#rose arc blood war
howlingday · 3 months
Last time on Rose-Arc Blood War:
The lines between the Chocolate Chip Lovers & Oatmeal Raisin Lovers briefly blurred as Weiss showed off her impressive orator skills, but things swiftly took a turn for the worse as Salem randomly swooped in to reignite tensions.
Will this (so-far) bloodless blood war ever come to an end?
Will a mysterious 3rd faction take advantage of the current chaos, and rise to the top?
Find out... Later
Blake: ...
Ren: ...
Blake: Honestly, I like tea the most out of every sweet treat people have been fighting over this whole time.
Ren, tearing up: Finally, someone who speaks my language.
Ren: Nora, you're not allowed.
Blake: Have some tea.
Blake: ...
Nora: ...
Blake: ...
Nora: ...
Blake: (Sniffle)
Nora: Uh...
Blake: (Leans into Ren, Sobs)
Nora: Uh, should I apologize?
Thus the Valkyrie-Belladonna Disagreement began... This would not be as physically devastating as the Rose Arc Blood Feud, though some would argue that it was far more emotionally charged.
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mamangasick · 1 year
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Tite Kubo
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einstriker · 2 years
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Me encanta esto que agregaron al final de los episodios de Bleach
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tuliharja · 2 years
BLEACH: Thousand-year Blood War ep 4 review
RIP Hidetomo Kajomaru. As a manga reader, I already knew you would die after your explanation. You served your purpose and you did it well.
Oh gosh. Jugram's voice is so hot. He is otherwise hot. Excuse me for fangirling, but when I first time saw him...I right to way wished he and Byakuya would have ikeman showdown! Like yes, even if it would only be a comical encounter, so what? I think it would have been funny...too bad this Bleach version doesn't have "Shinigami Illustrated Picture Book" at the end of it, but I get it. This is supposed to be as serious as anime can be because it's about war and things are super-duper serious. But still...imagine Byakuya and Jugram having intense ikeman showdown where sparkles multiply as they flip their hair like some sort of models, fangirls screaming and fainting left and right, and just when they're about to rip their uniforms show some eye candy, a wild Kenpachi crashed and steals the victory because he flashes that predator smile while mega-sparkles fly! Oh yeah. Don't try to deny it. You would have loved that kind of showdown.
I loved how Rose did all but bleed out his heart to NaNaNa Najahkoop about Izuru and how Izuru was his muse. It was super cute and made me feel sympathy toward him as a fellow artist (not as a music maker as I can't make one even if my life would depend on it) as it just sucks when your muse is gone (in this case quite physical sense), yet he was still quite chill (at least to outside.)
Oooh, Äs Nödt's introduction was very cool! I can't wait to hear how people are going to spell his name when/if they'll...(Because people who don't use 'ä' and 'ö' in their alphabet normally can't spell them correctly.) Also, it made me a bit chuckle how that lone shinigami who tried to keep the morale up survived just in time for Renji to rescue him...yet unlike other one-minute or few more minutes new characters, he didn't get a name or even a rank. You poor thing. At least you survived enough for Renji to rescue you... And good thing Byakuya came to help Renji! (And yes, I fangirled again a bit when he just walked on the scene like he was taking a stroll in the neighborhood...) I loved how chill Byakuya was and having his 'superior' talk to bad guys. Classic Byakuya, I must say.
Bambietta calling Komamura a doggy was funny/cute and brought back that joke of Komamura being a dog, even though he is a wolf... I can't wait to see their proper showdown! That little bit of what we saw already was very cool, but what surprised me a bit was the fact that Bambietta's bombs remained blue-white. Like I understand that because her Quincy powers manifest as bombs, those would be that color, but even so...I don't know. I suppose as long as it's part of Quincy's power, their power will appear in that color. Just like Äs Nödt's spikes.
Seeing bits of other captains fighting their opponents all around Seireitei really made it feel like the war is going on fully on Seireitei. Visually speaking (writing) it was a really good pull as usually in shonen anime fights it can feel like a huge group of people is fighting in a very limited area and while Seireitei is kind of 'small', it isn't exactly that small...it's in fact super big city. So, that spacious feeling and each captain has their individual fights were important as they're fighting separately yet at the same time.
Though, I must admit I liked the fact they gave Byakuya's fight toward Äd Nödt more focus than with other captains' -at least for now. Though...the impact of how Byakuya stated 'they stole Bankai' could have been a bit better. Now it didn't really hit home, but considering how Byakuya is...it's no surprise. Though, I would have wished the animators could have portrayed that feeling of 'I just lost part of me' better, because in the manga as a reader I could feel Byakuya's terror, but now? Not really. Now it was more along the lines of 'okay, this is bad, but I'll manage'. Like how? Because apparently, every captain has forgotten 'oh yeah, we've kido'... But luckily we had Toshiro to deal with the more impactful of 'they stole my Bankai!!' Always trust Toshiro to deliver that panic over losing something precious to himself... I think Soi Fon's reaction was a bit surprising, as while it was in the filler where she claimed she trained other tricks to use just so she doesn't have to rely solely on her Zanpakuto and its skills, I felt like her horror over the matter didn't suit her. And eh, Komamura...goes to show when canines are angry/fearing, they'll show all their teeth.
Also. once again it was proven communication is important but so underappreciated. I mean, Mayuri had a point when he questioned why they couldn't just wait for his analysis to be complete. Why the need to rush? Yes, the situation is dire and serious, but seriously...if it was already before stated their Bankai could be nullified, why still try one's luck? Because 'I won't believe it until I, myself, have tried it!' Such arrogance. Not to mention, there was like zero planning or leading in this. I mean, they had captains' meeting, but apparently planning for the upcoming war they knew that was coming wasn't something they did? It also made me wonder...even if Yamamoto wouldn't have given them any advice on what to do or how to act apart from 'be on alert!' the captains themselves could have like talked with themselves or sort of? Or, at least waited for Mayuri to complete his analysis and not jump the gun, like they did...I'm still baffled there was like zero planning in this. No wonder Quincies had quite an easy time... Like yes, making counter plans toward the unknown is hard, but not impossible. Even when reading the manga I couldn't help but wonder why Kubo rendered the shinigami so...useless. I get that Ichigo is the star of the show, but even so... So yeah, Mayuri's outburst was justified, even though Kyoraku tried to gloss it over. Like, kido, anyone? No one? Okay then.
(Also, Yamamoto mourning over Sasakibe's death isn't any excuse to mop around like a sad blob when the rest of his subordinates and other people are dying left and right. Like yes, Sasakibe's death was a big loss to him, but even so...)
Luckily Akon decided to call for Urahara, even though it was basically 'I'll call for shonen protagonist to rescue our butts'. Though...even so, the fact Urahara had to deal the final blow to Quilge Opie, made me wonder how exactly Ichigo will deal with the bad guys. I understand that for shonen protagonist to keep his 'innocence' he can't kill, but even so...but I guess that's just shonen magic to you! The protagonist will beat up the bad guys and then someone will come and deal the final blow, dirtying their hands because...well, because the plot requires it. Expect in this case, the 'bad guy' won't just die! (At least not yet.) I'm still a bit surprised over the fact Quilge Opie left Urahara basically unscathed, apart from that lone arrow he hit to him, while Orihime and Sado got beaten down badly...but I suppose it's because they fought against him. Though, I think Orihime mostly covered Sado when he fought.
Also, that last quote at the end...was it Sasakibe speaking? The picture, words, and voice suited him, so I suppose it was him at the end speaking. Kinda ties the whole Yamamoto mourning over his death...
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
His Prom Date
Jaune Arc was standing by the side of the dance hall, dressed in a finely tailored suit with a cup of punch in his hands silently waiting as he watched everyone gather for schools prom dance. He was enjoying his silent musing as he waited, until an unexpected guest arrived.
: Hey there, Jauney boy, having fun~?
Jaune looked to the side to see the school joke with muscles for brains staring at him, with a mocking cocky smile plaster all over his face smug face.
Jaune: No, but the night is still young so it remains to be seen.
Cardin: Pff, whatever… Hey, let me introduce you to my date, Say hello to, Kathy. Kathy Faltrini. The head cheerleader.
Kathy: Hello, Jaune was it?
Jaune was surprised to see such a beautiful woman next to, Cardin. She was a blonde wearing a shimmering violet satin dress that hugged her frame perfectly. His eyes giving her dress the once over, he was impressed at the beautiful lace pattern that highlighted her upper body, leaving a sizeable impressive upon the mind to what was her actual bust. size. But, as his eyes were drawn down to the billowing skirt that surrounded her legs. Before his eyes returned to those striking green eyes of hers.
She was a beautiful woman, a rose among weeds, particularly the one she had her arm wrapped around.
Jaune: Jaune, Jaune Arc. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Kathy Faltrini
Jaune took her out stretched hand, gently placed a kiss upon hers. A faint blush, and a smile appeared on her face before, Cardin grunted like a pig, and pulled her away.
Cardin: So, where’s your date, Jauney, or are the rumours true?
Jaune: And, pray tell what rumours would that be?
Cardin: That you couldn’t get a date, so you took your mom to the prom!
Cardin let loose a laugh that, Jaune would swear sounded like a pig. A sound so guttural, and vile that, Jaune was concerned that, Cardin was choking on his own stupidity. His date seemed pull away in shock at the rancid sound he made.
Jaune however took his insult upon his chin, and laughed it away.
Jaune: No, Cardin I did not take my mother to the prom. That rumour is only a half true.
Cardin: Half truth?
