#「 records ⊱ the hunter from the forest ➶ robin hood 」
caputgeratlupinum · 2 months
In which I (re) watch Robin of Sherwood
In the dim and distant past (of a few years ago) I started watching Robin of Sherwood. I dropped out after the end of season 2, when *events* happened (if you know, you know).
Anyway, this to say that I started watching it again, and I thought it would be fun to record my reactions to it. I remember it as being a good if slightly silly show, so... we'll see how it holds up.
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We are starting off strong with the Ominous Bad Guy theme that sent me back to the last time I watched this with the force of a hammer (this show has about five soundtracks and they all come up like once an episode).
Our introduction to adult Robin is him running to the top of a... something, I'm not sure if it's a hill or a ledge or what. Anyway he runs there, stops, and screams 'MUCH!'. Which must be wildly confusing if you're not familiar with Robin Hood.
ITVX doesn't let me take screenshots (tragically) but I need you all to know that Guy of Gisborne looks about twelve and speaks like he went to fancy boarding school.
Hi Will Scarlet I have fond memories of you from last time! And I think this might be the first time he's 'scarlet' as in 'bloody' rather than named for his hair or clothes. Also the second Will tells them his name another man steps out of the shadows to introduce himself like he's desperate to get in on the action.
ROBERT! ROBERT! BY CHRIST ROBERT I WILL NOT LOSE MY FISHPOND! 10/10 introduction no notes. Genius move to give the Sheriff an annoying brother in the form of Abbot (??) Hugo.
Sheriff duties: keep on top of the poachers in the forest, and meet with the evil sorcerer baron and his... possessed slave? I'm vague on what position Little John holds here.
Sorry, Sir Evil Baron (yes I know his name is Simon de Bellame. I'm ignoring that), but I don't believe for a second that your wife taking her own life was nothing to do with you.
Did I mention Marian and Tuck are here? They are! I love them both very much.
I can't believe they that they just leave Rat Man and Arthur behind. I demand a spin-off about what happened to them.
'You're like a May morning.' *climbs out the window without another word* I mean to be fair to Robin if I tried that line I'd probably also flee immediately afterwards.
I really wish I could do screenshots because Herne the Hunter's vision of various events with Evil Baron's face over it all, slowly getter bigger and bigger, is truly a sight to behold. Robin honestly took that pretty well.
The classic bridge fight is very enjoyable but I am haunted by the knowledge of the blooper reel where Michael Praed gets hit in the balls. And Robin's dramatic scream as he falls off the bridge is sending me.
Last time I wasn't really sure how to feel about the Herne the Hunter stuff, and right now I'm in the same place. uhh... stag-man. With vague prophecies. I dunno... 'when the horned one possesses me' ok but who are you when he's not possessing you? How does one become possessed by the horned one in the first place (I know none of this is the point. I just have questions!)
If I were one of the merry men, I would find it easier to agree with Robin's Heroic Inspiring SpeechTM if it hadn't started with him explaining how he's been 'awakened' by a deer-headed man.
I feel like Will saying, 'You should have killed him. You'll have to someday.' is setting up for a conflict down the line where Robin has to make a Choice about Gisborne some day, but I don't remember any such plot.
aaand that's it! I didn't mention every single thing that happened, there's a lot happening in this episode. Genuinely had a good time though! Despite my poking fun at stuff, I do actually like this show.
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aeronotch · 5 years
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if i had a dollar for every time i wanted to strangle tumblr, i’d have a million bucks. at least.
「 messages ⊱  ➶ 」 「 messages ⊱ answers from the faceless king ➶ answered 」 「 messages ⊱ just cleaning up another mess ➶ answered meme 」 「 messages ⊱ chatting with the forest faeries ➶ anonymous 」
「 may king ⊱  ➶ 」 「 may king ⊱ a crown left for no one ➶ undetermined 」 「 may king ⊱ miracles that won’t come true ➶ grail war 」 「 may king ⊱ cursing the chaldea gate ➶ grand order 」 「 may king ⊱ extra chances under the moonlight ➶ extra 」 「 may king ⊱ capsule master. where’s my bow? ➶ master 」 「 may king ⊱ currently at the village protest ➶ dash 」 「 may king ⊱ serving up a poisoned meal ➶ crack 」 「 may king ⊱ from a time long forgotten ➶ kid 」 「 may king ⊱ not in this sacred druid forest ➶ shitpost 」
「 records ⊱  ➶ 」 「 records ⊱ remember the forest ➶ sherwood forest 」 「 records ⊱ the protector from the forest ➶ robin hood (original) 」 「 records ⊱ the (true) rogue’s best friend ➶ king richard 」 「 records ⊱ the hunter from the forest ➶ robin hood 」 「 records ⊱ this arrow from my grave ➶ weapons 」 「 records ⊱ yeah. i can cook. what’s it to you? ➶ food porn 」
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effulgentpoet · 7 years
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the legend of robin hood:
Maid Marian (or Marion) is the love interest of the legendary outlaw Robin Hood in English folklore. Maid Marian is never mentioned in any of the earliest extant ballads of Robin Hood. She appears to have originally been a character in May Games festivities. Both a Robin and a Marian were associated with May Day by the 15th century, but these figures were apparently part of separate traditions; likely derived from the French tradition of a shepherdess named Marion and her shepherd lover Robin, recorded in Adam de la Halle's Le Jeu de Robin et Marion, circa 1283. The "gentrified" Robin Hood character, portrayed as a historical outlawed nobleman, emerges in the late 16th century. From this time, Maid Marian is also cast in terms of a noblewoman. In the play, The Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon by Robert Munday, which was written in 1598, Marian appears as Robin's lawfully-wedded wife, who changes her name from Matilda when she joins him in the greenwood. The 19th century antiquarian, Joseph Hunter, identified a Robert Hood, from Wakefield, Yorkshire, in the archives preserved in the Exchequer, whose personal story matched very closely the story of Robin in Robert Munday's play, and this Robert Hood also married a woman named Matilda, who changed her name to Marian when she joined him in exile in Barnsdale Forest.
