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I feel like 3 a.m is going to be a long one
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Daniele Silvestri Le cose in comune & Resistenza (mashup con Fulminacci)
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Fuente: benjaminfulford.net
Recuerden, recuerden, el 5 de noviembre: estas no son elecciones comunes, estamos literalmente luchando por nuestras vidas.
Las elecciones que se celebrarán mañana, 5 de noviembre de 2024, no son un acontecimiento cualquiera, como la mayoría de nosotros sabemos. Es interesante señalar que el 5 de noviembre es la fecha del complot de la pólvora para hacer estallar todo el gobierno inglés. La máscara del hombre arrestado por ese complot, Guy Fawkes, es ahora un símbolo de la resistencia contra la mafia jázara.
Se trata literalmente de una lucha a muerte contra los satanistas que quieren matarte a ti, a tu familia y a tus amigos. Planean hacerlo con el fin de reducir a los supervivientes a la más abyecta esclavitud posible.
Debes poder decirles a tus hijos y nietos que luchaste por ellos ese día. Puedes hacerlo yendo físicamente a la cabina de votación y votando para eliminar a la satánica Kamala Harris. Si roban las elecciones, entonces también tendrás que tomar tus armas y prepararte para defender a tus seres queridos.
No es una exageración. Este escritor fue criado como ateo y descubrió a través de informes del mundo real y de comprobaciones forenses de hechos que Occidente está gobernado por una secta satánica empeñada en matar a la mayoría de nosotros.
Nuestras fuentes del Mossad y personas como Candace Owens confirman que Kamala Harris es una “judía siria”, es decir, asiria. Los asirios adoraban al dios Ashur, también conocido como Baal y para los judíos y los cristianos como Satanás.
Su esposo, Doug Emhoff, dijo recientemente: “Cuando Kamala cruza la puerta [de la Casa Blanca] al final del día, esa puerta tiene una mezuzá”.
Según fuentes del Mossad, Emhoff es miembro de Jabad Lubavitch. El rabino Menachem Mendel Schneerson, fundador de Jabad, aparece aquí sosteniendo la corona destinada a su Mesías.
Observe que está diseñado para cubrir los cuernos. Esto se debe a que creen literalmente que un Satanás con cuernos vendrá a gobernar este mundo. También creen que Moisés surgió con cuernos después de recibir los Diez Mandamientos.
Recuerden que esta gente quiere matar al 90% de la humanidad y esclavizar al resto. Contra eso es contra lo que luchamos.
Recuerden también que Kamala es sólo una fachada. Todo el gabinete de Obiden estaba integrado por miembros del Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores controlado por la familia Rockefeller. También son adoradores asirios de Satanás. Gobiernan desde Suiza con su politburó del grupo Octágono. Se trata de los antiguos linajes faraónicos y babilónicos que han tratado a otros humanos como esclavos durante miles de años.
Son dueños de la ONU, la OMS, la Reserva Federal, las corporaciones transnacionales y la mayoría de los otros centros de poder “globalistas”. Desde que robaron las elecciones en 2020, intentaron con todas sus fuerzas matarnos con armas biológicas y vacunas. Su objetivo era obligar a los gobiernos del mundo a someterse al tratado pandémico de su OMS, de propiedad privada. Esto les habría permitido convertir el mundo en una teocracia satánica donde todos los disidentes serían enviados a campos de concentración y asesinados.
Son extremadamente poderosos y ahora están literalmente luchando por sus vidas. Nuestras fuentes dicen que hay alrededor de un millón de miembros de esta secta en los EE.UU. Están desesperados porque saben que si no logran robar esta elección y esclavizar a los estadounidenses, se enfrentarán a una justicia que debería haberse hecho hace mucho tiempo.
El escenario que están planeando es obvio. Han publicado encuestas estadísticamente imposibles que muestran un empate entre Kamala y Trump. Esto es para intentar engañar a la gente y hacerles creer que Donald Trump perdió en una elección justa y reñida.
Se ha demostrado mediante pruebas forenses que el jefe de la mafia jázara, Alex Soros, ha financiado un fraude generalizado para obtener los documentos de identidad de los inmigrantes ilegales. Consulte el enlace que aparece a continuación para obtener más información.
Soros está casado con Huma Abedin y hemos publicado un vídeo en el que aparece torturando a una joven hasta la muerte junto con Killary Clinton. Soros también ha visitado la Casa Blanca de Obiden al menos 30 veces.
La mafia jazara está utilizando inteligencia artificial, máquinas electorales manipuladas y una guerra psicológica sofisticada contra el pueblo estadounidense en estas elecciones.
Estas personas pueden ser derrotadas porque, aunque controlan gran parte de Internet y de los medios corporativos, no controlan la realidad.
He aquí un ejemplo de Irlanda. Una imagen generada por IA de un desfile de Halloween en Dublín (Irlanda) hizo que miles de personas se apresuraran a verla, pero luego descubrieron que no era real.
Lo mismo ocurre en estas elecciones. Pueden utilizar sus medios corporativos falsos y la censura de Internet para crear la apariencia de una victoria de Kamala, pero no pueden cambiar la realidad: ella es ampliamente despreciada en el mundo real.
¿Por qué, si no, expulsaría a personas genuinas de sus “apariciones públicas” controladas, en las que utiliza actores pagos que se hacen pasar por sus partidarios?
Entendemos que Donald Trump está lejos de ser perfecto, pero es la única alternativa que tenemos ahora para el pueblo estadounidense. Trump nos llamó personalmente este fin de semana para decirnos “Si Kamala Harris gana estas elecciones, Estados Unidos está acabado”, advirtió, y añadió que “si Kamala gana, habrá una guerra civil”.
El “nosotros” al que nos referimos aquí es un miembro de la Fuerza Espacial Secreta que está en contacto regular con este escritor y otros miembros de la alianza de sombreros blancos. Dice que Trump tiene un millón de hombres a su disposición , incluidos los militares y la Guardia Nacional.
¿Quién va a luchar contra ellos? Los de la mafia jazara han estado formando un ejército de inmigrantes ilegales, mercenarios pagados del movimiento Black Lives Matter , etc., y , por supuesto, el millón de satanistas que hay en Estados Unidos. También controlan a muchos -si no a la mayoría- de multimillonarios, billonarios y políticos.
Estas personas han estado torturando y matando a cientos de miles de niños cada año y saben que se enfrentarán a la pena de muerte si pierden.
En un ejemplo de su depravación flagrante, el representante de Colorado Scott Bottoms confirma que el Partido Demócrata votó en contra de un proyecto de ley que impondría sanciones penales a las personas que compren, violen y maten a niños de entre 2 y 5 años.
He aquí un ejemplo del tipo de personas que el llamado gobierno de Estados Unidos acaba de votar para proteger:
Bolhem Bouchiba, un ex animador de Disney y Pixar de 59 años, ha sido condenado a 25 años de prisión por su papel en la pedofilia y el tráfico de personas… Bouchiba supuestamente gastó decenas de miles de euros para facilitar la tortura y el abuso sexual de niñas, incluida la orquestación de violaciones transmitidas en vivo.
Sus antecedentes penales incluyen una condena previa en 2014 por agredir sexualmente a su hijastra de ocho años, tras lo cual recibió una sentencia suspendida.
Muchas celebridades se ven controladas por el uso de videos en los que torturan a niños. ¿Qué tienen en común todos los que apoyan a Kamala? P Diddy.
¿Esta foto explica por qué Leo Di Caprio es partidario de Kamala?
