#rocky rickaby x male reader
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agathalombax · 6 months ago
1# So shipping. Canon or not I feel there's a difference country wise.. like in the U.S and Canada and Mexico... There's a huge problem with less F4F ships. But over here I don't get ANY sort of M4M ships... No matter what I search no matter what Tag no matter what character... It's never or barely any to be found...
For example I put like- "Rocky Rickaby X Male Reader"
Result: 0 results.
"Character X male OC"
Result: 0 results.
But it's all just.. fem y/n or female reader or just Gender neutral..
All y/n's or self inserts are either cis fem or male but fem looking or just straight up a Trans male..
2# I feel like any sort M4M ships getting little to none represention but more 50% F4F over here.. I just read a Reddit post about Rocky X Mordecai and how Tracy and fable (the artists) drew them kissing and the reader user, asking people how they feel?
. . .
It's... All NOs, or I hate it, I disagree with it, it's never gonna work out, just.. lot's of negatives or hate.. someone even straight up Repeating "eh it's cool but i-" or they'll say - "I'm uncomfortable with it" or worse is "he's ace, it wouldn't -" THE EORST ONE SAYS "ew! Here's aroace!" Like.. why does everyone want aroace? There's nothing wrong with it but.. it prevents people like me to ENJOY to see them touch.. kiss... Like they are disgusted by the fact that I think they should be together.. it's..
It hurts, like I look around at people agreeing to the same thing. But me... I disagree and I believe they can workout.. like I stand out to much and if I dare say otherwise... I am horrible for enjoying two men to loving each other.. it's unfair. It's all unfair. I don't care if the world's unfair I just... Want a little joy...
A little love... But I can't because EVERYTHING IS ALL CIS STRAIGHT SHIPS! it makes me feel broken for the men out there who want to read or see themselves with that make character..
Like being gay and liking men is HARD to write but IT'S SO "EASY" FOR PEOPLE TO WRITE 100 MILLION PAGES OF A STRAIGHT SHIP OR A SAPHIC SHIP!!??
LIKE...why? Why does this hurt? Why do I feel like I'm the only one who believes they two men belong together? All just... Confuses me because everyone is saying "there's not enough lesbian ships!" But all I'm getting every time I SEARCH??? . . . No M4M ships... Or not enough. Like their love is forbidden or wrong...
Is it wrong for me to see two men who are in love with each other? It's like I'm shouting into the void begging for some sign... For some sign of love, life, joy..
Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt so much? I don't see any of it ANYWHERE...
I just.. wanted more representation for gay male ships, fanfics, canon, or Headcanons... Why can't they have that... Why must it be so... Hidden? So hard to find? No matter what I do...
It's just not enough...
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multi-fandom-imagine · 9 months ago
Hello could i get a rocky x male reader where the male reader is an introvert but still works in the speakeasy
A/n: i love this type of pairing!
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You would always ask how did a guy like you end up with someone like Rocky Rickaby, it was simple really. He was the only one that saw you for you, he never judged you and while he would always have the energy enough for the both of you it never stopped him for wanting to spend a night in.
Sure Rocky loved to go out, he loved to take you out to where any music played but he was not about to make you uncomfortable. That's the last thing he wanted, you loved him and he rather not push you away, to scare you off. Which is why you two ended up staying in on most days.
Somedays you would read to Rocky, he really loved it when that happened. Or other nights he would play the violin for you, his heart would always skip a beat when you smiled for him.
But his favorite nights was to cuddle with you on your balcony just looking up at the stars. It was a strange feeling, to be loved like this. The feel of you holding him, the scent of your cologne or the beat of your heart.He never wanted this to end.
Eyes closing, Rocky let his race nuzzle more into your chest. "I was thinking about tomorrow, if you want we can always paint...I know that's what you like doing."
Letting out laugh, you closed your own eyes relaxing into the little couch. "Just try not to get the paint everywhere like you did last time."
"That is a promise I cannot make."
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ruinparadox · 16 days ago
hey I saw that you have lackadaisy on your list if you still are would it not be too much trouble if you would write an werewolf rocky x shy reader were rocky is found by reader thinking he was just a regular injured wolf but in the morning she finds a naked guy in the same place were the wolf was
Not too much trouble? Anon, I have been gnawing at the bars of my enclosure waiting for prompts for any of the other fandoms on my writing list. Coming home from work and seeing your ask with two others basically made my day. Also, a small reminder, I only write gender neutral and male readers. I hope that’s okay?
Lycanthropy is Weird, Alright? (Werewolf Rocky Rickaby x shy Gn!Reader)
You sighed and closed the door to the office building behind you. Finally, you can go home. The place was always so stuffy and at last, you could breathe freely in the fresh air of St. Louis. Well, as fresh as factory smog could be, anyway. Two people enter the building behind you, giving you a wave. You meekly return it and begin hurrying down the street. The sooner you were home, the sooner you could be back in your natural habitat.
