Mapleshade's Curse expanded!
Update: v1.1 Duskfur, Curlfeather and Podlight have been added to the post, and Reedwhisker's description has changed due to potential changes.
Update: 1.2 Hm, seems I can do something with Curlfeather.... Other than give her the curled ears she deserves.
Since this is such a heavy one I wanted to show off more of it and how it effects the cats it touches. It is important to note that this Curse is STILL active.
Appleshine - Death in childbirth, passing the curse on to her children: Rainkit, and Rookkit, Rookkit would soon join her.
Shypaw - Bad fish causing her death. This did however make Riverclan 10x more vigilant about food poisoning signs, later saving more lives.
Duskwater - She lived a lonely life, too afraid of the tragic fate of her siblings to do anything she deemed too risky. She watched Rookkit fade away and Rainkit grow into a vain diva of a cat, Rainflower. She thought going to the dirt place was safe that night as the rain poured down.
Rainflower - Beautiful, graceful Rainflower was always told she was perfect. She wouldn't accept anything less than perfect, and abused her son Stormkit. When she demanded he be renamed, Hailstar named him an apprentice early, saying that his crooked jaw was something to be proud that he survived. She was named Rotflower that day, and her later death was a painful one. She walks in the Dark Forest as Crookedstar does not forgive her.
Crookedstar - His fall in the river should have killed him, Mapleshade saved him that day before she knew who his mother was, being in a good mood that day. She trained him brutally hard, made sure he praised Riverclan above all else. She made sure that he was picked for deputy after his father retired, but made him (nearly) miss his father's passing. She attracted the dog that knocked Rotflower into the river. She didn't kill his mate or children, but she gave Willowbreeze extra energy, making her not want to go into the nursery until she was forced to, which put Willowbreeze at risk, though it didn't contribute to any deaths.
Oakheart - He hated the attention Rotflower gave him, it drove him up the wall. So Mapleshade turned his head towards a pretty blue-gray molly at a Gathering, and let that play out however it would, she really had no idea what would come of it, leaving it to pure chance. If they had children she would come to haunt them but if not she was down to at least watch the drama.
Willowkit and Minnowkit - No curse. They were going to die anyway, slightly risky pregnancy or not. They were goners.
Mosskit - The smallest barer of the Curse. It literally just gave her softer fur, so a bit harder for Bluefur to groom her. More an annoyance than anything but didn't cause her death. Mapleshade's curse doesn't truly activate until a cat is older than Patch Petal and Larch.
Silverstream - Giving birth was incredibly difficult and damn near killed her until Mudfur managed to show up, guided by Willowbreeze's spirit. She then had to watch her clan fall into a horrible dogma of xenophobia over something as stupid as "pure blood" once her father died. This was the clan that waged wars over kits with even a drop of Riverclan blood in their veins, she watches her cousin and best friend be slaughtered, her children almost being taken with them before the cats were free. Her mate would be captured by twolegs and be left behind, Feathertail died in the mountains, Stormfur left, her later kits would struggle as well before she would finally lose her hearing and pass from an odd illness herself...
Mistystar - Hers is perhaps the most cruel. A life lived for too long can be just as terrible as a swift death. Her foster mother forgetting her before being found dead, her friend, son and brother were murdered before her eyes, her birth mother dying just as they had gotten to know her, her other son dying in The Great Battle, and grandchildren suffering horribly with her helpless to stop it... Her death may have been coming from a different curse, but one could easily believe it was Starclan having mercy.
Stonefur - His life was okay, average, and fulfilling enough for him. But watching his beloved clan fall into violent hatred and persecution of any cats Tigerstar so pleased was torture. He would never lay a claw on an apprentice, and paid Tigerstar's bloody price.
Piketail - Losing the tip of his tail as a kitten wasn't bad enough, he had to go and nearly poison himself with a poisoned rat too! Eventually his risky behaviors would land him in trouble when he attacks Leopardstar after the death of his uncle and mentor.
Perchcloud - Another long life but a slow, slightly clumsy one. One could even day he was untouched by the curse other than the occasional scrape until Mapleshade killed him during the Great Battle.
Primroseheart - A rocky start and a tough journey to the lake got her down, and she considered leaving to become a kittypet until she saw that her clanmate Hawkfrost was quite troubled. The two bonded over the weight over legacy, and feeling weird about their parents, and eventually had a litter of kits. Reedkit, Swankit, and Cloudkit.