¿Y qué tal Beyoncé? Esta foto se ha hecho pública y se afirma que nació como niño.
Recuerde, el dios de los satanistas es un transgénero.
Es por eso que los demócratas están impulsando con tanta fuerza el transgenerismo.
El uso de vídeos de violaciones y asesinatos de niños para crear una red de chantaje de élite está muy extendido.
“No creo que sólo las celebridades se vean afectadas. Había políticos, había príncipes. También había un par de predicadores”, dice un denunciante de P. Diddy. Ahora, más denunciantes están saliendo a decir que el FBI incluso tiene cintas de Kamala abusando de niños.
Este tipo de cosas se están produciendo a escala industrial. La mafia jazara inicia guerras para conseguir nuevos suministros de niños esclavos para torturarlos. Fuentes de inteligencia polacas nos dicen que 1,5 millones de niños han huido de Ucrania y otros tantos se han visto obligados a huir de sus hogares. Esto ha creado una mina de oro para los traficantes de personas. Los niños ucranianos se venden por precios que van de 50.000 a 70.000 euros. Este tráfico de niños se disfraza con instalaciones médicas que ofrecen gestación subrogada y agencias que ofrecen adopción.
Afortunadamente, el genocidio en Ucrania está llegando a su fin. “Se acabó. Zelensky se irá pronto de Ucrania”, afirma el empresario tecnológico Kim Dotcom, y añade: “ No durará ni una semana si intenta huir”.
Los políticos ucranianos ahora admiten públicamente que su ejército ha sido derrotado y que al menos 170.000 soldados han desertado.
Por tanto, la mafia jazara sigue intentando desesperadamente iniciar una gran guerra en Oriente Medio. Según informes de prensa, “la inteligencia israelí sugiere que Irán se está preparando para atacar a Israel desde territorio iraquí en los próximos días, posiblemente antes de las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos ”.
Entonces, el mismo ISIS (Servicio de Inteligencia Satánico Israelí) con base en Irak está atacando tanto a Irán como a Israel en un intento de engañar a los dos países para que se ataquen entre sí.
Israel también está invadiendo Siria, según informes que surgieron mientras este boletín estaba a punto de publicarse.
No funcionará porque los verdaderos gobiernos de Israel e Irán están al tanto de la conspiración del KGB para iniciar la Tercera Guerra Mundial. También lo está la comunidad de inteligencia mundial.
Como prueba de ello:
El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, tiene previsto visitar Malta el mes próximo para asistir al Consejo Ministerial de la Organización para la Seguridad y la Cooperación en Europa (OSCE), según confirmó a Vedomosti la portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, María Zajárova. Esta será la primera visita de Lavrov a un país de la UE desde el inicio de la operación militar especial de Rusia en Ucrania. Zajárova instó al país anfitrión a "garantizar que todos los estados miembros de la OSCE puedan participar de manera efectiva".
Malta es el lugar donde tienen su base los Caballeros de Malta, que controlan de facto el ejército occidental, lo que significa que se está preparando algún tipo de acuerdo de paz para Ucrania y probablemente también para Israel.
Sin embargo, primero tenemos que superar la gran lucha de poder en los EE.UU., que en realidad es una lucha de poder en todo el mundo occidental.
Como lo expresa el senador australiano Ralph Babet:
“Las personas que ustedes eligen para gobernar su país son marionetas… Las personas que están detrás de escena y que mueven esos hilos no tienen en mente sus mejores intereses… Estos tiranos autoritarios no quieren nada más que verlos ser siervos, esclavos, campesinos, mientras ellos se sientan en la cima del poder… Así que no se sientan complacientes. Actúen, hagan oír su voz. Porque Occidente –todo Occidente– está mirando hacia abajo en este momento”.
Así pues, veamos algunas noticias relacionadas con la batalla electoral:
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Florida envió un recordatorio al Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. de que no se les permite enviar observadores a los lugares de votación después de que el Departamento de Justicia enviara un comunicado de prensa anunciando las visitas planificadas.
LAS VEGAS—El período de votación anticipada de dos semanas en Nevada, un estado de tres niveles en disputa, terminó el 1 de noviembre con una participación de republicanos mucho mayor que la de demócratas, al tiempo que se registraron avances significativos en el número de votantes registrados.
“La Guardia Nacional ha sido activada en Washington, Oregón y Nevada como medida de precaución ante posibles disturbios relacionados con las elecciones”.
A continuación, Biden hace un último intento de insultar a Trump antes del día de las elecciones, pero fracasa estrepitosamente: se tropieza con sus propias palabras: "¿Recuerdan al último tipo cuando era presidente? Dijo: 'Vamos a tener… vamos a tener… jubilados… vamos a tener… [ininteligible], vamos a tener la semana de la infraestructura'".
Barack Obama, el “trueno de Satán”, también afirma que Kamala trabajaba en McDonalds y no fingió que lo hacía como Trump. El problema con lo que dice es que ella no trabajaba en McDonalds y que intentaron crear fotos falsas de ella trabajando allí que fueron desacreditadas. Hasta el día de hoy, nadie ha mostrado pruebas de que ella trabajara allí.
La verdadera Kamala es algo totalmente diferente.
Elon Musk ha vuelto a publicar un vídeo de Hagamos que Estados Unidos vuelva a ser saludable que detalla cómo Harris, como fiscal general de California, disfrutaba grotescamente arruinando las vidas de los padres al procesar a aquellos cuyos hijos faltaban a la escuela.
“Aprendí que con solo pasar mi pluma podía acusar a alguien del delito más leve, esa persona podía ser arrestada, perder su trabajo, perder su prestigio en su comunidad”, dice en un clip. “Semanas después podía desestimar los cargos, pero sus vidas cambiarían para siempre”.
Esta campaña también ha mostrado que cada bando ha utilizado imágenes falsas de sus oponentes. Probablemente por eso se le presentó al mundo una imagen de Joe Biden mordiendo a un bebé y de Trump montado en un camión de basura.
También hay predicciones generalizadas de que una violencia muy grave acompañará estas elecciones.
Están tapiando Washington DC y rodeando con barreras la Casa Blanca en previsión de esta violencia.
También estamos viendo informes de que se están haciendo preparativos para el asesinato de más de 100 congresistas. Cuando este informe estaba a punto de publicarse, una fuente del Pentágono nos envió esta foto que, según afirman, muestra una horca preparada para colgar a políticos.
Muchos creen que estos congresistas son culpables de asesinatos en masa. Hace unos días se estrenó en Nueva York el documental “Thank You Dr. Fauci”, que es “ una acusación contra el 'científico' que mató a 20 millones de personas. Este tráiler ya está prohibido por sus socios de propaganda, los multimillonarios de las grandes empresas tecnológicas y de los medios de comunicación”, comenta un médico del Pentágono.
Notamos que Fauci no ha aparecido en público desde que informamos que se “suicidó” atiborrándose de papel higiénico.
Sin embargo, otros mafiosos médicos de la mafia jazara siguen trabajando. Aquí puedes ver a la directora de salud de Google, Karen DeSalvo, explicar cómo Google manipula las búsquedas en Internet y se asocia con la OMS, los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud y los gobiernos para suprimir o censurar contenido y narrativas con las que no están de acuerdo.
Como explica el terrorista de la OMS, Tedros: “Es hora de ser más agresivos a la hora de hacer frente a los antivacunas. Han utilizado la COVID como una oportunidad y han creado todo el caos que han creado ”.
