#rogue/gambit week 2024
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officialtrashbin · 9 months ago
To Kingdom Come [1/2]
“You weren’t dere when de earth took me,” he says, “but I feel you holdin’ me still. Your voice. Fire. You’re beautiful, even when you’re sad. Who do dese memories belong to?”
“You. Your name is Gambit,” Rogue replies. He can hear the tremor in her voice. “Don’t you remember it?”
Or, Gambit becomes Death, defies Death, and lives with the consequences.
Read on A03!
A/N: Happy Romy week everyone! I didn’t quite have time to do any particular prompts or multiple entries, but then my contribution got out of hand anyway, so…here’s a 2-part Death!Gambit AU fic that was supposed to be for Free Space Day LOL. @roguegambitweek
Rating: Mature to be on the safe side for the implied sexual content in chapter 2, descriptions of death and violence, and dark themes involving grief, coping, and trauma.
X-Men '97 (Cartoon 2024) // X-Men: The Animated Series (Cartoon 1992)
Tags: Canonical Character Death // Death!Gambit // Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence // Canon-Typical Violence // Implied Sexual Content // AKA: Gambit see dead people chere // Angst and Hurt/Comfort // Co-Starring: Survivor’s Guilt and Bad Smoking Habits…And Magneto
Words: 4,132
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vertigoartgore · 10 months ago
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2024's Gambit commission by Lee Weeks.
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rebelliousstories · 7 months ago
X Men
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Logan Howlett/ The Wolverine
Same Face
Taken from your timeline with our adopted daughter was bad enough. Now you have to deal with a man that looks exactly like the one you lost. Complete with the trauma.
It had been so long for the both of them. So what the hell happened in those years?
Walking Tropes
(Request)Being introduced to the merc’s friend and finding that she is just as annoying? Absolutely believable. Liking said annoying friend of even more annoying red suited anti-hero? No way.
One in the Same
(Request)Hailing from the land of maple syrup and politeness, Logan is not sure how he feels about this arrangement with the merc.
SFW Alphabet
Home for the Holidays (FicsGiving 2024)
If there is anyone that can convince him to stay home, it was her. And if there was any time for him to stay home, it was now.
Tidings (Ficmas 2024)
A snowy night. A warm diner. A hot meal. And a reluctant helper.
Roses (ValenFics 2025)
There is only one person in this world that James Logan Howlett is soft for. Anyone else who finds out, very quickly learns not to blab.
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Wade Wilson/ Deadpool
Mary Puppins
The one thing they always wanted was a dog. And now they have this dog-like creatue…
(Request)A simple night with some good food and better music.
SFW Alphabet
Christmas Eats (Ficmas 2024)
The merc with the mouth knows no bounds when it comes to the wonderful treats at Christmas time.
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Remy LeBeau/ Gambit
Different Time
(Request)Being dragged into the Void by your good buddy Wade was not how you imagined to be spending your days after your lover had died.
(Request)Running a fever and having to deal with medical shenanigans is a recipe for disaster. Thankfully, a certain Cajun knows how to keep calm under pressure.
Rightful Spot
(Request)After coming back to his timeline and finally joining in on missions, Remy underestimated how powerful cuddles could be.
From the Shadows
(Request)Shadows never cheat, steal, fight, or lie. But they are not all good either. A balance must be struck.
Desperate Times and Desperate Measures
(Request)She always said she would be about as useful as a wet paper bag in a fight. Good thing she never skips leg day.
Restored Once More
(Request)Once Gambit had gotten back to his own timeline, he was certain there was only one thing he wanted to do, and with only one person.
Magical Relationships
(Request)He had spent so long looking for her, only to find that she was closer than ever before.
Flirting Gone Wrong
(Request)After a while, most people would throw in the towel. Thankfully, or unfortunately, Remy is not most people.
Shadowy Past
(Request)One after another, he lost her. Maybe this time will be different?
Love Me Dead
(Request) There are two words that start with f, and end with -ing that come to mind when he looks at her. And he certainly doesn’t want to fight her.
Love Me Cancerously
(Request)According to FBI statistics, the chances of two serial killers meeting is just about, in all intents and purposes, impossible. No reason that has been brought up.
(Request)What do you do when you come across your childhood hero when you’re supposed to be saving the world? No, really, we need to know cause they don’t.
Shark Week
(Request) It is the start of shark week for her. No, not like that.
Welcome to Tortuga
(Request) In a word full of pirates, codes, and mystery, a pirate’s life just might be the life to live.