Jaune: You see, I did take a mom to the prom as my date for the night, just nobody told you that my date is with your mom.
As he said those words, a woman with long red brown hair that cascaded down her back captured, Jaune’s arm between the sizable valley of her cleavage. She war a golden brown dress withe a v-neck that showed a tantalizing amount of skin, but no where near as an intoxicating sight as her leg that appeared underneath the most appeasing of thigh gaps in her dress.
Carla Winchester smiled a dazzling pearly white smile as her emerald eyes gazed lovingly upon her date before looking at her son.
Carla: Oh, hello, Cardin~!
Cardin: M-Mom…?
Carla: I would love to chat, but I have a dance lined up with this darling young man here, and I do so hate to miss it. Bye~!
With that, Carla pulled, Jaune away, but the pair didn’t get far enough away to hear his mother whisper something in, Jaune’s ear that made his blood run cold.
Carla: play your cards right sweetheart, and we’ll be doing more dancing back at my place tonight~!
Cardin just stood there, his mouth hanging as the blood fled from his face. Aa breathless cry escaping his lips until the silence was finally broken by his date.
Kathy: Mmmh~! Now there goes a real man~!
Cardin: What the fuck?!
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catindabag · 9 months
Since I had a good drink with my THG buddies again, I’m just gonna drop my personal TOP 10 favorite TBOSAS fanfics of the month. My previous list is [this] if anyone wants to read. Cheers!
So here they are:
1. With Age Comes Love by morelikediscordinated
It’s that Snowjanus story that surprisingly pulled all of my heartstrings in one sitting. It includes a lot of kissing and some misunderstandings here and there. However, it gave us delulu folks the happy ending that we secretly want from our two walking disasters.😘
2. Arrangements by helloimdeadinside
It’s a greatly written ongoing Snowjanus story that features two awkward teenagers who were arranged to be married by a scheming Strabo Plinth because of political reasons. To be fair, Grandma’am was the one who agreed to the match. So enjoy~.😏
3. Hear it call to me, constantly by ColorMeHappy
It’s a great Snowjanus story within an ongoing series that features a lot of crying from Sejanus and a world changing breakdown from Coryo. 10/10. Would read again.
4. Hate is a strong word by KatcadeCascade
This is one of my personal favorite Snowjanus oneshots ever. That’s it. That’s all I can say. So just start reading this masterpiece while I’ll start eating some Gouda cheese.
5. To Where She Flew by madzdolin
It’s a greatly written ongoing SnowBaird story that explores a lot of different “What Ifs” to make a compelling narrative. Also, we got your usual amnesia trope, redemption arcs, well written side characters, and Capitol conspiracies.
6. Blood of my blood by loveshazel
This is the SnowBaird story where Coryo’s parents are still alive and kicking along with their irreversible war traumas. Also, our poor cabbage boy’s little sister is there too.
7. A Bird in the Hand by horrormoviebarbie
This is that ongoing SnowBaird story where crazy Coryo is trying his best to fight off his destined redemption arc until he gives up and joins the good side unwillingly.😭🤣
8. Nothing Burns Like The Snow by evilweasel
This ongoing SnowBaird story features our favorite Crazy Peepaw Snow living his best life with Sweet Meemaw Baird. Meanwhile, Katniss and fam are starving and the only thing she wants in order for Prim to survive is by adopting the old crazy couple whether they like it or not. And Crazy Peepaw Plinth is also alive, I guess?
9. i deserve it, don’t i by ColorMeHappy
This greatly written Snowjanus oneshot is really sweet and is filled with sweets. I mean, it literally features a starving Coryo wanting to eat chocolates and cookies. So Sejanus bakes and provides for his poor cabbage boy.
10. Cyanide Dipped Roses by Angelsbite_demonkiss
It’s that ongoing Snowjanus Omegaverse that features a desperate Coryo who was forced to change his dreams and future plans because of his omega status. And because freaking Dean Highbottom bent the rules again out of spite. So the only way to secure the House of Snow’s future is to marry a rich man who is willing to provide everything for our poor cabbage boy. #SugarBabyCoryoSnowisonthemove
SPECIAL MENTION: These TBOSAS stories are also great to read on the weekend.😉
1. The Capitol’s Dilemma by way_too_many_fandoms
2. Red skirt by Blue_green_purple
3. Hand in hand (me on my knees) by DevHasIssues
4. Like Melting Snow by egg_thief
5. the line between hoping and hurting by asbealthgn
6. I’d Like To Go Home Now. Please. by Aabbott91206
7. The Peacekeeper by killmymindlarry
8. The cost of Honey by aquietcloud
9. this private war of mine by liteacademeia
10. Somewhere Along the way our Lives Entertwined by DevHasIssues
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batbabydamian · 9 months
Hey, I started reading Robin son of Batman because of your recommendation (I literally have a print of your post on my phone to not forget lol). Honestly? One of the best things I ever read!!!
Thank you for opening my eyes! Damian has been one of my favorite characters for over a year, but I didn't read/watch much of him because of school, life (and probably an executive dysfunction in the mix).
Maya is incredible. I loved her.
I haven't finished all the issues yet, but do you have any other recommendations?
WAH this makes me so happy, i'm glad you still gave it a shot even with how busy life is!! ;v;
i’d love to give reccs, and i’ll try to go a beginner friendly route! tbh you can pick up whatever here, but since you've read R:SOB i’d immediately follow up with Batman and Robin (2011) #1-8! this first arc is what’s referred to in Maya’s introduction, and it's just. so good.
Main Books
Batman and Robin (2009)
Dick as Batman with Damian as his Robin!
#20-22 Tree of Blood: Dark Knight vs White Knight arc is done by Tomasi and Gleason, the team for the next Batman and Robin series
*Batman and Robin (2011)
Bruce and Damian figuring out their relationship as both Batman & Robin and father & son
imo you can enjoy the ride and read straight through this but i’ll add context to avoid as much confusion as possible since there’s the occasional tie-in or offscreen events, like Damian’s death nbd
Batman Incorporated (2012) #1-10
events leading to Damian's death - affects Batman and Robin (2011) from issue #18
kind of a tough read especially with how Talia's written, but a lot of iconic bits like Batcow, Damian's vegetarian declaration, Alfred the cat, "We Were the Best, Richard."
Robin (2021)
another self-discovery adventure, particularly after Alfred’s death and a fallout with Bruce (and questionable writing choices from his last Teen Titans run)
Batman and Robin (2023)
currently ongoing! after a number of events, Bruce and Damian are back as a duo
Damian Dynamics!
Batman: Streets of Gotham (2009) #7, 10-12
arc where Damian meets one of his first Gotham friends, Colin Wilkes
Batgirl (2009) #5-7, #17
Steph and Damian dynamic! "the bad cop, worse cop" dysfunctional duo
Red Robin (2009) #13-14
early Tim and Damian dynamic that of course includes fighting haha. funny enough, accidentally my first intro to Damian LOL
Teen Titans (2003) #89-92
Dick!Batman has Damian join the Teen Titans. Start of Damian and Rose Wilson dynamic that’s extended in Robin (2021)
Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
Damian meets Cass and has a brief team up
Gotham Academy (2015) #7
Damian meets Maps Mizoguchi! they have a few other meetings, but outside of that the series itself is a great read!
Robin War Event (2015)
Robin War (2015) #1, Grayson (2014) #15, Detective Comics (2011) #47, We Are Robin (2015) #7, Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7, Robin War (2015) #2
Duke and Damian dynamic! not exactly beginner friendly but these are the main issues in order for the event! you can also read the TPB version for everything including Tie-Ins
Nightwing (2016) #16-20, #42, #43
#16-20 Nightwing and Robin arc!
#42 Dick on a mission to save Damian! the one appearance of "Wiggles" the dragon
#43 Dick, Roy, and Damian team-up
New Talent Showcase 2018 "Catwoman: Pedigree"
Selina, Damian, and Alfred the cat
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2018)
Selina, Damian, and Cheese Viking - Damian's fav game shown in Nightwing: Rebirth (2016)
Monkey Prince (2022) #1-4
Marcus Sun Shugel-Shen's main comic, but Damian features as a fun dynamic here before they're in more serious circumstances in Batman VS Robin (2022)/Lazarus Planet event
Superman (2016) #10 - 11
the beginning of the Super Sons! featuring Maya!
Super Sons (2017)
solitary arcs but there’s a few event tie-in issues later
Adventures of the Super Sons (2018)
literally more Super Sons adventures lol galactic shenanigans yeehaw
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) 
Super Sons time shenanigans feat. the Justice League
Robin 80th Anniversary (2020)
"Boy Wonders" - brief Damian feature as Tim considers his next step in life
"My Best Friend" - Jon's thoughts on Damian and their dynamic
"Bat and Mouse" - refers to Damian's unfortunate Teen Titans (2016) run at the time of release which follows up with Teen Titans Annual #2 where Damian briefly gives up Robin
Extra Comics!
Superman/Batman (2003) #77
Kara and Damian in a Halloween team-up! also the appearance of "Li'l Matches" lol
DCU Halloween Special '09 "Cavity Search"
Damian out on a solo mission for Halloween night. Immediately after is Tim's Red Robin story "Then and Now: Our Father's Sins" which is more somber in contrast but also a good read!
