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Reflexions (Setmana 8 del Repte Idiomes Estiu 2021)
Sí, he fet el càlcul i tinc la setmana correcte...benvinguts i benvingudes a la vuitena setmana del repte! La cosa va bastant bé, heus aquí els números:
basc* (1129/1903 mots = 59%)
gal·lès* (477/1632 mots = 29%)
romani (355/715 mots = 50%)
amhàric* (687/1646 mots = 42%)
Tot i el progrés que he fet, no crec que arribi al final dels cursos abans que acabi el repte. Dit això, mai he passat la fita de mil paraules en un curs de Memrise, així que ja ha valgut la pena. I penso seguir, si puc, durant l’any. Però primer, cal enfocar-me en les quatre setmanes que em queda, perquè amb això ja hi puc fer bastantes coses.
També estava pensant, i crec que estic en el moment ideal per fer un “level up” amb el gal·lès i el basc. És a dir que gairebé els sé parlar – no dominar, però simplement que em comencen a sortir frases i paraules sense haver-les planejat abans. Per això, vull tenir més hores d’estudi amb aquests dos, perquè si començo a entendre sèries/cançons/converses/et cètera, ja tindré més hores de pràctica i que no em faci mandra. Perquè amb el català ja tinc més de 100 hores aquest any (i amb la resta dels idiomes, menys de 20), només perquè miro sèries i vaig a hores de conversa i tal. Per tant, aquest és el meu repte per finals d’any.
Yes, I did the calculations and I have the right week...welcome to the eighth week of the challenge! It’s going pretty well, here are the numbers:
Basque* (1129/1903 mots = 59%)
Welsh* (477/1632 mots = 29%)
Romani (355/715 mots = 50%)
Amharic* (687/1646 mots = 42%)
Despite the progress I’ve made, I don’t think I’ll make it to the end of the courses before the challenge ends. That being said, I’ve never passed the milestone of a thousand words in the Memrise course before, so it’s already been worth it. And I think I’m going to continue, if I can, during the year. But first, I need to focus on the four weeks that I have left, because I can still do a lot with that.
I was also thinking, and I think I’m in the ideal moment to “level up” my Welsh and Basque. What I mean is that I almost know how to speak them – not master them, but just that words and phrases are starting to come to me without having planned them beforehand. Because of that, I want to have more hours of study with these two, because if I start understanding series/songs/conversations/et cetera, I’ll have more hours of practice and that won’t bore me. Because with Catalan, I already have more than 100 hours this year (and with the rest of my languages, less than 20), just because I watch shows and go to conversation hours and stuff. Therefore, this is my challenge for the end of the year.
#catalan: nonexistent 😎#my welsh is good though??#really just want to get welsh and basque to a comfortable b1-b2 so that i don't have to actively study them as much#and can focus on other langs#although idk....my logic is probably flawed here :p#catalan:practice#welsh:reflections#welsh:challenge#basque:reflections#basque:challenge#amharic:reflections#amharic:challenge#romani:reflections#romani:challenge#general:reflections#repte-idiomes-estiu
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Crec que havíem passat el punt del mig alguna setmana per aquí, no n’estic segur perquè fa tant de temps que no faig un post sobre el repte que ni sé en quina setmana estem (crec que la sisena però no us ho sabria dir segur). Però vaig estudiar molt durant el viatge, probablement perquè no tenia Tumblr per ocupar-me, i vaig avançar bastant. Aquí els percentatges i els números:
basc* (982/1903 mots = 52%)
gal·lès* (327/1632 mots = 20%)
romani (239/715 mots = 33%)
amhàric* (578/1646 mots = 35%)
rus* (455/4995 mots = 9%)
He deixat de banda el rus perquè el curs té àudio, cosa que m’és molt útil, com que no llegeixo bé el ciríl·lic, però que em fa molta mandra :P La resta em van bé, he après gairebé (o potser més de) 200 paraules cadascuna. I no hi ha cap curs amb un percentatge de menys de dues xifres! Així que estic bastant content amb el progrés que faig.
He canviat una mica alguns objectius per a finals d’any però ja us ho explicaré més endavant.
English below cut :)
I think that we’ve passed the middle point some week in here, I’m not sure because it’s been so long since I’ve made a post about the challenge that I don’t even know what week we’re on (I think the sixth but I’m not 100% sure). But I studied a lot on my trip, probably because I didn’t have Tumblr to keep me busy, and I advanced a fair amount. Here are the percentages and the numbers:
Basque* (982/1903 words = 52%)
Welsh* (327/1632 words = 20%)
Romani (239/715 words = 33%)
Amharic* (578/1646 words = 35%)
Russian* (455/4995 words = 9%)
I’ve set aside Russian because the course has audio, which is very useful for me, since I don’t read Cyrillic very well, but also annoys me :P The rest are going pretty well, I’ve learned almost (or maybe more that) 200 words for each. And there’s no course with a percentage under 2 digits! So I’m pretty happy with my progress.