Mientras tanto, la reemplazante de Fauci, Mandy Cohen , y el senador Chuck Schumer, con una sonrisa maliciosa en sus rostros , piden otra vacunación contra el COVID-19…
No importa la evidencia abrumadora de que estas vacunas eran instrumentos de asesinato puro y simple.
Trump promete poner al activista por la justicia de las vacunas, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a cargo de limpiar la industria farmacéutica , por lo que una victoria de Trump garantizaría justicia también para estos criminales.
En una señal de que este proceso ha comenzado, se aprobó una resolución de la Cámara de Representantes en Luisiana solicitando al Departamento de Salud que investigue los incidentes de muerte súbita infantil (SMSL) de los últimos 10 años en el estado y compare cada informe con el historial de vacunación del bebé.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dice : “El 20 de enero, la Casa Blanca de Trump recomendará a todos los sistemas de agua de Estados Unidos que eliminen el flúor del agua pública”. El flúor es un desecho industrial asociado con la artritis, las fracturas óseas, el cáncer de huesos, la pérdida de coeficiente intelectual, los trastornos del desarrollo neurológico y la enfermedad de la tiroides”.
Este es sólo uno de los miles de venenos que la mafia jazara ha puesto en las sustancias que usamos o consumimos a diario. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. tiene una gran lucha por delante.
Otra pelea se está gestando por el uso de la guerra climática por parte de la mafia jazara. España fue la última víctima de un ataque de este tipo. El rey Felipe de España fue recibido con barro por la gente enojada en Valencia, donde más de 200 personas murieron durante la inundación. Valencia fue golpeada con el equivalente a un año de lluvia en sólo 8 horas.
El MI6 afirma que el rey Felipe (que según ellos es el verdadero padre del príncipe heredero Guillermo) está siendo chantajeado con armas meteorológicas por la mafia jazara porque quieren que entregue el dinero que ha ganado con el tráfico internacional de narcóticos. El MI6 también dice que en los ataques murieron muchas más personas de las que se informan: “Hay un aparcamiento subterráneo, también conocido como fosa común”.
Ahora también estamos recibiendo más confirmación de que el ataque de guerra climática en Carolina del Norte se utilizó para apropiarse de tierras:
“El gobernador Cooper confirma la apropiación de tierras en Carolina del Norte: las comunidades “no se reconstruirán” debido al “cambio climático””
La gente está contraatacando. Por ejemplo, un grupo de mineros de carbón de Virginia Occidental construyó voluntariamente en una semana una carretera que el gobierno de Carolina del Norte dijo que llevaría meses.
Al igual que en Hawái y México, estos ataques son seguidos por planes de desarrollo dirigidos por los sospechosos habituales, BlackRock, etc. Se trata, por supuesto, de fachadas de Rockefeller. El director ejecutivo de BlackRock, Larry Fink, está siendo perseguido activamente por los sombreros blancos y se verá obligado a desenmascarar a sus jefes, según afirman fuentes de la Sociedad Secreta Asiática.
Hablando de armas meteorológicas, observamos que China está enviando barcos equipados con armas de energía dirigida a la Antártida. Es de suponer que se enfrentarán a las armas meteorológicas controladas por la mafia jazara que operan allí.
Cuanto antes se ocupen de las instalaciones allí, mejor. La presidenta de la UE, Ursula von der Leyen, dice que los ciudadanos de la UE deberían empezar a almacenar bienes para tres días con el fin de estar preparados para posibles ciberataques, sabotajes y amenazas de incidentes químicos, biológicos o nucleares.
Esta es una buena señal de que la mafia jazara en Europa está planeando hacerle algo desagradable a sus propios ciudadanos y luego culpar a Rusia.
Nadie les creerá porque ahora todo el mundo sabe quién es el verdadero responsable de la mayor parte del caos que azota al planeta. Como dice el presidente ruso, Dmitri Medvedev: “Los estadounidenses siempre intentan gobernar creando crisis en el planeta”.
El ex funcionario de la CIA Larry C. Johnson está de acuerdo. Johnson, que estuvo destinado en Irak, confirma que fue el gobierno de Estados Unidos el que financió los ataques con artefactos explosivos improvisados contra las tropas estadounidenses.
Esta es una estrategia típica de la mafia jazara enviar mercenarios vestidos de terroristas para crear una excusa para enviar al ejército estadounidense a apoderarse de los recursos que quieren las corporaciones propiedad de lamafia jazara. En Irak fue el petróleo, que fue utilizado por la mafia jazara para pagar deudas a China y posponer la quiebra de la corporación estadounidense.
Los chinos nos prometen que esta vez no financiarán a las corporaciones estadounidenses. En lo que pudo haber sido un presagio, el cartel del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos se cayó cuando le preguntaron a la secretaria Janet Yellen qué tan preocupada estaba por el estatus del dólar estadounidense como moneda de reserva mundial.
En una señal de que la actual oligarquía estadounidense está llegando a su fin, el 53% de los millonarios estadounidenses han huido o planean huir del país, según nuestras fuentes. Muchos nunca regresarán.
Las sociedades secretas asiáticas están considerando seriamente una propuesta de sombrero blanco para poner a Canadá y a la corporación estadounidense bajo una nueva administración y restaurar la democracia y el estado de derecho.
Canadá lo necesita tanto como Estados Unidos. A modo de ejemplo:
Canadá acaba de matar al primer ciudadano en el marco de los nuevos y controvertidos planes del gobierno canadiense de comenzar a practicar eutanasia a pacientes que hayan resultado heridos por las “vacunas” contra el COVID-19.
Un hombre de Ontario de unos 40 años se ha convertido en la primera persona en ser sacrificada por el “síndrome post vacunación contra la COVID-19”.
Hoy en día, el gobierno canadiense está practicando eutanasia a ciudadanos por depresión, pérdida auditiva, autismo e incluso pobreza y falta de vivienda.
El gobierno incluso está presionando para ampliar las leyes de eutanasia para incluir a niños y bebés.
Incluso si China no financia la adquisición por parte de los sombreros blancos, estos tendrán que quitarle el control de los bancos centrales a la mafia jazara.
La alternativa es que todos nos convirtamos en esclavos del sistema financiero planificado de la marca satánica de la bestia.
Mastercard acaba de iniciar un caso de prueba. Ofrecen tarjetas que te obligarán a “descarbonizar” tus gastos. Recuerda, somos formas de vida basadas en el carbono, por lo que esto es inherentemente anti-vida.
He aquí otro avance de la campaña anticarbono de la mafia jazara:
He aquí… Energía verde… se produce un gran incendio en una planta de reciclaje de baterías de litio que provoca explosiones masivas y evacuaciones obligatorias.
Fredericktown | Misuri
Japón está renunciando a los planes de la mafia jazara de una economía basada en baterías de litio y está ocupado liberando al genio del hidrógeno de su botella. Una vez que lo haga, la mafia jazara se verá obligado a renunciar a su control sobre la política industrial occidental. Comenzará la era del hidrógeno.
Rusia también sigue tomando medidas contra el sistema económico y financiero del Kremlin. Un tribunal ruso ha exigido a Google que pague una multa de unos 20 billones de dólares, más que el PIB mundial y más que todo el dinero del mundo en conjunto, por bloquear los medios de comunicación pro-Kremlin.
Rusia sabe que Google está controlado por el Ministerio de Hacienda y esta sentencia es su promesa de llevarlos a la quiebra. En una muestra de cómo ven el actual régimen en Occidente, el representante de Rusia ante la ONU envió un mensaje muy claro a la OTAN la semana pasada.
