bromcommie · 10 months
Truth is a matter of circumstance, it's not all things to all people, all the time. And neither am I.
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
Honestly, I just want to know what the story looked liked before they had to scrap it/switch it around. I'll take just an list of major plot points.
Are you listening, Tim? I'll pay you $145 (plus tax)!
i will even pay $200! honestly!
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aldrozu · 18 days
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This was such a chad MC moment for Okumura... once only caring for his 2D waifu (Liliel), he finally breaks out and acknowledges Ririsa for who she is and not just who she cosplays. He really cares for her! ❤️
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alpinelogy · 8 months
Help I accidentally wrote 1617 words long outline (+200 ish as extra notes) for a redbull!alex sargebon that I do not have the time to write rn
Might just dump it under a read later at some point... its a mess of bullet points but new beloved unlocked. this all happened cause I was thinking that I had so little sargebon longfic ideas. help
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tafadhali · 2 years
I actually didn’t mind the humor/glibness much but how did Aaron Sorkin fuck up the love stories in his Camelot rewrite that bad
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thank god this day is over. maybe it wasnt even so bad. i just got home and winked at a random guy while on the tram. he was sitting on the plaform and started waving slowly as my train left...
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somuchforstardust · 4 months
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appreciate that every day this week i've received an email informing me that one single person decided to read dcom au lmao
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lemotmo · 5 months
Where is the promised romcom?
So I’ve been mulling something over in my head for days now. In one of his cameos/interview Lou said that Tim called him up to play Tommy again and that he would eventually get involved with Buck. He said that Tim wanted to create some kind of a romcom situation for Buck. (Did Tim mention the same thing in an interview somewhere? Or did I just make that up in my head? I’m not sure. I thought he said something in the same vein, but I might be wrong. Not that it’s relevant to this post.)
Well, where is the romcom?
Buck and Tommy basically met in 7x03, exchanged one simple look and then nothing until 7x04 where he spent all of this time obsessing over Eddie having a new friend, only to reveal in the end that he liked Tommy. (Which… really? Even Tommy was all ‘My attention?’ Are you sure about that?) Cue Buck and Tommy kiss. Then in 7x05 they go on a very awkward date. Buck ends up saying something very dumb, so Tommy leaves. In the end he asks him to meet for coffee and they reconcile. (Then Buck proceeds to be dumb again as he asks Tommy to be his date to his sister’s wedding. Which is sooo not a good idea for a second date. But whatever.) I’m sure we’ll see them being cute together at the wedding and there might even be a dance and/or kiss. But it’s all so bland and uninteresting. Where's the chemistry? Where’s the tension?
So again, where is the romcom in this scenario?
Compare it to this:
Buck and Eddie meet in season 2. When Buck sees Eddie for the first time ‘Whatta man’ is playing as introduction music. There is some hostility at first, but they get over it pretty quickly. They become fast best friends that help each other through hardships. They support each other through the lawsuit (which hurts their friendship, but only briefly), the tsunami, the firetruck falling on top of Buck’s leg, the shooting, the Eddie breakdown, different relationships… They are there for each other, through everything. Buck also forms a very tight bond with Eddie’s son: Christopher.
Next to that, they are there for each other on an emotional level. They understand each other better than anyone else. They’re like two peas in a pod.
So basically, they are a unit at this point. Sure, they still see each other as best friends, but that isn’t a problem, because best friends realise they’re in love with each other all the time in romcoms.
This is such a great set up for a romcom. They love each other through and through, but never considered there might be more to it. (Although I still headcanon that Eddie knows exactly how he feels about Buck. He has known since the shooting. But that’s neither here nor there.) Now one of them comes out as bisexual (which again YAY!) and the other will be forced to rethink their relationship. Eddie will see Buck and Tommy together and he will be confronted with them at the wedding. Romcom-wise this could be an excellent opportunity to introduce some feelings of discomfort in Eddie, when he sees them together. Or they could go with the romcom trope of the current ‘boyfriend’ (Even though Tommy isn’t his boyfriend yet. They haven’t even gone out on a second date.) realising that his love interest is completely gone over his best friend and gently remind him of that or make him realise that’s what it is. Or maybe they will reveal to us that Eddie has been aware of his feelings all this time, he just didn’t think he ever stood a chance with Buck.
