#romy fanfic
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Flufftober Day 2: "Left. Other Left!"
A/N: this one was very fun to write, we had a blast writing out their accents. also neither of us speak french, sorry 😅 -mods angel & ghost
Pairing: Gambit x Rogue
Summary: On a trip down to Louisiana, Gambit learns the hard way that there's important duties for a passenger princess, much to Rogue's dismay.
“CHÉRE, TURN LEFT!” Gambit shouted from the passenger seat of the car as the couple was passing an intersection.
With that, Rogue veered the wheel to the left, turning the car violently in the direction she was told.
“DAMMIT, CHÉRE, YOUR OTHER LEFT!” Gambit threw his hands up in exasperation, gesturing in the opposite direction they were turning.
“DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHICH WAY IS LEFT, YOU SWAMP RAT??” Rogue yelled back at him, starting to pull the car over. “SHOW ME WHICH WAY YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!”
Gambit proceeded to point in the direction he’d meant.
“…Remy Etienne LeBeau, that is RIGHT!!!” Rogue sighed incredulously.
“…Is that…not the same as left?”
Rogue paused to drop her head into her hands. “This is gonna be a long drive if you’re gonna do that the whole time.”
“Do what the whole time, chére?” Gambit sighed, waving his hand nonchalantly.
“Give me the wrong directions! If you can’t tell right from left, we’re just gonna be going ‘round in circles the whole time!” Rogue made circles in the air between them with her finger to demonstrate.
“But it wouldn’t be too bad if I get to spend more time with you, non?” He flashed her a dazzling grin.
“Not when we end up at the bottom of the ocean! Listen, sugah, I love you ‘n’ all but you gotta be clear with what ya sayin’!”
“I was clear,” he asserted, a sly smile on his face. “You just didn’t undastand me, that ain’t mah fault.”
Rogue let out an annoyed groan. “Gambit, I will turn this car around. Or I will throw you out of this car if I have to,” she pointed her finger at him like she was an angry mother.
“Don’t be so harsh, petite, I’m not usually the one behind the wheel.” Gambit shrugged with a simple shake of his head before leaning back in the passenger seat, his arms moving to support his head as his eyes slid closed, “if you hate drivin’ dis much, maybe you should just fly us dere,” he moved slightly to mime flying with his hand.
“You’re a real comedian, ain’tcha? Maybe I should let you take the wheel, then we can see how long it takes us to drive there.” She takes one hand off the steering wheel, pretending to fully let go so he’d dive forward.
“Mon dieu, chére, you’re gonna put me in an early grave with stunts like dat.” Gambit sighed as he realized that she still had the wheel, letting himself relax back into his seat.
“You’ll be fine, I’m pretty sure we’re almost there anyway,” Rogue chuckled with a quick roll of her eyes, watching the road. “Where does the map say we are?”
“Uhh…” he fumbled with the map for a moment, squinting as he tried to read, “we’re in… Boswel.” “Boswell…in INDIANA???”
“...No?” “Lemme see this dang thing.” Rogue pulled over again then leaned in to look over his shoulder, before smacking him upside the head. “You idiot, this whole map is upside down!” When Gambit looked confused, she turned the map the right way up, to which he started looking sheepish. “Chére, I have some unfortunate news for ya” he grinned as she sat back in her seat, hearing her groan as she snatched the map from him. “Oh, do ya? I can’t imagine what that might be.” She couldn’t help smiling, the charm he had winning her over even though she was frustrated. “What would you do without me?”
The car fell into silence as she poured over the map, calculating how long it would take to get from what was most definitely Indiana down to Louisiana, “I’m not sure when we’re gonna make it down to your Pa’s, sugah. We’re pretty far outta the way.” “It’s alright, chére, I’m just havin’ a ball drivin’ with ya.” He grinned as he spoke, taking one of her hands off the map to hold it since she had her gloves on. “It can just be you and me now. We’ll find some place to stay, try this again tomorrow.”
“…alright, but I’m in control of the map next time.” she turned the car back onto the road as she spoke, “I saw a sign for a motel a few miles back, we can stay there for the night.”
“Sounds good to me, petite, as long as I’m with you,” Gambit replied with a wink.
“Do you have an off switch?” Rogue rolled her eyes playfully.
“Why, would you like to find it, mon amour?” He countered, his voice provocative, a teasing smile on his face.
She just scoffed and brushed him off, driving them to the nearest yet least filthy motel she could find, putting this trek to an end. When they eventually got back to the mansion a few days later, Rogue told the rest of the X-men the story. Gambit was never in charge of directions after that.
