#robert baratheon smut
asa-do-your-thing · 4 months
The Game
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18+ MINORS DNI Eddard Stark x F!Reader x Robert Baratheon 6.2 k Warnings: P in V sex, porn w/o plot, smut duh, virginity, alcohol, fingering, doggystyle, mmf, threesome, blowjob, cunnilingus, overstim, actualy really cute and fluffyas always no proofreading no nothing dedicated to @zaldritzosrose and @foxyanon <3
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"Everything is fine," You assured Ned, your voice quiet as you looked over at him. He was holding your dress together at the back where he had accidentally ripped it with Brandon's shield. "It's fine, we can just wait here until my sister can bring me a new dress," you suggested. Robert Baratheon's tent was impressive in size - expected for someone of his status as head of House Baratheon.
Eddard Stark, the man you have long since felt affection for, stood in front of his friend and blushed as red as an overripe apple, and tried his best to look away from your exposed back. “Robert, I’m sorry, you know I couldn’t take her back to her family like that and I would dishonour her if I brought her back to my tent… Brandon sees everything and I couldn’t possibly harm her reputation…”, he rambled and looked apologetically at his friend.
Robert gave the two of you a wicked smile and wiggled his brows, before beckoning you to come closer. “Is that not the shy Lady you danced with yesterday, Ned? My, I did not think you to be so chivalrous. Or sly… it is not like I told you yesterday that the view of my tent’s entrance is obstructed…”
Your heart started beating rapidly as you watched the two handsome young men interacting with each other and felt the back of your dress drooping again, a cold draft passing over the tops of your buttocks. “Eddard, the dress!”
Eddard started, his gaze snapping back to you. He quickly gripped the torn fabric of your dress, drawing it together. "Apologies," he muttered, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Robert roared with laughter, slapping his knee. "Seven hells, Ned! I've known you since we were boys, but I never thought I'd see the day when you’d be flustered by a woman’s bare back." Even as he teased, there was affection in his voice.
Eddard shot Robert an irritated look but held his tongue. He turned to you again, still fumbling with your dress, and then dropped his hands and looked helplessly at Robert. "I can't hold this all day," he admitted grudgingly.
Laughter still dancing in his eyes, Robert stood up from his seat at the head of the table and ambled over to a chest by the side of his tent. He rummaged through it for a moment and then came back carrying a thin fur cloak. "Here," he tossed it over to Eddard who barely caught it in time.
"Thank you," said Eddard quietly as he wrapped the cloak around your bare shoulders, careful not to let any more skin show than necessary.
The fur felt warm against your cooled skin and you sighed in relief. You turned around carefully to look at Eddard who was now standing slightly away from you. His fingers brushed against yours as he handed you the remaining length of the cloak and your heart fluttered at the brief contact.
Meanwhile, Robert sat back down, eyeing both of you curiously. “Actually… Now that I’ve come to think about it, I’ll send a servant after your sister and tell her to forget your dress. I think we shall spend a wonderful evening here, instead of having to prance around in front of Lord Whent’s daughter and that Targaryen Prince once more. I have a bottle of strongwine I’d wish to finish with you.”
You nervously eyed Eddard and Robert, slowly shaking your head, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “No, I shouldn’t… I…”
Robert held up a hand to stop your protest. "Barely half a week in Lord Whent's castle, and you've already attended more tourneys than I can count," he said, then waved around the tent with a flourish.
"What is more enticing? Another night of listening to Whent’s daughter prattle on about the virtues of housekeeping, or an evening of mayhaps too much wine, laughter, and stories from two charming men from Great Houses?"
Eddard looked up at his friend, his eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden change in his tone. To you, it was clear that Robert had more to offer than just a simple drink; it was an opportunity to escape the stifling expectation of propriety.
He moved closer towards you, his eyes glinting in the candlelight and revealing a new depth of fondness. "I used to tell Ned that laughter is the best cure for everything - war, heartbreak, even frostbite." He paused, looking straight at you with a reassuring smile. "Perhaps it is time we tested that theory... together."
Silence hung heavy in the air as Eddard nervously rubbed at his neck. His shy, grey eyes met yours, pleading silently for you to consider Robert's offer. You saw not just affection from him but also a desperate desire for companionship - an appeal that tugged at your heartstrings. Your father would never have approved - this alone made you consider their offer.
Robert broke the silence by standing and extending a hand towards you. His eyes were warm as he waited patiently for your decision. "So?" he asked, his voice laden with anticipation.
You glanced over at Eddard one last time before finally reaching out and placing your hand into Robert’s, to which he softly made you shuffle over to a settee. “One evening won’t hurt,” you said with a small smile. “We already snuck around the tourney grounds last night, Eddard, and no one saw us. And you, Lord Robert, I’ve heard many good things about you. Some time with you and strong wine will not hurt, I think…,” you said softly, almost as if trying to convince yourself that whatever you were doing was, in fact, normal and alright. It would’ve been easier to do so, you thought, if the two of them did not make you feel giddy and if your dress - and to your horror, your shift under it - was not falling apart.
Robert’s laughter rang out again, hearty and infectious, filling the tent. “Ah, you underestimate us, my lady! We are far more entertaining than any tourney,” he declared, settling back onto the settee with an exaggerated flourish, his arm draped behind you and Eddard.
The evening passed in a whirl of stories and laughter, of shared glasses of strongwine and knowing glances. Eddard’s bashfulness was soon replaced by quiet amusement as Robert recounted tales of their childhood adventures — some heroic, some foolish, but all engaging. Eddard would chime in now and then with corrections or additions that made the stories even more enjoyable.
Your nerves slowly eased away as the night progressed. You found yourself laughing heartily at Robert’s boisterous jokes and charmingly exaggerated anecdotes. Eddard’s reserved wit added a refreshing touch to the cheerful atmosphere. The soft fur cloak provided not only warmth but also a sense of comfort and security amidst your unusual predicament, especially as you finally felt the last few inches of your dress and shift falling apart.
Robert had been right; this was indeed far better than another tedious evening at Lord Whent's tourney. The unspoken expectations for noble ladies like yourself were temporarily forgotten in the company of these two captivating men. And most importantly, you felt a strange sense of camaraderie with them, an intimacy that belied the short length of your acquaintance.
Eddard - no, Ned you were supposed to call him, Robert had said - looked at you then, a soft smile tugging at his lips as if contemplating an endearing secret. You met his gaze and smiled back, feeling a tenderness towards him that startled you with its intensity.
Robert interrupted the moment by raising his nearly empty goblet. “To unforgettable nights.”
You toasted back and finished your cup, your head body all warm and woozy. “This… this is the best I’ve ever felt. Thank you for letting me stay.”
Ned, much to your surprise, stayed quiet and eyed both you and Robert with a small smirk. His fingers gently touched yours as he looked deeply into your eyes. "You're welcome to stay longer, if you wish," he said softly.
“But… Lord Robert…?”, you asked quietly and looked at the big, muscular man with the beautiful blue eyes, who, just like Eddard, seemed to look better with every instant that passed.
“Oh, I won’t mind. Though… Actually, let us properly finish this bottle before we can even think about sleeping or leaving. My Lady, have you ever played truth or dare?”, Robert asked you with a smirk that mirrored Ned’s.
You blinked at Robert, taken aback by his proposition. “Truth or dare?” you echoed uncertainly. The game was something children played during frivolous feasts, not something that nobles such as yourselves indulged in. His smirk widened at your surprise, delight sparkling in his eyes.
“Indeed, my lady,” Ned chimed in, his grey eyes twinkling with mirth. “A chance to honor honesty or test courage. Both qualities we admire.” His gaze held a touch of challenge, daring you to accept their proposition.
A wary heart warred with a curious mind within you. But the boldness of the Baratheon and the comforting presence of Stark had already stirred a perilous thrill in you. This game could be terribly revealing and potentially jeopardizing. But it could also be liberating. You were never one to shy away from challenges.
“Very well,” you sighed dramatically, feigning reluctance. “I accept.”
Glee replaced the smirks on their faces as they hastily poured more strongwine into your goblet than was necessary, making you giggle at their eagerness. You raised an eyebrow at them suspiciously as they clinked their goblets against yours before gulping down their share heartily.
“As our guest of honor tonight, you shall have the first choice,” Robert declared after he set his goblet down with a loud clank. He was already halfway through his strongwine again and his cheeks reddened as he looked at you expectantly.
Your stomach fluttered nervously as you considered your options but seeing the anticipation in the men’s eyes only made you bolder. You wanted to prove to them that you were not afraid of their questions. Dares could easily be done - though the truth… the truth, in your opinion, could be far harder. “Alright, my Lords. I choose the truth,” you said with a small smile, not showing any reaction to Ned’s hand on your leg. You slowly understood what game was truly being played here, but to your own surprise, it only seemed to thrill you even more.
Robert, with a roguish grin, leaned forward, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Very well," he said, his voice low and teasing. "Whom do you fancy more, Lady? Ned with his solemn eyes and honorable ways, or me with my charm and good looks?"
Your heart pounded in your chest as the words echoed in the air of the tent. The two men watched you expectantly, their eyes bearing into yours. This was indeed a tricky challenge, you thought with a soft smile. A truth that could possibly upset this delicate balance between you three.
"You're putting me in a difficult situation, Lord Robert," you said playfully, pretending to be distressed by the question. "Both of you have your charms."
Robert chuckled at your answer while Ned's grey eyes were unreadable but his hand on your leg tightened slightly in response.
“Very diplomatic,” Robert teased, swirling his goblet of wine around before taking another deep gulp. “But it won’t be that easy to evade our questions by being coy.”
“Agreed,” Ned added with a smirk that was quite uncharacteristic for him but suitably devilish for the situation at hand.
“Alright,” you said, sighing heavily for dramatic effect once again, “I’m drawn to both of you.” You paused for effect and looked at both men. “To Robert’s infectious laughter and bold spirit.” You turned to look at Robert whose grin widened at your praise while he nodded approvingly.
“And,” you continued, “to Ned’s gentle strength and handsomeness.” You then directed your gaze at Ned who seemed slightly taken aback by your confession, and blushed deeply. “That was… not so bad,” you mumbled with a small grin, “ and I choose you, Robert, next. Truth or Dare?”
“Dare,” Robert replied almost instantly, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
You smirked mischievously as a dare popped into your mind. It was nothing outrageous but something that would surely entertain you.
“I dare you, Lord Baratheon, to sing us a song. A love ballad preferably."
Robert’s eyes widened at your words before he groaned loudly, much to Ned's amusement. "By the gods, woman! You truly are a sadist!" He complained, but there was a twinkle in his eye that was hard to miss.
"Those were the rules of the game," you retorted cheekily and gestured for him to proceed.
With another dramatic sigh, Robert started humming an old Westerosi ballad about a knight and his fair lady. His voice was surprisingly melodious for someone so gruff and brawny. The smile on your lips widened as he really got into it, gesticulating wildly and not missing out on even one of flourishes.
When he finished, he bowed low in front of you with a grand flourish causing both you and Ned to break into uproarious laughter. Your sides hurt as you tried to stop laughing while Robert feigned hurt.
“Your turn, Stark,” Robert said after everyone had finally managed to calm down from all the laughing. “Truth or Dare?”
Ned thought for a moment before replying, “Truth.”
Robert rubbed his hands together as if relishing what he was about to ask next. “So Ned… Is it true that you have ripped this fair maiden’s dress on purpose?”
Ned turned scarlet at the audacious question and apologetically pressed a kiss on your hand. “I… Fuck, Robert, that was mean! Y-yes, I did. I only wanted to rip it a bit, but my dagger must’ve slipped and I also nicked your shift and… I only wanted to be a gallant knight to maybe steal a chaste kiss, but now I’m here, with your clothes falling off of you…”
"Quite the confession, Ned," Robert boomed, laughing heartily at his friend's discomfort. "The shy wolf with lecherous intentions. Who would have thought?"
You smirked, looking at Ned whose blush went even deeper. "It was quite the sight to see you flustered, Ned," you confessed, keeping your tone light-hearted. "I must admit, it only added to your charm."
Despite the blush on his face, a pleased smile spread on Ned's lips at your comment.
"And since I've been putting you gentlemen to test so far," you continued, amusement coloring your voice and a wicked glint in your eyes. "I believe it is high time I got a taste of my own medicine."
Both Robert and Ned exchanged glances before Robert turned back to you with a deep grin. "Dare it shall be then," he declared, raising his goblet in a toast.
Your heart skipped a beat as you awaited their command – the thrill of the game alive and pulsating in your veins.
And then Ned spoke up, his voice slow and deliberate – enough to send chills down your spine. “We dare you to dance for us.”
The request caught you off guard - dancing did not seem like much of a challenge until you remembered that there was no music playing in the tent - no lute or harp melody to guide your movements, not to mention that you only had Robert’s thin fur coat to cover your body.
"How will I dance without music?" You asked, attempting to divert this dare to something easier. “My dress will fall of completely…”
Robert shrugged nonchalantly and pointed towards himself saying, "Oh, that won’t bother us. But if you won’t dance, I guess you’l have to kiss us, then…”
Your cheeks flushed with excitement as you watched the two of them exchange a sly look. "Oh, so that's how we're playing this game?" you whispered with a mischievous grin. You sprang up and blew out the candles, enveloping the tent in playful darkness.
With a twirl, you shed your garments and snuck over to Ned for a slow, seductive kiss before moving on to Robert for a quick, teasing one. Giggling, you hopped onto Robert's bed. “If you want more, I guess you will have to catch me…,” you whispered and giggled as they cursed and something clattered against the ground.
The next moments were filled with soft laughter and hushed whispers as the two men seemed to plot your capture. You held your breath, wondering which one of them would make the first move. Then suddenly, the bed dipped gently at the corner signaling that someone had made their move. Grinning wildly, you leapt off the bed just in time to avoid Ned's outstretched hand.
"Where are you?!" Robert's gruff voice echoed in the dark followed by a thump and his subsequent curse. It was clear that he'd walked into something and you stifled a chortle, pressing your hand to your mouth.
"Oh, come out! Come out! Wherever you are," Ned called out playfully after a moment of silence. You stayed hidden behind some draped fabrics which seemed like an enclosed pavilion within the tent. Their cautious steps were heard shuffling about in the dimness as they tried to locate you.
Suddenly, a hand brushed against your arm, and before you could react or run, you were being pulled into a warm embrace and gently lifted back onto the bed. You yelped in surprise and then giggled when you recognized Robert’s husky chuckle near your ear. “Got you,” he murmured triumphantly.
"Oh, well done," Ned's voice came from somewhere close by, accompanied by soft clapping. The smile on your face widened when he added with evident amusement, "Now I guess it's best we see how our lovely maiden plans on escaping this situation."
Robert laughed heartily at that but didn’t release his hold on you while you squirmed lightly in his arms trying to appear as if you were attempting an escape, only stopping once Ned’s hand softly gripped the top of your thigh, above the point where your stockings ended and dangerously close to your growing heat. “I… oh!”, you gasped and blushed.
Ned chuckled, a low rumble that made you shudder. "Oh, I like this game," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. You could hear the grin in his voice. You felt his hand squeeze your thigh before sliding away in an achingly slow journey.
"Now, now Ned," Robert's voice came into play. "Let's not be overly greedy, shall we?" His arms tightened around you again as if to doubly emphasize the fact that he was the one currently in control.
You squirmed and twisted around to look at him over your shoulder, giving him your best impression of an innocent doe-eyed gaze. "But if I can't move... how do I continue the game?"
Robert's laughter filled the tent once more. "That's the point, lass. We have you right where we want you."
A thrill ran down your spine at their words, the playful darkness of the tent somehow making their intentions all the more exciting.
Suddenly, Robert let out a groan followed by a muffled curse. Ned had managed to prod him in the ribs with his knee and taken advantage of Robert’s momentary distraction to pull you from Robert’s arms into his own lap. This new position offered no respite; Ned's form was just as hard and unyielding as Robert's had been, yet his hands started wandering once more, shyly cupping your breasts and rubbing your nipples with this thumbs.
"You're sneaky, Stark," Robert protested but there was no real heat behind his words. The tent quieted down as Robert moved from the bed - something clattered against the floor, probably his doublet - and you tried to calm your breathing, so as not to show them how much this… game excited you.
"I learn from the best," Ned replied, pressing a kiss on your temple.
"You haven't seen my best yet," Robert retorted with a sly grin and let his hand wander over your body, stopping short of your mound making you inhale sharply.
“Your… best?”, you breathed and stifled a moan as Ned continued gently playing with your breasts, dipping down to kiss you every now and then.
"Yes, my best," Robert grinned. His voice was huskier than you'd ever heard it before and it sent shivers down your spine. The silence in the tent was only broken by the occasional mutterings of the two men and your small gasps as they touched you in places no man had ever dared to before.
Ned's mouth began tracing a path down your neck, nipping lightly on your collarbone before he moved lower. You whimpered at the feel of his mouth on your breast, his tongue swirling around your nipple before taking it into his mouth, suckling gently. You clung tighter to him as you felt yourself being pushed back against Robert's equally demanding body.
Meanwhile, Robert’s large hand traveled up and down your thigh, slowly creeping closer to the apex of your legs. His touch was driving you insane, and you could only imagine what would happen when his hand finally reached its destination. "It really is an interesting game," he murmured into your ear, his hot breath washing over you.
"Ned...Robert..." you gasped out their names like a prayer, squirming against them, pleasure building within you like a flame ready to consume everything in its path. The world spun around you, everything focusing down to where their hands and mouths were on your body.
Ned pulled away from your breast with a wicked grin, leaving it wet and your nipple hard. He leaned over to whisper something into Robert's ear while his fingers continued their torturous dance over your body. Robert laughed heartily at whatever Ned said before leaning in to steal a rough kiss from Ned's lips.
Your eyes widened at the sight in the darkness but immediately closed your eyes as you felt Robert’s fingers spreading your moist lips open and after an instant, the warmth of his tongue on your pearl. You did not even notice that Ned took off his clothes, nor did you notice that he softly retuned to his spot behind you, holding you softly in his strong arms. All you felt was the warmth of Robert’s tongue, the pleasure it gave you as it swirled over your sweet spot and at the way his large fingers trailed up and down your heat, not daring to enter you yet, only laying them teasingly against your entrance.
“I think I’m in the lead, Stark, she’s so wet already and I haven’t even been inside her,” he said as he demonstratively patted his hand against your slickness, making the tent echo with your small, suppressed moan.
"Is that so?" Ned's voice was low, his breath sending tremors down your spine as he nudged your ear with his nose. "Well then, let's see where this leads us." His hand slid down your body, joining Robert's between your thighs, their fingers brushing against each other and creating an electric sensation that tickled the pit of your belly.
Robert paused to let out a gruff laugh, but didn't move away from you. Instead, he pressed a hot kiss onto your inner thigh, his stubble scratching delicately against your sensitive skin. "Where are you headed with this, Stark?" His voice was muffled as he continued his ministrations on your throbbing nub.
Ned didn't answer at first. He shifted behind you, moving closer until his naked body was completely pressed against yours, turning you slightly onto your side. You could feel his arousal pressed against the small of your back causing a gasp from you. He chuckled darkly, his hands moving on their own accord to cup your breast and massage it in rhythm with Robert's flickering tongue.
The pleasure coursing through you was unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. Ned's strong hands expertly kneading at your breasts coupled with Robert's relentless assault on your wetness had you writhing and moaning in ecstasy between them.
"Ned... Robert…" Your plea came out more like a desperate whimper as Ned’s hands moved down towards your arsecheeks, spreading them, squeezing them, spanking them. Suddenly, the sensation of Robert’s mouth retreating caused a frustrated whine to escape from you.
"Patience, darling," Robert admonished gently as he leaned up from between your legs, pressing one final kiss on your warmth before moving up to your face, kissing you sweetly, his mouth tasting of your cunt, yet you could do naught but to kiss him feverishly, because Ned, in your moment of distraction managed to crawl between your opened thighs, and inserted his finger into your warmth, making you moan into Robert’s mouth.
“Let me… anything… oh…,” you muttered wantonly and let your hand explore Robert’s big body that loomed over you, before shyly closing your small hand around his hardness, your mind spinning as you noticed that you could easily hold his with your second hand as well. With a growing blush you moaned as Ned slowly inserted a second finger into your heat, slowly moving them, whilst pressing small, sweet kisses onto your rosebud.
"Ned...more," you whimpered, your hand tightening around Robert's length as the tension coiled tighter within you. The Baratheon lordling let out a low groan at your touch, his own hand nestling in your hair to keep you close.
"All in good time, love," Ned murmured against your heat, sucking your juices off of his fingers bore gently inserting them again, curling them inside you and sending a fresh wave of pleasure coursing through your body. His other hand left your thigh, travelling up to tangle in your hair as he guided your head towards Robert's ready arousal.
Gods, they both made you feel tiny as they roamed their hands over your shivering body. Helplessly you did as he motioned, opening your mouth and tasting Robert for the first time. He was rich and salty and filled your senses completely. You heard Robert's sharp inhale as you took him in deeper, his hand tightening in your hair as you choked on his length, your tongue swirling around him.
Meanwhile, Ned had taken advantage of your distraction to press his thick digit further into your warmth, matching Robert's moan with one of his own. "I believe I have taken the lead again," he chuckled lowly, continuing his torturous pace inside you. His voice was ragged, filled with desire and anticipation that mirrored yours. You could feel him shifting behind you once more, and when you felt the blunt pressure of his cock against your entrance, it took everything within you to keep from crying out loud.
"Ned..." It was a plea this time, a desperate cry for release that he answered with a gentle thrust inside you. The sensation was overwhelming, filling you completely as he stilled inside you to let you adjust to him.
Robert's grip on your hair loosened and he pulled away slightly to meet Ned’s gaze, though all you could do was to suck him deeper again, unable to keep yourself from moaning and screaming at Ned’s length in your womanhood. You’d been a maiden, of course, so the feeling was overwhelming - the way he stretched you out, the way he grunted at the way you tightened around him. After a few moments of respite, he slowly began to move inside you.
“Are… are you alright, my girl?”, he panted and looked up at Robert, who quickly pulled back from you so that you might answer Ned’s question, his cock glistening with your spit as it loomed over you.
“Yes, yes! I’m… ah… please more… feels’s’good…,” you mumbled, trying to give him an encouraging smile, even though it didn’t fully matter - your mind had been tunred into jelly. You hyperfocused on the delightful stretch of his cock, before gently stroking Robert’s again. “D’you… want me to continue?”
"Continue..." Robert echoed your words, his voice brimming with desire. His hands once again found their way to your hair, tugging gently as he guided you back onto him, a groan rippling from his chest as your lips encased him once more.
Ned started to move again, a low grumble of pleasure escaping him as he sank further into your warm depths. The sensation of them both filling you was intoxicating, the taste of Robert in your mouth and Ned inside you causing a fevered heat to pool in your belly.
With that affirmation, Ned's thrusts began to quicken, each one met with a gasp or moan from you. His hands were everywhere - roaming your body, making sure no inch of your skin was left untouched. He took great pleasure in watching as you writhed under his touch, the sight of you taking Robert into your mouth only adding fuel to his flaming desire.
Meanwhile, Robert's hand tightened in your hair as your tongue worked him over. He watched as Ned moved within you, his chest swelling at the sight before him. He had to stop himself from reaching out and touching where Ned disappeared inside you, the sight so erotic it drove him wild.
"Gods... You're amazing," Ned murmured against your ear, gently picking up your legs and pressing them up against your heaving chest. Every inch of him attuned to every move you made, every gurgle that escaped your lips as Robert began wantonly fucking your mouth.
"Yes," Robert agreed hoarsely, "Perfect."
Emboldened by their praises you continued with newfound zeal, matching Ned's movements inside you with the rhythm of your lips around Robert's length. The tension built within your body, tears of pleasure rolling down your cheeks. You grunted, desperately hoping for some fresh air as you felt your release creeping up to you.
"Yes, darling." Robert withdrew his length from your mouth and pressed a sweet, comforting kiss on your forehead, his hands cradling your face as he whispered words of encouragement. "Let go, love," he murmured, stroking your flushed cheek with his thumb.
Ned continued his relentless thrusting, each movement sending jolts of pleasure coursing through you. His fingers dug into your thighs as he quickened his pace, his grunts and moans in sync with yours. "Can you feel it, love?" he breathed into your ear. "Are you close?"
Nodding frantically, you whimpered in response. “Please, Ned, please, please, I…” Your body was shaking under the pressure of their combined attentions; the tension building to an unbearable point that begged for release. And when Robert whispered a final command into your ear —"Now."— it was all you needed.
Your orgasm tore through you like wildfire, a scream escaping from your lips that Robert quickly muted with his lips, as every muscle in your body tensed and shuddered. It was all-consuming, blinding even, and for a moment all you could feel was the pulsating pleasure coursing through your veins.
Ned groaned at the feeling of your warmth clenching around him and with a few final thrusts reached his own climax moments after yours. His body stilled above you as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, sweat dripping off him onto the sheets beneath.
Anxious not to leave Robert unsatisfied, you reached out for him once more and gave his throbbing member a firm stroke. But before you could do much else, Robert swatted your hand away gently and gently pushed Ned to the side, turning you over onto your trembling knees and pushing our face down into the hot furs, so that you were practically on the same height as your previous lover, who gave you quick, sweet kisses.
“Be a good girl for me,” Robert muttered and spat down onto your throbbing heat, making you moan wantonly in response. You had thought that many things could happen in this tent - this was certainly not one of them. Your thoughts were quickly pushed aside as Robert, who had a thicker cock than Ned, slowly pushed himself into you, spreading your arse wide open with his hands, as if to amire the way your cunt was taking him.
Robert's entry was slow but relentless, easing into your tight heat bit by bit, his large hands spreading you even wider for him. You cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he filled you in an entirely new way. "Gods… So tight… So hot…" Robert growled lowly, his eyes closing in bliss at the feel of you around him. His pace was slow and measured, each thrust carefully calculated not to bring you discomfort, but to bring you maximum pleasure.
Your body convulsed as you tried to adjust to his size, your walls clenching around Robert involuntarily with each soft moan that escaped your lips. Ned’s comforting hand on your back steadied you, his gentle strokes soothing your trembling body as he watched Robert take you from behind.
"Relax," Ned whispered in your ear. "You're doing so well." His words were a balm on your heated skin, bringing comfort and reassurance amidst the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body.
Robert took his time with you, savoring every tight clench of your walls around him. He groaned in pleasure as he felt every ripple of your muscles contract against his thick length. His fingers dug into the plush flesh of your ass, pulling you back onto him with every thrust.
As Robert continued his tantalizing assault on your senses, Ned moved to kneel in front of you. His soft gaze met yours, a silent question hanging in the air between you two. When you nodded slightly in acceptance, he smiled softly before leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
Their attention was too much - it felt like blissful agony as Robert impaled you on his length while Ned, sweet Ned, reminded you to breathe, kissed you, reassured you that you were doing perfectly well.
With each slow, deliberate thrust from Robert, Ned's kisses became more fervent, his hands sliding up to cup your face as they explored each other's mouths. His tongue traced your lower lip before delving into the warm recesses of your mouth, matching the rhythm of Robert's strokes. The intense stimulation from both ends had your head spinning - it was almost too much.
Then Robert's pace began to pick up, his fingers digging deeper into the sides of your hips. The pain was quickly replaced by pleasure as he hit a spot inside you that made your eyes roll back and a strangled gasp to escape from your throat. "That's it," he grunted, trying to hit that spot with each thrust. “Our pretty little girl, overflowing with our seed…”
Ned pulled away from the kiss to watch you, his gaze filled with adoration. The sight of your pleasure-painted face was enough to have him hardening again, but he held himself back, focusing on your needs instead. He stroked your hair gently, whispering words of praise as he watched you unravel from Robert's ministrations.
Soon enough, you could feel another climax approaching, and this time, it promised to be even more intense than the last. Your breath hitched in anticipation and your body tensed, signaling Robert that you were close. "I got you," he breathed against the back of your neck, quickening his pace. With a few final thrusts from Robert and a rough kiss from Ned, waves of pleasure washed over you once again - stronger this time. Your body tightened around Robert who groaned out his own release moments after yours.
There was a moment of silence as all three of you laid on the bed, panting as though you had just run for leagues. You shivered lightly and twitched, your mind too hazy to comprehend anything.
“Shh, it’s fine… we’ll take care of you,” Ned whispered and stroked your hair lovingly, motioning for Robert come closer and to hug you. “You did so, so well.”
"Did we go too far?" Robert asked, his voice hoarse and filled with concern. He positioned himself on your other side and pulled you in close, wrapping a strong arm around your waist. “We didn’t mean to fill you up…”
"No," you mustered a weak smile as your response, shaking your head as you sought refuge in the warmth and comfort of their bodies. "I... I enjoyed it."
A hint of relief passed over their faces and they both leaned in to press soft kisses to your forehead. "You were amazing," Ned whispered, his voice filled with so much awe and admiration that it made your heart flutter.
"You're ours now," Robert stated firmly but gently, his hand moving up to cup your cheek. His blue eyes probed yours for any signs of fear or hesitance but found nothing but acceptance.
The moment was silent as you all listened to each others' laboring breaths, the air heavy with pleasure and contentment. You were still trembling slightly from the orgasmic high, and the feeling of their naked bodies against yours only heightened your post-coital haze.
Sleep came easy for Ned first, the exhaustion of the night's activities catching up with him. His strong arm wrapped protectively around you as he snuggled into the pillow beside you.
Robert kissed the crown of your head lightly before whispering a sweet "Goodnight," in your ear, his voice hoarse from all the moaning earlier. His hold on you tightened just a bit more before he too succumbed to sleep.
In the quiet refuge of their arms, under the warm blanket of their affections, the three of you drifted off into a peaceful slumber — the game, or its victor, completely forgotten.
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Realm's Delight
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Summary: You were the twin of the dark haired child Cersei had with Robert. While fever took your twin, you survived. You are known throughout the seven kingdom as the realm's delight. The years has passed and your younger brother Joffrey wants something you have. Sandor Clegane x Baratheon! Reader
A/n: Let me know if you enjoy this. Likes and comments are appreciated. Enjoy -L
Warning: NSFW, being the it girl, Joffrey being Joffrey, Robert is nice to us, manipulation at its finest, daddy's girl, princess wants princess gets, territorial!
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“It was a miracle.” Robert Baratheon, your father told you. You had survived the horrid fever that took your twin brother away. It was a secret that was kept among the Lannisters and only Robert. While Cersei was in mourning of the loss of her son, Robert’s was cut short. Cersei always resented him for that and that he gave you his undivided attention. Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knew how Robert adored you. Some had even said that he loves you more than his own wife, Cersei and as you grew, he practically gave you whatever your heart desired. Your father wasn’t the only one to give you gifts. Fur straight from House Stark, jewels and the finest dresses from House Martell. Seafood freshly caught by House Greyjoy. The list of gifts went on and on. You were named the realm’s delight among the people. 
When Robert learned about the nickname that you have been given he feared that you will have the same fate as Lyanna Stark. Robert decided to do what was best, keep you protected at all times. Robert declared for Sandor Clegane to become your personal guard. Cersei had cried out to Robert about it. He is a monstrosity and hideous beast, she ranted. You heard of the Clegane’s brothers. Lord Baelish always been somewhat kind enough to keep you up to date about the accomplishments Ser Gregor had done along with Sandor’s. 
“A flower like you shouldn’t be guarded by such an animal.” Lord Baelish exclaimed as his wandering eyes looked up and down that you. You grabbed a hold of his hands. Lord Baelish blushed from the sudden contact. 
“I will grow to be the most beautiful flower because of that animal.” You whispered to Lord Baelish who honestly wasn’t paying attention to what you were saying. 
You were so close to him, his mind was in the gutters. Rolling your eyes when you turn away to leave Lord Baelish, you wipe your hands on your dress while walking away from him. Men, they will always think with their cock. Cersei had told you after she had too many cups of wine. Your uncle, Jamie had laughed at her and tried to take her back to her chambers before she said anything else. That’s how you used Lord Baelish to tell you about the gossip going around. A praise, batting your eyelashes at him or giving him a smile was all needed for him to tell you what you wanted to know. 
