#rocky horror critical
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months ago
The thing about Rocky Horror Picture Show (srry my mom and also my friends no offence) is, I also dislike it. I like it's songs and also old now-problematic gay rep is still gay rep.
Personally I just never really liked the tone or the character of Frank-n-furter especially- but also in how it's treated as the definitive horror musical and how it's "SUCH a magical experience!" when clearly like...no...it was/is a magical midnight movie experience for some people but when you try and insist I have the exact same experience/love/adoration for that thing that you have...sorry but I just really hate that attitude. I try to avoid that as much as possible with my own fandoms and getting newbies in- imposing a way you're supposed to feel only makes you feel more isolated for just not feeling it, and so makes you more resentful.
Point being: it's overrated and it was overhyped to me, both as an experience and a movie. Little Shop, Phantom and Sweeney Todd will always mean more to me as musicals too. EVEN SO- Rocky Horror is so influential to musicals, genre films, horror, horror comedy, camp and be movies, gay cinema (I could go on and on) that if nothing else you ought to respect it. Not love or even like it- but respect it.
Lily is such a bad fan+critic+media analysis that she actively makes me disagree with my own opinion and want to defend the thing I dislike from her. I can only imagine that's how Vivziepop must've felt when she tried and failed -as so many often do- to sit through Lily's SU video; "omg no THAT's not what's wrong* with it, and if it is what's wrong holy shit girl wtf is your deal?!"
It's one thing to be blunt abt disliking Rocky Horror. If Lily was all "I hate this movie; Frank n Furter is a grapist, even Lindsay Ellis agreed back in the day. Also it's fans are annoying and I dislike the music ick", there'd be an outcry but honestly I've heard worse and guys it is just a musical. People matter more than things. But OF COURSE, Lily can't do that. No, she has to put everyone who's ever liked the damn musical under fire and call them 'bad' and 'boring' and 'creepy'. She has to insinuate things about their personal lives over them liking the horny stupid sex dragshow and how their interest is inherently "bad gay rep". No nuance. It's not HER gay rep so it's not allowed to be ANYONE'S REP, apparently.
If you wanna see someone make harsh but fair take down of Rocky Horror (moreso it's fandom, tho I'd argue that in the case of the film experience they're kind of one in the same) and then also get some nice gay rep in yourself to balance it out, watch Tuca and Bertie season 2. Actually, watch Tuca and Bertie however you can and also probably Rocky Horror again if that is your comfort flick...you'll need to go to your happy place after you look into the abyss of Lily Orchard.
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confused-rat · 5 months ago
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Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
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fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
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fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you—
So anyways, Lily Orchard doesn’t know what the fuck she’s saying, nor does she know jackshit about queer history, and her continuing to erase an entire generation and the cultural impact of a film SHE DOESN’T LIKE is brain dead behavior.
Tell us you hate older gays without telling us you hate older gays Lilian.
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theindefinitearticle · 1 year ago
Still not over the part in the Todd in the shadows video where James Somerton claims that the success of rocky horror saved the film studio. Girl she flopped. Famously she flopped.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 4 months ago
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Oh come on! So Avatar is just Dances With Wolves meets A Princess Of Mars with the prose of Robert Heinlein, that doesn't make it "hot garbage". After all, there's no such as an "original story". If you wanted an original story, you would need to go back in time to stop the Epic Of Gilgamesh being put to tablet or The Iliad being written to scroll. Regardless, Avatar is still a good, enjoyable movie.
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Lily Orchard, let me say this thing, this teeny, tiny, little thing, from the very bottom of my heart:
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lilyvalorchard · 4 months ago
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that-one-kiddo-in-the-back · 4 months ago
Slurred speech... Queer bad.
I've been wanting to talk about this for a pretty long time
Props to her for putting content warnings. This is her. "I hate the word queer so everyone else should" video. For the purpose of this post, I'll be saying Queer since no one else has a problem with it besides me. I'll go into saying I don't like the word Queer because my conservative boomer parents use it as a slur, and I've only ever known the word to be used as a negative. So I'm not too keen on being called Queer. However, that doesn't mean I'll yell "ThAt'S a SlUr." When someone else in the LGBTQ+ uses it. Free speech and all that.
We start the video with an SU mention and how people weren't too keen on her calling the word Queer a "slur" when it's been reclaimed for quite a while now.
