#robin hood secret santa 2017
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dreamersscape · 7 years ago
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(full-size version here)
“Wouldn’t it be easier just to deliver the gifts normally?”
“We could, but where would be the fun in that?”
AU where Robin and Marian-as-Nightwatchman compete to see who’s the better Santa, AKA my Secret Santa gift for @now-and-forever17. Sorry again for the delay, but I hope you still like what I came up with. :)
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coppercrane2 · 6 years ago
First Lines Meme
RULES: List the first lines of the last ten stories you published^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H updated. Look to see if there are any patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! Then tag some friends.  
Thank you @smokingbomber for tagging me!
1. Love Lasts Forever - Four Reunions (Sailor Moon) - written for the Senshi and Shitennou Reverse Mini Bang 2017
“You’re joking, right?”
2. Lake Balaton (Marvel - Black Widow/Winter Soldier) - written for the Captain America Reverse Big Bang 2017
Despite the time she's easy to observe through the darkness, the dim lights of the city casting streaks of illumination across her body, alternating with lines of shadow that drift with her movements.  
3. It’ll Be a Lonely Christmas Without You (Marvel - Winter Soldier/Black Widow) - written for the BuckyNat Secret Santa 2016
In some ways, Bucky being a product of a less successful version of the super-soldier serum made him luckier than Steve, he could get drunk, for one.
4. An Evening (Sailor Moon) - part 1 of my Crys-T series
He walked in and, as expected, found his friend sitting at his desk, but with his gaze fixed on the horizon instead of the screen in front of him. 
5. Trauma (Sailor Moon) - part 2 of my Crys-T series
Her ears weren’t ringing, there was no feeling of them being stuffed with cotton, they certainly did not pound.
6. American Honey (Sailor Moon) - part 3 of my Crys-T series
She leaned her head into his shoulder, nuzzling him to get comfortable in her new resting spot and then adjusting slightly so her earring didn’t press painfully into the soft tissue behind her jaw.
7. The OTHER Princess Bride (Wherein Some Things Happen That Are Very Similar To The Original Princess Bride, But It Is Not The Same) (Sailor Moon)
"The Princess Bride … Well, The Other Princess Bride… Not The One From The Book That Was Turned Into a Film Starring That Guy Who Was In Robin Hood: Men In Tights, and André The Giant, and Robin Wright (Before She Married and Then Divorced Sean Penn) and The Guy Who Played Columbo and That Kid From The Wonder Years." 
8. Musing
“Did your people not used to castrate the Kunzites?” she asked, voicing a passing thought. 
9. Sometimes, You Just Need to Punch A Dinosaur (Sailor Moon) - written for the Senshi and Shitennou Reverse Mini Bang 2017
“It's literally the year thirty forty three, how is this still even an issue?!” 
10. Hooligans
Mamoru was standing in the rain, like an idiot. 
So.... with the exception of Hooligans, apparently I like my readers to not know who I’m talking about... cool cool cool. 
I have genuinely tried to limit my tagging to ten people, but i really, really, really can’t. Guys, whatever fandom you’re in, do it, do it, do it! 
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forestwater87 · 7 years ago
Camp Camp Secret Santa 2017
Happy Holidays to @conky-in-action! It was so much fun to participate in this year’s @campcamp-secretsanta, and I hope you enjoy this little fic!
(Credit for the brilliant Christmas tree idea goes to @hopefullypessimistic84, who helped me out of a serious rut, writing-wise.)
“For Christ’s sake, let me g --”
“Your scarf is dragging, Max! Just -- stop -- for a second --”
“It’s a thousand degrees!”
Gwen glanced up from her phone, abandoning the “I’m here” text she’d been about to send David. She’d been worrying about how she would be able to find them in the crush of people thronging the train station, but of course she should’ve realized they wouldn’t be hard to find. “Guys?” she called, pocketing her phone and tightening her grip on her bag.
David’s head popped up over the crowd -- a second’s flash of a robin’s egg blue pompom bouncing into the air -- and then he was pushing through the throng, nearly tripping over his own feet and several others’ before stumbling to a halt in front of her. “Gwen!” he cried, flinging one arm around her with the other awkwardly held out behind him. “It’s so good to see you! Max!” His body twisted in the direction of his outstretched arm, gently tugging Max forward. “Look who’s here!”
Max rolled his eyes, shuffling his feet but letting himself be drawn into the hug by David’s mittened hand in his. “So? She’s here all the time.”
David had cajoled his young houseguest into full winter gear this month, Gwen noticed; last time it had been a constant battle of shed clothing and loud arguments. And judging by the way Max’s scarf was only loosely draped around his neck, both ends soaked and filthy and threatening to trip him with every step, it was a fight David had only barely won. She resisted the urge to kneel down as he approached, knowing it’d only make his mood more sour. “Nice to see you too, asshole.”
David frowned, but Max’s eyes flicked up to meet hers, and she could’ve sworn she saw the ghost of a smirk cross his face for a second.
“Come on, guys, it’s Christmas! We’ve never all been together for Christmas like this! Isn’t that special?”
“Maybe if you stopped shoving holiday bullshit down our throats,” Max muttered, yanking his hand free and shoving them in his coat pockets.
She glanced over at David, watching the sunshine in his face fight with worry and plain sullen disappointment. They’d talked about Max’s increasing bad mood as Christmas drew closer, over text and phone and Facebook and email (and even the occasional concerned snap; she was pretty sure he would’ve sent his fears of being a good guardian by carrier pigeon if he’d known how). She was of the opinion that Max was a kid and kids were assholes, but David was convinced there was something deeper going on.
Judging by the frustration that drew his eyebrows together and thinned his lips, he hadn’t hunted down that “something” just yet.
Gwen bumped his shoulder with her own. “You okay, David?”
He started, shaking his head with a small laugh. The lines on his face smoothed away and he fixed her with a bright smile. “Of course I am!” he replied, picking up her bag and slinging it over his shoulder. “I have my favorite people in the world with me --”
“I can take that, you don’t have to carry it --”
“-- and it’s the best time of the year! Besides summer, of course!” Ignoring her halfhearted protests, he stared Max down until the boy sighed and accepted his proffered hand -- then extended the stare to Gwen, who was familiar enough with this routine to snag Max’s other hand -- then led the way off the train platform. “I’ve never been happier!”
“Has he been like this the whole time?” she asked Max quietly, letting David bounce along without noticing they weren’t listening.
Max glared up at her from under his hat; bright red with a white puffball on the end, it perched on his curls like a big floppy pancake. (She wondered idly if he or David had made it, and which of them was the better knitter by now.) “What the fuck do you think?”
Gwen was a little proud of herself for not taking his irritation personally. Besides, David’s behavior was a bit more worrying at the moment. He’d always been a bit manic, but . . . “How’re you holding up?”
He shrugged as well as he could, considering both his hands were captive. “Fine, I guess? I don’t --”
“Okay, gang!” David cut in, “let me go get the car so you don’t have to walk through the snow! Wait right here! Don’t go anywhere!”
They both watched him bound away, nearly slipping on a section of poorly-salted ice before catching himself and running to the parking lot. Finally Max said, “Listen, I get this ‘how are you feeling?’ shit from him all the time. Can you give it a rest for a couple days?”
“I meant, how are you doing with him? I . . . know he can be kinda hard to take.”
Max glanced over at her, face scrunching in surprise. “Oh,” he said. “I mean, he’s okay I guess. Could be worse.”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Gwen looked out at the traffic, feigning disinterest. “I can’t believe you haven’t killed him yet over this ‘festive cheer’ stuff. I would’ve.”
“No, seriously, he’s fine.” He scuffed at the salty sidewalk. “It’s nice not being the only house without Christmas lights. At least he gives a shit.”
His voice was quiet, shy but also prickly with defensiveness, and she decided she’d pushed hard enough. “Can’t wait to get to see the place. Knowing him, you’d probably notice it from orbit.”
Max snorted. “We got letters from the neighbors threatening to call the cops because they couldn’t sleep. Took all weekend to convince David to take some of the lights down.” He smirked up at her with the see-what-I’m-dealing-with? expression that’d become their primary mode of communication over the past few months, and the tension between them dissolved.
As David’s beaten-up car rumbled to a stop in front of them -- spraying everyone waiting at the curb with slush -- she ducked into the front seat with a mixture of satisfaction and disappointment.
Satisfaction, because she might not have used her degree much since graduation, but she could still pull a mean reverse psychology when she had to.
Disappointment, because it seemed like maybe there was something deeper than general kid dickishness going on here.
And Max of all kids didn’t need another reason to wake up scowling.
“So how should we start?” David clapped his hands between his knees and leaned forward so far he nearly tipped his chair over. His leg was bouncing hard enough to make the furniture shake. “We need a tree, or we can bake cookies -- ooh, or we can make a big Christmas dinner -- or go to the movies -- what about ice skating?” Sitting up straight, he covered his mouth with both hands. “There’s so much to do! I’m so excited!”
Max groaned, but didn’t look up from his phone. Gwen was inclined to agree -- after the train ride up here she wanted nothing more than to collapse on the couch and not move for at least five hours -- but she saw the way David’s hair was sticking up a bit too much (a symptom of combing his fingers through it obsessively) and the slightly manic glint to his smile. After years of working together in unnecessarily stressful situations, too many of them involving grenades, she was pretty familiar with his “I’m hanging onto the end of my rope with my fingernails” look. So she scraped a bit more enthusiasm from deep in her stomach and said, “I mean, this place looks basically perfect, but it’s a little weird without a tree. And it’d be nice to get outside while it’s still light.”
Max’s head shot up, a look resembling betrayal flashing across his face. Then he shrugged and glanced back down at his phone. “Whatever. I mean it’s not like we don’t have enough decorations.”