When Sandor was presented to you for the first time, you were surprised. He was the second tallest man you ever seen, his brother was the first. He had lowered his head as he entered the chambers so he wouldn’t hit the door frame. Robert had taken your hand and pulled you towards Sandor. You noticed Sandor had the most beautiful brown eyes you've ever seen. Brown, like the earth and as the light hit his eyes, they looked like honey. You got a closer look when he knelt in front of you and vowed to keep you safe. You knew about the story of his burn scars. It took you an afternoon with Lord Baelish, drinking tea to learn about it. You had taken a liking to Sandor when he became your guard. He was too silent for your liking but that meant you had to break his walls down. 
Sandor stood and waited with you outside of your mother’s chambers. She was going to give birth to her second child. Sandor had mumbled to you to keep still since you kept walking back and forth, worried every time you heard your mother’s screams. You were about to say something when the screams stopped. Joffrey was born, and he was healthy. King Robert had his heir to the iron throne. Cersei had two other children after that and your relationship with her became unsteady. Sandor would cast a look at you whenever someone mentioned to you about Joffrey’s and your siblings' golden locks as they grew. You gave them a smile and answered. “They have been blessed with the Lannister’s golden hair.”
He knew you weren’t an idiot, he ignored when people said you were and sometimes when in a bad mood he slayed them whenever they expressed their opinions about it to him loudly. All beauty but nothing in your head. He wanted to tell them how wrong they were. He had spent hours with you in the dusty library of the castle. Seen you excelled in your studies. The winning smile you gave them disappears the moment they leave your sight. 
“Something to say, my beloved Sandor?” The tips of Sandor’s ears grew hot by your affectionate words. You had a habit of calling him all sorts of names after both of you grew closer. You didn't want to admit it to Sandor but you like seeing him squirm after calling him those sweet names. 
“No, princess.” He croaked out when you gave a cheeky smile. He immediately looked down at the ground. 
“Do you think father will ever notice?” You ask Sandor and he looks back at you. You were being serious. 
Sandor shook his head, no. “Maybe if he stops drinking and catches a break from his whores, I reckon he might see it. Unfortunately I can’t say anything. As much as father loves me more, I fear I will be punished if I say it.” 
Sandor was right you weren’t the dumb princess everyone seems to think. As the time passed, Joffrey and the rest of your siblings grew; it's been nearly 16 years. You had finally managed to get out of a marriage proposal that your father mentioned to you. Sandor was waiting outside as he heard your voice behind your father’s chambers door. He couldn’t help but grin when he heard the hearty laughter from the King. 
“Thank you, father. I knew you would be able to understand. That’s why you are the most wonderful King to ever live.” Sandor heard you say before walking out. 
Sandor watched as you shut the door behind you and pointed at the staircase nearby. Sandor looked around his surroundings, making sure no one was in sight. He walked a few steps down and turned to see you walking towards him. He lets out a huff when you jump on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Seven hells.” Sandor cursed when kissed his cheek, attacking him with kisses. Sandor moved to capture your lips with his. 
“I take it. It went well.” Sandor said, pulling you close to him. You nodded with a grin. 
“Father can be very kind when he’s drunk out of his mind.” You told him as he put you down on the steps. Both of you froze at the sound of Joffrey’s voice, he was coming up the steps. Sandor immediately took a few steps away from you. 
“Oh look, it’s my dear sister.” 
“Hello, my dear brother.” You greeted Joffrey in the same sarcastic tone. The blonde stood a few steps down from you with Ser Meryn Trant behind him. 
“Dog.” Joffrey said.  “My-.” 
“You mean Sandor.” You cut Sandor off. Your harsh tone wiped the smirk off Joffrey's face. You crossed your arms over your chest. This was an ongoing thing. Joffrey would call Sandor a dog to get a rise out of you. 
“His name is Sandor. Have you forgotten?” Joffrey can’t help but smile wickedly at you. It irritated you, Joffrey grew to be more ill and filled with a horrible attitude. He was a spoiled child, that’s all you had to say about your brother. His words and remarks were vile and you wouldn’t stand for it especially when it came to Sandor or to your servants. 
“He’s a dog, my dear sister. There’s no changing that. He is The Hound.” 
“You’re a dog as well. You even act like one and yet people still call you prince.” You answered back. 
“You little-.” Meryn Trant stopped mid sentence when he saw Sandor walking down the steps to get next to you. 
“Finish what you were saying. I fucking dare you.” Sandor threatens Meryn Trant and gives him a cold stare down. Sandor’s reputation grew as the years passed. Killer, monster, perhaps even worse than his brother, the names and the fear of fighting against him grew. They all knew no one is safe when he’s protecting you. 
“You are so kind to the people below us.” Joffrey said, making your eyes roll. You wished for the day when Joffrey realized that he is a bastard. It was called a rumor but you knew the truth. Cersei has always been a bit sloppy when she was drunk. You had seen your mother and your uncle, Jamie getting cozy. 
“I will be so heartbroken when you finally leave King’s Landing and join those filthy people from Drone.” You smile at your brother. Plans have been changed. 
“I’m surprised that you know about my marriage proposal with Drone.” You said knowing him and your mother had conspired this marriage proposal. 
“Let me be the one to deliver this good news to you, dear brother.” Joffrey frowned as you approached him closer. 
“There is no need to be heartbroken, for I am staying. There is no proposal.” Joffrey's blonde brows rose up and his shocked expression turned into an angry one. 
“It must be hard not being father’s favorite.”  You whispered. 
This dispute, the rivalry between you and brother began when he was able to see how Robert favored you more. He reached out for Robert but Robert was busy being King or being drunk. Joffrey was always envious of you, you had your father wrapped around your finger along with the entire realm while you got cheered and praised. He got concerned looks from the people of King's Landing. 
“Shall we go, Sandor? Agatha said she was preparing chicken for prandium.” You looked over at Sandor who nodded at you. 
“Yes, princess.” Passing by Joffrey, you ignored the look from Mery Trant. Sandor bowed his head to Joffrey and followed you. You can hear Sandor’s heavy footsteps behind you as you continue to hold your front. You wouldn’t let Joffrey know that his little plan to get rid of you didn’t work. Thanks to Lord Baelish and Lord Varys who gave you a heads up about it again, this wasn’t the first time. Joffrey wanted to get rid of you again and now he had even gotten your mother to play along. 
Night came and you welcomed the warmth Sandor provided you. Even though the weather of King’s Landing was already warm you still preferred the heat from Sandor’s body. 
“I heard something.” Sandor spoke after a moment of silence. You played with the soft hair on his chest while you laid your head on his arm, his arms tightening around you. 
“Speak, Sandor.” You softly said, growing anxious every passing second. 
“The servants overheard Joffrey asking Cersei about taking me as his own guard.” You raised your head off his arm and looked down at him. 
“He wants me as his guard.” Sandor answered you. You shook your head. 
“That little cunt.” You whispered under your breath and you realized Sandor wasn’t even looking at you. He kept staring up at the ceiling of your chambers. His eyes had become dull and his face was emotionless. Pushing the sheets off your body, you moved to sit in his lap. Paying no attention to the soreness between your legs, you felt him hold on to your legs as you cupped his face with both hands. 
“He won’t take you away from me.” Sandor let out a strain chuckle.
He knew what he had with you won’t last. He had made a promise to himself when he first met you. He wouldn't fall in love with you but he broke it. He was utterly in love with you after being your guard for many years. He had convinced himself in the beginning of your relationship that you guys can be together but reality was hitting him straight in the face, you were a princess and he was just a second born son. You would be married to someone else, someone better. You would leave him. 
“I swear it.”  
“Might be for the best if I do switch. It will be for the best.” Sandor said, making you frown. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to watch you marry some lord or a king and give him kids.” Sandor traced the skin of your legs as he spoke. 
“Your father won’t decline the next marriage proposal. He did it for the last two but not the third one. He won’t, I know it. The realm wants to see you married and have children. If I keep guarding you and you get married, I’ll kill your husband.” Sandor said sincerely. You dropped your hands from his face and brought it down to his chest. 
“Do you love me?” You asked. 
Sandor’s jaw clenched and his eyes grew hard. “Yes or no?” 
“You know I do. I have killed for you.” Sandor responded with no remorse. He had spilled blood for you and had lost count on how many people he killed to protect you and your honor.  
“If you love me then never say those words again. Promise me?! Promise me that you won’t say that it’s best.”
Sandor said your name softly but you yelled at him. “Swear it to me! Please.” 
Sandor nodded, raising his hand up to cup your cheek when he saw you on the verge of tears. He couldn’t bear seeing you cry. You grabbed on to his wrist, kissing his palm. 
“I promise. I swear it.” He told you. You leaned down to kiss him. Enjoying the tender moment with him, there were a few times when Sandor showed his soft side with you. It was mostly in bed, both of you would be wrapped around each other and sometimes the aftermath of many orgasms. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He told you and you began to kiss him harder moving your hips, your cunt humping against his cock. Whining loudly when you felt him pull you to his chest and wrap an arm around you. His free hand touches your bare ass. Sandor takes a deep breath as he feels how warm and wet you are. 
“I won't let Joffrey take you away from me. I have a plan.” 
Sandor’s hand freezes on your ass and looks down at you. 
“A plan?” You nodded as you pressed a kiss on his chest. 
“Yes. You’re mine, Sandor. No one is going to take you away from me.” Your words were like a shot of adrenaline to him. He gripped your ass harder, he wanted to believe you.
He didn't want to ruin this moment with a fight. He wanted to remember this night with you incase this would be the last night he gets to spent with you. Naked and curled up together. He wanted to enjoy it, so he moved to his side, taking you with him. Facing each other now, Sandor drapes your leg over his waist, your right arm under his head while his arm goes under you. In a thirst position, he can hold you close to him. You bump his nose softly and kiss his scared cheek.  He gripped your waist pulling you closer to him.
You shut your eyes and moan when his thick fingers touch your slit. Gather the reminiscence of your cum and his dripping from your hole and rub it on along the swollen lips of your cunt. The tip of his fingers gliding over your clit making you cry out, your cunt was sensitive from earlier. Your toes curled up and legs tensed up when you felt his finger inside of you. 
“Fuck.” He groans as he holds you close to him. Moaning his name as you felt him finger you for a moment. He shifted and moved your legs higher so he had room. 
“Sandor.” You cry out his name as he slips inside of you. You held on to his arms as he gripped your waist while pumping into you. 
His face hidden between your neck and shoulder, you can feel his hand on your back, nails digging into your skin. You held on for dear life as you heard him growl against your skin. 
“I’ll kill him, Y/n.” He moans to you as he fucks you, his cock sliding in and out of your cunt. His thrust was growing faster and harsher. The thought of you married with some prince made him angry. Even if people didn't know, you were his and he would keep it that way.
“You hear me?” He said with a moan. He moves his face towards you. You nod at him letting out a pitched whine when he hits that sweet spot. 
“You belong with me. You’re mine.” You kissed him trying to mask your moans but nothing in the world would mask the squelching sound of your pussy being fucked. 
Sandor held on to you as he moved his hips back and forward. He feels his balls tighten when he feels you cum on him, you’re trembling, skin slick with sweat. Sandor is grunting as he manhandles you. Your hands are on him, touching him, you can feel the muscles and his scars from his battles on his back and his arms. 
Sandor cries your name and you shut your eyes as he presses his hips against you, slamming his cock deep inside of you. His hand on your hips goes down your ass, cups your cheek. He squeezes it as he cums deep inside of you. You whimper feeling stuff, your pussy keeps clenching and unclenching around him. He shifts his hips and you moan at the feeling of your clit being ticked by his pubic hair.
You feel his lips on your cheek, pressing soft kisses as he huffs out of breath. 
“Sandor.” You whispered as you nuzzled against his face. You didn’t mind the feeling of the scars against your face, you kept close to him enjoying the aftermath of your orgasm. 
You didn’t want this to end, you wouldn’t allow it. Sandor was yours first, Sandor belongs to you just as much you belong to him. You weren’t going to give him up without a fight. 
Morning came and you were woken by your ladies in waiting. The flock of ladies knocked and waited for you outside to respond. You rose up, finding yourself alone. You wrapped yourself in a blanket and invited them inside. One by one they walked inside, picking up the sheets from the floor, one went to your closet to get your clothes for the day and one opened the doors to the balcony. 
“Here, my princess.” The eldest came by you after you covered yourself with your robe. You thanked her for the tea and waited patiently while one warmed your bath water.
One of the ladies was brushing your hair after your bath. They stopped when there was a knock on the door, opening the door. Sandor came walking in, he had a concerning look on his face. 
“Good morrow, princess. The king demands your presence in his chambers at once.” 
You walked to your father’s chambers with Sandor behind you. He sensed how nervous you were. Before going around the hall, you felt Sandor grab your arm. He gently pulled you back. You were pushed softly against the wall. Sandor stood in front of you, towers over you as he looked down at you. 
“Worried?” You whispered to him. You feel one of his hands cup your face. 
Sandor doesn’t reply, he simply presses his lips against yours. “Go on.” He tells you and steps away from you. 
Sandor has a habit of never expressing his feelings out loud. Sandor followed you quietly. He wasn’t worried at all, he was scared and he hasn’t felt this way since he was a child when Gregor disfigured him. 
You walked down the hall and came to a halt when you saw Ser Meryn Trant standing outside of your father’s chamber. It meant that Joffrey was inside. You felt bile rise up. Clearing your throat, you took a deep breath to calm your nervousness. 
Meryn Trant saw you and opened your father’s chamber door for you. You looked over your shoulder and gave Sandor a look of nervousness. You took one last look of his brown eyes. It calms you for a moment and you’re able to walk inside your father’s chamber. You noticed Joffrey sitting down along with your mother while your father sat behind his desk. The door shut behind you as you walked towards your father. 
“Mother. Brother.” You greeted them and walked next to your father. You leaned down to kiss one of his pudgy cheeks. Robert gave you a smile and greeted you. You can smell the wine coming off your father.
“Sit, we have been waiting. Joffrey and your mother wish to discuss something with us.” 
You sat on the empty seat next to your mother. “Joffrey has told me that he would like Sandor as his personal guard.” Your mother said. 
So this was about Sandor. “What's wrong with Ser Meryn Trant?” You asked Joffrey. 
Joffrey wasn't expecting for you to say something. He thought you would obey instantly. You stare at Joffrey, you weren't going to let Sandor slip away from you. You were going to fight for him. 
Joffrey looked over at his father who was also staring at him. “Well, since Y/n is going off in Dorne. I want Sandor.” 
“I'm not going to Dorne. I told you.” Joffrey clenched his jaw. 
“You had refused your last marriage proposal. Father, are you going to accept this?” Joffrey asked Robert. 
“She isn't going to Dorne.” Robert said, making Cersei sit up. “Why not?” She asked him. 
“You dare to question me, woman.” Robert eyed Cersei. 
“Our daughter has not been wed, people will talk.” 
“You think I care what people say about her. She is my daughter. My word is law and final. She won't be shipped to Dorne.” 
You dislike how sometimes your father would speak to your mother. Robert was a down right misogynist but when it came to you he was different. You knew it had to do with Lyanna Stark, everyone told you how there was a resemblance between you and her. It was confirmed when Ned Stark and his family came to King's Landing to celebrate your name day. Ned couldn't take his eyes off of you and had even stuttered his sister's name after drinking with your father. 
You felt bad for Ned after so many years the death of his sister still had a hold over him just like Robert. He had begged forgiveness to you the next day. “Nonsense. No need to forgive, Lord Stark.” 
“He’s a good man.” Sandor told you after Ned left. You had finished a walk with Ned in the garden after you told him if it would be alright to share some stories about Lyanna. He gave you a smile and accepted. You learned a lot about her and intend to use this information. 
“He is.” You replied to him. 
“It will get him killed one of these days.” Sandor’s words made you sad. You didn't want to see the Lord of Winterfell dead. Unlike Joffrey and your mother, you enjoy their presence and have grown fond of his wife, Catelyn. 
“Our daughter should have been married and had babies by now. We can use her as an advantage, a leverage.” Cersei stood up from her seat and walked to the corner of the room where the cart of wines and cups were at. 
“I believe it has to be that atrocious dog always behind her. His face scares off any suitors. She will be married soon and doesn’t need him anymore.” 
“He protects me, mother.” You said folding your hands on your lap. Cersei looked over her shoulder at you. You looked over at your father because at the end of the day, he has the last day. 
“Father, remember the riot. Those men would have killed me. Sandor was there and killed them all. He killed those men.” Robert nodded remembering all too well about that horrible riot that broke out.  
You stood up from your seat and walked towards the desk. You kneel down near your father ignoring the tsk sound from Joffrey. You decided if Joffrey and your mother wanted to play dirty. So will you. 
“I do not wish the same fate as the lovely Lyanna Stark. May she be at peace.” Your father’s eyes shifted at the mention of Lyanna.
“I know. I have refused two marriage proposals now but I must tell you the truth, Sandor didn’t trust them. He had seen him, heard them speak ill behind my back.” You knew the words you were about to say will be a low blow to your mother and it will create a shift between you two but you had to do it. You didn’t want Joffrey to have Sandor. Sandor Clegane is yours. 
“You might think this is ridiculous, father.” You grabbed your father’s hand. 
“I want to be loved. The type of love you and Lyanna shared. Ned told me stories about your love with her and it warmed my heart. I crave for that love you both shared.” You flinched at the sound of Cersei throwing her cup of wine to the ground and walked out of the room. No one said anything for a moment. You just watched as the red wine from Drone stained the carpeted rug. This was your chance, your moment to seal it. Joffrey won’t take Sandor away from you. 
Sandor stood straight up when he saw the queen running out of the room. The door was opened and he looked ahead. He saw you kneeling by your father, looking up at him. 
“Don't take Sandor away from me. Don't let me have the same fate as the woman you loved.” 
Robert smiled down at you and cupped your face. “No need to worry. Clegane will stay by your side.” 
Robert looks towards Joffrey. “Stay with Ser Mery Trant. If you wish for a more depraved guard. Perhaps we can ask The Mountain to fill in.” Joffrey quickly shook his head. He sent a glare at you before standing up and walking out of the room. Sandor moved away from the door when he saw Joffrey with a pout on his face. Ser Mery Trant followed the prince. 
Sandor looked back at the doorway. Robert had helped you get up on your feet and gave you a hug. Sandor gave you a small smile when he saw you staring back at him with your own smile as you hugged your father. It worked. 
Sandor knew he would have to beg forgiveness for not believing in you. Your plan worked. Shame on him for ever doubting you, Princess Y/n Baratheon, the realm's delight. 
Chapter 2 ->
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writingsofwesteros · 1 month
The one where Robert married Ned and Catelyn's oldest daughter. It is Robert's nameday and she has a special suprise for him. She brought in one of her most trusted handmaidens for them to have a threesome. Robert can't believe his luck.
I actually need you to write this please 😭🙏
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
Just thought I'd post this as a thank you for everyone's sweet comment.
The laughter of the King himself, as well as his close advisors and even his brother, Renly echoed in the royal halls. “I have a wife to return to,” Robert bellowed out as his Lords only continued to laugh and down ale. He chuckled to himself; as if he knew a joke as he pushed open the large, wooden doors of his royal chambers. “My love!” Robert called out; the door slamming shut behind him as he not so gracefully began to kick off his shoes. The ale he had taken throughout the evening simmered just under the surface as he hummed to himself. A soft smile came over his face at the sight of his wife; the rich, silk covers wrapped around her.
His hands reached forward, softly moving up her bare leg. The King only hummed in delight at finally being alone with his wife. It was only as the moonlight began to shine down that Robert realised it was not his wife settled in their bed. “My King…” Robert only grew more confused as he recognized his wife’s handmaiden. “I think you should leave,” Robert began to step away; a frown coming over his face at the thought of his wife’s maid betraying her. “Now.” The order rang out with ease as he stepped back. The desire to place distance was great. “Oh my love, are you always so grumpy.” The sweet, honed voice of his wife whispered from behind him.
“Wife…what are you planning?” Robert hummed as he only stared ahead; the bare body of the handmaiden gracefully moved to stand. “A little gift…” She purred; her hand snaking about his body as she began to unbutton his shirt. His cock twitched in his breeches as his wife’s favourite girl moved to her knees before him. “I have missed you.” His love whispered; pressing a soft kiss to the back of his neck as the shirt fell to the floor. Robert turned his head towards her as their lips finally met. His larger hand moved into her locks of hair and kept her impossibly close. Their tongues danced as she began to suck at his own whilst her maid moved her hands up and down his inner thighs.
The sound of his buckle echoed as Robert watched his wife slowly move around; her sweet body brushing against him. Those dark eyes of his moved over his wife as those sweet, mouth watering breasts of hers came into view. The slip of a robe he had gifted her on the most recent name day adorned her figure. “What have I done to deserve such a gift?” Robert hummed; his attention hardly on the handmaiden whose soft hand grabbed his fat cock. A smirk tugged on his lips at her gasp, a smile that his wife matched. “Does there need to be a reason?” His wife purred as her hands slowly moved down his bare chest.
The silk shift that had wrapped around her was now falling to the floor as she gracefully stepped from the material. Robert reached for the handmaiden’s hair as he began to guide her movements. “I know, he’s so big..” His wife purred in faux concern to her pretty maid. “Let me help you.” Robert watched in delight as his love leaned forward; her tongue joining the maids.” “Fuck…that’s,” Robert grunted as their tongues began to stroke up and down his length. The sloppy sounds began to echo with ease around his chambers. His wife reaches for his balls to begin to massage and this time his hips rock more; pushing deep in the maid’s mouth as she gags so prettily for him. Her drooling makes a mess of his fat cock.
His wife’s soft tongue brushed over what could not fit in their lover’s mouth. The erotic sight only filled Robert with desire as his moans began to fall with ease from his lips. “How long has this been planned for?” The King whispered; his hold on their heads only tightening now as he began quickening his movements. “Hmm, that would be a secret.” His wife purred up at him before her spit began to fall onto his throbbing length once more. His head leaked against the maid’s tongue as she moaned; her mouth sucking his fat, mushroom head. Robert watched in delight as his wife began to touch herself. Her hands groping those pretty, perky breasts.
Her slender, ringed fingers moved to her pretty, soaked pussy as they slipped over her clit. Her wetness coating her fingers already as Robert groaned. Two of her fingers were soon pushed in as her palm began to hit her clit again and again. The King watched on as his own pleasure began to rush through him without warning. The sweet maid’s gagging helped his climax as Robert grunted. His hold on her hair is only tightening now. His cum flooded her mouth as he pressed her against his stomach. Her gagging echoed with her drool falling down as the wet sounds of his wife’s creamy pussy sounded out. Robert as gently as he could remove the maid from his twitching cock. 
“Hmm, you did good.” Robert whispered his praise as the maid could only blush, especially as she caught sight of her Queen. “I want to watch you eat her,” the Queen panted out as her body arched from the marble floor. A shiver ran down the maid’s back as she whimpered; her lips parting as Robert grinned in hunger. The soft cries of her maiden only had the Queen more aroused as she quickened her hand; a third finger pushed in. “Oh…ah,” The stretch was so like her husband’s fat cock but still not enough as the wet, obscene sounds of his lapping echoed in her ears. She watched on as her maid began to lose herself in the pleasure.
Her hands reached for Robert’s dark locks as she began to ride the King’s face. His larger hands reached for her arse and pulled her impossibly close. The Queen could not stop her climax ripping through her as she began to shake. Her hands reached for those sweet tasting breasts of hers as her wetness gushed down her inner thighs.
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
3 - The Feast pt 1
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Part 4
The Last Velaryon
Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons
Chezney and I followed Robb's heel's quickly through the winter castle. All our belongings were being brought in by some of their guards and the rooms being prepared by the maids. But none of that matters to me. The ends of my dress had begun being covered in thick mud. "So where are we going now, Robb?"
He glanced over his shoulder causing his curls to bounce as he walked ahead of us. "It's just a little further, my ladies. Don't you worry I won't keep you out long to catch frostbite."
"It's colder than I anticipated it to be, Haelesa." Chezney shivered under her one layer winter fur causing me to pause in my step and drape mine over her shoulders to which she protested. "You'll catch a cold for sure."
Shaking my head I kept walking forward. For most of the remaining trip I didn't notice the cold too bad until we stopped moving and ended up underneath a large red tree in the middle of a winter garden area. "She's right, Lady Haelesa. I would never hear the end of it if you froze to death on my watch." Robb came over sliding his light colored fur cloak off his shoulders.
"Robb, that's not necessary. You'll surely freeze too." I attempted to turn down his offer.
But the Stark boy was raised to be honorable and kind by his parents. He placed the cloak over my shoulders and it almost fell off since it was bigger on me than him. He moved his hands down, tying the laces so it stayed on. "I was born in the North, remember. I'll last longer without a cloak than you and your friend would have."
"Well thank you. So what is this place?" I lifted my head up slightly eyeing the tall red tree in front of the three of us.
He lifted his blue eyes upwards the tree. "This is the Godswoods of Winterfell. My parents were married underneath this tree and someday I shall be too. I thought I should show you since they probably don't have one like it in the south."
"I must say I've seen more of the North than the place I shall call home for the rest of my life." I sadly admit to him.
He apologized. "I'm sorry."
"Not you're doing. It is the fault of my new golden husband." Shrugging my shoulders.
He made a face at me. "You're the girl from the foreign fish house by Dragonstone. My father mentioned it once but I didn't think I would be meeting you during the king's ride here."
"Yes well, my father had legitimate son's. The one he has is only concerned with bedding girls instead of helping the family name. So it all hangs on my head." I explained to him.
Robb eyed me silently for a moment. He wasn't sure what had come over him but he knew he couldn't keep it to himself. "You don't want the marriage to the Kingslayer do you?"
"I told her he might be nice once she gets to know him." Chezney remains the hopeful one.
Turning my head slightly back and forth the wind managed to catch some of the baby hairs that couldn't fit into my braid. "I've heard some good and some bad. Rarely any good ones come from an arranged marriage in this life."
"My mother claims that hers ended well. Five Stark children and an honorable husband." He pointed it out to me.
Nodding my head I kept on. "Indeed it appears so. I dream of the day but it is not my only dream in life."
"An arranged marriage is not my dream either.  But I was raised to be lord of Winterfell. I must do the duty of my house." He declared dropping his brown gaze onto me. "What is your dream, Haelesa?"
Throwing my arms away from my sides I raised them in the air feeling a rush of excitement at somebody finally asking me after all these years. "What I want is to see the world. I've lived my whole life in a castle surrounded by water. After the Targaryen reign ended my house fell into the shadows. I assumed I would die in that castle until my father declared I was to wed Jaime Lannister."
"But we are seeing the world, D." Chezney attempted to say.
Sending her a glare I wasn't finished. "Until we're shipped off to Casterly Rock surrounded by the ocean once more. Forgive me, Robb but what I want is something I shall never have."
"I understand, my lady." He replied softly. "You want love and adventure. Same as I."
I chuckled lightly at the eldest Stark boy. "Aren't we a pair."
Chezney turned her attention away from our conversation hearing the galloping of hooves coming our direction. Robb and I soon noticed it and turned our heads over our shoulders seeing a Stark knight. "My lord, my ladies. Lady Stark sent me to retrieve you for the feast tonight."
"Thank you, ser. We were just on our way back." Robb nodded at one of his father's men.
Chezney and I watched the knight remain there where she spoke up. "Was there something else, ser?"
"Ser Jaime wishes to see his betrothed before the feast tonight. I was informed to escort you to him." The knight said.
Tugging the cloak closer around me I huffed following Robb back on foot. Chezney was behind us and the knight followed from behind even though I didn't feel afraid in these woods. "And so it begins." Getting back to the castle I didn't bother with changing out of my muddy clothes if he wished to see me it would be like this. The Stark knight led me through some hallways until we reached the chambers we had been given by Lord Eddard for our time being here.
The Stark knight held open the door and I shooed him away where he shut the door before my betrothed ever uttered a word. "I was wondering if you were ever coming back or had you and your lady in waiting scampered off to the woods with that boy."
"The boy's name is Robb. Now what is it you wished to see me for?" I questioned him.
Jaime smirked, taking a step towards me. "Ah already on a first name basis are you. Tell me are you more intrigued by such danger of getting caught. Because I can gladly help you with your desire before the wedding in a few weeks."
"Hah. I have no desire to share your bed." I scoffed.
He shook his head. "But you'll have to at some point."
"Not by my choice." I sniped, closing Robb's cloak tightly around me. "If you called me here just to make flirty remarks I must be ready for the feast."
"I have something for you actually. If you're interested." Spinning on my heels I headed towards the door until he spoke up. He went over to a crate drawing out something long wrapped in a cloth sheet. He unwrapped it revealing a shiny new blade.
Tilting my head to the side I slowly moved away from the door admiring the newly forage sword that he had placed on the edge of the bed. "Did you have it made for me?"
"I did my best to get the balance right. If it's too heavy I can have the blacksmith change it." He said back to me.
Slowly wrapping my fingers around the handle I took a hold of it with both hands. Swinging it lightly around I could feel much better balance than the one I held at Kings Landing. "This is much better but I don't understand. Why do this for me?"
"It's very unlikely we will fall in love with this arrangement. So I thought I'd do something to make you happy. I saw that we are both in our true element when we were sword fighting. It's yours, Haelesa." Jaime explained resting his right hand on his hip.
Laying the sword down on the bed I sent him a tiny smile. "Thank you, Jaime."
"You're welcome. Now you best get ready for tonight. We can practice before we leave here in a few days." He says while I put the sword back in its holder and headed for the door.
Opening the door I halted in my tracks seeing his sister standing there where I quickly gave her my best curtsy. "Your grace."
"Little Velaryon." She greets me with a stern look walking past me and into her brother's chambers. Once the door was shut behind the young Velaryon Cersei changed her entire demeanor towards her brother. "What exactly do you hope to gain with her?"
Jaime sat down on the bed confused. "What are you talking about?"
"You know what I am talking about. I have spies everywhere in the city. They told me about you sword fighting with her and her lady in waiting. Now you present her with her own sword. Father won't be happy with that."
He rolled his eyes. "Father has rarely ever been happy with anything we've done in our lives."
"Probably because you and our monster of a brother never did what he wanted. Like jumping off the side of the Rock when we were children." She grumbled to him.
Jaime rolled his eyes. "There was nothing wrong with what I did until you told him about it. Now is there something you want to tell me or did you just come to snoop on me?"
"I came to warn you of her. She won't love you. She's a child and she will never have what we have." Cersei stepped closer to him, throwing her bright red dress around as she went.
Jaime dropped his hands in his lap. "Don't tell me you're jealous of the Velaryon girl. She doesn't want this marriage. The only thing I can do is make it look like this can work between us. If I make it clear that I am with you both our heads will be on spikes."
"You let me worry about my drunk husband. And remember that father doesn't care if you make her slightly happy or not." The queen of the seven kingdoms eyed her brother.
He got to his feet snagging her wrist and bringing her to his embrace. "Lannisters don't act like fools. It's the family name that lives on. Nothing else matters."
"So give her a child and then be done with her. That's the plan." She nodded to him in agreement sepering from him and leaving him to prepare for the feast herself.
I wasn't familiar with the rules of many feasts where the royal family was present. Thankfully I wasn't the one hosting such an event. I simply had to represent my house to the best of my ability. Chezney and I made our way down the cold stone stairs that led into the large dining hall. "I can't believe we're here together, Hael."
The feast
"It's not that exciting." I told her where she huffed and I knew I needed to change my attitude about this. "I'm sorry, Chez. This just doesn't feel like me. All the formalities, gowns and accessories. I don't care for it all."
She squeezed my arm that was looped through hers. "Yeah. I suppose you'd rather be running through the woods like a wilding."
"I wouldn't say that - oh I'm sorry." I accidentally bumped into a young girl with dark brown hair and a messy dress. Tilting my head to the side I recognize her as the youngest Stark daughter. "You're Arya aren't you?"