There are so many ways to go with this scenario. If it’s just bucktommy, there is no real romcom scenario to explore. But if you add Buddie to that story, it just becomes so much more interesting and potentially romcommy (Is that even a word?).
This isn’t saying that Eddie (nor Buck for that matter) doesn’t still have a lot to unpack in his personal life and that everything will be peachy with Buck as soon as they realise they are into each other, but it will set up a great narrative for them to try to ‘hide’ their feelings from each other, telling other people while trying to act ‘normal’ when they’re spending time together. Eddie still thinking bucktommy are together, when in reality they have become just friends. Buck thinking that Eddie would never be interested in him because he is ‘straight’. Endless romcom scenarios to choose from right there.
Finally, I know there has been a rumour going around that Buck won’t be able to afford his loft anymore and he’ll move in with Eddie. It’s just speculation based on a few random facts and observations, but I swear, if we get this scenario? I will ascend! It would be the peak romcom scenario: Two friends moving in together while one of them (or maybe both?) is still possibly in a relationship? I have seen this movie before, many times. And let me tell you… the people forced to co-habit because of outside circumstances? They always end up together.
TLDR, in the end, in a romcom you want the audience to cheer on the couple with the deepest connection and chemistry. The superficial love interest (Which fits Tommy to a T. I mean, what do we even know about the guy? Nothing, only that he is brought in to help Buck out of the closet. What does Buck know about him? Not a lot. He hardly spends time with him before he gets kissed by him.) never turns out to be ‘the one’.
I don’t know guys. All of this just makes so much sense to me. Only time will tell if I’m right (or wrong).
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fellshish · 9 months
Fells my sister asked if the destiel writers have good hallmark Christmas movie game and I didn't know
Do you know of any good ones?
Hmm ok i’m not a big fluff reader or a christmas fic reader. That being said i’ve scanned my bookmarks for the best romcommy destiel fics and have come up with a few.
In canon there’s this one where dean tries to give castiel an “in” for kissing him after he comes back from the empty, just to see if he meant his confession romantically; so good and funny. Big fan of this fake dating fic where dean has to pretend to be garth’s husband, fun and funny. There’s also this brilliant hilarious creative third person pov fake dating fic.
Does your sister like aus? Then i have some options. Like this fic where dean works in a fast food restaurant when the president (cas) walks in. This famous actor + unfamous guy soulmate au has a lot of cute tropes. Dean hires a sexy handyman. But this fic immediately came to mind it’s a bake off au mixed with pride & prejudice
Sorry if these aren’t really what you’re looking for because they lack the important christmas element of the hallmark christmas movie. Maybe other tumblrinas can add recs?
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eveandtheturtles · 2 years
Hey love!
I was hoping to request some fluffy feeling confessions with a nervous Raph if that’s okay? HC’s or one-shot, dealer’s choice.
Thank you ♥️
Here comes the floof. Did I go a bit romcommy? Eh. Hope you enjoy!
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The power failure allowed for something that almost in New York. The stars over your head were bright and you felt something truly magical fill your soul. The frost made your breath visible as you puffed out a cloud of mist.
"Yer like a dragon there," Raph chuckled next to you.
"So are you," you teased, nudging him. You leaned against him. "The sky is gorgeous tonight."
He didn't say anything and you could feel him tense up. He was ready to say something but you weren't going to rush him. Your gloved hand found his and sneaked into the tight embrace of his caloused fingers. Your thumb stroked the back of his palm.
You knew your feelings for him. You were also almost certain of his but you'd rather heard him say it. There was no rush though, you felt content with his hand in yours, your head on his biceps and the stars above you.
You heard people down in the streets, celebrating despite the weather and blackout. The calm was about to end.
"Happy New Year," you muttered amused.
"Listen..." Suddenly Raph spoke again.
"Yeah?" You turned your head to look at him. He had this expression that clearly spoke 'flustered', chewing his lip as he didn't have his usual tooth pick.
"I, uh,-" he inhaled sharply. Then he took you by the shoulders moving you to the side. "Just a second. Wait here." He motioned to the spot he set you at and you could help but smile and watch him skip a long a small distance from you.
You watched him bounce a little, clearly hyping himself up. He then jogged back.