“But a tree is the most important one!” David sprang to his feet, taking Gwen’s hands and tugging her up as well. “What a great idea, Gwen!”
“Why don’t you guys already have a tree?” she asked quietly as he held the door open for her, Max stomping ahead with his hood pulled over his face and his hands in his pockets.
He frowned, his gaze miles away and his face lined with worry. “The last couple months have been . . . hard. He was so happy on Halloween, and I thought things were looking up, but . . .” David sighed, running a gloved hand through his hair and wincing at the way his fringe crackled with static and clung to his forehead. “I just don’t know anymore.”
“Maybe you’re too close to it?” she suggested, and his eyes finally snapped to hers. “I mean, I know he’s a little shit, but he seems a lot better than he was in August. And it’s a hell of an improvement over Thanksgiving, right?”
“I guess so,” he said, shaking his head with a small chuckle. They’d invited Gwen down for the holiday that year, and she’d made the mistake of thinking the two of them and David’s mother would be less hectic than her own family. The evening had ended with Max sulking on the roof after having thrown the entire turkey at David’s head -- David’s mom, working with middle schoolers for a living, had been the only one able to eventually coax him in out of the cold -- and his legal guardian crying on the living-room floor surrounded by destroyed poultry while Gwen tried to scrub gravy out of the carpet and occasionally brought him napkins. (She wasn’t great at comforting people, and had been immeasurably relieved when the others had returned from the roof, so she could snag Max for cleanup duty and leave the emotional support to David’s mom.) From what she could tell, things had been much smoother since then. “Maybe I’m expecting too much of him.”
“Yeah, probably,” she said with a snort, then cringed at the hurt look on his face. “I mean, he’s . . . like, no amount of love is going to stop him from being an asshole. That’s kinda how he is. I know you think I’m too hard on him --” she added quickly as he opened his mouth; he obediently shut it and looked down. “-- but you can’t explain away his entire personality with ‘his parents are fuckups,’ David. Some of that is just how he is, and he has to know you’re gonna like him anyway. I mean . . . right? You know?”
She stuttered to a halt, suddenly aware of how long she’d been talking. Christ, she hadn’t given a speech like that since Nurf’s day back at camp. But that time she’d been asked how to make Nurf open up, instead of just spouting her unwanted opinions at a struggling father.
She opened her mouth to apologize, because David certainly didn’t need two jerks in his life and it wasn’t like she really knew the situation anyway and they were barely even friends, really -- but before she could she was smacked in the face with a blue pom-pom, inhaling wool in the split second before David’s arms tightened around her hard enough to cut off her ability to breathe at all.
“Thank you, Gwen,” he mumbled into her shoulder, his voice muffled by the puffy coat he’d insisted she put on (because hers was apparently not good enough). “You always know what to say.”
That . . . seemed like a generous interpretation -- she would’ve gone with “you always put your foot in your mouth” -- but she wasn’t going to complain. Her mobility was limited somewhat by the dense down jacket, but she managed to hook an arm around his skinny frame and awkwardly pat his back. “Hey,” she began, then realized she didn’t know how to finish that and just let it dangle in the air: “Heyyy . . .”
David laughed quietly, turning his head toward her so he could breathe more easily. “Hi.”
He didn’t let go, and after a couple moments she said, “Max doesn’t hug much, huh?”
“How could you tell?”
She rolled her eyes. “Call it a hunch.” She let him cling like that for another few seconds -- she hadn’t been hugged in a while either, and she had to admit it was kinda nice -- then shrugged him off. “Come on, moron. He’s probably freezing to death out there.”
His eyes widened in alarm, looking much more teal than green thanks to the blue wool hat that framed his face. “Golly, you’re right! Let’s go!” He snagged her hand without thinking, turning and rushing down the hall with the pom-poms dangling from his hat’s ear-flaps trailing behind him (and nearly hitting her, again, with each step).
“Slow down, David!” she shouted, but the irritation in her voice was entirely fake.
She’d tolerate a lot, she was slowly learning, to keep a smile on that idiot’s face.
“What kind of tree do you want, Max?” After almost an hour of trying and failing to get Max to show any sort of enthusiasm, David’s cheer was definitely strained. He kept opening and closing his hands, like he was trying to keep the blood circulating in the cold weather . . . or like he was trying very very hard not to let them clench into fists.
Max didn’t look up from his phone, deftly bystepping a gooey-eyed couple. “I dunno. Maybe a fake one, so we don’t kill a perfectly healthy tree for no good reason.”
“But . . .” David trailed off, closing his eyes and opening his mittened hands again. His nostrils flared slightly as he took a deep, calming breath, then said, “Well, buddy, it would’ve been good to know that before we got here! But since we’re already in out here surrounded by all this beautiful nature --” he gestured grandly at the neat rows of trees that spread out like the spokes of a wheel from where they were standing -- “why don’t we bring some of it home, what do you say?”
Max just shrugged, smirked at something on his phone, and kept walking. His small boots cut through the powdery snow without really picking up off the ground, leaving two lines that trailed behind him as he wandered through the lot.
David took another deep breath -- she was starting to wonder if that was doing him any good -- and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I forgot how he gets when we have company,” he finally muttered to Gwen, most of the golly-gee! quality of his voice gone. “It’s like he needs to prove he’s still . . .”
“Satan?” she offered helpfully.
“Difficult,” he finished, and for a moment they watched the mop of black hair weave through the trees. “But it’s okay! We’ll just have to help him.”
“Help him what --” She was interrupted by a wheeze as he grabbed her hand and tugged her forward, plowing through the snow at a half-jog that sprayed glittering white over everyone they ran past.
“Max, Max! What about that one?”
“Still don’t care.”
They were getting along better, Gwen thought, watching David attempt to rescue the trailing ends of Max’s scarf and wrap them around their supremely disinterested owner. The tension between them felt brittler, always on the verge of crackling and falling away; when Max told his guardian to go to hell, it lacked the bite of sincerity.
She wouldn’t call their dynamic playful, and David certainly didn’t seem amused by his attitude, but it was . . . softer, somehow. Like the malice was a little less genuine, and the underlying affection a little closer to the surface.
Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t a little shitstain. And she was getting cold.
“David, they’re literally all the exact same, so just pick one and --”
“What about that one?” she interrupted, pointing at a tree at the very corner of the lot. It was thin and brown, a carpet of shed needles lying in a circle around its base. It listed to one side, the tip drooping toward the ground like a sad dog.
David frowned, his eyes narrowing. “Gwen, I don’t think --”
“Trust me,” she hissed, stepping close enough to whisper and taking his elbow. Making sure Max wasn’t looking, she pinched his upper arm for good measure (not that he could feel it through his absurdly thick wool coat).
He frowned, but laid one hand overtop hers, stepping closer to the tree. “Well, it does have personality,” he began doubtfully. Then something lit up behind his eyes and he beamed. “It’s so unique!”
Max looked up, his eyes widening incredulously as Gwen tugged away from David’s arm and walked around the zombie tree in a large circle. She deliberately ignored him. “It’ll probably be pretty cheap, so maybe we could get a couple of ‘em.”
“What a great idea! Let’s go see if there are any others like this!”
“You’re fucking kidding me, right?”
They both turned to Max, Gwen biting the inside of her cheek to keep her expression neutral. 
“You’re not seriously thinking of bringing that thing into our house, right? It’s probably got termites or something!”
“I don’t think termites are around much in winter --” she began, but Max cut her off with an exasperated scoff.
“Thirty-fucking-thousand trees here, and you had to pick out the worst one!”
David put his hands on his hips, cocking his head to the side and giving Max a stern look. “It’s cost-effective! And every tree deserves a home!”
“Jesus, what is it with you and always wanting shit no one . . . else does.” His voice dropped and so did his eyes. He scuffed his toe through the fluffy snow, kicking up a mist of sparkles.
David and Gwen’s eyes met, and she nodded with a weak shrug.
They’d found “something.”
“Listen.” Max broke them out of a silence that had crossed into “uncomfortable” territory. He still wasn’t looking at them, his hands shoved in his pockets as he stood on tiptoe and tried to peer around at the entire lot. “If you guys wanna turn our house into the Island of Misfit Trees, whatever, I don’t care. But if Neil and Nikki are coming over, I want one that doesn’t look like it needs somebody to pull the plug. I figured even you guys would be smart enough to pick out a Christmas tree, but apparently none of those useless degrees of Gwen’s were in common sense . . .” Continuing to mutter to himself, Max began prowling around the lot again, but this time when he pulled out his phone, it was to several pictures of various trees before . . . well, she wasn’t going to look over his shoulder, but the upward twitch of his lips made her think she was texting his best friends.
They lagged behind, letting him scurry from one tree to another -- pausing at a prospect, snapping a photo, and then turning his attention to his phone screen. “Not bad,” she said, bending down to pick up one of Max’s knitted gloves (which he’d tossed in frustration after a few fruitless attempts to take photographs with them on). “He’s involved, at least.”
“That was a good idea, Gwen!” David rocked back on his heels, smiling as he watched Max continue the tree hunt. “Now, can you keep an eye on him while I . . .”
She glanced over and he was pulling an axe from behind his back; like his ever-handy guitar, she wondered where on earth he’d kept it. “Wait, are you seriously gonna cut down that piece of garbage?”
“The more I think about it, the more I like it! Maybe just one, but . . .” His voice softened, like he was self-conscious. “I mean, every tree does deserve a home, right?”
She rolled her eyes, but as he knocked down the tree -- it only took one swing of his axe, and the sound was like cracking knuckles; she refused to be impressed -- she couldn’t help thinking about what Max had said. “What is it with you and losers, anyway?” He glanced up at her with a puzzled frown, hoisting the dying tree over one shoulder, and she added, “like you just seem to . . . collect lame shit no one cares about. Like Camp Campbell, and Max and me --”
“Well for starters I’d never call Camp Campbell lame,” David chided. “And neither are you and Max! He’s not a dying tree, he’s . . . a sapling! He’s full of potential and just needs some guidance and growth!” Looking absurdly proud of this analogy, he followed the twin lines of shuffling footsteps and Max’s loud voice (apparently the tree selection process had progressed beyond texts and he needed real-time feedback).