‘Cause She Walks like a Saint
(Request) A Cajun thief walks into a bar…
Kill Me Romantically
They’ve had many names over the years, but none are correct. And no one will ever know.
SFW Alphabet
Seasons Greetings (Ficmas 2024)
Being so far away from home at the holidays, it was not something that most people could do. But leave it to a Cajun in love with another Cajun to bring home to him.
Letters (ValenFics 2025) (Poly! Rogue x Gambit)
(Request) When the three are sent off to various missions near Valentine’s Day, Rogue proposes a very interesting proposition to cure their blues.
Walking in on Their S/O Changing…
Their S/O Walking in on Them Changing…
Their S/0 Giving Them Small Yet Thoughtful Gifts…
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roguegambitweek · 1 month ago
Rogue/Gambit Week 2025
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Hi everyone. Sorry about the long absence. We're back and so is Rogue/Gambit Week.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who participated in Rogue/Gambit Week 2024. There were so many wonderful contributions to the fanworks celebrating our favorite Southern couple. Rogue/Gambit Week wouldn’t be possible without all of you. Your creativity, your sharing, and encouragement is all part of what makes Rogue/Gambit Week a success.
And now for the announcement you've been waiting for. Rogue/Gambit Week 2025 will be June 15-21, 2025.
We will be taking prompt suggestions February 1-10, 2025. Then, the prompts will be open for voting on prompts will run from February 12-26, 2025 and the prompt reveal will be in early March.
Prompt suggestions can be something more general like “there was only one bed” or “love at first sight” or any of the tropes. Or, they can be more Romy-centric like “living in New Orleans” or “Romy in the MCU” or something like that.
Remember that we celebrate all version of Romy—from the comics to the movies to the comic series. You are invited to create in any (or all) of the universe. Also, if you are new to the fandom (welcome!) or have been around for a while (hi!) or returning after a hiatus (welcome home!), we would love to have you participate. You’re all welcome here.
We look forward to another great year full of Rogue/Gambit goodness and we can’t wait to see what you come up with.
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inxamista · 9 months ago
And so begins the Rogue/Gambit Week 2024, me and my brainrot present…
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Of course, it comes with fan art because I HAD to envision the concept of how they would look.
For the enjoyers, enjoy!
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rogue-gambit-fan-zine · 9 months ago
Shipping day is here!!!! This is not a drill! Zines and merch are on their way! The digital releases will follow early next week and we are right in time to celebrate Rogue & Gambit Fanworks week 2024! Thank you to everyone who has supported this zine! We couldn't have gotten here without you! We hope you love it! And thank you to all our contributors for their hard work and creativity!
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girlfriendsofthegalaxy · 7 months ago
tuesday again 8/13/2024
i think i'm going to take a break from scifi written by men for a bit
Ahmed Malek's Les Vacances de L'inspecteur Tahar, from the 1972 film of the same name.
if i can be really really real for a minute here the only thing i've listened to more than twice this week is GUESS by charli xcx but i don't want to have the same tuesdaysong twice in a row. this would make for an annoying end of year playlist.
i got an ad for a collected set of Ahmed Malek's Algerian jazz music on instagram. a session musician in Algiers, he made his name as a soundtrack composer with this comedic detective movie and was in demand for the rest of his life-- he's still really beloved in the African jazz scene, his works are super collectible, and his daughter gifted all his masters to a tiny record company so they could rerelease and preserve them.
it sounds exactly how you think a 70s cop movie should sound. impeccable example of the genre. instantly evocative. i wonder if it influenced the wider cop drama soundscape or if it's just an early example?
many books disappointed me a great deal this week.
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thank you philip.
the only comic i did like was Marauders (2019-2022), trying to get a little bit more into the xmen since my bestie has decided we're watching all their movies. this is really fun bc i knew who kitty pryde was, and she's a privateer captain who looks beat to shit the whole book. extremely fun and gay and swashbuckling, i placed holds for the other volumes already.
the two rogue and gambit books assumed i knew more about those characters than i already did, and had a heavy reliance on flashbacks and references to other issues.
the magic order was insufferable and did not stick its landing. made me worry about the characters and then feel really fucking stupid for worrying about the characters. i don't know why i keep trying mark millar books and thinking i will like them.
HOTELITOR had a very fun concept (mech hotel), but was a little more middle-grade than i was expecting, even from a teen book. very calarts visual style. very power of friendship will undo an evil corporation, which, i wish.
this little mermaid manga was not for me. and that's fine. most manga isn't for me.
we have to take a brief detour into how i store my books (poorly). these big middle shelves hold an unsorted mass, mostly of stuff i'm not sure i want to keep. i'm trying to be more thoughtful about which books i keep bc realistically i do not reread very often (if at all) and i am running out of space. as much as i love weird little scifi and fantasy paperbacks it would be cool if they all fit on one shelf.
