Finished arthdal chronicles, and gonna tell you, I did spend many episodes thinking "wait a minute, asa hon left that place she was living to go to iark, like, okay, but she left those 2 neanthal children in there alone in the florest and those soldier just killed the other adult that was taking caring of them with her.... Like, yeah, neanthal are stronger than saram people, but they are still kids and no more than 10 years old and they are still being hunted........ and there isn't a kid missing? ragaz had two babies with him when he found asa hon......." Only after Yiseuroobeu said that he was many years older than Rottip that I was like "phew, those two kids wheren't left by themselves" bc at first I thought Yiseu was that other kid that was holding newborn eunseom
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gizkasparadise · 11 months
Rottip: you can decide how you want to live for yourself, now. choose your own destiny-
Saya: [immediately murders rottip]
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444names · 2 years
animals + scottish surenames BUT excluding "m" and similar to "dragons"
Aaichain Aaidheaffis Aarayin Aarlaig Aarre Aighaingbir Alaidh Alech Anacair Anach Anacilech Anainn Anais Andaigeass Andasd Anthairildh Antse Aperis Apeulacce Artan Asaigh Badain Baich Baire Baish Banain Barair Barard Barfis Barlachart Barsana Basbat Basdaich Bathainn Bathodock Beeflyfis Beisdein Beulle Bharghstir Bhrig Biriobsan Blacgil Blachipech Blaillfhin Blailpheese Blain Bluejachong Bluew Bluewt Blush Blàraish Blàran Blàrrounn Boadaic Boadsh Boatheinn Boughada Boundarrann Brailleptin Breadaidh Brele Breully Brockey Brosais Bruin Brusaur Bràich Bràidh Bràtheòirch Buireard Buirelk Buirewt Buirn Bànaig Bànak Bòinn Caccon Caich Caick Cairnag Canacbhdas Canhane Capybuin Carrawr Catha Cathallas Catroo Catsean Ceacgil Ceanainn Ceargain Ceart Ceinndaig Cerein Ciller Cilleòinne Clearke Cloird Cobasbal Cocturc Coirephion Condreagle Conndan Conndsheòir Coosetle Corafox Corain Crafow Cragach Craidh Cranachann Crighsa Crion Croirdart Crouse Cruid Cràidh Cròinnd Cuailledbug Cuale Cualgh Cuill Cupille Curaog Cureis Custis Càbairdh Càbat Càbath Càilleonk Dearark Deòrdvar Dickoillug Donndanain Dovenag Draich Drair Dralle Draog Draoig Druithonnle Drusan Dubhath Dubhatha Dubheòiller Dubhàidh Ducapythais Dunkee Dunne Dùghar Ealaccononn Eallococe Eanacath Eathbheetle Eefow Eerrail Elebhridh Elfhag Erbirch Falain Faldeinne Falraidin Falraineag Feagpig Ferfle Fiogard Fiosalopus Fiseasant Fiseataing Flasde Flybut Forcain Friosa Frosdais Frousk Frìderfly Galpann Garis Geacrain Geatse Geinnlèin Geirc Geonn Gibhraigh Gilch Gileine Gillacion Gille Gillealag Gillech Gilleony Giobaille Giockrioch Girdaise Glain Golfly Gonidh Goosachion Gophantis Goter Grafow Graich Grain Grasaich Grasbain Grawn Greach Gregh Greidein Grephalaig Griadider Gridee Griogais Grion Grios Grite Grith Groth Guaig Guaillair Guais Gualain Guallech Guidh Gulleagle Gutte Gòraghaise Gòrshaig Haidh Haigh Halsan Haork Hargh Hearrann Horsa Horset Hubhain Hubhàna Jacais Jacrowl Jaglag Jayfis Jayingh Kalrain Koacan Koidh Koodh Kriog Krizzlynx Lacfha Laddorian Ladeineasa Laidh Laidhareat Laillfhiosa Lainnacat Laodh Lechaish Leckey Legris Lesnain Leòrdarn Lifowl Liogant Lochin Lockey Locthbhaidh Logaidh Loitoingfig Lonfishìch Loosacrich Lìosale Lùtaig Nidearak Otean Pacturk Paddove Panadrain Panaole Pante Paorsàill Parain Parcard Parcrandart Parlais Parreaverp Peada Peing Peinn Perbee Phàdrunn Piedh Pighaine Pikee Pille Pillflach Pillìos Pingfis Pioctha Piongfish Plain Plair Plargal Plarrid Poibedh Poigh Poraig Poster Potharda Praich Praish Pranhalab Prefoish Prelfhridh Prich Prion Puffal Pushe Pybug Pythawk Pythealsa Quibhraffis Quithaola Racdhoir Raidhain Railloin Raolipeiter Reasan Reass Reater Regreire Roadaich Roathaidh Robathon Roboadaig Roidh Roiridh Roossual Rotha Rothaid Rottip Roust Ruidh Ruineathach Ròsacbhrain Ròsain Saccus Sainn Salaisdain Salleòin Salraich Sannd Scolfis Sconain Scownfis Seacreis Seada Sealoth Seardaideet Seart Sgaigein Sgain Sgainnlebas Sgridh Sgrosan Sgèinndown Shain Shasbas Shodich Sionn Sluise Sluseis Snaig Snidheafowl Solbhrìos Spinnch Spolbhg Stain Steasin Stilebhàsa Stish Stiùbhst Stodin Stredgel Suale Suantleptig Swaladang Swalain Swann Swoonaich Sworch Swornan Sworpin Sworsa Sùdra Sùdrain Sùdruidh Taccairch Taich Taidh Tainnid Tefle Thain Tigharreass Tinnlaich Tinockadh Tiùbhaluin Tiùbhraig Toath Toidnain Toraw Torshainn Traichin Triana Trighalle Tulagh Turaker Turcat Turcurc Typuseacat Tàille Tàilleator Tàingarsan Urcasach Varana Vipearain Volbhunlain Walasbain Wallaidh Wallfhir Weach Weathaoidh Whairid Whala Whant Wharay Wharnein Wharnewt Widheridh Wifown Wolaghdais Wolìosalig Woodown Woossh