DCU Halloween Special 2010 "Robin the Vampire Slayer"
a Dick!Batman and Robin story featuring the vampire Andrew Bennett
Cursed Comics Cavalcade (2018) "The Devil You Know"
Halloween themed comic with a sweet short story of Damian alongside Solomon Grundy
DC's Terrors Through Time (2022)
"Trick or Treat" a Super Sons Halloween story
"The Haunting of Wayne Manor" Damian and Deadman story - in the end, Boston kinda refers to Nezha's possession of Damian in Batman VS Robin (2022) which was happening at the time of this release
Batman: Li'l Gotham (2013)
lighthearted series that instantly makes me smile with the silliness and Dustin Nguyen’s art i love this dearly
Secret Origins (2014) #4 "A Boy's Life"
a retelling of Damian's origin story
Detective Comics (2016) #1001-1005
Batman and Robin vs the Arkham Knight (unrelated to the game)
Truth & Justice (2021) #6/#16 - 18 Digital First version
cute story of Damian’s birthday! Juni Ba’s art is so fun!!
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration (2021) “Special Delivery”
short story about Damian! and poisoned pizzas. completely forgot the artist Sami Basri drew Rebirth Damian here before catboy Damian lol Cass’s story “Sounds” is also cute! Marcus makes his first appearance in "The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes"
DC VS Vampires (2021)
Damian makes appearances throughout this elseworlds book, but the one-shot DC VS Vampires: Hunters (2022) is vampire Damian-centric!
Batman: Black and White (2021) #5
“Father & Son Outing” short story written and drawn by Jorge Jimenez!
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #20-23
#20 “My Son” Talia and Bruce focus
#20 - 23 “The Murder Club” 4 Parts
Tiny Titans (2008) #33, #39, #45, #47
a few appearances but SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM
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*Batman and Robin (2011) reading guide
i'm mostly trying to avoid the "what did i just walk in on?" kinda feeling when i first started reading comics LOL i'll list the comics where events take place, but you don't necessarily have to read them to go through this book since things are usually explained as quickly as possible in the first page or so
#0 Someday Never Comes
Talia and baby Damian before he grows up to meet Bruce
#1-8 Born to Kill
just an incredibly solid arc for Bruce and Damian!
#9 Court of Owls Tie-In Issue
Damian VS a Court of Owls Talon. While Bruce is occupied with a home invasion of Talons, Alfred makes a call for allies to protect targeted Gotham public figures from Talons. During Batman (2011) #1-11
#10-12 Terminus
Damian challenges the previous Robins sans Steph
Batman Incorporated (2012) is occurring at this time where Talia has placed a bounty on Damian and there's small mentions of that
#13-14 Eclipsed/Devoured
mostly solitary arc! end of it leads into the Death of the Family event
#15-16 Death of the Family Tie-In Issues
Damian and Joker face-off... Alfred's been kidnapped by the Joker, and Damian goes looking for him. During Batman (2011) #13-17
#17 Life is but a Dream - Death of the Family Epilogue
a sort of subconscious check-in through the dreams of Damian, Alfred, and Bruce. Nightwing (2011) #17 features Damian encouraging Dick after Death of the Family events
#18 Undone "Requiem"
Bruce dealing with Damian's death from Batman Incorporated #8
other reactions to Damian's death: Dick in Nightwing (2011) #18, Tim in Teen Titans (2011) #18
#19-23 Denial, Rage, The Bargain, Despair, Acceptance
Bruce through the stages of grief with some batfam appearances in each. also introduces Carrie Kelley into continuity as Damian's acting tutor.
Batman (2011) #19-20 also addresses Bruce's loss
these could be skipped - villain stories, also related to Forever Evil event.
#24-28 The Big Burn
optional Batman and Two-Face/Harvey Dent arc, #23.1 is part of this story!
Damian's resurrection and return
#29-32 The Hunt for Robin
Ras took Talia and Damian's bodies from their graves, and Bruce goes after him.
-> Robin Rises: Omega
continues events from #32. if you don't want to jump to this, basically, Glorious Godfrey and a bunch of parademons from Apokolips are here for a chaos shard which Ra's put in Damian's sarcophagus. at some point, Bruce gets a hold of the shard where he sees a vision that leads him to believe Damian can be resurrected. Godfrey ends up taking the shard, along with Damian's body since it was emitting the same energy.
#33-37 Robin Rises
Bruce hellbent on retrieving Damian from Apokolips and reviving him
-> Robin Rises: Alpha
necessary to read and continues events from #37! Damian's back with a bang lol
#38-40 Superpower
Damian adjusting to having superpowers and being alive again
Annual #1 2013 Batman Impossible
sweet (and funny) one-shot of Damian sending Bruce on a meaningful scavenger hunt around the world while Damian gets to be the cutest Batman for a bit
Annual #2 2014 Batman and Robin: Week One
one-shot takes place during Damian's absence. after Bruce and Alfred find a mystery gift left for Dick, Dick recounts a story he had told Damian from his Robin days.
Annual #3 2015 Moonshot
one-shot Batman and Robin adventure on the moon!
...and of course after Batman and Robin (2011), Damian's story continues in his first solo Robin: Son of Batman (2015)!
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(AU worldbuilding notes under cut)
(This is for vitriol au worldbuilding ONLY. This is NOT for the main dp timeline. Please do not borrow the name and design of these flowers I would prefer you come up with your own version of a flower that heals/blood blossom opposite. Thanks!)
For Vitriol au, not only do blood blossoms look like actual blossoms and not roses, but their origin has been slightly changed to fit the worldbuilding narrative. I've had the idea of them having an opposite of a flower with the ability to heal, and with that idea came the conflict and resolutions they can create. Vita violets hold an importance to the entirety of AU as they're used as a main conflict for certain arcs (War vs Peace and Greed vs Liberty, which are Nocturne and Pandora's backstory arc). If you're wondering if there's any downsides to vita violets, there are! It was briefly mentioned in the section about the numbing effect– but just like any other medicine, too much of it isn't going to end well– and they'll be brought up again in the main storyline. All I can say is stay tuned for more worldbuilding explanations involving the ghost zone, its residents, and its relation to the living world. Also, this won't be the last time in seeing the vita violets nor that dark purple sash mentioned in the examples.
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dragonfly0808 · 28 days
Please please please make the winx rewrite playlist on Spotify
Mkay so… I got way too invested and wound up making a 5 1/2 hours long way-too-detailed playlist
This is the link:
Veiled Wings and Shattered Panoramas Official Playlist
And if you want to know why I chose each song, down here is the way-too-detailed-explanation of the playlist!
First off; I chose 2 songs to represent each season
Season 1- Wings by PIXY and Faerie Soiree by Melanie Martinez
Season 2- What’s up Danger by Blackway and Black Caviar and Different World by Alan Walker and Sofia Carson
Season 3- This is War by 30 seconds to mars and Nightmares Never End by JT Music and Andrea Storm Kaden
Season 4- Tiller’s Prayer by Sabrina Jordan and Ribs by Lorde
Subsection here for the main song of each arc for s4
Arc 1- Generation Why
Arc 2- The Old Therebefore (the singing to snakes version cause it’s more dramatic)
Arc 3- What Was I Made For? By Billie Eilish
Arc 4- Spinnin by Madison Beer
Season 5 will be… Nightmares Come to Life from HSMTMTS and Long Live by Taylor Swift
Next I chose 2 songs for each member of the Winx
Bloom- Rising by Julia Lester and The Albatross by Taylor Swift
Stella- Sober II (Melodrama) by Lorde and skinny dipping by Sabrina Carpenter
Flora- Envy the Leaves by Madison Beer and Mouth of the Eden by Sabrina Jordan
Musa- Whispers by Halsey and the grudge by Olivia Rodrigo
Tecna- Invisible Chains by Lauren Jauregui and idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish
Aisha- The Tradition by Halsey and Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray
Subsection for my 3 main songs I associate with the girls:
A World Alone by Lorde
For Good from Wicked
Continuing with the boys
Sky- Lie by Jimin and In My Blood by Shawn Mendes
Brandon- Something Big by Shawn Mendes and Thumbs by Sabrina Carpenter
Helia- Cough Syrup (the Glee version) and Speak Out (Acoustic) from HSMTMTS
Riven- Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin and BLUE by Billie Eilish (cmon ‘I thought we were the same birds of a feather now i’m ashamed’ is so Driven coded it’s not even funny. And the whole final part from ‘you were born bluer than a butterfly’ is just so perfect for him.)
Timmy- The Other Side and Summer Child by Conan Gray
Nabu- Wool by Flatland Cavalry and Die Alone by FINNEAS
Subsection for my 3 main songs I associate with the boys:
Youth by Shawn Mendes and Khalid
The Story by Conan Gray
Next, songs for the couples!
Skloom: lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid, Surrender by Natalie Taylor (and in the future) Maybe this Time by Joshua Basset and Sofia Wylie
Stella and Brandon: There’s no Way by Lauv and Julia Michaels and R.E.M by Ariana Grande
Flora and Helia: Canada by Lauv and Alessia Cara and Venus Sunrise by Lia Marie Johnson
Rivusa: Ain’t No Doubt About It from ZOMBIES 3 (partially as a joke but also cause that song is absolutely so them) Alley Rose by Conan Gray and ESPECIALLY Vermillion by Sabrina Jordan
Tecna and Timmy: Someone You Like by the girl and the dreamcatcher and Tell Em by Sabrina Carpenter
Aisha and Nabu: Tornado Warnings by Sabrina Carpenter and safety net by Ariana Grande and Ty Dolla $ign
Next, songs for different characters and a few couples!