Reedwhisker - Poor Reedwhisker. He wanted so badly to be leader of his beloved clan. Between his difficult birth and nearly drowning during his cruelly extended apprenticeship, he set himself on the straight and narrow, a career man who was so excited when he was made Mistystar's second deputy after Pouncetail retired, going on to mentor his own great-niece, Curlfeather. Unfortunately, he would never see his dream recognized, as his life was cut short by an unknown assassin just as he would be set to take on leadership.
Stormfur - The trauma he endured changed him from a cheerful apprentice into a colder soul. Not mean, but not social. His loyalty lay with Feathertail, not Riverclan. It was only Featherpaw saying she wanted to go back that made him go at all. Her death broke his heart completely, only healed by Small Brook's love. If the Curse has followed him to the Tribe, I cannot say.
Feathertail - Though her faith in Riverclan was a bit shaken by the horrific things she went through, Feathertail stayed strong, and was proud of who she was. While Silverstream could never go back home, Featherpaw had begged to. She was haunted with visions of the Bonehill, but fought through it to befriend Hawkpaw, Mothpaw and the newly named Frogpaw. Her death came swiftly, but it was not of the curse. Her death was always fate itself.
Duskfur - Duskfur was named after her ancestor, Duskwater, though was very much the opposite. She trained on the Dark Forest, and almost fought on their side until she realized they would be attacking kits. At that point she turned herself around, but is still more of a Tiger Law supporter, as the ones in Riverclan couldn't get to her father, Hawkfrost, they got to his (at the time) only daughter. Who knows what she is up to now, and with whom?
Reedkit - Primroseheart and Hawkfrost's courageous firstborn also fell victim to greencough just days before her apprentice ceremony. Whether that is a curse or just plain bad luck is unknown.
Swankit - Mapleshade did not orchestrate this. No Dark Forest Cat would do what happened to young Swankit. The trap should never have been laid at the Lake.
Cloudsnap - Mapleshade fed her name suggestion to Mistystar, that was all that was needed. When Cloudsnap trained in the Dark Forest, it was her anger and unresolved grief that drove her to it. She made her choice in the end, to fight for Starclan, but her life will be a hard one. Her future children may bear the Curse as well.
Briarlight - The firstborn in Silverstream and Graystripe's second litter has had it ROUGH. Nearly being bitten by an adder as a kit, then her mentor dying from the Drought (she is reassigned to Sorreltail after before finally a tree crushing her spine and taking Longtail with it. Briarlight was free after that, and though she nearly had her life taken from sickness, she rose to be Thunderclan's first ever Mediator.
Blossomfall - She was mentored personally by Mapleshade, who whispered in her ears that her clanmates didn't care about her, that they would let Briarlight die, that she would be alone... It got to her, and she began to train to be better. However, it backfired when she became mates with Ivypool, their love being stronger than Blossomfall's fear. Blossomfall turned on the Dark Forest and helped to battle them away. She has since shed the curse, hopefully it won't pass on to Bristlefrost, Flipclaw, Thriftear and Plumstone.
Bumblestripe - His life would be a lonely one. He didn't connect well with any clanmates aside from his sisters, feeling as if no one understood him until Dovepaw was friendly towards everyone. He fell in love with Dovepaw, and chased after her (along with training in the Dark Forest) until Dovewing finally gave a hesitant yes. His own arrogance drove her away, not any family curse. He fell in with the sympathetic "Bramblestar", and his death at Tigerstar's claws came swiftly, and not undeserving.
Podlight - While is extremely sensitive sense of taste may just be a 'him' thing, Podlight suffers from brutal wounds during A Vision Of Shadows when he fights against the Kin, all of which get infected. He ends up losing half of his tail, and loses some sight in his right eye, along with several scars. While he is now considered quite handsome, he has sadly fallen into the drama of what is going on in Riverclan.
Curlfeather - Curlfeather is a unique cat. Suffering from nightmares and visions of the Great Battle that took place when she was young, along with the horrible flood that happened during her transition from Kit to Paw, and things around her. Curlpaw was apprenticed to Reedwhisker, and did everything she could to be perfect. When Jayclaw died, her heart broke, but she stayed strong with good resolve to raise her kits. After all, that's what a good Leader would do...
