soldiersocialmedia · 1 year
i still haven't stopped thinking about genesis in the shower thanks. i'm trying to have a normal conversation with someone and I can't pay attention because GENESIS
I will be going to bed soon so I have inserted this image into my dreams. I have PLAYED MYSELF LIKE A GD FIDDLE.
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
In addition to the familial groupings of muffins, Angeal has walked into the room to find Sephiroth & Genesis arguing about~
• How deep a pan is before it becomes pot
• The verb “itch”
• If listening to an audio book is considered reading
• If a fence is a wall
• How to pronounce “epitome”
• Toilet paper placement
• Genesis’s dream in which Seph stole his wallet
• The plural of lasagna
• How to write an 8
• If they were going to have an argument
• If snakes had chins
• How to pronounce “gif”
• If soup is eaten or drank
• What Seph’s middle name is (bud he doesn’t even have a last-)
• If Zack’s name is Zack or Zackary
• What does the fox say
• How many years Willy Wonka should be in jail for
• If turning “up” the A/C makes it hotter or colder
• What fruit would win in a battle royale
• If Oregon Trail promotes communism
• If a pound of feathers or bricks weighs more
• Seph making the sink wet
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floralcyanidee · 1 year
can you recomend some dark smut (and maybe come noncon👀) fics for cillian murphy and his characters?
thank you!
yesss! some of the people listed are some of my favorite ever writers btw <3
@mypoisonedvine most of their work is dark/noncon/dubcon! (masterlist)
@babybluebex here (dubcon, robert fischer), here, here, and here (yandere, jonathan crane)
@burnyouwithacigarettelighter here (sorta dubcon/noncon, jonathan crane), here (dubcon/noncon, neil lewis) they also have a dark jackson rippner work coming soon!
@/dittywrites here (dark stuff overall, read warnings! jonathan crane)
@/rottenpumpkin13 here (dubcon, jonathan crane)
@/justwantedmynametobereallylong (NotThisAgain) here (dubcon, jonathan crane)
@/milkywaykitten here (dubcon, jonathan crane)
@/finnieston_crane here (dubcon, jonathan crane)
@/guttermutt here (noncon, jonathan crane)
@/slut4thebroken here (noncon, jonathan crane) (they're also on tumblr @slut4thebroken and are planning some other dark fics for jonathan crane and jackson rippner)
there's a plethora of dark fics on ao3, there's sooo many (too many to post all of them) but I hope you enjoy these! <3
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hiddentrails7 · 19 days
I tried to only do one for every fandom I'm interested in right now lol
Thanks @shadowsageingempress for tagging me :)
@sephirthoughts @rottenpumpkin13 + anyone that wants to join <3
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strayheartless · 1 month
AGSZC and being read to:
Inspired by this ask answer by @rottenpumpkin13 ❤️
I do not apologise for the amount of pain I’m inflicting recently. But know that I am also in pain.😅
Angeal: bedtime stories were important to Angeal’s bedtime routine growing up. He liked when his dad read to him because he did all the voices and made shadow puppets on the wall with the bedside lamp. They couldn’t always afford books, but there was a local library and Gillian seemed keen for him to be imaginative and creative.
As he got older, guided reading homework was a good way to spend one on one time with either parent, and Angeal lived for calm evenings sat leaning on his father as his mother cooked dinner and Angeal read aloud bolstered by their soft praise.
As an adult Angeal is less interested in fiction and fantasy, instead loving history and horticulture books. He does enjoy fiction about self discovery -especially if the protagonist is escaping to heal in nature- but he mostly likes to learn when he reads.
Genesis: As one would expect, Genesis lives for reading. As a child His Nannie read to him and her soothing Banoran lilt smoothed out any of that anxious energy that bothered him though the day. For Genesis one of the most painful things about his childhood was that his mother never read to him. She was never in the mood to listen to him read and even when they had mother son days, she would send him to bed with a promise of tucking him in and saying goodnight, and never would. These were times when little Genesis sat on the end of the bed all night waiting with a story book in his little hands and his heart hurting.