She spun around on her feet. "You're the Velaryon girl. Come sit with me." She takes hold of my hand and drags me to her seat with Chezney trailing behind us and pulling up a chair for herself.
"So how boring are these things normally?" Chezney asked the young girl.
Arya sticks her tongue out. "Extremely. I don't like them. But I can't stand that either. I'm Arya, what's your name?"
"I'm Haelesa and this is Chezney." Following her gaze I saw that her older sister Sansa was gossiping with her friends. She kept aweing the blonde haired prince who was looking in her direction. I couldn't blame her for not liking it. Yes he was cute and had the title of Prince but that wasn't important if he was a brute. "I see that. I never had any sisters to relate to."
"She was stuck with me. I think I do a rather good job." Chezney throws an arm over my shoulder.
Arya smiled, grabbing her fork and getting some cake on the end of it. "Watch this, it'll be funny."
"Arya!" Sansa gasped shapely when the cake from the fork smashed on her cheek. Some of it fell and got on her dress which caused laughter to fill the hall. Covering my mouth with my hands I couldn't contain the laughter that fell from my lips. Chezney nearly fell backwards off her chair.
At that time Lady Stark sent her eldest son a look sending him over to the three of us. Robb began coming in our direction where I warned the girl. "Run Arya."
"Come on. Get some more." Chezney attempted to help her get some more cake on her fork to do it a second time.
Scrambling to my feet I moved around in the blue dress I wore hoping to block him from his sister. "Haelesa, what are you doing?" He chuckled moving but I got in front of him at every step.
"Keeping you from her, what does it look like?" I teased him with a grin.
Robb made a move but I jumped in front of him yet again. He kept his hands at a distance where if he had he could easily beat me here. He was much faster and stronger after all. "My mother wants me to put her to bed before she embarrasses us more tonight."
"Sorry Robb. But it's three against one." I chuckled seeing his eyes shift from me to my best friend and his sister then back to me. "What's the problem, Stark. Afraid to fight a girl?"
He answered my question. "I was raised not too."
"It's all in good fun." I responded.
Chezney nudged Arya who bent her spoon back and launched cake in his face. He ran toward her and he almost grabbed her until I jumped on his back and we went tumbling to the cold floor. "Haelesa!" He called out my name in a fit of laughter.
"Ha we beat you." Chezney teased him with Arya proudly at her side.
Robb rubbed the back of his head while I brushed the dirt off my dress. "Yes you did. Now off to bed you." He forced himself to his feet pushing his sister towards the hallway.
"At least you're not a sore loser, Stark." My best friend sticks her tongue out.
I pushed myself up to stand on my own feet not bothering with fixing my messy hair. I felt my chest rising up and down knowing I was enjoying myself at this moment. "Uh, I need some air." I told the pair sensing that someone was watching me. I was right to assume so because Jaime was leaning up against the wall watching the whole moment between us. I didn't feel comfortable being myself with him watching me.
"I'll come with you." Robb offered me his arm since I wasn't familiar with the grounds and it was nightfall now so it was easy for me to get lost.
Chezney waved bye to us. "See you later." She saw Robb and I walk away from the feast yet she wasn't the only one watching in the room.
Unknown to the young pair King Robert and his friend Lord Eddard were the ones watching them. "Ned, there's something we should talk about."
"Of course." He agreed to his friend leaving the feast.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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baratheon-babe · 1 year
First Fic Idea!!
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claymoresword · 1 month
We Bleed The Same | Part: 1
Cersei Lannister x Stark Fem!Reader 🐺
Summary: On the road from Winterfell to King's Landing, Cersei and y/n find themselves reconciling with both old and new feelings as fate seems determined to tear them apart.
Sequel to 'Where's My Love'.
Wordcount: 4k
Pairing: Cersei x Reader
Warnings: smut, g!p reader, mentions of sexual violence & domestic abuse, breeding kink, blowjob/deep throating, unprotected sex, dubious consent, co-dependency, y/n & cersei are soulmates argue with the wall
Note: This was actually a lot of fun, I already can't wait to put out the second part! Anyway, hope you enjoy this one as much as i enjoyed writing it (smut after asterisks)
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You have been on the road for what feels like an eternity, the children are growing restless, and so are you, but King's Landing is still weeks away. Your next destination being Castle Darry, by order of the king.
Robert Baratheon is rather fond of his pit stops, and you have half a mind to strangle him for that.
What is meant to be a few weeks on the road has turned into months of long-winded journey.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat for the hundredth time, leaning back against the cushions.
You are certainly looking forward to sleeping in a proper bed, whenever that might be.
Just as you start to grow somewhat comfortable, the litter jerks to an abrupt halt, forcing you to lean forward.
Ned places a firm arm in front of his girls to prevent them from falling forward the same way you had.
“Why have we stopped?” You ask, exasperated. Subsequently, pulling aside the curtain next to you to look out the window, only to be greeted with darkness.
You hadn't realized it was already nightfall.
As you squint, you only manage to make out an open field– the scenery does look beautiful, but this isn't the castle.
“Maybe the king needed a piss again.” Arya remarks, trying her best to look over your shoulder.
You narrow your gaze at your niece, and her inability to keep her thoughts to herself. Although there is full possibility that the girl was correct.
The king had delayed the possession half a dozen times today to relieve himself.
“No..” Sansa utters. “He's being sick.” She observes, and it is swiftly followed by the sound of Robert dry heaving.
You grimace at the noise, no longer concealing your annoyance.
Robert has stopped the journey half a dozen times to do that as well.
“Perhaps if he didn't drink so much..” You start, although your brother interjects before you can say anything else.
“Be quiet, the lot of you.” Ned scolds, and you have to bite back a retort as you petulantly glance out through the curtains again.
Eventually, the litter resumes movement, and you rest your back once more, allowing your mind to wander.
Cersei is no doubt feeling as miserable as you are, if not more.
Had you been given leave to ride with her, perhaps this journey would not be half as excruciating.
You missed her, you crave to hear her voice, to touch her, kiss her.
If you fail to reach Castle Darry by tonight, you aim to find a way inside the queen's litter. Robert is certain to be too drunk to notice anyway.
The journey continues on for several more hours, the repetitive movement of the carriage begins to lull you, you could only fight it for so long before a deep and dreamless slumber manages to take over.
“Y/n.” You stir to Ned's voice, his hand on your shoulder is like a jolt to your system; you sit up abruptly.
As you come to your senses, you notice that the litter has stopped, Arya and Sansa are no longer beside you.
“We're moving into the castle, I need your help carrying in the food crates.” Ned explains, pulling open the curtains next to you.
“What hour is it?” You ask groggily, still trying to rub the sleep from your eyes.
“I don't know.” Ned responds truthfully. “but I reckon we'll see first light soon.” He finishes, yet you fail to move.
“Come on, you've been asleep for hours.” Your brother insists, he grabs ahold of your hand, forcibly hoisting you up.
As he tugs on your arm, you stumble out of the litter, leaning your weight on Ned as you attempt to find your footing.
You shove him away after you do, scowling at your brother, and his very successful attempt at manhandling you.
“When we get back on the road I am riding on horseback. I'm sick of sitting in that damned thing.” You grumble, gesturing to the carriage behind you before smoothing out your cloak and running your fingers through your hair.
“As you wish, but I refuse to listen to you whine about saddle sores.” Ned says, approaching the stack of crates.
“I am a woman grown, I do not whine.” You contend defensively.
Ned does not heed your remark, nodding towards the large crate impatiently, he braces his hands on the underside of it. “Come, help me.”
Castle Darry sits atop of a hill in the Riverlands, the climb was steep enough to knock the wind out of you.
By the time you enter through its doors, your chest is heaving. “Seven hells–” You mutter under your breath, although you are quickly distracted by the interior of the palace.
Darry had decently high ceilings, the castle is larger on the inside as it appeared on the outside. Somehow modest and grand all at once.
The stairs, large and winding, are set at the center of the main hall leading up to the bedchambers.
Robert picked a decent place this time around, you'll give him that much.
You stroll past the stairs towards the castle's great hall, observing as Ned approaches the table in the far right, next to a window that overlooks a view of the river.
You spot your nieces and nephews enjoying an early breakfast. Next to them are Cersei's youngest children, Myrcella and Tommen.
Sansa and Myrcella appear caught up in conversation, whilst Arya and Tommen are on their knees, busy feeding Nymeria pieces of charred meat.
Joffrey is nowhere to be seen. This doesn't surprise anyone, in truth. The prince along with his sworn guard often wander about on their own. The boy was always eager to find trouble where he can, that much is evident.
You begin scanning the rest of the hall, you notice the kingsguard along with the queen's men, but no sight of the king or queen themselves.
You can't help the disappointment that settles in your belly, you were hoping to get at least a glimpse of Cersei before heading to bed.
“Where is the queen?” You ask as you take a seat next to Robb and his half-brother, Jon.
You reach for the flagon of spiced wine, pouring it into a cup as you await a response.
Robb merely shrugs as he stuffed a piece of bacon into his mouth, and your other nephew decides to opt for a smart answer.
“With the king, I presume?” Jon remarks, insolent and juvenile.
You quickly wipe the smirk off his face by placing a firm smack against the back of his head.
Jon yelps, reaching up to rub the same spot you had just struck him. “What was that for?”
“I meant, which room is she in?” You rephrase, unamused before lifting the rim of your cup to your lips, taking a large drink.
A burst of nutmeg and cinnamon coats your tongue, when accompanied with the warm, bitter taste of wine, it manages to soothe you.
“I saw her enter the one upstairs, at the end of the hall.” Sansa chimes in, making sure to swallow her food first before addressing you.
You turn your attention towards your niece, a look of gratitude paints your features. “Thank you, Sansa.”
“Hopeless, the both of you.” You remark, reaching out to mess up Robb's head of auburn hair.
You relished the way both boys scowled at you as you left the dining area.
You trudge up the steep stairs leading to the bedchambers. Glancing at the row of rooms to your left, and then to your right.
You mentally curse yourself for failing to clarify with Sansa exactly which room the queen had taken as her own.
After a moment of deliberating, you decide to take a risk, approaching the room on the far left, one hidden behind a large pillar.
You knock twice before resting your hand on the pommel of your sword.
A beat passes and no one answers, though just as you move to walk away, the door opens, and a golden-haired beauty emerges from the dark room.
Your smile happens involuntarily as you pale greys catch Cersei's emerald gaze. Though the queen doesn't reciprocate, instead she pulls you in for a sudden hug.
After a fleeting moment of confusion, you embrace her in return. Your hand rests on the small of her back, the other gently threads through her golden curls.
As your gaze wanders, it is only then you notice a tear in her robe. The silk material fails to cover the bruising on Cersei's arm; the sight makes you stiffen.
The queen fails to speak, so you decide to break the silence first.
“Is everything alright?” You ask, expecting the answer, but Cersei does not grace you with a verbal reply, merely hugging you tighter.
“Do you want me to stay here tonight?” You whisper instead, your lips brush against the shell of the other woman's ear.
Cersei remains quiet for a while, as though considering your request. She pulls back slightly to look at you, her gaze softens as she traces your features with her thumb.
“You can't, Robert's in my bed.” She finally says, and your brows furrow at the prospect.
That old brute laid his hands on her again.
You open your mouth to protest, but as if expecting it, Cersei places her hand over your mouth, stopping you. “Don't– do not say anything, just kiss me.”
With that, the queen leans in, capturing your mouth with her own. The kiss is desperate, and anguished. Cersei moans softly into your mouth as your tongues make contact.
She tastes like lemon and arbor red, and you are content to feel her like this, for all eternity, although the way your lungs burn for air proves your desire to be an impossible one to uphold.
You break away first, tilting your head to kiss her neck. Cersei gasps at the sensation, her fingers clenched tightly around your hair as your mouth finds the base of her jaw.
“I want–” The queen starts, her voice trembling ever so slightly as your mouth continues to move along her tender flesh.
Eventually, Cersei finds the strength to tug on your hair, guiding your face to her own.
“I want to name you my sworn protector, when we get to King's Landing.” The older woman says suddenly. “I will declare it to the council myself.” Cersei adds, and she simply rakes her fingers through your hair at your lack of response.
“Then you'll have reason to be in my quarters.. in my company.. elsewise people will talk.” She explains, and finally, you nod.
The queen's sworn protector. Like you intended to be all those years ago, before things went wrong between the two of you.
“As you wish.. I am your servant.” You conclude, and for the first time tonight a smile covers Cersei's enchanting features.
Striking, delicate and so damned breathtaking.
“Good.” She says, pulling you in for another lingering kiss.
The following week at Darry had been at best, quiet and uneventful. You spent most of your days with your brother and his children and nights waiting for everyone to fall asleep just so you could visit the queen.
Although, you did not have the privilege of seeing her last night. After a long day of hunting with Ned and Robert, you don't recall how you got back to the castle, only that you had awoken this morning with a pounding head.
Not exactly fond of hunting, you did so mainly out of courtesy– as to not give the king cause to be upset.
Robert is as unpleasant on a hunt as he is on any other day, if not more.
Naturally, you drank to dull the ache his company caused, as well as pass the time.
In truth, all you wanted to do is spend your days and nights in bed with Cersei. You had managed to steal moments here and there, but nothing enough to satiate your need for her.
All the more reason to look forward to King's Landing. Once you get to the city you'll be allowed to spend time in the queen's bedchambers under the guise of guarding her from harm.
Then, you'll finally be allowed to do whatever you desire with each other without the danger of being seen.
Tonight, in a welcomed change of pace, you find yourself in the Godswood with Ser Jory Cassel, dull blades in hand.
He is a capable sparring partner, however predictable he might be.
You remind yourself once more that he is a knight, he fights clean like most of them.
Most knights are predictable.
“I cannot be out here for much longer, M'lady. Lord Eddard has tasked me to watch over his daughters tonight.” Ser Jory says as he resumes his stance, lifting his blade.
You shrug, doing the same.
“I understand, Ser. I only mean to fight you until I grow bored.. which shouldn't take long at all.” You jest, and it manages to hit a nerve, as the knight takes a large swing at you.
You deflect the blow before swiftly maneuvering your body away with one foot, causing the knight to stumble forward.
Ser Jory recovers quickly, this time you strike first, and your dull blades kiss with a large clash.
You take the opportunity to get out of the position by flicking your wrist, as a result your sword is released from the blade lock. You twist the blade in your hand once before pointing it at the knight's neck.
The quickest win yet.
Ser Jory sighs, lifting his arms in surrender. “I yield.”
You lower your blade with a grin. Though the man yields quickly, far too easily.
Suddenly, you find yourself hoping the knight isn't letting you win on purpose, or perhaps he is just eager to get inside and resume his post.
Either way, you are not yet satisfied.
As you are just about to request for another round, voices in the distance steal your attention.
You glance over to see men from the kingsguard standing under the Weirwood, gossiping– albeit not very discreetly.
“They were arguing again, the king and queen..”
Ser Jory has since set aside his sparring blade. He walks over to a wooden bench in the corner of the Godswood to fetch his sword belt, fastening it onto his person.
“See you inside, m'lady.” Jory announces as he rushes back into the castle. Although you hardly hear him at all as you inch closer to the pair of knights standing under the Weirwood tree.
You remain partially hidden by the darkness as you listen to their conversation whilst pretending to focus your attention elsewhere.
“I heard she broke his nose.” The kingsguard says.
“He broke hers more like. That's why she sent her handmaids to fetch her a cold compress.” The other knight chimes in, and his words send an unpleasant shiver down your spine.
You turn away, thoughtlessly discarding the practice blade you were holding before grabbing your own sword.
You slip past the main doors of the castle before sprinting up the stairs. You pushed past the pair of guards at the foot of it as they took a moment too long to step aside.
As you reach Cersei's bedchambers you notice that her door is left ajar. You push it open, stepping inside in a panic frenzy, only to nearly trip over Robert's large frame.
The king lays motionless by the door, on a beautifully crafted Myrish carpet. His large belly spilling out of his tunic.
A compelling sight.
You look up to find Cersei standing by the window, a goblet of wine in hand. She smiles as your eyes meet.
Her hair is unkempt, her robe falling off one shoulder, but there is no blood anywhere on her, in fact she appears entirely unharmed.
You turn to shut the door, wincing as it accidentally slams into place. Yet, Robert remains on the floor, unfazed.
“Is he dead?” You quip, circling the king's motionless body and it earns a bitter chuckle from Cersei.
“No, just passed out from drinking too much, I'm afraid.” The queen responds, her own voice slurred.
The queen is drunk.
“Pity.” You remark, as a large noise erupts from the king. The boisterous and grating snore continues every time he breathes.
You tilt your head at the sight of him, Robert Baratheon is a beast, and the worst kind.
You sigh at the thought before turning around, only to find Cersei standing right behind you.
She reaches up instinctively, wrapping her arms around the back of your neck.
“Did he hurt you?” You ask softly, your own hands finding her waist.
Your jaw tenses as Cersei nodded in response.
A blind rage overcomes you then, the sound of Robert snoring agitates you beyond belief, fueling your resentment.
“I could kill him.” You mutter through gritted teeth, and Cersei merely re-focuses her gaze on you, an amused smile playing on her lips.
“You are so adorable.” She whispers, almost mockingly, her lips then meet your neck.
The feeling of her kisses upon your skin slowly causes your anger to dissipate, you find yourself conflicted.
“Cersei–” You attempt, but the queen's mouth against the shell of your ear causes your words to die in your throat.
“Take me to bed..” She says, the scent of lavender in her hair invades your senses, and you find it nearly impossible to think. You are urged to do as she asks, but logic and reason forces you to consider otherwise.
“What?” You ask, and you feel Cersei's teeth graze your ear, she bites your earlobe before pulling back slightly to look at you.
“I want you to fuck me– you do it so well.” She pleads, in a tone that nearly makes your knees buckle.
Cersei runs her fingers through your hair, uninterested in hearing you protest any further.
She escapes your embrace, though not letting go of your hand as she steps over Robert.
The king continues to snore loudly, you are beginning to think the man will not wake for anything at all. He might as well be dead.
“Come.” Cersei coaxes sweetly, tugging on your arm.
You let her guide you without a moment's thought, stepping over the king to follow the queen to her bed.
Cersei lets go of your hand to unlace her robe, she shrugs it off, allowing it to fall on the floor, leaving her as naked as her nameday.
The queen watches you disapprovingly as you stand frozen in place. You observed the way her hips swayed languidly as she approached you.
She reaches south to unfasten your sword belt, gripping your blade by its scabbard before placing it on the floor.
“You are not naked enough.” Cersei points out, with a slight pout. The way she continues to slur her words causes your heart to constrict in your chest.
Even like this, she is breathtaking.
Beautiful.. and so utterly twisted.
You are so in love with her.
Cersei sets her bottom lip in between her teeth with palpable excitement as you obliged her. Unclasping your dark grey doublet, tossing it aside before lifting your tunic over your head.
The queen decides to assist you with your bottom half. Brazenly palming your cock through your breeches, her shoulder slumps in disappointment, unsatisfied with the current flaccid state of your shaft.
“What's wrong?” Cersei asks, her hands move up your body to cup your breast before resting on the nape of your neck once more.
You are unsure of how to respond, you remain overtly aware of the fact that Cersei's husband remained asleep only a few feet away.
You turn to glance at the man but the queen is quick to force your head in place. “Don't look at him.” She scolds before leaning in to capture your lips with her own for a long kiss.
As you aim to slip your tongue inside of her mouth, Cersei pulls away with a demand. “Take off your breeches, come here.”
You observed as Cersei climbed onto the bed, settling on her knees at the edge of it.
The sight admittedly manages to excite you; you feel your cock begin to stir.
You remove your breeches in haste, ridding them heedlessly as you approach the golden haired woman.
Now you stand in front of the bed and Cersei remains in a kneeling position on the edge as she grips the base of your semi-erect shaft. Bringing it up to her lips, she kisses the tip, all while maintaining eye contact.
“Fuck–” You groan aloud as Cersei finally takes you into her mouth, her tongue flat against your cock as she begins to suck.
You let out an unsteady breath, reaching down to grip a fistful of her hair, wary of not grabbing too tightly as you allowed Cersei to set her own pace.
The queen continues bobbing her head, taking your cock inside of her mouth in its entirety.
You feel her breathe out through her nose as she takes you in even deeper, pulling another groan from you as the tip of your shaft meets her throat.
You gasp as Cersei keeps going, you notice as tears begin to well up in her eyes before they flutter shut as she takes you further in.
The feeling of her swallowing around your cock makes you see stars, and it nearly causes you to finish right then and there.
“Gods above, Cersei–” You curse incoherently.
The queen chokes on your girth before leaning back to let your cock lay flat against her tongue once more.
She continues to suck dutifully, and you grunt, this time gripping her hair harshly to pull her head back.
You needed to take her, now.
“Enough, come here.” You state, and Cersei lets your cock fall out of her mouth.
She makes a noise of surprise as you harshly met her lips. Cersei kisses you passionately in return, pulling you down on top of her.
As the queen parted her legs for you, you don't give her much warning before reaching in between both of your bodies.
You line the tip of your shaft up to her entrance, and with one swift thrust, you enter her completely, filling Cersei to the hilt.
The older woman lets out a guttural noise at the sensation, followed shortly after by a whimper.
Cersei's nails dig into your back as her entire body trembles uncontrollably.
You turn to check if the king had perhaps awoken at the sound, but again, Cersei does not give you the chance, pulling you in for another kiss.
You decide not to heed caution any longer, you begin moving your hips, steadily increasing the pace.
If the king wakes, you will kill him.
Cersei mewls into your mouth as your cock hits the perfect spot within her, again and again.
Soon, you brace your hands against the bedding on either side of her head as you begin to rut into her wildly.
Cersei lets out a series of broken gasps and moans, followed by a louder whine when she suddenly reaches her peak around your cock.
You observed as the queen writhed underneath you with every thrust afterwards, she wraps her arms around your back weakly, pulling you in even closer.
You steal at the opportunity to take Cersei’s breasts into your mouth. Licking and sucking at them greedily.
She gasps at the feeling, and you soon earn another whine as you maintain your slow thrusts.
“Please..” The queen pleads, and the sound of her desperation alone makes you drunk.
“Fill me with your seed,” Cersei utters against your ear, her legs wrapped around your waist as though not allowing you the opportunity to disobey her.
“I want to feel it quicken inside me. I want to bear your children, your heirs. Only yours.” She continues, deliberately clenching her walls around your girth.
That does it.
Your release comes just as sudden, it is violent and unyielding.
Before you can even think of pulling out, your seed spills out in ropes, thick and warm, filling Cersei's womb, just as she wanted.
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
Heart of the Great Wolf
1 - Wolves of the Lone Stag
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Pairing: Jon Snow x F!Baratheon!Reader (slow burn), Robb Stark x F!Baratheon!Reader
Length: 16.1k
Warnings: Slow Burn, Strained parent-child issues, mentions of minor character death, secret relationship, arranged marriage, injured/sick child mention, smut, p in v, slight dom/sub dynamics, loss of virginity
Notes: Reader is firstborn daughter of Stannis Baratheon, based off the show but will include direct book elements, slight canon divergence. First Chapter is really long due to set up, subsequent future chapters won't be quite such a massive read. Chapter Two Here.
Travelling along the Kingsroad was far longer and more tedious with this company. Normally you would spend only so much time on here from White Harbour, most of the journey done on sea. Yet now, there were far too many people and it’s leader insisting on treating the journey as it’s own adventure. By the time you reached Winterfell it would be a month on horseback and no one to entertain your morose demeanour. Though perhaps you had to consider that it wasn’t just the company of the others that was less then ideal.
You had the supposed misfortune of being the daughter to the less favoured of the three Baratheon brothers. Robert, King Robert to those in public company, was a more complicated man. A mix of a man who successfully kept the peace for over twenty years but also was as unhappy on the throne and was unafraid to show it. He did however, have enjoyment in wine, hunting, and did hold a jovial laughter that kept people around him.
Your other uncle, was much more agreeable. Renly was the youngest of them and was charismatic and well liked. He was naive, not really a man suited for leadership but he did the best with what he knew to do. Closer to your age, you often found yourself spending time with him and it was right now that you were annoyed he chose to stay back in Kings Landing. A month with the King, his own family and the entire royal brigade and not one of them knew how to get a smile from you.
That was a trait from your father no doubt. Stannis Baratheon was the middle child, and he was easily the most disliked. He was cold, distant, unemotional and seldom allowed laughter at his table. He took his job seriously, more seriously then the King did his sometimes. In his prime, he was a proven battle commander and he never lost that. Robert was a warrior and he was happiest as such, but Stannis had never stopped being a commander and whether it made him liked or not, it taught you to be who you were now.
A Lady of the House Baratheon, firstborn daughter to Stannis and heir of Dragonstone was your current position and you were taught to uphold that name. Often found with a flat expression, close to a scowl as you walked the capitol you found nothing to enjoy there. Not that Dragonstone was where you’d find happiness either. The only place that had never been your home was the one you felt it in.
You had turned eight when your father had begun sending you out. Brought up, he ensured you had a Lord’s education as well as what all girls were taught. If you were to take up the mantle after him, he wanted you to learn from those that would teach you to be like him. That was when he sent you to Winterfell for the first time. Not a friend of Lord Eddard of House Stark, but your father did respect him the most. Two men both stern with upholding honour and justice, always doing what is right and what is honourable rather then what they wanted.
You spent seven months in Winterfell, and it was the first time your mother and father hadn’t been there for your name day. At the time, it made you sad but you had long since gotten over it. Over more then a decade had passed since your first stay in the north and many name days had been spent there with no word from your family. Well, at least your parents. The only family member you spoke too and more fondly with then Renly, was your baby sister. Shireen Baratheon was not just the light of your life but your fathers too. Some used to say that you were the only one who could make Stannis smile but you were nothing compared to how he smiled at that little baby.
You were fine with her being the favourite, she was your favourite family member as well.
Not long after baby Shireen had beaten a bout of horrific illness, your father had been summoned to Kings Landing. The King telling him that he was of no use to the realm shut away on Dragonstone, and he was to come to the capitol and sit on the small council as Master of Ships. He had taken you with him, and thus your new home was the wretched city full of backstabbers and manipulators.
Back and forth you went from Kings Landing to Winterfell, each stay growing longer and each stay you grew closer to the Starks then you did anyone in the Red Keep. Lord Stark was the perfect example of a good leader, warden of the North and inspired nothing but loyalty amongst the northerners and made you as welcome as anyone in his home. You followed him around most days, learning from him, watching how he handled diplomacy and made his lessons your own.
It was that how you got to know his ward, Theon Greyjoy. A rambunctious lad who listened diligently in formality and was crass and brash outside of that. You knew he would hate Kings Landing but often found yourself at your fathers side wishing the smart ass was next to you, nudging you with his elbow every time you were too closed off for your own good. It was easy to forget that he was technically the Starks prisoner, he fit into their family, the north as well as you did.
Not quite a leader as you were being taught to be, but you were confident once he had the chance to prove himself, you’d expect great things from him. You’d gotten a raven from him while on the road, and in his usual style he spent some time making fun of you for having to be “shacked up with the lamest of the three”.
Right. The reasons your company headed to Winterfell. The King had one, you were being forced into another though. The news shocking you as Stannis told you of your new duty the night before you left was double. That he was leaving for Dragonstone and you were to return to Kings Landing with Lord Stark and serve as acting Master of Ships in his absence.
He wasn’t just dumping his responsibilities onto you with no explanation of his distant behaviour and secrecy, your father had also dumped a marriage onto you and told you that you were to marry and come back. As if he didn’t just dictate your entire life to be like his. “You will marry the Stark boy, and with or without him you are to return in my place.”
Trying to reason with him, “You’re expecting me to have, what? A night maybe two with my new husband and then leave for however long you decide?”
Not even the slightest change of expression, but there was a twinge of regret in his eyes that was soon covered up. “I didn’t decide this alone. My brother, our king, has decided it with no room for question. I’m sorry, but you’re a Baratheon. You’re my daughter. And sometimes our duty requires us to marry not for love, but for the good of the realm.”
You had spoken to your betrothed since the announcement, but had yet to see him in person. A major reason as to why you wished Renly had come with you. Have someone to ease your nerves on the months ride, instead you were entirely on your own lost in what you were losing.
After all, you received a raven from not just Robb after the announcement. And it was that second one, and the finality of it’s contents that shattered the still remaining rosy dreams you once felt as if you had a lifetime to indulge in. Who your betrothed was, wasn’t the upset in any way. It was the unavoidable conclusion of the love in your heart that simply wasn’t allowed to be.
As the party approached Winterfell, your heart begun to race.
The crisp cool air on your face that once relaxed you, only stoned it further into a solid expressionless pose. Reminding yourself that you weren’t just here as yourself, you were to represent your father and you wouldn’t do so by falling apart. You rode into the walls right up near the very front alongside your craven of a cousin. He represented the luxurious royal side of the family, and you the steadfast duty and justice.
The House guard stood all around the courtyard as well as many people who simply worked close by or wanted to just see the King. Riding into the main area, you refused to look. The Starks all stood with their closest men behind them but you looked nowhere but above the heads of everyone with a straight back atop of your horse.
The carriage which carried the Queen and the other two of her royal children filed in and revealed the King following suit. Your eyes forcing to stay nowhere but him, and it struck part of you that his deep scowl seemed to just be a trait that was shared amongst much of this family. As your party stayed atop their horses, you watched everyone near kneel down as Robert was assisted off his horse.
Watching him make a straight line towards the Starks, he stood in front of the kneeling Lord Stark beckoning him with his hand to stand. Everyone around them rising in toe as you watched the two old friends look stoically at one another. The quiet in the courtyard as everyone waited.
King Robert, it seemed, left posing the stoic formality of the Baratheons to you. Looking down at his friend’s frame and casually commenting, “You got fat.”
Two magnets, designed by the gods to be brought together your eyes met without any thought. His grey ones widened with a playful glint and a raise of the sides of his mouth as if to say, “He got fat?” You, broke just as easily. Quirking your eyebrows up slightly, trying and failing to cover a smirk as you flickered your eyes in gesture to the King, agreeing with his silence as you both instantly looked away from the other. Knowing neither would smother such a begging grin if you kept glancing at each other.
Robert greeting each member of the family, making polite chat with the Stark parents you climbed off your horse. Your head angled enough to see your cousin, Joffery, staring at the direction you just had with a smirk you would describe in private as slimy.
You weren’t the only one with a betrothal in mind for your King, but it was the other Stark which would suffer. Somehow whatever genes made the Baratheons so respected, had skipped Joffery in every single capacity. He was more Lannister then he was his father, and not even with the decency to be like the one lion which you could speak to without agitation.
You couldn’t say Sansa was the one you got along with the most, but watching the way the prince looked at her, you pitied what she couldn’t possibly know she was in store for.
“Take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects.”
Cersei Lannister, the Queen, barley made an effort to toss any level of genuinity in her voice. “We’ve been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait.”
Her term of endearment sounding as fake to your Uncle as it did you, he ignored her and summoned Lord Stark anyways. The Queen glaring as they walked away, and directed it towards the youngest Stark daughter, Arya as she without any care of properness, asks where the “Imp” was. The Imp being the Queens younger brother, Tyrion.
Were you to be honest, as you unpacked some of your things from your horse you could only think of one place he would go. And he certainly would not find such a place inside the castle walls. Seeing the Queens twin brother, Ser Jaime of the Kingsguard to “go and find the little beast.” Holding another smirk back, you heard footsteps approaching.
Not the ones you normally would expect, he wouldn’t come to you here. Not now, not in front of the royal family, all these people, and certainly not after learning you’ve come here to marry. Instead, the voice that spoke behind you was the only other person you’d care to see, calling your name.
Robb Stark, Lord Eddard Stark’s eldest true born son stood tall behind you. His northern accent deep and thick, and drenched in a soothing warmth that always felt comforting yet unfitting of the cold he lived around. Turning to face him, you could still see the trailing remnants of the Queen and her children in the distance.