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here are four books i rapidly cycled through this weekend that are going to be donated.
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Michael Moorcock's The Black Corridor, 1969, about a man slowly going insane in a spaceship fleeing a politically violent Earth with his friends and relations in cryosleep. not a very beloved Moorcock book among the Moorcock fans. this has a heavy focus on the rise of British fascism and i'm not now, nor will i ever be, in the mood for this. a shame bc this slim hardcover has proportions that were very nice to hold.
Thomas Burnett Swan's Where is the Bird of Fire?, 1970, three not quite short stories but not quite novellas about mythical creatures at the founding of Rome, Xerxes the Great's empire, and Britain near the fall of Rome. states very clearly exactly what it is on the tin and delivers it, unfortunately i don’t like any of the flavors on offer. every single one of these has the half-coy kind of sex scene common in historical fiction, where in order to represent the past accurately and with full verisimilitude we Must convey that they fucked nasty and had fun doing it. many times. unfortunately a middle aged man wrote these and our erotic sensibilities are Very far apart.
Glen Cook's Cold Copper Tears, 1988, a noirish urban fantasy. there are fourteen books in this series so clearly people like them. i found a lot of the Noir Similes a little tortured. "but kay isn't that the point--" yes but these annoyed me. also there's a rape joke i didn't enjoy on the fourth fucking page. i have very few hard outs in fiction and one of them is on-screen or on-page sexual assault or rape jokes in chapter one. i am slightly less likely to drop a book if it has rape jokes in chapters that are not the first but like. it’s still almost a flat line at 100%.
and the only one i got two-thirds of the way through, and which i partially liveblogged here,
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Eric Kotani and John Maddox Robert's Between the Stars, 1988, the third in their Island Worlds series. it stands alone fairly well, which is impressive.
this book is good at differentiating a very large, very clannish cast, which is a hard thing to do in a political opera. people are often differentiated by little physical movement quirks, which a spy later uses to identify someone. it’s a lovely bit of business and definitely the authors’ strong points.
also props for two of the most capable people, an ill-liked matriarch/scientific genius and a femme fatale Russian, for being two of the most interesting characters with the most screen time, both on their own and in other character’s thoughts. unfortunately, with such a large cast and so many factions, the action is often split and meandering. racist in the very specific orientalist way cyberpunk eighties fiction often is, but uncommonly, they remembered Turkey existed and included in the orientalism?
severely suffered from a second act where it tripped over its own feet a lot instead of continued forward motion, quite honestly i got bored and tired of being hit over the head with various points. a very whedonesque quality of needing to comment on the political implication of something the instant after it happens.
this is not a subtle book, and it smacks less of an urgency to get a point across in as few words as possible and more an uncertainty in the authors of getting their point across at all. this is confusing to me bc this was their fourth book together and the third in this series. have some more confidence in your writing abilities. like, if you've already established your baddie as a fascist torturer who literally owns slaves and plans on taking over earth, you don't need to have him also say "Hitler was much-maligned" at a dinner party he's holding in a room full of hunting trophies where the only things on the table are red wine and whole game birds. you've more than established him as evil. the whole book is like this. it's exhausting.
not a book for me! many such cases!
my brother was really singing the praises of vampire hunter d's animation and i was like, postapoc roaming vampire bounty hunter? say less! im already getting in!
i watched the 1980s version with some bemusement until he was like "why did you watch that and not the 2000 version." well that would have been so cool of you to be more specific, my boy!!! vampire hunter d (1985, dir. Toyoo Ashida) was still fun but clearly had way less of a budget than Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust (2000, dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri)
i enjoyed bloodlust a little more bc it had a postapoc style i enjoyed a little more: showed me big manta rays that hide under the sand, big ruined radio dishes, and lots of beautifully ruined skyscrapers and fucked up highway overpasses. every time you see me post about a BIG!!! FUCKING!!! DISH!!! you should hear this schoolchildren "YAAAAAY!" sample from Jet Set Radio
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nothing much to report, a lot of grindy genshin impact shit as i try to clear all my map markers before the new nation drops at the end of the month.
the girls have three litter boxes available to them (laundry room/spare bathroom/utility closet), all in the correct and recommended locations, all with good sightlines and escape routes and all out of the main hustle and bustle of the apartment, all open top, all with the same kind of litter and the same kind of litter mat. they only use the one in my laundry room. since phil has had free roam of the house she has not used the one in the office bathroom. i asked my vet about this and sent her pictures to make sure i was doing everything right and the diagnosis was "yeah that's a little weird of them". can we spread the wear and tear out a little more, girls? so i don't have to deep clean the same litterbox every week?
