#robin past 7:30
freakinhorse123 · 2 years
annual shittie appreciation thread <3
@lyraissleepy literally the older sibling i never had lyra you are so cool and I appreciate you so much! One of the best people ever! Love chatting to you mate you’re awesome! Also don’t tell dick legs but he’s pretty cool too
@terrible-leviathan my spouse, my buddy ol pal, terri you’re amazing even though you lost your ass like a year ago <3 seriously though you always cheer me up you’re so great! If we ever meet up irl i am tackle hugging you you cannot escape also your cursed names for the guest stars on the shitstain squad discord are so cursed /pos! You’ve legitimately changed my life and were pretty much the first close internet friend i have had you’re amazing <3!
@fuckingfish1234 dude your art is so cool and you are so great and cool! I really enjoy talking to you mate! Also you have a hand in the cursed names of the shittie friends. It was either Genital fingers or Breasty hair that was your fault (affectionate) but genuinely you’re great to talk to and your arts are fucking awesome and i am so glad i know you i take that back what the fuck was that message fish (/j you’re cool)! also listening to you get into rottmnt was so cool
@sajdd sajdd you are so cool and awesome and we bully you slightly too much (even if you are old) complaining about the mcu occasionally with you is so much fun and watching you bully dick legs to hell and back is hilarious
@filmnoirdetective bones my boy you’re so cool and swag and you get what i mean when i ramble about dc and you’re a rottmnt enjoyer you’re so cool, i really love talking to you!
@daylovejoy seriously love chatting with you you’re amazing and you’re one of the nicest people i’ve met you deserve the world! Fucking love checking my phone and seeing a notification from you
Shitties i’d give all my internal organs just to sit in a room with you all for an hour and talk, it’s been a great year with you all and i’m so glad we’re friends <3
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bonchobrick · 1 year
(angst alert !! death + slight blood tw !!)
Tim is stuck in a sticky situation and has to call a certain 'spooky' friend for help.
Jason would probably call him a dumbass for trying to do something so stupid. Well, atleast thats what Tim thinks Jason would do, he isn't for sure though, he isn't certain.
Because Jason's laying on the ground with a flat pulse and he wont be giving him any answers anytime soon.
“Don' look so weird replacement, its just anoth’r day in gotham.” His brother slurs with the slight quirk of his lips
"Jason don't fucking do this to me!" Tim hisses tears cursing his eyes
And Jason, oh that bastard—bleeding out on the pavement and in Tim’s arms sends him his classic beaming Robin Smile. 
"Love ya' little bro take care of yo'rself, kay?" he says eyes fluttering
"Jay," Tim cries, "You dick."
For all the joy and hope and belief his smile conveyed for the first time in a long time—his red blood muddled what should’ve been such a nice sight. Tim held him on the pavement with someone yelling on the comm mic on the floor that he just can’t bother trying to pay attention to. 
The pavement is cold. The air is cold. His brother is cold. It’s all so cold tonight. 
All the younger boy does close his eyes and slowly, In. Out. In. Out.
He lets himself breathe for a minute. Lets the horror wash over him. Lets himself absorb what just happened,
Then he gets back to work. 
Like a switch his brain is back online running at a hundred miles an hour–what is the best scenario, what should I do when my brother's wrist is limp and his eyes are shut, what do I do if he’s dead again, what can i do, how can I Fix. This.
Thoughts cloud his mind, whirring around his head like layers and layers of messy documents has just been dumped on his desk and he’s shuffling through them panicked trying to find the right file because its somewhere here, there is something and he just needs to sort. it. out. And–
Then it all becomes clear. 
His desk is back to clean and stationary. All of the papers are gone back into neat piles in neat manila folders, stored away in tidy filing shelves–
Everything is gone aside from one little yellow sticky note in the center of the desk.
“Well, Jay?” Tim chuckles with a cracked voice, “Second times the charm right?”
In his mind, at the center of it all, on a yellow sticky note lies the words in green ink: ‘Contact The Ghost King.’
Slowly he shifts and with a loud grunt he lifts up Jason, “Up we go!”
“--im? Why do you have Red Hood’s Comm–Tim what happened! Tim!” the comm speaker plays faintly in the background of his head, “Tim! Whatever you’re thinking off doing, don’t!” someone Tim can’t think about hisses
Tim hums absentmindedly towards the mic, almost automatically, “Don’t worry Babs, I’ve got it covered.”
Walking away from the roof he thinks to himself, I wonder where Jason would wanna wake up? Perhaps his apartment? Yea, i think that would go well by him–let’s head to the apartment.  
And just like that Tim leaves a crime scene—shuffling away with a dead body over his shoulder and a plan.
“Jay,” Tim murmurs to the corpse on his shoulder, “You’re really gonna hate this, but i’m doing this for you anyways cause I love you. So dont be too hard on me when you wake up okay asshole?”
Tim stumbles off into the stairwell making his descent and sometime as he walks away Barbara faintly catches him on the comm saying
“-Your gonna love Danny and making your lame 'im a dead guy' jokes with him man .”
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darkstaria · 3 months
Yandere Batfam - Soulmate Soul Animal AU.
Chapter 4:
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 5.
This chapter is brought to you by myyyyyyy🎉birthday🎉 woohoo 🥳 I hath aged
It's a little bit shorter, but I mean come on it's a unique chapter soooo it's cool guys I swear
Lots more Batfam content this time, albeit Tim centric. I'll balance it out in the future I swear! Also it's still platonic, but you could probably get a romantic reading from this a lil bit if you try
Taglist: @moonchild-artemisdaughter @jjsmeowthie @madine11-blog @xxrougefangxx @hadesnewpersephone @neerathebrightstar @mel-star636 @jaythes1mp @rosecentury @lov3vivian @gaozorous-rex-blog @victoria1676 @vrsin @silverklaus @ryukyuin @kurai-hono-blog @thisisafish123 @isawyourbrowserhistory @ain-t-no-way-bsfr @realifezompire @lunaluz432 @nickey-diano @sukiiluvs @sara0055 @alleakimlala @kdidgg @paperhermits @lavender-moony @alishii @emmbny @sirenetheblogger @fantasy-angelo @andrasia @vinnvinnvintage @nyra-42 @armystaysatnct @beyond-your-stars @starsdotalk @adeptusxia0
A few days have passed since your encounter with Red Robin. He hasn't shown up since, but another thing has.
Your work had sent you an email. An invitation to Wayne Enterprises, to represent them. According to them, your location was the closest to Wayne Enterprises, and so you were selected. You lived 50 minutes away from Wayne Enterprises. Their home office was 30 minutes away. You weren't sure who was doing the math here, but they needed some more practice.
That being said, you could notice a pattern when there was one. This was Tim Drake's attempt to get you out of your home. And unfortunately, it was going to work. You needed your job. It was perfect, remote, didn't bother you as long as you got the work done. Jobs like that were rare, especially in Gotham.
Not for the first time, you kinda felt like crying.
If Red Robin, your soulmate, was indeed Tim Drake, then what was this? Did he have you figured out? Or was he continuing the investigation?
You didn't know...
Refusing to show up would get you fired. There was no way around that. But, what if you couldn't go?
What if you were too injured to go? There's no way you could fake something, the bats are quite literally master detectives. That and your soul animal form would likely reveal the uninjured truth.
Maybe if you injured yourself?
No, no no no. That was a bad route to go down. If this meeting is to check whether you are soulmates with him, a matching injury on your soul animal form would be like a criminal and a suspect having the same tattoo.
There wasn't really any option here. Which, really, is just typical for the vigilantes of Gotham.
"Ughhh." You groaned to yourself, cradling your hands with your head. You glared over at Red, who had been showing up much more frequently these past few days (which was saying something, since all your soul animals were already by you 23/7). Red gave a small chirp in reply, some sort of smugness in its tone.
Maybe it was time to invest in wind chimes or something. You heard they can scare off robins.
You felt like you were going to need it.
~ ~ ~ ~
Tim's developed something of a guilty habit.
It wasn't a bad thing, per se. Nothing B would particularly frown at. Dick might even agree.
He imagined you wouldn't quite feel the same, though.
You looked especially fragile, as you slept. During the day your face was haunted by false bravado, a paranoid edge to every smile. Sleep smoothed out the lines of your face, giving a softer touch to your slumbering form.
You frown when he reaches out to poke your cheek. It's cute. His hand twitches for his camera. You're always cute, whether it's a small little frown on your face or beaming joy.
He's developed a new favorite activity. Alongside solving cases, he's now watching you. He wants to observe it all. From little habits to obvious passions, he wants to know everything. Hobbies, skills, loves, DNA. He'd only just found you, the answer to the mystery that he's been in since birth. He's had a lot of time to build up this obsession.
He wants and wants and needs. He can wait to take.
You are a light sleeper, but he's a quiet stalker. You don't always drink milk before bed, but when you do, you'll get a little more tired than usual. Your groggy face is cute, too.
He reached out, stroking your hair with the slightest of a smile beginning on his face. It was soft. It reminded him of you, your soul animal form. It had flinched away from him earlier, as it always does whenever they were in uniform. Finding that you do the same as a human wasn't so surprising.
They had adapted to your soul form’s skittishness. They could do the same again. His mind briefly flashed through some ideas, an ankle bracelet, a watch, a collar? If it was on the ankle, you'd match.
He broke out of his musings at the shift of movement. A flutter of wings. B’s soul animal flew down perching on a piece of furniture nearby as a vantage point. He smirked. Looked like he wasn't the only one feeling a little possessive tonight.
He must've been thinking of you. Not surprising, given that your soul form was scheduled time with him today. They had to work out a schedule, else there would have been a lot more stabbings. Not that it didn't prevent sudden abductions occasionally, thanks Jason.
That was fine though. B could have you tonight, Damian could have you tomorrow, Dick the next. Because Tim had the real you, right here.
And he wasn't planning on letting go.
There's a room he's preparing inside Drake manor. He’d put your name on it, but that would be too obvious if anyone came around. Instead, it would be his little secret with you. He's only just met you, but he has plenty of ideas for it already.
He didn't feel guilty for this. Not at all.
You were his as much as he was yours after all. If there was a problem with these feelings, then why would fate itself tie you to him?
If anything, the only guilt he’d feel is not telling anyone else. He couldn't help it, he just wanted you to himself for a while. He caught you, so he was allowed to have you.
But was that really guilt? Or just annoyance at the idea of getting caught?
An alert on his communicator made him frown, taking him out of the trance he had felt into. There was more he had to do.
A shame, but it was fine. He got to spend some quality time with you, taken a few things for the future. He’d make more time. And you'll have all the time in the world for him. But first…
Tim withdrew a specialty camera from his utility belt, raising it to his face. He adjusted a few settings, then…
~ ~ ~ ~
You fought the urge to yawn. You have been so sleepy lately. You had to wake up especially early for today. Lovely.
At least today was the moment of truth. You'd show Red Robin for once and for all that you were perfectly normal, and not at all his soulmate. He’d lose interest, and your life would return to its domesticity.
The one good thing going for today was that you're somehow accompanied by none of your soul animals. A truly rare occasion that is ruined by the fact that you're instead visiting a soulmate in the flesh. If any of your soul animals do show up, you have your old reliable bag to shove them into. So, you should be alright.
Wayne Enterprises was a terrifying image, but you steadied yourself with the fact that your whole life’s freedom was at stake here, which was much more terrifying. After that you could get through the door. Security just letting you through after giving your name almost had you running out the door though, you'd admit.
The elevator ride was long and solemn, giving you time to think about everything. Maybe you should think about moving, staying in Gotham was perhaps a ridiculous sentiment to begin with. It was a shame though, you were a Gothamite through and through, you didn't want to leave the country your parents lived and raised you in.
Still, perhaps it was time to leave. Things were getting too risky. Thinking about it, Wayne Enterprises? Honesty what even was your life.
The ding of the elevator door interrupts your musings, an assistant directing you to Tim Drake’s office.
As you walk over, you can't help but listen in to some shouting coming from the room.
A younger voice is yelling. “Give me them! You do not deser-” The voice gets cut off, as an older voice yells back. “It is my turn, you do not get to just steal them!”
The younger voice starts up again, but so does the older voice, alongside what you can only presume to be fighting noises.
You just kinda stare at the door. You are a working professional, representing your company to the prestigious Wayne Enterprises. You came here with lofty expectations and responsibilities to fulfill. And the CEO… is fighting someone in his office.
You have no idea what to do.
A minute passes.
You started to think about signaling an assistant to come help, but before you could do so the fighting seemed to end with a shouted “Fine! But B will hear about-” you can't hear the rest, as the shouting returns to a normal volume.
A door is opened and slammed, footsteps retreating away from the office. You take a moment to appreciate the fact that Tim Drake’s office has two doors that lead in different places, because it means you didn't have to meet whoever he was fighting.
A second or two later, the door in front of you swings open. Tim Drake is facing you, his hair a little askew, and his cheeks a little red. He smiles, an easy thing. It's as if the sight of you brought it to his face.
“Welcome!” He waves you in, somehow not acknowledging what you just heard in any form. The objects in his office are perfectly aligned. Nothing looks disturbed at all. How?
He waves you over to a chair, settling into one himself.
“Well.” He begins. “It's nice to see you again, Y/n."
You hope this goes by quickly.
