#「 messages ⊱ just cleaning up another mess ➶ answered meme 」
aeronotch · 5 years
Opinion: Overall Majestic, but damn you need to up your game with Robinhood's bed room antics. Let him be the slut he was always meant to be! Stealing V-cards and poppin cherries! Recall that Village Lasses are weak to him and will bottom him!
How’s my portrayal? Leave an opinion in my inbox.
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    ‘ hah, nice to see someone has a high opinion on my bed room game. ’
ah, but all the trouble that comes with messing with chaldean servants is a pain. maybe some nice lil’ ol — hah. he couldn’t even get through that thought. nice and borin’ village lasses knew better than to stick around him. ‘sides, he’s just not too big on showin’ it like all these other servants out there. gotta think of the children and all that.
but to them village lasses, winkwink finger guns. my loins need warming. 
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Life Updates and Status Report for The Man Downstairs (Feb. 16, 2022)
Firstly, the status report!
I've had trouble weaving things together for this chapter and making a few decisions on how it plays out. It's like trying to wrangle several threads of different textures through the eye of a needle at once and they're too bulky to use a threader XD
But! I’m hoping to have it figured out soon. Preferably by this Saturday but if not, then by next Saturday. (And honestly, I could use some encouragement on it like, what are you looking forward to seeing or what questions do you want answered etc...)
Hope everyone else is doing as well as possible in these messed up times and if not, then I’m sending hugs and hope that things will get better soon.
And now for life updates - long post under the cut:
Sorry for being silent for so long.  I honestly didn’t want to think about a lot of this so I’ve been putting off writing about it... And talking to most people. Which is an issue and I’m sorry for disappearing. I could at least communicate with others about their lives more. It’s just been easier and taken less energy to distract myself (though even that has its own issues attached)
It’s been A LOT for a while again. Some of this is recap from things I’ve already mentioned but here’s the rundown of the past several months to year:
I thought I had made some progress on treating my ADHD but the meds may or may not have caused a colitis flare up. I stopped taking them to deal with that. In the meantime, I tried an alternate medication and the lack of benefits from it was not worth the side-effects. So I stopped taking that one too.
As for the colitis, I needed a colonoscopy which, without insurance is hella expensive, of course. I tried to get financial aid but the only facility close enough to me to make it worth it only did routine ones for seniors, not diagnostic ones.
So I contacted several Gastroenterology offices.
Not a single one answered their phone. I left a message at every office in town. Multiple times.
Only one called me back.
I ended up getting the money together to get it done, all the while worried that the inflammation might have finally turned into that cancer that the doctors from my teen years promised it would. If it had, there was no way I could afford treatment so it was basically the “guess I’ll die” meme. (I even asked a few friends to be keepers of the notes for this fic just in case. At least someone would have access and could post them if things went sideways.)
But the good-ish news is that it’s still just inflammation. The bad news is that the meds for it are $200 a month. 
I’m sticking to supplements instead because they’ve gotten me this far with less issues than my previous attempts at using prescription drugs. And this way, my Chinese medicine doctor knows what she’s working with. (She’s the one who wanted the colonoscopy results just to be sure there wasn’t anything that needed different medical attention.) And hey, at least the internal bleeding has stopped so that’s a step in the right direction. 
Next up, I’m going to try the ADHD meds again to see what happens and see about trying other prescriptions for that since none of the supplements I’ve tried have done much for it.
While all that was going on, my cat developed a lump on her back hip. Turned out it was cancerous and she had to have her leg amputated. She’s recovering now and I’m waiting on results to see if the margins were clean or if she needs more treatment (which would mean she might only have a year or two left vs her normal lifespan if the margins are clean). And of course that was another huge expense. 
And hey bonus stress points for getting the results on my cat having cancer on the same day as my dad’s skin biopsies came back as positive for cancer too! That’s basically my entire real life support network right there!  
Luckily dad’s cancerous spots were removed and we got clean results back. He’s healing up well now.
But seriously, I’d be homeless without him. And that’s whole other thing because he’s in his 80′s and I’m terrified for what happens when he’s not here anymore. (which sounds selfish but we are also pretty close. He’s the same kind of autistic as me so we’ve kind of shared an understanding with each other that no one else really gets. Plus we have the understanding/shared experience of taking care of my mom before she passed). 
I’ve tried so hard to hold down a job and make it on my own and my health flares up every time. Sometimes I want to scream because I tried to do everything “right” by what adults told me while growing up. I don’t smoke. (allegic to it actually). I rarely drink (which is funny considering my screen names) and when I do, I actually can’t get drunk. I’ve tried and actually stopped trying because what’s the point of spending all that money on basically just needing to pee a lot more than usual? I studied hard and tried to get good grades (that’s a whole different rant). I didn’t do drugs (from how others describe it, I feel like I’m high all the time already. I don’t need more of it.) Then everything went tits up in my senior year of high school and I’m chronically ill and can’t shake the feeling that I’m a total waste of resources now. 
(I just want to be a house spouse so bad. Why am I ace and didn’t know for so long that it screwed up my self-image and relationships/ability to form and keep them to the point where I believe I’m not worthy of a partner? I always wanted a spouse and at least one adopted child and now I’m just plain too old. So yeah... depression has been a thing too.) I’m looking into the path toward getting on disability but I was hoping to get citizenship first (I’m only a resident now) and that requires focus and at least some amount of studying which the whole ADHD thing is doing it’s best to get in the way of. Not to mention the social anxiety of having to do the interview as an autistic person who has gone mute in situations like that before. But a few friends have offered to help and I’m super grateful for it and hopeful that I can make progress.
Everything hasn’t been terrible though! I got to meet a few online friends in person recently and that was amazing. And I got to spend some time at a resort with another friend. It’s like remembering there actually is fun out there still. There are reasons to keep fighting. 
Also, thanks to @ramblesanddragons I’ve still been watching Critical Role which has been providing enough laughs to get me through things. But I did go into hermit crafter mode again because it’s just enough to keep my hands and mind busy so I’m not worrying about other things but not so much that it’s another thing to think about. I’ve mostly done latch hook kits, plastic canvas kits, and felt embroidery.
(Old lady crafts - though, as mentioned at the beginning of this, there’s blah attached even to that now. It used to be more of an escape than it is now. It feels sort of pointless to work on them now. They’re kits so it’s not particularly creative. And what purpose do they serve once they’re done? I don’t even really want the finished products. And, just like the christmas ornament collection my mom started as something to be passed down to future generations, what will happen to them when I’m gone? I have no siblings. I have no kids and, as mentioned, am too old now. It all feels meaningless. I’m trying to have a better attitude about it like if it brings me joy, then there is meaning but that’s hard when you feel meaningless yourself. ANYWAY...  Ha ha ha... trying to have better mindsets. Trying to keep up hope. Trying to focus on what’s good and what there is to be thankful for. And hey, I have some proof that the work I’ve put in on trying to be better at social situations is helping. I went to a local touristy shopping center recently and got a job offer at the second store I went into just by talking to the employees. I might take them up on it, though I’m not sure if I could handle retail again and, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, its that the advice that you take whatever you’re offered for a job isn’t actually that great. I’d rather take time to get the health stuff and everything else figured out and see what happens. If I take the job, it could be a sentence to another serious health flare up... But at least I know the option is there.)
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kittehkwrites · 4 years
Self-care day
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Warnings: fluff
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Having a selfcare day was a necessity
It was the time in which you took for yourself to destress. You were able to just laze around, mostly carrying out your washday routine, and then eat whatever whilst watching movies or listening music.
Just a day full of You.
A few days ago, however, your friend, Yahya, had messaged you to let you know he was going to be in town for the weekend and wanted to spend some time with you since you both were on busy schedules.
You had told him to come over and have a self care day and take some of the pressure off of himself to indulge in himself.
you told him to come over once you had finished your detangling (this would be after having washed, conditioned, and treating, your hair.)
When he arrived, you had just finished sectioning and plaiting your hair to keep it from knotting overnight and layed out the snacks in the living room. 
You were getting ready to get the necessities for the face masks you wanted to review when you heard the knocking at your front door and then receiving a notification from Yahya that he was outside and needed to use the bathroom.
“Aye! I know you know its me!” He’d yell out through the barrier of the door and your house.
You’d quickly open the door, in hopes you’d reach in time so he wouldn’t pee on himself.
You’d fling open the door and before you can get out a hello, he'd be running in, shouting out ‘gotta go gotta go gotta go’ down the hallway leading to the guest room. You couldn't do much but laugh at the way he was acting.
You just closed the door, thankful your next door neighbours were out of town or else you'd be hearing a lot about your friends antics the following day.
Once he had finished in the bathroom (obviously making sure his hands were clean and he didn’t leave the seat up or forget to flush) he’d make his way back out to the front of the house and see you sat on the couch with a face mask on, eating a bowl of mixed berries and watching Futurama on your wide screen tv.
“Hello to you too sir” You’d say smartly, he would just turn and respond with a ‘Hi’ and say thanks for getting the door quick.
“No problem.”You would bite into a juicy strawberry and chew on it for a bit as you were so absorbed in the tv until he snapped his fingers in front of you to break you out of your trance. “We wouldn’t want you to walk around like that in these peoples neighbourhood” You ate another berry before placing the bowl down and asking if he wanted anything, pointing to the variety of junk and healthy food you had placed out on the coffee table centred in the living room.
He would take some of your berries, popping them into his mouth and laughing at the annoyed look you have at him refusing to use the extra bowl you had out incase he wanted some.
He knew it would annoy you and you knew he did it on purpose so you just shook your head and proceeded to pick up your bottle of water and drink some of its contents. 
“So what’s on your face?” He’d motion to the mask you had painted on yourself.
“This, my barbaric friend, is a face mask.” You’d get up to stretch before picking up the diy mixture you wanted to try out and pushed it towards your friend who was no stranger and had gotten up to change into his extra shorts and old hoodie he left behind.
“I know you no-” you’d cut him off before he could finish asking the rhetorical “anyways this mask is supposed to help open your pores and detox your skin.” You’d continue to speak while reaching for the clean brush that you’d use as an applicator for your friends face.
He’d look down questionably at the mix before looking back up at you, who was now standing in front of him and smiling, waiting for him to give in so you could apply the mask to his face.
He’d sigh before handing over the product.
You’d do a little happy dance at the fact he didn’t put up much of fight, but you chalked it out to be due to the fact that it was a self care day and he wasn’t meant to be worried about anything other than taking care of himself.
He’d sit up straight and come closer to the edge of the couch to allow you to place the mask on his face and to be safe in case the mixture fell onto the couch before it reached his face. He noticed the towel you had placed over the space between the central carpet and the couch (even though there was a gap where you could see the floor under the massive rug, he knew you were just being extra cautious to reduce clean up)
As he sat and let you apply the mask, he did start to relax and not long after you were finished and he could lay back in the couch, finally being able to spread himself out again to get comfortable for the remainder of the day with his close friend.
The two of you sat and watched a few more episodes before going to wash off the face masks.
As you were patting off your face, you caught Yahya staring at himself in the bathroom mirror and couldn’t help but ask “what did you think?”
He looked at his skin a little more.
“Yay or nay, Yahya?” He still didn’t say a thing to you. “You actors and wanting to create suspense” you’d let out as you rolled your eyes at his dramatic pausing and serious face he had put on.
Once you had finished drying your face, you were met with your friends kind smile and a “I like it.”
You wanted to slap him for the theatrics.
Had you thinking he wasn’t feeling it.
“Well mr. Emmy-Award winner” you start off as you both made your way out of the bathroom, disposing of the face towels you had placed out for you both into the clothes basket, “glad you liked it. That means you can buy me some masks when you travel to places like South Korea or Singapore.”
Yahya would let out a little chuckle.
He knew there was something up with you wanting to share your skin care and he now got his answer.
“Oh! So that’s why you wanted me to come over? To try on some face mask so you could persuade me to buy more when I’m away to bring for your bougie behind?” You could hear the teasing in his tone but continued to play along.
“I mean...” you’d turn around and shrug your shoulders to the man walking behind you before you both got situated on the couch again.
He’d look over, amused at your behaviour before chuckling and nodding his head.
“But nah.” You’d let out after a brief stare off which was caused by your straight face to his accusations. “I genuinely wanted us to hang out” you’d say as you picked up a bag of dried mango.
“I mean how many times do we get to see eachother or happen to be in the same city at the same time for longer than 4 days?” You’d say as you opened up the pack, in which he helped himself to a good sized palm of its contents.
“You right” 
“I know. Now stop eating my snacks when there’s enough for the both us”
You both would turn from watching the tv to talking about random topics or anything going on in your lives that the other missed and it felt like you guys hadn’t been separated for so long.
You guys shared some laughs, got up to make some food before going back to the couch to be lazy.
You’d turned off the animated shows and switched to playing music once you both cracked open a bottle of wine to compliment the food you'd made.
Both buzzed and full, you guys cleaned up any mess made and just let the calm energy in the room take over. You both caught the itis and didn’t try to fit it.
By time you had woken up, your head was on yahya’s shoulder and he was sitting comfortable with the tv on low and munching on some gummies.
He’d ask how you slept and you'd say great and he’d say the same before you guys continued watching whatever he had put on while you were still sleeping.
It wouldn’t be until the late hours of the night that he’d decide to head back to his hotel room.
You’d try to get him to spend the night but he said he wasn’t going to be able to leave if he didn’t leave now.
You stopped fighting him and walked him to the door, sending him off with a couple more of the candy packets amongst other junk food (which he technically stole but you weren’t about to start anything with this man when you were still feeling tired.)
As he got to the front door, youd both hug and you’d watch him get into his rental before closing and locking it. You'd clean everything up, packing away any unopened food items, folding any blankets, fixing the couch pillows etc. before heading up to your bedroom where you would get ready to get under your comforter for another deep sleep.
before you could sink into the dreamstate, you got a text notification  (you normally had your phone on dnd once you got in bed but this time you forgot) and saw it was from no one but your friend Yahya
“We gotta do another one of these again girl. These chill days aren’t common anymore” You’d laugh at the message as you imagined him saying it in front of you and hearing it in his voice.
“I agree” You’d respond and he’d send you a couple memes to show his excitement at the future of this possibly becoming a ritual between you both whenever you saw each other.
“Goodnight Yahya.” You’d send after snickering at some of the images he sent you.
“Night beautiful.” 
You’d feel the butterflies flutter and try to ignore the heat in your cheeks.
You may or may not have had crush on the man for God knows how long, but that was neither here nor there and you were gonna punch those thoughts and feelings to the back of your head because sleep was more important right now.
As you thought about other things, you hadn’t realised you fell asleep after blinking a couple of times.
It was lights out for you.
on the other side of town, yahya was waiting to get a response from you and after a good couple of minutes he figured you’d gone to sleep and decided to follow the lead as he thought about the day you both spent together.
One day, he’d think as he was getting comfortable in the bed before placing his phone on charge.
As he was about to fall asleep, his mind ran across the topic of discussion earlier and said to himself that since he was flying out of the country in a few days, he’d bring you back a couple of things for your future self care days.
He went to sleep with a smile on his face as he thought of the look of pure joy when given the products. Just thinking of your happiness brought him happiness and helped him fall into a deep sleep with thoughts of you running on his mind and the future of self care days between you two possibly being something he’d try to upkeep for as long as he could.
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Hey loves!
Hope you guys liked this one.
Thanks to the anon who sent it in (sorry it took so long to get out of the drafts) 
Hope you guys are taking time out for yourself and keeping safe.
Remember to like, comment and/or reblog and thanks for the continuous support.
I appreciate you guys so much.
Stay safe,
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unironicduncanstan · 4 years
Gwanon x Trustin Spa Anon - 700 word oneshot (angst) (plot twist) (cliffhanger)
Pairing: Gwanon x Trustin Spa Anon
Rating: PG-13
Pov: First person (Gwanon)
Plot: gwanon gets a mysterious anon of her own, it sparks her interest but just when it seems all is well, a mysterious third party enters the scene. . .
the keyboard clacks beneath my fingertips as i update my sierra blog. im deep in my research for an overlapping slur that i could conveniently use against both fans of courtney and nicki minaj at the same time. as i find a particularly outdated one, in my intensity i accidentally knock my all lives matter mug off the table. it spills the blue paint i was drinking all over the floor.
“Oh no!” i say, capitalizing the first letter and ending with an exclamation point in real life.
i look down only for a moment to clean up my mess, and by the time i look back at my screen, i see that someone has answered my anon hate. this had better be good. i even made sure to use the word whore, which is #3 on my slur list
to my dismay it looks like they just posted some stupid meme of cody. i sigh. courtneys war crimes go unchecked yet again. i stroke the picture of gwen i have in my locket. it makes me feel better. maybe theres some new content for her in the tag. . .
i open up a tumblr search and scroll around a bit, passing what looks like hieroglyphs and a random picture of fondant, but i’m only ever searching for one thing. the chance to avenge her. i refresh. there at the top, a brand new post reads; ‘hey guys. gwen stinky’. i take a deep breath and try to keep going. i take another large swig of paint to calm my nerves down.
hey, whats this? i have a new ask! but i havent sent any more death wishes today. . .
the message takes me off guard. its short and concise. “draw trent justin spa art please.” i stare at it for a moment, trying to register what it could mean, when i suddenly receive another. 
“trustin Spa now. 😡” i wonder quietly to myself if they have the wrong person. before i can think of what to respond with, i see yet another ask. i refresh, assuming its them, but to my disappointment its another anon hate response. this time im met with a poorly edited meme of gwen confessing to war crimes. i had forgotten, id asked someone for a character tier list last sunday. i didnt think theyd catch on so fast. with every passing day, my notoriety grows, and the loyalty to my queen becomes harder to bear. . .
my mind goes back to my previous contact. i decide to go back into the tags and see if there’s anything to make sense of this. there i see it, hate blog after hate blog, anon after anon. i sit back in awe at the craftsmanship and dedication. the crackhead energy actually makes my heart skip a beat. my gwen locket clinks against my chest as i reread their absolutely spot on death threats, sprinkled in emojis.
what is this feeling. . . am i impressed or . . . something else. . . ? i shake my head, going back to my askbox and preparing to finally type a response. i try multiple times, but i cant figure out what to say. just when all hope seems lost, i realize what i have to do. i have to make my own move. i get into typing position.
“Do you think gwen deserves to die? Is she a monster? Is the name Courtney kind of whoreish?” i hit post. my heart races. i wait for a response as patiently as i can, on the edge of my seat until i Finally see my askbox light up.
“all i want is trustin spa”. i settle back into my chair, staring wistfully at the ceiling. finally, ive found someone who can accept the truth without a fight. their passion inspires me. i know in my soul what i have to do. . . i get out my sketchbook and start on a trustin spa piece, working with as much effort and swiftness as i can. ive never been more passionate about a project before. i cannot wait to show them, that is until i get another message. . .
this one is unfamiliar. in fact, it might throw a wrench in my entire plan to woo my anon, as it appears to be a callout. the only problem is, i didnt do the thing im being cancelled for this time! with confusion, my eyes scan it one more time. . .
“i used to really respect and admire you but i have no idea why you would make up a rumor about amegaotaku being a Zionist. it’s not true so leave her the fuck alone.“
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crankywhenprovoked · 4 years
Kinktober 2020. Day 3. Nud/es. Roceit.