As an adult Genesis is most offended when people complain about his reading aloud. It helps him self sooth and he will literally read anything put in front of him ms LOVELESS will always be his comfort read, but he has been known to enjoy vampire romance and high fantasy novels too.
Genesis is at his most relaxed when reading to his friends or when Angeal or Sephiroth return the favour by reading to him. As kids he and Angeal read to eachother and it’s Genesis’ safe place to be read to by him. Sephiroth’s voice is, however, the one that can put Genesis to sleep in a good way. It is an extremely important part of a bonding process to Genesis that he can share language and stories with them in this way. His friends understand that this is Genesis’ most intimate love language.
Sephiroth: he was never read to as a child, unless you count that short barely remembered time with professor Gast. He also has a vague memory of a brown haired woman who smelled like flowers and dirt but he doesn’t know who she was. He read aloud alone or with his tutors and it always felt sterile and uncomfortable growing up.
As an adult he craves being read to like nothing he’s ever craved before. It aches so painfully that Angeal and Genesis see it on his face when they do. There has been many times when they have tactfully not drawn attention to the tears he sheds when Angeal reads him a kids book he’d never had the chance to read. They never point out that he clings to Genesis like a enraptured toddler when he shows him illustrations in his book of folk law. Reading out loud is still extremely difficult for Sephiroth, and he’s not always comfortable enough to do it. But the nights that he is are so special that none of them talk, just bask in it.
Zack: Zack is not a big reader. He wasn’t really very creative as a child and bedtime stories were kind of lost on him due to his attention wandering. His mother created a way to engage him creatively by telling stories in a “choose your own adventure” kind of way that had Zack moving and thinking but this didn’t really work for bedtime.
Growing up getting Zack to do his reading logs was a pain because he hated being made to sit and look. He did it, but it was an ordeal for everyone involved.
As an adult Zack still doesn’t really get any pleasure from reading or being read to. He can’t sit still long enough and prefers movies and video games. He likes things that keep him moving and engaged.
Cloud: reading with his mama was always Clouds safe place as a child. A lot of his childhood was spent with his nose stuck firmly in a book as he leant against his Mama’s legs as she washed dishes; or curling up in blankets but he fire listening to her read. This makes reading an incredibly personal thing to him and it horrified him to find out that Sephiroth never had that, and that Zack didn’t want it.
For Cloud the only bright spots of his childhood were the books he read with his mother and the moments they shared together. It was the time he felt the most loved and when it’s gone Cloud finds that the ache is one that never leaves. He doesn’t read like that with anyone else until Denzel and Marlene, and he hopes that they have the same associations with his voice as he had with his mothers.
He finds comfort in listening to others read and like Genesis it is one of his most intimate love language but you have to be truely special for Cloud to share that with you.
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salternateunreality2 · 5 months
Genesis has multiple PhDs (yes I know this isn't how it works in real life, shhhh)
@rottenpumpkin13 and @birdblacksocialclub (giant Genesis nerds) and @strayheartless (who was talking about this with me) or @ anyone who has opinions, please add your thoughts/fields of study.
He found out there was a program in the Shinra compensation package for people to pursue higher education, and that it didn't have a limit on PhDs. So far, he's studied and received accolades in:
Political Science
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kbius6 · 5 months
@rottenpumpkin13 I made the Nibleheim Incident with Spongebob cards, I defiently used a bit more video than necessary but here it is lol. Now we all can experience your dream 😂
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rosy-crow · 7 months
Tumblr media
WAIT WE CAN’T FORGET HIM @rottenpumpkin13
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ilminnestrone · 2 months
What do you think Genesis' childhood was like?
Genesis' adoptive mother had wanted him for a long time and had awaited his arrival with trepidation. So when the little one was placed in her arms, and she did not immediately feel a surge of unconditional love, she felt her blood run cold. How was that possible? He was her son, the only one she would ever have, and the much-vaunted maternal instinct had not exploded like all the other mothers in Banora had promised. Every night the baby cried for hours, inconsolable, and she cried too, as quietly as he was loud, rocking him without even looking at him. She really (really) tried. But every tiny scream was a knife through her chest, reminding her she wasn’t his actual mother.
