#rohan kishibe one shot
rougepancake · 1 year
In which you take your boyfriend to a party and he gets jealous of your friends
Ft. Caesar Zeppeli, Joseph Joestar, Rohan Kishibe, Jotaro Kujo, Dio Brando, Jonathan Joestar
Warnings: Slightly suggestive. Mentions of alcohol. Google translated Italian. Gender neutral reader. Not proofread.
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You stood there, chatting excitedly with your friends about how your week had been. They listened intently and you all spent a good amount of time just exchanging stories over the loud music that was playing from the living room of the house.
You could barely hear them, but you didn’t mind. The environment around you was anything but quiet, which was fair since you were at Joseph Joestar’s party.
It had been hours since it started, and some people were starting to pack up and leave, taking some of the loud buzz with them.
Eventually it began to calm down, and it was just you and your best friend sitting on the couch, enjoying one another’s company in peace.
The two of you continued in your tipsy conversation, giggling frequently as you spoke. It was nice, honestly. Your week had been nothing short of a nightmare, only adding to the amount of stress you were under. So when you found out about Joseph’s party, you immediately decided to take Caesar and head over.
Speaking of Caesar…
The party had been going on for hours and you had yet to see him.
As you were speaking to your friend, you found yourself being interrupted by the feeling of someone’s arms wrapping around your waist.
“Caesar…” You whispered, turning to look at him as he buried his head into your shoulder, kissing at the flesh gently. He looked up and shot your best friend a glare, which resulted in them excusing themselves and leaving the two of you alone.
His grip on you tightened, his back pressing up against your chest as he continued to kiss and bite as your neck.
“Finalmente- siamo soli.”
Finally- we’re alone.
It was his party and he was out dancing in the living room, drunkly throwing his arms into the air as he moved carelessly. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight as you talked to your new friend Caesar, who apparently went way back with Joseph.
The two of you hit it off, especially when you found out that he was an ex of Joseph’s, which meant he had dirt on him that you could use against him later. You actually grew so lost in your conversation with the blond that you tuned out your boyfriend’s drunken dancing.
“So like I was saying- JoJo is a bit of a-“ Caesar began, leading you into the kitchen and away from the noisiness of the living room. You listened intently and contributed to his points, telling him about what your relationship with Joseph had been like so far until-
“Y/N!” The sound of Joseph’s voice rang throughout the kitchen, causing you to jump in surprise as he stormed over towards you. “I sidn’t know Caesarino was h-here!” He slurred his words and threw an arm around your shoulder, shooting a glare at the man before you.
Caesar took that as his sign to leave and did just that, leaving you and your drunk boyfriend alone in the kitchen.
“Y/nnn.” He whined, both of his arms now pulling you close to him as he struggled to stay upright. “Why were you talking to himmmm??”
“Well he and I had some interests, that’s all.” You chuckled slightly but let out a surprised yelp as he put all his weight against you. “Joseph! Get up!” You groaned and forced him to stand up, pouting as you led him back to his bedroom so he could rest.
“But you’re mineee.” He continued to whine as you dragged him, pouting childishly as you walked.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t.” You chuckled. Drunk Joseph was always… something else.
“Let me show you.” He whispered, pinning you against the wall of his hallway and trapping you there. He began to attack your neck, leaving sloppy love bites in his wake.
And you just couldn’t tell him no.
He wasn’t much of a ‘party person’, but he figured he’d humor you just this once. He had spent most of the night right by your side, making sure nothing bad happened to you as you drank.
Had you always been this social?
Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but he did rather like that side of you.
Eventually, you ran off to talk to one of your buddies, and he decided to leave you be. But the sight of you with this friend of yours lit a fire within him. They had a hand on your arm, and seemed a little too invested in what you had to say.
Perhaps you two were just close. He hoped so, even though he didn’t fully understand why.
Since the great Rohan Kishibe doesn’t get jealous of others.
Others get jealous of him.
With an annoyed sigh, he put on a stern expression and walked over to you two. You greeted him with a cheery smile that sent butterflies swirling in his stomach, and it made him feel slightly guilty for what he was about to do next.
He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and forced your lips to collide with his, using your gasp of surprise as the perfect opportunity to shove his tongue down your throat and remind you that he was the one that continued to make you feel good.
“We’re leaving.” He grumbled and grabbed your wrist, smirking at how your little friend was nowhere in sight. Your drunken protests fell on deaf ears as he pulled you out of the house and into his car, buckling you up safely and stomping over to his side.
“What was that for-“ He cut you off by smashing his lips onto yours once again, groaning at the taste of alcohol that came from you.
You were in for it now, and you didn’t even know why.
He couldn’t believe that you thought it would be a good idea to drag him out to a party. Honestly! What in the world was running through your mind?!
But when he saw how much fun you were having, he just couldn’t take it away from you.
So- he resorted to standing in the corner of the, rather large, living room, arms crossed as he watched you dance around aimlessly.
It was all fun and games, until he watched one of your close friends come up and begin to dance with you. They took your hand in theirs and began to jump and sing along with you, their smile just as bright as your own.
The sight sent Jotaro’s heart to his stomach.
What was this feeling bubbling up inside him? Was it jealousy?? Surely not. Jotaro Kujo was known to get jealous every now and then, but over one of your friends?
It made him feel more guilty than anything.
It should be him dancing with you, making you smile and giggle like that. He should be the one out there encouraging you to be yourself while you hop around and scream the lyrics of the song that just came on.
God why did he have to stand over in the corner?
Hesitantly, he walked over to the two of you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the side briefly. His heart swelled at the sight of your cheesy grin, which only made him feel worse.
“Y/n.” He started out with a heavy sigh. How was he supposed to tell you he was jealous of your friend? It would ruin your night and he knew it. So… he sucked it up and gave in to the crazy idea that had been bothering him since he saw you go out and dance.
“What’s wrong?” You seemed to sense his inner turmoil, your voice soft and understanding. “Do you need to leave? It’s alright with if you do, I get it.” You made a motion to grab your jacket, but he only pulled you back towards him.
“I want to dance with you.”
Oh wow. Did he really just say that? He had to be kidding… but based on the way he was looking at you, you knew he wasn’t.
You’d ask him about his change of heart later, but decided to give him a peck on the lips and drag him back to the center of the living room.
It was a sweet act on his part, but his eyes betrayed how he really felt.
He was going to take you, and not a single bit of your body would be safe from his wonder working lips.
He’s a slut for a good party and you know it. Nothing can stop him from getting absolutely wasted and enjoying himself in the sea of people. He was practically born to live in the spotlight, so that he’ll do.
Until you drag him home.
Or until he sees you flaunting around with a good for nothing loser that he’s never met before.
Tonight- it was the latter, his eyes laying upon the sight of you talking to a supposed friend of yours that he’s never met.
There was always the possibility that you had met them tonight, but he wasn’t about to hear you out. He knew all of your friends. Every single one of them. And he didn’t care if they liked him or not, so long as he knew them.
He watched in disgust as you laughed at something the stranger said, cringing even further when you placed a hand on their shoulder to steady yourself.
The sight simply enraged him, and maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it made his heart throb in agony.
Was he really that bad for you? I mean sure, he was your boyfriend, but he’s never been jealous of someone before and it was really starting to bother him.
“Y/n!” He hissed and grabbed you by your wrist, not even giving you a chance to say goodbye to your friend. “Stop trying to date other people!” His face was close to yours, and his breath reeked of alcohol.
“I’m not?!” You argued, pulling your wrist away from his grasp, only to have him grab it again and lead you out of the house. “Hey! What are you doing?!” You shouted and glared at him as you stood. “Are you at least going to tell me what’s wrong?”
He stopped and looked back at you, his eyes shining with malice and nothing more. He was totally blinded by his rage.
“I’m going to remind you who you belong to.”
And by god he did.
He’s a gentle giant. Parties aren’t really his thing, but if it makes you happy, then he doesn’t mind a whole lot.
For the most part, it was the two of you and some friends talking by the pool, your feet dangling in the water as you talked. It was relaxing, surprisingly, and Jonathan couldn’t help but rest his head on your shoulder as you talked.
Now, Jonathan isn’t really the jealous type. He never really has been and he doesn’t think he will be.
But there’s just something about Dio sitting beside you that sets him off.
“Hello Y/n darling.” His voice is like silk, smooth in his way to try and seduce you. “JoJo.” He nodded at Jonathan before taking your hand in his and kissing it softly.
“Dio.” You scoffed and pulled your hand away. “I didn’t know you were invited to this party.”
“Of course I was.” He chuckled lowly and smirked. “I’m always invited to these things.”
Jonathan’s arms found their way to your waist, curling around you and holding you close. He lifted his head up and shot a glare at Dio, his gaze unwavering in his resolve. The blond scoffed and left, leaving you and Jonathan alone to enjoy one another’s company.
“You know… Dio is our neighbor…” He started, whispering softly into your ear. “It would be nice if we could ensure that he didn’t get sleep tonight, no?”
“Oh Jonathan.” You chuckled and leaned into him. “I don’t see why not.”
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inkpot909 · 1 year
Rohan Kishibe Falling for an Assistant!Reader
↳ Reader’s gender is not defined/is gender neutral. Reader is in college and not a stand user.
A/n: ‘roHan KisHibE wOuLd nEveR hiRe an asSissTant-‘ Rohan Kishibe loses in fights against teenagers. He’s been famous since the age of sixteen; there’s no way he can even do the dishes properly.
Warning(s): Swearing.
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Rohan Kishibe began the process of finding a personal assistant not a year after Yoshikage Kira’s death.
Not too long before, the idea of hiring an assistant was one the mangaka would openly mock. Him? Needing assistance? Not a chance. His work ethic is unreal; able to disregard what other artists would consider as valuable help. The Great Rohan Kishibe works solo at every opportunity and everyone ought to know it.
Although his reputation to many of the people around him can be rocky, one would be hard pressed to find anyone with the opinion that he needed an assistant at all.
However, the kind of aid he sought was, for lack of a better term, a glorified maid.