Icy- 28 Reasons by SEULGI
Stormy- The Lighthouse by Halsey
Darcy- Partners in Crime by FINNEAS
Darcy and Riven- Getaway Car by Taylor Swift and Astronomy by Conan Gray
The Trix- Lightning by Little Mix
Daphne- Can’t Catch Me Now
Valtor- Burn the Witch by Shawn James and Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift and Hayley Williams
Daphne and Valtor- Dynasty by MIIA
Now Roxy’s squad!
Roxy- Control by Halsey and How Villains are Made by Madalen Duke
Shirley- Matilda by Harry Styles
Naten- Kid in Love by Shawn Mendes
Alexa- Follow the White Rabbit by Madison Beer
Chimera- Wandering (Don’t Go) by Hues and Lia Marie Johnson
Chimera and Naten- The Alchemy by Taylor Swift
Roxy and Shirley- On My Way by Sabrina Carpenter and Alan Walker
The Sibling Squad- Grow by Conan Gray and Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Then I put a bunch of songs that just remind me of the Winx or help me get into a writing mood, I’ll just put the title here cause I’m getting tired
odd eye
run for roses
secret story of the swan
flesh & bone
legends never die
Finally, I put a song for Selina and what will be the main song for season 6
For Selina: Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall by Lydia the Bard <- this is exactly the vibe future Selina will have for reals
And finally, the main song for s6:
Til Forever Falls Apart by Ashe and FINNEAS
Wow… I def put way too much thought into this.
Anyways, hope u enjoy!
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saintsenara · 7 months
if you are still doing ship game, thoughts on jily?
thank you very much, anon - i am always taking questions both on romantic ships and on characters' platonic vibes, the more unhinged the better.
although jily can't really be described in those terms, not least because their narrative purpose in canon is to be little more than blank canvases onto which harry can project as he goes through his series-long character arc, shedding his initial hero worship of james when confronted with the reality of his father's behaviour in order of the phoenix and starting both to fully appreciate lily's centrality to the course his life is taking and to see his dad with nuance as a real and fully-rounded person, flaws and all.
this narrative role means that the glimpses we get of them in canon feel kind of superficial - their bantering during snape's worst memory is basically high-school-teen-movie level, the snapshots of their life under lockdown in deathly hallows lovely and bittersweet but also just colour to a storyline which is already all of those things.
and this is not to say that i find jily uninteresting as a ship - i completely reject the common anti-jily position that they didn't really like each other, that they had nothing in common, or that their backgrounds made them incompatible [i'll expand on this below, but while i do think that their respective blood statuses and the impact of these on their relationship are worth thinking about, i loathe fics which portray james as chafing against his marriage because, as a pureblood, he'd be more comfortable with someone 'of his own kind'. this is bullshit, and there's far, far too much of it in this fandom]. my views on one of james' most frequent non-lily partnerships are well known, and i share the outrage many jily fans have for the way lily in particular is treated in a subfandom increasingly dominated by rigid fanon which prioritises giving depth to male characters [even if those characters are, in essence, oc's] and slash relationships over exploring the canon female characters, partnered or not.
but i do also find that a lot of jily falls into the same trap as much of the hinny i dislike - that is, a tendency to present as a sunshine-and-roses fairytale a relationship which is much more interesting if the things which canon implies [and which can be reasonably inferred outside of canon scenes from a canon coherent engagement with the text] might have introduced an element of dysfunction into james and lily's partnership are taken into account.
the shadow of the war is obviously one of these things. what role lily actually plays in the resistance is something which preoccupies me [she is never mentioned in canon to have taken a combat role - and i find it considerably more plausible that any attempt voldemort made to recruit her was at snape's request and connected to her potions prowess] particularly because, as we see in the way her death is memorialised in deathly hallows, the series regards the defence of the integrity of the nuclear family as a key aim for the good guys. how does she interact with james and his wartime role when she's pregnant, nursing, or in hiding for the vast majority of her time in the order? how does she feel about her husband being a soldier if she's behind the scenes?
indeed, what role james [and sirius] plays in the order is also something i'm obsessed with thinking about - not least because so much of the inherent tragedy of the marauders' storyline is caused by the fact that james and sirius think they're fucking invincible and that their plans to keep the potters safe are foolproof. it's entirely reasonable to read james and sirius as being pretty gung-ho about being paramilitaries - and my headcanon is absolutely that more battled-hardened order members didn't like them very much [moody does not, after all, seem massively fond of sirius] - and lily seems affected by this too [she's not holding her wand either!], and what they thought they were doing as 1981 rolls around is compelling to me.
james and lily's divergent backgrounds is also something i'd like to see explored more in fandom - not, as i've said, in the dull 'james should have married a pureblood' way, but in a way which deals with the fact that their relationship follows wizarding norms. molly weasley can blame the war all she likes, but [although i doubt this was jkr's intention] the evidence of canon is that witches and wizards marry and have children extremely young as a social standard, that couples generally don't live together before marriage, that divorce doesn't seem to be common, and that married women tend not to work. lily - a mother at twenty and, therefore, presumably married at nineteen - is coming of age, then, in a magical world which thinks about gender very differently from the muggle world of the 1970s, and i think that tension is worth exploring.
[similarly, the way in which her marriage is self-protective - lily gains a pureblood name and the social cachet which comes with it at a time when she's in rising danger on account of her birth - is something i think it's worth looking at when considering the pairing.]
there are other flashes of dysfuntion which i adore thinking about in relation to jily - lily's relationship with the other marauders [you can pry the reading that sirius resents her for stealing the love of his life - and i certainly don't mean lupin - away from him from my cold, dead hands]; how much of his misbehaviour at school james conceals from her; the fact that lily becoming more overtly interested in james from her sixth year onward must have a little bit of attempting to make snape jealous mixed into it - and whenever i stumble upon them in fics i say oh ho like horace slughorn and kick my little feet in the air.
i care rather less about 'we're so hot and flawless and not doomed' as a trope.
but i do stan james for beefing with vernon dursley even though lily told him to behave. the man really is just that annoying.
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howlingday · 4 months
Ruby: It was me Jaune!
Ruby: I jerked you off at super speed to make you & Pyrrha think you came at just a woman's touch!
Ruby: All to keep you two separate~
Jaune: ...Why!? What did I do to cause you to fo that!?
Ruby: You said Raisin is better than Chocolate Chip.
(That's right! You though this was a meme and/or ship ask, but it was a Rose-Arc Blood War ask all along! Hahahahaaa!)
"Very well then..."
"I didn't want to have to do this, Ruby, but I can't let this slide."
"Then give up. Admit you were wrong."
"Never. I would rather die."
"THEN YOU WILL DIE!" Ruby leapt upon Jaune, only to find herself pinned to the ground. "What the hell?!"
"I've been taking it too easy on you, Ruby, but getting Pyrrha involved is going to far. You want a war?" Keeping a firm grip on Ruby, he spun around and slammed her into the wall. Before she could slide down, Jaune delivered a kick to her side that sent her rolling down the hall. "I'LL FUCKING GIVE YOU ONE!"
"WE'LL BURY YOU!" Says Anti-Chocolate-Chip Arc...
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inbabylontheywept · 5 months
Peace, if not forgiveness.
The Black Knight knelt at the end of his bridge. One arm hung useless at his side, crooked and bloody. There was something ragged in his breathing that gave away another injury - cracked a rib or punctured a lung. He was broken, but the breaking had just given him more jagged edges to cut with.
Like flint. Like bone. Like volcanic glass, glittering in the sun.
He rose to his feet as Akkis approached, but he did not stop the murmuring under his breath. He held up a hand to ask for patience as he finished whatever ritual he’d started.
If Akkis was born to be a fighter, he’d have simply started then. But before the war had started, he’d been a scholar. He was cursed with curiosity. Beyond that, he also knew he was an hour ahead of the main force, and that his only objective was to take the bridge. So instead of blitzing, he paused, let the human finish, then asked a question:
“What was that?”
“A prayer,” the knight said. “That the wicked will find peace if not forgiveness.”
“You’d pray for me?” Akkis asked, strangely touched.
“No,” the knight replied. “Me.”
Then he hoisted his bastard sword up with one hand and in one vicious swing, flung an arc of blood across the bridge. The fastest droplets almost made it to Akkis before hitting the dirt.
Akkis tried to see the knight’s gaze, but his face was inscrutable under the helm. The only thing he could feel was the palpable aura of hatred. Two eyes met the mask for almost a minute before the elf turned back. He walked carefully away, fading back into the woods, strangely afraid of the man on the bridge.
He could always pretend he got lost in a thicket somewhere. Let someone else test the monster on the bridge. Glory was nice, but living was nicer.
It wasn’t until he was sure that the elf was truly gone that the black knight fell back to his knees.
The real warrior was two leagues away, leading a charge. The man on the bridge, the man in the armor was not The Black Knight - he was Errol, the miner. His ragged breathing was black lung, and the limp arm was a wound that came from a misplaced swing of a sledgehammer. The blood was his own, drawn to intimidate. He knew that eventually, he’d meet a scout that would call his bluff. That by the evening he was going to die, skewered on an elven blade. But for every minute that he could hold this bridge, for every scout he could drive away, he was buying time for another score of his neighbors to escape into the hills. He took a deep breath, and winced at the way it burned in his dust-scalded lungs.
Living had been nice, but this was better.
