dk-thrive · 3 months
I thrived when I felt bad. It was a skill that I’d been practicing my entire life.
I’d grown up rough, the unplanned child of two in-love Italian American teens. Like many parents at the time, they had an old-school caregiving style built on dominance and a blind demand for respect. I was frequently smacked in the face for getting “out of line,” screamed at to be more industrious.
They did what they thought was best: pushed me to be tough, to not wallow in my feelings; insisted on a degree of grown-up common sense that, as a child, I could not possibly possess; let me in on adult fears and worries that I was too young to absorb. I was a hypersensitive kid, creative, extra tender and soft. In this environment, I never felt good enough…
By the time I left home, at 18, I felt emotionally beat up, inherently broken…
Childhoods like mine can affect people in ways that make employment, let alone career advancement, difficult. But for me, this dynamic was flipped sideways: I was unnaturally driven to prove my own competence; so unable to absorb criticism that I’d work to avoid it at nearly any cost. In corporate parlance, employees like me tend to be proactive, high-performing, self starters — in short, a manager’s dream…
No matter how unrealistic the goals — quadrupling site traffic in two months, leading a team of five to do the work of 20 — I met them, often at a high cost to my relationships and my health. I conflated success with happiness, productivity with value. Again and again, I sought out high-challenge, high-stress jobs. I thrived when I felt bad. It was a skill that I’d been practicing my entire life.
— Jennifer Romolini, from “I Had a Difficult Childhood. It Made Me an Amazing Employee. A writer reflects on the moment she understood the roots of her workaholism.” (NY Times, June 13, 2024)
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judgingbooksbycovers · 4 months
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Ambition Monster: A Memoir
By Jennifer Romolini.
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child-of-hurin · 4 months
Nothing picks me up like a Romolini real estate video
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muatyland · 7 months
Gabriella Romolini al The London Book Fair 2024
The London Book Fair (LBF) è una fiera internazionale dell’editoria che si svolge ogni anno a Londra, in Inghilterra. È considerata un evento di riferimento per il settore editoriale a livello mondiale. La prossima edizione della London Book Fair si svolgerà dal 12 al 14 marzo 2024 presso l’Olympia London. Quest’anno le organizzazioni benefiche designate sono il National Literacy Trust e Book…
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bookjubilee · 4 months
Book Review: ‘Ambition Monster,’ by Jennifer Romolini
bookjubilee.com http://dlvr.it/T7kgv2
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Arezzo, torna la festa della castagna e del marrone DOP
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Arezzo, torna la festa della castagna e del marrone DOP. Compie 52 anni la Festa della castagna e del marrone Dop di Caprese Michelangelo (Arezzo), appuntamento che celebra il frutto tipico della tradizione autunnale della Valtiberina e che si svolgerà nei due fine settimana del 15-16 e del 22-23 ottobre. L’iniziativa è stata presentata il 6 ottobre a palazzo del Pegaso a Firenze. “Quando un evento si ripete da oltre mezzo secolo – ha esordito il presidente del Consiglio regionale Antonio Mazzeo in collegamento video - significa che rappresenta qualcosa di profondo e di importante per il territorio. Questa festa è un appuntamento storico per tutta la valle e celebra un prodotto le cui qualità organolettiche sono state valorizzate dall’Unione Europea, tanto che il marrone di Caprese ha ricevuto il prestigioso marchio Dop, tutt’altro che scontato. Sono felice di poter dire che queste tradizioni, la bellezza dei nostri territori e la qualità dei nostri prodotti rendono la Toscana una terra unica al mondo”.   “Il marrone Dop di Caprese Michelangelo è una delle eccellenze del territorio aretino da cui provengo – ha affermato il vicepresidente del Consiglio regionale Marco Casucci - e merita di essere conosciuto in tutta la Toscana. La festa della castagna coniuga l’enogastronomia alla bellezza del territorio, ma anche alla storia e all’arte. Caprese Michelangelo è infatti la città che ha dato i natali a Michelangelo Buonarroti. Sono contento che la festa quest’anno abbia avuto per la prima volta il nostro patrocinio”.   A ricordare come la castagna sia sempre stata una risorsa alimentare ed economica importante per le popolazioni rurali della vallata è stato il sindaco di Caprese, Claudio Baroni. “In paese abbiamo una tradizione castagnicola molto forte” – ha detto – “Ogni famiglia ha almeno un appezzamento di terreno coltivato a castagna che viene utilizzata fin dal medioevo per fare le farine e i classici dolci, come il baldino, ma viene anche esportata tramite canali di vendita nazionali e internazionali. E siamo onorati che il marrone abbia anche il marchio Dop, che fa la differenza”.   