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Plasma Lily. Awful parody account. Even worse satire.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lilyvalerieorchard · 2 days ago
This is the reason why Solid Lily desperately wants to chase Rebecca Sugar out of animation, so she can take "the place that was rightfully stolen from her" and create....well, whatever the hell this is.
Then I realize this is also the real reason Lily hated Baldur's Gate III. Because it was nothing like her awful, sister x sister coffeshop fanfiction here.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 3 days ago
Look, Mikalia
I know it's hard considering either Lily incest-poisoned your brain so much or that you are being pressured into seeing incest so that you don't anger your beloved, there's something you need to know:
Firstly, that page from the "show bible" calling them "sisters" was made by NBC/DreamWorks/Netflix without ND Stevenson or any of the other creatives, way before the show entered production; before Stevenson and the crew ultimately made Catra and Adora childhood friends, NOT "sisters."
Secondly, like many authors commissioned to write tie-in books to popular kids media, Tracey West was completely unfamiliar with She-Ra, meaning she KNEW NOTHING about the plot or the characters. So DreamWorks (in collaboration with Schoolastic), without any input from Stevenson or the show staff, gave her information sheets that would give a simplified run-down of the show's premise and characters. And, of course, they would contain the faulty, outdated information referring to Catra and Adora as "sisters." Also meaning that these tie-in books were planned before the show was even made, before any of the creative decisions made by Stevenson and the staff. How do I know this? Because this a very common practice for companies. Getting third-party writers to write tie-in material for their media without any of the original creatives involved. If Lily or Mikalia knew anything about show-production and franchising, they would know this sort of thing happens all the time.
Mikalia, it seems like you and Lily so desperately want them to be sisters because (as I've said before) if they were, you two would constantly ship them like you do with Jinx and Vi, Tai and Kari, Zuko and Azula and Gorion's Ward and Imoen. If you're not being being pressured into Lily's incest-fantasies then just admit you have an incest-fetish, admit you are turned on by sibling x sibling love; admit you are proud pro-shipper. We won't judge. Buuuuuut if you did all of that, that would also mean knowing all about Lily's sexual abuse of Courtney, her sister.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 24 days ago
Sadly, since a large amount of comic book nerds (especially Marvel and DC Comics fans) are also fans of Lily Orchard, I need to ask them something.
If you're still willing to support a woman who
Sexually abused her sister for years since childhood
Sexually, emotionally and mentally abused her girlfriends
Wrote a fanfiction based on the things she did and wanted to do to her sister
Lied about being of Native/First-Nations heritage just so she could fetishize Indigenous culture
Called Rebecca Sugar, a non-binary, bisexual, Jewish woman and descendent of Holocaust survivors, a "pervert", "pedophile", "fascist sympathizer", "Nazi apologist" and "closeted Neo-Nazi"
Called ND Stevenson, a queer, non-binary trans man, a "fascist sympathizer", "pedophile" and "abuse-incest fetishist"
Called Dana Terrace, a bisexual woman, a "racist and sexist bigot"
Called David Gaider, a gay man, a "pervert", "r*pe apologist" and "MRA"
Has constantly referred to Japan as a "nation of perverts"
Gloated over the death of Rachael Lillis
Gloated over the death of James Earl Jones
Treats black people as her own personal sexual fetish objects
Treats her followers like garbage
Treats her wife like a doormat
Sends death threats to numerous creators
Tries to silence her critics by encouraging her followers to mass-report them
Sends death threats to her critics
Tells people to unalive themselves
Pedojacked Sai Scribbles, an autistic lesbian woman
Pedojacketed CrimsonEnder, an autistic, aspec, First-Nations trans man
Pedojacketed Ant Gramuglia, a bisexual man
Wrote incest fanfiction to stalk her sister
Threw the entire LGBTQ+ community under the bus by befriending her sexual predator, white supremacist, Trump-supporting brother.
Befriended a hardcore, card-carrying Neo-Nazi just to get back at Rebecca Sugar, ND Stevenson and other LGBTQ+ creators
Wrote a fanfiction where she boasted about sexually abusing her sister
I want to ask you: Why? Is it because she's a transgender, agnostic-atheist, lesbian woman who claims to a leftist champion of the oppressed despite the overwhelming evidence revealing the complete opposite? There are thousands of brilliant leftist LGBTQ+/allied creators out there (Jessie Gender, Ant Gramuglia, Xiran Jay Zhou, SophieFromMars, HBomberguy, Linkara, Jacob Geller, Franchesca Ramsey, PhilosophyTube, Kat Blaque and so many more) yet you're still willing to defend her? Even after all the things she has done?