Gwen hurried to keep up, nearly tripping in the thickening snow. “I think this girl and I have a lot in common,” she teased, gently patting their tree and wincing as a small cascade of dead needles crackled to the ground. “Old, dried-up, practically dead . . .”
“That’s not fair.”
She snorted. “True. At least someone wants this thing.”
“I’m serious, Gwen.” His voice was earnest, painfully so, and they’d both sort of awkwardly stumbled to a halt as he hooked his axe onto his belt and fumbled for her hand. “You’re green and you don’t even know it.”
It was embarrassing, his sincerity, so she shrugged his hand away and gave him a self-conscious laugh. “Come on, CBFL. Let’s go find your camper.”
The rest of the evening went smoother. Max, having decided they couldn’t be trusted with any aesthetic decisions, had forced David to house the “ugly tree” in the kitchen and took over decorating the monstrously huge fir he’d picked out. Unfortunately, his height made it difficult to reach more than half of the tree, so he’d constructed a series of shaky towers out of chairs, couch cushions, and wishes. Gwen curled up on the couch with a mug of eggnog, watching him scramble from one platform to another.
David probably wouldn’t be happy that she was letting Max do something so dangerous, but hell, she wasn’t his mother. Besides, she knew enough first and second aid that she could deal with it if the kid split his head open.
Until that happened, she wasn’t planning on moving a muscle.
David came bouncing out of the kitchen, his arms loaded down with food. “I didn’t have much time to prepare something really special, but we have -- Max! That’s dangerous!” (Gwen carefully avoided the glare she could feel being shot at her from his direction. “Why didn’t you ask one of us to lift you?”
“Touch me and die, Camp Man.”
She set her drink on the table and stretched out along the couch.
Once you got used to it, their arguing made a hell of a lullaby.
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blueflamebird · 7 years ago
Jaytim Secret Santa 2017
My secret santa was @ignomines !! Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope you like it!
prompt: “Why are you helping me”
rating: general
This had all started when Jason found Tim.
Tim was locked in a cell, Red Robin armor still cut up and bloody, face healing from its swells, obviously malnourished.
And despite all this, Tim’s eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, were still every bit as determined and intelligent and hopeful as Jason can remember seeing them.
Tim had looked Jason right in the eye, daring him to make a move. Those intelligent blue eyes seemed to have known Jason’s move before he made it.
It was confirmed when Bizarro ripped the lock off the cell and Tim didn’t flinch, didn’t remove his gaze from Jason’s.
There was a long pause, both Robins waiting for the other to make a move, analyzing each other before Tim slowly rose from his spot.
Tim walked out of his cell, only a slight limp to show for his troubles, walking right up to Jason so they were face to face.
Again, they were all silent before Tim once again broke it.
“It’s about time, Hood.”
Jason snorted, and just like that the tension in the room melted. Tim walked past Jason, towards the door the Outlaws had busted open as Jason tilted his head to watch him go.
“Huh, he certainly is something. I like him already.” Artemis supplied. Jason rolled his eyes under his hood, shaking his head and following Tim out the door.
Jason watched as Tim led the way out, seeming to already know the twists and turns of the place. He contemplated calling Bruce, but decided against it. He knew, in good conscious, he should. But if Tim, right now, was anything like how Jason was when he first returned from his little vacation from life, Tim needed someone to ground him, someone who wasn’t the man who let him down.
Jason would gladly volunteer.
“Am Small Him ok?” Bizarro asked, cautiously watching Tim, who slipped on his mask and was every bit of the Red Robin persona at the moment.
“I don’t know yet. You see anything broken on the inside, big man?” Jason asked Bizarro quietly.
Bizarro shook his head. “Me can’t see anything.”
Lead-lined suit, Jason thought. Probably to keep Kon from being nosey or something. That was just like him. Careful, paranoid, prepared.
It was sad and admirable at the same time.
Tim was silent the whole trip to Jason’s safehouse. Artemis kept giving Jason pointed looks, but Jason ignored her, knowing that trying to force Tim to do anything would only make things worse.
Instead, he let Tim stay in his thoughts as he pulled up to his safe house, Bizarro landing next to his car with a solid thud.
Jason turned to Tim, wondering how he should approach the subject of getting Tim out of his costume. He was in obvious need of a shower, and Jason knew he needed to check him for wounds. Tim may have been a master at hiding how he really felt, but a near death experience could always be as bad as the real thing.
There was a moment of awkward silence before Artemis cleared her throat and got out of the car. “Come, Bizarro is hungry and so am I. I assume you are too, Tim? Bizarro makes some great pork and beans.”
Artemis didn’t wait for a response. She shut the door and led Bizarro inside, leaving Jason to deal with Tim on his own.
Jason silently cursed her retreating form. How dare she just dump him alone to the wolf-
“So, she knows me as Tim. I assume they both know about the bat then?”
Jason bit his lip, choosing his words carefully. Jason didn’t worry too much about his secret identity, he was legally dead after all. After that whole incident with Black Mask, though, he’s been a bit more careful.
But Tim, Tim was Bruce’s level of paranoid when it came to their nightly escapades. Anyone who knew Tim was Red Robin was a calculated risk, one Tim was comfortable with. Tim didn’t know Artemis, and the last thing he needed was Tim pissing her off.
“She knows about you and Dick. That’s it. Dick paid me a little visit the other day in costume. That’s what he gets for not calling before dropping by. But I needed to tell her about you to-”
To get her to understand why you were so important to me.
“-To get her to help me. I trust her.”
Tim studied Jason for long, uncomfortable second. His eyes were still hidden behind that damned mask and Jason had to clench his hands to keep them from ripping the mask off his face.
“If you trust her, then she must really be trustworthy.”
Jason let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding at Tim’s words. Tim finally looked away, fiddling with his gloves in a more Tim gesture than a Red Robin one. “I also wasn’t aware you and Dick were on such good terms.”
Jason snorted. “Barely. But when you- when everyone thought you died, we were a mess. We needed each other.”
It was Jason’s turn to level Tim with a stare, one intense enough that Tim was able to pick out the little green flecks in Jason’s eyes even in the dim lighting, before breaking the gaze by turning his head away and opening the door.
Tim climbed out without another word, and Jason let out a long sigh before following.
He liked to think he and Tim were close before the whole “Tim took on a whole bunch of drones and nearly died” thing happened. It took some time to get rid of the feelings of jealousy and animosity from Jason’s side. And then it took even more time to get over the awkwardness and overall carefulness they had around each other.
One thing Jason was always grateful for was the Tim never treated him like he was crazy, or like he needed to be watched. Dick and Bruce had the habit of talking to him like he was a ticking time bomb, and while they seemed to realize he wasn’t going to burn down Gotham out of spite every time soon, Jason knew sometimes they worried about him. It would be sweet if it didn’t piss him off so much.
But not Tim. Tim treated him like a person. He was mindful of Jason’s thoughts and feelings, and seemed genuinely surprised when Jason returned the favor.
It was then when Jason realized something important: Tim was taken for granted. And the more they talked and the closer they got, the more Jason got protective of Tim. He realized that everyone was so used to having Tim there that they never even stopped to say thank you to him. And so, Jason made a silent vow to himself. In order to prove that Tim’s forgiveness wasn’t in vain, Jason would do his damned best at protecting Tim and showing him he mattered. He would be there for Tim, because Tim was there for everyone, including himself.
Jason and Tim entered the house, and Tim stood awkwardly in the living room, taking in the small bookshelf, cluttered papers, and almost homey environment, courtesy of Artemis and Bizarro. Jason’s safehouses normally didn’t hold anything of value; cheap clothes that was easily replaceable, enough food for a few days. It was supposed to be a place he could enter and leave without being noticed or missed. But ever since Artemis and Bizarro stuck around, it started feeling more like a place to return to.
Though, Jason supposed that even if they had to leave the house, as long as he had Artemis and Bizarro with him, he wouldn’t mind.
He wouldn’t ever tell them that, though.
Somehow he felt they knew all the same.
“Since you’re the guest, you can have the shower first. The hot water only runs for about an hour, though, so don’t take too long.” Artemis snapped Tim out of his musings, waving a hand in the general direction of the bathroom. Her tone left no room for argument and honestly, a shower sounded heavenly to Tim, who just wanted to eat something, get clean, and then crash for a few days. But he wouldn’t let it on, could never show that he was weak.
Tim glanced towards Jason, who snapped to attention and made a beeline for the restroom. “I’ll show you, I don’t think you’ve been in this safe house. Had to relocate after my whole shebang with Black Mask.”
Tim followed silently, stepping passed Jason as they made it to the door. Once inside, Tim peeled off his mask and unhooked his cape, and Jason took them both.
“Unfortunately, all of our equipment is at my hideout-”
“The police bunker?”
Jason nodded, “yeah. I figured it’d be smarter to let you rest and freshen up rather than jumping right to work.”
“I wouldn’t have minded either way. But...thank you, Jason. Now if you don’t mind.” Tim gave Jason a pointed look and Jason had to fight a blush, realizing what Tim meant. Privacy. For a shower. Right.
“Y-yeah. I’ll go see if I have some of your spare clothes. If not you can use something of mine. Uh...yeah.” Jason made a hasty retreat, missing Tim’s smirk as he all but ran from the bathroom.
When the door firmly locked behind him, Jason took a deep breath and went over to the kitchen, checking on his friends.
Bizarro was leaning over the stove, carefully stirring a pot of beans.
“Is he alright?”