#flufftober2024#flufftober#romy#remy lebeau#anna marie lebeau#x men#x men gambit#x men rogue#mod angel#mod ghost#fanfiction#x men fanfiction#gambit fanfiction#rogue x gambit#rogue xmen#gambit xmen#rogue fanfiction#romy fanfic
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Prompt 1 - Heroes
I knocked out prompt 1 like a rabid little plot bunny. 🐇 Thanks @lovethelebeaux for your suggestion!
Got a prompt? Post it in the replies of this post.
Happy Easter everyone! 🐤����🐥🥚
The prompt:
The story:
It’s a beautiful night.
Warm, and sultry, like the woman he’s just spent it with.
He slings his trench coat over his shoulder and whistles a dissonant little tune as he heads up the grassy incline to the mansion.
He’s jumped the walls. He prefers not to trigger the cameras. His indiscretions are his own. In any other place, he wouldn’t care. But he does here, in this place where there are responsibilities, and truth, and justice.
He doesn’t fit in. He knows this already. He won’t ever.
I’ll be sad, if you go, Stormy tells him. But if you must, you must.
I ain’t cut out for this, he replies. I ain’t like all’a y’all.
And she raises a gentle eyebrow at him, says; After all we have seen, all we have been through together, you can still say such a thing?
We had some fun, p’tit, he concedes with a grin. But look at ya now. Ya all grown up, Stormy. You’re an X-Man. And I’m still just a thief.
He’s worse. But no one here has to know that, and he doesn’t want them to know, not ever. Guilt is a heavier burden, in a place like this. You weigh your soul against the goodness of others. Stormy figures he can find some sort of redemption here. But she doesn’t know the sins he must one day atone for.
Earlier that day, he’d started packing. But he hadn’t been able to resist one last hurrah before hitting the road once more.
He’ll go back to his room, have a shower. Sleep what little he can, before a new day rises.
Then he’ll bid his adieus and be gone.
He skirts by the lake, and as he does, he hears a nearby splash of water. Once, twice.
It’s too early in the morning for birds. He pauses. He steps around the dense trunk of the cedar tree and follows the sound.
He stops when he sees her.
Floating on her back in the water, eyes closed, her silver and cinnamon hair fanned out like a halo around her.
She’s never like this.
Rogue is brash and loud, and when she’s silent she’s sullen… sometimes sad. But she’s never like this. Calm. Peaceful. At home with herself.
He looks aside a moment, feeling like he’s encroaching on a moment, and not knowing how to extricate himself from it.
Truth be told, he doesn’t want to.
He’s been avoiding her. Not because he doesn’t like her, but because he likes her too much. She’s a reason to stay, and yet a reason to go. He wants to touch her, but he can’t. He doesn’t stay for things he can’t touch, he can’t steal. What’s the point in stealing a heart from a body you can’t touch, after all?
He hears her splash again, and his eyes move back to her.
She’s standing waist-deep in the water with her back to him, her hair a coppery sheen down her back. She lifts her arms and wrings the water from her locks.
She’s naked.
His heart is thudding in his ears.
He knows a thing or two about beauty, but something about hers stirs him every time, in places he doesn’t know could be stirred.
He slinks back into the shadows of the tree, and when he hears her begin to the leave the pool, he turns aside and quickly leaves.
He feels as if he’s intruded on something he shouldn’t have seen, that she would never have let him see. The sentiment has never stopped him before, but he tells himself this is self-preservation. If he sees her and she sees him, it’ll invite him to break a boundary he doesn’t dare articulate. After Belle, after Marissa, after all the women he’s fallen for, there’s too much at stake.
There’s too much.
He marches up the slope to the back entrance. He’d thought he’d worked out all his urges and then some tonight, but she stokes fires in him without so much as even throwing a look his way. Tugs at him with the memory of her kiss, one he can’t ever relive again.
He reaches the flagstone steps, and walks up onto the veranda. The need hasn’t gone, and so he pauses in the doorway and lights up a smoke to calm his nerves. He closes his eyes and breathes. When he opens them again, he sees her walking up the hill towards him, dressed in nothing but a blue, terry-cloth robe, her feet bare. She ascends the steps, oblivious to his presence, and when she sees him in the shadows, she starts.
“Gambit,” she almost exclaims.
“Rogue.” He steps forward a little, into the porchlight. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean t’startle ya.”
She says nothing. For a moment they stare at one another, a little awkwardly, a little something more. He hasn’t spoken to her for about a week now; but he’s sensed her eyes on him, sometimes, across the dinner table, or from the other end of the Rec Room. He’d pulled away from their banter and light flirtation because he’d slowly been coming to the conclusion that it was better to leave, but here, now… he doesn’t want to go without saying some sort of goodbye to her first.