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novy2sirius · 30 days
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dark numerology notes
• tw - suicide, murder, violence, accidents, guns
༚༅༚˳ often the numbers 7, 8, 11, 17, or 27 will be found in the birthdays of people who’ve committed suicide. it’s likely because people with 7/17/27 tend to struggle with feeling alone a lot, people with 8 energy have a ton of low lows and high highs all the time (constant ups and downs), and 11 is one of the most emotional numbers in numerology, so sometimes they struggle a lot emotionally more than others. i see 11 and 17 the most though
examples: kurt kobain (11 day and 27 life path), aubreigh wyatt born on the 17th, ava wood born on an 11 day (20 is the secret 11 because 0 is connected to 9 so 20=29 which reduces to 11), vincent van gogh (17 year), robin williams (8 life path)
༚༅༚˳ people with 11 energy should always stay away from guns at all costs. it never ends well. even if they or someone they know has a license for them it still is not good for them to be around any as they’re more likely to die from them
༚༅༚˳ the number 24 is common in birthdays of people who are extremely violent or murderers. this obviously does not apply to the people who aren’t sick in the head and super low vibrational though. the pro to this number though is that these people can be very wealthy
examples: ted bundy (day number), jeffrey dahmer (life path), john wayne gacy (day + year)
༚༅༚˳ people born under 19 energy may have gotten really ill when they were young and almost died (some do not make it). this isn’t a good energy to be born under in my opinion, but can be good for wealth and leadership though
༚༅༚˳ be cautious on 7, 9, or 11 days when driving a car because these numbers are the most common numerical indications of injuries or freak accidents. i wouldn’t do anything risky on these days either like riding a motorcycle, rollercoaster, go-cart plane, etc. i’d say 27 too since 2 doubles the energy it’s next to
example: paul walker died in a car crash on 11/30/2013 which adds to 11 (1+1+3+2+1+3=11)
༚༅༚˳ people who have prominent 4 energy in their birthday could have possibly been murdered in a past life which is why they’re obsessed with things like true crime in this life and make good criminal investigators
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vanacoar · 2 years
Sneaking Around - Sebastian x F! Farmer
Rating: M
Warnings: NSFW (MDNI), oral sex, vaginal sex, terrible humor, submissive Sebastian, Farmer sneaking around with the sheer purpose of fucking the emo
Word Count: 5.7K
A/N: Sebastian brain rot continues
You and Sebastian had been “hanging out” for about two months, hanging out being the term you use because despite the fact that you’ve kissed him (only once you might add) the two of you hadn’t really defined your relationship yet. However, despite the fact that labels were currently up in the air, both of you were still hesitant to let anyone else know about the amount of time the two of you were spending together. Most nights you would find yourself precariously sneaking past Robin to make your way to your not quite boyfriends bedroom, where you two would spend the night watching terrible B list horror movies and eating stupid amounts of popcorn. If Sam or Abigail asked about how you two got along, you’d always find yourselves either deflecting away from the question, or answering with a “they’re pretty cool” or “they’re fun to hang with”. It was starting to grate on your nerves.
Tonight was no different. You approached 24 Mountain Road at about 7:30 PM, knowing that by this time Robin and Demetrius were more than likely getting ready for bed, and Maru was probably locked up in her room working on her latest invention. You had about 30 minutes to get in and get to Sebastian’s room before Robin came out to lock the door, like she did every night at exactly 8PM.
You opened the door slowly, freezing when you heard it give a small squeak of resistance. Deciding not to push you luck and risk it making more noise if you opened it further, you quietly slipped through the small gap you’d made before silently shutting the door behind yourself. The house was silent save for the quiet hum of a TV coming from Robin’s bedroom. You peaked your head around the corner, making sure her door was shut before slipping around and down the stairs to Sebastian’s basement bedroom, not even bothering to knock as you opened the door and rushed inside. Looking at the time, it was 7:45, perfect timing.
Looking around, you saw Sebastian at his computer, fingers nimbly ghosting along the keyboard as he typed line after line of code, eyes trained on the screen in front of him and headphones over his ears, it didn’t appear that he had even noticed your entrance. Perfect.
You clocked Sebastian as handsome the second you saw him on your second day in Pelican Town. You were out at the dock, Willy had sent you a letter to come by that morning and you were down there to meet him. It was a rainy Tuesday, most of the town were in their right mind to stay in doors in such nasty weather, but when you got to the dock, you noticed another person there with you, across the way on the opposite bridge. His hair was dark and plastered to his slim face, he sat at the edge of the peer, one knee pulled up to his chest, the other dangling off the edge, his elbow perched on his knee, a lit cigarette in his hand that he periodically brought to his lips.
“Who’s that?” You’d asked Willy after he’d gifted you his old fishing rod. The angler looked out to the opposite peer.
“Him? Oh that’s the carpenters boy, Sebastian I think his name is. He comes out here when it rains, kid’s interesting I’ll give him that.”
You met Sebastian properly the next day, he and Sam were outside Sam’s house, the blonde working through another level on his gameboy while Sebastian looked over his shoulder, cigarette in hand. Having already met Sam on your first day, you walked over to greet him.
“Oh hey, (Y/N)!” Sam greeted you when he looked up from the screen. “What’s going on?”
“I was just picking up some stuff from Pierre, thought I’d stop by and say hello.” You replied, holding your bag of goodies from the general store. “What are you two up to?”
“Nothin’ much, playin’ some games, chatting, that sort of thing,” Sam looked over to his friend before a look or recognition crossed his face. “(Y/N) I don’t think you’ve met Sebastian.” He pitched a thumb to the dark haired boy beside him, who only offered a glance to you. “He lives like right down the road from you.”
You took the opportunity to really look at Sebastian, he was tall, at least a few inches taller than Sam, who himself was not particularly short. His hair was dark, parted to the side and a stark contrast to the fairness of his skin. He was slender, the hoodie he wore looking to be a few sizes too big on his thin frame, his face was handsome though, sharp and angular with some of the most piercing gray eyes you’d ever seen, eyes that appeared to stare into your soul. “I’m (Y/N),” you greeted sweetly. “It’s nice to meet you, Sebastian.”
“Welcome to Pelican Town,” Sebastian’s voice was low but not extremely so, it was nice. “Out of all the places you could have gone, for some reason you chose this place.” He almost seemed amused. Something in your gut told you he was interesting.
You would spend the next several months getting to know Abigail and Sam, and it took a few more months after that for Sebastian to finally begin opening up to you. Getting through his thick outer shell was hard, but you eventually managed to crack it open, exposing the vulnerable boy underneath. The boy who felt displaced in his own home, under appreciated and undervalued by his mother and step father.
Right now, you leaned against the closed door of Sebastian’s bedroom, arms crossed over your chest as you watched him work. Normally he was done with work by now, usually waiting for you on his sofa or bed, but you guessed tonight was either a late night, or he had lost track of time, the latter would be your guess. You pushed yourself off the door, quietly slinking around his desk to stand behind him, watching for a moment as strings of code appeared on the screen as he typed.
Tonight would be different. Tonight you were finally going to get a label out of him, you were tired of not knowing what you meant to him, when you knew he meant so much to you. Slowly and gently, you placed your hands on either of his shoulders, feather light touches as you smoothed them over the soft fabric of his jacket, curling your arms around his neck as you leaned down to rest your head on his shoulder.
His fingers paused on the keyboard, taking a moment before reaching up to pull the headphones from his ears, turning his head slightly to greet you, a slightly tired look in his gray eyes. You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. “It’s almost 8 computer man.” You said against his skin.
“It’s that late already?” He asked, glancing down at the time at the bottom of his computer screen. Quickly, he moved his mouse over to the button highlighted ‘save’, and closed his file, turning around in his chair so he could face you clearly. “Any ideas on what you want to do tonight?” He asked. His eyes were completely innocent, as was the question, your mind however, was less so.
“I’ve got a couple.” You answered as he stood from his chair, once again towering over you, walking over to a shelf to look through his movie collection to find one the two of you hadn’t already seen. Yes, you definitely had a few ideas in mind.
Sebastian was always so warm, you’d noticed as you laid next to him on his bed. He was practically a furnace with the amount of heat he kicked off. The two of you sat in silence as the movie played, some cheap knock off of Godzilla, the effects were terrible and the script was laughable but that’s what made it fun. It was always like this, sitting side by side, arms occasionally brushing but other than that, minimal contact between the two of you. Originally, when the two of you first started these “date nights” you though that maybe he didn’t like you the way you liked him, but then you remembered that night, looking out at the lights of Zuzu City in the distance. He’d kissed you that night, so clearly he was interested in more than just a friendship. You kept expecting him to make the first move, an arm around your shoulder one night, maybe a hand on your thigh, but no, he was ever the gentleman, every night keeping his hands to himself, it was starting to drive you up the wall. However, you had made your decision, tonight you were going to make some waves, whether those waves were good or bad, was yet to be seen, but it was time to enact the first past of your plan.
You maneuvered, feigning a desire to get more comfortable when in reality you were moving to get closer to Sebastian, encircling one arm around his front to rest at the hem of his hoodie, your head coming to rest on his shoulder. You felt him freeze for only a moment before he relaxed into it, one of his arms coming up to wrap around your shoulder, forcing your head off of his shoulder and onto his chest. Part one was a success! Now for part two, which was going to be a little more tricky.
Your fingers played with the hem of his hoodie, occasionally slipping underneath just enough for the slightest touch of skin, the first time you’d done it the poor boy jumped, your fingers were cold against his heated skin, but he didn’t stop you, instead, the hand he had wrapped around your shoulder began tracing lines up and down your side, it was hypnotizing to say the least, but you had to stay focused.
Slowly, you slipped your fingers further and further under his shirt, you felt his abdominal muscles tense as you traced patterns onto his skin, making sure to keep your face schooled, as to not let him in on your plan. He was handling it well, fingers on your side rarely faulting, even as you looked up, placing a chaste kiss on his throat. You lips lingered on his skin for a moment before you pulled away.
“Something tells me you’re not watching the movie.” Sebastian said, despite the obvious amusement in his tone, you heard the slight waver of his voice. So you were effecting him.
“I’m watching something more interesting.” You whispered agains the skin of his neck.
“Why do I feel like you’re throwing out some hints?”
“I’ve been throwing out hints for the past few months but thanks for noticing.” That got a light chuckle out of him, just a soft breathy noise.
“How could you ever be not 100% enraptured in discount Godzilla?” Sebastian joked, finally looking down to meet your gaze, his eyes were cool, but you saw the glint of interest in them, curiosity even.
“Is discount Godzilla more interesting then a willing and eager girl in your lap?”
“Well I don’t know, seeing as there is not currently a willing and eager girl in my lap.”
“So sorry, let me fix that.” You sat up, slinging a leg over his lap so you were properly straddling him, his hands immediately coming to rest on your hips as your tucked your head against his shoulder, placing another kiss on his throat.
“You’re right, this is much more interesting than discount Godzilla.” Sebastian laughed as you planted a kiss just below his ear, before sitting back to meet his eyes. “Now my only question is what to do with her.”
“I’ve got a few ideas.” You said as you leaned forward, slotting your lips with his, the first kiss you’ve had with him in months and it was intoxicating. The kiss itself was chaste, innocent, just like the first one had been. It only lasted for a few moments before you pulled back, Just far enough to look him in the eyes, those steel gray eyes that had caught so much of your attention the first time you saw them. Your hands slid up his chest to rest on his shoulders, one of your thumbs grazing over the skin of his throat, such fair skin, skin that you would love to mark all over.
You don’t know who moved first, but before you knew it your lips were back on his, a desperate kiss that had you gasping as you pulled him infinitely closer, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you in. You practically shoved your tongue into his mouth, earning a desperate whimper from him, a sound that went straight to your core. One of your hands came to rest at the base of his throat, pushing ever so slightly, not enough to restrict his breathing, but enough to push him back against the headboard, a gentle knock of his head against the wood.
Your other hand moved down, once again slipping beneath the hem of his hoodie to press against the hot skin of his abdomen. “Take it off?” You asked against this lips. He didn’t make a verbal response, instead only nodding as he reluctantly pulled away from the kiss. You helped him pull the hoodie up over his torso until he tossed it across the room, where to, you didn’t care right now. “Good boy.” You said before you could stop yourself. You froze for only a moment, waiting to see his reaction, but instead of rejection, you were met with a whine. A fucking whine! You knew the game to play now.
You smiled into his lips when you kissed him again, hands moving to travel over his now exposed chest. “Are you going to keep being good for me?” You all but whispered against his mouth. You felt him nod. “Use your words, Sebastian.”
“Yes.” Was all he said before you moved lower, planting open mouth kisses over his neck, starting just below his ear. You contemplated leaving a mark, nice and dark where he couldn’t hide it, so everyone would know he was taken, spoken for.
You could feel his growing erection under you, straining against the fabric of his jeans. You planted a kiss to his collar bone as one of your hands traveled south, cupping him through has pants. He hissed at the friction your hand gave him, his head once again falling back against the headboard.
“This is definitely not what I was expecting to happen tonight.” Sebastian panted out as you applied more pressure to his clothed cock. You looked up at him, meeting his eyes again.
“Do you want to stop?” It was a simple question, and if he said yes and you would, no questions or rebuttals. He was silent for all but a moment before,
“No.” You smiled as your lips found his again, your hand moving from his cock to the button of his jeans, popping it open to slip your hand inside and palm him through his boxers.
“Tell me, was it the ‘good boy’ that got you this hard?” You asked, and you swore you heard him moan.
“Among other things.” He hissed out as you wrapped your fingers around him through his boxers. You smiled, you were going to wreck this boy.
The movie was still playing in the background as you coaxed Sebastian to lay on his back, chest heaving as you pulled your hand from inside of his pants, only to hook your fingers into his waistband, pulling his jeans and boxers together far enough to let his cock spring free, precum already leaking from the tip, he was so worked up and you felt as if you’d hardly done anything yet.
Part of you wanted to pin him to the bed, climb on top and ride him until you couldn’t remember your own name, but that could wait until the next time, tonight you had a very specific plan. You wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing slightly just to hear him hiss. Leaning down you placed a gentle kiss on his hip bone, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Red means stop.” You said as your hand began to move, sliding to the head of his cock. He nodded, panting as you collected the precum at the tip into your hand to use as lubricant as you stroked him, slowly at first, letting him get used to you, experimenting with different levels of grip before you started working him faster.
