#root beer right
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egophiliac · 1 year ago
Hi! i love your art! And I'm curious about something: what do you think of the staff? And which is your favorite?
thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE the staff, I wish we got to see more of them -- every once in a while we'll get a little side bit of them interacting with each other and it's always SO good. (for that and more proof that EHN is the best event, see: the teachers trying to hold their own Halloween party without Crowley noticing because they don't want to invite him. why was this one scene and not a long-spanning subplot like it deserved to be. we were robbed.)
I have probably made it pretty obvious which of the staff is my favorite, because I love characters who are huge morons who couldn't read a room if they had industrial-strength prescription glasses:
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but I'm pretty fond of all of them! it takes a certain kind of person to work at NRC for more than five minutes. though I do think Trein is probably my second favorite? he LOVES his cat! he LOVES his wife! he LOVES history even though he is fed up with these teens and their wacky misadventures! also, I really want to hear the rest of his saucy makeout story. talk about dangling plot threads. 😔
genuinely we need more staff interactions in canon, there is so much untapped hilarity there I CAN FEEL IT
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magicalgirlfia · 8 months ago
Guilty Gear XX♯Reload Comic Anthology Translation: Exploring New Horizons
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This is a comic from the Guilty Gear XX Sharp Reload Comic Anthology, which I have been translating. The original scans of this comic are by @tillman and can be found on archive.org
Not much to say about this one expect that Anji Mito has been being a bisexual menace since 2003 and I love him for it. We will gather here to morn the loss of his silliness in localization. Oh also that comics with Japanese concepts that don’t have an English equivalent are annoying to localize but like…it’s not like they were made for localization. I do this because I love it.
You can read the previous translation here
And the next translation here
Usual disclaimer: I am not fluent in Japanese and all of this is a one Fia job so everything might not be 100% accurate but I always try my best!
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avahkadoo · 13 days ago
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Was supposed to put this here yesterday but I forgot 💀
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rubiatinctorum · 2 months ago
wawawawawawawawa i have such nausea todayyyy
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numba-1-scout-blog · 2 months ago
I’m drinkin root beer right now and I’m actually freakin freezin cause of it.
Bonk never does this.
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seasononesam · 2 years ago
sam should have worn more graphic t shirts. god forbid a man wears some silly graphic t shirts every now and again.
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skenpiel · 2 years ago
i need a vivisection real bad
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c-nan · 5 months ago
also finished my wynonna earp rewatch in record time so i can now finally watch the movie 🤩
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mugrootbeer · 1 year ago
I might be the only person on Tumblr running a blog like this not doing it as a joke I have physically assaulted people over Mug root beer before
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taylorswiftshipsbyler · 4 months ago
me applying chapstick for five minutes straight because I woke up with cracked lips this morning and I'm seeing my gf tomorrow
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maelstrom007 · 9 months ago
I want to hear about Mal
Y’all I’m so normal about Mal you wouldn’t believe
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For those who don’t know, Mal is my oc from @ghouljams Fae!cod au. They’re a changeling, and the only consistent identifying feature is that they always have bright red hair regardless of their physical appearance. They run a studio and specialize in crafting magical items for the local Fae.
🐷: What is your oc’s favorite animal?
Spiders! Spiders are so crafty and are such beautiful artists and in Mal’s opinion are misunderstood. While I haven’t written about it yet, Mal definitely has some spider characteristics themselves. Mal and the local spiders have an agreement that as long as they don’t make the shop look decrepit and abandoned or leave spider webs in the paths of customers (…at least not too many) then they can hang out and make themselves at home.
💯: Share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
So even though Mal is a changeling, in my mind there is a sort of baseline form that one could consider their ‘true form’ and which takes no effort or magic to sustain. Every other form they take requires some amount of magic and concentration to maintain, meaning that if they get exceedingly distracted or drained they may briefly revert back to that true form. (What that true form looks like is for y’all to wonder and for me to write about)
There are two ways I like to think about Mal’s magic. For their appearance, I imagine a sort of kaleidoscope that ‘fractures’ their body into a million pieces of light before their snap back into focus in a new way. For everything else, I imagine them plucking at imaginary threads that make up the known world and tugging on them, tying knots, untying knots, etc to work their magic.
Mal didn’t really grow up around other Fae, so their understanding of magic and Fae customs are very much self taught up until recent years. I like to think of it as someone who immigrated to another country as a child, grew up, and then returned as an adult. In theory they know about the culture and social norms, but haven’t ever experienced it first hand and stick out like a sore thumb.
🎮: What are three of your oc’s favorite hobbies?
Weaving is definitely at the top of their list, with gossiping coming in at a close second. Finally, Mal is definitely a gym rat 😂. Catch them spending all their free time lifting weights and casually saving gym bro’s when they fail a rep. Always giving encouragement though!!
🤍: What are three of your oc’s neutral/questionable traits?
I think that Mal’s biggest questionable trait is that they are ride or die to the extreme. Like, it takes a lot to make Mal truly consider you a friend, and once you’re there it’s over man. Like for instance, Witch has wormed her way into Mal’s affections, and now in Mal’s mind she can do no wrong. Witch could stroll up one day and say that she wants to destroy the world and set it ablaze and Mal would come out with gasoline like sure boo whatever you say everyone had it coming anyway. Do they like the world? Sure. But someone they think highly of and care for wants to see it gone, who are they to question that?
Because Mal didn’t grow up around Fae, they got burned a lot when they were younger, accidentally agreeing to unfair contracts or other such because they weren’t familiar with all the nitty gritty rules and technicalities the Fae are prone to use. This means that they threw up walls really quickly, and they themselves became a stickler for technicalities and precise language in order to protect themselves. This means that while Mal can be nice and personable, they’re more often than not operating under the assumption that they are going to be taken advantage of in some way and will preemptively try to protect themselves. Lots of mixed signals coming from them.
Finally…Mal likes neither cold nor hot drinks. Let me explain. If Mal is having a soda and it’s been in the fridge, they will leave the can on the counter for several minutes to let the temperature come up, then pour it in a glass to disperse the cold even more. Truly Mal’s favorite drink is a chai, where the chai mix is at room temperature and the milk was in the fridge, so that when they are mixed together it creates a perfect Neutral Temperature™️.
Bonus picrews:
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fishandshesmygills · 1 year ago
today we were walking to the dining hall from their dorm after parking their car and i made a comment abt the large root beer i had at the movie theater and they were like you ordered root beer? that's so cute. and i was like you think it's cute that i ordered root beer at the movie theater?? and they were like nobody would think of that. it's whimsical. i was like what did you order and they said a coke and i said that's boring. you could've had some of my root beer if you wanted
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persnicketypansy · 1 year ago
split pea soup and vintage root beer are going to fix me. its happening right now
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tobbogan-13 · 2 years ago
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xi-off · 2 years ago
current situation
sick out of my gd mind
roommate's been on the couch ft. worlds lamest stay-home date for 6+ hours
only source of caloric intake in ~24hrs is single can of root beer on table next to couch
cannot take root beer into room due to 100% chance of dumping it all over my bed and floor
(see figure below)
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mugrootbeer · 1 year ago
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