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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
Reflexions (Setmana 8 del Repte Idiomes Estiu 2021)
Sí, he fet el càlcul i tinc la setmana correcte...benvinguts i benvingudes a la vuitena setmana del repte! La cosa va bastant bé, heus aquí els números:
basc* (1129/1903 mots = 59%)
gal·lès* (477/1632 mots = 29%)
romani (355/715 mots = 50%)
amhàric* (687/1646 mots = 42%)
Tot i el progrés que he fet, no crec que arribi al final dels cursos abans que acabi el repte. Dit això, mai he passat la fita de mil paraules en un curs de Memrise, així que ja ha valgut la pena. I penso seguir, si puc, durant l’any. Però primer, cal enfocar-me en les quatre setmanes que em queda, perquè amb això ja hi puc fer bastantes coses.
També estava pensant, i crec que estic en el moment ideal per fer un “level up” amb el gal·lès i el basc. És a dir que gairebé els sé parlar – no dominar, però simplement que em comencen a sortir frases i paraules sense haver-les planejat abans. Per això, vull tenir més hores d’estudi amb aquests dos, perquè si començo a entendre sèries/cançons/converses/et cètera, ja tindré més hores de pràctica i que no em faci mandra. Perquè amb el català ja tinc més de 100 hores aquest any (i amb la resta dels idiomes, menys de 20), només perquè miro sèries i vaig a hores de conversa i tal. Per tant, aquest és el meu repte per finals d’any.
Yes, I did the calculations and I have the right week...welcome to the eighth week of the challenge! It’s going pretty well, here are the numbers:
Basque* (1129/1903 mots = 59%)
Welsh* (477/1632 mots = 29%)
Romani (355/715 mots = 50%)
Amharic* (687/1646 mots = 42%)
Despite the progress I’ve made, I don’t think I’ll make it to the end of the courses before the challenge ends. That being said, I’ve never passed the milestone of a thousand words in the Memrise course before, so it’s already been worth it. And I think I’m going to continue, if I can, during the year. But first, I need to focus on the four weeks that I have left, because I can still do a lot with that.
I was also thinking, and I think I’m in the ideal moment to “level up” my Welsh and Basque. What I mean is that I almost know how to speak them – not master them, but just that words and phrases are starting to come to me without having planned them beforehand. Because of that, I want to have more hours of study with these two, because if I start understanding series/songs/conversations/et cetera, I’ll have more hours of practice and that won’t bore me. Because with Catalan, I already have more than 100 hours this year (and with the rest of my languages, less than 20), just because I watch shows and go to conversation hours and stuff. Therefore, this is my challenge for the end of the year.
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guillemelgat · 3 years ago
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Crec que havíem passat el punt del mig alguna setmana per aquí, no n’estic segur perquè fa tant de temps que no faig un post sobre el repte que ni sé en quina setmana estem (crec que la sisena però no us ho sabria dir segur). Però vaig estudiar molt durant el viatge, probablement perquè no tenia Tumblr per ocupar-me, i vaig avançar bastant. Aquí els percentatges i els números:
basc* (982/1903 mots = 52%)
gal·lès* (327/1632 mots = 20%)
romani (239/715 mots = 33%)
amhàric* (578/1646 mots = 35%)
rus* (455/4995 mots = 9%)
He deixat de banda el rus perquè el curs té àudio, cosa que m’és molt útil, com que no llegeixo bé el ciríl·lic, però que em fa molta mandra :P La resta em van bé, he après gairebé (o potser més de) 200 paraules cadascuna. I no hi ha cap curs amb un percentatge de menys de dues xifres! Així que estic bastant content amb el progrés que faig.
He canviat una mica alguns objectius per a finals d’any però ja us ho explicaré més endavant.
English below cut :)
I think that we’ve passed the middle point some week in here, I’m not sure because it’s been so long since I’ve made a post about the challenge that I don’t even know what week we’re on (I think the sixth but I’m not 100% sure). But I studied a lot on my trip, probably because I didn’t have Tumblr to keep me busy, and I advanced a fair amount. Here are the percentages and the numbers:
Basque* (982/1903 words = 52%)
Welsh* (327/1632 words = 20%)
Romani (239/715 words = 33%)
Amharic* (578/1646 words = 35%)
Russian* (455/4995 words = 9%)
I’ve set aside Russian because the course has audio, which is very useful for me, since I don’t read Cyrillic very well, but also annoys me :P The rest are going pretty well, I’ve learned almost (or maybe more that) 200 words for each. And there’s no course with a percentage under 2 digits! So I’m pretty happy with my progress.
I’ve changed some of my goals for the end of the year but I’ll explain that to you guys later.
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
January Language Reflections
Well, that’s another month over! I set really ambitious language goals at the beginning of the month, and...did not achieve them at all. I did do some interesting things this month that I hadn’t done before though, and I’d kind of like to reflect on them a bit.
I’ve read a lot of things about goal-setting, one of which was that goals need to be specific and achievable, and I think this is one of the hardest things about setting goals for languages. It’s definitely something I’ve struggled with in the past; it’s very easy for me to set daily/weekly goals of tasks I want to achieve, but there’s very little way to measure my progress between that and a general feeling that I’ve improved over the course of time. This month, though, I tried to experiment a bit with that.