Todo esto significa que, pase lo que pase en las elecciones presidenciales de mañana, el resto del mundo ya se ha librado de las cadenas de la mafia jazara. Esperemos que los estadounidenses se unan a ellos pronto.
Como nota final esta semana, fuentes masónicas de la logia P3 nos dicen que “el autor de 'Mi lucha' de Adolf Hitler no fue Rudolf Hess. El sacerdote jesuita Bernhard Stempfle fue el autor de 'Mi lucha' de Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler sólo lo firmó”. Eso no es lo que nos dijo el ex jefe del MI6, pero esperemos que pronto todos conozcamos la verdadera historia de nuestro planeta. Una cosa es segura: nos han mentido sobre muchas cosas durante mucho tiempo. La verdad está a punto de liberarnos.
#noticias#fulford#benjamin fulford#geopolitica#rusia#mafia jazara#politica#china#youtube#trump#elecciones estados unidos#trump presidente#donal trump presidente electo#elecciones 2024#mexico#blackrock#black rock#illuminatis#ocultismo#esoterismo#la matrix planetaria#planeta prision#informes de fulford#noticias de fulford#bejamin fulford en español#ecuerden#recuerden#el 5 de noviembre: estas no son elecciones comunes#estamos literalmente luchando por nuestras vidas#gnosticos
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I want Sentinel to suffer, and then to die in darkness.
I've been thinking about this line for a while now,
"No, I want to kill him! I want to put Sentinel in chains and march him through the mines so everyone can see him for the false Prime that he is! I want him to suffer, and then to die in darkness."
I find this sentence so revealing about the general Miner's state of mind.
Because, make no mistake, the movie is telling us in no uncertain terms, that the Miners are expected to die doing their job. And also, that they're punished if they don't accept this. Because the system views them as expendable, and tries its best to convince them as well.
The scene of the cave in shows this perfectly; protocol demands that a trapped miner be left behind, even if that means their death. Elita says it outright when Orion comunicates that Jazz is stuck: "Do not break protocol, EVACUATE" a.k.a, leave him. And maybe it's becase the only ones near Jazz at that moment were Dee and Orion, but the thing is, none of the other miners show any attempt to go in and help them. They remain still even when they see them near the exit while Elita does everything in her power to keep it open, to the point that it's D-16 the one that has to tackle her away from it when they're going out (also D-16 punching the walls of rock out of the way? Danm son).
The narrative is showing us that stopping to help is the exception, not the rule, and we can presume that if Jazz had been accompanied by different bots, he would have died. It took two of them to barely get him out of there. And man, you cannot tell me that Orion Pax never had to come to terms with the fact that if the one trapped in one of those tunnels was either him or Dee, one would have to choose between staying behind to save the other, possibly dying in the attemp, or leave their friend behind to save himself.
I want Sentinel to suffer, and then to die in darkness." - D-16.
We know that Orion could never live with this knowledge and do nothing about it. Because if he was in that scenario, he could not leave Dee, nor could he accept to be the cause of his end. So it gives additional meaning to his actions on the movie.
Because, sure, the movie presents Orion Pax as sort of bull headed and self centered (D-16 certainly calls those out as flaws), but his motives may not be so selfish as we're led to believe at first glance. He wants to find the Matrix of Leadership, not because he will be hailed as a hero if he does so, but because
"We will have to stop mining for energon" (We will stop having to die to find energon).
"We are meant for more than this" ( We are meant for more than to die in the mines).
"Don't you want to choose your own path, be able to do whatever we want?" (I don't want us to die)
It's always a "we". Because, after all, he doesn't want to see Dee die in the mines (or any of his friends, I dare say). This desperate desire to save D-16, and not just himself, is what puts the plot into motion. And he tries to save him by attempting to find the Matrix, but Orion also looks for ways to bring small joys to D-16 in the day to day, like bringing him the sticker, or participating in the race. Of course you could argue that he brought Dee to the race despite his protests because he wanted someone that he knew would watch out for him, I won't deny that, BUT, counterargument:
Look at his smile. This dude is having the time of his life participating in a race with his boyfriend and you can take that truth from my dead cold hands.
What I mean to say with all this, is that the movie tries to tell us in subtle ways that while both are trying to save the other, they're funtamentally different. D-16 is saving Orion from more inmediate problems, like hiding him from the guards, looking out for him in the mines and the race, etc. He has accepted the place they have in that society and he is resigned to it, because he thinks there's no other option. Meanwhile Orion is looking to save D-16 in a long term sort of way, by changing the Status Quo, because he refuses to accept that there are no other options.
They both cared so much for the other that they kept trying to keep the other safe in the only way they could fathom.
This fucking movie
#transformers#transformers one#tfone#tf one spoilers#megatron#d-16#orion pax#maccadam#transformers talk#tf one megatron#tf one optimus
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The article is in Spanish, but it's a very trustworthy source from Argentina. That Roger was a fucking leech, hope he rots in jail
https://www. infobae. com/sociedad/policiales/2024/11/08/pesos-argentinos-para-comprar-droga-negocios-en-comun-y-dias-libres-el-oscuro-control-de-rogelio-nores-sobre-liam-payne/
This is so fucking disturbing. I know fans have had a bad feeling about Roger for a while. It sounds like they weren’t wrong.
Today, Nores is charged with abandoning Liam Payne and killing him , as well as supplying and facilitating him with drugs, in a relationship that sources in the case describe as “almost Maradona-esque, a friend of the champion , like those who surrounded Diego at his worst .” To charge him, Madrea and his team analyzed 800 hours of footage from the CasaSur hotel and opened Liam’s phone. In addition, they took a large number of testimonies, including that of Liam’s father, Geoff Payne.
Liam's father said the same thing that the courts were able to confirm through the analysis of communications and the comparison of other testimonies: that Nores, after meeting Payne in Miami at the beginning of this year, became the force that dominated his life. If the Payne family wanted to know how the singer was, then they should contact Rogelio. He was not just another friend of Liam's, under any circumstances. Geoff Payne himself said it: "Roger" was always the intermediary. "He is better than ever," he would have told the family when asked.
And this explains the charge of abandonment of a person. It is not about the fact that the businessman did not come to the singer's aid, but about the long road that led to the CasaSur hotel.
The businessman would have become a sort of de facto manager . Although they did not have a specific contract in this regard, sources in the case say that Nores operated as an "investment advisor" and that they had business in common in view of Payne's possible return to the world stage. For this, the singer's recovery from his addiction to drugs and alcohol was key. He just had to be detoxified.
Nores accompanied Payne in a deep detoxification treatment in the United States. There, a psychiatrist prescribed sertraline, the antidepressant that was found in the toxicology test on the singer's body. The specialist said it clearly: if you mix alcohol and cocaine with sertraline, the result can be lethal.
Then, another treatment in Spain was carried out, which also failed. So they ended up in Argentina. Payne was put up in a prestigious five-star hotel that was used to hosting big rock stars. They kicked him out of there. They even visited a local psychiatrist, who testified in the file. After the five-star hotel, they both went to the Patagones polo club with the singer's last girlfriend, Kate Cassidy, where the singer was photographed wearing a helmet and heels on a horse. They spent a few days there. However, Payne quickly became nervous and left the place.