Anyway, she brings up how there are two arguments towards using Queer A) who want to use it as a self identifier for their own reasons and B) who want to use it as an umbrella for the community as a whole because the community is to specific and it needs to be all-encompassing and guess what side she hates the most. if you guess B, then you'd be right. Here's the thing I think that the LGBTQ has way too many letters, and some people don't fully know who they are, only that they aren't straight or cis, so to use Queer as an umbrella to get the point across that the person isn't cis or straight isn't that bad of a thing but this video isn't about telling cis straight people they can't use Queer this is telling people in the community they can't say Queer.
Something bonkers about this video is that she compared the use of the word Queer to the nazi word degenerate, saying they are one in the same. Which lily not all things relate to the Nazis.
Rocky horror is the Bain of Lily’s existence. She brings in her straw man (Billy), who asks the important question of "isn't it's history as an LGBTQ term important to consider?" To which Lily sets that wicker man on fire by bringing up Rocky horror. I'll confess that I have never seen Rocky horror, and at this point, I refuse to watch it simply because Tim Curry (It's because I don't like gross horror that involves SA), but regardless. Since I haven't watched Rocky horror, I'll be skipping over it. Other people would have better takes on it anyway. I will say that she thinks that SU, glee, and RuPaul's drag race are just as gross as Rocky horror... which how? I don't know shit about Glee, but how is drag racing gross?
Billy brings up how Queer was reclaimed, just like how black people reclaimed the N-slur, which Lily says isn't the same thing. Now I can blend in with snow, and I'm not gonna tell black people what they can or can't say, but Lily is "native," so it's fair for her
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So sorry, black people, the pertendian has spoken you can't use the N-slur. 🤷
She says how no black person uses the N-slur to another person... which, like from experience of being outside and around others, I can personally tell you that black people are definitely calling other black people the N-slur. I used to live in California, and the N-slur was the most common thing you will hear when you're in the lunch line. Lily, you can tell people in your own community what they can or can't say but for the love of Freya stay in your fucking lane and don't tell other cultures what they can or can't say because that makes you just as bad as the people who try to silence them.
Back to the main video. Lily goes on a rant about "how dare the younger gays say Queer when people in the 60s were beaten to death while Queer was being yelled at them or the people who were called Queer as a slur and is disgusted that some idiot kids would have the nerve to say that everything is okay now" which people aren't doing no one is telling a person who has been called Queer to shut up and deal with it because it's reclaimed. I feel like Lily has confused the word Queer to the F-slur, which is far more dangerous than Queer.
The whole video is just Lily whining about Queer bad questioning good throughout the whole video it made it seem like people reclaiming Queer are gonna move onto the F-slur and force LGBTQ people to use that which isn't what's happening no one is being forced to use Queer as an identification of being in the LGBTQ. She brings up Queer studys as something that a gross person would study completely, ignoring the study itself.
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Whether you like it or not Queer has been reclaimed, and you can either swim with it or drown.
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dtvhomeofhappiness · 1 month ago
Rocky horror is like if you got an advent calendar and each day you got a puzzle piece. you have no clue what the picture is going to be, and the puzzle pieces seem so drastically different. the only hint you're given is at the beginning, in which a big pair of red lips sings to you as you get a one or two word description of some pieces.
the first piece you get is that this is a sci-fi story. then, that Brad and Janet are a young couple that are very in love. third, that they're going to see an old friend who was described by the big red lips.
from just the first three days, you understand nothing, and not how it connects at all. how does this being a sci-fi story fit into this couple and their old high school teacher?
then, after the first week, you feel as though nothing is connecting aside from Brad and Janet sort of connecting to everything but not really. a guy got murdered? there's a gay mad scientist? there's a creation? who are all these characters? what happened to going to meet that friend? you feel as though nothing connects and nothing makes any sense. some people, especially those not privy to a puzzle about gay mad scientists, will either stop opening boxes altogether, or stop paying attention to the pieces they're getting.
for the next week, you're still confused as to what's going on, what the picture might be. though, if you pay close attention, you can start to put things together, such as that Riff Raff does not like Frank-N-Furter, and that Frank sleeps around. a lot. now, on most peoples first attempt on putting the puzzle together, they will not notice these things, or that they are crucial to the puzzle as a whole.