"Okay, so here's the thing and I need to say it now! Alright?" He paused and you nodded. He was so nervous. His hands were on your shoulders and he took couple breaths in and you could hear him mutter 'you can do this' twice. Then he looked at you. "I- like ya. Like-like ya. Like a lot, okay? And- and you probably don-" You cut him off with a kiss before he'd spiral.
He froze for a second and you were about to pull back but then his arms closed tightly around you and held you against his clothed chest. It was everything you could dream off. The spark of heat in the middle of New York's winter. You could feel the coldness of his beak and you giggled breaking the kiss. You stroked his cheek biting your lips and he nuzzled you.
"I like like you too, silly," you told him and he sighed, his muscles relaxing, a laugh bubbling and breaking out of his chest. He shouted 'wooo-hoo' loudly and spun you around kissing you again.
You laughed with him and as you kissed the fireworks began to fire off into the air. Truly the best New Year's Eve.
@turtle-babe83 Hope you enjoy this! :)
Tagging also: @madammuffins @thelaundrybitch @pheradream15 @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow
*peaces out*
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bromcommie · 4 months
vivelarevolution13 -> bromcommie
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valeriianz · 1 year
so, i HAVE an idea for something 00's romcommy (thanks to @carnelianmeluha and @wordsinhaled) but as i was writing it, i thought to myself, "but they need backstory!" and what was going to be just a few paragraphs of introspection turned into a 3.3k high school AU set in the 90s. so, have this for now. part 2 will be up whenever i feel like it :)
Hob found him in a corner, blending into the shadows and had to laugh as he looked up at the sound of his name. He was wearing black, as usual, with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his tight jeans.
“So glad to see you here.” Hob said as he approached, looking upon his friend with a little less restraint than he typically allowed. The vodka-spiked punch was hitting him hard.
Dream relaxed a modicum, his shoulders visibly drooping as his chin tilted up.
“I am only here because you invited me.”
Hob’s smile only widened as he leaned forward. 
“Then I’m flattered. Do you want a drink?”
Dream shrugged and Hob laughed again, turning halfway and inclining his head for Dream to follow him.
Hob, despite being in with the more popular kids in his grade, wasn’t the biggest fan of house parties. He knew Dream wasn’t either; moreso, in fact. Dream was more likely to be found spending his Friday nights cooped up in the library, nose stuck in a book.
But tomorrow they were graduating from high school, and Hob’s parents weren’t coming back from their anniversary trip until the morning. Which meant this was Hob’s last chance to throw an epic rager. 
Though Derek Gallagher, the star athlete of their high school’s football team, was also throwing a party tonight, so it was less of a rager going on here, and more of a casual hang sesh. Hob couldn’t complain though. At least he liked the dozen or so people in his parent’s house, and at least cleaning up the next day wouldn’t be impossible. And no one had messed with the volume control for the music yet; 90s hip hop and r&b dripping through the entertainment system. 
Hob nabbed a red solo cup and ladled out the sweet drink into it, passing it along to Dream, who took it with a suspicious look before taking a sip.
Dream immediately blanched.
“Oh. That’s awful.”
Hob laughed again before biting his bottom lip. Dream didn’t seem to mind though, his own little smile peeking through.
“You can dilute it with more juice in the fridge, if you want.”
Throughout the evening, Hob tried to keep his attention on more than just Dream at his side, chatting with his fellow classmates and laughing along to stories and jokes, one last go at clearing up the rumor mill.
And though Dream mostly kept quiet, he did acknowledge those who greeted him, congratulated him on getting into a university in England, how fun it was going to be moving overseas, to which Dream hummed and nodded politely.
Hob was the only one who knew the truth: that Dream’s parents were sending him away. That while Dream had been accepted on an academic scholarship, it was only because his family had set it up for him. Had forced him to apply, had paid for his application and was having him shipped off next month, when Dream would turn 18 and they didn’t have to keep him in their house any longer.
What looked like a privileged situation was actually cruel and heartbreaking. Yes, Dream was going to Oxford. That was insane. Yes, his stupidly wealthy parents were paying for his room and board and what tuition the scholarship didn’t cover. But it was only a drop in the bucket for them. They saw Dream’s future more as a promising investment for when they grew old and needed Dream’s career to take care of them. Not as if they had plenty of money stowed away to keep them afloat during retirement and then some. Or plenty of children, for that matter.
