aura oozed superiority, while his hardly visible eyes were stuck on the cop unconscious in the car. It would seem the armored man had a target. With this new found knowledge (assumption), she made haste towards the exit, somehow managing to slither out without catching the attention of the man in armor. “Rox..we gotta get out of here man. Before that big dude spots us..” She muttered as they hid behind large pieces of debris. Her eyes took a glance over the fallen pieces of building, the sight of the man approaching the car bringing a sort of relief to her. “What are you talking about Y/N? We can’t leave that cop in there. That guy will kill him..!” Y/Ns jaw slacked, shocked by her friends desire to rush into danger. “The hell are you talking about? We’ll be squashed like bugs if we go in there..” She found Roxy’s arm, and have it a harsh squeeze as she tried to get the woman to stay back. Though it would seem to be pointless. Roxy was already slipping away and sneaking her way back into the building.
Y/Ns hands found her hair. Her fingers tugged at the root as she watched frantically as her friend entered the building once more. “What the hell am I supposed to do. I can’t fight that dude he’s fucking huge..and I’ll be caught if I-“ She paused mid sentence as she came to a realization. And soon she was dialing Miles’ number, hoping that the fool would answer his phone.
“Please pick up..please..fuck.” Click, “Yeah, what’s up ma?”
“Oh thank fuck-“ A breath of relief left her now chapped lips, she had never been so thankful to hear his voice. “Miles, baby, you need to come quick!.. I was getting my nails done and then a cop car bursted through the damn window..now some big armor dude is about to kill him and my friend is trying to be a hero tryna save him..” Her words were quick, breathy, and frantic. And Miles immediately took notice of this. “Im..im at my usual place. Need you to hurry.” She whispered into the phone as she attempted to peek over to the scene that was unfolding.
“I’m on my way now.” Was all she received from her boyfriend. She wanted to respond, truly. But her tongue was tied, and her friend was about to be fighting for her life. Roxy had managed to get the cop out of the car, now dragging him out as quickly as she could, slippery streams of oil leaving a trail behind. “Cmon Rox..” She had long forgotten about her phone, and found herself at a crossroads. Should she help, be the good person she was raised to be? Or should she sit there and do nothing? She gulped, her hand visibly shaking around her phone as she mentally began to hype herself up. She had no clue what the rhino was doing this in the middle of the day, or any clue why he was only after the cop. But what she did know was that her friend was in danger. “Y/N? What’re you about to do?” She heard from the other side of the line. However, she didn’t reply. Instead she rushed over, still crouched down behind rubble as she made her way inside. “Rox! Rox..cmon grab his heavy ass and let’s get the hell out of here.” She cursed out as she found the man’s arm and tugged him away from the car, he was much more heavy than she had anticipated. “Thank you Y/N.” Roxy replied before tugging at the cops other arm. They worked to pull him out as quickly as possible, but the rhino took notice of this. His hard glare turned deadly, and he visibly uttered something inaudible to the panicking woman. “Hurry! Hurry!”
He growled, his head lowering as he changed positions. At first, she wasn’t sure what he was doing, and then she realized. He was charging, at them.
She dropped the cops arm and attempted to pull Roxanne off of the cop, her movements quick and frantic. And she almost budged, but it would seem as though shock had gotten to her, her grip unbreakable. “Roxy cmon!” She screamed, shrill with panic. They were going to die. They were going to die in a broke down nail salon because her friend wanted to save a cop. Y/Ns eyes slammed shut as she waited for the inevitable. Her breath caught in her throat at the incoming impact, but it never came. Instead the crash of another vehicle caused her ears to ring, followed by large hands shaking her out of her fear. “Hey. Hey you okay? Talk to me!” Her eyes shot open, her hands coming up to wrap around the figures wrists. “M- Mil- prowler.” She was absolutely relieved to see him, to hear that robotic filter on his voice as she stared at his mask. “I’m..okay..where’s uhm.” She took a moment, swallowing as she gathered herself. Her heart was still pounding in her chest, and her body was shaking with unease. She swallowed, spit wetting her dry mouth. Quickly she collected herself. “Roxy, where’s Roxy? And that cop?”
“They’re fine, but we gotta go before that dude wakes up. Cmon.” He said as he turned around and pulled her onto his back. She didn’t bother arguing, she didn’t have the energy. Somehow, Miles managed to drag all three of them out of the crash sight and far enough out of harms way. It was a dingy alley way, trash and other none-sense tossed around. Y/N was still resting on his back, her cheek pressed against his shoulder as her arms wrapped around his neck. “Thought I was gonna die back there.” She uttered the words, but he heard them loud and clear. “Nah, I would never let that happen. You know that mami. I called the cops for your friend and that man. You’re coming home with me.” He wasn’t asking, he was telling, and she was perfectly fine with that.
Miles slipped into his apartment through the window, and trudged inside. He tossed his metal gauntlet onto the floor, his hands free to lay her onto his bed. The plush mattress underneath her body managing to relax her muscles. Miles didn’t join her in bed immediately. Instead he was packing his suit up along with his gauntlets, before stepping back over. Now in a simple black tank top and sweats. His gaze was soft, solemn even. His hand found a strand of her hair, fiddling with it as he watched her cautiously. “Wanna go clean up? I can start a bath or shower for you..” He asked as he took a seat on the bed beside her.
“Yeah, all this damn dust and sweat is gonna make me look a hot mess.” He gave a small chuckle at her joke, though he wasn’t all to amused by the entire situation. He figured it was best to get her comfortable before talking about anything. “Ight. Cmon then ma.” His hands went under her body, picking her up princess style and bringing her over to the bathroom. “I’ll bring you a towel and wash cloth, just gimme a sec.” He gently set her down, his hand lingering on her arm before he left only to briefly return.
“I left some clothes for you on the counter.” He mentioned before placing a kiss upon her forehead and departing from the restroom. She smiled, thankful for his presence. And soon she hopped in the shower. It was relaxing, the hot water pattering gently across her skin. The feeling of cleanliness as she washed the remainders of the day away.
Eventually, she was hopping out of the shower and putting the clothes he had given her on. It wasn’t anything special. Just a pair of his shorts and a shirt, but it felt special to her. Y/N made her way through Miles (Rio’s) apartment, finding her way into the kitchen to snatch up a few snacks. Thankfully Mrs. Morales was fast asleep in her room, so she went without questioning. Y/N made her way back to Miles’ room, entering and shutting the door behind her. His room was mature, calm colors, basic necessities. The usual stuff. Plus his punching bag that she played with on the occasion. From the windows opening, she could see the moons light shining through. She was a bit surprised to see how dark it had gotten. But, she had no issue with it. Not when she was still alive. She gave Miles a faint smile, “Don’t think I’ve ever been so thankful for a shower.” She chimed jokingly as she set the snacks down onto the bedside table. Then she plopped back down on his bed and wrapped herself up in his blanket. Miles was currently standing in front of his closet, fiddling with a glove from his suit as though he was contemplating something. This caught her attention. Sitting up, she sighed. “So, how exactly did you beat that guy?” She inquired, which caused his eyes to meet hers.
“Threw my motorcycle at him. Knocked him down long enough to get you out.” He said before tossing his glove onto his desk chair and making his way over to the bed. Her jaw was wide at his explanation, surprised at his confession. “Your motorcycle? Are you serious babe? That’s fucking crazy.” He only smirked as his hands intruded the blanket and his arms wrapped firmly around her torso. “I’ll just make another one with Unc.” His weight caused her to fall back on his bed, her head now snug in his pillow. His arms felt comforting around her as his head rested on her chest, his soft breaths managing to calm her down. Her hands found his hair, now fiddling with the ends of his braids. Sure, it wasn’t her first time seeing them, but she certainly thought the style suited him well. “I like them, they’re cute.” She said, which caused him to shift and rest his chin on her chest. He had a satisfied look on his face, one only a victor would wear.
“Knew you did. Mom thought they made me look weird, but eh, I think I like them.”
“Good, they suit you.” She nodded in agreement. They sat in silence for a moment, watching each other with gentle eyes. Her hands scratched lightly at his scalp, managing to make his eyes shut. It would seem that the only time Miles could truly allow himself to feel vulnerable, was around her. After a few minutes of pleasant silence, Miles spoke again, his tone much more serious. “Me dejaste preocupado mami..” He muttered, his words muffled as he burried his face back into her chest. This made her heart ache, her brows knitting with concern. “Mi vida, I’m okay now. You saved me..and my friend. Thank you.” He shook his head. “Next time you run. Call me, I’ll help your little friends. For now though, you’re my main priority.” He proclaimed before sitting up from her chest and leaning up to kiss her lips. “I’m serious Y/N. You run.” He spoke against her lips.
“Okay..” She mumbled, her eyes shut and her hands resting on his jaw. Her lips grazed his, the distance growing tantalizingly close. And finally he pressed back into her, lips meshing into hers as his hands traversed her sides. “So glad you’re okay..” He said in a hushed manner as he poured his love into every movement. His kisses slowly began to lower, finding her neck, then her collar bone, and- she hissed. Wincing beneath him, her body tensed and he froze. His hard stare lingered on her, awaiting a sign to stop or continue. “Sorry, think I got a bruise or something. You can keep going Miles.” He didn’t. Not there.
His hands found her legs, now pulling her thighs apart just enough to get closer to her. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, the anticipation of what’s to happen making her giddy with excitement. “Relajate, Y/N. You’re tired and need to rest.” He said as he shifted them around, the two of them now lying on their sides wrapped in one another’s arms. This caused her to sigh, a frown on her face as she glared up at him. “Don’t look at me like that. You just went through a lot, don’t want you hurting yourself more.” He said as he tugged the blanket over their forms.
“Next time don’t start it if you’re not gonna finish it Miles.” She scoffed before scooting into his chest, his familiar scent drawing a small grin from her. “Who said I wouldn’t finish it mami? Just letting you get better first.” She could feel him smirk against her head as he rested his face against the crown of it. His words were enough to silence her, along with the sudden depletion of adrenaline. The two snuggled together, the soft blankets paired with the warmth of one another was enough to make them dreary. “Fine..Goodnight, love you Miles.”
“Te amo ma.”
Taglist? - @willowcxmilee @rinouko @chims-kookies @bbybubbles @supremeshrimpy2 @marice23top @korizzybee @otaku-degenarate @movie-enthusiast22 @corpsebridenightamare @thoughtfulbelieverstrawberry @marsbars09 @dystop4in14nd @ethanlandrysgf69 @mmxinne @brxght-world @rinisfruity14 @repostingmyfavs @sammarvel123 @idkwhatimdoingherehonestlyy @frissy @d4ridi0rsworld @julie03 @sakura-onesan @oh-kurva (Yall I’m never making a taglist again 🙁 props to y’all who do bc this is too much work.)
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All In 10
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: who's a tired bitch?
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Bucky drives you home. Just him. No Merv. You have your books and the pajamas but it feels like so much more. 
His fingers tap on the shifter. You’re overly aware of his every move. You try to shrink yourself in the seat, feeling crowded with only him in the car. His hand slips and he reaches over to rest it on your thigh. He rubs you through your pants. 
“You alright?” He asks in a grit. 
“Yeah,” you squeak, fixating on his touch. “Fine.” 
“You don’t gotta be so nervous. You know I like you,” his fingers continue to move, sending ripples through you, “not much you can do to change that either.” 
You press yourself into the seat and flick your eyes up to the windshield. You recognise that house. Your thoughts rush over you and you grab his hand, squeezing it. 
“Stop,” you say. 
He hits the brake and you flutter your lashes, looking at him, “just drop me here. I can walk.” 
“What? Doll? What’s wrong?” 
“I... well... what if someone sees you?” You ask, “my mom, my sister... they’d wanna know why you were driving me home if I’m just working at the hotel, wouldn’t they?” 