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arthdalsarchive · 5 years
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♡ ‘ random arthdal chronicles icons ’
like or reblog.
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chadsuke · 3 years
watching arthdal chronicles and asa hon leaving rottip and his brother (STILL NAMELESS... GIVE HIM A NAME) pisses me off so much like. these are your kids too!!! they are not your biological children sure but you and ragaz raised them from infancy!!!! how could you just leave them in the woods when ragaz is still hanging from a tree like that’s their dad figure!!!!
asa hon i know you want to escape from scary god curse but 1) i doubt that’s gonna work and 2) at least!!! make sure SOMEONE is taking care of your small children if you don’t want to take them on this dangerous journey!!!
asa hon bad parenting!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kateknowsdramas · 5 years
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So you don’t need to leave your family because of us.
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kakuusei · 5 years
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The Last Neanthals
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fy-2pm · 5 years
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Actor Nichkhun's sweeping presence on his first appearance in <Arthdal Chronicles>! Please look forward to neanthal Rottip's groundbreaking performance in the drama 
Trans @2pmalways
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zaruba-needslove · 5 years
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Such sass Rottip
Where did you learn all the sass from?
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sunlightnmoonshine · 5 years
Ep 14 (you've been warned)
If there's anything arthdal chronicles does well, it's the deep characters they've invested so much in. There's so many characters one could sit and analyse. Try and understand why they behave the way they do and see humanity reflected in their actions. Its striking. Arthdal chronicles will forever leave me in awe of the social issues they strive so hard to talk about and how to this day its so very prevalent in our world.
Of such characters I guess Tagon and Ipsaeng stood out the most.
I'm not a Tagon fan and frankly I could care less as to what happens with him as long as he is redeemed well or even killed off it wouldn't matter to me. Nevertheless his character is worth analysis mostly because of his extremely confused nature that he himself seems to not be aware of. Tagon had a rough childhood and blah blah. He struggled and saw the only outcome he could coin up. Not the right outcome of course but considering his circumstances I guess it makes sense. Although I mean no other kid would go around killing others in the name of saving them or kill off their mother's people or kill off their own kind simply to survive because they desired acceptance. Well not unless you are as twisted and confused as Tagon is. I think this ep highlights it well. The contradiction that is Tagon but the fact that none of his actions can be justified. Its as simple as saying I understand why you grew up this way but that doesn't make it right. Tagon more or less made his own version of what is right and stuck by it. He's highly delusional. The whole "I dont like to kill" line had me cracking up because its was so ridiculous. Here you've a dude that goes around killing people when he has to, as long as it gives him some sort of a benefit of course and yet he'll say hey I hate killing people but i guess I've no choice. Through Tagon arthdal chronicles clearly depicts the importance of taking responsibility for what you do. Being proactive. That's something Tagon has forever failed to do. He is forever whiny when the outcome isn't to his desired effect and I fail to feel any sympathy for him. Which is what the show expects us to feel I suppose. Honeslty, trying to explain Tagon probably requires careful analysis from ep 1. Maybe I'll do that but I don't care enough about Tagon to put in that effort. Regardless I do enjoy watching what his character represents.