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thepelagoislands · 6 years
Fable Festival (Arcadia) || January 20th - 28th
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In the center of Arcadia, right in front of City Hall, join the island for a festival entirely dedicated to books and fables, The Fable Festival! Along the main celebration area, feel free to partake in a free, open library with plenty of books to choose from. There are plenty of benches and, thankfully, several mages have made it so the area within the festival is warm enough to comfortably be outside in the middle of the winter. Isn’t magic grand?
As always, while the festival lasts about a week IRL, the actual festival is only one entire day in RP. So keep that in mind when you’re going about your festival shenanigans.
However, the main attraction to the Fable Festival is not the open library. Also happening in the middle of the festival is something called the Role Card Game.
Role Card Game
The Role Card Game is a game where the players are supposed to act as closely to a role they are assigned as they can. Players sign up in advance, and the day before the festival, they are mailed the role that they are to play while they are on the festival grounds. Players are asked to come dressed up in clothes befitting their role and to do their best to stay in character the entire game. There is also a small corner of the area that is designated as The Jail. Also along a small table in the center of the area are several safe props that participants can use; just about anything you imagine you’ll need will be there.
At the tail end of the festival, a poll will be opened for everyone to vote on who acted out their role the best throughout the game. The winner of this poll will receive 10,000G, a special item, and a book. Both the item and the book will be revealed at the conclusion of the festival.
The Role Card Game will be hosted in the PI Discord server. If your character doesn’t sign up for a role, they can still participate in the chat. The participants must interact with non-role characters as if they are regular townsfolk, so non-participants can feel free to walk in at any time!
Everyone who signs up will receive a role! While there are thirty roles initially, if we have more people signed up, we will begin adding more roles to match the amount of players. Roles are randomly assigned a day before the festival, on January 19th, so players can find outfits and post reactions to their character’s assignement!
The King: A very laid-back man who loves food and is head over heels for The Queen. Will usually follow The Cook around asking for more food.
The Queen: The person actually running the kingdom, and is the definition of an Ice Queen. Tends to call the guards on anyone who even looks at her the wrong way. Is having an affair with The Red Knight.
The Princess: Dresses like a prince and enjoys seducing all of the women who come around. She does not like to be tied down and is afraid of commitment.
The Prince: A very rude and spoiled prince who treats everyone around him like peons. Does what he wants and will call the guards if anyone disrespects him.
The Aristocrat?: A member of a noble family from a faraway kingdom. Is actually a peasant girl trying to marry rich and doesn’t know what all of these royal traditions or mannerisms are. She tries so hard.
The Red Knight: A loyal servant to The Queen and tends to obey her every command. Having an affair with The Queen. Can arrest people. Is also secretly planning on killing The King.
The Blue Knight: The King’s personal body guard. Is smitten by The Princess and is constantly asking The King and anyone who will listen for romantic advice. Can arrest people.
The Cook: Is always hiding from The King, looking for a break. Is married to The Royal Cow Herder.
The Royal Cow Herder: Is very proud of their cows and always enjoys showing off their cows to anyone who will listen. Very dedicated to protecting and caring for their cows. Married to The Cook.
The Cow: An actual cow. Enjoys grazing on grass.
The Cow?: Actually a thief in a cow costume. They want to steal as much as they can from the castle...but can’t blow their cover as a cow.
The Maid: Very dedicated to serving anyone who comes by. Almost too dedicated at times.
The Butler: Actually plotting to eventually overthrow The King. Is in love with The Prince.
The Royal Jester: Tasked with entertaining the royal family. Loves making just about anyone smile. Is especially in love with the Maid.
The Fairy: A fairy who can only be seen by The Royal Magician. Constantly playing pranks on people around them.