He considers you and tilts his head, “hm, you’re clever too, doll. Suppose they would.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m not--” 
You keep your hand on his but don’t try to move him. Nor does he pull away. Instead, he squeezes your leg and lets out a purr. 
“I’ll make you a deal, doll, you give me a kiss and I’ll do what you say. You can go, enjoy your books, try on your jammies,” his blues eyes blaze at you, “and I’ll be patient. I’ll wait for you. Until tomorrow.” He makes a pained expression, “you know a man can only take so much when it comes to pretty women.” 
You giggle, overwhelmed by his words. No one ever calls you pretty, only your mom. In fact, Roxie always said it was good you have a brain because your looks won’t get you very far, and she wasn’t proven wrong. Not until him. 
“Okay, uh,” you gulp and look down at his hand, slowly peeling yours off of him, “I just...”  
You touch the seat belt and follow it down to the buckle. You click the button and let it repel behind the seat. You swallow again, trying to wet your dry mouth. If it gets you home without any extra questions, you can give him a kiss. It wasn’t so bad earlier, was it. It made you feel... a lot. 
You shift and lean towards him. His hand crawls up your leg to your hip as he urges you close, himself angling over the space between your seats. Your gaze meet his sapphire irises and you squeeze your eyelids shut. He’s so handsome you could melt. And he want a kiss. From you! 
You press your lips to his. He growls and his other hand comes up to the back of your head, holding you there before you can pull away. His tongue glides along your lips and delves past them. Like earlier, he invades your mouth eagerly, drawing you into him as he groans. You grasp the front of his shirt and squeak. 
The smell of his rich cologne seeps into your nose and his warmth swirls around you. You’re trapped by more than his strength; you’re completely swept up in his need. You’ve never felt anything like that. No one has ever wanted you as much as he has. Even if you’re scared, it’s nice to feel that. 
He leaves you breathless as he parts his lips from yours, hovering just before you as his pants shallowly. His tongue pokes out and traces his lips. He purrs and his eyes threaten to swallow you up. He’s even more handsome up close; ever line is like a paint stroke in a masterpiece, every hair is placed perfectly, and his features are sculpted just so. 
You blink and feel your chest crush. He's so much better than you; more attractive, richer, older, smarter... Your eyes gloss over just a little with the reminder and his hand slips down to your neck, his grip on your slackening. A divot forms between his brows in disappointment. 
“What’s the matter, doll?” He rasps. 
You shake your head and force a smile, “nothing,” you eke between taut cheeks, “I just... I don’t want to let you down.” 
“Doll, you can’t do that,” he chuckles, “you gotta trust yourself. Trust me. I mean every word I say.” He exhales and looks you up and down, “I want you so bad...” His fingers curl into your neck and you feel him shake, “you...” He closes his eyes, his lips slightly open, and he pulls his hand off of you. He recoils and sits back in his seat. “You should go before I just gotta show ya.” 
Is it a threat? It sounds like one. Your blood runs cold as he balls his hand to a fist. He puffs through his nostrils, eyes still closed as if he’s fighting himself. You reach back to grab the bag from behind the seat and pull it into your lap. 
“Thank you, Bucky, for the drive home,” you say, “and for everything else. It’s all so nice.” 
“Doll,” he dips his head down, “anything...” His fist tightens, “have a good night.” 
“You too,” you chirp and pull on the door handle. 
It doesn't open. Panic pricks in your chest as you search for the lock. You hear a pop and glance over as Bucky presses a button. The door unlocks and you nearly fall out of the car. 
You right yourself and close the door gently with a sheepish look in his direction. He watches you, reaching to grip the steering wheel. You give a tiny wave and slowly turn away. There’s a giddiness in you. Even if you’re entirely out of your element and can’t quite believe any of it, you feel special. You’ve never really felt that. Just forgotten. 
You start down the street. You don’t look back until you get to the corner and look back. Bucky sits still in the car, just where he stopped. You can’t see through the tinted windows. His headlights flash, a signal but for what, you’re not sure.  
You turn and continue onto your mother’s street. You stop just at the threshold and look down at the bag in your hand. You don’t like to lie but you need one. You walk up to the front door and onto the small porch. You enter quietly, hoping maybe you won’t be heard. You’ve never struggled very much before going unnoticed. 
Your sister lays on the couch in the breadth of the oscillation fan. It’s hot. The news said there’s a heat wave. You’re feeling it now. You almost feel bad that you’d been too busy to notice before. That you’d been in nice places where every detail, including the temperature, is perfect. 
“Finally home,” Roxie sneers without looking over the back of the couch, “long shifts at the casino, huh?” 
“Uh, yeah,” you do your best to keep the bag from crinkling. “Busy.” 
“That’s what a job is. Try a night at the club. That shit is chaos.” 
“Sure, uh, I can’t imagine,” you shuffle into the kitchen.  
You expect to find your mom waiting for you but it’s empty. You go to your room and hide the bag on the other side of your dresser. You close your door and come back out. She’s there, in her robe with a bonnet on her head. 
“Mom,” you croak, “hi, uh--” 
“How was it? First day!” She chimes. 
“Uh, yeah it...” your voice trails off as your jaw locks and you fear the truth spilling out. The day flows through your mind; the kissing, the books, the food, and more kissing. “...was a lot.” 
“Oh, yes, well, a casino,” she chuckles, “that can’t be anything but hectic. So what do they got you doing? Dealer? That’s exciting.” 
“No, er, no, just... cleaning,” you stammer. 
“Right, yes, I forgot. You said before. I’m sure people make a mess there too,” she scrunches her nose, “so, what do you feel like for dinner? We’ve been waiting on you. Tacos? Spaghetti?” 
“Oh, I’m not very hungry,” you say, “sorry, but I’ll help you cook.” 
“You should eat, honey,” she insists. 
“I now, it’s just...” you look up at the ceiling and think. You scour your mind for your brief recollection of the casino, “they have a buffet at work. Employees eat free and... I got carried away.” 
“Ah, lucky. Wish my work had a buffet,” she trills, “guess I should just be thankful for the health insurance.” 
“Mm, yeah,” you try to smile, “so, I can help cook--” 
“No, no, you just had your first day. You just relax. I’ll leave a bit extra for you, just in case,” she squeezes your shoulder then caresses your arm gently, “I hope you know how proud I am of you.” 
“Oh yeah,” Roxie blusters as she appears behind you, “because scrubbing toilets is so amazing.” 
She shoulders past and your mom moves out of her path. You frown and your mom gives her a sardonic look, “hey, I’m proud of you too. I’ve told you that.” 
“Why? I hand out flyers to desperate men looking for one-night stands?” 
“Don’t say it like that,” your mom rebukes. 
“Well, it’s the truth,” she snickers, “half the night, I don’t even hand out the things. I just hang out by the hot dog seller. He gives me free food.” Roxie looks at your archly, “see, not the only one with perks.” 
“Mm, I like hot dogs,” you say, “um, I’m gonna... lay down.” 
“Sure thing, honey, let me know if you need anything. Oh, chamomile? I could put the kettle on.” 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you assure her as you back up. “Promise I’m fine. I, er... tomorrow, I start in the afternoon so I’m gonna sleep in.” 
“Oo, that will be nice. But be careful, if you’re working late, I’m sure there’ll be some unruly people hangin’ around,” her forehead lines with concern, “I’ll give you some extra money for a cab. I don’t want you on the bus that late.” 
“Oh, alright,” you agree, just wanting to hide. You don’t like lying and with each word, it’s harder to hold yourself together. You don’t think you can do this. “Thanks.” 
“Course, hon, whatever you need.” 
You retreat to your room. You sit on the bed and stare at the wall. It’s not just today, but tomorrow, and the next day. How long until Bucky moves on to the next thing? You googled him, you’re not that naive. At least you don’t think you are.  
It feels rotten. You don’t like not telling your mom the truth. You tell her everything. She’s the one person who listened to you. Well, until Bucky. You can feel his gaze just thinking of it. How intent he is on every word, how he focuses on your lips as they outline every syllable.  
You’re an adult. It’s not a lie. It’s a secret. And you don’t have a lot of options. It’s about time you help out and Burger King isn’t calling you back to scrape grills. 
No matter how many times you justify it, it still feels wrong. Even if the way Bucky looks at you makes you all wiggly inside, it’s still lying. Even if you really need the money, it doesn’t change what you’re doing. And you are doing it. You have to.  
You don’t want to see another red notice in the mailbox, you don’t want to hear your mom crying through the wall. You want to be able to give her a day off, more than that. She’s taken care of you for so long, this is just what you need to do to take care of her. 
That’s what you’ll keep telling yourself. 
You get up and go to the dresser and take the bag from behind it. You slide out a book and lay down with it. That’s how you cope. You read, you go to a world that doesn’t exist, just until you’re forced back to reality.  
You shiver at what awaits you at the end of the first chapter. You know what Bucky expects and you know he won’t forget. The thought of the pajamas, the little top and the tiny shorts... 
Don’t think of it. Open the book. Things will be normal for just a little longer. 
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gorlygorlx3 · 2 months
he was overqualified for the job
“Give it up for the Glamrocks once again!” The roar of an applause echoed through the crowd. Each member of the band waved at their adoring audience. Freddy and Chica both smiled happily while Monty and Roxy relished every moment of it. 5 minutes of fame is always nice, but it’s only 5 minutes. The Glamrocks slowly descended down to the ground floor, content with their performance. Last performance of the day, finally. All that’s left is the meet & greets. The main four split up into their respective attractions.
Gator Golf wasn’t as packed as usual today. The biggest group of people that stopped by was a birthday party. Congrats for little Daniel turning 10. Double digits woohoo! Not important. What’s currently on Monty mind was rock n’ roll music. More specifically, rock bands over the years. Ever since all the animatronics were updated with a built in browser and messaging, Monty had some fun searching up whatever pop into his head when he got bored. Maybe a little too much fun. Anyway in the pools of swampy waters, Monty’s little search engine tab open several articles about history and timelines and random facts about some famous band members.He didn’t care about any of that.
Well…except that majority of the famous ones usually consisted of a drummer.
Monty pondered for a minute as he looked through some photos. As far as he could see, old rock bands consisted of two guitarists (a lead guitarist and a rhythm guitarist, with one of them singing lead vocals), a bassist, and a drummer. Wonder what it could be like to have a drummer. They could finally play different songs than the ones they were used to.
Man…ever since Chica came with the idea of having the band write their own songs, Monty started planning. In private of course! He doesn’t want any distractions. (Yeah right 😏) Brainstorming wasn’t as boring as he thought it was. Time consuming but fun. Especially, listening to some old music for 80’s. Gives him inspiration he says. But until recently, everything the Glamrocks played was just about everything they could come up with. Freddy was stumped, Roxy lost interest, even Chica was struggling. And her songs are the ones they’ve been using! Yeah. They needed a drummer. But who would be the drummer? It can’t be Freddy, he’s already the lead singer of the band. Chica’s too good with the guitar. And Roxy doesn’t plan on switching from her keytar anytime soon. “Maybe I’ll play the drums…” Monty muttered. But he loves the bass. The deep, utter moans crooning along the music. It’s perfect for him. Maybe he could tag-team?
Attention all guests, the Pizzaplex will be closing in 10 minutes. Please make your way to the exits.
The announcement snapped Monty out of his thoughts. Already closing huh? He hasn’t been thinking for that long. Whatever, if it means he can get out of here he’s fine.
Chica: Emergency band meet at in my green room!!!!
Looks like he wasn’t going anytime soon.
“You had to call us over here?”
“What’s the big deal?”
“What is this said emergency you speak of?”