Play your part, your fathers voice told you. With a slight nod of your head and a smile you clearly amused Robb with such a proper curtsy. “My lord.”
A raise of his eyebrows, he had less care of hiding such a smirk. “Is that how we are playing it, my lady?”
You had to bite your tongue to keep from smiling, but still failed somewhat. Robbs smirk growing more playfully smug as he watched you lose your static composure. “I don’t know what you mean, my Lord. I am here with the royal company, we are nothing if not with our courtesies at all times.”
Dropping the act, Robb rolled his eyes and stepped closer. “Well if you’re people have a problem with it, they will just have to get over it.” Pulling you into a hug, you felt part of your racing heart and screaming nerves settle a bit.
You’ve known Robb since that first visit when you were eight. No matter what you were both being shoved into, he wasn’t anything near a stranger. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you to his chest as your face was snuggle tugged into the deep browns of his cloaks fur. Soft as anything, they helped sooth your heart more and he seemed to hold you for as long as it did his as well. His voice low in your ear this time, “We’ll talk in private.”
Pulling away with a deep inhale, you nodded. Face falling back into a stoic composure. It sometimes took you a little bit to drop the harsh demeanour you lived with once you got to Winterfell, but with this company in toe you felt bad that the Starks weren’t going to really get you in any relaxed form. Nodding at Robb you fell quiet, but he was happy to take up the mantle with enough volume for those around to be satisfied with. “Let me help bring your things up, my lady.”
In the corner of your eye as Robb slung the heavier of your bags over his shoulder and you insisting on carrying at least the lighter one, you caught sight of his mother. Lady Catelyn Stark, originally born to House Tully, was something of a complicated relationship for you. You admired her in countless ways, and you saw her more as a mother then you did your own for many years growing up. But there was no mistaking the slight rift that was caused by the only other member of the family you were closer too then her eldest son.
That one though, was nowhere to be seen. You both knew full well that such a meeting was going to have to happen in private, and you hoped you would find time to sneak away from the feast tonight to get it. You two had to talk, you needed to talk to him before you marry or your resolve might crumble.
She watched you and Robb politely walk through the court towards the main doors. Describing their home as a castle felt odd after living in both Dragonstone and Kings Landing. The Starks castle in Winterfell was home in your heart, not a fancy collection of stonework designed to impress. Robb had written that the news came as surprise to all of them, that Lady Catelyn had tried to protest saying that the King shouldn’t just force this on you.
Her husband had to remind her, that they married of duty and look where they are now. You hoped that your companionship with Robb’s brother had not soured her opinion of you being capable of being a good wife. Robb didn’t have your heart the way he did, but he would be the one to keep it from now on and you hoped Lady Catelyn wouldn’t hold it against you.
Falling in love with Robb was not the impossible, in fact he could make that quite easy.
Making small talk of the trip here as you and Robb passed a numerous amount of servers and maids scurrying about the halls, you were thankful for how well you knew him. That the tensity in his stature would only relax the second the door would shut and you both would drop this growing painful act.
Your room was in a corridor away from the main family, closer to where Theon stayed. Many times the main four of you would stay in either his or your room to drink, laugh and get into trouble all without the keen ears of the Stark parents. Your room in Winterfell was a place that you could stop being the daughter and first born heir of Lord Stannis Baratheon, and just be you.
The room had been freshly cleaned, new sheets draped on the bed frame as well as a cozy fur begging you to plop down onto it with a sigh and a nap to boot. Robb dropped your bag down by the window, holding his hand to take the one in your hands to join it. Turning to you, he watched as you let out a shaking sigh.
Your face dropping, finally free to shine in a tinge of shame and exhaustion as you sat down on the edge of the bed, your palms flat on your thighs. Opening your mouth to speak, he cut you off with a sharp edge. “Don’t apologize.” Your brows narrowed in question, but Robb paced over to lean against the wall across from you. His arms crossed casually in front of his chest as he looked into your eyes. “You were about to say sorry for all of this, and I don’t want to hear it.”
Head dropping, you bit your tongue more and nodded. Hands clasping together in a fidget before returning to rest flat on your thighs. His eyes shined blue, and out of the sunlight his hair looked far closer to a Stark brown then it did a Tully Red, if your heart didn’t weigh a thousand pounds you might have spent more time admiring him. “I just,” Sighing again you looked away, unable to cope with the unblinking seriousness in his eyes. “I only found out before you did. I don’t want you thinking I asked for this, or am trying to force you into this.”
Robbs sigh wasn’t defeated, but annoyed. You hadn’t the courage to look again yet. Your name slipping from his tongue with a seriousness. “No one here thinks that.” Glancing up at him, you felt your resolve slip even more. “No one.”
Not that Robb would have any reason to suspect it, but you were desperately hoping that one person in particular didn’t think that out of everyone. Robb took a few steps forward, hoping to beckon you to look up at him, but instead chose to sit down next to you. Enough space between you to not be intrusive. Your voice was small, quiet like a whisper and you knew this was not the words of a proud lady, but just a girl. “He hadn’t even brought up marriage in years. Not since..”
You faded off, both of you know what you were going to say but luckily Robb knew that reliving it would not make you feel any better. He leaned closer to you without breaking your personal space. “Your father has talked to you about marriage more then he has me, at least. In some ways you’re more prepared for this then I am.”
Laughing out, you didn’t turn to see the soft smile on his lips at the sound. “Oh I doubt that. You haven’t had the pleasure of meeting my parents. Between them, and being around the King and Queen’s marriage? It it weren’t for yours I’d assume every married couple is bitter and unloving to the point of near contempt.”
A breathy laugh leaving him, you were thankful once more that at least your husband to be was someone whom you didn’t have to hold you thoughts around. Robb leaned back on the bed, his palms outstretched to rest against the furs and look at you partially from the back and side. “We could get separate beds if it makes you feel better.”
Your eyes narrowed playfully at the mocking in his tone. Quick to turn around with the intention of snarking back he took you by surprise. Lurching forward to wrap his hands around your waist and drag you back with him, both of you laying now back against the bed as he respectfully moved his hands from you. His eyes shined with laughter however, and it loosened yours enough to laugh out loud.
Playful words sat at the tip of your tongue, but what came out was far from it. “It feels like he’s planning something,” turning to look at Robb’s profile against the light coming from the window. “My father. He and Lord Arryn have been doing something in secret, and he kept me away from it on purpose. Both of them seemed to be worried about something, and then...”
“Then he died.” Lord Jon Arryn, Hand of the King and a long time friend of both the King Robert and Lord Stark had passed from a fever that took him in one night.
You nodded. Glancing up to the ceiling as your hands rested along your stomach. “He was fine one day, and then he just...not even a day later was when my father called me to his office. Told me everything, about coming here, about your father, then just..ended the conversation with this.” Your eyes narrowed as you recalled the sternness of his rasp.
“You’re to marry the Stark boy then return here in my place. I won’t have any more questions on the matter.”
Robb was lost in thoughts of his own, tone light yet distant when he spoke up. “He wants my father to be Hand of the King. He hasn’t even been in Kings Landing since the war.”
You understood why. Not just the horrors inflicted on Lord Starks father and brother, but it was a den of vipers all wanting you to play a game that a man like him would want no part in. None of the Starks belonged there, too good for a disgusting place the capitol was. Sighing yourself, you shrugged. “He’ll hate being there as much as my father does, as much as I do. At least I’m the Kings niece I’m supposed to belong there.”
Robb turned onto his side and you followed suit. Your dress hardly made for proper warmth like his attire was, but the Queen insisted that you dress properly to impress your to be husband. As if the man in question hadn’t seen you covered in dirt, mud, bruises and knocked you into the dirt countless times over the years. You didn’t feel like yourself anywhere but here, and yet with the royals all here you still didn’t feel like yourself.
Just a plaything meant to look pretty and play the part. For once, you felt like a normal highborn lady you supposed. Born and bred to be a wife that's born to breed. You were looking at Robb, and yet you reminded yourself with a lurch of your heart to push back the other face in your mind.
Later you told yourself.
Robb’s voice was low, soft, and with an affection that at the very least, wasn’t unusual for him. “You haven’t belonged there in a long time.”
Your tone dropped quieter then his. “Where do I belong then?”
To his credit, it wasn’t with himself that he said. “Here. You belong here.”
By nightfall you still hadn’t seen him. You’d seen many of the others. Arya being the first, practically running past Robb into your room and leaping into a hug with zero sense of formality. You knelt down somewhat to meet her with a loud laugh. With a zillion questions about if you’re staying, did you know, does this make you her sister, you were blissfully reminded of the only other girl who held your heart like that.
Shireen wasn’t a trouble maker like Arya had a tendency to be, but they had a similar spirit. She felt as much like your sister as the one back on Dragonstone was by birth. Sansa had to call her away, annoyed as ever and with a fluster as she addressed you. The paintings of a crush all over her face from the blonde haired fowl faced cousin, and you wished it was any other boy Sansa was to be promised too.
Well, as Robin Arryn briefly popped into your mind you laughed to yourself. Maybe not any of other boy. Starling the handmaiden attending to your dress as you shook your head in apology. You could dress yourself easily for a normal night in the North, but alas the Queen insisted that you impress your husband to be. As if he wasn’t someone you had known for over a decade as one of your very closest friends.
You did however, stop them fervently as they reached for your hair. The Queen could dress and paint you up like a doll and you wouldn’t really fuss at the treatment, but you would rather cross the wall and throw yourself into a frozen lake before you’d let any of those southern up-dos go anywhere near your hair. If judging by the look you got from the Queen during the feast, she wasn’t pleased in any way, but then again she rarely was ever pleased by anything.
Sat next to Robb during the feast, you were thankful that he and the other guys at the table treated you like they always did. To a degree, it was a bit off putting by your much more distant attitude but judging by the glances you made to the Queen they gathered enough that you were more on guard. The hall was filled to the brim with people, ale, music and laughter.
Off in the distance you could see King Robert laughing with a group of men, and his hands happily exploring a woman who was most certainly not his wife. Most didn’t care, and the ones who did never would say anything. He was King he could do what he wanted. Lady Catelyn much to your sympathy was stuck up at the main table sat next to the Queen herself and struggling to find any conversation that didn’t make the woman utterly miserable.
“Out of all the Northerns, you get stuck with this one?” Theons voice rang out, a lightness in his eyes and ale in his veins. You leaned your elbow on the table and pointed at him with a playful raise of your eyebrows.
“At least this one’s pretty, Greyjoy.”
Laughter from all around the table, and even finally sneaking one from yourself. Theon would sometimes flirt with you, but never in a serious manner. It almost was a game. He would start with a flirtatious comment and it quickly spun into who could jokingly insult the other more after you deny him with a snarky remark first. “Aye, but you’d get some nice experience with me.”
Robb tossing a ripped piece of bread at him with a half hearted protest of his own experience, but you leaned back in your seat bringing your mug to your lips. “What experience is that, exactly? Paying women to pretend to moan for you isn’t exactly what I had in mind for my wedding night.”
Pushing it back down, if you joked about it you didn’t have to think about the reality. With no experience of your own, you weren’t immune to the whispers of girls and women of their nights with pain and blood. At least you would get one single thing right come time for that part of the wedding. You almost didn’t though, and the longer you kept trying to not think about it, the more you felt yourself looking for someone you knew wasn’t there.
You had to talk to him, but the first day in Winterfell was just far too busy for it thus far.
Opportunity luckily, arrived in the form of Arya being unable to behave. You and Robb had been joking and laughing about something when the sight of food flinging from another side of the room caught your eyes. The food in question splatting directly onto Sansa’s face as she yelled out indigently.
The quickness of Arya smiling and going back to pretend as if she didn’t do anything got a laugh out of you, but also drew the attention of Lady Catelyn. Gesturing to Robb over, his face fell more serious as he brushed a hand over your lower back as he stood up. Grabbing Arya around the sides and hoisting her up. “Time for bed.”
Glancing around the room, Lady Catelyns eyes elsewhere, as was the Queens. Lord Stark talking to who you recognized as his brother Benjen and now Robb gone you took the opportunity you really shouldn’t have. Standing up, you made your way slowly to the entrance, downing the last of the ale before slinking out unseen.
Or rather, unseen by all but the watchful eyes of a golden Lion.
Alone for once, you allowed yourself to be annoyed. The chill of the air hit you with a sting as you were entirely undressed for the cold of the night. Not even graced with a seat at a lower table, no he was put out here as if his existence was so offensive to anyone but her. His birth wasn’t his fault, and as much as you admired and liked her?
It never failed to chip away at something angering in you, how Lady Catelyn treated Jon Snow.
You heard his voice before you saw him, but it the second voice that took you by surprise. “Did I offend you? Sorry. You are the bastard, though.”
Lord Tyrion Lannister in your sights slowly walked up to Jon, who was faced away from you. There was a bluntness in his words but also a sympathy in his eyes. Leaning back against a stone wall, you watched in quiet.
“Lord Eddard Stark is my father.”
And yet, just as so many liked to remind him, Lord Tyrions words were those that many have said in response. “And Lady Stark is not your mother. Making you, a bastard.”
Watching him with narrowed eyes, you held back any defence in your blood. Likely he was the only Lannister which you didn’t entirely distrust towards him. Jon Snow had more then enough people ensuring him he would never be like his brothers and sisters.
Your arms crossed over your chest, and breathe visible in the cold you listened to the man tell him wear what he is like armour. Jon, however, did not seem to be in such a mood. His voice was low, a thick northern accent that came out more like an entrancing rasp then Robb’s warm soothing one. It also, was lined with that of a temper you knew the older Jon got, the more he struggled with. “What the hell do you know about being a bastard?”
Fingertips itching to reach out, but you stayed put. Listening to Lord Tyrion’s final comments before departing to whatever plans he had for the night. “All dwarves are bastards in their fathers eyes.”
Jon wasn’t heartless, nor stupid. Somewhere inside him, you knew he sympathized with the Lannister but being shut out of a feast in the cold, on top of what you knew was looming? Jon had little room left to care about simmering that temper.
Lord Tyrion caught your eye as he passed, a tilt of his head and question in his eye you simply looked flat and unblinking. He wouldn’t say anything, but that didn’t mean he didn’t store his curiosity about your sudden watchful appearance for later.
Slowly approaching, you called out only once the sound of doors closing behind you left the courtyard in silence from the muffled party behind you. “Think he’s dead yet?”
Spinning to face you at the sound of your voice, you hated how unable you were to quell your heart looking at him. Walking towards him, you saw Jon put the sword away entirely before circling around to meet you halfway. It took less then second for both of you to glance around, watch for the no eyes any could see before he closed the rest of the gap.
Scooping you up into his arms, almost spinning you in place as you both held the other tightly. “I missed you.” Your voice muffled in this luscious dark curls, he put you down gently on your feet. His hands on your upper arms still before glancing up. Changing his mind, he turned. Pulling you along with him with a hand on your lower back.
Jon was the only man who could silently drag you away into a dark corner in the dead of night and you wouldn’t question him in any way, shape or form. Neither of you said anything, but out of everyone Jon was the one person who you didn’t need it with. Both of you were always on the air of more quiet, and it was never more appreciated then alone with the other, never worried about having to fill the air with talking to be comfortable.
Once you had reached far enough away, Jon led you into a small building, mostly empty save for some storage and one lit lantern. Door closed, he turned to face you once more with silence. His eyes begging to say too much, but neither of you could handle it in that second. Once more you found the others arms. This time, the desperation was felt both ways.
Both of you letting your eyes shut, and your hands rest freely and yet far to intimate to be platonic as you stood together. It was minutes before he pulled back. One hand resting on your waist and the other back on your upper arm. He watched as your hands wrung together, afraid to touch him. You hated how gently he always said your name, forcing you to look up and meet his eyes.
One of you had to say something, and you ripped the bandage off first. “You’re really joining them?”
His nod was confident, and it broke your heart that much more. “The St-”
Shaking your head you felt your eyes sting, you hated feeling this way. “Don’t give me that.” Your fingers twitched wanting to reach out, and he caught the movement. “Don’t tell me what you think everyone else wants to hear.”
Was his response a diversion from the truth, or an answer you didn’t know for sure. “You’re marrying Robb.” Like no other, Jon could tell right away that you bit your tongue in anxiety. The hand on your arm moving up to gently trace over the side of your jaw until he felt you relax under the touch. “I’m not mad at you. Neither of you really had a say in it.”
Ever so slowly, you hesitantly left your hands drift forward until the very tips of your fingers rested against his stomach. Much like earlier with Robb, were you not wracked with too much in your head, you might have paused to enjoy the feeling of how sturdy and firm his muscles had grown. Instead you let your head hang, knowing he wanted you to look at him. “And you feel like The Night’s Watch is the only place you belong?”
Were you anyone else, Jon would have pulled away in frustration. But his time with you was limited, and his hands always ached to touch you when you were near. “It is now.” Head rising up to look at him, your brows narrowed. “You’ll marry him, go back to Kings Landing with my father and sisters, and leave me what? Here with the brother who gets the one thing that used to be mine, and his mother who hates me?”
Something rushed up, and an anger almost yelled out instead of reason. “Jon, I’m not trying to leave you behind.”
He sighed, jaw clenching as his hand on your waist held you a slight tighter. “No. You’re doing your duty, and I’m doing mine.”
For a while you both just stood there, looking at the other. In your heart, you felt stolen from, but your mind reasoned for the best. Just as the silence between you was too much, Jon slowly leaned in.
Your back pressed against the wall and he having moved to crowd you against it, his head dipping down enough as you exhaled shakily. The nerves in you, always managing to make him smirk. But just as you felt the others breath on your faces, a door in the distance opened. Music and laughter and the sounds of a group making drunken rackets paused Jons movement.
If it were any normal day, you’d just say not here.
But you and Jon knew better, in a few days, he would stand in the godswood and watch you marry his brother. And soon after that he would join a group that cut your love off from him for life. You couldn’t kiss now, and not ever again.
It didn’t stop either of you from seeing the other after the night was over. But with the royal company here, with you and Robb spending more time together, you only had time to see each other in the secrets of the dark. What made that much harder though, was how little suddenly anyone looked forward to a wedding.
Bran had climbed the walls and towers thousands of times with a firm grip. And yet, while climbing the one tower which no one use in decades, Bran somehow fell so far to the ground, no one yet knew if he would wake up.
And amongst all that, the Queen insisted, “We still have a wedding to put on.”
The entire family was on edge. Maester Luwin has monitored him closely, and Lady Catelyn even closer having not left his side. You didn’t blame her one bit. It was before anyone else was really awake when you went to go see her.
Slowly peeking in, asking if it was alright you come in for a moment and you were thrown back over ten years ago. Looking at your own mother, Selyse, and how broken and lost she was as Maester Cressen warned her to prepare herself for Shireen to be sent away for good.
Walking by her side, you sat gently on the bed beside Bran. It was cruel. Only a boy of ten, and with the softest, most adorable little face you’d ever seen and yet he lay in bed broken in too many ways. If he woke, he’d never walk again. You thought to yourself, maybe if you were to be a proper northern, you should start praying to the Old Gods. Because it certainly seemed like praying to the Seven had done nothing. It left your baby sister disfigured for life, and so far they seem to have left Bran a cripple should they even allow him to wake.
Laying on the other side was his yet unnamed Direwolf. Hardly more then puppies when you first arrived, you had been shocked to see how they had grown. Sitting asleep by his masters side though, you hoped he would bring little Bran any comfort.
Lady Catelyn was silent beside you, working away on something you hadn’t quite understood. You didn’t ask, you weren’t a mother and you didn’t want her to have to explain her grief to you. Your hand gently ran over Brans wrist, your thumb feeling his pulse weak but still beating if you pressed firm enough. “My sister had greyscale as a baby.”
You felt her look up at you, but your eyes were trained on the adorable boy soon to be your brother. “My father bought her a doll from a merchant, and next thing we knew it was spreading fast over the side of her face. She was just a baby she didn’t even understand what was happening to her, but we all did.”
You felt your eyes sting, but forced them back with a harsh swallow. “I’ve never heard my mother cry like that. She lost four boys in the womb, and yet that was the most I’ve ever seen her cry. And my father?” You stumbled. Voice coming out harsh, and cracked slightly from the pressure to appear steady. “People used to say the only thing that he would ever smile for is me, but they don’t understand. They didn’t see the desperation in his eyes, how far and hard he searched to bring people to Dragonstone just for a chance to save her life. And none of them saw the tears in his eyes when he was finally allowed to hold her again.”
Reaching up with your other hand you ran your hand over the side of Brans face, brushing some hair to the side. “I’m sorry. Me and Robb both tried telling them to put it off, but the Queen insisted that a wedding might do everyone some good.” She tried saying your name, but you interrupted her. “It’s okay if you don’t come. If I were a mother, I don’t think I’d leave him either.”
Looking back at her, there were tears in her eyes and a soft smile that broke your heart. Your relationship with her was always complicated, but in this moment, all you saw was what no one had given to your mother when it was Shireen.
Leaning over to her, you hugged her tightly. The pain in her heart evident in how both weak yet tightly she hugged back. Pressing a kiss to her forehead you spoke quietly, “I’m sorry.”
Passing by the busy servants and suspiciously watchful Queen you paid no mind to the preparations that were to be for you tomorrow. At first it had felt like you and Robb were to be wed for some unknown plot of your fathers, but now it felt like a distraction.
Don’t look at the broken boy in bed, look at the happy couple. For their own pain, you had to hand it to the three of them. Lord Stark, Robb, and Jon truly what Starks were made of. Strong willed, and keeping calm acting as a pillar for the much younger and more worried siblings. Arya clearly a big influence on her direwolf Nymeria, as the wolf was agitated and struggled to sit still the past days. On multiple occasions, you found the wolf almost trying to rile up her own siblings to varying success.
Her and little Rickons direwolf Shaggydog had the most energy. As if getting out their tension by chasing and play fighting. Sansa’s Lady was truly an apt name. Stuck by her side and was poise and put together, only getting in the way to provide any comfort to the redhead in what Sansa thought were moments no one was looking.
Grey Wind was as strong headed as Robb. Their mother gone, he had taken up the mantle of leader of the pack and seemed to be a calming presence for the others. Much like how Robb’s confidence in ensuring his siblings Bran would be alright, provided such comfort to them. The more time you spend with Robb during the day, the more used to Grey Wind you got.
He grew larger then the others, a gorgeous mix of greys and browns in his colour and the more comfortable with a new closeness which Robb grew with you over the past few days, the easier it was for Grey Wind to come to your side when not with his own master. Lord Stark had joked that they seemed to sense you were about to become a wolf yourself.
It was the final direwolf however that you enjoyed the most. Pure white with striking red eyes, Ghost was smaller then the rest but quick and silent. He made very little noise if ever, but was always aware of his surroundings. Keeping out of the way without sacrificing his watchful canine eyes from their view, and listened to his master better then any of them.
Jon and Ghost it seemed, were one in the same. From the same family, but not truly one of the pack as the others were. While the others followed their master like an animal companion, Ghost and Jon were almost like friends instead. Certainly he took Jons feelings around people seriously, considering that as you sat out in the godswood while the moon set itself up in the night sky, you were suddenly almost thrown off balance.
Looking down, the small white direwolf had leaped into your lap. Leaning up to give your cheek a lick before settling in. You scratched at his back, “I don’t know what you’re asking for, but I’m getting up in about ten seconds.”
“Maybe he just likes how soft you are.” Looking up, you utterly failed to fight back both the fluster in your eyes and the embarrassed smile that you tried to hide, turning away from him.
Jon’s curls looked more wild and free again, growing out quickly from the clean cut given before your arrival. The wilder look suited him better. His cloak around his shoulders had a bright closer to white fur around him that you knew first hand was warm and comforting. Coming to sit next to you, he reached over and ran his fingers over Ghosts ear, making him shake his head with a barley audible huff at being disturbed. You both laughed gently, were it not a wolf in your lap, a commoner would mistaken you both for that of a couple with their newborn.
You were to be married tomorrow, and in two days you and Jon would part ways for what could be life for all you knew. Two days, but tonight was your last. Tomorrow you would be Lady Stark, wife of Lord Robb Stark, and there was no room in that duty for another or fairness in your heart.
Leaning against his shoulder, you knew in the eyes of the old gods there was no judgment as you rested your head there. His arm coming to pull you into his side as he looked down to you, your own trained on Ghost.
More then once you and Jon had almost kissed, it would be too easy. To fall into it again. You didn’t fall into it the first time, it was just a bond that always existed. The last time you had ever kissed, was when you came close to giving him something else.
The opportunity was right there, and no one would have been there to stop you, but neither of you were people who could so easily push past the honour you were raised with. Deep down in his mind, Jon knew you could never just marry someone like him, not for who you were. He just didn’t expect to come to the finality of it all, only months after almost having you.
Not that he told it to you, but there was a smugness in Jon that said that at least if he had one thing over Robb, or two, was that he was your first kiss. Knew what your lips tasted like, and knew what a cruelly addicted sight your bare body looked like. Though, not if he asked you, you’d say that wasn’t a perk.
Reminding Jon that he was muscle and you weren’t. Only receiving a dark, undoubtedly lustful look as he muttered that your softness is exactly what he dreams about before kissing you, having pushed you back into the furs of his own bed.
A far off moment, sitting together now, cuddled with his cloak around you against the Weirwood tree for the last time. “We never had a chance did we?” Pulling back, Jon tried looking at you with a slight question in his narrowed brows, but you just continued to run your fingers gently over the slumbering Ghost. “I mean, being with you is easy. It’s always been easy, but being together?”
Resting his chin on the top of your head, he breathed in deeply. “No. No we never had a chance.”
The truth didn’t make it hurt any less. But you weren’t children anymore. You would marry Robb, return to Kings Landing and serve on the small council at the Hand of the Kings Side, in place of your own lord father and Jon would become a man of the Night’s Watch.
In what world did those two things have a chance at crossing over?
Turning your head, you rested further into his neck and his warmth was unyieldingly comforting. “You know right? Even if I don’t say it?”
Jon had enough, moving to pull your face up to look at him by your chin. “I know. And you do too.”
Your heart skipping a beat you smiled partially, “You know it’d be a whole lot easier not to kiss you if you weren’t so handsome.”
Smirking, Jon pulled you closer. Your back more pressed against his chest as he wrapped the edges of his cloak around your front, hiding the blissfully unaware Ghost from the cold air. “Oh I’m handsome, am I?”
Rolling your eyes, you relaxed in his touch. “I’m not blind, Snow. It’s an unfair thing about you Stark men, you, Robb and your father, all way too handsome for your own good.” You had always done that. Included Jon when referring to the Starks without question. It was something that only his youngest siblings would still do, and that's just because they weren’t yet mature enough to truly understand why he was treated different.
You were though. You knew why, but you and him were always the closest even before the messy feelings of early teenage hood started to take place, and since then you were only more steady in that belief. He was a Snow, but his blood a Stark. And no matter what he called himself, he would always have the blood and integrity of his father. “Should I be worried? Marrying my brother, and running off to Kings Landing with my apparently handsome father?”
Pinching your sides, you tried elbowing him but Jon was far stronger and held you still with a laugh, your voice high and defensive. “I didn’t mean- sorry next time I’ll call your family ugly, alright?” With a pause, it slipped out before you could stop it. “Jealousy another Stark trait I should be worried about?”
You could feel the smirk still plastered across Jons face in his voice at your ear, “When the girl looks like you, any man with half a brain would be jealous of letting you go.”
It was far later then you should’ve been awake, but peeling yourselves apart for the last time was too difficult. It was quiet for a while, nothing but the quiet hums of the woods to pass the silence. His voice rasped in your ear, a small shiver down your spine at its closeness. “Where’d we meet?” He chuckled at your blatant confused face. “If we had a chance, in another life where’d we meet?”
“Are we not still us?”
You enjoyed hearing him so light and casual, it felt like I’d been months long amount of days since you’d seen such casualness. “No, well I mean I’m still me and you’re still you. But we’re not highborns, no titles or duties. Just two people somewhere in the kingdom, where’d we meet?”
Eyes squinting in thought, you considered something that was the opposite of the horrible paranoia of Kings Landing, and far from the darkness of Dragonstone. “I hear Highgarden is beautiful in the summer.”
Jon nodded against your head, “Alright. So you’re a bar maid in Highgarden, and I-”
Laughing loudly you tried pulling away, “Excuse me, why am I a barmaid? Isn’t this a fantasy?”
With such a tone of seriousness you felt light at how easily it came to him, as if it was something he’s thought of before. “Yes, and if you’re a bar maid it means I have an excuse to pull this pretty little bar maid in Highgarden down onto my lap as she passes by.”
“That’s aggressive of you.”
“Maybe this particular bar maid makes me aggressive.”
Back and forth you went, what is job was, how you’d fall in love, if you stayed in Highgarden or travelled the realm elsewhere. How many kids you’d have to which you certainly had protests as to how easily Jon kept raising the number each time he mentioned it. By the time you had planned out a new life, it was late enough that you needed to go back.
You needed some sleep, and Jon wasn’t the only brother who you wanted to talk to before this was all over.
Ghost lept out of your lap and shook his fur out on the ground as you both watched him with a fond smile. Looking back at him, you held onto his wrists and he your waist. This time, neither moved in or even tempted the idea of a kiss.
Raising a hand to cup the side of your cheek, he ran a thumb over the soft skin. “Don’t look for me in the ceremony.” Before you had a chance to spiral, he leaned down to meet your eyes more level. “I’ll be there, but don’t look for me. You’re going to be Robb’s now, and I want you to be okay with accepting that.”
Nodding, he made you promise out loud. “I promise.”
He nodded once. “You’ll be each others tomorrow, and I’ll be at the wall. I want you two to be there for each other, no matter what. Besides, it’ll be easy.” You tilted your head. “Robb’s easy to fall in love with, and I think it’s impossible not to fall at least a little in love with you.”
The hug you shared wasn’t the last before you departed, but it was the last one just for you.
He sent you off first, not wanting you to linger with him on your mind. Jon needed you to be okay with being Robb’s, and he himself, needed to just get through these next few days. He had an entire life at the wall to grieve about you.
The handmaiden was quite mad at how you ignored her. Something about the Seven, not seeing the bride but you went towards Robbs anyways. You were to be married at the Weirwood under the eyes of the old gods, it didn’t matter what the Seven wanted anymore.
Not quite dressed up, Theon looked you up and down as he opened the door. “Didn’t think you were that much of a bore.” You pushed him out the way with a roll of your eyes, he laughed as he closed the door behind him. You were glad that the northerners weren’t so dramatic.
With his mother tucked away with Bran, he escaped what would’ve been her insistence of shaving and another trim. His facial hair growing thick and his curls much more Tully Red in the daylight. “I want to ask you a favour.”
Nodding once, he said anything. Taking a step to you as you sighed out shakily, hands ringing together, he said your name as he came into your space. Looking up at him, you sighed out again. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
Taken back, his eyes narrowed in curiosity. “That’s not a favour.”
Somewhat flustered, you pulled away. Sitting down on his bed, unable suddenly to send away the thoughts of the very next time you’ll be in this room. “I- I don’t want you thinking I don’t want this, or you, but we didn’t plan this, or talk about it before it happened, and now we’re here and,”
Robb knelt down to your level, not yet touching you in your panic, but speaking slow and in a low, comforting tone until the edge fell from your lips. His steady energy slightly bringing you down a little bit as you tried again. “My parents are miserable together.” Your hands started to wring together in front of you, “They barley tolerate each other, I’ve never seen any love between them. And same with my Uncle. He and the Queen basically hate each other I’m shocked they could stand each other long enough to have three kids together.”
His brows narrowed as you put it all together. “Everyone I know whose married for duty, married because they had to...I think your parents are the only ones I know who ended up happy, who actually love each other.”
Robb leaned in slightly, “Are you worried you’ll never love-”
Shaking your head you felt the anxiety in your chest boil up like never before. “Robb, look at me. I’m Stannis Baratheons child, daughter of the supposed most miserable man in Westeros in the most loveless marriage, are you sure you’re okay with marrying me?”