Thus, they arrived at the CasaSur hotel in Palermo on the Sunday before the death. Liam did not even have a bag. There, according to the testimonies and analysis that are part of the case of the prosecutor Madrea, Nores' control would have been much more evident, with alleged orders to the hotel staff to report each expense. Nores, this time, managed Payne's expenses , while receiving calls for each whiskey, champagne or tequila that the former One Direction member ordered, with physical money delivered at the reception. The evidence also speaks of "free days" when Liam could consume cocaine.
The day he died, precisely, was a “day off.”
Thus, Nores frequently returned to the hotel to top up the bill. Payne, meanwhile, insisted on the phone, asking for Argentine pesos to pay the dealers who offered him cocaine, with photos of the bags they offered him and the corresponding prices. The prosecution suspects that Nores had obtained cocaine for him himself, which led to the second charge against him.
Meanwhile, hotel cameras filmed Liam as he wandered the halls , drunk and with a distant look.
For the time being, Nores is free, with his passport handed over to the courts and a ban on leaving the country, while he awaits being summoned for questioning by Judge Laura Bruniard. Article 106 of the Criminal Code, which defines the crime of abandonment followed by death, speaks of “anyone who endangers the life or health of another, either by placing him or her in a situation of helplessness, or by abandoning to their fate a person who is incapable of taking care of himself or who must be maintained or cared for, or who the author himself has incapacitated .” Here, the alleged supply of narcotics plays a key role.
If convicted, he could face up to 15 years in prison. Given the amount of the sentence, the crime is not bailable.
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I'm writing a fantasy book and I would like to write a blind character (27F) and deaf character (12M). They both have special powers, I would like for them to meet and maybe learn some things from each other. How can they comunicate with each other? And how could the deaf character comunicate with other characters since there won't be any hearing aids? (Is the only solution to make sighn language a universal thing?)
First things first, look into tactile sign languages! That's the most accessible for DeafBlind communication :) [smile face]
Communication is also going to depend on their levels of residual vision and hearing, respectively, as well as their exposure to forms of language that are less accessible to them. Talking or writing may be an option! It just depends on each of their exposure and preference.
An interpreter would also work, or if there's magic maybe a spell that can act as a braille (or fantasy equivalent) display / screen reader?
For sighted characters, writing, gesture, or an interpreter would likely be your best options. Hearing aids are not at all necessary for deaf-hearing communication!
Mod Rock
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a moment to bond
summary: you fail in your attempt of hiding your injury from Rick, but you soon regret not to have failed sooner.
word count: 2,1k
genre: angsty fluff (?)
warnings: blood, wounds, passionate kiss (is that even a warning?), angry Rick.
a/n: English is not my first language, so my writing may not be the best. this is also not proof read, so don't be surprised if you find any mistakes. enjoy!
two months had passed since you first crossed the gates of alexandria, and two months since the last time you’d been face-to-face with a walker. or so it was until this morning.
despite your best efforts, you could not relax; your restlessness was not something you could easily shake off. as someone who has suffered from anxiety all their life, you knew exactly what it felt like to be overrun by frightful thoughts, even though they had never felt as distressing as they felt today.
it was comforting to sleep in a real bed and to have tall walls shielding you and your group from the alarming risks of the new world, but what if becoming accustomed to this pleasant sense of security was only making you weaker? what if your people were forced to live in the outside again? the fear this potential outcome caused was too much for you to bear and your friends’ efforts to console you were unsuccessful.
that's when you chose to take matters into your own hands. your original plan was to leave the walled area, take out a few roamers for practice, and then return to Alexandria. however, destiny seemed to have different plans for you. what was initially thought to be a few walkers quickly became a dozen. a dozen walkers you were now attempting to flee from.
suddenly, a rock blocked your way and you tumbled to the ground, scraping your exposed forearm on the sharp edge of the stone you landed on.
blood poured from your freshly-cut gash, making you even more anxious than before. you clenched your teeth in pain, hoping that the dead would not hear your groans. after the walkers had disappeared from your view, you rummaged through your bag to see if you could find anything to use as a bandage. however, to your dismay, all you found was a water bottle and a spare knife.
you looked around for any other resources, but the barren landscape provided few options. as you weighed your choices, you realized that ripping off a piece of your tattered t-shirt was the only option. you gritted your teeth and reached for the hem of your shirt, slowly tearing off a piece of fabric to use as a makeshift bandage.
you then wrapped the strip of fabric tightly around the wound, wincing from the pain. you knew it wasn't an ideal solution, but it would have to do for now. you stood up, feeling a bit more stable, and looked around to see where you could go next.
as you stumbled through the dilapidated woods, your vision blurred and hazy, you couldn't help but question your decision to leave the safety of the walls.
the dizziness you felt only made things worse, and you began to wonder if Rick was right after all. perhaps you were simply too weak to survive in this harsh new world. as you trudged forward, you couldn't shake the feeling that danger lurked around every corner and that you were ill-prepared for whatever lay ahead.
despite your doubts, however, you knew that you must keep moving if you wanted to stay alive.
against all odds, you made it to the Alexandria safe zone, which definitely made you relax a bit. however, you still had to enter the walls without being seen. you also needed to take a shower and change clothes to erase any trace of the horrors that you had endured on your way to the comunity.
you didn't want anyone to find out what had happened to you. but even as you stripped off your blood-stained garments and let the warm water wash away the grime and sweat of your journey, you knew that the scars on your psyche would take much longer to heal.
you had managed satisfactorily to keep your little accident a secret throughout the day, in spite of your giddiness and the weakened you were in.
it was now dinnertime, and you realized that you hadn't spent much quality time with Rick lately. you had joined the group after the fall of the prison, and Rick was the only one you had gotten close to.
he had been distant from you for some time, and you didn't want to lose your only friend. therefore, you decided that tonight would be the perfect opportunity to try and bond with him.
you decided that you would cook for him and his children, which would give you a chance to talk and catch up on things. you thought that this would be a great way to strengthen your friendship, and you hoped that it would also help to improve your relationship with the other members of the group. after all, a strong sense of community was essential for survival in this post-apocalyptic world.
from the kitchen, one could observe Carl lounging on the living room couch. the room was quiet, except for the sound of the pages of the comic book that Carl's father had brought home on his most recent trip turning. Carl's legs were crossed over the small coffee table, and his hands were holding the comic book with great interest.
the dim evening light that illuminated the room barely allowed to distinguish Rick’s serene face as he was holding the younger grimes in his arms.
"what are you cooking tonight?" his gaze was fixed on you, studying your facial expressions as you cut a carrot.
“squirrel and roasted vegetables. I’d have used rabbit, but this is all Dary could find today.”
“it’s fine, I don’t really mind your culinary election as long as we get to spend some time together.” the now beardless man smiled at you.
“that's so cheesy of you, Grimes.” he chuckled at your comment.
he remained quiet for a moment, making you feel as if he could see right through your t-shirt's sleeve. oh, no. you suddenly remembered that you had rolled up your long sleeves so they wouldn't interfere with chopping vegetables, leaving your bandaged arm visible to Rick's worried gaze.
“is that blood?” he inquired.
you continued with your activity not even taking your eyes off the chopping board.
Rick handed the little Judith to her elder brother, instructing him to go upstairs. the tension in the kitchen became now palpable. it was like when you were a child and you got caught doing something wrong, and you knew you were going to get a lecture.
or so you thought.
“I’m fine. it’s only a scratch.”
“don’t tell me you’re fine, you’re bleeding!” he guided you to the couch Carl was previously in, making you sit down.
he disappeared for a moment and then returned with a first aid kit in his hands.
“let me see.” anger was obvious in his voice.
you did not even dare to look him in the eye. it was well known within the group that it was a big mistake to piss off the leader. Rick undid your messy and bloody bandage. you winced at the burning feeling of the air touching your wound.