Chica slumps on her couch. She sighs in defeat. “I’ve got nothing…” She mumbles. The rest didn’t hear her. “I said I’m stumped. I’ve got nothing.” She pulls out a bunch of crumpled papers. “This was all the stuff I spent on for the past two weeks!” The trash bin next to her vanity was overflowing, some of the papers migrated to the floor due to a lack of space. “Lyrics, sheet music, you name it! I tried everything.” She slumped back down.
”Why can’t we just use the old songs? Roxy suggested.
“But they’re so boring…” Chica groaned. “It’s so much better to play songs we come up with.”
“There’s nothing wrong with using the pre-uploaded music for our performances.” Freddy reassures. It didn’t really help with Chica’s frustration. Maybe this was the moment for Monty to actual say something genuine.
”We need a drummer.” Ok not as genuine as some thought.
“You’re right!” Chica exclaimed. Wow, an idea Monty came up with doesn’t get shot down in 3 seconds. “Actually, a lot of the sheet music I wrote needed some drums to keep the rhythm going.” She digs through her trash bin to find them.
“And where the hell are we gonna get a drummer?” Roxy raised a brow. Monty didn’t have an answer. Luckily, Chica did.
”But we are not allowed to have any guests stay here after hours.” Said Freddy. He’s sadly right. And even if it was during hours, there won’t be any time left.
“Maybe someone here can play?"
”Chica there’s only two other options, DJ Music Man and the daycare attendant.” Roxy retorted. She doubt any of the staff bots even knew how to how a drumstick.
“And Music Man won’t fit on the stage with us.” Freddy added.
“Then Sun it is! I’ll go talk to them right now.” Chica left her green room with excitement. She left the others in a state of confusion.
“Does really think that clown can drum?
Boy was Chica happy. She’s glad Monty brought up needing a drummer. After all the stuff she wrote down, she knew something was missing. How could she not have known, a drummer’s job was to keep the tempo going. The sheet music she created was meant for fast, upbeat songs. Not to mention she did find an old drum set while wandering around for trash food. The daycare. She made it. Fingers crossed they’re up and running today. Not saying Moon wasn’t as good as Sun, but they just fit the role better.
*Knock Knock*
“Come in~.” A sing-song like voice emitted from the doors. Chica happily walks in, her potential drummer is in her sights.
“Why Ms. Chica! I didn’t think you would come today." Sun greets in his usual manner.
“Listen Sun, it’s important. We need you for something.” Chica grabbed Sun’s hand and hastily pulled him outside.
“Chica, where are we going..?” Sun’s fidgety voice asked.
“You’ll see!”
In the time Sunrise only seemed to get worse, even when they were alone his chipper happy voice had left them. Chica had beamed, immediately rushing down the hall.
Chica: i got them. meet me at the stage!
“Shouldn’t I wear anything different? This will be my first outing in years!” Sunrise huffed when Chica said it shouldn’t be a big deal. To Sunrise it was the biggest, maybe even bigger than a child turning 10! Maybe.
“But aren’t the other Glamrocks are going to see me? I want to look presentable for tonight!” They didn’t exactly have clothing to wear either way, especially none that fit them, but somehow Sunrise had acquired items over the years. Suppose boredom can lead to strange hobbies? (By animatronic standards, as they weren’t meant to have hobbies.) Apparently Sunrise would take clothes from the lost and found and repurpose them, to the best of his ability. Too late now.
“Oh relax Sun, it’ll only be for a couple of minutes.” Chica reassured. Sun whispering worries and doubts under his breath all the while. Chica had already told him why he’s was dragged out the daycare, explaining that the Glamrocks were running out of ideas for songs and that maybe a drummer would help make new songs. Sun admitted that he always liked their music. As much as it was muffled. But hearing they were having some trouble, he wouldn’t mind helping out. Sunrise gazed around the massive dome that was the concert area of the Mega Pizzaplex. It was filled with light, sure as to not bring out Moondrop, colors dancing wildly and beautifully around. And the best part? Near the concert stage was the other three Glamrocks; excitement, anticipation, and welcoming dawning across all of them. “Hey you found the drums!” Chica noticed the drum set that sat atop the stage basking in the light, revealing the golden yellow of each piece. Sun was enchanted by it but looked back at the other Glamrocks with the same delight and fear. “Thank Fredbear over here for finding it.” Monty eyed Freddy; it was his idea, how come Teddy Ruxpin gets the credit?! No matter, the real concern was the clown in yellow who looked anxious.
“Chica, you can’t seriously believe this guy can drum?” Roxy crossed her arms.
“Roxy, there is no need to doubt their abilities. We will give them a chance.” Freddy assured.
”Yeah I think they at least know a few things about drumming right?” Chica turns to Sun, awaiting an answer. To which he responds with a nervous smile and laughs.
“I-I think I know a thing or two.” He said shakily.
“Well no time like the present.” Monty grabs Sun and hoists him up to the stage. “Show us what you got.” The gator huffed. Sun gazed at the golden drum set. They must’ve just cleaned because it looks brand new. Wonder where’d they’ve found it. He sits in the swivel seat, swinging left and right. A little smile grew on his face as it the stool calmed him. A little distraction if you will. The Glamrocks stepped back to get a better view of Sunrise and the stage. “Alright Sunny, whenever you’re ready. You got this!” Chica cheered. Sun smiled at the her words as he picked up the sticks.
As the music started, Sun bobbed their head to the beat. A fairly tame instrumental. A simple rhythm emitted from Sun with the drum set, the sticks playing a 4-beat in a slowly pace. Not bad for someone like him. Freddy smiled at the canary-colored jester, he’s glad his friend’s nerves calmed down as they played. Chica felt the same, but she silently wished for some more from them. No matter, this was a just an idea. Monty was surprised that the clown had actual musical knowledge. Especially for someone who listens to the same jingle every day. But he was starting to get bored. He could see it in Roxy too. As he was just about to cut off the music, the instrumental quickened.
And so did the drums.
Sun's pace increased in what was the bridge of the song. They were completely lost in the music. Eyebrows were raised and eyes were sparkling amongst the four bandmates. Surprise, delight and a little disbelief was in the air. They watch as their friend keep the beat of the sample instrumental, making it more fun and lively.
“See, I told you they had some talents.”
“Right you are Chica. Sun is very capable of become our drummer.”
“Not bad, I guess.”
”I could do better.”
While the Glamrocks were having their own conversation, Sun sped up the pace.
The Glamrocks stopped talking and listen to the new tempo. We’re getting closer to the end of the instrumental. Sun beat the drums like there was no tomorrow. The sticks hit each part of the percussion set. The snare drum, the high tom, the medium tom, the floor tom, some of the cymbals. All in the harmony with the instrumental. Yeah, they’re completely lost in the music. The solo began afterwards. It was like a watch a love concert. Sun jerked with each movement of his body, banging the drums in chaotic but rhythmic fashion.The Glamrocks were speechless. And by Glamrocks, I mean Monty and Roxy. Freddy and Chica were too busy recording and transcribing each beat into sheet music in their data bank. And once the solo ended, he paused for a second before a drum roll brought the rest of the instrumental back for the finale. It was clear, Sunrise was gonna be their drummer. Chica’s creative juices were flowing, she’s already cooking up new songs for future performances.
Once the music ended, Sun huffed as if he was out of breath. If he was human, he’d be covered in sweat by the extreme workout of drumming. “That was fun!” He cheered, drum sticks in the air in triumph. The Glamrocks were still shell shocked by the performance. ”Oops…guess I got carried away.” They said sheepishly as they rose up from the cushiony stool, ready to leave the stage in the embarrassment. Clapping can be heard from two of the Glamrocks.
“Way to go, Superstar! I didn’t know you could do that!” Freddy applauded.
”That was AWESOME!” Chica exclaimed. “Where did you learn to drum like that?”
Sun blushed a little. “Sometimes I like to play with this little drum kit I found in the Lost & Found.” A bashful little smile form on his face. “So…does that mean I’m in the band?” He asked. How was that even a question?! YES! When sun got off the stage, Chica hugged Sun and spinned them around in joy as Freddy congratulated the animatronic.
Monty and Roxy had no words. How? HOW?! And of ALL the people?! THE DAYCARE ATTENDANT?!?! Was it the daycare attendant or did the spirit of a rockstar took over their body? Whatever it was, Sunrise was their drummer no matter what.
For they knew…
he was overqualified for the job.
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abundantchewtoys · 3 months
Beyond Canon, re: p638-665
So, guess I didn't put out a reaction to the previous 2 updates, either.
Let me just say I like all the recent artwork and references to old well-loved pages.
Sollux going full deadbeat living-in shut-in is real funny. The fact that he's full sighted yet still pretends to not be able to see, pfff.
p646, with Roxy and John basically trying to parent alpha Vriska, hilarious.
The Plot Point looking like one of the Hiveswap portals sets off so many potential events.
I like Blaperile's theory that Candy Earth might get transported wholecloth to Meat.
In fact, in parallel to the Sburb sessions getting entered in a moment of mortal danger, it might happen just as the moon laser is fired, leaving Candy Felt (and the moon) behind.
Maybe Deltritus and Candy Earth will enter this weird conjoined orbit around their star.
(Because yeah, the other end of the Point most definitely connects to the thing underneath the curtain that Dirk was transporting.)
But then.
Vriska enters the device, and Alt Calliope starts pontificating that she's set off some sort of countdown to doom (huge shocker).
Either she means that entering the Meat timeline will escalate things on Candy Earth, or something far more sinister is at hand.
Because where Vriska ends up looks a lot like the Furthest Ring!
Blank skies, a mixture of Vriska's hive's neighbourhood (sance Equius' hive), her land, and future Earth(?) where Hussie lived - I say the last thing since we see those white horses, they're not lusii I don't think.
For a hot second there I thought she'd go sit at her husktop and boot up Sgrub from within this liminal space.
But then Vriska meets all those sprites we thought lost.
And something's off here.
Fine, the sprites might have been "called" to where she is.
The two Nannasprites were (supposedly both) on Earth, as was GCATavrosprite, we know that from the snaps.
I can see Davepetasprite^2 getting caught up between the two timelines, as she never fell to Candy Earth, that we know (just one of their feathers).
Erisolsprite surviving and coming along on LOWAS would be a very happy surprise.
But Fefetasprite is where I'm starting to :/
Because are we now retconning (heh) that she didn't blow up, but in fact went into hiding? Even though it hurt Roxy so so much?
No, something's up. Either Fefetasprite, as a separate entity, ended up in these new types of dreambubbles (possibly, the Furthest Ring now looks all blank after its dark layer got shattered and sucked into the Black Hole)...
Or this is not a dreambubble nor is Vriska really awake...
Those souls outside the window look a lot like the soul's of the damned Aradia tried to punish her with.
But if the way forward is for Vriska to suddenly get some character development and "grow up"... Then I think that barring a return of ghost!pre-retcon Vriska (with her gf Terezi), we're doomed.
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What if Vanessa is helping Gregory, after possessing Roxy, instead of being helped by Freddy. If you’re interested, this is the prompt:
Vanessa wakes feeling disoriented and light. She recalls Glitchtrap possessing her, but that’s it. Walking around to get a good idea of where she is, the sound of metal against glass stops her, eyes adjusting to the dark, she ceases movement after seeing what’s wrong.
We’re kicking off this new round of tumblr generated prompts with number 33! What a fun AU concept! 
Possessing a sentient, intelligent animatronic wasn’t so bad. Of course, Vanessa wouldn’t have thought that in the beginning—hell no. But it’d been… a while now, nearly a year, and she liked to think she’d grown a lot as a disembodied ghostly person. 
It helped that Roxy made for good company. She couldn’t imagine being trapped in Monty’s head with him. Yikes. 