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monkmain2 · 3 months
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moonsofmachinery · 8 months
suns taking care of/surrounded by sunflowers? I think any flower would be cool really!
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no sunsflowers for you, only rotflowers :]
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an0bserver · 2 months
I've seen a lot of people saying that using Radahn as the final boss feels kinda contrived and fanservice-y. While I don't necessarily agree with that, I can at least understand where they're coming from and why they feel that way.
What I don't understand is the people who then say that the final boss should have been Godwyn instead.
People have been saying that it shouldn't have been Radahn cause he already got a satisfying ending to his story, where we give him a warriors death via the Radahn Festival, and that Godwyn didn't get a satisfying ending. And while I suppose that depends on your definition of satisfying, I would argue he absolutely does. After Marika removed the rune of death from the Elden Ring, it was used to create a weapon which destroyed Godwyn's soul. While his body lived on and created Those Who Live In Death who were then persecuted by Golden Order fundamentalists. Then, when Fia lies with Godwyn's corpse to create the Mending Rune of Death, this in a way allows Godwyn to take on a new form as the rune. Then, when we restore that to the Elden Ring at the end of the game, we end the persecution of Those Who Live in Death. Like is that not what would be described as a "satisfying ending" for Godwyn and his influence over the lands between? It's like things came full circle for him.
Not to mention, that finding a way for Godwyn to by the final boss of SoTE would have been significantly more contrived than what they did with Radahn. Unlike Radahn, Godwyn isn't just dead. His soul has been destroyed. He's like giga dead.
At least Radahn being the final boss here provides new and interesting context to his beef with Malenia.
Radahn's new armour set's description reads: When Malenia, Blade of Miquella, let the rotflower blossom in Aeonia, Radahn heard a murmur in his ear— "Miquella awaits thee, O promised consort." And we can see, all the way back in the story trailer released before Elden Ring even came out, there's a scene where Radahn is fighting Malenia, and she leans over and whispers something we don't get to hear. The seeds for Radahn being the final boss were planted all the way back before the game was even out.
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nerdallwritey · 18 hours
Snippet Sunday!
Thanks @khywren for the tag <3
I have FINISHED part 5 of Beauty and the Bard! My beta got married yesterday so she was a LITTLE too busy to read it last week, but I think I'll be able to get it out to you guys at some point this week 😈
“You’re here because of those rotflowers, aren’t you?” The dwarf with the Absolute pendant got to his feet and pulled the arrow out of his shoulder. “You reek of justice and good deeds.” “Funny,” you said, using the pommel of your rapier to push a now visible dwarf off the platform you were on, “and I just took a bath this morning.” “Would you classify that as a bath?” Astarion called down to you, mischief in his eyes. You smiled, but could already feel yourself starting to lose steam, even though the battle had just started. You pressed on and cast another Shatter, scattering your enemies further. “And what would you classify it as?” “I can think of many things, but we’re in such polite company, I shan’t say.” He shot a flaming arrow down onto the beach and hit multiple dwarves at once in the explosion.  “I don’t like whatever’s happening here,” the dwarf with the Absolute amulet said. “But I’ll make you pay for siding with those mushroom abominations.” The dwarf raised his hands and uttered a spell you didn't recognize, but a cacophony of noise from below caught your attention. The lapse in focus cost you, as one of the dwarves you’d been fending off pushed you off the platform. You heard your companions yell your name as you landed hard in the sand below. It took you a second to regain your bearings before you realized what the sound had been. Fallen Duergar were now rising, life not returning to their eyes, but risen all the same. Animate Dead.  You’d heard of this spell; had seen it in action with Mayrina’s husband, Connor. But you had yet to see it used in battle.  Now you were surrounded by undead dwarves, hell bent on tearing you apart.  “Hi,” was all you could manage through the spinning of your head. You blinked a few times before blocking the heavy strike of an axe with your slim rapier. When it was clear that the axe was going to prevail, you rolled out of the way and the axe connected with the sand that had been beneath your head. 
UH OH! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN?? Spoiler alert: There's no smut in this one, but a lot of fluff and rage and angst and fluff.
Tagging: @busy-baker, @ladyduellist, @atsadi-shenanigans and @astarioffsimpmain - sorry if you've already been tagged, no pressure at all!
