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Un ricordo di Robert Loggia nell’anniversario della sua nascita Il grande attore italoamericano, interp... #robertloggia https://agrpress.it/un-ricordo-di-robert-loggia-nellanniversario-della-sua-nascita/?feed_id=8758&_unique_id=677c90610068b
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Bad Girls (1994)
In today's review, I find that a woman's world may lay out west. As I attempt a #positive review of the 1994 western, Bad Girls #MadeleineStowe #MaryStuartMasterson #AndieMacDowell #DrewBarrymore #JamesRusso #JamesLeGros #RobertLoggia #DermotMulroney
The Old West is filled with complicated legends of pioneers, of mighty men with chequered pasts, carving out chequered futures. However, even then the full story of life in the West isn’t represented, from its realities to its legends. You don’t get as many as you did during its heyday, with modern standards reevaluating the genre. In 1994, a Wild West tale about four women, avoiding persecution…

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#1994#action#Andie MacDowell#Beulah Quo#Cooper Huckabee#Dermot Mulroney#Drew Barrymore#film#films#Harry Northup#James LeGros#James Russo#Jim Beaver#Madeleine Stowe#Mary Stuart Masterson#Movies#Nick Chinlund#positive#review#Robert Loggia#Rodger Boyce#romance#Western
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【#LostHighway】 #DavidLynch #BillPullman #MichaelMassee #GiovanniRibisi #GaryBusey #JackNance #ScottCoffey #BalthazarGetty #PatriciaArquette #RobertLoggia #RobertBlake #america #movie #cinema #ロストハイウェイ #シネマおっさん #おっさんシネマ その115 サックス奏者のフレッドは、ある日「ディック・ロランドは死んだ」という���のメッセージを受け取る。そして彼の元にビデオテープが届く。1本目には彼の家の玄関、2本目には寝室、そして彼が妻を惨殺する様子が収録されていた。主演はビル・プルマン。デイヴィッド・リンチ監督作品。 O.Jシンプソン事件からインスパイアされた作品。記憶の欠如と捻れた世界。ハイウェイ疾走のループ。リンチのユーモア。オープニングはデヴィッド・ボウイのI’m Deranged。サックス野郎は○ック○野郎だ。マニアックな作品です。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CObPURJL5FP/?igshid=17ixaew7vlz03
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#Columbo Feb 29th, 1976 “Now you see him” #PeterFalk vs #JackCassidy and special guest star #RobertLoggia 🔍 @peacocktv @imdb @classictvseries @columbophile @fullcastandcrewpodcast #70stv #tvdetective https://www.instagram.com/p/CMJMbW_LaeW/?igshid=zzt3p9nf6x6t
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Necessary Roughness
TOTALLY one of my All-Time Favorite Sports Movies! What “Major League” did for Baseball, “Necessary Roughness” did for College Football. Totally Hilarious movie with a lot of familiar faces in it (SINBAD plays my favorite character! HaHA!) Totally an AWESOME movie! Highly recommended for Fun Vibes!