There it was. The first true hint of insecurity that you’ve allowed yourself to be honest with since you had been told of this arrangement. Two out of three Baratheon Lords were in miserable marriages, and when you looked at Robb, you hated the idea that you were forcing him into just another of that cycle.
The girl in you wanted to cry at losing one love, and the woman in you hated yourself for possibly dragging another into something he’d come to hate. You’ve known Robb for as long as you’ve known Jon, and you watched him grow into the man he is now. Both of you could do great things together according to Lord Stark, but what if you were too much like your father to ever inspire love?
Robb stood up, sitting down next to you as he turned his body close. Your name falling easily from his lips. “You’re not your father. No- look at me. You are not him, you’re not any of them. I’ve known you since you were eight. You’re stubborn, and strong willed and always willing to do what duty asks but that isn’t all of you. I’ve also seen you laugh, get into trouble with me more times then I can count, you care about my little sisters and my brothers like their yours too. My father already sees you like your his own, and despite everything, I know my mother does too.”
Running a hand over your hair, he watched tension in your shoulders deflate ever so slightly. “I’m not worried about marrying you, because I know what I’m getting myself into. And no one can tell me to be happy about it, but I am anyways.”
Gently you raised your hand, enough to slightly lay over the arm Robb had flat on the bed, your thumb finding this pulse, unlike little Brans, his was steady and strong. “You shouldn’t be. You get told your marrying me, and then the day after I get dragged back to Kings Landing with half your family for who knows how long.”
Your heart raced, as Robb twisted his arm, holding your wrist the same way you were his. An easy, charming, boyish smile on his lips. “And we’ll have the rest of our lives to make up for it.”
Deep in your mind, you wished Robb would make this harder. You wished he wasn’t so easy to be charmed by, but you knew him too well to trick yourself into thinking he wasn’t being genuine or honest. “So about that favour...”
Narrowing his eyes, there was a flush in your cheeks that you hated was making him smirk. “What about it?”
You sheepishly tried pulling away, but he yanked you closed by is hold on your wrist. Looking down anywhere but his face you felt like a little girl again, only that time you didn’t have to be the one to ask for it, Jon kissed you before you knew what was happening.
Robb though? Oh Robb knew exactly what you were trying to ask, but was almost sadistically enjoying the process of making you say it out loud to him. You flushed more at what other implications this potential side of him would bring. “I, okay I’m not some innocent flower.”
He raised his eyebrows and you smiled indigently, “I mean, I’m still- I haven’t- shut up.” Robb was flat out laughing at that point but let you fail at getting this out with composure. “I know you’ve been with women before, physically..”
“Does that bother you?”
Shaking your head no, it was no lie. You may have to get used to the idea of being married to him, but again, you weren’t blind. You had eyes, you knew exactly what women saw in Robb Stark. “What I’m trying to say, I’ve kissed someone before but not you.”
Much more serious, Robb clearly did know what you were asking, but watched with his gorgeous comforting blue eyes intensely as you whispered. “I don’t want our first kiss to be in front of all of them.” His family, the royals, all those you didn’t know, the old gods, and even Jon. A first kiss in front of him felt too personal, to intimate.
Moving close, you felt his breathe on your skin. “Do you want me to kiss you? Here?”
The room slipped away though, Robb’s voice was so warm and so was he. The hand on your wrist moved to rest at your waist while the other hand slid to the back of your neck, holding you firmly. His lips would brush against yours if either spoke, but he waited for a single nod before kissing you.
His kiss was different. Soft, but coaxing. Like he knew what was holding you back, and just let you fall into it on your own. It was simple and gentle at first, but as soon as you let out a tiny sigh, something in Robb slipped for a moment. Kissing you again, harder this time. His hands tighter and his kiss a little deeper.
Leaning into his front, your hand found the back of his neck and into his curls, and your other against his chest as if they always knew what to do. It wasn’t until you let out what might just have been a small moan, Robb close to pulling you into his lap did he pull away. Pressing a kiss to your forehead and running his hand once more over your hair.
“Can you live with that? For the rest of your life?”
Robb smiled softly at the very new venerability in you. Pressing one more kiss to your cheek, he knew you didn’t mean only having a kiss. But was he happy with such a kiss was your question. “Wait until tonight, I’ll tell what about you I’ve been fantasizing about living with.”
The grin on Robbs face as he pulled away wasn’t the charming boyish one earlier. No, this one was far more that of who he was really, a wolf. A wolf who looked you up and down and made you realize that Robb Stark just might not be as dashing and honourable as he’s led you to believe.
A thought that should’ve made you nervous, but as you walked back to your room, ready to let the girls doll you up and argue about not touching your hair, you started to think that maybe that wolfish grin, actually excited you.
Just when you thought you were going to die of a heart attack, your to be lord father gave you a reason to have a whole new panic. The ceremony was more fancy then any of you involved wanted, not the Starks nor you, but your own father insisted on marrying you off with the royals in toe.
He wasn’t here. Your mother neither. Both of them, Lady Catelyn and Selyse were either sickly or caring for the sick and weren’t here, but Ned Stark was. He was here, and your own father wasn’t. Stannis was not a consistently comforting father, but part of you felt hurt that he wasn’t here to see his oldest daughter, his own heir, marry for the first time.
Instead, the man who had seen you raised half your life here, the one who would be your father by marriage once this was done was the one who approached you. Looking out into the distant woods as you clearly struggled to hold your nerves back. “I didn’t think this was the thing that’d worry you so much.”
Spinning around, Lord Stark reached out to steady you with a chuckle. “I’m sorry, I just...this is a lot..was it this nerve wracking when you married Catelyn?”
Not pushing you towards the woods, he stood beside you an arm around your shoulder as he rubbed your upper arm gently. “Terrifying. I’d rather face a thousand armed men then get married in front of all those people. I certainly wouldn’t have wanted someone as delightful as the Queen at mine either.” You huffed a single laugh out and swallowed the rest. “And I know I certainly wouldn’t want the person I love watch me marry someone else.”
Blood in your veins froze, your heart stopped and nothing but nausea flowed up your lungs. “I-”
He wasn’t even angry, or disappointed. He chuckled with a fondness. “I’ve seen you spend half your life here, sweet girl. Watched you grow up alongside my own sons, and I’ve watched Jon be in love with you since the first day you ever arrived.” If you cried, you’d mess up the annoying amount of makeup they insisted on, but you felt a sob in your chest. “You made him happy, and he made you happy. For a time, a long time I thought that was enough. But I also know for a fact that Jon never saw marrying you as an option. He always was painfully aware of who you were.”
You felt the stinging, and you stood still in his hold. Forcing deep breaths to push away the panic.
“There’s a good number of things I regret about how I raised him. It doesn’t feel good knowing that he’s always felt inferior to Robb and now the woman he loves is marrying him too. If I could do it again, would I even be better. Force Roberts hand harder, be more honest with Cat, let him just be a Stark and there’d be nothing in his way for you. But I didn’t do that, nor do I know if I ever should’ve.”
Looking down, your arms crossed over your chest. “I don’t want you to assume I’m just thinking of Jon while I’m with Robb, it’s not that. I’ve known Robb for just as long, and we’ve always been just as close, save for, you know.” His hand was soothing like a true fathers comfort running up and down what he could reach of your arm.
“Here’s whats going to happen. I’m going to walk you out there to my son, you’ll kneel together before the Weirwood and pray and when you rise you’ll be a Stark. Part of you will always be a Baratheon, but you’ll also be our family now. And no matter what, wolves always protect those in their pack. I’m not going to assume the worst of you, because I know you better then that. You and Robb will be good for each other, and just because losing Jon hurts doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re not willing to love Robb.”
Looking up at him you frustratingly wipe at the tears, and he pulled you into a hug. One that you hadn’t felt in a very long time. It had been too long since you felt the hug, the love of a real father. Muttering into your hair, you could feel the same smirk that you could always sense on both brothers. “Besides, I can tell you for certain, having one night with your spouse before being dragged halfway across the country will do wonders for your heart.”
You laughed a lot at that one. Pulling away he looked you over, gently wiping away the rest of the tears on your cheeks. “Come on, sweet girl. You have a wolf waiting for you.”
If you were being honest, it was a blur. There were so many people, and most of them you’d never want present at your wedding in any lifetime. The golden hair of the Lannisters mocked you, the bored and judgmental sneer of your cousin annoyed you, and the silent watching of an Uncle who you barley knew anymore, but you were thankful that this wasn’t in a sept.
The crowd silent, no words spoken by anyone except you and Robb. He looked tall and fierce, curls shining more red in the peeking sun through the leaves, eyes bright and blue like the sea as he looked at nothing and no one but you. The fur around his shoulders making him look large like the wolf he was said to be, and soon it too would be yours.
Whatever small words you exchanged, you heard none of it but the blood in your veins. Thankful when Robb took your hand and knelt down with you, facing away from the crowd. The Seven was what you were raised to pray too, but you were a wolf now. And the wolves answered to the Old Gods.
A fate you were perhaps always meant to have, feeling much more heard in your silence of the Weirwood then you ever did in a sept. Eyes open, looking up the carved face at the same time, the crowd was silent, Robb grabbing both your hands to stand as he kept your eyes.
Draping the very fur he wore over your shoulders, he gently pulled you in with two fingers under your chin. This kiss was far softer and fairer then the one you shared in private, but this was also all your anxiety could handle. And Robb knew it.
Were it a more jovial occasion, it was tradition for a northern groom to carry the bride to the feast but Lord Stark had the sense to give you two a moment alone and King Robert was more then happy to direct the crowd to where the wine and food sat.
Your heart racing, Robb gently held your waist with his forehead pressed to yours. Eyes both shut as your hands rested on his chest. You left tomorrow, so all you had was now and tonight.
It’s what he demanded of you, and what he wanted, but it didn’t change the fact that it hurt Jon Snow a great deal to watch you marry his brother, and not once did he ever see the transfixing beauty in your eyes.
You didn’t look at him once, and Jon couldn’t get to the wall fast enough.
Truth be told, the first big laugh you had was at the sheer idea of your father here. Meals with him, there was no laughter or rambunctious behaviour. Just silence, diplomacy, and the mind numbing dings and clogs of Patchface. No joy in a meal under Stannis’s watch, except for the fool himself. Patchface there who was only lucky enough to be in a job, because gods help her, for whatever reason the fool made Shireen laugh.
You couldn’t imagine your father here. The drinking, the laughter, the never ending line of food, talk, and fun. Truth be told, you and Robb spent little time there. You glanced nervously at him more then once, and in your bubble of privacy he would rest a hand on your thigh firmly and a whisper in your ear to at least eat something.
Arya tried many times to come and talk to you, but Sansa yelled at her each time. Telling her to leave the two of you alone, the three of you girls would be in Kings Landing together anyways.
King Robert, on now one too many drinks made an innocuous comment about beds, or sex, or something vaguely incoherent and you and Robb looked to the other. You wide eyed and nervous, but there was something in his that settled it. Leaning to your ear, his voice felt like a rumble. “Normally I’m for tradition, but I’ll be damned if I let this lot see any of you like that.”
One of the men in the crowd had seen you like that, but with the way Robb looked at you, for once, Jon hadn’t crossed your mind. Too much nerves, too much wine, and a fat load of worry about being in a mans bed proper for the first time.
By the time the crowd noticed, Ned just chuckled at Roberts comments about the bride and groom slipping away before a gods honest tradition. “I told Cat I wasn’t going to let their be a bedding ceremony because I didn’t want to hurt someone on our wedding night.” Shrugging one shoulder, he grinned almost proud. “Glad to know my son’s the same.”
The worries of what was to come, ended up being broken slightly by the fact that as soon as Robb opened his door, Grey wind was sat in the middle of the bed. Large body splayed out like it was already bed time. Rising his head up at the sound of the door, you ended up bursting into laughter at Robb having to tell him twice to go.
Shutting it behind the growing direwolf, Robb shook his head something snarky on his tongue that died as he looked to you. Draped in his furs, furs that made you look far smaller and the gentle almost innocent look as you stepped around his room. You’d been in here countless times, slept in here countless times, but never like this.
Trying desperately to hold back your nerves, you looked out the open window focusing on steadying your heart. But the warmth of Robb enveloped your back as he reached over you, closing the windows and sealing you both alone. The crackling of a fire almost enough to hide the shaky breathe as Robb gently ran his hands down your arms.
Resting both on your waist, Robb wrapped one around your stomach, pulling you into his chest. He didn’t let you ruminate on the worry, dipping his head to level his mouth with your ear. “If you don’t want this, I need you to tell me.” Freezing in his arms, he spoke almost quieter but it raged so close to your ear. “We don’t have to do anything, but you need to be honest with me about it.”
You felt light on your feet. You’ve never heard this tone from Robb before, never so intimate in your ear and the deep rumblings of his voice felt as if something strong inside was being held back. The act itself scared you, it always had. But another part of you wondered if you should be fearful of the young wolf behind you, or if that fear excited you.
The arm around your stomach rose up, tilting your head to turn slightly to the side, enough that part of him was within your sight as he murmured your name. “I know you’ve never done this before, is it just that, that scares you or is it me?”
Shaking your head fervently, you startled him. “No, no it’s not you. It’s just- I should know what to expect by now but,” Taking a deep breathe you shut your eyes. “The girls in Kings Landing all talk about men and their first time like it’s painful, violent.”
Robb chuckled deeply, vibrating through his chest into your back and down between your legs. It was a dark laugh, and you felt overwhelmed at how little you really considered what he might be like. “It’s only painful if the man is a worthless, brute who thinks getting off is better then getting their lady off.”
Was your chest heaving with you hard you felt yourself breathing, your eyebrows raised and lips slightly parted you felt more waves between your legs and having it all be because of Robb was more then enough to leave you speechless. Reading your body like a book, Robb leaned down more, brushing his lips against your neck. Grinning at the sigh you unknowingly let out.
Turning slightly more you could see him a bit better. “Will it hurt?”
Smiling like a predator, he pulled you closer to him. “Only if you want it to.” Laughing at your breathless expression, asking why some women would want it to hurt. He moved a hand to your hip and pressed his lips closer to your jaw. “Don’t worry. If you want it, we’ll get there. Tonight’s not about that though.”
Suddenly pulling away he yanked his cloak enough that it slipped from your shoulders and pooled onto the ground. Turning you in his arms, Robb gripped the sides of your dress tightly in his fists before pulling it up and off you. The fact that you let him do that, not telling him how little you had on underneath might have been a dangerous idea.
Usually such a dress was worn with layers underneath, and yet, all that remained on you was that which covered your most lower regions. Your softness, plush skin, and tits all on display. Holding your hips, Robb closed his eyes breathing deep for a moment. “For a girl whose never done this before, this is awfully naughty of you.”
Indeed was the charming boy no longer here, but a man, a wolf looking at his mate like prey.
Swallowing the pounding in your heart, you reached up to Robb, slowly pulling layers up and off of him for yourself. His hands were much more confident then yours were currently, but he stood still watching and letting you undress him at your own pace.
Staring was impolite, and yet Robb didn’t mind as you looked at his chest now totally free. Just as your fingers reached for his pants he snatched your hands. Raising them in the air as you gasped in surprise.
“This is about you. Lay down for me.”
Watching you with dark eyes, you couldn’t ignore how intensely he looked you up and down as you lay back on the top of his bed. Your palms bracing you up before being tossed back down as Robb suddenly climbed up the bed and over top of you. A hand on each side of your head as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “Do you trust me?”
Without even considering it, you answered the raw truth. “Always.”
One hand reached up, grabbing your jaw roughly as he pulled your lips back to his. This time he kissed you nothing like before. His kiss was rough, demanding and deep. Guiding your every move and commanding that you obey. He tugged your hip with his other hand up to press into his own and as you gasped, he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
Lightheaded, you surrendered to his touch. As if all will of your own bled out onto the bed leaving nothing but Robb to command you as he pleases, and yet the idea didn’t scare you the way it was described by others. Your hands reached up and grasped his waist, a small sound leaving your mouth into his.
Switching between tasting you with his tongue and biting at your lips it, Robb let go of your jaw and ran it behind your head and grasped your hair tightly. Pressing his body down firmly, his hips naturally rutted into yours. He smirked as you gasped.
The rougher he kissed you, the more your hands moved on their own. Reaching behind his neck and wrapping around it to sink into his hair he ground his hips into you harder. A gentle moan leaving you, Robb left your lips, running the same ferocity down your neck. His lips and teeth no doubt leaving marks that a proper lady should be ashamed of.
He didn’t quite stop, kissing down your neck more until he reached your breasts. Grinning at how hard you were breathing, he stopped that right in it’s tracks as his hands cupped your chest. A needy cry left your lips, turning to a longer moan as Robb ran this thumbs over your nipples. Just as one hand grasped one, did he lower his mouth to bite at the other.
Pleasure shooting through you, your back arched into his body and limbs felt like they seized from the pleasure. His teeth switching between a gentle nibble and a harsher bite just to pull a gasp from you, he played you like an instrument. Getting every sound from your pretty lips that made his cock that much harder.
Pulling away, he hovered over you looking down at the almost in awe expression. You weren’t used to such a side to this man, and he seemed to reveal in your innocence over it. Leaning back more, you followed the sight of his dark eyes, parted lips and down his chest to where he hands slowly pulled at his pants.
Swallowing hard, he tilted your head up his a hand firmly at your jaw. “Keep your eyes on me.” Not letting you look down as he stripped himself bare. “Good girl, keep them on me and only me.” Slowly moving down the bed he pulled your hips to, grabbing your underwear and pulling them down.
The coolness of outside did nothing to take away how warm and wet you were between your legs, and Robb forced you to stay on his face. Making you look at his eyes, greedily pushing your knees apart and expression turning dark as he stared at you. A slightly whimper leaving you, he leaned back over you, one hand running over your thigh, first on the outside, then inside, and slowly upwards.
Just as he reached you, Robb bit at your bottom lip. Using the chance to slip his tongue inside you just as he ran his hand over you. Cupping you entirely and already he smirked into the kiss at how soaked you were. Lips brushing yours as he pulled back enough to speak, his fingers gently running back and forth across your soaked slit. “Good girls don’t get this wet, do they?”
Shaking your head no, all you could do was hear his voice. Eye slipping closed as your legs shook and a coil within you twisted at such an easy touch. Robb continued. “No, good girls are sweet and innocent. This doesn’t feel very innocent to me.” Two fingers now soaked danced up and ran across your clit.
Jumping at the shock of pleasure, you grasped him by the shoulders with a whine. “It’s all for you-”
Stammering the words out as Robb now rubbed tight circles against your clit. Your muscles tensing and his own hips refusing to let you close them you had to just take it. His other fingers still soaking up whatever you drenched him with. “I know it is. You ready for me to open you up? Make you cum before you take me?”
You’d say yes to pretty much anything Robb asked of you right now. Nodding, you leaned up to kiss him, making him smile into your lips as he slipped two soaked fingers deep inside to his knuckles. You gasped so loudly, were the windows not closed no doubt the outside world would’ve heard you. Sinking them deep in one go, you writhed in his touch.
Robb slowly slid them out and back, the wetness between you making the sound obscene, but it was the only music Robb could stand to hear. He never picked up the pace, but he did, right as you tensed in his touch? Stopped rubbing at your clit, and slit a third finger down to sink inside you with the others.
You cried his name and he kissed down your neck as he slowly pumped them inside of you. Clenching around his fingers he bit your skin harder trying to force his cock to shut up. Screaming at him like a howling wolf to just take you already.
Pulling back from your lips he looked you in the eye, feeling you clench around him as your sounds grew higher. Something burned hot inside of you as the other twisted and turned so tightly. One free hand, Robb ran over your lips, and something sweet inside you, pressed a gentle kiss to his fingers as he did so.
In return? He ran his thumb roughly over your clit as pumped his fingers slow and deep into you as you came around them. You moaned his name, but muffled it as Robb gently sunk two fingers into your mouth at the same time. One hand grasped his wrist, and yet even as you came something inside you obeyed like you were a submitting prey.
Robb almost snarled at how well you sucked on his fingers, and how he wished you two had more time then tonight. He couldn’t stop the thought of how beautiful you would look on your knees before him, obediently sucking on his cock with his hand guiding you up and down his length tight in your hair.
Pulling out of you Robb pulled your body up to press against his bare one and kissed you full of tongue and a greedy desperation. A desperation you yearned for back. It was a strained rasp of your own in his ear that had him shudder. “Please, Robb. Please fuck me.”
It didn’t even occur to you to try and be sweet or innocent about it. You could feel his cock pressing against you between your still shaking legs and you felt lightheaded at how thick it felt against you. Kissing your ear, he murmured much more gentle, “Are you sure?” As you nodded he bit your earlobe and hissed into it. “Out loud.”
Nodding again, your hands wrapped around his neck as you kissed him. “I’m sure, I want you.”
Kneeling up on the bed, Robb ran his hand gently down the side of your body. His dark eyes soft for just a little while longer, as you felt something in your chest at him. Pulling your hips more up into his lap you think you understood why he kept his eyes on you.
His chest led down to coarse, rough hair surrounding a long, thick cock that you wondered if it would even fully fit in your hand. Your chest heaved as you stared, and he slipped into a deeper tone. “It’s not polite to stare.”
Slipping a hand behind your head, Robb kept you looking down, watching as he ran the tip of his cock over your entrance, up brushing against your clit and back down. Barley sliding in each time until you begged his name once more. This time Robb watched your eyes, as he kept your head looking down to watch him slide his cock inside you.
He was thick, and the stretch itself stung in a way that made you gasp but not a pain that you had feared from it. No, the deeper he sunk the more you soaked his cock. Only halfway in, Robb tugged your hair to look up at him before he in a much more punishing thrust, bottomed out.
His face snarled at how tight, how warm and soaking wet you cunt was and he pulled you right back into an equally as rough kiss. He didn’t go fast, but part of him reasoned to go more gentle, and yet?
Your cries, your begs of his name as each slow, rough fuck had your arching your back into his body all the more. Each pound of his cock inside of you slapped loudly in a way that had him grip your hips so tight, you could already feel the bruises.
Sweat built up on both your bodies and you ran your hand through his own increasingly damp curls, scratching his scalp with your nails that had him fuck into you harder each time. For all his talk, little thoughts came to his mind as Robb fucked you.
Like something of an animal took over and all he could think of was how much he wanted to fuck you more, harder, faster, fill you until his cum spilled out of you and then fill you more. You cried out, nails scratching down his back without even realizing you were doing so, but muffling each sound as you bit into the meat of his shoulder. Robb, fucked you harder and struggled to stay slow.
You clenched tightly, enough that he had to pound into your cunt roughly just to sink as deep as he could inside and pulling away enough he could see tears at the side of your eyes but you rather then begging for mercy, begged for more as you kissed him.
His hands held your knees, pushing as wide as possible as Robb lost composure. Fucking you faster and just as one hand moved to rub at your clit you came around him. Robb leaving your other knee to press his hand against your mouth at how little you could contain your cries.
Fucking into you once, twice, five more times he pushed inside as deep as he could sink and filled you with him. His cum warm and thick, it felt like there was so much more of it then a normal man would have but you let Robb pull you into another kiss, this one rough and sloppy as he filled you with his cum as his tongue did your mouth.
Never leaving, his hands eventually turned soothing, his kiss softer and his voice not commanding but assuring. Telling you how good you did, how perfect you were. Holding you in his arms and him yours, it was just the two of you in that moment and nothing more.
It was only when you started to laugh, did Robb laugh. Yanking you into his chest as he flopped onto his back with you on top of him. Kissing you gently as he ran a hand over your hair. “Aye, a man could get used to this.”
He should’ve let you rest, but he took you once more that night. This time, far less able to hold back how fast and greedy he wanted to be about fucking you. The only downside, was how exhausted the night made you.
Slipping into a deep sleep, that only meant morning would come quicker. And too quick it did.
That morning, you both stayed in bed as long as you could. Robbs back against the wall and you against his chest, far less worried about the lack of clothes either of you still had. “You were born for this, Robb. It’s not in you to fail.”
Kissing the side of your head, things were feeling a bit easier, a bit more normal between you even in such an intimate manner. “Everyone says that right up until they fail.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned. Leaving his grasp to gently face him, your body in his lap. Hands on his chest, your eyes often trailed over him. He didn’t question your gaze, you had to get used to him as much as he was getting used to you. It was still new, no matter how much a decade and a half of friendship had formed the foundation.
No joke was in your face though. “I’m serious, Robb. Even if you don’t believe in yourself?” Shrugging one shoulder you smiled softly, “I’m your wife now, so I’ll just do all the believing for you.”
Squeezing your hip, he rolled his own eyes. “And let you do all the work? We’re a team, remember?”
Saying goodbye to Robb however, was easier then what waited for you outside.
Packing up your hose, you heard the two of them in the distance. “My mother?”
“She was very kind.” You tensed slightly, hoping no one noticed but you very much doubted kind was the genuine word Jon should be using. He didn’t deserve her ire, not now, not ever.
“Next time I see you, you’ll be all in black.”
“It was always my colour.”
Your eyes closed, trying to tune their goodbye out. You had no right to invade their privacy.
Part of you hoped he would ignore you. You wouldn’t have to handle this and you could ignore it, but Jon knew you way better then that. You’d hate yourself if you left it at this. Reaching over you, Jon pulled part of your things up and secured it without even saying a word. Looking up, he was closer then you thought.
Looking at each other, the responsible thing would be to nod, shake hands, say a cordial goodbye. But Jon stood with his bright eyes, a grey so deep they looked black at times and you wanted to cry. You felt pathetic for being hardly able to hold back such a display of emotions, but the love that Jon had looked at you with for so many years was as strong as it always was.
You had no doubt that you looked just the same.
Jon pulled you into a hug, one too tight and too emotional for the company around and yet neither of you cared. Neither of you knew if this would be the last time, and both of you resented the world for forcing that as a possibility. His hand held you to him from the back of your head as you sunk your face partway into his neck and the other into the fur around him. “I miss you.”
“I miss you.”
Already, even in the others arms, the grieving already begun. Pulling back, you held at his shoulders and he shamelessly cupped the side of your cheeks. “Think I could get to the wall before they catch me, if I kiss you now?”
You burst into a laugh, one bordering too close on a cry. But you tilted your head. “Now or never, Snow.”
The kiss was pressed to your cheek, slow and unrushed before hugging you once more. For too many years you and Jon ignored the inevitability of having to separate like this, and it sat deep and uncomfortable in your stomach to do so. Like leaving the other behind would be a mistake in the long run, but you couldn’t understand why your soul screamed at you to not make it. You knelt down, kissing Ghost on the forehead as he licked at your cheek, whispering to him. “Protect him, no matter what you hear me? Next time I see him, you better make sure he’s as healthy as you are now.”
Seeing the other Starks approaching, you two looked at the other one last time so close you could feel the other. You took off with the company as they all headed out to the Kingsroad, giving enough space for Lord Stark to speak to his son alone before they too parted ways.
You couldn’t hear what they talked about, but you knew Jon Snow better then anyone to guess. As his father turned to leave, you and Jon looked from the distance at the other once more. You said nothing and neither did he. His life was up north now, and yours is both by Lord Stark’s side and your future with your husband. A future you wanted, and one Jon didn’t want to get in the way of. But as you both rode off in opposite directions, that sinking feeling in your gut just screamed louder, the further away you both got.
Neither of you having any idea, what horrors would bring you two back to one another.
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
GoT DILF(s) x reader insert fics
Tumblr Recommendations
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Stories are NOT mine.
Some contain mature content.
Readers are mostly female.
Note: if you read any of these stories and enjoy them pls let the author know by rebloggung, liking or commenting on original post
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Ned Stark x second wife! Reader
Four Part Series
Surviving || Series Masterlist 
{Ned Stark x Reader}
Summary: It was a classic romance. You were barren, his wife had passed, and you’d met through your father. It was a wonder the minstrels weren’t already singing songs about you.
A Heartfelt Goodbye
Eddard Stark x fem!reader
Summary: after his wife's recent passing, Lord Stark is looking for a governess to raise his children
Morning Sunlight
Ned Stark x wife!Reader
Summary: Ned savours the moment beside his wife in bed before he has to start the day.
NED x reader
Smut Drabble
Ned Stark x fem!Reader
Imagine being a Lannister visiting Winterfell, and immediately setting your eyes on Ned Stark.
The Secret Wife
Ned Stark x Fem!Reader Imagine
Sweet Wife
Ned x wife!pregnant!reader
A Quiet Morning
Tywin Lannister x Female Reader
Summary: You enjoy a quiet morning with your Lord Husband
the morning after
Tywin Lannister x Stark!Reader
The suggestion of your marriage to Tywin Lannister had come as quite a shock to the entire Stark family.
when night falls
Tywin Lannister x Stark!Reader
Sequel to the morning after
Teach Me Tiger
Tywin Lannister x fem!Reader
Warnings: political/arranged marriage, smut, loss of virginity, sketchy medieval sex Ed (ie, reader thinks the only purpose of sex is procreation), masturbation/guided masturbation, older man/younger woman
Under his mane 
Tywin Lannister x Baratheon!Fem!Reader 
Series Masterlist
Imagine Tywin Lannister visiting your chambers to fulfill his son’s duty at his place (smut)
Baby Lion
Tywin Lannister x pregnant!wife!Reader
Tywin Lannister being possessive and having jealous sex would include:
Fulfilling Duty
Tywin Lannister x wife!Reader
Series: River Of Gold
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Pairing: Tywin Lannister x reader 
Request: good fluffy smut with Tywin Lannister… maybe him realizing that his feelings for the reader is more than just a political marriage
Warnings: political marriage/arranged marriage, older man x younger woman, soft smut, unprotected sex 
Repeat of History
Tywin Lannister x wife!Reader
Summary: when you go into labour, Tywin worries for your safety, remembering the death of his first wife
Tywin x Wife!Reader
Summary: Tywin takes a second wife for a purely political alliance, and ends up with far more than he expected.
Series: Tywin x Reader
Summary: Imagine finding out you are marry Tywin Lannister after the deaths of your brother and Mother, Robb and Catelyn Stark.
The Lady Lion
Tywin x Wife!Reader
Fluffy Fic
In Time, the Lion Loves
Tywin Lannister x fem!Reader
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Blessed with youth 
Tywin Lannister x Tyrell!Reader
Don’t Say It
Tywin x fem!Tyrell!Reader
A Bride in the Eyes of Some
Tywin Lannister X Reader
Betrothed to the Wrong Brother
Stannis Baratheon x Reader
Based on this request: reader is supposed to be set up with Robert, but while at Storms End falls for Stannis instead? 
Stannis Baratheon x fem!Reader
Summary: Stannis finally confesses his love for his wife
Stannis Baratheon x Wife!Reader
Summary: Takes place around the time Robert was crowned, when Stannis and the Reader are married for less than a year. Robert’s drunkenness results in some jealousy and misunderstandings (and making up).
Stannis x Wife!Reader
Setting: just a year or two after Robert was crowned
An Injustice
Stannis Baratheon x reader
Summary: A lil one shot from a visiting Davos’s pov after Robert’s Rebellion. There’s more but I like the characterisation in this the best. 
Stannis x Arryn!Reader
Jealous kiss for our one true king, stannis
Stannis Baratheon x fem!Reader
headcanons on the relationship between Shireen Baratheon and stepmother!reader & on how the Baratheon household would change if the Reader was to marry Stannis
Stannis Baratheon with a Tyrell!Reader
Headcanons for Stannis x Reader’s children
Playground (modern au)
Stannis Baratheon x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is sister to Sandor, and meets Stannis at a playground. The reader has a toddler daughter, but the father has passed away. Shireen and the daughter start playing together, so Stannis and the reader start talking too. Soon they plan a play date and the things escalate. 
Imagine threatening to leave Roose and him letting it slip that he loves you (smut)
Roose being touch starved would include
A Northern Arrangement || Series
Roose Bolton x Reader
Imagine making a deal with Roose Bolton so he wont betray Robb and will actually warn Robb and everyone of the Frey’s impending betrayal.