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ludi-ling · 9 months ago
They Call Me Rogue
✒️Written for Rogue/Gambit Week 2024's Day 5 prompt - Noir AU. ✒️
              She was awoken from a deep and troubled slumber by the sound of a carburettor popping on the street outside. Night had fallen, and neon lights were fizzing right outside her bedroom window; daytime was a distant memory, and now was the time that people like her came out to play.
               God – this schtick was getting to be far too much. Lord knew some days she woke up not even recognising herself anymore, when she found it difficult to put a name to the face in the mirror.
               She sat up anyhow, yawned and stretched.
               “Crazy dreams,” she muttered to herself. “Last thing I need now.”
               Yet still she couldn’t help but steal a glance at the space in the bed beside her, the one that hadn’t been filled in a long time. Sure, she had her kicks now and then, but they were mostly cold-hearted and calculating affairs that didn’t really count. She didn’t dream about men much; but recently she had been, in ways that made her blush. And she didn’t blush very often at all.
               She got up and had a cold shower – not because she needed it, but because it was the best this seedy hotel had to offer. Then she dressed in camisole, garters, and laddered stockings, and sat on the bed, emptying out her purse contents as she did so.
               Three driver’s licenses, two passports, and a chequebook.
               Her hand hovered over the pile as if casting some form of divination, before she settled upon a license. For a moment she scrutinised the piece of paper before nodding firmly to herself – standing, she went to her suitcase, unclasped the leather straps, and threw it open not so much with a flourish as a dismissive flick of the wrist. A cloud of dust rose with a poof like mountain ash, glittering in a nearby shaft of neon-tinged moonlight. Inside was only slim pickings – she’d living hand to mouth the past couple of weeks, and while she considered walking the streets beneath her, circumstances had got so dire that she’d almost entertained it. No, no, no. Lying low was a necessity, not sinking low. Besides, now she had means again. And she’d waited long enough or the trail to go cold. Time to move on, like her momma had always told her to.
               She finally decided on the grey suit – a tad shabby, but she hadn’t worn it much and no one would recognise her in it. Once dressed, she pinned on her hat and slipped on her little tan kid gloves. The pistol she slipped into her purse.
               Then she hurried off into a sultry New York night.
Read the rest on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56792074
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applejacks1552 · 9 months ago
A little one-shot for Rogue & Gambit week 2024! Using the "Rooftops" prompt.
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dayenurose · 8 months ago
Another 'late' entry for @roguegambitweek. At least this time I'm only a day late. This one if for Day 7 - Reunion.
Tilt by DayneuRose
A week ago, Remy married Belle. Rogue doesn't expect to hear from him anymore. So, why is he calling her? From Bayville? Written for Rogue/Gambit Week 2024 – Day 7: Reunion
“Hello.” Rogue held her phone between her ear and shoulder as she balanced her stack of library books in her arm. While she didn’t recognize the number, it was local and she had been applying for work. “Sha.” The endearment was strained, as was the breath which followed. “Remy?” There’s was only one person who called her that. Who could get away with calling her that. But, it was impossible. While she hadn’t seen Remy in over a year, they had still managed to talk on the phone every few days. Over the last few months, their conversations had increased to daily, if not multiple times a day. Except, that was no longer the case. They’d last spoken over a week ago. He’d been in New Orleans, talking to her to help calm his nerves before his wedding.
Read the rest on [ao3] or [ff.net]
Thanks for reading!
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chellerbelles · 9 months ago
It's Rogue & Gambit fanworks week 2024! Hurrah!
As usual, I've decided to try and cram all the prompts into one story. I haven't quite finished it yet, but I'm up to the last chapters, so hopefully it'll be finished by the end of the week :) And hopefully I won't have to sneak back to do any plot hole fixes ;)
My new story is Bonds of the Multiverse, which you can read at Ao3 (link above), or FFnet. It's a sister story to The Soul Matter. They happen at the same time. It's not necessary for you to (re)read The Soul Matter first.
Prompts for today are Alternate First Meeting and Robin Hood AU.
