#ronnie walker
itxithingsrp · 7 months
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—— Hey yo, Dom! Why'd you bring the 𝙗𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 here?
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freshlyblaked · 8 months
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the hunks of hallmark, november 2023
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beebeesiims · 9 months
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winterfest! ft. post-college!savannah, toddler emanuel & adult!cheyenne.
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
trust: chapter 2
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w/c: 3.4k
trust masterlist 
entire masterlist 
Y/n said nothing as her older brother and his friends continued to buzz about their very new signing. She hummed to herself as she placed the cake in the oven before cleaning up the kitchen, washing the dirty dishes, utensils, and then drying them. Y/n pursed her lips before she turned to face her brother once again, 
“Bren?” She asked softly, resting her hips on the counter as she crossed her arms. Her brother lifted his head and quirked a brow towards her, still looking at Spencer as they conversed about some of the songs they would possibly be changing up for their new sound, like Time To Dance, Camisado, and Nails For Breakfast. 
“What’s up, kiddo?” Brendon teased his baby sister. With a huff and roll of her eyes, Y/n pushed herself off the counter by her hips, making herself busy. “Was gonna ask if you needed your laundry done. But after the nickname, fuck you, do it yourself.” 
Spencer snorted at her comment, “Damn, kiss your mother with that mouth?” Another eye roll later, Y/n sent an annoyed middle finger to Spencer, checking the timer she’d set on the oven. “I’ll be back in like fifteen minutes, losers.” The girl spoke before running upstairs to her room, grabbing her laundry and throwing it into the machine. 
Ryan’s gaze trailed after her slowly and rested on the stairwell straight ahead of him. He cleared his throat before walking to his friends sitting at the kitchen’s bar. Ryan opened his mouth to contribute to the conversation before Brendon interrupted him. “I think we need to celebrate our tremendous feat. Whaddaya guys say, huh? What if we throw a mega banger in celebration of our signing?” Brendon wiggled both of his elbows into both Spencer and Ryan, causing the two to laugh softly. 
“Here?” Jon asked, a brow raised. Brendon spun around in his chair and nodded before leaning back and crossing his arms. “Hell yeah, here! This is where the magic happened, baby! Obviously it’s gotta be here!” 
A set of hands and a chin found their home on Ryan’s shoulders. He looked at the girl who was suddenly back downstairs among him, her brother, and their friends, “What’s gotta be here?” Y/n queried, once again completely oblivious to the fact that she was making Ryan’s heart race a mile a minute. Ryan would usually focus on the words leaving the girl’s mouth, but right now, he had to focus on calming himself down so Y/n wouldn’t hear or feel his speedy heartbeat, or notice his sudden loss of breath. 
Spencer spoke up now, his arms crossed over his chest as he spun to face the younger Urie, “Your big brother wants to throw a celebratory signing party. You down?” He smirked at her before walking over to the fridge and grabbing a soda from the second rack. 
With a small hum in thought, she asked softly, “I’m invited?” Ryan spoke before he even realized he did, 
“Yes!” He shouted, before shrinking down in embarrassment, a tinge of red fanning over his cheeks. He held his face in his hands, muttering apologies. “I’m sorry—Just…” He didn’t even need to look up to know his friends were staring at him intently, and Jon was giving him a stern, almost motherly, look. Clearing his throat, the guitarist continued, “Just surprised at the fact that you’d think you weren’t invited after everything you’ve done for us. You proofread our-“ 
Y/n interrupted now, “Your.” She whispered, standing up straight as she offered a reassuring shoulder squeeze. “My lyrics.” He corrected sheepishly,
 “You made food for us when we had long sessions, made us hot chocolate, coffee.. God, you’ve always supported us, you’ve always been our number one fan…” Ryan trailed off, having to stop himself before he got too ahead of himself and started going on about his love  and overall adoration for her. 
Y/n had a hand over her heart and opened her mouth to speak before Spencer spoke up again, “And not to mention, you always made sure we got rest of some sort, whether it be small breaks, actual sleep itself, or you just talking to us to bounce ideas off of.” He took another sip of his soda before going back over to Jon and Brendon. 
Jon spoke up now, “Ya always made sure we were hydrated too, ran to the store for us when we needed paper, pens, or other bullshit like that. Food, etcetera, etcetera.  You’ve been a great help, kid. Ya need to hold yourself to a higher standard.”
Isn’t that right? Ryan thought to himself, nodding in agreement with Jon, subtly looking towards him. Before Y/n could thank the boys, her brother walked to her side and threw his arm around her shoulders, giving her a noogie as he gave his thanks to her, 
“What would I have done without my little sis always making me food, doing my laundry, and my chores so I could be with the guys? You’re the best, Y/n. We really love you, and of course we want–no, need you at this party! Couldn’t have gotten this far without you!” With a large smile, the youngest in the room nodded. 