Looking at estimations of how much time you need and how many words you should know in order to advance to the next CEFR level, I managed to create a better overarching goal, based in hours of language study. That way, I can feel like I’m working towards something specific even with languages where I’m not going to be able to speak fluently by the end of the year. CEFR levels on their own are not super helpful for me, since for most of the languages I’m learning they either don’t have the test, my goals don’t align with CEFR’s, or both. But looking at the time commitment gave me a good idea of what I needed to invest in all of them, as well as a more long-term vision of how to get there. This was really nice to have, since the idea of “fluency” or “understanding” is just sort of...exhausting?? Like, it doesn’t exist, and so if you set it as your goal you’re never going to get there. I need to learn how to just check off a box and be like I did that, I don’t need to worry about it anymore. Neverending tasks tend to make me want to give up before I’ve even started.
I set up a list of tasks, and kept track of how much time I was spending on them. Interestingly, I only spend about 10 hours for Amharic and Welsh respectively this month, but that on its own was enough to make my Welsh feel like I could easily reach a B1. While I only did 3 chapters of my Amharic textbook, and 9 SSiW lessons, I think it made a difference. And it also made me realize that if I did 100 hours of each, I could probably advance significantly. So while I’m a bit disappointed that I didn’t get as far in them as I’d hoped, I’m also feeling a lot better about my ability to progress in my languages this year – real, meaningful progress. Sorry for the long, rambling post, but I just thought this was a useful revelation.
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guillemelgat · 4 years ago
Reflexions (Setmana 1 del Repte Idiomes Estiu 2021)
Hola a tothom! Ja portem una setmana amb aquest repte, espero que us hagi anat bé ^-^
Primer de tot, el meu progrés. Crec que el penjaré aquí setmana per tal de donar-me una idea de com avanço. He posat un asterisc (*) aquesta setmana pels cursos que ja havia començat abans, per tal que sapigueu que no soc un boig que apren 700 paraules a la setmana. Heus aquí els números:
basc* (724/1903 mots = 38%)
gal·lès* (86/1632 mots = 5%)
romani (80/715 mots = 11%)
amhàric* (333/1646 mots = 20%)
rus* (400/4995 mots = 8%)
Ara, algunes reflexions:
No m’agrada el curs de basc. L’havia escollit perquè són moltes paraules i perquè és d’un llibre amb exercicis de traducció molt bàsiques que em van agradar, però he trobat algunes definicions errònies i ara tinc molts dubtes. També ha sigut una mica estrany des del principi, però bé....potser hi seguiré per poder fer els exercicis a la tardor. També trobo que el meu basc està fatal i que trobo molt a faltar estudiar-lo doncs...això.
El curs de romani és meu, i falta la majoria del llibre per entregar a Memrise, em fa mandra haver d’entregar tants mots a l’ordinador, per tant no ho he fet encara :’) Crec que seran 2000 o més si mai ho faig, que no sé si ho faré perquè soc molt dropo ahaha
Llegeixo fatal en els alfabets gueez (brrr no m’agrada gens com s’escriu en català) i ciríl·lic. El primer m’importa més que el segon, perquè no tinc cap intenció de llegir en rus, només que és un pal a l’hora de fer el curs. Però hauria de practicar l’escriptura i la lectura en gueez.
Crec que no estic aprenent gaire i és perquè salto les sessions de repàs. Hauria de fer-les però això implica molta feina....i tampoc no sé per què pensava que aprendria coses amb un sistema així però bé em queixo igualment.
En general, va molt bé! Us donaré més estadístiques (i potser més reflexions 👀) el diumenge vinent, fins llavors! I si teniu notícies i reflexions podeu penjar-les aquí amb el nostre coixinet que m’he oblidat de posar al post anterior (#repte-idiomes-estiu) o bé amb el meu @ (guillemelgat). M’encantaria saber com us va!
(English under cut)
Reflections (Week 1 of the Languages Challenge Summer 2021)
Hello everyone! We’re a week into this challenge, I hope it went well for you guys ^-^
First of all, my progress. I think I’ll post it here every week in order to give myself an idea of how I’m doing. I’ve put an asterisk (*) this week for the courses that I had already started before, so that you guys know that I’m not a crazy person who studies 700 words a week. Here are the numbers:
Basque* (724/1903 words = 38%)
Welsh* (86/1632 words = 5%)
Romani (80/715 words = 11%)
Amharic* (333/1646 words = 20%)
Russian* (400/4995 words = 8%)
Now, a couple of reflections:
I don’t like my Basque course. I chose it because it’s a lot of words and because it’s from a book with very basic translation exercises that I liked, but I found a few incorrect definitions and now I have my doubts. It’s also been a bit strange since the start but whatever...maybe I’ll keep doing it so that I can do the exercises in the fall. I’m also finding that my Basque is terrible and that I really miss studying it so...that.
The Romani course is mine, and most of the book needs to be added to Memrise, I don’t want to type up so many words so I haven’t done it yet :’) I think it’ll be 2000 or more if I ever do it, and idk if I’ll do it because I’m very lazy ahaha
I’m terrible at reading in Ge’ez and Cyrillic. The first is more important to me than the second, since I’m not trying to read in Russian, it’s just annoying when I’m doing the course. But I should practice reading and writing in Ge’ez.
I don’t think I’m learning that much and it’s because I’m skipping the review sessions. I should do them but that’s a lot of work...and I also don’t know why I thought I’d learn things with a system like this but whatever I’m complaining anyways.
In general, it’s going very well! I’ll give you guys more stats (and maybe more reflections 👀) next Sunday, so until then! And if you have updates and reflections you can post them here with out hashtag that I forgot to put on the last post (#repte-idiomes-estiu) or with my @ (guillemelgat). I’d love to know how it’s going!
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