The Kishibe resident itself is big enough to comfortably home a family of five, and Rohan famously lives by himself. And completing tasks associated with home ownership had always been a big pain in the ass to the artist. Too much of his time was wasted on ‘unnecessary’ trivials (things others would describe as regular adult responsibilities).
Not only does he lose precious work time to maintaining a house, but also to grocery shopping, sending messages to his editors, and even cooking.
In short, he independently searched for someone to take care of his home and busybody tasks on the regular. Releasing an ad, he felt confident that he’d find someone. Even if the job itself turns a handful away, a generous payload would be sure to entice a fair amount of people.
Trudging through resume after resume, interview after interview, Rohan eventually came across you.
A young college student, taking a small yet steady stream of classes. Your resume was average to many your age, but stood out to him for other reasons. Namely, your application was well-written and to the point (something he had increased appreciation for at that stage in the interviewing process). Not only that, but the specific experiences you have had in the workforce was good insensitive as well. The final nail in the coffin was a general feeling of honesty pooling from your written words. Judging by how it was written, he could sense genuine realness. In short, you didn’t bullshit.
Amidst your educational endeavors, you searched tirelessly for a stable income. Spotting Kishibe’s ad, you resolved it wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot. And as fate would have it, you were contacted in order to set up an interview.
Unsure of what to expect, you dressed yourself up and swallowed your nerves. The interview itself was to take place at a tiny coffee shop in Morioh Cho and you were thankful for the short trip.
Meeting one another at the agreed time, Rohan’s character quickly confused the hell out of you (as much as it was intriguing). He’s certainly the type to leave a lasting first impression, while seeming careless to your own thoughts on him.
It was intimidating, overwhelming, and admirable all at once.
Also, he made it clear his work’s extremely important to him, the sole reason behind why he searched for help in the first place. More time to work; more time to dig for inspiration.
His dedication is what truly sold you, finding it weirdly motivating. Within just fifteen minutes of speaking to him, you’d forgotten that he’s only a year or two older than yourself.
That was, until the interview went on longer and he let it slip that certain worries plague him. Especially between chapter releases. The prospect almost made you sad; both his ego and anxiety possibly due to being a well-renown artist from a relatively young age.
Your personal response to the questions plaguing your brain was to disregard them, and instead focus on an expectant Kishibe. His eyes were sharp, looking down at you and impatiently awaiting a response to a question you completely missed.
You didn’t need to hear the exact words, though. Smiling sheepishly, you reached out your hand and shook his own. In the back of your mind, it was assumed any answers to your questions would eventually arrive one way or another.
They were bound to, considering Rohan Kishibe was- from that moment onward -officially your boss.
And to say it was a rough start for the both of you would’ve been an understatement.
Initially, you were a little shy about making any more assumptions or even observations. Hell, you were shy in general. Adjusting to the new job became a top priority over any curiosity about your peculiar boss. But when working with a man like Rohan Kishibe, it’s difficult not to hang over his every last word despite yourself.
However, time brings with it familiarity. Not only with a usual work routine, but with Rohan himself. His initial sternness made meeting his expectations all the more satisfying. Without a doubt, you were proud of how quick you got into the swing of things.
He prioritized quietness and swiftness, but was also surprisingly fair. Even after accustoming to the work environment, he always comments on a job well done.
Except for when he’s deeply invested in his work. To you, it’s difficult to tell if he even notices your presence upon entering the art room. However, it’s not as if you slipped into the background, but he simply grew used to you being there on occasion.
Months passed. You grew to have less and less questions about a man you no longer called Mr. Kishibe, but instead by his first name.
The two of you don’t necessarily need to speak in order to be communicative. You’re at a point in your relationship now where you found reading into his actions to be surprisingly easy.
That’s an aspect he certainly wasn’t expecting either, not used to such things.
Just the smallest shift of his facial expression- just a lift of a brow -and your eyes light up with understanding. Sure, he can ‘read others like a book,’ but you’ve seemingly mastered the language of Rohan Kishibe’s demeanor without any stand power.
Then he notices that you’ve started doting on him. An extra selection of sugar with his morning tea. Always taking an enthusiastic intrest whenever he shares his art. And a specific kind of contentment or pride you put into your work that he honestly would have never foreseen.
For the longest time, he was adamant that he wouldn’t use his stand to peak at your past and present. His power had grown considerably, and became more selective of who he investigates. However, his curiosity overcomes a sense of restraint on his own abilities.
He couldn’t help but take a peak. Besides, he could find something usual for his writing. Regardless of whether or not he did, he found something else as well. Written in on your second page, his name was the most recent in a list of people you harbor (or have harbored) feelings for.
Rohan can move on after that. No problem. It wasn’t the first time he’s found his own name written down in someone’s book as a crush. It’s nothing to pester you about; nothing to even ponder. Nope. Just go back to work. Not a hint of romance is going to suddenly appear in his manga (it’s psychological horror, why would it be?) out of thin air.
A week passes. Two weeks pass. He’s become a little more silent as of late, but it’s nothing you care to mention at all. Rohan gets absorbed in his work often, and you figure you’ll get the chance to ask him about his work a later time.
Your patience is respectable; it’s downright endearing. But the lack of investigation on your part made his teeth grind together in frustration.
He doesn’t think of you that much. Not really; don’t flatter yourself. His mind just lingers on your memory when you leave. Rohan’s thoughts merely turn to you when introducing a noticeably beautiful character in Pink Dark Boy. And it’s nothing special that he gets agitated when he doesn’t see you for a few days.
While you put him out of your mind (the thought of him is far too flustering), Rohan’s lingers on your more and more. The glances he throws at you dwadle, observant in the way you’ve been for months.
Standing in the front hall of Rohan’s home, your body is leaning against the wall while you pull your shoes on. The sun hangs low in the sky, kissing the horizon line. A pinkish blush spreads across Morioh Cho, dusk signaling the end of your work day. While making your effort, footsteps travel from the top floor and down the stairs.
Lifting your head, a smile spreads across your face when meeting your boss’s gaze. He’s made his way to the bottom of the stairs, stopping a comfortable distance in front of you. “Taking a break?” you ask gently.
“For a short while,” he confirms, before adding in a mumble, “Although I know you’d lecture me about working late.”
“You said it, not me,” you jest, straightening your back upright after slipping on your shoes. You fold your hands behind you, long coat softly swaying as you momentarily rock back and forth on your feet.
“Only so you don’t say it yourself.” Rohan crosses his arms, shifting his weight onto his right foot.
“Because you prefer the sound of your own voice?”
Rohan opens his mouth, only to close it anticlimactically a moment later. His brows furrow, and eyes dart away from your person. Biting the inside of his cheek puffs out his lips subtly.
It’s times like this that you wished you were the artist. He’s so insistent on capturing reality, in all it’s forms. But he’d be your muse of choice. Yet he neglects that he’s a work of art himself, you mentally note with an audible giggle.
Rohan’s demeanor changes, his pondering expression morphing into a curious one. It merely strengthens your smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Rohan,” you finally speak.
“Yes, of course,” he replies dismissively, as if it was redundant of you to mention.
Chuckling once more, you move forward. The mangaka’s breathing catches in his throat when you wrap your arms around him, and forehead collides with his chest. The hug is short, but noticeably warm.
You pull away far too quickly, waving him ‘goodbye’ and going on about buying him a St. Gentleman’s sandwich for lunch the following day while walking out the door. Rohan merely nods, watching the front door delicately shut behind you.
He’s stunned. Unmoving in his spot, only his eyes blink dumbfoundedly. Is he really going to head upstairs like nothing happened? Even now? Just continue working a few more hours of the night away? Maybe he should mull you over in his mind for a moment or two. Maybe for a couple of minutes. The way he’s starting to feel around you may not be a problem, but it certainly is something isn’t it?
He bites his lower lip, silently cursing your name. He attempts to ward away the rising heat on his cheeks with a shake of his head. For once, he’s glad he cannot use his stand to read his own mind. Because even without such ability, he has no doubt it would clearly state that The Great Rohan Kishibe has grown much to close to his assistant.
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JoJo Masterlist
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* = Nsfw
° = Angst
× = Yandere
≈ = Family fic
© = Crack fic
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Robert Speedwagon
• If I Was Your Vampire
Dio Brando
• In Due Time°
• Shame on the Night*
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Joseph Joestar
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
Caesar Zeppeli
• In-A-Godda-Da-Vidda°
• Pillow Talk
• Coddling Santana and Wamuu (HCs)
• Pillarmen with a child "hostage" (HCs)
• Love Machine*
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• Them falling in love (HCs)
• Singing "Tequila" on karaoke night (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• One Shot, 2 Shot ©
• Bring on the Night*
• Feel Good Inc.
Mohammed Avdol
• Burnin' for You
Terence D'Arby
• Holding on to You*
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Josuke Higashikata
• Don't Stop Me Now
Rohan Kishibe
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
Akira Otoishi
• Pepper
Hayato Kawajiri
• A Little Bit Off Today ≈
Yoshikage Kira
• Beggin'*
• Modern Love*
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Guido Mista
• Looking for a Kiss*
La Squadra
• Japanese Mythology HCs
• Seducing La Squadra* (HCs)
• NSFW headcanons*
• No Rest for the Wicked AU HCs
• Him with your pet tortoise (HCs)
Diavolo / Vinegar Doppio
• Head Like a Hole, Ch. 1
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Weather Report
• Selkie out of Water, Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4
• Dancing in the Moonlight
• Canned Heat
• Electric Love ×
• Dad Report ≈
• Dreams of a Samurai*
• Cold as Ice
• What's New Pussycat*
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Emporio Alnino
• Thank You (for sending me an angel) ≈
Narciso Anasui
• Dating HCs
• S/o is on their period (HCs)
Jotaro Kujo
• Drive*
Enrico Pucci
• Fallen Angel*
• Lady in Red*
• My Light*
• Saints an' Sinners*
• Take Me to Church*
• That's Life
• Finding out their S/o is pregnant (HCs)
• S/o on their period (HCs)
Johngali A.