“Okay. Yeah. I’ll start getting the house ready-” She gave her brother a quick squeeze before slithering out of his grip to start preparing for the party. Ryan stopped her though and grabbed her hand, causing Y/n to turn towards his voice, “Woah, woah. We are gonna get the house ready together.” 
Unbeknownst to Ryan, Spencer grew wary of his bandmate’s hands on the frontman’s little sister. Jon, completely oblivious to Spencer’s glare, nudged him, “Older Urie’s gonna send out invites and all that shit, but me ‘n Spence’ll help out, don’t worry.” Jon smiled, walking towards Y/n and Ryan. The girl grinned and gave Ryan’s hand a quick squeeze before moving forward to hug the others. Ryan hadn’t realized how long his hands had lingered on Y/n until she was out of his grip, she just felt so much like home. It was scary. 
As Y/n flew into Spencer and Jon’s hugs, she hadn’t noticed the very obviously fake smile on Spencer’s face. No one had the opportunity to before an annoying ringing sound echoed through the kitchen. Y/n pulled away and clapped her hands excitedly, 
“Yay! Cake!” 
Y/n was in her room getting ready for the party as she heard new voices under the blaring music entering her house. She looked in the mirror, brushing invisible specks of dirt off of herself, smoothing her outfit down as much as she could. With a frustrated sigh, she held her face in her hands. 
“You look beautiful. What’s stressing you out?” A voice asked her from the doorway, causing her face to shoot up out of her hands. She stayed staring at herself in the mirror, staring at him through the mirror. He kicked himself off the door frame as she spoke. 
 “I don’t know, I guess this party just feels different because of the event it's celebrating.” Ryan walked up behind her and let his hands rest in his pockets as he looked her in the eyes through the mirror, “Hey, you’ve got nothing to stress over.” Tentatively, he placed his hands on her shoulders, flicking his eyes back to hers, silently asking if he could continue. With a silent nod from Y/n, Ryan began to rub her shoulders, much to Y/n’s pleasure. 
“If anything, it should be us stressing, it’s our signing party.” The elder reassured, causing a smile to finally find its home on the girl’s face. She smiled brightly at Ryan and turned around and gave him a tight hug. “Thank you.” She said softly and sweetly. Ryan smiled and let his chin rest on her shoulder as he embraced every inch of her hug. His hands found solitude on her waist as he pulled her in tighter. 
“For the record, Ross, you look very handsome yourself, and you give incredible hugs.” Y/n complimented, letting go of the hug when she heard one of her favorite songs playing downstairs. She grabbed Ryan’s hand and dragged him down the stairs with her before forcing him to dance with her. 
Ryan laughed and Y/n spun messily to the song playing, but when she grabbed his hand, he let his body take over. He gave her a proper spin, causing her to giggle, a sound Ryan swore he could never get over. Y/n rested her hand in Ryan’s, her other on his shoulder. She stopped laughing as much and only smiled, maintaining eye contact with Ryan the entire time, and he did the same.
When the song ended, Y/n smiled wider and stepped back, “Thank you for going along with that. That was really fun! Want a drink?” She pointed towards the drink table, and Ryan nodded. “You continue dancing, Urie, I’ll grab the drinks.” He grinned at her, causing her to cheer and nod, already dancing to the next song. 
With a small laugh, Ryan walked over to where Y/n had previously pointed, grabbing two red solo cups. He was in the process of pouring their drinks when he felt an elbow in his side. Ryan snapped his eyes up to the culprit, not surprised to see Jon connected to the elbow that’d nudged him. “I saw you two lovebirds. Finally spill the secret?” Jon teased, causing Ryan to turn his face away from his friend’s burning stare, in an attempt to hide his blush. “Holy shit! You still haven’t told her!” Jon basically yelled, causing Ryan to shove his shoulder, 
“Dude, shut it!” He pleaded, quickly glancing around to make sure no one else had heard their conversation. Jon laughed heartily before shaking his head, “Man, you gotta tell her! Even if it doesn’t go anywhere, which won’t happen, it definitely will go somewhere, she has a right to know!” Jon said seriously, offering an encouraging smile. He placed a hand on Ryan’s shoulder and rubbed it, “Trust me, Ryan. It’s better to be rejected than to regret not saying something.” 
Jon and Ryan’s conversation was interrupted as another person walked up, “Hey, guys! Crazy turn out, huh? Told ya I’m a god at invites!” Brendon placed a hand on both of their shoulders and smiled, “What were you two talking about?” Ryan tried not to show his panic when Brendon asked that, and before Ryan could stutter through an excuse, Jon bit the bullet and saved Ryan’s skin. 
