#roselle uses
nenasbatu · 2 years
Roselle dan Khasiatnya 
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waterghostype · 7 months
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a bit of an unconventional post but here is rosel!!! struggling princess and novice of void she is my ninjago oc bc ive been infected with deadly oc brainrot disease…
oc ramblings under the cut lel
she is a princess with a tragic backstory . super original i know
in all seriousness she basically conjured up in my head while i was thinking “what could they ever do to recover harumi’s character from crystalized in dragons rising” and it all went downhill from here
she’s super energetic, lively, dramatic, basically a cringe theatre kid who doesnt shut up at all. she loves animals and nature and life and being elaborate and performing and all that jazz.
she’s basically harumi’s surrogate little sister. after being on her own for a bit and traveling all across realms she landed in this weird magical realm (one that i made up. lol) and was taken in by the royal family as a knight (basically) after she brought back rosel when she got lost in the forest. she’s having a terrible time in there BUT she’s staying because… there is a freakazoidal organization trying to take them down. super original once again.
harumi feels like shes sort of called to do something about it to somehow atone for her wrongdoings but she doesn’t want to do any more than she has to aka she doesn’t want to get close to rosel bc shes obviously very Not right in the brain and also because of her past
rosel originally had an older sister who was supposed to be the actual heir to the throne and she was totally chill with that! she liked to just have a second say in important stuff and do a lot of commercials like that was her whole thing and she enjoyed it. then her sister got assassinated so now she has to be the one to worry about everything and just be an heir all of a sudden. this is part of the reason why she got very easily attached to harumi and harumi knows this and understands what’s going on in rosel’s brain because a losing family then getting badly attached to someone bc you think they can fill that hole in your heart?? yeah not cool
doesnt help that harumi currently hates herself and thinks shes the worst person in the world (tbf she did do All that.) but the difference is when she was being unhealthily attached to garmadon he mistreated her BAD but here harumi actually tries protecting rosel and gets unfortunately attached as well which sucks! it’s like that grumpy old man adopts daughter trope except it’s a ~20 yo girl and a little sister
before she died rosel swore she hated her sister and they would fight allll the time. older sister (havent decided on a name) is really strict and pressured to do all her work as an heir and the oldest princess and i could go into more detail abt their relationship but just think oldest sibling vs youngest sibling shenanigans. theyd fight abt how rosel would never understand the pressure of being the heir in their political cilmate thing (yeah the made-up realm is going through it) but too bad so sad she got executed in front of literally the whole kingdom.
after a surprisingly short while rosel gets back on her feet after her sister’s death but shes just fakering oops. she has a bunch of bottled up issues but it’s ok! it’s ok!
also shes the elemental master of void. oops
this one is fucky wucky complicated but BASCIALLY my bs reason for her little mary sue op power is bc time twins were stuck in that weird time vortex all throughout everything And then the merge happened and the merge’s weird elemental energy whatever caused the time vortex and the twins’ elemental powers to get weird and because time is being messed up reality can be messed up and so this basically broken version of the time element gets transferred onto my girl rosel as if it was a regular degular elemental power which sucks bc it’s even harder to use and control and she doesnt even know how to fight so shes just struggling
she finds this out while on a journey with the ninja and harumi. like if it was a season itd be like episode 15+ she finds out. this is because she accidentally caused an important artifact to disappear out of nowhere, got sad about it bc she messed everything up, and then she accidentally makes a whole bunch of stuff (including living things) disappear too. yikessss
she doesnt want to hide it she tells the ninjarumi right away and theyre all like What the hell and shes freaking out but after some help she can at least keep herself from destroying literally everything.