It's not until the 17th (still going with the puzzle advent calendar thing) that pieces start being obviously connected, such as that the man who got murdered was the "old friend's" nephew, and that Frank does not like people who look at UFOs, and that Dr. Scott knows a lot about those. we start to learn that Frank's chronic "sleeping around" has an impact on those who surround him.
And then, on the last day, everything falls into place. sure, some things had started to connect earlier, and if you had not given up any hope after the first two weeks and payed close attention, you probably could've gotten a good idea of what the picture was going to be, but it's that last couple days that tell you everything.
Rocky Horror isn't a movie about "nothing", or even worse when some people (cough cough, conservatives) see the second week's pieces and think it's "all p**n no plot", you just gave up looking at the pieces because you wanted to know the picture after the first week.
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call-me-liquid · 4 months ago
Has Lily acknowledged your existence yet?
She also has never responded to a single one of the thousands upon THOUSANDS of hand written notes that we could be
💖~ kissing each other right on the mouths as sisters ~💖
While I even bring her coffee! 😭
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Yes. Sort of at least. The whole "Solid Lily," "Liquid Lily" episode, I can more or less confirm happened because of me.
The day I made this account, though I never interacted with her directly on purpose, I was watching to see when/if she blocked me. Took her something like, two or three hours to find my account and block. Which, in Lily's defense, fair enough. I think my reasons for mocking her are more than valid, but I wouldn't expect anyone to NOT take being openly made fun of like this as more than enough reason to cut off direct contact. It's clear I don't like her. But by the timing I can all but confirm the ask she got next was a self ask:
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She didn't get the joke. Poor Lily doesn't get a lot of things, though.
She referenced me and another parody Lily account more directly here:
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The "Mega Milk Lily" Liquid drawing came out if me making fun of this comment.
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There was an instance of Mikaila vagueposting about someone drawing Lily as a "big titty goth gf," implying that artist, whoever they may be, wanted to bone Lily. That was also probably in reference to me. If it was, that tells me two things:
1. Mikaila doesn't know what a goth is (speaking as a goth guy.)
2. Not a surprise they both think drag is some kind of pervert satanic ritual if they interpret absolutely ridiculous drawings that don't even look close to the real Lily as flirting. I'm not trying to play dumb, I know there's a sexual implication to the way I draw Liquid. Liquid's origins as a character are a little messy because the original Lily Wojaks I drew ages ago. The "abusive wife" wojak has big tits, and that was the first one I made.
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But as I started developing the character as a whole persona by herself, I started leaning into it more to both parody how in a performative hyper femininity. I'm a drag performer in real life. Though I don't perform as much as I used to, I used to do a lot of parody impersonations (Ben Shapiro was my favorite, lol.) Also, it's just way easier to draw curvy women super fast since they're made of a lot of distinct shapes.
If they think me drawing a parody Lily this way makes me think I'm into her, well. Sorry Lily I'm only into chicks who hurt people consentually. Full offense, with all do respect.
There's been a few instances I've been made aware of I personally concluded was not actually all that likely to be about me. However, there was one instance involving Loly alluding to a phantom violent drawing Courtney supposedly commissioned. In my opinion, Lily is making the whole thing up, or her friend is. Courtney supposedly sent it to a friend of Lily's instead of her directly, and this friend refuses to show or send it to Lily.
I can't confirm who speculated about this first, but either Lily or KiwiFarms suggested it was me who drew it. This drawing no one's seen but a friend of Lily's, who Courtney supposedly paid money to have made, only to ever send it to JUST Lily's friend.
I mean I can't prove a negative, but like, if this commission ever materializes there's a million different ways to at least show I would have had to go to take pretty extreme measures to hide that I made it.
The last instance I really can't say for sure if it was me or not. But it may have been me that caused Lily to go on a prolonged rant about metaphors. The same day I made fun of her for the same thing, referencing a 9 month old Sai stream where she confused "symbolism" for "simile." Symbolism can absolutely be used in a visual or conceptual metaphor.