The Royal Magician: Enjoys experimenting with various potions and loves finding new test subjects for their spells. Unfortunately, everything always backfires on her. Is always trying to impress The Hunter.
The Stable Boy: Started working at the castle with the one goal of freeing the animals. Will constantly try freeing any animal in the vicinity. Including cows.
The Hunter: A hunter who is in town to sell furs. Is exceptionally handsome and constantly has people fawning over him. However, he is married to the forest. He is not interested in anything else.
The Town Crier: Usually calls out the usual news. However, he’s lost his scroll. So now he has to make up the news on the spot.
The Pickle Man: A man with a pickle stand. He is constantly trying to sell his pickles to anyone who even gets close to him. His pickles are actually disgusting.
The Fallen Aristocrat: A member of a noble family who has been disgraced and has to live a peasant’s life. Still can’t tolerate peasant life. Is looking to marry The Aristocrat? to regain social status.
The Town Doctor: Actually evil. Eventually plans to poison the royal family, though still needs to assemble the right amount of minions to fully execute his plan. Otherwise a swell guy.
The Peasant?: Actually the Harvest Goddess disguised as a peasant to test people for their charity. Has become smitten by The Fallen Aristocrat on her travels.
The Blacksmith: A very lazy individual who is always slacking on the job. Tends to sleep anywhere and everywhere. Tends to make everyone else wonder...where’s the blacksmith?
The Drunk Bard: A travelling bard who has gotten completely intoxicated at the bar and is on the hunt for more drinks. Will sing songs about anything, anyone, and at any time.
The Fairy Godmother: Helped The Aristocrat? get all dressed up like royalty. Is trying her best to make sure The Aristocrat? has a great time.
The Priest: He’s here to listen to everyone confess their sins and take donations for a shiny new church. Maybe he’s trying a bit too hard to get donations...
The Robin Hood: He steals from the rich and gives to the poor. And also flirts with beautiful young women along the way.
The Baker: A dutiful baker who just wants to sell bread and love his wife. Give this man A Break.
The Baker’s Wife: Helps The Baker with selling bread, but is also lowkey sizing up The Prince. 
The Squire: A very diligent apprentice to The Red Knight. Tends to stick very closely to The Red Knight and pays very close attention to the rules of knighthood.
The Royal Seamstress: Creates masterful clothes for the royal family. Is very judgmental of your clothes. Obviously, everyone else is wearing it wrong.
The Scribe: Writes down and records all major events that go on. His hearing is unfortunately going very bad, so he mishears everything he writes down.
The World Traveler: A traveler from a faraway land who only wants to see the world and what it has to offer. Surprisingly very naiive and will trust everyone at face value. 
The Lover: Seems to fall in love with someone new every hour or so, maybe even less. Has a lot of love to give, and can’t just contain it to one person. 
The Dancer: A street performer who specializes in dancing. Unfortunately, has two left feet when it comes to dancing.
The Mystic?: A local loon who fully believes that they are in possession of a magical force that nobody can comprehend. Enjoys boasting about their powers and threatening people with it.
The Mystic: Actually is in possession of a magical force that nobody can comprehend. However, doesn’t want to do anything good or evil with it. Is childhood friends with The Mystic? and will use their powers to make it look like The Mystic?’s power.
The Animal Whisperer: Can talk to animals, and has countless animals following them around. Has given all of their animal friends a name and will give new names to every animal in their path.
The Pirate: An actual pirate who has come to take money, seduce women, and do all of those pirate-y things. You might have heard of him before...
The Baguette Boy: Has a baguette that he prances around with. Nobody is quite sure why.
The Royal Steed: An actual horse. The Blue Knight and The Red Knight may gallantly ride The Royal Steed around.
The Prisoner: Is in jail for stealing from the royal family. A very sneaky fellow who is constantly trying to get people to help him break out of jail.
Roles will be added if sign-ups exceed 30 players, and certain roles will be cut if less than 30 players sign-up.
Here are the current participants:
Witch Princess (Nessa)
Blue Feather Challenge
As this is an Arcadian festival, it is usual for some citizens to wander over to take the BLUE FEATHER CHALLENGE! On Arcadia, it is tradition to propose with a Blue Feather, which can be typically found on a Harvest Goddess statue on the top of Mt. Reinier. Since the statue is on a place inaccessible on foot, it is tradition for someone to climb up the mountain to retrieve it, dodging the falling rocks that frequently tumble down the mountainside.
In order to climb Mt. Reinier, you’ll have to GO INTO THE MINIGAME CHATZY AND INPUT THIS LINE THREE TIMES:
/choose climb, rock, climb, climb, climb, rock, climb
YOU MUST GET CLIMB ALL THREE TIMES TO MAKE IT TO THE TOP. If you get a rock, you are hit by one of Mt. Reinier’s famous falling rocks and plummet to the ground. You are free to attempt this challenge TWICE during the festival!
