#but what ever
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feengoid · 5 months ago
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i shape him
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scribblescrabbledepartment · 2 months ago
me when i overdo it coloring & crop all the parts i totally fucked up out of the drawing. anyways im playing with my crayolas
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[ID: a crayon drawing of Al Pacino, showing a profile view of his face.]
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thecotton-candy-queen · 8 months ago
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So I watched Dungeon Meshi
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mic-check-stims · 8 months ago
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Day 5: Make a board using your favorite stims
I fucking love glitter and makeup so much 💖💞💗
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oifaaa · 10 months ago
People will argue for sub because the English version has weird lines or is cringe or whatever silly excuse but the catch is it sounds like that in Japanese too. They just can’t understand it because they only speak english. A character will shout sugoi 8 times in a row and it doesn’t phase them but the dub has a character do the same thing in English and it’s annoying to them.
i think the funniest one I used to hear was "I can't listen to the English dub the English voices sound so bad it makes me want to throw up" it's so dramatic like they're literally just speaking English with an exaggerated tone if you can listen to spongebob you can listen to English dubs the Japanese voice actors do the exact same thing
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the-crimson · 1 year ago
I wrote a super quick fic about the fed worker in bbh’s basement tw for torture and manipulation
Enjoy! :D
(Part 2 here)
Heavy machinery cranks and grinding stones reverberate in the still air as the wall slides back into place, the demon’s silhouette vanishing as the worker hugs the cold stone of its cell. The skeletal vulture sits on the cell’s small window watching as its master disappears. Its claws clink on the metal as it shifts and the worker holds its breath.
The bird almost purrs as its snake-like neck shifts so its glowing eyes lock onto the worker. Its knees give and the worker slides to the ground, body wracked with tremors as its muscles lock. All it can think is to run, to fight, to scream, but it can only sit helplessly as the demon’s pet hops from the cell bars to the stone floor.
It tilts its skeletal head to the side as its wings puff out the sides, revealing the souls trapped in its rib cage. Another purr rumbles through the bird's body and the worker barely raises its arms in front of its face before the monster shrieks and lunges.
Its claws screech on the worker’s metallic exterior and if it could scream it would as the vulture’s beak tears wiring from its shoulder and its talons throw its arm across the cell.
Sparks dance with the embers of trapped souls as the sound of shredding metal and avian screams echoes on the stone.
Silence eventually falls within the dungeon as the bird realizes its prey has no soul to steal and becomes disinterested. The vulture sits on the small window and starts cleaning its feathers, picking bits of metal and wire from its plumage.
The occasional spark causes disjointed limbs to twitch. The worker’s remaining vision wavers as its thoughts pulse in and out of focus through electrical surges and it tries to remember. Its vision darkens as the ground shifts and the wall starts to raise. All it sees before the merciful void takes it is the silhouette of the demon’s shoes and the scythe dragging on the ground behind him.
There is a tingling in its shoulder. It can feel wires being welded and bolts being fastened. The worker internally sighs. It must be back in the federation’s facilities for repairs. Cucurucho must have found it. Finally. It doesn’t even know how long it’s been trapped without sunlight.
But… wait. Federation facilities are warm. It could always hear the hum of electricity surging through the walls but now… nothing. Just the clinking of metal tools and the faint chill of stone.
Someone is humming. It doesn’t recognize the melody but it recognizes the voice and nearly short circuits from the jolt of fear.
“I know you are awake.” That voice. It sends terror through the worker but the tone is wrong. Softer. The venom from before replaced with… exhaustion. “I hope you didn’t think I would let you die. That would be silly.”
The worker looks at the demon with baited breath, still too terrified to even attempt moving. The demon sits in the cage with it, beside it, tinkering with the worker’s mangled arm. He leans against the bars slouched almost… it could laugh at the absurdity… almost childlike. But there is no wonder or childlike naïveté in the pupiless white eyes and void of a face. There is… nothing. No malice. No sick joy. He looks at the machinery in his hands with a blank if focused expression. The two sit in silence for a long moment, the worker watching its capture repair its limb in fearful paralysis, before the demon tilts his head and observes his handiwork.