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fourthwingingit · 1 year ago
Throwback to that time glee did a rocky horror episode and they didnt censor any of the numbers they showed EXCEPT the word transsexual in sweet transvestite (they kept transvestite which was equally as out of date and controversial) thereby erasing the fact that dr. Frank N Furter was supposed to blur the line between "caricature of scary gay man in drag being dangerous" and "caricature of scary trans woman being dangerous" to show that theyre the same thing to people on the outside
And then they doubled down on that by actively looking to cast only women for Dr. Frank N' Furter because they couldnt put a boy in anything resembling his costume (even though they actively chose to put one in JUST tidy Whities for his costume and didnt censor that at all)
Anyhow i think glee shouldn't have done rocky horror at all, and if they were going to they should've done it with their whole pussies because the excess and extreme controversy was the point
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confused-rat · 6 months ago
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(A reply to the 6Teen post)
That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about The Rocky Horror Picture Show to dispute it.
It’s true. Rocky Horror is outdated and does contain a lot of harmful transphobic stereotypes.
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(Source: The Hidden Truth of The Rocky Horror Picture Show by Amelia Kinsinger)
But that still doesn’t negate the cultural impact it had at the time. The good it did do for the community. Rocky Horror is still relevant today because it is queer history. It’s relevant because in 1975, it was all some people had.
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(Source: The Rocky Horror Picture Show’s Impact on Queer Communities in the 1970s by Jackie Roach)
Lily is pointedly ignoring the absolute privilege our generation has. We have so many options when it comes to queer content, something none of us would have thought possible ten years ago—much less forty.
Truthfully, I think Lily secretly hates the older LGBT+ community. Her hatred of the word queer, her insistence on Rocky Horror’s mediocrity��I think she hates the fact that there’s an entire generation of trans people who had it worse than her, and that it burns her little victim complex heart. So she has to make them out as terrible people for supporting a terrible movie and reclaiming slurs, ignoring how they all bled for their right to exist and would obviously protect some of the only pieces of media at the time that validated their existence.
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gumpistol · 10 months ago
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Comfort food(s): spam fried rice ( with a fried egg and too much kewpie mayo and sriracha on top ), enchiladas, spaghetti, applesauce, tiramisu, honey cake Comfort drink(s): cold brew coffee, mochas, chocolate milk, POG with seltzer, liquid iv. Comfort movie(s): amélie, lilo and stitch, lotr, the conjuring series, rocky horror picture show. Comfort show(s): one piece, over the garden wall, bee and puppycat, planet earth Comfort clothing: grunge, black and red, oversized everything/loose fitting, graphic tees, ripped jeans or joggers, stompin' boots, flannels, hoodies, the permanent dark circles under my eyes. Comfort song(s): copperhead road - steve earle, highway to hell - ac/dc, anything green day, anything by the offspring, reach for the sky - social distortion, fuck authority - pennywise, devil's dance floor - flogging molly, and basically anything else my dad blasted in his car while growing up Comfort book(s): treasure island, the sandman - neil gaiman, edgar allan poe complete collection, my nematology and mycology books. Comfort game(s): stardew valley, the witcher series, fallout series, spiritfarer, pokemon ( and if we're talking board games, then carcassonne and clue ).
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tagged: @enjomo (ty <3) & @mingos (on my multi, so i'll reblog it there <3) tagging: since i think just about everyone was tagged, you ! if you haven't done it yet !
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proudfreakmetarusonikku · 1 year ago
like is rocky horror perfect? no, it’s definitely aged in some aspects and you can criticise it as long as you’re fair. but also if you take a look at a movie very clearly made as a celebration of queerness and don’t get that the openly queer characters being literal space alien perverts is a very obvious joke at how absurd the way cishet society views queer people i think that’s kinda on you. like, it’s very clearly satirising how ridiculous the idea that gay people are dangerous and weird is by exaggerating it to the point of parody.
(and like literally every character in the movie is queer, including the “normal” ones. dr frank n furtur is a queer villain, yes, but the heroes are also queer.)
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ashisafriedpickle · 2 years ago
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Mollymauk coded.
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that-one-kiddo-in-the-back · 4 months ago
This video is about Star Wars... apparently.
Once again, if you don't know me, I'm what Lily would refer to as a Star Wars weeb. I live, breathe, and shit Star Wars. You got it? Good. Let's dig in.
Now, this can't be a Lily Orchard video without her complaining about the thing she claims to love. Now, I have my own problems with the sequel series, mostly that I found it boring and a wasted opportunity to do something a bit different and interesting and felt that they pushed a black man to make room for a white woman. Hell, my siblings even told me that for a week, it was just none stop complaining about Disney owning Star Wars I think the only reason I started to go a bit easy and shut up was when star wars rebels came out but I'll get into my own acceptance of Disney canon in a separate post.
