#romanian learning
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romanian-atease · 1 year ago
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🔵 PRESENT 🔵 eu continui - I continue tu continui - you continue el/ea continuă - he/she continues noi continuăm - we continue voi continuați - you continue ei/ele continuă - they continue
🟡 PAST 🟡 eu am continuat - I continued tu ai continuat - you continued el/ea a continuat - he/she continued noi am continuat - we continued voi aţi continuat - you continued ei/ele au continuat - they continued
🔴 FUTURE 🔴 eu voi continua - I'll continue tu vei continua - you'll continue el/ea va continua - he/she will continue noi vom continua - we'll continue voi veţi continua - you'll continue ei/ele vor continua - they'll continue
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unlimited-nobu-works · 4 months ago
my group chats on private MMO servers
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duine-aiteach · 1 year ago
I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m Irish and used to seeing all sorts of haha jokes about how weird our names are etc but yet I’m always surprised how surprised people are when I say that I find Welsh a pretty easy language to get the gist of. It makes sense! Welsh is something I know very little of but yet I find it easy enough to parse out the pronunciation of. I don’t always know what things mean but I’m not usually that far off in how they should be said.
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luceafarul-de-dimineata · 1 year ago
Since the word 'lucifer' means morning star in Latin, I like to imagine that everything that happened in "Luceafărul" by Mihai Eminescu cannonically happened to Lucifer from whb.
Lucifer = Luceafărul = Hyperion confirmed
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steelbluehome · 2 months ago
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tired-ppth-immunologist · 2 months ago
i'm curious now, what languages do you speak?
Ah, well, I can speak Romanian (since it’s my mother-tongue), English, German, learnt Scottish Gaelic as a hobby in college, and I’m currently studying Greek, for my mother was from Greece and I’d love to feel more connected to her.
Odd list, I know, but I think it’s helpful knowing some foreign languages, no matter how random.
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alvallah · 2 years ago
Imagine being rich and paying for bland minimalist textiles and cold sterilized homes when you could be paying folk artists handsomely for handcrafted beauty and color —helping preserve honestly quite priceless artistic traditions and supporting the people who keep these legacies alive— instead.
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cimicherrychanga · 10 months ago
once again TROUBLED by how good my game is when flirting with my best friend, imagine if i actually used that with people im trynna pull
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mihai-florescu · 1 year ago
"Why do you still use tiktok" to see EMIL the chinese guy that posts all his videos in romanian talking about his life living in beijing and there are hundreds of middle aged romanians in his comments complimenting how good his language skills are. The closest thing to consistent peaceful interactions on the internet ive seen in years are on this guy's account. It calms me down
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devilishbird · 6 months ago
tfw when you start learning a romance language and you're like "oh yeah the spelling in this language is going to be Good because it's not french!" and then it just
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wtf /lh
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alteratlas · 2 months ago
2025 and I'm not dead yet?
I am still here! Somehow... Yeesh though, I ended up going through enough in the past year to completely remove me from social media. With the New Year, I'm back to this account and back to loving the idea of keeping it as a record of my language / learning progressions. Updates! No major updates on my progress in either of my current focus languages (ASL, Masri, or FusHa), but I have been practicing in secret. :P I might have hit a small rut with ∼ feeling ∼ the progress so hopefully that will help with it. Recently had an IRL also start to learn ASL which restarted some of that initial love for it. It was satisfying to have basic phrases or fingerspelling work for us to get through small conversations! Arabic, oh Arabic... I have had very little motivation to practice and am struggling to get over a frustration barrier. I think maybe I got overexcited with some of my practice material and am too hung up on trying to understand every single word of everything I take in. (Similar problem when practicing Romanian actually... I have to consciously step back and see if I can get the big picture and big details before getting hung up on stuff.) On the bright side, despite a lack of practicing as intense as I want to, I'm still able to pick up info when I hear it in my real life! Actually speaking it on the other hand.... hahahahaaaaa I also added a few more languages to the list of languages I'm trying to pick up here and there! I want to get a basis down for what "here and there" actually means for me. First, how do I pick them out? They're all a mix of languages I want to learn for fun VS languages for practicality. Spanish (Practicality -> Useful for family and areas I live in.) German (Practicality -> Might live in German speaking areas later on in life.) Korean (Fun -> I consume a LOT of Korean music) Japanese (Fun -> I consume a LOT of Japanese Music) Latin (Fun -> It's Latin) Tagalog (Fun -> I consume some music in Tagalog)  Swahili, Thai, and Bangla may show up on the list in the future, but right now those are dreams that are a bit further in the distance.
What experience do I have with them? Spanish (None... D:) German (Took classes a long time ago. That knowledge is rattling somewhere in my head and I cannot access it for the life of me.) Korean (I picked up on Hangul and that is about it.) Japanese (None... D:) Latin (Speaking Romanian gives me a big advantage. I think this is language I don't want to take too seriously and just learn vocab for. Helps me if I ever want to fully pursue any other language with Latin origins.) Tagalog (None D:) What do I want to DO with them? First and foremost, I want to pick up on vocab for all of em. For a lot of these languages, I already take in content in said language. Paying a bit more attention during these times shouldn't be much of a problem. Language specific wise, I think Japanese is the only one I need to learn the scripts for. I don't expect a casual learning method to get me to fluency, but I'm hoping it could give me a nice base for when/if I decide to pursue it more seriously later on. I also want them to serve the purpose of reminding me why and how I love languages. I know I get frustrated easily, but I know my passion outweighs that frustration a million times over. Having the variety helps my brain remember that! I'm excited :P
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delusionaldebutante · 1 year ago
Hearing Sebastian Stan speak Romanian was something I didn’t know I needed to hear
But I’m very glad I did
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polyglot-sock · 9 months ago
ok, this is super silly but i've been wanting to start learning a new language and i'm having a hard time deciding which one
soooo, i'm asking y'all to help me :)
here's the poll with all the languages from my wishlist (yes, i have one). my reasons for considering each language (as unserious as they might be) will be below. i've been considering polish, dutch or norgewian, but you can choose whichever you like most
reasons (very unserious):
polish: poland is close to my country so i might immigrate there (but also i like consonant clusters hggfdfg)
czech: don't remember why i put it on the list but i guess it looks fun
norwegian: norway looks like a great place to live
danish: north germanic languages are my favourite now (the same applies to norwegian)
dutch: seems to be a fun addition to my german (i guess germanic languages in general are my favourite)
scottish gaelic: because of a character from 1960's doctor who. also i love endangered languages (and struggling to find resources is my hobby)
welsh: long words mhuahahaha
romanian: i collect romance languages like pokemon
greek: the letters are cute ngl
korean: the same as greek + asian languages are fucked up and i enjoy suffering, apparently
let the chaos begin. the possibility of making me suffer is in your hands.
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mortola · 2 years ago
hey im new to language learning on tumblr but can anyone rec me the best way out of romance languages? like what non-romance lang to start learning if ik or am already working on like spanish french portuguese?
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the-chattering-tower · 1 year ago
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I promise I WIll put the accent in the shop tomorrow but until then please look at Newest Baby, hatched and touched up today, grandkiddo of my beloved's progens, future wearer of my brand new wool accent ("fiber fun")
I'm love them
Their name is Cighaya after the cigája sheep breed. I'll figure out lore for them tomorrow when I feel awake again
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sarcasmchandlerbing · 1 year ago
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