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readingontheedge · 5 years
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Robin & Marian
(Adventurous Romantics #2)
By Stephanie Fowers
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 352 Pages
August 11th 2019 
 Robin King lives up to the legendary name of Robin Hood more than he should—a bigshot billionaire and successor of King enterprises, a Prince of Mischief and a rogue who steals hearts ... and maybe even a few kisses. He never thought he’d follow the storyline so closely, until the day he gets in trouble with the law and pays the price—all for protecting his younger sister Scarlett.
 Taken in by an Outlaw
 Marian is a hard-hitting reporter … or would be if the New England Chronicle would stop assigning her puff pieces. Now she has the chance to prove herself, but it could prove her undoing—since the story of a lifetime might just be Robin King, a ruthless scoundrel, who she swore would never break her heart again.
 Making New England Olde again
 Together, they must overcome their differences 
to save their hometown from thieves and corruption. And they’d better do it before someone gets killed. As danger lurks closer, legend becomes life, and Robin’s feelings for Marian deepen as he struggles with sharing the secrets that could clear his name and ruin his sister. 
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Goodreads | Amazon 
 The door ripped open and she came face to face with Robin. Same laughing eyes, same devilish look under hawk-like brows. His dirty-brown hair had curled up in a stylish mess. He’d come straight from her memories—though older and more dashing, like he’d stepped through the glossy covers of those gossip magazines she despised. He was tall and strong, with broad shoulders and an athletic build—a modern day Robin Hood in black t-shirt and faded jeans. And she hated it!
 His almond-shaped eyes turned appreciative when he saw her. “Are you new?”
 Clearly he hadn’t recognized her. It wasn’t too surprising really—she’d hidden in the back room when the “infamous playboy” had come to visit his sister when they’d been roommates, but before she could explain, he was approaching her. “If it’s all the same to you, Mrs. Koch can’t know what we’re up to.” Marian recognized the name of their housekeeper. Clearly Robin was up to no good if he was hiding his latest mischief from her—never mind that he owned the place now. “I’m so sorry to mix you up in this,” he said, “but we need help cleaning this up.”
 And then his hands were on hers. Was this how he treated his staff? Wait. The thought gave her pause. He thought she was the help? Scarlett had compared her to a little French maid. How galling. She was so caught up in her angry thoughts that she’d allowed him to pull her into the entertainment room where she saw the remains of a poker game. Smashed plates and glasses had tumbled from an immense—and broken—china cabinet.
 “It’s not as bad as it looks…” Robin’s hand dropped from hers as he attempted to clean up the mess. He looked up at her under heavy lashes. “Honestly, if I’d known how pretty you were, I’d have smashed these sooner.”
 She gasped as he winked at her. Robin! Was this really a case of mistaken identity or was he teasing her? “I have half a mind to get Mrs. Koch myself,” she threatened.
 He smirked at that. “If you could find a broom first…”
 So she could crack it over his head? Not knowing what to do, Marian caught sight of Scarlett’s fiancé. The ends of Alan’s auburn hair fell over a soulful eye as he stared down at a record he had saved from the mess. He’d recognize Marian if he saw her, but he was too caught up in reading the record label. It was a vintage Louis Armstrong vinyl. He turned it over in his sensitive hands.
 “Robin, your stepmother is going to kill you,” a deeper voice boomed. “That’s her prized Russian collection.” Turning, Marian saw a giant of a man. She’d know John anywhere, even a decade later. His skin was rich brown, the color of the earth after a storm; his head was buzzed—his facial hair was different from when they were kids, of course—but he’d towered over them back then and now was no different. He was one of those who’d earned his nickname in Robin’s merry band, although no one could get away with calling him “Little John” to his face. 
 “My nephew is trying to teach me how to make a bull’s eye!” a young voice piped up.
 Marian caught sight of a smaller boy of about five years of age. He had a bow in his hand. His small finger pointed to an ugly painting against the wall with several arrows shot through it. They’d been using this room for target practice? How little they thought of the furniture… or of money. 
 “This is my Uncle Midge,” Robin introduced the child. “Also my godchild.” Yes, Marian remembered hearing about him. The young boy clearly looked up to Robin; he was a miniature of him, actually, with freckles, almond-shaped eyes, and a pointed chin. Robin’s grandfather had remarried a much younger woman, and Midge was the result of their union… before she’d run off with an artist. Come to think of it, was this one of the man’s ugly paintings Scarlett had talked about? She peered at it, but the torn flaps obscured the signature.
 Robin ruffled the boy’s hair. “He was not supposed to actually let the arrow go. So there’s that.”
 “And who would be the one who gave him the arrow, pray tell?” The final member of Alan’s bachelor party drew forward with dark, sullen looks. He was clean-shaven with black, heavy brows, and his hair was tied up in a hipster topknot. He wore a suit jacket with matching pants and a casual knit shirt. It took Marian a little longer to name him, but then she felt a wave of recognition run through her at his British accent. “But sure,” he said in his haughty tone, “blame the child.”