All of these stories have been done well in advance, as such means I will NOT be accepting any ship requests, thank you for understanding.
Notes: Human au, Jay is NB.
Roman huffed a little as he set his phone down on his stomach, staring at the ceiling as he waited for it to go off.  He hated days like today, when everyone was too busy to actually answer his messages, or didn’t feel like entertaining him.  Which was a crime!  Well, not really, but it should be.
Even Virgil who was normally good for sending memes back for a while was leaving him on read.  Checking his messages again, Roman rolled onto his stomach on the bed, taking a picture of his pouty face.
“Pay attention to me!!”  He added onto the picture before sending the message off to Janus.
Waiting a few moments, Roman watched as the little arrow became just an outline before it said they were typing.  Opening the message as soon as it came through, Roman huffed again.
JayBird: I am not a jester to keep you entertained, you know.
PrinceOfYourDreams: Why are you so mean to me???
JayBird: I am no such thing, but just because you’re bored doesn’t mean that I don’t have things to do today.
Roman stuck his tongue out at the phone, fully aware that Jay would have rolled their eyes at his antics, but it made him feel better.  Tossing his phone to the side, Roman tapped his fingers against his face for a few long moments before he smirked.  Grabbing his phone again, he rolled back onto his back, taking his shirt off and tossing it to the side.  Letting out a small groan, Roman bit his lip as he ran his hand over his cock, teasing himself to hardness.
Opening Jay’s message back up, Roman turned the camera to the back lens, before taking a picture of his lower half and sending it.  Waiting for the message to say opened, he teased his hand over himself more, rolling his hips up into his hand.  Moaning softly as the message opened, Jay’s avatar was back with the thought bubble.
JayBird: Roman sanders!
Laughing softly, Roman pressed the waistband of his pants down just enough so the head of his cock was poking out the top.  Taking another picture, he watched the message open again, before his phone was ringing.
“Yes?”  Roman purred as he answered it, shoving his pants down to the middle of his hips.
“You are insufferable.”  Jay growled.
“Oh?  But you said you had things to do today, so why are you calling me?”
Clicking the phone onto speaker, Roman took another picture of his exposed cock, sending it off to Jay.
“I heard that, you little shit.”
“So?  You’ll get the picture in a second.”
Jay groaned softly as their phone went off, a small curse leaving their lips making Roman laugh, wrapping his hand around himself.
“I really do have things to do, you know.”
“Then hang up,”  Roman moaned softly, taking another picture and sending it.  “Nobody is making you stay on the phone.”
As Jay’s phone went off again, Roman smirked at the soft whine they let out as the picture was opened.
“Like what you see?”
“I will be there in fifteen minutes, and your ass better be ready for me.”  Jay growled before the phone hung up.
Kicking his pants off, Roman got up on his knees, taking a picture showing off the red gem of his plug.
‘Already there.’
Even though he had heard the front door open and shut, Roman wasn’t expecting his door to fly open, smacking into the wall.
“Fucking tease.”  Jay growled, tossing off their shirt.
“Got your attention, didn’t I?”
Letting out another growl, Jay stalked to the bed, the rest of their clothing falling onto the floor before they crawled up between Roman’s legs.  Laying against him, Jay pressed their lips together, hands running over Roman’s sides and up his chest.  Jay was vaguely aware of the click of a bottle before Roman’s slick hand was wrapped around their cock, making them moan into his mouth.
“Fuck, Ro.”  They whined softly, hips jerking as Roman coated them.
“That’s the idea.”
Wrapping his clean hand into Jay’s yellow locks, Roman spread his legs further, gasping as the head of their cock teased against him.  Guiding their cock down, he shivered as Jay started sinking down into him, hips rocking in a slow wave.  Grabbing at a hand towel, Roman cleaned his hand off before pulling Jay closer, legs wrapping around their hips.
Jay’s arms wrapped under Roman, pulling him close as they got into a rhythm, pressing broken off kisses to his lips.  Their moans sharing the same space between them, Roman’s cock throbbing against their stomach.
“I should just come in you, and leave you to your own devices again, you tempting fucker.”  Jay panted, groaning as Roman whined.
“Please, no.”  Roman shook his head, holding Jay tight to him.
“Fuck, you know I can’t follow through with something like that.  No matter how much you deserve it.”
Kissing Roman again, Jay slid their hand between them, wrapping their fingers around his cock, stroking him in time with their thrusts.  Roman’s moans picked up, kisses turning into jolting presses of lips, nails pressed into Jay’s shoulders.  Rolling his hips up into Jay’s, Roman pulled them close as he started falling over the edge, coming over his stomach.
Wrapping their arm back under Roman’s body, Jay worked their hips faster for a few long moments, before moaning their release.  Rolling their hips a few more times, Jay hummed softly before pulling back, smiling down at Roman.
“Don’t you look like a mess?”  They teased, making Roman flush.
“Hush you.”
Laughing softly, Jay pulled out slowly getting off the bed before helping Roman up and into the bathroom.  Jay cleaned themselves up in the sink as Roman hopped in the shower, pouting slightly as Jay left the room.  Finishing up his shower, he jumped a little as Jay came back in, holding out a towel for him to step into.
“You didn’t leave.”  Roman pointed out, taking in his own pj pants on Jay’s legs.
“What kind of partner would I be if I just fucked and ran?”  They asked, wrapping their hand around the back of Roman’s neck to pull him into a kiss.
“The kind that has stuff to do today?”
“Eh, that can wait, I’m here now.”  They mumbled, before pulling Roman into another soft kiss, wrapping him in their arms.  
Tag list:
@jaybingu @pandagirl0730 @pansexual-cat @neko-ereri @hanramz-the-fander @supreme-succ-overlord @ansfwcollection @nightlovechild @hoodie-bros @sorrythomas @trashypansexual @crankywhenprovoked @allthemetalsoftherainbow @k9cat @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @spacenerrrd @starlightlogan @justmyshitandmoreshit
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summertime sadness .6.
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Sequel to kiss me in the d-a-r-k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (masterlist under construction)
Warnings: dub con sex (oral, masturbation)
This is dark!(dad)Steve and dark(professor!)Bucky explicit. 18+ only. I know they aren’t super dark, but like questionable so I’m keeping those tags just to be safe.
Summary: Your new duties start to mount.
Note: Thanks once again for all the support on this series :) We’re going to go well over six parts if that isn’t obvious. Estimate is 10 but no promises. Things are heating up though and I can’t wait to continue. That being said, I got some rl work to do so might be a delay in parts. Thank you!💋
<3 Let me know what you think in a reblog, reply, or like. I’m loving the feedback from y'all and the enthusiasm! Also as always, memes accepted.
You watched glumly as the desks emptied out one by one. Stacey was always one of the last to go. She gave a cheery farewell as she grabbed her bubblegum pink purse and headed out the door. You waved at her and swallowed down your fear. Those still at their desks took her departure as a cue. They left soon after.
The office was eerie without the sound of keyboards and hushed chatter, the odd giggle or buzz of a phone. You sensed the change behind you and swiveled back to the face the ominous doorway. He was there. It was as if he knew. You were all alone know. No buffer, no witnesses.
“You almost caught up, darling?” He crossed his arms.
“I… Yeah.” You answered weakly. You knew he didn’t care about your work.
“Good,” He stood straight and stepped outside his office. “Why don’t you come here and we can go over your… work?”
You nodded and pushed yourself to your feet. Your legs felt like jello. You could still feel his hand on your thigh, on your pussy. It never quite went away but it wasn’t like Steve or Bucky. It was a touch that left you worn out and repulsed. You stepped around your desk and he turned his palm out.
“Ah,” He pointed to the floor. “Crawl to me, darling.”
Your heart dropped and you looked down at your feet. You unsteadily lowered yourself to your knees and pulled your skirt from under your knees. You bent forward and planted your hands on the floor. You took a deep breath and lifted your head. He watched you with his usual boastful smirk.
What were you doing? You cringed as you started across the floor. You were on all floors like a baby; an animal. And for what? Because you were stupid enough to fuck your professor. You imagined how he’d laughed if he found out you were also messing with your best friend’s father. Oh, he’d surely get a kick out of that.
As you neared him, he hummed in approval. He stepped around you and bent to slap your ass. “Go on,” He urged.
You crawled into his office and he followed. As you stopped inside, he closed the door with his foot. You were shocked as he tugged your skirt up and exposed your ass. You sat back as you tried to hide your bare flesh. He laughed and rounded you. He squatted and looked you in the eye as you sat back on your heels.
“I want you to tell me what you did that day.” He said.
“What do you--”
“After the bookshop. I know you fucked him.” He reached out and touched your cheek before he stood. “Stay like that and tell me how.”
“I-I can’t--” You stuttered.
“Start with where.” He sat in his chair and it squeaked as he leaned back.
“Uh, we went to my apartment and--” You looked down as your eyes burned. “I don’t know.”
“Sure you do. Tell me.” His zipper softly descended in as he spoke. “Were you on top?”
“I-- It was against my desk. I was sitting on it,” You said quietly. “I had my legs around him as he...entered me and I hugged him to me. It was fast. Hard.”
“Mmhmm,” He purred. “And… did you cum?”
“Yes.” You answered softly.
“Were you loud?” He asked.
“And that was the only time that night?”
“No. About an hour later, we fucked on the bed.” You confessed. 
“How?” He groaned.
“From behind. He likes it like that.” You sucked in your breath as your head swam. “Please…”
“Come here.” He said. “Stay down there.”
You dropped back onto your hands and crawled around his desk. He was stroking himself as you approached. You stopped and stared up at him. You tried not to see his hand moving up and down at the bottom of your vision.
“Get undressed.” He ordered. 
You shivered and pushed your blazer back on your shoulders. You tossed it aside and pulled your blouse over your head. Then you unzipped your skirt and kicked off your wedged shoes. Your hands were clumsy as you unhooked your bra and you couldn’t look at anything but the floor.
“I can’t blame him,” He said. “You’ve got that innocent school girl thing going on. But you’re not so innocent, are you?”
“No,” You forced out.
“I want you to use your mouth, my dear.” He rasped. 
You sniffed and nodded as you gathered your wits. You lifted your head and got up on your knees. You neared him as he spread his legs and you touched his thighs. His cock was pale and long. Not as thick as Steve or Bucky but nothing close to small. He withdrew his hand and you replaced it with yours.
“I said your mouth,” He warned. “Hands…” He grabbed your hands and put them palm down on his thighs. “Down.”
You pressed your hands down to assure him of your obedience. He grabbed his dick and angled it towards your mouth. You parted your lips and slipped them over his tip. He moaned as you pushed your tongue along his flesh. You took as much as you could and more. You struggled not to gag as you forced him down your throat.
“You are gifted indeed,” He snarled. “Fuck.”
His hands held your head as he began to guide you up and down. The sloppy sounds of your sucking bounced off the walls and filled your ears. He shuddered as he urged you faster. You choked and he pulled you off him all at once.
“Closer.” He grabbed your shoulder and rolled his chair forward. He took your hands and pushed them to your tits. “Like that.”
You held your tits together and he pushed his cock between them. His tip poked out above your cleavage as he slid to the edge of his chair. He rocked the chair as he fucked your tits and your stomach churned.
“Lick it.” He ordered.
As his tip came up, you bent your head and stuck out your tongue to flick across it. He inhaled sharply and continued on, each time you did so, he delighted in it. He gave you no warning before he came. His cum shot up across your face as he gripped your shoulders. It dripped down your nose and lips and along your chin. When he finished, he released you and sat back on his chair.
“Whew,” He breathed as he looked at you. “Clean yourself up, darling.”
You stood and reached for the box of kleenex on his desk. He caught your wrist and pulled you back. “No, not like that. Like you did at lunch.”
You scowled as he let you go. You slowly wiped his cum away from your nose and lips and shoved it in your mouth. You almost wretched as you licked up the salty, sticky mess. Then you scooped up that along your chin and forced yourself to swallow. He watched and his own tongue poked out between his teeth.
“My dear, you do impress me,” He said. “Go on. Get dressed. Go home.” He made no move to put his cock away, instead carelessly playing with it as it grew flaccid. “Rest up for tomorrow.”
Tuesday and Wednesday ended much the same. You hid at your desk until the office emptied out and then Loki called you to his office. He stood in his doorway until you crossed to him; the usual taunting words. And you left with the taste of his cum in your mouth and the stickiness across your chest. The stain had seeped into your soul.
Thursday was different. Something had changed. Something was amiss. You saw Loki twice; at the morning meeting and again after lunch as he stormed out of his office. He strode out with his briefcase in one hand and his phone to his ear. His voice was angry as he passed you. You caught only a snippet of his ire as his eyes flicked briefly to meet your curious gaze.
“No, no. I’m leaving work now-- Thor. This is the last time.” He sighed as he swept past and you watched him go.
For the rest of the day, you were as distracted by absence you had been his presence. There were titters around the office of what had riled him so. It was well known the editor had a rocky relationship with his brother, Thor. Their father was a CEO in London and had raised two sons with ambitions as great as his own; though it was barely a secret that he preferred one over the other.
As the hour rolled around, you hesitated to pack up. Surely if he meant to return, he would’ve by now. You shut down your computer and slid your notebook into your bag. Your phone vibrated on your desk before you could grab it and you flipped it over. A message from a private number.
‘Zelda’s, 7pm. Wear a dress. No panties.’
It wasn’t hard to guess its source. Your stomach sank and you touched your hot neck. He wanted to meet you outside work. Whatever had kept him so long, certainly couldn’t have improved his mood either. You typed up your confirmation and your phone buzzed again. Another text from Steve. You dropped it in your bag and rolled your chair against your desk.
You stared at your closet for an hour before you found the strength to change. After a Google search, you felt entirely unprepared for the upscale bar. More so for the man who waited for you there. You chose the black dress you’d bought for a night out with Kylie. Tight but not revealing. It was the only piece you had that wasn’t too girlish for the venue. 
Your uber was quick. You cursed the unusual expediency of New York traffic. You stepped out and stared up at the tall tinted windows of Zelda’s. You suspected a single cocktail would be worth at least a couple hours’ work. You fixed your purse on your shoulder and entered.
You spotted Loki along the bar. His green eyes were quick to find you. The din stifled the ringing in your ears as you crossed to him. He patted the stool next to his and waited for you to climb up.
“Hmm,” His fingers walked along your knee. “You haven’t anything shorter?”
You shook your head as he gestured to the bartender. He pushed his glass across the bar and glanced at you. “She’ll have a class of blanc,” He said coolly, “Top shelf.”
Your drinks appeared quickly and you frowned as he slid the wine glass over to you. “I’m still underage.” You whispered.
“I suspect that’s not stopped you before, darling,” He smirked. “Trust me, the wine is much preferable than any of that swill you chug at those frat house keggers.”
You took the glass and sipped. He watched, his green eyes swirled with menace. His jaw ticked, a remnant of his anger lingered in his posture.
“I did regret having to leave so early today but… I would not let such an inconvenience ruin my plans.” He rested his hand on your knee, just below your skirt. “Our plans.”
You nearly choked and made to set down your glass. He pressed his palm to the bottom of the stem and stopped you. You froze and blinked at him as he shoved your skirt up just an inch.
“I suggest you finish that,” He said. “And another might be in order. My dear, you look ready to faint.”
You inhaled sharply and drained the glass. This time he let you set it on the bar and he motioned for a refill. The bartender was just as diligent. Loki’s hand slipped but only to drag yours up to your knee. He squeezed your hand beneath his and leaned in. 
“It’s your turn.” He breathed. “I had my fun in that little bistro.” He pushed your hand down between your legs and your skirt rode up higher. “We’re not leaving until you cum.”
“I can’t--”
“Don’t make a fuss and no one will even know,” He purred as he leaned in. “People come here to drink. To forget. Not to worry about others.”
You sat straight, stunned. Your hand shook between your legs as he drew away. He leaned one arm on the bar and took a drink of the dark liquor on ice. The clink sent a shiver down your spine and you braced yourself as you slowly moved your fingers along your thigh. As he requested, rather ordered, you’d left your panties at home.
You brushed along your cunt and stopped. Your eyes widened and he tilted his head as he stared at your lap, your skirt bunched around your wrist. He took your wine glass and offered it. You took it with your free hand and gulped until it was half gone. He replaced it on the bar and nodded.
“Mr. Laufeyson…” You pleaded.
“Sir,” He corrected.
“Please… sir.”
“The sooner you start, the sooner you… finish.” He said. “You’re already wet, aren’t you?”
You winced. He knew that your core started burning the moment he’d touched you. That even though you didn’t want it, he riled you. That though you resisted, your body surrendered.
You took another deep breath and pushed your fingers between your folds. You circled your clit until that familiar tickle began to mount. You bit your lip and pressed firmly against your bud. Your hand moved without thought. Every flick, every swirl was instinctual. 
Your mind hazed as the voices and strangers around you formed a fog. The man who sat before you changed to. For a second, a single second, his hair lightened to gold and his eyes flowed blue like the sea. And then he darkened, a thick brown beard and square jaw. 
But as you came, your vision cleared and it was Loki again. Victorious. Boastful. Your body twitched as you sucked in your lip and swallowed back the moan. You lowered your head and your hand slipped down your leg. He snickered.
He reached for your hand and lifted it so that your fingers glistened in the low light of the bar. He brought them to his lips and sucked on them. You whimpered and he set your hand down in your lap.
“Finish your wine, darling,” He purred. “Our night has just begun.”
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Mail Jeevas
Let me know if you want alphabet for Near as well. You can check tosikowrites tag for more! Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
For Matt, being affectionate is as natural as breathing. You can’t call him over-the-top, his love is immature like he just got first teenage crush, and therefore it is difficult to predict his thoughts. In the beginning, awkwardness can slip through accidental hands touch or misplaced kisses. He giggles a lot to cover insecurities and it kinda works.
At the same time he tends to hesitate when things are about to get intimate. New experiences overwhelm him. If relationship seems to develop too quickly, Matt will subtly slow them down without making a fuss.
Won’t ever let his loved one go to bed in tears. It cuts him deeply as a friend and a partner to see his favorite person suffering. Of course, Matt lacks a bachelor degree in psychology, but he knows how to use active listening skills: he actually gives them space to speak their mind, makes pauses when necessary, and asks questions to hear the answers and not to simply imitate a concern.
One of the ways to show affection is to introduce loved one to his friends. We are talking not about a casual “this is name1, this is name2” but a special bond establishing, where everybody is treated with the same respect, trust, each person plays a specific role. Matt basically builds small “family” of closest people, ride-or-die gang from photos on which you see comments like “I wish I had friends like that”.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Matt is the type of friend you never knew you needed in your life. It is easy to overlook his quiet persona so you the only way you can meet him is through mutual friends during DnD session, night out in the arcade, etc.
He speaks the language of memes and irony and ironic memes, which he will send the second he sees something you would be interested in. Sharing is caring, so Matt will introduce you to anything he finds even a little bit entertaining. Friendship with this guy involves a lot of inside jokes that are completely incomprehensible to unenlightened people around.
Chill aura follows Matt everywhere he goes and you will experience its miraculous effects as well. Problems do not exist in his plan of reality, any extreme negative emotions do not either. It may be strange at first but later you crave his presence and stability that comes with it. In short, wholesome person in a grungy shell.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
The miserable situation in which person is truly snuggble (is it even a word?) but has to be in specific mood for it. Matt turns into panda, wrapping his limbs around the partner’s body, today but keeps it modest with only his head lying on their lap next day. He has a bad habit of nestling to the loved one after smoking weed so a sickly sweet smell imprints on their clothes, hair, and whatever he touches.