Roose Bolton x Reader || Series 
Roose being gentle with you:
Losing your virginity to Roose Bolton would include:
Imagine being in a pitch-black castle with Roose Bolton.
NSFW Alphabet with Roose Bolton
My Innocent Snowdrop
Oberyn Martell x Stark!Reader
Summary: The eldest Stark girl is forced to marry Oberyn Martell as a political alliance made by Cersei, but what she does not know is that the Prince of Dorne is a very loving man who easily falls in love with her and cherishes her deeply.
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catsteeth · 4 months
Hii, I love your writings❤️ Can you write Podrick Payne and the fem reader? The reader is a Jon's twin sister, the Queen in the North. And Podrick has been in love with her for years, from the moment he first saw her. The reader is aware of the situation from the beginning, and when they meet again in the North at the end of the road, she notices once again how Podrick looks at her, but the only difference is that he is not a child anymore.☆
Growing Pains🍎
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A/N: Thank you sm angel baby! Now this is what I AM TALKING ABOUT!!! Girl hell yes I can… I love this concept but I am going to take some liberties with the timelines and when Podrick is introduced in the story but let's all just sit back and have fun. You didn’t specify if you wanted smut but girls just wanna have fun so I did it anyway (there will be a cut off so you know when it's coming if you wanna stop reading beforehand) Hope you enjoy it and thank you for the request!! CW: SMUT MDNI, fuff, pining, mention of prostitution, mention of alcohol, fingering, grinding,
You had a hard go of it in life. 
Being the bastard of Ned Stark and the twin of Jon Snow. Having the last name of Snow swayed every person's opinion of you. Except for one, Podrick. A squire of little influence. When he and his Lord Tyrion visited the North with the rest of the Lannister and Baratheon family, he found himself enamored with you.
At first he thought it was because of your fair beauty. Your skin had a glow to it, your eyes as well. 
As the Stark family lined up to greet the royal family you and Jon were standing behind them. An embarrassment to the family but an open embarrassment nonetheless.
As you stood there, you studied all the knights and kings guard that stood before you and your family. You thought some of them were handsome but none captured your interest really. 
That was until your brother Jon nudged you. 
“It would seem you’ve an admirer, dear sister.” He teased as you looked and saw a shorter boy with short brown hair. He was certainly a squire. As your eyes met his he looked away 
You looked back to Jon, “Merely a boy, Jon.” 
“Aye, as you are merely a girl.” He said with a smirk. You nudged him harder and gave him a cold and hard scowl, making him struggle to hold in laughter.
As Lord Tyrion descended from his carriage he stood beside Podrick while he waited for Robert and Nedd to be done with their reunion. However when he looked behind Nedd he noticed Nedd’s bastards giggling like children until Lady Catelyn shot them a glare that shut them up quickly.
However he also noticed how Podricks gaze was fixated on you. His face reveals how pathetically enamored he was with you. Tyrion chuckled to himself and then tugged on Podrick’s sleeve a few times until his attention returned to his Lord. 
“Yes, my Lord?” Podrick asked, 
“You are appointed to serve me, not Ned Stark's bastard daughter.” Tyrion said to Podrick in a teasingly scornful tone. “Is that who that is?” He asked his eyes to stay put on you.
Tyrion nodded, “(Y/N) Snow…” Tyrion spoke your name and to Podrick it sounded like poetry. He looked back over to you as Podrick mouthed your name back to himself. “A beautiful girl,” Tyrion said matter of factly. 
“Yes, yes she is.” Podrick nodded, still unable to tear his gaze away from you. 
“You know what they say about Northern girls?” Tyrion smirked as he looked up at Podrick, 
Podricks gaze finally looked back to Tyrion with a confused look, “No?” 
“Perhaps you’ll find out.” He said with a raised brow, making Podrick swallow hard.
꒰ ୨୧ ─
Later that night during the feast you and Jon were turned away from the dining hall. It would be an insult to the royal family if you two were sitting in their field of vision. Gods forbid they were to see a bastard while they ate a meal that your family prepared for them. 
You were content to go to your chambers and wait out the feast before you’d sneak into the kitchen and eat whatever was left. But the plum tree had recently bloomed and it was too tempting for you to wait until the feast was over. 
Normally you’d convince Bran to climb the tree to pick you some but you were alone. So you did the next best thing, convince the next man you saw.
“Hello, kind ser. Could I trouble you for just a moment.” You said to a shadowed form nearby that was approaching. As it got closer you noticed it was the boy that was staring at you from the courtyard beside Lord Tyrion. 
“Yes, yes, my Lady, no trouble at all.” He said, stammering nervously as he walked closer toward you.
“I recognize you… I saw you today. You’re not a Northerner.” You said with narrow eyes.
“N-no, my Lady I am a squire to Lord Tyrion Lannister.”  He spoke softly and sweetly, but again, nervously.
“Huh, not a Ser then.” You furrowed your brows, examining the boy in front of you. Unsure if you could trust him or not. 
He shook his head, “And you’re (Y/N)... Daughter of Nedd Stark.” He was careful not to use the last name of Snow.
“I am.” You said strongly. 
“W-why are you not at the feast my lady?” 
“Lady Catelyn thought it might insult the royal family for me and my brother to be seated in their midst.” You explained 
“Why would she think that?” He asked genuinely, couldn’t understand you being hidden from anyone. 
“I am.. unsightly.” You tried to find the right word,
“I don’t think that is the word to describe you-” 
“A bastard… to put it simply.” You turned your mind back to the task at hand, unwilling to discuss the matter further. You looked up at the plums ripe on the tree behind you. “But nonetheless a bastard gets hungry just the same as anyone else.” You looked back at Podrick hoping he would get the hint. “Can't reach it though.” 
“Yes of course,” He said quickly as soon as he understood what it was you needed from him. 
You giggled to yourself as you watched him struggle to climb the tree. Just as he was about to pick the best one, his foot slipped and he fell out of the tree, with tons of plums following him. “Oof!” He grunted as he hit the ground and was covered in plums.
“Oh!” You shouted as you ran up to him. You couldn’t help but laugh as you kneeled beside him, “I am sorry, I do not mean to laugh!” You covered your mouth trying to conceal your amusement, 
He looked up at you with stars in his eyes, that could have been the fall but he was sure that you looked like you were made by the Gods themselves. “That’s alright,” He said softly with a dimwitted smile on his face. 
You kissed his cheek as a token of your appreciation, when you did he thought he might die. “I thank you.” You said as you grabbed a plum from his lap, making him blush, 
“Of-Of course my Lady,” He stammered,
You bit into the juicy plum, “I’m no Lady.” You stood and walked away. 
However, that wouldn’t be the last time the two of you crossed paths. 
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
When Jon left for the nights watch and was to leave for Kings Landing with your sisters, Lady Catelyn made it clear she wanted you gone. So you went with your sisters, however in KingsLanding you worked as a handmaiden. 
But this did just give Podrick more of an opportunity to fawn over you. 
When given the chance, the two of you enjoyed each other's company. 
On one occasion you and Podrick got drunk off of his Lord Tyrion’s wine when you were alone. You threw cherries across a room while Podrick attempted to catch them in his mouth. 
Tyrion walked in when he heard the commotion and drunk laughter from the hallway. He could see the love in the drunk Podricks eyes clear as day. 
He felt slightly responsible for Podrick and offered him a gift of experience. He took Podrick to a pleasure house where he said  “If you’re going to take that bastard girl's maidenhead, you might as well know how to do it well.” 
“We are only friends, my Lord.” He stammered nervously,
“Unlikely it will stay that way.” He said as he left him alone with the three women.
That wouldn’t happen in Kings Landing however. After the execution of your father you traveled North to your Brother Jon.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
Years later however, after a long and hard battle, figuratively and literally, you were an adored and respected figure in the North. So much so that you were named Queen. 
When you caught word that Podrick was on the grounds of Winterfell you felt an unexplainable urge to meet with him again. 
You saw him sparring with a man on the training grounds. You watched as this once frail and inexperienced boy fought with honor and precision. It made you feel a tightening in your stomach. You felt yourself losing your trail of thought as you watched him, until he noticed you.
“(Y/N)” He said with wide eyes, and then bam! His sparring opponent knocked him down while he was off guard, “Oof!” He tapped out, “Enough for today.” He hopped off the ground and ran over towards you, smiling, 
You smiled back, “You look different. Well, but different.” 
“You look the same.” He said catching his breath
You narrowed your eyes slightly as you smirked, “I’ll take that as a compliment,” He nodded, “It is.” His smile was almost contagious. 
“Who taught you?” You asked, trying to distract from the compliment. “Brienne of Tarth, I’ve come into her service after Lord Tyrion.”
“An improvement.” You nodded, “You fight well.” 
He bowed his head slightly “Thank you, your Grace.” 
“No need for such formality.” You waved your hand in dismissal, 
“Your Grace-” Someone of little interest to you at that moment spoke. Rushing you off to your regal duties. 
You couldn’t say your goodbyes before being rushed off. Just like last time. 
The rest of the day you spent thinking of him. Of how different things were now, how different you and he were, how much a man he’d grown into. 
It was only until that night when you had the opportunity to speak to him once more.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ 
As Tyrion, Jaime, and Brienne finished a drinking game, Tormund came in an attempt to court Brienne but of course was unsuccessful. As he faced the rest of the table in a defeated sorrowful look, Podrick smiled at him. 
As the Giant man left the table, Podrick looked back and noticed you. Once he saw you, his smile grew into a bigger and genuine one. 
“Walk with me?” You asked and he of course nodded. Leaving the table in haste, making Tyrion smirk.
The two of you walked around the grounds, that now with everyone in the tavern was empty.
As you walked around, he noticed the very same plum tree that he fell from all those years ago. The tree hadn’t bloomed yet but, he thought back on that memory so often he couldn’t have been mistaken. 
“Last time we were here you were here because you weren’t allowed in the dining hall. Now you own it.” He smiled at you, proud of your accomplishments. 
“And you were in the dirt covered in-” You said teasingly with a mischievous smile.
“Plums.” He said matter of factly
“You remember?” You asked genuinely surprised.
“Of course I do, I remember how you laughed at me.” He said teasingly as he chuckled.
“I apologized!” You giggled, 
“It’s alright, I liked hearing you laugh. And seeing you smile.” He smiled at you in a way that caused a heat to spread throughout your whole body.
“You’ve grown.” You couldn’t believe how much more bold and confident he had become.
“You’ve grown as well.” 
“People tend to do that.” You teased, 
“That’s true, and yet after all that time I couldn’t ever get you out of my head.” He thought about his journey and how often he missed you, “On our journey we always heard murmuring about you. The things you were doing. The wars you and your brother won. The triumphs and lows of it all.” He looked down trying to contain himself, “I thought of you often.”  
You felt a heat rush over your cheeks, “You were always a considerate friend.” You rationalized,  and paused for a moment before you looked over at him, “I thought of you often…” you smiled “As well.” 
“May I ask you something, and truly I don’t mean to offend-”
You raised an eyebrow. “Well this sounds interesting, go on.” You said smiling, 
“What of any… suitors?” He asked awkwardly,
You huffed a laugh and then shook your head, “No.” You looked over at Podrick who was already looking at you with a dumbfounded look, “What?” You giggled. “I apologize, I just find it hard to believe that.” 
“Well I’d not lie.” You smirked, 
“No, of course not. It’s just that you are…” He looked at you, “Mesmerizing.” He studied you for a moment, and then felt content to do what he had been meaning to do for so long, “You’ve always been mesmerizing.” He took your hand,
“What?” Your eyes narrowed as he kneeled in front of you.
“Ever since I saw you, I’ve never been able to release myself from this feeling. The way your hair shines, the way your eyes glow.” He looked up at you, at how beautiful you looked under that plum tree, in the moonlight. “Ever since you kissed me, even though it was just-” He reminisced on the memory for a moment, “A peck on the cheek,” He shook his head, “I couldn’t feel satisfaction from anything else. And what's worse is that- I don’t want to, I don’t want to feel satisfaction from anything but the satisfaction you bring to me. And ever since I have been back here the feeling is so much worse.” His grip on your hand tightened as he searched your eyes for a hint of your own emotions.
You shook your head, “I’m sorry.” You said, not sorry for not feeling the same but for not understanding your own emotions.
“I-” He looked down, confident he was defeated, “Forgive me.” 
“No,” You shook your head again, “Forgive me.” You held his face in your hands,
“For what?” He asked, his brows furrowed in confusion, and concern that he’d just ruined whatever relationship you two had had for good. 
“For ignoring my own feelings for you.” You held his face closer to your own, “I’ve been doing it for so long…” Your eyes were filled with a pining that you didn’t know you had, “Far too long” He leaned in even further, your eyes drooping slowly but not losing contact with him. Your noses brushing against one another. Your lips finally meet softly, hardly even touching. his hand came to cup your jaw as yours carcassed the back of his head. As you closed your eyes your lips parted slightly allowing him to kiss you deeper. 
nothing had ever felt so right. You knew then that you were born for him and he was born for you. 
he gripped your waist, pressing you closer to his own body. He walked you back into the tree so he could lean into you even more. 
“Gods” You whimpered into his lips, “You’ve gotten strong-“ your hands gripped at the muscles of his arms over his chainmail. 
“Is this alright,” He asked to which you nodded and continued to kiss his lips. 
The kiss somewhat restrained at first was now unhinged and desperate. His tongue met yours and you did not fight it, no you welcomed it. 
His hand traveled down your jaw to your breast, gripping at it through your bodice with hunger. He groaned into your mouth but soon enough he couldn’t restrain himself and his mouth traveled from your lips to your neck, to your breasts. They’d been a weakness of his for too long. “Gods” He groaned
“Tell me to stop and I will,“ His hand traveled up your inner thigh. His fingers, now rougher than they were before, stopped just before they reached your silk small clothes. His eyes looked into yours waiting for your que.
You looked at him, you ran your hand through his hair once more. His eyes met yours, desperate and hungry, no starving. You nodded at him, which made him smile and breathe a sigh of relief as his face returned to your breasts and his fingers began to run up and down the sensitive slit of your clothed cunt.
“Mmphm,” You moaned into his ear as his lips traveled over your cleavage.
His middle finger pressed against your hot damp entrance while his thumb moved in circles around your sensitive clit. 
Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you whimpered from the pleasure. A pleasure so new. You’d used your own fingers or relieved yourself on a pillow before but this was different, a different game entirely.  
You felt him grinding his arousal on your thigh as he moved your small clothes away, pushing one finger inside of you, slowly. “Ah!” You jolted towards him, grabbing ahold of his back pressing him closer to you. 
He inserted another finger, pressing them deeper and deeper until they met your maiden head. His eyes found yours, and once again you nodded. 
He kissed you deeply as he sunk his fingers into you. You gripped onto his hair and moaned out. As you moaned he bit your bottom lip. You held onto him tighter as the pain flashed across your body but was replaced by pleasure. “Are you alright?” you nodded, unable to find the words when he was pumping him fingers in and out you, “You did so well,” His eyes filled with love and adornment for you. But soon his lips returned to your neck and your breasts.
“Podrick,” You said breathlessly, “Pod?” You had to pull his face away from your breasts, though his lips wants to immediately latch onto yours, “I can’t,” You whined, 
He pulled his fingers out of you and your hand away immediately, 
“Not here,” You shook your head still trying to catch your breath, 
“You’re the Queen, you can do what you please.” He said, half serious, wanting to rid you of your skirts and prove his love and himself there and now. 
You giggled holding his face as he restrained himself for kissing you, “I want you to bed me in my chambers. Not here.” 
“As you wish it, my Queen.” He smiled at you, and kissed you once more before rushing you off to your chambers.
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Could I request a Cersei x f reader where the reader is Cersei’s secret lover but Jaime (Love him but needed a villain) found out and made up lies about reader so Cersei herself throws the reader to jail. When she’s finally freed after the allegations were proved wrong, reader is now cold hearted, avoiding Cersei who tries to talk to her. Go heavy on the angst. You can decide if it’s happy ending (at least as happy of an ending as you can get with Cersei) or not. Thank you! You don’t have to write it if you don’t want to
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(Gif not mine but can I just say that I hate myself for loving how beautiful she is?)
Title: Lioness Roar
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Cersei Lannister x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,719
Summary: Cersei’s brothers could do whatever they wanted with little to no consequences all because of their gender. Now as the Queen, Cersei believes she can do more.
Warnings: vulgar language, daddy issues (guess who), homophobia, angst, mentioned wlw smut, and I will admit it does kind of read like yandere.
Author’s Note: God I love writing about Lannisters. They’re so complex (and I know I’ve said that before so sorry if you’re sick of hearing it but I’m not sorry for saying it) and I think this might be the first time I’m writing a Cersei x reader so this was exciting!
(I do not consent my works to be reposted/copied)
Cersei always believed that if she were born with a cock, her world would be a lot different, but for the best.
As a child, she drew pictures of herself on the back of the dragon, and as she got older, her father kept promising to marry her to the prince, so then she began drawing Rhaegar Targaryen in those same pictures.
Before she grew into her female qualities, she was able to dress as her twin brother and attend sword fighting lessons without anyone able to tell the difference. 
While Jaime had no interest in listening to his father about the importance of their history, their finances, and the running of the keep, Cersei listened intently. She knew that if she were Tywin’s firstborn son and heir, he’d be proud of all of her accomplishments, and this was just one of many ways she tried to gain his approval. 
She did all these things to prove that she can do anything her brothers did possibly even do more than Tyrion but Lord Tywin always stamped down her ambitions other than the one that involved her getting married to the prince. No matter how hard she tried, Cersei could never get her father to actually see her aside from what she already was.
One look and Lord Tywin would’ve seen his daughter holding a sword better than Jaime ever could and reciting old text better than Tyrion could ever pronounce. If Tywin could only see past her gender, Cersei would truly be his golden child.
Alas, she was nothing but a bargaining chip; a pawn he liked to move around the board. When her marriage proposal to Rhaegar fell through and all the Targaryens were killed off, Cersei was married to Robert Baratheon and she became his Queen Consort. She gave him three children, despite the two of them being unhappy from the start. Even if her children didn’t look like the King, she didn’t care. She did her duty to the realm, to her husband, and to her father, securing the legacy Tywin always wanted for his family. Cersei did her part and now she felt inclined to her own right of freedom to do whatever she wanted.
That freedom came in the form of Lady Y/n.
As a wedding gift, Lord Tywin sent Cersei the daughter of one of his bannermen to act as her handmaid and confidant. Y/n was possibly the only truly kind gesture Cersei’s father ever made toward her, but the new Queen was bitter from the beginning. She did not confide in other women. Cersei felt as though she was above gossiping and hand-sewing, even when she was a little girl. With her father’s praise and boasting of her being the most beautiful woman in all the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei even believed she was above all the ladies of the country, including Y/n. 
Y/n was a quiet young woman. Dutiful towards her Queen and tending to her every need without question, the handmaid was smart to never speak openly to Cersei. She kept her thoughts tight-knit in her mind and only replied to the Queen if Cersei spoke directly at her. Even where Y/n was from, she heard certain rumors about Cersei and how the Lady Lannister’s best friend, Melara Hetherspoon, mysteriously fell into a well and only Cersei lived to tell the tale. Y/n’s mother was secretly concerned when Tywin Lannister sent her daughter away to tend to Cersei, knowing that the Lioness of Casterly Rock was always troubled and strangely devoid of any emotion other than anger.
Even Y/n believed this, and in fear, she never spoke a word to Cersei unless spoken to so as not to draw attention to herself. Tending to Cersei was like awaiting with anticipation for a barrel of wildfire to ignite. All it took was one tiny flame.
However, once Cersei’s children were born, it appeared as though that flame was tameable. Y/n often tended to her Queen’s children more so than the wet nurses. Many wondered if the wet nurses were just lazy, but one maid, in particular, had the bravery to whisper about the Queen being behind this, how Cersei ordered the wet nurses to do their duty to feed her children except Myrcella but to leave all other care to Lady Y/n and herself.
If this rumor was to be taken seriously, no one knew why Cersei would do such a thing unless she full-heartedly trusted her handmaid. But this was Cersei Lannister of all people, and no one, not even King Robert, was allowed to be near the princess and princes without Cersei’s presence.
And yet, Y/n could be found with all three children, alone, holding them to her chest when they cried or laughing as she chased them around in the gardens. If they weren’t with Cersei or their teachers, the royal children were likely to be found with Lady Y/n, who they lovingly nicknamed their aunt once they began to speak. Perhaps the children truly thought Y/n was part of their family and if so, Cersei had allowed it to appear that way.
The truth is Cersei grew to care for one other person besides her children and Jaime, but kept that close to her heart and locked it away, not even Y/n could reach it. At first, Cersei was disgusted with her thoughts and her feelings. There was a time in her inner turmoil when she would lash out at her handmaid even though Y/n did nothing wrong. Despite all this, Cersei blamed her for everything and was even tempted to send her away. But young Myrcella, barely able to write her own name, cried one night when Y/n was not there to tuck her into bed and told her mother how much she loved Y/n. Feeling defeated, Cersei never exiled Y/n and refused to look at the other woman for many months.
Cersei’s demons came to a head when she heard Jaime tell yet another story about Tyrion finding another whore to bed with... but instead of her usual disgust, another thought struck her. There was a time when Cersei could act like a boy all she wanted without anyone batting an eye. She could do whatever she wanted and even though she was now Queen, Cersei had yet to take full advantage of that. As long she remained married to the King and gave him children, her father could not tell her what to do and her husband cared very little about what she did as long as Cersei kept him out of it. Hearing Jaime’s story of Tyrion’s new woman, Cersei thought if her dear little brother could take any common whore to bed without scandal, why couldn’t she?
Lady Y/n was already her handmaid. It was already the perfect disguise. If Tyrion could do it and hide his lover as a servant girl, so could Cersei. If Robert could openly bring whatever woman he wanted into his bed, so could his wife.
Of course, Cersei could order Y/n to kiss her and bed her if she liked, but she was a clever woman and felt the excitement of playing the long game of convincing Y/n to love her. So as not to scare her, Cersei started off slowly, starting by subtly nodding her thanks to Y/n when she helped her dress and undress because yes, Cersei has never once thanked anyone before. When Y/n didn’t appear put off by this, Cersei slowly began to openly thank her, then slowly progressed to subtly touching her arm or moving Y/n’s hair off her shoulder. 
This slow progression is successful in many ways. Y/n doesn’t notice how much Cersei changed because Cersei had slowly done so without any red flags rising. Before Y/n could remember the story of Melara Hetherspoon, Cersei had her wrapped around her finger, practically brainwashing her handmaid into believing that she had always been a kind and loving queen towards her loyal subjects. Cersei’s patience paid off when Y/n began to openly talk to her about her hopes and dreams, even her opinions, without ever flinching of fear or repeal.
And, in a way, her patience also brought Cersei to love Y/n even more than just for lust. Listening to Y/n talk made Cersei wonder why she had suppressed the young woman from doing so in all the years she’s known her. Everything sounded exciting when Y/n spoke, her voice forcing Cersei to listen to every syllable. 
That is... until eligible suitors came searching for Y/n’s hand in marriage. When Y/n talked about her suitors, Cersei would immediately order her to speak of something else. She couldn’t bear to hear about the men trying to take her new interest away from her. She wouldn’t allow her brothers to steal a toy from her as children, why would this be any different?
It was the talk of the decade. Throughout King’s Landing, people whispered about how Lady Y/n must be cursed. Ever since her father announced opening a proposal for her, many of Y/n’s suitors have mysteriously disappeared or been found dead in their beds, sometimes even before they could meet her. Over time, several men have gone to King’s Landing in hopes of winning Y/n’s hand. None have returned to their homes and some houses were on the brink of extinction because of this curse.
It didn’t take long before men stopped asking for Y/n’s hand in marriage, and Cersei had never been happier to have her handmaid remain at her side.
By the time Jon Arryn mysteriously died, Y/n was more than just a confidant or friend. She became Cersei’s secret lover, and Cersei didn’t feel any shame or disgust the first time she kissed her. While making plans for the royal family to travel to Winterfell, Y/n shyly and breathlessly confessed her love for Cersei. Before she could escape the Queen’s chambers in her shame, Cersei roughly held Y/n’s face in her hands as she fervently kissed her. The victory going on in Cersei’s mind was all too sweet, hastily taking Y/n to her bed then and there, finally claiming her as no one but the Queen’s.
Cersei had begun to feel like a god with what she had taken as her own. With Y/n secretly under one arm and Jaime under the other, she began to believe and reminisce about the young girl she once was, a Lady Lannister who took no prisoners and always got whatever she wanted. As Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei felt as though she held the world in her hands and was believed to be untouchable.
This god complex would continue to fester and grow as several events play out. While in Winterfell, Young Bran Stark mysteriously fell out of a window. When the royal family left the North, they brought Ned Stark and his two daughters with him as the new Hand of the King. When Cersei arrived back in King’s Landing, Y/n was waiting for her in her chambers with open arms and a hot bath. Cersei had never felt such power secured tightly in her fist before.
That is until it slipped ever so slightly out of her grasp and Cersei lashed out and nearly lost her mind. Under Lord Stark’s orders, his wife Catelyn took Tyrion as her prisoner and this prompted Jaime to attack the Hand of the King before escaping King’s Landing. Cersei could feel her power and influence slipping when, even as Ned Stark admitted to her accusations, Robert still refused to punish his old friend. 
Madness slipped through, for a split second, as Cersei snapped, “I took you for a king!”
“Hold your tongue.”
“He’s attacked one of my brothers and abducted the other. I should wear the armor, and you the gown.”
King Robert spun around and hit her before Cersei could say more. She proudly claimed she would wear this mark on her face like a badge of honor before swiftly leaving the room. She retreated to her chambers to lick her wounds and fester in her rage. When Y/n was summoned, she was horrified by the angry bruise on Cersei’s face and tended to it immediately. Unaware of what had happened, Y/n barely even blinked when Cersei ordered her to stay with her the whole night.
War began to brew after that and Cersei received word of Tywin and Jaime raising an army to bring back Tyrion. Sensing it was time to make her move, she had her cousin Lancel bring an armload of wine for Robert when he fled to the Kingswood to hunt. Of course, everyone knows that wine and hunting don’t mix, and when Robert returned to Cersei, his guts were spilling out of him. It wasn’t long before Joffrey was sitting on the Iron Throne after that, his mother sitting beside him.
Cersei had Ned Stark arrested and his daughters confined to the Red Keep. With her son as king, she now had all the power with no one to tell her otherwise. She still felt her self-control slip, however, when she heard of Jaime’s capture and then Tyrion returned to King’s Landing as Tywin’s Acting Hand of the King. When she heard the news of her twin brother, Cersei retreated back to her chambers and once again, kept Y/n in her bed all night long. Y/n was none the wiser, believing Cersei was only grieving her brother’s capture by taking her anger out on her lover. This anger got even worse when Myrcella was sent away to Dorne.
When Jaime returned, Cersei was still an angry woman and nothing was ever the same again. Cersei retreated from Jaime’s embrace whenever he reached out to her. At first, he thought it was because of his missing hand, but then Cersei gifted him a golden prosthetic as a replacement. When she didn’t appear disgusted by him, Jaime kept a watchful eye on his sister.
He suspected Cersei had another lover but failed to find any man entering his sister’s chambers, no matter the time of day. He did, however, always noticed Y/n freely walking around wherever she wanted. Even when Cersei was not around, Lady Y/n would enter her room and the guards standing outside wouldn’t even question her. Sometimes, Jaime even witnessed Y/n ordering the guards around as if she were speaking on the Queen’s behalf, and they listened to her. Jaime’s affronted thoughts came to a halt when one day, he noticed Y/n out in the gardens with Tommen, the young prince indulging the lady with a book he read out loud. Cersei was nowhere in sight.
Jaime was not the smartest Lannister, but he knew Cersei better than anyone, and he knew that his sister would not trust their her children with anyone unless she had complete faith in them.
He confronted his sister that night when he knew that Y/n was sent away after helping Cersei undress. With the Queen now alone, Jaime snuck in and didn’t hesitate to speak his mind, “You love her.”
Cersei froze, her back turned to him, refusing to say a word or even look back to face him. Jaime scoffs because that was enough of a confirmation for him. Cersei was never one to hold back her tongue; this would have been no exception if it wasn’t true. The emotions that began to build within Jaime were rage and disgust. He pushed a boy out of a window for Cersei. He kept their affair a secret for Cersei. He killed his cousin for Cersei. He even lost his hand when trying to get back to Cersei. How is it that he went through all that trouble the gods have cursed him with for Cersei, and she had already moved on and fallen in love with another? How could he live with this knowing that Cersei had pushed him aside for none other than a woman?
“As hateful as you are... you love her,” he seethed between his teeth, “All those years you made me believe you kept her around to keep all eyes away from us... when really you just wanted us both. You have always been a selfish woman.”
A wry smile curls over his lips, the brewing anger slowly turning malicious, “But I wonder how selfish? Or are you just too blind by love to see it?”
Cersei turned to face him, her expression sour and voice dripping with venom, “See what?”
“That she has fooled you,” Jaime lets the words spill out of his mouth like water, fluid and graceful, even he believed the deceit he spoke, “Lady Y/n’s father may be our father’s bannermen, but she is no ally to us. I intercepted a raven before my escape, one that was addressed to Robb Stark. It was sealed with your sigil but not your handwriting, so I knew it wasn’t yours. However, seldom few have access to your seal and your desk, so one could only wonder who had the means of contacting the King of the North bearing your mark?” 
Cersei stood still, eyes locked onto Jaime’s as her expression slowly twists and turns corrupt with barely restrained rage and madness in between the flicker of the candle flame. For a moment, a brief moment... Jaime thought that rage was directed at him.
Y/n was roughly woken by a few of the Queen’s personal guards, binding her and muffling her screams with a rag. Tediously, they bring her all the way down into the dungeon before throwing her into the deepest, darkest cell. With her bonds and gag loose, Y/n finally has a moment to yell and plead, her hands gripping onto the iron bars for dear life as she begged for someone to help her.
Her pleas stop, however, when from the shadow emerges Cersei, regal as always, dressed in her usual red and gold fabrics without the help of her usual handmaid, now trapped behind bars. The moment Y/n caught the light on Cersei’s face, she knew who to place blame for her arrest.
“Why are you doing this?! I deserve an explanation!”
“You’re a traitor,” Cersei hissed even with a sly smile on her beautiful face, “You betrayed my son, your king. And worse of all, you betrayed me. Did you truly think I wouldn’t find out about your secret little messages to the King in the North? Were you praying that Jaime would never return so that he wouldn’t be able to inform me of your treachery?”
Y/n was initially shocked by these accusations before turning to defend her honor, “Surely he’s mistaken! Your brother has been away from home for far too long. His mind might be sick from being Robb Stark’s prisoner all this time. Why would you believe Ser Jaime over me?”
The question dies in her throat, her face crumbling into fearful realization as Cersei continued to stand still, as quiet as a cat while smiling down at her mouse. Y/n’s voices drop down into a whisper as she tries to hold back her own emotions, “... Unless it’s true. The rumors have all been true. You and your brother...”
Y/n’s fear slowly reverts to anger as her thoughts spill openly from her lips, “I refused to believe the whispers. I was loyal to you from the very beginning. I stuck by your side through everything and yet-- How could you?” She finally snapped, voice rising once again as her grip tightens around her bars, “I sacrificed everything for you! I gave you all I had and it still wasn’t enough, wasn’t it? I loved you... with all my heart, but not even love can cure you from this madness.”
Cersei’s eyes bore into Y/n’s own, the two women standing in the silence of the dark, cold dungeon. The Queen doesn’t acknowledge her actions for not even she knew why she quickly decided to imprison her former lover. She herself felt disgusted. Cersei had been able to round up each of King Robert’s bastard children and slaughter them for the sake of Joffrey’s legitimacy, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to have Y/n executed even though the woman was accused of betraying Joffrey. Cersei once believed she would do anything for the sake of her children, and now she felt disgusted knowing that she couldn’t even kill a woman to uphold that silent promise.