She wasn’t positive on exactly how she came to be in this situation—a topic she spent a fair bit of free time mulling over. Other than some vague memories of a raspy, labored voice and a sense of slow-onset dissociation that took a month to wrench her from her own body, there was nothing. 
Her life before was perfectly clear: her childhood, school, her family. And everything since she first “woke up” in Roxy’s head was fine too.
It was just that last month that evaded her. Those weeks were faded, distant. Like they had happened to somebody else. 
“Good show,” she said to Roxy once the band finished up for the night and were heading back to their rooms. 
Roxy flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Of course it was!” But once they were alone and the programming that forced her to remain in character while in public spaces deactivated, Roxy stretched her arms and said, much softer and more genuine, “Thanks, Ness. Good to know you’re not bored of it yet.” 
She laughed. “You could never bore me, Roxy. And it’s always fun to see the audience from your eyes.” 
“Flatterer.” Roxy sprawled back on the couch with a purr better suited to a cat, arms laying along the top. “Tell me more.” 
Feeling indulgent in her good mood, Vanessa obliged. “I always like when you do that one move, where you sorta swing your keytar and your whole body follows. It’s very smooth.” 
“Aww, Vanessa, I—” Her whole body locked up for a second, like she’d received a tremendous shock. Tension immediately fell over both of them. 
Roxy sat up with a cross between a growl and a sigh. “It’s gonna be a rough night,” she muttered. “Sorry.” 
“You don’t ever have to apologize to me. Not about that,” Vanessa replied fiercely. “It’s not your choice, Roxy. It’s not your fault.” 
“Yeah, well. It’s hard to really believe that when I can feel it coming but can’t do a single thing about it.” 
Vanessa sagged in her digital, intangible confines. “I’ll keep trying,” she promised, ignoring how weak she sounded. 
“I’d rather you just retreat altogether and spare yourself,” Roxy snapped. She immediately sighed and shook her head. “No, sorry. I—I appreciate that you haven’t given up.” Her eyes began to flicker. 
“And I never will,” Vanessa swore in a rush. 
Roxy didn’t respond, but Vanessa hoped she’d heard her. When Roxy’s body stood up and marched toward the room’s exit, it was not under the power of Roxy herself or Vanessa. 
Another night with the virus. Another night where a child would meet a gruesome end at whatever animatronic got to them first. Another night for Vanessa to futilely try to take control of Roxy—to end the cycle of guilt her closest friend suffered from. 
Another night to fail. 
• • •
Vanessa had been in Roxy’s head for over a year when she finally managed the impossible. The virus slithered in, and Vanessa body-slammed it out the door. 
Roxy didn’t come back online, though. She stood there, blank. 
Tentatively, Vanessa tried to move. That was the hard part, actually, remembering how it felt to control a body. She stumbled along for a few minutes before getting the hang of it. Mostly. 
By then, the others had all already taken off to hunt down their newest prey. Except for Freddy, who’d still be locked in his room after his malfunction earlier. 
Which was why it was a huge surprise to Vanessa an hour later, when she ran into Freddy himself outside the bowling alley. He froze when he spotted her, eyes wide and unblinking. And that—that wasn’t normal behavior for an animatronic with the virus running rampant through them. That was just typical Freddy behavior when he got caught doing something he shouldn’t be. 
“Freddy?” she said incredulous. It would be obvious to him that it was her. When Vanessa borrowed Roxy’s voice box, it always sounded a little bit off. 
Sure enough, Freddy tilted his head, going from spooked to curious. “Vanessa?” His ears wiggled. “Oh! You have succeeded, then, in interrupting the virus’s signal! Is Roxy…?” 
“Out cold,” she said, actually apologetic. “But yeah, I’m in the driver’s seat tonight.” 
Mm, shame Roxy hadn’t heard that little pun. She’d have liked it. 
“I am myself as well,” Freddy said, as though it wasn’t perfectly obvious. “Ah—perhaps you could provide some assistance?” 
“With what? We’ve kinda got a kid to find and stop from getting ripped apart.” 
“About that…” Freddy’s stomach hatch hissed open, and a little boy glared out at her from the shadows of Freddy’s innards. Creepy. 
“That can’t be safe,” Vanessa blurted out. She was well familiar with the rules and regulations the animatronics had been programed with. 
“It is not technically allowed,” Freddy agreed, or perhaps admitted. She hadn’t taken him for a rule breaker. “But as I am disconnected from the server, many aspects of my programming are offline.” 
“And I’ll take my chances,” the kid growled, “if it’s this or getting ripped apart.” 
All right, so he had some bite to him. That gave him a better chance at surviving than most of his predecessors, who had been prone to freezing in fear and sobbing and definitely not taking the risk to climb into an animatronic’s chest cavity. Vanessa could see herself getting attached. Roxy too, and Freddy most certainly already was. 
“This is Gregory,” Freddy said. He reached down, allowing Gregory to take hold of his finger in a move that read as an offer of comfort. He was clearly well past fondness. “Superstar, this is Vanessa, who is a human—spirit, I suppose—possessing Roxy’s body. She can be trusted.” 
“That’s not gonna happen to me, right?” Gregory asked, wiggling Freddy’s hand. 
“No,” Vanessa nearly snarled. The mere thought of a child being subjected to this odd limbo made fury rise up in her, so much so that a warning flashed that Roxy’s body was in danger of overheating. “We’re not going to let that happen, all right? And if anyone tries, they’ll have to go through me.” 
Gregory nodded slowly, looking like he had a tiny bit more respect for her. 
This, this was what Vanessa had been hoping for from the very first time she tried to overpower the virus. The chance to get a kid out of the ’plex, alive. The chance to save even just one person from a terrible fate. The chance to give Roxy at least a little peace of mind with the promise that tonight, even if only on this one night, she had no blood on her hands. 
And for that to happen, they had work to do.
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aceinacloset · 10 months
Since people seemed to want it here it is
Circus Baby headcanons part 2. Her dynamics with other characters
I'm gonna start off with characters from SL then move into other characters I believe she would have intriguing dynamics with.
Ballora: I thought about these two and their dynamic for a while and I finally have it. Their dynamic is that of Respect and Hatred, these two have such opposing views on almost everything, but they can't help but understand and respect the other. They have mutual disdain for each other but they are also the moms and brains of the group so the only one they can confide in is the other. This whole dynamic idea comes from Night 4 where Baby just roasted Ballora in the scooping room like right in front of Ballora. You know if ballora was active she would have given Baby the hardest side eye you ever saw.
Funtime Freddy: I don't believe Ft. Freddy and Baby would ever get along, they don't like hate each other or anything just out of all the funtimes Baby would get along with Freddy the least. I like to think of Baby's whole dislike for Ft. Freddy comes from his very homicidal nature. Baby has a will to kill, just a “controlled” one, a moral code in murder if you will.
Funtime Foxy: I think their relationship is neutral “friendship” like I think they barely even see each other in all honesty. It's like she would only really know Foxy after they become Ennard. So their dynamic is “You like them, till you share a living space”.
Bidybabs: they're her kids. This isn't up for debate, they're her kids. You take them away from her and you die.
Minireenas: they like to climb on Baby, Baby's like ‘Ballora come get your kids’ whenever they decide Baby is a jungle gym. Other than that she's fine with them.
Elizabeth: I've said this once and I'll say it again Elizabeth and Baby's relationship is Mutualism. I have always adored this idea and will forever love it, it's just interesting to see the possibilities open due to this dynamic idea. Liz being what helps Baby (kinda?) blend in with people when they were Ennard, and Baby being the means for Liz to get revenge on her shity “dad” and since Baby also wants Afton dead it's a win-win for both, truly. Of course their relationship would be super rocky in the beginning, but it would smooth over with time.
Yenndo: I'd like to think this man freaks Baby the fuck out, like he stares at her in the darkness of the facility, he's just barely visible in the poor lighting and they both just have this silent staring contest.
Lolbit: Lolbit just appears in Circus Gallery every now and then and says “Hi <3” than Leaves. Baby thinks she is hallucinating or just finally lost it.
Bonnet: I don't know if either of them know the other exists…
Electro-Bab: the bonus 3rd bab that Baby has, they have the same dynamic as she does with the babs. But Electro-bab is in the shadows like ‘mama I threw up.’
The Marionette: I've seen people have these two either hate each other or love each other, so I propose frenemies.
Also I will bestow this funny convo. I feel they would have.
Puppet: YOU KILLED A KID?!?!
CB: …accidentally.
Roxy: the robo guardians and their little child they adopted 100% legally.
The Mimic: their dynamic is “We will never ever meet canonically, but we would have a fun time just judging the shit out of our fandom.”
Freddy Fazbear: “our circus, our monkeys, our circus, our monkeys.” two tired leaders of 3 goofs, but they are their goofs so they're happy.
Hope you liked this because I found this fun to write.
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ninjadeathblade · 11 months
Moulin Rouge Discotrain AU (part twenty)
Summary: (Post-game canon) The Conductor and DJ Grooves agree to finally work on a movie together. They come up with 'Moulin Rouge', a musical drama filled with romance. Over time the two directors grow closer and discover that maybe they don't hate each other as much.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 744
Warnings: None
Author's notes: Time to properly meet Conductor's daughter! Roxie is here and ready to be the best. Ever. (No seriously, I actually like how I wrote her.) Anyway, here you go!
Grooves peered out the window at where they'd stopped.
A small, rustic house with a white roof and blue walls, followed by a small garden with a few shrubs.
In the middle of nowhere in the desert.
An owl walked out of the house, going down the stairs of the porch and standing in the middle of the garden.
They held a resemblance to the Conductor but they had more colourful feathers.
Orange tinted the tufts of feathers at the side of their face and they have purple rings of feathers by their wrists.
The owl was wearing light blue jeans and a red flannel shirt, the sleeves rolled up to just above their elbows.
"You've got to get off this train!" A scratchy voice called.
Grooves guessed it was Conductor, voice distorted by distance.
Grooves listened to it, exiting out the door they'd come in through the previous night.
Conductor whipped round to face him. "No! What're you doing out here?!"
"You told me to come out…" Grooves replied.
Conductor's face screwed up and he glared at the train.
The train huffed out a small bit of smoke.
"The ol' girl still packs a punch of attitude then?" The other owl asked.
"Oh, um, yeah. Grooves, Roxie. Roxie, Grooves," Conductor introduced, shifting awkwardly.
Roxie nodded a hello, sticking her hands in the pockets of her jeans. "Alphonse is out with the kids at the moment. He'll be back tomorrow. Come in I guess."
Grooves looked over at Conductor, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
Conductor sighed, following Roxie into the house.
"Are you two related?" Grooves asked quietly, catching up to his friend.
"I'm his daughter," Roxie called back over one shoulder. "Didn't follow the theatre business though, much to dad's disappointment, I'm sure."
"How many times do I need to tell you I'm proud of you?! You're a gold medalist for peck's sake!" Conductor argued. "I watched every one of your races, you're a brilliant swimmer!"
"And I watched every one of your half-baked movies. I don't know why you beat Grooves' so much," Roxie argued, pushing open the door. "Grooves - your movies are way better."
"Thanks…?" Grooves said, uncertain of his place in the middle of this argument.
"I'll go get the stuff I bought for you and others from luggage. Grooves, d'you mind staying with Roxie for a few minutes?" Conductor asked, looking up at his co-worker.
"Oh, um, sure, that's fine," Grooves lied, apprehensive about spending time with someone he didn't know well.
"Alright. Back soon." Conductor quickly went back out the house and towards the train.
"So, you like my movies?" Grooves smiled as Roxie led him into a room.
"Yeah, me and Al are big fans of your work. Unlike Dad, you actually create different ideas for each movie," Roxie explained, sitting down in an armchair.