Without ongoing conversation, Matt starts dozing in a few minutes. His embrace turns into a bear trap, and poor soul, who was (un)lucky enough to get caught, has low chances to escape.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I mean, mentally he is already settled down with his console and Mello? Yes, that sound like him, there’s a good chance Matt would want to have nice comfy life with the loved one. He can’t cook for shit and is an incorrigible slob but, boi, he will try to make their home the coziest nest out here. He will try really hard to be better cook and keep house clean when domesticity hits him.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Matt is a mess. His heart drops when a thought of break-up arises in the mind. He even starts to think that ghosting isn’t that cruel and there’s nothing craven in breaking-up through message. This would deprive him from the sight of them crying at least. After much hesitation, Matt will meet with them close to their house to explain what was on his mind lately. Despite how it goes, he’s filled with unpleasant feeling of betrayal.
A week later Matt will try to get in touch just to see how they’re doing. Are they okay? Are they mad at him? Do they want to talk? What if they want to stay friends? Because Matt wants to stay friends, he planned to stay close to them after breaking-up. Even if some things do not work out, Matt still wants to support them and share all the best in their life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Seems to look for someone like a best friend to marry and won’t plan anything before he’s fully convinced in a person’s fit. It takes, maybe, two or three years for him to start thinking about proposing, though Matt doesn’t make a big of a deal of this event. His approach is very unpretentious: no restaurant date with small red box, no witnesses with cameras and whatsoever, Matt fondly asks a question while cuddling or eating ice cream out of bucket in silly pajamas. A smile never leaves his lips after they say “yes”. He probably cries on the wedding day too.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Matt is pretty inconsistent when it comes to gentleness. His laid-back nature doesn’t negate his soft side but doesn’t add up to it either, giving his behavior a touch of indifference. His comprehension of physical aspect is better than emotional because it doesn’t have such blurry undertones and can be controlled more precisely. Therefore Matt needs a bit of time to find the correct love language for a new partner and give them clear answer which one works the best for him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Surprisingly, not so fond of hugs? He won’t ever reject them but it seems like he tries to keep small distance at the same time. You may have experienced it, defective hug when a person does not hug you in full force but also doesn’t let go. In this case, you don’t really understand the reason since person hugged you, right, they must like you to do it but ehhh. Matt takes initiative half of the times, but remember about the quality of dollar store kush.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He says “I love you” every so often. For Matt It’s a phase used not only in romantic way but also as an expression of appreciation for your friends and family. In the beginning Matt will also say “I love you” (like he does to Mello) to make person acknowledge how much they mean to him but later its meaning shifts to more serious one and is accompanied with long tirade about his feelings. So yeah, as fast as they become good friends which may take month or two.  
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
On a scale of jealousy Matt scores lower than average and it takes a lot of time for him to realize someone is seriously hitting on his loved one even if another person acts pretty straightforward. After realizing what’s going on Matt will act needy. He won’t stop following his loved one and holding their hand, placing small pecks on their cheeks and giving his rival dirty look.
If he witnesses his lover acting too flirty, he won’t say a word. Only after they are alone, Matt reluctantly will try to set record straight. Relationship takes two to work, and he won’t force them to stay just for the sake of staying.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
You’ll never get bored with this goofy kisser: he is sloppy, but also gentle and sweet. Well, not that sweet since you can taste the tobacco bitterness on the tip of his tongue 99% of the time. Sometimes, Matt gets so carried away that he will kiss his loved one right in the middle of the sentence. Prefers classical lips kisses and kisses on the forehead for both kissing and being kissed.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Man, Matt can connect to little ones on the spiritual level. He talks to them like they are his equal in every way possible and from the outside it looks adorable. Teenagers need space? Good, here you go! Kids want a piggyback ride? Jump on it, he got you! Baby-toddler screams the lugs out? Mail prepared ear plugs, pacifier, and a collection of toys! Even when they are causing troubles, this guy remains very understanding.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Night work puts both Matt’s laptop and himself into sleeping mode at 5-6 in the morning. If you are the early bird, you have high chance to find him at the dawn, with his heavy head resting on his hands. The best option is to wake him up gently and send him to the bed before those muscles get stone-stiff.
On rare occasions he goes to bed right after you just to have a major sleep-in. Nothing can disturb his sleep, not a blasting cannons, nor a nightmare, since his mind goes off and shuts down like a corrupted program.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Let’s not talk about work days, we already know how it goes. On his free time Matt likes to stay at home and have a quiet evening with his loved one or by himself. After pizza is ordered, he jumps on the couch and lies down for a bit. If his loved one is here as well Matt asks what they want to do. His suggestion would be build a pillow fort and wait inside, chatting about stupid things. Trite, but playing video games is second option on the list. They can play together or take turns, Matt is down for anything and will definitely let them beat him in Mario kart.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Reveals facts about himself slowly, but tends to have deep conversations about things like fears, dreams, emotional experiences, even traumas. Seeing the sincere intentions of a person, he will reciprocate the effort to get to know them better. Also, when Matt is in playful mood he will play that “well, try to guess it” or “well, that’s true… or is it?” card making conversation even easier. He may have few topics like life in orphanage he is not comfortable with so he will politely refuse to talk about them or cover them with jokes.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Tibetan monks called, asked if they can book a private lesson in tranquility for their unexperienced young apprentices. This man is the embodiment of appeasement, he is good-naturedly calm and his peaceful mood easily transfers to this around him. He perceives the anger of others and unpleasant incidents as short-term events that do not deserve much of attention. When someone is mad at him he just smiles lightly, explains himself and, oh god, actually tries to get another person’s point of view.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
While his mind is always occupied with unnecessary stuff, Matt manages to remember about half of what you told him. Most of his knowledge comes from endless online chats, jokes, and memes, common interests, and (who thought!) numbers. He is especially good at remembering anniversaries and it flatters his vanity a lot.
To maintain a never-forgetting-boyfriend reputation Matt keeps in touch with your mutual friends and acquaintances. When he needs to clarify something he’ll reach to the most suitable candidate who will answer the questions but also won’t ruin surprise with their long tongue.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The night he broke down and cried. Just sent his ps-controller flying across the room and covered his eyes, and tears started to roll down his cheeks. Soothing words of the loved one made him shake even more vigorous because the connection between them never felt so strong. Matt didn’t have to hide anything from them. There was no need to keep on a happy face 24/7. He squeezed them in his arms like there was no tomorrow and never ever forgot this moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite the wild life that was supposed to teach Matt to adequately assess the danger of outside world, he remains as laid-back as always. He assures loved one that no matter what happens he will be all right. And they will be all right too. He believes they both can just slip away from any unpleasant situation and there is no reason to be overprotective. Yes, for someone associated with Mafia, Matt feels way too frivolous.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
The exact opposite of Mello. The more time passes, the more confident he grows in his feelings and it shows in the way he expresses it. When it comes to presents Matt chooses hand-made mess over expensive shiny but lifeless gifts. His fingers are glued together and sequins on the nose emphasize bags under the eyes but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters, actually, because Matt finally wrote their name in cursive just the way he wanted to. For the anniversary there is huge box waiting for them, filled with candies, candles, discs, photos, short notes, and every little bauble he could think of. No doubt he stands right beside the person with puppy eyes, evaluating their reaction.
Dates aren’t big of a deal. He leaves date plans up to them since he doesn’t care what to do while it is with them. If they specifically ask for Matt’s ideas he will think about it for 5-10 minutes and then suggest first thing Google search gives him. Pray to God it’s not a DIY in 5 minutes because he will try it too.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Matt has a strong tendency to justify people when they obviously do not deserve it. Maybe this is not entirely conscious, but he ignores red flags until everything falls apart. He doesn’t see a pattern here and how all these people are alike so cycle repeats again and again.
Sometimes you have to worry. Sometimes circumstances oblige you to stop brushing off your problems. That’s not a case with Matt tho. To solve problems with a sober head, cool mind, yes, this is amazing, but the keyword is to s o l v e which he may completely ignore. Being laid-back dude is a talent but it shouldn’t be taken to the point of “if I close my eyes, maybe, it will go away”.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Well, let’s say his style leaves much to be desired. I can see his closet being full of the same type of clothes in approximately similar faded colors. No patterns, no game of textures, it’s just plain. Those goggles with amber-tinted lenses are one of two pairs Matt owns. The other one is similar to famous Kurt Cobain glasses and he keeps them for ironic purpose.
Matt never used any creams even when his skin resembled tree bark. Tobacco smoke can cause dryness of lips so you can expect his being chopped and covered in small cracks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You cannot tell it from his face but deep down he is devastated. People notice his silent thoughtfulness, lingering daydreaming. Hours spent in games grow an alarming rate as well as his expenses on cigarettes. A lot of time has to pass by before he goes back to his old self.
If they left for any reason Matt accepts it and tries to remain their friend. He knows there should be a pause in their relationship to establish new boundaries and stop perceive each other as… lovers. But he can’t stay away.
If they died both related and unrelated to Kira case, Matt seems to disengage from everything except helping Mello and videogames. His brain freezes in white noise and repetitive actions keeping him going like a programmed robot. Months later, he promises to get well because this is exactly what they would want for him.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Matt likes to smoke devil lettuce once in a while to clear his head or fog it completely. However, he doesn’t like to drink at all. His organism reacts poorly to alcohol and nausea rises to the throat before he can feel any kaif. Once Matt made a huge mistake (read – decided to get drunk with Mello): it ended up with Mello roaming around the city aimlessly for two days while Matt was almost chained to the bathroom because… well, he didn’t feel very well. In the end of the day they suffered a small loss: Mello lost his golden chain he never really liked and Matt lost the urge to drink forever.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
There is excess of negativity in this world already so if the only thing person is going to do is to complain, he will slowly push them out of his life. Cancelling plans, ignoring massages, hanging up early in the calls and, finally, he will disappear from their life like he was never there.
Boring people. It doesn’t mean person has to be into craziest stuff, you can be interested at knitting and present your hobby as the most interesting thing in the whole universe. Problem arises when person fails to show their passion.
Arrogance makes Matt yawn. It usually comes with qualities such as duplicity, hypocrisy, and he is not buying it. He is simple guy and feels uncomfortable around those who put on a brass face.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
His sleeping hours vary from 45 minutes to 14 hours per day and you never know what tomorrow will bring. It depends on many factors, but mostly on whether he has any work next day and if there are any upcoming games that he was waiting for so patiently.
Matt knows how to sleep anywhere and anyhow, even in standing position with hands crossed. His ability to fall asleep in 0.5 second is something Mello is envious of. Also, he can sleep with loud TV on the background, dogs barking, and Mello yelling at someone at the same time. It’s honestly a superpower.
The mere fact that somebody is sleeping next to him (it doesn’t have to be a loved one) gives him a feeling of serenity. If they sleep under the same blanket, he without a doubt will steal it.
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alolanrain · 4 years
I know u probs aren’t looking for another au but u kind of inspired this: Raihan being Ash’s BF for a bit now when Mew and Mewtwo appear. They hand Raihan a lump wrapped in clothes and Mewtwo is like “there was an incident we’re working on it but we need someone to watch them while we work and they can’t leave the region bye” and teleport away. Raihan is so confused until he finds a de-aged baby ash and Pichu in the lump (it takes a week before Celebi/Dialga can fix it).
Second off this is absolutely amazing and I’m taking it now.
Raihan is absolutely shocked because he did NOT plan is day to be like this at all. Ash is now babey so he can’t be left alone at all, something in Raihans gut is telling him not to hire a nanny even though that would take a large chunk of work off of Raihan’s plate, and the Pichu with the baby has to be Pikachu.
He goes back to his house, not saying a word besides what he sputtered out to Mew and Mewtwo before they vanished, and sits down on the couch. Pichu curled up and clinging to his headband as Raihan looks down to his de-aged Bf who’s looking up at him. Making baby gurgling noises and raising his hands up at Raihans face. It’s only then does it sink in that his wonderful Bf is de-aged and he has absolutely no fucking clue how to take care of a baby. So that means there’s only one thing...
Call Melony
Raihan being a coward goes through like forty google links on How To Take Care Of Your De-aged Boyfrind, more like babysitting a baby for dummies, before submitting when he STILL has no clue. The call goes to voice mail and Raihan is to scared and panicking that he just stutters out “I have a baby, help.” Before ending the call and instinctively chucking his Rotom phone across the room. Rotom is kinda pissed at that but they understand because their afraid of Melony to, Pokémon like trainer.
Raihan doesn’t get any answer or notifications from her until like 3 hours later she basically kicks his doors down and send both Raihan and Ash, who he was still cradling in his arms, into a scare fit. Ash starts crying and Raihan wants to to when he see’s Melony now armed with Kabu and Opal behind her.
It’s a mess and Ash starts crying even louder when he gets taken out of Raihans arms, Pichu gets angry as well and Raihans Pokémon are so close to attacking as well because the 3 adults scared them as well, by Melony and All three question him about where he got Ash and how come someone trusted Raihan with a baby this young?
Raihan panicking and about to have a anxiety attack: it’s Ash!
Melony stopping: it’s who!?
Raihan getting worse: it’s Champion Ash! A new and some kind of knock off Mew called Mewtwo gave him to me along with Pikachu *waves to the sparking Pichu on his shoulder*. I don’t know what happened, something to do with Dialga and Celebi, but I’m supposed to watch him until he un-de-ages.
All three adults: *simultaneously shocked Pikachu meme*
Bby! Ash: *still crying*
Raihan: can I.... can I have him back?
So Raihan gets him back and Ash calms down a little but still is a sniffling mess and Raihan is still close to crying himself from under all the sudden stress and anger from the three most badass gym leaders. Opal acts first while coming closer and uncharacteristically correcting Raihans hold with a shaking hand. Raihan then remembers that both Kabu and Opal were once parents but both lost their kids in different accidents long ago before Raihan was born, a secret kept between any and all Galar Gym leaders.
Melony is still a bit stressful but both Opal and Kabu calm down, or Kabu relaxes a little since he was mostly calm during that interaction, and help Raihan clean Ash up. Pichu is still distrustful but let’s it go for now since no one is yelling anymore and Ash isn’t crying. It soon boils down that Melony would bring her old nursery stuff down to Raihans house later that day while Kabu and Opal help Raihan order baby stuff to his house. When Raihan questions why not go out and buy stuff they point out that Raihan with Ash out in public, with the public Not Knowing Ash is a baby until who knows how long, would cause a rucus and that would cause Rose and Oleana coming down to talk to Raihan.
He then points out that he’s a Gym leader, and it’s nearing the end of the training season as well, AND that he has a large following on social media. His fans are bound to find out that he has a baby by either stalking his house or the public just finding out that he’s taking care of a baby because Raihan has to go to work and back.
Hiring a nanny is immediately off the list Raihan states when they try and brainstorm some ideas. To risky which Raihans position and crazed fan clubs, and he doesn’t trust Rose’s hired league nannies after what he heard of what happened with Melony young twins, and that one of them might somehow find out early and work into the selection pool and now Raihan is falling into another panic induced episode that’s slowly working its way to upsetting Ash.
It takes Kabu gently getting Ash out of Raihans grip for him to realize that he almost set of Ash again. They agree nannies are off the table and are now forced to agree with just going with the flow and going out to public and dealing with Rose and Oleana afterwards.
What Raihan dreads the most is when Sonia and Nessa find out, their very big on babies and Raihan knows that they’ll try and be over almost 90% of the time, or Arceus forbids Leon finds out. That man was such a little terror when his baby brother Hop came into the world. Constantly rebelling against Rose and Oleana, much to everyone else’s amusement in the league besides Rose and Oleana, to go see little baby Hop. Dude has a sixth sense of when there’s a baby nearby.
Raihans fears happen and the moment someone spots him in public with Opal, Ash, and Pichu theres photos spread all across Galars social media. He refuses to check his phone, turned off because no-fucking-way is he answering anyone’s calls in public, and continues to ignore the chatter and uncharacteristically stick by Opals side who glares at anyone who dares come to close to the young adult and the baby.
Melony and Kabu go back, with an extra house key to Raihans house just incase they magically get back before he and Opal do, to Melonys house to get her old nursery stuff and transport it back to his house. Opal isn’t really playing until her usual Crazy Old Eccentric Lady normal personality. she’s more wise and calm as she easily answers all of Raihans, still, slightly frantic questions.
Ash is a quite baby throughout all this, maybe it helps that Pichu keeps chittering down to the baby at all times through the ordeal, and only really made any noise when Raihan brought a toy into his sight. Other then that Ash was more tuned to the idea of sleeping and drooling on Raihans hoodie.
Once they got back to the house, Kabu and Melony nowhere in sight and Raihan was taught how to clean, feed, burp, and dress Ash, did Raihan turn on his phone. Half surprised by all the calls, voicemails, and frantic all calls messages by everyone. What worried him the most was the most frequent call, from Lance of all people.
Lance pops up on his screen again and Raihan quietly prepares for the man to question him before answering.
Lance: where’s Ash and when did you get a baby!?
Raihan, extremely tired: the baby is Ash
Lance: ... that makes so much more sense and not at all at the same time
Raihan: from what Mew and Mewtwo told me before disappearing, something happened and Godly de-aging for both Ash and Pikachu
Lance: ....
Raihan: .....
Lance: so how long-
Raihan: I have no fucking clue
Lance: well Shit.
Melony and Kabu come back, with Gordie and Bea in tow as well, and they all start setting up the nursery in Raihan office room and the crib between Flygon’s ‘nest’ of pillows and blankets and Raihans bed. Raihan orders pizza as a thank you and the next thing he knows Sonia comes bursting through the door.
Raihan, to tired for anymore of this shit today, does not let her hold Ash. Using his height to his advantage and keeps Ash, who’s also sleeping, out of her grip carefully. After an hour or 3 he kicks them all out of his house and finally settles Ash down for bed after going through the motions of checking his diaper and everything else.
Ash sleeps well through the night besides one crying fest early in the morning, thankfully right around 5:30 when Raihan usually gets up, and Raihan has to stumble through the journey of getting Ash cleaned, fed, burped, and dressed before looking over a pre-packed baby bag and going to work the next day.
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blkgirlcafe · 5 years
Control PT. 1
Read the tease here...
Henry Cavill x Jazmine (OC)
Warning: Smut, Cheating, age gap
Word Count: 2,393
Flashbacks are in italics, text messages are bold and italics. 
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The valet opened his door, Henry stood tall, smoothing his midnight black tux to make sure there were no wrinkles. He even went as far as to style his hair in the way Jazmine likes. 
Henry's thick black curly hair was pushed back, one curl dangled over his hairline. The valet got into his black Ashton Martin BD11. He walked the red carpet to the door keeping his eye out for Jazmine. 
He frowned when he didn’t see her or her husband, maybe that hadn’t got here yet. 
Henry found his table, his name written in pretty calligraphy. He looked at the other name cards and noted that she would be here and at his table. He walked to the bar, ordering a scotch. 
Women fawned over him and tried to get him to talk, but he didn’t want them. These women were weak compared to her, and would never be able to control him at all. 
He groaned inwardly when he finally saw them enter the ballroom. Her arm wound into her husbands. It set his chest on fire to not have these moments with her. 