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trupowieszcz-moved · 7 months
apparently there is a slur for myconids and it is rotflower. it sounds more badass than anything but okay
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the-rat-plays-games · 3 years
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CANNY & EMILIA : “HATE ME” HATE ME IN WAYS IN WAYS HARD TO SWALLOW HATE ME FOR ALL THE THINGS I DIDN’T DO FOR YOU There is a misery more acute than any you have ever known. It is the type of pain that splits your ribcage in half until you wish for nothing more than darkness. This is the misery Emilia found, there, in the wastelands. She believed Cindy had been put down with the rest of those damnable rebels (did they not understand that they needed to keep their heads down to survive?). She was wrong. In the fleshdust, in the rotflowers, she found Cindy, no longer herself: twisted, snapped into something new, and feral, and predatory. Emilia wishes that she had possessed the courage to strike down the fiend where she stood, but that strength had never been hers. It never could be hers. Worst of all: the creature’s eyes flickered with a strange light. Emilia sits awake at night, hands clenched into fists. She hopes that light had not been recognition.
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For the sake of my SANITY I'm going to have to make a timeline for the Tales From The Forest (Yellowfang's Horror, Tallstar's Rage, Crookedstar's Promise and Bluestar's Prophecy)
Moonflower and Goosefeather are born
Sunstar and Featherwhisker are born
One-eye is born. Speckletail is no longer her biological sister, but is adopted when Whitekit is 5 moons old. No one knows who her parents are.
Doestar dies during the Great Hunger. She BURNED through her lives, one of the shortest 9-lived leaderships there is.
Pinestar meets Shanty. Not Jake.
Halftail is born.
Shrewclaw and Barkface are born.
Tallstar and Finchkit are born.
Raggedstar and Scorchwind are born.
Rowanberry, Yellowfang and Nutwhisker are born.
Brackenwing and Sandgorse die.
Heatherstar finds her excuse and closes the tunnels to focus on warfare. She has a personal vendetta against Cedarstar and she'll drag Windclan with her if she must.
Leopardfoot and Patchpelt are born.
Talltail finds Sparrow but doesn't kill him. Meanwhile, Yellowfang and her siblings are made into apprentices, Shadowclan steals prey and Windclan loses the battle when they fight with the death of Shrewclaw.
Raggedpaw is made into Raggedpelt from this act. Cedarstar rewarding him for killing Shrewclaw, Heatherstar's apprentice.
Later in the same winter, Riverclan's camp floods and kills Duskwater, but Stormkit and Oakkit are born.
Hopkit is renamed Deadpaw, and though he is cheerful, cats of Windclan are horrified and angry with Heatherstar. They want a leader who isn't so arrogant.
Seeing... Something.... Near Stormkit, Goosefeather snaps, snarling at him and scaring him. He breaks his jaw but in a twist of fate, a murky spirit brings him out of the water... Subverting a "Canon Event".
Later that day, Bluestar and Snowflower are born.
Stormkit runs off in shame only to meet the Barn Gang and learn how to use his jaw better.
Thistleclaw, Sweetberry, and Rosetail are born.
Stormkit returns half a moon later, and Rainflower demands that he be punished with the name she picked. Hailstar names him CrookedPAW, an early apprentice (he is ready) but turns and names his mother Rotflower, saying she can have her name back when she gets rid of the rot in her heart.
Yellowfang is made a Warrior and becomes mates with Raggedpelt when she saves his life, but she discovers that she has Forced Physical Empathy. Russetfur and Boulder join Shadowclan.
Oakkit is made an apprentice a week early after he and Crookedpaw find and save Willowkit and Graykit.
Lionheart and Goldenflower are given to Speckletail, who had a stillborn litter. (Mintkit and Pigeonkit).
Goosefeather gets his vision of Moonflower's death. He fakes the Windclan sign, sending them into battle. He tells Moonflower that he trusts her the most with the hardest job, sending her into Hawkheart's den...
Reedfeather takes Willowkit and Graykit.
Sagewhisker puts pressure on Yellowfang to be a medicine cat. Shadowclan is attacked by Proto-Bloodclan/Ex - Blood Seekers to 'rescue' Russetfur and Boulder. After the battle, Stonetooth retires and Raggedpelt is made deputy despite protests that he hasn't had an apprentice yet - but Leader's Word Is Law. Meanwhile...