• White Room*
Thunder McQueen
• (You) Shook Me All Night Long*
D an G
Donatello Versace
• To Heal*
Perla Pucci
• General platonic HCs
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Gyro Zeppeli
• Hayloft*
• Hayloft II*
• Kickstart My Heart*
• Whole Lotta Love*
Diego Brando
• Moonage Daydream*
• Tell Him That His Lonesome Nights Are Over, Pt. 1 || Pt. 2*
Mountain Tim
• Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)*
Funny Valentine
• Cupid's Chokehold ×
• Oye Cómo Va*
• I Surrender*
• Twisted Nerve ch. 1
• Dating HCs*
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Josefumi Kujo
• Dating HCs (Ft. Kira)
Jobin Higashikata
• Hard Lovin' Man*
Aisho Dainenjiyama
• Keep On Loving You
• Can't Help Falling in Love
• Bad Case of Lovin' You
• Tooru HCs* (SFW and NSFW)
• Yan!Tooru HCs*
• Doctor play with Tooru* (HCs)
• Tooru x Nurse!reader*
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Paco Lovelantes
• Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
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mousegard · 10 months
You write first person getting fucked up scenes so good, you put a lot of detail into it and I was wondering if there was any particular reason?
Like the multiple scenes in your fics whether it be Adrestian Tail or Eagle among Lions of specifically Edelgard being met with an untimely demise and being saved by a byleth rewind are some of my favorite scenes.
Like in EAL the arrow scene it could have just been something like a cut to the rewind but you put in the effort to make us imagine what getting an arrow through the eye and slipping towards death would feel like alongside Edelgard. You go that extra mile, you want us to experience that for a reason and I love it about your writing!
thank you! i'm so glad you enjoy that aspect of my writing because those sorts of scenes are some of my favorite to write!
when i write, i have a very clear mental image of what's going on playing in my head like a movie, and the way i do prose is to try to capture those images with as much detail as possible. and because prose isn't as suited to describing how something looks as drawings are, the most effective way to capture those images is to translate them into how things feel.
so with scenes of people getting fucked up, whether it's grievous wounds and fatal injuries or body horror, i try to channel something like jojo's bizarre adventure where the the details of what's happening really sit with you in a very visceral and pulpy way. except obviously i can't draw like araki, or at all. but remember how it felt reading jojos and seeing things like jolyne ripping off viviano westwood's toenail in part six, heavy weather turning people into snails, or damo using his stand to melt the higashikatas in part eight? especially from part three onward, jojo's bizarre adventure has always reveled in people getting fucked up in a way that can genuinely make your stomach churn, and i wanted to write stomach-churning prose to capture how it feels for araki to depict and linger on the human reactions to seeing or experiencing those sorts of things.
remember that part of rohan kishibe's introduction in part four where he cuts open a spider and then tastes it to "understand" it better so he can capture its essence more effectively in his manga? well i haven't eaten any bugs but i think rohan's exaggerated actions convey. obviously when you're writing action and adventure stories, let alone sci-fi and fantasy, you don't have the luxury of trying some things out for yourself, but then again, i don't think araki eats bugs either, regardless of how his delightfully unhinged author stand-in behaves.
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(with lizard boot camp, i might have succeeded in depicting edelgard's experiences too well, because i had one reader tell me it made them vomit. i think it was the bit with the pin feathers. they make me queasy too!)
in eal, one of the things i really enjoyed was trying to get as deep into edelgard's head as possible, since she's the sole pov for the entirety of the first act and the vast majority of the second. you're stuck in her head and you are going to get intimately acquainted with her—with her philosophies, with her romantic side, with her loneliness and grief, with her long-standing trauma, with her ratcheting paranoia as the situation around her intensifies, and with the terror and horror that comes with all the shit i put her through. i wanted the reader to feel everything she felt. especially because, like—she's edelgard, and one of the central problems with the fe3h fandom is that not enough people make the effort to understand her in the first place. and because over the course of an eagle among lions she feels so many things i doubt many people have felt before* (like how it feels to get shot in the eye, turned into a dragon, and blown out of an airlock like the xenomorph queen in aliens) i wanted to make sure the reader received enough detail to experience all those exciting, novel things along with her. and also get a new perspective on the things that are exciting and novel to her but mundane to us, like radios, computers, guns, and pizza.
i think a review of eal i got from LordXamon on the parahumans fanfic subreddit earlier this year captured everything i set out to do better than anything else i could say:
I read the story because this El is such a great MC. Not only is she super cool (again, time traveler leftist revolutionary queer empress), but the writing really makes me empathize in ways not many fanfics can. When El cries, I cry. When El is furious, I get furious. When she hurts, I wince. When El laughs, it puts a smile on my face. When she messes it up, I feel bad for her. When the body horror happens, it makes my stomach sick. When she delivers one of her speeches, it makes me want to vote for her.
in terms of my fic writing, eal really took the "people getting fucked up"-ness to the next level though, and in addition to the above reasons, part of that probably comes from pandemic madness and also me binge-watching re:zero, which delights in fucking its hero and his allies up in increasingly elaborate and gruesome ways while playing with time loops. so far, aria of the black eagle is pretty tame by comparison, so maybe i've worked some of it out of my system?
thanks again for your question and comment, i had so much fun talking about writing and this story with you!
* p.s. if you or anybody else reading this know from firsthand experience what it feels like to get tfed into a dragon, please tell me how you did it/how it happened to you
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leonwrites4u · 1 year
Updated list of what I will & won't write for!!!!
What I will write for
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Ouran High School Host Club
Genshin Impact
Inside Job
The Owl House
Feel Free To Request
One shots
Character x reader
Platonic relationships
What I Will Not Write For
Anything else that isn't appropriate or gross
Characters I will gladly write for (favorites)
Danganronpa: Rantaro Amami, Makoto Naegi, Izuru Kamukura, Kazuichi Souda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota
JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Rohan Kishibe, any JoJo, Any SDC, Suzi Q, Yukako Yamagishi, Koichi Hirose
Ouran High School Host Club: The twins (seperately) Tamaki, Kyoya, Mori
Genshin Impact: Kaeya, Chongyun, Any Anemo boy, Kujou Sara, Thoma, Ayato, Xingqiu, Tartaglia, Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu
Inside Job: Reagan Ridley, Brett Hand, Andre Lee, Ron Staedler
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Hunter, Willow Park, Gus Porter, Eda & Lilith Clawthorne, Collector
Amphibia: Anne Boonchoy, Marcy Wu, Sasha Waybright
Characters I Will Not Write For
Danganronpa: Junko Enoshima
JoJos Bizarre Adventure: TBA
Ouran High School Host Club: Any lobelia student
Genshin Impact: Fatui Harbingers (Until there's more information about them)
Inside Job: TBA
The Owl House: Belos/Philip Whittebane
Amphibia: Any frog
Feel free to request!! I'm always happy to write for you all !
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
AU Idea:
Koichi Hirose's Stand is a human soul reborn, just like in Joestar Platinum, only this time it's... Koichi Hirose. As in, a copy of Koichi from when he was shot with the Stand Arrow hatches from the egg as Echoes ACT 1 and proceeds to flip the fuck out.
It's only when Rohan writes "Echoes can communicate effectively with famed comic artist Kishibe Rohan" with Heaven's Door during their first encounter that Echoes!Koichi is able to finally articulate his situation to someone. Echoes temporarily betrays his user out of desperation and becomes Rohan's willing accomplice in picking apart Koichi's life to find a way to extract this "imposter."
Of course, both Echoes and Koichi are equally real, but neither of them recognize that yet.
(So, a bizarro Hirose Twins crossed with Echoes Act 4 & JonaPlat with a dash of Hidden in Plain Sight.)
hey....... would you mind if I just. Made this the Hirose Twins AU instead. Because that AU was really going nowhere and the name works so much better for this one so-
And oh my god I’m loving this so much tho
Just. Echoes hatches and has a moment of What The Actual F U C K because that is very clearly his body and he’s not inside of it. The fight with Kobayashi has mostly the same end result because Echoes is still very protective of his family, but that’s when things start to get interesting
For one, Echoes is going to be in a weird spot of not wanting to listen to Koichi but also not wanting “his” body and friends to get hurt. He’s also going to want to be out constantly, and he’s probably going to be hanging around Josuke and Okuyasu as much as he can but would openly scorn Koichi. He’s not overtly cruel, but Koichi gets the message that Echoes doesn't like him loud and clear and would probably give his Stand as much space and freedom as he can
And honestly? This might make Echoes even more angry. That this imposter isn’t mean or cruel or even unpleasant. That he isn’t trying to destroy his life but instead perfectly replacing him so no one will notice he’s even gone, doing everything the exact way he would and saying everything he would say. It’s confusing and he hates it, but there’s nothing he can do. As for Koichi......it’s a little disheartening, to be honest. That what is essentially his own soul is rejecting him like this
The thing with Rohan is going to be inane, I can already tell. Rohan is going to be even more interested than canon, because not only do others exist with abilities like his but this one is sentient. It has thoughts and emotions and desires, and what could be better inspiration than the experiences of an entirely different species
And Echoes, while hesitant to resort to drastic measures, is getting desperate. It’s been months and he has exactly zero leads on how to take his body back, or even why this happened to begin with. He’s at the end of his rope, and Rohan is his best shot
And their findings are...... not what they expected
The realization that Koichi and Echoes are the same person hits the both of them hard. Koichi because he hadn’t realized his Stand was dealing with these emotions, and Echoes because this meant...... he was wrong. This entire time he was wrong and he put Koichi in danger like this. Koichi wasn’t an imposter, wasn’t a copy, it was just..... another him. It was a relief knowing he wasn’t a copy either, but it still left him scrambling on what to do next. I’d imagine the two would have a long talk after this. They would basically have to, after everything that was just revealed.
