#x men hot summer fanfic spree
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree 💎 Day 7
With both fingers on the edge of his glasses, Emma paused. Her face was directly in front of Scott, eye-to-eye. She looked relaxed and content. At that moment, he realized he had to forgo the visual input.   “Scott, I trust you.” As if a farewell to the beautiful body that graced his sight, Scott unwillingly closed his eyes. The world fell into darkness. He sensed a light yet confident pull of the visor frames from his face. Blinded, he urged his attention to register the location of Emma’s body.
Link: E is for Evolution
Central ship: Scott Summers/Emma Frost
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Sexual Tension, Tasteful Smut, Blindfolds, Secondary Mutation
Length: 2,500 words
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree ❤️‍🔥 Day 3
All the consumed alcohol was good for delaying, but even with that Remy did not plan to last long. Rogue’ smile was too much. Only she could say the sweetest things, make plans for the future, and, the next hour, do the dirtiest sex in the bathroom of the bar. The girl was losing control slightly, Remy could feel how she was absorbing him (in more than one sense). He liked the risk, and wouldn't break contact until the release. That feeling was rising, the prize was near.
Link: Rogue and Gambit: X-Treme X-Men
Central ship: Remy/Rogue
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Shameless Smut, Porn with Plot, X-Men in Japan, Adventure, Threesome
Length: 2,600 words in Chapter 1
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree ⚡️ Day 11
Noriko Ashida: I can’t believe I came all the way here thinking you’d be a gentleman. All you really are is a frat fuck boy with an Asian fetish. Julian Keller: Me?! I do not even find you attractive, you street trash rat! Noriko Ashida: At least I stood up to my parents. I lived on the streets because I wanted to, helping other kids in need, just like me. I made myself from the ground up! Julian Keller: Look, you probably never had money for therapy. I bet your colored hair is the only way to solve any of your mental problems. You pretend you are above every person here, living in your virtue culture, your politically correct bubble, but let me tell you. The world is much harsher out there, it will trigger you on any occasion, and you’ve got to grow a thick skin to handle it.
Link: High Voltage
Central ship: Surge/Hellion
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Enemies to Lovers, Light Masochism, Revenge Sex
Length: 4,100 words
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree ☀️ Day 2
Logan's ice-cold eyes, again. Ororo had seen them multiple times. It was difficult to read his emotions in those moments, she noted to herself. Logan's next words astonished Ororo. “You’d be a great leader. My money is on you, wind-rider. Chuck’s legacy will be in capable hands.”  The rest of that night had no meaning. They left the bar and drove back in silence until the sunrise started peaking through dark blue skies. Storm clenched onto Wolverine in the back of his bike, memorizing the sensations, the smell, and the feeling.  She could only wish she would make him feel the same way he made her feel.
Link: Becoming Ororo
Central ship: Ororo Munroe/Logan
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Sexual Tension, Slowburn, Tasteful Smut, Pre-Krakoa (X-Men), X-Mansion/Pre-Krakoa, Leader Ororo
Length: ~3,600 per chapter (27 chapters)
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree 🧃 Day 9
Rogue wanted to act normal and show the entirety of normalcy, she wouldn’t give Destiny the pleasure of making her pain a laughable matter. With the rest of her strength, she took out a box of chocolate cereal and poured it into a bowl.
-I told you, these things are kid food. They have no vitamins. There was no way Rogue could prepare something more elaborate in her state. She took a bunch with a spoon and answered her mother: -It tastes like chocolate, what else do I need?
Rogue and Gambit: X-Treme X-Men
Central ship: Remy/Rogue
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Adventure, X-Men in Japan, Adventure, Fluff & Smut, Port With Plot
Length: 2,600 words in Chapter 1
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree 🍒 Day 6
Madelyne took a few steps forward and stood on her knees, face in front of Nathaniel’s crotch. The moment he realized what was about to happen, Sinister gave this gorgeous red-haired creature a patronizing smile and a soft tap on the shoulder.    “I admire your dedication… Madelyne. However, your body has been created for a different man to use to his advantage. Today, you shall rest and gain strength in your muscles and bones.  With a gentle nudge from her creator, the clone proceeded into the nearby infirmary room. Nathaniel watched his child walk away, praising himself with deep sighs of satisfaction on how splendid Madelyne’s soft buttocks turned out to be.
