#rogues of sherwood forest
whitewaterpaper · 2 years
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Dåså, ännu en månad och laptopen är fortfarande på rehab. Samma spartanska lista som förra månaden med andra ord. En intressant lista att botanisera bland, om jag får säga det själv.
Adventurer of Tortuga, the / L'avventuriero della Tortuga (1965) [__]
Alien Factor, the (1978) [👎]
Beyond the Moon (1954) [__]
Den blodiga striden / Lancelot and Guinevere (1963) [__]
Ghost Ship (2002) [👍]
Jakten på dubbelgångare / Futureworld (1976) [👍🔃]
Kriget Bortom Stjärnorna / Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) [👍]
Lost City, the (2022) [👍🔃]
Mitt i plåten! / The Cannonball Run (1981) [👍🔃]
Robin Hoods fiender / Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950) [__]
Robin Hoods Våghalsar / Son of Robin Hood (1958) [__]
Run Hide Fight (2020) [👍]
Sandokan: Den blodiga hämnden / Sandokan, la tigre di Mompracem [__]
Terminal Man, the (1974) [👍]
The Takeover (2022) [👍]
Throne of Fire, the / Il trono di fuoco (1983) [__]
Vargbröderna Romulus och Remus / Romolo e Remo (1961) [👎]
Så, vad rekomenderas denna månad? Den nederländska thrillern "The Takeover" är defenitivt värd en chans för alla som någonsin uppskattat Sandra Bullocks klassiker "Nätet" och "Speed". Och vill man ha något på ett mer bekant språk? Testa "Run Hide Fight".
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thehumanarkle · 1 year
Shameless Cashgrab Season 9 Episode 4: Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950)
Still not sure why it was necessary for this to be Robin Hood's son and not Robin Hood himself, but at least this son of Robin Hood isn't a garbage person.
Season 9 title card by Flora Tea (https://flora-tea.tumblr.com/)
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Okay okay last one for today I promise and there has certainly been discussion about this but, they're not even being subtle with the name choices are they?
Forger - as someone here brilliantly pointed out, this isn't only meant as in Twilight creating a fake identity, it's also meant as in "to create", like it's used for smiths.
Briar - also known as "brier" a type of plants with thorns. Aside from Yor being the Thorn Princess, Yuri also has "thorns" on his own.
Frost - Fiona the ice queen, there's really not that much more to say.
Like even for Sherwood you could argue that it's a reference to Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest; the Handler being the one in charge of the "rogues" infiltrating Ostania in order to stop a war from brewing so that the simple citizens can live normal lives.
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legends-of-time · 8 months
Thorn Bush (Doctor Who Story)
Chapter 4: Robot of Sherwood
Kathy was left to explain to Ashildr that she is a Human-Mire hybrid and is practically immortal as the repair kit will keep fixing her and so she'll be functionally immortal barring accidents. Like with her son, Kathy keeps in contact with Ashildr over the next few centuries. She cannot remember everything that happens so Kathy often tells her the stories of what they have done together, for example, when she became a medieval queen and Kathy had to help her fake her death and then get out of the coffin and out of the window. Though Kathy told her that perhaps she should write her life down so that she can look back and what she has done.
Kathy introduced Carlyle to Ashildr after the medieval queen incident and it is not long before she sees a spark between them. They have been together ever since if you don't count their off years when they argue and do not talk.
In their spare time, Carlyle, Ashildr and Kathy went with a different group of Vikings and they reached the new world, what will one day become the United States of America. She was quite excited to explore further than Europe as she hadn't been able to go beyond the continent in her last life. It was a mostly uneventful trip except at one point when they angered a leader of a local tribe. Long story short, Kathy ended on the other end of one of their weapons causing her to have to use that regeneration energy to heal herself. She couldn't help but wonder if there was a limit to this or it was different considering her added Human and Apalapucia genes.
Kathy didn't know much about the Doctor's travels through earth history before his ninth incarnation so she's often worried she might accidentally bump into him but thankfully that hasn't happened so far.
In the 12th century, Kathy decided to journey to Nottingham, England, particularly Sherwood Forest to meet another legend. She knows that in the Doctor Who world Robin Hood exists and that she'll meet the Doctor at the right point in his timeline. When she met them, they seemed a little judgey but she proved her worth with the arrow as she's had centuries of practice though she didn't tell them this. Kathy told them her name is Daveigh. She had arrived a few years before the Doctor and Clara turn up. It is stressful as she knows she can't stay too long as they'll get suspicious that she's not ageing. She found it fascinating to meet them and see more of them outside of the show.
1190 AD/CE
Kathy had witnessed Marian taken away from her village, away from Master Quayle, who is murdered, by the Sheriff and his men when out scouting and I hurry back to camp to report to Robin what she has seen. The scene reminded her of the Doctor Who episode so she knows that it likely has begun or will soon.
When she gets to camp, the raised voices alert her to the fact that something is happening, that and the familiar faint snap of the mental link.
"Let me introduce you to my men." Kathy hears Robin say. She peeks her head over the edge where the land dips down to the hideout to see Clara, in 12th Century clothing, and Twelve there along with the gang. Kathy smiles at the sight; it had been a few centuries since she had last seen them. "This is Will Scarlet. He is a cheeky rogue with a good sword arm and a slippery tongue."
Will bows. "My lady." They laugh though the Doctor then plucks at Will's hair and scans it with his sonic. "Argh!" Will exclaims. Kathy remembers the Doctor being a sceptic for most of the episode. "What do you want with my hair?"
"Well, it's realistic, I'll give you that." The Doctor says.
"And this is Friar Tuck." Robin continues. "Aptly named for the amount of grub he tucks into."
"You skinny blackguard." Tuck thumps Robin on the arm laughing but he stumbles as the Doctor grabs one of his sandals. "What are you doing?"
"This isn't a real sandal." The Doctor tells him.
"Yes, it is," Tuck yells, annoyed.
The Doctor sniffs it. "Oh. Yes, it is." Tuck grabs his sandal back.
"This, er, is Alan-a-Dale. He's a master of the lute, whose music brightens up these dark days." Robin says gesturing to the next man there.
Alan strums his instrument and sings, "Stranger you are welcome here, in Sherwood's bonny glade. Ow!"
The Doctor holds a syringe. "Sorry, sorry, sorry. Blood analysis. Oh. All those diseases. If you were real, you'd be dead in six months."
"I am real," Alan says, unsure of what is happening.
Robin gestures to Much, who is a large and dominating figure. "And this is John Little. Called Little John. He's my loyal companion in many an adventure." Kathy rolls her eyes knowing what he is up to and she's right as the actual Little John then appears causing Clara to jump.
"Oh!" They all laugh and Kathy joins in quietly.
"Works every time," Will remarks. Kathy decides to head down to them to say hello.
"Isn't there someone else?" Clara then asks.
"Here," Kathy says. Everyone spins around to look at her.
"Kathy!" Clara exclaims cheerfully. Kathy smiles at her but gives the gang an awkward glance as that wasn't the name she had told them. The Doctor is now frowning at her, probably cause she's buying into this 'false' world.
"Ah this is our loyal but sneaky and mysterious companion, Daveigh," Robin says gesturing to her.
"No way! You're Daveigh of Doncaster!" Clara says.
Kathy raises an eyebrow, "Well that's interesting to know."
"Another alias!" The Doctor complains. Considering this Doctor is younger than the one she had last seen; she must have a few names. "Why are you part of this?"
Kathy shrugs and gives him a smirk. "Why not?" He rolls his eyes at her.
Clara is extremely excited. "Oh, I cannot believe this. You, you really are Robin Hood and his Merry Men."
"Aye!" Robin cheers. "That is an apt description. What say you, lads?"
"Aye!" They cry, including Kathy.
The Doctor on the other hand is very annoyed. "Stop laughing. Why are you always doing that? Are you all simple or something? I'm going to need a sample."
"Of what?" Robin asks.
Clara clears her throat and pulls the Doctor away, "Excuse me. Sorry. What are you doing?"
"Well, they're not holograms, that much is obvious. Could be a theme park from the future. Or we might be inside a miniscope." The Doctor rambles.
"Oh, shut up." Clara hisses to him. She looks to Kathy for help but she says nothing and simply rolls her eyes at him.
"A miniscope. Yes, of course. Why not?"
"Or not," Kathy remarks.
"Your friend seems not quite of the real world," Robin says.
"No. No, he's not really. Not most of the time. Dark days?" Clara questions trying to move the conversation along.
"My lady?"
"You said that these were dark days. What did you mean?"
"King Richard is away on crusade, my lady. His tyrant of a brother rules instead." Will explains.
"And the Sheriff. Cos there is a sheriff, right?"
"Aye," Alan says. "It is indeed this jackal of the princes who seeks to oppress us for ever more."
"Or six months in your case." The Doctor remarks.