And what if with the help of Heaven’s Door, the two are able to swap back and forth. Maybe Rohan writes in something along the lines of “Koichi and Echoes will be able to swap places at will” or something. That way Echoes won’t be trapped as a Stand for the rest of their shared life. Maybe they swap every other day or something, and have a special subtle way for the two of them to distinguish themselves, like a bracelet or ring
I can also see them finally telling their mom and sister about everything, from Stands to their current predicament. After all, it would feel wrong to hide the fact that they had a second son and brother now, and the two of them trusted them. And it would definitely be a shock and difficult to believe, but to give these two at least a bit more happiness let’s make it so they accept it.
.....do you think that Koichi would be uncomfortable being called ‘Koichi’ when Echoes is called Echoes? After all, they know neither of them are copies, and the fact he gets to keep their “original” name while calling the other an echo feels wrong. Maybe around friends and other Stand Users in the know he could be called a name meaning something like mirror or reflection, just to make things “even” so to speak
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tariah23 · 7 months
favorite minor jjba antagonist? i think mine is kishibe rohan. bastard mangaka <3
Probably Rohan as well wnaja. He’s such a bitter bitch!!! I love how he never changed after being defeated by Josuke. Most of the other minor villains either died or became friends with their fellow Jojo’s but not Rohan. No way. He couldn’t stand Josuke’s guts hehhh.
I still need to get around to watching the live action, “Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan,” movies! I want to reread the Rohan manga chapters as well. I really enjoyed the one-shot where he and Yukako seemed to get along really well. And of course, everyone loved the “Millionaire Village,” one-shot. It was something else. Waiting patiently for DP to one day animate “Rohan at the Louvre,” and “Rohan Kishibe Goes to Gucci.”
Tbh, they might as well animate “Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI,” as well. It was pretty short though but they could always turn it into a short 12 min ova? Hm? Well, regardless. PLEASE. I know that jjba fans (I haven’t been keeping up with jojo as much if I’m being honest but I want to catch up on part 9! Only read the first chapter 🥺. I’ve been out of the loop for sure) used to complain all of the time about how Rohan gets special treatment and that they’re tired of his ass getting all of the spin-offs. But so what! He’s Araki’s star child lol. I still enjoy all of the new content whenever I see it at least. (They should still think about animating Purple Haze Feedback at least…)
I also remember enjoying Ghiaccio and Versace/Versus as well!!! Majority of part 5’s villains were prettying enjoyable tbh. I liked Ghiaccio’s awful attituted and as far as Versace goes, I remember wishing that he would’ve joined Jolyne’s crew lol. But then he died and that was it. Outside of Giorno, he was the only other son of Dio’s that I didn’t mind too much tbh.
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sammygems · 1 year
JJBA Sims CC Ideas List
ight, so, i've been playing sims a lot lately, and i've downloaded a lot of cc for it, especially JJBA cc, but I haven't been able to find any CC for certain characters, so I wanted to make a list of potential CC outfits & character ideas for any JJBA CC creators, without feeling like i'm pressuring anyone in particular. List is organized by Parts + some spin-off stuff.
Phantom Blood
Childhood outfits for Jonathan & Dio
Childhood outfit for Erina
Any of these Jonathan outfits
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Jonathan's Volume cover outfits for Volumes 2, 4, & 5 and his chapter cover outfit from chapter 31 (which appear in ASB)
Stone Mask as like, a wall decoration.
Any of these Dio outfits
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Battle Tendency
Joseph clackers accessory
Part 2 Speedwagon & Erina
Literally anything for Smokey, i've seen nothing for him
More Lisa Lisa outfits
Suzi Q's other outfits that aren't her apron dress
Joseph's childhood outfit from his first plane crash
Joseph's dress
Old Joseph's part 2 outfit
Any of these Joseph outfits
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Joseph's volume cover outfits from volumes 6, 7, & 9, and his chapter cover outfits from chapters 57 and 58.
Childhood & teen outfits for Caesar
Really any of Caesar's outfits other then his main outfit.
Stardust Crusaders
Outfits for Holy, Suzi Q, and really any of the followers of Dio (i'm not saying that there's nothing of the followers btw, i've found Mariah, the D'Arby brothers & Vanilla Ice)
Joseph's outfit with the turtleneck & trenchcoat
Avdol's main outfit but with the jellabiya (aka the skirt) and his "Avdol's father disguise" outfit
Polnareff's outfit but with the weird little skirt thingy that he has in the manga at some point.
Diamond is Unbreakable
Anything for Koichi, I've found basically nothing for him.
Any of Rohan's various outfits
Jotaro's first & second outfits
Outfits of Hayato & Shigechi
Anything for Mikitaka, Yuya, Tamani, Hazamada, & Tonio
Golden Wind/Vento Aureo
Bucciarati's hair but for children
Bucciarati's childhood outfits
Polnareff's part 5 outfit
the Bow & Arrow as like, decorations and/or accessories
Stone Ocean
Jolyne's main outfit, but the skirt & boots version.
These variants of Jolyne's outfit
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Young Weather & Pucci outfits
Most if not all of Jolyne's outfits that appear in ASB, ASBR, & EOH.
Anything for the Sons of Dio, Johngalli A., Sports Maxx, Thunder McQueen, Miraschon, Lang Rangler, Westwood, & Miu Miu
Gloria's hair
Perla's hair
Outfits for Anakiss & Eldis (alt world's Anasui & Ermes)
Steel Ball Run
Anything for Steven Steel, Mountain Tim, Scarlet, Wekapipo, Pocoloco, Sandman, Norisuke Higashikata I, & Sugar Mountain
Anything for any of the Highaskata family, Kei, Toru, Rai, & Holy
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Rohan's various outfits
Spin-Offs, One-Shots, & Novels
Jolyne, Bucciarati, & Abbacchio's Fly High With Gucci outfits
Coniglio from Golden Heart, Golden Ring
Sheila E from Purple Haze Feedback
Ryoko Kakyoin from Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak
Also Hol Horse's outfit from CDDH
Jolyne's childhood outfit that appears in Eyes of Heaven and this one is the only one that i'm despite for guys
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If you've found any CC of any of these, please let me know, if CC creators wanna take inspiration, go for it.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
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Ringo Akiyama
Nicknames: GoGo
Age: 15 - 16
Birthday: April 28, 1983
Height: 5'8" (172cm)
Stand: Sergeant Pepper
Originally a weak Hamon User, Ringo Akiyama is a Cacciatore-Zeppeli descendant living in the small town of Morioh who awakens to a Stand after being shot with the Stand Arrow by Otoshi. Often outcasted amd bullied growing up, Ringo became very shy and timid as a teenager. He developed near-crippling social anxiety and was often seen alone during school or when not with family. It takes the extroverted Duwang Gang and his cousins to get him to finally take a risk and start to come out of his shell.
Because of his social anxiety, Ringo had become selectively mute. It became difficult for him to find the courage to muster up even a few syllables. Now, he only speaks in private or when he's certain no one else will hear to family and friends -- people that he is comfortable around. The only other way to get him to break his silence is by pushing him to extreme anger and getting him to lash out, which is extremely rare due to Ringo's pacifist nature. Either way, Ringo will often remain silent in public. To get around this, he will use JSL to communicate, or write down his words on a whiteboard that he carries around with him on occasion. It should be noted that when his friends ask to learn JSL from him, Ringo gets overwhelmingly happy.
When around strangers or people he is uncomfortable with in general, Ringo clams up and refuses to speak in front of them, relying on his alternative methods instead. Towards these people -- one example being Rohan Kishibe -- Ringo displays only his shyness and timidity. His anxiety gets the better of him in these situations, usually relying on others to help put him at ease if he can. Ringo will only speak if he absolutely has to or is pushed to the brink by an enemy. It is because of this projected personality that enemy Stand Users often underestimate him and his abilities.
Ringo becomes a near-completely different person around those he's comfortable with, such as his friends and family. He becomes warm and kind, doing his best to reassure others and keep their own anxieties from affecting them the way that his affect him. Ringo also had a habit of becoming attentive and affectionate towards those he cares about. Not only does this make him great support in battle and very observant of his surroundings, it also makes him a decent caretaker. Ringo is typically the one who looks after the younger members of his family during gatherings or in general when his parents are away. During the events of Diamond Is Unbreakable, he is noted to often be watching and caring for his younger brother Chihiro, as well as his younger cousins, Jolyne and Mickey Kujo.
Ringo eventually comes to be the User of the Stand "Sergeant Pepper", following an incident where he had been shot with the Stand Arrow by Akira Otoshi in an effort to protect Chihiro and Jolyne from being struck. For a while after developing his Stand, Ringo is terrified of Sergeant Pepper. And it's not because of the Stand's appearance, either. Alrhough the Stand can allow Ringo to hear heartbeats, this stems from Sergeant Pepper's primary ability is to control a person's blood flow.
Before learning to control him, Sergeant Pepper would stop the blood flow of those who were deemed a threat while Ringo was worked up or actively having a panic attack It's enough to freak him out significantly to the point where he believes that his power is a curse. Eventually, with a little help, he begins to see his power in a different light. His power doesn't have to be a curse that only kills. He learns to use it to passively take out enemies by reducing the blood flow to their brain until they lose consciousness. He's able to keep a person's heart beating when it can't on its own, long enough for help to arrive or for them to be healed by another Stand's ability. With the side effect of hearing heartbeats, he becomes able to tell when a person is lying. He learns that just because he has this power, it doesn't make him a killer. With the way he uses it, it makes him a savior.
Although the breathing technique originally became a way for Ringo to keep himself calm when anxious, his use of Hamon has become a defense mechanism for him. With Sergeant Pepper acting as Ringo's offense, Hamon comes into play as his defense -- reflecting outward to repel what damage it can and acting as a shield to protect Ringo and those he's in physical contact with from harm.
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sundropdandelion · 1 year
Love Like You: Rohan Kishibe and Daughter Reader
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Late into the night, long after the sun had gone down and all the children of the world were tucked safely in their beds, a small girl no older than nine sat alone in the back of her mother’s archaic car as it sped down the interstate. The curtain of raindrops on the windshield ahead held thousands of yellow headlights, still managing to make the girl squint while she faced her reflection in the window next to her.