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Lifepod (1993) - Fox TV-Movie - Sci-Fi remake of Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat. . Currently available on IMDb TV - Free w/ ads. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107415/ . . This movie has a lot to say about race, class, corporations and planting false narratives to win the news cycle. It feels like this movie was written about 2020. . . This cast is full of ridiculous talent: CCH Pounder (NCIS New Orleans, Warehouse 13) Stan Shaw (Monster Squad, Cutthroat Island) Robert Loggia (Big, ID4, Wild Palms) Ron Silver (The Arrival, Timecop, Blue Steel) Jessica Tuck (Grimm, Super 8, True Blood) Kelli Williams (The Practice, Lie To Me) Lisa Waltz (Fear the Walking Dead: Flight 462 , million guest starring parts on TV) Ed Gale (Howard The Duck, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, SpaceBalls) As far as Sci-Fi goes, this is a TV Movie so there wasn't a lot of pew-pew in the budget, but Ron Silver did a great job with the material. So yeah, Ron Silver, one of the cast members, is also the director of the movie. This and a 2005 documentary are the extent of his directing credits. . . . #lifepod #lifepod1993 #lifeboat #lifeboat1944 #CCHPounder #stanshaw #RobertLoggia #hitchcock #alfredhitchcock #ronsilver #JessicaTuck #SaffronBurrows #KelliWilliams #LisaWaltz #EdGale #scifi #raceandclass #ronsilvermovies #scifimovies #hitchcockmovies #howardtheduck #spaceballs #ftwd #twd #primevideo #imdbtv #imdb #ncisneworleans #warehouse13 #monstersquad (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDaz5iShZEg/?igshid=1we9ue630fuca
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#scarface#spacelord#alpacino#briandepalma#oliverstone#michellepfeiffer#fmurrayabraham#stevenbauer#mary elizabeth mastrantonio#robertloggia#tonymontana
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Do you remember the lesson number one?⠀ Frank's lessons to Tony Montana in Scarface. 🎬⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #scarface #alpacino #tonymontana #franklopez #robertloggia #pacino #briandepalma #mafia #fmurrayabraham #mademan #wiseguys #gangsters #gangster #gangstermovies #mobster #mob #kingpin #cartel #thegodfather #godfather #mafioso #moviequotes #moviescenes #gangsta #swagger #lacosanostra #cosanostra #boss https://www.instagram.com/p/BzGoxEvBA4T/?igshid=1jrl45ikeivdd
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Now showing on my Spooktober Filmfest...Psycho II (1983) on Peacock #movies #movie #horror #psycho #PsychoII #alfredhitchcock #ripalfredhitchcock #normanbates #BatesMotel #anthonyperkins #ripanthonyperkins #MegTilly #robertloggia #veramiles #dennisfranz #claudiabryar #80s #peacock #spooktober #halloween #october
#movies#movie#horror#psycho#psycho ii#norman bates#Anthony Perkins#rip anthony perkins#meg tilly#vera miles#Robert Loggia#Dennis Franz#80s#Peacock#Spooktober#Halloween#october
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Independence Day (1996)

In many ways, Independence Day embodies the action/sci-fi films of the ’90s. Heavy on the action and special effects and not all that concerned with cerebral ideas or science. There are some clear flaws. I’d even call the film clichéd and predictable at times. All that's painted over with a nice, thick coat of watchability. If being entertaining isn't the most important quality in a film, I don't know what is.
On July 2, 1996, the sun above every major city on Earth is blotted out by enormous flying saucers. When the aliens attack, it’s time for Earth to fight back! The film follows an ensemble of characters: U.S. President Thomas Whitmore (Bill Pullman), computer expert David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum), U.S. Marine Corps Captain Steven Hiller (Will Smith), and among others, Randy Quad as Russell, an alcoholic crop duster and Vietnam veteran who seeks to give the aliens that supposedly abducted him years ago a piece of his mind. United together on the 4th of July, humanity prepares for a last-ditch assault against the extraterrestrial menace.
If you like War of the Worlds, but you think the ending is stupid, you're wrong but instead of arguing, let's agree that Independence Day delivers when it comes to the entertainment. This picture is essentially a less cerebral version of the H.G. Wells story combined with Earth vs. the Flying Saucers. That’s not a bad thing. This film’s got some modest goals, and it achieves them. Director Roland Emmerich wants to show humanity banding together against the ultimate threat via eye-popping special effects. The grandiose epic is told through a bunch of charismatic characters while hitting your emotional buttons via a bunch of “regular” people with “regular” problems. This film’s got so many things going on, it’s impossible not to find a character or situation to like/relate to.
Whenever anyone criticizes Independence Day, it’s always for the same reasons. No one believes that a critical plot point in the film, an instance where human and alien computers are compatible, is remotely plausible. There’s not even an attempt to give a reason why it would work like a revelation that all our computer technology is derived from this alien wreckage or anything like that. Why does it work anyway? Because of the emotional tone of the film. You believe it because it remains true to its spirit the whole time.