I wanted to hit Ipsaeng with a branch this ep. Mostly because I'm sick of eunseom being treated this way but the fact that it led to that conversation between Eunseom and Ipsaeng makes it worth it I suppose. Like I said earlier, arthdal chronicles is all about the social construct and a completely grey character like Ipsaeng is what this show needed. I still don't trust him but at the same time I kind of do. I think it's already agiven that he's going to become Eunseom's subordinate. Ipsaeng is a finely written character. Frustrating yes but a good character nevertheless. I'm highly curious though. What's up with this Ago tribe? Who the heck is Ipsaeng really and Why'd he become such trash?
Someone better give arthdal chronicles the award for world building. Its magnificent and I'm always left a lot more in awe by the variety they manage to bring kind of like revealing tiny secrets of the world. The ago tribe looked intimidating and not in the cool way the momo tribe depicted themselves. Hard to believe Ipsaeng hails from them. Then there's that Black Tongue? And Children of Shahiti?? I don't know if I got the name right but I was surprised by their entrance. Thought we'd already been introduced to all these unusual groups but nope.
Something tells me they'll end up helping Tagon. The shocked look on that black tongue dude must have meant something. He seemed more in awe than fear. I find it difficult and ridiculous to believe that that dude appeared for 30 secs so very dramatically only to have his head smashed in. Besides Tagon still has much time on the throne. The preview had indicated that much so we know this won't be his undoing. Not yet at least. That's Eunseom's job of course. Plus this only furthers the Aramun thing since he was supposedly an igutu and so is Tagon so the people could easily be convinced that he's aramun reincarnated. All I know is a blood bath is coming (still not over that preview)
My heart hurt when Eunseom was left alone by the two neanthals. WHY ROTTIP WHY you and your principles ugh. I understand why they walked away and I believe they will definitely return to his life but it hurt to have eunseom left alone like that. I guess the show is really trying to tell us how alone eunseom is. He doesn't have his mother's people neither does his fathers people seem to care. He needs to build his way up by himself first. It's why eunseom is the protagonist after all.
With each passing ep I worry about how the show is going to cover everything. There's so much more to go and we've 4 Eps?? I hope they'll wrap it up well. I'm an ardent arthdal chronicles enthusiast after all. I'd hate to be disappointed.
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astarlightmonbebe · 4 years
i'm literally about to spam your inbox and i am so sorry i just have a lot to say and no one else to talk about dramas with lol i tried to cut it down as much as possible but it's still a lot please don't hate me
dude, i could never hate you!! i was really excited to see my inbox so full lol. let’s see if i can get them all into one answer haha.
omg you admire my dedication……. an angel thank you so much!! when i get into a show that i like i make sure to watch at least one episode a day, i don’t know why it’s just how my brain works and i thought it was dumb but apparently i’m just dedicated :D if you really want to, why not watch it a second time around!! you might catch some stuff you didn't the first time!! it might be smart to wait to rewatch until we're closer to season two so everything is fresh in your mind!! (1/9)
that’s actually a really solid way to go about things, and i’m glad it works out like that for you. i already told you i’m a hare brain when it comes to this stuff - i’ll rewatch shows i haven’t even finished lol, and i rewatch shows i’ve finished in sporadic bits because they’re comforting (i did that a lot during quarantine). i want to rewatch, but i want to time it right, you know? like during a time i can afford to get immersed in it, maybe after i’ve finished some shows that i should finish (i need to make a list for the summer...). also, i heard the release date for season 2 got pushed back to 2022 instead of 2021 because of covid...i don’t know if that’s confirmed though.
!!spoilers for the arthdal chronicles incoming!! my feelings for the characters in arthdal have literally changed so much. in one moment i’ll admire a character and then absolutely hate them the next and it’s a lot of fun LOL despite that my feelings have never changed for eunseom! i’ve always admired him and i have a lot of faith in him and he’s just such a good person! (2/9)
i know, it’s like a normal kdrama but it really feels like you’ve watched 3 kdramas in one, because of length and how much happens. eunseom is everyone’s no 1 boy, honestly. he never did anything wrong *insert that meme, or whatever*. 
that being said, i’m still a little scared of him being inaishingi and basically ruling the entirety of the ago tribe because as we’ve learned from the show, being in a position of power corrupts you, no matter what your intentions are so i’m a lil nervous but then i also remember that eunseom is eunseom so i’m worried for nothing lol (3/9)
(side note but i’ll be talking about this from memory and it’s been like 10 months SO) but even though he’s like a god, he’s not actually a god, not yet. and eunseom at his core is good - that being said, i know what you mean; honestly haven’t thought about that. i’m more scared that he won’t know how to lead, or that he’s not exactly equipped to lead a rebellion - more like i’m worried he might act in his own self interest instead of for all of ago, if you know what i mean? because he’s leading this whole group he’s not actually a part of.