“That should work.” He shifts and lines the arm up with the worker’s shoulder. It looks away and braces for more pain, sure that the demon would take pleasure in attaching the arm in the most painful manner possible… but the pain never comes. The demon connects wires and welds carefully, intently. He takes his time and doesn’t say a word as hands that had only been cruel handle the worker’s delicate insides with the utmost care. There is a surge of electrical tingling as the limb reattaches… and the worker wiggles its fingers.
The demon watches his handiwork and a small smile crosses his face. “My son would be proud.” The smile fades and the demon leans back, closes his eyes.
The worker looks between its captor and one of the tools just within reach of its newly repaired hand. Both its legs and other arm are out of commission but it doesn’t care. This might be its only chance. Its fingertips brush the smooth metal as the demon starts humming again, the same melody. It freezes as the demon starts singing.
“You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away “
The worker stares at the demon barely able to breathe, hand shaking at the force it holds the wrench but… it simply looks on entranced.
“The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you
In my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried-”
His voice breaks as a bead of white escapes the demon’s eye and leaves a glowing trail across the void of his skin like a comet passing through the atmosphere.
“Where did you go, my little sunshines?”
The worker’s grip on the wrench loosens. Is this pity? It grips the wrench with renewed strength. He let that monster tear my appart, I will not pity him! It lurches forwards and swings the wrench towards the demon’s head but he easily grabs the worker’s wrist mid air and eyes still closed. The worker tries to pull its arm back but it is caught in the devil’s grip.
White soulless eyes open and the worker would scream if it could as it tries in vain to tear free its one remaining limb. The demon’s nails pierce steel and the worker feels the panic of a prey animal caught in a wolf’s den surging through it. No no no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it please please please-
The demon prys the wrench from the worker’s hand and releases its arm, which the worker yanks back to its chest. It doesn’t take its vision off the demon as he sits forward and brings a knee to his chest, taps the wrench in his opposite palm.
“My son taught me everything I know about machines.” Those white eyes lift and lock on the worker’s featureless face.
He stands suddenly and the worker flinches. The demon stands back to it for a moment before he tosses a pearl with a flick of the wrist and teleports through the bars in a burst of purple particles. The worker crawls with one arm to the bars and reaches for him, silently shouting wait!
The demon glances to the side back at the worker and for a moment it recognizes the sick grin that is quickly coached into careful despair.
“My friends need me but I’ll finish repairing you when I come back.”
Gears shift loudly as the wall starts lowering between them.
“Maybe I’ll make brownies we can share while I work…” his words are nearly drowned in the grinding of stone and gears and all too soon the worker is once again alone in the dark.
It brings its arm to its chest and holds itself as best it can in its state.
It’s never had brownies but… they sound nice.
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rawvnoisevcruster · 8 months ago
Alright I'm about to sew some patches on a back pack and I'm debating on which looks better or if there is some tips on any other ideas
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Put it in the notes which is better or if you have any ideas to make this look good
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tidemoonchild · 1 year ago
I wish you all a very happy march the first <3
Here have a Mărțișor (The pic says "Spring begins with a Mărțișor)
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>>A Mărțișor is part of a romanian tradition you can read more about it here (x)<<
@kyber-infinitygems @thehubb @silently-judgingyou @aapothic/@psyknife @luposcainus @agentpeggycarterrogers @indoraptorgirlwind @f1rechaser @marvelmyriad @the-innumerable-heroes @azuresrp @antvnger @positivelybeastly @bothsidesofaquestion @grimmusings @michaelandadam
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butchsophiewalten · 2 years ago
haii i like JUST watched the walten files… idk if this blog is still alive, but im tryin to learn the lore and if u could give me a run-down of like the timeline/lore i would rlly appreciate it ^_^ TY!!!
Well i'm definitely still active, but this is kind of a tall ask! Also pretty complicated since there's a lot of fringe stuff that I care a lot about but probably isn't actually that important for a new fan to familiarize themself with right away, and sometimes it's hard for someone like me to differentiate that from the essential stuff. That said, I've written a lot here so it's going under a cut.
Just to cover all my bases: If you've just watched the series for the first time, be sure that you're also checking out the two hidden videos. They're both present in the Official Playlist in the order you're meant to view them, but there's really nothing wrong with watching both of them last, you shouldn't be that confused. These are technically and literally bonus content, but they ARE lore-important.