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instarsandcrime · 5 months
A Lesson Learned
Hi hello! So when I was first writing this I thought 'oh yeah, turns out Lucifer is allergic to pollen and he was in charge of Eden that's funny haha time to make a goofy fluffy thing where Charlie surprises him with flowers from the Garden' and then it absolutely turned into hurt/comfort because apparently that's just how I write! I will be putting a trigger warning below as well because this getssss...heavy as to the reason of why he's allergic? Kinda? It seems to fit with the Hazbin Hotel theme and Lucifer's arc so it shouldn't be a problem, but I'm going to put it down just in case.
(Also a fun little headcanon from @glitterrosesnzz! Hey Rose, see if you can spot it ;) )
TW: Religious trauma/guilt
It started, unlike many other nights, as one of the most wonderful Lucifer had ever experienced.
Though the Hazbin Hotel was bigger and brighter than ever, the atmosphere at the bar was cozy and warm. Tight-knit, like the lavishly spacious walls never existed– instead a little pigeonhole made for his little girl and the family that followed her to war and back. And even when he stepped onto the top floor's balcony, the laughter he left behind followed on the summer breeze, spilling from the windows like an overflowing teacup. He leaned on its railing, eyelashes fluttering closed to listen to its joined melody.
It was just missing its lead chorister.
"Dad!" Ahh, and there's the lady of the hour! The demon king spun around to soak in his darling daughter, marveling at how much she’d grown. Her long, flaring black ballgown swept gracefully as she crossed the threshold. 
"Charlie!” Lucifer beamed, greeting her with arms wide open. A giggle slipped from painted lips, and the princess lurched forward– before remembering herself and the hands behind her back. And all too suddenly Charlie had locked her stilettos in place, thick brows furrowed in concentration as she willed herself to not give her father a large, loving squeeze.
"Nope! Surprise first, hugs later." She stated. Lucifer was almost impressed, considering this was. Well. Charlie. He busied his hands instead with the twirl of his cane. Then, with much pomp and circumstance, dramatically drooped his lanky frame against its ruby red delicious handle.
"I dunno,” He heaved a wilting sigh, “I don’t think your ol’ man’s heart can take this much excitement! First you stop an extermination, then we start getting clients from all around the pride ring. But wow me some more, why don'tcha?"
"W-well I mean, it’s not much, but-- but Vaggie and I were talking, and between building like eighty percent of the hotel, kicking Adam's prick ass--"
"Language." The fallen angel teased.
"Kicking Adam's prick butt." Charlie rolled her eyes, still biting back a smirk.
"There we go."
"And you also, um. Want to restart a new relationship with me. That…really means a lot.” She swallowed, “So I, um, I pulled some strings with Emily, and I know you probably miss Eden..."
"...Oh..." Lucifer breathed. He felt his eyes water at the silky firework of colors that finally came into view. Not burnt, singed, or stained by blood. Not covered in poisoned barbs or snapped the air blindly with rows of teeth.
Flowers. Actual, honest-to-goodness flowers from the Garden itself.
"Charlie, I..." He huffed out a laugh as he stepped closer, taking the bouquet in his arms as delicately as a second child. "Stars above, they're wonderful!"
"'Stars above'?" Charlie stifled a laugh. Millenia-old angel lingo completely ignored as her father excitedly looked them over. Slit pupils dilated, shimmering like jewels. Sharp claws delicately pawing at each one like a slight breeze could rip their petals to shreds.
"Hah! I remember these! Oh man, what were they called? Carnations? Irises? I can't even remember which design I-- snff! Oh, sorry! Gimme a sec, Sweetie." He chuckled wetly, taking out a handkerchief to wipe away budding tears. But even when as dabbed his emotions away, he endlessly detailed each little part of his creations like they were precious cogs in a grand design, a universe he itched to re-explore.
"And roses! I've-- snfff! I've never created something so romantic at the time but…b-but…!"
Lucifer froze. Fat droplets spilled into small streams, shoulders shaking as his breath hitched. And all too suddenly, Charlie’s heart sank to her stomach. Of course, how could she be so stupid! He was an angel for so long! He probably missed Heaven, missed Eden, missed being a seraphim, missed--...mom.
"Oh please, please don't cry." Charlie took a step forward, hand outstretched, "I-I can take it back! Orrr give it to Sir Pentious instead? I’m sure he’d love it considering how much he respects–"
And stumbled ten paces back as a sudden, violent sneeze nearly shattered her eardrums.
"HET'CHMPH'HHhhiew!" Lucifer pitched into his handkerchief, petals and flecks of pollen scattered to the wind. A small bubble of silence filled the air before her father rushed to pop it with another burst of laughter, nearly choking as his breath continued to hitch desperately. "S-sorry Sweetheart, I didn't mean to scehh-scare you! That was- ...th-thah-hah-! HAT’CHIEW! Guhhh...that was louder than...than I…hhh…ex-expectihhhHHHAT'CHHHH! HAT'CHHHH’HEW! Hit'CHHHH'MPHHH! Snfff! Ohh..."
Surfacing again from the billowing fabric, Lucifer met Charlie’s stunned expression with a sheepish grin, a golden flush spreading from his cheeks to the tip of his nose.
"Are you. Are you allergic to…?" Charlie trailed off, worrying her bottom lip.
Oh, no. Oh, no, nononono he can’t disappoint her again!
"Nope! Nuh-uh! Absolutely not! Just a tickle! Nduthig to-- t-to...snff! Ugh, worry aboudt!"
"Now where was I? Ah, yes! Roses! Ugh, they smbell so good but boyhhh…b-boy do the-thehh-theyyyISHHHH’HIEW! hhhHHH-! …HIT’SHHHH’HIEW! HITSHHIEW! Whew! Excuse mbe! Their thorns hurt...like....l-like...hhhHHH-! Hat’shiew! 'Tshhhiew! 'Tshhh! ‘tshh! li-lihhh-like adythihhh-hih-hih-HITSHHH! Snfff! A-anythi'g. Ugh. Sndff! And don't get mbe started on foxglove! What was I-- hhh! Wh-whuhhh-what was I thihhh-hih-hih-hih! Th-thihhh-thidki'g– IT'SHIEW!"
"Poisonous, Charlie! I made themb– ET’SHHH! poisonous! Co’be ond, they're so...s-so-huh! Hhhol…h-hold onnnNN'TCHHH'hiew! ET'SHHH'HIEW! ISHHH'HIEW!"
"I'm fide, Ch-Chuhhh-Charlie! I really-- …I-- hih! I-I-- hih-hih! really amb fihhh-hihh-HIT’SCHHH! FIDE! I’mb fide!" Lucifer finally forced out, laughing between desperate hitches, "It's just, y'dnow, the sudlight's a liddle…a liddle stro'g a’d– hhhahh..! HATCHHH’HEW! HET’CHHHH’HIEW!"
"It's nighttime." Charlie crossed her arms.
"W-wait! Did I say sudlight? Hah! Silly– snff! Silly mbe! I mbeant the air's a liddle strong. The cold's affegtig mby ndose a bihh-bit-hit'tshhh! Hit'shhh-tshhh-tsh! H-hehhhHH-! HET'CHIEW!"
"It's summer."
"Did I say cold? I mbeant um-- uhhhh–" A bead of sweat rolled down his neck, and he sniffled thickly, "Y'dnow what? Doesn't mbatter. I'mb ndot allergic to flowers and– snddffff! and I'll prove it."
"Uh-huh." She took a cautious step forward. "By doing wha-- Dad, stop!"
It wasn't much, it was just a small sniff. But Hell’s Bells did it set off something awful. Come on, for fuck’s sake, you can control this! It’s just a sneeze! You’re Lucifer Morningstar! You’re The Devil! You’re all powerful! Immortal! Unkillable! You can mold the mountains with your right hand and oceans with your left! You’re…y-you’re…!
"Hehhhh-heh! Hhhh…relax. Do-d-do you really think I...I-I...snrff!" The ailing demon quickly rubbed at his nostrils with a handkerchief, desperate to satisfy the burning tickle-- silently panicking further as the pollen he'd touched followed suit. "Would go aroud Edehhhn...worki'g...worki'g with a creahhhtion thadt made me sn-sneehh...sneehhHHHIT'SCHH-- starsnotagain-- HIT'SCHH! ISHHH'HIEW! ISHHH! ISHH! 'Tshhh! 'Tsh! ITSCHH! IT'SCHHHH-’TCHH! …ihhHH-!...IT'SHHH’HIU!"
His cane fell to the floor with a sharp thunk, staggering back at the force of the fit. Feeling the flick of embers on the tip of his forked tongue, Lucifer let out another uncontrollable outburst, flames licking the metal railing. Slapping a palm over his mouth at the melted remains.
"O-oh goodness I-- HIT'SHHH’hiew! I'b so sorry Charlie, I-I didn't mbean to- to– IT’SCHHH'hhhiew!" He scrambled to weave the well-soaked cloth with fiberglass, pressing it to his face, a cascade of smoke and hellfire pouring into its fluttering fabric.
"One. Bless you a million times over. Two.” Charlie’s expression changed into something unimpressed. “To answer your earlier question…yes, I absolutely believe you would work through allergies."
"But! I! I-I..." Despite Lucifer’s suffering expression, his daughter swallowed the urge to sigh in relief as the Sin of Pride flashed through all five stages of grief at once before finally landing on acceptance. Watching as the fallen king ever-so-gently set the flowers at his feet and, like molding clay, formed an ornately-carved cloche over the holy gift. Then, silently, leaned against the undamaged edge of the railing. And cringed as he let loose a gurgling noseblow.
"Adgels don'd get allergies. Idt was jusd-- Oh for fugg's sagke hold on." Lucifer Morningstar, former keeper of light, might as well have reclaimed his title at the way his embarrassed blush lit the night sky. He inhaled again, deeper, and reprised his mucky solo. "Ahem! It was, um. A lesson."