So, here's the thing. I've written a Robin Hood story before and have no desire to write another one. However, the idea of writing a Leverage story with an X-Men team does have a great deal of interest to me. So, in my new story you can find Leverage Rogue (Grifter) and Leverage Gambit (Thief). In my mind, the other members of their team are: Storm (Mastermind), Laura Kinney (Hitter), and Pyro (Hacker). Hopefully one day I'll get to write this as a one-shot, but in the meantime, I get to dream :)
Alternate First Meeting below the cut. This scene is one of the later scene in my story. It takes place after Uncanny X-Men #179. Yeah, we're going all the way back to the 80s before Gambit's first appearance was even published!
18 year old Rogue sat on the rooftop in quiet contemplation of the last day. She’d been afraid of absorbing anyone with a physical mutation, like Angel, because she didn’t know what it would do to her. In a way, the fear had been enhanced after absorbing Carol. There was so much about her mutation that she just didn’t know.
And then Pyro had melted Colossus’ steel form, and she had been asked to absorb him so that Healer could heal him.
She did it. It wasn’t to prove anything to the X-Men, who still didn’t trust her. She did it to save the life of another. She did it because for once she could actually use her mutation to help someone instead of hurt them. She did it because it was the right thing to do.
It was still the most terrifying experience of her life to date. After being stuck as a metal statue for what felt like forever, borrowing Angel’s wings didn’t seem so bad.
Movement below caught her eye. A motorcycle drove through the open gates and headed towards the front door. She frown, not recognising it, and flew off the roof to go investigate.
She landed near the front door just as the rider was getting off his motorcycle. He looked to be about her age, with long brown hair, and red and black eyes. He was so gorgeous it took her breath away.
“Bonjour chere. M’names Remy,” he said. “I hear this is where I can find the X-Men?”
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zeroslashsix · 8 months ago
Sometimes I do believe in destiny a little bit, like when I discover the existence of Rogue/Gambit week on the very last day of Rogue/Gambit week 2024.
Anyway. Have some X-Men Evolution Romy.
Rat In A Boxcar
Rating: T | Universe: X-Men Evolution | Chapters: 4/8 | Words: 18,997 | Status: In-progress
(se5 ep1) Gambit's plans go awry, and Rogue is all too happy to get some payback. The X-Men worry that Magneto is gathering his forces, but Kitty feels bad about fighting a guy as nice as Colossus. With Jean off to college, the now-graduated Scott struggles to plan for the X-Men's future.
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angelfirstclass · 9 months ago
Rogue's Rooftop Rumble
Here is my submission for today's Rogue/Gambit Week 2024! Today's prompt is Rooftop/Steampunk so it's got a bit of both. Hope you Romy shippers read and like it!
Anna Marie was walking around the Lensherr manor late at night.  She had commissions from her mother to take a package from Erik Lensherr and transport it to her uncle Charles Xavier.  Anna Marie had traveled from her farm in Virginia to the Lensherr manor in Washington, D.C.  
At the moment, Anna Marie could not sleep.  She knew it was late from all the clocks that Mr. Lensherr had around the manor.  They were the most beautiful and interesting clocks that Anna Marie had ever seen.  A large clock in the living room took up a whole wall and it was telling her that it was almost half past two in the morning.  
Maybe because of sleeping in the carriage or because of her mission from her mother she was not tired at all.  She walked around the upstairs of the manor and was thinking about reading a book in the library when she heard a sound.  
Maybe it was a creak or a thud, but it sparked Anna Marie’s curiosity.  She scurried closer to the sound which she thinks she heard coming from the roof.  Maybe it was Mr. Lensherr experimenting in the attic, she didn’t know.
Anna Marie was close to the door leading out to the roof when she was shoved aside by a tall man.  
“Mon dieu!  What the hell?”  A cajun tinged accented man.  
Anna Marie was so shocked that she did not even react or scream.  She was hurt and all she could do was quickly take in the man and what he held in his right hand.  He tried to conceal a package quickly, but Anna Marie spotted him putting it into his breast pocket.  
“Give me that package!  It’s my mother’s.”  She gasped, a little afraid and nervous.
The man gave her another shove and ran out of the door up to the roof.
Anna Marie was no coward and wasted no time following the man up to the roof.  He had seconds on her and was nowhere to be seen at first, but then she spotted him.  The roof here was curious and extremely tall.  Somewhere else or in New York City, the man could have easily jumped to the next building already, but Mr. Lensherr had put curious wire and fences all around the building as if he was expecting intruders.  
The man had tried to explode the fences, but was blasted by a steampowered ray machine for his troubles.  He felt the sting on his arms, but powered through.  This man was Gambit, thief for hire.  A mutant from the deep South who was traveling up and down America picking pockets and doing high stakes burglaries.  This mission was important because he had been hired by a man named Sebastian Shaw.  