10 minutes into the walk back home, you start noticing that it's oddly quiet, especially in the forest next to the city street. It was almost night time, so the birds were undoubtedly tucking their heads in their wings at this point, but everything else felt so still. The trees didn’t rustle, the leaves didn’t fly in the wind, not even the twigs made so much as a snap in the air. Even the buildings, which were normally filled with the hustle and bustle of late night workers were devoid of any noise.
You didn’t know why but you felt like something was watching you. The grip around your bag tightened and you merely kept walking. You’ve just been outside a bit too long and your mind is just filling the blanks on what might be in the forest. For all you know it's just a deer or something. As if to mock you, your fur stands on end as you hear the ominous howl of a wolf. The worst part is that it sounds pretty close.
As discreetly as you can, you keep walking while trying to fish your pepper spray out of your bag, your heart pounding in your ears. Would it also be a good time to mention your failing attempt at keeping your heavy breathing and trembling arms under control? It's okay, just keep walking, it's probably calling their pack or something. 
The snap of a twig reaches your ears and you just can’t take it anymore. Your fur bushes up completely and you start dashing for it. Almost like it's answering the fear wracking your body, you hear a set of steps dashing through the vegetation and it's definitely following you. You refuse to look back, instead focusing on the route back to your house. The twists and turns of the city rush to the forefront of your mind, trying to remember any possible shortcuts you may have encountered before.
It’s then that you hear the snap of something metal and the pained yowling of what you assumed was the wolf chasing you. You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned around, noticing the wild shaking of a few nearby bushes. Looking up and down the street, you noticed no one else was around. Looking back at the bushes, you mentally cursed yourself. Still holding your pepper spray, you carefully stepped towards the vegetation. You pushed away the leaves and were startled by the sight of a large wolf struggling against a rusted bear trap clamped onto its ankle. Its fur was a dark grey with stripes traveling across its head. It had a beige belly and an almost perfectly round hole in its left ear. A bit of a strange appearance for a wolf, but then again you weren’t a wolf expert, so what did you know of such things?
The wolf stops struggling when it finally sees you staring, its bright blue eyes shining at you. Slowly, you inched closer to the wolf, paws reaching out to the bear trap. Luckily you were wearing moderately thick gloves so you could grasp the metal without any major issues. Heaving with all your strength, you forced the spiked bars apart just enough for the wolf to scramble free. Your arms gave out and you pulled them back, jumping away from the bear trap snapping in on itself once more. 
Now there you were, standing just a few feet away from a wolf that you were absolutely sure had been chasing you not even a few seconds ago. Its eyes were wide while it looked at you, its stance not hostile but certainly not friendly. Unsure of what to do, you give it an awkward wave and slowly back away and turn around once you’re out of the bush line. Though no less freaked out, you are considerably calmer now and start speed walking back to your house.
The walk is relatively quiet after that. And the normal kind of quiet, not the oppressive silence when the wolf was watching you. Well, technically the wolf is following you now. You’ve been looking back every so often and find the canine staring at you from afar, usually from behind a dumpster, a trash can, or an unusually skinny mailbox. 
Regardless of such strange behaviour, you arrive at your house unharmed and lock the door behind you. You sigh in relief and set your bag down on the coffee table. You move to take your coat off only to stop when you spy the wolf looking at you from outside the window. Its gaze is almost awkward in a way, almost like it's unsure what to do here. That makes two of you as you simply turn around and go about relaxing in your home. Well, as much as you can with a wild animal who seemingly refuses to move from outside your window or avert its gaze from you. 
Time passes by and after having a snack, you decide to turn in until morning. You’ve changed into your house clothes and moved for your bedroom door. You stop when you hear a whine from the window. As you thought, the wolf is still there and as soon as it sees you, it pathetically raises a paw and scratches at the window. You stand there, mulling it over in your head.
Randomly letting a wild animal into your house is an absolutely stupid idea. Only a moronic lunatic with no respect for their life would ever do such a thing. It was risky enough trying to free it from the bear trap, who knows what it’ll do once inside your home? However, on the flip side of this issue, if it wanted to hurt you it had several opportunities to do so by now and so far hasn’t acted on a single one of them. It might have been waiting for you to let it inside so it could strike, but you doubted it was that smart.
After several minutes of putting away anything that wasn’t bolted down, as well as retrieving your pepper spray and a baseball bat, you tentatively open the door and jump back a few feet. The wolf slowly limps inside, sniffing around almost aggressively while blood drips onto your floor. Carefully, you step around the wolf and close the door, locking it as quietly as you can. 
With that out of the way, you go and fetch your medical box, the wolf never leaving your sight. Once you have the box you return to the wolf who is laying down on your carpet. Luckily your carpet is spared as the injured leg is resting on the hardwood floor. Cleaning that up is something for future you to worry about, right now you need to stop the bleeding.