Artemis’ voice sounded from behind Jason, and he turned to see her leaning against the doorway.
Jason suppressed a sigh. “I don’t know. Tim’s always been great at hiding how he feels. I’ll have to coax it out of him.”
“Bizarro and I can go, if it makes it easier.” Artemis offered, and Bizarro made a grunt of agreement.
Jason bit his lip. He didn’t just want to kick them out for the night. Sure, he had plenty more safehouses they could use, but, in all honesty, he wasn’t sure how Tim would handle being alone with another bat. For all he knew, they abandoned him. Wrote him off as dead and didn’t bother to find the body. Hell, Jason didn’t even manage to go to the funeral. He couldn’t bring himself to.
“Pup pup like small him?”
Jason tried to smile, though he was sure it looked more like a grimace. “Yeah. Guess you can say that.”
“We aren’t stupid, Jason. We know affection when we see it.” Jason sent a quick glare to Artemis but couldn’t find it in his heart to put the heat behind it. Artemis rolled her eyes. “You could deny it all you want but it’s obvious. Now go make sure he’s ok. Bizarro and I can handle dinner.”
Jason nodded, silently making his way to his room. He tossed the cape and mask aside and pulled out a little box from under his bed. In it was his and Tim’s clothes, things he couldn’t bring himself to throw away even when changing safe houses.
Grabbing a pair of sweats, a shirt and boxers, Jason quickly stashed it back, ignoring the stab of guilt he felt when he first packed it with the intention of throwing it away, only to chicken out.
Jason quickly made his way to the bathroom before his emotions and thoughts got the better of him, knocking on the door.
“Tim? I brought you a change of clothes.”
Jason waited for a few seconds as the water shut off. Rustling could be heard before Tim opened the door enough to poke his head out, face still blank but with a slight blush from the hot water. Heat steamed out of the bathroom, making Jason shiver slightly.
Tim looked down at the clothes with a raised eyebrow, but took them with a near silent “thank you.”
Jason didn’t miss the way the movement made Tim subtly wince.
Seeming to catch his mistake, Tim looked up at Jason, eyes going wide.
“Move Tim.”
Tim stared at Jason like a deer in headlights, but Jason’s eyes were firm, so with a sigh, he slowly stepped back and allowed Jason to slip inside.
Tim’s hips were wrapped in a towel, hair dripping wet. On his chest littered a few cuts that seemed to have closed before and reopened from the shower just a little. Most of them weren’t bad. The worst was the one on his side, a deep gash that was most certainly going to scar. Tim’s legs, arms, and torso were covered in bruises, one of his ankles a greenish color. That was probably the cause of the limping.
With a sigh, Jason motioned for Tim to sit on the toilet. Tim obeyed, knowing it was useless to try and argue with Jason now that he’s seen the damage.
Wordlessly, Jason reached under the sink and pulled out his first aid kit. It wasn’t grande by bat standards, but it held everything he needed to patch up wounds quick. Pulling out the alcohol and bandages, Jason motioned for Tim to turn so he could address the gash on his side. Tim obeyed, turning slightly.
Tim didn’t wince as Jason cleaned the wound. He didn’t make a sound. Both of them were silent, the only noise the rustling of the bandages as Jason wrapped them firmly but gently around Tim’s torso.
Tim resisted the urge to shudder at the feeling of Jason’s hands, the same hands that once held a knife to his neck, the same hands that have punched him and held a gun to shoot at him with countless times, gently traced over the bandages. His skin broke out in goosebumps as Jason’s fingers gently traced over the other cuts, as if their delicate touch could make them disappear.
Finally unable to take the silence, Tim grabbed one of Jason’s hands. Jason froze, blue meeting blue as they locked eyes. Tim’s face was still blank, but his eyes were open, earnest, a little scared.
“Jason, why are you helping me?”
There were a million answers to that question. That he knew what it was like to be left on his own. That they were Robins, and Robins stuck together. That they were apart of their crazy bat family. But all of them left Jason as he stared at Tim. Tim, unbreakable, smart, stubborn Tim, who looked so vulnerable right now.
Swallowing Jason opened his mouth and said the first thing that came to mind. “Because you needed me.”
Tim was silent, watching Jason for any sign of dishonesty, but Jason knew there was none, because it was the simple truth.
Seeming to accept this Tim, leaned forward, slowly so Jason could pull away should he decide to. But it seemed Jason didn’t want to, as he let Tim close the distance between them in a short kiss. It was nothing more than a simple press of lips, but Jason could read between the lines. It was a thank you. It was a promise of Jason’s kindness never being forgotten. It was the willingness to start something more, if Jason wanted.
But not right now. Jason knew Tim was in no place to start anything right now.
Jason tucked a strand of Tim’s hair behind his ear, sighing softly. “We can talk more after dinner, you must be starving.”
“I’d like that. I was promised pork and beans?” Tim’s lips quirked up, and Jason felt himself smiling.
With time, perhaps everything was going to be ok.
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ao3feed-jaytim · 7 years ago
Owned and Important
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l5Lqru
by TheSkyIsALie
It had taken over a week for Tim to realise Jason wasn't planning on leaving them alone - even longer to realise he actually wanted to stay.
For ss-penguin as part of the JayTim Secret Santa Exchange 2017.
Words: 4914, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Red Robin (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: family au, Reunions, Friends to Lovers, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Jaytim - Freeform, Omega Tim Drake, Alpha Jason Todd
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l5Lqru
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renaissancecat · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Robin Hood (BBC 2006) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Marian of Knighton/Robin of Locksley Characters: Much the Miller's Son, Robin of Locksley, Marian of Knighton, Allan-a-Dale, Djaq (Robin Hood 2006), Will Scarlett, Little John Additional Tags: rhsecretsanta, Birthday Presents, Fluff, Short & Sweet, not very festive, bbc robin hood secret santa 2017, implied robin/marian, Birthday, Friendship, Best Friends, Surprise Party, Costumes Summary:
Set very shortly after Turk Flu (1 x 05), the gang wakes up one day to find out just how little they appreciate what Much does for them - until he stops doing stuff for them.
[Also known as my RH Secret Santa gift for @lafseanchai! Merry Christmas :D hope you have a fab day!]
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rhsecretsanta · 7 years ago
Robin Hood Secret Santa 2017
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Thank you everyone who signed up, more people than I expected signed up. It makes everything so much more fun when more people join. i love you all!
I’ve drawn names out of a virtual hat so i’ve had no power over who any of you get and i’ll be sending out URL’s to all of you on the 1st December.
The following people signed up are (alphabetically):
If your name is not on this list and you’re sure you signed up PLEASE LET ME KNOW BEFORE FRIDAY, So I can get you fitted in. 
If by the
2nd of December
, you haven’t recieved your URL, please let me know and i’ll get that sorted right away. 
If you’re not happy with who you’ve been given, please let me know and i’ll try my best to re-arrange a different person, although I cannot guarantee you’ll be able to get someone new
If at any point you realise you cannot complete your gift for your secret Santa, please let me know ASAP so i can re-arrange someone else to take your place for them.
Many thanks,Your Robin Hood Secret Santa
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ao3feed-timdrake · 7 years ago
Ghost Jason and Robin Tim
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2maQ2xO
by BlueFlameBird
in which Tim meets Jason's ghost.