What this package was Gambit didn’t know, but knew that it must be important or Mr. Shaw would not want it.  Mr. Shaw was a slippery character that had all sorts of political dealings and so it wouldn’t be surprising if this object was dangerous at all.  
Gambit was so distracted by the ray machine and all the wiring that he did not notice Anna Marie at first.  She saw him and stood between him and the door back downstairs.  She knew from her conversation at dinner with Mr. Lensherr that his manor was like a fortress and guarded by all sorts of machines and gadgets.  
She didn’t really have a plan, but acted on pure adrenaline and instinct.  “Give me back that package!  You have no way of escape!”
Remy cursed.  He was trying to figure a way out and now had to contend with this girl.  He squinted at her and laughed.  She was a young debutante without any weapons, this was going to be too easy.
“Just calm down, mademoiselle.  I don’t know what you saw or thought you saw, but Remy just came in for a stroll and look around and now he would like to leave.”  He started slowly approaching her ready to use his psionic charm powers on her.  
“No.  You stay where you are.”  Anna Marie called out, but he approached nonetheless and she didn’t have anything on her.  She slowly started taking off a glove as he approached.
He started coming closer and closer to her and suddenly realized how beautiful she was.  She had auburn hair with a curious white streak in it and dazzling green eyes.  Her cheeks were flushed due to all the excitement and Remy admired her spunkiness for even daring to follow him.  Usually his experiences with debutantes were that they were all spoiled, boring girls.  
His plan was to go back down the way he came, but there was one obstacle in the way- her.  He was now close enough to look directly in the eye and so leaned forward and caught her gaze.  
“Hello, cher.  I admire your spunk and attitude, but I think we got off on the wrong foot tonight.  I would like to just move past you and leave, so if you would be so kind…”  He looked her right in the eye and did his best to convince her to be appeased and move aside.  
“Not until you give me back the package.”  Anna Marie said with her arms crossed over her chest and a defiant expression on her face.  This man had some nerve coming in and stealing her mother’s package and then sweet talking her.  She could see that he had a good figure and was handsome, but had one thing on her mind.  Recovering the package.
The psionic charm was failing.  Damn.  Remy was shocked and a little caught off guard at first, but soon recovered.  This was just a girl after all and he was a trained burglar and assassin.  He was ready to shove her aside again when she surprised him by stepping closer to him.  
“What were you doing with your eyes anyway?  They turned all red.  It was quite the sight.”  
Remy did not know what to think now.  This girl seemed aware of mutants and unafraid, another point to her.  He probably should have assumed this girl was aware of mutants being in the Lensherr manor, but it was still refreshing nonetheless.  
“Uh- I was just trying to convince you that this is all pointless, we’re in a lot of danger being up here and it’s best we all just go downstairs.  What’s your name by the way?”  
As if on cue, a security system on the roof apparently was aware that there were people on the roof and had started scanning and letting off steam cannons at them.  
Anna Marie took this opportunity to run towards the door, but also reached forward to grab his hand.  Remy instinctively took the pretty girl’s hand and immediately regretted it.  He felt energy draining out of him and he looked shocked at Anna Marie’s face.  
She let go of his hand and let him slip to the floor unconscious.  “My name is Rogue” she whispered and recovered the package.  
She dragged his body down the stairs using his strength and got glimpses of his dealings with a man named Sebastian Shaw.  She saw his life story and the fact that he was raised an orphan on the streets of Louisiana.  
Soon Erik Lensherr was up and went to go check up on his guest.  When he discovered what happened and the body of Remy LeBeau he was furious, but was convinced by Anna Marie to talk to him and only lock him up.  That he was a wayward youth and had only known thieving as a way to live.  
So Erik Lensherr took in Remy LeBeau and added him to his many acolytes in the Brotherhood of Mutants.  Rogue got her package back and went on her way to New York with it.  She later found out that the package was an important part for a steam powered way to identify mutants that her uncle and Hank McCoy was working on. 
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officialtrashbin · 11 months ago
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Reading preview:
“Why on God’s green earth do ya have an anti-mutant collar under your pillow, Cajun?”
Gambit raises his hands in surrender. “Would you believe Remy if he said it a weddin’ gift?”
“Course Ah wouldn’t!”
Gambit blinks and realizes Rogue has closed the distance between them when he wasn’t paying attention, her other palm splaying over his heart as if assuring it still functions. She might feel it threatening to beat out of his chest just to get closer to her. Close enough to touch.