until she messes up gets mega emotional loses control of her everything and starts voiding a bunch of stuff so she gets even more stressed which makes her void even more stuff and now shes basically destroying the kingdom shes been trying so hard to be able to rule. ooooopsies
after a whole thing with the power of siblingship and empathy harumi snaps her out of it and now shes absolutely baffled with what shes done and is a bit crazed abt the whole thing. bc of this she decides it’s best to train with the ninja (idk if she actually becomes one) so she can use her power better. btw harumi was able to snap her out of it and give her a hug without being voided because a) power of friendship and b) overlord resurrection she’s literally dead inside She basically is already voided in a way
so thats basically what goes on very sorry this is too long but i hope it all makes sense… i swear her story is better than the way i explained it (or maybe it’s not idk) i just have many MANY MANY thought abt her! i might ramble even more in the future so be cautioned. thx
heres zoomed in ver of the notes in case u need it
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
This was going to be a post only about shoes as a gift for @respectthepetty...but then Pet made this post about graphic designers understanding the assignment and my thoughts started spiralling. I'll come back to the title cards and colour-coding later...but first, SHOES!
If you've been following me for a while, you'll know I pretty much lose it when I see a Thai character wearing the Mustard yellow-soled shoes (I really need to buy myself a pair). It started with Pat, Pran, and Pa in Bad Buddy...
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...but the shoes have also been worn by Win and Lin (in Cupid's Last Wish), Tinn and Gun (Our Skyy 2 x My School President), Jeng (Step By Step), and most recently, Zo in Hidden Agenda.
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But this isn't the point of the post. No.
My gift to Pet is my recent discovery that Joke in Hidden Agenda has shoes with BLUE soles.
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I have yet to find them online but I haven't given up yet. I mean, look at them (I need a pair of these as well):
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I had noticed the little pop of red on the heel during the airing of the show and thought it was a nice little nod to the red and yellow theme, but the discovery of the blue and Pet's insightful post I mentioned earlier has got me questioning.
Because I know the red and yellow theme was emphasised with the roselle and chrysanthemum juices, and the stories of the red roses and yellow sunflowers...and I know Pet has already written an outstanding analysis of the use of these two colours plus the blue and how they connect to the triangular theory of love...BUT I can't help looking at this
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and wonder if this graphic designer also really understood the assignment.
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Like, really understood
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Because despite the red, I wonder if we do have singular colour-coded characters, with Joke being a loyal blue boy and Zo a yellow yal.
On Zo's practice date, he's painting in yellow with the yellow water in front of him but Joke has blue water in front of him despite painting green (in their play-fighting Joke threatens to throw the blue water over Zo). Joke also wipes the green on his face - a combination of these two colours.
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After the date-that's-not-a-date, Zo decides to leave for a few days and takes both these colours with him (and, he soon accepts, Joke as well).
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And when they meet Uncle Yod the hotel owner he's wearing their merged colours.
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To Joke, Zo's face looks like the sun. He feels comfortable and warm around him. Zo thinks Joke should learn to generate that warmth for himself. Warm and cold.
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Zo struggles with Joke's sincerity (just like they struggle to get the blue bus moving), even whilst wearing the blue shirt (with the yellow detail below the collar).
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And even though Zo wears red once (and pink a few times), he wears blue several times. (I don't think I remember seeing Joke in red at all). And we get a colour exchange, with both of them in front of green backgrounds.
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And finally, despite going home to his very red family, Joke has blue over his heart and Zo is finally embracing his yellow.
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I'd very much like to posit that these are their true colours, that they've been carrying in their soles souls the whole time but maybe hiding them because they weren't fully sure of themselves or each other. Because when looked at like this, the graphic designers really did follow the assignment.
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proselles · 2 months
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Satoru Gojo/Suguru Getou, Satoru Gojo & Tsumiki Fushiguro, Satoru Gojo & Megumi Fushiguro, Suguru Geto & Mimiko Hasaba & Nanako Hasaba
Chapters: 8/17
Word Count: 117,457
Summary: They’re tangled together on the couch when Satoru brings up the boy with the sweetgum hair.
“He’s sorta scrappy looking,” Satoru describes poorly. “Short.”
“Short?” Satoru doesn’t need to see Suguru to know he’s giving Satoru a look - the one where he wrinkles up his chin and mouth, the one that says stop being stupid Satoru. It’s a common enough facial expression in the apartment. “Satoru, it sounds like he’s six. They’re all that height. It’s not their fault that you’re ungodly tall.”
There are a lot of secrets being kept in Tokyo.