Words: 2404, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Robin (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Jaytim secret santa 2017, Supernatural Elements, ghost jason, robin tim, slight angst
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2maQ2xO
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higherfeed · 5 years ago
What's Coming to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Hulu in November
This month all eyes are on The Irishman, Martin Scorsese’s epic gangster drama. But until you can see it on November 27, there’s plenty of other highly-anticipated releases in TV and movies coming to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Hulu, including shows like Jack Ryan, The Crown, and Silicon Valley October Streaming Guide: The ‘Breaking Bad’ Movie, ‘Glass’, and More to Watch This Month Along with those new options, movies like Creed II, Step Brothers, The Matrix Series, the James Bond collection, and Rounders will be streaming on various sites. The Best Adventure Movies, TV Shows, and Documentaries You Can Stream Right Now Here’s everything new you can stream in November 2019:
What’s Streaming on Netflix
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the King / The Irishman / NetflixNov. 1 Apache Warrior American Son Atypical: Season 3 Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures: Go Team Roberts: Season 1 Billy on the Street Christmas Break-In The Christmas Candle Christmas in the Heartlands Christmas Survival The Deep: Season 3 Drive Elliot the Littlest Reindeer Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Fire in Paradise The Game Grease Hache Hello Ninja Holiday in the Wild Holly Star How to Be a Latin Lover The King Love Jones The Man Without Gravity Mars: Season 2 The Matrix The Matrix Reloaded The Matrix Revolutions Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans: Seasons 1-2 Paid in Full Queer Eye: We’re in Japan! Rosemary’s Baby Rounders Santa Girl Sling Blade Spitfire: The Plane That Saved the World Step Brothers True: Grabbleapple Harvest Up North We Are the Wave Wild Child Zombieland Nov. 4 A Holiday Engagement Christmas Crush Dear Santa The Devil Next Door District 9 Nov. 5 The End of the F***ing World: Season 2 Seth Meyers: Lobby Baby She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Season 4 Tune in for Love Undercover Brother 2 Nov. 6 Phillip Youmans Burning Cane SCAMS Shadow Nov. 7 The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open Nov. 8 Busted!: Season 2 The Great British Baking Show: Holidays: Season 2 Greatest Events of WWII in HD Colour Green Eggs and Ham Let It Snow Paradise Beach Wild District: Season 2 Nov. 9 Little Things: Season 3 Nov. 10 Patriot Act With Hasan Minhaj: Volume 5 Nov. 11 A Single Man Chief of Staff: Season 2 Nov. 12 Harvey Girls Forever!: Season 3 Jeff Garlin: Our Man in Chicago Nov. 13 Maradona in Mexico Nov. 14 The Stranded Nov. 15 Avlu: Part 2 The Club Earthquake Bird GO!: The Unforgettable Party House Arrest I’m With the Band: Nasty Cherry Klaus Llama Llama: Season 2 The Toys That Made Us: Season 3 Nov. 16 Suffragette Nov. 17 The Crown: Season 3 Nov. 19 Iliza: Unveiled No hay tiempo para la verguenza Nov. 20 Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator Dream/Killer Lorena, la de pies ligeros Nov. 21 The Knight Before Christmas Mortel Nov. 22 Dino Girl Gauko Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings The Dragon Prince: Season 3 High Seas: Season 2 Meet the Adebanjos: Season 1-3 Mon frere Nailed It! Holiday!: Season 2 Narcoworld: Dope Stories Nobody’s Looking Singapore Social Trolls: The Beat Goes On!: Season 8 Nov. 23 End of Watch Nov. 24 Courtesy of Bold Films Shot Caller Nov. 25 Dirty John: Season 1 Nov. 26 Mike Birbiglia: The New One Super Monsters Save Christmas True: Winter Wishes Nov. 27 Broken The Irishman Nov. 28 Holiday Rush John Crist: I Ain’t Praying For That Merry Happy Whatever Mytho Nov. 29 ‘Atlantics’ Courtesy of TIFF Atlantics Chip and Potato: Season 2 I Lost My Body La Reina del Sur: Season 2 The Movies That Made Us Sugar Rush Christmas
What’s Streaming on Amazon Prime
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Jack Ryan Season 2 / Amazon Prime Video / Paramount TelevisionNov. 1: A View To A Kill (1985) Bad Santa (2003) Big Top Pee-Wee (1988) Chinatown (1974) Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Die Another Day (2002) Double Jeopardy (1999) Dr. No (1962) Escape From Alcatraz (1979) Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex * But Were Afraid To Ask (1972) Fatal Attraction (1987) Fire with Fire (2012) Flashdance (1983) For Your Eyes Only (1981) Freelancers (2012) From Russia With Love (1963) Gloria (English Subtitled) (2014) Goldeneye (1995) Goldfinger (1964) Kingpin (1996) LicenceTo Kill (1989) Light Sleeper (1992) Live And Let Die (1973) Moonraker (1979) Never Say Never Again (1983) Octopussy (1983) On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) Overlord (2018) Reds (1981) Save the Last Dance 2 (2006) Soapdish (1991) Summer’s Moon (2009) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007) The Counterfeit Traitor (1962) The Firm (1993) The Living Daylights (1987) The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) The Ring (2002) The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) The World Is Not Enough (1999) Thunderball (1965) Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) Training Day (2001) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family (2011) Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Witness Protection (2012) Jack Ryan Nov. 6 Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) Nov. 8 One Child Nation (2019) Nov. 12 Angel Has Fallen (2019) Nov. 13 Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) Romans (2017) Nov. 14 Instant Family (2018) The Souvenir (2019) Nov. 15 Creed 2 (2018) The Man in the High Castle: Season 4 (Amazon Original) Nov. 19 Bottom of the 9th (2019) Nov. 20 The Fanatic (2019) Nov. 22 Brittany Runs a Marathon (2019) (Amazon Original) Costume Quest: Christmas Special (Amazon Original) Nov. 29 The Report (2019) Nov. 30 Low Tide (2019) The Feed: Season 1 (Amazon Original)
What’s Streaming on Hulu
Nov. 1 America’s Cutest: Complete Seasons 2&3 (Animal Planet) Giada’s Holiday Handbook: Complete Seasons 1-3 (Food Network) Holiday Baking Championship: Complete Seasons 1-4 (Food Network) Into The Dark: Pilgrim: Episode Premiere (Hulu Original) Kids Baking Championship: Complete Season 4 (Food Network) Love Island: Australia: Complete Season 1 (ITV) Sex Sent Me to the ER: Complete Seasons 1&2 (TLC) Too Cute!: Complete Seasons 2&3 (Animal Planet) A Fairly Odd Christmas (2012) A Simple Plan (1998) Albert (2016) Big Top Pee-Wee (1988) Chinatown (1974) The Counterfeit Traitor (1962) Dinner for Schmucks (2010) Double Jeopardy (1999) The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain (1995) Escape from Alcatraz (1979) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, but were Afraid to Ask (1972) Fantastic Four (2005) Fatal Attraction (1987) Fever Pitch (2005) Fire with Fire (2012) The Firm (1993) Flashdance (1983) Freddy Vs Jason (2003) Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) Freelancers (2012) Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) Gloria (2014) Head of State (2003) Home for the Holidays (1995) I Heart Huckabees (2004) In Enemy Hands (2003) Interview with a Vampire (1994) Kingpin (1996) Light Sleeper (1992) Madea’s Big Happy Family (2011) Madea’s Witness Protection (2012) Magic Mike (2012) The Mexican (2001) The Nightingale (2019) Overlord (2018) The Pink Panther 2 (2009) Reds (1981) The Ring (2002) Santa Hunters (2014) Shall We Dance? (2004) Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2002) Soapdish (1991) Spy Next Door (2010) Summers Moon (2009) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Terminator Salvation (2009) Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride (2005) Tiny Christmas (2017) The Two Jakes (1990) Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) Undisputed (2002) Waiting… (2005) You Laugh but It’s True (2011) Available Nov. 4 Denial (2016) Nov. 5 Framing John Delorean (2019) Available Nov. 6 Long Time Coming: A 1955 Baseball Story (2017) The Biggest Little Farm (2019) Nov. 7 Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) Nov. 9 You’re the Worst: Complete Season 5 (FX) Nov. 13 Anna and the Apocalypse (2018) Ugly Dolls (2018) Nov. 14 Instant Family (2018) Veronica Mars (2014) Nov. 15 Dollface: Complete Season 1 Premiere (Hulu Original) Creed II (2018) Wings of the Dove (1997) Nov. 18 Booksmart (2019) The Tomorrow Man (2019) Nov. 19 Apple Tree Yard: Complete Season 1 (Fremantle) Margaret Atwood: A Word After a Word After a Word is Power (2019) The Quiet One (2019) Nov. 20 Some Kind of Beautiful (2015) Nov. 22 The Accident: Complete Season 1 Premiere (Hulu Original) Holly Hobbie: Complete Season 2 Premiere (Hulu Original) Vita & Virginia (2019) Nov. 24 Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas (2010) Nov. 25 Love & Mercy (2015) Nov. 26 NOS4A2: Complete Season 1 (AMC) Astronaut (2019) Nov. 27 Meeting Gorbachev (2019) Nov. 28 Mike Wallace is Here (2019)
What’s Streaming on HBO/HBO Now
Movies Big (11/1) Blindspotting (11/1) Bruce Almighty (11/1) Chocolat (11/1) Crazy, Stupid, Love (11/1) Ernie & Joe: Crisis Cops (11/19) Flawless (11/1) For Love of the Game (11/1) Forget Paris (11/1) Head Full of Honey (11/2) Hope Floats (11/1) Indignation (11/1) Jingle All the Way (Director’s Cut) (11/1) King Arthur (Director’s Cut) (11/1) Lindsey Vonn: The Final Season (11/26) Little (11/16) Look Away (11/4) Mr. Bean’s Holiday (11/1) Nine Months (11/1) Pan (11/1) Reversal of Fortune (11/1) Shazam! (11/30) The Apollo (11/6) The Condemned (11/1) The Condemned 2 (11/1) The Darjeeling Limited (11/1) The Darkness (11/1) The Day After Tomorrow (11/1) The Kid Who Would Be King (11/9) The Town (11/1) True Lies (11/1) Us (11/23) Very Ralph (11/12) Wes Craven Presents Wishmaster (11/1) TV Daniel Sloss: X (11/2) Entre Nos: Erik Rivera: Super White (11/1) Halfway — HBO Access pilot (11/1) His Dark Materials (11/4) Message Erased (11/1) Pajaros de Verano (aka Birds of Passage) (11/8) Papi Chulo (11/15) Santos Dumont (11/11) Sesame Street (11/16) Sesame Street’s 50th Anniversary Celebration (11/9) Sobredosis de amor (aka Roommates) (11/1) Sterling — HBO Access pilot (11/1) Unimundo 45 — HBO Access pilot (11/1) Expiring 11/30 Blackkklansman Breakin’ All the Rules Captivity Crazy Rich Asians Darkman Darkman II: The Return of Durant Darkman III: Die Darkman Die The Darkest Minds Deja Vu The Diary of Anne Frank Disclosure Hop Insidious: The Last Key Legend Lions For Lambs The Lost Boys Macgruber (Extended Version) Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again Manhattan Night My Friend Dahmer Paper Heart Paycheck Peter Pan Pride Ramona and Beezus Robin Hood Steve Jobs Stratton Read the full article
0 notes
dreamersscape · 7 years ago
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A representation of the battle I’m constantly fighting with the right side of my brain when making anything, (Where ‘that’ refers to the seventy billion alternative ideas my inferior Ne throws at me hourly.)
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nancydrew428 · 8 years ago
Nancy Drew in Movies/TV
Here I’ve compiled the movies and TV shows Nancy has been in, been mentioned in, or where there is a character with the same name. If I missed any, please let me know and I will add it and give you credit (unless for some reason or another you don’t want credit). 😊 Enjoy!
