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Roubit: Gamified Habit Builder

Monthly subscription fee hidden behind a free install with extensive in-app purchases
Unimaginably bad data privacy practices. This is a data miner.
Heavy AI integration— AI responses to your journal entries so you can develop a parasocial relationship with this bunny trying to scam you. Great! 0/10
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I'm just starting this cool FREE to use app that helps me organize all the tasks that need to get done in a day. You can even plan a whole week to month out if you need/want to. As an ADHD mom and wife it is a super helpful tool. A daily routine planner, which was recommended by my sister and childhood besty.

#roubit#dailyplanner#tasktool#adhdhelp#manageyourtasks#stayontask#stay at home mom#mom of 2#modern day house wife#homemaker#house wife#momlife#housewife
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ID: 74217002
I'm using Roubit to help me in my habits, if you use feel free to add me
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[yuyamuya today] — 23.11.09(수)
새로운 결심은 새해에 시작하기가 너무 오래될 듯해서 오늘부터 갓생 사려고 했는데 생각보다 어렵더라고요 ㅎㅎ
그리고 트래킹 어플을 쓰기 처음이라 트랙 하기가 자주 깜빡했어요ㅠㅠ
그래도 오늘 나쁘지 않다고 생각합니다!! 뭐 다�� 분들이랑 비교하면 당연히 제가 아무것도 아닌데 어제의 저랑 비교하면 너무 잘 했다고 봅니다ㅎㅎㅎ
오늘 인강을 듣고 독서도 하고 한·인니 번역 연습도 하고 글도 쓰고 자막없이 예능과 유튜브 영상들을 많이 봤습니다~ 오예~!
암튼 오늘 고생했습니다~ 내일도 잘 부탁드립니다^^