Grooves sat across from her, admiring the rustic room.
A fireplace burnt slowly on one side of the room. A couple sofas and chairs situated in the space at the edges of the room, surrounding a low table.
"Can I ask something?"
"Depends. Tell me the question and then I'll decide."
Grooves briefly mused about how much she was like her father.
"Why don't you and Conductor get along well?"
"He was always too busy with those stupid movies of his," Roxie said, more or less dodging the question.
Roxie crossed one leg over the other, head tilting to the side slightly. "You and Dad get along well."
"He's a nice guy," Grooves replied with a small smile.
The corner of Roxie's mouth twitched. "You're a nice bird Grooves. You're a talented director."
"Now tell me, what're your intentions with my father?" Roxie questioned, tone far colder than it had been a moment earlier.
"You and Conductor never used to get along. Why the sudden turn around?" Roxie continued. "You see, I'm thinking that there's something going on between you two."
"It's not my place to pry for details. Just know that if you hurt him in any way, you'll regret it for the rest of your days," Roxie stated, leaning back in her chair.
"Roxie! Can yer help with a couple of these boxes?" Conductor shouted.
"Hold on a second and I'll be there!" Roxie called back, moving as if to stand before stopping.
She looked over at Grooves, voice softening, close to breaking. "Just… don't hurt him. Please. He's more fragile than he looks."
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kayhi808 · 2 years
Second Chances - Part 9
A couple weeks have past with you throwing yourself head first into work. The rest of your time is spent figuring out how to move past Billy Russo. You had to end things. You wanted more. You deserved more. Candice left you alone to lick your wounds for a couple of days but has since snagged invites for you and your friends to a Halloween party. You're not in the mood but pining away for Bill isn't productive either. Maybe you'll meet a handsome distraction.
Tumblr media
As much as you didn't want to go, you have to admit you're having fun and the party is pretty cool. It's held in the historic firehouse Hook & Ladder Co #8 in Tribeca, which is also known for being the old Ghostbusters Headquarters. You and Candice are dressed up as the infamous murderesses, Roxie Hart & Velma Kelly from "Chicago". You're Velma. Any reason to dress up in sequins and fishnets. You've had a couple drinks and you're feeling good. More relaxed than you've been in a while.
"We're heading around the corner to Walker's. To get something to eat." Walker's is a neighborhood bar that you've frequented before. Just an old school tavern with great burgers, which sounds delicious right now. Candice links arms with you and tugs you along, "You ok? You having fun?"
You nod, "This has been nice."
"What's going on between you and Alex's friend? You seemed to be getting along."
"Ew! Nothing!"
"What? He's hot."
You laugh, "He's so bro-y. He's an overgrown Frat boy. His name is Brad for heaven's sake!" You fake shudder and cringe. "No ma'am. No, thank you."
You get to Walker's and it's busy but you all are able to secure some bar tables. More drinks and burgers are ordered. You're beside Candice so the both of you are laughing and having fun.
Sitting at the end of the bar, Bill tilts his head to the side. He knows that laugh. Y/N. He scans the room but doesn't see you.
"What's up?"
"Nothing. Um, so tell me more about this guy." Curtis had asked to meet with Billy regarding sending a potential recruit to Anvil. Curtis heads up a support group for Veterans trying to acclimate back into civilian life. Bill tries to focus on what Curtis is saying but keeps getting distracted when he hears your laughter.
Billy and Curtis finish up their dinner & conversation when he spots you. You've been here all along. You're dressed up and you've changed your hair into a dark bob. Halloween.
Brad has managed to squeeze into a spot next to you. He's not a bad guy but you are definitely not interested. You try to be polite but he keeps touching you and crowding into your personal space. Every time he says something to you, he pulls you closer by your waist or neck. It's getting to be too much. You don't like him pawing at you. You frown and pull away, turning to Candice, "Babes, I'm going to head home."
"What? No! Don't go yet."
You hug her, "Thanks for inviting me. This was fun."
"Wait, how are you getting home?"
You shake your phone, "I'll get an Uber or Taxi. I promise I won't leave the bar front. I'll wait right outside."
"I'll wait with you."
"No, it's cold. Stay inside. I'll be fine. Besides, I'm the murderess tonight," posing in your costume. You wave good night to everyone and head outside. Brad follows you out. Internally you groan.
"Look, did I upset you?" You hear a little edge to his voice.
"It's getting late and I have an early appointment in the morning."
"My place is nearby, maybe..."
"No, thank you, Brad. I'm going to head home," you back away. "It was nice meeting you though." He grabs your arm roughly and you gasp as he pulls you against him. The next second. He's on the ground with a broken nose, Bill's foot on his neck.
Choking, "What the fuck,man!"
"The lady told you, no," Bill softly hisses.
"Stop it. I'm ok," you tug at his arm. "Please."
Billy steps back & lets him up but he keeps himself between the 2 of you. Brad makes a move to attack but Bill smoothly extract his gun and aims, "Uh uh uh. You lay hands on her again and you're a dead man. I will fucking end you."
You squeeze his other hand. "Put that away. What are you doing?" Bill returns it to his holster at the small of his back, while Brad runs back into the bar. Keeping your hand in his, he walks you down the block. Your phone rings & its Candice. Before she can say anything, "I'm with Bill. I'm ok."
"Jesus Christ! Are you???"
You look at Bill and you meet his angry gaze, but you aren't afraid of him. "Bill won't hurt me. I'm safe."
"Where are you going!?"
Bill hears Candice yelling so he talks loud enough for her to hear, "We're picking up my car and I'm driving her home!"
"You got that?"
"Text me the minute you're home!"
"I will. I promise," and you disconnect.
"Who the fuck was that?"
You play dumb, "Candice." He turns to glare at you and squeezes your hand. "No one. A friend of a friend." You come up on Bill's car and he gets you settled before sliding into the drivers seat. "Back there was overkill, but thank you. Where'd you come from?"
"I was at Walker's. I met up with Curtis after work. I didn't recognize you," tugs on your hair, "but I kept hearing your laughter all night."
"It's a wig."
"That asshole kept grabbing at you. I wanted to break every one of his fingers. He followed you out and I followed him," shrugs.
"Why do you even care?"
"You ended this. Not me. This is not what I wanted."
"Really? Funny because you were the one fucking other people. Not me."
It's a silent ride back to your studio. The car stops and you're ready to jump out. Bill follows. "What are you doing?"
"Making sure you get home safely."
"I'm home. You're not coming upstairs."
"We can do this the easy way or hard. I've broken into this place before."
You turn around and hurry to your building. Bill's longer strides easily keeps up with yours. He drapes an arm around your neck as you approach the doorman, silently daring you to shake him off. You don't, but do so with a growl as soon as the elevator doors shut. Bill laughs leaning against the wall.
"What's so funny!?"
"You growl and it reminds me of an angry kitten." You give him your middle finger and spin around to face the doors.
This elevator is too damn small. And slow! Having Bill so close is torture. He looks so handsome and you always had a weakness for how Bill smells. And the sound of his laughter goes directly to your heart. You wanted to be the one to bring laughter and happiness to Billy's life.
The doors finally open and as you walk down the hallway. Billy quickly plucks your keys from your hand to open the door. You get that as security it comes natural for him to want to enter rooms first and survey threats or hazards but it annoys you tonight. He does a quick scan, it's only a one room studio, and you start steering him out, "Ok, get out. I'm safe."
He laughs but doesn't fight you. Trapping the hand you have on his chest with one hand and brushing the blush on your cheek with the other. You feel the steady beat of his heart. How many nights did you fall asleep to the steady rhythm of Billy's heartbeat against your cheek? You miss him. He pulls your palm up and places a kiss in the center of it. "Okay, kitten, now you're home safe."
"Don't call me that." You close the door in his beautiful face and again you hear his laughter through the door.
"Lock up." You engage your locks. "G'night, kitten."
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mondayxmorning · 1 year
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I’ve always got time for you--- Sometimes, Ajax left words unsaid. To show affection, he would let his actions speak for themselves rather than become a bumbling idiot with a trail of incoherent sentences. This way, everything came from the heart rather than let the situation become embarrassing and he couldn’t take that. Most women he had dated had flaunted over expensive, materialistic things that meant no value to him, while he’d rather carve something with value or simply use his time to help someone. His taste was clearly awful as they didn’t think the same way nor liked that he was adamant on not changing his ways. In conclusion, things often ended on the wrong foot and had him currently sit single. The last girlfriend he had only stayed for two years, and two years he would never back. However, he was still lucky. He didn’t necessarily need a romantic partner, he had a friendship that he cherished more. Athena had always been there and she was incredibly special to him. Deep down, he had always liked her but there was never a right time to say anything. It was not in his nature to overstep anyone’s boundaries, even a woman you know quite well. Regardless, as along as he could still continue being a reliable and comforting safe space for Athena and her family, he was content as to where they stood. He chuckled a little bit to her words, “You’re welcome,” Ajax shoved his hands in the pockets of his shorts and followed Athena through the yard. “But water will do just fine.” ---And your company.
As she finally noticed the handmade picnic table, he watched her expressions shift. Was it an excuse to see her smile? Yes, because it was always worth it, but it evidently meant more beneath the surface. It made him happy knowing that they’d get good use out if it, but it was for the entire family. Words didn’t need to be exchanged to still being hopeful over her daughter Roxy’s return, it was a grey area. But it wasn’t like they couldn’t try to enjoy their days and lives with even a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Ajax just wanted what was best for all of them and it spruced up the rather large yard surrounded by her flowers and the treehouse in the distance. He knew that Athena wouldn’t mind. A beat passed as he kept watching her and he responded with a nod. “I am glad you like it. I’ve been meaning to dedicate myself to a new project and so, here it is.” He too, ran his fingers over the smooth wood to proudly admire the finished product one last time before the other walked by him and before his mind could keep up, Ajax’s feet followed.
Although he’d been in the Jensen’s house a handful of times, his eyes still wandered around to his surroundings--- spotting the dry erase board and pictures hung on the wall, feeling the lush of homey warmth upon one’s cheeks, and knew exactly where the kitchen was from the backyard’s entrance. “Actually, I’ll admit, I got the idea from your children. Maybe a month or two ago, I saw you all at the grocery store and overheard them talking about summer vacation and picnics and all the activities they wanted to do, and it occurred to me, you didn’t have a picnic table.” It wasn’t his fault he eavesdropped, but it was meant to be thoughtful. Clearly, it was the right move. The thought of the kids being excited over the new addition still had him smiling. Speaking of, he looked at the old watch on his wrist before patiently waiting enough to lean against the counter. “Are they still asleep, on this beautiful morning?”
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Fnaf: Rescue Pets AU! - I’m gonna drop another AU on your ass!
The Reader character adopts rescued animals, some need a forever home others need some tender love and care before being able to adopted by a family that was better suited for said animal. Y/N lives on a big farm and has plenty of space for larger animals too - I might add other Fnaf robots later when I have a better idea for them - Let’s go! 
[Also, don’t do any of the stuff I’m going to writing, it’s all for feels and drama and I highly doubt it’s realistic in any way shape for form.] Roxanne - A half wolf, duh.
Was rescued from an illegal dog fighting ring. She was very aggressive and talk of her being put down was talked about. However the group that rescued her got in contact with you and with all your past experiences you decide you would stand up to the challenge.
Roxanne was dropped off at your farm in a heavy duty create, that already had a few claws and bite marks. The people dropping her off are very concerned, but you  are really bloody excited.
You had set up an gated, fenced but open area to release her into. The group help load her into the release area and some come away with a few scratches. 
Everyone stomach drops when you enter the area, with padded safety gear on. You are fully expected to get attacked and Roxanne’s jaw gets a death rip on the arm of the safety gear, you however, do not flinch. You talk to her. She growls trying to scare you away, but you know better. It takes a while, plenty of reassurances, Roxy is safe, she won’t be forced to fight anymore. 