"It is a shame to dwell on murky thoughts when there is such beauty here," Robin says.
"Why are you so sad?" Clara probes.
"Why do you think me sad?"
"Don't lie, Robin, you gave yourself away when you began laughing too much," Kathy speaks.
Robin sighs. "You know, I do not live this outlaw life by choice. You see before you, Robert..."
"...Earl of Loxley." They both say at the same time.
Robin looks at Clara shocked. "Yes."
Kathy laughs awkwardly, "Oh Clara you say too much!" she looks pointedly at her.
"Sorry." She mutters. "Do go on."
"I er, I had my lands and titles stripped from me. I dared to speak out against Prince John. But I lost the thing most dear to me."
"What was she called?"
Robin startles. "You're so very quick. How does the Doctor stand it?"
"Marian?" Clara asks instead.
"You know her?"
"Oh, yes. I have always known her."
"It was Marian who told me that I must stand up and be counted. But I was afraid." Robin explains. "Now this green canopy is my palace and the rough ground my feather bed. Maybe one day I will return home but until that day. Until that day, it is beholden on me to be the man Marian wanted, to be a hero for those this tyrant sheriff slaughters."
"What time is it, Mister Hood?" The Doctor buts in.
"Somewhat after noon." Comes the reply.
"No, no. Time of year? What season?"
"Oh, Dame Autumn has draped her mellow skirts about the forest, Doctor. The time of mists and harvest approaches." Robin answers.
The Doctor dismisses this remark, "Yeah, yeah. All very poetic. But it's very green hereabouts, though, isn't it? Like I said, very sunny."
"So?" Clara asks.
"Have you been to Nottingham?"
"I did. Uni." Kathy pipes up.
"Was it like this in autumn?" The Doctor asks.
"Well, no but different time," Kathy says, dismissively waving her hand. She knows why the weather is off, she just needs to get the Doctor to realise.
"Climate change?" Clara suggests.
"It's 1190." The Doctor points out.
"You must excuse me." Robin interrupts. "The Sheriff has issued a proclamation and tomorrow there is to be a contest to find the best archer in the land. And the bounty, it's an arrow made of pure gold."
"No! Don't, don't go. It's a trap." Clara exclaims. He needs to go for the plot to move along and to save everyone.
"Well, of course, it is!" They all laugh. "But a contest to find the best archer in the land?" Robin chuckles. "There is no contest." They all laugh.
"Right, that isn't even funny." The Doctor snaps. "That was bantering. I am totally against bantering."
"Banter is bullying." Kathy quips unhelpfully, thinking about the talk she had at school about it.
"How can you be so sure he is not the real thing?" Clara questions him away from the others.
"Because he can't be. Right, Kathy?" The Doctor says rhetorically, expecting her support.
"No." He looks surprised. "But, hint, you're right something is wrong but it's not them."
"When did you stop believing in everything?" Clara asks, diverting the Doctor's attention.
"When did you start believing in impossible heroes?" He demands.
"Don't you know? In a way, it's rather sweet."
The crowd cheer as more attempt to win the golden arrow into the targets. Kathy watches it standing next to Clara and Robin, who is wearing a large hat and cape. The Doctor has wandered off but she knows he's only preparing for his overdramatic entrance. She doesn't really need to do much in this scene and they do need to be arrested to even start learning what the Sheriff is up to.
The Herald speaks, "In the contest for the golden arrow, after ten rounds, the battle is betwixt our Lord Sheriff..." The man waves a hand from his seat in the stand to muted cheering. "And the stranger known as Tom the Tinker." There is raucous cheering as Robin steps forward, bowing to the crowd. Kathy observes the guards surrounding the competition knowing many of them aren't human nor is the Sheriff, not completely.
"Take your places." The Herald says. The Sheriff walks down the steps of his stand to stand next to Robin.
"Shall we make the contest a little more interesting, my Lord? The targets seem a little close." The Sheriff collects his bow and arrow from a guard, a normal one. "What say you? Another twenty paces?"
"Why not?" The Sheriff waves his hand and a target is moved further back.
The Sheriff draws back his arrow, aims, fires and hits the target dead in the middle. "Now, Tinker. Let us see thy true face."
Clara shakes Kathy's arm excited. "This is tense!"
Kathy rolls her eyes. "Not really for though, is it? I know what's going to happen."
She tuts. "Don't ruin this for me!"
Robin draws back his arrow and fires, splitting the Sheriff's arrow. Clara jumps up and down cheering and Kathy laughs and joins her infectious cheering.
"Ye Gads! He has split the arrow! Truly, he is the finest archer in all England. Come forward, Tinker. And claim your prize." The Herald announces. Robin bows to him as the cushion with the arrow is presented. But as he reaches for the arrow, another shoots through the air and splits Robin's arrow on the target.
Kathy looks away from Robin to see the Doctor holding a bow and smirking smugly. She groans irritably even though she knew this was going to happen.
"I'm the Doctor. My skills as a bowman speak for themselves. I claim my reward." The Herald turns to him and kneels, presenting the cushion. The Doctor picks it up and after a moment says, "A mere bauble." Kathy shakes her head laughing quietly at his theatrics. He chucks the arrow causing the crowd to gasp. "I want something else."
"Name it." The Sheriff says daringly.
"Enlightenment." But as soon as he says this, Robin fires an arrow splitting the Doctor's. The crowd cheers.
The Doctor, realising the challenge, fires another arrow from a different angle and it pings off a guard and splits Robin's arrow. More cheers erupt. However, Robin doesn't back down and instead succeeds in splitting the Doctor's arrow without looking.
"This is getting silly." The Doctor turns and buzzes his sonic at the target causing it to explode. The crowd gasps and crouches in fear. Kathy, instead, rubs her head, feeling a headache coming in from all this showing even though it isn't all true on the Doctor's side.
"Fascinating. Seize him!" The Sheriff orders. The guards draw their swords.
"C'mon Clara!" Kathy exclaims, pulling over to the spears. She and Clara grab big spears each and huff as they drag themselves over to the Doctor.
"What are you doing? Put that down." The Doctor demands.
"I'm fine. I take Year Seven for after school Tae Kwon Do." Clara says.
"And I've had centuries of practice." Kathy defends. "With these skills, we are clearly going to save us all."
Robin has his sword drawn and stands between them and the guards. "Don't worry, Doctor. I'll save you."
"I don't need saving."
"Your honour is safe."
"I know." The Doctor mutters, irritated he's not being listened to.
"For I am Robin." He throws off his hat and the crowd cheers. "Robin Hood!" Robin is clearly in the running in beating the Doctor when it comes to over dramatics.
Robin rushes forward and engages the guard in battle. After a few clashes, Robin slashes the guard's arm and it falls revealing the machinery behind the chain mail. Clara glances at Kathy anxiously.
"Witchery! Witchery!" Somebody cries.
The Doctor runs forward and Kathy follows him. He picks up the arm. "Robot." It turns to him and opens its helmet to reveal a metal face. A noise of a weapon preparing itself with a purple light in the middle of its face. "Now we're getting somewhere." Kathy then hears him speak in her head. "You're right Kathy, something else is wrong too."
"Well, technically I said that it wasn't Robin and his gang that was wrong but something else. Not both!" She cries indignantly though it doesn't matter right now.
"Take them. Kill the rest. Kill them all!" The Sheriff cries and the robot guards step forward and begin shooting. People scream and flee. The Merry men group together ready to fight.
"He surrenders!" The Doctor says.
"What?" Robin exclaims. Clara and Kathy simply put their hands up, going along with the plan though Clara doesn't know what it is.
The Doctor hits him in the stomach. "Hai!"
"You miserable cur. I had them on the run." Robin whines. He calls to the gang, "Flee, lads, flee! Live to fight another day!"
They are grabbed by the robot guards and the Sheriff orders, "To the dungeons with all of them."
Clara questions the Doctor and Kathy as they are led away, "What are you up to?"
"Quickest way to find out anybody's plans, get yourself captured." The Doctor replies.
"Splendid. Enchained." Robin complains as the four of them sit on the floor of their cell in chains that are attached to a few wooden posts.
"Yep," Clara mutters.
"Trussed up like turkey-cocks. Thanks to your friend." He whines.
"Shut it, Hoodie. I saved your life." The Doctor snaps.
"I had the situation well in hand."
"Long-haired ninny versus robot killer knights? I know where I'd put my money."
"If you had not betrayed me, I would have been triumphant," Robin responds. After this, they can't seem to stop and Kathy just feels a headache begin to creep up on her as she listens to them.
"You would have been a little puff of smoke and ashes."
"Oh, ha!"
"You'd have been floating around in tiny little laughing bits in people's goblets."
"Balderdash. Ha!"
"Oh, right, here we go. It's laughing time."
"Well, you amuse me, grey old man."