The wolf watches you but doesn’t make a move as you gently clean the puncture wound and wrap some gauze around it. That should hopefully heal enough by tomorrow, or at least in a few days. Either way, the wolf is definitely leaving the next morning. You put away the medical supplies and the wolf hasn’t moved from its spot on the carpet.
“Stay. There.” Your laughably bad attempt to sound intimidating is met with silence from the wolf who merely blinks at you in response. “That’s right. Goodnight!” You practically bolt into your room, taking some extra time to push your dresser in front of your door and place the bat and pepper spray next to your bed.
It takes a while for you to fall asleep, especially considering you have a dangerous animal in your house, but eventually sleep takes you and you drift off into dreamland. You awake the next morning with a yawn. You’re briefly concerned when you rise to your feet and spot the dresser in front of the door. Then you remember the wolf sleeping in your living room.
You sigh and grab your bat and pepper spray. Pushing the dresser back in its place, you open your bedroom door and peek out into the house. Nothing in the hallway. You tiptoe down to the living room and freeze, your fur bushing up while a blush makes its way onto your face.
Sleeping on your carpet is no wolf. Instead, you’re greeted by the sight of a naked man who for some reason has the exact same fur pattern as the wolf. His bits are just exposed and he’s lying on your carpet like it's a regular Tuesday.
Your scream rocks the house and the man wakes up screaming as well. Not a second later, you nearly dive into a nearby drawer and pull out two industrial pepper spray cans, practically holding them like your dual wielding guns at the man.
“Who the hell are you supposed to be?! Get out you threadbare overcooked granola bar!!” It's almost comical how you look so intimidating while you're shrinking yourself against the wall.
“Wait, wait, wait! It's me! Your precious companion, see?” The man responds, curling away from you but holding out his leg. 
You halt your intention to spray him with two full blasts of burning food chemicals and look down at his ankle to see… the gauze you wrapped around the wolf last night. But how did that get there? You look up and spot the same hole in his left ear as well. But that would mean…
“Wait… are you a werewolf?”
The man lights up and gives you a wide and very unnerving smile. “Correct! Your companion happens to occasionally turn into a creature of the canine persuasion! Rocky Rickaby at your service.” He stands up and gives you a bow, his tail swaying behind him as he desperately attempts to keep his composure in spite of the pain in his ankle.
You stand there, shock lining your features. “Wait, but if you’re the wolf, then why were you chasing me last night?”
Rocky raises a brow at you. “I was chasing you?”
“YES! It was before I saved your butt from the bear trap!” You exclaim in an exasperated tone.
“Oh! Were we not playing chase in the beautiful division of the natural and concrete? It’s quite the fun game among most canines.” 
You blinked and let out a loud groan, dropping your pepper spray cans. It's gonna take all day to sort this out.
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ritzy-reminiscence · 1 year ago
Romantic headacon Rocky x male reader who is apathetic and deeply depressed, the only thing that keeps him going is Rocky
─♣️─ Lackadaisy : Apricity
⸝⸝ tl;dr : the warmth of the sun during winter's worst, rocky rickaby is quite frankly the only thing keeping you going .
⸝⸝ notes : this post contains mentions of depression and ever so slightly implies spicy stuff; if you're uncomfortable with such subjects, please click away ! this post is also pretty long, i had too much fun writing this aaa
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When was the last time you felt alive?
Not recently, that's for sure. Every day just seems to pass by in a blur -- all the same stories, all the same places. You never care to look at things anymore ; they're all uniform anyways, why bother?
Maybe it's just the weather. Maybe it's just the way the heavy winter clouds block out the sun that's got you like this. Maybe, maybe. Two syllables that seem to define your current state : Maybe I'll feel better. Maybe I won't. Walking the tightrope of life with cloth pulled over your eyes, no end in sight.
It's worst during the nights. Atleast in the day there's something to distract you -- your neighbors' bickering, the leak in the kitchen faucet, the state of your room. Anything to help you turn a blind eye to your plight.
But the nights are different. Silence everywhere, like a blanket covering the world, forcing all your senses to focus on how you are, what you are, how you got here. When was the last time you ever felt alive?
And then there would be a rumbling outside, like a car on the pavement. All cars sound the same to you -- all except his. The sound of his car alone wakes your nerves, the revving of the engine shooting adrenaline straight into your veins.
The sounds of a car door closing, quick footsteps on the stairs, an earth-shattering knock on your door. His voice, weightless as gossamer and bright as sunlight -- "Y/N ! Are you in there ?"
Your heart grows wings, flutters in your ribcage. Just his voice alone stirs your psyche awake.
You don't remember what happens during your late-night rendezvous with Rocky Rickaby. He could've taken you out to a restaurant, he could've sung ballads to you with his violin in the moonlight, he could've cooked you a ten-course meal in your kitchen (how has it not burned down yet ?) -- you could never remember.