I’ve changed some of my goals for the end of the year but I’ll explain that to you guys later.
#com us va? pels que l'estaven fent al principi#no sé si hi queda ningú però aviam#catalan:practice#basque:challenge#basque:reflections#welsh:challenge#welsh:reflections#romani:challenge#romani:reflections#amharic:challenge#amharic:reflections#russian:challenge#russian:reflections#general:reflections#repte-idiomes-estiu
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So for Day 2 of the challenge, I had to listen to a song and (1) try to transcribe/understand the words on my own, (2) compare them and correct them against the actual words, (3) look up any words I didn’t know, and (4) try to memorize the lyrics. This is the song I picked, unfortunately it’s like more than half in Hungarian, but I did the parts in Romani and I could understand it pretty well! I’ve highlighted in red the parts I couldn’t understand and put the vocab I learned at the bottom! The translation is really bad, corrections welcome 😅
Suno san tu numa shej You are only a dream, girl Kade dur sar le čerhaja As far away as the stars Katar mande shej From me, girl
Kai te rodav aba tut Where I still look for you Nai man pača p’adi phuv I do not have peace on this earth
Andre phirav me e luma I walk out into the world Numa te zhantar e dukha Only that the pain may leave Cerraj mange adi luma This world is just a little to me Na bistrav tut šoha I will never forget you
New Words:
suno - dream
čerhaj - star
pača - peace, rest
šoha - never
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#honestly the fact that i can understand this much in romani scares me#idk if i can even understand this much in basque or welsh ��#and i've been studying those for way longer#also this had the fun experience of me thinking i had lost my ability to understand romani and it turned out it was just hungarian shdfkshdj#romani:general#romani:music#romani:translation#romani:vocab#romani:challenge#general:music#general:translation#ooops also there was a mistake in the first line that has now been fixed#level up romani#also also forgot to include the tag bc i'm a mess apparently
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Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 15
Prompt: Learn 5 new words and use them in a sentence.
(I’m pretty behind on these, I’ll possibly try to catch up or possibly just skipped what I missed :/)
tista - quite
Si tista shil ke si o ivend. - It's quite cold because it's the winter
mako - poppy
Ande i bar si yekh mako. - In the garden there's a poppy.
drab - medicine
Murro murtano chi xal pesko drab. - My cat does not eat his medicine.
inkrel - to hold
Inkrav e bukfa. - I hold the book.
kecavo - such
Ashundem kecavi paramicha p'o Radio Romano. - I heard a story like that on Radio Romano.
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#was just out of it for a couple of days my bad#these are all from the part of the horse-dealing story that i read today#going to post the reading vocab list in a sec#anyways i FINALLY found out what inkrel means#had been meaning to do that for a while#and also i understood a fair amount of the kids' stories today on radio romano#might actually be able to start listening to it to get things out of it instead of just letting it wash over me :0#romani:general#romani:challenge#romani:vocab#romani:practice#level up romani
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Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 6
Prompt: Read a blog.
I don’t know any blogs so I read the first story in this book (Tusa Ande Akhoren Khelos), which is in Lovari but I could find anything in Kalderash ;-; Anyways at this rate I’m going to end up knowing Lovari but so be it I guess
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#see the problem with this is that i can't tell if stuff is above my level or just in a dialect i don't speak#because sometimes people say stuff and i don't understand it but they repeat it in kalderash and i understand every word#the struggle of learning a macro-language which gets classified as one cohesive unit and there's no materials for it anywhere :')#so i just have to suck it up and read stuff in dialects i literally do not have the vocab to understand#romani:general#romani:reading#general:reading#romani:challenge#level up romani
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Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 20
Prompt: Write about your day.
yes these posts are completely out of order now
Ages kerdem but buki. Wushtilem rano ando diminyatsa ke but tato sas murre khereste – murro dad bishterdyas te phandavel (?) o phiromasko. No, ramosardem trin lil, yekh sas murre veroste, thai dui sas murre amalinande. Pala kodole, kerdem buki murre traburya tsine. Ando mizmeri, gelem te phirav ka univerziteto. Sas but lungo drom. No, dav-duma vi murra amalinasa vi murre dadesa. Dikhlem televizhono thai akana ramov Rromanes, pa zhav te sovav!