왼쪽은 루빗이라는 해빗 트래커 어플이고 중간은 모지또라는 기분 트래커 어플입니다! 오른쪽은 오늘 읽은 책 (김신지 작가의 <시간이 있었으면 좋겠다>) 중에 좋아하는 부분을 공유해 드립니다~
p.s. if you wanna use 루빗 (roubit) app, i have a code invitation where they'll give you an extra one habit slot (free user only got 8, but you will got 9 if signing up using a code invitation). Here's mine LFNSTIGW or you can click this link. thanks <3
#yuyamuya today#한국어#한국어 공부#korean#공부계#한국어 공부하기#한국어 배우기#learning korean#study korean#studyblr#korean learning#learning#learning languages#langblog#language stuff#langblr#language#korean language#language learning
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Do you ever have a case of the Mondays? maybe every monday 😆 yeah me too, especially when it came to building my spiritual practice about 10 years ago.
Motivation and Consistency go hand and hand with each other. Whether you’ve been guns blazing since the new year began or you’re still struggling to get your motivation juices flowing, I want to tell you a secret that may potentially help.
It’s Called Self-Motivation Triggers!
I honestly just made that up, (maybe it’s a thing) BUT it works.
Do you have your own self-motivational triggers?
I recently downloaded an app to help boost my routine, it’s called Roubit (It’s like Animal crossing pocket camp for your Routine & building habits) and I added a SIREN Alarm for my Exercise Routine on my phone.
…..Guys it scares the crap out of me every time I hear it 😆 but it works. It helps keep me consistent and it’s often very loud so I’m immediately alert on the task at hand.
Keyword: Consistent.
It’s now a Self-motivational trigger for me to get up and do my daily Exercise/Movement break.
Sometimes That is all it takes.
There are many different self-motivators out there to help you stay consistent.
In the New year, getting back into the flow of things, being more consistent on your new goals or new aspired spiritual practice – It can be hard!
This week’s episode I wanted to spend some time talking about a very common problem in the spiritual community.
How do I get more consistent with my spiritual practice?! If you have a hard time with self-motivation, Getting in the flow zone, or simply being consistent – You’re going to love this one,
Want to Explore each self-motivating Tip I have for your Spiritual practice?
Catch the full Episode on the Youtube or Season 3 of the Podcast.
Get Your foundation Right First for your Practice
When you understand your form of Consistency, it can be incredibly powerful for spiritual growth. However, a lot of us can struggle with this because What is one person’s form of consistency is different from another person’s form of consistency. When it comes to consistency in spiritual practice, there are a few things that you should keep in mind to help build a solid foundation for your spiritual practice.
What do you want to do for your Practice?
Without a doubt, you have to know what you want to do for your spiritual practice. I know it sounds obvious, but some people will be like, well, one day I want to meditate, then oracle cards and visualization , then sound frequencies on youtube. I get it, It’s fine if you want to just tune into your intuition and see what you want to do.
However, it’s so much easier when you set a date with yourself and get clear.
For example, if you have a set practice of meditation. Do you have a playlist of those meditations or do you just meditate by pranayama or somatic breath? Okay, now if you have that, where are you meditating?
Do you have a space where you show up to every day to meditate or is it random? Like some days it’s in bed, some days it’s on the couch, some days it’s over here. The problem with moving things around so fluidly is we have to remember that we are creatures of habit.
When we don’t honor the fact of our human behavior, we often will fall off track more easily if we were just doing things by habit.
Another example, is if you have a visualization practice, maybe you set aside a jar full of ideas to pull from for visualization. This is actually something I’ve heard many people like to do for a manifestation practice. They have a visualization jar full of the scenarios they want to visualize and they have this jar in an easy-to-access place so they can stay consistent with their visualization practice.
In the same regard, if you have a journaling practice, do you have a place to journal? Where do you journal? Do you own a journal, for starters? Like, You can’t get started on your talk of journaling practice if you forget to buy the journal. These pointers seem obvious but we have to honor our human behavior and get the foundations right first.
Your Foundation Check List:
Remember We are Creatures of Habit – FIRST
What is your Space Or Place You Practice?
Do you have the Materials Ready to go?
What do you choose to do?
Number one, What is Your spiritual practice?
Spiritual Prayer
Sound Frequencies
Intention Setting Practice
Talking to Spirit Guides/Higher Self/God
Bible Study and prayer
Chakra Healing Prompts
Crystals and Oils
Other ideas
Now, secondly, Do you make it easy for yourself to do it?
If you have a meditation practice, do you have a playlist on your phone or your computer that you can turn to for those meditations? Create a Youtube Playlist, a Apple or Spotify Playlist. Do you already have them good to go? This will help you create more consistency more easily in your daily practice. Here’s the thing, we have to deal with our resistance every day and sometimes the hardest part is literally showing up. The hardest part is battling the negative or egoic resistance to simply showing up. That’s half of the battle.
So the best thing you can ever do for yourself is to make it as easy as possible to show up. Because that will help when it comes to combating the resistance. It’s easier to show up when your yoga mat is already in the living room, same with putting on your workout clothes to workout each day. In the same regard, it’s easier to show up, when you have the clarity already in place. Example: I journal every day at the kitchen table at 7am. I work out at 1pm. I meditate at 8pm.