She was delicate: not delicate like the porcelain dolls loved by little girls around the world, but delicate like the dead leaves of a flower that would wither with a single wrong touch. She was timid: not timid like a child meeting a new friend at a playground, but timid to where there was a cramp in her neck from thinking danger was just over her shoulder. She was completely helpless in such an uncertain world.
But the worst of it all was the bloodied towel wrapped around her eye.
The girl’s name was (Y/n). She listened intently to what appeared to be fragments of a song breaking through the static on the radio while tracing a raindrop with her fingertip. The droplet soon collided with another, and she dropped her hand to the side with a sigh. “Where are we going?” she asked her mother.
Her mother tugged at one of the earrings shaped like the tip of a pen dangling from her ear. When a car whizzed by they would flicker gold, and the reflective light would be imprisoned behind coils of black hair. (Y/n) leaned forward slightly and opened her mouth to repeat the question, but then thought, Mama always touches her earrings when she’s unhappy, so she clamped her mouth shut and shuffled her knees awkwardly.
 “Did you say something?”
(Y/n) perked her head up with great surprise; any answers to her questions were far and few in between. Flustered, (Y/n) dropped her head, watching her feet shimmy as though they were passing an invisible ball back and forth, second-guessing her option to ask the question again.
“Well? Don’t keep me waiting.”
(Y/n) shot her head up again. “Um…I…I just wanted to know where we’re going. We’ve been driving for a long time…”
Her mother tugged at the other earring and then began to speak. “Before you were born, there was a town I used to visit frequently: it was a lovely town, and though I didn’t know too many residents, the ones I did meet had hearts of gold; but there was one man in particular who, upon first meeting him, had the most golden heart of all.”
(Y/n) latched onto the rarity of the situation, the mind of an attention-starved child savoring the morsel of information thrown to her, like a beggar to bread. She asked, unknown curiosity pecking on the inside of her heart like a twitching egg, “Mama? Who was the man?”
“He was drowning in riches,” she began, failing to mention the man’s name, as her memories seduced her in a dream-like state. “Walls of gold, closets packed with fabrics from all around the world…he was an endless supply of happiness…but then, things fell apart.”
“Mama, what happened to you and the man?”
(Y/n)’s question lingered in the air like a bad taste in the mouth. The earring was tugged at yet again; silence, aside from the rain. 
Sudden resentment swooped in and perched itself on her mother’s eyebrows.
“You know, people aren’t always what they seem. One moment they act sickenly loyal and loving, and in the blink of an eye they turn it all around and leave you behind.”
“Oh.” (Y/n) didn’t know what else to say. Her mother continued her rambling.
“You share secrets under the moonlight; those secrets become weapons against you. You cry in the candlelight, yet your tears can never extinguish the fiery rage of betrayal; and after the last drop of love is squeezed dry from your heart, they toss away your husk of a soul.”
(Y/n) argued with herself within her head, tempted to ask about the situation further. I wonder what happened to Mama and the man? she thought, and the curiosity of a child took her mind by the reins. “Mama, did that man do all of those things to you?”
Not an answer was heard.
“(Y/n),” she snipped unexpectedly, “mind your own business.”
(Y/n) began to dip her toe too deep into the murky waters of the memory of her mother. 
“(Y/n), please!”
“I just want to know!”
The car, which had left the highway minutes before and pulled through a road surrounded by trees as straight as palace guards, came to a screeching halt. (Y/n) caught herself from colliding with the back of her mother’s car seat with a thrust of her arms; hesitant to face what she knew was the angry expression of the woman in the front, she sat back and saw said woman staring at her with ice in her eyes.
“End of the discussion. Understand?”
“I understand; I’m sorry, Mama.”
Her mother groaned something under her breath, too quiet to make out the words. (Y/n), feeling unnecessarily ashamed, hid her pale, unsmiling face behind her weak knees. She distracted herself from the boiling stew of negativity in her chest racing up to the tips of her ears by watching the endless rainfall outside of the window, wondering where they could be going on such a stormy night.
Maybe she would find someone to love her and bring her happiness, as her mother found long ago?
Good morning Morioh! The weather is warm, and flowers and animals are peeking out from their hiding spots, so this could only mean one thing...spring is here!
Seated on his front porch was a man known near and far for his incredible skills as an artist and his diligent working habits. His name was Rohan Kishibe, and whether he was sketching pictures or snapping photos, he was always on the hunt for inspiration from the aspects of reality that he found fascinating, which could be from the tallest tree to the teeniest ant. Right now, the 32-year-old was finding inspiration in the blossoming flora and awakening fauna in his yard, sketching the beauty that spring had brought to the town of Morioh.
Here’s a song to help you all catch a case of spring fever! Remember, if you ever feel a little blue, remind yourself that good things always come in this season!
April Come She Will began to play on the radio and Rohan couldn’t help but hum along. He curled his lips upwards at the last words of that morning’s announcement. Whatever good was to come, Rohan couldn’t help but feel intrigued. Perhaps, he thought, it could inspire me in new ways?
The sound of a bicycle bell cut his thoughts short and Rohan glanced up, eyeing the mailman approaching his mailbox.
“Mornin’, Rohan! Enjoying the weather, are we?”
“What else would I be doing?” Rohan said as he stood up and accepted his mail.
“You know,” began the mailman, “I just read the latest volume of Pink Dark Boy, great job as always! But there was one thing missing…”
“And what might that be?” Rohan replied, not bothering to look up from the letters.
The mailman looked down to hide his deepening blush. “Naked women—think about it! If you sprinkled a few nudes here and there, Pink Dark Boy’s sales would skyrocket!
Naked women? thought Rohan bitterly. That’s his genius idea? Feeling quite peeved, Rohan turned around to give the mailman a scolding about how the beauty of manga was not in the sales, but the artist found that the mailman had already taken off on his bike, shouting one final message to him.
“Well, I gotta go! Lots of deliveries to be made! I hope you consider what I said!”
Rohan rolled his eyes.
“What does he know about comics anyway?” Rohan told himself. “He is but a mailman; his occupation is as simple as his mind!”
Seeing that trivial matters were rather exhausting, Rohan made his way inside whilst sifting through the mail. There was the Morioh newspaper with enough inspiration to write entire novels, meddlesome bills (though when one has as many riches as Rohan Kishibe, money is the least of troubles), and the much-expected fan letters from teens begging for an internship or kids who saw themselves as rebellious by writing to the author of a series their parents believed would corrupt their minds. 
But on the bottom of it all was a letter that only had the word ‘mysterious’ to describe it: a single lipstick stain, rich and red and velvety, was puckered up against the paper lips of the envelope; Rohan’s address was written so poorly a chicken would scratch its own head trying to decipher it; not a name from the sender was to be seen.
Rohan was built head to nose with curiosity; mysterious letters like the one clutched between his hands would send him dashing to his studio to create a new story; but he instead froze in place, nervous fingers tracing along the crease of the envelope, questioning if he dared open it or not. The uncharacteristic reaction stirred his heart, squalls of uneasy thoughts bursting forth as he retrieved an envelope knife and opened the letter.
This is what was written:
To my dear Rohan Kishibe,
It's been a long time, hasn’t it? Ten years, I’d say? Now, I hate writing to you out of the blue, but I wouldn’t dare tear you away from your work without a serious reason; you may have to be sitting down for what you are about to read. Shortly after you and I went our separate ways, I found out that I was pregnant with your child. We have a daughter named (Y/n), and due to the financial issues I have been struggling with, I am afraid that I cannot take care of her for some time. (Y/n) is in very poor condition, and I don’t know how much longer she will last. Please stop by the Morioh Grand Hotel once you get this letter; my room number is 199. Hope to see you soon!
(M/n) (Last Name)
Rohan had to sit down.
At least he tried to, for he instead found himself clutching the granite countertop of his island kitchen, just about buckling under the shock of what he just read.
“(M/n)? She’s…back?” He whispered, his words cold and numb as frostbite; he read the signature over at least five times. There are plenty of (M/n)s in the world, Rohan thought, though it was a rather fruitless theory since he only knew one (M/n) in his whole life. His past paramour was, however–and surprisingly–the least of his worries in the situation.
(Y/n): his supposed daughter. 
“A trick!” he suddenly exclaimed. “This is another one of that witch’s tricks! She’s just screwing with me so she can worm her way back into my life! Tch.” He grinned smugly, as though he was trying to gain the upper hand of the scenario. “Doesn’t she know that a child would just be a nuisance to The Great Kishibe Rohan, and keep me even further away from her?”
He had nothing left to say; Rohan followed what he believed to be a lie, and into the trash fell a crumpled-up letter. The coolness of the spring day led him outside, where he leaned against the railing of his back porch and stared into his lawn.
A pristine, perfect lawn with an emerald sheen in the spring sun like peacock feathers: empty of worry in the center (except for one oak tree, which we will get to in a bit), and bordered with what one could consider beautiful clutter: thorny necks of roses bathing in the sun; hydrangeas cradling their husbands and wives and hundreds of kin; and rich mulch blanketing the more-natural earth. That’s how Rohan wanted his mind to be.
Alas, his mind was instead the oak towering above all in the center of his lawn, sunlight dusting its leaves like fresh, powdery snow. Rohan moved to lay underneath the canopy, gazing up into the constellation of breathing stars while contemplating how trees are like the future: thousands of relationships, millions of possibilities all woven in the dense blanket of life, withering away towards the end of its time, rebirthed as new beginnings for new life.
His philosophical musings came to a short end upon hearing weak chirping. Rohan rose to his feet in confusion and curiosity, circled the tree, and found that a baby bird had fallen from her nest on the other side of the trunk. 
“Getting too antsy to fly, I see,” Rohan said, hesitant to reunite her with her mother above. “Look at you—your eyes aren’t open a wink!”
Rohan continued to stare at the baby bird at his feet. Her pink, naked body wriggled against the grass, trying to find proper footing. Above, the mother bird chirped threats towards Rohan, and his decision to aid the helpless creature was leaning more towards abandonment.