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vampslxsher · 6 months
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When the girl you love gives you a letter.
Azaelia, oc credz to @frothy-commissions
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
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chicademartinica · 1 year
Fam hear me out :
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the-corpse-regards-you · 11 months
hi hika hi ven hi rosel
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bisexual king
have Roselle’s 4th redesign!! he’s transmasc, genderfluid and bi now :]
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also this is like my 4th time changing the genre of music he makes,, probably multi-genre but mostly glam-pop or glam-rock LMAO
old designs here
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animemakeblog · 1 year
“Tensei Kizoku, Kantei Skill de Nariagaru” The Light Novel For Gets TV Anime in 2024
The official Twitter of Miraijin A's Tensei Kizoku, Kantei Skill de Nariagaru: Jakushou Ryouchi wo Uketsuida node, Yuushuu na Jinzai wo Fuyashiteitara, Saikyou Ryouchi ni Natteta (As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World) light novel announced a television anime adaptation, revealing the first promo. In 2024, the anime series is scheduled to debut.
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skinnyhyena · 17 days
How is Ars too young to lead the troops into battle, but Rosell is old enough to go and advise?!?!?! 💀💀💀 If he can act as a vassal from the rear, Ars totally have come.
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barrenstars · 11 months
@killedarlings : The scent of blood is one that never fails to evoke generous amounts of saliva to pool in his mouth and drip from his curled fangs.  But the blood he scents this time carries with a certain power that only entices his hunger further  —  telling him that this is no ordinary creature.  The oni finds her with back pressed against a tree as she attempts to catch her breath, practically served to him upon a silver platter.  But rather than simply going in for the kill right away, he decides to enjoy himself, to play with his potential meal.  “ It’s quite dangerous to be out alone here, little one. Don’t you know? ”  His lips have pulled back into a sneer, curled fangs on proud display glistening in the moonlight as he inclines his head in feigned innocence.  ( for Roselle from Chishio! ) 
there were places even roselle would not venture, no matter how desperate she was to escape the clutches of her coven, who were so obsessed with getting their hands on her that they had resorted to attempting to kill her after it became evident they would not be able to convince her with words of manipulation or any form of magic. rose would not be their friend, she'd forever be their enemy. and that terrified them. so much so that they began to hunt her down like some kind of animal, chasing her across the world.
roselle could sense recently that they had become more desperate with their attacks, and more frequent. they were growing antsy with each full moon, so they were trying anything and everything to kill her, and not by their own hands it seems. and rose hadn't realised until it was too late just where they had cornered her off and chased her into. it was a place that she, under no circumstances, would have liked to wander into for any reason.
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it emerges from the treeline while she thinks it's safe to stop and catch her breath, trying to break the spell one of the coven leaders had hit her with while running. her dress is torn at the hip, revealing black lines which make up multiple symbols, and it coils around her, sprouting black and red thorns, which plunge into her flesh and leave trails of blood seeping down her hip, soaking her dress. when the monster speaks, roselle now knows what their plan had been. chase her into its territory, entice him by bloodying her up, allowing him to smell how intoxicating her blood and magic were, and kill her. fear and anxiety come in waves as she acknowledges that the plan was rather good. it just may work.
as she goes to gather moonlight to perform a spell, the thorns in her side spread, soaking up the magic she had gathered to expand down her thigh, more thorns sprouting and digging into her, almost as if to seduce the monster more. hissing out in pain, rose collapses to her knees, mentally cursing her coven for their pitch-perfect plan. willing herself back to her feet, she contemplates running but knows the creature before her would have her in two large steps. so, she gulps and eyes it, deciding to converse and trying to talk her way out of this would be her best option. " i'm not alone, i've got at least twenty-eight people hiding in these woods watching us, to make sure you kill me. because they're cowards and can't do it themself. " stubbornly, she takes a step forward, the leg that bleeds buckling as she does so. " i don't suppose they even filled you in on this? unless you like being used... which i'm going to assume isn't the case, considering you seem pretty capable of killing me and them if you wanted to. "
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roselleinn · 1 year
Book Dinner
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plumadot · 28 days
Your art style has such a mochi texture to it I love it so much
Do you have any OCs you can show and maybe info dump about?