“Was asking Ryan for some advice about the girl over there.” Jon gestured lazily to a group of girls in another room, taking a sip. “Wanna walk over with me Bren? Ryan’s too nervous to just walk over with me and I need backup.” Jon offered, looking at Brendon hopefully. 
Brendon blew a raspberry at Ryan and held an “L” on his forehead to him, “Of course I’ll go with you Jon, I’m not a pussy.” He laughed before clapping Ryan on the back, “Kidding, I get it. Enjoy the party man, I know Jon certainly will.” He smiled. 
As the two walked away, Jon turned his head and winked at Ryan before turning back around quickly. Ryan smiled a tight smile and nodded at Jon before turning to walk back with his and Y/n’s drinks. However, as he turned to walk back in her direction, he collided with another body, startling him. He turned back around to see he’d bumped into the girl he’d been on the way back to. With a laugh, she took a cup from Ryan, “What took ya so long?” 
Ryan gestured to the room that Jon and Brendon were currently in, “Oh, ya know, your brother.” He chuckled softly, taking a sip of his drink. She laughed softly and nodded, “Yeah, he can be quite the handful sometimes. I’d know.” The two of them laughed together before walking over to another corner of the room to get out of the way of the people dancing in the middle of the living room. 
Ryan leaned against the wall, drink in hand, free hand either in his pocket or gesturing with his sentences, as Y/n was standing, slowly sipping her drink, more listening than talking. Their conversation was going pretty well when all of a sudden, a guy slammed into Y/n, spilling his drink all over her, causing Y/n to shiver at the sudden cold liquid seeping through her shirt. 
The drunk guy looked up at Y/n and muttered an apology before doing a double take, “Oh, holy shit. You’re Brent’s ex right?” Y/n’s face paled and Ryan stood up straight, eyeing the guy angrily. Clearly, the drunk moron didn’t realize that no one wanted to talk about that, “Yeah, you gotta be. I remember your brother or whoever goin’ batshit on him in the middle of that party, almost two years ago now, right?” 
Ryan shoved him, “Get the fuck away from her. She doesn’t wanna talk to you.” The man looked up at Ryan now, “Go home, Ronnie.” Ryan snarled at him. “You’ve had enough to drink, anyway.” Ronnie looked up at Ryan and raised a brow,
 “Since when are you two dating?” He flicked his eyes over to Y/n, who looked to be on the edge of tears. “You settle for Ryan here just because you missed fucking one of your brother’s friends?” And that was it, the wall that Y/n had built up had come crashing down with waterworks. 
Y/n ran upstairs, sobbing. Ryan shoved Ronnie into a wall and immediately followed after her, calling her name. “Y/n!” He watched her door slam shut, and against his better judgment, opened the door without knocking, “Y/n, look what he said-” He looked up at her shriek and saw her shirtless, “Shit, I’m so sorry!” He put his hand back on the knob to close it, but before he could reach the knob, she spoke up.
“Wait! Don’t… Don’t leave me.” She pleaded softly, breaking Ryan’s heart. He held a hand over his eyes and still kept his eyes down, though it was pointless to do both. He shut the door behind him and stood in the corner with his back to her. “I won’t leave but I won’t look. Just tell me when you’re done, okay?” 
Y/n let out a small hum of affirmation and Ryan sighed shakily, waiting patiently. After a minute or so, Y/n pulled him off the wall by his shoulder and uncovered his eyes. “You change qui-” 
Ryan wore a nervous smile on his face as he finally brought his hands off his eyes. He froze when he realized what he was looking at: a shirtless Y/n. “Oh-my god.” he stuttered out, his cheeks turning bright red as he turned his face away, “Y/n, I-” Her soft hand reached up to his cheek and turned him back towards her. “This is w-wrong, Y/n, you’re not thinking right, you’re upset, you-I don’t want to take advantage of you, I-” 
She hushed him and smiled, “You’re not taking advantage of anyone, Ryan. Promise.” Ryan swallowed hard as she took a step closer to him. The boy’s breath grew more jagged as his crush stepped closer and closer to him. Ryan finally took things upon himself, he placed his hands on her waist and kissed her deeply as Y/n’s hands moved to his hair. 
Ryan’s heart jumped to his throat. This was all he’d ever wanted, to be able to kiss Y/n, to hold her in his arms, this was the moment he’d dreamt of for as long as he could remember. So why did things feel so strange? He’d imagined this situation playing out several times and he’d planned everything down to a t, how he’d hold her, exactly how he’d kiss her, how softly he’d-
Ryan’s train of thought was interrupted when Y/n brought him back to her bed, yanking his shirt off of him and shoving him down as she sat on her knees in front of him. Y/n brought her hands to Ryan’s belt and looked up at him through her eyelashes. Ryan’s lips were trapped between his teeth as he watched her tear-jerkingly slow movements. She shuffled his pants down and Ryan raised his hips to help her, looking deep into her lust flooded eyes–matching his.