Sebastian brought a hand to his mouth, biting down on his knuckles to keep from making too much noise as your hand stroked up and down his length. You felt him attempt to thrust up into you hand, at which point your other one came to pin his hips to the bed, drawing out another whine from his throat. Sebastian was well endowed, a solid 7 inches, thick enough to take your entire hand, your fingertips barely meeting, staring down at his swollen cock, you couldn’t help but wonder what he tasted like.
You leaned down, flattening your tongue against the underside of the head, and he nearly wailed, would have, had he not brought his other hand to press against his mouth as well. You could tell he was getting close as your closed your lips around the head of his cock, laving your tongue over the slit, feeling him shudder beneath you. His moans got louder, higher pitched the closer he got, all the way until he was at the precipice, ready to fall, when suddenly you pulled away.
Sebastian gasped at the sudden change, nearly choking on the air, meeting your eyes, you could see the tears in his eyes. You grinned, placing a gentle kiss on his stomach. “I didn’t say you could cum yet.” You smiled as you dragged your tongue up his chest to lap at his throat, this time not hesitating to suck a mark there, marring his fair skin for all to see. He was still panting, trying to catch his breath.
“Please,” he whispered as you began your descent down his torso again, giving gentle nips to his skin along the way, until you once again reached the bones of his hips, flattening your tongue over his skin. “(Y/N), please.” You smiled against his flesh.
“Please what?” You looked up at him again, his face was flushed, pupils blown out wide with want, breath coming out in short pants.
“Please let me cum.” He said so nicely, you were tempted to give in, but what’s the fun in that?
“And how would I do that, baby?” You stroked the skin of his inner thigh, well what you could reach with his pants still in the way.
“Please touch me.”
“I am touching you, Seb.”
“No.” He flopped his head against the pillow. You smiled once more.
“You gotta be specific babe.” You started, tracing soothing circles into the skin of his hips. “Tell me.”
He was silent for a moment, seemingly choosing his words carefully. “Please touch my cock.” There it is.
“Good boy.” You said as you hooked your fingers into his waistband again, this time pulling his jeans and boxers all the way off, shoving them to the floor as you made yourself comfortable between Sebastian’s legs. You heard his whine again, his hips giving an involuntary thrust up at the praise. Your clothes felt too tight, still fully intact as Sebastian lay in front of you completely bare, spread out and waiting for you to take him. You leaned down to press a kiss to the base of his cock, ripping a choked out gasp from his throat as you dragged your tongue from his base to the tip, tasting the saltiness of his precum at the head. Wrapping your lips around him once more, you took him further into your mouth, letting the tip of his cock hit nearly the back of your throat before pulling back again, dragging your tongue along the underside as you hollowed your cheeks, hand wrapped around what you couldn’t fit.
His hands found your hair as you proceeded to take him in your mouth, lavishing his cock with your tongue. The noises he made switched from moans to whines and back again as you moved your head up and down. He clasped a hand over his mouth to keep the noises from being to loud, not wanting to let the whole house know good he was being taken apart. His grip in your hair tightened as he painted your name, a litany of ‘please’ and ‘yes’ sprinkled in. He was getting close again his hips thrusting up into your mouth. You let him.
“(Y/N),” he choked out your name as you took more of him in your mouth. “(Y/N), close, so close, please, please.” He sounded wrecked, eyes shut and tear tracks down his cheeks as you sucked hard, moving just a little bit faster. You wanted to feel him cum, taste him and swallow everything he had down your throat.
Sebastian’s back arched off the bed as he came, flooding your mouth with his cum, which you happily took. He gasped soundlessly as his body tensed around you, his grip in your hair nearly painful, but sending pulsing heat to your core nonetheless.
He collapsed back on to the bed, chest heaving with the intensity of his orgasm. You let his softening cock fall from your lips, climbing up his body to kiss him again, pushing your tongue into his mouth with little resistance, smiling at his responding moan. His hands came up to wrap around your waist again, pulling your closer and deepening the kiss.
You felt his heated hands slip under your shirt, his palms flat against your sides as he slid your shirt up your torso. You broke the kiss, sitting up so you could completely remove it, reaching back and unclasping your bra, tossing it across the room. Sebastian’s eyes were glued to you, sitting up to press his lips to your chest, kissing your clavicle before moving lower, planting kisses over the curve of your breasts, one hand coming up to graze his thumb over your nipple, pulling a startled gasp from your lips. His fingers trailed deftly down your torso, fingertips calloused from years of typing, as he reached the waistband of your jeans, popping open the button and pulling the garment past the curve of your hips, along with your panties. You moved to get your jeans off of your legs, dropping them to the floor as you moved to once again straddle Sebastian’s lap, wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed him.
“And to think, we could have been doing this the whole time instead of watching B list horror movies.” You stated against his lips as you rolled your hips against this, his cock starting to once again so interest.
“What you don’t think discount Godzilla adds to the mood?” Sebastian joked, and you found yourself giggling into his mouth.
“Something you wanna share with the class about your affinity for Kaiju?”
“He must have a massive cock.” This time you really laughed, tucking your head against his shoulder, he smiled against your hair as his hands strokes up and down your sides. He placed a kiss just under your jaw before you found yourself on your back, Sebastian hovering over you, he leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to your lips. You gladly open your mouth for him, letting his tongue into your mouth as he settles himself between your legs.
He kissed under your jaw, trailing his lips down your throat, you felt him sucking marks into your skin, but you didn’t care. He trailed further, placing kisses down your chest, sucking a few marks onto the curve of your breasts before dragging his tongue over one of your nipples, you arched your back into his touch, which he was all too pleased about by the look of his smile when he began to continue his descent down your body. He kissed down your stomach, down to your hips, where he marked you again. He carefully pushed your thighs further apart, admiring how you were spread out before him. He latched his lips onto the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, pulling a gasp from your lips as he sucked another mark there, and another and another until you were sure your inner thighs were going to be black and blue by morning.
Your breathing was heavy as he inched closer to your core. “To think,” he started, propping himself on one elbow while the other hand came to brush his knuckles against your throbbing heat, a ghost of a touch, but enough to light your skin on fire. “All this time you’ve been giving me pleasure, when you were so worked up yourself.” He slipped on of his fingers through your folds, teasing just at your entrance, but never daring to push inside. You were desperate to feel him inside.
“Well you were being so good for me, how was I supposed to focus on anything else?” You felt Sebastian sigh against your thigh. You wanted to tell him to hurry up, to put his mouth on you, devour you like you knew he wanted to. Instead he proceeded to place kisses everywhere but here you really wanted him. You were about to say something when without warning he licked a strip from your entrance to your clit, making you choke on your gasp. Your hands find his hair as he does it again before focusing his attention on your swollen clit, his arms wound around your thighs, pulling your legs further apart and half yanking you down further to meet his mouth. One of your hands moved from his hair to your mouth, covering it with the back of your hand to stifle the loud noises that wanted so badly to breech from your throat.
Sebastian lapped at your core like he was a man dying of thirst and your soaked cunt was the only source of water. You thrust your hips up, or tried to, as he had your hips in an ironclad grip, arching your back as he gave a rough hard suck to your clit. “Sebastian,” you gasped out, you felt him hum against you, sending a spark of electricity up your spine. Your grip tightened in his hair. “Fuck, baby, so good, you’re doing so good.” You babbled out, barely registering the moan from the man between your legs as he pulled you impossibly closer. The room was filled with the lewd slick noises of Sebastian’s ministrations on your cunt, combined with the quiet moans and gasps that escaped your lips, muffled by your hand. You wished you could be loud, make sure he knew just how good he was working you, just how thoroughly he was wrecking you with his tongue, but you definitely didn’t want the way Sebastian’s family found out about the two of you be because they were woken up at 1 am by the sounds of their son giving the sweet farmer girl from down the road the most amazing sex of her life.
You barely contained as scream when two of his long fingers penetrated you, scissoring inside of you as he stretched you open. He thrusted the two digits in and out of you, curling them in a come hither motion that had you seeing stars. You were getting close, each lap of his tongue and curl of his fingers pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Don’t stop,” you panted, gripping the pillow behind you for leverage as your spine arched off the bed, attempting to get closer to him, if that was even possible. “So close, baby I’m so close, fuck, make me cum.” Sebastian hummed against you again and you felt yourself fall, the coil wound so tight finally snapping as you came, hand locking over your mouth to keep your scream inside as your body tensed, your lungs spasming as you tried desperately to take in air. He worked you through it, only pulling away when you pulled at his hair. He placed kisses over your hips and up your stomach as you panted, kissing up your chest and neck until he reached you lips. Your hands tangled into his hair as he kissed you, one hand gripping behind your thigh to hike your leg up over his hip, you could feel his cock, rock hard against your core.
The movie had long since ended, the bright white words spelling ‘play’ being the only thing to illuminate the room. He gave you a minute before reaching down to align himself with your entrance, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pushed into you, making you impossibly full as your hands scrambled for purchase over the skin of his back, your nails surly leaving angry red marks over his flesh. You pressed your lips against his shoulder as he bottomed out inside of you, buried to the hilt inside your heat. You could feel him trembling above you, not daring to move just yet, you let him get his bearings while you lavished the skin of his neck and shoulder with kisses, nipping gently at his skin.
Before long you felt his pull almost all the way out, covering your mouth with his own before slamming hard back into you, swallowing your gasp. He set a steady pace, fucking into you roughly while your nails bit into his shoulders. The room was full of the sounds of gasps and broken moans as he slammed into you, one of his hands coming to grip at your hip, lifting your hips just barely off the bed, but allowing him to get so much deeper, and you couldn’t help the moan the was ripped out of your throat, although he didn’t seem to care much as he buried his head against your shoulder, nipping at your sensitive skin as he picked up his pace.
Your moans became high pitched, trying desperately to stifle the noise by sucking mark after mark onto his shoulder. “Sebastian, seba- fuck.” A litany of his name fell from your lips, panting against his flesh before he faced you again to engulf you in a breath stealing kiss. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” You pleaded into the kiss.
“(Y/N),” he all but moaned as his hips stuttered. He filled you so completely, his cock hitting every spot inside of you on every thrust, the grip he had on your hip tight enough you were sure you’d have bruises by morning, and you wanted them. You were approaching the edge again and fast, as you grasped for any kind of purchase, legs wrapping tight around his waist as his pace got faster and faster. “Close,” he gasped against your lips. “So close, fuck, (Y/N).” You tightened your legs around him, pulling him as close as you could.
“Come on baby,” you encouraged him, gasping at a particularly well aimed thrust. “Cum for me, fill me with it, I want it please!” You gasped out, Sebastian choked on air as his rhythm started to stutter some more. He grasped your body tight as he came, his cum spilling into you, filling you more, you toppled over the edge with him, letting out cry as he fucked the both of you through it.
Eventually the only sounds in the room were the sounds of panting, as the two of you caught your breath, Sebastian propping himself up on his elbows as he hovered above you, before slowly pulling out of you to collapse onto his back, chest heaving.
“Wow,” he choked out. You turned to your side to look at him, his dark hair scattered, unkempt from the way your fingers had raked through it, figuring your own hair wasn’t much better. You smiled up at him as you moved to lay your head on his chest, his arm coming to wrap around you, fingertips tracing lazy patterns into your skin. “Next time we have sex, we’re doing it at your house.” You felt your heart warm at his words.
“Agreed,” you said, planting a kiss on his chest. “That way I can hear all those pretty little moans.” His responding whine sending a dulled heat back to your core.
It was quiet for a while, part of you though he had fallen asleep, you were startled when he spoke. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He all but whispered into your hair. You felt the question rise in your throat, pressing your lips to his neck when you asked.
“Why’d you wait?”
Sebastian sighed. “I don’t know if it’s hard to tell, but I’m not exactly popular with people,” he confessed, you hummed in response. “We already had something good, and I wasn’t sure if you wanted more and I didn’t want to risk it.” You lifted yourself up onto your elbow, placing a hand on his jaw to turn his head to look at you, his gray eyes meeting your own. You pressed a chaste but passionate kiss to his lips, which he responded to in kind as his other arm came to wrap around your waist.
“I want everything you have to give.” You confessed against his lips.
“Woah someone got lucky last night.” Sam exclaimed walking into the saloon that next night, seeing Sebastian already waiting for him at the pool table. “Who was the lucky lady… or dude, I don’t judge my best friends taste.”
Sebastian stiffened, attempting to pull the collar of his hoodie up to cover the very obvious hickie that you had left on his throat. He seemed to stumble for an answer before he was interrupted by the sound of two more entering the back room, you and Abigail rounding the corner together, giggling about who knows what. Abigail went to her usual spot on the couch, ready to watch as Sam got his ass handed to him again in pool, while you walked over to Sebastian, reaching up to place a kiss on his cheek before moving to go sit next to your friend.
Sebastian felt the flush rising up his neck, glancing up at his best friend to see an awestruck disbelieving look on his face, it would have been funny if it wasn’t directed at him.
“How the fuck did you pull-“ Same started.
“I don’t know.”
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starkidmunson · 3 months
glitter & crimson
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
If Steve behaves during workouts over the next few days, he can’t be blamed. He’s trying to prove to his coaches and the team’s medical staff that he’s not rushing a return to the ice, but that he’s ready to lace up and get back out there. He bargains his way out of the full plastic face protection mask, opting for a full cage instead. By Sunday, he’s participating in the last full team practice before they pack up to leave Chicago, keeping up with his teammates despite how much he felt he’d been struggling just days earlier.
“You holding up?” Max asks, loudly, as he skates past where a few of the team doctors are sitting, observing and chatting.
“I’m fine,” He answers, and takes a shot, scoring past their goalie who had belly-flopped in the opposite direction of the puck. 
A few of his teammates ‘whoop’, while the goalie slams his stick against the ice, shoving a glove off his hand to flip Steve off, before getting back to work. 