And of course to say they had yet another child in some prestigious university didn’t hurt their reputation either.
Hob managed to derail the subject every time it came up, of where everyone else was going to college. It was inevitable, discussing the future with his classmates, given the timing. But Hob could see Dream sinking more and more into himself as the night went on, holding onto his drink more for his hands to be occupied than anything else.
“I know,’ Johanna announced suddenly, hours bleeding into the late evening. “Let’s liven things up a bit.”
She had several hands help clear a large area in the living room as she procured the empty vodka bottle, shaking it with a drunken twinkle in her eyes.
“Truth or dare, motherfuckers.”
The party, which had been dying down, suddenly turned up again. Everyone refilled their drinks and formed a large circle on the floor. 
Dream plopped down next to Hob, folding his legs and throwing a lazy, tipsy smile at Hob. Who had to take another sip of his drink to keep himself from doing something drastic. Like tell Dream how cute he was right now. 
His coal black hair was a mess, sticking up and curling around his ears from the excessive amount of times Dream had run his hand through it. His boots were off, his sock-clad toes wiggling in anticipation. And his blue eyes seemed to shine, reflecting off the Christmas lights Hob had hung around the house for the party.
The game started and everyone played along, turning up the stakes and performing various wacky scenarios that only teenagers were capable of escalating. Cori licked Alex’s eyeball on a dare, erupting a chorus of screams and gags and Alex furiously rubbing his eyes afterward. On a demand for truth, Rachel confirmed the rumor that she’d fingered Johanna under the bleachers freshman year to an absolute assault of jeers and hooting and hollering, causing the extremely rare sight of Johanna flushing scarlet from her ears down to her neck. 
Naturally the game turned racy after that. Dares to kiss and show off hidden tattoos. Truths to admit who fucked whom and what would you do for such-and-such.
Hob feels himself getting warmer. And not to mention Dream, who remained seated next to him during this entire debauchery, becoming increasingly more uncomfortable as the game wore on. Hob could sense him slowly slipping out of the circle, until his knee lightly touched Hob’s hip, instead of where it had been for the better part of half an hour, resting against his thigh.
Hob turned, finding Dream staring down into his empty cup, turning it around and around in his grasp, and had just opened his mouth to comfort him, when Johanna piped up across from him.
“Hob, truth or dare.”
Hob’s head swung forward, eyes falling on the bottle top pointing directly at him. He sniggered softly, taking another peek over at Dream and finding his eyes now on him. Hob gently laid his hand over Dream’s foot, giving it what he hoped was a comforting squeeze before facing Jo again.
Truth be told, Hob was feeling much too invigorated from the alcohol, and he’d been waiting for his time to shine. Hob loved making a spectacle and so let his smile turn into a smirk, meeting Jo’s challenging stare head on.
A collection of “ooh”s and delighted giggles spread around the circle.
“Good choice, Hobsie.” Her own brown eyes sparkled with mirth. Hob wasn’t sure when Rachel had crawled into her lap, but didn’t let it distract him from her next words. 
“I dare you to…” Jo tilted her chin, tapping it in mock consideration. “Kiss the person the bottle next lands on.”
Oh, easy, Hob thought. About to open his mouth to say so, when Jo spoke up again.
“With tongue.”
“Pfft,” Hob sat up, pushing his chest out. “You’re on.”
He reached forward, licking his lips teasingly as his eyes roamed around the circle of his peers, getting a hand around the bottle and giving it a powerful twirl.
The room went quiet save for a few hushed exchanges and some girls giggling that only made Hob grin flirtatiously. He felt the alcohol in his blood rushing with enough speed to make him dizzy, and the spinning bottle honestly wasn’t helping. But Hob had been patiently waiting his turn all night so watch it he would. 
Soon, all eyes followed the bottle as it began to slow, a hush of anticipation that Hob’s peers had been accustomed to all night falling over the circle once more.
Until the bottle finally stopped, and Hob’s heart along with it.
Because the mouth of the bottle pointed squarely at Dream, sitting right next to him. 
Scattered hollering and clapping filled Hob’s ears as his gaze flicked sideways to his friend, who was staring at the bottle, his posture ramrod straight, his hands no longer fiddling.