Most of, if not all the men in the room had their eyes on her. She was younger than most of their wives, being only 22. Espresso brown skin that sparkled in the light, she was breathtaking. At 5’7 she was the perfect height, she made a man feel like a man.  Her normally curly hair was straight and fell like a black curtain to her shoulders. Unlike these other women her body was natural, all her. Breast that were firm and soft, he could spend hours suckling her. He thought about how he would grab her ass when she rode him. The golden dress complimented her skin perfectly. 
Her husband, Viktor Adrik was an Russian oil tycoon who had his hands in many things, he was beyond rich, but so was Henry. But Henry had something her husband didn’t and that was power. He was a powerful man, the type of power that people wanted to be around because it would open doors for them. 
He locked eyes with Jazmine, she smiled at him and his heart fluttered.
Henry made his way over to the couple, holding out his hand for Viktor, “Good to see you Vik, how are you?” 
“Just fine, glad to be home for a while, the back and forth with Russia can be a lot.”
“I am sure, and Mrs. Adrik, you look lovely this evening.” He bent down, giving her hand a lingering kiss. 
“Thank you Henry, I love that tux.” 
Henry tried not to smile too bright, he loved pleasing her. He followed the couple to the table they shared, another couple also seated there. 
“Babe switch chairs with me, I want to sit next to John.” 
Henry watched as her face did a slight frown, did she not want to sit next to him?
“Fine but I hear too much business and we are switching back.”
The dress she wore slid up when she crossed her legs and all Henry could think about was how he loved being between her thighs, tasting her. He tried to push the thought away. 
She flipped her hair over her shoulder before showing him her phone, a meme pulled up. 
Henry read it before cracking a smile, he loved when she shared things like this with him. 
“Ugh I wish this would start already, I wanna go home.” She whined to no one in particular. 
It made Henry think of how they meet. 
Henry knocked one the door of the lavish home, holding flowers and a bottle of vintage wine. He had met Viktor at the community country club and they golfed together, found out they were basically neighbors, living down the block from one another, and next thing he knew he was invited to dinner. 
He could tell someone else was here, there were two other cars outside. 
Henry couldn’t help himself, his jaw dropped when the girl opened the door. She was beyond stunning. 
“Hey, you good?” She asked. 
“Yes Sorry, is this the Adrik Home?”
She giggled and he swore he never heard a more pleasant sound. 
“Our final guest, Come in Henry!” Viktor's voice boomed in the foyer. 
Viktor wasn’t a small man, at 6’5 and 255 pounds, he looked like he wrestled bears for fun. Viktor pulled Henry in, pretty much yanking him across the threshold. 
“That lovely lady is my wife Jazmine, babe this is the guy I was telling you about, Henry Cavill, Founder and CEO of Cavill enterprise, and future member of Congress.” 
Henry held his hand out for her to shake it, her touch soft and tender. 
“Nice to meet you.” 
Before she could respond, Viktor had him whisked away to meet the others, which included an oil CEO and a lawyer. No one had their wife or girlfriend there. 
Jazmine disappeared but Henry kept an eye out for her. Eventually she came into the sitting room, looping her arms around Viktor's neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Henry found himself jealous of another man, something that hasn't happened since private school. 
“Dinner ready guys.”
They sat around a table that had the food in serving bowls. 
“So I made veggie lasagna , homemade bread, and a Greek salad, I hope you guys enjoy it.” Jazmine beamed at the table but it seemed directed at him. Henry took a sip of water. 
“Didn't know you were vegetarian Viktor!” One of the men teased. 
“I’m not but I’ll try anything she cooks.”
“Not to be nosy, but just how did you two meet?”
Henry leaves forward wanting to hear it all. 
“You tell them Vik, you tell it better.” 
He cleared his throat, “ Well I was giving a speech at her school on being one of the youngest billionaires and whatnot, and she walked in late, right in the middle of my speech. So I say to the room, being on time is a sign of respect and went back to my speech. Afterwards she waited to see me.”
“I waited an hour to be exact.” She cut in. 
“Yes an hour to meet me and you know what she does?”
“What?” Henry and the other guy said at the same time. 
“She slaps the fuck out of me, saying she was lost and accidentally stepped into this room. By now my security has her by the arms and she is spitting hot fire. I tell her to calm down, that I wouldn’t call the cops as long as she went out on a date with me. I figured any woman that could slap me was worth getting to know.” He chuckled. 
“Was it a little slap or a …”
“No she slapped the shit out of me, I saw stars for a few seconds.” Viktor laughed. 
“I’m sorry babe.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“It’s that fiery temper that got me.” 
Henry tried to laugh wishing it was him on the other side. Dinner continued as normal, the men mostly talking business. Jazmine kept mostly to herself. She got up to clear their plates and Henry decided to help her. 
“It’s fine I got it.”
“I don’t mind helping.” He grabbed a few dishes and followed her to the kitchen. 
The sway of her hips drew him in, he wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close. Henry shook his head as if to clear the thought. 
He sat the dishes on the counter next to the sink and she began to prepare dishwater. 
It was a little awkward to stand there, “you guys don’t have a maid?” He blurted out. 
“No, I prefer to do it myself, we have a housekeeper that comes by twice a week to deep clean and do laundry but otherwise I prefer it myself.”
“And you cook, that meal was fantastic by the way.”
“Thank you, I love cooking, a little hobby of mine since Vik doesn’t want me to work.”
“Oh he doesn’t?” He leaned against the counter. 
“Nope, isn’t that how rich guys like it. Keep their woman at home?”
“I don’t have a woman.” He responded. 
“If you did, would you make her stay home?”
“I don’t believe in making a woman do anything. If my woman wanted to work I would support that but I also would tell her not to over stress herself.”
“Well your one of the sweet ones Henry.”
“Henry! We are headed to the study, babe get my scotch please.” Viktor stood by the kitchen entrance. 
“Alright here I come.” She dried her hands before turning to Henry, “thanks for keeping me company.” 
“No problem.” Henry followed Viktor to the study where a box of cigars were being passed around. 
For the rest of the evening all he could think about was her. The way her plump lips would smile at her, her scent, the way she spoke, the way she moved. 
“Babe I’m bored.” Jazmine whined. 
Henry wished he could whisk her away, take her home, to his home. 
“Behave.” Viktor gave her a stern warning before turning back to John. 
She rolled her eyes and got up, dipping off into one of the many hallways in the ballroom. 
Henry waited a moment before following her, when he got to the hallway he tried a few doors, all locked. He walked deeper into the building, Jazmine pulled him into a room. 
“I knew you would come look for me.”
“Always my love.” 
She pushed him against the door, he always let her take control. Jazmine's arm went around his shoulder as she kissed him. 
Henry tried not to moan too loud, never knowing who would be out there. Just imagine the scandal if he was found with another man's wife. 
“You miss me?” She asked, not giving him a chance to answer before her tongue slid back into his mouth. 
If he had answered, Henry would have said, ‘Of course I miss you, always, I want to wake up to you, fall asleep with you, have a life with you.’
Her hands groped the front of his pants. 
“Ma’am please.” He quietly begged. 
“Tell me what you want?” 
“You.” He whimpered as her hand slid into his pants, gently groping his hard dick. 
“I think I can make that happen.” 
She dropped to her knees in front of him, pulling his dick out. 
Henry focused on her glossy lips as it wrapped around his hard member, a hiss escaping his mouth.
He knew he couldn’t touch her, risk messing up her hair or makeup and her husband might notice and ask a question, he fisted his hands in his side. 
She pulled away and he whined, “Call down boy, I plan to finish, just wanted you to know you looked gorgeous tonight.”
“For you Ma’am.”
Her mouth stretched around him and he groaned. Henry knew he couldn’t cum unless she said so, unless she gave him permission. 
Jazmine tongue did things to him, in his mouth, sliding down his chest, on his dick, it was amazing and he never felt anything like that. 
She pulled him out of her mouth and he almost begged her to put it back. She licked the underside of his shaft, one hand cupping his balls. 
“Fuck I miss you.” He whistled. 
It wasn’t just the sex he missed, he could get sex anywhere. It was her he missed, her personality, her presence, her. 
Jazmine deepthroated him and he had to fight to keep standing, he was ready to cum already but knew he couldn’t unless he said so. 
“Henry you can cum, cum in my mouth, but don’t fuck up my makeup.” 
She went back to sucking him, they made eye contact as her lips stretched around him. 
“Fuck, here it comes.”
He came right in her mouth, she never once released him. Even as he softened in her mouth, Jazmine kept him there, gently swirling her tongue. 
Henry fixed himself, bending down and giving her a kiss. 
“I wish I could have you tonight.”
“You might, I’m working on something I’ll let you know before we leave.”
“Yes Ma’am.” He gave her another kiss. 
She used her phone to fix her lip gloss, checking her makeup in the camera. 
“Go ahead Henry, I’ll be out in a few.”
He didn’t want to leave her, but he had to cherish each moment he got with her. He left the room, looking both ways as he ducked out and went back to the table. 
Viktor was still engrossed in conversation with John. 
Henry sat at the table and looked at his friend, he just didn’t know what he had in Jazmine. If Jazmine was his, he would never ignore her, she would get what she wanted.
Jazmine reappeared moments later, the table cleared of dinner dishes as dessert would soon be served. She sat next to Viktor who turned towards her. 
“I’m sorry baby.”
“Whatever Vik.” She brushed him off. 
Henry tried not to look too interested. She took a sip of her wine. 
“I’m ready to go Viktor.”
He turned back towards her voice low, “now isn’t the time to be a brat.”
“If I am ready to go, I am ready to go.”
“Fine go home, I’ll meet you there.”
“If I leave by myself I am going to Claire’s.”
He looked at her angry, ready to call her bluff. 
“Fine go.” He brushed her off. 
Henry watched Jazmine get yo, giving him a wink before she walked away and out the door. How long did he wait before he drove home to see her there. 
His phone dinged, it was her. 
I expect you home in 30 don’t leave me waiting, is the security code the same?
Yes Ma’am it is
Good boy, I’ll see you later. 
Viktor turned to him to include him in the conversation. 
“Women always want their way, it isn’t enough to just provide for her. She is still young and gets into these bratty fits.”
“Don’t give in, don’t let her think she can get away with that.” John said. 
Henry nodded weakly, knowing for a fact he would let you get away with it. 
He couldn’t wait to get home to her. 
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wongiemei · 5 years
a/n: maybe i should just turn this blog into an nct dream one
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first of all,
story time!
your uni is fucking expensive and it’s more expensive if you live in the grounds
so you being the wise human,
you went to get an apartment near the campus
it was great and all since roommate!jaemin was paying for his stuff
you were both living respectively until he had to leave
the dumbass didnt even bother to tell you
one morning you just woke up and found his note
‘hey bitch! figured you were too much of a rock to wake up but i moved out! the family wants me to go back home and tend the restaurant’
the whole day yesterday, you were working
bc,,, yknow
broke college life
and you just walked in half asleep towards your room and fell asleep
so you didnt really see or notice
but were you freaking out bc your roommate suddenly moved out?
ofc you were freaking out
not only was your roommate gone,
how were you going to find a new one?!
jaemin expected your phone call that afternoon and he endured through all your screaming
‘babe, i’m just going to be gone for a year-or two’
‘oR tWO?!’
‘hun, my dad’s injured and his back can only let him do so much. ma’s working too much and i dont have any siblings to help. i figured i could just hold off college until my parents are ready’
ugh, jaemin is such a family boy
‘but jaems! you couldnt have at least told me that yOu wERe mOvING OuT?! and! rent is due soon! i can’t pay for that myself!’
jaemin couldve easily told you to warn yoy
but he didn’t want to tell you bc he couldnt handle you sad and didnt want to upset you
however, now jaemin really understands how shitty that move was
‘tell you what. i’ll pay for this month and make a few phone calls and i’ll get you set up with a new roommate, deal?’
knowing how much of a social butterfly he was, you agreed
ofc you trusted jaemin but part of you feared that he might pair you up with a freak
but he’s not that mean, is he?
you can definitely see renjun doing that but not jaemin
so there you are,,
sitting on your couch alone
without jaemin, your apartment felt really empty
its been a few days since he moved and you were miserable
jaemin hasn’t even texted you about that potential roommate
just as you were about to call him,,
your doorbell rang
you froze and you looked at the time
it was nearing 11 at night and you don’t remember ordering delivery
if jaemin was here,
he would answer it for you since you would be too scared to do it
but you mustered up your courage and peeped through the peep hole
the man was dressed in all black with a black mask and a black cap with his hood over it with a black hoodie and black pants
ngl, you were terrified and trembling
he rang it again and you jumped
typing out a quick text to jaemin saying ‘hey bub, if i don’t text you in an hour, that means ive been kidnapped so call the police’
you grabbed a pan from the cupboard and gulped before you opened the door
thinking he would just walk forward and grab you, you closed your eyes and raised your pan over your head and swung
a shriek from in front of you made your eyes snap open and found the guy on the floor with a fetal position
you both just froze for like a phat minute
snapping back to reality, you held the pan in front of you
‘if youre going to kidnap me, i got a pan and im not afraid to hit you with it!’
you tried to sound intimidating but your voice was shaking so much
the guy stood up and he took off his hat and the mask to reveal a blonde haired kid
okay, so you were sHOokETh
damn! this boy is fine!
he gave you a shaky smile and held out his hand
‘hi! i’m lee jeno! you must be y/n? jaemin told me you had an opening for a roommate?’
now you noticed the two duffle bags at the side
the embaressment and the shame settled in slowly and you found yourself burning up
nodding, you motioned him to come in
jeno awkwardly walked in and was amazed at how big the layout was with the low rent
‘yea, its kinda hard to believe that we only pay that much. at first i thought there was a ghost in here and that’s why its so cheap’
you tried to make small conversation but laughed weirdly at jeno’s slightly terrified face
‘no! there really is not ghost here! ive lived here for a year and there hasnt been anything so please dont understand! please be my roommate!’
you begged and jeno thought you were weird
but jaemin was right, you were weirdly adorable in a way
so that’s how you and jeno became apartment buddies!
now onto the good stuff!
so, jeno is a vv clean guy
like he’s the type to just pick up a wrapper in the street and throw it in the garbage
so naturally, he likes to keep the apartment as tidy and neat as possible
but you being a mess you are,
you usually leave a lot of things everywhere
lets just say you have a short memory
‘oh? how did that get there?’
eventually, jeno gets sick of it and he confronts you with it
ofc you understand and you actually try to be better
since jeno is literally the most perfect roommate
maybe even better than jaemin
(but don’t tell him that)
jeno is the type to re-stock the pantry with snacks and the fridge with ice cream
since youre both college students, ramen is practically always available in the house 24/7
he also makes the coffee every morning since he works early and wakes up first
even though he doesn’t like the drink and prefers milk, he still notices how you survive off of coffee
babie likes to pick you up some iced americano while he gets a frappe
you on the other hand,,
you’re very surprised
when you got to bed after showing jeno around,
you messaged jaemin
ofc he was worried af and was blowing up your phone
‘bitch answer the damn phone!’
‘whatthe fuck is happening?!’
‘i need to know if you’re still alive!’
‘oh fuck i shouldnt have moved out’
smiling softly at how worried he was, you responded to him
‘you hoe, it hasnt been an hour yet so chillax. i’m alive, unfortunately, and i just met my new roommate. again, thanks for the heads-up. youre so bad at those. i literally thought he was a burgular or a kidnapper. but he seems chill and emo. just my type.’
but jeno is F A R from C H I L L
oh my goodness,,
hes a crackhead
theres this sound he makes when he’s confused and you couldnt figure out if its cute or weird or if he’s doing this on purpose or thats just how he is
you and him basically communicate with memes
sometimes, at the weird hours at night, he sends you a dumbass meme
you cant help but snort 
also, you promised to take jaemin out to dinner to repay him for the great roommate
‘hes literally one of the best people youll ever meet. it just so happen he needed a place to sleep. now you owe me’
hes a science major while you were a computer major
he basically brings home weird stuff to analyze and it just hella stinks
but hes considerate enough to actually put it outside
whenever he’s focused, he talks to himself or the thing he’s analyzing
‘okay mr. fishy. your scales are really big and its bigger than average’
its so cute
oof also!
jeno doesnt have a job yet he always makes rent on time with extra money to spare
he even sometimes buys you stuff saying, ‘they reminded me of you’
for your birthday, he bought you a pearl necklace that mustve costed thousands
at first, you thought he was a chaebol or smth
which you wouldve been vv jealous of bc youre a struggling college student who works at the coffee shop
but, you were answered when you caught him walking in half-dazed and half-asleep with cuts all over his face
it was like 2 in the morning and you were pulling an all-nighter for some project and wanted to get a glass of water
but here he is, hood up, lip busted, black eye, cheek cut
you shrieked and ushered him to sit on the dining chair
thinking he got mugged or something, you start drilling him questions
‘hun, if you were beat up, we need to call the police! this is illegal!’
but jeno chuckles and brushes the stray hairs out of your face as you tend to his lip
‘pls dont. if you do, ill be broke and i wont have money to pay rent then i cant be your roommate anymore’
cue confused y/n
‘if i dont make money, youll kick me out and youll have to find another roommate. i dont want you to go through that hassle again’
ofc you were flattered that even during this situation, hes still thinking about you
‘how is this making money?!’
‘i cant believe youre oblivious to so many things. i thought for sure youve caught on.’
more confusion
‘eXCUse mE, lEE JEno? since when have you started coming home with all these things in your face?’
you were worried that this wasnt the first time this happened
but if you think hard about it, thats why he always wears his mouth masks and he always has his blonde fringe down and sometimes wears sunglasses even though its cloudy outside
‘ohmygod lee jeno are you in a gang?!’
jeno was shocked that you came to that conclusion but laughed at how adorable you were rn
with your wide eyes and mouth open
‘nah, bro. i box. its the only way i can make easy money.’
‘but,,, why did you hide this from me? if you needed money i couldve helped you’
he looked at you skeptically
‘sis, you could barely afford that muffin the other day’
lee jeno now looked different from the jeno you met the first day
What you thought to be an innocent little squish was a fighter at night
‘yah, can-um-you need to take this off’
you mumbled while tugging on his sweatshirt
he nodded and slipped it off
he explained why he came late when he first moved
‘i had a late night match and yknow,, school and all, i barely had enough time to come'
as you dab the wound, you try to make small talk to distract yourself
 ‘so,, youve been boxing this whole time?’
you asked, trying not to get distracted to the way his tight shirt clung to him, showing his defined body
there were bruises up and down his arms and his knuckles were busted
‘yea. i have been since senior high. gotta make money, yknow?’
‘but jen, you can work in coffee shops or at local bookstores. its not worth seeing you busted up like this’
your lips trembled at the thought of him being beaten up too hard to the point he gets into a coma
jenos eyes widened at your wobbling lips and he softly cupped your face
‘hey, im okay and ill be fine. you dont have to worry about me. i usually win, anyways’
his confidence made you chuckle
‘i trust you, lee jeno. just make sure to make it home to me every night.’