Steve just snorts and skates back toward Max, holding his arms out. “Would you like to do a formal exam? I promise I’m good. I feel good.” He swears, winking at the redhead, scrunching up the side of his face still recovering, immediately wincing. She rolls her eyes and he laughs softly at himself. “Okay, that didn’t feel good, but that’s just because I’m dumb.”
“Not dumb!” She chastises, pointing at him, and the look on her face tells him he’s about to get a scheduled lecture from the entire Party about how he talks about himself again, so he opts to skate away instead, avoiding digging a hole for himself he can’t get out of.
It’s suspiciously quiet and seemingly empty at the apartment that afternoon until Steve ultimately finds Robin lying across his bed. His clothes are scattered everywhere around her. She shoots him a sheepish smile when he drops his bag beside her and raises an eyebrow.
“I was hoping to figure out a few outfits for you to take and look hot for your date with Eddie, but then I realized I have no idea how to dress you to impress a man.” She says, flopping back into the pillows.
Steve snorts and rolls his eyes. “I don’t think that was supposed to be an insult, but, ya know…” He trails off and laughs as Robin tosses a pillow in his direction.
“You know what I mean!”
“I do,” Steve laughs, catching the pillow and sitting beside Robin, picking at the seam of the pillowcase. “If it’s any consolation, I also have no idea how to dress me to impress guys. But I also don’t think impressing Eddie is going to have anything to do with what I wear. At least I hope it won’t.”
Robin makes a gagging noise, but it’s around a little smile, and Steve rolls his eyes before laying beside her, shoving a few tops out of his way. She waits until he’s not looking at her to speak again, both of them looking at the ceiling over his bed. “I just really want this to work for you. You deserve to be happy.” 
“I am happy, Robbie. I promise.” Steve’s softer, and for the first time in a long time, he thinks he honestly means it. Robin turns her head to look at him for a second before she wiggles closer to him and rests her head against his shoulder.
“You’re going to have to actually ask him out on a date, though, you know.” She says after a few beats, which makes him laugh.
“Not if he beats me to it,” He teases, pressing a little kiss to Robin’s temple. “But yeah, I know. I think I’m getting there.”
They lay like that for a few more minutes before Robin eventually shoves herself away from him, demanding he shower before they cuddle anymore. When Steve reenters his bedroom after a hot shower, he finds Robin has paired several tops to pants and folded them together, giving him options for outfits.
“I am humanly capable of dressing myself. I’ve been doing it for nearly 30 years now, you know.” He teases, and she rolls her eyes as he towel dries his hair. He drops the towel into his hamper and tips his head, makes an impressed face. “I wouldn’t have thought to put those pants with that top though, and I think it might just work.” He adds, lifting one of the pairings Robin has come up with and setting it into his travel bag. Robin grins and holds a finger up for him to wait, dashes out of the room, and returns a few moments later with a gray cardigan. “One step too far.” He teases, taking it from her hands and eyeing it skeptically.
“Just trust me on this? You look cuddly when you’re cozy.” She insists, so he sighs and packs it away despite his reservations.
Robin haphazardly throws a few pair of underwear, three tops and a single pair of jeans into a backpack and declares she’s ready to make the trip. 
It’s an early call at the airport on Monday, and Steve’s mostly still asleep as Robin slips into the window seat, pulling him along with her. He uses her shoulder, in combination with a neck pillow, as a headrest to sleep the flight away and he wakes up to his ears popping on the dissent, feeling a little more rested.
The players travel from the airport to check in at the hotel, then a few make their way to do tourist-y things around the city. Steve and Robin tag along, but end up breaking off from the group a few bars in along Broadway. They settle themselves into a corner and share a fishbowl sized concoction, and Steve texts Eddie to let him know they’ve arrived safe and sound and have already hit the town.
Eddie responds to the photo of Steve and Robin sipping from straws in the same bowl with a selfie Gareth took. Eddie’s in the background, using what looks to Steve like an oversized inhaler. He’s up in an instant, making his way around the woman performing on the small stage and outside onto the street where it’s not as noisy so he can call Eddie.
“That was fast,” Eddie teases, and he sounds fine, which confuses Steve further.
“Are you okay? What’s with the inhaler?” He asks, and Eddie’s quiet for a beat.
“Oh, no, Stevie, that’s not a… it’s a nebulizer. I was laying down vocal tracks earlier and it helps keep me from losing my voice.” He explains, then quickly follows up. “Oh my god, did you call because you were worried? That’s so… god, you’re adorable, you know that?”
Steve feels himself blush, and is grateful that they’re on a voice call and not a FaceTime, because Eddie would only tease him more if he could see the shade of red he’s sure his face is. “Shut up, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“You’re so fucking sweet, Stevie.” Eddie’s voice is like butter, his charm on maximum, and Steve bites at his lip as he listens. “How long are you in town after the game?”
“Back to Chicago on Thursday for two days, then we hit a road stretch for most of next week.” Steve answers, and Eddie hums. “What’s that for?” Steve asks, genuinely curious.
“Means I’m trying to figure out if I want to hit the road, or wait until you’re back in Chicago for more than two days to make the next trip to see you.” 
Steve takes a deep breath at that, smiles, and lets out a huff of air that sounds like a light laugh. “I’m going to go back into the bar and finish this fishbowl, then we’re going back to the hotel to swim and sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow, after the game, okay?”
“I thought you didn’t drink before games?” Eddie asks, and Steve tries not to melt at the details the other remembers.
“I’m not taking the ice tomorrow, and I… usually just have a cut-off time. When we first met, I was worried I would say something stupid if I started drinking and end up scaring you off.” It’s more honest than he intends to be, more information than he means to share, but he doesn’t regret telling Eddie, and he isn’t embarrassed.
“I think we both know it takes more than that to scare me off, sweetheart.”
Steve’s pretty sure he stops breathing at the term of endearment and he can’t tell if Eddie is freaking out or proud of himself, because he doesn’t say anything for a moment before he gives a quick goodbye and hangs up, leaving Steve standing on Broadway, looking up at the “Tootsies Orchid Lounge” sign, trying to keep himself from spiraling.
Some time must pass, then, before Robin comes out to check on him, gently lays a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. “Dude, you okay?”
“He, uh. He called me sweetheart.” 
“Good grief,” Robin mumbles, resting her head on Steve’s shoulder. “I thought he broke up with you or something.”
“Kinda hard to break up with someone you aren’t dating, Robbie.” Steve shakes his head in an effort to pull himself together.
“Whatever you say,” she tugs his arm, then, leading him back into the bar where they finish their drink and head back to the hotel. 
Open mouth, insert foot. The Eddie Special. The one thing becoming a constant during his conversations with Steve.
“What did you call him?” Jeff asks around a smile after Eddie hangs up the phone, grabs the nearest throw pillow, and shoves his face into it.
“I’m pretty sure he said sweetheart.” Gareth provides in the least helpful moment he’s ever been to Eddie, confirming he had, indeed, used a fucking pet name while speaking with Steve.
“How did he take that?” Jeff is softer, no longer following the initial taunting route he seemed to be heading down, likely sensing Eddie’s unraveling.
“I don’t know, I think I blacked out.” He speaks into the pillow, muffled, before he drops it into his lap and stares blankly at the wall.
“Well, me and Jeff’ll be there tomorrow. We can try to prevent any catastrophes within our capabilities?” Gareth smacks Jeff’s leg, who nods in agreement, and Eddie sighs and throws himself back into the studio sofa.
The next day, they get to Bridgestone Arena early enough to grab snacks and not run into too many people who recognize them before filling into their suite. Eddie settles into his seat, comfortable with the temperature now that he knows how to dress for a game. 
The teams eventually make their way to the ice, and Eddie zeroes in on Steve until he skates into the Blackhawk’s box after the anthem.
This time around, Eddie manages to follow a good deal of what’s happening. He’s learned a lot about the game since his first attendance, and he finds it easier to track the puck now than it had seemed previously. He watches as the Preds make an early goal, how the Blackhawks are quick to respond by securing their own point. Watches as a play goes sideways, and a Blackhawk player ends up flipping over another player, then lays on the ice in just the right position to know something is wrong, that he’s hurt.
Play doesn’t stop for long, and when things pick back up, Steve takes the ice. Eddie snaps his fingers between Jeff and Gareth once before he’s on his feet, cheering. The boys join him, and soon, most of the Arena is giving Steve a standing ovation. Steve, though, is facing the direction of Eddie’s suite and gives a little salute before dropping into position, ready for the puck to hit the ice. 
When the backup forward goes down, Steve springs to his feet from inside the visitors box. An attempt at goal had drawn everyone near the Blackhawk’s net. A Predator had dove for the puck, and things went south fast. Watching from the sidelines was like watching in slow motion, as the med staff checked in on everyone involved and eventually carted the forward off the ice to be evaluated.
Behind him, the coaches evaluate their options as Steve checks his laces and lifts his helmet before tapping the coach's arm.
“I got this,” he promises, settling the helmet over his head and securing the cage over his face. With just a moment of hesitation, the coaches agree and Steve skates to center ice.
He bends down, waiting for the Predator’s forward to join him in their wait for the ref with the puck, but cheers erupt from one end of the arena and slowly, the noise wraps around the room. 
Steve straightens to look around, taking in who exactly was cheering. Fans in both Blackhawks gear and Predators are standing together, cheering and clapping. He glances around, confused before he notices a few of the players on both sides of the ice are also clapping toward him. That’s when it clicks, that all the noise is for him. 
He turns to where the cheering originated, zeroes in on the curly hair over a jersey with his number on the sleeves and he can’t help but grin. Steve gives a little gesture in Eddie’s direction, before skating back to the center ice with the Predator’s forward.
“Welcome back, Harrington.” The other forward says, just as the ref drops the puck and the game picked back up.
The Blackhawks don’t win the game, but it feels like the cement is drying around the memory in his mind as he showers after the game. He’d played well, even scored a goal, but the Predators manage to get a buzzer-beater in at the last minute after tying things up near the end of the third. But the cheering when he stepped back out onto the ice was an experience he’d never forget.
Eddie texts Steve the address to a brewery in East Nashville, and that’s where he and Robin head as everyone else makes their way into the city. 
Upon arrival, Robin b-lines across the parking lot for the door, but Steve spots a thin trail of smoke that catches his attention. He follows it, smiles when it turns out to be exactly who he expected. Eddie’s propped up against the side of the building, foot resting flat as his back against the wall behind him, smoking a cigarette.
“Kinda figured I’d find you at the end of the smoke trail.” Steve teased softly, catching Eddie’s attention. 
“Looks like I’ve been caught, then,” Eddie laughs, and takes a long, final drag from the cigarette before putting it out into the ash urn. He blows the smoke away from Steve, and keeps a smile on his face. “Wanna grab a drink? I had the guys order appetizers, but we can get real food, too, if you want?”
“I actually….” Steve hesitates, and Eddie raises his eyebrows. Steve considers dropping it, just agreeing to go inside and eat and have a good time with everyone. But then Eddie’s face softens into a little smile and Steve’s chest warms. “Fuck it. Do you want to grab dinner tomorrow? Just the two of us?”
Eddie visibly blue screens. There’s no emotion on his face as he watches Steve before him for a moment, then breaks out into a grin. “You asking me on a date, Harrington?”
“I am.” Steve nods, grins back at Eddie, watches as he twists a curl around his finger and pulls it in front of his face, twisting his body so his arm is propped against the wall, facing Steve head on.
“I think I would like that, yeah.” Eddie agrees. Steve smiles, feels like something has lifted between the two of them, and holds his hand out. Eddie tangles their fingers together and lets Steve pull him into the brewery.
Robin seems suspicious as they enter, but drops her interest as they sit at the end of the table across from one another, sipping on beers and munching on nachos and mozzarella sticks, chatting about the game and the new music the band is recording. 
And if Steve manages to keep his composure when Eddie hooks an ankle around his own under the table, it’s because he’s an adult and not a high schooler tripping over his own feet to impress the guy across from him, and totally not because he knows the entire rest of the table would have a field day if he got flustered by the littlest touch.
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syrupfog · 5 months
One Piece Spring Break Race-to-the-Beach AU. 
The race starts at 11pm, goes through five states, ends at a beach house large enough that it was once filmed on MTV. 
The prize? Glory. And gas money. 
The cars are as follows;
The Merry. Usopp’s beat up Volkswagen Jetta with Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Sanji. 
The Sunny. Franky’s modified school bus with Franky, Robin, Chopper, Brook and Jinbei. 
The Punk. Kid’s 30 year old red jeep, with just Kid and Killer. In it for glory.
The Tang. Law’s perfectly clean Audi. Contains Law, Bepo, Penguin and Shachi. 
The Phoenix. Sabo’s smart car with Sabo, Ace and Marco.
Hour 1; 11pm 
The East Blue immediately starts in the wrong direction. Nami is screaming at Zoro. He does not get to drive anymore. 
The Punk cuts off The Tang getting onto the interstate. There’s cursing on both ends. Law swears revenge.
The Sunny is playing Coldplay exclusively, as Franky says it’s “tradition”. 
The Phoenix is taking “a shortcut”. They may be lost.
Hour 2; 12am. 
The East Blue: Zoro and Sanji are asleep. Luffy has eaten all of the road snacks. 
The Sunny: Chopper is also asleep. Robin is reading aloud from her book on decomposition. 
The Punk: has hit 100mph. Killer is on cop-watch.
The Tang: has delegated a sleep rotation for maximum wakefulness. The rotation has already fallen apart as Shachi has revealed the crate of Monster energy. 
The Phoenix: shakes when it gets over 60mph.
Hour 3: 1am. 
Cars have entered The Mountains. 
East Blue: Luffy drives for 15 minutes before Nami bans him for going too fast on curves. 
Sunny: does not do well on inclines. Jinbei does not go over the speed limit. 
Phoenix: has found the secret tunnel THROUGH the mountain.