What you do remember, however, were the ways his hands (paws?) caress your skin, your face, your hair, rousing your body from a sleepy stupor. Times with Rocky means times where your breathing quickens, gasps and pants escaping your mouth; where your lips form words, which tumble like a waterfall, your throat working hard to talk after hours upon hours of silence; nevermind the neighbors, let them hear.
You don't remember what happens during your meetings, except for the times after where he holds you in his arms, stroking your back. The crickets chirp outside the window; moonlight falls through the glass.
At times like that you listen to his heartbeat, steady as a drum, and at times like that you recall the question you've asked yourself over and over again : When was the last time I felt alive?
And then you'll smile, move closer to him, and you'll say : When I'm with him. Outside the walls of your bedroom, time speeds up, time slows down. Days and months and years could pass outside, but in your room it's stopped for the two of you, a living memory frozen in time.
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fun-k-board · 4 months ago
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Note(s): This is for all of the works I've written before October 22 2024. Still in progress.
Macaque X Gn!Umbrakinesis!Reader
Alex Chen X Gn!Reader
Mukuro X Male Reader
AVATAR 2009 with a Human ! S/O who adores Christmas - Jake Sully, Neytiri, Tsu'tey
AVATAR: WAY OF WATER with a Moth from Sky Children Of The Light - Prologue, Part one.1, Part one.2
Rotxo X Metkayina ! Reader
My Angst Avatar Way Of Water Headcanons
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER with a Human ! S/O who has psoriasis - Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Ao'nung, Tsireya
OG young justice team with a gn Ninja Reader - Kaldur'ahm, M'Gann, M'Orzz,
Genshin Impact general headcanons
Hort X Gn!Reader with a relationship like Morticia and Gomez Addams
Hort X reader romantic headcanons
Hester X Gender Neutral ! Reader Headcanons
Reader awkwardly confessing to Rocky and thinking it was a mistake until he gets all happy and does the Beam™
Teen reader who wants to be part of the Lackadaisy Speakeasy - Rocky, Mitzi, Ivy, Calvin, Viktor
Child rocky X child reader
rocky rickaby general headcanons with a gn!reader
Mordecai Heller GN dating Headcanons
Spider-Man Into / Across The Spiderverse Gwen Stacy Headcanons!
Dating headcanons for ATSV Ben Reilly
The Insomniac Spider-Men with a horror movie night
Spider-Man is... Peter Parker!? PT.1
MARVELS SPIDER-MAN - Black Cat kissing her gender neutral S/O
TMNT: Mutant Mayhem X Gender Neutral Reader dating headcanons
TMNT 2012 with an AFAB s/o on their period
Leonardo X Fem! Reader who's short and busty
Tomas Vrbada / Smoke Friendship Headcanons
Syzoth / Reptile Friendship / General Headcanons
What type of Cards Against Humanity players would the Mortal Kombat X Kast be?
Bi-Han / Sub-Zero with a boyfriend who's his childhood friend
Johnny Cage X Gender Neutral Popstar Reader Intros
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros with a Spider-Man Reader
Mortal Kombat 2021 with a Platonic, Child reader
Mortal Kombat 1 With a Venom Symbiote Spider-Man Reader
Lord Of The Rings With a Platonic, Child Reader From Our World
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL how would some of my favourite characters be if their S/O loves Halloween?
Completely random headcanons that make no sense and are completely out of character for (movie) X-Men characters
The Brotherhood (X-Men: Evolution) X gender neutral crush - Quicksilver, The Blob, Toad
X-MEN '97 - Little reader who's fussy and tends to have tantrums - Rogue, Storm
Dammon, Rolan and Zevlor If Their Gender Neutral Crush Accidentally Confesses To Him Headcanons
Why Ethari grew out his hair headcanon
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years ago
Hi! First, love you your blog! Second, I feel you! I've been waiting for Lackadaisy's plot for awhile for an AU thing I'm working on. It's a long story. Thirdly, can I request headcanons for Rocky Rickaby dating a male owl s/o, please? It's cool, if not!
A/n: hello! here ya go!! this was quite fun to write, I couldn't write much though, since most things have been said in the general headcanons that I made with him, but I tried to write as much as I can for this one! I tried making it reader-centered even though my mind kept reverting back to Stolas every now and then lmao.
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Rocky Rickaby x male!owl!reader headcanons!
In a city full of mostly cats of different breeds, though it is not out of the ordinary for there to be people of different animal races, such as the weasel working for Marigold, seeing them is still quite a shocker for many.
That is probably why Rocky couldn’t stop staring at you the first time he saw you. the sheer amount of admiration that was illuminating from his expression was uncanny. It was like a child found his favorite comic book hero at the local mall, you for a moment wondered if he had mistaken you for another much more famous owl he might be a fan of.