‘i know you do and i will. always.”
ever since then,
youve become his little caretaker
youve informed jaemin of what hes been doing and he knew but didnt want you to judge him immediately
smh, jaemin really sucks at informing people
but jeno tries to help you keep up
he even sends you texts that hes fighting that night and your little ‘fighting!’ always makes him smile
his manager and friend, chenle, noticed that hes starting to smile more
chenle likes boxing and wants to be a part of it but doesnt want to be hurt
so,, what better to be the manager of his friend
‘yah, hyung. what’s got you giggly today?’
jeno pointed to the screen and giggled at the little good luck gif you sent
his eyes turned to crescents and chenle smirked
‘wah, you like her, don’t you?’
at the mention of ‘like’, his smile dropped and he shook his head
‘no. of course not. shes just a friend.’
chenle being chenle,,
he continues to prod
‘okay. so every night, you make it your priority to make sure you’re home by 2 in the morning for your friend’
smh, chenle youre so annoying
but hes so right
ever since you caught him,
hes been making sure he gets home at the same time 
he sends you a text that hes on his way and you set your ringtone at a very high volume so you wake up and take care of him
during fights, he makes it his sole mission to make out of this alive and a winner for you
but that never crossed his mind as his feelings for you
he just thought of it as making you not worry for him
but then, he starts to think about your stupid little habits
the way you make this face whenever you dont understand
or when you still leave little post-it notes everywhere with ideas you come up with
he noticed it all and he loves them
‘hOLy ShIT!’
that night was when he realized his feelings for you and he was so dedicated on finishing it that he quickly won and he dashed home with his money
bursting through the door, you looked at him with wide and startled eyes
‘what’s wrong?’
you came running but he scooped you up to a hug
ok you were confused but relieved that he was home and alright
jeno looked at your face and wanted to confess but chickened out at the sight of you
you were so good to him and honestly, he doesnt deserve you
(his thoughts, not mine)
he stuttered and you motioned him to continue
‘i won!’
he shouted and you congratulated him, even though he literally won all the time
guiding him to the chair, you began to dab his cuts
(dab that bitch)
‘im starting to think that your opponents either really suck or youre like the god of boxing’
he didnt know how to take that but blushed red at the mention of him being a ‘god of boxing’
‘nah, im just good’
you eyed him and smiled
he continued to watch you heal him and inspected your face
heavy eyebags and sunken cheeks, it mustve been a long night
he felt a pang in his chest thinking that you push your stuff away just to help him
‘you dont have to keep doing this for me, yknow’
you halt and look at him seriously
‘i know i dont. but i cant sleep at night thinking youre in pain and alone when i can be there for you’
even though he just realized it, jeno was pretty sure he fell in love with you a long time ago
but if it was possible, he fell in love with you even more
‘thank you’
his soft voice filled the silence and you vowed that you will always be there for him whenever he needs help
a few days later, jeno hasnt been to a fight
sure you were worried at what was going on in his head but partly relieved that you dont have to see him so battered anymore
but this was so un-jeno
just as you were about to talk to him about it, he announces he got a job at the bookstore down the street
‘huh? i thought you didnt want to work’
you question while he looked sheepish
‘i realized that i was starting to become a burden since you take care of me every time. so i thought i should quit and get a regular job. besides, it doesnt hurt as much’
he laughed but you didnt react
‘lee jeno, you gave up boxing and the money,,, for me?’
he nervously looked up at you and you noticed the redness of his cheeks
‘i-well-if you put it that way’
‘listen to me, im flattered and i truly love that you dont want to get beaten up anymore. but i dont want you to quit something you like because of me'
‘but you always take care of me and push your priorities away to clean me up. i dont do anything in return and i dont think its fair!’
he argued and a soft smile crept up your face
‘yah, lee jeno'
your voice became a whisper
‘it doesnt matter to me if you dont do anything in return bc i dont see this as a favor. you are mine to take care of and i will do anything for you, you understand that?’
he looked at you in shock after hearing your response
he also turned red at the mention of him being yours
‘so-but-i dont think-'
he stutters but you place your hands on his arms making him stop
‘all i ask is you to come back home, to come back to me'
by now, yall were blushing
even though it might not sound like it,
but yall just indirectly confessed to each other
yall stared at the ground and jeno looks up, biting his lip
‘hey, y/n, can i make it up to you with some coffee?’
your head darted up and looked at him with wide eyes
‘like-like a date?’
it came out suddenly and you stepped back in surprise, cursing yourself
but jeno chuckled, eyes scrunching cutely
‘it'll be one of many'
lmao i didnt really like this but i made it at 2 in the morning and i kinda like boxer!jeno
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aeronotch · 5 years
⛄ // if you dont mind! If it's too much to ask for no worries!
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Send ‘Happy Holidays! ⛄’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat! This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphic of your muse,a drabble, a playlist, a moodboard based on one of our threads, or someother goodie!  Happy Holidays! Let’s celebrate! // @pruningalaya
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
"I brought blankets, takeout, and your favourite movie. I know it won’t fix everything, but it might help." for Natsu x Sting or Gratsu if you want! 🥰❤️
@mautrino you know i’m weak for stingsu and you know it, so here’s some sappy boys
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as you wish [sting x natsu]
Natsu can tell that something’s wrong as soon as Sting texts him.
I don’t think I can make it tonight, I’m not feeling good.
It’s missing the plethora of emojis that usually follow, or the silly gif, or even a smiley face. The words are plain and unassuming and very clearly sad.
u ok? Natsu replies, one-handed as he rolls over toward the edge of the bed and feels around for a clean shirt.
Yeah just coming down with something. I’ll see you guys next week.
Natsu finally finds something that’s not dirty and tugs it on, then frowns at the words on his screen. Sting has never missed game night. He’s always there with his bright smile and an extra-large coffee, and a Tupperware of homemade cookies (with special ones on the side for Natsu that have raisins instead of chocolate chips). He’s loud and cheerful, and nearly glows with an energy that Natsu’s loved since the first time he was around it.
Natsu’s phone dings with another message. Can you let everyone else know? I don’t feel up to texting everyone.
Which is ridiculous because they have a group chat, and Sting’s usually the most talkative one in it, sending random memes and photos to brighten up everyone’s days.
Instead, Natsu sends a quick message to Gray – sting & me cant make it, can we do next tues instead? – then grabs a hoodie from the floor and heads for the door.
Sting doesn’t answer the door so Natsu lets himself in.
“Sting!” Natsu kicks off his shoes, crouching down to scratch Lector’s head as the fat orange tabby meows at him and rubs around his legs. “Where’s your human, huh, buddy?” Natsu murmurs. Lector mrowls at him, then trots down the hallway toward the living room.
The apartment is a mess. Sting’s not the neatest person, but right now it looks like a tornado’s torn through the place. Dirty dishes are piled on the counter, books are strewn across the kitchen table, and there, curled up in a miserable pile on the couch, is Sting.
“Hey, sunshine,” Natsu says gently. Sting blinks up at him, brow furrowed in confusion.
“What’re you…”
“I brought takeout.” Natsu sets the bag of Chinese food on the coffee table, then settles down on the couch next to Sting. “And your favorite movie.” He holds up a copy of ‘The Princess Bride.’
“Why…” Sting looks like he’s going to cry. Actually, he looks like he’s already been crying. “What’re you…”
“I’m sorry you’re not feeling good,” Natsu says gently. “I know this won’t make it better, but I thought—”
He’s interrupted by Sting, who is suddenly nearly in his lap with his arms wrapped around Natsu’s shoulders. Natsu relaxes into the embrace, tipping his head against Sting’s and running his fingers through the mess of blond curls.
“You’re the best,” Sting mumbles, pressing his face into the crook of Natsu’s neck. Natsu kisses Sting’s temple, shifting on the couch until he’s lying against the armrest and Sting is curled up in his arms.
“You deserve it,” he murmurs, pulling Sting close.
By the time the chow mein is finished and Buttercup and Westley are sharing the kiss that left them all behind, Sting’s smile is back. He rests contentedly against Natsu, head on his chest, fingers drawing patterns on the back of Natsu’s hands.
“Thank you,” he says softly as the credits start to roll. He shifts in Natsu’s arms so that they’re facing each other, legs tangled together, noses so close that Natsu can count his freckles.
“Always,” Natsu murmurs, then leans in so that they can share their very own pure, very passionate kiss.
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dinoyoongi · 5 years
Confirm or Deny (2)
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SYNOPSIS: You’re a member of the rising group FRNZEE. You’ve been dating Namjoon for years when Dispatch releases an article exposing your relationship. Your company confirms the relationship. Big Hit denies it.
PAIRING: Namjoon x You
GENRE: Romance, Angst
WARNINGS: Language, brief mentions of sexual situations
AUTHORS NOTE: I’m not sure how many parts this will have - I’m just going to write until I’m satisfied and break them up in chunks. Please show it some love if you like it and want more! And yes, this is inspired by the very real “scandal” between iKON’s Yunheyong and Momoland’s Daisy.
“Omg this is the biggest publicity stunt ever from Hot Star.”
“LOLLLL like Namjoon would really date her.”
“Is she delusional?? Just because they trained together, she's going to take advantage of him like that?”
“Honestly Big Hit should sue at this point. It's obvious that Hot Star is trying to profit from BTS' popularity right now.”
“Like any of the boys in BTS have time to date right now. Get real, Y/N. Nice try though.”
At some point during the slideshow of knives to your gut, you've sunk so far into your chair that your forehead nearly grazes the edge of the table. You've stopped following the words with your eyes but you can't drown out the sound of your director reading them out loud, his voice growing angrier with every click. You're so wrapped in your own misery that you don't notice when the voice stops.
“Y/N,” someone hisses from down the table. Lifting your gaze, you notice countless set of eyes glaring back at you. “This is serious. A scandal like this wouldn't put a dent in a larger company like Big Hit but for us … stocks have already fallen and we've already had two advertisers ask to replace you with another member. Are you even paying attention?”
You manage to successfully restrain yourself from unleashing the growl at the bottom of your throat. “Of course I'm paying attention. Of course I'm taking this seriously. Every K-Pop fan in the world hates me right now – how can I not pay attention?”
“Y/N, is your relationship with Namjoon serious?”
You scoff, not missing the way your director's face tightens in annoyance. As someone in the predicament that you're in right now, you know it's not best to speak so disrespectfully to the management and label. But you're unable to control your anger and your mouth, knowing that the responsibility for this lies completely on their shoulders for not consulting with you first. “Yes, I think so.”
“You think so?” a man you've never met before mocks you from the other end of the table. You watch as he rolls his eyes, muttering a lot of words so low that you can't hear them. But you do manage to make out a select few. “Delusional bitch.”
You jump from your seat with so much force that it knocks the chair backward, slamming against the floor with a loud thwack. Your manager is quick to grasp onto your arm, yanking you back before you can take any steps towards the man.
“Sit down right now,” he seethes under his breath. Using his free hand to pull the chair upright, he pulls you down into it, keeping his grip so tight on your arm that you can feel his fingernails digging painfully into your skin.
“Y/N, we had hoped that by now the controversy surrounding this would be gone but unfortunately it looks like this situation has turned into some kind of internet meme. We regret not allowing you and Namjoon the chance to sort out a story before we submitted a statement but the damage is already done. Now, about the comeback -”
You can almost feel the way your skin pales instantly.
“You can't!” you screech, suddenly alert. They would seriously punish you by canceling the comeback? The thought of the disappointed faces of your fellow members forms a lump in your throat. “The group didn't do anything wrong. Don't punish them because I-”
The director cuts you off with a hand in the air. “If you'd let me finish – it's far too late to delay the comeback. We've already recorded most of the song, the music video crew has been hired and your outfits have been ordered. Too much money has been spent at this point so the comeback will go on as scheduled -” you exhale a sigh of relief - “without you.”
There's an explosive slamming against your chest, your gut.
You breath hitches at the two words. Without you.
You've worked so hard for this comeback and now …
“Wait,” you croak, your throat suddenly feeling dry. You blink quickly, attempting to rid the pools of water building beneath your eyelids. “You're pulling me from the comeback?”
The director sighs. “At this point, our marketing team has decided that your presence would do a lot more harm than good.”
“But … but I-I've worked so hard and I-I-”
“Y/N,” your manager says gently, his grip loosening into soothing rub, moving in circles on your shoulder sympathetically. Every part of you is screaming to shove him off but you're too numb to move your limbs. All of your hard work … is this really happening right now?
“We're sorry, Y/N. We'll make sure to have this mess cleaned up for the next comeback.”
The next comeback? When would that be? It had already been seven months since you released your last EP. Would it be another seven months? A year? Longer? “But I already finished recording and-”
“We will re-record your parts with the other members. Please don't worry too much about this. Have a nice rest and work hard on regaining your image. You know what that means, don't you?”
Despite trying your absolute best not to show your vulnerability to these men, you can't help the lone tear that slides down your cheek. Of course you know what that means. “You don't want me to see Namjoon anymore.”
“I imagine he won't want to see you anymore either,” the pig from down the table chuckles. The director shoots the man a quick glare before switching his features back to sympathy. None of it feels authentic at all.
“We just need to you lay low, okay? Cheer the girls on from behind the scenes. You'll get to shine next time, okay?”
Lay low.
Behind the scenes.
Next time.
With a polite smile on your face, you rise as stiff as a robot, bowing curtly before turning and escaping from the room. Your manager is saying words, talking so quickly, but you can't hear him. There's a pain from inside your chest that has you pounding your fist against the top of your breast bone with a firm pressure.
Is this what a broken heart feels like?
Hours later, you lay awake with a throbbing heart and bloodshot eyes. Your gaze is focused on the telephone sitting on the dresser next to your bed. After passing out a few days ago, your manager turned your phone off to stop the incessant buzzing. Phone calls from family and friends, text messages from fellow idols, alerts from Naver and Google of articles containing your name … it was all too much. You haven't spoken to Namjoon since hanging up with him that day and despite your relationship being the blame for everything falling apart, you long for his embrace more than anything in the entire world right now.
Reaching a hand to the device, you press the button in to turn it on. It springs to life almost immediately, lighting up with countless notifications. 59 unread text messages. 34 missed phone calls. 23 new voicemails. 49 new web results containing your name.
Namjoon's name sits atop of the results, as if your phone knew exactly what you needed.
Please call me. I'm freaking out. I don't know any of your members numbers. If you don't call me soon, I'm going to come over there.
The text was sent last night. You don't know if Namjoon is being serious or not, but you sit up and press the call icon next to his name anyway. He answers almost immediately. “Y/N? Is this you? Why haven't you been answering your phone?”
You pause, unable to find your voice. “Y/N?”
“I had to turn it off, Namjoon. I couldn't handle what they were saying.”
He groans, long and pained. “How did this happen, Sweets? Why did you tell them to confirm that we were dating?”
Listening close enough, it almost sounds as if he's accusing you of something. With your guard up so high, you latch on to it, your pride shoving away any kind of desires. “Excuse me? Why did you tell them to deny that we were?”
“Sweets, I know we've always talked about going public but now is not the time. The Grammys are announcing nominations in the next day or so and-”
“The Recording Academy doesn't give a shit about who you're dating, Namjoon. America doesn't … doesn't take away deserved success based on something so trivial,” you say, your voice cracking as you remember your own opportunities being stolen from you so easily earlier today. “And for your information, I didn't tell them to confirm our relationship. They didn't even speak with me about it. Did Big Hit … did they ask you? Did you tell them to deny it?”
There's a deafening silence on the other end of the line for what feels like an eternity. “I didn't have a choice. I had to think of the boys first.”
You gulp, nodding your head even though he can't see you.
Although you harbor nothing but love, friendship and respect for the other members of BTS, you knew that Namjoon's loyalty was often split between you and them. Working hard in your group, there were times when you completely understood his devotion to them. They were a team, a family. They've worked so hard to get to where they're at and Namjoon can't let a personal scandal – you, you're the scandal – take any of that away. But what about you? You've known Namjoon as long as Yoongi and Jin have. You've been just as close – even closer – to him. You've been his driving force and he has been yours.
So why is it only BTS? Why can't Namjoon find space in his loyalty for you as well?
You decide that's an argument for another day.
“Did they tell you not to see me anymore?” you ask quietly, fingers picking at the fabric of your blanket. He sighs and you know that's a definite yes.
“It's what they told me, yes. But I don't plan on listening. There's nothing in my contract that says I can't date. Did they tell you not see me?”
“They did.”
“Joonie, can you come over?” you ask, unable to disguise the sob in your voice. “I know it's a really bad idea right now with everything going on but I need to see you. Please.”
He sighs heavily and you have a strong suspicion that he's trying to generate a reason to deny your request. In the end, he relents. “I'll be over in fifteen. Do you need anything? Are you members okay with me being there?”
“I don't need anything but you and my members have all gone to learn choreography.”
“Why didn't you go with them?” The surprise in his tone is palpable. You ignore it.
“I'll see you soon. I love you,” you mumble, ending the call before he can say anything. Glancing up at your reflection in the vanity mirror across the room, you sigh. Has there ever been a time that you've looked worst than this? You try to think back but you honestly can't recall. Red skin, puffy eyes, hair greasy and thrown up in a messy bun, oversized sweatpants and one of Namjoon's giant hoodies. Should you change your clothes? Put some make-up on?
In the end, you decide to settle for quickly washing your hair in the bathroom sink. If you expect Namjoon to wrap you up in arms later, you don't want it to be spoiled with an inhalation of dirty hair. By the time you've finished drying the ends with a towel, the doorbell rings. The security camera confirms that it's Namjoon, clad in all black with his chin dipped down and an oversized face mask hiding his features. You buzz him in and he bustles in within seconds, pausing to glance around every corner warily before closing the door behind him.
He's not even completely turned towards you when you lunge, wrapping both arms around his neck and tucking your face into the crook of his neck. He's startled at first, stumbling backwards a few steps before he steadies himself and slowly melts into you. His long arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. You hate the way your muscles immediately relax as your face presses against the warmth of his neck. You hate how the colossal rainstorm in your chest fades into a lulling drizzle when he rocks back and forth on his heels, swaying both of your bodies. You hate how for this brief pocket of time, you manage to forget anything and everything except Namjoon and how undeniably, distressingly in love with him you are.
You don't realize you're crying until Namjoon is lifting your chin, using the pads of his thumbs to gently wipe away the moisture on your cheeks. You watch his dimples as they deepen with his frown, surveying the damage done to your face. “Sweets, you've been crying. What happened? Did management go hard on you?”
You dump your face back into his neck, muffling your voice. “I don't want to talk about it.”
You hear him sigh before you're suddenly swept over your feet, squealing in surprise when he begins to carry you to the couch. He sits gently, lowering you onto his lap. His hand reaches up to press your the side of your face against his chest. “We need to talk about it. We need to be on the same page if we're going to get through this, okay?”
“Namjoon, if this is too hard … if being with me is going to cause you-”
“No,” he protests sternly. “We're not going down that road. Like I said, there is nothing in my contract that says I can't date. Besides, BTS is kind of … well, we're huge right now. They wouldn't even touch the idea of messing with that.”
You want to giggle at his words because he often has these moments of being rightfully cocky and you absolutely love it, but a bucket of cold, hard reality washes over you when you remember why you were in such desperate need of cuddles in the first place.
“Namjoon?” you mumble into the fabric of his sweater. He hums in response, his hand coming to glide soothingly along your spine. “They pulled me from the comeback.”