"Guard! He's laughing again! You can't keep me locked up with a laughing person."
"Oh, I find that, I find that quite funny. Do you know, I feel another laugh coming on. A-ha-ha-ha!"
"Guards, I cannot remain in this cell. Execute me now."
"You heard him. Execute the old fool."
"No, hang on. Execute him."
"I do not fear death, so execute away."
"Execute him. I'd like to see if his head keeps laughing when you chop it off!"
"Oh, Robin Hood always laughs in the face of death."
"Yes, rolling around the floor laughing, I would pay good money to see that."
The Doctor & Robin start yelling together, "Guard! Guard! Guard! Guard! Guard! Guard!"
Finally, Clara snaps, "Oh, you two, SHUT UP!" They fall silent.
"Thank god!" Kathy exclaims. "I was tempted to split my head open by banging it on the floor."
"No, you weren't." Clara retorts.
"You don't know that."
Clara rolls her eyes. "Do either of you understand, in any way at all, that there isn't actually a guard out there?"
Robin takes the chance to one up the Doctor. "I did, in fact."
"No, you didn't."
"I said, shut up." Clara snaps. "The Doctor and Robin Hood locked up in a cellar. Is this seriously the best that you can do? You're determined to starve to death in here squabbling."
"Well, I'll tell you one thing. I'd last a lot longer than this desiccated man-crone." Robin says.
"Really?" The Doctor says disbelievingly.
"Jesus," Kathy mutters. How could she have forgotten how irritating this would be?
The Doctor leans over to him. "Well, you know what? I think you'll find I have a certain genetic advantage." Clara yanks the chain, pulling him towards her. "Oh!"
"It is not a competition about who can die slower," Clara says.
"They're men Clara. It's all they can do." Kathy pipes up.
"Not helping!" Clara utters.
"It would definitely be me, though, wouldn't it?" The Doctor says, reminding them of the other two's competition.
"There was supposed to be a plan. Do either of you two have a plan?" Clara demands. "I would ask Kathy but I don't think she's had a chance to think with all this squabbling."
Kathy sees Robin look confused then. She then realises she had forgotten that he only knows her as Daveigh. This is definitely going to help with how much he trusts her.
"Yeah, of course, I have a plan." The Doctor says.
"I too have a plan," Robin says though whether he is just saying cause the Doctor did or he actually has one, is unknown.
"Okay. Robin, you first." Clara orders.
"Why him?" The Doctor demands.
"Doctor, shut up." Kathy snaps. "Robin, your plan."
"I am biding my time."
"Thank you, Prince of Thieves." Clara sasses. "Last of the Time Lords?"
"Yes, I have a plan." The Doctor says smugly.
"Can you explain your plan without using the word sonic screwdriver?" The Doctor's smugness dims as Clara speaks. "Because you might have forgotten the Sheriff of Nottingham has taken your sonic screwdriver, just saying. It's always the screwdriver."
"Okay, let, let, let, let's hear Robin's plan first."
"Oh, for God's sake!" Clara groans.
The sound of the door being unlocked diverts their attention.
"See? There was a guard. There was guard listening the whole time, I knew it. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" Robin cackles.
A guard enters. "The Sheriff himself commanded me to listen, to find out which of you is the true ringleader."
"Ah, so he can do the interrogating. Very wise." The Doctor says.
"Excellent. He will get nothing from me." Robin adds.
"No, no, no, no. no. He will get nothing from me, because interrogation, that's where I always turn the tables. You see, that's my plan."
"Just hurry up and take me to him."
"No, no, chop-chop, come on."
Instead, the guard unchains Clara and helps her up with his hand wrapped around her arm. Kathy lets out a snort at the two men's faces.
"Seriously," Clara says to them.
"Come on." The guard pulls her to the door.
"No." The Doctor whines.
"What are you doing?" Robin demands.
"Don't be ridiculous!" The door slams shut and locks.
"You only have yourselves to blame," Kathy tells them. They both grumble.
"I'm sorry?" The Doctor says in disbelief.
"No. Beat your breast. Moan. Groan as though twenty devils possessed your guts." Robin says.
"What for?"
"He thinks it'll attract the attention of that guard," Kathy explains. It's nice knowing what will happen, particularly when it's funny.
"Well, it's your plan. You moan." The Doctor states.
"No, no. No, it won't work." Robin decides.
"Oh, because you're clearly more advanced in years and you have a sickly aspect to you." Robin comments.
"I have a what?" The Doctor's face screws up to resemble an offended look.
"You're as pale as milk. It's the way with Scots. They're strangers to vegetables."
"Now you're being rude Robin," Kathy speaks.
"Exactly! So, with that attitude, you moan." The Doctor declares.
"Oh, like you have a better attitude," Kathy adds.
"Fine. If you want something doing." Robin moans loudly. "Can I rely upon you to do the rest?"
"Yes, yes, I know the drill." The Doctor mutters. Kathy nods in agreement. Robin continues moaning.
Guard peaks his face through the little window on the door. "What is this din?"
"No business of yours, cur." The Doctor calls to him and then speaks loudly to Robin. "Speak up. I can't hear you." Robin moans in response.
"What ails him?" The guard asks.
"None of your business," Kathy calls this time.
Guard enters. "I said, what ails him?"
"Well, if you must know, he's having a nervous breakdown." The Doctor answers. Kathy lets out a snort.
"A what?"
"He's like this whenever he's in any kind of danger. He just can't seem to cope. He gets so afraid. He goes into a kind of fit." Robin glares at him through his moaning. "I honestly believe that he may die of sheer fright, like some tiny, shivering little mouse." Robin lets out an irritated groan. "Oh, God, I think he's soiled himself."
"Let him die. It will save us the trouble of executing him." The guard turns away.
"And what will happen to the reward?" Kathy yells.
"Oops," Kathy shrugs, "shouldn't have said that."
The guard rushes over to them. "Tell me!"
"He carries a vital message. The Prince has promised a bounty." Kathy explains.
"A big one?" The guard leans close.
"An enormous one." The Doctor adds this time.
Robin grunts, catching the guard's attention and he goes over to him. "What's that? Say again?"
Robin mumbles something. "What?"
Robin sits up and looks directly at him. "Your breath stinks like a serpent, has anyone ever told you that?" Robin's head hits him and the guard falls. "Soiled myself?" He demands.
"Did you?" The Doctor remarks. "That's getting into character. Okay, keys."
"I'll get them." Robin stretches out his leg.
"No, no. I'll get them." The Doctor stretches out his own. Kathy watches in amusement.
"I'll get them. I'll get them."
"I'm fine, no, no worries. I've got them!"
"I've got them! I'll get..." The keys rattle then fall tapping as they fall then they land in the water at the bottom of the cell.
"Well, there is a bright side." The Doctor comments.
"Which is?" Robin asks hopefully.
"Clara didn't see that."
"But I did!" Kathy singsongs.
They are able to get out of the dungeon but they are all still chained to one another.
"Now what?" Robin pants as they walk through a passage. He's carrying the weight that holds their chains together.
"First, a blacksmith's forge." The Doctor says.
"So as to remove our chains?"
Kathy rolls her eyes. Due to how irritated she's become, she seems to find every little thing annoying now. "Obviously."
"No. So, I can knock up an ornamental plant stand. Of course, it's so we can get rid of our chains. I don't want to be manacled to you all night." The Doctor snaps. Robin laughs. "Oh, no. Please, don't do that."
"Ornamental plant stand." Robin chortles.
"It's not even that funny." The Doctor complains.
"For once today I agree with you," Kathy says to him.
"You're an amusing fellow, Doctor!" Robin continues.
"Oh, don't! Can you just stop?" The Doctor snaps. The laughter continues. "You'll give yourself a hernia."
Kathy knows they are getting somewhere when they reach the door that leads to the spaceship the Sheriff is hiding.
"At last. Something real. No more fairy tales." The Doctor says as he walks in.
"What is this place?" Robin asks, gaping at the unknown world.
"A spaceship," Kathy explains. "People can travel in them."
"More twenty ninth century than twelfth. Data banks, data banks, data banks. Where was this ship headed?" The Doctor reads the information the ship provides. "The Promised Land again. Like the Half-Faced Man, but more sophisticated." Robin and Kathy walk over to watch the computer display how the ship disguised itself. "It disguised itself as a twelfth century castle. It merges into the culture, tries to keep a low profile, so no one notices. That explains the robot knights."
Kathy looks over at the glowing dome that is the engine. "But the engines are damaged. They're leaking radiation into the local atmosphere."
The Doctor snaps his fingers in her direction. "Of course! It's creating a temporary climate of staggering benevolence."
"I beg pardon?" Robin splutters.
"I told you. It's too sunny. It's too green. And there is even an evil sheriff to oppress the locals. This explains everything, even you." The Doctor declares.
"It does?"