i also like dalsae, xabara, tanya, chaeuun and the neanthals!!! i have so much to say about the neanthals omg i really wish we saw more of them but i also understand why we don’t. they’ve almost been completely wiped out of existence so they don’t really get involved with anything which i completely understand, i just wish!!!! that when rottip met eunseom that he would’ve said or done something. i waited all season for that moment, waiting for it to maybe happen and rottip just walked away (4/9
i understand why but :/ ipsaeng is kind of a bastard but i still like him a lil bit. i also really like mubaek and yangcha even though they’re like. bad guys and members of the daekan forces (5/9)
one moment, i have to go remind myself who dalsae is...and oh, right, i do like him a lot! ipsaeng is pretty funny himself. and yes!!! the females in this show were awesome, especially xabara and chaeun and nunbyeol (tanya and taelha get their own category). yes!! when rottip and eunseom met, i really thought he would matter more to them, but i kind of understand why it went down like that...i think the other (hot) neanthal reminded rottip that they couldn’t really connect? ah, it was something like that. i had complicated feelings about it as well, but i hope that they’ll meet again in season 2 (and i hope nunbyeol wrecks arth with her sword, i remember when we first saw her fight with a sword in neanthal form; i was s c r e a m i n g).
mubaek is good, but also annoying. he knows this, but he’s complicit in all the evil actions going on. like, man, if you know that much,  you should use it to do something. knowledge is power! but he preferred to be sidelined and not do anything. yangcha is so hot...seriously, but i think he’s so interesting. the fandom needs to know why he has a mask on, there’s so many theories. i love how tanya could read his thoughts, but we still didn’t get many of them, but i think it shows how he’ll be more of a main character (hopefully) in season 2.
i know you asked for characters i like but i can’t help but mention the one character that i absolutely DESPISE. like saying i despise him doesn’t even truly explain my feelings for him (6/9)
I CANNOT STAND MUNGTAE he’s literal scum i hate him so much…. the fact that he betrayed eunseom and dalsae when they were literally coming to rescue him!! OH MY GOD and then everything that happened with teodae and eunseom having to see it and being traumatized by it………. i hate mungtae and i wish i wish he would face the actions of his consequences but there is no justice in arthdal so he will most likely get away scot free (7/9)
MUNGTAE CAN PERISH. he needed to have died in episode 1 seriously. it’s fine if you’re a coward, but not a snitch...everyone’s afraid, but at least they have a concept of loyalty. omg...teodae, the fact that eunseom got so traumatized by that made me want to sob. imagine you have a friend who you want to help save, but such friend loves their mind because of the situation they’re in and begins to believe the lies about you, tries to kill you, and then kills themselves in front of you...every episode of this show should have been titled: eunseom is wrecked and traumatized. again. part xx.
honestly, my hope is that tanya or eunseom straight up murders him. or dalsae. he can’t survive season 2, not on my watch.
a lot of people were complaining about the ending being vague or just not good in general, but i thought it was the perfect ending! the ending was relatively lackluster in the sense that nothing too crazy took place and what’s gonna happen next season was laid out relatively clear? i mean tagon wants to conquer the east and made a point to mention the ago tribe so i think we’re going see like eunseom’s return (?) as in he’s gonna actively become a problem for those in power in arth again (8/9)
i didn’t actually know people were saying that, because i thought the ending was so good. in my opinion, the whole finale of it serves to do two things which are a) tie up loose ends for season one and b) establish the continuation needed for season 2. arth was always going to continue, but it also builds suspense for season 2: there’s going to be a war, but tanya and eunseom are on different sides. saya knows he has a twin. AND there’s that awful women spy...she can perish as well. us clowns watching the show for the first time really thought we were going to get an eunseom and tanya reunion...we were played.
i’ve mainly watched like movies or variety shows for idols that i like but for some reason i never really got into kdramas until like right now. i’ve only seen 4 in total LOL but i’ve liked all of the shows that i’ve watched so i can’t complain. i’ve seen hello monster, arthdal, prison playbook and chocolate! (9/9)
oh, seriously? that’s amazing! i’ve watched 3/4, and right now i’m actually skimming through chocolate - i’m not really a fan of all the melo nonsense they have going on, so i’m mostly watching it for the sibling scenes and jun’s scenes haha...
and i’ve got this all in one ask, yes.