Genesis showed signs of great intelligence early on, learning to speak and read before his peers. But he was smart enough to realise that he could only show it in ways his parents liked: in front of guests he was encouraged to express himself and show his maturity, but after every important dinner he was asked why he said that sentence or how he came up with that story. He soon learned that it was better to smile, ask permission to get up and go to his room to read. He could not make a fool of himself, for that would be his parents fault.
Speaking of dinners: he was accustomed to fine foods from an early age, and he developed an excellent palate for his age. That came with a nice share of diet culture too, of course, with his mother telling him to eat less not to get fat and his father telling him to eat more because he was too small. Junk food was strictly forbidden in his home, so much so that on his first night in Midgar he literally dragged Angeal to the filthiest burger place in town. The first bite was like being born again, and Geal had to tell him to stop moaning.
He never lacked for material things. Every toy or fashionable dress was bought on the day it was released. As soon as Genesis was old enough to have his own tastes, he was given any gadget that interested him. By the time he was fourteen, he owned practically the entire Silver Elite merchandising department. Anything was fine as long as it was heavily gendered: Genesis' father was very particular about colours and themes. Blue, black, brown and grey were masculine colours. Period. So when he was twelve, he stole a lipstick from his mother for the sole reason that it was red: he wore it just once, in front of the mirror, in the middle of the night, and it felt like a revolution. That night he decided to let his hair grow.
When he got old enough to hang around by himself, Angeal became his whole world. They climbed every single tree in Banora and swam every inch of the river together. They spied on girls bathing, and that’s when Genesis realised their opinions on the matter probably diverged.
One day he came home with a flute. He had already learnt some simple tunes by practising down by the river. His father took it away and asked him where he had got such an object, and he answered honestly: "Gillian Hewley gave it to me”. It was the only time his father ever slapped him, calling him a homophobic slur. When he tried to drag him by his hair, telling something about its length, Genesis laughed. He laughed for hours, hysterically. His father never dared to touch him again. He was thirteen.
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soldiersocialmedia · 1 year
@rottenpumpkin13 replied to your post “RISE UP FELLOW FERAL GENESIS SIMPS!”:
*screeching while banging pots and pans together*
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Sephiroth starts to cat like behave and frame Genesis for his acctions
Tired of insulting cat comparisons from Genesis, Sephiroth decides to be a nuisance and make it Genesis' problem.
Angeal: Which one of you assholes scratched my office door??
Genesis: I don't kn—
Sephiroth, hiding a pocket knife: Genesis Rhapsodos, SOLDIER 1st Class Commander, office room #8 on the 49th level of the Shinra headquarters, located in sector 0 of Midgar, door scratched at approximately 07:34 with a 4 inch butterfly knife.
Angeal: You insufferable bastard.
*Angeal sets his cup of tea down on the coffee table and leaves the room*
*Genesis continues to read his book*
*Sephiroth pushes the cup of tea on the ground*
*Angeal comes back in the room*
Angeal: WHO DID IT?
Sephiroth: Genesis Rhapsodos, SOLDIER 1st Class Commander, office room #8 on the 49th level of the Shinra headquarters, located in sector 0 of Midgar, teacup pushed off the table at exactly 1400 hours, kicked using custom designed combat boots made of high-grade leather, foot size: men's 11. Intentions unknown.
Angeal: Genesis STOP
Genesis: IT WASN'T ME
*Angeal walks in to see Sephiroth digging through his office plants with his hands covered in dirt*
Angeal: What are you doing!?
Sephiroth: It was Genesis.
Angeal: But—
Sephiroth: Genesis Rhapsodos, SOLDIER 1st Class Commander, office room #8 on the 49th level of the Shinra headquarters, located in sector 0 of Midgar, plant ruined at exactly 1500 hours using a round point shovel he purchased at Garden Goods in Sector 7 on April 18th.