Maybe he's even tempted to steal another kiss from her, her powers be damned.
“You’ve been out late,” she breaks the silence first, noting his trench coat and his unbuttoned dress shirt. She’d been aiming for flippant; but the words are a little self-conscious, a little defensive, as if she knows, instinctively, what he’s been up to.
“Looks like you’ve been too,” he responds quietly.
She colours a little, tugging the robe tighter around her, as if suddenly aware of her nakedness beneath it.
“I went for a swim, down at the lake,” she explains, almost in a rush. “It’s safer to do it now, when no one else is about. Don’t gotta worry ‘bout absorbin’ anyone.”
“Hm.” He nods. “Bet it reminds you of splashin’ round in the Mississippi durin’ high summer too, neh?”
She smiles then, a genuine smile.
“Yeah,” she says. “Sure does.”
Silence falls. She swallows. His heart is still crashing in his ears.
He can’t stop thinking about their kiss.
He guesses she can’t stop thinking about it either.
“Listen,” she blurts, after a moment, “I was wonderin’… Wolverine and I gotta trainin’ session tomorrow mornin’. You wanna join us?”
He’s surprised.
“Heh. You want me to hand your ass t’ya again, chere?”
She almost colours again – it’s less the ass-handing that bothers her, and more the kiss that had come afterwards.
“Naw. Ya just been lookin’ so sorry for y’self lately, I figured you could use a distraction.”
He laughs softly.
“Thanks but no thanks, chere. Three’s a crowd. And I know Wolverine don’t like me much.”
She quirks a small smile.
“That old grump don’t like no one.”
“He likes you.”
She looks aside, reflecting on that a moment.
“Well… I protected someone he loved. And in return… he gave me the gift of life.” Her voice had become quiet. “Before that… he hated me. Everyone here did.”
He’s surprised to hear that.
She darts a look at him, awkward again.
“Didn’t Storm tell ya?”
He says nothing, and so she continues; “I was with the Brotherhood. I… I did a lot of bad things. To the X-Men. To other people. To innocents.”
She clutches the robe tighter around her, as if to shield herself from her shame.
“I nearly killed Ms. Marvel – someone who’s a real hero. I stole everythin’ that belonged to her – her powers, her mem’ries – everythin’ that made her her. Her mem’ries ate at me. Drove me nearly t’madness. She was so strong. So strong, I began to fear I’d lose myself. So I came here. Hopin’ against hope that the Professor could help me. And he did. Just not the way I was expectin’.”
The words seem to take something out of her. She sits on the balustrade, still clutching the robe around her.
“When I first came here, everyone hated me. I couldn’t blame them. I’d tried to kill them, hurt them, countless times. But I had nowhere else to go.”
“And you earned their trust,” he finishes the story for her. “You became like them. A hero.”
She smiles up at him faintly.
“Everyone who comes here… somehow… we all end up heroes. Of one stripe or another.”
He laughs self-deprecatingly and grinds out his cigarette with his heel.
“I ain’t no hero,” he mutters.
“You seem to be doin’ pretty well so far.”
He shakes his head and moves to sit on the balustrade beside her. Close… but not close enough to risk brushing against all the naked skin she’s exposing right now.
“You’ve moved on from your past, chere,” he mutters, rubbing his long fingers together. “Maybe I ain’t ready yet t’move on from mine.”
She stares at him. There it is again. Her gaze, like fire on his flesh, in his gut and lower.
“Nothin’ you’ve done can be so bad it’s irredeemable,” she says.
There’s certainty in her voice. She believes it. Everything she’s experienced here, with the X-Men, has taught her to believe it. But he doesn’t. He knows what it is to stain his hands with blood.
“Would ya say the same to the Shadow King?” he asks.
She says nothing for a moment, and he thinks he’s caught her out – but she doesn’t take the bait.
�� “Y’know somethin’, Gambit,” she begins softly instead, “for the longest time I wasn’t sure whether I’m here now, fightin’ the good fight, because it was Ms. Marvel’s mem’ries, her personality, her goodness and sense of justice, that brought me here. Hell,” she exhales a heavy breath, “I still don’t know. Scratch the surface, scratch away all the psyches I’ve ever absorbed… when you get to the core of me, the real me, who is Rogue? Is she a murderer and a terrorist, who became a ‘hero’ because she absorbed a hero? Or was she a good person from the get-go? I genuinely don’t know anymore. Since I was thirteen, all I’ve ever had is other peoples’ personalities layerin’ over mine, over and over, buryin’ me under.”