"No, it doesn't Doctor, I keep telling you!" Kathy exclaims but she gets ignored.
"Well, what does every oppressed peasant workforce need? The illusion of hope. Some silly story to get them through the day, lull them into docility, and keep them working. Ship's data banks. Full of every myth and legend you could hope for, including Robin Hood." The Doctor continues. The computer displays images made on the legend.
"Isn't it time you came clean with me?" The Doctor demands. "You're not real and you know it. Look at you. Perfect eyes, perfect teeth. Nobody has a jawline like that. You're as much a part of what is happening here as the Sheriff and his metal knights. You're a robot."
"Doctor!" Kathy calls.
"Don't worry Kathy, I've got this!"
"You dare to accuse me of collusion with that villain, the Sheriff?" Robin exclaims.
"I dare."
"You false-tongued knave. I should have skewered you when I had the chance. Do not get me started on so called Daveigh." Robin cries.
"Hold on!" Kathy exclaims, holding up both of her hands. "I'm not the one accusing you of being in league with the Sheriff and a robot!"
"He wouldn't succeed in skewering me anyway." The Doctor declares. Before Robin can utter a response, lasers are heard and flames light up around the door, which collapses. "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."
Robots walk in with the Sheriff dragging Clara with him. "Surrender, outlaw."
"Very good." The Doctor casually says.
The Sheriff ignores him. "Kill him. Kill Robin Hood."
"You can drop all that stuff now, Sheriff."
"Doctor?" Clara calls. "Kathy?"
"He's in fantasy land, Clara." She replies. "I tried to talk him out of it."
"No, I'm not!" The Doctor exclaims, behind him, one of the robots prepares its weapon to fire at Robin. "He is not what you think he is. This is all play-acting."
Clara barges past the Doctor. "We can't just let them kill him!"
"I agree!" Kathy follows her. Hopefully, Robin will see she's still trustworthy.
"You're not fooling anyone, Sheriff." As the words are out of his mouth, the robot fires at Robin, who rolls out of the way.
Clara stands in front of Robin to protect him with Kathy beside her but he wraps his arms around her. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Surviving." Robin then throws himself out of the window they had been backed up against.
"No!" Clara cries as they fall.
"No! Clara!" The Doctor shouts. The Doctor, Sheriff and Kathy all go over to the window. There is a loud splash and no one rises.
"Yeah, sorry about the girl. Such a pretty thing. What a queen she would have made." The Sheriff walks away.
"It's okay Doctor. She's alive." As Kathy tells him this, Robin is seen carrying Clara out of the water at the edge of the moat.
The Doctor turns to the Sheriff. "Stop pretending. You and your fancy robots. I get it. I understand."
"Oh, so you too know my plans?"
"You and your robots plundering the surrounding countryside for all it's worth. Gold." Then he realises and clicks his fingers. "Gold. Of course. Gold. You are creating a matrix of gold to repair the engine circuitry."
"This is the scheme the Mechanicals have devised. Soon this skyship will depart." The Sheriff explains. "Destination, London. There I will obliterate the King and take my rightful place as ruler of this sceptred isle."
"Why does the bad guy always tell you their whole plan?" Kathy calls to the Doctor.
"I don't know but it sure is handy." Comes the reply. Out loud he says, "It won't work. There's not a chance. I've seen the instruments. There's been too much damage. You are stoking up a gigantic bomb!"
"Shush." The Sheriff then points to the side and they see the fist of a robot coming towards us. Oh, she had forgotten about that.
They wake up in the lower part of the castle in chains and on the floor.
"Engine capacity at forty eight percent." A man screams. "Engine capacity at forty eight percent." Kathy sees gold shaped to fit the ship being carried around.
"It's not enough. That's not enough. It'll never make orbit." The Doctor mutters. People wail, there is a small explosion, electrical pulsing.
"Yep," Kathy replies, wiggling into a sitting position. "And that's the engines, building in power."
"Ah. Stupid, stupid Sheriff." He grunts pulling at his chains. "Argh! Go on, give! Give, you stupid things. Why didn't you tell me this would happen?"
"I forgot," Kathy says sheepishly.
"Well, that's stupid." She rolls her eyes. The Doctor strains at his chains but collapses due to the effort. "What are you looking at?" He says to someone behind me.
Kathy turns and sees a very familiar girl staring at her. "Marian." Lunging towards her but due to the chains, she doesn't get far.
She smiles at her. "Daveigh."
"Of course, she's Marian." The Doctor murmurs irritably to himself.
Despite his grumblings, the Doctor is happy to explain the situation, with my help, to Marian. The woman is very receptive in listening to them explain what the Sheriff is actually up to.
"I think I understand you. The Sheriff's using the gold to replace something." Marian concludes afterwards.
"That's the principle. But he's a moron. If he tries to fly this ship, it'll explode and wipe out half the country." The Doctor replies.
"Exactly so what we need is a little riot," Kathy adds.
"Time to reflect on lasers and gold. Spread the word." The Doctor remarks.
A robot walks over to them. "You are fit for labour. Stand aside while these peasant units are freed."
"I'm afraid you're a little late." The Doctor says.
"We are already free!" Kathy cries as all of them show their free hands. The robot's weapon, which had been preparing, fires but Kathy grabs a gold plate next to her and holds it up in front of them. The laser reflects and hits the wall behind the robot as it had moved out of the way. However, they are ready when it fires again when Marian takes her turn in deflecting and the laser hits the robot in the head, destroying it.
They beam at each other and quickly stand but they are then confronted by another robot and more and more, however, they had been ready for this as every captive around them holds up their plates and they begin to fight back.
There is screaming as lasers shoot everywhere causing fires as well as the robot's destruction.
"Everyone, the last one!" The Doctor calls. They rush forward with their plates. They form a circle, which causes the robot's laser to fire around repeatedly until it hits it. Everyone cheers.
"Right out you go everyone." Kathy cries.
"Out, out!" The Doctor adds. The people listen and begin fleeing.
"You've saved us all, clever ones." Marion kisses the Doctor's cheek and hugs Kathy. "Thank you." She runs away.
"Engine capacity at eighty two percent."
"You are indeed an ingenious fellow, Doctor." The Sheriff calls to them, he stands a few metres away with two robots behind him. Kathy rolls her eyes. She helped as well! "But do you really think your peasants' revolt can stop me?"
"I rather think you're the revolting one around here." The Doctor says before muttering to himself. "I'm bantering. I'm bantering."
"Doctor focus." Kathy turns to the Sheriff. "Listen to us. You don't have enough gold content to seal the engine breach. If you try and take off, you'll wipe out half of England."
"Liar!" The Sheriff exclaims, holding one of the robots' helmets. "From my sky vessel, I shall rule omnipotent."
"You pudding-headed primitive, shut down the engines." The Doctor cries. "What you're doing will alter the course of history."
"I sincerely hope so, or I wouldn't be bothering." The Sheriff chucks the helmet underneath the pot of melting gold. He gestures for the two robots to come forward and likely grab the Doctor and Kathy.
"Listen to me. It doesn't have to end like this. Shut it all down, return Clara to me and I'll do what I can." The Doctor offers. He is seriously still on the same wavelength.
"I don't have Clara." The Sheriff tells them.
"Robin's one of yours." Kathy rubs her forehead, feeling a headache come on.
"What did you say?"
"He's one of your tin-headed puppets, just like these brutes here." The Doctor continues.
"Robin Hood is not one of mine." The Sheriff replies.
"Told you!" Kathy says to the Doctor.
The Doctor isn't detected. "Of course, he is. He's a robot, created by your mechanical mates."
"Why would they do that?" The Sheriff asks looking genuinely confused.
"To pacify the locals, give them false hope. He's the opiate of the masses." The Doctor explains.
"Why would we create an enemy to fight us?" The Sheriff questions- quite logically she might add. "What sense would that make? That would be a terrible idea."
"Yes! Yes, it would. Wouldn't it?" The reality seems to dawn on the Doctor then. "Yes, that would be a rubbish idea. Why would you do that?"
"Exactly," Kathy utters.
"But he can't be. He's not real." The Doctor mutters.
"But he is Doctor! We can't you get that in that supposedly big brain of yours!" Kathy exclaims, poking his forehead with her finger as she does so.
"He's a legend!" The Doctor is desperately clinging to his fading reality.
"Too kind!" They look up to see Robin on one of the upper platforms. "And this legend does not come alone."
"Hiya!" Clara calls, stepping out from behind him.
Robin and Clara climb over the railing, Robin sticks his sword into a flag draped on the fall and they both slide down.
"You all right?" Robin asks.
"Hell, yeah."
"Good." Robin disarms the Sheriff with his sword. "My men have taken the castle."
"No!" The robots prepare to fire.
"Now I'm going to take you."
"This one's all mine!" The robots wind down. "What do you say, outlaw? A final reckoning?"