Roxanne jaws loosens and she lets go, slowly. She does not let you pet her but her hackles are no longer raised. She growls when you move but when you place down some food - large meat on a bone - she seems to relax and eats in front of you.
Once you leave her enclosure, the group that had watched you are yelling at you at how stupid you had to be about going in there in the first place. Roxanne growls warningly at them.
It is a slow progress that takes a few month, but soon you do not have to wear full body safety gear to enter Roxanne’s enclosure, and she greets you with a soft head-butt at your side and she even liked to play tag-a-war with you.... You always lose, but Roxy is happy and content to live of the farm with you. 
She even helps out with herding the few sheep you have.
   Sun - Golden Retriever, also duh.
Sun was a regular at the local shelter, he was a handful and all his owners found him difficult to train and he just had so much energy that some families just could not handle him. So you are called one days and ask if you are able to take Sun on as your new training challenge, and your agree.
You immediately pick up on the fact that Sun is scared of the lead, his tail lowers and he shakes when he sees anyone hold one as they walk over to him. Trying a different approach, you teach him to stay at your side as you walk from one side of the room to the other, without the lead, it takes a few tries but with clear instructions and a few treats for good behaviour, Sun finally gets it and you are able to walk him to the car without issue.
Training Sun takes less time than you thought, he takes to lessons and phrases quickly, plus with all the space you have on the farm he has plenty of space to run and play. 
You were wary of him and Roxanne being too close and expected a fight, but they get along fine, Roxanne likes her space though.
Sometimes families will come to your farm to buy eggs, milk and vegies, and to sometimes pat the animals under you care. Sun loves to play fetch with the children and run around with them. There was a family that asked about adopting him and you... had to think about it. 
Sun must of heard about that talk because he followed you around the house all day after that and did not want to play with other children after that. So, the decision was made, the farm and you were going to be his forever home. 
Sun got his new collar and was full of energy the next day. You started taking up riding a bike around the farm just to make sure he got most of his energy out before night fall. Many families asked if he was up for sale or adoption but you politely declined every time. 
Sun favourite times of the year are when their is a holiday and the farm hoists some events for families. A haybale maze for Halloween, where he helps if someone gets lost for too long. Egg hunts in the fields where he stops the younger children from wondering off too far from the group. 
It shocks you when someone yells out in the field, Sun had bitten someone. You came running and the adult climbed onto the tractor in order to get away from a very angry Sun. The person points a bloody hand at you saying they were trying to take their child home when the dog went nuts, they threating to call the police and have him put down. The child in question is hiding behind some haybales, they run over to their real parents when they show up. Oh, the police are called alright. You reward Sunny with some roast beef from the parent’s Boucher shop afterwards. 
Your farm is known as a safe place after that day, and every parent knows that their child is safe when Sun is running around in the fields.       
Moon - Cat, half a stray.
Oh boy, you were not ready for that call about a stray that was finally caught and taken to the shelter. Moon was very aggressive even you were more cautious than you were with Roxanne. 
Everyone doubted that he would be socialized well enough for adoption, so you were called. It took you and two other people to get Moon into a cat carrier and you all came away with some nasty scratches. 
You sorted out a small room for Moon, with a lot of scratching posts. Non of them survived. 
You wore parts of the safety gear when replacing Moon’s food, water and litter tray. He made it very clear that he did not like having anyone in his space and hissed whenever you entered that room, even when feeding him.
One day, when you went in to clean, you found him curled up in the rafters glaring at you, tail fluffed up and trying to make himself as big as he could. Instead of hissing though, Moon was coughing. This worried you. It was time for some tough love.
It took an hour, but you managed to pin Moon down and examine him. He did not like this and had given you a few deep claw marks, but you did not give up on him. You actually say to him that he can attack you all he wants, you are not going to give up on him. Hissing quietly, he gears up at you.
Moon fights back while you examine him, but you keep him pinned. You find a lot of old wounds on him, from fights with other animals. You feel for him, it looks like he has had a very rough life. Some injuries look infected and by the look of his water eyes and his nose, he has a cold.
You think trying to pin him down to examine him was a fight, trying to clean his wounds and take his medicine was a war. You manage to roll him up in a blanket and feed him drops of cream cheese with his medicine mixed in though. Moon was not happy, licking at the cream cheese you deliberately leave drops on his nose, he glares at you. Probably planning your demises.
You hold the murderous bundle close to your chest, so Moon can feel your heart beat, as you feed him the medicine. You talk to him, saying how he is safe now and nothing is going to hurt him anymore. He must understand you because he slowly stop growling at you. But the glare is still there, Moon is not ready to trust just yet, but it’s progress. 
Once Moon has eaten all the cheese laced with medicine, you go back into his little room and unravel him from the blanket. He runs to a hidey-hole and glares at you, but he did not make a swipe at you. Over the next few days you feed him his medicine-cream-cheese in a small bowl and Moon licks it up. 
One night, you are having sleep paralysis. Your breath comes out short, hitched and panicked, as you have a unwanted staring contest with your Sleep paralysis demon. You about to start crying when you hear a meow from the open door and feel tiny paws land on the bed. You can’t speak and you try to move you fingers, worried that Moon will scratch at you if you don’t move. Then you hear something you never thought you would, a deep purring and a gentle weight on your chest. Moon moves in front of your face, blocking the previous staring contest and slow blinks down at you. Moon settles down, continuing to purr and you feel calmed. 
In the morning you find the door to Moon’s small room practically ripped to screeds at the corner. You let him sleep in your room from then on. 
I might add more if I think of more, or if you have a suggestion about want another fnaf animatronics would be what animal and have an idea of their background and why they would be sent to Y/N’s farm.
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sosimsofmaddi · 1 year
Geroux Family: Gunnar & Roxana
The relationships between Gunnar and Reese's sister is horrible. Roxana hates wolves and still holds onto the prejudices her father had toward them. Her entire purpose of tracking her sister down in Moonwood Mill was to convince Reese to leave. She believes it's dangerous for both of them and is desperate for Reese to take Kelley and go back home.
So when Reese suddenly brings a man -- a lycanthrope -- around and introduces him to Kelley, Roxana is stunned and angry. She doesn't trust Gunnar and she doesn't like him. She doesn't understand how quickly he wormed his way into the house. Reese treats him like he's a permanent fixture, but they've known each other less than a year.
Roxana feels like Gunnar is impacting Reese's decision to stay. She can't understand how her sister has feelings for a wolf. Gunnar isn't uncivilized, but he's not entirely human either. He's barefoot almost 24/7, unbothered by the cold, he disappears to run with wolves, and he's constantly disheveled and windswept. He's tattooed and covered in scars, and he has no shame or embarrassment about who/what he is.
Roxana, who's always been clean-cut and more straight-laced, doesn't understand what Reese sees in him. She's convinced that Reese is only drawn to him because he's the first wolf she's ever met.
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Gunnar tries to be nice to Reese's sister, but Roxana doesn't let up. He isn't ashamed of himself and he feels like Reese and Kelley are his, so he doesn't back down or apologize. He mainly brushes her off and ignores her.
Roxana hates how he's so comfortable in their house and their lives. She hates that he walks around like it's all his too. He's basically moved in, except for nights where he returns to his "pack." It's Reese's house so she can do what she wants, but Roxie hates how entitled Gunnar is to everything Reese has. It's like they're married and a family.
Despite Roxana's negative spin on it, Gunnar does act like this is his home and his family. He's bonded to Reese (which Roxana doesn't know) and that naturally makes it his home, makes Reese and Kelley his family. He thinks of them as a unit, Roxana is his mate, Kelley is his son. It doesn't matter that they were ever apart, they're his.
He treats the place like his home. He cleans up after everyone, he cooks meals for them without being asked, he helps Kelley get ready for school, asks about his homework. He makes Reese coffee, he makes their bed, he does their laundry. He's a partner in the home, he's her mate, a father, a husband for all intents and purposes. He dotes on them.
That's what Roxana hates so much. He's carved a space for himself and goes along like he's always been there.
All Roxie wants is to get her sister and nephew away from the wolves (even though they have the lycanthrope gene). She can't do that when there's a wolf living in their house, worming his way into Reese's life. She doesn't believe that he really loves Reese. She thinks Reese is just infatuated with him.
One day, Kelley is sick and has to stay home from school. Both Reese and Roxana work during the day, but Gunnar is a woodworker and can work on his own schedule. Reese and Gunnar decide that Kelley will stay home with Gunnar. It's the first time they'll be alone for an extended period of time, and Roxana is not happy about it.
She calls in from work out of protest and tells Reese that she'll stay with Kelley. She tells Reese she can't be serious about leaving her son alone with a lycanthrope.
Reese tells Roxana that she needs to calm down, that Kelley will be staying home with Gunnar. Gunnar is watching him, not her. Reese makes a point to differentiate that.
"If you want to stay home too, then fine," Reese says, gathering her stuff for work, "but Gunnar's looking after him today."
Roxana stands in the doorway of Reese's bedroom where Gunnar now sleeps almost every night. Her arms are crossed as she leans against the door frame. "He's dangerous," she states, pleads. "He shouldn't be here when you aren't home. He shouldn't be here with Kelley at all."
Reese pauses and looks back from the closet. "He lives here, Rox," she states. It's the first time she's said that. She and Gunnar fell into this living arrangement naturally. They never had to even discuss it.
Roxana is stunned. "Officially? He lives here now?"
Reese frowns at her younger sister. "He's here every day and night," she points out. "You don't think he's living here?"
"I thought he was just here," she answers, shaking her head. "How can he just live here now? Doesn't he have a home of his own? How can he leave that so quickly?"
Reese sits down on Gunnar's side of the bed. The blankets are a mess; neither of them care to make the bed. She shoves her foot into her shoe as she answers. "He lived with the pack," she explains. "It was like a communal thing. He didn't have all that much to bring with him."
Roxie rolls her eyes. "So now he gets a house out of this arrangement."
"He doesn't get a house," Reese argues. "We have a house. We live together. And it's not an 'arrangement', Roxana. I love him."
"You just met him!" Roxana argues, her voice rising. It doesn't matter that she's standing in the doorway, it doesn't matter that the second floor is open to below, it doesn't matter that Kelley is asleep on the other side of the stairs, and it doesn't matter that the lycanthrope is downstairs and can hear her.
Reese's eyes flash as she steps closer. "No, you just met him," she states, tone darker than before. "You just met him because I knew you would do this. It's not okay."
"It isn't okay," Roxana agrees, taking a step back as Reese shoulders past. "None of this is okay. He's a wolf. You can't seriously trust him."
Reese stops short at the top of the stairs. She pivots back. Her sister's face is red, the flush creeping up her pale neck. The scar down her cheek is pale and almost iridescent. It's the sister to Reese's own scars, a slice of their father's claws over her eye.
Reese's voice quiets, her tone becoming more sympathetic. "I know that you're scared," she says, suddenly eight years old talking to her baby sister as they wait in the house where their mother and father are lying dead. "I know that Dad never wanted any of this, but he spent his entire life denying what he was, and because of that he killed our mom. I will not make Kelley live afraid of himself, Roxana. I will not continue to be afraid.
"Gunnar will not hurt Kelley, or me, or even you. He's been nothing but nice to you. He's taken all of your hatred with a grain of salt. If you want to stay in my house, then you need to stop all of this."
Reese had never threatened to make her sister leave. From the moment Roxana showed up begging Reese not to stay in Moonwood Mill, Reese was happy to have her. Even when they argued about finding the wolves, Reese and Roxie's relationship didn't falter.