“how did this happen? did someone hurt you?” he asked still examining your arm.
“NO! not at all! it was an accident. I- uh…” at this point, it was useless to lie to him. after all is said and done, he used to be a cop before all this happened. “I fell running from a few walkers this morning.”
“you what?! I believe I told you not to go outside the walls! It’s dangerous y/n, there are too many threats out there.” the anger previously visible was replaced by another emotion you couldn’t decipher.
Rick kept a white-knuckled grip on the dirty piece of fabric that was minutes ago covering your large gash, his other hand gently holding your wrist.
you hadn’t taken a moment to contemplate the magnitude of the injury until now. to say the least, it was huge. it started a few inches below your elbow and it went all over your forearm to your wrist.
“why do you even care? I’m not your child, Rick.”
“I care ‘cause you’re as much of my family as Carl and Judith are. and I don’t want to lose my family.” he spoke, his voice getting lower as he pronounced the last sentence. “why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
your frustration with Rick's recent behavior boiled over and you couldn't help but voice your annoyance.
"you've got to be kidding me," you almost whispered, incredulous. "maybe it's because you're too busy trying to impose your will on everyone else here, or maybe it's because you spend the little free time you have left admiring that hairdresser's features. but the fact remains that you haven't been there for me lately, and it's starting to feel like I'm losing my only friend in this world."
your words hung heavy in the air, and you could feel the tension between you and Rick palpably. as you looked at him, you could see the hurt in his eyes, and you almost regretted saying anything.
you sighed deeply, feeling humiliated in the face of the seriousness of the problem that had just been brought to your attention by the expression written on Rick’s face.
you began to wonder how you had let things get to this point and what you could have done differently to avoid this situation. perhaps if you had been more proactive in addressing the issue earlier, things wouldn't have come to a head like this.
"there's nothing humiliating about needing help once in a while, sweetheart,” Rick spoke softly, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. he continued to bandage your arm, his touch gentle and careful. "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you lately. but you have to understand that I'm just trying to keep everyone safe. and as for Jessie... it's not what you think. I'm just trying to move on from everything that's happened."
you nodded, feeling guilty for your outburst. "I know, Rick. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's okay," he said, finishing up with the bandage. "just promise me that you won't go out alone again. we'll go together next time, okay?"
"okay," you agreed, feeling grateful for his concern.
he put away the first aid kit, but he didn't even threaten to get up. both of you remained in your previous position, awkwardly eyeing each other. in moments like this your small bad habit made act of presence.
you could feel the stinging sensation your teeth left in your lip, making you aware that you had been biting your lip for a while. you knew it was an unhealthy habit, still, you frequently found yourself unconsciously doing it.
“if you bite your lip one more time I’m gonna do it for you.” the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, lust present in the man’s face.
as you fixed your gaze on the charming features of the man, you couldn't help but notice the way his hair fell over his face, almost obscuring his handsome features. you observed a drop of sweat slide down his forehead. his eyes seemed to denote a sense of tiredness, reflecting how hard he works to maintain the security of the Alexandrians.
you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you were about to do. you mustered all your courage and leaned forward. you gave him a peck on the lips to test the waters. you had liked him since the very first moment you met him. the way he carried himself, with authority, which revealed his past as a police officer, drove you crazy.
you pulled back, heart racing as you waited for his reaction. for a moment everything seemed to freeze as you looked at each other, unsure of what to say or do. but then, slowly he leaned in and kissed you back, his lips soft and gentle against yours.
his big calloused hands danced against your neck, pulling you even closer. the intensity of the kiss kept escalating, each movement more passionate than the last. it was as if you were both desperate to feel each other's love, to experience the connection that only the two of you shared.
as the kiss deepened, you felt a warmth in your chest that you hadn't felt in a while. as you pulled away you couldn’t help but think how much you needed this moment of intimacy to make you feel alive. perhaps this was a sign that everything was going to be okay after all.
#rick grimes x reader smut#rick grimes x reader fluff#rick grimes x reader#rick grimes fluff#rick grimes#rick grimes x female reader#rick grimes fanfiction#twd x reader
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Storia Di Musica #357 - Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds, Your Funeral...My Trial, 1986
C'è un sentimento comune nei dischi che hanno a che fare con Berlino: sono dischi che esprimono dei tormenti umani giganteschi, registrati dagli artisti in momenti cruciali della loro vita, spesso non solo artistica. Bowie quando decise di andare a Berlino per la sua trilogia (che per senso filologico dovrebbe essere una tetralogia, dato che fu il creatore anche di The Idiot di Iggy Pop) era nel pieno di una crisi creativa, di una dipendenza da droghe, autore di gaffe clamorose (una terribile in cui disse in una intervista: "In Inghilterra sarei potuto diventare Hitler. Non sarebbe stato difficile. I concerti erano così spaventosi che persino i giornali scrivevano: “Questa non è musica rock, questo è Hitler! Bisogna fare qualcosa!”. E avevano ragione. Era fantastico. In realtà… credo che sarei stato un gran bell’Hitler").
Una cosa simile avvenne dieci anni più tardi a Nick Cave. Conclusa l'esperienza con i Birthday Party nell'estate del 1983, decide di continuare la carriera come solista. Va per questo a Berlino, un posto che, nelle parole dello stesso Cave "ci ha dato la libertà e l'incoraggiamento per fare qualsiasi cosa avessimo voluto fare". Con lui ci sono Mick Harvey, batterista dei Birthday Party, con cui forma i Bad Seeds, sorta di supergruppo comprendente Barry Adamson dai Magazine al basso e Blixa Bargeld dei berlinesi Einstürzende Neubauten. Il primo disco però è ancora registrato a Londra, From Here To Eternity, con ricordi blues stralunati dalla slide di Bargeld, con due cover bellissime di In The Ghetto di Elvis Presley e Avalanche di Leonard Cohen. Nasce qui il suo mito: la sua voce teatrale, cavernosa, inquietante, che racconta di incubi, personaggi strani, ossessioni e dolore. In quello stesso periodo, vive un rapporto devastante con l'eroina: nonostante questo, pubblica The Firstborn Is Dead a Berlino, nei mitici Hansa Tonstudios usati dallo stesso Bowie. Il titolo è un riferimento al gemello di Elvis nato morto insieme a lui, c'è ancora il lato tragico del Blues e una cover di Dylan, Wanted Man, corretta nel testo con l'approvazione del Maestro di Duluth. Per Kicking Against The Pricks (1986), che è una raccolta di interpretazione di cover, entra in gruppo Thomas Wydler, batterista, che permette a Harvey di passare alle tastiere.