Link: Chocolate Covered Cherry 🍒
Central ship: Mister Sinister / Mister Sinister, Scott Summers/Madelyne Pryor
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Self-cest, Cloning, Genetics, Unhinged Smut, Drug Use
Length: 1,300 words
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Fanfic Hot Summer Alert 🔥 Day 4
When Scott and Emma arrived in their bedroom, he hyped up the other surprise, which he prepared for his partner.
-I hope this gift - meant to express my sincere apologies - is to your taste.
Opening the door, the gift was nothing less than Madelyne over the bed with only her black lingerie. 
Emma used her tone to indicate the game had begun:
-Well, deary, let’s taste it. You know I only enjoy the finest pleasures.
Link: X-Men Sex & Cigarettes. Part II: Inferno
Central ship: Emma Frost/Scott Summers, Madelyne Pryor/Scott Summers
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Porn with Plot, X-Men in Japan, Adventure, Threesome, Smoking Fetish, Pregnancy Kink, Religious Symbolism
Length: 10 chapters (~2 ,800 per chapter)
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
Like my posts? I use them to inspire my writing. Check out my most notable finished works below. Go binge, my dear! I'm enabling you.
🤍 Scott x Emma (35K words, 35 kudos, 6 bookmarks)
💙 Ororo x Logan (98K words, 55 kudos, 11 bookmarks)
🖤 Kitty x Illyana (10K words, 8 comments, 13 kudos)
I write lots of bite-sized works too. Thank you for checking it out.
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
Maybe we have a guardian fairy... 🧚
Brian finally got his amulet back from Betsy; she felt the power leaving her, but she was thankful that her brother was at last its depositary. -You did well. I plan to take some weeks off when the child arrives, maybe you could substitute for me. Since that was Brian’s attempt at a joke, Betsy laughed a little. -I have too many obligations already. Ask Jamie, he’s going to have a lot of free time now. -Have you noticed? The holes stopped appearing, I’m free of Merlin’s spell, The Fury returns to Infuri with the other sentient machines, and now our brother has a sudden improvement in his health. It’s like all of those facts were linked and someone made a lot of effort to make sure our family is safe. -Maybe we have a guardian fairy. -A very humble one, I shall say.
Link: Betsy Braddock: Die by the Sword
Length: 6 chapters (~3,000 per chapter)
Genre: Smut with Plot
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree 🍆 Day 10
Roberto gave a gift of his most infectious sleazy smile to Sam before standing down on both knees. With his face staring directly at the zipper, like a kid during Christmas, Berto was thrilled to open and peek at what was behind. And so he did.
Link: Initiation
Central ship: Roberto Da Costa / Sam Guthrie
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Rite Of Passage, M/M, First Time, Explicit Sexual Content
Length: 1,600 words
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree 🌶 Day 8
With zero regard for Remy, Rogue changed her clothes directly inside the Blackbird. Rogue was perfectly aware of the casual nudity which she introduced into the already suffocating room. Without giving Remy a single glance, she continued flaunting her sports bra and panties while placing both feet into the pleather unisuit to cover her legs, hips, and, finally, her chest and arms. Power tripping from the fact nobody could touch her was just one of Rogue’s prominent feminine powers.
Link: Fits Like A Glove
Central ship: Remy LeBeau/Rogue
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Adventure, Tasteful Smut, First Time, Smut with Feelings
Length: 3,100 words
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Alert 🥵 Day 5
Logan tries to learn the hard truths about his recent memory wipe. Why did he do it to himself willingly? Why were the last two years get erased from his mind? His path to truth leads to Mystique, although asking her for help is a dire mistake. For Raven, playing with Logan's innocent amnesia is fun. She knows the truth, and so she deploys the sharpest techniques she knows to make Logan stay…
Link: Transformation
Central ship: Logan/Raven Darkholme
Rating: Mature
Genre: Erotica
Length: 2,300 words
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bananabrain0 · 2 years ago
X-Men Hot Summer Fanfic Spree 🌶 Day 1
Bishop’s hand reached down to his pocket, slowly, to avoid threatening the opponent. He opened the edge of his coat and revealed a small communication device attached to his belt. With eyes on his pants, Sage could not help but stare at something attached right next to the original object of her interest... His gun.
Link: There Is No Manual
Central ship: Lucas Bishop/Sage
Rating: Explicit
Themes: Sexual Tension, Spies & Secret Agents, Tasteful Smut
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