Ryan smiled down at her, raising a hand to pet her hair, “Is this your first-Oh, fuck.” Ryan’s own moans cut off his question as his head fell back as his hand moved to clench the bedsheets under him. Now, by no means was Ryan a virgin, in any sense of the word, but there was something about Y/n that just made everything feel like it was his first. He could only hope he was her first, but by the way she was skillfully moving her head up and down, followed by the swirling of her tongue, he was positive he wasn’t. 
He decided not to focus on that, but on the fact that this was even happening. Ryan moaned her name, “Y/n, fuck.” He let his eyes flutter shut and Y/n felt a zap of electricity shoot from her mouth to her toes. She loved the hold she had on him. She added her hand to Ryan’s cock and from that point on, his groans got even dirtier. Y/n’s heart began to race in arousal and anxiety, she’d never had anyone wound around her finger so tight, but it felt great. 
Ryan’s moans were heavenly. Y/n wanted more and more, so she did everything she knew how. She looked up at him and started to bob her head faster, licking up his cock to his tip. She flicked her tongue across his slit and Ryan swore he’d never moaned louder; she was so much better than he could’ve imagined, and he imagined a lot. They were both grateful for the booming music downstairs, or else they certainly would’ve been caught. 
Ryan sucked in a deep breath through his teeth and let a hand find its way in her hair and he tugged on it softly. Y/n moaned softly, sending a delicious vibration up Ryan’s cock. “Fuck, Y/n, you’re so good at this~” At the praise, she slightly sped up her movements and continued to look up at him, smirking when his face twitched, “Fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum.” He grunted, Y/n kept her head down and let him spill into the back of her throat, riding out his high with him. Involuntarily, Ryan bucked his hips into mouth with another small moan. 
He looked down at her and caressed the side of her face, running his thumb over her cheek. “So beautiful. You gonna spit it out?” Y/n instead stuck her tongue out of her mouth and showed him his cum before swallowing it. 
Ryan’s face lit up in a blush and he licked his lips before pulling her off the floor by her face, kissing her deeply. With a hand on the back of her head, he stood up and lightly pushed her on the bed before unclasping her bra with one hand, causing her to blush and turn away. “Guess this isn’t your first time.” Ryan smiled softly and turned her face back towards him, “No, but I know this’ll be my best time.” He leaned down and kissed her deeply, sliding off her bra in the process. He sat up now, his knees on either side of her. Y/n swallowed hard and tried her best to maintain eye contact, but it was evident that she was anxious. 
Ryan immediately picked up on this and did a double take, “Shit, are you a virgin? We shouldn’t-” Ryan went to step off of her, but Y/n grabbed his arm and stopped him. 
“I want you to be my first, Ryan. Please.” Y/n begged softly, causing a whole other side of Ryan to take over. 
 “Do you have a condom?” He asked, his hand on her cheek again. The girl sat up and shook her head, “Bren has some in his nightstand drawer. You can go grab one.” She spoke timidly before Ryan nodded, basically sprinting to her brother’s room. 
She giggled at his speed, but when he was back and shut the door, it sunk in that she was really about to do this. Ryan resumed his position above her and shuffled her underwear down, before running his fingers up and down her sides. 
“Are you ready, Y/n?” 
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forensicated · 29 days
02x06 - This Little Pig
TW: Racism based on the time of writing/filming (mid 80's)
Taffy is out on patrol with everything seeming normal and boring... until he hears some oinking coming from an alleyway...
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"Going out in pairs are we today, mate?" 😂
Reg is complaining about back pain after hurting himself on a training course. "He who dares ricks his back!" Viv mocks.
The manager of the City Farm phones to report 2 pigs missing. Viv has to ask him to hold on while she stifles a laugh and then passes the message to Bob. "Two of our pigs are missing... It's the City Farm. They've had a breakout!"
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Pete is unimpressed to be asked to pick up the pig in the police van but Bob explains the man from the farm can't pick it up as he only has a Mini! He sends Jim to help him because "He's good with kids... he's probably good with animals." Great logic! In the meantime Roger Phillpot from the farm arrives to help Taffy keep the pig calm, explaining someone let them out deliberately by wirecutters making a huge hole. He admits they've had a few animal rights people send letters recently. Plonk is returned to the farm and now they must track down Pickle! "You're not a vegetarian are you?" he asks Taffy. "Oh no, I'm Welsh. I eat anything" Without any evidence (they've binned the letters) there's little else the police can do than keep an eye out for Pickle. Phillpot goes cold on Taffy, apologising for 'bothering him' sarcastically. Pete then purposely brushes pig poo out of the van and onto Taffy's uniform. It's not his day! Pete drops Taffy at a local cafe where he goes for a cup of tea.