Yellowfang concedes the night after to become a medicine cat, but she and Raggedpelt fight before she suggests being secret mates. No one has to know. Sagewhisker is EXTREMELY anti- med cats having mates, but Sagewhisker also tricked her by only teaching her how to suppress her power AFTER Yellowfang agreed to be a medicine cat. Meanwhile...
Pinestar meets with Shanty again, eating kibble and loving the twoleg den she shows him. MEANWHILE.
Reedfeather is murdered by Hailstar, and the kits are brought home. Riverclan would die for kits with even a drop of Riverclan blood in their veins.
Pinestar gets a sign from Doestar that a child of his will have great power, and potential to destroy the Clans.
Bluepaw and Snowpaw receive their warrior names. Snowflower and Bluemoon. Crookedpaw becomes Crookedjaw.
Tigerstar, Nightkit and Mistfang are born.
Brightsky dies giving birth to Leopardstar, Carpkit, Waterfern, and Oatkit.
Yellowfang realizes she is pregnant.
Frostfur is born, Brindleface is found in the forest days later and the 2 are raised in the nursery together.
Pinestar leaves Thunderclan to be a kittypet, preventing Sunfall from getting any lives.
Socks, Smoke, and Scourge are born.
Stormtail and Dappletail have kits. Cricketfang and Featherkit. Featherkit is deaf, but passes from Fading Kitten syndrome.
Willowpelt is born.
Yellowfang takes care of Cloudpaw and earns her full name.
Spottedleaf and Redtail are born.
Snowflower is struck on the thunderpath and killed after chasing a Shadowclan patrol.
Tigerpaw sets his own future in motion, beating Tiny within an inch of his life.
Lizardstripe gives birth to Tangleburr, Deerfoot, Runningnose, and Bristlepaw.
Yellowfang gives birth to Brokenstar, Wishkit, and Hopekit. Wishkit is the stillborn, Hopekit is the one who passes after 20 minutes. Brokenkit has a horrible relationship with his foster family. Mudclaw hits him behind everyone's back, Bristlekit, Tanglekit and Deerkit bully him relentlessly, and while Lizardstripe is no longer a physically abusive Bad Mom, she isn't very attentive, and Raggedpelt is no help, allowing it to happen so long as Yellowfang stays away.
Blackpaw makes friends with Brokenkit, and when Brokenkit becomes an apprentice with his siblings, Brokenpaw kills Bristlepaw, pushing him over the gorge. Blackpaw inadvertently covers for him without understanding what happened.
Sagewhisker has a heart attack.
Cedarstar passes from kidney failure and old age.
Raggedstar is leader and names Foxheart his deputy, taking her as a mate to hurt Yellowfang.
Greencough sweeps, killing Lizardfang, Mudclaw, and taking Raggedstar's first life.
Rotflower dies.
Mudfur and Adderfang duel, and Mudfur kicks his ass before becoming a medicine cat. Thistleclaw, growing more hateful towards Riverclan but also towards the weak, kills Adderfang. Sparrowpelt is made temporary Deputy but it's clear he doesn't like it.
Shellheart has a painful lump in his chest, he retires. Crookedjaw is made deputy.
Spottedpaw and Tigerpaw are best of friends with mutual crushes, but neither can act on them.
Brokentail is given his name early, and he tries to kill Tanglepaw only to be stopped at the last second by Yellowfang.
Tigerclaw saves Redpaw from a hawk.
Bluemoon gets pregnant at Fourtrees.
Foxheart dies. Frogtail is made deputy, he mentored Flintfang.
Crookedstar ascends to leadership, rejecting Rotflower's life, leaving him with 8 instead of 9 and leaving her in the Dark Forest.
Mistystar, Stonefur, and Mosskit are born. Bluemoon genuinely becomes mates with Thrushpelt. She is poly.
Morningkit, Swancall, and Splashkit are born. Morningkit and Splashkit do not survive their first night however.
Mosskit dies on the way to Riverclan.
Heatherstar dies from Greencough, she is the only victim that season.
Bluemoon becomes Deputy. Sunstar was under a huge amount of pressure to make Thistleclaw deputy. Everyone in the clan liked him.
Thunderclan and Windclan tensions begin, and a battle nearly breaks out, but Tallstar does not want to have unnecessary fights. Redtail no longer follows Tigerclaw, seeing his toxic influence.
Ashfoot is born.
Onestar is born.