Nancy Drew: Detective (1938)
Nancy Drew... Reporter (1939)
Nancy Drew... Trouble Shooter (1939)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (1939)
Nancy Drew (2002)
Nancy Drew (2007)
The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries (1977-1978)
The Mystery of the Haunted House
The Mystery of Pirate's Cove
The Mystery of Witches' Hollow
The Mystery of the Diamond Triangle
The Disappearing Floor
The Secret of the Whispering Walls
The Flickering Torch Mystery
A Haunting We Will Go
The Mystery of the Flying Courier
Mystery of the Fallen Angels
The Mystery of the Ghostwriters' Cruise
The Secret of the Jade Kwan Yin
Mystery of the Solid Gold Kicker
Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Meet Dracula, Part I
Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Meet Dracula, Part II
The Mystery of King Tut's Tomb
Mystery of the Hollywood Phantom, Part I
Mystery of the Hollywood Phantom, Part II
The Mystery of the African Safari
The Creatures Who Came on Sunday
The Strange Fate of Flight 608
Acapulco Spies
Nancy Drew's Love Match
The Mystery of the Silent Scream
Will the Real Santa Claus...?
The Lady on Thursday at Ten
Oh Say Can You Sing
The House on Possessed Hill
Sole Survivor  
Voodoo Doll: Part 1
Voodoo Doll, Part II
Mystery on the Avalanche Express
Death Surf
Arson and Old Lace
Campus Terror
Nancy Drew (1995)
Welcome to the Callisto
Happy Birthday, Nancy
The Ballad of Robin Hood
Bridal Arrangements
The Death & Life of Billy Feral
Double Suspicion
The Stranger by the Road
Photo Finish
Who's Hot, Who's Not
Fashion Victim
The Long Journey Home
Guest Starred:
The Hardy Boys (1995)
No Dice
The Last Laugh
The Simpsons (2011)
500 Keys
TV References to Nancy Drew:
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (1992)
Being from Another Planet
Gilmore Girls (2001-2002)
Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers
Secrets and Loans
Stargate: Atlantis (2007)
Miller’s Crossing
Psych (2008)
Murder?... Anyone?... Anyone?... Bueller?....
Castle (2009)
Little Girl Lost
Lie to Me (2009)
Control Factor
Chuck (2010)
Chuck Versus the Three Words
Hiccups (2010)
Thanks for Nuttin’
Leverage (2011)
The Ten Li’l Grifters Job
Supernatural (2012)
Repo Man
Burning Love (2012)
Bull Riding & Belly Laughs
Veep (2013)
The Vic Allen Dinner
Brooklyn 99 (2013)
The Vulture
Criminal Minds (2014)
Call the Midwife (2015)
Episode #4.5
Scream Queens (2015)
Seven Minutes in Hell
Single by 30 (2016)
Hold the Phone!
Riverdale (2017)
Chapter Three: Body Double
Supergirl (2017)
Movie References to Nancy Drew:
Return to Boggy Creek (1977)
The Do-Over (2016)
Sleepless (2017)
Movies with Characters of the Same Name:
Stardust on the Stage (1942)
The Texas Kid (1943)
Saw V (2008)
My Sucky Teen Romance (2011)
(short) Space Trash Men (2015)
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toldnews-blog · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/technology/entertainment/whats-new-on-netflix-hulu-and-amazon-for-february/
What's new on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon for February
Streaming platforms have hundreds of exciting films and television programs arriving today!
Interested in Netflix?
Add Netflix as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Netflix news, video, and analysis from ABC News.
From classics like “The Matrix” and “Caddyshack” to new seasons of “The Voice” and “Real Housewives of New York City,” there’s something for everyone.
If you’re looking for a new show to marathon or a film to check out on movie night, refer to these options from Netflix, Hulu and Amazon.
Here’s the full list:
Feb. 1
About a Boy
American Pie
American Pie 2
American Wedding
As Good as It Gets
Billy Elliot
Dear Ex
Final Destination
Jaws 2
Jaws 3
Jaws: The Revenge
Personal Shopper
Pretty in Pink
The Edge of Seventeen
Velvet Buzzsaw
Free Rein: Valentine’s Day
Russian Doll
Siempre bruja
True: Happy Hearts Day
Feb. 2
Bordertown: Season 2
Romance is a Bonus Book
Feb. 3
Disney’s Beverly Hills Chihuahua
Feb. 5
Ray Romano: Right Here, Around the Corner
Feb. 6
Feb. 8
El árbol de la sangre
High Flying Bird
Kevin Hart’s Guide to Black History
Nailed It! México
One Day at a Time: Season 3
ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants: Season 2
Unauthorized Living
Feb. 9
Feb. 10
Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj: Volume 2
Feb. 11
Little Women
Flavorful Origins: Chaoshan Cuisine
Feb. 14
Dating Around
Ken Jeong: You Complete Me, Ho
Feb. 15
The Breaker Upperers
Larry Charles’ Dangerous World of Comedy
The Dragon Prince: Season 2
The Umbrella Academy
Feb. 16
Black Sea
The 40-Year-Old Virgin
Studio 54
Feb. 21
Feb. 22
Paris Is Us (Paris est à nous)
The Photographer of Mauthausen
Chef’s Table: Volume 6
GO! Vive a tu manera
Rebellion: Season 2
Suburra: Season 2
The Big Family Cooking Showdown: Season 2
Workin’ Moms
Feb. 25
Feb. 26
Feb. 27
Feb. 28
The Rebound
Jeopardy!: Collection 2
Feb. 1
Agatha Christie Presents: ABC Murders (Prime Original series), Season 1
In Plain Sight, Season 1-5
Just Add Magic (Prime Original series), Season 3
23 1/2 Hours Leave (1937)
A Romance of Happy Valley (1919)
A Strange Adventure (1932)
Along Came Polly (2004)
Barefoot (2014)
Bounty (2009)
Brand of the Devil (1944)
Broadway Danny Rose (1984)
Chaos (2009)
Delta Farce (2007)
Flesh+Blood (1985)
Foolish (1999)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
Gambler’s Choice (1944)
Generation Wealth (Prime Original movie) (2018)
Gorilla Ship (1932)
Guru, the Mad Monk (1970)
Hay Foot (1942)
Headline Crasher (1937)
High Lonesome (1950)
High School Girl (1934)
Hollywood Without Make-Up (1963)
Hunters of the Deep (1954)
Irish Luck (1939)
Jacaré (1942)
Joan the Woman (1916)
Lady from Chungking (1942)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
Little Miss Hoover (1918)
Loaded Pistols (1948)
Lost Canyon (1942)
Lucky Ghost (1942)
Lucky Terror (1936)
Lying Lips (1939)
Marathon Man (1976)
Marie Galante (1934)
Men of the Plains (1936)
My Lady of Whims (1925)
Neath Canadian Skies (1946)
Neath the Arizona Skies (1934)
Next Day Air (2009)
No Substitute for Victory (1970)
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)
Oriental Evil (1951)
Orphans of the Storm (1921)
Outlaw Express (1938)
Outlaws of the Desert (1941)
Paradise Express (1937)
Partners of the Plains (1938)
Pirates on Horseback (1941)
Private Snuffy Smith (1942)
Queen of the Jungle (1935)
Racing Blood (1936)
Raiders of the Border (1944)
Rawhide (1938)
Reckless Decision (1933)
Rogue of the Range (1936)
A Romance of the Redwood (1917)
Round-Up Time in Texas (1937)
Rubber Tires (1927)
Secret of the Wastelands (1941)
Secrets of Three Hungry Wives (1978)
Sepia Cinderella (1947)
Sisters of Death (1976)
Sparrows (1926)
Spirit of Youth (1938)
Star Kid (1997)
Stella Maris (1918)
Swamp Fire (1946)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Texas Jack (1935)
Texas to Bataan (1942)
That Gang of Mine (1940)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
The Border Legion (1940)
The Ghost Walks (1934)
The Hoosier Schoolmaster (1935)
The James Dean Story (1957)
The Jesus Trip (1971)
The Kid (1921)
The Kid Ranger (1936)
The Last of the Clintons (1935)
The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
The Love of Sunya (1927)
The Married Virgin (1918)
The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
The Money (1976)
The Phantom Broadcast (1933)
The Portrait of a Lady (1996)
The Proud and Damned (1972)
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
The Quiet Ones (2014)
The Shadow Strikes (1937)
The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009)
The Violent Years (1956)
Thelma & Louise (1991)
Three Husbands (1950)
Three Men from Texas (1940)
Tombstone Canyon (1932)
Tomorrow at Seven (1933)
Tracy the Outlaw (1928)
Unforgettable (2017)
Universal Soldier (1992)
Untamed Heart (1993)
Vigilantes of Boomtown (1947)
Wacky Taxi (1972)
Wagon Trail (1935)
Wagon Wheels (1934)
Water Rustlers (1939)
Wayne’s World (1992)
Wayne’s World 2 (1993)
West of the Law (1942)
Whistling Bullets (1937)
White Pongo (1945)
Wild Country (2005)
Wildfire (1988)
Winning of the West (1953)
Ye Shanghai (1941)
Yodelin’ Kid from Pine Ridge (1937)
Young Dynamite (1937)
Feb. 5
Feb. 6
Feb. 7
Feb. 8
The Expanse, Season 3
White Dragon (Prime Original series), Season 1
Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot (Prime Original movie) (2018)
The Promise (2017)
Feb. 15
Lorena (Prime Original series), Season 1
Feb. 16
Feb. 17
Feb. 21
Odd Squad: Odds and Ends (2018)
Feb. 22
This Giant Beast That Is The Global Economy (Prime Original series), Season 1
Feb. 23
Feb. 25
Feb. 28
The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)
Feb. 1
A View to Kill
Bad Santa
Born on the Fourth of July
Broadway Danny Rose
Caddyshack II
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chasing Liberty
Dazed and Confused
Deep Blue Sea
Delta Farce
Dr. No
Escape from Alcatraz
Field of Dreams
Flesh + Blood
For Your Eyes Only
Four Weddings and a Funeral
From Russia with Love
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
How to Deal
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Lars and the Real Girl
Licence to Kill
Marathon Man
Mississippi Burning
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat Annihilation
Mystic Pizza
Next Day Air
Old Fashioned
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Space Jam
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The Animal
The Big Lebowski
The Bounty
The Bourne Ultimatum
The Madness of King George
The Purple Rose of Cairo
The Quiet Ones
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Secret Garden
The Thomas Crown Affair
The Thomas Crown Affair
The Toybox
Thelma & Louise
Three Kings
Tomorrow Never Dies
Universal Soldier
Untamed Heart
Wayne’s World
Wayne’s World 2
Wedding Crashers
Wes Craven Presents: Dracula 2000
While You Were Sleeping
Into The Dark: Down: Episode 5 Premiere
Record of Grancrest War: Season 1
The Portrait of a Lady
Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatre
Feb. 2
Cabin Fever
Pick of the Litter
Feb. 3
Feb. 4
Dog Days
Real Housewives of New York City: Season 10
Saints & Sinners: Seasons 1-3
Feb. 8
Feb. 9
Feb. 10
Feb. 14
False Flag: Season 2
Zac & Mia: Season 2
Feb. 15
Bondi Harvest: Season 1
Jamie’s Quick and Easy: Seasons 1-2
Feb. 16
A Perfect Day
Proven Innocent: Series Premiere
Feb. 17
Feb. 18
The Party
The Sisters Brothers
Elvis All-Star Tribute: Special
Feb. 20
Stan Against Evil: Season 3
Feb. 23
Feb. 25
Every Day
The School
Archer: Danger Island: Season 9
Feb. 26
Three Identical Strangers 
The Enemy Within: Series Premiere
The Voice: Season 16 Premiere
Feb. 27
World of Dance: Season 3 Premiere
Feb. 28
Digging for Fire
The Guilty
Whiskey Cavalier: Season 1 Mid-Season Premiere
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believingispowerfulmagic · 8 years ago
Fanfic Master List (March 2017)
I figured it was time to update my list and to combine my two posts into one to manage easier. It’s long, so I’m putting it under a cut. 