Her pretty nose wrinkles up at him. “Start talkin’ or Ah’m confiscatin’ it.”
The cursed thing was borrowed, contrary to anyone’s knowledge, from Professor Xavier’s vault of precarious items assembled along the walls like war medals. Science projects. Doo-dads. Gadgets weaponized against the mutant menaces, or something to that headache-inducing extent. Gambit had been raised and honed a thief, and the vault hadn’t been particularly reinforced to prevent a nightly excursion or two.
“It not like anyone else were usin’ it,” he says. “Gambit wanted to see if it help him sleep.”
Rogue’s eyebrow quirks. “You’re a terrible liar for such a petty thief.”
Perhaps he’s just bad at lying to her (and Storm, because that woman possesses an uncanny third eye for punching straight through his nonsense). She only caught him at all because he was bad at hiding secrets from her, too, and noticed the collar peering out from under his pillow in the middle of an otherwise casual pass to bid him goodnight.
“Maybe you just got a good eye,” he replies.
“Why do ya have it, really? Can't keep avoidin’ my questions, Swamp Rat, or Ah’ll just keep houndin’ ya like a fly to a horse’s rear.”
“Dat sounds promisin’. I quite like havin’ you around, chere.”
Her expression shifts, all at once too sad for him to endure, and to his horror, the honesty reaches her eyes. Bella Donna looked the same way the night he left her behind.
His gut fills with concrete and he catches her hand in his. “Anna—”
“Please, Remy. For once could ya be honest with me?”
The truth: he wears it as needed like a cool hand to a fever, such a temporary relief from the reality of the agony gradually building inside of him, a soda bottle shaken to the edge of expulsion. He’s been enduring too many days lately with his nail under the cap of disaster. A single night with the collar has been enough of a momentary relief to realign his power for a week or two, at least, though sleeping in it has given him such an awful crick behind his shoulder he can’t reach.
The truth: such information will regularly intercept his routine with long days under Ol’ One Eye’s watch and more concerned glances than he knows how to deflect. He neither wants to worry Rogue nor hurt anyone who isn’t himself when the situation inevitably goes tits-up, so the collar has been his long term short-term contingency plan.
The truth: he’s scared of hurting Rogue.
The truth: he’s scared.
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roguegambitweek · 11 months ago
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Rogue/Gambit Week 2024
Hey y’all!
It’s time for what y’all have been waiting for—Rogue/Gambit Week 2024. We’re looking forward to a great week celebrating our favorite Southern couple. Here’s the information you’ll need to participate.
Rogue/Gambit Week 2024 will be held June 16-23, 2024. Yes, that’s right, we plan to have eight days of full of Romy goodness.
Day 1 - Sunday, June 16 - Alternate First Meeting | Robin Hood AU
Day 2 - Monday, June 17 - Roof Top | Steampunk AU
Day 3 - Tuesday, June 18 - MojoWorld | Merfolk AU
Day 4 - Wednesday, June 19 - Rogue and Gambit are physically separated | Fantasy AU
Day 5 - Thursday, June 20 - Legacy as a Concept or Character | Noir AU
Day 6 - Friday, June 21 - Space Adventure | Pirates AU
Day 7 - Saturday, June 22 - Reunion | Power/Role Swap or No Powers AU
Day 8 - Sunday, June 23 - Free day!
Alternate Prompts
Alt 1 - T-shirt Collection
Alt 2 - Hair—Braiding/brushing/cutting/etc.
Alt 3 - Vow Renewal
This is a celebration of all things Romy! Your fanworks may cover any point of their relationship—from their early flirtations to their life together as an old married couple, from friendship to lovers.
Rogue and Gambit do not need to be in a romantic relationship (friendship is great too!), but their relationship should be the primary focus.
Feel free to draw inspiration from any medium which they appeared (the comics (any corner of the Multiverse), the animated series (XtAS, WatX, Evo), the movies, etc.)
Please tag your posts #rogue/gambitweek2024 or #rogue/remyweek2024 within the first five(5) tags so they can be easily found and re-blogged on the Rogue/Gambit Week blog. You may also tag our posts @roguegambitweek . (This often makes finding posts easier).
Fanworks are not limited to fanfic, fanart, and fanedits. However you create, that is also a part of what makes a fanworks week successful. Yes, fic, art, and edits are the most common, but I’ve seen amazing fanworks accomplished in other ways. In our fist year a short video was shared concerning what Gambit keeps in his pockets. In another fandom, I’ve seen someone share why a particular musical score reminded them of the couple. I’ve seen people make text conversations between characters focused around that day’s prompt. Handcrafts, music, photography, cosplay, and countless other creative ventures can also be part of a fanworks week. Have fun creating. Please feel free to share your talents and Romy-love with us.