Knowing Rocky, he’d most likely try to tease you at first, slowly sliding into flirting territory after a few jabs here and there. he’d compliment your eyes, write a poem or two about the elegance you have, and would try anything he can to impress you.
if you were to date him, there wouldn’t be much of a difference in the relationship he would have with you than he would have with anyone else. Though, he might get flustered much easier around you, especially since you’re most likely much taller than him. Even if not, he still gets flustered easily, since he thinks you’re too beautiful to compare, and the idea of having someone so pretty flirt with him feels unbelievable.
He can and will try to stay awake with you during the entire night, even though he has work again in the morning. He’ll spend as much time with you as he can and if you do not stop him then you’ll see an out-of-his-mind Rocky that you must keep an eye on the entire time or he will nail pieces of meat on the wall. 
"Rocky?...why- what are you doing to the walls?...."
Rocky's eyes were pupiled as he tried to swing the hammer and misses the nail. "THEY, are coming. we must prepare."
If you coax him enough to go to bed, you’ll be met with a pouty Rocky who begrudgingly says ‘alright’ as he lays down. He’ll try to stay awake as much as he can even at that moment, trying to make small conversations with you and ignoring the yawns that are slipping from him. If you cuddle with him at some point, he will finally close his eyes and fall into a blissful sleep with a tight grip on you.
Unfortunately, though, you may find yourself waking up every now and then during your morning sleep. He tries his best to be discreet when making breakfast in bed for you, but the daily smell of burning toast is now your alarm clock.
Can and does gloat about having the most magnificent boyfriend. If he’s not excitedly telling Zib what gift he’s made for you for when you wake up he’s acting as if he’s a professional at love and trying to give Freckle dating advice.
May probably ask strange questions, such as if a feather of yours can be used as a pen if gives a bit of ink, or if you eat vermin just like your non-anthropomorphic counterparts. He’s genuinely curious, even though he’s seen many different animals during his time going from one odd job to another, he’s only taken glances at them and never had the chance to speak to one.
Loves hugging you on cold days, especially blizzard ones when he has to stay home with you. the amount of warmth your body gives him makes him feel giddy.
If anyone were to insult you or your appearance, then the next day they’ll find their house either destroyed or burned, and if asked Rocky, he’ll just shake it off and say justice has been served, and who are we to question that?
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glowinggator · 1 year ago
Current WIPS (Lackadaisy)
Sorted by character, updated semi-regularly. (Note: Some request notes are abridged here for space: Written works includes still include full details!)
Last Updated: 8 April 2024, 12:00am PST (oopsie) (♣️=Most recently updated categories)
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Rocky Rickaby ♣️
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request: rocky x gn!reader who frequents little daisy's cafe not knowing there's a speakeasy underneath it, only to find out and stop going there? i wanna see how rocky tries to get their love back.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request: romantic relationship headcanons w/ rocky? preferably with a male (he/him) reader? (A/N: HELL yeah brother. I've missed seeing you in my notes <3)
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Untitled ♣️ Status: Finished & Queue'd! Type: Drabble; 327 Requested: Yes Request: Rocky x reader who's just as chaotic as him, when they get confortable, but when they aint they're just really shy and polite?
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request: Rocky/Reader, wherein Reader is a little too aware of the narrative.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: Rocky/Reader, who is a really strong assassin. Akin to Yor Forger.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Oneshot Requested: Yes Request Notes: bursts into readers shabby apartment in the middle of the night, clearly very hurt physically after a rum running gig. Rocky says he didn’t know where else to go and reader practically forces him to let her patch him up at stuff. After a while (and a lot of tension) reader finds out Rocky’s homeless and forces him (again) back to stay with her in her apartment. Sprinkle in some purring, affectionate head bumps, and tail twining.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: rocky rickaby x reader celebrating their bday?
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Temperate (Or, the 2 times you ran, and the 1 time you didn't. Rocky/Reader, Friends to Lovers, Light Angst at parts, ultimately Fluff.) Status: In Progress (30% complete, currently at 1.4k) Type: Oneshot Requested: Yes. Request Notes: Reader first denies his romantic feelings for Rocky, because of this reader is distant from Rocky, but then, either gradually, or due to some accident, reader still confesses to Rocky. Ends in fluff.
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Codeswitch (Or, the Lackadaisy cast's reaction to the reader's colder, working alter-ego. Includes all members of main cast, sans Atlas and Asa Sweet) Status: In Progress (10% complete.) Type: Headcanons, may include drabble for some characters Requested: Yes Request Notes: See Above.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request Notes: Rocky/Reader, Reader is very loving and caring towards him and also everyone else and is also very eccentric, theatrical and has a very maniacal laugh.
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Double Sided Cloth Status: Not Started Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: Rocky/Reader, reader is nonverbal or doesn’t talk much, yet it is kinda social? Idk, basically someone whose more reserved yet is still rlly kind. (Bonus points if the reader is an artist like him!)