"Oh, yes." The two face each other with their swords. Clara rushes over to the Doctor and Kathy.
"Are you okay?" The Doctor asks.
"Fine, yeah." Comes the reply.
"Told you she would be." Kathy reminds him.
"Well, we don't have long." The Doctor says. There's rumbling in the background.
"I shall avenge every slight, outlaw." The Sheriff cries.
"Doctor, Kathy," Clara says looking around concerned.
"I know. The whole castle's about to blow." The Doctor replies.
"He's right, we need to do this quickly," Kathy adds.
The Sheriff and Robin move around the room as they fight. The Doctor, Clara and Kathy stand and watch. Robin suddenly cuts the rope next to him and he is flung up in the air until he lands on an upper beam that is directly above the large pot of melting gold.
"I'm too much for you, outlaw." The Sheriff shouts. "The first of a new breed. Half man, half engine." He too cuts a rope and lands opposite Robin and their swords begin to clash with one another again. "Never ageing. Never tiring."
"Are you still talking?" Robin sarcastically remarks. However, the Sheriff gets the upper hand and cuts Robin's right arm causing him to let go of his sword and it falls to the floor in front of them. After a moment of silence, Robin straightens up and holds his arms wide. Kathy smirks as she recalls what he's doing.
"Bow down before your new king, you prince of knaves!" Sheriff lunges towards him but Robin spins so they are back to back and push the Sheriff into the car of gold. There is screaming then a splash.
Robin uses the rope to land back on the ground. "Sorry. Was that, er, was that showing off?"
"That was amazing," Clara says, but then rumbling returns, only this time it's louder and the walls begin to crumble.
"Run! Come on, run!" The Doctor yells. They all bolt from the room.
Robin, the Doctor, Kathy, Clara, the Merry men and anyone else who made it out gather at the edge of the woods as the castle falls apart as the ship takes off.
"It's never going to make it. Not enough gold. It'll never make it into orbit." The Doctor yells over the noise and wind.
Kathy turns to Tuck hoping to hurry them along. "Tuck we need the golden arrow!"
"You took it?" The Doctor exclaims as he takes the arrow and gets a bow.
"Of course, we did. We're robbers." Tuck replies.
"I love you boys." The Doctor says.
"Doctor, what are you suggesting?" Clears questions.
"Golden arrow. It might just be enough gold content to get the ship into orbit and out of harm's way." The Doctor explains then hold up the arrow and bow to Robin.
The man shakes his head. "No, it has to be you. My arm is injured." The Doctor raises them towards the ship but struggles.
"You're good at this. I saw you. You won the tournament." Clara encourages.
"I cheated. I made a special arrow with a homing device." The Doctor admits.
"Oh, brilliant. Right, let me have a go." Clara says taking them.
"You? You do Tae Kwon Do. That's not the same thing as this." The Doctor says.
"Well, I shall do it then!" Kathy exclaims and she grabs the bow and arrow from Clara.
"You?" The Doctor questions.
"I've had a lot of practice." She remarks as she aims the arrow toward the ship.
"Go on Lady Daveigh! Or should I say, Kathy?" Robin cries. She flashes him a smile as she lets go of the arrow and it shoots through the air towards the ship. It successfully hits it and the ship increases in power and shoots out into outer space where it explodes. They all cheer.
"One awful day in Nottingham, Brave Robin Hood was in a jam." Alan sings on his lute. " The arrow flew it true... "
Will steals it from him. "Give it a rest, Alan."
"Give me my lute!" Alan cries. They all laugh.
"Still not keen on the laughing thing?" Clara remarks at the sight of the Doctor's disgruntled face.
"No, no, no, no." Clara and Kathy laugh at him.
They return to the river where the TARDIS sits. Robin is giving Clara some archery lessons and says goodbye as the Doctor and Kathy chat to the other Merry Men.
"Goodbye, Kathy. Always good to see you." The Doctor says.
Kathy smiles. "Goodbye Doctor. Till the next time."
The Doctor nods and walks over to Robin as Clara has stepped inside the TARDIS. Kathy had said her goodbyes to her earlier. They briefly talk and shake hands then the Doctor turns and steps inside the TARDIS.
The metallic thrumming sounds as the TARDIS fades away. Kathy watches with a small smile on her face knowing what the Doctor has left behind for Robin. It full fades to reveal Marian.
"Robin? I've found you at last." They run towards each other.
"Marian?" After a moment they kiss and the rest of them all cheer. Robin runs to a hillier part of the ground and calls, "Thank you. Thank you, Doctor! Ha-ha-ha!" He shoots an arrow into the sky.
A/N: I based Kathy's name on David of Doncaster who, according to Wikipedia, 'appears only in "Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow". He warns Robin against going to the Sheriff of Nottingham's archery contest because it is a trap.' I thought it be cool to have Kathy be a part of the legend.
Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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robin hood
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aeronotch · 5 years
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if i had a dollar for every time i wanted to strangle tumblr, i’d have a million bucks. at least.
「 messages ⊱  ➶ 」 「 messages ⊱ answers from the faceless king ➶ answered 」 「 messages ⊱ just cleaning up another mess ➶ answered meme 」 「 messages ⊱ chatting with the forest faeries ➶ anonymous 」
「 may king ⊱  ➶ 」 「 may king ⊱ a crown left for no one ➶ undetermined 」 「 may king ⊱ miracles that won’t come true ➶ grail war 」 「 may king ⊱ cursing the chaldea gate ➶ grand order 」 「 may king ⊱ extra chances under the moonlight ➶ extra 」 「 may king ⊱ capsule master. where’s my bow? ➶ master 」 「 may king ⊱ currently at the village protest ➶ dash 」 「 may king ⊱ serving up a poisoned meal ➶ crack 」 「 may king ⊱ from a time long forgotten ➶ kid 」 「 may king ⊱ not in this sacred druid forest ➶ shitpost 」
「 records ⊱  ➶ 」 「 records ⊱ remember the forest ➶ sherwood forest 」 「 records ⊱ the protector from the forest ➶ robin hood (original) 」 「 records ⊱ the (true) rogue’s best friend ➶ king richard 」 「 records ⊱ the hunter from the forest ➶ robin hood 」 「 records ⊱ this arrow from my grave ➶ weapons 」 「 records ⊱ yeah. i can cook. what’s it to you? ➶ food porn 」
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eeveeliciousrp · 2 years
@fellowshipofmuses For Sir Guy and Leo DaVinci
This was supposed to be a nice trip to the countryside of England, a nice quiet town of Nottingham where he had gotten a commision to come do a painting for the Sherriff. But shortly entering Sherwood Forest, Leonardo was ambushed by Robin Hood and and his band of rogues. He didn’t have much coin and no jewelry on his person, so they took the next valuable things the art supplies. The canvases and the oil paints in particular were extremely valuable, the more vibrant colors worth a pouch of gold coins as they could only be made in italy.
Leonardo was devastated to lose everything of worth. More importantly he wouldn’t be able to make the commision and the money from it to travel back home. He had no idea what he was going to to as he stopped in a place called Locksley Village to let his horse rest briefly and get some water. Speaking with one of the villagers about the incident they instructed him to go to the manor where Sir Guy of Gisborne was and had been looking for Robin Hood.
Hopefully this man would help him retrieve what had been stolen from him before the thieves could sell or damage the valuable paints and supplies. The artist headed up to Locksley manor and knocked rapidly on the door, waiting anxiously until it was answered.
“Ciao amicio. I’m looking for a, Sir Gisborne? I was told he could help me with a Robin Hood problem. It’s very urgent.”
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Maid Marian (Live Action Portrayal) - Through the Ages 
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) - Portrayed by Olivia de Havilland
Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950) - Portrayed by Diana Lynn
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952) portrayed by Joan Rice
Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) as Maid Marian Fitzwalter portrayed by Sarah Branch
Robin and Marian (1976) - Portrayed by Audrey Hepburn
Robin Hood (1991) - Portrayed by Uma Thurman
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) as Marian Dubois - portrayed by Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Robin Hood (BBC SERIES) (2006–2009) - portrayed by Lucy Griffiths
Robin Hood (2018) - Portrayed by Eve Hewson
Extra Mentions:
Robin Hood (1912) -  portrayed by Barbara Tennant
Robin Hood (1913) -  portrayed by Gerda Holmes
Robin Hood (1922)  as Lady Marian Fitzwalter - Portrayed by Enid Bennett
The Prince of Thieves (1948) as Lady Marian Claire - Portrayed by Patricia Morison
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955-1959) - Portrayed by Bernadette O'Farrell and Patricia Driscoll
Wolfshead: The Legend of Robin Hood (1969) as Lady Marian Fitzwalter -  portrayed by Ciaran Madden
Disney’s Robin Hood (1973) -  voiced by Monica Evans and Nancy Adams
Robin of Sherwood (1984-1986) - Portrayed by Judi Trott
Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) - portrayed by Amy Yasbeck
Robin Hood (2010) - Portrayed by Cate Blanchett
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bellaroles · 3 years
Reminisce of the time a few years ago I hunted for these books like a hawk because goodreads rec. them to me. These were quite hard to get and some I regretted having acquired them lol.