I’ll give you that there are too many sub-plots, but they’re all fun to see play out. Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum make a heck of a team. They’re both incredibly charismatic and together, they push you past the flaws and compel you to stand up and cheer. Cutting out any of the other stories would take away some of the feel-good sentiment used to contrast the devastation caused by the alien attacks. The moments of levity through comic relief and the wide range of stories make you feel like the whole world is united, ready to take up arms even if we briefly see what's going on outside of the U.S.A. The endlessly quotable and cheesy speech by President Thomas Whitmore says it all. It perfectly encompasses how the film makes you feel.
When you take into consideration how many times you’ll be blown away by the breathtaking sequences of destruction, our earlier critiques feel like nitpicks. Don’t care for razzle-dazzle? How about memorable quotes by charismatic actors, feel-good moments of selfless heroism, and genuine excitement as mankind face one of its deadliest foes yet? There’s something inherently watchable about Independence Day. It effortlessly draws you back to it, drawing you back so you can memorize the best moments and cheer at the right spots. On the 4th of July, with friends who are ready to have a great time, it sure hits the spot. (On Blu-ray, July 13, 2016)

#Independence Day#movies#films#MovieReviews#FilmReviews#Sci-FiMovies#Sci-FiFilms#rolandEmmerich#DeanDevlin#WillSmith#BillPullman#JeffGoldblum#MaryMcDonnell#JuddHirsch#MargaretColin#randyquaid#RobertLoggia#JamesRebhorn#HarveyFierstein#1996movies#1996Films
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The Theme Continues! #losthighway #davidlynch #billpullman #patriciaarquette #balthazargetty #robertloggia (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbB-QCdsj2V/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Public service announcement: last chance to watch the 1983 #BrianDePalma classic #Scarface on @netflixph is February 15. Peak #AlPacino post-Godfather and Serpico but pre-Scent of a Woman and Any Given Sunday. Not sure if Italians doing Latino accents would fly in 2022. @michellepfeifferofficial, #RobertLoggia, #FMurrayAbraham, #StevenBauer, and #MaryElizabethMastrantonio all part of a loaded cast. https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ7MrWhPSr0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#independenceday #4thofjuly #july4th #independenceday2021 #JoeBiden #bidenisarapist #kamalaharris #bidenandtheho #trump2024 #trumpispunkrock #DonaldTrump #willsmith #vivicaafox #jeffgoldblum #billpullman #robertloggia #happy4thofjuly #happyjuly4th #independenceday🇺🇸 #americafuckyeah #teamamerica #teamamericaworldpolice #americafuckyeah🇺🇸 #democratsareracist #democratsdestroyamerica #freedomofspeech #sciencefiction #scifi #rolandemmerich #todaywecelebrateourindependenceday (at Lawrenceville, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ7rWZ1Jp2S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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It’s Robert Loggia! How else you gonna celebrate the 4th? 👽👀🇺🇸🛸 #robertloggia #likethewestwingonlywithstupidpeople #billpullman #independenceday #happy4thofjuly #4thofjuly #sundayvibes #italianamerican #SalvatoreRobertLoggia @isthatmoviestillgood @junkfoodcinema @whmpodcast @intermission_podcast @fullcastandcrew @hbomax https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ6nMOmrPQC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#theresalwaysvanilla #seasonofthewitch #theninthconfiguration #symptoms #bluray #import #regionb #georgeromero #theaffair #hungrywives #jackswife #witchcraft #williampeterblatty #twinkletwinklekillerkane #stacykeach #robertloggia #joespinell #scottwilson #tomatkins #exploitation #horror #joseramonlarraz #joséramónlarraz #angelapleasence #petervaughan #thebloodvirgin #arrowvideo #secondsight #cinematek (at Horror Pain Gore Death Productions HQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEKwc9-phGY/?igshid=1lb8fiums7xyf
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