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Nothing Money Can Buy Status: In Progress, 60% Complete, 1.3k. (Taking back burner until next Christmas due to overshoot (oops). Rocky/Reader, Kissing under the mistletoe.) Type: Oneshot Requested: No
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Soranna Sorcha Status: In Progress, 40% Complete, 600. (Taking back burner until Rocky's next birthday due to overshoot (oops x2). Rocky/Reader, A kiss for each year of age, birthday fic. Type: Oneshot Requested: No
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Mordecai Heller
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Requested: Yes Type: Undetermined Request: Mordecai Heller with a fem or gn s/o who runs their own business making clothes and costume designs for theatres?
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Dorian "Zib" Zibowski
Nothing here! ...Send something in?
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Sedgewick "Wick" Sable
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: Working class reader who never got the luxuries he has in her life
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Ivy Pepper
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request Notes: Can I get general relationship headcanons with Ivy Pepper dating a fem reader? (If not gn is ok!)
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Calling her by her government name Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes
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Serafine Savoy
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: can I get some stuff for snuggling with the crazy Creole gun lady? (I am down bad, please assist) (A/N: Real and True :pensive:)
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Viktor Vasko
Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: How would Viktor react on working with lackadaisy with his wife(reader)
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Undetermined Requested: Yes Request Notes: **VAGUE SPOILERS FOR COMIC** Viktor reacting to seeing his wife -- the reader -- again.
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Untitled Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes Request Notes: Headcanon on how being in a relationship with Viktor would be.
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Mitzi May
Calling her by her government name Status: Not Started Yet Type: Headcanons Requested: Yes
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Wes Clyde
None, yet! ...Send something in?
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Untitled Type: Undetermined, likely a drabble or oneshot Status: Not started yet. Requested: Yes Request: Avery (One of the pig farmers from Lackadaisy!!) x a male reader who is very well read? A smarty pants that though a farm would be a quaint calm place to be,,, And it turns out is not. A/N: Your brain is huge, and I LOVE this idea. MUAH
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paperdice · 8 months ago
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐤!
- bofurin boys x paranoid motherly reader hcs - pt2 izukus twin x platonic hcs with aizawa, katsuki + 2 others of my choosing (bc 1 choosing isn't enough 4 me mwhahah) - mordecai heller x asexual reader hcs and oneshot - twisted alice x male reader that was her past lover - rocky rickaby x reserved polite reader romantic hcs - tickling reader x butter roll cookie and affogato cookie hcs - 2BDammed x reader x Hank NSFW fic - dark cacao cookie, burnt cheese cookie and stardust cookie x goddess reader hcs - kusuo x foreign gn reader hcs - avocado cookie x cuddly fem reader hcs - snakefruit cookie x dragon reader hcs - beast cookies x chosen undead reader hcs
phew that's a bunch laid out for me! thanks to all the anons and their requests, I was getting a bit worried that it'll take a little while to get to these. so I wanted to post this to say that I am working on it! will it be in this exact order? maybe depending on how long some of these take since I am a picky writer that goes all out regrettably but it's all worth it in the end! please be patient with me 🙏🙏
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speakeasyaoi · 2 years ago
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Requests currently closed! | 20/20 slots filled
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What I WILL do:
Headcanon lists and rambles
LD x reader (including specifications + details)
LD ships (platonic, romantic, familial, etc.)
Female, male, NB & GN reader
All characters, including niche + side characters
Practically anything! Don't feel afriad to ask
What I WILL NOT do:
Anything I find immoral or uncomfortable (Incest, noncon/dubcon, underage, etc.)
Explicit NSFW; I'm willing to make allusions and mentions to NSFW if I find it appropriate in the scenario, but I will not go into heavy detail (if you would like to request something of that sort, go to my sideblog @crackadaisie)
Fully written fanfiction/scenarios
A lot of ships involving Ivy and Freckle that aren't with eachother, considering the age gaps and the fact theyre both 18
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Roark 'Rocky' Rickaby
PROMPT: Rocky is in a close friendship with the reader that looks more like a couple at first, and has the beginning buds of a romantic relationship. {GN!Reader}
Mordecai Heller
Prompt: N/A {GN!Reader}
Serafine Savoy
Prompt: N/A {F!Reader}
Mary Ellen 'Mitzi' May
Prompt: N/A {F!Reader}
Sedgewick 'Wick' Sable
Prompt: The reader is Sedgewick's secretary. {M!Reader}
Atlas May
Prompt: N/A {F!Reader}
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Art deco dividers by @saradika
I take on average 4-7 days to answer asks, but this can fluctuate heavily!