 Ah yes, this was Robin’s cousin, Guy. He’d grown up in England with his mother. She had refused to play along with what she dubbed Richard’s “childish obsession,” and in so doing, unknowingly named him after one of Robin Hood’s greatest villains. It was a source of great teasing amongst his cousins. Just like the others, Marian hadn’t seen him for years.
 Yet when he saw her, he hurried to pick up her hand and kiss it. His brown eyes were full of meaning. “What are you doing here with us vile men, Marian? Isn’t Scarlett’s party interesting enough for you?”
 Finally, someone hadn’t seen her as the servant. She felt a smile tug at her lips. Guy’s British charm had always been hard to resist. When they’d been younger, her parents had teased the two that they’d arrange their marriage. She was ashamed to admit that that kind of talk had ended after Guy’s parents had lost their fortunes in poor investments.
 Looking over at Robin, she shrugged. “Robin always did try to get me into trouble.” She cast him what she hoped was a teasing glance. “Just like old times.” Robin’s shoulders stiffened as he turned to actually look at her. His beautiful hazel eyes took her all in. Marian felt too amused to be angry. His astonished expression made everything worth it.
 “Marian?” Robin stretched to his feet to retrieve her hand from Guy. “Why didn’t you say anything?” His gaze swept over her again, including that hateful apron. “My own little Maid Marian?” 
Other Books in the Series 
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In the Pursuit of Eden
(Adventurous Romantics #1)
By Stephanie Fowers
Adult Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 390 Pages
April 1st 2019
 Everyone wants to find Eden’s Paradise. Except Ivy.
 Ivy is a city girl through and through. So when she follows her twin brother into the forests of the Uintas to make a documentary about looking for a treasure that’s plagued her family for generations, she’s a little out of her element. It's the same treasure that ended her father's life. Add to that her run-ins with the dashing, but infuriating Aiden Hunter. The Southern hottie has rescued her so many times that it’s getting embarrassing. Of course, she’d be more grateful if she didn’t suspect him of putting her in danger in the first place—a danger that keeps growing the closer they get to the truth.
 Forced to be allies, the two are thrown into each other’s paths, and she realizes that she has more in common with him than she thought. While Ivy searches for clues in the journal of a wayward saloon girl, Eden, to discover a life that mirrors her own, Hunter fights the demons in a past that seems tangled up in hers. His secrets are hers. The only way to get at the truth is to find an uneasy truce… and maybe something more because Hunter may not be the enemy. In fact, he may be the one who needs rescuing. Now, Ivy has to figure out who she wants by her side, and what she’s willing to give up for love.
 After all, Paradise was never meant to be found alone. 
Goodreads | Amazon  
About the Author
Stephanie Fowers loves bringing stories to life, and depending on her latest madcap ideas will do it through written word, song, and/ or film. She absolutely adores Bollywood and bonnet movies; i.e., Jane Austen. Presently, she lives in Salt Lake where she's living the life of the starving artist. 
Website | Goodreads | BookBub | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram 
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Tour Schedule
(Posts go live on the day they're scheduled.)
 December 11th: Launch
December 12th: Julie Coulter Bellon - Truth or Dare
December 13th: Delaney Cameron - The Gift of Love
December 14th: Raneé S. Clark - Her Country Christmas Date
December 15th: Stephanie Fowers - Robin and Marian
December 16th: Aspen Hadley - Blind Dates, Bridesmaids & Other Disasters
December 17th: Maria Hoagland - Santa Cam
December 18th: Rachel John - The Christmas Bachelor Auction
December 19th: Sally Johnson - Dear Mr. Darcy
December 20th: D.E. Malone - Love Like Forever
December 21st: Melissa McClone - Mountain Rescue Romance Series
December 22nd: Brooke St. James - The Suite Life
December 23rd: 
Grand Finale 
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1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally (as long as winner is eligible to receive prize)
Ends December 28, 2019 
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New Post has been published on https://www.retireearlyandtravel.com/slovenia/
Slovenia, a Spotlight on the Best Things to See and Do
Slovenia is an amazing country, and if it’s not part of your future travel plans, it should be. It is probably no coincidence that Slovenia has the word love in it. This small boutique country, in the heart of Europe, no pun intended exudes love in so many ways. To begin with, Slovenia is the first country in the world to be declared a green destination based on the Green Destinations Criteria. Caring for the environment is a priority of every Slovenian. In fact, one in every two hundred people, and growing, in Slovenia is involved in beekeeping. What a great way to help the planet!
We decided to visit the east side of Slovenia. Given Slovenia’s small size, it is easy to drive to most places for a visit in a day. In Slovenia, there are many diverse things to see and do. There’s something for everyone’s taste.