She braves a look at him.
“Sometimes I get scared that… I’ll wake up one day, and discover the real me that’s been hidin’ underneath all that shit. I get scared I’ll kill everyone in their sleep. That I’m not – and never really was – a hero.”
Her eyes her greener under the porchlight. There’s an earnestness in them that tugs at him more powerfully than her body.
And he can answer her question. Because he knows it. Because it’s been self-evident to him since he first laid eyes on her.
“You’re a hero,” he assures her quietly. You’re somethin’ I’m not. He touches the sleeve of her robe because he can’t touch her hand, and he adds: “You’re a good person, Rogue.” He rubs the fabric between his fingers, because he can’t rub her own. “And… you’re beautiful.”
The earnestness doesn’t leave her eyes. She doesn’t look away.
“I think the same things about you,” she says simply.
She puts a hand on his knee, and he feels the warmth of each finger through the fabric of his pants. His heart is crashing in his chest. A touch has never felt so intimate. He leans towards her, and, Dieu, she’s brave enough to lean back towards him. He wants to kiss her so badly, he thinks he might chance it. He thinks he might chance oblivion, and all his ugly secrets being ripped out into the open, to kiss and be kissed by this sweet creature who swears she’s no angel, yet is nothing but to him.
For a few short, lingering seconds they remain there, a breath away from a kiss. She draws away first. He doesn’t know it now, but in the years to come, it will always be her who will draw away first.
“I… I should go. Gotta get up early for that trainin’ session tomorrow.”
She slips off the balustrade. He is still holding her sleeve, and somehow he can’t let go. She glances up at him.
“Will ya be joinin’ us?” she asks hopefully.
“What time?”
He thinks about it. He’s been planning to be long gone by then.
“A’right,” he says.
She smiles. He loves her smile, because she doesn’t smile enough, not like the way she is right now.
“Great. I’ll see ya then.” She pauses, adds a little shyly, “Goodnight.”
He relinquishes her sleeve, and she pads up to the door in her bare feet, throwing him another smile over her shoulder before she leaves.
He heaves out a pent-up breath.
His senses are burning. She consumes him like the sun. She doesn’t need to touch him to do it.
He gets off the balustrade and goes inside. He climbs the lonely stairs and heads back to his room. He stares at the bag on his bed, the bag he’d packed only just this afternoon.
He thinks of his words. Words so painfully honest he’d never meant to say them until he’d said them.
You’re a hero. You’re a good person, Rogue. And you’re beautiful.
Her hand on his knee. The warmth of its imprint.
I think the same things about you.
He wants to be the person she sees.
He doesn’t know if he can be. But he wants to be, for her.
He makes up his mind.
Slowly, methodically, he begins to unpack.
#Romy fanfic#Romy#Rogue#Gambit#Rogue and Gambit#Remy LeBeau#Anna Marie LeBeau#writing prompt#canon compliant
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Here have a romy smut snippet screenshot with the resolution of a potato.
#romy fanfic#workinprogress#steamy#naughty fanfic#naughty naughty#id say get a room but they already have lol#romy smut#xmen romy#x men romy#remy lebeau#rogue lebeau#rogue x gambit
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To Kingdom Come [1/2]
“You weren’t dere when de earth took me,” he says, “but I feel you holdin’ me still. Your voice. Fire. You’re beautiful, even when you’re sad. Who do dese memories belong to?”
“You. Your name is Gambit,” Rogue replies. He can hear the tremor in her voice. “Don’t you remember it?”
Or, Gambit becomes Death, defies Death, and lives with the consequences.
Read on A03!
A/N: Happy Romy week everyone! I didn’t quite have time to do any particular prompts or multiple entries, but then my contribution got out of hand anyway, so…here’s a 2-part Death!Gambit AU fic that was supposed to be for Free Space Day LOL. @roguegambitweek
Rating: Mature to be on the safe side for the implied sexual content in chapter 2, descriptions of death and violence, and dark themes involving grief, coping, and trauma.
X-Men '97 (Cartoon 2024) // X-Men: The Animated Series (Cartoon 1992)
Tags: Canonical Character Death // Death!Gambit // Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence // Canon-Typical Violence // Implied Sexual Content // AKA: Gambit see dead people chere // Angst and Hurt/Comfort // Co-Starring: Survivor’s Guilt and Bad Smoking Habits…And Magneto
Words: 4,132
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The first Romy Audiofic is dropping at midnight EST!