Here some of the titles
The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope. I love this one. Very Rereadable. I also like her other book, the Sherwood ring. No regrets on these
An Earthly knight by Janet McNaughton. Nope DNF. (I was in Tam lin phase then lol but this one I shall passed) Regrets!
Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. This is so fun. I may reread sometimes in the future.
The Raging Quiet by Sherryl Jordan. I like the book fine but will not reread.
Time enough for drums by Ann Rinaldi. Right this was interesting for me but as the internet keep telling me the age gap in this one is bothering me a lot.
Keturah and lord death by Martine Leavitt. I couldn't really get pass the MC self consciousness and the way the story was told. Regrets!
Summers at castle auburn by Sharon Shinn. I love her Archangel book. (1 st book only) and this one also supposed to be without flaws. Only there are quite a few of issues that disturb me.
The Hollow kingdom by Claire B. Dunkle. Hmm will not reread. On the stockholm syndrome note.
A Face like glasses by Frances Hardinge. Was glued to the pages literally. Could not put it down. Felt the same thrills reading these like when I read Garth Nix's keys to the kingdom. Might reread but y'know it won't be like the first time ever again.
Dragon's bait by Vivian Vande Velde. Felt like a cliffhanger with no second book. Not that interesting. Regrets
11. The Blue sword by Robin Mckinley. Can't say I regret this but I'd felt that this should have been better. Not to mention the weird prequel book that I won't reread again.
12. The Belgariad series by David Eddings. Loved these while it lasted. I got bored with the second series. Not rereadable to me.
13. The Changeover by Margaret Mahy. Like it. Not gonna reread.
14. The Changeling sea by Patricia A. Mckillip. I regreted that this was the first Mckillip book I'd ever come across. Dreamy but not engaging. My favorite of hers are the forgotten beast of Eld, In the forest of Serre, the Riddlemaster series, and Winter rose.
15. War for the Oaks by Emma Bull. Very entertaining. I love it. Haven’t reread this since.
16. Song of the lioness series by Tamora Pierce. I was undecided about these. Well I like the Immortals better than this one. Trickster duology impressed me the most. Not regret these but still haven’t reread them.
17. Sabriel by Garth Nix. Special to me because I read this first on audiobook. What a thrilling experience. I was so crazy about the Abhorsen lore for months. Haven’t reread also.
18. Wildwood dancing by Juliet Merrilier. I was crazy about nearly all of her books for a time. Reread this along with Heart’s blood and Daughter of the forrest many times. It was good but didn’t really hold up to now.
19. Enchanted forest chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede. Like but not love. I like Mairelon’s books better or even the sorcerer and cecelia book.
20. Crown duel by Sherwood Smith. Love the books though Mel’s impulsiveness irked me lots of time. The starts of my obsession with her Sartorias-deles saga. Too many books with vastly different target audience, I gave up trying to read them all at some point lol. Love banner of the damned and the Inda books though.
21. Sally Lockhart’s series by Philip Pullman. Yeah I like his spectacular HDM but I like these more. Sally is so cool. No regrets.
22. The Black magician triology by Trudi Canavan. Used to be my guilty pleasure. because of the ending I will not reread.
23. The Farseer trilogy by Robin Hobb. Love these and the third trilogy also. Regret reading the second. Won’t reread because it was too painful. Also if I could one day reread them, I might continue with the series.
24. Earthsea cycle. By Ursula K. Le Guin. Favorite series. Reread many times. Will continue to recommend them.
25. Mistborn series. By Brandon Sanderson. Love these but won’t reread because I can’t go thru all of that again.
26. The chronicle of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. Read on audiobook. Like them but haven’t reread since.
27. Lumatere chronicles by Melina Marchetta. So intense lol, it was good but I won’t go thru all that again.
30. Tales from the flat earth by Tanith lee. Did not regret. So dark and arabian-ish. I especially love Simmu’s stories and Chuz. Her B&B retelling in Red as blood is also my fav. So unique. But I regret buying her Claidi’s journals and Paradys books.
31. I, Coriander by Sally Gardner. So pretty cover. The stories was good for my teen years. Did not reread since.
32. A Company of swans by Eva Ibbotson. Gosh this was unexpectedly cute. So many weird things but still it works for me. Haven’t reread.
33. The Ivy tree by Mary Stewart. This book lied to me! I was so obsessed with the pseudo amnesia thing. First read on audiobook. One time is enough because the suspense can be experienced only one time.
34. The Seer and the sword by Victoria Hanley. Regrets. The plot was supposedly engaging but I couldn’t care less.
35. The Blue castle by L.M. Montgomery. Beautiful prose. Like the plot very much. Now if I could really find the time to read Anne of green gables.
36. Book of a thousand days by Shannon Hale. Nice. Can’t remember much but I like this enough to draw a doodle. I like her Austenland better. That was hilarious.
37. Narnia books by C.S. Lewis. I love these esp. the Dawn trader one. Haven’t reread yet.
39. The savage Damsel and the dwarf by Gerald Morris. Funny. I remembered that much.
Other books I regret are The books of Pelinor by Alison Croggon. Darkangel triology by Meredith Ann Pierce. Knight and Rogue by Hilari Bell, A college of magics by Caroline Stevermer, Riverside by Ellen Kushner.
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piraticalwit · 2 years
@twistedwit: five times touched:      ( five times the receiver touched the sender) the og baby
His cabin is dim, a dark haven for when the drops of sunlight that flicker across the water’s surface become too much for the gloom that has eased it’s way into the pirate’s heart, leaving beasts with slavering jaws where laughter and freedom once sang their song, and Hook tries his best not to notice the shadows that dance across the sweep of the other man’s jaw, not to dwell on the glimmer of a deep buried pain that he almost recognizes within blue eyes so akin to his own. Curved steel holds the knight’s wrist steady against the smooth wood of his desk, tongue pressing to the inside of one cheek as he focuses on each careful stitch, and it isn’t until the last of the thread is tied that Hook finally catches his passenger’s eye, expression nothing more than a simple shrug of one shoulder as he assures the sheriff’s master at arms that it will heal.
Later he tells himself that its the gold he was promised that keeps him in Nottingham, that dream of easy riches and a momentary respite that work like a siren’s song .. that it has nothing to do with the tall shadow of black leather that haunts the castle’s halls, nothing to do with the rumble of thunder that rolls from his throat each time one of the two deem the other worth speaking to... and when Guy’s gloved fingers brush against his own while reaching for the same goblet of wine, it’s the gleam of gold that fills Hook’s mind that night, that same luring treasure .. and he refuses to acknowledge that figure that sits in the corner of his thoughts, just on the edge as if waiting to be noticed.
Guy’s half conscious form is heavy, a weight that presses to Hook’s side as the pirate stumbles his way through Sherwood Forest, stubbled jaw set in a line of stubborn determination that not even lady fate dares defy. The blood that flows from the wound in the older man’s arm leaves a sticky residue on his neck, an ever flow of crimson that changes to a dark black and acts as a word of warning to the rogue that moves as fast as he is able, black boots slipping on a leaf strewn ground... and he’s so exhausted once they make it back that he barely registers the word that flitters through his thoughts as he leads the injured man through the castle halls to where help awaits. Home.
Things change in Nottingham. Routine becomes sufferable, even the heavy air no longer settles about his shoulders like a weighted yoke he can’t quite rid himself of... he hasn’t seen a single coin in months, his men argue in the tavern at night on whether or not their captain has finally lost his mind, has abandoned their way of life and is too cowardly to tell them... and it’s a different gleam of gold that dances across forget-me-not blues when he finds himself flat on his back in the training yard, dust from his fall carried in the air and tickling the sensitive hairs of his nose. Ringed fingers reach for the gloved hand that had pressed a blade against his throat mere moments before, clasping them tightly as if readying himself for Guy to pull him to his feet... but instead Hook gives a tug of his own, one black boot sweeping across the ground until the knight tumbles to the ground beside him. The grin he offers is a cocky one, an arrogant smugness as he mutters the excuse that no doubt has become as familiar to the older man as his name, and instead of blows from wounded pride .. blue catches blue and the two men laugh, laying in the dirt until every waiting soldier believes the heat has cost them their minds. Pirate.