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zonald · 2 months ago
GLUTTONY (Lackadaisy x Isekai Male Reader) Bio:
•X/N K/N (Before Reincarnation)
•X/N May (After Reincarnation)
-Eyes's color:
•Black (Before Reincarnation)
•Green (After Reincarnation)
-Fur's color:
•Brown (After Reincarnation)
•Human (Before Reincarnation)
•Cat (After Reincarnation)
•45 (Before Reincarnation)
•25 (After Reincarnation)
•W/N K/N (Father) (Before Reincarnation)
•V/N J/N (Mother) (Before Reincarnation)
•Atlas May (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Adoptive Father) (After Reincarnation) (😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Mitzi May (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Adoptive Mother) (After Reincarnation) (😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Rocky Rickaby/Rockyrickbaby (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Lackadaisy rocky/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Older Brother figure) (After Reincarnation) (😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Ivy Pepper (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Younger Sister figure) (After Reincarnation) (😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Calvin "Freckle" Allen McCurry (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Younger Brother figure) (After Reincarnation) (😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Viktor Vasko (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Uncle figure) (After Reincarnation) (😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Dorian "Zib" Zibowski/Dorian Zibowski (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Uncle figure) (After Reincarnation) (😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Horatio Bruno (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Younger Brother figure) (After Reincarnation) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Sedgewick Sable (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Uncle figure) (After Reincarnation) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•J.J (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Uncle figure) (After Reincarnation) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Reuben "Ruby" Pepper (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Uncle figure) (After Reincarnation) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Leo Quackenbush (Lackadaisy) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (Uncle figure) (After Reincarnation) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Nina McCurry (Aunt figure) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (After Reincarnation) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Mrs. Bapka (Grandma figure) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (After Reincarnation) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Asa Sweet (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😽😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Mordecai Heller (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Lackadaisy Mordecai/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😽😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Serafine Savoy (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😽😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Nicodeme Savoy (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😽😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Wes Clyde (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😽😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Fish (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😽😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Grachie Grombach (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Benjy Jessup (Pig Farmers/Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Avril (Pig Farmers/Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Emery (Pig Farmers/Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Avery (Pig Farmers/Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Archie (Maitre Carrefour Cult) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Joey (Marigold Gang) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Captain Kehoe (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
-Love Interest:
Zulie (Maitre Carrefour Cult) (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/ 1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Dominic Drago (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Lacy Hardt (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Edmund Church (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Elsa Bastion (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Bobby Bastion (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Abelard Arbogast (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😽😸😺😹😻😼🙀😿😾🐈🐈‍⬛)
•Virgil (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀🐈‍⬛😿😻😽😾😺😹🐈)
•Tommy Gun
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Like: Spend time with his family, Take Zulie out for a date, drinking whisky, listening to Jazz, hand to hand combat, protect his new family and friends
Dislike: Seeing his loved ones suffer, The Pig Farmers, the Marigold Gang, The Maitre Carrefour Cult
P.S.: This story Is the 3rd prequel of the story of @stupendouspizzacomputer.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 1 year ago
Hi, I want a romantic Rocky x male!reader, here it is. Simply put, the reader is the ideal person, he is a kind, patient, and handsome guy, everyone, including Rocky, wonders how he started dating Rocky? But Rocky doesn't really wonder, he's too busy holding on to his happiness, because when will he get that chance? Therefore, because of this, Rocky often gets jealous when he sees people coming up and flirting with his partner, because he is afraid that they will take away from him, because they are better than him (in his opinion), so Rocky is very passive aggressive (or just aggressive), with those people who approach the reader, but our reader is not blind, and he talks to Rocky about this, after which he kisses him and calms him down, saying that he loves him and will never leave him, in other words, something cute and fluffy
A/n: Sweet baby Rocky deserves all the love.
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You were quick on your feet, quick with your hands, it's why Mitiz hired you and while you were a good pickpocket you were also kind patient, handsome was a word you heard the most.
At least something came good out of working for Mitzi, it lead to meeting your soulmate, it lead to meeting Rocky. He was your complete opposite, something that you were grateful for but you weren't an idiot. You knew the whispers, you weren't blind to the looks too. You understood the confusion to why you were with someone like Rocky. You'd often be told that you could do better than him.
"You're handsome, you could pull anyone so why Rocky?"
Though you'd always respond with the same answer and same smile. "Because I love him."
But that didn't mean he wasn't prone to jealousy, you knew he'd often get irritated when men or woman would approach you, flirt with you. A few bared fangs and a look would often scare them off but for the others.
Well a few veiled threats often took care of the rest of the idiots that wouldn't leave you alone. Sure Rocky still might be jittery, still might be scared that one day you'd leave him and he'd be alone.
So you took it upon yourself to reassure him, a smile etched on your face as he fiddled with your tie and with a small shake of your head you gave him a gentle kiss, then another to reassure him that you'd always stay by his side. "Rocky, I won't leave you okay....I will never leave you."
"Even if someone better came along?" Rocky asked in a weak voice.
"Rocky, know one could ever be better than you."
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multi-fandom-imagine · 1 year ago
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-💕means it has sexual content/Implied sexual content..
-💔means it is an angst fic
-😍means it is a family fic
-💘means it is an angst fic with a happy ending.