Hob swallowed and ignored the jeering and playful jab at his side from Cori, eyes fixated on his friend, his best friend. Who didn’t like going to parties, who only smiled when he meant it, who only complained about his parents stupid and strict rules only if Hob asked, never wanting to appear annoying, or too much, preferring to keep to the shadows.
Dream, who would fold if only Hob gave him his best pout, allowing himself to be tugged along to a concert or arcade with a well timed joke and friendly pestering. Who seemed like such a stick-up-the-ass to everyone except Hob, who only had eyes for him. Hob’s best friend, shy and awkward and a little mean, and so devastatingly handsome it was a wonder Hob hadn’t had the balls to do something about it yet.
It would take something as juvenile as a dare to finally give Hob the excuse to act upon his helpless crush. Though Dream…
Dream hadn’t looked away from the bottle. Bringing his lips in to form a line and. Hob felt his nerves begin to escape from out his ears.
“Hey…” Hob spoke gently, moving his hand to carefully rest on Dream’s knee.
Dream’s gaze snapped to Hob at once, and the look in his eyes made Hob’s stomach drop.
He looked terrified.
Hob’s breath caught in his throat, the air around them suddenly thick with an unidentified tension. 
Cori’s voice popping up over Hob’s shoulder made them both jump.
“C’mon, Morpheus. Hob won’t bite, unless you ask him to!”
Hob sighed loudly, rolling his eyes for the group’s benefit, who eased up with a roll of snickering around them. One time, that happened!
“I–” Dream started, swallowing hard enough for his Adam’s apple to bob harshly. “I’d rather–”
“Just one kiss, Dream,” Hob heard himself say, a little desperate. A little too drunk. “It’ll be really quick…” He felt himself already leaning in and Dream’s lips parted, sucking in an audible breath.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss!”
Jo and Cori started the chant, and everyone around them followed suit, egging Hob and Dream on.
The realistic, rational part of Hob’s brain, which was still muddled by cheap vodka, tried to remind Hob that this was just a game, and Dream didn’t have to do this if he didn’t want to. He’d even opened his mouth to say so, amongst the drunken, teenage laughter and clapping in time to the chant.
But what he spoke, instead of insisting they didn’t have to kiss, that they could potentially even revisit this, and Hob’s ego wouldn’t be bruised, thank you very much, was a quiet,
Dream’s brows pinched together, he looked truly torn and Hob couldn’t figure out what that meant, especially as the seconds ticked away. Driving Hob crazy, waiting for permission; verbally or even a single head nod. Hob wet his lips and his stomach did an acrobatic leap as he caught Dream’s gaze flick down to catch the motion, his shoulders visibly rising as he took a breath.
Hob blinked and Dream was untangling himself from the floor, standing up so fast he wobbled, and stomped out of the room.
The chanting died down at once. Hob felt himself frozen to the carpet in the surrounding silence. 
Somebody politely coughed. Hob’s gaze found Johanna, who only looked back at him in sympathy, her eyebrows tilted up. 
Humiliation and rejection burned in Hob’s chest, crawling up his neck and making his ears hot. 
Cori clicked his tongue and Hob whipped his head around to glare at him.
“Tough luck, buddy.”
“Shut up,” Hob hissed, feeling all the more embarrassed for it. He splayed his hands flat on the floor, pushing himself up without another look at his classmates, and walked towards where Dream had vanished to with shaking limbs.
Hob found him quickly enough, going through the laundry room and out the door that led to the back yard.
Blue eyes, barely visible in the darkness, rose to find Hob as he made his way down the steps, sitting across from Dream, against the railing, putting distance between them.
Dream looked forward again, his eyes set, face unreadable. Hob hated that he was drunk at the moment because he’d otherwise never chuckle sarcastically like he’s doing now. Hiding the pain, perhaps, hoping Dream can’t see how ashamed he’s feeling, how rejection boils in his blood and even looking at Dream right now, twists Hob’s insides.
“What the hell?”
Dream takes a long breath through his nose, pushing his shoulders back. And says nothing.
“It would have just been a stupid kiss,” Hob goes on, unprompted. Words tumbling out of his mouth like vomit. “You’re my friend. Is the thought of kissing me so disgusting you need to run away?”