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thequeensjester · 5 years
If there was one female character that the show shoved aside, it was Asa Hon. Her story was just so tragic.
The guilt she carried for her role in the start of exterminating the Neanthals. Losing Ragaz because she saved her babies. Thought someone as honorable as Mubaek wouldn’t be involved in the Neanthal slaughter until she saw him in the forest herself after they’ve killed Ragaz (as said by Rottip). Watching Tagon take Saya while knowing how he earned his reputation in the Arthdal Union and thinking that he would kill her child. Tormented by Aramun’s warnings into two decades of chronic illness until her last breath.
I wish that the writers showed us more of Asa Hon beyond a woman who suffered for trying to make things right. Even her last moments with Eunseom, whom she lovingly raised, was devastating. We didn’t even get to learn the true name that she and Ragaz choose for Saya. The worst part of all this was that Asa Hon was just forgotten by the Union. No one sought to look for her. When we finally see and hear of her, it’s through Harim and Mubaek. The Asa Clan? Gave zero fucks, aside from Harim’s throwaway line about a post-humorous title. Asa Sakan? All that spirituality and couldn’t see who the mother of the twins were.
What we do know was that she had a rare skill of speaking the Neanthal’s language in a time when Tagon was out killing Igutus. She explicitly stated that she was not taught the spiritual gifts of the Asa clan so she couldn’t commune with the gods. So, instead, she must have some sort of contact with the Neanthals prior to Atturad, especially if she was appointed to be the Union’s ambassador. Re-watching the pilot, I think it should have been narrated and presented through Asa Hon’s POV. With the additional scenes of Mother Cheolson guiding Tanya, I also wish we had scenes of Asa Hon raising Eunseom. It’s rather disappointing that Eunseom’s entire value system was based on his time in Iark and overlooks the first decade of his life with Asa Hon, who gave everything to protect him.
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alethia000 · 5 years
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Nichkhun as Rottip on Arthdal Chronicles
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setsmaker · 5 years
I'm still not over that other Neanthal's soft and gentle "Rottip"
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hottaecmadambabe · 5 years
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Wah! I can’t believe someone is prettier than @khunsta0624 in his #ArthadalChronicles role! Saya! if not for Song Joongki’s voice he would pass as a lady... Good job on cinematography and casting #Nichkhun as adult Rottip... https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWtmPjpKXe/?igshid=17fclq9eyqwzx
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briefinternetlady · 5 years
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 “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs time for #ArthdalChronicles ep 9,it was a compelling & very intriguing,my brain cells are working hard to understand everything.😅👏🏻 Tanya offering alliance to Saya is an interesting twist on the story,love their convo about how they will work together.Eunseom beaten & being tortured is heart wrenching, that showed how people w/power can sometimes manipulate others.the bird catching part was captivating.Tanya teaching Saya & Saya's secret stares at her is charming,i love Saya's innocent side too.those crazy Saram,wanted to be on top is giving me high blood pressure,haha,how could they be so annoying?.Mubaek finally knew that Eun is in danger, whoa,im waiting for that.of course,Tagon has many ears, Yeonbal reporting to him about Mubaek is suspenseful.Teodae scene w/Eun is probably one of the most heartbreaking part,i knew he will do that,that was so painful. Eun's acting,gosh,im speechless, how impressive an actor can act like that,#SongJoongKi nailed it,given he has 2 roles,amazing!Saya & Taya second round of bird catching is riveting,im loving their deepening relationship.the fake catastrophe by Asa Ron is a brilliant plan against Tagon,they are all hunger for power after all.Nweantal are back,so #Nichkun is Rottip,the child before at Asa Hon time,right?,he still looked the same & love to see #SongJongHo too.Tagon taking Mubaek is thrilling,this part is intense.im nervous of how Mubaek will flip the story to Tagon,im glad he did well about saying Tanya is Tagon's only weapon against Asa Ron,reallg liked #ParkHaeJoon in here.the last part,so that is where Saya is going,praying w/the Bachidoore,this is getting more fascinating as expected.👏🏻❤ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #kimjiwon#kimokvin#jadonggun#power#politics#life#relationship#love#motivation#motivationalquotes#positivevibes#goodvibes#koreandrama#한국드라마#드라마#한류#kdrama#koreanentertainment #kobogyeol#아스달연대기#unique#story#tvndrama ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ side note:can people stop dragging this series for the actors personal life?and instead of being nega,lets just respect #songsongcouple 's decision.🙏🏻 (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzU20Q0J4ki/?igshid=1wx9icpyd6no9
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