All That Was Me
All That Was Me (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
AU! On a much needed vacation to England, Regina Mills-Ahern goes into Sherwood Forest during the Midsummer, when legend says travel between worlds is possible. She exits into a different forest, one populated with characters she only knew from fairy tales. Trying to return home, she encounters intrigue, friendship and love. Stable Queen, Outlaw Queen and other pairings.
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve? (FF.net/AO3)
Set ten years before the events of “All That Was Me,” young Regina Mills and Daniel Ahern go on their first date.
The Life and Times of the Wicked Queen (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
How Zelena became the Wicked Queen in my story “All That Was Me.” Journey from Oz to the Enchanted Forest with one wicked witch.
The Land Without Magic (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Sequel to “All That Was Me.” Regina Mills has been returned to the Land Without Magic and reunited with Robin and Roland. Together, the growing family faces the challenges of this world as they await the day when Emma will be called upon to break the curse. Outlaw Queen. AU
Once Upon a Time (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Third in the "All That Was Me" series. With the knowledge that their friends are living their cursed lives only miles down the road, Robin and Regina try to figure out a way to rescue them. However, this brings them back in the path of familiar foes and they need to be more careful than ever-especially with three children now to worry about. Outlaw Queen, other pairings.
Dark Robin Saga
The Prince of Darkness (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Season 5 AU. When the darkness tries to take Regina, Robin takes the dagger and becomes the new Dark One to protect her. As Robin and Regina adjust to the darkness inside him, everyone works together to save their friend and stop the Dark One once and for all. OQ with other ships in the background.
The Dark Legacy (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Sequel to “The Prince of Darkness.” Happily married and raising their four children, Robin and Regina face two main concerns: Zelena and the dark magic about to awaken in their daughters’. When a strange figure begins stalking the girls, the two must band together with Zelena in order to protect their children from a cruel fate. OQ with other ships in the background.
Stand alone:
Thoughts in the Aftermath (AO3)
Following the events at Granny’s in the finale, both Regina and Robin muse about their situation.
The Magic of Christmas Day (FF.net/AO3)
Christmas comes to Storybrooke and Regina finds there’s still magic in the season.
A Thief and a Queen (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
A collection of my OQ drabbles, mostly written for OQ Week on tumblr.
Comfort Food (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
After horrible weeks, Robin Locksley and Regina Mills both reach for the last box of mac and cheese at the store. They decide to share it and find it is the start of a beautiful relationship. This relationship is explored in a series of one-shots. Outlaw Queen AU.
The Nanny (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Regina Mills is hired to be the nanny for Roland Locksley, the young son of widowed millionaire Robin Locksley. She balances her duties as Roland’s nanny with caring for her ailing father all the while fighting her instant attraction to her employer and her own past. Outlaw Queen, modern non-magical AU.
It’s a Love Story (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
A series of one-shots based on Taylor Swift songs and Outlaw Queen. Will cover a wide range-canon, AU, Outlaw Bandit, Missing Year, etc. Will contain several ships in the background as well.
Building a Family (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Ten-years-old Sophie Mills had a goal for her summer: Find her dad. With her mother, Regina, not wanting to talk about him, she comes up with a plan to find him from the one photograph that may contain him. When she does, she discovers she may have started looking for a dad but found a family instead. OutlawQueen, non-magical AU.
Henry’s Adventures in Fairytale Land (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Based on “Babes in Toyland,” young Henry Mills wakes up after a car crash in a strange new world. He helps Regina, the Miller’s Daughter, on her quest to find the Toymaker in order to save her true love, Robin Hood, from the Wicked Witch. Will they succeed? And will Henry get back home in time for Christmas? [Gen with a strong OutlawQueen undercurrent]
Crown My Heart (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
OQ AU. Leopold realizes that Regina doesn’t want to marry him and sees a chance to strengthen Mist Haven’s relationship with a neighboring kingdom. He arranges for her to marry the new King of Sherwood, with whom Regina has an immediate connection. However, she carries a dark secret and faces a hostile court. Will their love be strong enough?
The Christmas Wish (FF.net/AO3/Wattpad)
Henry Mills and Roland Locksley are best friends who decide to ask Santa for one thing this Christmas: to be brothers. It's a wish which will have life changing consequences for all, especially their single parents, Regina Mills and Robin Locksley. Outlaw Queen, non-magical AU. Hood-Mills family
tumblr fics
An Enchanted Thanksgiving: One-shot set in the All That Was Me verse, where Regina introduces Thanksgiving to the Enchanted Forest.
Masquerade: Leopold throws a ball in honor of his anniversary with Regina. She meets a masked stranger there and shares a moment with him.
Caught: A mission goes wrong for Robin and Regina.
Forgotten: Set in Season 4B, Robin returns from New York to find the Evil Queen. Can he help her remember how much he loves her?
Assassin: King Leopold hires infamous assassin The Hood to kill his wife, Regina. Robin didn’t expect to be drawn to her.
Hades: When the Queen of Death finds a young boy in her river, her life is changed forever.
Archery: Regina agrees to spend a morning with Henry and Robin learning how to properly shoot a bow and arrow.
Hope: After an accident, Regina gets a peak into what her life could’ve been.
Pain Management: Regina takes care of Robin after he is injured and she soon learns he has an interesting reaction to painkillers.
Snowball Fight (Missing Year Trilogy #1): Robin and Regina get into a rather interesting fight.
On the Balcony (Missing Year Trilogy #2): Robin and Regina have a heart-to-heart.
Fever (Missing Year Trilogy #3): After Regina is injured during an attack, Robin takes care of her.
The Reveal: A season 4B AU. Robin returns from New York at the tail end of a battle for Storybrooke and learns something about Regina.
Waking Up: A sequel to Pain Management. What happens when the painkillers wear off and Robin wakes up.
Bath Time: Robin convinces Regina to relax after a long day.
Wicked: Robin and “Marian” go see a musical in New York City. Offers what my theory of what would’ve happened with the Marilena arc.
Happy Ending: A different ending for “There’s No Place Like Home” for Outlaw Queen.
The Dark One: Season 4 finale AU. With the darkness trying to take Regina, it is Robin, not Emma, who takes the dagger instead. (Became chapter 1 of The Prince of Darkness).
Comfort Food: Based on a prompt. Robin and Regina have no good, horrible weeks and reach for the last box of mac and cheese. (Became part I of Comfort Food).
The Reveal Part II: Sequel to The Reveal. Robin reveals what happened in New York and how he returned to Storybrooke.
A Purrfect Beginning: Based off a prompt. Robin gets off on the wrong foot with new neighbor Regina when his cat impregnates hers.
Aquatic Fun: When the Hood-Mills-Swan-Charming family spends a day at a water park, a friendly rivalry blooms between Robin and Regina.
True Love: Outlaw Bandit. Robin feels drawn to Regina, even after only meeting her once.
Family Matters: Regina needs a date and asks her best friend, Robin, to accompany her. She might get more than she expected.
Lost Souls: Interlude between “Lily” and “Mother.” Regina goes for a walk to clear her head.
The Nanny: Regina Mills becomes the nanny for the young son of billionaire Robin Locksley. (Became first chapter in The Nanny)
Welcome Home: (Set in the Comfort Food verse) Robin and Regina bring home the newest member of their family.
Teach Me: Robin asks Regina to teach him how to drive and she finds an incentive to help him succeed.
The Tattoo: In the missing year, Regina and Robin have a little competition.
Goodnight, My Someone: Outlaw Bandit. Regina and Robin wish goodnight to the same star.
The Storybook: In the missing year, Henry’ storybook comes to Regina and brings her closer with a certain outlaw.
The Impossible: Based on a prompt. Regina’s visit to Dr. Whale doesn’t go the way she planned.
Best Laid Plans: Based on a prompt. Robin’s surprise for Regina doesn’t go as planned.
The Talk: Outlaw Believer fic. Henry asks Robin to give him that all important “Talk.”