Hob feels his eyes begin to sting and throws his head back, smiling derisively. He was about to start crying. Great.
Once he’s gotten himself under control, Hob tilts his head down and finds Dream watching him, his own gaze softened, if only minutely.
His lips part, voice low and quiet. “You misunderstand me.”
“Then I’d love it if you’d explain,” Hob sighs roughly. “Because you just made me look like an asshole in there.”
Dream shakes his head, unfolding his arms over his lap and getting long, pale fingers around his knobbly knees instead.
“The world is ending tonight.” Dream starts cryptically, staring at how his fingers pick at the tears in his jeans. “Tomorrow we graduate. I’m going to England and we’ll never see each other again.” He looks sideways at Hob, who’s holding his breath.
“And you’re still worried about how people perceive you?” He takes a breath. “You choose to spend your last hours getting drunk and playing juvenile games? Instead of…” Dream gaze flits back toward the house, swallowing.
Hob scoots over, closer to Dream. Summer is right around the corner but the night air is cool still, clean and pleasantly quiet. And Dream blends into the darkness like he belongs there, the stars in the cloudless sky, how they light up the darkness along with the moon, giving just enough illumination to see by, to marvel at Dream sitting on Hob’s back porch steps. 
Taking in the wonder that is Hob’s closest friend, beautiful, shy, wicked smart Dream. Hob feels calm fall over him like a blanket. Mulling on Dream’s words, and settling on a response.
“What would you rather be doing?”
Dream finds Hob’s gaze again, and Hob lifts his shoulders, prompting Dream further, but he remains silent. Hob takes a breath, speaking again when Dream doesn’t respond.
“If the world is ending anyway…” Hob starts, licking his bottom lip. “Then just say it.”
Agonizing seconds slip by, where Dream stares at Hob, lips slightly parted, eyes widening.
“I want to kiss you.”
Hob’s heart lurches in his chest and he feels the air leave his lungs. Dream’s voice is so quiet, so fragile, it makes Hob ache.
“But not–” Dream inclines his head slightly, toward the house. “Not like that.”
“Oh…” Hob says eloquently, finding himself petrified once again.
There’s a new tension in the silence that falls between them. Waiting, anticipating. Hob takes a steadying breath and feels like he’s jumping off a cliff.
He gets on hand on the floor between them and leans over, his other hand hovering towards Dream. 
“Can I–?”
Dream meets him halfway, pressing warm, chapped lips to Hob’s, and holding still. 
It’s sweet, and careful, and when Dream exhales from his nose, the warm air hitting Hob, his lips part to take a breath and Hob lunges forward, getting a hand around the side of Dream’s face and pulling him in. Hob sweeps his tongue along the seam of Dream’s lips once before diving past, pulling a surprised gasp from Dream that turns into a soft groan.
Hob’s fingers caress into the soft strands of Dream’s hair as they kiss, elation popping off like fireworks under Hob’s skin as he finally is able to touch his friend like this. Move his lips along Dream’s with drunken coordination and vigor, putting as much affection and want into the kiss as Hob could, hoping Dream could understand. Could feel how long Hob has wanted to do this. And as they move together, bodies naturally closing the distance between them and Dream’s hands finsting into Hob’s shirt before weaving up and around his shoulders, Hob understands why Dream would rather share this privately, without an audience of their peers gawking.
Because this was real. Years of repressed yearning and feelings bubbling up to the surface and tumbling forth in exchanged breaths and needy whines, Hob’s fingers digging a little harder into Dream’s scalp, Dream’s hands, in response, clawing at Hob’s back, pulling him impossibly closer as his body arched like a bow so their chests bumped and Hob could feel the heat of his friend’s body against his own.
Hob tore his mouth away, taking a ragged breath, stealing it from Dream, before going back in, again and again, little lips-only kisses that elicited the prettiest noises from Dream. Especially as Hob’s lips wanders down his chin and up his jaw, causing his friend to cling tighter to Hob, tilting his head to give Hob better access, breathing through his mouth, the hot air hitting Hob’s ear and driving him wild.
“Dream…” Hob finally spoke, his low voice painted in arousal and causing Dream to shake in his arms. He nipped Dream’s ear before licking it. “Why is this all coming out now?”