hi hi aaaa thank you and yes i'd love to talk about some of my children even though i actually suck at backstories and sometimes don't bother with them at all so i hope that's ok gkfjdkgjfd
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this is my baby rune they're lovely and round and they have many friends but their favourite friend is arden mmmmmmm rune is a little wizard who works hard but is a little bit dumb,,, they try to be very responsible but they're also naive and oblivious,,, which is why they have arden to help out because arden is the most protective and frankly untrusting person gkfdjkg like who hurt you. she's a cool ranger gal with a cool tattoo who lives in the woods and teaches rune about adventuring and fighting monsters and stuff. until she realizes that rune is not just a silly cutie but also really powerful and cool and she develops a big crush
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and i'm sorry to bring up my dnd character once more BUT I LOVE HER SHE'S MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER,,,,,, her name is roselle fayanna mistweaver and she's a proper little lady from a wealthy upper class family who was taught to be proper and good and skilled and quiet and happy all the time and- she's not that,,,,, her older sisters are good at everything and she's just... not. her parents weren't around much and she could feel their disappointment so much that she desperately looked for ways to prove herself,,,, and she found a dryad's magic and made a pact with her... elri gave her a way to make her drawings come to life with magic and roselle became a bard!!!!!! :D (not a warlock hehe. unless????) the magic is very weird and freaky though and sometimes weird shit happens. roselle ended up running away from home and she's now lost with an adventuring party in vampires and werewolves land. which SUCKS but!!!!! she can maybe find a way to be cool and useful for her new friends????? maybe????
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and and and idk if this counts but my sona has lore??? sorta??????? i'm slowly building/revealing it on my mc server gkfjkg and i hope it's not lame but. i might show some of the stuff i put into the world here if anyone's interested? :O for now all you gotta know is that they're mostly moss. and they don't know many things. but they have a lot of robot friends... just not many... living ones... until the other ant cats arrived on the server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't do a lot of oc stuff anymore but i'm very passionate about the children i do have!!!!!! i'm sorry the backstories are so next to nothing but i hope this was at least a little interesting!!!!!!! :D <3
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Michael Hingson was in Tower One of the World Trade Center on the morning of 11 September 2001.
What sets his story apart is that Hingson is blind and was guided to safety by his guide dog, Roselle.
They were on the 78th floor when the plane hit.
Despite the chaos, Roselle remained calm, leading Hingson and several others down 1,463 steps to safety. The descent took about an hour.
Remarkably, just moments after they exited the building, Tower Two collapsed, covering them in debris. Both survived.
Hingson later said:
"While everyone ran in panic, Roselle remained totally focused on her job, while debris fell around us, and even hit us, Roselle stayed calm."
Once clear, Roselle led her owner to the safety of a subway station, where they helped a woman who had been blinded by falling debris.
Once they arrived home, Roselle immediately began playing with her retired guide dog predecessor, Linnie, as if nothing important had happened.
Hingson's story became widely known as an extraordinary tale of trust, teamwork, and the human-animal bond.
He later wrote a memoir, "Thunder Dog," detailing his experience.
In 2004, Roselle was diagnosed with immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, but medications were able to control the condition.
In March 2007, she retired from guiding after it was discovered that the medication was beginning to damage her kidneys.
Roselle passed away on 26 June 2011 at age 13.
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Roselle (March 12, 1998 - June 26, 2011)
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colour-source · 5 months
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— ROSELISM, psd coloring
ENG.RULES: This psd is free for personal use, for commercial use you have the option to purchase from KO-FI or deviantart. It is forbidden to repost, use this psd as a base for any other you make to post or include this material in resource packs. Like or reblog if you like/download. (dl.link)
PT.REGRAS: Este psd é gratuito para uso pessoal, para uso comercial você tem a opção de comprar no KO-FI ou no deviantart. É proibido repostar, usar este psd como base para qualquer outro que você faça para postar ou incluir este material em packs de resources. Dê like ou reblog se gostar/baixar. (dl.link)
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