Pete moans he's had no overtime for 2 months and that it's resulted in a big cut of his normal wage. "Money isn't everything." "True, there's always sex." he purrs, eyeing a secretary who ignores him. Pete moans that he has commitments to pay for and he wants a big murder to happen for the overtime. Yorkie points out that it's not exactly something to announce and Pete claims the others would be straight in there claiming for extra hours too.
Yorkie says Pete must have been paid a bomb for the recent (March 84-March 85. This aired 23 Dec 85) miners strikes and he spent more time in Yorkshire than Yorkshire-born Yorkie did! Pete claims Scargil caved in too soon because only half of his holiday had been paid off. June points out he shouldn't have spent most of it on a new motorbike and Abe asks if he put any away for the tax man. Pete claims the tax man already had it because they're PAYE. Abe points out that's only at the basic rate. If he's earnt over that, they'll come for him. Pete claims he's winding him up and Yorkie shakes his head. Pete asks Bob if it's true and Bob explains that yes, the tax man has already had his share of the miner's strike overtime money for most of them... "But not for super grabbers like you."
Ted reads a bulletin that claims the ban on overtime won't affect the amount of work the police get done. "Pedantic little twat." Ted growls about the author (Brownlow's soon-to-retire Clerk who has just asked him to get Roy to redo an expenses claim and moaned about Dashers not being clocked in despite being out on a job). Immigration call Roy about a job and Ted asks what's happening. "Deporting all the Irish and you're first." Roy complains about the CID boys not being further along on jobs and Ted points out that's because of the cancellation of overtime. Roy heads out for the first of two meetings, amused that his expenses claim didn't make the grade. "What's the matter, didn't I claim enough?"
Reg fancies becoming the Superintendent's next clerk and asks what Bob thinks about him applying. "I honestly can't think of anyone more suitable at Sun Hill. The only problem is, it's not a job for an able-bodied copper." Reg wonders if his back has been permanently damaged. "It'd match your brain then, wouldn't it..." Viv snarks. Reg tries to speak to Brownlow about applying for the job but before he can get the request out properly, the Superintendent literally runs up the stairs to avoid talking to him.
Roy tells Bob that Immigration want to borrow 3 officers and will arrive at 11.30 to raid a sweatshop. Bob isn't happy about it, not wanting to do their dirty work for them and tells Roy they're there "to catch villains, not go after some poor sod born in the wrong country."
A shop selling furs reports animal life protesters preventing people entering. Three officers are sent with Bob warning Jim to be careful how he handles it. Taffy answers and is sent over too. Jim enters the shop first and asks the manager if he wants the people removed. One of the protesters tells Jim they're only putting forward a different point of view and, actually, they do mind being asked to leave the shop and so sit down. Pete says they have 1 chance to leave under their own steam or they'll be dragged out. When they don't move, Pete and Jim drag out each protester. They then get arrested for charging at Jim and knocking him over, threatening to do it again even if they do keep getting arrested.
Taffy is mocked by Pete for arriving once the protesters are in the van and claims that there was no point calling him while he was in the cafe. Taffy says he wasn't, he was pounding the beat "covered in pig shit thanks to you," and shouts at Pete for dropping him in it with Bob. Pete says he hadn't, "Cryer already knows you're a lazy git!" At the station, Taffy tells Bob that he was in the cafe for 2 minutes and that he has witnesses. Bob tells him he's not blind and knows that Taffy 'disappears' sometimes, forcing him to admit it before letting him go to change his trousers.
Bob processes the campaigners with them starting to sing a monotonous round of 'on, and on, and on and on again' until Bob shouts at them to "SHUT UP!" Jim claims they were arrested for threatening behaviour and breach of the peace. They add "You're all a load of bastards." and "We'll do it again and again until the murder stops." They refuse to comply with willingly handing their property over so June and Pete take them for a strip search.
Reg delivers one of the most Reg-esque clips in this episode too!
Nick offers just after to go do the body search for her if she wants and Reg cuts in. "I wouldn't if I were you mate. You can catch all sorts of things these days!"
The female prisoner being searched by June is obstructive, insisting that June undress her. "Do you enjoy degrading your fellow women?" she asks with June ignoring her attempts to start an argument.
Nick calls CID about a burglary and can't get hold of Dashers or Ted so contacts Roy. Roy asks if there's been any mention of a wardrobe and, confused, Nick tells him there hasn't been.
In the cells the protesters are still changing 'Fur Traders Out', and 'Here We Go' driving the officers mad with Bob calling them more trouble than bank robbers. He can't risk bailing them so has to keep them overnight for court.