One of Dream’s hands went up into Hob’s hair, fingers tangling in the brown locks as he huffed his response.
“I could ask the same of you.”
Hob smiles, but it’s sad. He’s slowed down now, gently nudging his nose underneath Dream’s ear before pulling back, facing him once more.
Dream’s eyes flutter open and Hob feels struck down. He’s never seen Dream’s eyes so dark, his blue iris’ nearly all encompassed by the black of his pupils. Hob, unable to resist now, taps his nose to Dreams, taking a breath.
“I was scared.”
He can hear how Dream swallows.
“Me too.”
They sit like that for a long moment, holding on to one another, breathing each other’s air, savoring the revelation that had just transpired. And knowing it wouldn’t last. 
They of course saw each other again at graduation, and throughout the days that followed. Hob prepared to move across the state to his chosen college and Dream prepped to leave the country all together.
Hob offered to drive Dream to the airport on moving day, but Dream shook his head, saying it was already too painful that he was leaving, he didn’t want any lingering looks. Instead Dream’s father took a quick detour to Hob’s house, where Dream stood in Hob’s doorway to say goodbye, and in full view of both their families, all they could do was hug. And Hob put his entire body into it, crushing Dream, who had always been so damn thin and gangly, in his arms and nosing his way into Dream’s hair to take one final, deep inhale.
“We’ll see each other again.” Hob promised, in that hopeful way young people did.
Dream only smiled ruefully, his eyes shining and causing a lump to form in Hob’s throat.
“Yeah.” Hob nodded, getting his hands around Dream’s face and caressing his thumbs under his eyes and across sharp cheekbones. “You think you can get rid of me that easily?”
Dream huffed out a quiet laugh, the blue of his eyes sparkling.
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baldval · 6 months
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presidenthades · 7 months
what do you think would have happened if aegon didn't manage to break his engagement to helaena and they ended up married? who would be jace's husband in this universe?
I’ll try to answer this seriously first before I go for a more fun answer.
If the kids are caught trying to elope, Rhaenyra probably feels pressured to arrange Jace’s match sooner rather than later to thwart any future recklessness. Rhaenyra would want to keep Jace close to home, so she probably picks a Velaryon cousin or Celtigar.
If there isn’t an elopement attempt in the first place, then Rhaenyra continues with her plan in Chapter 4 of the Handbook to let Jace choose from a list of suitors. Jace doesn’t want to marry any of them so she tries to prolong the decision, but she does have to make a decision eventually. She might pick Cregan Stark or Qyle Martell because of the alliances they bring, but Jace wouldn’t be super happy living in the North or Dorne, far away from her family. Or she might pick a Tully boy because they’re younger, so she can buy more time before the wedding.
Meanwhile, it’s still in the Greens’ interest to try to get one of Rhaenyra’s daughters in marriage. Honestly, I could see Otto moving onto the next grandson and throwing Aemond at Jace, but Aegon would 100% try to kill Aemond in this scenario. Or Otto could try to match Aemond and Luce. Luce doesn’t take Aemond’s eye in this universe, and their falling-out is something they could overcome if they needed to. But Rhaenyra probably doesn’t accept (Daemon definitely wouldn’t like it), so it probably doesn’t happen.
Since the Blacks and Greens are still at odds, the Greens will crown Aegon. When both sides try to negotiate terms, there’s probably another proposal for Luce/Aemond. If she’s already betrothed or married (most likely to a Velaryon cousin), then they’d propose Joff/Daeron.
If the Dance happens, it wouldn’t have such an explosive beginning because Aemond is unlikely to kill Luce in this universe. But somebody (Daemon or one of the boys) will eventually do something stupid that causes war/violence to break out. Jace’s choice of husband probably affects the balance of land armies. Luce being alive might affect the dragon battles, but Arrax is very small so who knows? Also, despite the tensions, the Targkids are probably reluctant to fight each other.
I feel like my answers are very wishy-washy, but that’s because there are so many different decision points that could change the story, depending on what people choose. Regardless, it would be a less happy timeline for the characters because most people are marrying the wrong partner, and some Targs probably die 😢.
But now the FUN answer!