The fanworks you share should be created by you.
Any NSFW content must be placed under a ‘read more’ break, otherwise it will not be re-blogged.
You don’t need to post something for every day/every prompt. Feel free to participate in as many days as you you feel inspired. If you have created something, but are unable to post it on the assigned day, please post it when you can. It will still be re-blogged.
You may combine days (as in cover two or more prompts with the same entry).
‘Regular’ prompts may be set in an AU universe. ‘AU’ prompts could be set in a canon universe. Let your creativity run wild and have fun with the prompts.
Have fun. Try something new. Create something new for an old favorite. Remember, the goal here is to share the Romy love and create more Romy content for all of us to enjoy.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask.
Have fun creating!
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nutcrawler · 5 months ago
X-Men 2024, or, what the fuck should I read this year?
As someone that wasted the last week catching up on all current X-titles, here's the long short on which books are nice
Uncanny X-Men
The first one I read because it has my boy Kurt, with Rogue, Gambit, and Wolverine, traveling a bit and hanging out in Louisiana until the plot comes to get them with 4 new younger mutants being hunted.
Exceptional X-Men
This is the slice of life book. Kitty Pryde is a bartender in Chicago, while she balances trying not to fuck up her wlw dates twice in a row with rescuing every baby mutant that she crosses paths with. Pretty gay, I like it, it has good writing.
Adjectiveless X-Men, aka X-Men
The Scott Summers Show, I would actually recommend this one above Uncanny, as it seems to be the "true" book the x-events are moving around. Scott & Co. living in Alaska, Beast is back and trying to cure Magneto, Glob and Quentin are here too. If you are only gonna keep up with one book, this one wouldn't be a bad pick.
Or, the Young Mutants Pride book. The Kamala Khan/Laura Kinney book. Pretty focused on the "community" aspect of mutants, issue #3 has a scene that really highlights this with regards to where you belong, what you hide, etc. So pretty gay like Exceptional, a Morlock even mentions scalie fetishists. I don't really like X-23 but she's good with Kamala in this book.
Reality show mutants with a side of "you can't work for our oppressors." Leans pretty comedic when not focusing on mutant oppression and the question of integration. Oh yeah btw all these books are wearing their politics on the sleeves, some more than others though.
Forge made a device that tells him where shit is gonna hit the fan, and he's assembled a team to keep shit together, and if they do their job right, nobody will know. Clearly building to something, so the action focus is a little dull for me, but the couple writing between Captain Britain and Askani is nice. Forge is hiding something because he refuses to take off his psi-shield.
The edgy book, people dressed like sentinels and hunting down mutants. The letters page at the end of issue #1 was explicit about how they are pulling the energy of Robocop and Starship Troopers, so if you like fascy tacti-cool stuff, this is the one. Not hating btw I love Verhoeven, I saw some posts on 4chan about how this book is triggering the libs but that's just cope.
The solo focused books:
Mutant and proud, and on tour! That's it, there's only been one issue. Includes an entire mutant pride song called Out and Proud. Didn't particularly enjoy this one.
Wanting to begin her political career, but starts with the harsh truth that a local nuclear disaster was the fault of a mutant instead of negligent engineers. She also gave herself a megadose of rads and has hours to live. Also only 1 issue out right now, but decent.
Jean Grey, space cop (except she helps people). Has a very strong "actions and consequences" theme. Phoenix's history is constantly brought up Jean works to rehabilitate her reputation. Also some kind of fatherhood theme going on, Jean inadvertently gets an alien girl's dad killed which is slowly working its way around to be a problem for Jean again; Jean also run's into her father in law, who brings her to some Asgardian zombies, it's a whole thing. Not too bad imo, but as the "cosmic book" it's kinda all over the place.
Absolutely unhinged, my boy Kurt gets shot in the fucking face first issue. But it was to motivate Logan to be a good boy, so seal of approval.
oh there is also From the Ashes Infinity Comic that is p good, a sort of anthology where every 3-4 issues is a different story, I actually really liked it despite the Infinity Comic format
So that's the first 6 months of post-Krakoa, p good so far, will keep reading for sure.
Mystique #1 comes out in a few days which I'm kinda hype for, she finally got married to Destiny last year so Marvel's premier lesbian couple is thriving.
So long true believers, and remember:
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