We have a recommendation for a complete, full day of amazing touring in Slovenia. We suggest visiting Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle, climb Gonjace Lookout Tower and finish the day with a wine tasting at Edi Simcic Winery. Because getting to all of three places can be difficult, we recommend a private tour with Ride Around Tours. They customized this tour just for us when we were in Slovenia. We had the full attention of our guide, and we could decide on how much time we spent at each place. In addition, while our guide drove, she would discuss the wonders of Slovenia. One of our favorite things to do when we travel is to talk to a local so when we drove, there was never silence. The advantages of a local guide. Here is some insight into our recommendations:
Postojna Cave
We visited the Postojna Cave, otherwise known as the “Queen of the Underground World.” Let me tell you this 2 million-year-old cave system is jaw-dropping. Postojna is the largest cave we have ever toured. When you enter, they give you the opportunity to rent a coat. They warn you just how cold it is in the cave. The temperature is a constant 50 degrees F with a humidity of 95%. We had our own warm coats, so we were prepared.
The huge caverns are some distance from the entrance, but they have a small electric train system that transports you back to the walking area. We traveled on the train for about 15 minutes before entering the huge open cavern. We disembarked the train and joined the group for the tour.
Tiny droplets of heavy mineral water shaped the fascinating subterranean paradise that is now Postojna Cave for over a million years. There are many cave formations and diverse fauna. Postojna Cave boasts towering mountains, murmuring rivers and vast subterranean halls. The cave is home to the famous magnificent five-meter-tall bright-white stalagmite called Brilliant.
The cave first opened as a tourist destination in 1819. In 1884, they added electric lights. The rails came in 1872. At first, the guides pushed the cars along the rails. It wasn’t until the early 20th century that they introduced a gas locomotive to take tourist back into the caverns. Then in 1945, the locomotive became electric.
Used in World War 2
During World War 2, German-occupied forces used the cave to store aircraft fuel. At one point, the Slovenian resistors destroyed the depot resulting in a fire that burned for seven days. Another interesting fact is that the world’s first “cave” post office resides in Postojna Cave.
There are 15 miles of underground passages, galleries, and halls in this relatively young discovery of only 200 years ago. The cave is open 365 days a year but their hours vary by month so check there site before making your plans to visit. One cavern is large enough to hold a concert, which they have throughout the year. There is a fee for this 1.5 hours guided tour.
Baby Dragons
In the Postojna Cave lives, a very unusual animal called an Olm. Olms are unusual even in their appearance: they have long snake-like bodies, with a length of 10-12 inches. Their length makes them one of the largest cave predators. Their skin is pale and pink in color and looks almost translucent. They have small short legs with three digits on their forelimbs and two on their hind feet. The Olms move around the water by snake-like twisting of their bodies, assisted by the legs. They breathe with external gills and rudimentary lungs. They have no eyes, but they can “see” with the help of skin receptors. These creatures are very good at sensing their prey and their skin very sensitive to light. They can go without food for up to twelve years and have a lifespan of up to 100 years.
The cave has some of these beautiful creatures in an aquarium type enclosure allowing you to see them easily. For the olm’s comfort and safety, they do not allow flash photography.
Predjama Castle
A few miles from Postojna Cave is the Predjama Castle. This dramatic castle is an impregnable medieval marvel perched in the middle of a 5000-foot high cliff for more than 800 years. Behind the largest cave castle in the world, there is a network of secret tunnels, from where the knight Erasmus of Predjama would set out on his plundering expeditions. The tunnels included a vertical shaft that leads to the outside of the castle, which they built to supply food to the castle during times of enemy siege.
The castle is an amazing piece of gothic architecture that they built specifically to make access difficult. They featured the castle in a Jackie Chan movie and a Ghost Hunters International episode because of its paranormal activity.
The Legend of Erasmus
Erasmus was a 15th-century robber-baron who, like Robin Hood, stole from the rich to give to the poor.   The cave below the castle is part of the 14km Predjama cave system. Erasmus carried out his plundering with the help of a secret passage that led out from behind the rock wall. During the wars between the Hungarians and the Austrians, Erasmus supported the Hungarians. The Austrians did not forget this. The Austrians killed Erasmus after a very long siege. According to legend, one of his men betrayed him. They got word to the enemy when he would use the bathroom. The bathroom located in the small-detached building to the left of the castle is where the enemy decided they would get Erasmus. The bathroom was a very vulnerable location. While Erasmus was using the toilet, the enemy shot a canon at the latrine, and that was the demise of Erasmus.
The world’s largest cave castle, listed as one of the Guinness World Records, tells a picturesque story about the times when comfort had to give way to safety. It is so special and unique; it ranks among the ten most fascinating castles in the world, and so romantic that many couples choose it for their wedding vows. When in Slovenia, If nothing else visit Predjama Castle for the great pictures. There is a fee to tour the castle.
Italy is so Close
It is strange to us how countries in the Schengen Area don’t have protected borders. Our guide pointed this out to us that while I was standing in Slovenia and Tina was standing in Italy. If you looked carefully, you would see a plaque on the ground that shows the border. If you look closely, you will see some of the old border walls that once stood and separated the two countries. The only way you would know what these were are from the plaques that describe what they used to be.