The Punk: has received their first speeding ticket. Kid’s plates are expired. 
The Tang: currently in first, because Penguin slammed two monsters and sped past the Punk while they were pulled over.
Hour 4: 2am. 
The East Blue: Usopp is the one driving when they hit The Deer. No one is hurt but the car is Totaled. Usopp is in tears and Luffy is trying to cheer him up by reading from riddles dot com. 
The Sunny: gets the distress call.
The Punk: gets a second speeding ticket. Killer takes over because Kid speeds more when he’s angry. 
The Tang: Shachi and Penguin have a meltdown when they realise Biscuit World is closed. Bepo says they have biscuits at home. 
The Phoenix: Ace is upset they won’t let him drive. He has narcolepsy.
Hour 5: 3am. 
The Sunny: Nami takes over driving. Franky refuses to stop playing Coldplay. Brook is offended about this, he brought his whole mixtape collection. Usopp is in mourning. Luffy is so happy to be around more friends.
The Punk: killer gets a speeding ticket. 
The Tang: shocking everyone, Bepo hits 110mph going down the mountain. He is screaming. Law bans him from driving. 
The Phoenix: Stops for gas and picks up a hitchhiker named Teach
Hour 5.5 
The Phoenix: Marco physically removes Teach from the car. The car is, at the time, doing 60 mph. Fuck that guy.
Hour 6: 4am. 
The Sunny: has stopped for gas. Luffy is walking in circles around the bus, humming offkey Coldplay. Zoro, Usopp and Chopper are watching him with worried eyes from inside the bus. Sanji is inside buying all the beef jerky they have.
Punk: hits a cow and flips. Kid and Killer both wear their seatbelts very responsibly (??) and are fine. 
Tang: passes Punk. Shachi is driving. Turns back. Law is screaming that he won’t let them in his car. Law is overruled because Penguin and Killer have a Stardew farm co-op.
The Phoenix: Marco and Ace are making out. Sabo regrets this passenger combination.
Hour 7: 5am. 
The Sunny: Jinbei and Brook and Nami are asleep. Chopper has mistakenly drunk an energy drink and has stopped blinking. Sanji and Zoro are arguing in whispers as Nami is asleep on the bench next to them. Luffy licked a window when it fogged up.
The Tang: Law is driving. Bepo is shotgun. Penguin is sitting on Killer’s lap, and Shachi is squished between Killer and Kid. Law is FUMING. He and Kid are in an intense argument about toll roads versus back roads. 
The Phoenix: Ace is asleep again.
Hour 8: 6am. 
The Sunny and the Tang are in the flat states near the coast. The Phoenix is taking backroads and has lost GPS signal.
Hour 9: 7am. 
A firefly has been squished on the windshield of the Sunny, and Luffy, Usopp and Robin are OBSESSED. There’s glowing goo all over the windshield. Sanji is cowering behind Zoro at the back of the bus. Nami is, thankfully, asleep.
The Tang has broken the sound barrier, because Law is still driving and he needs to get OUT OF THIS CAR. Penguin is straddling Killer. Shachi and Kid might start hate fucking soon. Bepo is asleep. 
The Phoenix has stopped at a 24 hour antique shop.
Hour 10: 8am. 
The sun is rising. The Sunny is in the middle of a Britney Speaks sing-along led by Brook, even though Franky won’t turn the Coldplay off. 
Robin is driving. At a red light, she sees The Phoenix at the opposite side of the intersection. She says nothing.
The Tang stops for gas, and Law stumbles out and onto the ground like a man at an oasis in the desert. He goes inside and buys gas station sushi because a strong man chooses how he dies.
Hour 11: 9am. 
The Sunny is in the right state! The end is near! Zoro has fallen asleep in Sanji’s lap and Sanji seems to be having a crisis. Franky and Robin are holding hands. Luffy is attempting to crawl onto the roof at every red lighy.
The Phoenix and the Tang pull up next to each other at a stop light. Ace is asleep on the back seat but Marco and Sabo wave. Law gives them the middle finger and Bepo apologises. Penguin’s fingers are under Killer’s mask and no one wants to talk about it.
Hour 12: 10am. 
The Sunny drives over the bridge to the island where the beach house is located! There is rejoicing!! They’ve made it!! 
…except it turns out the island is still a 20 minute drive from one end to the other. Nami spots the Tang right behind them out the window.
Nami screams at Franky to Floor it. Franky Floors it. Law, who has not slept at all and needs to get away from whatever is happening in the back seat, also floors it. 
Luffy manages to get the emergency hatch at the top of the bus open and crawls onto the roof, waving wildly
Yelling for Torao to look at him as Zoro grabs onto his ankles to keep him attached to the bus. 
Kid sees Luffy and starts yelling at Law to speed up. Law yells at Kid that it’s a single lane road. Penguin is making out with Killer’s mask. Shachi’s hands are… somewhere.
They race down the waterfront road as the bus shakes from exertion and the Audi purrs like a kitten. Everyone is screaming. 
The Tang drives into the opposing traffic to try to overtake the sunny just as they reach the beach house at the very end of the lane
There’s a squealing of tires as they both brake to a stop on the lawn, mere inches from the front door. 
Chopper stumbles out onto the sand, having lost years off his life in the last few seconds of that race. 
Law gets out and starts throwing rocks at everyone in the back
Then, the front door of the beach house opens and Ace walks out, roast beef sandwich mid bite. 
Everyone stares at him. 
“Hey,” Ace says. “What took you so long?” 
Nami wails. 
Luffy scampers all the way onto the Sunny’s roof and jumps at Ace. 
Ace does not catch him.
Killer and Penguin are making out on the sand, killer’s mask partially up. 
Zoro and Sanji are… in the back of the bus. Doing… something. 
Jinbei starts unloading luggage. 
After recovering from his fall, Luffy jumps over to Law and drags him in to pick rooms.
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yellowbunnydreams · 10 months
Bunny Ears (Part 7) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
~Sorry for the very silly previous part, it was part of a headcannon me and friend had and it was too good to not write about. *Cue 'was that the bite of '87?!' Meme here*~
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090
Cw: CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM
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Half-way through the day, you were only half-way through your shift and you felt as if you could curl up and go to sleep then and there, but you knew you were in for a late night anyway since you still had to wait to be driven home. Henry had been taking you a lot more lately, but tonight he was going to his kid's recital and so you had to wait for Afton, although he was going to be working late in the parts and services room and so you would have to hang around and wait for him.
Looking at the drink in your hand, you went into the staff fridge and grabbed some more water, humming as you moved along the back corridors and kept out of the way of people. Nodding to people as you went past, it was a strangle quiet day at Freddy's. But apparently the local school had a big recital on that night so most kids were there, you almost wondered if William wouldn't be going to his daughter's.
Knocking on the door to parts and services, you peered in cautiously. "Are you decent this time William?" you jokingly called out and you heard his deep rumbling laugh in response.
"Depends on what you find decent, sweetheart." He felt the grin spreading across his face as your silence filled his ears, knowing that your cheeks were flushing and you were getting that slightly glazed look as he put the thought in your head.
"But if you mean am I wearing clothes and not shorts today, yes, yes I am very much decent." He chuckled, hearing you step into the room and letting the door close softly behind you. Appearing from behind a shelf with a bottle of water in your hand, smiling in that way that made his chest tight and his body ache to have you curled against him.
"I brought this for you, I figured you would probably be thirsty."
"Cheers sweetheart, I didn't realise the time honestly." He admitted, looking at his watch and smiling at the little bunny bracelet sat just beneath it, knowing you would see he was still wearing it too. Taking the bottle and unscrewing it, gulping down half the bottle in one breath before he gasped for air, feeling better for the cool water as he wiped his brow with his forearm. Not caring as it almost got on his shirt sleeve that had been rolled up as he focused on the animatronic hand in front of him again.
Frowning, you look at your own watch and then back at William, hands on your hips as you realise this was one of the rare times your head was above his whilst he was hunched over and working.
"Do you even eat whilst you're here William?" You asked, not noticing the slight pause as you said his name, turning and raising an eyebrow at you as he sat back in his seat, crossing his arms for a moment and assessing you before he leaned forwards to work again.
"You're spending too much time around Henry, he's being a bad influence." William scoffed, reaching for a fine tipped screwdriver from the bench and reaching into the mechanism he was tinkering with, slowly and carefully turning the pin-fine screw that he hoped would still be stable enough to support the connection he had put it in.
"Oh and you're a perfect influence?" You ask cheekily, smiling at him as you watched him work, leaning in to get a better look at what he was working on.
"Didn't you know I was a perfect school boy growing up? Would never do anything naughty, especially with an innocent young lady like yourself present." Chuckling as he finally managed to get the screw to the perfect tightness and was about to start tightening another nearby, placing down one screwdriver for another as you spoke up.
"What makes you think I'm so innocent William?" You'd stepped closer and almost whispered it against his ear, not close enough to be considered intimate, but your breath barely scraped his ear and he froze. It was your turn to break him as he felt every muscle tense in his body at your words, swallowing hard as a different kind of ache burned in his stomach instead. Clenching his fists and unclenching them as he slowly turned the swivel chair to face you.
His eyes that were usually such a silvery grey seemed almost charcoal under the light as he looked up at you, his expression totally serious despite there being a little sparkle inside them still. You watched his adams apple bob repeatedly, his hands clenching slightly as you stood before him and his eyes seemed to slowly trail up your body. Your stomach sank as you wondered if you had pushed your friendliness too far with him.
"I suppose I deserve that for making you so flustered all the time." He swallowed, averting his eyes from you as you felt guilty at his expression, shoulders sagging slightly and fingers intertwining together and keeping your eyes down on the floor. William ran his hands through his hair and sighed, his head tipped back slightly as he closed his eyes.
"You've got the worst of both us," he joked, opening his eyes and noticing your quizzical look as he tipped his head towards you. "you're caring like Henry and you've now developed my flir-....humour." he said, catching himself before he called it flirting. He was struggling, and he looked at his hands himself.
"I don't think either of them are bad things." You say softly, coming in close to him and nudging him with your shoulder playfully, your fingers brushing against his arm as he looked at you. "I like your...humour, William. I'm sorry I caught you off guard."
"Apology accepted sweetheart, I guess I just wasn't expecting it to come from you." he spoke softly, letting his hand come up and meet yours briefly like some forbidden touch. His ring catching the low light, making you feel ashamed all over again.
"Still friends?" You asked hopefully, your brow furrowed in concern as he gave you a sweet, lopsided smile.
"I wasn't aware we'd stopped."
It became part of your ritual during your shifts after that. For the next two weeks you brought William water and home-made packed lunches, claiming you'd made extra by mistake and it would only go to waste otherwise. Spending what time you could listening to him talking about his projects whilst you both ate, or him listening to you complain about working with the general public. The kids could be great, but the parents could be nightmares, and he fully understood where you were coming from.
But it was a Saturday once again, and the place heaved with children and grown-ups alike. You'd been running around on your feet all day and you were sure your hair was a mess, face an intense smile or locked in concentration unless something snapped you out of it.
A kid came running up to you, although they didn't scream for attention like some kids so you crouched down and spoke to them softly and evenly. "Are you lost kiddo?"
"No..." Their voice was very soft, clearly nervous that you had taken the time to speak to them rather than them being able to run off again. "You're miss spring-bonnie aren't you?"
You blinked at the question, your cheeks heating up as you were asked and tried to think about how to answer.
"Can you clarify what you mean buddy? Like.. how am I miss Spring-Bonnie?"
"You helped him when he fell over!" The kid beamed and suddenly you understood what they meant, chuckling as you nodded. They lit up as you answered and grinned at you leaning in and whispering to you conspiratorially in the loud way that only children could do. "Will you say hello to him for me?"
"Of course! I'm now going to see him, so I'll say hello then." Watching the kid running off and skipping happily as you headed through to the breakroom. Grabbing your lunches out and some sodas as you walked through the back-halls.
The route to parts and services was familiar now, and you knocked on the heavy door to let William know that you were coming in as you stepped through, his head barely turning as he focused intently on the endoskeleton sat between his knees. Shoulders clamped between his knees as he deftly worked on the wires in the head, you carefully stepped around him and placed his lunch down, opening the box and cracking the drink for him so that he could get straight to eating when he was done. Not having to wait long before you heard the creak of metal and a grunt from William as he hefted the metal skeleton onto a stand opposite where he was working.
"This looks great! Thanks for bringing me this, although I'm suspicious about how much you 'overcook'." He said playfully, his hand brushing your back as he raised an eyebrow at you, making you blush and look at your feet before you spotted a clean spot on the workbench, jumping up onto it and sitting facing him as he remained standing, stretching himself out slightly.
"No, really, I'm just shit at measuring whilst cooking." You lied slightly, whilst you weren't the best cook in the world, you were fairly good at estimating only how much would feed you. But you were happy to be cooking extras and that he seemed to be enjoying them.
Eating in silence for the most part, you were always surprised how quickly he ate. Like he was starving or simply that he was worried somebody might take his food from him if he didn't eat it then and there. Taking a swig of his soda, William smiled and placed his hand next to your thigh, making you think he was picking something off the bench next to you.
"Thank you, bunny." he spoke softly, closing the small gap between you and planting a kiss on your lips, leaving you breathless despite the briefness of it. Taking a second to comprehend what happened just as it took William a second to realise too.
"Did..Did you just kiss me?" You asked, blinking and reaching up to your lips and brushing them with your fingers as you watched William's face fall at the same time he looked relieved.
"I guess..I did, didn't I?" He asked, clarifying you were both on the same page. He rubbed his face and groaned into his hands, thinking about how you would react to him making an impulsive move.
"You stole my first kiss." You murmured, making William's head snap up, still covering his mouth with his hands and looking at your expression for any signs of joking, but when he saw none he groaned louder and ran his hands over his face again, one going into his hair and staying there.