#gambit#remy lebeau#remylebeau#rogue#anna marie lebeau#annamarielebeau#romyaudiofics#the lebeaux#gambit & rogue#rogue & gambit#gambit & rogue fics#rogue & gambit fics#romy audiofics#romy fanfic#romyfanfic
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A little under-rehearsed
♠️ RogueGambit fluff ♥️ + some other X-Men guests ♣️ 4k of domestic fluff ♦️ Self indulgent and silly
“Worried about me?” “There’s nothing my wife can’t do,” he grabs her gently, parting from the hug so he can look at her. Remy’s fingers caress the soft skin of Rogue’s cheeks until they reach her hair, combing it behind her. After a full day of work, it’s a tangled mess, but he still loves it. “See something you like?” “Maybe.”
Or a quiet evening at the LeBeau penthouse, some surprise guests and homemade dinner
Read here
#xmen#x men 97#x men comics#remmy lebeau#anna marie lebeau#rogue#gambit#roguegambit#romy#xmen fanfic#fanfic#romy fanfic#laura kinney#gabby kinney#wade wilson#deadpool
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Fanfiction: Tilt
Author: DayenuRose
Verse: Evo
Ship: Romy
Author’s Synopsis: “A week ago, Remy married Belle. Rogue doesn't expect to hear from him anymore. So, why is he calling her? From Bayville?”
Notes: Post-series one-shot where Rogue and Gambit have been long-distance friends.
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Hi there! A while back, like in 2021, you mentioned a Romy fanfiction 'Giddy' and that it should be available on Ao3. I have swoop the entire website top to bottom and can't find it. You wouldn't happen to have a link to it or something, would you?
Someone who was not the original author decided to repost Giddy to AO3 a few years back, but I think it got removed again soon after. I don't have a link or download, but I believe @ludi-ling has it downloaded and is willing to share... perhaps?
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X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree ❤️🔥 Day 3
All the consumed alcohol was good for delaying, but even with that Remy did not plan to last long. Rogue’ smile was too much. Only she could say the sweetest things, make plans for the future, and, the next hour, do the dirtiest sex in the bathroom of the bar. The girl was losing control slightly, Remy could feel how she was absorbing him (in more than one sense). He liked the risk, and wouldn't break contact until the release. That feeling was rising, the prize was near.
Link: Rogue and Gambit: X-Treme X-Men
Central ship: Remy/Rogue
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Shameless Smut, Porn with Plot, X-Men in Japan, Adventure, Threesome
Length: 2,600 words in Chapter 1
#romy fanfic#remy lebeau#rogue x gambit#rogue x men#x men fanfic#x men fanart#x men hot summer fanfic spree#ao3
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spider!vi’s senses go haywire when she’s around you. the slightest touch, like your hand brushing against hers — is enough to get her ..going.
every touch feels amplified for her. she’ll give you that look, a not so subtle smirk on her lips, pulls you close, carries you with her arms under your thighs.
“you really know how to get to me, don’t you?” she’ll whisper, your fingers slipping into her hair for a kiss.
not to mention the zero sense of personal space. velcro!girlfriend (also formerly known as spider!vi) uses her webs to keep you near, sometimes wrapping a strand around your waist or pulling you into her lap before she can even realize what she’s doing.
after a rough fight, she’ll take a few minutes to let you patch her up — watches you do it. and when she leaves the next morning, she’ll always leave a message in web for you: usually something funny or sweet to make you smile while she’s gone.
#romy is 5km away and lonely!#arcane#arcane x reader#vi x reader#vi arcane#vi x you#vi x y/n#arcane fanfic#lesbian#wlw fic#vi x fem
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I wrote a little fluff fic inspired by this painted nails Gambit by @overh0l !
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They Call Me Rogue
✒️Written for Rogue/Gambit Week 2024's Day 5 prompt - Noir AU. ✒️
She was awoken from a deep and troubled slumber by the sound of a carburettor popping on the street outside. Night had fallen, and neon lights were fizzing right outside her bedroom window; daytime was a distant memory, and now was the time that people like her came out to play.
God – this schtick was getting to be far too much. Lord knew some days she woke up not even recognising herself anymore, when she found it difficult to put a name to the face in the mirror.
She sat up anyhow, yawned and stretched.
“Crazy dreams,” she muttered to herself. “Last thing I need now.”
Yet still she couldn’t help but steal a glance at the space in the bed beside her, the one that hadn’t been filled in a long time. Sure, she had her kicks now and then, but they were mostly cold-hearted and calculating affairs that didn’t really count. She didn’t dream about men much; but recently she had been, in ways that made her blush. And she didn’t blush very often at all.