"...What?" Charlie’s face fell.
"Yyyep! A moral lesson about pride." Fidgety claws scooped up his cane, tapping the heel on the floorboards. Gripping it tightly to keep them from shaking. 
"I was young, y'know? I had a lot of ideas. And boy were they a lot in more ways than one. I loved making flowers. Chrysanthemums. Violets. T-tu...tulihhh...hih!" Lucifer sniffled, feeling the itch rear its head at the thought of them. He quickly dissipated the pollen still stuck to his gloves with a hearty shake and gave an another sharp blow, "Ugh, 'scuse me. You get the idea."
Inhale. Exhale. "I wasn’t exactly doing well in my father's eyes. I was doing too much. I was too much. So They ordered my brother Michael to curse every flower in Eden. They...I mean hey, they weren't wrong. At the end of the day, the stories didn’t label it as an endless paradise for nothing, hah!" One final, hollow, empty chuckle. It was getting harder and harder to keep his smile, he could feel his muscles pulling at the seams– how did Alastor keep the whole Cheshire grin shtick up every goddamn minute of the day? It’s torture!
"I needed to slow down juuuust a smidge. Think about other people for a change and how my creations might cause problems for others without realizing it. So the second I touched down in the garden I created, hoo boy! I couldn't– snff! couldn’t stop sneezing. Ughhh, it so humiliating! A huge damage to my– snfff! my pride. I mean for Heaven’s sake, the two mortal lives I’m supposed to protect got a full view of their guardian angel completely taken over by what? Some yellow dhhh…snfff! dust? I wish I could say I didn't deserve it, but I did." He stared down at his feet, "Sorry. I know you worked hard to get me those flowers– and it’s the best gift I’ve ever gotten, bar none! But I’m afraid I’m aller– …allerhhh….a-allergihhhHHet’shhh! Het’Shhh’hiew! h-hehhhh…” Shit, not again! The handkerchief was well past its due date and he could feel another burst of fire crawl up his throat and the itch kept building and building and–
“Ehhh…hhhHHH-! Hhhh…” Lucifer nearly choked on a gasp– tickle suddenly forced back when a slender finger pressed under his twitching nose. He couldn’t help but sigh in relief, shoulders slumping. Ugh, what a nightmare. Burning blush creeping down his neck, Lucifer was ready to spread his wings and fly back to his hotel room-- his palace workshop-- anywhere but face the disgust that followed. But Charlie needed him to change. He needed to change. So he steeled his resolve, slowly lifted his head and--
"What the FUCK!"
--floundered to grab the railing for balance. The princess of hell and queen of sunshine and rainbows suddenly surrounded herself in a wildfire of rage as she dared to chastise a moral lesson from God themself. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
“...L-language…?” Lucifer squeaked out and nope– that callback absolutely fell flat. But it was all he could offer as Charlie tore her hand away to pace in circles, charred hoofprints trailing behind her. Oh. She’s defending him. 
Wait. What? 
Oh, wow. That's uh. That is currently a thing. That is a thing that is currently happening now.
"--dare they just. Change their mind?!" Shit! Daughter in distress, snap out of it! Quickly shaking his head free of shell shock, Lucifer pushed himself off the railing, hands outstretched.
"Oh come on Char-Char, you know me. Sin of Pride over here! I needed to be humbled somehow! Hah!" His joking tone only fueled the flames, and before he knew it long, flowing locks were floating, flaring with every unsteady breath.
"Oh yeah, because making you suffer is tooooootally the answer! I'm sure you had plenty of time to bless their forgiving hearts between the seconds you were sneezing your head off!" She snapped.
"It was a different time Stardust, and the way anyone was ever taught--"
"And what, your brothers were just too good to defend you? To even try to see your side of things?"
"I-I was being a bit disobedient–"
"You were LITERALLY doing the ONE THING they asked you to do! Grow a garden!"
“It’s more– snff! it’s more complicated than that.”
“What do you mean ‘more complicated’?! Why are you taking their side? Heaven did something awful to you!”
“I’m not– they were just trying to– I wasn’t–!” He practically pulled his mind through a labyrinth of dusty closets, forcing open memories with triple locks to find a single shred of an excuse– only to find each one empty. “There’s paperwork! Permission! Rules! A-and sure I did my best to follow them, but as always I got carried away– I deserved it–”
“Never say that again! Never, ever say that again! You never deserved what happened to you!”
Lucifer’s words died in his throat.
“You shouldn’t have to hide behind jokes because you feel guilty for having a dream, Okay?!” Charlie threw her hands up in exasperation, a strange concoction of extreme love and kindness at the loudest volume she could muster.
“O-okay???” Lucifer stuttered out.
Satisfied, Charlie exhaled sharply, stomping over to the railing to sit down at its melted edge. Legs dangling above the skyline, lights twinkling like blossoming stars beneath her hooves. The tense silence only lasted a minute– shattering with the clink of glass, a sweet smell following suit. Then slowly, carefully, Lucifer sat beside her. Twisting thin, emerald stems between his claws. He nervously glanced her way. Then down at his lap. Then back to her. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.
“Sorry, Dad.” Charlie murmured, “I didn’t mean to yell.”
Her oncoming spiral of apologies was cut short when a lily snaked into her hair, delicately tucked behind her ear. It was a small action, but…
She smiled, leaning into her father’s touch as he began to weave the bouquet into a long, silky braid.
“It would be a waste to ruin such a nice– snff! Nice offering, wouldn’t it?” The King of Hell muttered from behind. Charlie hummed a soft note as she leaned into the touch, claws gently scraping against her scalp as he worked, forked tongue slightly sticking out as he concentrated. 
“Thank you. For, um. Sndfff! Ugh, sorry. For being patient with…with mbe– hih! Hit’schh’hew! ‘Tshhew! Nhh…” She could feel a sudden jolt as he twisted his torso to the side.
“Of course.” Charlie pat his hand. She would admonish her new resident for pushing himself, but as the resident rehabilitation expert, she’d let this one time slide. For now.
A brief pause as Lucifer made the finishing touches on her new hairdo– a tapestry of pale thread and an aurora of watercolors. His own little garden. She turned around to see a nose already twitching, cringing when nothing came from a sniffle, too blocked up by 'yellow dust'. Desperate to find some other way to breathe, he opened his mouth, tongue flicking out.
“Guhh…bedder show Vaggie your ndew look before I start ubp agaihhh...! Heh-!...hhhehh...HET'TCHH'hiew...'Tchhew! HET'CHHIEW! Het'SHHHIEW! HETSCHHHIEW! Heh-heh-heh-! hheh...hhhh...hooo...good golly, I-- I'mb so ssssorry–” Lucifer froze, slapping his hands over his mouth at the loud, uncontrollable hiss. Burying his face in the freshly conjured fabric, he prayed the damn thing would swallow him whole.
Frozen when two arms embraced him, adding a tight squeeze for good measure.
“I know this is kinda out of the blue, but I just wanted to say it again. Thanks for protecting me.” A soothing voice met his ears, “I mean it. Seriously. I couldn’t have done all this without you.”
Handkerchief still pressed to his face, he lifted his head, trying– and failing– to hide a sly grin. “You know, this whole allergy thigg wasn'd all bad. Whed your mom foudd out thadt Mbichael cursed every flower I’d mbade, she called for his guidance.”
“Oh, really? What’d she tell him?” Charlie raised a brow.
“Let’s see, I think it went sombethi'g like this.” Lucifer set the stage, wiggling his fingers for emphasis. “Saint Mbichael floated down frub the heavens, holy light shining above. He landed softly and delicately, armbs spread. He said the usual line, you know the one. 'Oh Lilith, Child of The Garden, blah blah blah.” He took a deep breath. “She looked himb in the eye. Grabbed his collar. And– snfff! And then punched himb right in the face. He’d graced every adgel’s presence with a bruised ndose for a week. She called it a mboral lesson in tolerance.”
And then resisted the urge to let out a victorious whoop as finally, finally, Charlie began to laugh.
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andie-platonically · 2 days
Fantasy High characters as songs by The Mountain Goats
1. Kristen Applebees - Before I Got There
“And the tapestry above / Torn down, trampled then re-hung / Now illegible forever / An oracle with no tongue/ All of this, all of this / All of this before I got there”
I think this song so perfectly mirrors Kristen’s relationship with both Cassandra and Ankarna. Like, both of them had been corrupted and used to further other people’s evil plans with no regard to their original followers’ intent. Until Kristen arrived. Until she lovingly restored them to their original forms with such respect to why they were created, and her compassion is one of my favorite things about her character.
2. Riz Gukgak - Ground Level
“You can light a cigarette / against the cooktop if you need to / feel the heat against your forehead / let it bleed through / you’re never gonna get by / on three hours of sleep a night / unless you absolutely have to / and then you get by alright.”
I almost picked Bones Don’t Rust, which you should also add to your Riz character playlist but I went with this one instead. We see Riz take up smoking in Junior Year, we see him not sleeping and overworking himself throughout the series, and I think a lot of that does come from a place of going beyond his breaking point, steadfastly refusing to break, and thinking that means he’s okay.
3. Fabian Seacaster - Wage Wars Get Rich Die Handsome / Great Pirates
I’m cheating and giving Fabian two songs because he changes so much throughout the series. Here’s the first one:
“Stay independent, make adjustments as needed / it’s losers all the way down, you stay undefeated / wage wars, get rich, die handsome.”