Angeal: Man, what am I gonna do with him?
Sephiroth: His rebellion knows no bounds.
*Sephiroth is ripping up the curtains in Angeal's office*
*Genesis runs in and snaps a picture*
Genesis: Ha! Now you can't frame me for anything because I have proof.
*Angeal walks in*
Angeal: What happened!?
*Genesis shows him the picture*
Genesis: It was Sephiroth! See? See?? It was him! He did it!
Angeal: While I'm very angry at you, Genesis, I'll admit you have never looked better than you look in this picture.
Genesis: GODDESS
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silvergreenseraphim · 9 months
I might end up having to divide the nearly 14 minutes of Vines I made into three separate videos 🥲
This is just part one. The youtube link is here. Enjoy guys 😂
(By the way, I owe a lot of inspiration to @rottenpumpkin13’s hilarious blog for these, hahaha)
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
Holy mother of cheese I had the BEST dream 😂❤️ Legit dreamt that I was self-inserted into the Nibelheim incident as a Pichu before things went down in flames and I was doing everything in my power to prevent it, going around and trying to convince Zack & Cloud to help me and then eventually crashing into the library to tell Sephiroth that people in other worlds care about him more than he’ll ever know 💕 😂 And I kept referencing buddies like @altocat and @rottenpumpkin13 and was strangely nonchalant about the whole thing and was going to Zack like
“You gotta believe me!!! Things are gonna end BAD if we don’t get Seph outta there!! People are gonna DIE!”
“What? Seph wouldn’t hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it :((“
And things end ok! ❤️
So, chat!
Do we actually write this fic??? 🤣
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AGSZ when brains were being handed out, according to Lazard.
From left to right: Angeal and Sephiroth, Genesis, Zack
@rottenpumpkin13 your son's face is bringing me great joy
All fluff, no brains, very pretty boys ❤️🐻🦜🐱🐶❤️
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holly-fixation · 5 days
Seraphic and Sinister: Ch6
Summary: Sephiroth learns that he has a child, a lab made specimen existing under the same terrible conditions he was raised in. In a moment of pure rage, he rescues his child. However, his fate has long been sealed, but the child’s fate is unknown. 
Never did he expect the cadet that killed him to take responsibility for the heir of His planet. 
Inspired by various asks to @rottenpumpkin13
Chapter 6: Under the Shroud of Night
The baby remained still, eyes occasionally opening, small noises rarely emanating, but despite her obvious fear, once she slept, she did not cry when waking. She couldn't sleep through the night, yet Sephiroth knew this display was another trained obedience courtesy of Doctor Hojo. 
Sephiroth, between watch, read the single resource he acquired on how to accomplish this task he threw himself into, cover to cover, multiple times. He folded the corners of each page with critical information, knowledge that applies to all children of all ages and what he could actually do for the next stage in her development, like procuring soft foods so she can begin using her jaw.  
He glanced at the sky, the dark distance beyond the smog. It must be around zero-two-hundred. Another hour and they should move again. 
Shinra, hopefully, assumed they were already beyond Kalm or climbing the mountains south to avoid being spotted by locals. He hoped they didn't expect him to take the long way, the normal way, the unenhanced non-SOLDIER way. 
He exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding. SOLDIER. His duty for as long as he could remember. Though being free of the program meant no longer needing to interact with Hojo, it meant he may never see his only two friends again. 
He hoped Genesis and Angeal were taking his desertion alright. That's what Shinra would call his decision to save his child: a desertion from his duties and treason against the company. Maybe he could find his way to their hometown and see them one last time on leave, at least to say a proper goodbye. 
He wished he could take them too. But he knew his daughter would be in more danger the larger their group grew. Being recognized, being spotted- by accident or by overreaction, he couldn't take that risk. 
They were alone. They’d be alone forever.
He shook his head, refocusing his thoughts. He gathered the bag of supplies and his materia, checking and counting each item. His child's tiny sword hid just below the edges of the bag when diagonal within. They had enough for another day. Not enough to get them to Junon but enough for now. 