She got up and had a cold shower – not because she needed it, but because it was the best this seedy hotel had to offer. Then she dressed in camisole, garters, and laddered stockings, and sat on the bed, emptying out her purse contents as she did so.
Three driver’s licenses, two passports, and a chequebook.
Her hand hovered over the pile as if casting some form of divination, before she settled upon a license. For a moment she scrutinised the piece of paper before nodding firmly to herself – standing, she went to her suitcase, unclasped the leather straps, and threw it open not so much with a flourish as a dismissive flick of the wrist. A cloud of dust rose with a poof like mountain ash, glittering in a nearby shaft of neon-tinged moonlight. Inside was only slim pickings – she’d living hand to mouth the past couple of weeks, and while she considered walking the streets beneath her, circumstances had got so dire that she’d almost entertained it. No, no, no. Lying low was a necessity, not sinking low. Besides, now she had means again. And she’d waited long enough or the trail to go cold. Time to move on, like her momma had always told her to.
She finally decided on the grey suit – a tad shabby, but she hadn’t worn it much and no one would recognise her in it. Once dressed, she pinned on her hat and slipped on her little tan kid gloves. The pistol she slipped into her purse.
Then she hurried off into a sultry New York night.
Read the rest on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56792074
#Romy fanfic#RogueGambit#Romy#rogue/gambitweek2024#rogue#gambit#remy lebeau#anna marie lebeau#rogue and gambit#Noir AU
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HERE IT IS. Chapter 1 of the void!romy story.
I pretty much took what I know from comic and 90s series lore, sprinkled in watching Deadpool and Wolverine three times (at the time of posting), shoved it all in a blender and hoped it mixed well lol.
#romy fanfic#x men romy#rogue x gambit#remy lebeau#remy and rogue#chanbit#voidbit#void!rogue#no beta we die like johnny storm
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Reading preview:
“Why on God’s green earth do ya have an anti-mutant collar under your pillow, Cajun?”
Gambit raises his hands in surrender. “Would you believe Remy if he said it a weddin’ gift?”
“Course Ah wouldn’t!”
Gambit blinks and realizes Rogue has closed the distance between them when he wasn’t paying attention, her other palm splaying over his heart as if assuring it still functions. She might feel it threatening to beat out of his chest just to get closer to her. Close enough to touch.
Her pretty nose wrinkles up at him. “Start talkin’ or Ah’m confiscatin’ it.”
The cursed thing was borrowed, contrary to anyone’s knowledge, from Professor Xavier’s vault of precarious items assembled along the walls like war medals. Science projects. Doo-dads. Gadgets weaponized against the mutant menaces, or something to that headache-inducing extent. Gambit had been raised and honed a thief, and the vault hadn’t been particularly reinforced to prevent a nightly excursion or two.
“It not like anyone else were usin’ it,” he says. “Gambit wanted to see if it help him sleep.”
Rogue’s eyebrow quirks. “You’re a terrible liar for such a petty thief.”
Perhaps he’s just bad at lying to her (and Storm, because that woman possesses an uncanny third eye for punching straight through his nonsense). She only caught him at all because he was bad at hiding secrets from her, too, and noticed the collar peering out from under his pillow in the middle of an otherwise casual pass to bid him goodnight.
“Maybe you just got a good eye,” he replies.
“Why do ya have it, really? Can't keep avoidin’ my questions, Swamp Rat, or Ah’ll just keep houndin’ ya like a fly to a horse’s rear.”
“Dat sounds promisin’. I quite like havin’ you around, chere.”
Her expression shifts, all at once too sad for him to endure, and to his horror, the honesty reaches her eyes. Bella Donna looked the same way the night he left her behind.
His gut fills with concrete and he catches her hand in his. “Anna—”
“Please, Remy. For once could ya be honest with me?”
The truth: he wears it as needed like a cool hand to a fever, such a temporary relief from the reality of the agony gradually building inside of him, a soda bottle shaken to the edge of expulsion. He’s been enduring too many days lately with his nail under the cap of disaster. A single night with the collar has been enough of a momentary relief to realign his power for a week or two, at least, though sleeping in it has given him such an awful crick behind his shoulder he can’t reach.
The truth: such information will regularly intercept his routine with long days under Ol’ One Eye’s watch and more concerned glances than he knows how to deflect. He neither wants to worry Rogue nor hurt anyone who isn’t himself when the situation inevitably goes tits-up, so the collar has been his long term short-term contingency plan.
The truth: he’s scared of hurting Rogue.