I think this song is peak Fabian from Freshman Year. It references motorcycle riding, the narrator genuinely thinks he’s such hot shit, and I mean like, come on. Wage wars, get rich, die handsome. It’s literally perfect. But Fabian grows. He changes. So here’s the second song I picked for him:
“On the morning when I stop looking back / I’ll be up to see the sunrise in deep, bruise black / And bright, blood red / And pale desert rose / And several other colors like those / great pirates, testing the waves.”
Okay, so obviously it was fun to use a Mountain Goats song with pirates in it, but also, I interpret this song as being about moving on from your past and looking towards an uncertain future. So much of Fabian’s arc has been him figuring out who he is beyond his dad’s legacy, and so I think this song works really well with that. (I probably could have picked any Jenny from Thebes song and it would have a lot of those themes, but come on, pirates!)
4. Fig Faeth - Cry for Judas
“Speed up to the precipice / and then slam on the breaks / some people crash two or three times / And then learn from their mistakes / But we are the ones who don’t slow down at all / and there’s nobody there to catch us when we fall.”
I think Fig’s self destructive tendencies are more evident early on in the series (see: all her affairs with middle-aged men) but honestly, the way she puts herself on the front lines again and again for her friends is just as destructive imo. Also, this song gives such difficult child-energy, and I think sometimes this is how Sandralynn sees her. This kid who didn’t deal with her curse because it didn’t seem important when her friends had other things going on. This kid who skips her classes, is straight-edge except for drugs. This kid who was knocked unconscious in her first combat and wanted everyone to think she spent the whole time fighting.
5. Adaine Abernant - Up the Wolves
“I’m gonna get myself in fighting trim / scope out every angle of unfair advantage / I’m gonna bribe the officials, I’m gonna kill all the judges / It’s gonna take you people years to recover from all of the damage.”
Trigger warning to those who need it: Sunset Tree is about abuse, which is obviously quite prevalent in Adaine’s arc Freshman/Sophomore Year. It was between this and Lion’s Teeth. What I like about this song for Adaine is that it is tragic, of course it’s tragic, but it also shows her rage, not just for herself but for Aelwyn too. This is a girl who took what her parents did to her and said that’s not fair and punched her dad so hard in the face that he died. I also think that given how Adaine’s relationship with her mother is so much more complicated, the other parts of this song work well with that.
6. Gorgug Thistlespring - The Slow Parts on Death Metal Albums
“Drive home alone and listen to the slow parts / In a new universe / trying to find the mask that still fits me / shaking the curse.”
I’m gonna be so real, I really struggled with this one because I just don’t relate to Gorgug as much, but I’m so infatuated with the idea that he listens to the slow parts of death metal albums, and I do think that this song, to me, fits the fact that Gorgug doesn’t really fit the roles anyone expects from him. He’s not just a mindless raging half-orc, he’s also kind and shy and gentle and loving. But he does have a lot of rage and he reacts violently at times and his parents love him but they don’t always know what to do with that.
Bonus song! Jawbone - Midland
“Come and stay with me as long as you like / I live outside of town where the straight highway curves / three years I lived next door to the airport / so nothing you can say to me can get on my nerves.”
Jawbone collects fucked up teens like pokemon cards, so I every time I hear this song I think of him. Also, the way the narrator of this song gives the subject time and space to go through things and assures them that yeah, I’ll still be here, is so very Jawbone-coded imo. Also, later in the song, he says “stay till you can grieve like normal people do / I’ve got room, room in my house for you.” Like, every line of this song is just so Jawbone I need y’all to understand.
Bonus song #2! The Bad Kids - When a Powerful Animal Comes
“Speak in gestures only we can understand / we’ve made mistakes / everyone spots their own mess / when the dawn breaks / we get so exhausted / lost kids, just wasted / sleep in short shifts then rise to our feet / life is short and life is hard and life is sweet.”
This song is the most Bad Kids shit I’ve ever heard in my life. If it’s not in your Bad Kids playlist, you gotta add it now and Weary Adventures by Skull Puppies haha anyway It’s just literally so perfect. It’s just these kids with the weight of the world on their shoulders, so fucking tired of saving the world. It’s literally the overall arc of Junior Year!
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Please note that a character currently needs at least 3 submissions to make it into the poll
That said:
Has 3 Submissions or more:
Aquamarin Hoshino - Oshi No Ko
Artemis Fowl - Artemis Fowl
Ash Ketchum - Pokemon
Batman - DC
Bloom Peters - Fate: The Winx Saga
Bojack Horseman - Bojack Horseman
Brambleclaw - Warrior Cats
Charlie Morningstar - Hazbin Hotel
Dr Gregory House - House MD
Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way - My Immortal
Elsa - Frozen
Ferris Bueller - Ferris Bueller's Day off
Frank Reagan - Blue Bloods
Gray Wing - Warrior Cats
Harry Potter - Harry Potter
Izuku (Deku) Midoriya - Boku no Hero Academia
Kvothe - The Kingkiller Chronicles
Kyouya Sata - Ookami shoujo to kuro ouji
Light Yagami - Death Note
Meliodas - Seven Deadly Sins
Oscar - Shark Tale
Owen Grady - Jurassic World
Pucca - Pucca
Rachel Berry - Glee
Rey - Star Wars
Richard Rahl - Seeker of Truth/Legend of the Seeker
Rintaro Okabe - Steins;Gate
Robin - Teen Titans Go
Skullduggery Pleasant - Skullduggery Pleasant
Stuart Little - Stuart Little
The Tenth Doctor - Doctor Who
Velma - Velma
Has 2 Submissions:
Achilles - The Iliad
Arthur Pendragon - BBC Merlin
Bloom Peters - Winx Club
Claire - Ship It
Daphne Bridgerton - Bridgerton
Dawson Leery - Dawson’s Creek
Dr. Heinrich Faust - Goethes Faust
Duck Dodgers - Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 century
Elizabeth - Bioshock Burial at Sea
Elric of Melniborne - The Elric Saga
Emiya Shirou - Fate Stay Night
Eren Jaegar - Shingeki no Kyojin
Ezra Bridger - Star Wars Rebels
Feyre Archeron - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Frasier Crane - Frasier
James Bond - James Bond
Jaune Arc - RWBY
Joker - Persona 5
Kohaku - Dr. Stone
Makoto Itou - School Days
Netsa Archeron - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Odysseus - The Odyssey
Piper - Orange is the new Black
Quentin Coldwater - The Magicians (books)
Riley Matthews - Girl Meets World
Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan) - Scum Villain’s Self Saving System
Tom Paris - Star Trek: vVyager
Wade Watts - Ready Player One
William Afton - FNaF Ultimate Custom Night
Yukitero "Yukki" Amano - Future Diary
Zack Morris - Saved by the Bell
Has 1 Submission
Adrien Agreste - Miraculous Ladybug
Ahsoka - Ahsoka Disney+
Akiyama Shun - Ryu Ga Gotoku/Yakuza
Alexander Hamilton - Hamilton
Animal Crossing New Horizons' Player Character - Animal Crossing New Horizons
Aragorn - Lord of the Rings
Arek - So This Is Ever After
Ataru Moroboshi - Urusei Yatsura
August Landry - One Last Stop
Ayin - Lobotomy Corporation
Bakugou Katsuki - My Hero Academia
Betty Cooper - Riverdale
Bill Dickey - The Eltingville Club/Welcome to Eltingville
Billy Buddy/Dr. Horrible - Dr. Horrible's Sing Along
Billy Hatcher - Billy Hatcher and the giant egg
Blake - Pokemon Adventures Black 2 and White 2
Blitzo - Helluva Boss
Bubsy - Bubsy 3D
Caleb Widogast - Critical Role
Charley Pollard - Doctor Who
Choromatsu Matsuno - Osomatsu-san
Claire Fraser - Outlander
Clear Sky/Skystar - Warrior Cats
Colin Bridgerton - Bridgerton
Corrin - Fire Emblem Fates
Cory Matthews - Boy Meets World
Dal - Star Trek Prodigy
Damian Wayne - DC
Data - Star Trek The Next Generation
Dorrigo Evans - The Narrow Road to the Deep North book
Dr. Hanna Heath - People of the Book
Ellison Oswalt - Sinister
Emma Nelson - Degrassi: The Next Generation
Equality 7-2521 - Anthem
Galadriel Higgins - The Scholomance Trilogy
Geralt of Rivia - The Last Wish, The Witcher books
Go Siwon - A Guy Like You
Haruyuki Arita - Accel World
Hermione Granger - Harry Potter
Homer Simpson - The Simpson
Howard Roark - The Fountainhead
Humbert Humbert - Lolita
James Bond - The Sean Connery James Bond Movies
James Holden - The Expanse book series
Jaypaw - Warrior Cats
Jean-Luc Picard - Star Trek The Next Generation
Jeff Winger - Community
Jim Hopper - Stranger Things
JJ - Cocomelon