Le registrazioni di Your Funeral...My Trial avvengono nell'estate del 1986 presso gli Hansa Tonstudios. Cave è al massimo della disperazione fisica e mentale, l'idea iniziale era di fare due EP con i due titoli My Funeral e My Trial, ma nonostante la gravità della sua condizione psicofisica, alla fine le registrazioni furono entusiasmanti, tanto che tutti considerano questo il loro miglior disco della loro futura ultra-trentennale carriera. È un disco dove i racconti e le storie sono pieni di controcanti, di voci della mente e dei sentimenti che si rincorrono. Quasi tutto è opera di Cave e Harvey, l'unica cover è una versione acuta e sorprendentemente drammatica di Long Time Man di Tim Rose. È il disco notevolmente più compiuto e vario rispetto ai precedenti, che esplora un'ampia gamma di musiche pur mantenendo centrale la visione spesso oscura e sempre appassionata di Cave. Canzoni come Jack's Shadow, una delle future canzoni simbolo, e gli stati d'animo più gentili ma comunque malinconici di Sad Waters, che raccontano una scena in riva al fiume tra una coppia, sono semplicemente grandiose: Cave qui non solo canta ma suona anche l'organo Hammond, aggiungendo un'aria stranamente dolce all'atmosfera notturna del pezzo. The Carny è sicuramente il momento clou, l'accompagnamento di carillon/carnevale incrinato per gentile concessione di Harvey è del tutto appropriato per il racconto di Cave di un circo andato orribilmente male: da questa canzone Marc Craste nel 2003 ricaverà un cortometraggio animato, Jo Jo In The Stars, che vincerà il BAFTA Award for Best Animated Short Film nel 2004. Hard On For Love, come il titolo rivela abbastanza chiaramente, è allo stesso tempo sensuale e schietta fino al testo, riferimenti biblici e tutto il resto, mentre la musica febbrile sale in un'ondata di emozioni. Stranger Than Kindness è scritta da Bargeld e da Anita Lane, cantautrice australiana che da qui in poi collaborerà con i Bad Seeds.
Una versione di The Carny verrà suonata nel film Il Cielo Sopra Berlino di Wim Wenders, dove Cave e i Bad Seeds interpretano loro stessi suonando dal vivo. Cave, la cui carriera verrà segnata da traumi colossali, ha sempre amato questo disco, secondo le sue stesse parole "è molto speciale per me e sono successe un sacco di cose fantastiche, musicalmente, in studio. Ci sono alcune canzoni in quel disco che per quanto mi riguarda sono quasi perfette": una perfetta descrizione di un incubo.
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You are such a inspiration in this comunity and goals! i love your one piece simis, and wish for you to continue rock!! Love your work.
kicking my feet so hard they're going to pop off my legs, thank you sweetheart, i will definitely read those words whenever i doubt myself ;_; your sims and renders are stunning and way underrated, i'm so glad you're back on simblr!! keep rocking friend!
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#guns n roses#axl rose#slash#duff mckagan#izzy stradlin#matt sorum#the 80's#the 90s#rock n roll#rock comunity#hard rock#gnr
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La storia della Musica!!!!
Tre giorni di pace e musica. Tre giorni che hanno fatto la storia. Si celebra oggi il 51esimo anniversario del più grande evento di libertà, umanità e lotta pacifica: il Festival di Woodstock. Più che un concerto un pellegrinaggio, una fiera di arte e musica, una comunità, un modo di vivere che ha cambiato per sempre il concetto di libertà. Sul palco, a Bethel (una piccola città rurale nello stato di New York) si sono alternati per tre giornate alcuni tra i più grandi musicisti della storia. Musicisti che provenivano da influenze, scuole musicali e storie differenti ma che avevano in comune ciò che più contava in quei favolosi anni ’60: la controcultura.
Si passava dal rock psichedelico di Jimi Hendrix (che, pur di essere l’ultimo a esibirsi, salì sul palco alle 9 di lunedì mattina per un concerto di due ore, culminato nella provocatoria versione distorta dell’inno nazionale statunitense) e dei Grateful Dead ai suoni latini dei Santana (che regalarono un memorabile set, impreziosito dallo storico assolo di batteria del più giovane musicista in scena: Michael Shrieve) passando per il rock britannico di Joe Cocker (che regalò in scaletta le splendide cover di Just Like a Woman di Dylan e With a Little Help from my Friends dei Beatles) e degli Who all’apice della loro carriera (celebre l’invasione di palco dell’attivista Habbie Hoffman, durante il loro concerto, quasi quanto il lungo assolo di Pete Townshend durante My Generation, con lancio di chitarra finale).
C’era poi il folk, con una splendida Joan Baez su tutti, che suonò nonostante fosse al sesto mese di gravidanza, genere tipicamente statunitense che si alternava a suoni più esotici e orientali, come il sitar di Ravi Shankar. Impossibile dimenticare infine l’intensa performance della regina del soul Janis Joplin, la doppia esibizione (acustica ed elettrica) di Crosby, Stills, Nash e del “fantasma” di Neil Young, che rifiutò di farsi riprendere dalle telecamere e il divertente show dei Creedence Clearwater Revival.
1969, il ‘Moon day’ in musica..
Concerti che rimarranno nella memoria di chiunque ami la musica come simbolo di cambiamento, pace e libertà. D’impatto i presenti come pesanti furono le assenze di John Lennon, che si rifiutò di esibirsi per il mancato invito di Yoko Ono, Bob Dylan, padrone di casa (lui che all’epoca viveva proprio a Woodstock) assente per la malattia del figlio, i Rolling Stones, ancora scossi per la morte di Brian Jones e i Doors, alle prese con una serie infinita di problemi legali.
Il vero protagonista dell’evento fu però il pubblico, la “vera star” secondo l’organizzatore Michael Lang, eterogeneo quasi quanto i generi musicali. Da tutta America arrivarono studenti liceali e universitari, hippie, veterani del Vietnam, filosofi, operai e impiegati. Nessuna differenziazione di razza, etnia o colore della pelle: tutti uniti dalla voglia di stare insieme in libertà con il fango a livellare ogni diversità e i capelli lunghi come simbolo di ribellione. Un sogno che oggi sembra lontano anni luce, nelle ideologie come nell'organizzazione.
Da quel 1969 si è provato a più riprese a riproporre Woodstock, con scarsi risultati culminati nell'annullamento del concerto in programma per questo cinquantesimo anniversario, organizzato proprio da Lang e non andato in porto tra una defezione e l’altra, forse perché indigesto ai grandi organizzatori di eventi musicali mondiali. Forse, a conti fatti, meglio così: quell'atmosfera irripetibile era frutto di una spontaneità organizzativa di altri tempi, una magia fuori da ogni schema il cui risultato sensazionale, iconico e significativo fu chiaro solo anni dopo anche agli stessi partecipanti.
Vanni Paleari
PhWoodstock, 1969
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Can you please explain what's going on with the mold spores I'm very interested
ah yes, the mold spores. these guys are mold spore FH13312 and mold spore L4837. i originally made them both as jokes but i liked their designs enough to rip them from where they spawned. HUGE lore dump after cut i’m sorry
FH13312 basically lives in the tunnels (yes, the wc tunnels.) after having mitosis’d from fallen leaves like a sort of amoeba. not really alive not really dead. so she wanders around goes outside sometimes but she finds the moonpool. when she looks into it, she sees another person. that is L4837. technically FH13312 and L4837 are the same person despite looking completely different, just in different universes. this part of the story the comunicating through the moonpool was inspired by my fanon moonpaw back last year in the summer. they get to know eachother a bit, their situations are very similar. difficult upbringing, constant isolation, and a longing for adventure and friends. a desire to be happy when their upbringings and origins were from nothing but misery.
after a bunch of times sitting and talking through the moonpool L4837 brings up that she heard of a place where when you die, someone you long to see will be there. basically “let’s kill ourselves… together ❤️” so they do kill themselves because they don’t really have anything to live for and their lives have been miserable thus far. FH13312 drowns herself in the moonpool and L4837 jumps off a cliff and onto sharp rocks.