His fingers stop moving. He cranes his neck to look at your face directly and it suddenly makes sense why you're with him and not your group right now. Now that he's looking for it, he can see the devastation on your face. He knew how important this comeback was to you, how excited you were and how hard you had worked. Namjoon recalls a dinner date a few weeks ago in which you confessed all about your daydreams and visions that this song was the song for FRNZEE. You had already pictured yourself and the other members taking home your first music show trophy after three long years of insanely hard work, high expectations and even higher disappointments. Namjoon wanted it so badly for you. He knew that if your confidence and pride for this comeback meant anything, it's that you were sure to finally find some of the success you deserve.
The fact that Namjoon has played a part in destroying that for you is killing him.
“Sweets … Baby, I'm so sorry,” he croaks. You smile sadly when you notice his eyes go glassy. “Is there anyone from your management I can speak to? Do you think my team can try to convince yours to let you back in?”
Your snort sarcastically. “I'm supposed to be staying away from you, remember?”
“We're not letting them break us apart, Y/N. I meant that. We'll get through this, okay? With the way this industry has been going lately, it's only a matter of time before another drug scandal comes out and our story will be forgotten by the media.”
You lean your head back against his chest, nodding in agreement. There's a comfortable silence between the two of you. Namjoon is great with words but he's also wonderful with expressing himself through gestures. The fingers tapping along your spine, his lips grazing against the crown of your head, his foot gently kicking yours as they dangle together. You're okay. I love you. Stay strong. He says the most when he doesn't say anything.
“Sweets, do you want to just join BTS as the eighth member?”
It's such an absurd thing to say that you can't help but laugh loudly. The sound makes Namjoon's chest swell in relief. “No, seriously. We can move Jungkook to the rap line and you can take his place as a vocalist. I know you could keep up with the choreography plus imagine how great it'd be for me to see you in your tiny workout clothes every time we practiced.”
You laugh again, shoving his shoulder. “That would mean the rest of the boys would get to enjoy me in my tiny workout clothes as well. Does that still sound like a good idea to you?”
He hums in consideration. “Okay, new plan. Hear me out – you and I have our own practice sessions and-”
“You're being ridiculous,” you giggle but play along. “How about I join you in a sub-unit? I think we'd go pretty well together and we'd get all the private practice sessions we want.”
His grin is dazzling as he leans closer into you, giving you those hooded eyes that usually mean he's up to no good. “I think that's the best idea you've ever had, Sweets. Should we start a practice session right now?”
You push yourself up to meet him halfway, your lips skimming his. “I don't have any tiny workout clothes with me though.”
“What a shame. I guess you'll just have to wear no clothes at all,” he quips smoothly before closing the gap between your lips, his tongue slipping through to hurriedly deepen the kiss. Twisting your body around on the soft, you find yourself straddling his lap again, your hands gripping his shoulders to keep you steady. He already has your shirt off and thrown to the floor when his phone begins to ring. Tearing his lips from yours, he groans when he pulls the device out of his pocket and sees Jin's name, tossing it to the side before returning his attention to your waiting lips. The second time the phone rings, his shirt has been discarded and you were drafting circles around a vein on his jugular with your tongue. Glancing at the screen, you sigh. “It's Jin again. Maybe you should see what he wants.”
He groans, louder this time before swiping to answer the call. “Jin, somebody better be dead or dying over there. What do you need?”
You're absentmindedly tracing the raised skin on one of his abs when he jolts upright, nearly knocking you off of his lap. The look on his face is hard to decipher. Shock? Fear? Disbelief?
“Joonie, what happened? Is everyone okay?” you whisper frantically, leaning in close to the phone. You can hear Jin garbling out words though you can't understand what they are. “Is Jin crying? Namjoon, what's going on?”
When he doesn't answer, you snatch the phone from his hand. “Jin? This is Y/N. Can you tell me what's going on? Jin? Kim Seokjin, are you there?” There's no answer. When you glance at the screen, you notice the call has long since ended.
“We did it,” your boyfriend mumbles in awe. You frown in confusion.
“What did you do?”
“Grammy … the Grammys announced nominations and … we …”
Oh my god. You rest your hands on his chest to propel yourself up as you look at him. Beneath your fingers, his skin vibrates with the quick pounding of his heart.
“Was BTS nominated for a Grammy?”
“Three,” he says, finally breaking out of his trance to lock eyes with you. “Three Grammys. We're nominated for three fucking Grammys, Sweets.”
His wide eyes matching your wide eyes, you both take a second to process this news before you break, leaping off of the couch. He howls in joy and you scream in excitement, scooping you up in his arms and twirling you in celebratory circles around the living room.
“Oh my god, you did it. Joonie, I'm so proud of you. K-pop at the Grammys! Joonie, you're marking milestones here!”
“I'm shaking,” he confesses, holding his arm out to show you his quivering arm. “I can't believe this is really happening. The boys and I … oh shit – the boys.”
“Sweets, I have to go,” he says, his excitement suddenly wavering. His eyes move toward his phone on the couch, where it lights up with Jimin's name. You're sure that in the midst of your happy twirls, his phone has probably displayed the names of all six other members. “I want to stay and celebrate with you but ...”
“No way,” you force a laugh, mustering the most convincing grin you can. “I know the boys probably have champagne waiting for you. Go celebrate! Give my congrats to the rest of the boys, okay?”
Namjoon doesn't buy it. There's a war in his mind, an overwhelmingly large side telling him that it's only right to be with the rest of the members at a time like this. It's a moment that he's going to remember for this rest of his life – shouldn't he share that memory with the other six that helped make it happen? Another part of his mind screams for him to stay here with you. You have always been the one that brought him up from his pessimism. You have always been the one that forced him to envision a day where something like this would happen for him. Why shouldn't you be the one that shares this memory with him?
In the end, he's gathering his things and saying goodbye to you at your door with a soft kiss and promise of tomorrow. As the car disappears from view, he doesn't see your crestfallen face or the lone tear that drops to the grass at your feet. You didn't expect him to stay nor did you want to him to stay – of course he should be with his members at a time like this. What you didn't expect was the sense of finality that took Namjoon's place in the air around you. You were obscenely happy for him so why … why does something not feel right?
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wewillwriteyou · 5 years
No turning back - part 2 || Ben Hardy (SMUT)
Read PART 1 first!
Summary: A week after the weekend away, Ben and Y/N deal with the consequences of their actions.
Pairing: Ben x fem!reader
Word count: 5.4 k+
Warnings: ANGST I let my hand slip oops, some language what’s new?, SMUT under the cut!, 18+, protected sex (always stay safe folks), references to cheating, and FLUFF cause we all need some
A/N: FOLKS! You requested it and we complied 😏 Here we are with the sequel to No Turning Back! We just wanna thank you all for your kind messages and comments, they made us so happy 💗 We hope you’ll like part 2, it’s a little longer and a little angstier, but we hope you’ll forgive us for that. Enjoy folks! And let us know what you think! 
GIF credits: @bens-hardy
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You rapidly stepped off the bus and reached for your purse, hearing your phone ringing.
Ben’s name appeared on the screen and a small smile lit up your face, nerves right beneath your skin.
“Hey there” you faltered.
“Hey, Y/N” Ben’s voice was raspy on the other side of the phone. He had probably just woken up.
“I just wanted to check in with you,” he said “How are you?”
“I’m good” you answered, still not sure where he was going with it.
“Are you coming to Joe’s birthday party tonight?” you queried.
“Of course” you could hear him smiling on the other side and you couldn’t help yourself but smile as well.
“Great, so I guess I’ll meet you there?” you asked, the phone nearly dropping from your grip between your head and your shoulder as you walked by the sidewalk.
“Yeah, I wanted to come and pick you up, but I think it’s best if we meet there”
Your jaw clenched and you felt the knot at the pit of your stomach tighten. You couldn’t help yourself. You had to know.
“Have you talked to her?”
You didn’t need to mention her name. He knew.
Silence from the other side.
Crossing the street at a rapid pace, you huffed “Ben?”
“Yeah yeah, I’m here” he said in a low voice and you could barely hear him with all the traffic that surrounded you.
He sighed “No, I haven’t” he admitted.
“Christ, Ben, you are unbelievable” you uttered, lowering your voice as you climbed the stairs to your office. You wanted to shout and yell at him - not that you hadn’t already – but you forced it all down.
Sadly, I’m good at this, you thought.
“I know I know” he grunted and sighed again and you were ready to hear another excuse from him.
“Listen, I called her twice yesterday and three times the day before but she wouldn’t answer!” he practically shouted in your ear “What do you expect me to do? I don’t wanna seem desperate”
“But you ARE desperate, Ben” you huffed angrily. “Please promise me you’ll talk to her before the party tonight. Please.”
He grumbled irritated “Fine, I will” he conceded “Though, I don’t think she’ll wanna hear what I have to say”
You shut your eyes for an instant and inhaled deeply “I know, it’s not gonna be easy. But we have to do this”
You shook your head, ruffling up your purse searching for your badge “I think we’ve been reckless enough, we at least have to try and fix things at best”
You knew awfully well this was not ‘fixing things’ but rather trying to get out of a terrible mistake you’d made.
“It’s interesting how you always say ‘we’ but the one who’s gonna have to talk her it’s me”
As much as you were used to his harsh manners when he was nervous, this hit something in you that put you on the verge of yelling at him.
“Oh I’m sorry, do you want me to tell your girlfriend what we did on Friday? Please hand me the phone, I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to talk to me” you snapped, your voice louder than it should have been. You noticed people furrowing and turning in your direction.
“Well, we should tell her this. After all it takes two to do what we did…” he scoffed.
You halted your walking, incredulous of what he had just said.
“I cannot believe you are blaming it on me” you fumed, tears stinging in your eyes.
For half a second you pondered whether to tell him or not, but rage won over reason.
“You know what, Ben? Go to hell” you breathed “Come find me when you have the balls to take your faults”
“C’ mon Y/N, I –”
You hung up the phone and fished it into your pocket.
Walking down the corridor, you reached your office and locked the door behind you, sliding on the ground against it.
You closed your eyes, trying to flush back tears. All that you had feared would have happened, was actually happening.
You virtually slapped yourself for having been so reckless that night: if you had just imposed yourself, none of this would be happening. You would be eating your feelings for Ben as usual and he would be off with Liza living their lives.
Instead, you had let yourself be overcome by emotion, passion, desire and all that crap and you had screwed up everything.
But that was not the worst thing.
That night at Rami’s house you and Ben promised yourselves you would have kept it a secret between the two of you.
You two had made the mess and it was your duty to clean it. You decided he would have talked to Liza to break up once and for all and you would have acted like nothing had happened. The two of you would have kept apart for some time, waiting for the waters to settle.
That’s why, when Lucy and the boys had come home that night, they had found you curled up on the sofa by the fire, the tv still on, and Ben in the other room, sleeping in Joe’s bed with one of his t-shirts on, his clothes drying by the fire.
You had your eyes closed but you were not sleeping, ears pricking up to witness their reaction.
“Do you think they did it?” Joe whispered to no one in particular.
You felt Luce’s hand on your shoulder and the blanket being laid on your body, probably by Rami.
“I don’t know…” she answered “I wonder if I did the right thing sending him here”
You could hear her the concern in her voice and you had to force yourself not to smile. You thought you couldn’t wait to tell her the truth.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of pancakes and you trailed off to the kitchen to find four pairs of eyes staring at you and seconds after, you saw them shifting to something behind you.
Turning around, you were not surprised to see Ben standing beside you. You smiled to him as if nothing had happened and he returned the smile, leaning down to place a kiss on your temple, before walking up to Lucy and doing the same.
The guys furrowed and you could tell even Lucy was perplexed.
If it wasn’t such a serious situation, you would have cracked up in a few seconds. Unexpectedly, you two were quite good at acting as if nothing had happened between the two of you and the awkwardness faded out soon after, mainly thanks to Joe
“So now they get a kiss, but I don’t?” he acted offended and you all chuckled.
Ben rolled his eyes and leaned down to kiss his cheek, you and Lucy going ‘aww’ and Rami still giggling.
“Well if he gets one…” Gwilym jumped in and poked his own cheek, gesturing Ben to kiss him as well.
The blond huffed, but had a wide smile on his face as he pecked his cheek.
He turned to Rami with his eyebrows raised “Now I guess you’ll want one too”
“Well of course, darling” he replied doing his best Freddie impression to pull off that ‘darling’.
“I don’t think I got mine right, could we do it again?” Joe turned to Ben again with a wide smirk on his face.
“Alright, enough of this!” Ben chuckled “I’ll kiss you again goodnight”
You all chuckled and somehow avoided talking about the elephant in the room for the next two days you stayed at Rami’s.
You all turned back to your jobs on Monday and besides a few texts from Luce and memes from Joe, you didn’t talk to any of them.
Ben had called a few times and there was always some kind of tension between the two of you, the fear of getting caught and the guilt of what you had done, eating you alive.
After the kiss on the temple that morning, you two had not touched, not even by mistake, afraid you could mess everything up even more.
You always tried to be positive, thinking everything will eventually be solved and you could be back in his arms again in a matter of time.
But sitting there in your office with your head resting on your knees, you couldn’t feel more alone.
If his reaction that morning meant he was having second thoughts about the two of you, you didn’t know what you would have done.
Why hadn’t he talked to Liza yet? If she didn’t answer his calls, why hadn’t he showed up at her apartment? Was he actually having second thoughts?
What was more frustrating was knowing that you couldn’t even talk to Lucy about all this cause she was not supposed to know anything.
Sniffling and wiping away a lonely tear that had slid down your cheek, you got up to finally start working, letting your computer absorb you completely and trying not to think about the whole situation.
Before you could acknowledge it, you were leaving your office and heading home to get ready for Joe’s party.
The thought of calling in sick passed by your head at least three times on the way home, but you repeated yourself you shouldn’t ‘punish’ Joe for a mess you’d made and for problems concerning your personal life.
You decided to focus on your dress and makeup and think of it as a regular party with your friends. You opted for your favourite dress, the one you had bought with Lucy on a crazy shopping afternoon after she had got the news Bohemian Rhapsody had been nominated for Best Actor and Best Cast.
You smiled remembering that day and what a joy you had felt for her and for her friends.
You decided to wear heels as well, but prepared a pair of spare, comfortable snickers to wear during the drive till Joe’s house.
Fixing your hair one last time, you checked yourself out in the mirror and painted a smile on your face.
What an actress, you thought to yourself, it almost seems real.
You picked up the car keys and closed the door behind you.
The parking lot outside the building to Joe’s apartment was already full so you roamed around the block to finally park in front of a small villa. Walking towards the building’s lodge, you could feel the tension spreading through your body: as much as you hated to admit it, you were thrilled with anticipation to see Ben.
You could hear the music blasting from the corridor and you smiled to yourself realizing it was Radio Ga Ga. The door to the apartment was unlocked and a sign on it said ‘Happy 35th Birthday, Joe’. Except the 3 in 35 was crossed out.
So it actually read ‘Happy 5th Birthday, Joe’.
Shaking your head and giggling, you opened the door and you were surprised by the number of people Joe had invited. There were some of his previous co-stars, somebody you recognised being from the crew of Bohemian Rhapsody and a lot of people you had no idea who they were.
Someone from your left shouted and before you could turn yourself in their direction, you were wrapped in Lucy’s arms.
“Hi Luce” you chuckled “you’re choking me, doll”
She pulled away giggling and you figured she’d already had a few drinks.
“Where are the guys?” you shouted above the music.
“I lost them as soon as I arrived. Joe’s probably in the kitchen fixing drinks like a perfect host”
You chuckled again “Then I’ll go find the bartender”
She laughed with you and trailed behind you as you made your way through the crowd.
Joe was in fact in the kitchen, Rami and Gwilym by his side, all of them laughing and entertaining a group of people you had never seen.
When Joe looked distractedly in your direction he winked at you and excused himself, the guys doing the same and walking up to you.
“Where’s my birthday boy?” you jokingly said, pinching his cheek.
He laughed and pulled you in for a hug “Thank you for coming” he said to your ear.
When you pulled away, you furrowed “Did you have doubts?” you tried to joke.
Joe chuckled a bit and you caught Gwilym and Rami exchanging a faint glance.
“Is there something I don’t know?” you questioned, already trying to figure out why they seemed so worried.
Joe glanced at Lucy and she nodded, Rami by her side cleared his throat.
You scooped your gaze among them all “Guys, what happened? You’re scaring me…”
Joe sighed “I think Ben’s coming tonight”
You smiled and let out a sigh of relief “I know, Joe, he’s told me –”
“With Liza” he added.
Your smile faded in an instant. You felt like a glass being shattered on the floor. Like a brick wall being torn down by a wrecking ball. Like they were drowning all your blood away.
It couldn’t be. He couldn’t have done that to you. Not after all you’d been through to keep your secret. You didn’t want to believe he had actually gone back to her.
You wanted to scream, to shout, to cry and run away.
You smiled again “Yeah, I figured… She’s his girlfriend, after all, isn’t she?” you faked a small chuckle and your friends went along, not knowing what else to say.
“Are you okay?” Lucy placed a hand on your shoulder and you swiftly turned in her direction with the same fake, small smile as before.
You nodded “Sure I’m okay, Luce” you said with the most normal voice you could pull off “So, bartender” you turned to Joe “will you fix me a drink?”
Joe smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders “Of course, babe, c’ mon”
They all followed you towards the kitchen and you stayed there most of the evening, Joe and Gwilym being the souls of the party: they entertained the people in the room with all kinds of stories about the behind the scenes moments of the movie, Rami jumping in from time to time.
Being there amongst your closest friends, leaning against the counter with Gwilym’s arm around your shoulders and Lucy holding your hand, you felt safe.
You were genuinely having fun, thinking about Ben and Liza only every five minutes and checking the clock only every two.
You felt a gentle squeeze of your shoulder and Gwilym leaning down to you “Y/N, time won’t pass any faster if you keep checking” he whispered.
You nudged him in the stomach and slightly giggled, feeling like relaxing for the first time that night.
Unfortunately the feeling didn’t last long.
You spotted a mass of blond hair you would have recognised among millions. His gaze met yours and suddenly you were alone in the room. His lips curved into a smile and you could have sworn you saw his eyes sparkling.
You wouldn’t know what your face looked like in that very moment but in your head there was anger, confusion and, honestly, relief.
He was alone when he made his way through the group of people to reach the five of you and you felt a tiny glimmer of hope in your heart.
He hugged Joe and ruffled his hair, wishing him happy 5th birthday, making him blush and everybody laugh. He hugged Gwil and Rami as well and kissed Lucy on the cheek.
When it came to you, he stood himself in front of you, one hand in the pocket of his pants and the other rubbing the back of his neck. He looked around trying to think of what to say.
You straightened your posture and looked up to him, trying to read his eyes.
After a while he let out a chuckle “I’m sorry I forgot all the things I wanted to say.”
You gave him a small smile, but kept a serious expression “So find other words”.
Gwil chuckled at your reply and Ben flashed him a disapproving look.
“Look, can we go somewhere… private?” he said, tilting his head towards the corridor.
It was clear your friends were listening to everything you were saying and after scooping your gaze among them all, you nodded taking Ben’s hand and following him out of the kitchen.
You could have sworn you’d hear Joe shouting ‘Be safe!’, but you shook your head, focusing only on the man holding your hand.
Ben led you to the guest room and closed the door behind him. You sat on the bed, hands fidgeting in your lap, and he sat next to you, shoulder against shoulder.
“I don’t know where to start” he chortled.