The truth: he’s scared.
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How about a Gambit and Rogue series that takes place in Valle Soleada? I think I would pass out from sheer joy.
Valle Soleada Fic Recs
People may speak of Paris as the romance capital, but for Romy fans it's Valle Soleada. ♥️ ~ @applejacks1552
Learning to Touch, Sharing Breakfast, and Intimate Moments
Ludi_Ling ( @ludi-ling )
Unbirthday [ao3] [ff.net]
Valentine’s Day [ao3] [ff.net]
Moving In [ao3] [ff.net]
Threads - Chapter 1: Heirlooms & Chapter 9: A Stitch in Time [ao3] [ff.net]
SassC_HiJinx ( @sasschijinx )
As I Lay [ao3] [ff.net]
Le Chat Noir [ao3] [ff.net]
The Art of Being Content [ao3] [ff.net]
DayenuRose ( @dayenurose )
A Life Worth Striving For [ao3] [ff.net]
Hospital [ao3] [ff.net]
Trust Me - Chapter 2: A Leap of Faith [ao3] [ff.net]
From Almost to Always - 2 - Anna - Waking from Unfulfilled Dreams [ao3] [ff.net]
Ilargikat ( @ilargikat )
Sundays [ao3]
Valle Soelada [ff.net]
Mystical Sand
Simple Pleasures [ff.net]
WriteItSmall (scribblemyname) ( @scribblemyname )
Expectations [ao3] [ff.net]
Valle Soleada and the Second Generation
AppleJ ( @applejacks1552 )
Children of X [ao3]
Home [ff.net]
CodeAliasWave ( @codealiaswave )
Unquenchable [ff.net]
Find out more details about these fics below the cut…
Learning to Touch, Sharing Breakfast, and Intimate Moments
Unbirthday by Ludi_Ling (Ludi) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Words: 828 | Chapters: 1 | Date: May 6, 2019 |
Summary: Powerless and blissfully happy together in Valle Soleada, Rogue and Remy are mostly spending their time getting to know each other, which somehow leads to them celebrating a joint unbirthday. Short, fluffy oneshot.
Valentine’s Day by Ludi_Ling [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Words: 2,760 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Feb 25, 2018 |
Summary: Rogue plans on having some ‘me time’ by taking a trip to Valle Soleada, only to find she isn’t the only one to have the same idea. Short but sweet Romy fluff, set after the Rogue & Gambit miniseries.
Moving In by Ludi_Ling (Ludi) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Words: 3,124 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Dec 25, 2019 |
Summary: Rogue’s moving in with Remy, and they get deep into their feels along the way. Cameos by Oliver, Lucifer and Figaro. Fluffy oneshot.
Notes: While this fic doesn’t take place in Valle Soleada, Rogue and Gambit reflect on their time (and relationship) while they lived there.
Threads - Chapter 1: Heirloom & Chapter 9: A Stitch in Time by Ludi_Ling (Ludi) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Words: 94,958 | Chapters: 10 | Status: Complete | Date: May 14, 2004 - Jan 4, 2011 |
Summary: One Sunday morning in Valle Soleada, Rogue and Gambit recall the moment they first met one another. Set in the 616-Universe (the main Marvel Universe).
Notes: Threads is a collection of alternate universes. While each chapter is stand alone, there is a bit of a thread which runs throughout the story. The first chapter begins with a lovely Sunday morning in Valle Soleada. In ‘Chapter 9: A Stitch in Time,’ they revisit an alternate/future version (Earth-371) of Valle Soleada.
As I Lay by SassC_HiJinx (SassC HiJinx) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Words: 3,339 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Apr 19, 2009 (ao3-2021)|
Summary: “The course of true love never did run smooth.” - William Shakespeare. Or, how Gambit and Rogue deal with coming back to life after their showdown with Vargas. Angsty Romy oneshot with a happy ending.
Le Chat Noir by SassC_HiJinx (SassC HiJinx) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Words: 2,361 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Apr 4, 2010 (ao3 2021) |
Summary: Sometimes you need someone to take a chance on you. This he knows most of all. Romy fluff with the barest hint of angst.
The Art of Being Content by SassC_HiJinx (SassC HiJinx) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Words: 3,505 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Feb 19, 2022 |
Summary: Rogue has a cold. Remy takes care of her. A little snapshot of their non-mutant life in Valle Soleada.
Note: These three fics by SassC_HiJinx form a bit of a loose trilogy following Rogue & Gambit as their relationship progresses. These are a lovely snapshot of their relationship from angsty hurt to domestic comfort. Please mind the tags things are a bit rough for Rogue and Gambit at the start of their journey to Valle Soleada, but it does pay off lovingly in the end.