Cersei held her chin high, her voice was as cold as the day she first met Lady Y/n, “I love my brother. I will only ever love my brother. How could I ever love someone as lowly as a servant girl?”
It didn’t take long before Tywin noticed his daughter had a new handmaid and not one who was trusted enough to tend to Tommen when Cersei wasn’t around. Without questioning the Queen, Lord Tywin conducted an investigation and quickly discovered Y/n in the dungeons. After briefly talking to her and investigating Jaime’s accusations, Tywin was able to concur that Y/n was innocent of such treasonous actions and set her free. When Cersei heard of this, she was enraged and immediately went to her father with demands of executing her former confidant. When Tywin brought his evidence to her attention, Cersei refused to believe it, turning a blind eye and cursing her father’s name. Even in disbelief, Cersei couldn’t help but internally feel the ache and anger in her heart. Deep down, she knew Y/n had done nothing wrong, yet she listened to Jaime anyway. The last nail was wedged into her coffin when Tommen asked Cersei where his Aunt Y/n had gone. Only then could she truly admit she made a mistake.
But it was too late. With Y/n no longer being Cersei’s handmaid, the lady avoided the Queen like the plague. Y/n was no longer the woman everyone once knew to be kind and compassionate. She was cold and calculating to everyone, including Cersei, if the two women ever had a brief encounter in Joffrey’s court.
Y/n couldn’t even find it within herself to feel sympathy towards Cersei when Joffrey was murdered at his own wedding. Long after Tommen was crowned King, Y/n continued to avoid Cersei and never once shed a tear for the boy she once loved as her own. As long as one bore the face of Cersei or sported any sort of Lannister trait, Y/n avoided them at all costs and even felt disgusted if she had to share a room with them. A moment of opportunity arrived for her to be rid of this Hell when the High Sparrow became a big influence on King Tommen and his people. Cersei had the High Sparrow annointed as High Septon with the belief that he would work under her rule, and Y/n watched this unfold from a distance until finally, she made her own calculated move.
In time, Loras Tyrell, Queen Margaery, and even Cersei had been thrown into various cells of the Great Sept when none of them confessed to the sins they were accused of. Cersei had felt the cold breath of karma ghost down her neck the moment her cousin Lancel entered the room to stand beside the High Sparrow. Weeks dragged on and Cersei was miserable in her cell, hair matted and body covered in filth, tongue dry from her thirst. The cell door opened one miserable morning and Cersei curled in on herself instinctively, ready to refuse the water when offered in exchange for a confession... but the septa never said a word. Slowly, Cersei looked up from her arms and found Lady Y/n standing there instead of a septa, dressed in travelling clothes and holding a small pouch of water in hand, devoid of emotion as she looked down on the former Queen she served.
Cersei didn’t look pleased or impressed, turning her away to lean against the cold wall of her cell, “This is what you wanted, isn’t it? The one thing you have always strived for; craved for... You have always wanted to see me suffer.”
“I don’t know if there is anything I can say or do to convince you otherwise,” Y/n scoffed while setting down the pouch of water, “I gave my life to you, yet you still believe I betrayed you somehow in some shape or form. Even when I was proven innocent, you despised me. Why?”
Cersei blinked slowly while staring off into space, trying to swallow her spit to relieve her thirst, “You were just some lowly reminder of a time when I was unfaithful.”
“To who? King Robert? Everyone knows you despised him. That is no secret. Everyone knows that you would have done anything to hurt him. But to hurt Jaime... I think most can suspect that at this point, you would have done anything to keep him at your side. You can’t fool anyone, Your Grace. Not anymore.”
“I have fooled no one.”
“No one but me. You had me fooled the moment you kissed me,” Y/n’s voice broke, ever so slightly, cracking her mask, “You had me believe what we had was love. And yet you threw it all away the moment you decided to believe whatever you wanted to hear.”
“I didn’t want you to betray me.”
“And I never did. But you didn’t exactly care, did you? Instead of just asking me, you threw me in a cell and left me to rot. Because it was Ser Jaime’s word against mine.”
“Why are you really here?” Cersei rasped, watching her finger as she absently traced shapes into her cell wall.
Y/n composed herself, hardening her heart again and quickly blinking away the tears before they could be shed. She straightens up her vest as she confidentally spoke, “I came to say goodbye and to pray we never see each other again. What happens to you is no longer my concern. King Tommen has granted me leave from your service and is sending me home today. My only wish... my only wish is that we part with our truths laid out to one another... the way it always should have been.”
Cersei finally turns to look up at the woman standing over her, feigned smile spreading over her filthy face, “What truths, pray tell?”
“The truth is you were right, Queen Regent. I did betray you,” Y/n carefully watched as Cersei’s face twisted with several emotions before continuing, “I betrayed you to the High Sparrow. I confessed my sins to him and thus revealed yours. I told him everything, from our affair to yours and Ser Jaime’s. It wasn’t your cousin who turned you in. It was me.”
For years, Y/n has watched Cersei play the game with eager eyes and thin smiles and it wasn’t until recently did Y/n want to see the smug smile wiped from her former Queen’s pretty face. In her dreams, Y/n could imagine this and feel satisfaction bloom in her stomach, fulfilling her without food or water and lasting her till she is old in age. Now, finally succeeding in making Cersei lose at her own game, Y/n doesn’t feel that satisfaction she desired. All she could feel was guilt and shame.
Cersei’s face crumbled until it was laid bare for Y/n to read her as a childrens’ book, the Lady Lannister’s voice becoming accusatory, “So I was right. All you’ve ever wanted was to see my downfall.”
Y/n felt as though she had been slapped in the face, hating herself even as the words fell out, “No... never. Not when I loved you.”
Cersei looked back up when she heard Y/n kneeling down to her height, meeting her shining eyes as her former handmaid whispered as though she spoke a secret, “You might not see it as I do, but if I were to recall... you were the one who betrayed me first. I only returned the favor. Farewell... my lioness. I will pray for the next whore you decide to take to bed.”
The way Cersei’s face fell only made Y/n feel worse as she stood, turning to leave. The former handmaid wanted this woman to beg for her life as she once did in her own cold cell. She wanted Cersei to squeal and cry and feel her heart break as she once did, betrayed by the woman she loved. In a last ditched effort, Y/n kicked her pouch of water close to the cell door, far from Cersei if she even tried to reach it.
“No-- wait, Y/n, please-!”
Y/n hastily made her exit, slamming the cell door behind her to shut out Cersei’s pleas. As she walked down the hall, Y/n could feel a tear slip past her detection... as well as a smile of freedom.
A/N: Hi I’m back on my bs again. It’s been a busy couple of weeks and now that I’m caught up on House of the Dragon and no longer working nights, I feel fueled to write again. Please support and leave a request in the ask box!
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lovebaela · 6 months
Chapter 1: A New Life
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(a/n) hello! I decided to restart my “Ice and Fire” fanfaction because I have so much more ideas for a better story :) even though it’s discontinued, if you would like to check it out here’s the masterlist! I hope you guys will enjoy this one 🤍 I’m working on the masterlist for this series right now!
Divider credit: @dingusfreakhxrrington @valeskafics
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°❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・ CW: fem!oc, betrothal (forced marriage), topics of abuse and racism, angst, a lot of fluff, smut (I’ll try lol), and murder.꙳·❅°*˖ Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
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Why must the gods be so cruel to me? What could I have possibly done to deserve this life? To be sold off like a slave by my own flesh and blood…I’ll never forgive Viserys. Without Dany, I am alone. Without love. I want to go home. But…where do I belong? The summer isles? No, that can’t be my true home, I never had the chance to live there. Do I belong anywhere?
Daughter of the mad king’s younger brother. Rhaella never knew her mother. She died after giving birth in the Summer Isles, killed by assassins under the command of the new king, Robert Baratheon. When he found out Rhaella’s mother was pregnant, he wanted both of them dead. Rhaella was smuggled out of the isles and sent to her cousins, the last Targaryens.
“I know you’re upset,” Lord Eddard Stark said, placing his hand on top of hers.“But please, believe me when I say this. I will never let anyone harm you. You are under my protection now.”
Rhaella gave him a weak smile back. Rhaella, the same name as the Mad King’s sister and wife. Daenerys gave her the name. Viserys despised the idea of his mother’s name given to the likes of a foreign girl. Even though she was still a Targaryen, he only considered her half and not pure. She took after her mother, with more summer isle features. Her skin wasn’t pale, instead, a light amber and tan that would get even darker in the sun. She had long silver curly hair, unlike her cousins who had straight silver blonde hair. The thing Rhaella hated the most was her eyes. Instead of being a pretty violet color, she had dark purple eyes that almost looked black.
Rhaella looked away from the carriage window to make eye contact with Lord Stark, “My Lord?” She asked, “Why did you accept my cousin’s offer to take me?”
“Well, you see,” he explained, “The rebellion caused great loss for everyone. So many people, loved ones, dead. Especially your family, unfortunately. I’ll never forgive him for his order of murder. When the king found out 3 Targaryens were still out in the world, he wanted you all dead. I wanted to prove to him that even though Areys was mad, that doesn’t mean you all don’t deserve to live. By taking you in and marrying one of my sons, we can show him that you are not our enemies. It took him a while to be fully convinced, but he agreed to let you live.”
”But, my eldest cousin,” Rhaella said. “He…he wants to take the seven kingdoms. I’m not sure how, but that is his plan.”
”I highly doubt he is a true threat,” Lord Stark said.
”you’re right,” she admitted. “He can be a big coward at times.”
That comment made him chuckle.
He has a nice smile, very warm and welcoming. Even though he did come off as cold before.
“Will I have to marry now?” Rhaella asked.
“Oh gods no!” He chuckled, “you are far too young, my son as well.”
“Will he like me?”
“I believe so, you have nothing to worry about. Bran is a good kid. He will treat you right.”
Once they made it through the gates, the carriage stopped. Lord Stark exited first so he could get the door for Rhaella. He gently held her hand as she took her steps down. Once Rhaella looked up from the steps, she saw the Stark family before her. Not letting go of her hand, Lord Stark approached his family to introduce their special guest.
“This is Rhaella Targaryen. As you all know, she will be with us now. Treat her as you would treat each other. If anyone disrespects her, let me know.”
They all nodded. A very handsome older boy approached her, “Hello, my lady, I am Robb,” he told her, “I hope you enjoy Winterfell and welcome!” Before walking away, he kissed her hand. That made Rhaella blush, “T-Thank you.” He had blue eyes and dark auburn hair. It was so dark you could barely tell if it was red. He had to have been the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen.
An older girl walked up to her gracefully, “Hello,” she smiled, “my name is Sansa. I hope we can grow to be like sisters! Maybe even brush each other’s hair, make dresses together, and so much more!” Rhaella gave a slight smile back, “I would love that!” Then a girl, who looked not too older than her, approached saying, “My name is Arya! Don’t worry, we don’t have to do girly stuff together. There are other ways to have fun!”
Then, she met Rickon, the youngest in the family, and their mother Lady Stark. “Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed, “aren't you just a lovely thing? Such a beauty.” Rhaella blushed at the compliment, thanking her.
She must be lying to me. I mean, just look at me! The journey to Westeros was so long that hair became wild and poofy.
”You must be frightened,” Lady Stark said. “Trust me, I never favored the cold myself. I still don’t, but you grow to appreciate it.”
Rhaella couldn’t keep her eyes off Lady Catelyn Stark’s features. Like Robb and Sansa, she had long auburn hair and pretty blue eyes. Her gown was also blue, making her eyes stand out even more.
“Where is Bran?” Lord Stark asked his wife.
“I told that boy to stop climbing,” she explained. “Brandon!”
“Sorry mother!” A voice yelled from above, “I’m coming down!”
When Rhaella looked up, she examined him. He looked to be the same age as her. He had dark brown hair and eyes with freckles on his face. He approached her and bowed, “Welcome to Winterfell, I hope you will take a liking to it.” “Thank you,” she replied.
The atmosphere quickly grew awkward. The two children didn’t know what to say to each other.
Lady Stark took Rhaella’s hand, “You must be exhausted, here, come with me.” She guided Rhaella to her bed chamber and had the handmaidens start a bath. After the bath, she laid on her bed for a quick nap.
After waking up, the handmaidens helped her get into a gown for dinner. The dress was purple with roses embroidered across the neckline. Then, they helped her with her hair. They clearly did not know what they were doing. They aren’t used to doing curly hair like Rhaella’s, but they managed to make something of it. They brushed out her curls, putting them in a half-up-half-down style. The ponytail was braided and put into a bun. After the handmaidens left the room, she looked at herself in the mirror.
I don’t even look like myself anymore.
Tears began to fill her eyes, I just want to go home.
She bolted out of the room, not knowing where she was going. She ran outside the big castle but didn’t dare to leave outside the castle walls. She eventually found an area that stood out to her. The whole vibe was strange as if something or someone was watching her. It was nothing but an old forest with no snow. In the middle of it, was a pool and a tree. A tree she’d never seen before. The huge tree was white with red leaves and a face carved into it. She stared deeply into the tree’s eyes for a while.
Is it staring back at me?
She snapped out of it, shaking her head, and climbed up the tree to sit on a huge branch.
Without Daenerys, I am lost. She didn’t know how long she’d been crying in the tree for, but she didn’t care. Winterfell wasn’t her home.
“Rhaella?” She heard a voice ask.
When she looked up, she saw Bran with a concerned look on his face, “w-why are you crying?”
She wiped her tears. “Sorry, I just miss my sister…how did you know I’d be here?”
“I like to go to the godswood, and climb up this tree,” he said. “Whenever I like to be alone and think. I’m sorry you had to leave your sister.”
“Well, she isn’t my sister, not really,” she admitted, wiping her face. “We are actually cousins. We just call each other sisters.”
He sat next to her, “my family was worried about you. They thought you might have ran away.” He nervously chuckled. “I…I know that we are to be married one day. The idea of marriage scares me.”
She doesn’t respond, only looking down at her hands as she fidgets with them. “I have something for you,” Bran showed her a beautiful blue flower. “That was the reason I was climbing.” He told her. “I wanted to give you something as a gift. I was going to give it to you at the dinner table but here. If I hurt your feelings not being there to greet you, I’m so sorry.” Rhaella took the flower and sniffed it.
“It’s called the winter rose,” he continued. “A rare flower that can grow around the castle.”
“It’s so beautiful,” she smiled. “Thank you.”
”You know, just because we’re betrothed doesn’t mean we have to be in love right now or anything,” he said. “Let’s just be friends!”
”Yeah I’d like that!” She said.
”And just so you know,” he whispered. “I liked your hair better before. Your curly hair is much better.”
She laughed, “You and me both.”
”You’re laughing!”
”This is your first time laughing here,” he said. “You have a nice smile.”
”Thanks, Bran,” she said. “You know, my eldest cousin ,Viserys, told me and Dany that you guys were evil monsters. But, you guys aren’t monstrous at all!”
Before Bran could respond, they both hear a voice from down below calling for Bran. An older boy who looked the same age as Robb. He was very handsome with black curls and dark eyes. “I found her Jon!” Bran shouted.
”Well, what are you sitting around for? They are all waiting for you two!” The two of them climbed down from the tree and walked with Jon.
“Forgive me, my name is Jon Snow,” he told Rhaella. “Welcome to Winterfell.”
”I never heard of the last name ‘snow’ before,” she confessed.
Bran began to explain, ”That last name actually means he’s a…well—”
”Bastard.” Jon said. His voice was cold and somber.
”I don’t know what that means,” Rhaella said. “But Viserys called me that sometimes, I assumed as an insult.”
”It means that my father, Lord Stark, had me with another woman. I wanted to meet you when you arrived, but Lady Stark thought it would be disrespectful.”
Rhaella couldn’t help but feel awful for him. There was something about Jon Snow that made him stand out. As if they had a connection. She wondered if Jon felt it too.
“You said that Viserys called us evil,” Bran said. “Then why did he want to send you away to us?”
“He hates me,” she answered. “He saw you guys as an opportunity to get rid of me…”
Once they all made it to the dining hall, all eyes were on Rhaella and Bran. “Well, aren’t you just beautiful?” Catelyn smiled. “Please, have a seat.” Bran escorted her to her chair and went back to his. Before Jon could leave the Hall, Rhaella asked, “Can Jon eat with us please?”
”Ah, I see you met him while you were gone,” Lord Stark said, amused. “Would him eating with us please you?”
Rhaella looked over at Jon, whose eyes lightened up. She looked back at Lord Stark and gave a nod. He looked over at Lady Stark, “What do you say?”
She looked into Rhaella’s sparkling eyes and sighed, “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…”
Rhaella gave a big smile. Jon pulled a chair next to her whispering, “Thank you Rhaella.”
“I hope you like the dress,” Sansa said. “I made it myself! I wanted to test my embroidery skills and decided to make you one!”
“It’s beautiful,” Rhaella told her. “You should teach me!” Sansa nodded gleefully.
“You know, we all thought you ran off and escaped!” Arya laughed.
“I…I didn’t mean any trouble or offense, I apologize.” Rhaella announced, standing up from her chair and bowing her head. “It was rude of me.”
“No,” Lord Stark said. “You have every right to feel the way you do. Your life changed right before your eyes. But please, believe me when I say this, we are here for you.”
“Aye.” Robb agreed. “If you are having trouble with anyone or anything let us know.” She thanked the both of them for their kindness.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what was it like outside of Westeros?” Catelyn asked.
Rhaella told them everything. Even about the abuse Viserys had done to her. He always yelled at her for the littlest things. The worst thing he ever did was sneak into her bedchamber with a knife. He threatened to cut out her insides if she didn’t cooperate with his plan to send her to the North.
They all had concerned looks on their faces. The abuse never got to her until explaining it out loud. She really did have it rough.
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Arya said. “You are with us now!”
“Safe and sound,” Sansa added.
Rhaella didn’t realize she was smiling.
”So, Rhaella…you said you were from the Summer Isles right?” Theon asked.
“Yes, why you ask?”
He smirked at Robb before asking, “I heard the women there are quite breathtakingly beautiful?” She could have sworn she heard him whisper “and have nice bodies.”
”Well, I’ve never actually stayed there, I had to flee because of the King,” she explained. “But from the books I’ve read and from what I heard from some servants in Pentos, yes, the women there are quite beautiful.”
”I also heard that they have a passion for love making,” he said. “Maybe I gotta visit there sometime-.”
”Theon!” Lady Stark snapped. “Don’t be disrespectful-.”
”Oh that’s okay!” Rhaella reassured her. “You’re right, Theon! They do have a passion for it. If I were to stay in the Isles, I would have been a prostitute myself!”
Sansa and Lady Stark almost choked on their food, as Robb, Theon, and Jon bursted out laughing at the table. She didn’t understand what was so funny, but she laughed along with them.
”What’s a prostitute?” Rickon asked, innocently. That made the boys start crying from laughter. Theon even fell out of his chair.
”Y-You’ll know when you’re older!” Lady Stark said.
”You’ll fit in with us just fine, child,” Lord Stark said. “Welcome to the family!”
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Daenerys never felt more lonely. She missed Rhaella, her real family. She’d never forgive her brother for what he did.
“Daenerys!” Viserys shouted.
He entered her bed chamber, “do not tell me you’re still upset about that savage.”
She felt rage enter her body as he said those words. “She is not a savage, she’s my sister,” she replied softly. “And I don’t understand why you sent her to our enemies.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” he said. “We both know that’s not true. She’s our cousin. Daughter of our uncle and whatever foreign whore he married. She’s not a pure Targaryen like us, Dany. And she never will be. I gave her away because we need allies, even if they are enemies. The Starks are a strong house, and I knew that Lord Stark would gladly take her in. The fool won’t even know of my plans to destroy him and his dear friend Robert.”
Daenerys always considered Rhaella her sister, even if it wasn’t true. They spent all of their time together, never leaving one’s side. It felt like it was yesterday, the day Rhaella arrived in Braavos as a baby. Viserys wanted nothing to do with her while Daenerys cherished her. She had no idea why Viserys was so upset about naming their cousin after their mother. It was only a name after all. She always thought it was much deeper than Rhaella being a “savage.” She never dared to ask him though.
“I have good news.” He announced. She examined his face, his grin looked devious. Truly it wasn’t good news. “I found you a husband,” he said. “His name is Khal Drogo, Magister Illyrio said. A Dothraki savage. When you two wed, I’ll have his army. We can finally go home, sweet sister.”
All she ever wanted was a home. A home with Rhaella, where they could finally be happy together. With her gone, Daenerys wasn’t sure if it would be home without her.
“And what about her?” She asked him.
“The savage?” He scoffed. “Those Starks have her now. I don’t care what they do to her. As long as we have our alliance with the North.”
Daenerys wanted to cry, but she stayed strong. I will meet her again, one day.
°❆⋆Bran ೃ࿔*:・
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It had only been a couple of months, but for Bran, it felt like he had known Rhaella his whole life. Rhaella also grew close to his sisters but mostly Arya. The three of them were inseparable. Rhaella even taught them some of the Valyrian language. Some nights, the three of them would stay up and read history books about Targaryen history until they got caught by the Septa. For fun, they liked to go sledding and have snowball fights. The older Stark boys and Rickon joined them sometimes, but never Sansa. Ever since Rhaella arrived, Sansa and Arya fought less. It’s like wherever she went, she spread joy. That’s one of the traits Bran liked about her.
Now, everyone is preparing for the arrival of the King.
He overheard his father saying that the King was almost there. Bran felt sorry for Rhaella because she was so stressed out. “What will he do to me?” She asked. He always reassured her, “You are under our protection now, the King approved of you. Don’t worry about a thing.”
At that moment, it was time for Bran to practice his archery. He hasn’t been getting any better. He wanted to show his family he could hit the bull’s eye. First, only Robb was watching him. Then, came Jon and Rickon. Before he knew it, his parents came to watch as well.
“Keep practicing, Bran,” Lord Stark insisted. “Go on.”
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Jon leaned in towards Bran, placing his hand on his shoulder, “Alright, father is watching.”
Jon looks over and sees Rhaella and Arya watching as well, “and her…” he whispered.
Bran took a deep gulp. He didn’t like to get teased about Rhaella. They only do it because we are to be married. We are just friends, good friends.
Bran nodded and started to aim his bow and arrow at his target.
“Relax your bow arm…” Robb commented.
Just before Bran could release the arrow, someone else’s hits the target and another shoots right through it.
All of the boys turned their heads to see Rhaella and Arya giggling. “Hey!” Bran yelled. The girls both curtseyed but quickly took off once they saw Bran chasing them. The kids kept on playing until their father took all of the boys to see an execution. Bran was finally old enough to see one.
“Are you scared?” Rhaella asked him as he was mounting his pony.
“I’m not sure.” He answered honestly.
But I can’t be afraid. My father told me I won’t be a boy forever. I’ll be a man-grown soon. I mustn’t be afraid. I need to be brave. Like Robb and Jon. Wolves are never afraid.
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Taglist: @lover-of-books-and-tea
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Game of Thrones Fic List
🖤= tw:dark content
🍑= smut
📚= series/multi-part
💌= requested
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Margaery Tyrell x Baratheon!Reader)
A glance and a sassy comment. The more time you two spent alone together, the less of a sister you became to one another. It wasn’t your intention to fall in love with the wife of your brother. You had never really felt bad about it when Maragery was married to Joffrey, but now that she was wed to your sweet Tommen. . . You couldn’t do that to your sweet lion.
Between Saints and Sinners (Sandor Clegane x Reader)
It had been years since you last saw Sandor Clegane. Years since you had last been in employment at Lord Baelish’s brothel.
A Stark Bride (Aegon Targaryen i x Stark!Reader)
Aegon Targaryen reduced your father, Torrhen Stark, to a mere lord. The Targaryen conqueror had taken the title of king for himself. You wanted to depise them, those beautiful Targaryens with their lavender eyes and silver tresses. But they were beautiful. Terrifying and beautiful just like their dragons.
Promises (Oberyn Martell x Reader) 🖤
Having witnessed the brutal murder of your family, your uncle Oberyn is the only one to fend off your nightmares and the only one you could ever feel an attachment to.
Shedding Skin (Arthur Dayne x Targaryen!Reader) 
You wouldn't let your brother Rhaegar humiliate you. No. Faking your own death, you travel to Dorne and there shed your dragon skin to become a new person. A happier person.
A Touch of Gold (Margaery Tyrell x Stark!Reader)
If Renly was to have a lover, then Margaery wanted one as well. And she decided that it just had to be the visiting (y/n) Stark.
Gold and Red (Jaime Lannister x Reader) 🍑
How could you bring yourself to have sex with your child husband? Jaime, however, was a full grown man.
Stupid, Pretty Little Things 🖤
She was the only gift Joffrey wanted for his name day. And Joffrey would be damned if anyone forbade him to what was his.
Targaryen Daughters 
After so long staying safely hidden in the privacy of a Sept, you discover your younger sister Daenerys is very well alive. Alive and with three dragons.
A Good, Mean Dog (Sandor Clegane x Baratheon!Reader) 📚
The Princess and the Hound. What a story that would be
Horns That Hold A Crown (Rhaegar Targaryen x Baratheon!Reader)
The only daughter of Steffon Baratheon, and to Aerys you were th eonly suitable bride for his son Rhaegar. Your previokus engagement to Ned Stark was broken. Now you found yourself the bride of a dragon instead that of a wolf.
Ruined Hallelujah (Margaery Tyrell x Baratheon!Reader)
You had expected such a move from Robert, maybe even Stannis, but never from your brother Renly. He was well aware of your affair with Margaery, even supported it. Yet he had married you off to Robb Stark, King in the North.
Misfit (Daenerys Targaryen x Greyjoy!Reader) 🖤
Nightmares, your nightmares were filled with the blazing symbol of a kraken. As you travel with your siblings to Meereen you hope Queen Daenerys would be willing to help you in defeating Euron.
One True Queen (Rhaegar Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader)📚
What he had done was the greatest insult to you. One that you thought he would never do. You knew he loved you with all his heart, that was certain. You were his sister and his wife. However, that all changed when he took Lyanna Stark as his second wife.
Knight in Blue and Red (Rhaegar Targaryen x Tully!Reader)
You wanted to be in charge of Riverrun when your father died, but because you were the third and youngest daughter of Hoster Tully that was highly impossible. You would show him. Show him that you would be a better successor than your brother Edmure.
Belladonna  (Young Robert Baratheon x Reader)
With the death of his father, Robert Baratheon found himself the young lord of Storm's End. A new lordship requires a wife.
Dragon (Daenerys Targaryen x Reader)📚
She had trusted her Unsullied with her life. That was why when one attacked her with a knife she doesn't have him killed. Instead Daenerys wants to get down to the problem. Only when she removes the Unsullied's helmet she is met with the face of a young girl.
A Lion’s Vow (Jaime Lannister x Stark!Reader)💌
This game the both of you played was your only real entertainment in the mess that was the Red Keep. Knowing it’s true nature, your father attempted to keep you close to his side. Reminding you not to trust anyone easily, especially those that belonged to the House of the Lion. 
A Mouse in a Lion’s Den (Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader)📚
A little mouse surrounded by ferocious lions? It didn't look to be a good situation, even if those lions happened to be your family.
Exiled (Arthur Dayne x Reader)💌
You run into Ser Arthur Dayne in Essos. Along with a dark haired, gray eyed child.
Glow (Daenerys Targaryen x Reader)
Why she had taken a liking to you among all the others she had freed, you would never know. You had been a personal whore for one of the masters and had gotten pregnant. There were many others like you. Your story was nothing special, but Dany had found you worthy enough to be her close companion. There were even times when you thought that maybe you could be more than her companion.
The Doe That Chases the Hound (Sandor Clegane x Baratheon!Reader)
Normally in a hunt it was a hound’s duty to chase down deer. You went against the natural order of things. This time it was the doe who sought after the hound.
Crimson Lady (Ramsay Bolton x Bolton!Reader, Sansa Stark x Bolton!Reader) 🖤
Sansa should have known better. Of course she'd be every part of a Bolton as her brother Ramsay was.
Loveless (Rhaegar Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader) 🖤💌
There was nothing Rhaegar could do about your sudden engagement. Try as he might, he couldn’t persuade Aerys to marry you to him. It didn’t matter that he proclaim his undying love for you. Didn’t matter how you got on your knees in front of the iron throne and begged him to reconsider. Instead of mercy, the Mad King simply laughed at you.
Just For You (Ramsay Bolton x Reader) 🍑💌
The cruel Ramsay Bolton has an unknown side to him. Not just for anyone though. Only for the maid whom he loves to taunt. 
From the Ashes (Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader)📚
A year has passed since (y/n) and her brother Jaime fled from King's Landing to the vast and foreign world of Essos.
Mine First, Mine Last, Mine Even in the Grave (Ramsay Bolton x Reader) 🍑
Even at such a young age, Ramsay was proving a difficult and willful child. He was somewhat twisted in nature that sometimes disturbed his mother. However once he laid eyes on the little baby, he immediately grew attached to her.
Birth of Dragons (Aegon i Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader) 📚
It wasn’t fair of him to choose a favorite between his sisters. Fearless Visenya, playful Rhaenys and loving (y/n). Above them all he secretly placed (y/n) close to his heart.
The Most Impossible Battle (Robert Baratheon x Targaryen!Reader) 🍑
Robert hated all Targaryens. Wise words from those close to him though make Robert Baratheon give in to the idea of taking (y/n) Targaryen as his bride.
Wrap Around (Oberyn Martell x Martell!Reader) 📚🖤
Oberyn was beside himself at the return of his baby sister (y/n). For a year she had been off in Essos, experiencing the rest of the world outside of the safety of Sunspear. Now she was returning to Dorne. Returning to Oberyn.
By Any Other Name (Margaery Tyrell x Reader)
Another Life (Rhaegar Targaryen x Stark!Reader)
Lyanna watches Jon from atop of the courtyard's parapet, her eyes crinkling with pride as she watches Jon best Theon Greyjoy at the dance of swords. Every victory Jon made resulted in him outgrowing the label of bastard. He was so much more than a bastard of Winterfell. Not even Catelyn saw him as such. Many were so shocked when the news came that Ned had brought back his bastard one day. In fact Cat had shown up at Winterfell by his side as he held the infant in his arms, for she was one of three that knew the truth about Jon Snow. 
What We Sow (Theon Greyjoy x Greyjoy!Reader) 🍑🖤💌
This was his home, a place where the salt of the sea and the cries of seagulls were a constant presence and where you were. Waiting so patiently as always. His queen, his sister, his wife. He'd been dreaming of the moment when he'd be reunited with you after so long. 
Omission (Theon Greyjoy x Stark!Reader)💌🍑
Robb wasn't being dramatic when he claimed your change toward Theon. From innocent children to teenagers, everything happened so fast that you weren't really able to comprehend what was going on with your own head. When Theon first arrived to your family, you were a small child. You and Robb grew attached to him immediately. For so long you saw him as a brother. Then it just stopped the moment you bled.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 months
Don't pout my little doe, you can have your lion later
Media Game Of Thrones
Character Lanncel Lannister
Couple Lancel X Reader (Baratheon - Daughter of Robert and Ceresi Dark Baratheon Hair)
Rating SMUT AF
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I sat inside the litter, on the soft silk pillow the curtains closed at the sides to keep concealed from passers-by. The sweet fabrics and cushions around me as I sat in my little shoes and sweet yellow and black dress. The litter moved and bustled a little as it slowly moved through the king's landing streets as the caravan of royals moved from the sept back to the red keep. It was far too dangerous for any of us to be walking these streets so the litters kept all of us hidden and safe. 
I looked across the litter where the familiar body sat, thin and tall with long Lannister blonde locks, his fine lion-littered clothes red and gold clothes with his sword by his side his hand on the hilt as if he was prepared at any second to use it. I blushed slightly and looked away before he noticed me looking but I saw his own eyes flick to me. Lancel Lannister, he had been squire to my father King Robert Baratheon, and my father had insisted that in the event of his death his squire was to become my protector. Which was sweet of him, I unlike my siblings had a decent relationship with my father even if that meant my mother despised me. I suppose that's why my mother never protested about it, I think she knew Lancel had never seen battle and while skilled he was not really up to the level a princess' protector should be but I think it was her way of keeping us both out of her way. 