The knight tastes like apple and mint and Hook chases the flavor like a starving man, heart quickening with each low moan that he coaxes forth with each swipe of his tongue. Later, when fingers dig into broad shoulders, sweat dampened bodies moving together in a rhythm that is as instinctual as breathing, a careful dance that he suddenly seems to have remembered the steps to .. Guy’s lips find his ear, warm breath ghosting across the shell of it .. and .. aye, there’s that bloody word again - the thunder of it travels through the hollow of his chest and stops the beat of his heart, vision catching white at the edges, and Hook knows he’ll never go another day without bloody touching this beautiful, perfect man ever again.. Pirate.
Bloody hell. 
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gatutor · 3 years
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Diana Lynn-John Derek "El temible Robin Hood" (Rogues of Sherwood Forest) 1950, de Gordon Douglas.
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thelittlesttimelord · 3 years
The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 8
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The New Doctor Chapter 8 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 8/? SUMMARY: With the Doctor newly regenerated, he and Elise must now navigate their new relationship. The Doctor is an old man and Elise is a headstrong young woman. She is no longer the scared little girl the Doctor saved all those years ago. Will Clara be able to keep them from killing each other?
“Take a punt,” the Doctor told Clara. He was doing some sort of math on one of his chalkboards while Clara sat down near the console.
“Right,” Clara said.
“Your choice. Wherever, whenever, anywhere in time and space.”
“Well, there is something, someone that I've always wanted to meet. But I know what you'll say.”
“Try me.”
“You'll say he's made up, that there is no such thing.”
“Go on.”
“It's…it's Robin Hood.”
“Robin Hood.”
Clara walked up the steps towards the Doctor. “Yeah. I love that story. I've always loved it, ever since I was little.”
“Robin Hood, the heroic outlaw, who robs from the rich and gives to the poor.”
“He's made up. There's no such thing.”
“Ah, you see?”
The Doctor pulled a book off his bookcase. “Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned story books, Clara.” He thumbed through a few of the pages before setting the book back in its place.
“And what about you?”
“Yeah, you. You stop bad things happening every minute of every day. That sounds pretty heroic to me.”
“Just passing the time. Hey, what about Mars?”
“The Ice Warrior Hives.”
“After what happened on that submarine? I don’t think so,” Elise told him. She wanted to forget that adventure. She still had nightmares.
“You said it was my choice,” Clara argued.
“Or the Tumescent Arrows of the Half-Light. Those girls can hold their drink,” the Doctor rambled.
“And fracture fifteen different levels of reality simultaneously. I think I've got a Polaroid somewhere.” The Doctor came down the stairs towards the console with Clara following him.
“Doctor! My choice. Robin Hood. Show me.”
“Very well.” He put in coordinates and set the TARDIS in flight. “Earth. England. Sherwood Forest. 1190AD. Ish. But you'll only be disappointed.”
“You can’t wear a black dress! You’re not going to a funeral!” Clara told Elise. Clara wanted to look the part and dragged Elise along with her. Clara looked through the dresses and pulled out a green one.
“It’s perfect! It’ll go great with your hair.” She shoved the dress into Elise’s arms. “Well go on, get dressed.”
Elise changed into the medieval style dress. It felt wrong not to be in her leather jacket and boots, but she had to admit that she looked rather good.
“Might have to cover that though,” Clara said pointing at the roses winding down Elise’s neck. She’d still yet to understand why she had the tattoo in the first place.
Clara managed to cover it up with some heavy concealer.
The two women stepped out of the TARDIS.
“Might be a little bit much, but what do you reckon, Doctor?” Clara asked. She stopped when she saw him. Robin Hood.
“By all the saints. Are there any more in there?” Robin Hood asked.
The Doctor noticed how Robin’s eyes lingered on Elise and he moved slightly in front of her.
Clara patted the Doctor’s chest in disbelief. “Is that…?” Clara asked.
“No,” the Doctor told her.
“Oh, my God. Oh, my God! It is, isn't it? You found him. You actually found Robin Hood.”
“That is not Robin Hood.”
“Well then, who, sir, is about to relieve you of your magic box?” Robin asked, pulling out his long sword.
Elise nearly rushed forward, but the Doctor pushed her back. He stepped onto the bridge, facing Robin. “Nobody, sir. Not in this universe or the next.”
“Well then, draw your sword and prove your words.”
“I have no sword. I don't need a sword.” The Doctor opened his coat and twirled around to show Robin. “Because I am the Doctor.” Instead, he donned a gauntlet and pulled out a spoon. “And this is my spoon. En garde!”
They started sparring and Clara and Elise watched on in excitement.
The Doctor got the upper hand and hit Robin on the back of the neck with his spoon.
“You're amazing,” Clara praised the Doctor.
Even Elise had to admit the Doctor was rather dashing.
“I've had some experience. Richard the Lionheart. Cyrano de Bergerac. Errol Flynn. He had the most enormous…”
Clara cleared her throat, cutting off the inappropriate comment.
“Takes one to know one.”
Robin lunged forward and sliced a button off the Doctor’s coat. The Doctor held his arms out and Robin got ready to strike the killing blow. The Doctor dodged this attack and spun around so he and Robin were back to back. He bumped Robin and Robin fell into the river below.
“Doctor!” Clara said, rushing to his side.
The Doctor polished his spoon on his coat. “Like I said. My box.”
Robin was nowhere to be seen in the water below. He popped up behind the Doctor and pushed him into the water.
Clara and Robin laughed.
Elise rolled her eyes and waded into the water. She helped the Doctor up and asked, “Are you okay?”
“More of a bruised ego than anything.”
“I’ll fix your coat later.”
Robin led them to a small encampment. “Let me introduce you to my men. This is Will Scarlet. He is a cheeky rogue with a good sword arm and a slippery tongue.”
“My ladies…”
Clara giggled and looked at Elise, who had no reaction.
To this day, the only man to ever make Elise blush was the man in the café after they met Clara the second time.
The Doctor pulled out some of his hair as he bowed and scanned it with his sonic screwdriver.
Will cried out and grabbed at his head. “What do you want with my hair?”
“Well, it's realistic, I'll give you that,” the Doctor told him.
“And this is Friar Tuck. Aptly named for the amount of grub he tucks into,” Robin introduced.
“You skinny blaggard.”
The men around them laughed.
Friar Tuck stepped forward and nearly fell.
The Doctor was on the ground behind him.
“What are you doing?” Tuck asked him.
The Doctor stood up, holding one of his sandals. “This isn't a real sandal.”
“Yes, it is.”
The Doctor sniffed the sandal. “Oh. Yes, it is.”
Robin turned to introduce another one of his men. “This, er, is Alan-a-Dale. He's a master of the lute, whose music brightens up these dark days.”
“Stranger you are welcome here, in Sherwood's bonny glade,” Alan sang. He suddenly cried out as the Doctor stuck him with a needle.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry. Blood analysis. Oh. All those diseases. If you were real, you'd be dead in six months,” the Doctor told him.
“I am real,” Alan insisted.
The last of Robin’s men was huge.
“And this is John Little. Called Little John. He's my loyal companion in many an adventure.”
The large man stepped aside and a smaller man jumped out at them. The men laughed.
“Works every time,” Will said.
“Oh, I cannot believe this. You, you really are Robin Hood and his Merry Men!” Clara giggled.
“Aye! That is an apt description. What say you, lads?” Robin asked.
His men laughed in response. “Stop laughing. Why are you always doing that? Are you all simple or something?”
Elise was beginning to become annoyed as well, while Clara looked to be enjoying herself.
The Doctor picked up a goblet and poured out the liquid before walking up to Robin. “I’m going to need a sample.”
“Of what?” Robin asked.
Clara quickly pulled the Doctor away from them. “What are you doing?”
“Well, they're not holograms, that much is obvious. Could be a theme park from the future. Or we might be inside a miniscope,” the Doctor told her.
“Oh, shut up.”
“A miniscope. Yes, of course. Why not?”
The Doctor ran over to the encampment, leaving Clara and Elise.
Robin walked to them. “Your friend seems not quite of the real world,” Robin observed.
“No. No, he's not really. Not most of the time.” Clara looked at Robin. “Dark days?”
“My lady?”
“You said that these were dark days. What did you mean?”
“King Richard is away on crusade, my lady. His tyrant of a brother rules instead,” Will explained.
“And the Sheriff. Cos there is a sheriff, right?”
“Aye. It is indeed this jackal of the princes who seeks to oppress us forever more,” Alan said.
“Or six months in your case,” the Doctor quipped.
Robin spoke in a soft voice. “It is a shame to dwell on murky thoughts when there is such beauty here,” Robin said.
Elise felt like she was intruding, so she simply squeezed Clara’s hand and joined her father instead. She glanced back at Clara and Robin talking softly with each other and she felt a pang in her hearts.
The Doctor saw the look on Elise’s face and walked over to Robin. “What time is it, Mister Hood?”
“Somewhat after noon.”
“No, no. Time of year? What season?”
“Oh, Dame Autumn has draped her mellow skirts about the forest, Doctor. The time of mists and harvest approaches.”