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#i'm quite happy with this actually#i'm not fluent but i know words#half of the grammar that i'm confident on is probably wrong though :')#romani:general#romani:challenge#romani:practice#general:practice#level up romani
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Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 16
Prompt: Plan your day.
Ages musai te....
zhav klasate
phirav te kinav thud
sikav Rromani shib
ramov paramicha
ramov lil murre veroske
ginav La memòria de l'arbre
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#sometimes you just gotta do the bare minimum to get a challenge done 😔#hey at least i'm doing more things than the last time i made one of these lists#now i look like less of a slacker lol#will i do all of these???? probably not#romani:general#romani:practice#general:practice#romani:challenge#level up romani
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Level Up Challenge (Romani) - Day 10
Prompt: Learn filler words.
This is a bit late because there’s not exactly lists of filler words in Romani easily available, so I was talking with people on the server I’m on to get their opinions. Here’s the list of filler words they came up with, probably skewed towards American Kalderash:
zhanes, hakyares - you know
znachi - that is (Slavic loanword)
azhuker (tsirra/ekh klipa) - wait (a sec)
chaches? - really?
naj kadja? - right?
apsolutno(?), sar te na - of course (sar te na came off as sarcastic to some people though so potentially use with caution)
mishto, ja ja - okay
gindiv - I think
Let me know if you have any other words/corrections!
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#also i know i am behind on malayalam it's because me and my dad's schedules are not lining up#despite neither of us doing absolutely anything of worth with our lives atm#but i'll try to do more today or tomorrow and might just dump like 25 vocab lists on you at the last second#and i'll do the challenge for today either today or tomorrow#romani:general#romani:vocab#romani:challenge#level up romani#general:vocab#romani:reference#(just because it's useful)
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Level Up Challenge (Romani) - Day 9
Prompt: Plan your day in the language.
Ages mangav te...
zhav te phirav
sikav e Rromani shib thai e Malayalicka
ginav murre klasake
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#this *is* short because i don't know how to say things#but also because i really am not doing anything atm#it's bad#also 'zhav te phirav' sounds very calque-y but also is2g i've heard it before so not sure#and need to recheck how to say 'for' because i don't think that#*that's right#romani:general#romani:challenge#romani:practice#general:practice#level up romani#malayalitska was A Choice and i'm a little obsessed with how it sounds
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Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 7
Prompt: Write a poem.
Hey look at me doing this at a reasonable hour for once
It was snowing outside the window and I just really love snow so I wrote a dumb poem about how much I love the snow:
Del jiv thaj le droma si parne
Ande l’kashtende gilaban le chirikle
Ando murre khereste vi me gilabav
Anda mundrimaste adi lumake kai beshav
I have no idea if this makes any sense at all, so corrections are welcome! Also I’m not sure whether to use the prepositional case after prepositions??? I’ve been getting very mixed messages about that and would appreciate more input.
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#if you were wondering why i spell things differently every time#it is because i am in fact throwing any semblance of a cohesive spelling system out the window#maybe i'll look into the pan-vlax one but also it has diacritics and i don't want to change keyboards#romani:general#romani:practice#romani:challenge#general:practice#level up romani
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Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 3
Prompt: Write about your day.
Murro Ges Rromanes
Ages chi kerdem but buki. Pomenisardem-ma oxto chasurya tha gelem ka klasate. Dem-duma murre amalensa. Kartozhisardem. Kerdem daro murra amalinake. Gindem tsirra bukfa numa chi gindem sar but kai manglem(?). Gindem murra amalinasa tha sas lashe. Thai-vi murri zeya dukhal tha chi kamav kodo. No, kodo sas murro ges.
[ Other Days of This Challenge ]
#corrections welcome#the sentence about the book is a dumpster fire#will ask people on discord about that tomorrow probably#level up romani#romani:general#romani:practice#romani:challenge#general:practice
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Level Up Challenge (Romani): Day 1
Prompt: Watch the news in your TL.
Since I’m not sure if there’s Romani-language broadcast television, I instead listened to Radio Romano, which is a Swedish Romani-language radio program. I’m not sure what dialect the main announcer was speaking in but I had a bit of trouble understanding him. There was an interviewee who was speaking either Kalderash or Lovari, though, and I could understand him pretty well. I think over the course of listening I got a bit more comfortable as well too – so this was a useful and interesting exercise! One problem, though, was that since it’s from Sweden, some of the people were speaking in Swedish, which led to me being like “wow I really can’t understand this person I must really be bad at Romani” and then realizing that it was literally a language I didn’t speak 😅
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