"Shit, I am so, so sorry." Afton felt his heart pounding in his chest as he realised what he'd done, he'd taken your first kiss. You'd just looked so right sat on his workbench and bringing him lunches that were clearly made with love, and he'd acted impulsively as he thought that the time might never be as perfect as the peace the two of you had carved out in the workshop.
"Why are you sorry?" Your voice broke him out of his thought spiral, looking back up at you and adjusting his glasses, seeing you smiling at him in the way that made his chest tight and his stomach flutter nervously, so vulnerable and trusting.
"You're not mad?" Swallowing softly as you shook your head in reply, he took a careful step towards you again. His hand going back to where it had been whilst the other hovered over you shoulder, breathing deeply and raggedly as you saw the darkness that you had seen once before back in his eyes. Hungry, untamed as he met yours. "Then... Can I kiss you again?"
Instead of answering him, you placed your hand against his cheek, feeling the stubble beneath your fingertips and how he leaned his head into your hand slightly, shuffling forwards and your knees sitting either side of his hips as you leant up slightly. William smiled and placed his large hand on your cheek and kissed you back, tender and soft despite the fact his beard scratched slightly at your skin. Taking your breath away again as suddenly all those thoughts you had had where you thought he was handsome, or a million and one times you had stared at him and wondered how his hands felt against you felt justified.
Pulling back after a moment, William placed his forehead against yours, catching his breath and allowing you to as well. You suddenly broke out into a grin and giggled, remembering what the kid had said to you earlier, William raising an eyebrow in question.
"A kid called me 'Miss Spring-Bonnie' earlier, apparently they were psychic." William snorted a laugh out as well, pulling his forehead away and leaving his hand on your face, thumb stroking over your cheek and feeling how soft you were beneath him.
"Oh, you're all ready to be 'Miss Spring-Bonnie' are you, little bunny?" He teased, making your cheeks flush hot at the comment and he chuckled again, leaning in and taking another quick peck from your lips. "How about we seal that with a kiss before you go back to work?"
And you happily obliged as you pressed your lips to yours once again.
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batbabydamian · 8 months
DC April 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Kael Ngu, Ejikure, Jim Lee, Nikola Čižmešija (1:25)
As Batman finds himself in the clutches of a new cult that worships Man-Bat, Robin continues his own investigation into his High School's connections to Shush! Can the father and son dynamic duo uncover Man-Bat and Shush's master plans before Gotham pays the price?!
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Written by Tom King
Art by Daniel Sampere and Belén Ortega
Variant Covers: Julian Totino Tedesco, Pablo Villalobos, Joshua “Sway” Swaby (1:25)
Wonder Woman vs. The Sovereign! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it's time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! Plus, Trinity visits the past and unexpectedly changes the future!
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NIGHTWING #113/Legacy #300
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Various
Variant Covers: Bruno Redondo (original cover+1:25), Dan Mora, Jim Lee (Artist Spotlight), Jamal Campbell, Serg Acuna
Since the 1940's, you've seen him go from acrobat to orphan; from Dick Grayson to Robin; from Robin to Nightwing. You've seen him work alongside the universe's most powerful heroes, against existence's most sinister villains. You have seen Dick Grayson do so many things, but now, in his 300th issue, you will see him.. well, you'll just have to pick up the issue and find out. Join us for this legacy 300 milestone!
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*Cover feature - Damian hang gliding in the bg :)
Written by Meghan Fitzmartin, Cameron Chittok, Joey Esposito, Morgan Hampton, Patrick R. Young, Tom Krajewski, Mike Barr, and more!
Art by Kenya Danino, Vasco Georgiev, Paul Pellietier, Nico Bascuñan, and more!
Cover by John Timms
Variant Covers by Dan Mora
Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, Harley is breaking King Shark out of Belle Reve prison. all is right in the DCU as both heroes and villains face all sorts of different spring breaks. Breaking out of a coffin? Lex Luthor has that covered. Spring break training? Send in Superman! Breaking out of your shell? Batman and Mr. Freeze explore that possibility through a connection in their shared past. Breaking down a worthy adversary? Katana and her sword of souls might just be able to tackle that. And it wouldn't be a spring break without a Teen Titans beach trip! All these and more in DC's Spring Breakout! -eight breakout stories to put a spring in your step (is there a zit breakout story? You'll have to read to find out!)
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Written by Kami Garcia
Art by Gabriel Picolo
Kori Anders' summer job at a ritzy Santa Monica beach club is fun, but she doesn't care about keeping up with the current trends, and she's not interested in rushing around to all the parties. She'd rather explore her inexplicable draw to the stars or hang out with her new friend, Victor Stone. Her sister, Kira, on the other hand, is the most popular girl around. With the hottest clothes, an even hotter boyfriend (the Tate Fairweather), and a take-no-prisoners attitude, she's Kori's opposite in every way. Their summer heats up when Tate's uncle asks the girls to participate in an EDS study his pharmaceutical company is running. During treatment, Kori develops some strange powers she never had before...and she might not be the only one. Can Kori persuade her sister to trust her before it's too late? And when a carload of teens with their own powers come looking for her to warn her about a creepy stalker, she'll learn that trust is a two-way street!
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bellabean24 · 1 year
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October.... the month full of freaks, weirdos and screams. Now you get add your own.
Note: This is my second kinktober but my last one was canceled due to personal reasons, but this year this will be finished, and I can't wait for you guys to see whats coming.
Do Not Enter: Beware that the reader will be afab and/or female in all fics and will be described as such, 18+ Only
Everything will be posted at 11:30 at night east coast
This is a mixture of JJk, OP, AOT, Chainsaw Man, MHA, Haikyuu & TokyoRev
All post will go there dedicated masterlist at the end of then month
(Oct. 1st-7th)
Day 1 : The Freak Panty Thief...Starring...Jean Kirstien
TAGS: Panties Thief, begging, slight sub!Jean, caught in the act, panty gag(Modern AU)
Synopsis : After finding out your panties have gone missing for the past 2 weeks you set a trap for someone you think it might be
Day 2 : You Must Be Stuffed...Starring...Zoro Roronoa
TAGS: Breeding kink, Manhandling, Drunk sex, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: After one to many drinks you and Zoro try something he wanted to try for a while
Day 3 : Don't Play With Knives...Starring...Geto Suguru
TAGS: Knife play, bit a blood play, (Modern AU)
Synopsis: Your weird but perfect boyfriend asks you to try a new kink with him
Day 4 : Let Me Feel You When You Rest...Starring... Aizawa Shouta
TAGS: Consensual Somno, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: After talking to your fiancé about how you always wanted to get woken up with sex you tell him to try it when you don’t expected it
Day 5 : You Look Better When You're Crying...Starring...Tsukishima Kei 
TAGS: Dacryphilia, Manhandling, overstim (ModernAU)
Synopsis:You and Tsukishima have been fucking for hours and you can't help but cry from pleasure
Day 6 : Hair Is Meant To Be Pulled...Starring...Rindo Haitani
TAGS: Hair Pulling, Degrading, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: While having a Friday the 13th marathon with your boyfriend you pick up on how he keeps lightly tugging your hair
Day 7 : One Hand Won't Work...Starring...Nico Robin
TAGS: Devil fruit power used, Hand Kink, praising
Synopsis: Having extra help when you and Robin have fun does come in handy, especially with her power
(Oct. 8th-14th)
Day 8 : Gag Him...Starring...Eren Yeager
TAGS: Ball Gag, Sub!Eren, Dom!Reader, Slight degrading, Edging, (ModenAU)
Synopsis: Your Boyfriend always been tough and "dominant" outside the bedroom and likes to tell his friends that he has you screaming, and when he tells his friends once again at an early halloween party you decide to leave early and gag him for being a very bad boy.
Day 9 : Your Hands Are So Soft....Starring....BlackLeg Sanji
TAGS: Handjob, Sub!Sanji, Praising, edging, Tip Torture, light bondage (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You always loved playing with your boyfriend especially playing with his cock
Day 10 : You Taste So Sweet...Starring...Gojo Satoru
TAGS: Cunnilingus, hair pulling, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: After a long and stressful day at work Gojo likes to calm down by resting his face in between your legs
Day 11 : Just Breathe...Starring...Dabi
TAGS: Breath play, Degrading, Manhandling, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You and Dabi try out a kink of his that you been caution about but now seems like the perfect day to do it.
Day 12 : You Don't Always Need My C*ck...Starring...Kuroo Tetsurou
TAGS: Mutual Masturbation, Voyeurism, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You didn't think that Kuroo would love watching you masturbate but you also didn't think he would join you
Day 13 : I Didn't Know You Would Scream...Starring...Kazutora Hanemiya
TAGS: Submissive Male, Praising, loss of v-card, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: At the age of 27 your boyfriend tells you he wants to lose his v-card to you and you where more shocked to find out how submissive he is
Day 14 : Come Help Me Relax...Starring...Aki
TAGS: Cockwarming, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: After a long day at work all Aki wants to do is relax with himself inside of you
(Oct. 15th-21st)
Day 15 : I Love You Like This...Starring...Reiner Bruan
TAGS: Face F*ck, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: Your man loved your throat and you love your man so why not like him fuck it
Day 16 : Pillow Princess...Starring...Nami
TAGS: Pillow Princess, Finger Fucking, Scissoring, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: Nami never liked to do work even in bed but you don’t mind you love spoiling your princess
Day 17 : Keep Screaming For Me...Starring...Choso Kamo
TAGS: Oversimaltion, Manhandling, Spanking, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: Your boyfriend can’t get enough of your wet cunt
Day 18 : Slap The Weirdo With Wings...Starring...Hawks
TAGS: Switch!Reader & Hawks, Impact Play, C*mshots, Squirting
Synopsis: While laying with your boyfriend you catch a glimpse of his phone and see porn and he tells you what he wants to try
Day 19 : The Man With A Candle...Starring...Sugawara Koshi
TAGS: Wax Play, FWB, Light Bondage, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You and your Fuck Buddy try out a new kink together
Day 20 : This Way Is More Fun...Starring...Manjiro Sano(Mikey)
TAGS: Dry Thigh Humping, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You want your mans attention but he is to busy doing work so you just pleasure your self on his thigh
Day 21 : Just Listen To Me Sweets...Starring...Kishibe
TAGS: Orgasm Control & 10 Year Age Gap, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You didn't think fucking around with someone older than you would be so fun
(Oct. 22nd-28th)
Day 22 : You Can Be So Mean...Starring...Erwin Smith
TAGS: Degrading Kink, Dom!Erwin, Sub&Brat!Reader, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You pissed your soft husband off a bit to much today
Day 23 : I Want To See You. No...Starring...Trafalgar Law
TAGS: Sensory Deprivation, squirting, and cunnilingus (ModernAU)
Synopsis: Law decided to blind fold you to make you feel even better
Day 24 : I Didn't Want To Summon You...Starring...True Form Sukuna Ryomen
TAGS: Mosnter F*cking, Degrading, Impact play, Witch!Reader, Incubus!Sukuna
Synopsis: Feeling so needy you ended up summoning a sex demon, how weird can it be
Day 25 : I Feel More Sensitive...Starring...Mikasa Ackerman
TAGS: High Sex, Drug use(Weed), Bottom!Mikasa, Top!Reader, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: Mikasa Comes to you with an idea and a bit of weed and one thing leads to another
Day 26 : Take Your Seat...Starring...Toji Fushiguro
TAGS: Face Sitting, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: Your boyfriend wants you screaming as you sit on him
Day 27 : You Look Even Better Marked...Starring...Monkey D. Luffy
TAGS: Marking Kink & Biting, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: Luffy just can't stop biting and marking you as his own
Day 28 : You’re Electrifying...Starring...Iwaizumi Hajime
TAGS: Electrical play, Choking, a bit a breath play, praising, slight begging, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: After begging your boyfriend to use the new toy you brought he finally uses it to its potential
(Oct. 29th-31st)
Day 29 : I Made Something For You...Starring...Eustass Kid
TAGS: Homemade sex toys, Degrading, Manhandling, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: You always knew your man was freak but not freaky enough to make your toys
Day 30 : No I Wanna Be In The Sequel...Starring...Ran Haitani
TAGS: Role-Playing Ghostface!Ran, victim!Reader, Manhandling, Overstim, Squirt, consensual recording, (ModernAU)
Synopsis:While watching the Scream franchise your boyfriend comes up with the idea to have your own scream movie.
Day 31 : Double The Trouble...Starring...Nanami Kento & Hiromi Higuruma
TAGS: Double Penetration, DadsNewBestFriends!Nanami & Hiromi, Manhandling, (ModernAU)
Synopsis: After Going away for college you come back for a small visit and meet your dads very hot best friends at his work Halloween party
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eds6ngel · 1 year
I'll read anything you write for the teacher au. But yeah I need to know how their first date was and how Alena reacts to it <333 They just deserve to be happy :')
thank you so much nonnie! and they do :)) i hope you enjoy ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. mention of cleavage. swearing. food mentions. alcohol mentions. very fluffy. pet names. mutual pining. platonic stobin being my favourite duo in the world. rovickie being cute as always. alena being the biggest shipper on planet earth. it's just super cute and fluffy really! [2.8k].
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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If Steve was being honest with himself, he was scared shitless to go on a date with you.
He tried every possible way to come up with some crappy excuse to say he was busy, but Robin and Vickie egged him on to their heart’s content.
So, that’s where he was now. Robin and Vickie had picked up Alena just over an hour ago, huge purple backpack disproportionally sitting on her body, the seven-year-old toddling out the door with the couple to spend the night at theirs, Steve’s date with you ending past her bedtime.
He felt like he checked himself in the mirror over one hundred times, or maybe he did, he’d lost track at that point.
And once he arrived at your doorstep, he spent five minutes arranging every hair on his head in the rear view mirror, mumbling to himself, “Goddamn Farrah Fawcett, why aren’t you working?”