Then the wind tickled his ear, and he looked to the breeze; it was the same direction as the hotel, and like a child wanting their parent’s attention, the letter and what lay within tugged at his mind. That was when a great overgrowth of altruism weaved up his spine in a chill, and after taking a final glance at the newborn bird, retrieved his gardening gloves from his garage and raced back to the baby. He gently scooped the bird up, messily climbed the tree (he hadn’t done so since he was a young boy), and the bird rolled off of his fingertips and into her nest, eager to see her mother once more. 
Rohan observed the way the family nestled in the tree. The mother bird, to his amusement, pecked her kin on the wing. She recognized her own under the fair scent of human, and the mother bird enveloped the baby under her feathery arms because her child was perfect as is. The unscripted scene struck a chord within Rohan’s heart: a chord of silky beauty, only found on the most magnificent of harps and the freest of equine; though guilt intruded in a hideous ring, akin to a cracked bell’s toll. It scolded Rohan into digging up the letter from his trash, to which he listened to his gut and did, inspecting the message once more. 
“Is this a possible prank?” Rohan questioned, glancing outside and watching a crocus sway in the breeze. He used this moment of silence to think over the contents of the letter, to contemplate what he should do from here on out. First, there was the safety of this situation to consider. What if this was a trap and he was attacked and held hostage by this woman? Or worse, what if this all truly was some sort of prank and he fell victim to humiliation?
But (M/n) and (Y/n) gnawed at his mind, the possibility of the latter’s existence telling him to go discover the truth behind the mysterious letter; and in the end, the feeling in his gut won.
Rohan put on his jacket, adjusted his tie, and walked out to his car. Before taking off to the hotel, he looked over the letter one last time, his curiosity slowly consuming him with every passing second. He wanted to know what (M/n) looked like after ten long years; he wanted to know why the girl mentioned in the letter was in such poor condition.
And, most of all, he questioned if he really was the father of the little girl named (Y/n).
The introduction can be found here: https://www.tumblr.com/sundropdandelion/720403229648748544/love-like-you-rohan-kishibe-and-daughter-reader
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Bingo: Rohan Kishibe
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I think there’s basically two Rohan Kishibes: one is the hilariously self-centered jackass freak who plays a wonderful and much needed role in Part 4 as the resident asshole / That Guy / Squidward of the Duwang Gang, and the other is the protagonist of a whole lotta mystery-horror-detective one-shot stories that Araki puts out periodically when he wants to do something that has nothing to do with JoJo outside of what little it needs to qualify as a JoJo spin-off. I really like the first Rohan, but I can’t say I care much for the second one.
I don’t dislike the Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan stuff by any means, I’m actually glad it exists. It’s Araki outlet to take a break from JoJo and experiment with the kind of horror-mystery-detective stuff he really enjoys writing and has to get out of his system every now and then, it’s basically just like all the other one-offs he’s been doing over the years except it’s got the JoJo brand attached, which doesn’t hurt sales. I haven’t read most of the Rohan one-shots past the first ones, I’m sure they’re fine, the ones I read were fine too. But they just really don’t interest me.
It’s not that I don’t like Rohan as a protagonist, I actually really like the Cheap Trick arc almost exclusively because it was a decently funny/horrifying Stand battle idea elevated by it happening to the funniest person it could have happened to. The fact that Rohan’s got that asshole genius personality Araki likes so much, on top of being a world-traveling mangaka which means Araki gets to write a lot from experience and throw some digs at the industry / himself and his own work, as well as having a really cool and fun-to-draw Stand that allows him to eventually get out of any narrative problem, makes it no surprise that Araki goes back to him again and again. Contrary to what fandom says (even if the jokes are funny), Rohan isn’t Araki’s favorite character, and he isn’t his self-insert either and he’s kinda spoken out against that idea a bunch of times, but it’s no brainer that Araki keeps coming back to him as an outlet for personal expression. I think it’s a very effective thing that he’s done with this.
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My biggest problem with Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan is that they are comics about the guy on the right, a superpowered mangaka who gets into trouble and does witty and underhanded things to get out of it, and not about the spider-licking sicko on the left, even though in theory they should be. I’m not against the idea of these kinds of antagonistic/asshole neighbor-slash-rival characters getting solo outings divorced from their original cast if they have interesting things to offer in return (Wario, and the creation of WarioWare in particular, pulled this off), but there’s that part, you gotta offer something in return for stripping the character of that dynamic they were created for.
A Rohan Kishibe who isn’t making a huge ass of himself punching sixth graders to win at rock-paper-scissors and letting his cartoonishly expensive house burn to the ground so he can catch Josuke cheating at dice is just not a Rohan Kishibe I want to read about. I really love Rohan, he’s the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure equivalent of Newman from Seinfeld and Part 4 absolutely needed to have a character like him, a concentrated This Fucking Guy to hang around with the heroes and even be one of them even if they’d rather rely on someone else. It’s just that his spin-offs to me are kind of like having a Newman tv series spin-off without the rest of the Seinfeld gang where he’s just some bumbling funny mailman and not anyone’s nemesis/partner in crime and “pure evil”. It’s just kind of a waste, y’know.
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abbynx · 1 year
Well, there is a need for rules when requesting and here they are~
🩷 I'm a university student, I write in my free time and for fun, I wouldn't like to be rushed to write your requests.
🩷 I am a touch picky about what I write so I may be selective when it comes to picking what to write and what not to write. For example, I might find the topic upsetting. Or maybe, I lack the experience and knowledge to write sensitive topics and may not know the intricacies of it (such as mental illnesses). Sometimes I may reject smut requests.
🩷 This is a hot topic in terms of writing, some may agree or disagree upon it, but I won't take requests that you've already asked different blogs to write. I mean, you can try, I'll deeply consider it and maybe write it, but I'll inform you if ever I don't want to write it.
🩷 Asking for part 2 of a written piece will be deeply considered, because there are times wherein I think that a piece is already complete and good as it is and can stand alone on its own. So I say, it's okay to ask for part 2 and I will do it if I really see it fit, but if I think that one part is already good, I won't write the request.
🩷 I only write in gender neutral and will not accept gender-specific requests! I'd like this blog to be inclusive so everyone can read it.
Here are kinds of fic I can write!
~ Fluff
~ Romance
~ Platonic
~ Familial
~ Angst
~ Yandere
~ A little bit of smut, like I said I'm a touch selective about it
~ Headcanons
~ Drabbles
~ One-shots
Here are characters I write for!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood
~ Jonathan Joestar
~ Dio Brando
~ Erina Pendleton
~ Robert E.O. Speedwagon
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendancy
~ Joseph Joestar
~ Caesar Zepelli
~ Suzie Quatro
~ Elizabeth "Lisa Lisa" Joestar
~ Kars
~ Esidisi
~ Wammu
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
~ Jotaro Kujo
~ Joseph Joestar
~ Holly Kujo (Platonic or familial fics only)
~ Suzie Joestar (Platonic or familial fics only)
~ Noriaki Kakyoin
~ Jean Pierre Polnareff
~ Muhammad Avdol
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
~ Josuke Higashikata
~ Okuyasu Nijimura
~ Koichi Hirose
~ Jotaro Kujo
~ Joseph Joestar (Platonic or familial fics only)
~ Tomoko Higashikata
~ Rohan Kishibe
~ Aya Tsuji
~ Reimi Sugimoto (Before she died or after she died)
~ Yukako Yamagishi
~ Tonio Trusardi
~ Mikitaka Hazekura
~ Shinobu Kawajiri
~ Hayato Kawajiri (Platonic or familial fics only)
~ Yoshikage Kira
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Experience
~ Giorno Giovana
~ Bruno Buccerati
~ Leonne Abbachio
~ Panacotta Fugo
~ Narancia Ghirga
~ Guido Mista
~ Trish Una
~ Formaggio
~ Illuso
~ Prosciutto
~ Pesci
~ Melone
~ Ghiaccio
~ Risotto
~ Sorbet and Gelato
~ Vinegar Doppio
~ Diavolo
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean
~ Jolyne Kujo
~ Ermes Costello
~ FF
~ Emporio Alniño (Platonic or familial fics only)
~ Narciso Anasui
~ Wes Bluemarine/ Weather Forecast
~ Thunder Mcqueen
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moon-lv3r · 2 years
the day of reimi's murder °.*ೃ✧˚.
🦋 category: one-shot
🦋 characters: reimi, rohan, yoshikage
🦋 summary: it was a regular day in morioh, for reimi and rohan until… nightfall and an intruder with murderous intentions entered
🦋 warnings: gore, violence ofc
🦋 notes: i am not proof reading this shit so grammatical errors !! i am too lazy to proof read
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Reimi was supposed to be at a sleepover but the Kishibe family had asked for her to babysit their son, Rohan. This wasn’t the first time that she babysat Rohan, he was a fun child. Her parents were out working so she and Arnold would be the only ones home with the little Rohan. This was nothing out of the ordinary for Reimi, she had babysit the boy plenty of times, alongside other kids as well. She was essentially famous in the town of Morioh for how well she babysat kids.
“Rohan stop!” Reimi ordered as she caught Rohan trying to turn on the stove. “This isn’t a safe.”
“Mimi where is Arnold?” Rohan asked as Reimi carried him away. Rohan always called her Mimi, he could never pronounce Reimi right. Reimi never minded the nickname though, she liked it. She would call him “Rohannie” sometimes as well, he was like her younger brother. Growing up as an only child was what made Reimi love babysitting, she got to have siblings that she never had. The kids she babysat made her feel like an older sister and it was a euphoric feeling for her. Her parents weren’t able to concieve easily so when Reimi came into their lives, they provided her with everything that she ever wanted and she was grateful to have such sweet parents. Her life was blessed.