They'd been raised apart, raised entirely differently, but they'd always been tied together by blood and by their past. Reese gave up their relationship so Roxie would be adopted. Reese stayed away for years while she worked to get her transformations under control. She never burdened Roxana with any of it, never asked for help, or food, or comfort. Her relationship with Roxana was the most important thing to her, the only thing she had.
Roxie was stunned to find that different. Stunned that something might come between them. A wolf, a lycanthrope.
She and Reese had always been the same, but now Reese found someone like her, and the differences between the sisters had never been more glaring.
"I'm not leaving you here on your own," Roxana says. "You made that decision when we were kids, to keep your distance and let me learn to love another family, but I never wanted that. You did want I needed, not what I wanted, and I'm doing the same for you."
Reese stands at the top of the stairs, holding on the railing and staring at her baby sister. There's so much they never talked about. So much hardship on both sides.
"I've always done whatever I could to make sure you were happy, Roxie," she says. "But I'm doing this for me. I love him; he's not going anywhere."
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What a Night... (Sundrop x Reader x Moondrop Stripper AU)
I do not apologize for this. Enjoy! Part Two will be out soon!
Well. Let's start it off with this. They never imagined themselves having another shared birthday after the Pizzaplex burnt down. Then again, they refused to die in that cursed fire. On a plus side; the whole main crew following in tow. Surprising, isn't it? The broken main crew made it out with Sundrop and Moondrop, to all share their first breath of freedom together… And burnt pizza dough but they disregarded that.
Yet, trying to find a space within the public was hard! Animatronics trying to find some way to find daily living while keeping themselves charged up! Yet, the business owners of the pizzaplex never came to collect them, to decommission them, and yet somehow in some cruel way, they dug themselves a little animatronic spot within society.
And once again as every year does. It was Sundrop and Moondrop’s birthday.
“Cmon man! It would be totally rock and roll!” Monty chided, smacking Moon’s back, causing him to let out a displeased grunt. Sundrop, off in his own little corner and getting chatted down by Roxy to go along their little devious plan. Yet, what exactly was Monty and Roxy’s birthday gift?
“Just one night at the stripclub, a birthday gift from Roxy and I, to you and Sundrop! You won't regret it! There's a babe there totally worth both of your styles!” Monty continued, disregarding Moon’s side glare towards the gator animatronic. Unlike Chica, Roxy, Freddy and Monty. They all had partners besides the duo. Of course! Being a famous part of a band at a now burnt down pizzaplex would do that to you… Right? Either way! Moon could only care less at this point, only wishing to return back to his room.
“Why do you insist on us going to such a lewd place in the first place?!” Sun squeaked out as Roxy got only closer to the cornered Sun, hands on her hips as she glared up at him.
“BECAUSE! I work there and you should go there to see this person! They’re cool, pretty, and sooooooo worth it.” Roxy chuckled out, taking a step back from the flustered Sun and giving him a thumbs up, only causing Moon to roll his eyes in ‘what the fuck’ery.
“If we go, stay for an hour, then can we go home? Would that be enough for you two?” Moondrop hissed out through gritted teeth, not missing the look of betrayal on Sundrop’s face. “It would only be an hour of pure awkwardness, Sun. Then we can just go home and watch a movie like we always do on our birthday.” With this bit of reassurance, Sundrop seemed to ease up his shoulders and nod.
“Fine… We will go…” Sundrop sighed out which only caused the duo to cheer out happily. Mission task; get Sundrop and Moondrop a partner is a go!
The strip club was loud, to say the least. What was it called again? God's Fallen Angels? What a weird name… Lights flashing, music blaring. It looked so sleezy yet… Celestial in some weird way. Chandeliers shined and chimed from above, gold lights shining around as everything seemed so bright yet dark and dim. It was confusing to say the least as everyone gathered around the bar to take a seat and perhaps drink… Could they get drunk? No, but it did cause their senses to get fuzzy which was always nice.
Finishing their orders, Moon could only look disinterested at everything around him. It was bright, not his favorite thing in the world. Yet, being in a different body than Sun made things easier, such as not shrinking away at any light in fear of turning into his counterpart. Sundrop on the other hand, was thriving, if not embarrassed at the fact that everyone around him was either trying to get laid by the pretty dancers or getting drunk off their asses.
What a night so far–
“Guys-! Shut up and look!” Roxy would whisper-shout at the two boys, smacking them both and pointing in a direction in which caused Sun’s face to spin a few times before finding center once again.
“We weren't even talking–” Moon started grumbling out angrily, squinted eyes dragging over the sea of horny or drunk humans to where she was pointing. Although, just as the boys finished turning to look at where she was pointing, the lights suddenly shut off and a single light shined upon the stage. Eyes shifting and adjusting to the new lighting within the room, only to see someone on the stage…
Both Sun and Moon adjusted in their seats to get a better view of who was on stage. Did the air change? Were they still in the same club? Everything was so… Quiet now. Audio sensors changing to hear anything, pick up anything only to hear the beginning of music that surrounds them like a warm embrace.
Who was this person on the stage? Who had the power to cause immediate silence within the bumbling horny drunks. Who had the energy to change the air around them from a stale hot to a bubbling fuzzy feeling. What are these feelings?!
Air caught in both of their throats as they caught sight of the figure on the stage. An angel with the purest halo, gold dripping in chains down your partially naked form, no wings but with the light shining on you like so, they could’ve sworn you had them. So this was (Y/N), the person that Roxy would not stop blabbering about how they would be a perfect partner for both Sundrop and Moondrop. How Monty was rejected by them more than once before he settled for another that his attention was fixated onto. Both Sundrop and Moondrop seemed to lean forward in their seats to watch them dance on the singular pole, under the singular light, yet stealing two whirring hearts.
Eyes adjusting once more, Moondrop was the first to catch their gaze, having piercing red eyes in the darkened crowd was a little startling but with a quick glance over to the bright yellow and spinning rays, you could easily tell that these were Roxy’s friends, the ones she would not shut up about you trying to meet them and perhaps agreeing to a date with. Cute… Sending a wink their way, you could swear you could hear both of their gears beginning to speed up over the loud booming speakers.
Both Moondrop and Sundrop looked at each other, as if they knew exactly their shared thoughts about you, dancing up on the stage for the crowd. For them. How could you be so… Ethereal? So unreal but real as their eyes trailed your form around the pole, from your eyes to your lips. Then following your form roll, swaying your hips and flipping around on the pole, watching you slide down the pole and arch your back against the cold stage.
Yes… What a night so far, indeed.
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slipperyskell · 3 years
FNAF SB HCs: Bonnie
- In my mind, Bonnie has always had Sans vibes in that he’s super fucking unbothered by everything, generally a pretty happy-go-lucky guy, but you make him mad??? He gets real scary. FAST. Like the kind of scary where you’d rather take your chances with Monty post-virus 
- Was the only one who actually had his shit together out of the entire band, Freddy included 
- Super chill, literally nothing could bother him even if he tried to be upset about it 
- Really chill with everybody - honestly really hard for him not to get along with him n vice versa 
- Monty v much included!!! I 100000% subscribe to them being buddies before he disappeared honestly 
- Glamrock Bonnie and Bowling Bonnie are - or, i suppose, were intended to be - the same entity. After Glamrock Bonnie disappeared and Monty took his place as the bassist, a ton of people were asking where he went, specially considering that any trace of promotional art featuring Bonnie disappeared after he did. Bonnie Bowl was made, and the idea was that, should they be able to recover Bonnie’s endoskeleton, they’d fix him up, reprogram him, give him a new style to fit the bowling alley’s theme. 
- The problem was that they never found Bonnie’s endoskeleton (spoilers: Vanny’s currently using it for Peepaw, and it’s DEFINITELY beyond repair at this point). So Bonnie Bowl never got its Bonnie. Whether it ever will, no one is certain (or even hopeful at this point). 
- Monty didn’t have any interest in being in the band at the time but he was curious about music n stuff before Bonnie disappeared, and one night they were hanging out together, Monty nervously asked if Bonnie could teach him how to play. Bonnie taught him almost everything he knows today. 
- Like Freddy, he loved hanging out with his friends after hours, either to practice or play games together or just vibe 
- Him and Freddy were definitely a thing - they were never public about it beyond the bandmates, but a lot of the guests suspected it given the longing looks they gave one another while performing 
- They loved going on walks together around the Pizzaplex (and while I believe that Bonnie Bowl wasn’t made until after Glamrock Bonnie’s disappearance, them going on bowling dates sounds cute af too) 
- would probably be a stoner if he were capable of doing so 
- Was always a pretty quiet guy, but got even quieter after he got his claw upgrades and the virus took over 
- Started locking himself in his room a lot when he noticed he was starting to get a bit... snippy at his friends for some reason. 
- He knew something was wrong long before the others even suspected, but whenever he went to management they just brushed it off like it was nothing 
- Eventually, he stopped hanging out with his friends altogether, and opted to instead wander the Pizzaplex by his lonesome, much to their confusion
- Suddenly, there were a lot of nights where Monty waited for him in the Arcade to stop by and play like he usually did, but Bonnie never showed up. He didn’t want to think it, but Monty thought he finally got tired of his shenanigans and decided to look for better company. There were a lot of nights he sulked back to Gator Golf, tail dragging on the ground. 
- Chica’s finding her guitar practice a little lacking without Bonnie’s bass to back it up. But it was fine, maybe he was just taking some time to himself or hanging out with Freddy! No need to worry... 
- Roxy has been a bit more on his ass about his behavior than the others, but she brushed it off as the two of them hitting a rocky part of their friendship, or something. She let it go and just gave him the space that she thought he wanted. 
- And poor Freddy is convinced Bonnie is mad at him for some reason - he tries to come into his room, tries to visit with him after performances, anything. But nothing gets through. The moment he’s done, he’s off stalking around some place, or locking himself in his room without so much as a word. But it’s not like him to be this way - at the very least, he would talk about what’s bothering him, right??
- Soon enough, he did start to open up to them when management wasn’t getting him anywhere, and it only made them more confused 
- They couldn’t understand why no matter how many times he told them - kept saying something about there being something in the Pizzaplex, something evil, and that he needed to find it 
- The others started going to management about this issue as well, convinced that he was having an AI malfunction. They looked into it and noticed this started happening since the claw upgrades were installed
- They start looking through their security reports to see if something went wrong during the installation process that they weren’t notified of 
- And they find that new security guard - Vanessa, they’re pretty sure her name is - down in Parts and Service the night before that installation was supposed to take place 
- They question her, she insists that she has no idea what they’re talking about - and truthfully? She doesn’t 
- But just as they’re about to close in, before they can get Bonnie into Parts and Service to fix it... he disappeared 
- Last seen in Monty Golf, without so much as a trace. No parts, no broken casings, no signs of an altercation
- Just gone. 
- the loss devastated the entire band - Freddy’s blaming himself for not intervening sooner, Chica’s completely distraught at the fact that such an obvious issue went under her radar, Roxanne can’t help but feel like he was onto something and should have listened to him more
- and Monty, poor Monty, he blames himself. It happened in his attraction, while he was charging. Wherever Bonnie ended up, Monty could have stopped him, surely? 
- And then he’s made to take Bonnie’s place as they opt to not remake Bonnie in the end, he’s given those same claws that Vanessa mysteriously recovered but can’t recall where from, and he starts getting that same sort of short-tempered Bonnie was before. 
- And then the accusations roll in, that Monty had scrapped him himself. That he was jealous of his place in the band and wanted it for himself
- And it just breaks his fucking heart - Bonnie was his best friend. He was the only one who would go out of his way to come visit him after hours. They did everything together. And now they’re saying he killed him. 
- The band is completely lost without him - they try not to let it bother them, but that bunny-shaped hole is a hard one to fill. 