Elise frowned. That didn’t seem right.
“Yeah, yeah. All very poetic. But it's very green hereabouts, though, isn't it? Like I said, very sunny.”
“So?” Clara asked.
“Have you been to Nottingham?”
“Climate change?”
“It's 1190.”
“You must excuse me. The Sheriff has issued a proclamation and tomorrow there is to be a contest to find the best archer in the land. And the bounty, it's an arrow made of pure gold,” Robin said.
“No! Don't, don't go. It's a trap,” Clara begged him.
“Well, of course it is! But a contest to find the best archer in the land? There is no contest.”
The men laughed.
“Right, that isn't even funny. That was bantering. I am totally against bantering,” the Doctor snapped.
“How can you be so sure he is not the real thing?” Clara asked.
“Because he can't be.”
“When did you stop believing in everything?”
“When did you start believing in impossible heroes?”
“Don't you know? In a way, it's rather sweet.” Clara joined Robin and his men, while Elise stood next to him.
He looked into her green eyes and saw…was it hope? He was going to show her he could be the Doctor again. That he could be the heroic man she knew him to be.
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thehumanarkle · 1 year
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And now we are at 20 movies watched for the first time in 2023. The first ten of the year can be found on the ten things tag on my page.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Black Arrow
It's All True
Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse
Rogues of Sherwood Forest
The Blackening
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie: Black Dream Hole
Sword of Sherwood Forest
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herotome · 4 years
A Loving Overview of: Made Marion
(Sherwood Demo)
 Hi-ho, Wudgey here! This week we’re gonna have a brief interlude from updates to feature a talented fellow indie dev. This does mean that the Herotome update next week might be rather... massive... But we like big things around here, don’t we? ;)  -- Ahem...
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 @velvet-cupcake-games​ captures the allure of swashbuckling rogues and medieval court intrigue with Made Marion; a must-try for all fans of classic European folklore and middle age aesthetics.
The visual novel features the titular Marion of Glastonbury at a crossroads: 
Join the rebel band of Sherwood thieves, or adapt to Nottingham and gain influence from within.
 At present the Sherwood demo is available on itch, and an additional Nottingham demo is slated to release soon.  ❤
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More screencaps and thoughts under the cut!
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First Impressions
The game opens with an atmospheric rendition of Green Sleeves, and a gorgeously rendered Marion peering out of a gilded frame. She’s back-lit by daybreak (or duskbreak? how would i know) beyond a stone archway, and she gazes towards the player as if inviting them along on her journey.
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Overall, the game is presented with near-professional quality, including polished GUI and period-appropriate sound effects. Even empty save slots are rendered with flourishing detail reminiscent of illuminated manuscripts.
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In place of a prologue scene (which has been excluded from the demo), a brief synopsis explains how Lady Marion came to be betrothed to the infamous Sheriff of Nottingham, and her story begins with a contemplative carriage ride.
While the player will be able to make some choices to guide Marion, she quickly proves herself to be an active protagonist. Her first person POV is methodical and levelheaded, finding solutions and reasoning in times of crisis rather than distress. Still, her stream of consciousness is paced well, and includes enough insight to allow for an enjoyable read.
Classic instrumentals (flutes, lutes and harps) smoothly carry the game from whimsy to battle intensity when Marion’s carriage is beset by bandits.
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Enter our first love interest: Will.
The tall, dark and gorgeously dandy duelist is a man of few words. When pressed, he simply explains that he’s under orders to watch our protagonist, and we then receive our very first choice of the game: Bribe the unflappable muskateer enthusiast, or be feisty.
 Either way, we end up outside the carriage face-to-face with the-man-the-myth-the-legend himself…
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Just kidding.
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It’s our second love interest, Robin Hood.
A stark contrast to the hot-and-cold hooligan in the feathered hat: Robin is boisterous, poised to impress and eager to enchant.
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And Marion is having none of it!
She’s hauled onto horseback (stagback?) and carted off into Sherwood Forest, which grants her the opportunity to either engage in dignified banter or open palm smack Robin across the face.
While the developers certainly abandoned antiquated damsel tropes, I did appreciate that Marion struggled with feelings of shame. When manhandled by bandits, most spunky heroines give either indignant or completely flustered performances. Marion makes admirable escape attempts, and when she does not succeed, she’s disappointed in herself for not being stronger. Yet even at her most miserable, she still tries to carry herself with pride. It’s a breath of fresh air to have a protagonist with humility, who also had the foresight to stow a dagger in her boot.
While Will will either be annoyed or impressed with Marion’s antics, Robin will generally react in good humor.
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Our third and final love interest, John, responds with a warm patience – or concern, if your Marion is stubborn enough to try tromping barefoot into the woods.
He’s easily the most polite member of the crew. His kind, respectful approach was a welcome reprieve amid merry male camaraderie and their general refusal to communicate clearly. He even made me shoes! Shoes! I have never wanted to hug anyone as quickly as I wanted to hug John.
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 We soon find that the so-called bandits are not only operating in the roles of a found family, but a real blood-related family; with Will and John being half-brothers, and Robin being their cousin. Even at the game’s early stage, the love interests have an interesting dynamic with one another, and I’m keenly interested in seeing how it all unfolds.
Minor characters, such as Nell and Theo (along with totally-not-a-love-interest(-yet) Layton Tuck), also come across with fleshed out personalities and with motives and aspirations of their own – despite only having brief appearances.
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Final Thoughts
Admittedly, I feel parts of second chapter are not as polished as the first. Marion forgave Robin more quickly that I preferred (“You need to speak your piece and complain about how they manhandled you, Marion!” I squawked at my screen, offendedly guzzling cornflakes and coffee, “Embrace your inner Karen! He owes you a PRopEr aPoLOgY!”), and Robin’s speech sounded a touch more like exposition than the sweeping storytelling tirade I’d expected from him (which may be improved with a high adventure background track rather than the current driven/inspirational speech bgm). But these are molecular gripes that pale in comparison to the engaging premise, enjoyable characters, and polished presentation.
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 “And yes, I’ve also decided who I want to do next.”
The demo ends presenting Marion with the game’s major branching choice, along with a promise and anticipation of more to come. And I’m genuinely looking forward to it!
The Made Marion Kickstarter is tentatively scheduled for October, along with the release of the Nottingham demo (where we’ll be meeting four more love interests!!):
Meissa: A kindhearted fortune-teller from an enemy land. Lord Geoffrey: The infamous Sheriff of Nottingham himself. Gui la Londe: An idealistic chevalier in Lord Geoffrey's court. Alanna Dale: A cheerful bard with a fistful of secrets.
A generous helping of options, to be sure! Again:  the Sherwood demo is available on itch. I can’t think of an adequate way of ending this overview, so here’s a cop-out yet tonally appropriate gif to demonstrate how I feel at the prospect of playing more Made Marion in the near future:
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1939 They Shall Have Music
1941 There's Magic in Music
1942 The Major and the Minor
1942 Henry Aldrich Gets Glamor
1944 Henry Aldrich Plays Cupid
1944 The Miracle of Morgan's Creek
1944 Our Hearts Were Young and Gay
1944 And the Angels Sing
1945 Out of This World
1946 The Bride Wore Boots
1946 Our Hearts Were Growing Up
1947 Easy Come, Easy Go
1948 Ruthless
1948 Texas, Brooklyn and Heaven
1948 Every Girl Should Be Married
1948 My Friend Irma
1950 Paid in Full
1950 Peggy
1950 My Friend Irma Goes West
1950 Rogues of Sherwood Forest
1951 The People Against O'Hara
1951 Bedtime for Bonzo
1952 Meet Me at the Fair
1943 Plunder of the Sun
1954 Track of the Cat
1955 An Annapolis Story
1955 You're Never Too Young
1955 The Kentuckian
1970 Company of Killers.
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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Errol Flynn, Alan Hale, and Ronald Reagan in a publicity still for Desperate Journey (1942).  Alan was born in Washington, DC, and had a whopping 249 acting credits, from many silent shorts from 1912, his first feature in 1916, to Rogues of Sherwood Forest (1950), reprising his role of Little John. 
 Alan’s other notable credits include The Covered Wagon (1923), John Ford’s The Lost Patrol (1934), It Happened One Night, Fog Over Frisco, Of Human Bondage, Imitation of Life, The Little Minister, The Crusades, The Last Days of Pompeii, The Prince and the Pauper, Stella Dallas, Algiers, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Dodge City, The Man in the Iron Mask, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, They Drive By Night, The Sea Hawk,  Gentlemen Jim, Destination Tokyo,  The Adventures of Mark Twain,  Adventures of Don Juan, and The Inspector General.  Alan’s look-alike son. Alan Hale Jr, is best known as the skipper on 98 episodes of Gilligan’s Island (1964-67).
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