Remember: This is the person you're protecting.
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Please, for the love of everything good and holy, find better role-models.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 27 days ago
I get that...but I'm still not buying it. I still believe that either Lily put on a voice, pre-recorded her lines and played them from another account or talked in another microphone. Perhaps she forced Mikalia or one of her followers to put on a voice and impersonate the account on streams so that they could help Lily cover her tracks because they're that cultishly devoted to her. You have solid points but I'm not ruling any of these possibilities out.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
Try all you want, Solid. You will never convince us that Nooblord9001 isn't another one of your MANY sockpuppets.
Tara Callie and Sucky-Boi would agree, no?
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
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Solid Lily existing
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
CD, meet your enemy...
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(From Bomb Rush Cyberfunk)
Art by Tikifaceart. Support the artist here.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
Just my intuition as I, along with a few other people with good sense, reported Solid's MANY acts of clear policy violation.
I just hope this is the result of our actions.
Solid Lily has been banned.
Solid Lily has been banned.
Solid Lily has been banned!
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
For anyone wondering why Solid is banned:
It's because she kept telling people to unalive themselves again, again and AGAIN.
It may take time but sometimes, reporting does work. It just takes a lot patience and perseverance.
Anyhow, back to the party!
Solid Lily has been banned.
Solid Lily has been banned.
Solid Lily has been banned!
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
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Request by
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
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lilyvalerieorchard · 1 month ago
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"Larian's Baldur's Gate III was an absolute turkey that destroyed the series forever."
Then, Solid Lily, explain why it got CRITICAL ACCLAIM, why it is beloved by MILLION OF FANS ACROSS THE GOSHDARN GLOBE, why it has a MASSIVE AMOUNT OF FANART?
Oh, but because it has no "wholesome incest between two married sisters" and doesn't feature Solid's pink-haired sister waifu, it is automatically a "failure" in her eyes.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 2 months ago
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I have only a couple of little points to make: (Spoiler warnings for Baldur's Gate 1 and 2)
Sarevok and Imoen are the player character's Baalspawn HALF-SIBLINGS.
(In relation to the 1st point) How do you know all this, Lily? HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL THIS?
Unless, of course, you used those mods (which we all know you did).
@rambling-crerchur, @theespeakerboxxx @purpledemonlilyposting she's terrible at hiding it.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 2 months ago
Lily hates Astarion and Hunter (from The Owl House) so much for reminding her of Kylo Ren that for one of her fanfics, she created a bad guy OC called Golden Boy.
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A expy of both Hunter and Astarion she created for her self insert to beat-up.
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Lily even had Mikalia describe him as such:
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"...bring a vibrator."
Keep in mind that not only is Astarion a victim of mental and SEXUAL ABUSE, but that Hunter is also a CHILD.
super tempted to make a whole long mega post about how much I hate Lily's comparison of Astarion to Kylo Ren of all people. like, that is just profoundly wrong on so many levels I can't even function
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lilyvalerieorchard · 2 months ago
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Lily, shut up.
Delicious In Dungeon/Dungeon Meshi isn't "crap", It's good. It has fantastic world-building, endearing lead characters you root for, a strong plot that starts off episodic but then becomes serialized AND rewards the viewer for paying attention. Plus, who could forget the GORGOUS food art?
You admitted barely even watch the series! You just dismissed it without giving a single chance because you think only stinky basement dwellers watch it and that if it isn't a cutesy, slice-of-life romantic comedy/dramedy then it's automatically "garbage".
Your precious slice-of-life Antarctica dramedy had plenty (if not more egregious) fanservice then DunMeshi yet you only go after the latter because you're a spiteful hipster who thinks hating every popular and beloved thing is a personality. Sorry but it isn't.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 2 months ago
Here is your daily reminder that Solid Lily has boasted about being a "better writer"/"better creator" then...
.Rebecca Sugar
.ND Stevenson
.Dana Terrace
.Rian Johnson
.Darron Nefcy
.Christie Golden
.David Gaider
.Dave Filoni
.Everyone at Larian Studios
.And many other industry veterans
She even lied about being a "highly sought-after writer" to just personally spite all of them. Yet here she is: Locked up in a run-down apartment block, only ever writing awful, incest coffeshop fanfiction.
Yes, you CAN laugh.
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