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radramblog · 3 years
What happened to Dirk in Homestuck^2?
Why am I doing this to myself.
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I memed a little yesterday when I was posting that article around social medias about Homestuck jokes, because once again we are in lockdown and I am therefore Stuck at Home. Canned laughter goes here. But there’s a topic related to the comic- or more specifically, its aborted sequel, Homestuck^2, that I’m interested in delving into a little bit. I’m going to avoid talking about spoilers as much as possible, but considering said comic takes place not only after the events of the massive sprawl that is Homestuck but also the more linear but still messy Epilogues, some amount of sus shit is inevitable.
Anyway. Much maligned is what the Epilogues and 2 did to everyone’s favourite decapitation target, Dirk Strider, and I have a theory as to why it happened this way.
To begin with, let’s summarise what and who Dirk is through the course of the comics. Fair warning from me, though, it’s been a while since I read through this.
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Dirk Strider is a teenager who grew up in a post-apocalyptic future Earth, completely devoid of physical contact with other people and only really ever gets to talk to 3 other people, only one of whom is in anything remotely resembling a relatable situation. He struggles with self-identity, having created numerous robots including an artificial intelligence based on his own brain, aka Lil’ Hal. He’s somewhat of a control freak, and a bit of a cold aloof asshole, but means well, and is pretty gay. NBD. The kinda guy to set up a plan meticulously and thoroughly, not informing any of the moving parts even if said parts are his friends, and often involving some form of self-sacrifice.
Throughout the comic he further reckons with self-identity problems and his own self-loathing including entering a relationship with Jake which doesn’t go well and he eventually breaks off since he knows his overbearing and manipulative behaviour is Not Cool and Pretty Toxic but doesn’t know how to shut it off. Eventually he reaches the God Tier as a Prince of Heart, gaining the power to literally annihilate souls, which he never actually uses since he gets yeeted into deep (Paradox) space and then everything goes to shit. Except none of that happens because of the Retcon (aside from the God Tier bit) and we don’t actually see how that shit progressed in the canon timeline. I think. Dirk’s arc, as it were, doesn’t really come full circle- while he does assist in Dave’s character…growth? he really isn’t the focus of that conversation. This immediately precedes the action climax and there isn’t literally any dialogue after that so that’s what we’re left with.
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I like Dirk in Homestuck a lot. It’s hard not to, considering the flashes heavily featuring him (Unite/Synchronise and Prince of Heart: Rise Up) are genuinely excellent, along with many of his music themes being absolute bangers. He gets to interact with Caliborn a lot, with a pretty great banter, there, and the whole splintered personality thing is a really interesting hook for a character. I think he’s my favourite of the Alpha kids, a controversial pick considering I know everyone loves Roxy so much. I think, I’m not as in tune with the fandom as that statement implies I am.
And then the Epilogues/Homestuck 2 came.
Now I read the Meat half of the epilogues first, but that’s more interesting, so we’ll tackle Candy first (this is going to get real confusing for those who haven’t read this comic, huh).
In Candy, Dirk almost immediately kills himself, citing the irrelevance of the timeline as cause, an act considered by whatever mechanism governs God Tier deaths to be Just because he hates himself (and also bc of things we’ll get into), so it actually sticks. This isn’t super relevant for the discussion, but that’s just kinda so unbelievably fucked up? Entirely? I’d imagine if you read Candy first you might get entirely turned off by this, which I’m sure a lot of people did.
Meat is where the, well, meat of post-canon Dirk is. You see, a concept very quickly introduced in the tail end of the original comic is the Ultimate Self, an idea where you somehow encompass every different timeline iteration or alternate version of yourself. This was pretty clearly tacked on to make it so characters whose arcs all happened in the retcon timeline could have their not getting an actual arc explained away, but it didn’t land then and it sure doesn’t land for me now. Anyway, in Meat, Dirk becomes his ultimate self, making him near-omniscient and able to control the fabric of the story himself- for much of this story, he is the narrator. And he uses this power to fuck with all his friends really distressingly without their knowledge (or consent), including breaking up a marriage, in order to further his own goals which largely appear to be just keep the story going so to not fade out of relevance. It’s a plot that makes no sense with his previous characterisation, but I guess now that he’s the Ultimate Self he’s a different person? But I liked old Dirk, and I don’t like New Dirk. He’s a villain now, but he made a much better anti-hero.
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But this would be fine if he (or the epilogues, or Homestuck^2) were written well. But they aren’t. Dirk’s dialogue is long, painfully drawn out, with tangents that tend to amount to pure wank, misused literary references and pointless metaphors that go on and on, filling the screen with a bright orange screed that hurts to look at as much as it does to comprehend. It’s not fun. And we’ve seen Dirk communicate before, obviously, the story of Homestuck is built around chatlogs, but it wasn’t like this. He was sarcastic, dryly witty, blunt at times. Even when he was literally talking to a different version of himself it didn’t get that masturbatory.
I was so confused about what the hell happened to Dirk, because I had no idea what the hell someone writing this character was thinking when they turned him into this. And then, the 21st page of Homestuck^2 dropped.
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And it all came together.
What Ultimate Dirk and Terezi are referring to is Pony Pals: Detective Pony, a children’s book about some girls who hang out with ponies and solve a mystery. It’s a real book, buy it for your 5-year-old.
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Except they’re not referring to that, they’re referring to the Homestuck Canon version of Detective Pony- a birthday gift from Dirk to Jane, heavily edited and to be much more obscene and eventually developing into it’s own story, stated to be “tough, emotionally draining, but cathartic in all the worst ways possible”.
Except the quote “Remember Longcat, Jane?” and references to philosophy, dead languages, and ancient earth culture aren’t referring to the three pages of the Dirk-edited Detective Pony we see in the actual comic itself. That quote doesn’t appear there.
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That image is from Detective Pony, by Sonnetstuck- the 40,000 word fanfiction from 2014 that serves as a completed version of Jane’s copy of the book. An expansion of what we see in canon. And it’s a tough, emotionally draining read, but cathartic in all the worst ways possible.
It’s a very good fanfiction.
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In the later bits of Detective Pony, we can start to see the origins of what would become Ultimate Dirk’s signature style of writing. Long blocks of rambling text, orange dripping down the page, references to philosophy and history and language that go on and on. And it probably does look familiar to those who read the Epilogues and ^2. 
But there are a couple of key differences here. First of all, it’s just better written? The way these rambles circle back on themselves is so excellent, the absolute absurdity of this being written on top of a pony book for little girls, the humour (beyond some of the more immature stuff), it’s just a really well-written piece of fiction. Hell, you don’t even need to be familiar with the character of Dirk to enjoy it. It’s a harrowing piece, but it’s also self-aware- because it’s not supposed to be tough, draining, cathartic etc. just for Jane- it’s clearly that for Dirk himself.
The second part is, of course, that this is a fanfiction. It’s not canon, it’s not official, this is by someone who really likes Dirk for people who really like Dirk. It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, so if you bounce off it (and I’m sure a lot did), then you don’t have to keep reading it, it’s fine, thanks for playing. As much as Homestuck^2 tried to doll itself up as “dubiously canon” it’s still the official continuation of the story, and that means if it’s as difficult to get into as Detective Pony, that’s going to be a problem for a lot of people.
The other part of it is that Detective Pony’s exploration of Dirk’s character is, well, in character. When the man himself steps in as a character in his own book, the explorations of what he is as an author, who he is as a person, make perfect sense for what we see of him at the start of the comic. He is that manipulative, blunt person, and he is aware of his faults. He’s the kind of person to hide a lamentation on his own failings inside an impenetrable maze of a story layered on top of a book about fucking ponies. Ultimate Dirk does not act like Dirk, outside of the “manipulator” angle, something that Dirk was aware of and trying to improve in the comic. But I guess people don’t have arcs, right?
It’s so interesting to see the seeds of Homestuck^2 laden within Detective Pony- because the meta angle that and the epilogues take is also represented in said fanfiction. While the nature of canon is a facet of the work, the idea of authors and narrators fighting for control of a story, different ideas in mind for the characters, one being more personally connected to them than the other, it’s all there. When I wrote about Fallout 4 in the past, I mentioned being worried that Bethesda took the wrong lessons from Skyrim- seeing something successful and trying to recapture that lightning in a bottle. I think Homestuck^2 is an extreme example of this- the writers of the comic saw Sonnetstuck’s masterwork and thought, yeah that’s great, we can do that. But they just can’t. And with the comic crashed and burning, the probably won’t ever get a chance to. Dirk is forever stuck as this amalgamation of himself that looks nothing like any individual version of him ever did.
At least we will still have Detective Pony, and many other excellent fanworks, for actually good Dirk content. I admittedly haven’t looked into much fanfic written during/post-epilogues, and I’m kind of afraid of what I’ll see- I can only hope the fanbase didn’t take the same wrong lessons as the official team did.
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sapphirecrook · 3 years
Attractions in the Pizzaplex
A small thing that gets me is... the attraction layout.
And the attractions in general too.
Think hard. The main area has 4 BIG attractions; Golf, Racing, Laser Tag and Kid's Cove. Associated with Monty, Roxy, Freddy and... Foxy?
Chica's attraction is on the top floor as a little size area for exercise for the moms who want to come but keep it loose. But so is Bonnie Bowl. They're small and out of the way for characters that once ran the show, by the sounds of it.
I lied.
Mazercise isn't that Chica branded. The sign relegates her to the tagline, and she's not visually seen that much. It's not tied to her that strongly, which is weird. Come on! Fazerblast, Roxy Raceway and Monty's Gator Gold.
Kid's Cove is fair since Foxy's first appearance is Pirate Cove, it's fine.
Except, Fazer Blast is actually quite light on initial Freddy offerings. It falls in the Kid's Cove category of associated branding. Which is fair.
It's risky to hard associate your mascot with blinding lasers.
When you think about it, that's kind of strange. Two major attractions are dedicated to non-Band members. This doesn't change if assume Roxy replaced Foxy. Two band members have these out of the way side gigs.
In fact, most attractions are... very generic? Other than the theming, why Golf? Why bowling? Even the name Mega Pizzaplex is divorced from the Glamrock theme. Combined with the fact Bonnie's appearance in the game is more generic/50's than Glamrock, there's something that's entirely possible:
The Pizzaplex is a generic theme park that gets rebrands and reworks every once a while.
Somewhat more speculative; the original/opening band was Roxy, Foxy, Monty and Freddy.
This makes sense, given its size and cost.
Not really.
It's also prohibitively expensive to replace all the furnishings, including the cast's personality and designs. Don't forget everything is themed to the nines; even changing a single color of Roxy's color scheme would require major overhauls. The building itself also seems to have major issues with its foundations, so it makes only a little business sense to hold onto it if they needed a rebrand from the ground up.
Besides that, you'd think we'd find non-Glamrock plushies and toys in storage areas or lost by people who remember the old designs. After all, people have favorites. If I really liked Pirates n' Ninja's Foxy, I might bring his pin, or toy along with me, and I might lose it.
However, that's not really evidence. It could be rare enough as to not get lost. Or those who bring it are more careful.
A few theories can explain most of this.
They started off with the base group and expanded over time, but lacked the space for full attractions. By the time they needed two more, they had no space for it and just gave them some old restaurant/arcade spaces.
They simply didn't make bigger attractions for them. While they had fun ideas for some, Bonnie bowling stuck because it alliterates and all, and Mazercise was to offset Chica's eating habits in a modern society. Foxy and his pirate show were just a good fit for the kid's area, since unlike the original band he was already relegated to kid and side jobs (Funtime Foxy). No conspiracy, just conveniences.
To conclude: I'm dumb.
But it's fun to speculate.
And healthy for keeping the mind fresh and alert.
Let that brain storm!
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