I actually started jotting down notes for this scenario before I got distracted by other things. I wanted to write a fic where the Dance does happen, but nobody dies and it’s kind of romcommy, and everyone does marry the right person. The initial idea for this fic was “what if Jace and Luce seduce Aegon and Aemond to stop the war,” and I ran with it from there 😇.
Aegon and Helaena get married, but it’s never consummated because Aegon is clinging to the hope of still being able to marry Jace somehow. Meanwhile Jace has managed to delay picking a husband, but she’s feeling more and more pressure to get on with her decision.
When Viserys dies, Aegon is convinced to take the crown when he’s told that as king, he can have his marriage annulled and marry Jace instead. Peace terms are sent to Dragonstone, but like in the show canon, the Blacks are skeptical and try to win support from various lords. Jace is sent to the Vale and then the North, where she’s supposed to offer to marry Cregan in exchange for the North’s support.
Luce goes to Storm’s End and is very peeved about Aemond arranging a betrothal with a Baratheon girl. The two of them argue, Borros kicks them both out because they’re giving him a headache, and Vhagar smacks Arrax around in the courtyard. Aemond goes “fuck it,” kidnaps Luce, and brings her back to the Red Keep, where she becomes his personal headache for the next few months.
Aegon thinks it’s very unfair that Aemond has managed to nab Luce, and he’s also quite upset when he learns Jace is supposed to marry Cregan. To make things fair, Aegon and Aemond plot a way to kidnap Jace when she leaves the Vale before she can go North. So Jace ends up at the Red Keep too, and Luce tells her “hey Aegon is still really into you, maybe you should take advantage of this” and Jace says “fine but if I have to figure out how to seduce somebody then so do you.”
No real battles happen because Aegon and Aemond are too distracted at the Red Keep to actually get on their dragons and fight people. Daeron is traveling with the Hightower army from Oldtown when Joff finds him and is like “hi, I’m kidnapping you to make things fair,” and Daeron is like “great, just what I always wanted.” So now everybody has to sit down and actually talk about things nicely. World peace ensues. The end.
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@earnmysong asked me "top 5 ways to have ended 'ted lasso' better than they did" and I decided to put it in its own post since I have Thoughts!
These are all just personal preference, and I don't really trust my instincts where this show is concerned anymore, so. Here are things I would have loved to see, without changing the overall episode majorly!
One last Biscuits with the Boss + addressing onscreen that the ritual is over. :'( It felt so weird to not acknowledge that.
Jade and Barbara briefly meet and have an amazing interaction that gives everyone the distinct suspicion that they might one day have a spinoff where they recreationally solve crimes and mysteries together. I will always on some level be daydreaming of this spinoff. Can you imagine how much they would weird out everybody they were investigating?
I'd like there to be some tip to Rebecca that Ted is the thunder and lightning (maybe he checks the weather forecast in Kansas while they're together saying goodbye at the airport and tells her that's what's coming and she's like ?!?!?!), but she keeps it to herself because she knows he has to go home to his boy. That tragic culmination of the whole psychic prophecy storyline would have sustained me forever in delicious agonies. I'd even let her run into frickin' Boat Guy afterwards if it absolutely must be. :P Just the idea that Ted was the right one and they were in some way fated, but it was the wrong time and the wrong set of circumstances, and sometimes you just have to carry on with that sad knowledge.
I would have had Roy and Keeley officially get back together and have a swoonworthy, deeply romcommy reunion kiss scene! I respect Keeley/Roy/Jamie as a concept, but I didn't enjoy seeing them devolve into love triangle nonsense in the last ever episode. I wanted my Roy/Keeley reunion and so on this list, I'll imagine it passionately & without shame!
No Jamie having a happy chat with his dad in the montage. If I had to pick just one thing, I'd even axe that over Beard and Jane's crazy, Ted-less wedding. Having an abusive parent with addiction issues is extremely complicated and I just didn't like the "And he's sober now so they lived happily ever after! Put a bow on it!" simplicity of that at all when we'd seen absolutely no hint that Jamie should reconcile with him prior. Personally, it felt in poor taste to me. I get that this show is all about forgiveness, but that was too far and too trite for me.
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egirlgarak · 2 months
accepting movie reccs now and always btw. love horror, thrillers, scifi, & absurdism but could also be convinced to watch something romcommy or historical :3c
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