Joaquin Monegro - Abel Sánchez
John Proctor - The Crucible
Jon Snow - ASoIaF
Jotaro Kujo - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Joy - Inside Out
Jughead Jones - Riverdale
Kade - Down to Earth Webtoon
Kai - The Witch King
Kang Jinha - A Guy Like You
Katara - Avatar the Last Airbender
Katnis - Hunger Games
Kaz Kaan - Neo Yokio
Keiichi Maebara - Higurashi when they cry
Khai - Theory of Love - Thai BL Show
King Arthur - King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)
Korra - Avatar: Legend of Korra
Koyomi Araragi - The Monogatari series
Kun-chan - Mirai
Lelouch Lamperouge - Code Geass
Leroy Jethro Gibbs - NCIS
Lionblaze - Warriors (Power of Three and Omen of the Stars)
Luna - Retro
Luffy - One Piece
Lyn - Fire Emblem
Makoto Naegi - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Mal - Firefly
Manaow - Love Senior
Mark Watney - The Martian
Mary Poppins - Walt Disney's Mary Poppins
Merlin - BBC Merlin
Meursault - The Stranger
Mia - La La Land
Michael Burnham - Star Trek: Discovery
Mike Wheeler - Stranger Things
Miyo Sasaki - A Whisker Away
Mordecai - Regular Show
Navier - Remarried Princess
Nessa - Acotar (Later Book)
Nick Carraway - The Great Gatsby
Nicole - Class of 09
Nightheart - Warrior Cats
North Italy - Hetalia
Okajima ""Rock"" Rokuro - Black Lagoon (Anime)
Otis Milburn - Sex Education
Patrick Bateman - American Psycho
Peppa Pig - Peppa Pig
Piper McLean - Heroes of Olympus
Pippa Fitz-Amobi - A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder
Ramona Flowers - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Ramsey Snow - Game of Thrones
Rebecca Bunch - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (TV show)
Robert Langdon - The Da Vinci Code
Rodion Raskolnikov - Crime and Punishment
Rorschach - Watchmen
Ruby - Max & Ruby
Ryo Saeba - City Hunter
Sabrina Spellman - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sami Reese - Little White Lie
Sasuke - Naruto
Satou Kazuma - Konosuba
Senku Ishigami - Doctor Stone
Shiori - Six Crimson Cranes
Shrek - Shrek
Snow Villiers - Final Fantasy 13
Spike Witwicky - Transformers IDW comics
Star Butterfly - Star vs The Forces of Evil
Stiles Stilinski - Teen Wolf
Sydney Atherton - The Beetle
Tai Kamiya - Digimon Adventure
Takao - Garden of Words
Tara Webster - Dance Academy
Tarl Cabot - The Gor Chronicles
Teriella Rufeon - My Husband Changes Every Night
The Beheaded - Dead Cells
Tom Wachowski - The Sonic Movies
Vanellope von Schweetz - Ralph Breaks the internet
Violetta - Disney's Violetta
Wolverine - X-Men
Wreck it Ralph - Ralph Breaks the Internet
Yu/Ai - Final Fantasy Unlimited
Yuri Zhivago - Doctor Zhivago
Yuusaku Godai - Maison Ikkoku
Available for Resubmission (needs at least 1 resubmission to participate)
Aang - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Atsuko Kagiri/Akko - Little Witch Academia
Beca Mitchell - Pitch Perfect
Clary Fray/Fairchild - Shadowhunters
Elena Gilbert - Vampire Diaries
Eragon - Eragon/Inheritance Cycle
Erika Shinohara - Ookami shoujo to kuro ouji
Harry DuBois - Disco Elysium
Katarina Claes - My Next Life as a Villainess
Kiris - On the Emperor's Lap
Kirito - Sword Art Online
Rand al'Thor - Wheel of Time
Scott McCall - Teen Wolf
Scott Pilgrim - Scott Pilgrim
Sophie Foster - Keeper of the Lost Cities
Tim Jackson Drake - DC
Tori Vega - Victorious
Wanda Maximoff - MCU
Wei (Ying) Wuxian - Mo Dao Zu Shi
Xander Harris - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Currently unavailable for a new Round:
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius/Celaena Sardothien - Throne of Glass
Alex Eagleston - YIIK
Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars
Bella Swan - Twilight
Caillou - Caillou
Coriolanus Snow - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Evan Hansen - Dear Evan Hansen
Gregory - FNaF Security Breach
Harry Dresden - The Dresden Files
Heywood Floyd - Space Odyssey
Holden Caulfield - The Catcher in the Rye
Kazuya Kinoshita - Rent-a-Girlfriend
Mal - Descendants
Marinette Dupain-Cheng - Miraculous Ladybug
Naofumi Iwatani - The Rising of the Shield Hero
Peter Griffin - Family guy
Peter Pan - Peter Pan
Ross Geller - Friends
Stolas - Helluva Boss
Ted Mosby - How I Met Your Mother
Tony Stark - MCU
Victor Frankenstein - Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus
Walter White - Breaking Bad
Y/N - Fanfiction
Zoey Redbird - The House of Night
101 notes · View notes
companion-showdown · 5 months
Family Feud Nominations, Who is the Best Doctor Who Family
If I've missed a character out of one of the families let me know (within reason, I imagine all these families are massive in the EU, so prioritise tv or significant characters)
Currently, the only rule is no families may inculde anyone who is even ambiguously The Doctor, it'll get super complicated super fast imo
Any characters, eg River, who can link up multiple different families to create a single massive family unit will be treated on a case by case basis. If it is possible to pick one of the smaller family units that they are a part of to include them in while not including them in any of the others (in a way everyone will agree at least makes sense) they will be included in that family only, otherwise they will not be included
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind
Foreman-Campbell (Susan, David, Alex)
Chesterton-Wright (Ian, Barbara, implied to be married after they leave)
McCrimmon (Jamie, Heather, V.M.McCrimmon, various others)
Waterfield (Victoria, Edward (father))
Lethbridge-Stewart (Kate, The Brigadier, Doris (Brig's wife in Battlefield), Archibald Hamish (TUAT), Gordon (Kate's son in Downtime), Kadiatu, The Great Intelligence, Lucy Wilson)
Grant/Jones (Jo, Cliff, Santiago (Jo's grandson in Death of the Doctor))
Smith (Sarah-Jane, Lavinia (aunt), Brendan Richards, Luke, Sky, Mr Smith, K9 (they are her family and I will not be hearing otherwise), Barbara, Eddie (parents in Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith))
Leela, Andred, Veega, Rayo
Adric and Varsh (brothers)
Nyssa, Tremas, and Kassia (daughter, father, step-mother)
Jovanka (Tegan, Vanessa (aunt in Logopolis), Colin (cousin in Arc of Infinity))
Turlough (Vislor, Malkon (brother in Planet of Fire))
McShane (Ace, Audrey (mother), Kathleen (grandmother), Liam (brother))
Tyler (Rose, Jackie, Pete, Tony (baby mentioned in Journey's End), no I will not be adding the metacrisis to this list)
Another Smith (Mickey, Rita (grandmother))
Harkness (Jack, Grey, parents, Alice Carter (daughter), Steven Carter(grandson))
Isolas (Fear Her)
Jones (Martha, Francine, Clive, Tish, Leo, Leo has a baby as well, Adeola Oshodi)
The Family of Blood
Redfern-Smith (Joan, John (various), possible dream children and grandchildren)
Shafe Kanes (from Utopia, Kristane, Beltone)
Mott-Noble-Temple (Donna, Sylvia, Wilf, Shaun, Rose)
The Adipose
Pond-Williams (Amy, Rory, River, Brian, Anthony, Amy's aunt and parents)
Owens: (Craig, Sophie, Stormageddon Dark Lord of All)
Gillyflower (Mrs Gillyflower, Ada)
Paternoster (Jenny, Vastra, Strax)
Oswald (Clara, Ellie, Dave (parents), grandmother, and I'm going to say Danny makes the cut, Orson)
Potts (Bill, Mother, Moira (foster mother))
O'Brien-Sinclair (Graham, Ryan, Grace, Aaron (Ryan's father))
Khan (Yaz, Najia (mother), Hakim (father), Sonya (sister), Umbreen (grandmother))
Lewis (Dan, Eileen (mother), Neville (father))
Swarm and Azure
Bel, Vinder and their as yet unborn child
Sunday (Ruby, Carla, Cherry, many many foster siblings)
The TARDIS and Lolita
Little House of Cwej
The House of Lungbarrow (Grandfater Paradox, Qenceus, Inocet, various cousins, Irving Braxiatel, Maggie Matsumoto, Ulysses, Penelope GAte, Anna Joyce)
The House of Dvora (Morbius, The War King, Thessalia, Romana, various others)
Langer (Clyde, Carla (mother), Paul (father))
Jackson (Maria, Alan, Chrissie)
Chandra (Rani, Haresh, Gita)
The Wu Diaspora (Cindy Wu and her clones)
Munmeth and Mutmunna (Medicine Man)
Ada and Alice Obiefune
Who (Susan, Barbara, Louise)
Jones-Davies (Ianto, Rhiannon, Johnny, David, Mica)
Summerfield (Bernice, Issac, Claire, Jason Kane, Peter, Wolsey, Keith, Rebecca, Cousin Eliza, Benedict I-IV, Christine)
Miller (Lucie, Pat (aunt))
Schofield (Hex, Cassie, Hilda)
House of Witforge (Narvin, Lenaris, Helico, Narvin's father, Rexin)
Faction Paradox
Pollard (Charley, Louisa, Richard, Margaret, Edward Grove, The Sound Creature)
Mesh Cos, Lon Shel, Julian White Mammoth Tusk
Cooper-Williams (Gwen, Rhys, Anwen, Geraint, Mary (Gwen's parents))
Chenka (Liv, Tula, Kal, Garlon Rosh)
Sinclair (Helen, Albie, Trev Bailey)
Proctor (Cleo, Jordan, parents)
Nominations will be open until Midday Friday (03/05, 12:00 BST (GMT/UTC +1)), I will try and give a more specific time then
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