And from the other side of the door, you were just as nervous as him. Styled in a long, sequin-covered, dark blue dress that reached the floor, hair done up in a loose bun, you almost felt that you were overdressed.
But, with Steve taking you to Enzo’s, a very posh restaurant on the outskirts of Hawkins, you felt you had to look the part.
And thank God you did, because when you opened your front door to him, he was wearing a full-blown suit. White shirt, black tie, black blazer and trousers, he was the smartest you’d ever seen him.
“Jesus…” he mutters to himself, taking in how beautiful you looked. He thought you looked pretty in your modest, child-friendly uniform, but the dress you were wearing? The gorgeous slit up the leg and the v-neck that showed just the perfect about of cleavage? It was enough to make him fall head over heels in love.
You smile at him, replying with a giggle, “Hello to you too, handsome.”
“Shit, um… Yeah, you just… God, you look beautiful. Like… so beautiful.”
You place your hand to your chest, beaming back, “Thank you!” And that’s when he noticed your nails. The overall colour was a gorgeous cream, but the tips matched up perfectly with the colour of your dress. You had been planning this out all week.
“Um… shall we get going? Reservations at 7:30,” he asks.
You hum, “We shall. How far is Enzo’s?”
“Around thirty minutes. You good with that?”
He helps you into the car, making sure your dress doesn’t get caught or tangled, you replying, “I’m good with anything, Steve.”
The drive there had Steve panicking like crazy. Did he put his hand on your thigh? Or was that too soon? Maybe it was too soon. Hold your hand? No, both hands on the steering wheel, he doesn’t want to crash.
And if he wasn’t overthinking that enough, the choice of restaurant was freaking him out even more. Was it too formal? Did you want something more simplistic? Was it too much for a first date?
But, there was no time to worry as he turns left into the parking lot of the restaurant. After being a gentleman, taking your hand and helping you out of his car, you don’t seem to let go, letting your fingers interlace with his. His hands match the softness of when your lips first touched his, delicate and gentle.
“Hi. Um, two for Harrington?”
The waiting staff smiles, directly the two of them to a small, dainty table; covered with a red cloth decorated with golden flowers; in the back corner of the restaurant.
Steve pulls out your chair, you quickly thanking him as he sits opposite you, careful not to waste the woman’s time.
She lays the two menus on the table in front of you, “Here are your menus. Feel free to look at our wine list for the evening. Someone will be over in five to take your orders.”
You both thank her as you open the menus, Steve looking utterly confused at the very well described options.
“Okay, what the hell is an Ore— Orecchiette ai Cime di Rapa? Or a… Vermicelli Alla Puttane— Puttanesca?”
You giggle at him, “Pasta dishes, Steve. I can help you out if you want? I’m pretty accustomed to Italian names.”
He looks up at you in shock, “You speak Italian?”
You shake your head, sighing out, “I wish. I’ve been to Italy before though. So, I’ve done my research into the Italian names for pastas.”
He breathes out, smiling away, moving his hair out of his face with his hand, “I mean… I was thinking if you did, then…” He whistles, making you flirt back, “Better start taking some Italian language courses then.”
Before Steve gets the chance to reply, the waiter returns asking for your drinks. You tell her the fancy name of some simple red wine, Steve ordering the same, even if it wasn’t his drink of choice. He was trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
After explaining the different types of pastas they had on offer, he ends up ordering the Tagliatelle al Ragú Alla Bolognese, noticing the key words of foods he likes. You order the Pesto alla Genovese, deciding to add in some well-needed greens into your diet. It was very apparent that you and your roommate Amy had not been the healthiest as of late.
Once the waiter leaves, you lean your head on your hand, laughing to yourself as you ask, “God, this sounds so stupid… But, tell me about yourself, Steve. I mean, I sort of only know you as Alena’s dad, I would like to know about you as a whole.”
“Of course, yeah…” he pauses for a second, trying to make himself sound as interesting as possible. He doesn’t want to steer you away. But, what he doesn’t know is nothing could ever steer you away.
“I grew up here in Hawkins, went to Hawkins High and everything. Worked at an ice cream store and met my best friend Robin there, and then we moved onto working at a video rental store because the mall we worked at burnt down. Stayed there for a couple years until Alena was around two years old. Well, more than a couple… more like seven years,” he chuckles, “Then I moved onto being a bagger at Target, and have been ever since.” He smiles, before shrugging, “I know, I’m a pretty boring person with a pretty crappy job, but I am what I am.”
You reach out to rub your thumbs over the top of his hand, calming the boy, although he wasn’t presenting it on the outside. “I think you’re super interesting, Steve.”
He can’t help but let the smile creep onto his face, “Thank you. I’m sure your life is a lot more interesting that mine though.”
You wave your hand, brushing off his smooth compliment, “Oh please, you wish! Well, I grew up in Missouri, so not super far from here. Had a pretty average childhood, doing average childhood things. But, somehow, on a complete whim mind you, I got onto the education program at Perdue University. Still don’t know to this day how I did that, but nonetheless,” you smile, “Got my college degree and then worked at Hawkins Elementary. And, well… you know the rest of the story.”
He raises his eyebrows at you, “You wish, my ass. That is so much more interesting than mine!”
You open your mouth up in fake shock, “I guarantee you it is not! I’d rather work at Target than be studying 24/7.”
He snorts, “I’d rather do none.”
“Makes the two of us. I’m guessing you’re not much of an academic then?”
The mention of his academics bring back memories he forgot he even had stored in his brain. “You think an academic guy would be working as a bagger at Target?”
You hold your hands up in detest, “Hey, I’m not one to judge! It could’ve been your personal choice!”
“Definitely not.”
The rest of the date went amazingly well. A little too well for your liking. You were waiting for Steve to hate the way you eat, or for you to spill wine down your dress, or trip up on the way out of the restaurant. But, none of that happened. It went perfectly.
Your conversation points varied from favourite childhood memories, to favourite movies (which you judged immensely), to life goals and everything in between. And with each answer Steve gave, you fell more and more in love with him, as did he with you.
The car stops in front of your apartment block, Steve already getting out of the driver’s side and running around to your door, taking your hand and walking you up to the main entrance.
“I— Um, I had fun tonight,” he nervously says, looking down at his feet scuffing along the floor.
“I did too,” you smile, a small blush forming on your face as you grab his right hand, “And I was wondering if you’d like to go out again sometime.”
“Sure,” he blurts out a little too eagerly for his liking, “I’m pretty much free any night of the week. Just need to check with a friend if they can have Alena for the night first.”
“Of course,” you say, “Um… Do you have a pen or anything? I could write down my number and then you can let me know if whatever day we choose is fine? I was thinking maybe Wednesday? We can plan out the details on the phone.”
“Yeah, I do… At least I think. One second,” he pauses, sprinting back down the steps and to his car, leaning through the open window, you giggling at his rushed manner, obviously not wanting to leave you standing there alone for too long.
He returns, holding up a pen and smiling brightly, “Got it! Just, uh…” he pulls up the sleeve of his blazer, “Write it on my forearm.”
“Are you sure? Ink poisoning can be a dangerous thing.” Jesus, you were the cutest.
He brushes it off, “I’ll be fine. And if I do, I’ll happily let you nurse me back to health.”
With a messy scribble of numbers written in blue on the inside of his arm, a part of you was now etched into his skin. It felt like a connection, even if it would trickle right off in the shower he has later tonight.
“There you go!” you smile, clicking the pen off and passing it back to him. Biting your lip, you place a tender kiss to his left cheek, making the poor boy turn bright red. “Thank you for tonight, Steve. I’ll potentially see you Wednesday?”
“Yeah…” he breathes out, “Wednesday.”
And before he knows it, he’s left standing outside your apartment block with a blue pen loosely held in his hand, you leaving him to enter your home.
It was safe to say that you were not leaving his mind anytime soon.
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With three raps at the door, it swung open, Alena grinning at him, bouncing on her toes as Robin and Vickie stand tall above her.
“Daddy!” she beams, body-slamming herself into his leg with full force, looking up to him with bright eyes, “How was the date?”
He couldn’t help but tell his daughter the minute he got home from the grocery store earlier that week about his date with you. Let’s just say that he had a very happy child zooming around his house for the next five hours, slightly regretting sharing the news when it took her an extra two hours to fall asleep.
“It went well, pumpkin! Miss. L/N was super nice. She’s a very lovely woman.”
It felt strange calling you by your last name, but he felt you should be the one to share that information with Alena, not sure how quickly you wanted to move past the barrier of being her former teacher.
“Yay!” she bounces, shaking his leg all over the place, him ruffling her hair to calm her down.
“So, did you two kiss?” Robin asks, wiggling her eyebrows at her best friend with a smirk plastered on her face.
“Ew, gross Robin!” he grimaces.
“What?” she defends herself, “You’ve already kissed before! It’s not like I’m way off the mark with that or anything.”
He shakes his head, pinching the bridge between his brows, “No, Robin. She kissed my cheek, that’s it. You happy?”
She scrunches up her face, before blinking rapidly and shaking her head, “You straights are so weird. I kissed Vickie on the first date and we had our own apartment three months later.”
“That’s because you lesbians move exponentially fast!”
“Hey!” Vickie butts in, “I’m bisexual.”
“Fine,” Steve scoffs, the couple knowing that he was only joking with them, “You women… who love other women move exponentially fast!”
“I would just say the straights move exponentially slow…” Robin mumbles, scratching the back of her neck.
Steve shakes his head, “Anyway, we are planning another date next week, so I was wondering—”
“Yes,” both girls say in sync.
“You didn’t even know what I was gonna ask,” Steve asks with a look of confusion on his face.
“Yes, we can look after Alena,” Robin playfully rolls her eyes.
“There’s a second date?” Alena beams.
Steve chuckles, ruffling his daughter’s hair once again, “Yes, pumpkin. There’s a second date.”
“Yes!” she exclaims, clenching her fists together and jumping up and down. “I wanna know about this date, and the next date, and all the dates ever!”
“Of course sweetpea, I’ll tell you during the car ride home, okay?”
She simply giggles, squeezing her eyes tight and showing off all of her teeth, or at least the ones that were there. Her front two were currently missing, her reaching the age where her baby teeth had started to fall out, mysterious dollar notes appearing underneath her pillow every few weeks.
“Besides, I was going to ask because I thought Vickie had that work meeting next Wednesday?” Steve queries.
But, Vickie instantly brushes it off, “Yeah, but Robin can handle her for a few hours on her own, can’t you babe?”
“Of course my love, this little cupcake is the easiest to look after, unlike her father,” she looks up at Steve with a deadpan expression, him sticking his tongue out right back at her, the most age-appropriate gesture he could think of with his seven-year-old attached to his leg. “We’ve got her for the afternoon, overnight, two days, a whole month, however long you need.”
Steve replicates her deadpan expression as she shrugs, “What? If it took you two five years to suck each other’s faces off, I will raise your daughter for the rest of her childhood.”
“Robin!” he shouts at her, signalling down to his little girl, warning her of her more mature use of language.
“Sorry,” she holds her hands up, pursing her lips.
“What my beautiful wife is meaning to say is we will happily have your daughter over whenever you have a date with your girl,” Vickie steps in, taking a more adult approach, Robin’s immaturity still shining through after all these years.
“Thanks Vic,” he smiles, hoisting his daughter up onto his hip with an overexaggerated grunt, pretending she is much heavier than she is, making her giggle, “Right, I better get this toothache home, I’ll see you guys on Wednesday!” He begins to turn around, before looking back and pointing to Vickie, “And good luck with that meeting!”
“Thanks Steve! See you on Wednesday!” she waves at him, Robin smirking and yelling at the top of her lungs, “Bye dingus!”
He shakes his head as he opens the car door, placing Alena down in her car-seat as he makes his way around to the driver’s side. He barely makes it two inches off of Robin and Vickie’s driveway before Alena shouts, “Tell me everything!”
“All right, all right,” he replies, trying not to get too scared by his daughter’s outburst, “Let me get onto the road first and then I’ll give you every last detail, okay?”
“Okay!” she giggles, kicking her feet.
And not only did the questions last the car ride home, but they continued for the rest of the day. Alena wanted to know absolutely everything that went down, from the minute he saw you to the minute he bid farewell. But, he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it. It was you after all, and even if it was to his seven-year-old daughter, he would talk about you for the rest of his life.
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hope you enjoyed!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 let me know in the comments if you want to be added/removed from the series spinoffs!
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freakinhorse123 · 2 years
The shitstain squad are genuinely some of my favourite people around. They’re the first people i tell when something happens in my life. Theyre some of the best friends i have. I would give up any chance of meeting any famous person in the world ever just to have one hour with all of us in a room together. Fuck i’d give up anything just to give each of them a hug. I fucking love day, lyra, saj, bones, terri, fish and i miss match with all my heart :).
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scarisd3ad · 8 months
‘Scarisd3ad’s Masterlist
Decided to make a new one because I don’t know if all the links in my old one work anymore. As you can see I got rid of a bunch of old fic (mainly Steve’s because a lot of the things 13 y/o me wrote for him were god awful) because A I reread them and cringed my ass off while doing so, so decided to scrub any evidence of it off the internet or B the link doesn’t work in the og masterlist and I’ve lost the fic. I also got rid of a couple fandoms I write for because I either don’t get requests for them or I’m not interested in being associated with the fandom anymore.
Request box
all requests are open as of February 8th, 2024.