Morningflower is born. The 3 are best friends.
Longtail and Heatherwish are born to Patchpelt and Bluebellfur. Sadly, Bluebellfur dies during their birth.
Bloodclan has kicked into full swing. Scourge throws Ruby and Socks out. Socks starves, Ruby is found and becomes Smoke.
Sunstar sacrifices his single life to save Thunderclan from a huge dog.
Whitetail is born.
Goosefeather dies from a brain infection and dementia. His last words? "Fire... Fire..."
Brushpaw becomes Brushclaw, but Tansypaw hates being wild and leaves with Bailey.
Onewhisker gets more and more enamored with kittypet life, but pushes it down. For now...
Willowkit, Silverstream, and Minnowkit are born, but Willowkit and Minnowkit pass the day after their mother dies. Crookedstar has PPD and doesn't want to be around Silverkit for the first half-moon.
Frogtail dies. Brokentail is made deputy. When protests rise, Raggedstar gets almost violent. Leader's Word Is LAW. Who cares what you think? When Yellowfang tries to raise personal concerns, he hits her. When he comes crying to her, she says "what do you want me to do?"
Leopardfoot is killed, by what? I can't say. She just... Didn't wake up one day.
Dustpelt, Ravenpaw, and Cherryshine are born.
Sandstorm is found in the woods by Redtail and Runningwind. She is nursed by all Queens, but collides calling Redtail and Runningwind her dads.
Brokentail kills Raggedstar.
Thunderclan is struck by a Greencough plague, killing Robinwing, Fuzzypelt, Thrushpelt, Featherwhisker, Stonepelt, Windflight, and Poppydawn.
Riverclan beats Thunderclan in a Sunningrocks battle, Spottedleaf gets the Fire Alone Prophecy.
Windclan are raided and driven out, some Windclan cats flee too far.
Brokenstar exiles Yellowfang.
Cherrypaw fights off a fox by herself while returning from her visit to the Moonstone and is named Cherryshine due to this.
Tigerclaw murders Redtail. Meanwhile...
Rusty becomes Firepaw.
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Some Dark Forest members that either are put there in the rewrite or little OCs (that aren't really important too often but the Dark Forest needs more than 10 cats come onnn)
Version 1.1: Lizardstripe is now a pretty different kitty and is no longer on this list, her ex Mudstep is here however, and Leopardstar's morality has finally been cemented.
Version 1.2: Clarified Batear and Fenneldust's crimes, as well as recreated Clear Sky's role as no longer self inflicted, but rather a punishment from his first victim.
Spiderclaw - Spottedleaf's killer instead of Clawface, Brokenstar's lackey.
Thornclaw - Supports the Dark Forest, dies during the Great Battle and banished upon death.
Mudstep (Lizardstripe's mate) - Though he had an okay relationship with Runningnose, and was proud to raise a Medicine Cat son, he was a terrible mate and poor excuse for a father, the cherry on top being his physical abuse of Brokenkit. Abuse of kittens and mates is not tolerated by Starclan.
Rabbitswoop - Riverclan Dark Forest Trainee, he takes one of Mistystar's lives before Hawkfrost kills him.
Milktail - Born during the Brokenstar era and hates her non-clan born adopted brother. She supports Tigerstar, Blackstar makes her deputy after her "I'm sooo sorry' act that actually is convincing. She and Mistfang (Tigerstar's surviving sister) try to kill Blackstar only to get stopped by her adoptive brother. She is a piece of the Blood Will Spill Blood Prophecy (which you can imagine drove her mad), along with Hawkfrost killing Mistfang.
Mistfang - Speaking of. Tigerclaw's dickhead sister. Her attitude stemmed not from 'being spoiled' or anything like that. But the fact that her brother was praised for his strength non-stop, which made this once sweetheart begin to act more like her brother, on a very dangerous path. She thinks her brother is perfect, and idolized him. She followed him to the Dark Forest after being killed by her own nephew.
Nestfur - Another Brokenstar lackey, killed by Mudclaw during the Battle Of Bloodclan.
Parsnipfang - Shinecloud's brother. Oakstar's brother-in-law, Birchface and Frecklewish's uncle. Tried to kill the leader and abused his mate to gain power, Oaksnap (Oakstar) killed him before he could kill the leader, becoming deputy after his death, but something feels... Familiar, about that scenario.