Nel centro storico del paese ci saranno stand gastronomici, realizzati dalle associazioni del paese, dove poter gustare pietanze tipiche a base di castagna, insieme ad altri prodotti della zona. Ma la festa sarà anche l’occasione di conoscere il territorio, come ha ricordato l’assessore alla Cultura di Caprese, Ilaria Finocchi, a partire dal Museo Casa natale di Michelangelo Buonarroti, di fare un giro in mountain bike e visitare i luoghi del cammino di San Francesco, come l’eremo della Casella, la chiesa di Zenzano e la chiesa di San Paolo.   Novità del programma di quest’anno, illustrato dal presidente Mauro Fiorucci e da Maria Teresa Baroni, rispettivamente presidente e membro del comitato Festa della castagna e del marrone dop di Caprese Michelangelo, saranno il palio della castagna a cura della Polisportiva Michelangelo, domenica 16 ottobre, e il cooking show “Il marrone in festa”, un’ ‘agrisfida’ ai fornelli che coinvolgerà i sindaci della Valtiberina, domenica 23 ottobre.   Domenica pomeriggio in programma anche l’esibizione itinerante dei Kapresani in coro, i cui rappresentanti, Quinto Romolini e Stefania Cangi, a margine della conferenza stampa di questa mattina, hanno ricevuto dal vicepresidente del Consiglio regionale Marco Casucci il crest di legno che rappresenta il Gonfalone della Toscana. I Kapresani sono infatti stati l’unico coro della Toscana ad essersi esibito al Festival internazionale dell’Alta Pusteria, a cui hanno partecipato 73 cori provenienti da tutto il mondo.... Read the full article
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Proud to be here!🇮🇹 . . #CHRISTIESINTERNATIONALREALESTATE #2019 #OWNERS #CONFERENCE #PARIS #ROMOLINILUXURYREALESTATE#team #teambuilding #family #christies #ROMOLINI #riccardoromolini #goal #target #goals #topbrokers #relationshipgoals #cire #friend #familygoals #cireparis #teamwork #romolinichristies #romoliniteam #👏🏻#🔝#💪🏻#❤️ #🇮🇹 (presso Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris) https://www.instagram.com/romolini_christies/p/BvwqOSVH67v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kvwag5mo82vc
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palalabu · 3 years
researching villa for fics made even better by danilo
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ginboysblog · 3 years
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Danilo Romolini
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dk-thrive · 3 months
To the outside world, my success was unimpeachable. Inside I am a mess.
— Jennifer Romolini, from “I Had a Difficult Childhood. It Made Me an Amazing Employee. A writer reflects on the moment she understood the roots of her workaholism.” (NY Times, June 13, 2024)
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nevercertain · 7 years
I feel content and I feel competent. For me, that’s the definition of success. I don’t always feel happy, but I feel mostly content with the choices I’ve made in my life and I feel competent at what I do. I can add a third “C” here: I feel challenged. And I think those three things make up success more than, “I’m happy! I have a lot of money! I have a big title!” Those things are just sort of bullshit.
Weird In A Way That’s Wonderful: Writer Jennifer Romolini On Her New Book, Career Advice, And Weird Girls
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humanoid-lovers · 7 years
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Delightful narrative, poignant adviceJenn is a heartwarming, beautiful writer whose words and stories set the stage for a welcome and engaged read addressing the trials and tribulations of someone whose endless ambition pulled her up through the ranks of one of the most complicated industries in the world. It's an inspiring guide for the young career woman who discovers she wants it all - well after college. Go to AmazonShould Be Required Reading!I honestly don't think anyone has written anything like this book before. I wish I had it 10 years ago. Romolini knows all the embarrassing questions you want to ask and answers them. She's hilarious and HONEST and acts as a mentor for anyone who ever felt that they didn't fit in. Go to AmazonNot like other career booksA career guide that cuts through the BS and actually, finally, admits that work is emotional and personal. Jennifer's insight into the world of media is fascinating, but her trajectory and her advice is applicable to any young person in any industry. Funny, smart, interesting. Go to AmazonBUY IT BUY IT NOWI only regret not having read this book sooner! Go to AmazonA good self help book, with plenty of good ideas.I was glad I read the prologue, because it placed the entire book into perspective for me. Sure the writer may have been successful, and to others may have looked perfectly normal, but it was her own brain that was making her a misfit and weird. She had to fight her own thoughts and her real or imagined self doubts and insecurities to get ahead. Believe me that is a much harder battle, and one that is much easier to give up on. Go to Amazonweird in a world that's notI enjoyed this book--specifically, the memoir part of it and the author's discussion of her careers ups and downs. The opening story about the author's experience at a job orientation was especially funny and relatable. Unlike the title of the book, the author had gone on to be very successful in what she does, in a field that's ultra-competitive--especially commendable as the author started out as a college