To her credit, she talks about how universal Star Wars is, how it has something for everyone, and if you're someone like me a shit ton of stuff to take all of the money from your account but now we come to Lily not understanding how things work.
She goes into a rant about how streaming services are killing movies and just regularly TV watching, which is true, yes. She's uses Matt Damon's views on streaming she then talks about her all-time favorite movie and the reason she pushes for low stakes storytelling from that time period called John Q. From 2002 which if you don't know, it's about a father who holds a hospital hostage at Gun Point to get them to help his son, who needs a life-threatening heart surgery.
Despite the title, this video has nothing to do with Star Wars. it's more about streaming services with a spit of Star Wars. From 8:37 to 14:48 is nothing about Star Wars and all about streaming and low stakes over high stakes. Despite that, I would argue that John Q, while being more a personal movie of a father desperate to save his son, is a high stakes situation. High stakes storytelling isn't just "The fate of the universe is at risk," and low stakes storytelling isn't just personal drama. John Q stakes are pretty high with taking an emergency hospital hostage where everyone could die if not treated, and the best case scenario for the main character is his son getting treatment while he goes to prison and the worst case being he dies with his son. I hate to break it to you Lily but the movie you say is your all time favorite is a fucking high stakes movie.
Finally, getting back to fucking Star wars. She brings up how Star Wars is a pretty low stakes series simply because of how the story is overshadowed by the family drama that is the Skywalker family, which is turn. I would say that Star Wars can be pretty low stakes, but I wouldn't stay that it is. She talks about clone wars, the "patron saint of the annoying darkness obsessed Fanboys" (A.K.A me) has plenty of episodes of that dig deep into the rot and corruption of the republic and the jedi order but that those are dwarfed by the focus of Anakin and Ahsoka's relationship pointing out that that episode was the series most hard hitting to the fans which is true anyone who watched that episode can tell you they cried their eyes out but that's mostly because that really left an impact on Anakin and one could argue is that's what really made him question the order and when you go back to watch Anakin's descent it makes it all the more heart breaking.
We all know Lily hates serialized TV that's no secret or surprise she'd much rather watch a sitcom over anything else, but the thing is, but she treats serialized shows as moldy bread using the Ahsoka show as an example of losing characters and losing moments for the story to breathe and the fun episodes that do nothing but flesh out a character never mind the fact that Ahsoka and Sabine don't need to have their character fleshed out we already saw that in rebels for Sabine and CW for Ahsoka. I find it kinda funny that she doesn't like the Ahsoka show when that was the lowest stakes show she could ask for a teacher and a student getting back together to help find Ezra while 2 dark side users are also trying to find him so they can find Thrawn hell she even has some lesbians to obsess over but they focus on the force for to long and has too many samurai references dispirit the fact that...
The Jedi are basically samurai!
The jedi takes inspiration from monks and Samurais, so no Lily. Dave filoni isn't some secret Weeb. Blame Lucas if you have to
Something I found interesting is Lily using M*A*S*H and other sitcoms saying they have some depth to them, but we her critics can't see that past the laugh track saying how her favorite All in the Family did a good job talking about drag queens while taking a dump on Rocky horror for their drag queens. Now I haven't seen all in the family or Rocky horror (and I don't plan to), but I have seen M*A*S*H, which is a good sitcom it's pretty funny and a prime example of "laughter is the best medicine" or "if you don't laugh, you'll cry." If you don't know what M*A*S*H is, it's a 70s (1972 to 1983) sitcom that takes place in a medical tent during the Korean War with most of the episodes being about the main group of characters trying to go home but whacky hijinks get in the way the show is all dark humor. Little fun fact if you didn't fall asleep during history class, M*A*S*H was made three years before the Vietnam War had ended, so people didn't care for it until 1974 and you don't have to he a genius to know why it's loved now.
Lily’s main problem with Star Wars is that she's living in the past and won't move forward, and she can't expect that not everyone likes what she likes. Sure, Solo was a flop, but there are still some people who like it.
There is no such thing as peak fiction also applies to Lily herself.
She missed an opportunity to use avatar
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bloodstainedembrace · 2 years ago
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magenta from class a few days ago ! :-)
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call-me-liquid · 4 months ago
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