Ratscar - Dark Forest Trainee who kills (yes, KILLS) Blackstar with Redwillow's help (not that he'll let Redwillow have any credit), before Ferncloud beats him into paste.
Rotflower - Rainflower.
Leopardstar - Genuine Tiger Law supporter who tried to instill the mentality into Hawkfrost, and allowed Tigerclan to get out of control/endorsing it.
Onestar - Prison Sentence, but not for too long. Roughly 1 and a half moons.
Sol - After his death, he is banished here and he is PISSED about it, everyone picks on him, guy basically has a kick-me sign on his butt.
Frecklewish - HANG ON! Let me explain. She CHOSE to be in the Dark Forest, because she realizes what Thunderclan has done, and no one but Mapleshade was punishes for trying to give them justice. She can travel the border at will, but spends most of her time in the Dark Forest.
Batear - Fenneldust's boyfriend who helped cover up the murder and supplied the 'weapon', a Boar.
Fenneldust - Thunderclan cat who killed the Medicine cat that gave an omen that she would make a bad deputy. Gee, I wonder why?
Quick Water - Apologizing as you bleed out is not enough. She is one of the OLDEST spirits there, and is mostly uninvolved in things.
Oakstar - Only punished after a huge uproar Frecklewish started. But he seems to be missing. How odd...
One Eye - The OG Dark Forest King.
Star Flower - A genuine force of evil, like she should have always been. Dark Magic practices and trying to destroy the Clans leads to her getting trapped in the Dark Forest.
Clear Sky - Due to not being leader, his toxic influence is now seen by the spirits of Starclan. Bright Storm had the most perfect punishment for him. You wanna make borders? You can be one. To protect the cats of Starclan from the ones in the Dark Forest, Bright Storm and the other cats of Starclan sacrificed his spirit to become the fog border around the area, the fog choking and thick, just like his thick white fur. Now only appears as blue eyes in the shadows and a disembodied voice. His spirit has whittled away, now gaining holes in it. Not to mention the... things... rumored to be laying within the fog.
Gray Wing - The OG Curse Layer. His horrid enabling behavior has damned him, but he'll never see it that way. He technically still roams the earth, but he SHOULD be here. His hatred is toxic, and he plans to destroy the Stars of the Clans, starting with Riverclan....
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Crookedstar's Name
While Crookedstar is renamed by Hailstar due to Hailstar's fatherly love for Rainflower blinding him, (having been deeply in love with Duskwater, her aunt who raised her) he does turn around and snap at Rainflower when he realizes what he has done, renaming her Rotflower, promising to change it back when she changes. Crookedstar is also never given the name Crookedkit, he is made immediately an apprentice named Crookedpaw to celebrate his survival.
However, Shellheart, instead of going along with this crap, says no. He, Oak-kit, Brambleberry, and a few others, refer to him as Stormpaw. Willowkit and Graykit call him Stormpaw as well.
When Crookedpaw/Stormpaw graduates suddenly, he is taking a lot of pride in his jaw. He is called handsome, and known as a great fighter, an inspiration due to his sheer love for Riverclan. He saved Hailstar's life using the moves Mapleshade taught him, and his survival of such a wound, combined with the huge confidence boost that Fleck gave him makes him proud. When he sees his friends and kin, he tells them that he is proud to have the name Crookedjaw, but if they want to call him Stormjaw, they're allowed! He is incredibly popular and loved in the Clan.
Fuck, even Mapleshade was impressed with his strength. Not that she would say it out loud!
Crookedjaw/Stormjaw is one of the VERY few cats with 2 names. Modern day Clans wouldn't know, but Skystar was also called Petalstar. Another example for modern day would be Lightflower, who, while in close company, was called by her birth name, Princess.
When he is named Leader, Starclan asks him which name he would like. He is leader and is free to chose. He sees Rotflower, whose life he denied, about to be dragged off to the Dark Forest. He stands proud and says that he would like to be called Crookedstar. The name came from a monster of a cat, but he's quite a fan of it now.
Besides, who would ever think that a cat with a crooked jaw would be one of Riverclan's legendary warriors?
After his passing, he is referred to in Starclan as both Crookedstar and Stormstar. He chooses not to have his jaw corrected, since he learned to speak with it, hunt with it, and eat with it. He is proud to have survived something that ABSOLUTELY was supposed to have killed him.
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