He sighed. They needed an actual plan. A destination at some point. For now, as far away from Midgar would have to do. 
“Seraphina,” Sephiroth spoke softly as he tightened the makeshift blankets around his daughter. 
Her eyes suddenly opened, wide awake, the softest of whines and knotted brows meeting him.
“I'm sorry. It's still dark, but we have to go. Can you keep your eyes closed when I tell you just like before?” 
She nodded, but instead of searching as long as she could, she hid her face against his chest, away from the unending darkness.
Sephiroth tried to rub her back, rocking her softly in a desperate attempt to soothe. Specs of her hair glimmered in the shifting light of the mako crystal. 
The new chapters of the parenting book stated the importance of ‘validation’. “It's okay… it's okay… No one will hurt you… Nothing will get you…” His voice was a whisper but she seemed to hear him, her whines lessening bit by bit. 
* * * 
The former Silver Soldier began the trek back to the town of Kalm. Nocturnal creatures halted at the sight of him before scurrying back into the dead lands. Only the bravest of vehicles departed from the town to procure goods from the city. He hid behind terrain from each pair of headlights that passed. 
Shinra investigated the town already, but Sephiroth couldn't take the risk that Hojo left a trap behind for him.
He kept his head of filthy hair down, his daughter out of sight against him, the bag of supplies dangling from his elbow. He shuffled through the streets slowly, as if suffering from mako poisoning or as another sick, homeless man trying to find a place to spend the night. Whatever it took to keep eyes off him and sightings forgettable. 
Street music petered through the waning nightlife air, slowly making its way to roaming silence as citizens and tourists returned to their homes and hotels. Sephiroth felt the dirty glares and heard the small scoffs of his ‘presence that ruined the vibe’ of the small town. So much for making it through without notice, the clearly Shinra managers on their short vacations couldn't handle the sight of the poor. It amazed him how many made comments to each other that he should ‘go back to the slums’.
He ignored them, focusing on the rooftops, alleys, and porches troops and cadets would patiently conduct stakeouts, listening for the smallest shuffles or clicks of communication devices. 
However, just as before, his mind kept shifting to the baby in his arms. Every adjustment, every grip of his uniform straps, every unintentional whine claimed his focus for far too long. Every second was far too long. He hushed her, patting her back and trying to keep her asleep. At least asleep, she didn't distract him. 
By the time he heard quick shuffling and glanced up to a third floor balcony, three people were leaving and one stared directly at him with a cell phone to their ear. They glanced away, and in any other circumstance he would claim it was coincidence. 
He moved faster and slipped down an alley. He looked forward, eyes on his next step and the step beyond as he weaved through the tight streets. 
There was only one public road from Kalm to the Grasslands. If Shinra blocked the way, he'd jump the wall without hesitation. Yes, helicopters would follow but he would still be ahead of R&D.
He hoped. 
At the east gates of Kalm, security officers stood by the blinking lights of their vehicles. A few delivery trucks stayed still, idling in an immobile line. 
A checkpoint. 
Sephiroth didn't have a choice. He slipped into an alley, glanced for any witnesses, and jumped into a second floor fire escape with a tight grip on his daughter, landing delicately to prevent spooking the residence. He slithered up the stairs to the top floor, keeping all steps silent. He launched to the roof. 
Not a single aircraft threatened his escape, the night sky silent and clear with the inclusion of Midgar's smog. He dashed from rooftop to rooftop. Staying out of sight was absolutely necessary.
At the edge of the wall, he took a breath and glanced down at his daughter, her eyes still locked shut despite her clear awareness. “Last one,” He whispered. 
She nodded, hiding against him one last time in Kalm. 
He launched down the stones, landing on the last mako pipes in the north half of the Eastern Continent. Despite the lack of a search party, he kept moving. He fought every instinct to head east toward civilization and headed south. 
The darkness of the sky warned him that only an hour of night remained. He found some old Republic ruins, clearly old homes and buildings, but the vaguest sense of four walls despite the lack of roof would have to do until sun up. 