Also, a mutual of mine, @gir-posting put together a neocities site a while ago specifically with the intention of helping people who are new to The Walten Files get their bearings with it, and you can find that here:
Just as a note and to add my own pedantic criticism, this page eventually guides you towards the series' companion website, Findjackwalten.com, and provides archived links of all* the iterated versions of that site's pages. It's a LOT, don't worry about catching up on everything, it is literally all just bonus content to make the wait between episodes more fun. The Twfinfo page here also calls it an ARG, which i would not consider it by any stretch of the word's definition. It's just a website.
*some pages were never archived and Twfinfo is also missing the most recent findjackwalten update from August 15th.
I recognize that literally none of this is what you asked me for! This is because I honestly have a really difficult time trying to summarize the events of The Walten Files. But this is the part where I try:
In the late 50s, two college friends named Jack Walten and Felix Kranken came up with an idea for animatronic performers that, through the years, would eventually morph into the concept for Bon's Burgers. Sometime between 1968 and 1972, Jack and Felix's company, Bunny Smiles Incorporated, would partner with a company called CyberFun Tech to assist them in their Bon's Burgers project, providing them with resources and engineering expertise to create those animatronic performers they had envisioned. After lots of work, Bon's Burgers was set to open on June 1st, 1974.
This is the part you probably know. On May 2nd, 1974, Jack asked Felix for a favor he was needing. He was doing overtime at the workshop trying to get things ready for the opening, but his two youngest kids, Edd and Molly, needed someone to drive them to a school party they wanted to attend. His wife, Rosemary, couldn't take them, because she was taking his eldest daughter Sophie to the dentist. Felix agreed to the favor. You know what happened then.
This is where it gets fuzzy. After Edd & Molly's disappearances, the Bon's Burgers opening was postponed to June 28th. It seems like Jack and Felix more or less continued to collaborate on the project until Jack's disappearance on June 11th. We have no idea what happened to him after that.
The restaurant opened. At some point presumably between Jack's disappearance and the 30th of June, the animatronic Bon went strange. The lead engineer, Susan Woodings, decided to examine him after noticing some "irregularities" during his performance during the day, and he violently attacked her, then stuffed her damaged-but-still-living body into the animatronic Banny, where she eventually starved to death.
Bon's massacre would continue with the elusive employee, Charles B., who we continue to know next to nothing about except that he ended up in Boozoo, and would finish with Rosemary Walten, who had been returning to the restaurant regularly with hopes of finding her missing husband. The screams heard during Rosemary's attack and dismemberment were reported by the neighborhood and led to the restaurant's immediate closure. All of the restaurants assets, including its animatronic performers, were relocated to a storage unit in the middle of a nearby forest.
Over the years Felix pulled a lot of cheap merchandising schemes to try and keep the Bon's Burgers and Bunny Smiles brand relevant in the consciousness of Brighton. Lots of toys and direct-to-video cartoons and even a reasonably popular television series. In the late 70s he put forward a plan to fix up all the animatronics and reopen the Bon's Burgers restaurant in a new location. The first version of the plan went really terribly, since they just went and hired some teenaged engineers and put them on crunch time to try and fix everything wrong with four half-decade old complicated machines. One of those engineers, Ashley Parks, ended up poking around in some back hallways she wasn't supposed to see and was killed by Bon for snooping. She ended up in the animatronic Billy, who was present at the old Bon's Burgers location but has been kept suspiciously separate from the other animatronics for years.
Flash forward to 1982. Sophie Walten, the only living member of the Walten family, has been living with medication-induced amnesia for years. This is until her girlfriend Jenny introduces her to the BunnyFarm arcade machine, which has just been installed in the basement of the hotel where Jenny and she live. Through the machine, the spirits of her dead friends and family begin communicating with her, and she learns a lot of the information I just relayed to you. And that's where we are, really.
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bikatsu · 2 years ago
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Shitting my pants rn
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kucherovv · 2 years ago
baku is awful because when anything happens ever there is a red flag
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oifaaa · 1 year ago
Tim is a mix of Matpat and Jacksfilms.
You want Tim to be doxxed by sniperwolf??
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the-dunkin-of-dunkins · 1 year ago
It’s four a clock in the fucking morning.
Why am I up?
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yumeyleo · 2 years ago
wearing a dress might kick someone in the balls
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izzythedemigod · 3 months ago
I just found the funniest font ever
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Like. What is this. Why is this. Who is the target audience of this?
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