“You could start with ‘I’m sorry’. That always works” you replied sarcastically.
He lightly chuckled “Fair enough”
Adjusting himself on the bed, he turned towards you “I really am sorry, Y/N. This morning I was an arsehole and I deserve your fury” he admitted brushing a hand through his hair “Just know that I don’t really think those things”
“Then why’d you say them?” you interrupted him.
He looked down “I was… nervous. For talking to Liza, for the party tonight, for a lot of things that were keeping me on edge and I – I don’t know why I said those things”
“Did you tell Joe you were coming with Liza?” you changed subject.
He furrowed his brows “How do you –”
“Because he told me, that’s fucking why” you placed your hands on your face, elbows resting on your knees “You should have seen the look in their eyes when he told me… They pitied me. I could feel that”
Ben looked down at his hands fidgeting in his lap “I’m sorry, I had spoken to Joe yesterday and when he asked if I’d be coming with Liza I didn’t want to raise any suspects so I just grumbled a yes and that was it. Believe me, Y/N, I never thought for a second of going back.”
As he said that he grabbed your hands in his, forcing you to face him. You winced at the touch. Looking into his eyes, you could see he was haunted by your same mixture of feelings.
“Why didn’t you tell me this morning?” you inevitably asked.
“I wanted to, but the conversation went in another direction…” he rubbed his thumb over your palm, sending shivers down your spine.
“Are you blaming it on me again?” you whispered, a glint of sarcasm in your voice.
He chuckled lightly, shaking his head.
“There was… uhm… another thing I wanted to tell you” he said, lightly squeezing your hands.
You squeezed his right back “And what is it?”
Your heart was pounding in your chest for the anticipation.
“I talked to Liza” he finally said.
You lifted an eyebrow “Okay…” you replied, encouraging him to continue. The wait was killing you slowly.
“She did not take it well” he continued, serious as you had never seen him before “She yelled about how she had always known it’d end up like this and that it was why she didn’t want us hanging out in the first place”
His eyes were staring at the pattern of the blanket underneath you.
“She said all I did was hurting her” he went on “That I never actually loved her and, well, at last she told me to go fuck myself”
You couldn’t contain a chuckle, but you immediately stopped yourself “I’m sorry that isn’t funny, I’m sorry” you placed a hand on his knee.
“No it kind of is, actually” he lightly chuckled as well “I pretty much summarised everything she said”
“And what did you say?” you found yourself asking.
“That I like someone else” he simply said, looking up into your eyes. His normally green eyes were now a strange mixture of blue and green, due to the moonlight lighting them up from the window.
It was like looking at him for the first time again, when those eyes had captured yours and your heart had missed a beat.
“And I cannot do anything about it” he added “I tried to forget her, but she just stuck into my mind”
You smiled widely “That’s what you said?”
He nodded.
“So she doesn’t know what actually happened on Friday?” you asked.
He shook his head.
“But why?”
He smiled as well scooching closer to you and placing a hand on your cheek.
“I figured it was best if she yelled to only one of us…” he grinned seeing your incredulous face “After all, it was not worth it having her yell at you as well”
You were out of words: he had actually taken all the blame, knowing fully well that both of you had made that mess. You knew he had done it to apologize for the conversation you’d had in the morning and you didn’t know how to thank him.
“Ben I-” you started.
“Shh-” he placed a finger on your lips “I don’t wanna hear it right now”.
He placed his hand on your cheek again and pulled you in for a tender kiss.
God, how much you had miss him.
You parted and looked straight into his eyes “So… we have… no more ties holding us back?” you asked sheepishly.
Ben grinned wide and nodded “That’s right, love”.
You grinned as well, bringing your hand to brush his hair off his face.
In an instant, Ben’s lips were on yours again. His hands roamed down your back and on your hips, while yours wandered through his hair.
In a swift move, Ben rolled you on your back and hovered you, without breaking the kiss. He perched himself on an elbow, while his hand slid down your to side, caressing your hip and sliding down your thigh.
“Why don’t we take this off?” he leered in your ear pulling up your dress on one side.
You smiled against his lips “I thought you’d never ask”
You rolled on one side so that he could unzip the dress and help you climb out of it. You caught him taking a moment to take in your body and its curves and saw his eyes going a shade darker than usual.
He hovered you again, your hands roaming around his still fully clothed back and his cupping your breast above your bra.
“You are wearing too many clothes” you whispered to his ear, making him chuckle lightly right after.
He kneeled back on the bed and you sat up with him. He started unbuttoning his shirt, but you stopped him by pulling his hands away.
He looked confused, until you roamed a hand up and down his chest, before unbuttoning it yourself, slowly and gently, without breaking eye contact.
He grinned and inched closer, as you worked his shirt “I have no idea how hot this is” he said in your ear then proceeded in leaving wet, sloppy kisses down your neck and jawline.
You giggled at the feeling, before becoming serious again “Trust me, I know”.
You pulled his shirt out of his pants and down his shoulders, uncovering his perfectly sculpted chest and abs. Sliding a hand down his chest, you stopped right above his belt, looking at him. He had shut his eyes and his head was slightly tilted back in pleasure.
He opened them when you stopped your hands, just to smirk widely and pull you in for another kiss, pushing your back down the mattress.
Your hands slid down his sides to meet again on his belt and unbuckle it quickly. You fidgeted with the buttons of his pants and pulled them open with ease.
“You are incredible” he whispered on your neck, as he nibbled at your skin “I’ve missed you so much”
You smiled, helping him out of his pants “I’ve missed you too”
You kissed his lips again, rolling both of you on the mattress, so that Ben was now on his back and you were straddling him, your chest flushed against each other.
Almost by chance, you brushed your core against his boxers, earning a hushed groan from him. His briefs were painfully tight around his hard length and your hips brushing against it, drove him literally crazy.
“Y/N, I could come right here if you keep doing that” he chuckled and you blushed vividly.
“So now you’re shy?” he joked, wrapping his arms around you and flipping you both on the mattress.
You giggled at the sudden move “Arsehole” you breathed, inches from his face, before kissing him softly again.
Unexpectedly, he brought a hand between your thighs and gently moved your panties by one side, sliding a finger inside you.
You gasped, breathing for the air that had escaped your lungs. He steadied a slow pace and you could swear it was a dangerously pleasant kind of torture.
“Ben. Ben I-” you hushed a moan threatening to escape your lips a bit too loud. He had the cockiest smirk on his face and it was driving you crazy.
He removed his hand, leaving you feeling suddenly empty. You took the chance to roll him over again and kiss him harshly against the soft mattress. You trailed down his jawline and down his chest, till you reached the elastic band of his briefs, tugging it down and looking up to him.
“Not so shy now, uh?” you teased him and slowly pulled down his briefs letting his hard cock spring free.
“Fuck you’re so hot right now” he brushed a hand through his hair, the other running to stroke himself. But you pulled his hand away, grabbing him with your own, and climbing back on him, you began stroking him while ghosting your lips on his.
He groaned, overwhelmed by your initiative, and bucked into your touch. Wrapping his arms behind your back, he unhooked your bra and tossed it on the floor where the rest of your clothing was laying.
“Y/N,” he grunted “Y/N, we should be quick or they’ll wonder where we are”
“Let them wonder” you whispered seductively in his ear, squeezing your hand tighter around his shaft.
Ben’s chuckles ended in a loud groan and some muttered swearing. You loved thinking you were doing this to him and he was such a mess because of you.
“Fuck,” he hissed “Y/N, you’re too good at this”
You smiled against his lips and unexpectedly ground your hips against his, making him moan your name again.
“Enough” Ben scoffed, excitement running wild through his veins. He rolled you over and swiftly pulled down your panties, throwing them away. He picked up his pants and took a condom out of his wallet.
You raised an eyebrow “You go around with condoms in your wallet?”
“You never know when you’ll need it” he cockily answered.
“Ah, ever the gentleman” you said, letting out a shaky giggle. You pulled him down to hover you and placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose “You’ll never cease to impress me, Hardy”
He smirked closing the distance between the two of you in a long, passionate kiss. He slid a hand down your thighs to spread them apart and position himself in the middle.
He looked into your eyes one more time as if to ask if you were fine. He smiled when you nodded and pulled him down to kiss you again. He slowly slid into you and you both suffocated your moans in each other’s mouths.
Ben started at a slow pace, taking his time to savour every second, every breath you took and every kiss you gave him. You were absolutely lost into him, into his scent, his movements and the soft, sloppy kisses he was trailing down your neck.
The knot at the pit of your stomach started tightening and you knew you were close; Ben’s thrusts became erratic and you started moving your hips to match this new pace.
Suddenly, your walls clenched and you felt your climax washing over you, wiping away the control over your moans. Ben came right after, releasing in the condom and collapsing on your side.
You were both panting erratically when, out of the blue, it dawned on you that you were in Joe’s guest room. You brought a hand over your face and let out a chuckle, Ben turned to you with a wide grin.
“What’s funny?” he asked, leaving a small kiss on your shoulder.
You turned your face to him and bent forward, till you were inches away from his nose.
“It’s nothing… I just realised where we are right now” you chuckled, kissing the tip of his nose.
He closed his eyes and smiled at the tenderness of the gesture “I was trying to tell you before but you wouldn’t listen…” he whispered, cocking an eyebrow.
You smirked, feeling a little red blush on your cheeks. His heart warmed seeing you all shy now, after what you had done minutes before.
“What were your exact words?” he teased, placing a finger on his lip, pretending to think about it “Let them wonder” he mocked you, using the best seductive voice he could.
Now you were blushing vividly and he chuckled, clearly amused by your reaction. You punched him on the shoulder, but that made him only laugh more.
Biting your lip, you swiftly climbed on top of him, pushing his hands above his head and pinning them against the mattress. You bent down and locked your lips to his, feeling his hands roam on your back.
When you pulled away, he had a wide grin on his face and glint of excitement in his eyes. That smile was twisting your interiors and making your heart flutter in your chest. You had never been so grateful for having a person in your life. You could feel your heart burst with joy at the only thought of having him for yourself: among all the people in the world, that cheeky blond dork had chosen you. You.
You stayed there, staring into each other’s eyes, for a while. You on top of him and him brushing a hand on your side, sending shivers down your spine, and the other on your cheek. You had huge smiles on your faces, both contemplating the other and thinking to yourselves how grateful you were to have the other person in your life.
You kissed softly and tenderly.
Nobody said a word, but in that kiss were held all the promises of the future and the apologies for the time you had lost. In that moment, you knew you loved him. You didn’t need to say it out loud. He could hear you. And you could feel he thought the same.
When you parted, you couldn’t stop smiling. Not even when you got up from the bed and tucked the blankets down to clean up the mess you’d made. Not even when you put your clothes back on and he helped you into your dress. Not even when you kissed one more time before leaving the room and heading back to your friends.
He held your hand all through the corridor, till the living room, where there were a lot less people then when you had left it.
You immediately spotted Lucy’s blond hair, sitting on the couch on Rami’s lap. From across the room, she had to look into your eyes just once to know.
She flashed you a smile and a wink, that caught the attention of Joe and Gwil, sitting in front of her with their backs in your direction.
As you got closer Ben’s hand left yours and found your lower back, letting you walk one step ahead of him. It took a second for Joe and Gwil to turn and scan your faces, that were probably still smiling bright like the sun.
You saw their eyes going wide and a playful smirk appearing on Joe’s face. Gwilym rolled his eyes and fumbled in his rear pocket to fish out his wallet.
“Fuck” he mumbled as he extracted a twenty and handed it to Joe, who was cockily smirking from ear to ear.
“What?” you asked with a curious smile once you were close enough.
Joe grinned and looked around before turning to you “Well, I know I’m happy because I just won a bet…” he winked at Gwil, who scoffed and chuckled, flipping him off.
“Are you happy because of the same reason I am?” Joe grinned to the two of you.
You and Ben exchanged a quick glance and he answered for you both “Probably”.
- - - - -
A/N: We hope you enjoyed, folks. Let us know what you think of this and if you’d like to know more about Ben and Y/N, we could arrange a third part (?) idk, just an idea I had. Thanks for the attention lovesies! 💖
Tag list: @littledarlingwellaway @its-nxt-living@bohemiandelilah@onevisionliz@misshystericalqueen @loki-lover095@deakysgurl@inthelapofthe39 @starsoflovingness-wq@minetticatinwonderland@cairdes20 @friendswillbefriendsblog@o-holynight @trash-record-collection @please-stop-me-now@theappleofmybri @marvelsbunch@imgonnabeyourslave​  @babygotblueeyes @mi55chanandlerbong @ohtheseboysilove @lisannehus @queenmylovely @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @queen-puppycophine
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chouetteffraie · 5 years
Just Shy of Decadent [Dazatsu Halloween Week - Day 1]
So, it’s still the 24th for me, but the mods gave the all clear to start posting and I’m a little excited so.... :discord eyes emoji:
 I like to think of it as a spiritual successor to my previous vamp fic The Art of Decadence but you don’t have to read that one to understand anything here. I just didn’t like the vampire au ending without romance because I want my boys to be HAPPY dangit
Also, fair warning: my version of vampires are 1. Sexy and 2. Basically follow Sims logic. What can I say, I love hot vampires
Anyway I hope you enjoy this! This is actually my first time participating in a ship week (I was always too busy to do the other ones) so I’m super excited!!
Also have this lil meme I made because I think I’m funny and I’m bad at writing horror
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Without further ado, here’s my day 1 entry! (Placed under a read more because it got kinda long)
Day 1- vampire // “It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night."
Atsushi was leaving. Dazai didn’t like that one bit.
Every day he gained more space in his dresser drawers, more free hangars in his closet, and the small backpack slowly swelled as more clothes were cleaned and packed away. While he sat in bed and watched the dusky night sky slowly bleed out for the morning sun to rise, waiting for Atsushi to return home and collapse into bed, Dazai often stared at the pack as if it were an intruder, gaze pointed and hostile. If Atsushi noticed these glares when he finally stumbled in the door, shaking his head at Dazai’s offered neck and falling on the sheets, he never commented on them.
That was another thing Dazai noticed and detested. Why, all of a sudden, was Atsushi refusing his blood? Dazai could tell he wasn't feeding properly lately, with his outings getting more frequent and how exhausted he looked all the time, yet he was refusing his own supply of food every night. In fact, he was running away from his personal food source- why was that? 
Not every vampire had access to a human stupid enough to offer their blood freely. Atsushi was lucky to have such an offer. Really, Dazai thought, scoffing under his breath, he should be more grateful! After all, Dazai did take the boy in and feed him for months now.
His thinking was backwards, he knew. For somebody to want a vampire to drink from them was...unconventional. But what could he say? He liked the pinprick of Atsushi's fangs piercing through his neck and Atsushi's soft lips closing securely over the area. They weren't exactly warm, but they were comforting as he placed them gently beside his wound and refused to let a single drop go to waste. Dazai liked this part of him being needed and so cautiously taken care of, as if each drop were precious. The lightheaded rush he got when Atsushi drank his fill excited him almost like he was teetering on the brink of death with only Atsushi's gentle hands leaning him back on a pillow to save him. He knew Atsushi would never let him fall, so he allowed himself to indulge in being what Atsushi craved.
Hearing it play back in his head, Dazai couldn't help but agree with the dubious look that normally showed on Atsushi's face as he saw how much Dazai enjoyed volunteering his blood. He was a bit unusual, he supposed. It didn't matter much. Dazai was never one for conventions, anyway.
Sleepy footsteps in the main room of his apartment caught his attention, a near-silent click signaling Atsushi’s arrival. Dazai could hear him stumble clumsily as he toed off his shoes and trudged to their shared bed, a quiet grumble slipping out about the trouble he had that night.The mattress dipped a few moments later and a solid weight fell beside him, not providing any warmth but drawing Dazai closer all the same. An exasperated sigh seemed to echo in the otherwise silent apartment as Atsushi braced himself for the oncoming back and forth.
“Hungry?” Dazai asked, offering a smile so devious it put Atsushi’s own fanged grin to shame. Atsushi shook his head and pointedly turned away, making sure Dazai got the message that he was not interested in feeding. Refusing to give up, Dazai bent and nuzzled his own face gently into Atsushi’s neck, putting on a pout he couldn’t see. “C’mon, Atsushi-kun, you’ve worked so hard...give yourself a break.”
“I’ll be okay,” Atsushi insisted, making no move to push Dazai away. “I don’t need to feed every day, and I’ll get more soon enough.”
Dazai frowned at that. “Ah, about that…” He trailed off, tightening his hold on Atsushi. Barely tilting his head, Atsushi peered at Dazai through one half-lidded eye. “How long will you be gone? I’ll miss my roommate when he’s on his vacation.”
Atsushi stiffened, turning his head so his face was burrowed in the pillow. The arms underneath it clutched it tighter, tight enough that Dazai would worry Atsushi was trying to smother himself if he needed to breathe. After a moment, Atsushi relaxed himself before saying, “I wouldn’t wait for me, Dazai-san.”
“What’s that? I couldn’t hear you, the pillow is muffling your voice,” Dazai proclaimed, trying to pry Atsushi’s face away. He had no such luck and let out a ghost of a sigh. “It almost sounds like you’re telling me that this is goodbye.”
Again, Atsushi was silent, yet Dazai could nearly hear him sift through his words carefully to find the right ones. The longer Atsushi took to choose the more apprehensive Dazai felt, his stomach churning and his face soon twisting into a grimace. When Atsushi began to speak, though, his words were awfully bland and curt. “Well, I have to find food somewhere.”
“Yes, I understand that,” Dazai responded, pressing his nose to the spot Atsushi’s pulse should be. As dense as ever, Atsushi paid no mind and continued.
“And the people here are sharp. They’ll have figured me out soon.”
“Hmm, that does sound like trouble,” Dazai hummed before trying to cuddle up even closer. He was a step below desperate, the kind of gnawing feeling that made him want to yell at Atsushi and tell him that he was here and willing to be used. 
Let me be what you crave, he pleaded internally. Or am I not human enough for you?
Atsushi sighed before turning in Dazai’s grasp so he was facing him. “I feel like you aren’t taking this seriously, Dazai-san.” When he spoke, the moonlight glimmered against one of his fangs, pale and alluring. When he shut his mouth, Dazai felt the resentment bubble up for a brief moment. Quit leading me on, Atsushi-kun. Such a tease.
Allowing his expression to lift, Dazai merely shrugged. “You’re right,” he answered instead, listening to Atsushi’s groan before shutting his eyes. He knew Atsushi wouldn’t be sleeping tonight- the hunger pains normally kept him up, and although Dazai never let him know, Atsushi was too restless to allow him any sleep. This way, though, he had an excuse to keep his grip on Atsushi tight, keeping the boy close before he was chased away by the rotten people in the city below.
The bag was packed tighter until eventually it looked as if it would burst. Atsushi started lingering in the middle of rooms, small. fond smiles on his face. The times Dazai caught him, he’d hold himself back, watching from a safe distance as Atsushi prepared himself to turn to the next chapter of his life. The thought of being a secondary character, never to be mentioned again, left a bitter taste in Dazai’s mouth. He gritted his teeth every time.
One morning, Dazai was pulling on his vest, the golden light streaming in through the windows and telling Dazai that he was at least an hour late to work. Atsushi sat up in their bed, sleepily watching him as if he thought Dazai couldn’t see him in the mirror. Without turning around, Dazai asked, “Are you enjoying yourself over there, Atsushi-kun?”