We were in the town of Nova Gorica. Originally, they split a single town Gorizia/Gorica between Italy and what was then Yugoslavia following World War II. The barrier, which divided relatives and friends for decades made people anxious. The people of each town began to fear the other. The fear was due to the tense atmosphere between the East and West in the 1950s.
Back in 2004, they removed the fence, which was one of Europe’s last symbols of the Cold War-era division. It took more than a decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall for this barrier that separated families to come down. Since 1947, this barrier separated the Italian town of Gorizia from its Slovenian sister Nova Gorica. Slovenia’s decision to join the EU was the factor that made all of this possible.
Today freewill determines whether Slovenian’s or Italian’s cross the countries border. Many Italians and Slovenians in the towns of Gorizia/Gorica are friends and family.  However, I am sure there are still those who are fearful of the open border.
Gonjace Lookout Tower
 Gonjace Tower located in the stunning region of Brda Slovenia is a great place to visit for 360-degree views of rural Slovenia. Brda with its rolling hills, vineyards, charming old villages will remind you of Tuscany. The lookout tower Built-in 1961 is 75 feet tall. There are 144 steps to get to the top. The tower located on the hill Mejnik above the village of Gonjace provides amazing views. They dedicated the tower to the 315 victims of World War II who lived in the area.
When the sky is clear, you can enjoy the breathtaking views of all four points of the compass: the Julian and Carnian Alps, as well as the Dolomites to the North, the Friulian plain to the West, the Trieste Gulf and the Karst to the South, and the Trnovo forest and the Vipava Valley to the east. Do not forget to bring binoculars and of course your camera. The winds can be fierce when at the top so be careful.
Slovenia and Wine
Slovenia is home to some fantastic wines. Winemaking in Slovenia existed long before the Romans introduced winemaking to France, Germany, and Spain. Winemaking here dates back to the Celts. Slovenia produces almost 80 million liters of wine a year, and almost all this wine is savored right in Slovenia. There is another reason to visit Slovenia, which is the Slovenian wineries. The wineries set in picturesque locations are all unique.
Edi Simcic Winery
Our guide Matic of Ride Around Tours took us to an area favorite called Edi Simcic. The winery located in Western Slovenia in the Goriška Brda region is charming. The region of Goriška Brda is on the border of Italy and Slovenia. This region is noted most for white wines: Mediterranean exotic, minerally, full-bodied and fresh at the same time, with an aging potential of up to five or six years. The most notable and famous red variety produced here is the Rebula. It accounts for around 25% of all the wine produced in Goriška Brda. Rebula is originally from Greece but has grown in Slovenia for at least 750 years.
The Edi Simcic winery and tasting room are attractive and complete with a friendly dog! The winery setting is magical with views of vines on sloping hills. The laid back, tasting-room setting, and the unpretentious hosts make you feel like you are tasting wine in someone’s home. But, they are not too laid back, they use the best crystal glasses for tastings. Edi began the winery but his son Aleks, who we met while we were there, runs the winery today. The winery began in 1990 with 9 acres and today is 30 acres. Besides wine, Edi Simcic has champagnes and local products like jams, juices, and of course honey.
Traveling to the Goriška Brda region is fascinating because you actually travel through a few kilometers of Italy before emerging on the other side in Slovenia again. Because of the proximity to Italy, this part of Slovenia does have an Italian feel.
Beautiful Slovenia
We can tell you from experience that visiting Postojna Cave, Predjama Castle, climbing Gonjace Lookout Tower for the scenic views and finish the day with a wine tasting at Edi Simcic Winery is the perfect way to spend a day in Slovenia. Moreover, having Ride Around Tours chauffer us around and educate us on the sites was the best way to experience this area. Not to mention we made a new friend.
Be sure and check out our other Slovenia experiences such as The Best Things to See and Do in Ljubljana Slovenia.
We have this fantastic 3-minute video highlighting this trip.
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aeronotch · 5 years
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tags. because jfc. it forgot MY TAGS and remembered my followers’ tags.