The immigration officer arrives, requesting 3 officers. Bob says he hopes they're not too lucky as they're already almost full in the cells. Abe is also sent over to help. Jim is not impressed about having to help Immigration but Pete is happy to. The man reminds the officers they're only there in case of breach of the peace, they don't need to do anything otherwise. Immigration go upstairs, speaking to the owner of the sweatshop and then to the staff and take one gentleman back with them. "Another blow against the black economy!" Pete beams, before making further racist remarks to Abe.
Roy speaks to the woman who reported the robbery. Despite the confusion, a wardrobe was wrongly delivered to the address prior to the burglary. A neighbour let them in and then, 3/4 of an hour later, let them in again to collect it after they 'realised it was the wrong address'. Roy explains to the women there was likely a man inside the wardrobe and that he and what they took were taken out by the delivery men who are also in on it.
The man removed from the sweatshop is interviewed and admits being in the country illegally. Reluctantly Bob has to agree to hold him until immigration can arrange his deportation.
Pete has arranged a position moonlighting to fill a gap until overtime is allowed again. He's going to be a minder for rich men, £50 a night cash in hand. He claims that in 2 weeks the tax problem will be sorted and another couple of weeks after will pay his holiday off. Jim points out that it'll conflict with his job but Pete insists it'll be fine.
Mike couldn't speak to the shop that the delivery people pretended to be from to see if there was anyone in the dispatch who could be leaking details because of the ban on overtime. Roy is fuming and tries to speak to Brownlow about it but his clerk is obstructive but allows him to make an appointment to speak to Brownlow at 2pm.
June watches as a bride and groom leave the church. She recognises the groom and radios to Taffy to ask about him. Taffy should have been in court the week before for a firearms charge with the groom but he didn't show... She's definitely found him now! The couple and their guests come together for photographs as Taffy and Pete turn up in the van. "Everybody say 'Suspended Sentence!" a man croons with a grin before the groom's face falls, having spotted the officers. They return to the station with the wedding cars following close behind.
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(sideview of the station down Artichoke Hill. The 'station' might now be flats but the building behind it still stands with the bottom now a Dominos Pizza shop. The blocks of flats are also still standing though a large group of trees now obscures them from view somewhat.)
The bride's father claims it'll just be 5 minutes for the groom to be charged before they can go on to the reception. The entire wedding party appears to have joined them(!) "Gawd, you think they'd paint it a nicer colour!" June joins them for a bit of wedding cake in the waiting room!
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Bob asks them all to clear off because the groom is being held overnight because he skipped off last time. His bride brings him a bit of cake as she comes to say goodnight to him and kiss him goodbye until the next day. She's very forgiving considering!
The gentleman from the sweatshop is very nervous and frightened, refusing food when Taffy does his rounds. He takes the protester's beans on toast but the first refuses it because she's vegan and there's butter on the toast. She then pushes the tray so it covers Taffy in beans. Taffy is furious, booking off for the evening.
Brownlow refuses overtime for the wardrobe burglars who have been doing jobs all over Sun Hill. He calls Bob upstairs for the meeting too and tells them the overtime ban is going to be around for quite some time and that unless it's a major robbery, GBH, murder or rape there will not be any overtime allowed. Having said all that, this must not be allowed to affect their output(!) Bob points out that this meeting has been called after his shift so, technically he should be on overtime. Brownlow tells him that it's coming from on high so has to be passed down and Bob snaps back to ask if anything is being fed back to them about how their money-saving schemes just do not work in practice.
Bob is struggling to put even one officer out daily on foot patrol. Roy adds that they're asked to do the job with both hands tied behind their backs and that the overtime ban does not extend to the villains and as a result he's lost 2 major results that he and CID had already spent many working hours on, only to not get a result from them because they couldn't do extra - much needed - work. How is that cost-effective? "Are we policeman or accountants?" Brownlow repeatedly tells them that they have to find a cheaper and more efficient way of doing their jobs and that it'll benefit them in the future and give them more money to use where it's truly needed. (Newsflash from 2024: No it doesn't! All they do is continue to cut much-needed services to the bone and expect savings to be made where there isn't enough money to fund the basics in the first place.) "What you're saying is that we're deliberately not solving crime now so we can solve it in the year 2000?." "Certain inquiries are more cost-effective than others." "Someone ought to tell the poor sods who think the police are here to help them!"
Pete is placed onto nights the following month because of annual leave... he's not going to be able to do the minder job after all!
The reception is held in the station local as Bob and Roy continue complaining about the politics involved. Abe reveals to Sadie and Jim that he has three daughters, aged 7, 5, and 2. Jim follows him out to go play cricket with him and the kids at the park. Nick drops in for a pint before he goes to Brownlow's house to decorate his bathroom(!) Bob tells Roy that Pete, who is sulking at the bar, received £5K (just shy of 15K in today's money) for policing the miner's strikes whereas he struggled to staff even basic limits at the same time. Roy sighs and tells him it's the same as teachers, meals on wheels and social services so to drink up and shut up.