“He’s outside,” Reimi responded as Rohan waddled out like a little duck. “Arnold!” Rohan cheered as he found the dog in the backyard of the Sugimoto household. The dog barked lovingly at the toddler and began to play with him, Rohan couldn’t throw Arnold’s little squishy toy far so Arnold always returned with the toy in his mouth within seconds. Rohan gave Arnold a small head pat each time he returned and the dog loved it. Reimi smiled at the pure sight as she cleaned the plates that Rohan used for his lunch, children can be cute sometimes. Reimi had some homework to do so she couldn’t join the playful pair in their fun-filled games, it was unfortunate but she didn’t want her teacher to be coming after her and chasing her for her work. Reimi was a hardworking and diligent student, rarely ever missing a deadline. Though babysitting kids did gave her a little homework disaster once.
Rohan had once drew all over her work, it looked extremely well done for a child, which was why her teacher hadn’t brought her excuse and had her punished. Reimi kept the drawing in a drawer so that she could make fun of Rohan for his drawing once he grew up. He was basically the brother she never had. Rohan had the potential to be a mangaka if he keeps up his artistic talent and Reimi wanted to see that happen.
Rohan and Arnold ran all over the place and he had dirt plagued onto his pants, he didn’t notice them though, since he kept on running. He even grabbed onto a hose and started splashing all over the place, filling the Sugimoto’s backyard with water and laughter. His parents would slaughter him if they caught him making a mess like this in their house, but Reimi was kind and understanding, she didn’t mind Rohan’s childish antics and she was also extremely patient, which was why many parents trusted her with babysitting their children.
Rohan didn’t seem to notice that Reimi’s window was opened and held the hose a little too high, letting it spill into Reimi’s room, barely missing her homework. It only drenched the floor, everything else was as dry as the desert. Reimi looked out the window and down on Rohan and he merely looked at her sheepishly. Arnold whimpered as he saw Reimi looking down on them, fearing for some sort of punishment for potentially ruining Reimi’s homework.
“Be careful!” Reimi shouted. “You almost got my homework!”
“Sorry Mimi,” pouted the little toddler Rohan. Even Arnold let out a small, apologetic bark. “We’ll be careful!” Rohan grinned afterwards, as if he hasn’t caused any trouble just mere minutes ago.
The two continued playing until the sun slowly started to set and night began to dawn upon them. Rohan originally didn’t want to stop but he was getting hungry, his stomach was practically begging for him to stop and fill it up with food. It didn’t help that Reimi was an amazing chef, almost everyone that tried her food loved it. She was extremely well-liked by everyone, she was impossible to hate. Reimi’s parents were out late due to work so Reimi didn’t cook their share of dinner.
“Slow down Rohan!” Urged Reimi as she caught the sight of Rohan trying to finish his food within seconds. It was like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. Did he enjoy her cooking that much? “Nobody is stealing your food, nor will it grow legs and run away,” Reimi laughed as she ruffled the toddler’s hair.
“Food can grow legs?” Rohan asked innocently, making Reimi laugh once more as she shook her head. “If food could grow legs, we would starve since they would all run away from us."
Arnold was the first to finish his meal, followed by Reimi. Rohan was too busy picturing his broccolis having a war with each other to finish his meal. He always had an imaginative mind.
Reimi eventually forced Rohan to finish his dinner after her parents called and said that they would be home soon. She needed to clean up before they arrive and that included ensuring that Rohan stops daydreaming a war between his meal. The ‘war’ ended in Rohan’s stomach as he swallowed them. That made him sad since his imaginative story couldn’t progress any further. Her parents arrived home shortly after Reimi finished washing the dishes.
By the time Reimi finished cleaning up everything, it was 9.30pm and in 30 minutes time, it would be time for bed. The toughest part of the day was getting Rohan to sleep. He refused to sleep, wanting to stay up till the witching hour to see ghosts. He only slept after Reimi convinced him that ghosts would only appear to obedient kids as a way to reward them. As the minute hand on the Sugimoto’s clock hit 10pm, Reimi had already hit her bed and her eyes closed shut. It had been a tired day and a long sleep was exactly what she so desperately needed. The only noise left in the house was Reimi’s parents having their late dinner, accompanied by the sounds of soft laugher from the two parent who was still deeply in love as if they had just met. The Sugimoto household was truly a heaven on earth. But it was about to turn into one of the worst place in Morioh in the matter of hours, or even minutes, and it was unknown to every member of the family.
“Oh dear,” said Mrs Sugimoto as she began to wash the dishes while her husband decided to shower. “Do you think that we could take Reimi out on a holiday some time soon? We haven’t went out as a family in a long time.”
“Sure! I’ve been thinking about going to Disney land, she asked for that a lot as a child didn’t she?” Mr Sugimoto replied as he headed into the showers. Unknown to the two adults, someone had snuck in while they were talking. Mr Sugimoto hadn’t closed the door properly when they first entered the house, he was too tired from overworking to even realise his fatal mistake. The shadows provided by the lack of sunlight provided the intruder the perfect hiding spot. The intruder hid for an hour as the Mr and Mrs Sugimoto finished their late night showers and headed towards the comforts of their own beds, ready for the sunlight in the following morning to wake them up.
The intruder took small steps, each creak could only be heard by those with ears as sensitive as a bat. Or in this case, a dog, family dog. Arnold almost immediately sensed a strange presence in their house. He softly made his way around the house, leaving his comfort spot under Reimi’s bed as the intruder made his way up into the master bedroom. Mr and Mrs Sugimoto cuddled up next to each other, enjoying each other’s presence as the intruder shadowed over them, his shadow covering their sleepy, peaceful faces. What the intruder was after wasn’t money, nor was it for a long police chase that could ruin his peaceful life.
It was to satisfy his urges. His love for hands. The pleasure that seeing some hands gave him. He went to the same school as Sugimoto Reimi, he had seen her around and gosh does she own some pretty pair of hands. Reimi was a girl who caught the attention of most boys their ages but he was drawn to her for an entirely different reason. He had planned this crime for a while but never wanted to execute it. But his urges were accelerating at insane speeds, his nails did too. He just couldn’t hold it in. He had to do it. There wasn’t any other options. Sugimoto Reimi had talked to him a few times before. The quiet Kira Yoshikage that nobody suspected to be capable of murder, and here he was, planning the murder of one of the sweetest residents to ever reside in their little town. He was doing all of this for her hands. His urges were growing by the minute. He needed to get rid of her parents before doing anything to their precious daughter. Everyone in town knew that Mr Sugimoto was strong, a blackbelt, and Mrs Sugimoto was on a similar level. If he went for Reimi first, it would be the same as proudly declaring that you cheated in an exam in front of a teacher. He wasn’t stupid enough to get himself caught. Slowly, he angled his own hands at Mr Sugimoto’s throat, he learned biology at school, he knew that slicing the jugular vein would prove to be fatal, but it would also cause a large splatter that would land onto him. And he couldn’t risk letting himself look like a murderer fresh out of a crime scene. He needed to look normal.
And he knew how to do that. He lived years with his urges and still managed to deceive others into thinking that he was like them, a normal citizen. He could do it in a murder as well.
Slowly and gingerly, he lifted a towel which he had stolen from the Sugimoto’s bathroom and held it infront of Mr Sugimoto’s throat, it was supposed to catch all of the blood splatter. Once his hand were ready, the slicing began. The sound of flesh tearing first filled the empty room, before the sound of blood gushing out of Mr Sugimoto’s throat and lastly, him waking up and choking on his own blood. He tried to wake his wife up but it was too late, Kira pounced on her next and stabbed her in the abdomen through their blanket. “Who ar—” Mrs Sugimoto tried to speak, but was gagged by the very towel used to cover the blood splatter from slitting her husband’s throat. Kira looked at those two like they were pigs ready for slaughter. They weren’t pigs, but they were ready for slaughter, and he already turned the Sugimoto’s house into a slaughter house. The laugher from hours earlier seemed to be a stranger to the now slaughter house. Muffled cries for help, mercy came from Mrs Sugimoto, begging Kira to stop. But it was hopeless, Mr Sugimoto had already bled out and died. Kira had offered him a deep slash, it didn’t only cut his jugular vein, but his trachea and ligaments as well, and that caused him to lose control movement of the head. He was too weak to fight back. Kira stabbed Mrs Sugimoto a few more times in the abdomen through their blood-soaked blanket. She kicked, punched but Kira never once gave up, he was going to award her the very same fate he had gifted her husband.
No matter how much she resisted, it wasn’t enough, Kira had the upper hand. She was at a major disadvantage since at the beginning of the struggle because she got stabbed. It was messy, blood soaked the bed as both Mr and Mrs Sugimoto died of their massive blood loss. Arnold ran into the room as Mrs Sugimoto took her last breath. A frantic bark echoed in the deadly silent room as Kira turned around to face the dog. Arnold quickly made a run for it, hoping to make it into Reimi’s room and warn her about the strange man who had just murdered her parents like they were nothing. Kira immediately began to chase after the dog, he knew where Arnold wanted to go and he had made the effort to memorise the layout of the house, he knew how to get to Reimi’s room before Arnold and ambush him there. He took a small detour inside the house as Arnold ran and barked, hoping to alert someone in the quiet neighbourhood. Kira held his bloodied knife in his hand, waiting for the dog patiently so that he could slaughter Arnold like an animal ready for dinner.
Arnold immediately stopped by Reimi’s closed room door, it was opened when he left. Arnold was confused as Kira pounced onto Arnold and sliced his throat while closing his mouth shut so that there wouldn’t be any sound made by the faithful dog. Kira realised that Arnold’s blood would probably flow into Reimi’s room so he decided to drag Arnold all the way back to the master bedroom and hang him on the coat rack, letting his blood drip while waiting for Reimi under her parents’ bed. The slow, rhythmic dripping would most likely wake up the young girl, he hoped. She was the only person left to kill, and she was his main target.
“Arnold?” Reimi’s soft voice echoed in the hours after minutes of waiting. “Mama? Papa?”
Poor girl, she had no idea that they were all dead. Kira could almost laugh at this but he couldn’t risk blowing his cover. He needed to wait for her to enter the room. Kira could feel the panic in each and every footsteps coming from Reimi as she approached her parents’ bedroom. They were soft and cautious, she was scared and knew something was up, he could feel that coming from her. Her next few footsteps were cautious as she started to realise that something was up. She had no idea that this was like a game of cat and mouse, she was the mouse walking straight into the trap made by the sneaky cat.