A Night Together: Written as a birthday gift and is mostly Dimples Queen. When the Charmings throw a ball, Regina offers to babysit Roland.
First Snow: Writing challenge. Regina and Henry introduce Robin and Roland to snow days.
Family Bonds: Regina worries that Roland feels bad that so many people remark about how much Peanut looks like Robin but he surprises her with his answer.
Love Thy Neighbor: Robin and Marian discover their new neighbors are swingers and he finds he has a passionate connection with Regina.
Dirty Secret: During Season 4A, Regina and Robin sneak around behind Marian’s back.
What Child is This?: Written for OUAT Secret Santa. Regina and Robin learn something surprising about Peanut.
Not Just Another Day: Everyone has forgotten Regina’s birthday...or have they?
A Drunken Misadventure: After a night of drinking, Robin gets a brilliant idea--confront the Evil Queen.
Baby's Firsts: Regina and Robin have bets over Peanut’s milestones.  
The Nanny: Christmas Interlude:  Christmas at the Locksley household, since I didn’t show it in The Nanny.
Comfort Food Interlude: Betrayal: Regina gets betrayed by the one thing she thought never would.
The Shower: Regina and Robin wash up after another monster attack.
Steal Away: Robin robs the wrong person...or has he?
Steal Away: Cohabitation: The Locksleys and the Mills adjust to their new living arrangements.
The Evil Queen and the Thief: When Robin Hood is captured, the Evil Queen has some fun with him.
Teacher and Student: Robin will do anything to pass his class. Professor Mills is willing to see what “anything” means.
Missing Year: Regina and Robin have a private moment before going to find Rumpelstiltskin.
Comfort Food: Invitation: Robin struggles with an important question--does he invite his parents to his wedding to Regina?
Comfort Food: Nightmare:  As the trial approaches, Robin finds that Regina is very affected by it.
Comfort Food: A Snowy Day: Robin and Regina enjoy a day in when snow blankets the area.
All That Was Me: Rescuing Regina: Robin discovers Regina is missing after the wedding and rallies the Merry Men to find her.
Secret Santa: Written for the 2016 OQ Advent Calendar. Regina suspects that best friend Robin is her Secret Santa but she is surprised at the reason why. 
A Place Called Home: Written for the OUAT Secret Santa. Regina celebrates Christmas throughout the years in Storybrooke and finds a home at last. 
A Valentine’s Day Surprise: Written for Love from OQ exchange. Regina makes a wish on her birthday and it slowly comes true. 
Jamie Hood Series
Daddy's Little Girl: Jamie (Peanut) wants to be just like her Daddy.
Mother Knows Best: Regina intervenes after Robin and Jamie have a fight.
Life With Siblings: Jamie and her bond with her brothers.
Friends and Extended Family: Jamie has to make a family tree, raising concerns in her parents.
Questions and Answers:  After getting her family tree back, Jamie has some questions for her parents.
Free Day:  Jamie meets her biological mother.
Hotel Verse (In order they happen in the verse, not order of publication)
(Can also be read on FF.net, AO3 or Wattpad)
The Hotel: When a termite infestation forces Regina and Henry out of their house for a few days, they stay at Storybrooke’s only luxury hotel. There she meets handsome handyman Bobby Locke.
Part Deux: Regina and Henry continue to spend time with Bobby and Roland.
Playdate: Bobby and Roland visit Regina and Henry for a playdate at the mansion.
First Kiss: Henry’s birthday party leads to a present for Regina.
Green-Eyed Monster: Graham finds out about Robin and Bobby. He is not happy. 
First Time: Now together, Bobby and Regina have sex for the first time.
Jealousy: When Regina gets jealous, Bobby assures her she’s his only one.
Memories: On a camping trip with Roland and Henry, Bobby has a strange episode that changes him. 
Merry Christmas, Regina Mills: As Christmas approaches, Bobby/Robin surprises Regina. 
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ao3feed-jaytim · 7 years ago
There is thunder in our hearts, baby
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D9gDRZ
by vertigo
“Tell me a bed time story.” Todd orders in a breathless whisper, as the nails keep digging and the cold lips touches Tim’s skin to chase away the warmth of it.
Words: 3065, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Batman (Comics)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Court of Owls, Explicit Sexual Content, Light BDSM, ropes, Amnesia, Prostitution, Murder Husbands, Talon Jason - Freeform, Jaytim secret santa 2017
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D9gDRZ
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jessicakehoe · 5 years ago
Everything Coming to Amazon Prime Video and Crave in December
Here’s a breakdown of all the movies and television shows we can’t wait to stream on Amazon Prime Video and Crave this month.
Everything Coming to Amazon Prime Video
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel: Season 3 Season two of this multiple Emmy Award-winning show saw Midge accepting an offer to go on tour with musician Shy Baldwin. This season sees her taking that career leap with her manager Susie, while at the same attempting a reconciliation with her husband Joel. This Is Us’s Sterling K Brown and Liza Weil (Gilmore Girls’ Paris Gellar!) guest star. Available December 6.
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Late Night Emma Thompson plays a female late night show host who hires an Indian-American woman, played by Mindy Kaling, to join her all-male writing staff in an effort to boost diversity (and ratings). Kaling—who also wrote the film—shakes up the status quo, challenging the racial, power and gender dynamics of their workplace. (Catch our interview with the film’s director, Indian-Canadian Nisha Ganatra, here.) Available December 10.
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The Aeronauts After playing a married couple in the Stephen Hawking biopic The Theory of Everything, Felicity Jones and Eddie Redmayne reunite for yet another epic tale of resilience. Jones plays a daredevil pilot who finds herself exploring the unknown in a hot air balloon alongside a weather scientist played by Redmayne. Available December 20.
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And here’s the complete list of everything coming to Amazon this December:
Available December 1 Will and Grace (2017) Gnomeo and Juliet Just Friends No Country for Old Men The Nut Job Reindeer Games Serendipity I Don’t Know How She Does It Down to You Bad Santa Four Christmases Get Santa The Nativity Story Nativity! Nutcracker in 3D The Road to Christmas Santa’s Apprentice Winter Wonderland
Available December 4 John Wick John Wick 2
Available December 12 Long Shot Night Hunter
Available December 15 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love The Boy 2
Available December 19 Booksmart
Available December 23 Angel of Mine
Available December 29 Midsommar
Available December 31 American Pie Beverly Hills Cop Black Hat Fifty Shades of Grey Monsters vs. Aliens Mortdecai My Spy Oblivion
Everything Coming to Crave
The L Word: Generation Q Groundbreaking drama The L Word, which ran on Showtime for six seasons from 2004-2009, is back for a highly anticipated reboot. Its original stars, Jennifer Beals, Leisha Hailey and Katherine Moennig, have reprised their roles, while a slew of new characters have been introduced. The series follows a group of friends—many of whom are queer—as they navigate love, heartbreak and career ups-and-downs in Los Angeles. Available December 8.
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Killing Patient Zero After its world premiere at the 2019 Hot Docs Festival in Toronto, this Canadian documentary is landing on Crave in line with World Aids Day. The film—based on Richard McKay’s book Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic—tells the story of the Canadian flight attendant who became known as Patient Zero, and was subsequently vilified for supposedly spreading AIDS in North America. The documentary debunks the myth surrounding the man and also depicts how the AIDS crisis rocked the LGBTQ community. Available December 1.
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Letterkenny The seventh season of this cult hit dropped on Crave just a couple of months ago, in October, but the gang’s already back with more. Seven new episodes of Letterkenny are landing on Crave on December 25. What better Christmas present could you ask for?
GUESS WHAT. New episodes of #Letterkenny streaming Christmas Day only on Crave.🎄 @LetterkennyProb @MichelleMylett @KTrevorWilson @summernate pic.twitter.com/kNl3sNmNoT
— Crave (@CraveCanada) November 28, 2019
And here’s the complete list of everything coming to Crave this December:
Available December 7 DAN SODER STAND UP SPECIAL (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available December 8 WORK IN PROGRESS *Series Premiere* (Crave) THE L WORD: GENERATION Q *Series Premiere* (Crave)
Available December 10 NINA (STARZ)
Available December 11 MOONLIGHT SONATA: Deafness in Three Movements (Crave + Movies + HBO) ZOOM (STARZ)
Available December 12 SHAKES THE CLOWN (STARZ)
Available December 14 THE CURSE OF LA LLORONA (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available December 18 FINDING THE WAY HOME (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available December 19 FAST COLOUR (Crave + Movies + HBO) MOMMY’S LITTLE PRINCESS (Crave + Movies + HBO)
Available December 30 MEMORY: ORIGINS OF ALIEN (Crave)
Available December 31 ASK DR. RUTH (Crave)
The post Everything Coming to Amazon Prime Video and Crave in December appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Everything Coming to Amazon Prime Video and Crave in December published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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rhsecretsanta · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
To the merry outlaws,
Now that we’re moving on into November it’s time to open the ask up to anyone who wants to join the Robin Hood Secret Santa 2017! 
please read the rules before applying and spread the message of this years secret santa to all of your Robin Hood tumblr friends. i’d love to get everyone involved as we’re such a little fandom
1. which URL you’re using (secondary blog or not)*
2. Name*
3. are you inbox/anonymous ask messaging enabled - if not, make sure it is, otherwise the secret side to it won’t work *
4. What type of ‘gift’ you’d be able to create for your Secret Santa? (whether it be a fanvideo, gif, manip, fanfic or others etc. - If you don’t have anything in mind yet, that’s fine)
5. If your able to be a back up in case anyone drops out half way through? (It’s okay if you can’t)
Once you’ve applied you’ll receive your secret santa on December 1st. I’m opening application box early so there’ll be more people that can get involved.
Please use the tag #rhsecretsanta
If you drop out at any point please let me know.
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