Key fluff - ☁️ angst - 🌧️ finished fic - ☑️ ongoing fic - ✅
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Halloween writing challenge - ‘22, ‘23, ‘24
Christmas writing challenge - ‘23
stranger things
Steve harrington
found you 🌧️☁️ (series discontinued)
red 🌧️☁️ (series discontinued)
Jump then fall 🌧️☁️ (series) ✅
fake dating ☁️🌧️ pt2
first day jitters 🌧️
begin again🌧️☁️
promptober day 4 - decorating your apartment☁️
promtober day 18 - going to the pumpkin patch☁️
promptober day 29 - handing out candy to trick or treaters ☁️
promptmas day 6 - secret Santa ☁️
In a world of boys, he’s a gentle man ☁️
Robin Buckley
you like me? ☁️
horror movie marathon ☁️
Billy Hargrove
no Fics available
Jonathan byers
no Fics available
Eddie Munson
no Fics available
mike wheeler
no Fics available
El hopper
no Fics available
Lucas Sinclair
promptober day 9 - getting lost in a corn maze ☁️
max Mayfield
no Fics available
Dustin Henderson
no Fics available
Billy Loomis
Trouble ☁️ (series) ✅
Stu macher
promptober day 6 - movie night ☁️
promptober day 10 - "are you scared?" 🌧️
promptober day 31 - Halloween party ☁️
Trouble ☁️ (series) ✅
Sidney Prescott
no Fics available
Tatum riley
promptober day 5 - shopping for Halloween costumes☁️
Dewey riley
no Fics available
randy Meeks
no Fics available
Jason dean (heathers)
no Fics available
Conrad fisher (tsitp)
no Fics available
min ho (xo kitty)
no Fics available
bill denbrough (IT)
no Fics available
Georgie cooper (young Sheldon)
no Fics available
Cooper Adam’s (trap)
No fics available
Paddy (speak no evil)
No fics available
the last of us (hbo and game)
Joel miller
superstar☁️🌧️(series) ✅
highway don't care 🌧️☁️
promptober day 16 -trick or treating with him and Sarah ☁️
promptmas day 3 - baby its cold outside ☁️
promptmas day 7 - decorating the tree. ☁️
promptmas day 10 - writing Christmas letters with Sarah ☁️
promptmas day 12 - Christmas day ☁️
Too sweet 🌧️
Ellie Williams
no Fics available
Tommy miller
no Fics available
The black phone
Vance hopper
the grabbed🌧️(series) ☑️
wearing his vest (blurb)☁️
matching costumes☁️🌧️
Promptober day 8 - “I don’t dance”☁️
Promptober day 13 - “take them all”☁️
Promptober day 30 - Halloween sleepover☁️
Bruce Yamada
Promptober Day 12 - dancing in the rain☁️
Promptober day 24 - going to the carnival ☁️
Promptmas day 9 - snowball fight☁️
robin Arellano
Robin standing up for chubby!girlfriend!reader🌧️☁️
Finney Blake
Trick or treating ☁️
the walking dead
Daryl Dixon
to the end and back (series)🌧️☁️✅
promptober day 2 -"its cold" ☁️
promptober day 19 - "i dont do cotumes" (pre apocalypse! daryl)☁️
promptmas day 2 - first christmas after the world ends ☁️
Carl Grimes
Promptober day 7 - “do you think it’s Halloween yet?”☁️
Promptober day 22 - cuddles ☁️
Promptober day 25 - telling scary stories☁️
Promptmas day 8 - reminiscing on past Christmases☁️
Rick Grimes
no Fics available
Glenn Rhee
August - betty - cardigan (mini series)🌧️☁️✅
Promptober day one - drunk after a bonfire ☁️
Promptober day 11 - stealing their sweaters ☁️
Promptober day 17 - the power going out (pre apocalypse Glenn) ☁️
Promptober day 21 - injuries 🌧️☁️
Promptober day 23 - “do you miss Halloween?” ☁️
Maggie Greene/Rhee
No Fics available
Five Nights At Freddy
Promptober day 15 - Sneaking into the pizzaria🌧️
Promptober day 26 - comforting cc after mike scares him 🌧️
Micheal Afton/Schmitt
Promptober day 3 - trick or treating with cc, Elizabeth, and Mike ☁️
Promptober day 14 - Halloween party ☁️
Promptober day 27 - “I hate Halloween” 🌧️
Promptmas day 1 - baking cookies with him and Abby☁️
Promptmas day 11 - the night before Christmas ☁️
William Afton
Freddy fazbear (any variant)
No Fics available
Chica(any variant)
No Fics available
Foxy (any variant)
No Fics available
Bonnie (any variant)
No Fics available
Montgomery gator
Promptober day 28 - Sneaking out of the pizzaplex to trick or treat☁️
Roxanne wolf
No Fics available
No Fics available
Talk to me
Promptober day 20 Having an encounter with the hand 🌧️
No Fics available
No Fics available
No Fics available
No Fics available
No fics available
Carlos de vil
No fics available
No fics available
Harry hook
No fics available
No fics available
Ben Florian
No fics available
Chad charming
No fics available
No fics available
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onthepyre · 1 year
Steve's life is going to fall apart, he thinks.
Dustin's away at summer camp, Nancy's left for college two weeks early. He has a late shift at six, a house to return to that's emptier than usual, and a funeral to attend at eleven sharp tomorrow morning. His mother is writing a eulogy and his father is cold and pale in a box in some back room of the funeral home. He can't get the image out of his head.
At half past five, he shakes himself out of the stupor he's been sitting in. It's been at least twenty minutes since he's last moved, but really, who knows — all he's aware of is his aching back and the sharp pain in his neck from the hunched position he'd assumed at the kitchen table. Steve's car keys have left an imprint on his hand. He'd forgotten he was holding them. The Family Video vest is in his car, tossed haphazardly over the dash, and he shrugs it on over his gray polo before he pulls out of the driveway. Robin's house isn't far, something he's glad for. Less time he has to spend alone. Maybe she won't notice how tired he looks in the quickly dimming light.
She does. It's Robin, after all. Steve can't hide much from her.
"Hey, Stevie," she says as she slides into the passenger seat. Her voice is gentle, the way she might speak to an injured cat. "How are you doing?"
"It’s pretty bad," he tells her, and it feels like he's confessing to a crime. "I didn't get out of bed until, like, two hours ago and I still want to go back to sleep."
"Yeah?" she asks. He can tell she isn't sure what else to say.
"I'm really sorry. I know that's pretty much the least helpful, most generic thing I could say, but I mean it. I can’t imagine how… how hard it must be."
There's a long pause. Steve starts thinking they're just going to drive in silence for the rest of the time, which is weird, especially for Robin. It makes him want to cry, sort of — that she, of all people, can't find anything to say to him. Inadvertently, he grips the wheel tighter.
"We'll close early," she says finally, timid in a way she usually isn't. "Keith can suck my dick, I don't care. He'll get over it. And we'll go get ice cream, if you want, and then I'll come stay over. If that's alright."
"Yeah," Steve answers, and God, there are tears in his eyes. "That would be great." He's careful not to let his voice catch.
"I'm thinking 8:00 — we'll start shutting down at 7:30 and be out by a quarter past. Then we've got almost an hour until Dairy Queen closes, unless you want to go somewhere else?" Out of the corner of his eye, Steve can see Robin twisting one of the rings on her left hand. Like a gut-punch, he knows it's the shitty tin band, the one he'd gotten out of a quarter machine at the arcade and fake-proposed to her with. She hadn't taken it off since that day.
Steve pulls into the parking lot, and turns to her once he's parked the car. She's still fiddling with the ring, so he reaches over to take her hand.
"Rob, listen," he says. "I'm not gonna fall apart. I'll be okay." He can tell that they both know it isn't true.
"You don't have to be," she tells him, and through slightly blurry vision, Steve can tell she's tearing up, too. "You can fall apart, it's all right. We'll put you back together. I'll be here the whole time."
Steve isn't sure why it's a problem, but he needs to make sure Robin doesn't see him cry. He gets out of the car and turns away. He can hear her, four feet away, doing the same.
The shift, short as it is, passes slowly and in relative quiet. Robin feels too far away, but the little bit of stability they've found since getting out of the car is fragile, winding between them like a spiderweb. If Steve reaches out, he'll break it.
They follow her schedule exactly, locking the door behind them at 8:15 — two hours before they're supposed to. Steve isn't one to get worked up about things like this, but he's even less worried than he usually would be. Nobody ever comes in on Thursday nights. The only people that will know are him and Robin.
"So, Dairy Queen?" she asks as she opens the door. "Or do you want to go somewhere else?"
"Dairy Queen is fine," he tells her. Nothing will really make him feel better, he thinks, but ice cream can't hurt.
The drive isn't long, but it feels like it. Steve can hardly stand whatever version of Robin this is, the one that's treating him like he's about to crumble at any second. She's right, but that's part of the reason it's getting to him so much. If the silence was unfounded, it wouldn't hurt so bad.
She insists on paying, and Steve almost can't stomach the sweetness of the Oreos. Robin gets M&Ms so he can pick at hers, too.
"So, how's band been going?" Steve asks, just to break the quiet.
Robin tilts her head a little. There's pity in her eyes.
"Pretty good," she says slowly. "The directors always get super uptight around concert season, so that's starting to kick in. We just got our last piece. It's this stupid hard classical thing — Stravinsky, I think — fuckin' Russians. It would be awesome, though, if we could play it right."
This is the Robin he knows. Fuckin' Russians, he thinks. It makes him smile.
"That's great. What's it about?"
"Oh, I have no idea," Robin says with a grin. "It’s from the Firebird, and it has something to do with hell, and it's impossible to play."
"I'll have to come to the concert." Steve holds her eye for a second, but when it goes on too long and her smile shifts to an expression of sympathy, he turns his gaze down into his blizzard.
"Steve…" she starts, but she leaves it there, reaching across the table.
"Can we go?" He squeezes her hand and she does the same.
"Yeah, of course. Come on, we can go straight to sleep if you want."
They do — or they try to. As soon as they're home and settled, Robin in a pair of shorts she'd left there and one of Steve's old shirts, Steve much the same, they spread out blankets on the floor of his room and try to sleep. Robin's presence is a comfort, but not enough for Steve to get the coffin out of his head.
"Can you talk?" Steve asks, rolling over in his bed to face her in the dark. "About anything you want, I don't care. Just say something. Ramble."
She reaches up to put a hand on the bed, and he places his on top.
"I love you," Robin begins. "The other day, I learned that a quarter of the world's population has tuberculosis. Well, not has, like they're sick with it, but they have the bacteria in them. That's insane. Tuberculosis is up there with rabies for me, you know? There's a new outbreak of it that's resistant to the treatments, and I know it's not likely we'd get it here in Hawkins, but man, it would suck so much. Especially if it was one of those drug resistant strains. We'd end up sad little waifs like in the Victorian era and we'd die a slow death and there would be nothing they could do."
"I love you," Steve responds. "Can you come up here, Rob?"
"Yeah, for sure."
Robin stands up and climbs into bed next to him. He can make out the shape of her, squinting at him. Neither moves for a moment.
"How are you holding up?" she asks.
Only then, in the darkness, does Steve let himself fall apart.
It comes on slowly, but he knows it's coming as soon as she asks. He can't speak around the lump in his throat, so he just sits there fighting tears until she reaches out and pulls him into her chest. He breaks then. He sobs in Robin's arms for a while as she rubs his back and whispers reassurances to him. He feels like a little kid.
"Sorry," he gets out as it starts to die down.
"Shh." She buries her face in his hair. "Don't. It's alright. I'm not going anywhere, Stevie. This is what I'm here for."
Steve is hit with another wave of tears, this time a mixture of grief and gratitude. Robin, true to her word, stays. She holds him tighter still as he clutches her like she's the only thing keeping him tethered.
"I love you," she says under her breath. "I love you. It's alright. I'm here. I love you. I've got you. I love you."
She keeps going like that endlessly, quietly, into the top of Steve's head. Only when the sobs have slowed to sniffles does Robin stop, and even then, she keeps running her hands across his back, occasionally punctuated by a kiss pressed to his hair. There, cradled like a toddler against her chest, Steve starts to put himself back together. They fall asleep like that, intertwined, at home.
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t4tails · 8 months
i wake up early in the morning and im texting youuuuu (UGH. hey robin, its 7:30!) well thats okay im ready to fight crime with YOU the dark knight! (ill be sleeping past 2 😪) (oh man!) we sometimes fight BOOM POW BANG but we always maaake uuuup :3 (hey man im sorry!) (its okay 😁) (okay!) we're not related but heres good news... FRIENDS ARE THE FAMILY YOU CAN CHOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xieyaohuan · 1 year
The Boys in universe merch and worldbuilding (S1E1 foreshadowing edition)
I've been meaning to look at all the references to the Seven and the Vought empire that I could find in Season 1 Episode 1, and turns out there are too many to cover all of them (seeing as tumblr limits posts to 30 images), but I thought I'd at least try to cover all the foreshadowing that happens in the first episode.
Hughie killing Translucent
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The opening shot is an ad for Translucent's upcoming movie, and at first, it doesn't seem like there's much going on there, but the line "you can't kill what you can't see" does seem pretty intentional, given that Hughie blows Translucent up right after he turns himself invisible
2. A-Train killing Robin
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This taxi with an A-Train ad passes by as the two boys in the opening shot argue about Translucent and The Deep.
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Robin and Hughie walk past it again just moments before Robin's death.
3. Starlight and The Deep
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This glass in the shot, right before Starlight gets the call she got the job. Make of the milk what you will.
4. A-Train versus Shockwave
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This is from the scene where Butcher shows Hughie the commercial power of Vought and The Seven.
5. Homelander's right wing politics
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They were placing clues from the start. I just wish their political commentary was a little smarter.
6. Believe Expo
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Yup, still that same scene
7. The death of the son of the mayor of Baltimore
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I was a little torn on whether or not to include this, but given where and how the kid dies, this is a pretty nasty dedication line. Also, this is Homelander's 'pretty' signature (which is also on the card for Stormfront, but not on Hughie's cast), so I guess that's the official corporate one.
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I mean, he dies with that autograph right in front of him.
Bonus discovery: Perhaps in a nod to the comics, Maeve still drinks on the job at the beginning of season 1 right during that Seven meeting; everybody else has water.
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