the mold spores do find eachother in the afterlife, but this isn’t the place L4837 brought up. it’s purgatory. the mold spores find themselves being patched up by two guides thing and cenpaka. basically their job is to help them find a resting place in the vast expanse of purgatory. whilst their on their journey things start to take a turn for the worse when green fuzzy itchy sores start to develop on FH13312’s skin and L4837 develops some sort of resporatory infection that causes him to cough up black sludge. despite all of thing’s knowledge and experience it doesn’t know what the cause is or how to cure it. so they go to the “happy home” for guidance from one of its residents.
the “happy home” is just a shared house of sorts that thing owns. some of its previous patients live there, cenpaka included. the only person who doesn’t live there is cole. they’re not a patient but a messanger that visits “god.” nobody knows who god is or has seen god but god exists. the constantly shifting nature of purgatory is due to god’s thoughts feelings etc. since cole is so close to “god”, thing figured they’d have answers for the mold spores’ sudden illnesses.
upon meeting cole (who’s enthusiastic, praising the mold spores as their ‘creation’) they reveal to them that they’re not supposed to be here after they died. they were supposed to go to their respective in-universe afterlifes but they somehow glitched into purgatory, and have contracted a unique fungal infection that most morssels (purgatory ppl) are immune to. cole says there is a cure, but it is up to “god” whether they stumble across it or not: one of god’s blood vessels. sometimes pockets will show up in the ever-shifting landscape of purgatory where it’s just a room full of flesh. pulling a blood vessel from there and consuming it will cement their place in purgatory therefore their body can fight against the fungi naturally.
cole warns, however, that it will not be an easy task. that most likely one of the mold spores will die and until then their relationship will sour. “it’s in your blood you know!” but after everything they’ve been through, the mold spores are determined to find the cure and live together like they wanted. as their adventure progresses, FH13312’s disease chalks up to something like hives whilst L4837’s disease is much more deadly and her physical state starts to deteriorate rapidly. his eye falls out, his ear has started to rot. wounds don’t heal. the skin and flesh dies and rots as well. a steady stream of black goop pours from his mouth and nose. she’s sluggish, can barely formulate a sentence. time moves forward and like cole said, the mold spores’ relationship gets more strained. FH13312 can’t help but resent L4837 for the mess she’s gotten them in. she’s tempted to just leave him there and find the blood vessel herself as it’d take less time without a dead weight.
eventually FH13312 snaps and takes everything out on L4837. she yells and she hits but the other doesn’t react at all. he’s a husk of his former self, only wincing and trying to come up with any sort of response just for it to fall apart the moment it comes out of her mouth. FH13312 collects herself and the pair keep going, keep looking for something that might not even exist. two nights later neither of them can sleep. L4837 has trouble breathing, coughing and sputtering. at first FH13312 is annoyed and ignores her but eventually she curls up by her side. there’s no point in fighting now, so all she does is groom his fur gently. it only takes less than an hour for L4837 to die a painful, miserable death. after laying with her dead body for hours, FH13312 gets up and wipes her paws, giving L4837 one last look of grief buried underneath disgust and leaves. it takes her only 1 day for her to find the blood vessel, hidden in a play room in an abandonded mall of sorts. she eats it and feels nothing. she retraces her steps and feels nothing. once she’s back to the happy home she’s welcomed as a full-time resident and gets her own room. thing and cenpaka take care of her but otherwise she doesn’t let the others, especially not cole, into her room.
so YEAH that’s basically what i got so far. i wish i could explain my decisions for these two further but i can’t because They will get me. i don’t know why i put so much lore into two joke characters but i got bored ok… BYE
#skuffy meowing#indefinite duration#mold spore FH13312 (oc)#mold spore L4837 (oc)#i’m really bad at writing please dont bully me#tw suicide
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I'm proposing to Colmei, he doesn't need to know what marriage is. He just needs to know that it means I wanna spend the rest of my days with him and love all the worked bees as children. Fuck it, I'd even try to comunicate it in embarrasingly ugly and inacurate bee dancing.
This is extremely heartfelt, and he will easily understand the sentiment as well as return it in the blink of an eye.
But the only thing I can picture is the bees taking the shiny ring away and putting it inside the main hive for safekeeping.
It's a shiny rock the Queen found! :)))
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📰 Famílias em luto e conspirações crescem com desaparecimentos inexplicáveis
No último mês, o mundo tem sido abalado por uma onda de desaparecimentos inexplicáveis, incluindo figuras públicas de renome. Famílias desesperadas buscam respostas enquanto teorias da conspiração se multiplicam. Autoridades e instituições científicas, como a NASA, permanecem em silêncio, deixando um rastro de incerteza e mistério que preocupa a população ao redor do mundo.
29 de maio de 2024.
No último mês, o mundo tem sido abalado por uma onda de desaparecimentos inexplicáveis de figuras públicas e cidadãos comuns. O fenômeno deixou famílias em estado de choque e alimentou diversas teorias da conspiração, à medida que autoridades e instituições científicas permanecem sem respostas concretas.
Entre os desaparecidos, estão nomes como a da renomada atriz e cantora americana, Valerie Williams, e a aclamada cantora de pop-rock, Mayari Basilio-Cadogan, mais conhecida como Yari. Valerie foi vista pela última vez enquanto estava em gravações para o seu novo filme, enquanto Yari desapareceu misteriosamente no último show da turnê que estava realizando. Estes casos, entre muitos outros, têm gerado grande preocupação não só entre fãs, mas principalmente entre seus familiares.
"Nós estamos devastados. Não há palavras para descrever a dor e a incerteza de não saber o que aconteceu com ele", disse Cho Ha-Young, mãe de um jovem desaparecido em Seoul, ao ser entrevistada pela nossa equipe. "Nós só queremos respostas e não estamos recebendo nenhuma."
Diante do silêncio das autoridades, a população tem buscado respostas em outras fontes. A NASA, por sua autoridade em assuntos científicos e espaciais, tem sido repetidamente questionada, mas até agora não forneceu nenhuma explicação. "Estamos cientes das preocupações e estamos monitorando a situação, mas neste momento não temos informações concretas que liguem esses desaparecimentos a fenômenos que estão sob nossa jurisdição", declarou um porta-voz da agência.
A falta de respostas tem alimentado uma série de teorias da conspiração, algumas das quais sugerem que os desaparecimentos podem estar ligados a experimentos secretos, abduções alienígenas ou até mesmo portais para outras dimensões. Fóruns na internet e redes sociais estão repletos de especulações e supostas evidências, enquanto alguns grupos organizam vigílias e protestos exigindo mais transparência das autoridades.
"As teorias da conspiração estão crescendo porque as pessoas estão desesperadas por respostas. Quando não há uma explicação lógica, a imaginação das pessoas começa a preencher as lacunas", explica o sociólogo Daniel Lee, especialista em comportamento coletivo.
Enquanto isso, as famílias dos desaparecidos continuam a lutar por informações, muitas vezes enfrentando o desespero e a impotência. Organizações de apoio e grupos de busca voluntários têm se multiplicado, na esperança de encontrar alguma pista que possa elucidar esses desaparecimentos misteriosos.
O que começou como um punhado de casos isolados se transformou em um enigma global, deixando o mundo em um estado de apreensão e incerteza. Enquanto isso, a busca por respostas continua, com todos se perguntando: onde estão os desaparecidos?
Redação: Nix (@nixperdida).
OOC: leitura interativa sobre uma matéria publicada na BBC News a respeito dos desaparecimentos dos perdidos no mundo real. É uma leitura OOC, os personagens não possuem acesso à matéria ou ao que está acontecendo no mundo real enquanto eles ainda se encontram no Mundo das Histórias.
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