drop out with no connections, working in waitressing and barely getting by during her first marriage, which ended in divorce. In her mid-twenties, the author turned her life around by getting accepted into Emerson College's publishing program and moving to New York to initially work as a fact checker for magazines (a job that's very low on the totem pole, and revolves around basically arguing with the writer about getting their facts straight--hard to do when magazines are in the business of sensationalism) as well as a freelancer, before scoring her first job as an editor, despite not having editing experience at that point (she attributes the lucky break to the initial pick for the job flaming out, and the interviewer's belief in her abilities). From there, her career trajectory is on the up. Go to Amazonsharp-witted storytelling = biz book breath of fresh airI read a lot of business books and my problem with many of them is they make assumptions about what makes us all the same. That they've cracked some code about humankind that makes their guidance universally applicable. It may mean big numbers and bestsellers, but it usually makes for bland reading and blasé insights that anyone can (and already has) come up with. This is not one of those books. Go to AmazonOne StarPart Memoir/Part Career Advice Book: Entirely Entertaining And UsefulFun readInsightful and charmingI absolutely loved this! I'm normally not a fan of career ...I LOVED THIS BOOK!!How does this advice apply to you?Hardly weird at all - check it out from the library
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amytipton · 7 years
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archived-antolcgias · 4 years
♻ ⚌ ☢ ☘ ☂ ♦ ⚓
♻ Any advice on improving Tumblr RP experience?
Referenced explanation here!
⚌ Who inspires you?
In terms of writing, whenever I read something that takes me into different worlds and different perspectives it inspires me to write. More than my muses per se, my interest is heavily skewered towards exploring new realities and also tough decisions that go towards what a muse wants and what they don’t. So if I do a lot of same writing then it gets boring after a while even if you shade the realities different. Challenging the muses, putting them in tough situations, seeing them rise and fall and rise. That really inspires me. 
In terms of life, I read a lot of affirmations to use in self-reflection and I also read a lot of self-help, development books. So what inspires me as a person has to do with what I’ve read and re-read like:
Roxanne Gay’s Bad Feminist & Hunger, Susan Cain’s Quiet the Power of Introverts, Jennifer Romolini’s Weird in a World That’s Not, Jessica Bennett’s Feminist Fight Club, Emily V. Gordon’s Super You. 
☢ What calms you down after negativity?
Referenced explanation here!
☘ Is there anything that makes you instantly want to follow someone?
When I read their writing and really want to write with them. If there’s that sense of click then it helps, as well as people who are willing to try anything and everything. That is to say when people present what they’re ok and not ok with but outside of the hard limits (which we all have to respect) they’re willing to just test things. 
☂ What’s your best RP experience?
I noticed like three days ago that I’d spent around 3 years on this version of my blog and I’m 4,000 posts deep into it, so when I went to the start of it I realized that having people to write and slowly work on my style, muses and world exploration with really helped with that. That’s a friendship that formed that is unique and took a lot of time to develop. Specifically, Omen ( @ineveryvein ) who has tolerated my ass since circa 2015 / 2016 and probably earlier since I had other blogs besides this one. So like my experience with her has been one and continues to be one of the greatest on here. Along with people like Strongof heart (this askeeee) and @suitedblue who have sort of been in my circle for a ridiculously long time even when I drop in and out or they drop in and out. 
It’s the sort of thing that developed from being people with similar mindsets, styles and having balanced lives in this space and outside of it.
♦ How has roleplaying on Tumblr improved since you started out?
Yeah, things improve and also are challenge or worsen depending on time. I’ve managed to keep myself (mostly) apart from drama in like the decade I’ve spent overall writing here, and I’ve found there are more and more people who have become chill and just write with who they write and do what they do, have fun and keep a good balance. 
There were a lot of unhealthy habits and situations in the early days, and there continue to be those now but it’s also improved quite a bit. 
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
Referenced explanation here!
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In panoramic location at the border of the Chianti area, in the province of Arezzo this 92.3 ha estate offers a beautiful Agriturismo with 30 bedrooms, an ample restaurant, two salt-water swimming pool and 11.3 ha of vineyards. The hamlet, heart of the property, dates back to the 17th century and the buildings have been carefully renovated to preserve their unique features.
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