Incase you're wondering, after Pete and Taffy leave the farm - Pickle isn't mentioned again!
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Hallmark Ad appearing in People Magazine. 
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rock--band · 5 months
100+ Rock Band Posters and Canvas Prints
Print Option: ♦ Framed Poster Print ♦ Canvas Print ♦ Metal Print ♦ Acrylic Print ♦ Wood Prints 🌐 Worldwide shipping
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americanrecord · 5 months
WAIT can you make a post with all the suicide blonde/character tags so I can look at the posts lol
yessir i can
valerie evans.
lex volkov.
inez garcía.
dean walker blue.
kit donovan.
steven turner.
angie bianco.
johnny dixon.
ronnie wright (she'll be bigger later, so this one is probably empty).
valerie x lex.
dean x inez.
kit x steven.
dean x lex.
valerie x inez.
valerie x ronnie.
inez x johnny.
(1) suicide blonde.
(2) violet hour.
(3) smoke signal.
(4) red eye.
(5) indigo blind.
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pers-books · 2 years
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Nicola Walker and Ronni Ancona at the recording of Doom Coalition 4 in 2016.
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druidgroves · 2 years
georgia looking at ronnie shaw: i need her to like me so bad
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milliondollarbaby87 · 18 days
The Sweeney (2012) Review
DI Jack Regan is part of the Flying Squad within London’s Metropolitan police force, but his old school style is getting him in trouble and his now being closely watched by internal affairs. ⭐️⭐️ Continue reading The Sweeney (2012) Review
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itxithingsrp · 7 months
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“ we're so 𝒇𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔.
𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 it to the 𝗽𝗲𝗱𝗮𝗹.
pedal to the 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗿.
we're so 𝒇𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔. ”
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contlis12 · 10 months
death/dark feederism story
Coles cheeks burned with arousal and embarrassment as Ronnie followed behind him through the Walmart parking lot. It had been over 4 years since he had been anywhere near his old town and being back here 300 pounds fatter than he was the last time was like some kind of fantasy and embarrassing nightmare rolled into one. It didn’t help that Ronnie had put on a great show for his old work place. Ronnie and Cole had been in a relationship for over 4 years and theres was definitely not the typical one. Cole was Ronnie’s feedee. They were monogamous, lived together, and were in a committed relationship but they were not a “couple”. The relationship dynamic was too skewed for Cole to be considered his boyfriend in Ronnie’s opinion. He was his feedee, his piggy and his property. They had first met on an extreme gaining forum centered around death feederism and hit it off instantly. Cole moved half way across the country and became Ronnie’s live in feedee spending all day under his feeders care and had blown up from a already hefty 280 pound stoner nerd to a nearly 600 pound wheezing hog that was on the verge of immobility.
Ronnie had decided to celebrate the upcoming milestone with something special. “I want to take you back to your home town piggy, I want people who used to know you to not even recognize you. I want to live out all those fap fantasies you had in the bedroom with me.” Cole was nervous, as hot as the idea of public humiliation was he also dreaded the idea of an old friend seeing him in his current state but it didn’t change the fact he was immensely turned on by the idea and was helpless to serving his feeder. He had been conditioned to be a good piggy.
When they first arrived in town Ronnie had went straight to Walmart, Coles last job before he had left town. Normally Cole would use a walker to go anywhere but Ronnie made him struggle from the handicap van spot in front of the doors to the entrance where he had parked one of the stores mobility scooters and the probably no more than 30 foot walk had Cole pouring sweat and hyperventilating. Ronnie had been sure to dress him in the tightest smallest tank top and sweat shorts Cole had that showed off his melted ice cream cone figure as much as possible. Amazingly nobody in the store did recognize Cole but he was a spectacle none the less. Ronnie had been sure to load Coles mobility scooters basket up with the most fattening treats on the shelf. At one point Ronnie had stopped in the aisle and cracked a two liter of rootbeer and unwrapped two snack cakes “baby you don’t look so good, here eat these to feel better. You need some food in you”. A few aisles later and a few more suggested snack cakes and Cole had polished off the whole two liter and family sized box of chocolate covered Twinkie’s. The whole trip through the store was mortifying to Cole but amazing aswell. The feeling of submission to his feeder was intoxicating, he felt like a helpless fat pet and loved it.