「 faceless ⊱  ➶ 」 
「 faceless ⊱ going on a little recon ➶ promotion 」 「 faceless ⊱ pulling at puppet strings ➶ out of character 」 「 faceless ⊱ hymns aren't my thing ➶ music 」 「 faceless ⊱ it be like that sometimes ➶ quotes 」 「 faceless ⊱ the green garb that melds in the shadows ➶ aesthetics 」 「 faceless ⊱ this is a nice place. that's why i'm protecting it ➶ saved 」 「 faceless ⊱ messages from the villagers ➶ feedback 」 「 faceless ⊱ lessons from the forest ➶ references 」 「 faceless ⊱ settling on a plan of attack ➶ plots 」 「 faceless ⊱ all i need is this one sided victory cheat code ➶ attire 」 「 faceless ⊱ buried where the last arrow fell ➶ drabble 」 「 faceless ⊱ the legend the man became ➶ headcanon 」 「 faceless ⊱ it's tough being green tea ➶ meme 」 「 nsfw ⊱ want some nice hot green tea ➶  」
「 messages ⊱  ➶ 」 「 messages ⊱ answers from the faceless king ➶ answered 」 「 messages ⊱ just cleaning up another mess ➶ answered meme 」 「 messages ⊱ chatting with the forest faeries ➶ anonymous 」
「 may king ⊱  ➶ 」 「 may king ⊱ a crown left for no one ➶ undetermined 」 「 may king ⊱ miracles that won’t come true ➶ grail war 」 「 may king ⊱ cursing the chaldea gate ➶ grand order 」 「 may king ⊱ extra chances under the moonlight ➶ extra 」 「 may king ⊱ capsule master. where’s my bow? ➶ master 」 「 may king ⊱ currently at the village protest ➶ dash 」 「 may king ⊱ serving up a poisoned meal ➶ crack 」 「 may king ⊱ from a time long forgotten ➶ kid 」 「 may king ⊱ not in this sacred druid forest ➶ shitpost 」
「 records ⊱  ➶ 」 「 records ⊱ remember the forest ➶ sherwood forest 」 「 records ⊱ the protector from the forest ➶ robin hood (original) 」 「 records ⊱ the (true) rogue's best friend ➶ king richard 」 「 records ⊱ the hunter from the forest ➶ robin hood 」 「 records ⊱ this arrow from my grave ➶ weapons 」 「 records ⊱ yeah. i can cook. what's it to you? ➶ food porn 」
not gonna bother changing these ... 「 bonds ⊱ gorgon's just another way of saying gorgeous . medusa ➶ 」 // maledicti-oculi 「 bonds ⊱ sweets fit for a king . altera ➶ 」 || altera // wariixa 「 bonds ⊱ a tail of animosity . tamamo no mae ➶ 」 || tamamo no mae // solisnumen 「 bonds ⊱ poison between you and me . cardia ➶ 」 || cardia // horclogium
0 notes
aeronotch · 5 years
Tumblr media
“Well, I guess that’s just the way it is...”
tag dump, not really.
「 faceless ⊱  ➶ 」 「 faceless ⊱ pulling at puppet strings ➶ out of character 」 「 faceless ⊱ hymns aren't my thing ➶ music 」 「 faceless ⊱ it be like that sometimes ➶ quotes 」 「 faceless ⊱ the green garb that melds in the shadows ➶ aesthetics 」 「 faceless ⊱ this is a nice place. that's why i'm protecting it ➶ saved 」 「 faceless ⊱ messages from the villagers ➶ feedback 」 「 faceless ⊱ lessons from the forest ➶ references 」 「 faceless ⊱ settling on a plan of attack ➶ plots 」 「 faceless ⊱ all i need is this one sided victory cheat code ➶ attire 」 「 faceless ⊱ buried where the last arrow fell ➶ drabble 」 「 faceless ⊱ the legend the man became ➶ headcanon 」 「 faceless ⊱ it's tough being green tea ➶ meme 」 「 nsfw ⊱ want some nice hot green tea ➶  」
「 messages ⊱  ➶ 」 「 messages ⊱ answers from the faceless king ➶ answered 」 「 messages ⊱ just what kinds of things are you into ➶ answered meme 」 「 messages ⊱ chatting with the forest faeries ➶ anonymous 」
「 may king ⊱  ➶ 」 「 may king ⊱ a crown left for no one ➶ undetermined 」 「 may king ⊱ miracles that won’t come true ➶ grail war 」 「 may king ⊱ cursing the chaldea gate ➶ grand order 」 「 may king ⊱ extra chances under the moonlight ➶ extra 」 「 may king ⊱ capsule master. where’s my bow? ➶ master 」 「 may king ⊱ currently at the village protest ➶ dash 」 「 may king ⊱ serving up a poisoned meal ➶ crack 」 「 may king ⊱ from a time long forgotten ➶ kid 」 「 may king ⊱ not in this sacred druid forest ➶ shitpost 」
「 records ⊱  ➶ 」 「 records ⊱ remember the forest ➶ sherwood forest 」 「 records ⊱ the protector from the forest ➶ robin hood (original) 」 「 records ⊱ the (true) rogue's best friend ➶ king richard 」 「 records ⊱ the hunter from the forest ➶ robin hood 」 「 records ⊱ this arrow from my grave ➶ weapons 」 「 records ⊱ yeah. i can cook. what's it to you? ➶ food porn 」
not gonna bother changing these ... 「 bonds ⊱ gorgon's just another way of saying gorgeous . medusa ➶ 」 // maledicti-oculi 「 bonds ⊱ sweets fit for a king . altera ➶ 」 || altera // wariixa 「 bonds ⊱ a tail of animosity . tamamo no mae ➶ 」 || tamamo no mae // solisnumen 「 bonds ⊱ poison between you and me . cardia ➶ 」 || cardia // horclogium
0 notes