Then if you really want some brownie points: I highly recommend getting a habit or routine tracker to help you stay motivated or incentivize yourself to show up even more! This is the beauty of Consistency!
Begin to Think about: How you can Start to make it easier for yourself? How can I make it so that I will be committed to show up?
Making it Easier Check list:
Make a Playlist
Have a Visualization Jar full of Ideas
Set a Date and Time
Have the Clothes or Outfit Ready
Put it in a Planner or Habit Tracker App
Third, When do you practice?
Change Begins in our Daily Routines. Would you like to practice in the morning? practice in the evening or practice at midday?
You have to realize that it’s almost like you’re jumpstarting a habit. This is what consistency is built on.
Now, if you like to do it in the morning, I invite you to explore, how is your morning routine? What do you do for your morning routine? Do you immediately just reach for your phone? Because I bet you’re probably going to be less likely to meditate. Instead of reaching for your phone, maybe you should meditate before reaching the phone. For example, you want to kind of just play with this, in terms of how can you create a better routine for yourself so that you are working in favor of your personal needs.
In the same regard, with an evening routine, if it’s to meditate for 15 minutes, but yet you have to deal with, more unpredictable family time tasks (putting away dinner, dealing with homework, kid bedtimes, dance practice, Movie nights, etc. ) As much as you’d like to, you’re not going to commit to that because you’re unpredictably busy. Honor your own Routine but be reasonable with yourself.
Be Flexible and explore; what is your aligned schedule?
What is my dream schedule for my spiritual practice?
Fourth, Give yourself a Challenge to Stay Ultra Committed To Success
Consistency is created through momentum and repetition. It’s also created through intention.
But at the end of the day, what it really comes back to is my favorite thing, It’s a challenge. One of the easiest ways to get more consistent is to create a challenge for yourself. Whether it’s 28 days, 30 days, 40 days, 90 days, 60 days. It doesn’t matter! It’s important to create a challenge for yourself to show up because this will trigger the reward centers in your brain to motivate you to show up each day. Find Your Why. Make it an incentive if it aligns with your lifestyle and values.
At the same time, to develop a consistent thread of momentum, you have to allow yourself to show up with repetition. Now, repetition is part of what creates a challenge, a challenge!
The repetition will allow you to create it into a habit, and that’s what builds momentum.
So when you think about how, when it goes to any level of thread of consistency, it might not be that you want to start. Gun, ho, and do seven days of meditation all at once, but you could do meditation for three days out of the week
The next week, you bump it up to four days out of the week. Then you stay at four days a week, and then you kind of ease into five days a week. And then after five days a week, you can go to six days a week. Now, this is a very valuable tool for consistency because what it does is it doesn’t trip your nervous system to be overwhelmed by change.
Don’t Change too Rapidly
it’s part of your biology that If you change too rapidly, you will start to self-sabotage unconsciously because your nervous system won’t handle it well. It doesn’t feel safe to go the extra mile yet, but that’s okay because that just means you need to dial it back a little.
bump it down. Instead, 5 days a week, do 3 days a week.
I’ve done many different challenges off and on throughout the years. For example, I’ve done manifestation challenges where I do 30 days of intention setting. I’ve done gratitude challenges of 30 days of gratitude.
These work. Above all, they work because there’s so much momentum behind it that builds it into a habit.
As a result, eventually that creates a snowball effect. Suddenly you notice, you’ll have more spiritual guidance, spiritual wisdom & growth. You may experience better health as you’ll feel more calm in your nervous system. The list can go on and on and on, but what you’ll ultimately find is that you’re more in a place of spiritual alignment.
I hope this conversation deeply served you.
I’d love to know, which one do you think you going to work on next?
Are you going to work on where you meditate? What you want to do for your spiritual practice?
I’d love to know what is your spiritual practice? I’m always intrigued on knowing what is everyone’s unique spiritual practice because it’s such a fascinating thing.
Let me know in the comments and if you like our videos give it a thumbs up, subscribe for weekly videos every friday or Podcasts every Sunday!
Have a great week
P.S. Check out my new series, the Spiritual Awakening Roadmap! I’m hosting a FREE training series where you’ll learn:
✨ How to Increase your Intuition, Be more Present-minded, and Enhance your Self-Awareness in as little as 5 Days
✨How to Get Over feeling Overwhelmed and Confused about the path: Learn in 5 Days the simplified Process of Spiritual Awakening that has taken me over 11 years to piece together! (YES I’m giving it to you for free. 🥂)
✨How to Step into more flow & Alignment (without excessive meditation)
✨ My exact Guide for Spiritual Awakening to Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth + how to replicate it with Action steps
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Build a Consistent Spiritual Practice in 4 Simple Steps