When they were back in the van Ronnie had a final destination in mind before they left town. They had hit up multiple fast food joints, Ronnie wanted a spread that would look outrageous and eye catching. Before they had gotten out of the van and loaded Cole in his bariatric wheelchair they kept in the back for any sort of travel further than across a buffet parking lot Ronnie had rolled up Coles tank top and tucked it under his moobs fashioning it into a belly shirt. He pulled his sagging gut out of his shorts and let if flop heavily over the waist band of Coles way too small sweat shorts “comfy piggy? Get that belly ready because I’m going to stuff you hard. Everyone is going to watch you swell up like a blimp for me”. Cole was too nervous and excited to say much besides “ok” sheepishly as he felt his stomach pool across his lap and the warm summer breeze on his exposed stretch mark covered gut. Ronnie wheeled Cole to a pavilion in the middle of the park, people were around walking their dogs and playing in the park but nobody has really seemed to notice the two of them. Leaving him at the table with a couple bags of McDonalds and Burger King Ronnie gave him a firm smack and jiggle on his stomach before deeply kissing him “okay piggy I’m going to get the rest of the food from the van and we will start in a minute” as Ronnie walked away Cole looked down almost appearing naked in his vision past the rolled up tank top seeing nothing but wheel chair and pale stretch marked cellulite.
“Cole?!” as soon as he heard it his already food filled stomach dropped “oh my god, is that you?” He closed his eyes for a moment trying to become invisible “it is you!” He opened his eyes in time to see two women appear from around the side of the chair into view and Cole recognized one of them immediately. It was a very short term girlfriend from high school named Bree. Cole was speechless for a moment before finally simply saying “uhh hi”. Bree and the girl both stood staring wide eyed barley even trying to hide their disgust and amusement. “What happened to you? I wouldn’t have even recognized you if I didn’t remember your tattoo!” She said not even beating around the bush “are you okay? I knew you were a bit heavy before but you look ready to pop now!”. Cole stammered for a response “uhh yeah I put on a lot of weight, I had a medical” but was cut off as Ronnie walked up and introduced himself.
“Well hello, do you guys know Cole?” He said as he walked over and placed the other bags of fast food before putting a hand on Coles shoulder. “Yeah I was friends back in high school with him but I hadn’t seen him since then, hardly recognized him.” She said still grinning and looking in pure amazement at how fat Cole was. “Oh yeah Cole has put on alot of weight, I hardly recognize old photos of him when we first got together. He really blew up” Ronnie said reaching down and squeezing a fat roll on his stomach. “Oh are you his boyfriend? I didn’t know he was gay” Bree said looking at all the food on the table. “Oh no I’m his feeder” Ronnie said proudly as Cole felt his cheeks turning red. “His what?” Bree said laughing. Ronnie grinned looking at his piggy trapped like a fat whale as they talked about him like live stock “his feeder, it’s a fetish that is about weight gain. He’s a submissive to me and I make him fatter. I’ve put almost 300 pounds on him and we are trying to get him as fat as possible.” Ronnie grinned looking at their amazement. “Wow, I don’t really know what to say to that” Bree said wide mouthed at the sight before her. Ronnie just smiled back at her “well if you guys are done catching up he needs to eat” before going back to Cole “Okay piggy you hungry? Because I’m going to stuff you until you are ready to pop baby”. Bree and her friend laughed and jeered as Ronnie stuffed burger after burger into his piggy.
Looking up Cole seen them snapping pictures and taking cell phone videos knowing this would be all over their Facebook pages for everyone in his hometown to see. “Feed me make me so huge I break my wheel chair!” Cole moaned “I need to grow for you!” Cole let out wild snort and swallowed the food as fast as he could as he felt more dominated than he ever had before and he loved it. “I hope he has to bring me in a bariatric bed to the park next year” Cole thought as more messy gobs of burger and mayonnaise were shoved into his bulging cheeks.
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beebeesiims · 10 months
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baby's first winterfest!
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The Duke of Died-Badly-Shire: A Mini-Tourney
I realize there's another mini-tourney going on right now, but I want to bring your attention to something important. Every day in this country, there is a poll that pits men against each other, in which their only weapon is their stunning good looks; every day, one must fall. Some fall harder than others. Some fall stupendously hard. Some fall embarrassingly hard. We at the Billboard Hotties Tourney Foundation want to acknowledge a select few of those who were clobbered by their competition in the first round of this tournament and give one of them a renewal of life with the title of Duke of Died-Badly-Shire. You, the voters, must select the nominee you believe deserved better in his respective poll, and whoever earns the majority of votes will take the title. Each of the following received less than 25% of the vote in their poll...which one deserves justice?
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Countdown to Christmas - On Location - Part Two 
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Inventing the Christmas Prince
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Three Wise Men and a Baby
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A Royal Corgi Christmas
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Haul Out the Holly
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A Holiday Spectacular
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A Fabled Holiday
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Christmas Class Reunion
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The Holiday Sitter
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