“Hmmm?” Atsushi asked, dazed.
“Oh, nothing. It’s just that, normally, people prefer to watch others remove their clothes. Or is that backward for vampires, too?”
The comment took half a second to get through to Atsushi, but once it did, he was a sputtering mess. After fumbling around, hands reaching for something and finding no purchase, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his head. “What- that’s- inappropriate, and-”
A deep chuckle interrupted his stammering. Atsushi peered over the blanket at Dazai, who was now looking at him over his shoulder. “Well, how am I supposed to know about vampiric fantasies?”
“That is not what was going on just now,” Atsushi insisted. Dazai only gave him a dubious look before moving to swing his long coat over his shoulders. When he walked past Atsushi, he grabbed the edges of the blanket and pulled it over Atsushi’s now-exposed feet, looking up to meet his eyes once more. He stood there, stooped down and captivated in that violet-gold sea, before he was hit with the gut-wrenching reminder that Atsushi was days away from leaving one night and never returning. What made things worse was that Atsushi didn’t tell him when he was planning to leave, and the fear of starting an eternity of coming home to an empty apartment was almost more than Dazai could take.
He considered sitting on the edge of the bed and forcing Atsushi to hear him out, convince him to stay. However, he knew how it would play out: Atsushi would smile and nod before telling him not to worry and reminding him how late for work he was. He was becoming an expert at brushing Dazai off gently, something Dazai didn’t know he’d be proud if it was him who served as his teacher.
Instead, Dazai cleared his throat and patted Atsushi’s leg awkwardly before turning to leave, hoping he’d be in the same spot when he got back.
Dazai came home early that night to find Atsushi getting ready to head out for the night. In the pale moonlight, Dazai noticed how sickly he looked. Atsushi was no longer a ferocious creature of the night with fangs ready to hunt; instead, he looked tired and weak. He looked surprisingly human, weary from a day’s work. 
But by the human definition, Dazai was useless, a waste. To a vampire he was needed, a renewable food source with an appetite to be reminded of his own terrifying mortality. If Atsushi was no more human than he, well...Dazai didn’t like to dwell on the what-ifs, especially when they involved Atsushi ditching him for anybody else. 
Atsushi gave him a weak smile as he tried to brush past him and venture onto the street, but Dazai stopped him by grabbing his shoulders firmly. Carefully he guided Atsushi back to the couch, pushing him down on the cushion and removing his jacket and vest. Atsushi watched, confused, before he tried to stand back up. Dazai grabbed his wrist with one hand and used the other to unbutton the top of his shirt, pulling one shoulder down to expose more skin. Dazai watched Atsushi pull his bottom lip between his teeth, eyeing the newly exposed flesh. When Dazai tugged on his wrist he didn’t put up a fight, though he didn’t move any closer to Dazai’s shoulder like he surely wanted to.
“Go ahead,” Dazai invited, tilting his head. “You need your strength. I can tell.”
Cautiously, Atsushi leaned forward and placed his own hands on Dazai’s shoulders as his hands dropped from Atsushi’s. Casting a weary glance at Dazai, Atsushi leaned forward and gently pierced his skin, right on the pulse point where Dazai was beginning to notice two small dots regretfully fading away. Dazai raised a hand to rest on Atsushi’s waist as he waited for him to drink his fill- for a moment, he hoped Atsushi would nearly drink him dry so he could use that to guilt him into staying. However, Atsushi abruptly pulled away, wiping his mouth hastily and looking away in shame.
“H-hey, what’s-” Dazai started, jolted out of is dizzy daydream before it really began.
“I don’t want anymore,” Atsushi answered, shutting his eyes tightly.His hands withdrew from Dazai’s shoulders- Dazai only pressed firmer against Atsushi’s waist. Voice shaky, breathy even, Atsushi added, “Thank you for feeding me.”
Slowly, Dazai scanned Atsushi in the dark, a frown slowly dragging the corners of his mouth. “But you’ve barely had any, Atsushi.”
“I have enough reserved, thank you.”
The shortness behind his words sent the dread in Dazai’s stomach fluttering, and he tried to push Atsushi closer to him in response, offering his neck again. Atsushi stiffened, trying to resist Dazai without being rude and battling the emptiness in his core that Dazai’s blood had begun to fill. “C’mon, Atsushi,” Dazai tried to coax, reaching his other hand to brush Atsushi’s hair to the side. “Just let me do something useful before you leave-”
A sharp cry echoed in the otherwise silent apartment as Atsushi shoved Dazai off of him. Bewildered dual-toned eyes watched Dazai for his reaction, staring into a gaze as confused as his own. Before long, he slanted his eyes and clenched his fists, nearly growling before he finally broke the quiet between them.
“Would you quit saying that?” With a harshness Dazai didn’t realize Atsushi had, Atsushi tried to hold Dazai in a contemptuous gaze before tears pushed their way to the surface. “You’ve told me a million times how all you’re trying to do is ‘be useful’ to me and I just wish you’d quit selling yourself short! Besides,” he paused for a moment, holding back a sniffle. “I don’t want to leave you thinking I left because you didn’t serve a purpose for me, or something.”
Stunned into silence, Dazai watched Atsushi bring up a hand to wipe at the few tears that managed to fall. Inspecting his hand, Atsushi let out a gentle laugh at his own expense before his gaze trailed down to the threads on the couch. He picked at one aimlessly, hoping to avoid eye contact, suddenly embarrassed.
A bittersweet smile stretched across Dazai’s face, looking more like a grimace to Atsushi. “Why would you keep me around if I were useless, then? You can’t tell me having a personal blood bank wasn’t convenient.”
“I didn’t keep you around for convenience,” Atsushi persisted, venom dripping from his tone as if the idea were abhorrent. So like him, Dazai thought. How human of him to think so. “I wasn’t even the one who kept you around- you were keeping me.”
“If I remember correctly, I’ve been nothing but supportive of your decision to drop everything and run,” Dazai countered. 
“Well, maybe,” Atsushi responded, back to picking at threads on the couch. “But...you were the one going through all the trouble. Hiding a vampire, offering your blood after every bad night.I need to leave, Dazai-san, before I cause anybody else any more trouble.”
Dazai merely nodded, turning his head to stare at the wall in front of him. He wanted to tell Atsushi that running wasn’t the answer he needed- that he could stay and work things out, that a life of hiding out at night with Atsushi and keeping him happy and fed sounded just fine to Dazai- but he knew that he was the last person to give such advice. After a pause, Atsushi let out a scorned laugh, turning to see what interesting thing had caught Dazai’s attention and unsurprised to find nothing there.
“What trouble do you think you’ve caused me, Atsushi-kun?” Dazai mused just as Atsushi opened his mouth. Any defeatist remark Atsushi had ready fell flat and he drew his knees to his chest, curling in on himself as if he were trying to disappear.
“I just said,” he answered, voice muffled as he hid his face in his knees. For a brief moment, the air in the dusky apartment was stagnant, a stark contrast to the thoughts bouncing through both men’s heads. A bitter stalemate between the two loomed behind them, threatening them with the future neither of them wanted yet providing no reasonable escape. Atsushi wasn’t ready to let go of his fear- with his knees curled up to hide him from the world, he barely looked ready to acknowledge it. Dazai thought the same could be said for his pride; should he let go of that, he worried he’d fall deeper and deeper into decadence, allowing the love he so desperately craved to tear down the walls he meticulously built and wreak havoc on his very being.
But he was proven wrong when he realized how close he was to losing Atsushi for good. So, with no other option, he swallowed the lump in his throat, taking his parasitic pride with it.
Atsushi heard him move before he felt him, the rustling of the trench coat Dazai didn’t have time to removed breaking the silence before the couch dipped beneath his weight. A hand gently fell on Atsushi’s knees, warm and comforting. Atsushi could practically feel the blood rushing beneath Dazai’s skin; after all this time of dealing with the man’s suicidal tendencies and dangerous mission, he had learned to use it as a reassurance that he was alive and safe and here. Bracing himself, Atsushi carefully looked up at Dazai with wide eyes.
They were drier than Dazai expected, though they were just as conflicted as he thought they might be. With a sigh, Dazai turned and gave Atsushi the smile he normally used to cheer him up. He felt a softness that was normally never there, and judging by the way the belligerence subsided behind his ametrine eyes, the gesture didn’t go unnoticed.
Comforting another was a foreign action to Dazai. He spent his time observing the rest of humanity, watching from afar. He did the understanding, yet he was never understood. That barrier was almost always in front of him, a one-way mirror of isolation that prevented him from learning how to make that connection. Now, he resented this as he burrowed in his mind for words of solace that wouldn’t leave himself feeling stripped bare and vulnerable.
“Atsushi-kun,” he started, not wanting Atsushi to think he had nothing to say and was merely waxing confidante, “Have I made you feel unwelcome?”
Atsushi sniffled and looked away. “Of course not, but I don’t want to overstay my welcome. You’ve been to kind to me...I need to leave before I leech off of you even more.”
“I’m not a kind man, Atsushi, and I’m not quite sure where you got that idea,” Dazai admitted. He averted his gaze. “I used you to feel more human, and all it did was help me realize that in that subject you would always surpass me, despite being fundamentally…” Trailing off, Dazai snuck a look at Atsushi’s face, pleased to see he was merely looking on in interest and not sadness. With another sigh, Dazai continued. “The point is, I didn’t bring you in with selfless intent. I thought you could help me fill a hole I didn’t know how to fill.”
Deep in thought, Atsushi hummed before nodding. His chin hit his knees a few times before he said, “I kind of liked it. Being needed, that is.”
“So you knew?”
“You could say that. I had my suspicions.”
Like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Dazai watched Atsushi with wide eyes, his mouth agape. Atsushi chuckled and slowly lowered his legs, swinging them back over the end of the couch to avoid kicking Dazai. After a moment’s thought, he leaned down to rest his head gingerly against Dazai’s shoulder. His voice small, Atsushi asked, “Did I help at all? Did I help you fill the hole?”
Dazai leaned his own head down so it was resting on Atsushi’s, silver hair tickling his cheek. HIs hand clutched at his chest as if he could feel his heart for any patches and he resisted the urge to hum in contemplation. “I don’t know,” he started. When Atsushi’s shoulders slumped, Dazai quickly added, “But I think it’d get bigger if you left.”
When Atsushi made no effort to move, Dazai resolved to sit still until the end of time, determined to keep Atsushi next to him. Too soon the boy stirred, however, and Dazai nearly spoke his protests when Atsushi asked, “Can I make a request, then?” 
Dazai didn’t know how to say he would willingly die for Atsushi, so he nodded dumbly instead. With a soft smile, Atsushi asked, “Can we start this again? Do it over, only this time we stop trying to use each other. Is that...okay?” 
There was a sparkling hope in Atsushi’s eyes- no, in his entire being, sparking off his fingers like fireworks and threatening to light Dazai up with him. It was all Dazai could do to not sweep Atsushi off his feet and make a million promises he wasn’t sure he could keep- though he knew he’d damn well try. Dazai managed to hold himself back, save for the goofy smile that spread across his face. It felt too big and awkward, foreign to his lips. If he didn’t know any better, he’d worry his face would crack. Yet it drew out a similar grin from Atsushi, and Dazai decided that, if that were to happen, it would be for a noble cause.
Not wanting to ignore Atsushi, Dazai finally nodded. His voice came out softer than he anticipated, barely above a whisper. “It’d be...more than okay,” he said, as if his pleasure in the idea were a sacred secret. “I’d like that a lot, actually.”
Dazai may be terribly decadent, but he wasn’t foolish enough to let such a wondrous opportunity slip between his fingers. He beckoned Atsushi closer, allowing them both one last indulgence before the real work began. This time, when Atsushi slowly drew away, he kept him locked in his grasp.
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Lazy Days and Dumb Bets
Title: Lazy Days and Dumb Bets
Pairing: Dean x black!reader
Other Characters: Sam, Jack, Castiel
Summary: Its just another lazy day at the bunker and Dean believes that one of the reader’s favorite movies can’t make him cry, so he agrees to a bet.
WC: 1,524
A/N: For all the black girls who love Supernatural, but don’t get a chance to see themselves in the show or in fanfic. 
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Today was a rarity, surprisingly, there was nothing to hunt, no archiving to do, or any cleaning to be done around the bunker. So, everyone was having their lazy day in the bunker. Sam was rereading Game of Thrones, Cas was doing whatever he does in his free time, Jack was playing on the Xbox you gifted him for Christmas, and Dean was watching Dr. Sexy, M.D. 
And, you were in your room watching tv and doing your hair. You finally had the chance to take your raggedy ass box braids down. Like, it should be a crime for how long you kept those things in, but hey when did you have the time to take them down. You were a little over halfway done with taking down the monstrosity of your hair when Dean came in. He was wearing his signature lounging about outfit: long, grey robe with a pair of black sleeping shorts and shirt that fit just right, and house slippers, just looking every part of a DILF. 
Dean was leaning against the door with his legs crossed and pointed at your hair, “You know you could’ve done that in our room. I wouldn’t have mind.” Looking up at him you replied, “I know. I just didn’t want to get hair everywhere and I really didn’t feel like watching another boring episode of Dr. Sexy.” Feigning anger, Dean said, “Hey! You respect Dr. Sexy!” Chuckling to yourself, “Ok Whatever you say. What did you need anyway?” Dean made his way to your bed, pulled you closer to him and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek, “I just missed my favorite girl and I wanted to spend some time with her.” “Well, I guess I don’t mind, since you miss me so much, but you can only stay on two conditions,” you said as you held two fingers. “Ok, shoot,” Dean replied as he made himself comfortable. “One, you help me with my hair and two, we’re watching what I want to watch.”
“You got yourself a deal, sweetheart.” Dean was reaching for the scissors and extra comb when you grabbed his wrist and faced him menacingly, “Don’t fuck up my hair, Winchester! If you do, Baby will be sporting some new scratches.” Dean just moved your hand and turned your head straight, getting ready to start, “I don’t know why you always have to threaten Baby every time I help. I only messed up that one time and it wasn’t even noticeable!” “It was one time too many. Now hush- “you turned around to shush him, “I’m about to start the movie.”
“Yes ma’am,” he gave his best salute, “What are we watching?” Giddily rocking side to side, you answered, “Coco.” Dean stopped taking down the braid he was working on and turned you to face him, “A cartoon? Are you serious, Y/N?” Jumping up from your seat, you yelled, “Hell yeah!” “First of all, its such an amazing movie, that it’ll even make you cry, Dean Winchester! It even won Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards. And, second of all, you’re one to talk!” “What the hell do you mean by that?” Doing your best Spongebob meme impression, you bent over and looked at Dean, “Oh. Mr., I watched every episode of Scooby-Doo and always wanted to be in the gang, and Daphne is settling for Fred. Headass!”
Dean actually blushed at the mention of his childhood cartoon crush, “Alright, alright, alright. I can see your point, but ain’t no damn cartoon is gonna make me cry.”
“Wanna bet,” you asked with a smirk and raising one eyebrow. “Yeah, what do I get when I win?” Scoffing and rolling your eyes, “If you win, which means you have no soul, I’ll bake you any three pies you want and won’t complain about how unhealthy it is. But, if I win, you’ll let me drive Baby whenever I want to for a week.” Dean didn’t even think about and quickly gave his answer, “Deal.” You went to shake his hand to seal the deal, but he shook his head no and pulled you into his lap, “Uh huh, sweetheart. We don’t seal deals with handshakes, we seal them with kisses.” Dean’s hands started to leisurely roam your body starting from your thighs to your ass, hips, stomach, breasts, and eventually caressing you around your neck, while he kissed you. Regrettably, you pulled away from the kiss, tugging Dean’s bottom lip with your teeth as an end to the kiss. Just above a whisper with your forehead leaning against Dean’s you replied, “Deal.”
It was 90 minutes later, and the movie was almost over, which usually meant that you were in your bed bawling your eyes out, but this wasn’t the case today. You knew without having to look at Dean, that you won the bet and you were smiling from ear to ear. You heard him sniffling when Miguel tried to get Mamá Coco to remember her father, but by the time they were singing Remember Me, Dean was rocking more than a single man tear. You had enough decency not to poke fun at his vulnerable state, but you knew once the credits started rolling you would be getting on that ass.
Miguel and Natalia Lafourcade had just begun singing the pop version of Remember Me, when Dean just blurted out, “Fuck Ernesto De La Cruz!” You tried your hardest not to laugh, but some of your laughs did spill out. Mocking Dean, you replied, “Hey, what happen to, ‘Ain’t no damn cartoon gonna make me cry?’” Dean didn’t answer you and just walked out the room instead. For a tiny bit, you thought you really hurt his feelings, until he came back into your room and threw the car keys to you, “Here. You won. Be careful with her,” Dean mumbled. You caught the keys with one hand, tossed them on your bed, and then spider monkey jumped Dean, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, “Aw thanks babe. I promise I’ll take good care of her just like her owner. And since, you’re being such a good sport about this, I’ll still bake you those pies while I deep condition my hair” And just like that Dean Winchester turned from a sourpuss to a kid in the candy store. “Did I ever tell you, you’re the best girlfriend ever,” he asked with a low growl. Tilting your head up to think you answered, “I think so, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.” Dean gave you the kind of kiss that you felt all the way from your fingertips down to your tippy toes and answered against your lips, “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”
A couple of hours later, Dean was stabbing into his cherry pie like he wields an angel blade and was muttering ‘Fuck Ernesto De La Cruz.’ Sam was making his way through the kitchen when he stopped and asked, “Who the hell is Ernesto De La Cruz?” Before you could even laugh at Dean, he answered, “An evil motherfucker! He gives Lucifer a run for his money!” By this time, Castiel and Jack made their way into the kitchen to inspect all the commotion. Tilting his head in a Cas-like manner, Jack asked, “Who’s eviler than my father?”
Between chuckles you grabbed Jack’s shoulder and looked up at him, “A cartoon character.” Sam raised his eyebrows at Dean, “Seriously, dude? A cartoon?” Even Cas decided to put is two cents in, “Come on, Dean. I seriously doubt a cartoon can evoke that kind of emotion.” Dean pointed his cherry covered forked at the taller Winchester and his angelic best friend, “Coco is a masterpiece! I bet you can’t watch it without getting attached.” Smugly smiling, Sam answered, “I betcha we can. And if we can, you have to eat my so called ‘rabbit food’ for a month and if we don’t, we’ll take over your chores for a month.” Not skipping a beat Dean replied, “Deal,” and he started walking towards to the Dean of Fortitude to begin an impromptu Winchester Movie Night. Watching all your favorite men walk away, you thought to yourself, this is gonna be awesome.
Another 90 minutes later and you had two badass hunters, one angel, and one nephilim all crying to Miguel and Mamá Coco singing together. All of them were so focused on the tv screen that they didn’t notice you holding your phone, recording them. As their tears dried up, you heard a choral of “Fuck Ernesto De La Cruz!” and ended the video. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to make fun of the boys, you went into your messages, looking for the group chat you had with Jody, Donna, Alex, and Claire to send them the video. With the video you captioned it, Look at these big ass babies lol! Not even 5 minutes after you sent the video, you saw the three little dots forming and you knew you were gonna have a hilarious night with the ladies. Thank Chuck for lazy days and dumb bets. 
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