-🚫means it contains a Trigger Warning.
─ ★
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─ ★Dorian "Zib" Zibowski
Zib in a Rut blurbs-💕
Men who moan
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
─ ★Sedegewick "Wick" Sable
Wick in a rut blurb-💕
Men who whimper
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
─ ★Calvin "Freckle" Allen McMurray
Freckle in a rut blurbs-💕
Freckle with a clingy s/o
─ ★Rocky Rickaby
Rocky in a rut blurbs-💕
want a romantic Rocky x male!reader
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
Men who moan.
Rocky as a girl dad
Rocky with a shy!fem reader.
Rocky noticing his S/O is in heat
Rocky with a clingy s/o
Comforting an insecure reader
─ ★Viktor Vasko
Viktor in a Rut blurbs-💕
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
Viktor in a relationship with a crybaby!Reader.
Viktor sharing the reader with Mordecai
Viktor having a child that's a runt
Viktor with twin girls
do Viktor x reader, like where his wife is pregnant
Viktor being late to his daughters birth
Teasing Viktor until he snaps💕
─ ★Mordecai Heller
Mordecai in a rut blurbs-💕
"i can hold the whole world in my hands"
Mordecai sharing the reader with Viktor
Mordecai having a child that's a runt.
Mordecai Heller x pregnant!Reader
Mordecai having a child who is just chaos incarnate like Rocky.
Second time's the charm
Mordecai with a pregnant reader
Comforting an insecure reader
─ ★Nicodeme Savoy
Nico rut hc's
─ ★Images I happen to like!
-➤- 1:
-➤- 2: Humanized Mordecai and Viktor
-➤- 3: Baby rocky and Freckle, baby mordecai
-➤- 4:Valentines cards
-➤- 5: Valentines cards { Pt2}
-➤- 6: Humanized Zib / Zib { i love him so much }
-➤-7:Viktor in a suit 🥰
-➤-8: this and this...no words
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paperdice · 8 months ago
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐤!
(heavily updated cuz other post is a bit older and new askers might not know of it)
✍= currently working on
🙏= worked on and or halfway thru but still on hold
🧠= brainstorming for proper accuracy
⏳= on hold
✍- pt2 izukus twin x platonic hcs with aizawa, katsuki + 2 others of my choosing 🙏- mordecai heller x asexual reader hcs and oneshot ⏳+🧠- twisted alice x male reader that was her past lover oneshot ⏳- rocky rickaby x reserved polite reader romantic hcs ✍(due to a misunderstanding in request, thanks for letting me know anon!)- ticklish reader x butter roll cookie and affogato cookie hcs 🙏+🧠- 2BDammed x reader x Hank NSFW fic ✍- dark cacao cookie, burnt cheese cookie and stardust cookie x goddess reader hcs ✍- avocado cookie x cuddly fem reader hcs 🙏+🧠- Kevin x male reader oneshot ✍- auditor x human reader oneshot and hcs ✍+🧠- beast cookies x chosen undead reader hcs (I'm also doing extra research on the beast cookies bc I'm not too confident in myself so I'm double checking) ✍ - Match up 1. lackadaisy and tf2 ✍+ 🧠- Viktor, mordecai, wick and rocky x dom reader nsfw all seperate mini hcs and oneshots ✍- Match up 2. creepypasta, sally face and black butler ✍- wind archer cookie x villain reader hcs and maybe oneshot ✍- scott pilgrim x shy!fem!reader hcs ✍-scott pilgrim x shy!fem!reader that accidentally confesses fic ✍- all might x male!reader smut
I swear in my past life I was a tortoise, but now that I have this up I hope this can help anons understand why I've been slow.
As I said in my last 'Requests Accepted' post, im a crazy picky writer,, I double-check for accuracy and am constantly thinking whether or not the character would even do what im saying they would.
A regrettable choice of writing I picked for myself, BUT I MUST SERVE JUSTICE FOR THOSE WHO ARE TIRED OF FALSELY WRITTEN FICS!!
Till then, thank you anons all for your immense patience! Major props to you all!
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zonald · 28 days ago
GLUTTONY (Lackadaisy x Isekai Male Reader) The Lackadaisy crew (Part 1):
•Atlas May (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•Mitzi May (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•X/N May (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
•Horatio Bruno (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•J.J (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•Dorian "Zib" Zibowski/Dorian Zibowski (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•Ivy Pepper (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•Viktor Vasko (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•Calvin "Freckle" Allen McMurray (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀😿🐈‍⬛😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•Rocky Rickaby/Rockyrickbaby (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/Lackadaisy rocky/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🙀🐈‍⬛😿😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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•Sedgewick Sable (Lackadaisy/Lackadaisyita/Lackadaisycats/Lackadaisy fanart/1920s/boozecats/Tracy j Butler) (😸😼🐈‍⬛😿🙀😻😽🐈😾😺😹)
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