We met eyes for a moment across the litter and we both tried to hide our smiles, we both knew something... was between us but we knew such a matter could not be pursued. He was my protector and nothing more even if I wanted him to be. But I knew our families would rage at us if anything was to be revealed about us. We were technically second cousins but by Westeros law that meant very little as even first cousins can marry in Westeros without much of an eyebrow being raised. But still I knew my mother hated me and would not allow us to be together even if we wanted to be. 
He looked at me as I looked away his eyes lingered on my Baratheon yellow dress, on my dark hair. I looked like my father like a Baratheon which I assume was part of what my father loved and my mother hated about me given I looked nothing like my blonde slender siblings, joffery, Marcella and Tommen. I suppose they looked like Lannisters and I a Baratheon. But Lancel's eyes lingered but he shook his head away as if shaking off his thoughts. 
But as we stopped I briefly looked out the window seeing we had not yet returned to the red keep I'm sure we must have stopped for one reason or another so I didn't ask, but as Lancel and I met eyes again I blushed and hatched an idea to occupy our time.
"Lancel?" I spoke up,
"Yes, princess?" He looked at me with a sweet smile, 
"could I?" I innocently asked,
"Could you what princess?" He raised an eyebrow looking at me curiously but with a sly smile as he knew what I wanted but enjoyed the tease, 
"What I usually do," I blushed, "When we're alone..."
He bit his lip a little but nodded, "As you wish my princess."
I giggled and quickly hopped over to his side I sat myself on his thigh as he moved his sword to the side, I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my head onto his shoulder and chest feeling his warm body and the softness of his clothes, he quickly wrapped an arm around my waist to bump me closer to him, I giggled and plaid with his hair as he stroked my back I rather felt naughty to be doing such a thing I knew I shouldn't and because I knew this position was what many girls would do to a lord of higher born then themselves which... asmused me in my own way. 
"Hi lancel," I giggled as he pulled me so our noses touched, 
He smirked and stroked my dress whispering against my lips "Hello princess." 
"I like when you look after me, it means I get cuddles," I giggled,
"Humm I like cuddles with you very much princess. really I like anything we do together, but especially when were... alone together." 
I smiled and gave his neck some small kisses, "When we return to the red keep, will you come cuddle in my room?"
".... I think that would be an excellent idea, Princess." He cooed as he stroked my jaw and held my chin to prevent my kisses, "I would love to have a cuddle alone in your room." he whispered against my lips, 
I tried to kiss his neck again but he pulled on my hair to stop me and gave my ass a firm smack making me only giggle more. 
"Yes, princess?" He smirked kissing my neck softly, 
"When we cuddle in my room..."
"Will we play... the quiet game?"
"Humm the quiet game? you know I want to play anything with you princess but are you sure? you always lose the quiet game." he smirked nibbling my neck,
"I know, but I like to play." 
"I know you do," He smirked, "How about... we play hunt instead?"
"We can?"
"I think so, I think you'd love a game of hunt." He whispered in my ear, "Are you ready princess?"
I nodded and he bit his lip his hand on my hip, 
"Close your eyes." he demanded his tone breathy,
I giggled and closed my eyes he then pressed little kisses down my chest towards my dress but I peaked opening one eye, he saw me and growled 
"ah ah ah, you took a wrong step now the lions gonna bite the little doe," He smirked as he sunk his teeth into my neck tugging at my skin making me squeal and kick my feet,
"Noooo! I didn't mean to,"
He pulled back and fixed some hair behind my ear, "Open your mouth princess." he demanded, I blushed but opened my mouth as wide as I could his thumb moved to stroke my bottom lip, "Tounge out." He demanded so I playfully forced my tongue out as far as I could, He smirked and ran his hands over my dress as I sat on his leg keeping me sat for a good while like this, "Humm getting tired yet princess?"
I shook my head even if my mouth was tried, he moved his fingers close stroking my lips,
"suck." he demanded so I did as he asked and took his index and middle finger into my mouth sucking them and licking them making sure to keep eye contact as I did, which forced a low groan, "ummm such a good little princess," he cooed his palm resting on my chin to hold my face as his fingers moved to thrust inside my mouth leaving me to have to move my head to keep his fingers in my mouth and to keep sucking until he pulled his fingers out completely. "You know, Princess, I think that you are just a bit too tightly wound. I will loosen you up... I think your outfit is too much, and I want it off of you. What do you think, Princess? Should I take off your dress?"
"Lancel.. someone might-"
"No one will see," he smirked as he unlaced my dress front, "Keep quiet for me princess,"
I nodded as he tugged at my dress gently at first but the more he unlaced the more eager he got almost ripping my dress until it was unlaced to my waist and he pushed back the soft yellow fabric to reveal my bare breasts but keeping it on my shoulders he bit his lip hard as he looked at my exposed body his hand came and stroked my neck and down my chest fondling my breasts as he went, "How does that feel princess? Do you like the feeling of my hand against your skin?" he smirked and I nodded, "Hummm such a good little princess. such a good little doe for her lion," he cooed, as his hand came to my breast still slick from my sucking a she rubbed on my nipple to harden it moving his index and middle finger back and forth over my right nipple forcing it to get hard for his attention as well as causing me to whine and squirm on his lap,
"Uhhh Lancel..." I whined, 
"Ah ah ah I said quiet princess." he smirked biting my neck harder than before grabbing my breast in his hand fondling and groping me as I sat on his thigh, "Ummm I love playing with your fucking tits." he smirked, moving both hands to grope and squeeze,
"Ahhh Lancel!" I squealed,
"Humm what about quiet don't you understand?" He smirked biting my neck even harder as he did I whined and stroked his clothes as I squeezed my legs together feeling myself get wetter for his rubbing and groping, "oh. That's why?" He growled forcing my dress up to stroke my bare thigh he slapped my ass again before he stroked my pussy, "Awww so wet princess."
"Uhh Lancel..." I whined,
"This what you want? this what you want princess?"
"Humm really? Is this what you want? Do you want my fingers inside you? You want me to finger your cute little pussy princess?" 
"Yes. Please lancel..." 
"Awww you are adorable," he cooed, "say it."
"Say it my little doe."
"I want your fingers inside my pussy lancel... please... devour your doe my lion."
"That's better." he smirked forcing my dress off me completely leaving me naked on his lap tapped my thigh and I happily opened them," Aww such a good princess," he cooed as his hand moved to slip his index and middle finger inside me his thumb rubbing my clit making me squeal and scream as he kissed me to keep me quiet as he thrusted his fingers hard and rubbed on my clit the same pace as his other hand rubbed on my nipple, we kissed making out heavily often moaning into each others mouths as his hands pleasured me endlessly. I knew I was close but he didn't stop instead He pulled back with a groan and smirked at me, "On your knees. suck my cock. Now princess." He demanded, I blushed as he moved his hand back but I did as he asked moving to my knees and unlacing his trousers taking his hard cock in my hand and sucking it as mercilessly as he had fingered me I could feel the litter below my knees knowing we were moving again but I didn't care to stop he threw his head back and often tugged my hair until we felt the unmistakable feeling of the litter being set on the ground, we quickly pulled back and peaked out seeing we had now returned to the red keep, "Shit-" He muttered fixing himself,
"Lancel..." I whine in desperation, 
"I know princess, I know." he muttered clearly desperate too but he handed me my dress and helping me to relace it, "Come on, we'll deal with the nonsense and continue up in your room, alright princess?"
"Alright," I pouted, 
"Don't pout my little doe, you can have your lion later," he said,
"All of my lion?" I begged,
"Every single bit of me my princess." he cooed biting my neck playfully before giving my lips a kiss and my ass a slap so we both sighed and climbed out to return to business like nothing had happened. 
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atomic--peach · 1 year
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Her Grace's Handmaiden Pt 23
(Cersei Lannister x Fem Reader, brief one sided Lancel Lannister x Fem Reader. Disclaimer: While Lancel's age is unstated in the show, in the books he is canonically 17. However, since the show ages everyone up by 2-3 years and we've been going by Show ages instead of Book ages so far , Lancel in this fic would be 19-20.
SMUT: male masturbation )
AO3 version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48276340
Lannister Reign over the continent seemed to be solidifying with every passing day One Baratheon brother dead, the other cast back into the sea. Jaime was off fighting for control of the Riverlands against the Stark pup. Joffrey on the throne with his grandfather as Hand to the King, and Cersei looming over all shoulders, waiting for something to do.
She needed a distraction. Something to take her mind off the thoughts barreling through her brain.
There were the usual concerns, of course. Her dreadful little brother. The Stark Girl, who was more use to them alive but sulked around the keep like a kicked dog.
Speaking of dogs.
She shook her head.
Don't think on that, there's no point to it.
And yet she couldn't stop herself. She pictured you that night, standing in the darkness of your quarters with knowing eyes that looked almost eager for the Queen to get closer. Cersei couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she had forced you into the Holdfast with the other ladies.
You'd still be here, of course.
But that look you gave Cersei. A look to chill the blood of even the most hardened of warriors. It was the look of a predator just waiting for its prey to move into the perfect position.
But that was nonsense, Cersei knew that.
You were devoted to her, even in anger. Each time Cersei sent you away, you had always come back. You never would have left her Queen's side if you hadn't been forced to.
This was the delusion Cersei labored under for weeks, even now despite the idea being brushed off by everyone else.
She brought her distress to her father and Joffrey, and both looked at her like she had grown a second head.
"Forgive me." Tywin squinted slowly as if he didn't understand. "But it is my understanding that upon marriage, a wife becomes as one with her husband both spiritually and legally. Lady Clegane is the man's wife, therefore there can be no issue of kidnapping."
"All the same" Cersei fumed, outraged that they would not see sense. "He should be found and hanged as a deserter. If we find him, we find Lady Clegane."
"We are at war" Joffrey scoffed, "We do not have the spare men to send after a stray dog and his bitch."
Cersei wanted to pull his ear for that. She had been unprepared for the harsh change in her dynamic with her son. He no longer listened to her and did not seek her advice or her counsel.
When he discovered the truth of Robert's many bastards, he sent the city watch to slaughter them all, grown and babes alike.
When Cersei heard of this, she was stunned. Yes, it solved the issue of the truth Jon Arryn discovered, but it also gave those who resented Lannister presence a rallying cry against Cersei and her family
"The Queen Slaughters Babies" Tyrion had said with a dark smirk.
Tywin insisted Cersei at least try to keep some kind of control over her son, but the boy king resisted with every attempt.
That made it sting all the more when Tywin himself succeeded where Cersei had failed with her child.
Tywin had him settled, more willing to thin before acting, and betrothed to Margery Tyrell, whom Cercei resented and watched carefully.
If you were here, Cersei thought, you would know what to say to cheer her. You would call Margery a snub-nosed little girl and laugh with Cersei at the very idea of such a welp replacing her.
"She could never hold a candle to you, Your Grace" you would say, cheeks rosy and eyes smiling. "Rose or not."
Why had you left? Cersei knew why, she wasn't stupid.
She did regret what had happened. You had wanted that baby so badly. I should have just had that dog put down, Cersei thought to herself, that would have been enough.
Yes, it would have hurt you, but you would have gotten over it. You would have had your baby to look after, and Cersei by your side.
Cersei allowed herself to linger on this alternative path, as it was so much more pleasant than her current reality.
Cersei would have moved you closer to the royal quarters, perhaps even into her rooms. The babe would be attended to by a nanny and wetnurse, as all highborn children were.
I could have given them more, Cersei frowned.
A head start for the boy, he would have been set to be someone's squire. Perhaps Jaime's. From there he could take on the role his father had taken, sworn sword to the King's children. Or, on the off chance the boy had been small, unfit for the battlefield, he could have even been sent to Oldtown to be educated.
Would she have loved him? Cersei wondered. Not as she loved her own children, surely. But, he would have been the apple of his mother's eye. I would have cared for him, Cersei decided firmly, not loved, but cared for.
And how well you would have thrived as a mother. You were so good with little Tommen and Myrcella, it would have come naturally.
After The Hound died, what would be done with you?
You could remain forever a widow, that would be the preferred route. You could not be trusted not to love, and in Cersei's view, it was only natural for everyone to fall in love with you eventually.
If the silly fool had been smart enough not to fall for her first husband, none of this would have happened.
If you did remarry though, it would have to be a weak man. One who did not ask questions and did not interfere.
She had thought the Hound good at not interfering. Perhaps Cersei had been blind to it, but he had never seemed resentful of your affections for your Queen. But why else would he have stolen you from the Keep in the Night like a common thief?
you must be so worried, Cersei realized.
Did you know they had won? That they were still alive?
The poor dear was snatched up and swept away like a maiden in a story, she thought fretfully, you must be so confused and frightened.
Enough of this. Cersei slapped her palm to the smooth table top she sat at, nursing a goblet of wine. If they would not do anything, she would.
"You asked to see me, your grace?"
"Yes, come in." Cersei eyed the sell sword up and down. To consider this man a knight would be an affront to the very notion of chivalry, regardless of the "Ser" they put before his name.
"I find myself in need of some help." She began. "I have a problem, and the crown has made it clear they will not intervene, so I am seeking outside assistance."
Bronn nodded understandingly. "May I ask as to the nature of the problem?"
"My favorite, The Lady Clegane, do you know her?"
"Know of her, the uh…" He tried to find a word he could get away with in the present company, "the pretty one the Hound married. I saw her."
"She was kidnapped by her husband from the keep the night Stannis attacked the city. I want her brought back, and I want that barbarian's throat slit."
Bronn considered this. "That can be arranged. It'll take some asking around though, not many men would be willing to track down a man that big and that good with a sword. And they'll be asking for a pretty penny to do it."
"Money is of no object, I assure you," Cersei smirked. "I want her brought back alive and unharmed."
"I'll find the man for the job, your grace." Bronn smiled coyly, "Of course, there is a matter of a finder's fee…"
"Find me a man who can do the job. If he comes back alive with Lady Clegane unharmed, you will be rewarded handsomely." Cersei assured him.
Bronn's grin widened at this, "I will start straight away, Your Grace."
Lancel stared at the ceiling over his bed blankly.
His wound still burned with infection, and his brow was damp with feverish sweat.
The Maester said he would have died if not for the quick dressing of his wound. He had you to thank for that, he thought fondly.
He made good his vow to Clegane and told his father to find him a wife that could get him out of King's Landing, and Kevin Lannister acted swiftly, glad to see that his son was finally taking adult responsibility seriously.
But while the Frey girl Kevin had betrothed him to was kind and plain-faced with noble intentions, Lancel's mind could not help but stray.
He hated himself for it. It was an affront to the gods, disrespectful to the man who had covered his crimes, and dishonored the very lady his affections yearned for.
His soul was still wracked with guilt, how he had been the one to summon you to Cersei's chambers that night. He had no way of knowing what would happen, he told himself, no way at all.
And even after what happened, when he confessed before you and your husband the Queen's crime and his unintentional part in it, though he might die, and if he did it would be well deserved.
But instead, you bore him no ill will, neither of you did. You had even taken valuable time to tend to his wounds when he was injured. "Come with us" you had urged him, and he wanted to follow so badly.
But his honor would not allow it, nor his pride.
And in the end, they won, despite everything.
When the battlefield cleared, Lancel found he could not judge Clegane for what he had done. Win or Lose, nothing would have changed for you. You would still be trapped, your son would still be dead, and you would have to look into the face of your child's killer every day.
He could still picture the beach, war raging only a few hundred yards from them as you held his hand in yours.
Even in plain wool, stripped of any court finery that might have disguised you for a snobbish highborn, you were still so beautiful.
Had Clegane not been there, had they been alone on that beach, would Lancel have dared to kiss you as he had so wanted to in that moment?
It was horrible to think, he knew that. You were a married woman, with a husband who not only loved but respected you. And you were his senior by ten years or more, what could you ever want with someone like him? Little more than a boy in tin armor with a toy sword when compared to The Hound.
As he pondered in the darkness, the arm on Lancel's good side began to move over his hip to rest on his lower stomach. Absentmindedly his long fingers played at the edge of his waistband.
He wished you were here. You had been so kind, so attentive when you nursed his wound as he sat on your bed. Even in the midst of the pain and the noise of the battle still ringing in his ears, the touch of your hands on his body was startlingly gentle.
He imagined how soft your touch had been on his face, all those times you had cupped his cheek gently, in the cellars by candlelight, in the garden surrounded by flowers. How those soft hands would feel against his bare chest, nursing him still with those sad eyes. How you'd press a cold cloth to his brow to soothe his fever.
"My poor Lion" he could hear you breathe, "Let me take care of you."
He gasped as your small hand gripped the length of his shaft and stroked him slowly but firmly. He did not protest, only whimpering with need as you leaned over him to plant a kiss on his brow. Your chest hovered just out of his reach until you drew him close and laid his head on your breast.
"Sweetling." You coaxed him gently, "You must rest, let me help you."
He nodded in agreement and very nearly cried out as you picked up the pace, lavishing tender attention on his sensitive tip each time your fingers pumped his cock.
"Please" he whined, face buried in the warm softness of your breasts as the sensation overwhelmed him. The beckoning smell of your hair, the musical tone of your sweet voice. "Please. I need you; I need you; I love you. Please."
You laughed lightly at his gasping chant, watching his hips buck against your hand.
"I know, darling, I know. Just breath. You're doing so well, so close."
His release came quickly, and just as soon as you were there, you were gone. Your warmth replaced by a cool pillow; your small soft hand replaced by his own nimble fingers.
Even as he traced the sensitive tip of his cock, drawing out more jerks and whines, Lancel felt a wave of shame wash over him.
But more powerful than shame was desire. The desire to sleep, the desire to dream. Perhaps you would visit him again tonight if he was lucky.
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Requests I have (if you don't see yours please let me know)
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!Andrew!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn’t stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it’s not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can’t find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
1.Twisted Desires
Dean, Sam, and Y/N Winchester were trapped together from the moment John found yellow eyes had killed the mother of his child was killed by yellow eyes in 1988 exactly five years after his wife and mother of his eldest two children were murdered by the same demon. The three lived by there father’s code doesn’t go somewhere twice and you don’t stay long. They never got to make friends so they were all each other had so maybe it was a flower in the attic complex. The three siblings loved each other far more than anyone else ever but maybe Sam and Dean’s love wasn’t a way older brothers were supposed to love their little sisters and Y/N’s love wasn’t a way a little sister should love her brothers. But they controlled themselves the best they could. Sam went away to college and Y/N and Dean continued until Sammy got home. The three of them wouldn’t admit it but they needed each other but one night after all three Winchesters were frustrated over a particularly hard case and tightened sexual tension. Sam threatens to leave and Dean tells him to go. What happens when Y/N breaks down and begs him to stay? Will she confess how she feels or will there twisted desires remain hidden?
1.Going against the gods
Ivar the Boneless always felt like everyone tortured him everyone but his perfect goddess like Y/H/C (Your Hair Color) hair and Y/E/C (Your eye color) little sister. She was made for him she loved all her brother’s but Ivar knew he was her favorite. Whatever he wanted she gave him whatever he wanted her to do she did. When he killed Sigurd she didn’t call him a monster and never talk to him again. She began to cry and beg the gods to let him into Valhalla but not before Ragnar’s only living daughter took his hands softly and told him he needs to work on his temper but she still loved him. When Ubbe and Hvitserk boarded the boat she refused yelling, “He needs us I will not leave our brother and I will not choose between the three of you.” Though his sister began to distance herself after he married Freydis and realized he was a god. She began to pull away from Ivar and with ever pull there was a slide closer to there older brother Hvitserk. Ivar didn’t like it and as king he had to stop it even if that meant going against the gods.
1.Love At First Sight
Okayyy so It Would be the little sister of Scott (cyclops) and Alex(Havok) wich would fall un Love With logan the first Time she sees him☺️(3
1.I never stopped loving you
Billy Hargrove and Y/N Harrington were young and in love many years ago in high school. They broke up because Billy didn’t know his worth. Billy stayed in Hawkins went to a trading school and opened a garage. He even started steadily with a new girl after Y/N never came home at Christmas and then summer. She went to a big college a few states away her way of escaping her family even though Billy always said she was running from him and his messy life. A few weeks after moving to college she finds out the biggest shock of her life. She was carrying Billy Hargrove’s baby. Only one person knew, her twin brother Steve Harrington. Now four years later Billy is engaged and Y/N is finally coming home. What will happen with the two back in town together? 
2.Love Again
After Diana left him he though for sure he would never love again. Then the summer after the Hargrove's moved to town here comes Neil’s eldest daughter. 22-year-old Y/N moves to Hawkins Indiana after college. She pulled up one day to pick Max up from  El’s. The moment Jim swung the door open his breath left his chest. What happens when he hires her as Eleven’s tutor and Jim finds himself falling in love with the young woman. Will Y/N fill the same way? Is this Jim Hopper’s chance to love again or will he get his heart broken again?
MY girl
Nikki and her new girlfriend make it official
1.Two Broken Souls
Y/N is heavier than her friends and suffers from it. They are constantly putting her down. Her parents are constantly fighting at home. Jughead Jones is the loner boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Both are broken and hurting. Will They find Solace in each other or will they both suffer in silence.
2. Death … and new chances
Y/N Andrews's best friend dies and she is opened to a new possibility for her son
1. Together: 
Alex Standall Smut (4)
2. Our kids …..
Y/N Jensen is ready to co-parent with her one night stand 
3. octavia blake x sister reader smut
4. Rebekah mikaelson x sister reader smut
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Dark! Aemondx reader
Five elements part 2♡
Warnings: Not so feministic Aemond, abuse on the half blinded (Aemond) smut and kinks definitely some praise kink mc, they all need therapy, spankings and implied martial abuse. Non con kissing and willingly for other things. Incest as Aemond is sorttaa related to baratheon (is he? *music stops*) and incest and also dirty daydreaming and fantasying .
Taglist: @iiamthehybrid @winxschester
Concept: Aemond comes wife hopping at Storm's end and you and your sisters are first getting tasted before he makes his choice. Very sub mc and dom aemond but also aemond with her sister's and mc watching.
Robert: I hate all Targaryens
Robert; he's cool tho
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There is a brief moment before panic erupts under all of you. Your mother comes over as well, horror written across her face. 'Prince Aemond, I must insist that you behave yourself under our roof. These are my daughters, and your future wife is among them. You will not taste them, and you will most certainly not question their innocence.' Your mother wants to do even more like smack his head against a wall and yell at the prince, but your father calls her back, horrified and embarrassed. 
You realize your mother is about to be punished. He has not done that in years. The last time was during a supper. He grabbed and dragged her away to their bedchamber. You heard about what husbands do with their wives when they are disobedient. 'Elenda, get here.' He does not even yell. Your mother freezes up at his strict voice.
Aemond's lips smack, in amusement and cruel sadism. He is like a little boy who gets told by his father that he is right to bully his siblings. 'Seems like you got yourself into some trouble, my lady.' He mocks her openly. 'Do not worry about your girls. They are in good hands. ' He says with a cold smirk. Your father drags your mother away.
The prince walks over to the throne not long before sitting down on it. One of the guards, you know him as Edan Stone, is brave enough to confront him. ‘My prince, that seat is not yours.’
The only sound the Targaryen prince makes is a soft chuckle. ‘You must not be aware of how politics work. Well, what do I expect from a mere soldier? You never had a proper education. You would not dare even question my motives if you did.’’ His voice is much sharper and becomes louder with every passing word. Ellyn reaches for your hand, squeezing it tightly when softly muttering that she would like to go to her rooms again. You agree. Everything is better than enduring this. 'now leave us all.' The guards leave the room.
The prince cocks his head at her, noticing her tears and her trembling hands. He has the smile of a wolf who sees a deliciously easy lamb to rip apart. ‘You, get here.’ He is not just calling her over, he is commanding her. Maris shakes her head at Ellyn but Ellyn does not have her courage. She slowly makes her way to Aemond.
You can see the jealousy in Floris’s eyes grow, just as her smirk as she thinks of a clever little plot. You and Maris share a glance and seem to think the same. ‘Princess Rhaenyra was allowed to sit in that chair, when she had her suitors come over. I am sure that father would not mind sharing his seat with his future son in law.’ Floris speaks, quickly interrupting Aemond and trying to steal away the attention from her sister. Aemond sinks back in the chair, resting his arms on the armrests. He forces his head against the back of the chair and gestures for Ellyn to come closer.
She hesitates. He chuckles before getting up. ‘I do not think I have ever been denied before by any woman.’ He ignores Floris and by his smirk you can tell its on purpose. He grabs Ellyn by her waist, ignoring her protests and whimpers when he is a bit too rough. He forces her head closer to his own and kisses her on her lips. She tries to break free desperately as if she is a bird in the mouth of a cat. You watch, frozen when your sisters are fed up with Aemond. Ellyn catches her breath and he uses that opportunity to force his tongue in her mouth. He grabs her chin and holds her during the kiss, so she has no chance of escaping.
Once he is finished, he drops her as if she is nothing, moving on to his next target. It is quite amusing watching him count you and your sister and realizing that one is missing. It is even more amusing when he realizes someone has snuck behind him, and you are laughing when Maris smacks him across his arrogant face, leaving a good red mark.
Ellyn uses this to escape and rushes to your side across the room, before crying out in your arms. She probably imagined her first kiss differently.
Cass takes the pitcher from the servant and fills her cup before raising it to Maris. Floris looks horrified and tries to earn his love by rushing to his side and offering her help and support. You are the only one staying far away. ‘Get off of me, wench.’ He groans at Floris as she touches his face. She obeys him, shocked that she is for once not the thing everyone wants.
‘You,’ he sounds even more hateful than before. Maris makes a curtsy and lowers her eyes but they are twinkling with mischief. You release a laugh. The prince’s head briefly snaps towards you before glaring at you. You stop laughing. Cass stops drinking and watches the exchange between the two of them, worried. 
Maris and your sisters enjoy this victory and his shame and humiliation of being beaten by a girl for a brief moment. Then, you all regret it. He grabs Maris by her throat, squeezing it so harshly you can see his fingerprints on it. He grins, laughing as if he has gone insane. ‘Apparently you are a bit jealous. Do not worry, you are next.’ He groans in her face, dragging her to the throne. 
‘You are an insolent stupid, ignorant, dumb little-’ He scolds when sitting down and taking her on his lap. You never saw anything like that before and have trouble looking away. You watch as his hands go over her neck, to her back, and to her behind...
Ellyn clutches to Cass’s side. ‘What will he do with her? We need to get father. He will stop this madness.’ You doubt it. 
You hear Maris cry out and realise that Aemond has hit her. 'You can't hit a lady!' Your sister Cass roars angry. 'You are a despicable little beast.'
The prince scoffs unbothered and even smiles when Maris whimpers terrified of him. 'But I can spank her. This is nothing unusual for a wife and her husband.' You know what that word means from a few books Cassandra reads sometimes and watch as your sister lies over his legs getting punished by the prince. She keeps quiet mostly and he hates it. He does everything in his power to make her scream, cry or to even beg him.
The way he hits her looks so painful. You can almost feel his hands on your flesh hitting you. You see her ashamed cheeks turn red and watch as she tries to fight but eventually accepts her punishment. Aemond has not stripped her, as he is not her lord husband yet. He has no right, yet.
When Maris is properly tamed and done for She is lifted. He grabs her by her throat as a warning and feels her breasts with his hands. You watch fascinated and worried as he smashes his lips on her own kissing her. Maris moans and feels his knees where she was laying moments earlier. You feel a strange thirst. You feel yourself become breathless.
The prince sends her away.
'Anyone else who needs to be taught a lesson?' He eyes you and your sisters, eager to punish whoever might defy.
You bite your lip and raise your chin; making direct eye contact with the prince. He grins and raises a brow at you before patting his knee, inviting you over. You quickly blush and back away, hiding from him. He chuckles.
You quickly glance back at your feet. That was poor timing on your behalf. You scold yourself in your head. Your other sister, meanwhile, sits the throne. Floris slowly takes off her dress, revealing her breasts. Aemond seems interested and comes over. He grabs her and forces her to stand. She kisses him desperate like lovers do.
Floris subtly drops her gown a bit, showing more of her breasts. Aemond grins before touching her nippels and biting her neck as if he is an animal. You watch as the two of them kiss each other passionately. Aemond slams her against the throne and spreads her legs...
Your mouth turns dry as his hands vanish under her skirts touching her. She lets out cries of pleasure. You wonder how he is touching her. How is making her feel that good. If he can make you, feel that good.
Someone squeezes you, and you are startled. Cass glares at you. 'Bentha,' She whispers furiously. 'You are watching.'
Your voice cracks and you are in need of a drink.
'I never saw any man-' you try to defend yourself.
Cass sighs. 'I will get you a man, but not him. He will destroy you.' You hear a voice whisper that no man will do that with you what he does.
Floris cries out, and you watch her closely studying her. 'What is happening to her?' Ellyn asks, worried for Floris's safety.
'She has just finished.' Maris responds drly. Ellyn blinks.
Ellyn blushes, hoping she midunderstands it all. 'With what exactly?' You all groan.
The prince sighs and grins as Floris puts her dress back on. He walks back to you all. You watch as he dryly wipes off his fingers on a towel. 'You girls are tameable, it seems.' He makes you all sound like disobedient women.
He counts you all again shoving some of you aside. 'I already kissed you, you and now you...'
You and Cass remain.
'Leaving you two.' He says joyfully. Cassandra sighs before accepting that she is next. She grabs his face gently and kisses his lips before he can even understand what is happening. She also uses her tongue like he did on Ellyn. She grins when he is absolutely shocked and wordless by her bold display.
'That was everyone.' She joyfully says. 'You did it.' She is saving you from him.
Aemond seems that confused that he does not realise that mistake.
'No; Bentha remains.' Floris suddenly rings out joining you.
You feel yourself shake. You gulp.
The prince grabs you by your hips dragging you closer to him. You feel his hot breath on your lips and feel yourself fall. 'You're mine, little stag.'
You gulp. 'Let her be, Aemond. She is the youngest. She has no interest in you.' Maris tries to intervene. It's useless.
Floris growls. 'It's a kiss.' Aemond brings you back to the throne.
You are pushed on his lap, forced to sit. You feel his warmth and sweat unintended. You never were so close to any man.
'I am not sure that is entirely true.' He says once you are sitting. You feel him touch your legs gently. You think of him parting them and feeling you like he did with Floris. What is wrong with you? He hurt your servants.
'Shall we kiss?'
'I want to have a chat with you first.' He saw you. He saw you watch. You blush. 'Yes, I saw you peek when I finished your little sister off. When she came on my lap. I also saw you gawk when I spanked your sister and forced my tongue in your other sister's throat.' He describes it.
'I was worried for their safety-' he laughs.
'I gave all your siblings a little lesson. Ellyn learned how to kiss, Maris learned the value of spankings, Floris learned how to come, and Cassandra learned how to seduce. What do you hope I teach you, little stag?' You are surprised that he even knows your names and who is who. Some servants take years.
He kisses your neck, and you gasp.
'They didn't like their lessons.' You say nervously.
'You are different. I bet you'd be the most wonderful student. So obedient to please your teacher.' Your body reacts so unpleasantly. You are wet.
'I need-' you need to get away from him. Now.
He grins. 'No, little stag. I am not quite finished.'
'Please-' you beg getting up.
'No, I said.' He says strictly and gives you a light smack on your behind. It is not enough force but it turns you on so quickly. You moan even. You blush mortified and ashamed. You definitely liked that. Wether you knew it prior or not. You whimper. You hear him chuckle. 'I will teach you.'
'I will teach you what it means to be a woman.' You watch in horror as he shoves a small silver ring around your finger before grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder. 'Tell Lord Borros I claimed his youngest.' He tells the other girls before carrying you off. 'O, and don't come knocking any time soon.'
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