The soft creaking of the door alerted to Kira that Reimi had entered the room. She hadn’t screamed at the sight of her parents, maybe the room was too dark for her to be able to see something. “Mama? Papa?” She mumbled, only to recieve silence as a response, which did nothing to reassure the poor girl. Reimi hadn’t noticed the carnage on her parents’ bed as Kira had arranged them to make it look as though they were sleeping peacefully. Reimi slowly opened the closet in her parents’ room and almost collapsed onto the floor as she took in the sight.
Her beloved dog was nearly decapitated and was hanging inside the closet. She almost let out a loud gasp and her hands were trembling beside her. Her breathing started to get heavier as well. “You have such soft and cute hands, Miss,” Kira announced from under the bed. “I already killed your parents.” Reimi immediately bolted as tears were running down her cheeks, the terrifying reality finally dawning on her. Kira immediately started to chase after her.
“Oh god oh god,” Reimi mumbled as she practically flew with every single footstep she took. Her parents were already killed? This better be a nightmare. She wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Her parents cannot be dead. This couldn’t be happening to her. She needed to get her and Rohan out of here. She knew the layout of her own house and knew which way to take. Rohan was sleeping in a room at the very end of the corridor and if they were to jump off the window in that room, there would be a bush below to break their fall. It was perfect, she’d lock the door as well, to prevent whoever the hell just murdered her parents from murdering her and Rohan. The door to Rohan’s room was wide open, welcoming the panic-filled girl into it. Reimi hadn’t caught a glimpse of the murderer before she locked the room shut. She immediately dropped onto the floor, catching her breath. It felt like she had ran for hours and hours even though it was less than 30 seconds. Her lungs felt like it was collapsing on her and her muscles felt weak, but she needed to escape. Young Rohan awoke from the loud noise caused by Reimi slamming the door and stared around, scared.
“Rohan,” Reimi whispered as she slowly got up and made her way towards the boy. “We’re going to play a game ok?” She asked sweetly, forcing the sweetest smile she could to avoid the young child from worrying. “You have to keep very quiet for this game, alright?”
Rohan nodded at every word Reimi told him, understanding the rules of the game. It had almost broke her heart, the poor kid didn’t know that if her plan had failed, their lives end today. “We are playing hide-and-seek with my parents and we have to stay very quiet once we jump out of the window,” Reimi continued, fighting back tears. “It starts now.”
The heavy footsteps of the murderer could be heard from outside as Reimi quickly stumbled towards the window, opening it and creating a large opening enough for the both of them. The doorknob rattled, startling the child but he remembered the rules, he remained silent. Reimi dashed towards the young boy and slowly started to push him out the window, all the while reminding him to stay quiet. “Be good alright?” Reimi requested. Rohan nodded at the request as Reimi slowly started to let him down from the second storey and into the bush below.
A loud crash from behind had startled she couldn’t pinpoint where she had heard it. The third plunge was the worst, he purposely dragged the blade down her back, as if he was unzipping her. Reimi let out an inhumane scream as she felt the pain on her back. “Why?” She asked. “What did I do?” Her question recieved no answer as her whole body collapsed onto the floor, landing face down into a pool of her own blood. In fact, the murderer started to focus on her hands, the very thing that he was here for. He started to caresse his own face with her hand, which digusted Reimi to no end. She was being killed for someone’s fetish? She felt the cool, wet blade being pressed against her wrist, as if he was estimating, calculating, guessing which spot would be the best for him to cut off her hand. She could feel herself dying, her consciousness slipping away from her, her energy leaving her body. She hadn’t finished living her teenage life yet.
She tried to catch a glimpse of her murderer but her eyes shut down on her before she could. Kira watched as Reimi took her last breath, her whole body relaxing, every movement ceased to exist. He had finally found the right spot to chop off her hand and it was just below her wrist. He had to do it carefully, to avoid ruining her precious hand. He pressed his knife down as though he was chopping up chicken breast and began the process. Her hand had to be chopped off carefully, he couldn’t risk anything, not when he had come so far.
Just as he was half way through Reimi’s hand, he heard the sound of police sirens and they were closer than he liked. He was so close, if only he had a bit more time. He wasted most of his time looking for a chair to smash the damn door open. He couldn’t take Reimi’s hand as a prize for his first murder. Hell, he wasn’t going to risk getting caught for his first crime. He quickly made his escape through the back door before the police could see him. He was wearing black so he blended well with the darkness that the night had provided.
Officer Higashikata was the first on the scene. This was one of the worst crime scenes that he has ever seen in his whole life while working to protect this town where his family lives. “Goodness…” He muttered as another officer found Kishibe Rohan laying in a bush, he immediately broke into tears as soon as the officer held him up to present him to Officer Higashikata.
“Reimi snuck me out the window!” The little boy cried. “Reimi snuck me out the window!”
“This is the Sugimoto’s residence?” Said the officer holding up Rohan, he was clearly surprised. The Sugimotos were known for their kindness in the community, especially their only child, Reimi.
Weeks, months, years flew by since the murder. The Kishibes left the town, the Kiras never found out what their only son did and died in peace. Nobody found out the truth for years.
That was until Rohan returned to Morioh and a whole bizarre adventure began in the town of Morioh.
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
Diamond Is Unbreakable Masterlist
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Josuke Higashikata
Unexpected Visitor (Crazy Diamond x Reader)
Okuyasu Nijimura
Rohan Kishibe
Meeting Heaven's door (Rohan Kishibe x Reader)
Koichi Hirose
Jotaro Kujo
Important News
All Diamond Is Unbreakable
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One-Shot Requests are Open!!
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More Stories Coming soon... Series Masterlist
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all works belong to @/Igot-srang-ggg. please do not plagiarize or repost any of my work on tumblr or any other social media
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sparklee-selfships · 10 months
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𝐈. tags
F/O list!
okay with sharing except for the highlighted ones!
🥀 Lawrence Oleander (Boyfriend To Death 2)
💉Daan (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina)
🔶 Albedo (Genshin Impact)
🖌️ Hwei (League of Legends)
🔪 Andrew Graves (The Coffin Of Andy and Leyley)
🤍 Griffith (Berserk)
🖤 Simon Henriksson (Cry of fear)
💌 Chae Yul (Secret Alliance)
🚩 Kayn (League of Legends)
🌙 Aphelios (League of Legends)
🦊 Ahri (League of Legends)
✝️ Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
🐰 Sigewinne (Genshin Impact)
💟 Qiqi (Genshin Impact)
✒️ Rohan Kishibe (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
🎠 Lucy Steel (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
💡Niko (One Shot)
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0 notes
lasclhill · 2 years
Han juri mugen archive 18
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JnXC's Juri dons a red Shadalloo cap and some tattered clothes similar to some looks we've seen on M. Not only did they share some new in-game shots of the costumes (we've previously only seen them in concept art form), they were even kind enough to tack on an alternate color for each of the DLC uniforms. Translated to - Youre gonna be raped next Rohan: Shut Up Ill use my heavens door on you Now GET OUT OF MY SIGHT, before I call the police Reply Join the community to add your comment.Īlready a deviant Log In DeviantArt - Homepage About Contact Core Membership Careers Developers Advertise Terms of Service Etiquette Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Help FAQ DeviantArt Facebook DeviantArt Instagram DeviantArt Twitter 2021 DeviantArt All Rights reserved.Capcom announced today via Twitter that both of these fresh looks will be dropping in just three days on Thursday, March 18. I couldnt care less about anything else Minotaur: Random Moos. Reply 1 like ZoroWarner Edited Rohan: DO YOU THINK THAT I, ROHAN KISHIBE, DRAW MANGA FOR MONEY AND FAME I draw comics because I want to be read Thats the one and only reason. Reply Beast-fight Cool I like when bestial rapists get what they deserve Reply ZoroWarner Agreed Bestiality is the WORST part of hentai MUGEN Reply InitiativeDrive121 Rohan: Take that NOTE: Its me Jansen121, I Had 2 DA Accounts but these ones are really crappy imo. Image details Image size 640x480px 57.75 KB Published: 2019 - 2021 ZoroWarner Comments 6 Join the community to add your comment.
Why does the Minotaur have to be an 18 character, are those idiots dirty minded or something Heres Rohan Kishibe (Made By Amarimono) from JoJos Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable (his face isnt shown due to the Minotaur being up close) with his Stand Heavens Door getting revenge on the rapist Minotaur for a good reason - Because I Hate 18 MUGEN Also I might be making a SFW Version of Minotaur in the future with different moves instead.īy the way Two Safe For Work Versions of the Same Minotaur is Available in MUGEN Archive Ill remake this video very soon - On another channel since the other one is gone JJBA Belongs to Hirohiko Araki David Production. You can also see the Minotaurs velocity meter on the right as well. The Minotaur is my favourite mythical monster of all time, but this wannabe bull-headed, Minotaur-like MUGEN character literally sexually rapes victims at any cost instead of fighting, Im not joking.Īlso hes actually a sprite edit of a ne Zangief from Street Fighter (but tanned) with the Oxs head taken from SNKs Karnovs Revenge (a Fighting Game) and uses generic bull sound effects. Rohan Kishibes Payback to MUGENs Minotaur By ZoroWarner Watch 5 Favourites 6 Comments 229 Views NOTE: The Minotaur who chases the Goldilocks girl in the intro or drinks the potion and does something gross (in Dark Palette as shown here) actually rapes victims While his other intros with the walk in intro with the CPS2 Theme or Mooing with the Microphone doesnt rape at all, instead he just fights like a regular fighter. Poll Ask the community Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all.ĭA Muro Paint a picture Experiment with DeviantArts own digital drawing tools.ĭeviation Actions Add to Favourites Comment See More by ZoroWarner You Might Like. Literature Submit your writing Upload stories, poems, character descriptions more.Ĭommission Get paid for your art Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Journal Post a journal Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art.
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