A Life Worth Striving For by DayenuRose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Words: 1,001 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Dec 29, 2022 |
Summary: Life in Valle Soleada is good. Anna has a job she loves, a home on the beach, and the love of her man. She knows it won’t last, but she’s determined to take full advantage of every moment offered to her.
Hospital by DayenuRose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Words: 1,410 | Chapters: 1 | Date: September 26, 2022 |
Summary: Remy hated hospitals. He hated them to the very core of his being. From his experience, nothing good ever came from hospitals.
Yet, when Anna was injured, that's exactly where he found himself. Waiting....
Trust Me - Chapter 2: A Leap of Faith by DayenuRose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Words: 13,313 | Chapters: 5 | Status: WIP | Date: Feb 26 - May 27, 2021 |
Summary: Still adjusting to the loss of their powers after Mardripoor, Anna and Remy explore what these changes mean for their lives and their relationship. Never willing to be complacent, Remy challenges Anna to a leap of faith.
Note: While part of a larger story, each chapter can stand on its own.
From Almost to Always - 2 - Anna - Waking from Unfulfilled Dreams by DayenuRose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Words: 4,062 | Chapters: 1 | Date: January 11, 2020 |
Summary: In a relationship full of ups and downs, Rouge and Remy have always found their way back to each other. How many times along the way did they almost take the next step in their relationship?
Note: Part 2 features a vignette of Rogue and Gambit during their time in Valle Soleada.
Sundays by Ilargikat [ao3]
Rating: G | Words: 1,763 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Dec 19, 2022 |
Summary: Any given Sunday, a day off to spend the day doing nothing.
Cuddles and memories. Set in Valle Soleada.
Valle Soelada by Mackenzie05 [ff.net]
Rating: M | Words: 3,933 | Chapters: 2 | Date: Oct 13 - Nov4, 2008 |
Summary: Rogue and Remy leave the X-Men after losing their powers and now they have to adjust to having a normal life. Just when they thought that things couldn’t be any better, life gets turned around. Rogue/Gambit Romy. -Comic-verse/AU
Simple Pleasures by Mystical Sand [ff.net]
Rating: K+ | Words: 2,443 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Aug 7, 2004 |
Summary: Rogue handles life without her powers. Set after XTreme XMen Xpose 2. RogueGambit.
Expectations by WriteItSmall (scribblemyname) [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: G | Words: 100 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Dec 19, 2010 (ao3 2014) |
Summary: Rogue was the last thing he had expected.
Valle Soleada and the Second Generation
Children of X by AppleJ [ao3]
Rating: M | Words: 18,642 | Chapters: 11 | Status: WIP | Date: Dec 29, 2019 - Dec 29, 2020 |
Summary: A sequel to “But Here We Are”. Mutant numbers are declining. Rogue and gambit have been vagabonds living in seclusion since the birth of their twins. But how long until their old lives pull them back in?
Note: Chapters 1-6 are set in Valle Soleada before the LeBeau family sets off for another location.
Note: The next two stories take place after X-Men: The End. Which, if you have read The End, you know what that means for Romy. Home focuses more on the next generation (Olivier) and his grief, while Unquenchable is more Remy focused as he and their children face the aftermath of The End. Both stories carry with them the feel of Valle Soleada and the importance that location had for Rogue, Gambit, and their family.
Home by ballofspite [ff.net]
Rating: K+ | Words: 1,206 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Apr 15, 2020 |
Summary: Olivier Raven’s connection to his dead mother is what leads him to a place and time where his life was simpler. Will going home change what has happened? He needs to find out.
Unquenchable by CodeAliasWave [ff.net]
Rating: T | Words: 3,830 | Chapters: 1 | Date: Aug 26, 2012 |
Summary: In The End, Gambit thought he died. Yet he somehow made it back. Now faced living without Rogue, how can he handle his grief and raise their kids? Isn't an angry 12 year old bad enough without blame for his mother's death? Or how about a daughter who thinks she's forgetting her mother? Is Rogue really lost forever? All he knows is that life wasn't supposed to be this way. One Shot.
Take a trip to Valle Soleada and enjoy the reads!
(For @roguegambitweek 2023)
#romy fanfic#fanfic recs#rogue x gambit#i love valle soleada#romy#romy all day every day#sasschijinx
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illustration i did for my romy fanfic :) it’s nothing special but it was very self indulgent
read it here
nothing bad happens it’s all cute and fluffy i promise
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