Especially with his daughter’s new sobs. 
He practically dropped their supplies and turned her slit mako eyes to his own. “What can I do? What do you need, Seraphina?”
“Bottle…” she whined at a whisper. 
When was the last time he fed her? He searched through their supplies and uncapped the half empty protein shake. 
She held her hands in a scoop, simply waiting for the bottle to land between them. Sephiroth tilted slowly, and just as before, her eyes widened when the chocolate hit her tongue. 
He guessed this counted as breakfast. She finished the container off. He'd have to keep his eyes open for clean water. At least then the bottle wouldn't waste space in their small storage. 
He really hoped he could purchase a tent soon. If anything, to help her fear and maybe, just maybe, allow the smallest flame. 
His own thoughts took him off guard. They were on the run from everything they'd ever known, and all he can think about is how to help her with this insignificant problem. 
He slipped the bottle back into the bag. “Do you want to stand?”
She nodded, trying to open the burritoed fabrics around her. 
“Easy,” He tried to calm as he helped. The books also said something about narrating what he was doing. He'd… try. It felt stupid, stating the obvious out loud, even if it wasn't obvious for her. “Here.” He lowered her to her feet. 
She took a few wobbly steps before looking up. 
Sephiroth almost grabbed her, but she wasn't growing worried. He followed her gaze to the sky. 
The smog of Midgar began to fade, and stars pierced through the blanket of darkness. Not enough to fill the sky, but enough scattered about to decorate. 
Seraphina reached for the sky, the twinkling burning spheres reflecting perfectly in her eyes and on her hair. In that moment, despite Sephiroth's ability to see in the dark, she reminded him of stardust, a phenomenon only captured by satellite telescopes but he hoped to see one day, a childish dream he had nearly forgotten. 
“We'll take a break until dawn. Then we keep moving.” 
She didn't acknowledge his statement. 
“Seraphina?” Was she too young for a nickname? “Do you like your name?”
She just looked at him and tilted her head.
“Would you like a nickname?”
She was silent, confused, and he could almost see the little gears turning in her mind. Gears that shouldn't exist, but they were way past that. “...Serapina…?” She pointed to herself before pointing to him, curled away. “...Sepirod…”
Though her mispronunciations came across perfectly, she didn't have any teeth. She couldn't pronounce ‘f’ or ‘th’ no matter how much she wanted to. 
“That's very good, Seraphina. Not the question but very good.”
Despite his praise she stared down, wincing. She was ready for punishment. 
“Do you want to be called something other than your real name?”
She looked at him for a long time before staring down, gripping her clothes. “...Girl… S-Soldier…” Tears welled in her eyes. 
He suddenly picked her up and encouraged her to look at the stars with him. 
Her tears dried as she rapidly surveyed the great unknown. 
“Those are stars. They're giant balls of gas in space with planets floating around them. Our sun is a small star, but it's so close to us it looks very big.” He looked down at her. “Do you like them?”
She blinked against the glittering sky. “...stars…” she really did learn fast. 
“What if I give you a real nickname?” What if I gave you a name, not whatever the lab saddled you with? Parents are supposed to name their children, aren't they? “What if I called you something that's not your name that still means you?”
Her brows raised in confusion. 
“What if…?” He trailed off. Gods he felt stupid. What was he even doing? They had more important things to worry about than names. “Never mind. Keep watching the stars.”
She didn't need to be told twice. 
To be continued...
Chapter list 
Thanks for reading!  
Notes: I have to admit, I try to make the world as accurate as possible, but I have no idea how you get from Kalm to the Grasslands normally in Rebirth. Hope this works! They have to get food deliveries somehow. I wrote this at the Jury pool today but the room had no service so I couldn't look anything up.
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hiddentrails7 · 2 months
Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! Then tag Tumblr friends to keep the game going!
Thanks for the tag @shadowsageingempress
@rottenpumpkin13 @sephirthoughts @deepgrounded + anyone who wants to join
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