Do you ever have a case of the Mondays? maybe every monday 😆 yeah me too, especially when it came to building my spiritual practice about 10 years ago. Motivation and Consistency go hand and hand with each other. Whether you’ve been guns blazing since the new year began or you’re still struggling to get your motivation […]
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I use an app called Roubit. Every time you complete a task in your routine, you get to buy something for your pet rabbit. In the app. The app is the pet rabbit. Sorry, that didn't make sense.
I still ain't sure how I feel 'bout startin' school again, but at least I can say I'm more of a mornin' person than I was before all this... Maybe. How do people do it? The being awake and sociable before noon, thing? I can be awake, but how dare you expect me to interact with people early? Besides the whole questionable amounts of caffeine thing, got that part figured out.
I'm up for tips on the mornin' person thing, cos that 9 am class may just be the death of me otherwise.
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You have so many comics that you’re working on!!! How are you even able to keep track on each one?
Let’s see ummmm the most important thing (at least for me) is to keep a schedule and keep things organized. Having different deadlines for different projects helps. I also have different folders to organize my art and different categories on the discord. It also helps that at the moment, two series are doing daily “asks” which take about half an hour, one series is almost finished, and the other is a full blown comic. I also keep a daily list of what to do to help. Even with small tasks.
My daily schedule now looks like this (I signed up for 3 new online classes today).
Get Ready (dressed and brush my hair)
Notifications (Tumblr, Deviantart, Tapas, Discord, etc. basically catching up)
Breakfast (kept forgetting so added it to the list)
Teeth (brushing them, same as above)
Flicker of a Neon Soul Ask
Duolingo (Portuguese)
Taffy Ask
Voice Acting Class
Required Art (upcoming comic pages, character references, commissions, etc.)
Storyboarding or ASL Class (depends on the day)
Apply for a Job
Random Art
And some tasks are day-based, like updating comics to deviantart (that doesn’t let me schedule them), showering, Music Mix Monday, and voice acting to characters (might make an every other Friday thing).
Just writing even the simplest tasks helps motivate me by crossing things off. I now use an app called Roubit to help me focus. It has a satisfying sound whenever I cross something off. XD
I also remind myself that it’s okay to take breaks and it’s okay to have “off days”. If I don’t check everything off, it’s okay. It’s more a personal goal and is different for everyone. I’ve written way too much, but I hope this answered your question asdfghjkl.
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I like that the app started out with examples.
I went to see what the next day looked like and this is what I saw.
Interesting way to show the user what to do next.
Step by step instructions.
Sidebar design.
Stat page.
Calendar page.
Setting page.
It was a simple but functional app.
I’ll give it a 7 out of 10.
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Curhat: hari ke-18
-dari 31 hari di bulan Agustus. Tapi rasanya tangan sudah gatel pingin edit daily planner. alasannya? karna merasa gak bisa melakukan target ituuu. bukan cepet pesimis sih ya, cuma mikirnya "ya udahlah bikin target harian yg mudah aja, yg penting istiqomah..." eh, tapi salah gak sih? kalo tetiba pingin nyerah dan menghapus salah satu atau salah dua target harian itu??? (ngomong sama diri sendiri) apa bukan sombong namanya? soalnya kata orang pesimis itu sombong yg mendahului takdir. hmm gini lho ya, akutu pingin lihat daily plannerku isinya senyum semuaaa 🙄 kebetulan di aplikasi ini (roubit) baru bisa senyum kalo semua target tercontreng 😢
*tgl 12 lupa gak nyontreng² daily planner, jadilah kosong gitu dan gak bisa diedit lagi hehe
Sebenarnya setiap orang punya potensi untuk bisa melakukan suatu hal, asal niat, bersungguh-sungguh dan yg penting melibatkan Allah dalam urusannya (berdo'a, minta dimampukan sama Allah). kalo nyerah bukannya sombong? meremehkan kekuatan Allah? (lagi-lagi percakapan dg diri sendiri)
Pernah dengar kata mastatho'tum (sesuai batas kemampuan)? banyak orang yg salah arti, juga mengaku bahwa usaha yg ia lakukan sudah mentok, sudah gak mampu lagi melakukan yg lebih. alhasil berhenti pada titik itu, padahal batas kemampuannya bisa lebih dari itu...
Ada sebuah kisah tentang seorang syekh yg dimintai penjelasan oleh muridnya tentang kata mastatho'tum, maka syekh tadi meminta murid-muridnya untuk lari mengelilingi lapangan sebanyak yg mereka bisa, tak ketinggalan Sang syekh tersebut juga ikut berlari mengelilingi lapangan.
Ada beberapa murid yg berhenti pada putaran kesekian karena sudah merasa kelelahan, ada juga beberapa murid yg masih tetap berlari.
hingga mereka dapati sang syekh pingsan karena kelelahan. setelah sadar, syekh tersebut berkata pada murid-muridnya, bahwa itulah yg dinamakan mastatho'tum (sesuai batas kemampuan). dalam hal ini, Sang syekh berlari hingga batas kemampuan beliau, hingga beliau pingsan.
Nah, bisa jadi, selama ini kita menyangka, kita sudah melakukan sesuatu sampai batas kemampuan kita. padahal belum, belum mencapai batas mastatho'tum, cuma perasaan kita aja yg merasa kalau kita sudah melakukan demikian.
*bingung nutup tulisan ini gimana wkwk. yang jelas, tulisan ini dibuat untuk menyemangati diri sendiri, sebagai bukti bahwa pernah dilema, pernah ingin menyerah (atau sering? wkwk)
Hmmm sebentar lah ya tak pikir-pikir dulu jadi edit daily planner apa endak 😅😂
Ditulis saat sang surya sedang terik-teriknya | 11:12
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I tried this app and didn't like it. Lacked reminders and customizability. Felt ... off.
I'm trying an app called Roubit (Daily Check: Routine Work) now, I already like it much better, although there is more setup.
manage each day's routine individually:

add each item you need to do throughout the day, with specific times and reminders, and what days to repeat it on:

view your progress on a calendar (I'm not showing the graph because I don't have enough data points to see how it looks):

update your progress on the calendar, if you like:

See your progress with cute happy faces:

set settings like custom notification sound and time/date style:

Hygine app
Once again to all my autistic, spoonie, and otherwise disabled peers. there is this great app that helps with basic hygine. It’s not childish looking and super simple. You can also add an take away activities on the list (like you can add taking medicine)

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Daily check - It is up to you how to use this app
See on Scoop.it - Free Android Apps and games
Daily check - Routine Work jw library Daily check : The most simple daily routine management app was born! Roubit Description This is an application that s
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I'm reblogging this to make the link clickable because mobile hates me:
May I recommend an app with an actual checkbox such as Roubit?
That autistic feel when you live in your head and sometimes go through the motions mindlessly, which results in:
“Wait… did I take my pills?”
24 notes
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I tried this app and didn't like it. Lacked reminders and customizability. Felt ... off.
I'm trying an app called Roubit (Daily Check: Routine Work) now, I already like it much better, although there is more setup.
manage each day's routine individually:

add each item you need to do throughout the day, with specific times and reminders, and what days to repeat it on:

view your progress on a calendar (I'm not showing the graph because I don't have enough data points to see how it looks):

update your progress on the calendar, if you like:

See your progress with cute happy faces:

set settings like custom notification sound and time/date style:

Hygine app
Once again to all my autistic, spoonie, and otherwise disabled peers. there is this great app that helps with basic hygine. It’s not childish looking and super simple. You can also add an take away activities on the list (like you can add taking medicine)

481 notes
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I tried this app and didn't like it. Lacked reminders and customizability. Felt ... off.
I'm trying an app called Roubit (Daily Check: Routine Work) now, I already like it much better, although there is more setup.
manage each day's routine individually:

add each item you need to do throughout the day, with specific times and reminders, and what days to repeat it on:

view your progress on a calendar (I'm not showing the graph because I don't have enough data points to see how it looks):

update your progress on the calendar, if you like:

See your progress with cute happy faces:

set settings like custom notification sound and time/date style:

Hygine app
Once again to all my autistic, spoonie, and otherwise disabled peers. there is this great app that helps with basic hygine. It’s not childish looking and super simple. You can also add an take away activities on the list (like you can add taking medicine)

481 notes
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I tried this app and didn't like it. Lacked reminders and customizability. Felt ... off.
I'm trying an app called Roubit (Daily Check: Routine Work) now, I already like it much better, although there is more setup.
manage each day's routine individually:

add each item you need to do throughout the day, with specific times and reminders, and what days to repeat it on:

view your progress on a calendar (I'm not showing the graph because I don't have enough data points to see how it looks):

update your progress on the calendar, if you like:

See your progress with cute happy faces:

set settings like custom notification sound and time/date style:

Hygine app
Once again to all my autistic, spoonie, and otherwise disabled peers. there is this great app that helps with basic hygine. It’s not childish looking and super simple. You can also add an take away activities on the list (like you can add taking medicine)

481 notes
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I tried this app and didn't like it. Lacked reminders and customizability. Felt ... off.
I'm trying an app called Roubit (Daily Check: Routine Work) now, I already like it much better, although there is more setup.
manage each day's routine individually:

add each item you need to do throughout the day, with specific times and reminders, and what days to repeat it on:

view your progress on a calendar (I'm not showing the graph because I don't have enough data points to see how it looks):

update your progress on the calendar, if you like:

See your progress with cute happy faces:

set settings like custom notification sound and time/date style:

Hygine app
Once again to all my autistic, spoonie, and otherwise disabled peers. there is this great app that helps with basic hygine. It’s not childish looking and super simple. You can also add an take away activities on the list (like you can add taking medicine)

481 notes
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